Equations of Airplane Motion in Trajectory Coordinate System in Particular Cases. Aerodynamic Calculation of An Aircraft. Zhukovsky Method of Thrusts
Equations of Airplane Motion in Trajectory Coordinate System in Particular Cases. Aerodynamic Calculation of An Aircraft. Zhukovsky Method of Thrusts
Equations of Airplane Motion in Trajectory Coordinate System in Particular Cases. Aerodynamic Calculation of An Aircraft. Zhukovsky Method of Thrusts
Vertical plane
For motion in a vertical plane coinciding with airplane symmetry plane the yaw
angle , bank angle and angular rate ' d are equal to 0 .The equations of motion
for this case are as follows:
P cos( ) X a G sin ,
P sin( ) Ya G cos .
The example of such motion can be Nesterovs loop and other manoeuvres in a
vertical plane.
2. Horizontal plane
For airplane motion in a horizontal plane flight pass angle and angular velocity
are both equal to 0 and this equations look like this:
P cos( ) cos X a ,
Ya cos a Z a sin a G
Among plane motions of flight vehicles it is necessary to separate out and to pay
attention to the narrower class of steady-state motions.
Strictly speaking, the steady-state motion of a flight vehicle, at which all
parameters describing flight, remain constant, does not exist. Any motion of an aircraft is
unsteady, because first of all it is necessary to consider aircraft, as a body of variable
structure. Even in such simple case of motion, as horizontal trajectory flight with constant
speed, the motion will not be steady-state and flight weight of an aircraft will decrease
continuously because of fuel burn-out. To observe horizontal flight conditions with a
constant speed it is necessary to reduce the angle of attack gradually, it means that,
the angle of attack will decrease in the course of time .
It is interesting to study steady-state motion of a flight vehicle, however, from two
points of view.
Firstly, the steady-state motions help us to estimate flight vehicles maximum
capacity. The motion characteristics of such steady-state equilibrium modes of flight can
serve as a criteria of vehicle flight qualities evaluation .
Secondly, the process of research of those flight vehicles where kinematics
parameters of motion change slowly in the course of time, it is possible to use equations
of steady-state motion without great errors. Such kind of unsteady motion can be
researched by means of these equations and it is called quasisteady. Thus, small inertia
forces can be neglected when considering quasisteady flight vehicles motion.
Further, instead of term quasisteady motion we shall use term steady-state
motion .
We shall define steady-state motion as such motion of vehicle flight, when angle of
attack , yaw angle , angle of roll , altitude H and speed of flight remain constant
in the course of time.
Steady-state motion defined in such a way, strictly speaking, is possible only at the
aircraft flight in horizontal plane, where the aircraft weight does not vary in the course of
time. Actually as it was mentioned, due to the fuel burning out, the aircraft fuel weight
becomes a function of time t . If, however, aircraft motion is studied in horizontal plane
during the short time, it is possible to neglect the change of flight weight in the first
approximation and consider it equal to some mean weight for the given period. In this
possible altitude of horizontal flight, time of climb of an aircraft on various altitudes (if
motion at climb is considered as steady), the length of a path, covered by an aircraft for
certain period etc. refer to such kinematics parameters.
Let's consider the equations of straight steady flight motion at a climb without roll
and sliding (in vertical plane):
P cos( ) X a G sin ,
P sin( ) Ya G cos .
If assume, that the flight pass angle is insignificant ( 20...25 ), and the sum of
angle of attack and angle of incidence ( ) is rather small, it is possible to accept, that
P cos( ) P , P sin( ) 0 , cos 1 .
In this case equations of motion will be:
P X a G sin ,
Ya G .
We can get flight speed or Mach number ( M ) from the second equation:
C ya
V 2
2G ;
SC ya
0.7 C ya PH M 2 S G M
0.7 C ya PH S
It is clear that the required flight speed at the given value C ya at the first
approximation does not depend on engine thrust P sin( ) , if we neglect thrust
component force, and it depends only on C ya value. The necessary condition for steady
flight - equilibrium of moment forces which are acting on an aircraft is provided by the
pilot at the appropriate deflection of the elevator. Hence, the pilot controls an angle of
attack with the help of elevator. It means, that the value of flight speed is determined by a
position of an elevator, irrespective of thrust developed by the engine installed on the
From the first equation of a system (4.5) we have:
P X a P PR P
It follows (4.7), that in order to execute the flight on the trajectory inclined under a
certain angle to horizon, the pilot should provide the necessary thrust force with the help
of the engine lever (within the engine limits, installed on an aircraft).
Thus, the speed of flight at the first approximation depends on the value of a lift
coefficient C ya , and the declination of trajectory to horizon is determined by the value of
engine thrust P .
The thrust force generally depends, as it is known, on speed and altitude of flight
and on the throttle position. This relation can not be expressed by the simple analytical
relation and is set graphically as a grid of curves P ( M , H ) or P ( V , H ) for various
positions of the throttle. The maximum power of the engine will be used, obviously, at the
completely opened throttle.
On the basis of all methods of aerodynamic calculation the comparison of value of
any parameter, required for carrying out the chosen mode of flight (required value of
parameter), with the value of the same parameter which is provided by the engine
installed on an aircraft and the value of this parameter is called the available value of
parameter. Obviously, the equality of required and available values of the chosen
parameter is the condition of steady motion. As a parameter it is possible to choose, for
example, the force of a thrust, number of the engine revolutions, fuel consumption,
effective power developed by the engine etc.
It is easier to choose thrust as a parameter. This way was chosen by Zhukovski.
The method of aerodynamic calculation based on the comparison of values of the
required and available thrusts (method of thrusts), developed by the famous Russian
scientist Zhukovski, is the basic method of aerodynamic calculation. This method is
famous and called as Zhukovski method of thrusts. The method of comparison is graphic.
In the method of thrusts the condition of steady flight is the equality of values of
required and available thrusts.
Now the simplified method of thrusts has received broad application for
aerodynamic calculation. Drawing of the required and available thrust curves for
horizontal steady flight at various altitudes and theirs comparison is on the basis of this
For horizontal steady flight without roll and sliding ( 0 , a 0 ) we have the
following set of equations:
P cos( ) X a ,
P sin( ) Ya G .
At horizontal steady flight the sum of angle of attack and angle of incidence (
) is small, so:
P Xa ,
Ya G .
It follows from the first equation, which is the condition of the speed stability, that
the required thrust during horizontal steady flight is equal to drag. This thrust is called as
a required thrust PR X a . The second equation of a system (4.9) is the condition of the
altitude stability.
At steady horizontal flight the components g-load are equal:
n xa
P Xa
0 , n ya a 1 .
So, the required thrust is determined by a drag force and for steady horizontal
flight can be determined with the use of equality (2.11).
Preq X a C xa qS
AC 2y qS
0.7 C xa PH M S
AG 2
. (4.11)
0.7 PH M S
If we divide the first equation of a system (5.6) by the second, we shall receive:
where K
C ya
C xa
lift coefficient necessary for execution of the horizontal steady flight. We can obtain this
value from the second equation, (4.9):
C ya hor . fl .
0 ,7 PH M 2 S
It is necessary to note, that the equality (4.11) is fair in range of angles of attack, in
which the polar coincides the parabola, because this equality is obtained with the use of
analytical expression of the polar (equation of a parabola), and the equality (4.12) is fair
in whole range of angles of attack.
Using one of the given equations it is possible to calculate and to draw Preq ( V )
Preq ( M ) curves for the required thrust ( Preq ) for various altitudes.
These relations are called Zhukovsky curves. We can get from the characteristics
of the engine the values of available thrusts depending on speed and altitude of flight. In
Fig. 4.1 the combined schedule of required and available thrusts for fixed value of
altitude and the given weight of an
aircraft is shown. As a rule, for
subsonic aircraft these relations are
drawn as a function of speed, for
supersonic - as a function of Mach
number M . Because the recalculation
from Mach number to speed ( M to
V ) is always possible further we will
Fig. 1
M min theor .
SC ya max
0.7 C y a max PH S
Minimum theoretical speed is the least speed of flight at which the lift still can
balance weight force of an aircraft at the given altitude.
Practically it is impossible to fly on Vmin theor . because any error in flying or
vertical burst of a wind increasing the angle of attack, can result to stall resulting from the
sharp decrease of lift force coefficient ( C ya ) at angles of attack which are more critical.
Therefore minimum speed Vmin perm . (point A of a fig. 4.1) is taken for practical speed,
to which C ya hor . fl . C ya
Vmin perm .
perm . corresponds:
SC ya
perm .
M min perm .
0.7 C ya
perm . PH S
The value C ya
perm . of
perm . are
K max
). In turn maximum
quality is realised at flight with C ya hor . fl . C y a opt . . The mode C ya opt . corresponds on
the polar, as we know, to the optimal angle of attack opt . . The speed corresponding to
Preq .min and opt . is called as optimal:
Vmin opt .
SC ya opt .
M min opt .
0.7 C ya opt . PH S
The tangency point corresponds to the least value of fuel consumption per hour C
C hour spec Preq . spec Preq .min .
C hour spec Preq
The fuel consumption per kilometre determines the flight distance and the
flight with cruising speed corresponds to the mode of the maximum distance of flight.