Guitar Chord Dictionary
Guitar Chord Dictionary
Guitar Chord Dictionary
Through learning guitar chords theory, you will be able to understand how chords on
the guitar are constructed, and thus have a better understanding of guitar theory in
As a beginner guitarist, this is not that relevant, but as you advance in your guitar
studies, you will want to do more than just play chords, youll want to understand why
your favorite songs sound the way they do, experiment with new chords, and with time,
write you own songs.
To be able to understand how guitar chords are constructed, youll have to first be
familiar with the major scale and its intervals. If you dont know the major scale on the
guitar yet, I suggest you read about it, otherwise chord theory will not be
As we just learned, the 1st, 3rd and 5th degree notes make up a major chord. Since our
root note is the G, its 3rd degree will be a B, and its 5th degree will be a D.
1 W 2 W 3 H 4 W 5 W 6 W 7 H 8(1)
G W A W B H C W D W E W F# H G
Now have a look at the scale shape again, notice the fingering, and that even the open D
and G strings are in the triad, since the 1st and 5th degree notes at fret 5 of strings A
and D are the same as their neighboring open strings.
If you were to use this same scale shape and play the G major chord as a bar chord, you
would be using these notes from the major scale, resulting in a higher voicing of the G
major chord:
This triad is of course applicable on all major scale shapes, so if you were to use a shape
that roots on the A string, you would apply the 1st 3rd and 5th degree notes and get the
major chord, as with this C chord:
Again, remember the C major fingering, and recognize thats it is the triad pattern in the
major scale. The open strings are triad notes as well. If you take the same scale to a
higher voicing, you will arrive at the C major bar chord.
Minor Chords
Minor chords, or minor triads are constructed the same way, the difference is the minor
sound, which is always a flat third degree note in minor triads:
Minor Chord = I b III - V degree notes
So minor chords are the root note, a flattened third note (1 semitone below the regular
3rd degree) and the fifth note of the major scale.
As such, lets return to our original G major chord example, and transform it into a G
minor chord. We have to flatten the 3rd degree note, which brings us to a small limitation
of the G minor chord, since the non-bar minor chord fingering is hard to produce, so we
mostly use the minor bar chord fingering:
The same applies to the C, we simple use a flattened third to sound a minor C chord:
Try arpeggiating it, than play the major chord. Youll see that the sus4 chord will sound
unfinished by itself, but if you resolve to the major, itll be just right.
Try this with other chords as well, for example the D major and the Dsus4. Try hammering
onto the 4th degree and pulling back onto the major triad 3rd degree.
Augmented Chords
Augmented chords are triads as well, which means that they will contain 3 notes from the
major scale. Augmented chords are used in jazz and blues very often, so if this is your
musical style, youll love these chords.
Augmented chords are similar to major chords, with the exception that the 5th degree is
raised 1 semitone (half-note), so its a sharp 5th note on the major scale.
Augmented Chord = I III - #V degree notes
Looking at the G chord again, the augmented chord shape will look like this:
Notice that we leave the B and E strings out of this chord shape. This is because it would
be too hard to finger, but since these notes are already played in this voicing, there is no
problem if we omit them. If you wanted to arpeggiate this chord, you could use the
omitted notes, since you wont have to hold down every string during an arpeggio. Try it
So all youll need to remember, is that augmented chords have a sharpened 5th degree
note, as compared to major chords. And as always, you can use this anywhere on the
fretboard, as long as you stick to the predefined intervals.
Diminished Chords
Diminished chords are made up of 3 notes as well, so they are triads. They resemble
minor chords, in that they have a flattened 3rd degree, the difference is that their 5th
degree note is flat as well.
Diminished Chord = I bIII - bV degree notes
Let's look at a diminished chord built around the E-shape (E string root note)
Again, notice how we omit the notes on the 2 highest strings, simply because it would be
impossible to finger as a chord. But again, as with the augmented chord, if you wanted to
play an arpeggio over this chord, you could use the notes on the strings you would
otherwise omit from the chord fingering.
So all-in-all, a diminished chord is just a minor chord with a flat 5th degree. This is the
easiest way to remember it, just like with the augmented chord, which is a major chord
with a sharp 5th degree.
7th Chords
Weve been covering triads until now, but of course there are chords that have more than
3 notes. The first set of chords well look at are 7th chords.
Why are they called 7th? Because the fourth added note, will be the seventh degree note
on the major scale. Pretty simple!
7th chords have several variations, as did the triads, lets have a look one-by-one.
Major 7 chords
Major 7 chords are pretty straight forward, they are merely major chords with an added
7th note. These chords are used in jazz very often.
Major 7 Chord = I III V VII degree notes
So if you know the major scale (and you should already), constructing 7th chords are
simple. Lets look at the G example again:
So this is a G Major 7 or Gmaj7. Notice that to add the 7th degree note to the otherwise
major chord shape, we moved 1 semitone lower from fret 5 string D, which was a G note.
Of course, this is not a problem, since it was a second root and there are still 2 other
instances of the G note in the shape.
This is another aspect of building chords that youll instinctively get familiar with, once
you know the major scale and the chord equations, in that youll have to sacrifice
notes, that would otherwise still be in the chord, since you need to replace them to make
room for notes you could otherwise not add. You could get many-many voicings of the
same chord, just from playing around with this.
Dominant 7 Chords
Well look at the dominant 7 chord next. The only difference from the major 7 chord is
that the dominant 7 uses a flat 7th degree note. Youll come across dominant chords
often, so just remember that whenever a chord is dominant, it will have a flat 7th degree
Dominant 7 Chord = I III V bVII degree notes
Another important thing about dominant chords, is their notation. When you see G7 for
example, it means G dominant 7. There is no added notation between the letter and the
number. So unless otherwise noted with a maj prefix, if you just see 7 beside a root
note, it will mean a flattened 7th note.
Lets look at our classic G chord example. But no we cant, the fingering wouldnt work.
Instead, well revert to the open string G chord, and turn it into a G7 by adding the
flattened seventh note from the major scale:
Minor 7 Chords
Minor 7 chords are similar to the dominant 7 chord above, the only difference is the
flattened 3rd degree note, transforming the chord minor into a minor chord. Remember
that if a chord has a flat 3rd degree, it will be a minor chord.
Minor 7 Chord = I bIII V bVII degree notes
We can return to the G bar chord again, it would look like this:
The notation for minor 7th chords, with the G as our example, will bes G minor 7 or Gm7.
Again, if you would want to play an arpeggio based on the notes of this chord, you could
use every note the chord uses, so the 1st, flat 3rd, 5th and flat 7th notes along the
shape. Remember, as long as you stick to the intervals as specified, you will play the
correct note.
Augmented 7 chords
Augmented 7th chords are similar to the augmented triads we learned about earlier, the
only difference is that well be adding a fourth note, as with all 7th chords. Now if youll
remember, the augmented triad was the 1st, 3rd and sharp 5th degree notes. To turn this
into an augmented 7 chord, well have to add a flat 7th degree note.
Augmented 7 Chord = I III #V bVII degree notes
We cant demonstrate using the good old G, so well use string A fret 3, a C note as our
root, and build the chord from there. Remember that its all about intervals. If you have
your root, just count the intervals along the strings, and youll have the chord.
The above diagram is thus a C Augmented 7 (also written Caug7). Its a bit tricky to
finger, since you have to hold a bar across the third fret, try it out. Alternatively, as with
all our chords, you could arpeggiate the notes of the chord.
So just remember, augmented refers to the augmented triad, and the 7 refers to the
flat 7th note added to the triad.
The above is written as Gm7b5. Just remember the denotation, its actually easier to see
whats going on with this chord from the written notation, since the m is short for
minor, meaning a flat 3rd, the 7 means a flat 7th, and the b5 means flat 5th.
Diminished 7 chords
Diminished 7th chords are based on the diminished triad, as the first 3 notes are I, bIII,
bV, but youll also be adding a double flat 7th note.
Diminished 7 Chord = I bIII bV bbVII degree notes
Yes, double flat! You flatten the 7th degree note twice, so it would actually be a 6th
degree note, but most musicians use the double flat notation, since its a 7th chord and
is easier to remember this way.
You may be thinking "well, that double flatted 7th is now in the position of the 6th note in
the major scale" - well you're absolutely right, but in this context with the 5th being
flattened into a diminished position, the rules of music take over to highlight the context,
a double-flatted 7th note, a diminished 7th in relation to the natural dominant 7th
position (which was a flat 7th to begin with!)
Lets look at an example, well use the C root, so this will be a C diminished 7 (Cdim7):
As you can see, neither of the E strings are used in this fingering. If you were to play an
arpeggio over the notes of this chord, you could use the relevant notes on the E strings
without problem.
Extended Chords
Now that weve looked over triads, which have 3 notes, and 7th chords, which have 4
notes, we will touch on chords that use even more notes. These are called extended
notes. Extended chords are used to create fuller sounding chords.
First of all, youll need to know the order of chord tones. As you know, the musical
alphabet starts over 1 octave above the root, so when we reach the 8th degree on the
major scale, we start the numbering over, since the 8th degree will be the original root
note 1 octave higher, the 9th degree would be the 2nd note, the 10th degree would be
the 3rd note, the 11th degree the 4th note, the 12th degree the 5th note, the 13th
degree the 6th note
So to make it short, the cycle looks like this:
Chord Tone Order
When you construct extended chords, you can use the 9th, 11th (4th), and 13th (6th)
degree notes as well.
Youll need to remember, that when you see a notation for a chord, only the highest
degree is noted. So if you had to build a G9 chord, you would know that it contains every
degree up till the 9th note on the major scale note, like this:
flat 7th
ADD chords
Contrary to the above, if we cannot add all of the notes to a chord and have to leave one
out of the natural progression as per the major scale, we call these chords add chords.
For example, an add9 chord will have the following interval pattern:
Add9 Chord = I III V IX degree notes
As a rule of thumb, youll usually want to leave out the 5th degree note when this
The more notes you add, the more likely that one of the notes will unharmonious
with the rest of the chord. Just leave that note out. Remember, that if it sounds good,
it is good!
With 13th chords, we usually leave the 11th degree note out.
Chord Progression
You can get really inventive with a bit of strumming and chord progressions. The
following is a quick rundown, but I urge you to learn some chord progression theory, it'll
take you far.
There are some very famous chord progressions, such as the I-IV-V chord progression,
and its really easy to make up your own progressions. All you need to do is know the key
you want to play in, and be familiar with the modes of the major scale.
Welcome to our growing library of free guitar chords. Browse the chords and download
the respective guitar chord chart if you like. Remember, the more chords and voicings
you're familiar with, the wider your playing field will become as well. It's also a good idea
to learn chord construction, so you understand why you play the notes specified with
each chord.
If you are not familiar with how to read chord charts, watch this video.
Aadd9 chord
Aaug chord
Ab5 chord
Adim chord
Asus4 chord
A Major Add 9
A Augmented (+)
A Flat 5
A Diminished
A Suspended 4
A11 chord
A13 chord
A6-9 chord
A6 chord
A Add 11
A 13
A Major 6 / 9
A7-aug-b9 chord
A7-aug chord
A7 chord
A7-sus4 chord
A Dominant 7
A Dominant 7
A Dominant
A Dominant 7
A5 chord
A Power
Aadd9 chord
Aaug chord
Ab5 chord
Adim chord
Asus4 chord
A Major Add 9
A Augmented (+)
A Flat 5
A Diminished
A Suspended 4
Augmented Flat 9
A7b5 chord
A Dominant 7 flat 5
A7b9 chord
A Dominant 7 flat
A Dominant 7
Sharp 9
A9 chord
A Dominant 9
suspended 4
A9-sharp-11 chord
A Dominant 9 Add
Sharp 11
A9b5 chord
Am chord
Am11 chord
Am6-9 chord
A Dominant 9 Flat 5
A Minor
A Minor
A Minor 11
A Minor 6 / 9
Major 7
Am6 chord
Am7 chord
Am9 chord
Am9-maj7 chord
A Minor 6
A Minor 7
A Minor 7
A Minor 9
A Minor 9 Major 7
Flat 5
Amaj chord
Amaj7 chord
Amaj9 chord
A Major
A Major 7
A Major 7
A Major 9
Flat 5
Badd9 chord
Baug chord
Bb5 chord
Bdim chord
Bsus4 chord
B Major Add 9
B Augmented (+)
B Flat 5
B Diminished
B Suspended 4
B11 chord
B13 chord
B6-9 chord
B6 chord
B Add 11
B 13
B Major 6 / 9
B7-aug-b9 chord
B7-aug chord
B7 chord
B7-sus4 chord
B Dominant 7
B Dominant 7
B Dominant
B Dominant 7
B5 chord
B Power
Aadd9 chord
Aaug chord
Ab5 chord
Adim chord
Asus4 chord
A Major Add 9
A Augmented (+)
A Flat 5
A Diminished
A Suspended 4
Augmented Flat 9
B7b5 chord
B Dominant 7 flat 5
B7b9 chord
B Dominant 7 flat
B Dominant 7
Sharp 9
B9 chord
B Dominant 9
suspended 4
B9-sharp-11 chord
B Dominant 9 Add
Sharp 11
B9b5 chord
Bm chord
Bm11 chord
Bm6-9 chord
B Dominant 9 Flat 5
B Minor
B Minor
B Minor 11
B Minor 6 / 9
Major 7
Bm6 chord
Bm7 chord
Bm9 chord
Bm9-maj7 chord
B Minor 6
B Minor 7
B Minor 7
B Minor 9
B Minor 9 Major 7
Flat 5
Bmaj chord
Bmaj7 chord
Bmaj9 chord
B Major
B Major 7
B Major 7
B Major 9
Flat 5
Cadd9 chord
Caug chord
Cb5 chord
Cdim chord
Csus4 chord
C Major Add 9
C Augmented (+)
C Flat 5
C Diminished
C Suspended 4
C11 chord
C13 chord
C6-9 chord
C6 chord
C Add 11
C 13
C Major 6 / 9
C7-aug-b9 chord
C7-aug chord
C7 chord
C7-sus4 chord
C Dominant 7
C Dominant 7
C Dominant
C Dominant 7
C5 chord
C Power
Cadd9 chord
Caug chord
Cb5 chord
Cdim chord
Csus4 chord
C Major Add 9
C Augmented (+)
C Flat 5
C Diminished
C Suspended 4
Augmented Flat 9
C7b5 chord
C Dominant 7 flat 5
C7b9 chord
C Dominant 7 flat
C Dominant 7
Sharp 9
C9 chord
C Dominant 9
suspended 4
C9-sharp-11 chord
C Dominant 9 Add
Sharp 11
C9b5 chord
Cm chord
Cm11 chord
Cm6-9 chord
C Dominant 9 Flat 5
C Minor
C Minor
C Minor 11
C Minor 6 / 9
Major 7
Cm6 chord
Cm7 chord
Cm9 chord
Cm9-maj7 chord
C Minor 6
C Minor 7
C Minor 7
C Minor 9
C Minor 9 Major 7
Flat 5
Cmaj chord
Cmaj7 chord
Cmaj9 chord
C Major
C Major 7
C Major 7
C Major 9
Flat 5
Dadd9 chord
Daug chord
Db5 chord
Ddim chord
Dsus4 chord
D Major Add 9
D Augmented (+)
D Flat 5
D Diminished
D Suspended 4
D11 chord
D13 chord
D6-9 chord
D6 chord
D Add 11
D 13
D Major 6 / 9
D7-aug-b9 chord
D7-aug chord
D7 chord
D7-sus4 chord
D Dominant 7
D Dominant 7
D Dominant
D Dominant 7
D5 chord
D Power
Cadd9 chord
Caug chord
Cb5 chord
Cdim chord
Csus4 chord
C Major Add 9
C Augmented (+)
C Flat 5
C Diminished
C Suspended 4
Augmented Flat 9
D7b5 chord
D Dominant 7 flat 5
D7b9 chord
D Dominant 7 flat
D Dominant 7
Sharp 9
D9 chord
D Dominant 9
suspended 4
D9-sharp-11 chord
D Dominant 9 Add
Sharp 11
D9b5 chord
Dm chord
Dm11 chord
Dm6-9 chord
D Dominant 9 Flat 5
D Minor
D Minor
D Minor 11
D Minor 6 / 9
Major 7
Dm6 chord
Dm7 chord
Dm9 chord
Dm9-maj7 chord
D Minor 6
D Minor 7
D Minor 7
D Minor 9
D Minor 9 Major 7
Flat 5
Dmaj chord
Dmaj7 chord
Dmaj9 chord
D Major
D Major 7
D Major 7
D Major 9
Flat 5
Eadd9 chord
Eaug chord
Eb5 chord
Edim chord
Esus4 chord
E Major Add 9
E Augmented (+)
E Flat 5
E Diminished
E Suspended 4
E11 chord
E13 chord
E6-9 chord
E6 chord
E Add 11
E 13
E Major 6 / 9
E7-aug-b9 chord
E7-aug chord
E7 chord
E7-sus4 chord
E Dominant 7
E Dominant 7
E Dominant
E Dominant 7
E5 chord
E Power
Eadd9 chord
Eaug chord
Eb5 chord
Edim chord
Esus4 chord
E Major Add 9
E Augmented (+)
E Flat 5
E Diminished
E Suspended 4
Augmented Flat 9
E7b5 chord
E Dominant 7 flat 5
E7b9 chord
E Dominant 7 flat
E Dominant 7
Sharp 9
E9 chord
E Dominant 9
suspended 4
E9-sharp-11 chord
E Dominant 9 Add
Sharp 11
E9b5 chord
Em chord
Em11 chord
Em6-9 chord
E Dominant 9 Flat 5
E Minor
E Minor
E Minor 11
E Minor 6 / 9
Major 7
Em6 chord
Em7 chord
Em9 chord
Em9-maj7 chord
E Minor 6
E Minor 7
E Minor 7
E Minor 9
E Minor 9 Major 7
Flat 5
Emaj chord
Emaj7 chord
Emaj9 chord
E Major
E Major 7
E Major 7
E Major 9
Flat 5
Fadd9 chord
Faug chord
Fb5 chord
Fdim chord
Fsus4 chord
F Major Add 9
F Augmented (+)
F Flat 5
F Diminished
F Suspended 4
F11 chord
F13 chord
F6-9 chord
F6 chord
F Add 11
F 13
F Major 6 / 9
F7-aug-b9 chord
F7-aug chord
F7 chord
F7-sus4 chord
F Dominant 7
F Dominant 7
F Dominant
F Dominant 7
F5 chord
F Power
Eadd9 chord
Eaug chord
Eb5 chord
Edim chord
Esus4 chord
E Major Add 9
E Augmented (+)
E Flat 5
E Diminished
E Suspended 4
Augmented Flat 9
F7b5 chord
F Dominant 7 flat 5
F7b9 chord
F Dominant 7 flat
F Dominant 7
Sharp 9
F9 chord
F Dominant 9
suspended 4
F9-sharp-11 chord
F Dominant 9 Add
Sharp 11
F9b5 chord
Fm chord
Fm11 chord
Fm6-9 chord
F Dominant 9 Flat 5
F Minor
F Minor
F Minor 11
F Minor 6 / 9
Major 7
Fm6 chord
Fm7 chord
Fm9 chord
Fm9-maj7 chord
F Minor 6
F Minor 7
F Minor 7
F Minor 9
F Minor 9 Major 7
Flat 5
Fmaj chord
Fmaj7 chord
Fmaj9 chord
F Major
F Major 7
F Major 7
F Major 9
Flat 5
Gadd9 chord
Gaug chord
Gb5 chord
Gdim chord
Gsus4 chord
G Major Add 9
G Augmented (+)
G Flat 5
G Diminished
G Suspended 4
G11 chord
G13 chord
G6-9 chord
G6 chord
G Add 11
G 13
G Major 6 / 9
G7-aug-b9 chord
G7-aug chord
G7 chord
G7-sus4 chord
G Dominant 7
G Dominant 7
G Dominant
G Dominant 7
G5 chord
G Power
Augmented Flat 9
G7b5 chord
G Dominant 7 flat 5
G7b9 chord
G Dominant 7 flat
G Dominant 7
Sharp 9
G9 chord
G Dominant 9
suspended 4
G9-sharp-11 chord
G Dominant 9 Add
Sharp 11
G9b5 chord
Gm chord
Gm11 chord
Gm6-9 chord
G Dominant 9 Flat 5
G Minor
G Minor
G Minor 11
G Minor 6 / 9
Major 7
Gm6 chord
Gm7 chord
Gm9 chord
Gm9-maj7 chord
G Minor 6
G Minor 7
G Minor 7
G Minor 9
G Minor 9 Major 7
Flat 5
Gmaj chord
Gmaj7 chord
Gmaj9 chord
G Major
G Major 7
G Major 7
G Major 9
Flat 5
As you can see, there are over one thousand guitar chords and chord charts on this
page, and there are many more chords exist which are not even listed here. You do not
need to learn every single chord by heart. Start using them in songs, learn the notes in
each chord, and thats when you'll start having a deeper understanding of music theory.
Also, feel free to download any of the guitar chord chart images as well, they are free to
use and distribute.
Chord Dictionary
CM7sus2 chord
C#M7sus2 chord
DbM7sus2 chord
DM7sus2 chord
D#M7sus2 chord
EbM7sus2 chord
EM7sus2 chord
FM7sus2 chord
F#M7sus2 chord
GbM7sus2 chord
GM7sus2 chord
G#M7sus2 chord
AbM7sus2 chord
AM7sus2 chord
A#M7sus2 chord
BbM7sus2 chord
BM7sus2 chord
C7sus4 chord
C#7sus4 chord
Db7sus4 chord
D7sus4 chord
D#7sus4 chord
Eb7sus4 chord
E7sus4 chord
F7sus4 chord
F#7sus4 chord
Gb7sus4 chord
G7sus4 chord
G#7sus4 chord
Ab7sus4 chord
A7sus4 chord
A#7sus4 chord
Bb7sus4 chord
B7sus4 chord
CM7sus4 chord
C#M7sus4 chord
DbM7sus4 chord
DM7sus4 chord
D#M7sus4 chord
EbM7sus4 chord
EM7sus4 chord
FM7sus4 chord
F#M7sus4 chord
GbM7sus4 chord
GM7sus4 chord
G#M7sus4 chord
AbM7sus4 chord
AM7sus4 chord
A#M7sus4 chord
BbM7sus4 chord
BM7sus4 chord
C7sus2#5 chord
C#7sus2#5 chord
Db7sus2#5 chord
D7sus2#5 chord
D#7sus2#5 chord
Eb7sus2#5 chord
E7sus2#5 chord
F7sus2#5 chord
F#7sus2#5 chord
Gb7sus2#5 chord
G7sus2#5 chord
G#7sus2#5 chord
Ab7sus2#5 chord
A7sus2#5 chord
A#7sus2#5 chord
Bb7sus2#5 chord
B7sus2#5 chord
C7sus4#5 chord
C#7sus4#5 chord
Db7sus4#5 chord
D7sus4#5 chord
D#7sus4#5 chord
Eb7sus4#5 chord
E7sus4#5 chord
F7sus4#5 chord
F#7sus4#5 chord
Gb7sus4#5 chord
G7sus4#5 chord
G#7sus4#5 chord
Ab7sus4#5 chord
A7sus4#5 chord
A#7sus4#5 chord
Bb7sus4#5 chord
B7sus4#5 chord
CM7sus4#5 chord
C#M7sus4#5 chord
DbM7sus4#5 chord
DM7sus4#5 chord
D#M7sus4#5 chord
EbM7sus4#5 chord
EM7sus4#5 chord
FM7sus4#5 chord
F#M7sus4#5 chord
GbM7sus4#5 chord
GM7sus4#5 chord
G#M7sus4#5 chord
AbM7sus4#5 chord
AM7sus4#5 chord
A#M7sus4#5 chord
BbM7sus4#5 chord
BM7sus4#5 chord
Csus2sus4 chord
C#sus2sus4 chord
Dbsus2sus4 chord
Dsus2sus4 chord
D#sus2sus4 chord
Ebsus2sus4 chord
Esus2sus4 chord
Fsus2sus4 chord
F#sus2sus4 chord
Gbsus2sus4 chord
Gsus2sus4 chord
G#sus2sus4 chord
Absus2sus4 chord
Asus2sus4 chord
A#sus2sus4 chord
Bbsus2sus4 chord
Bsus2sus4 chord
C7sus2sus4 chord
C#7sus2sus4 chord
Db7sus2sus4 chord
D7sus2sus4 chord
D#7sus2sus4 chord
Eb7sus2sus4 chord
E7sus2sus4 chord
F7sus2sus4 chord
F#7sus2sus4 chord
Gb7sus2sus4 chord
G7sus2sus4 chord
G#7sus2sus4 chord
Ab7sus2sus4 chord
A7sus2sus4 chord
A#7sus2sus4 chord
Bb7sus2sus4 chord
B7sus2sus4 chord
CM7sus2sus4 chord
C#M7sus2sus4 chord
DbM7sus2sus4 chord
DM7sus2sus4 chord
D#M7sus2sus4 chord
EbM7sus2sus4 chord
EM7sus2sus4 chord
FM7sus2sus4 chord
F#M7sus2sus4 chord
GbM7sus2sus4 chord
GM7sus2sus4 chord
G#M7sus2sus4 chord
AbM7sus2sus4 chord
AM7sus2sus4 chord
A#M7sus2sus4 chord
BbM7sus2sus4 chord
BM7sus2sus4 chord
13th Chords
Click the links below to see chord diagrams.
C13 chord
C#13 chord
Db13 chord
D13 chord
D#13 chord
Eb13 chord
E13 chord
F13 chord
F#13 chord
Gb13 chord
G13 chord
G#13 chord
Ab13 chord
A13 chord
A#13 chord
Bb13 chord
B13 chord
Cm13 chord
C#m13 chord
Dbm13 chord
Dm13 chord
D#m13 chord
Ebm13 chord
Em13 chord
Fm13 chord
F#m13 chord
Gbm13 chord
Gm13 chord
G#m13 chord
Abm13 chord
Am13 chord
A#m13 chord
Bbm13 chord
Bm13 chord
CM13 chord
C#M13 chord
DbM13 chord
DM13 chord
D#M13 chord
EbM13 chord
EM13 chord
FM13 chord
F#M13 chord
GbM13 chord
GM13 chord
G#M13 chord
AbM13 chord
AM13 chord
A#M13 chord
BbM13 chord
BM13 chord
CmM13 chord
C#mM13 chord
DbmM13 chord
DmM13 chord
D#mM13 chord
EbmM13 chord
EmM13 chord
FmM13 chord
F#mM13 chord
GbmM13 chord
GmM13 chord
G#mM13 chord
AbmM13 chord
AmM13 chord
A#mM13 chord
BbmM13 chord
BmM13 chord
11th Chords
Click the links below to see chord diagrams.
C11 chord
C#11 chord
Db11 chord
D11 chord
D#11 chord
Eb11 chord
E11 chord
F11 chord
F#11 chord
Gb11 chord
G11 chord
G#11 chord
Ab11 chord
A11 chord
A#11 chord
Bb11 chord
B11 chord
Cm11 chord
C#m11 chord
Dbm11 chord
Dm11 chord
D#m11 chord
Ebm11 chord
Em11 chord
Fm11 chord
F#m11 chord
Gbm11 chord
Gm11 chord
G#m11 chord
Abm11 chord
Am11 chord
A#m11 chord
Bbm11 chord
Bm11 chord
CM11 chord
C#M11 chord
DbM11 chord
DM11 chord
D#M11 chord
EbM11 chord
EM11 chord
FM11 chord
F#M11 chord
GbM11 chord
GM11 chord
G#M11 chord
AbM11 chord
AM11 chord
A#M11 chord
BbM11 chord
BM11 chord
CmM11 chord
C#mM11 chord
DbmM11 chord
DmM11 chord
D#mM11 chord
EbmM11 chord
EmM11 chord
FmM11 chord
F#mM11 chord
GbmM11 chord
GmM11 chord
G#mM11 chord
AbmM11 chord
AmM11 chord
A#mM11 chord
BbmM11 chord
BmM11 chord
CM#11 chord
C#M#11 chord
DbM#11 chord
DM#11 chord
D#M#11 chord
EbM#11 chord
EM#11 chord
FM#11 chord
F#M#11 chord
GbM#11 chord
GM#11 chord
G#M#11 chord
AbM#11 chord
AM#11 chord
A#M#11 chord
BbM#11 chord
BM#11 chord
6th Chords
C6 chord
C#6 chord
Db6 chord
D6 chord
D#6 chord
Eb6 chord
E6 chord
F6 chord
F#6 chord
Gb6 chord
G6 chord
G#6 chord
Ab6 chord
A6 chord
A#6 chord
Bb6 chord
B6 chord
Cm6 chord
C#m6 chord
Dbm6 chord
Dm6 chord
D#m6 chord
Ebm6 chord
Em6 chord
Fm6 chord
F#m6 chord
Gbm6 chord
Gm6 chord
G#m6 chord
Abm6 chord
Am6 chord
A#m6 chord
Bbm6 chord
Bm6 chord
C6b5 chord
C#6b5 chord
Db6b5 chord
D6b5 chord
D#6b5 chord
Eb6b5 chord
E6b5 chord
F6b5 chord
F#6b5 chord
Gb6b5 chord
G6b5 chord
G#6b5 chord
Ab6b5 chord
A6b5 chord
A#6b5 chord
Bb6b5 chord
B6b5 chord
C6add9 chord
C#6add9 chord
Db6add9 chord
D6add9 chord
D#6add9 chord
Eb6add9 chord
E6add9 chord
F6add9 chord
F#6add9 chord
Gb6add9 chord
G6add9 chord
G#6add9 chord
Ab6add9 chord
A6add9 chord
A#6add9 chord
Bb6add9 chord
B6add9 chord
Cm6add9 chord
C#m6add9 chord
Dbm6add9 chord
Dm6add9 chord
D#m6add9 chord
Ebm6add9 chord
Em6add9 chord
Fm6add9 chord
F#m6add9 chord
Gbm6add9 chord
Gm6add9 chord
G#m6add9 chord
Abm6add9 chord
Am6add9 chord
A#m6add9 chord
Bbm6add9 chord
Bm6add9 chord
9th Chords
Click the links below to see chord diagrams.
C9 chord
C#9 chord
Db9 chord
D9 chord
D#9 chord
Eb9 chord
E9 chord
F9 chord
F#9 chord
Gb9 chord
G9 chord
G#9 chord
Ab9 chord
A9 chord
A#9 chord
Bb9 chord
B9 chord
Cm9 chord
C#m9 chord
Dbm9 chord
Dm9 chord
D#m9 chord
Ebm9 chord
Em9 chord
Fm9 chord
F#m9 chord
Gbm9 chord
Gm9 chord
G#m9 chord
Abm9 chord
Am9 chord
A#m9 chord
Bbm9 chord
Bm9 chord
CM9 chord
C#M9 chord
DbM9 chord
DM9 chord
D#M9 chord
EbM9 chord
EM9 chord
FM9 chord
F#M9 chord
GbM9 chord
GM9 chord
G#M9 chord
AbM9 chord
AM9 chord
A#M9 chord
BbM9 chord
BM9 chord
CmM9 chord
C#mM9 chord
DbmM9 chord
DmM9 chord
D#mM9 chord
EbmM9 chord
EmM9 chord
FmM9 chord
F#mM9 chord
GbmM9 chord
GmM9 chord
G#mM9 chord
AbmM9 chord
AmM9 chord
A#mM9 chord
BbmM9 chord
BmM9 chord
C9b5 chord
C#9b5 chord
Db9b5 chord
D9b5 chord
D#9b5 chord
Eb9b5 chord
E9b5 chord
F9b5 chord
F#9b5 chord
Gb9b5 chord
G9b5 chord
G#9b5 chord
Ab9b5 chord
A9b5 chord
A#9b5 chord
Bb9b5 chord
B9b5 chord
C+9 chord
C#+9 chord
Db+9 chord
D+9 chord
D#+9 chord
Eb+9 chord
E+9 chord
F+9 chord
F#+9 chord
Gb+9 chord
G+9 chord
G#+9 chord
Ab+9 chord
A+9 chord
A#+9 chord
Bb+9 chord
B+9 chord
C9sus4 chord
C#9sus4 chord
Db9sus4 chord
D9sus4 chord
D#9sus4 chord
Eb9sus4 chord
E9sus4 chord
F9sus4 chord
F#9sus4 chord
Gb9sus4 chord
G9sus4 chord
G#9sus4 chord
Ab9sus4 chord
A9sus4 chord
A#9sus4 chord
Bb9sus4 chord
B9sus4 chord
C7#9 chord
C#7#9 chord
Db7#9 chord
D7#9 chord
D#7#9 chord
Eb7#9 chord
E7#9 chord
F7#9 chord
F#7#9 chord
Gb7#9 chord
G7#9 chord
G#7#9 chord
Ab7#9 chord
A7#9 chord
A#7#9 chord
Bb7#9 chord
B7#9 chord
C7#9b5 chord
C#7#9b5 chord
Db7#9b5 chord
D7#9b5 chord
D#7#9b5 chord
Eb7#9b5 chord
E7#9b5 chord
F7#9b5 chord
F#7#9b5 chord
Gb7#9b5 chord
G7#9b5 chord
G#7#9b5 chord
Ab7#9b5 chord
A7#9b5 chord
A#7#9b5 chord
Bb7#9b5 chord
B7#9b5 chord
C+M9 chord
C#+M9 chord
Db+M9 chord
D+M9 chord
D#+M9 chord
Eb+M9 chord
E+M9 chord
F+M9 chord
F#+M9 chord
Gb+M9 chord
G+M9 chord
G#+M9 chord
Ab+M9 chord
A+M9 chord
A#+M9 chord
Bb+M9 chord
B+M9 chord
Major Chords
Click the links below to see chord diagrams.
C chord
C# chord
Db chord
D chord
D# chord
Eb chord
E chord
F chord
F# chord
Gb chord
G chord
G# chord
Ab chord
A chord
A# chord
Bb chord
B chord
Minor Chords
Click the links below to see chord diagrams.
Cm chord
C#m chord
Dbm chord
Dm chord
D#m chord
Ebm chord
Em chord
Fm chord
F#m chord
Gbm chord
Gm chord
G#m chord
Abm chord
Am chord
A#m chord
Bbm chord
Bm chord
Diminished Chords
Click the links below to see chord diagrams.
Cdim chord
C#dim chord
Dbdim chord
Ddim chord
D#dim chord
Ebdim chord
Edim chord
Fdim chord
F#dim chord
Gbdim chord
Gdim chord
G#dim chord
Abdim chord
Adim chord
A#dim chord
Bbdim chord
Bdim chord
Augmented Chords
C+ chord
C#+ chord
Db+ chord
D+ chord
D#+ chord
Eb+ chord
E+ chord
F+ chord
F#+ chord
Gb+ chord
G+ chord
G#+ chord
Ab+ chord
A+ chord
A#+ chord
Bb+ chord
B+ chord
Csus2 chord
C#sus2 chord
Dbsus2 chord
Dsus2 chord
D#sus2 chord
Ebsus2 chord
Esus2 chord
Fsus2 chord
F#sus2 chord
Gbsus2 chord
Gsus2 chord
G#sus2 chord
Absus2 chord
Asus2 chord
A#sus2 chord
Bbsus2 chord
Bsus2 chord
Csus4 chord
C#sus4 chord
Dbsus4 chord
Dsus4 chord
D#sus4 chord
Ebsus4 chord
Esus4 chord
Fsus4 chord
F#sus4 chord
Gbsus4 chord
Gsus4 chord
G#sus4 chord
Absus4 chord
Asus4 chord
A#sus4 chord
Bbsus4 chord
Bsus4 chord
CMb5 chord
C#Mb5 chord
DbMb5 chord
DMb5 chord
D#Mb5 chord
EbMb5 chord
EMb5 chord
FMb5 chord
F#Mb5 chord
GbMb5 chord
GMb5 chord
G#Mb5 chord
AbMb5 chord
AMb5 chord
A#Mb5 chord
BbMb5 chord
BMb5 chord
Cm#5 chord
C#m#5 chord
Dbm#5 chord
Dm#5 chord
D#m#5 chord
Ebm#5 chord
Em#5 chord
Fm#5 chord
F#m#5 chord
Gbm#5 chord
Gm#5 chord
G#m#5 chord
Abm#5 chord
Am#5 chord
A#m#5 chord
Bbm#5 chord
Bm#5 chord
Cmbb5 chord
C#mbb5 chord
Dbmbb5 chord
Dmbb5 chord
D#mbb5 chord
Ebmbb5 chord
Embb5 chord
Fmbb5 chord
F#mbb5 chord
Gbmbb5 chord
Gmbb5 chord
G#mbb5 chord
Abmbb5 chord
Ambb5 chord
A#mbb5 chord
Bbmbb5 chord
Bmbb5 chord
Csus4#5 chord
C#sus4#5 chord
Dbsus4#5 chord
Dsus4#5 chord
D#sus4#5 chord
Ebsus4#5 chord
Esus4#5 chord
Fsus4#5 chord
F#sus4#5 chord
Gbsus4#5 chord
Gsus4#5 chord
G#sus4#5 chord
Absus4#5 chord
Asus4#5 chord
A#sus4#5 chord
Bbsus4#5 chord
Bsus4#5 chord
Csus2b5 chord
C#sus2b5 chord
Dbsus2b5 chord
Dsus2b5 chord
D#sus2b5 chord
Ebsus2b5 chord
Esus2b5 chord
Fsus2b5 chord
F#sus2b5 chord
Gbsus2b5 chord
Gsus2b5 chord
G#sus2b5 chord
Absus2b5 chord
Asus2b5 chord
A#sus2b5 chord
Bbsus2b5 chord
Bsus2b5 chord
Csus2#5 chord
C#sus2#5 chord
Dbsus2#5 chord
Dsus2#5 chord
D#sus2#5 chord
Ebsus2#5 chord
Esus2#5 chord
Fsus2#5 chord
F#sus2#5 chord
Gbsus2#5 chord
Gsus2#5 chord
G#sus2#5 chord
Absus2#5 chord
Asus2#5 chord
A#sus2#5 chord
Bbsus2#5 chord
Bsus2#5 chord
7th Chords
Click the links below to see chord diagrams.
C7 chord
C#7 chord
Db7 chord
D7 chord
D#7 chord
Eb7 chord
E7 chord
F7 chord
F#7 chord
Gb7 chord
G7 chord
G#7 chord
Ab7 chord
A7 chord
A#7 chord
Bb7 chord
B7 chord
Cm7 chord
C#m7 chord
Dbm7 chord
Dm7 chord
D#m7 chord
Ebm7 chord
Em7 chord
Fm7 chord
F#m7 chord
Gbm7 chord
Gm7 chord
G#m7 chord
Abm7 chord
Am7 chord
A#m7 chord
Bbm7 chord
Bm7 chord
CM7 chord
C#M7 chord
DbM7 chord
DM7 chord
D#M7 chord
EbM7 chord
EM7 chord
FM7 chord
F#M7 chord
GbM7 chord
GM7 chord
G#M7 chord
AbM7 chord
AM7 chord
A#M7 chord
BbM7 chord
BM7 chord
Cdim7 chord
C#dim7 chord
Dbdim7 chord
Ddim7 chord
D#dim7 chord
Ebdim7 chord
Edim7 chord
Fdim7 chord
F#dim7 chord
Gbdim7 chord
Gdim7 chord
G#dim7 chord
Abdim7 chord
Adim7 chord
A#dim7 chord
Bbdim7 chord
Bdim7 chord
C+7 chord
C#+7 chord
Db+7 chord
D+7 chord
D#+7 chord
Eb+7 chord
E+7 chord
F+7 chord
F#+7 chord
Gb+7 chord
G+7 chord
G#+7 chord
Ab+7 chord
A+7 chord
A#+7 chord
Bb+7 chord
B+7 chord
CmM7 chord
C#mM7 chord
DbmM7 chord
DmM7 chord
D#mM7 chord
EbmM7 chord
EmM7 chord
FmM7 chord
F#mM7 chord
GbmM7 chord
GmM7 chord
G#mM7 chord
AbmM7 chord
AmM7 chord
A#mM7 chord
BbmM7 chord
BmM7 chord
C+M7 chord
C#+M7 chord
Db+M7 chord
D+M7 chord
D#+M7 chord
Eb+M7 chord
E+M7 chord
F+M7 chord
F#+M7 chord
Gb+M7 chord
G+M7 chord
G#+M7 chord
Ab+M7 chord
A+M7 chord
A#+M7 chord
Bb+M7 chord
B+M7 chord
C7b5 chord
C#7b5 chord
Db7b5 chord
D7b5 chord
D#7b5 chord
Eb7b5 chord
E7b5 chord
F7b5 chord
F#7b5 chord
Gb7b5 chord
G7b5 chord
G#7b5 chord
Ab7b5 chord
A7b5 chord
A#7b5 chord
Bb7b5 chord
B7b5 chord
CM7b5 chord
C#M7b5 chord
DbM7b5 chord
DM7b5 chord
D#M7b5 chord
EbM7b5 chord
EM7b5 chord
FM7b5 chord
F#M7b5 chord
GbM7b5 chord
GM7b5 chord
G#M7b5 chord
AbM7b5 chord
AM7b5 chord
A#M7b5 chord
BbM7b5 chord
BM7b5 chord
Cm7b5 chord
C#m7b5 chord
Dbm7b5 chord
Dm7b5 chord
D#m7b5 chord
Ebm7b5 chord
Em7b5 chord
Fm7b5 chord
F#m7b5 chord
Gbm7b5 chord
Gm7b5 chord
G#m7b5 chord
Abm7b5 chord
Am7b5 chord
A#m7b5 chord
Bbm7b5 chord
Bm7b5 chord
CmM7b5 chord
C#mM7b5 chord
DbmM7b5 chord
DmM7b5 chord
D#mM7b5 chord
EbmM7b5 chord
EmM7b5 chord
FmM7b5 chord
F#mM7b5 chord
GbmM7b5 chord
GmM7b5 chord
G#mM7b5 chord
AbmM7b5 chord
AmM7b5 chord
A#mM7b5 chord
BbmM7b5 chord
BmM7b5 chord
CmM7bb5 chord
C#mM7bb5 chord
DbmM7bb5 chord
DmM7bb5 chord
D#mM7bb5 chord
EbmM7bb5 chord
EmM7bb5 chord
FmM7bb5 chord
F#mM7bb5 chord
GbmM7bb5 chord
GmM7bb5 chord
G#mM7bb5 chord
AbmM7bb5 chord
AmM7bb5 chord
A#mM7bb5 chord
BbmM7bb5 chord
BmM7bb5 chord
Cm7#5 chord
C#m7#5 chord
Dbm7#5 chord
Dm7#5 chord
D#m7#5 chord
Ebm7#5 chord
Em7#5 chord
Fm7#5 chord
F#m7#5 chord
Gbm7#5 chord
Gm7#5 chord
G#m7#5 chord
Abm7#5 chord
Am7#5 chord
A#m7#5 chord
Bbm7#5 chord
Bm7#5 chord
CmM7#5 chord
C#mM7#5 chord
DbmM7#5 chord
DmM7#5 chord
D#mM7#5 chord
EbmM7#5 chord
EmM7#5 chord
FmM7#5 chord
F#mM7#5 chord
GbmM7#5 chord
GmM7#5 chord
G#mM7#5 chord
AbmM7#5 chord
AmM7#5 chord
A#mM7#5 chord
BbmM7#5 chord
BmM7#5 chord
C7b9 chord
C#7b9 chord
Db7b9 chord
D7b9 chord
D#7b9 chord
Eb7b9 chord
E7b9 chord
F7b9 chord
F#7b9 chord
Gb7b9 chord
G7b9 chord
G#7b9 chord
Ab7b9 chord
A7b9 chord
A#7b9 chord
Bb7b9 chord
B7b9 chord