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COMPUSOFT, An international journal of advanced computer technology, 2 (12), December-2013 (Volume-II, Issue-XII)


An Approach to Secure Resource Sharing Algorithm (SRSA) for

Multi Cloud Environment
Er. Parul Indoria
M. Tech, Dept.of Computer Science & Engineering
Shekhawati Engineering College, Dundlod, Rajasthan

Prof. Abhishek Didel

Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering
Shekhawati Engineering College, Dundlod, Rajasthan

Abstract: Cloud computing is an idea intended to deliver computing and storage resources to a community of users. In a cloud
computing environment a user can use applications without installing, and accessing personal files of any other user in the
network. The cloud computing technology allows efficient computation by centralizing storage, memory and processing. The
practice of computing in two or more data centers separated by the Internet in popularity due to an explosion in scalable
computing needs grow. However, one of the most important challenges for the cloud as the backup and protection of data and
processes information from users. Security of cloud computing environment is a new research area, the further development of
both the associations of academic and industrial research. In order to create secure and reliable services in cloud computing
environment is major concerning issue.
This paper focuses more on the subject related to the securely resource sharing and privacy aspects in cloud computing
environment, such as data integrity, data compromise, service availability. It proposes a new approach An Approach to Secure
Resource Sharing Algorithm (SRSA) for Multi Cloud Environment. It is based on multi-cloud service providers and the secret
sharing key with object oriented hierarchy. This approach mainly considers three clouds in which bursting and aggregation
operation had been performed and includes many object oriented aspects based on some parameter were analyzed. We also used
secure sharing mechanism so that the cloud resources are shared among different cloud environment.
Keywords Cloud Computing, Cloud environment, Resource sharing.

delivery. Several properties that distinguish cloud services

delivery model are scalability via flexibility, service on
demand, shared resource pooling, multi-tenancy hosting,
utilities pay-as-you-use pricing and the concept of lower
layers [1].


Cloud computing has emerged as a major trend in

information and communication technology and has been
proven as a key technology for the development and market
analysis for multiple domain users. Cloud computing is an
idea intended to deliver computing and storage resources to
a community of users. In a cloud computing environment a
user can use applications without installing, and accessing
personal files of any other user in the network. The cloud
computing technology allows efficient computation by
centralizing storage, memory and processing (Figure 1.1).

The resources about which NIST had been talking can be

seen in an infrastructure, and the need for outsourcing of
infrastructure or Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) is
extremely important for any organization. This is the reason
why the use of cloud computing has increased in many
organizations rapidly. Cloud computing services provide
quick access to applications, and reduction in infrastructure
costs. This provision of fast and minimum management
efforts can help to provide scalable IT resources as a service
with the use of Internet technology. Thus it can be said that
cloud computing is a mean to add up capacity or capability
in an infrastructure without putting money in building new
infrastructure, training new people, or purchasing/licensing
new software. It extends ITs capability by providing
subscription based or pay per use services [2].

A simple example used in everyday life is emails. To use

Gmail, yahoo mail, etc. A person need not to install the mail
server or any other application on their system, in fact he
just needs to have an internet connection and the cloud
environment allows him to send emails to other users
without running any application or storing any files on this
system. This service of cloud computing which looks virtual
would surely assist in fulfilling the demands of new
generation. This new model uses two separate technological
developments utility computing and service-oriented
architecture to provide users with highly scalable, pay-peruse, as-a-service model for Information Technology (IT)


COMPUSOFT, An international journal of advanced computer technology, 2 (12), December-2013 (Volume-II, Issue-XII)

Security is considered the most critical problem in the

computing environment due to the valuable information
stored for users in the cloud. Cloud providers must address
issues of privacy and security as a matter of high priority
and urgency. As a result of the importance of secure
resource sharing in cloud computing, this paper focuses
more on the issues related to the secure resource sharing
aspect of cloud computing. We apply multi clouds concept
using Secret Sharing algorithm that is reduce risk of data
intrusion and loss of service availability for ensuring data. It
proposes a secure resource sharing algorithm which uses
multi-cloud service providers.
The rest of this paper is arranged as follows: Section 2
introduces Cloud computing environment; Section 3 shows
Recent Scenario; Section 4 describes the proposed method
Section 5 describes the proposed algorithm; Section 6
describes Conclusion future prospect.

Figure 1.1 Cloud Computing

The rapid growth of computer resources has improved the
performance of computers and decreased their cost. This
low cost along with the facility of internet and high speed
network would lead the computing environment to be
mapped from multi cloud environments. In fact, researchers
are working on this field to develop new architectures,
which will be intended to share and coordinate resources
and geographically distributed owners, who share the same
goal of solving large-scale applications [3].



Cloud computing is a network-based environment that

focuses on the exchange of resources or computations. In
fact, the clouds are Internet-based and it tries to disguise
complexity for customers. Cloud computing refers to both
the applications delivered as services over the Internet,
hardware and system software in the datacenters that
provide those services. Cloud providers are using
virtualization technologies with self-service capabilities for
IT resources across the network infrastructure. In cloud
environments, various types of virtual machines host on the
same physical server infrastructure. In the cloud, customers
pay only for what they use and do not have to pay for the
resources they need, such as storage or infrastructure.

An aggregation and migration of cloud logically starts from

the process of firstly understanding the target platform or
infrastructure and then trying to map it to the location where
the data is currently hosted (i.e. either in the private cloud or
within the enterprise) [4]. The cloud computing providers
avail their service on the basis of three basic models. The
first model is Platform as a Service (PaaS). In PaaS model
the cloud computing providers provide a computing
platform and resources like operating system, application
software, execution environment, database etc. The PaaS
user can now work on the provided infrastructure of
resources without taking pains of buying the desired
software, and other resources needed for their work [3, 4].

Cloud is a metaphor for the internet. It is quite ordinary

these days to draw system diagrams that depict the Internet
as a cloud therefore the use of the word in this instance. In a
typical situation of cloud computing organizations run their
programs from a data center provided by a third-party cloud
provider. The provider is responsible for the condition of the
infrastructure, servers, storage and networks necessary for
ease of use and scalability of applications.

The second model is Infrastructure as a Service. In IaaS

model the cloud computing providers provide basic
infrastructure needed to carry out any work. The basic
infrastructure may include resources like computers
(physical or virtual machines), firewalls, load balancers etc.
and it also can provide the basic network infrastructure. The
third model is Software as a Service (SaaS). In SaaS model
the cloud providers operate (or runs) the application
software needed to run a program and the users who need to
run a program communicate with the cloud client to access
the application software. This helps to eliminate the use of
application software on users computer, which in terms
becomes helpful in less maintenance and higher efficiency
[4, 5, 6].

A private cloud is a computing architecture owner,

ownership or lease of a single organization, which provides
services hosted behind a firewall for the "clients" of the
organization. They say the word cloud implies an
infrastructure in place on the Internet, do not hide behind a
corporate firewall. There is however, a large body of
opinion which suggests that private clouds will be the path
chosen by many large companies and there will be
considerable investment in this sector. Already vendors are
lining up to deliver products that enable organizations to
more easily deliver internal cloud services.

Since cloud computing is a computing paradigm to demand

the immediate and automatic location is a preferred strategy
planning. And most of the strategies are to be both an
automated planning and considering the maximum use of
resources. To achieve optimal or suboptimal allocation for
immediate cloud services, the cloud environment security is
the best option.

According to Microsoft, there are several advantages and

disadvantages such as: Cloud computing surrounded with
huge amount of publicity but even then, more and more Clevel executives and IT decision makers agree that it is a real
technology option. It was moved by the futuristic


COMPUSOFT, An international journal of advanced computer technology, 2 (12), December-2013 (Volume-II, Issue-XII)

technology to a commercially viable option for programs to

run in the house. Organizations from vendors such as,
Google,, Amazon and Microsoft have
invested millions in developing cloud computing platforms
can offer others. In short, one should always take care to
believe the allegations of a specific vendor [5, 7, 8].

instead of maintaining the cloud environment software

and hardware. Amazon EC2 is a virtual machine that
provides users with a super computer equivalent
without the need to purchase it. The cost of renting the
services of a cloud service provider (as-you-go) is
cheaper than purchasing a super computer for the same
purpose [10]. Because of Amazon EC2 instances are
virtual machines, so they do not have the ability to
backup the changes on disks, hence the changes on the
virtual disk are lost when the instance is shut down.
Therefore, in order to save modifications, the user
should save them in Amazon Simple Storage Service
(S3) [10]. Public cloud services for data storage, such as
S3 in Amazon, provide customers with dynamic and
scalable storage services. The public cloud protects the
user from the cost of purchasing hardware and software
for their storage infrastructure; instead, they pay a cloud
service provider.

There are several reasons for adopting cloud computing

such as cost, scalability, business agility, security and
disaster recovery. Cloud computing is a model to allow
convenient access to network and to demand a shared pool
of configurable computing resources that can be rapidly
provisioned and released with minimal effort management
or service provider interaction [1].
Cloud model promotes accessibility and is composed of [9]:
1. Five essential characteristics:
On-demand self-service
Broad network access
Resource pooling
Rapid elasticity
Measured Service

Three service models:

Cloud Software as a Service
Cloud Platform as a Service
Cloud Infrastructure as a Service


Four deployment models:

Private cloud
Community cloud
Public cloud
Hybrid cloud


Key enabling technologies include:

Fast wide-area networks
Powerful, inexpensive server computers
commodity hardware




In general, a public (external) cloud is an environment that

exists outside of the firewall of an enterprise. It may be a
service provided by a third-party vendor. It may also be
referred to as a multi-occupied or shared infrastructure,
virtualized managed through a self-service portal. Private
cloud (internal) reproduced delivery models of public cloud
and behind the firewall for the exclusive benefit of an
organization and its customers. The management interface
for self-service is still in force, so that the resources of the
IT infrastructure are collected internally. In a hybrid cloud
environment, external services are used to extend or
supplement an internal cloud.


In 2010, Yi Hu et al. proposed about security aware and

fault-tolerant jobs scheduling strategy for grid, which makes
assess of security demand (SD) and trust level to become
more flexible and more reliable. Meanwhile, the different
fault-tolerant strategy has been applied in grid job
scheduling algorithm by the SD and job workload.
Moreover, much more important, we are able to set up some
rules and active each qualitative rule to select a suitable fault
tolerant strategy for a scheduling job by input value (the SD
and job workload) to realize the uncertainty reasoning [13].
In 2010, Hai Zhong et al. planned about simulation
experiments indicate that their dynamic scheduling policy
performs much better than that of the Eucalyptus, Open
Nebula, Nimbus IaaS cloud, etc. The tests illustrate that the
speed of the improved genetic algorithm almost twice the
traditional GA scheduling method in Grid environment and
the utilization rate of resources always higher than the opensource IaaS cloud systems [14].

The single cloud service provider does not provide any type
of security so researcher moves to multi-cloud environment:

Multi Cloud Environment: The migration of cloud

computing from single to multi-cloud in order to ensure
the security of user data is extremely important. The
term multi-clouds is similar to the terms inter cloud
or cloud-of-clouds that were introduced by Vukolic et
al. [11]. The researchers also suggest that cloud
computing will not be terminated by a single cloud.
Through her art a cloudy sky integrates various colors
and shapes of clouds, leading to different
implementations and administrative areas. Recent
research has focused the dependence of an individual
cloud on multi-cloud environment, control and prevents
more clouds. [12]. Moving from single cloud or innercloud to multi-clouds is reasonable and important for
many reasons. Vukolic et al. assume that the main
purpose of moving to inter-cloud is to improve what
was offered in single cloud by distributing the
reliability, trust, and the security among multiple cloud
providers [11].

Single Cloud Environment: Amazon produced the

Amazon Elastic compute Cloud (EC2) as a cloud
service to allow users to purchase computational
resources, without the need to have significant technical
background to deal with the cloud computing
environment. Users can focus on their own application


COMPUSOFT, An international journal of advanced computer technology, 2 (12), December-2013 (Volume-II, Issue-XII)

In 2010, Yu Weng1 et al. proposed about cloud architecture

for psychological health analysis and describes the service
component representation, workflow customization and
workflow execution. With the excellent semantic
representation ability of resource description frame, a
service component metadata representation method is
presented. Through querying the metadata of service
component, end-users could choose the service components
and customize the logic workflow on demand [15].

First part of algorithm opens the environment to cloud 1 for
performing aggregation and bursting on C++ files. This
algorithm calculate several object oriented properties like
class and object and according to those values perform
aggregation and bursting is done.
Second part of algorithm opens the environment to cloud 2
for performing aggregation and bursting on Java files. This
algorithm calculate several object oriented properties like
class and object and according to those values perform
aggregation and bursting is done.
Third part of algorithm opens the environment to cloud 3 for
performing aggregation and bursting on C# files. This
algorithm calculate several object oriented properties like
class and object and according to those values perform
aggregation and bursting is done.
In the final phase of operating resources sharing between
clouds are done by using security key to stop unauthorized
access. Authorized person can access the cloud and share
the resources from one cloud to another cloud.

In 2010, G. Hughes et al. proposed about continues, to

describe the structure and operation of an object mapping
declarative language and the object oriented system which
employs it. Both are currently under development to support
the management of these numerous Cloud Computing
components. The ultimate aim is to develop a system that
combines the rich capability of an imperative assembly with
the concise simplicity of a declarative language [16].
In 2010, Srijith K.Nair et al. introduced the concepts of
cloud bursting, cloud brokerage and cloud aggregation and
identified the capability requirement of the entities. The
cloud brokerage model was examined in further detail,
identifying the steps necessary to provide an efficient cloud
broker service in storage and compute use case scenarios



In 2011, Md Kausar Alam et al. provides an It proposes a

Multi-clouds Database Model (MCDB) which is based on
Multi-clouds service providers instead of using single cloud
service provider such as in Amazon cloud service, it will
discuss and present the architecture of the proposed MCDB
model and describe its components and layers [18].

In this section we discuss about the proposed algorithm.

SRSA - Secure Resource Sharing Algorithm
CE Cloud Environment
CClass- Count the no of classes [Initialize to 0]
CObject-Count the no of Object [Initialize to 0]

In 2013, Md Kausar Alam et al. introduced the concepts of

recent research on single clouds and multi-clouds using
secret sharing algorithm and to address the security risks and
solutions using Shamirs Secret Sharing algorithm. These
algorithms generate their own secret sharing schemes and
use secure channels to distribute shares among themselves

If (Cloud1)
[Select the C++ file for aggregation]
Select */col1, col2coln from tablename;
[Show the table with their Parameters]
Select */col1, col2coln from tablename where condition;
[Select Object oriented Concept]
If (class)
[Print the parameter according to the count of classes and
Else If (Cloud2)
[Select the Java file for aggregation]
Select */col1, col2coln from tablename;
[Show the table with their Parameters]
Select */col1, col2coln from tablename where condition;
[Select Object oriented Concept]
If (class)
If (CObject)
[Print the parameter according to the count of classes and



In this paper, a new approach called An Approach to Secure

Resource Sharing Algorithm (SRSA) for Multi Cloud
Environment has been proposed. SRSA ensures security and
privacy in cloud computing environment. The purpose of
proposed new approach is secure cloud resource sharing,
avoids the risk of malicious insider in the cloud and to avoid
the failing of cloud services. This is based on multi-clouds
service providers and the secret sharing key with object
oriented mapping hierarchy. In this approach main focus has
been given on four phases: Inter-connectivity, Security,
Resource Sharing and OOP Mapping through a backup files.
In this approach, the main concentration is on four phases

Cloud 1 (C++ Cloud)

Cloud 2 (Java Cloud)
Cloud 3 (C# Cloud)
Sharable Cloud


COMPUSOFT, An international journal of advanced computer technology, 2 (12), December-2013 (Volume-II, Issue-XII)

Else If (Cloud3)
[Select the C# file for aggregation]
Select */col1, col2coln from tablename;
[Show the table with their Parameters]
Select */col1, col2coln from tablename where condition;
[Select Object oriented Concept]
If (class)
If (CObject)
[Print the parameter according to the count of classes and
[Enter the password for Sharing]
Else if (Sharing)
If (Cloud n)
[Enter the Key]
If (Key)
[Share the attribute]
Select the attribute to be shared
[Not Authorized]
Exit (0)

In future, planning is made to compare this approach with

other multi-clouds approaches or systems to go further in
this comparison until to the best and improved approach will
achieve. This approach will also be applied in wireless
environments and to check the real time simulations on
different Platform.







Customers do not want to lose their private information by
malicious insiders in the cloud. In addition, loss of
availability of the service has caused customer recently a lot
of problems for a large number. Furthermore, execution
time and response time lead to many problems for the users
of Internet. The benefits of implementing cloud computing
applications are reducing the execution time and response
time, minimizing the risk of deployment of physical
infrastructure, reduce cost of entry, and increase the pace of



In this paper we proposed an approach to Secure Resource

Sharing Algorithm (SRSA) for multi cloud environment. In
this approach, three clouds are considered for bursting and
aggregation operation. Furthermore, both sides secure
sharing mechanism is used so that the cloud resources are
shared among different cloud environment and consider
some of the security concern for the cloud computing for
authorized data sharing between clouds.



In this approach, the main concentration is on four phases:

1. Inter-connectivity
2. Security
3. Resource Sharing
4. Mapping


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