B0501 02-0812 PDF
B0501 02-0812 PDF
B0501 02-0812 PDF
ABSTRACT: The rapid development of cloud computing is giving way to more cloud services, due to
which security of services of cloud especially data confidentiality protection, becomes more critical.
Cloud computing is an emerging computing style which provides dynamic services, scalable and payper-use. Although cloud computing provides numerous advantages, a key challenge is how to ensure
and build confidence that the cloud can handle user data securely. This paper highlights some major
security issues that exist in current cloud computing environments. The status of the development of
cloud computing security, the data privacy analysis, security audit, information check and another
challenges that the cloud computing security faces have been explored. The recent researches on data
protection regarding security and privacy issues in cloud computing have partially addressed some
issues. The best option is to build data-protection solutions at the platform layer. The growing appeal
of data protection as a service is that it enables to access just the resources you need at minimal
upfront expense while providing the benefits of enterprise-class data protection capabilities. The
paper proposes a solution to make existing developed applications for simple cloud Systems
compatible with DPaaS. The various security challenges have been highlighted and the various
necessary metrics required for designing DPaaS have been investigated.
Keywords: Cloud Computing, data security, privacy protection.
Over the past few years, cloud computing has become significant research topic of the scientific and
industrial communities. The Cloud computing has emerged as a new computing model which aims to provide
reliable, customized, scalable, pay-per-use and dynamic computing environments for end-users. Numerous
organizations have started realizing the benefits by putting their applications and data into the cloud. Cloud
computing is not new to Information Technology. Unlike other computing models, cloud computing possess
some additional features that make it distinguishable such as service-driven, resource pooling, and data hosting
in outsourcing storage. Pooling resource makes the hardware performance be used more efficient and provides
economic benefits for users to reduce the capital cost and additional expenditure. The biggest benefit is that
developers no longer require the large capital outlays in hardware to deploy the innovative ideas for new
Internet services service and hence cutting the human expense to operate it.
Defining cloud computing actually becomes a difficult task with many definitions. Since recent past,
several efforts have been made to provide the exact definition of cloud computing. The definition provided by
U.S. NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) appears to include key common elements widely
used in the Cloud Computing community as it says that: "Cloud computing is a model for enabling convenient,
on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources that can be rapidly provisioned
and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction [3].
The cloud computing offers numerous potential advantages comparatively traditional IT model. Yet the
major barrier for the adoption of cloud computing are the security concerns. Security control measures in cloud
are similar to ones in traditional IT environment. Traditional security issues are still present in cloud computing
environments. But as enterprise boundaries have been extended to the cloud, traditional security mechanisms are
no longer able to go with applications and data in cloud. Due to the openness and multi-tenant characteristic of
the cloud, cloud computing is bringing tremendous impact on information security field [4].
Cloud computing provides several compelling characteristics which differentiate it from other
computing paradigms. Some of them are:
Broad network access range: System capacities are available to customers through a network and can be
accessed from different devices such as desktop computers, mobile phones, smartphones and tablet devices.
| IJMER | ISSN: 22496645 |
Cloud service delivery is divided among three service models. The three fundamental classifications
are often referred to as the SPI Model where SPI refers to software, platform, and infrastructure as defined
1. Software as a Service (SaaS)
2. Platform as a Service (PaaS)
3. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
1.3.1 Software as a Service (SaaS)
Unlike the traditional model of one application per desktop, Software as a Service (SaaS) makes use of
a cloud computing infrastructure to deliver one application to many users, regardless of their location. It allows
activities to be managed from central locations in a one-to-many model, including architecture, pricing,
partnering, and management characteristics. Some examples are Google Apps (mail, docs, and etc.) and
1.3.2 Platform as a Service (PaaS)
Platform as a Service (PaaS) is a software distribution model in which hosted software applications are
made available to customers over the Internet. Service provider provides a specific cloud environment, some
software tools and programming language to consumer for developing, testing, and hosting their applications.
PaaS provides users with a high level of abstraction that allows them to focus on developing their applications
without concerning about the underlying infrastructure. An example of PaaS is Google App engine.
1.3.3 Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
IaaS allows consumer to rent hardware include processors, storages, network, and other fundamental
computing resources. In this service model, consumers do not control or manage the underlying cloud
infrastructure directly. They control the computing resources through operating systems [6]. This service
provides the required infrastructure as a service. The key advantage here is that customers need to pay only for
the time duration they use the service. As a result customers can achieve a much faster service delivery with less
Security within cloud computing is a critical issue because the devices that provide services do not
belong to the users themselves in actual. Although cloud computing promises lower costs, rapid scaling, easier
maintenance, and service availability anywhere, anytime, a key challenge is how to ensure and build confidence
that the cloud can handle user data securely. This is a great concern in cases when users have valuable and
personal information stored in a cloud computing service. It is an increasingly important problem to protect the
confidentiality of information manipulated by computing systems. There is little assurance that current
computing systems protect data confidentiality and integrity. New security issues are raised at the same time due
to the changing system environment.
The development of new services open doors for new opportunities and difficulties. By now, almost all
IT enterprises are involved in cloud storage by services provision. But while provision of services, we must
take into account the problems emerging from the storage operations in cloud. When the data store on personal
devices, users have the highest privilege to operate on them and ensure its security. But once the users choose to
Data security has consistently been a major issue in IT. There are complex data security challenges in
the cloud:
The need to protect confidential business, government, or regulatory data
Cloud service models with multiple tenants sharing the same infrastructure
Data mobility and legal issues relative to such government rules as the EU Data Privacy Directive
Lack of standards about how cloud service providers securely recycle disk space and erase existing data
Auditing, reporting, and compliance concerns
Loss of visibility to key security and operational intelligence that no longer is available to feed enterprise IT
security intelligence and risk management
A new type of insider who does not even work for your company, but may have control and visibility into
your data
A feasible solution for data protection is data encryption. Encryption algorithm offers the benefit of
minimum reliance on cloud provider. The user data can migrate from one provider to another provider without
limiting to the specific provider. Encryption algorithm protects data without considering their physical location.
Unfortunately, when performing the encryption algorithm, it often consumes a lot of system resources, such as
CPU utilization, and stronger algorithm that generates more significant impact to the system performance. The
trade -off between security and system performance become an important issue when applying an encryption
algorithm in cloud environment.
It's very important to understand what kinds of encryption are most important for a particular need. Two types
of encryption algorithms have been considered in the study: FDE and FHE.
Full Disk Encryption- FDE: As the name reveals, FDE encrypts entire physical disks with a symmetric
key for simplicity and speed. Although FDE is effective in protecting private data in certain scenarios, the
concern is that it cant fulfill data protection goals in the cloud, where physical theft isnt the main threat. FDE
offers excellent performance and ease of development but it does little to protect privacy at the required
Fully Homomorphic Encryption- FHE: Here, the server does the real work, but it doesnt know the data
its computing. It offers the promise of general computation on ciphertexts. Any function in plaintext can be
transformed into an equivalent function in ciphertext. This property guarantees strong privacy when computing
on private data, but the question of its practicality for general cloud applications still remains. FHE removies
data visibility entirely from both the server and application developer [8].
DPaaS is a suite of security primitives offered by a cloud platform, which enforces data security and
privacy and offers evidence of privacy to data owners, even in the presence of potentially compromised or
malicious applications.
A cloud platform helps the developers to write maintainable applications that protect user data in the
cloud, hence providing the same economies of scale for security and privacy as for computation and storage;
and enabling independent verification both of the platforms operation and the runtime state of applications on it.
Hence users can gain confidence that their data is being handled properly.
Cloud-delivered services allow businesses to access enterprise-class resources and infrastructures at a
lower price and with very little capital expenses. Cloud- delivered services also help to free IT resources and
maximize administrator productivity. Many midsize businesses have already moved costly and administratively
time-consuming applications to the cloud. The adoption of data protection as a service has gained momentum
due to these reasons. The growing appeal of data protection as a service is that it enable the access of resources
you need at minimal upfront expense as well as providing the benefits of enterprise-class data protection
| IJMER | ISSN: 22496645 |
One of the main concerns people and organizations have about putting data in the cloud is that they
dont know what happens to it. Having a clear audit of when data is accessed, who access the data contributes to
strengthen the confidence that data is being handled appropriately. Cloud storage offers an on-demand data
outsourcing service model, and is gaining popularity due to its elasticity and low maintenance cost. However,
security concerns arise when data storage is outsourced to third-party cloud storage providers. It is desirable to
enable cloud clients to verify the integrity of their outsourced data in the cloud, in case their data has been
accidentally corrupted or maliciously compromised [9].
With the growing popularity of cloud computing, the importance of security show gradual upward
trend, become an important factor in the development of cloud computing. Encryption in the cloud is about
preventing outside hackers and external partners from accessing a company's private data. The cloud offers little
platform-level support or standardization for user data protection. A new cloud computing paradigm data
protection as a service DPaaS has been proposed in the work which is defined as security primitives offered by a
cloud platform, which enforces data security and privacy and offers evidence of privacy to data owners, even in
the presence of potentially compromised or malicious applications.
Cloud computing refers to a large number of computers connected by real-time network viz. internet.
Cloud computing provides a way to execute applications on many computers at same time so it is also called as
Distributed computing. Though IaaS promises cost efficient and high availability of service across the internet,
there is a limitation of building a confident cloud system which can handle data securely and reliably. DPaaS
provides secure cloud environment to save data. There are different techniques used for handling data security
like encryption and authentication in data access.
The major issue is that providing protection to user data while enabling rich computation requires both
specialized expertise and resources that might not be readily available to most application developers. Building
in data-protection solutions at the platform layer is an attractive option as the platform can achieve economies of
scale by reducing expertise costs and distributing sophisticated security solutions across different applications
and their developers.
Major problem in DPaas is to make existing developed applications for simple cloud Systems
compatible with DPaaS as there are many changes in cloud implementation and security integrations. This leads
to requirement of changing application architecture and also many changes will be required in application codes.
We shall be listing all the necessary metrics required for designing DPaaS so that simpler cloud applications can
be migrated to DPaaS with minimum cost and updates.
In our system, there is an administrator who can view data of the users, change the data in the web files
and save them. In other words administrator has the control over the user data. The users can upload, view, and
change the data in their created web file. They cannot view data or web files of other users. While the auditor is
one who audits the overall performance of the system. He can track the transactions, upload of file, change of
data and logins of users with correct time and date.
Whenever a user will upload a file and the file gets migrated onto the cloud. After that if the user make
any changes to that file, those changes are made standards for further uploads. Here in our system, three types of
web files are uploaded- .asp, .jsp and .php files. These formats are made standard formats for the upload. If any
file other than this file format is uploaded, it will not get migrated to the cloud. Another advantage offered is
that user gets the control over his data protection. If administrator or auditor has made any change to users file,
user will get to know all the details about that through a notification message. It adds a lot into the data security
on cloud.
The proposed methodology is needed to be implemented in a tool. The proposed solution is to be
implemented in java and CloudSim. CloudSim enables modeling, simulation, and experimenting on Cloud
computing infrastructures. It is a self-contained platform used to model data centers, service brokers, scheduling
and allocation policies of large scale Cloud platforms. It provides a virtualization engine with extensive features
for modeling creation and life cycle management of virtual machines in a data center, including policies for
provisioning of virtual machines to hosts, scheduling of resources of hosts among virtual machines, scheduling
of tasks in virtual machines, and modeling of costs incurring in such operations.
In an emerging discipline, like cloud computing, security needs to be analyzed more frequently. With
advancement in cloud technologies and increasing number of cloud users, data security dimensions will
continuously increase. Cloud computing security needs consider both technology and strategy, including: audit,
compliance and risk assessment. Both the Service providers and the clients must work together to ensure safety
and security of cloud and data on clouds. Mutual understanding between service providers and users is
extremely necessary for providing better cloud security. In our paper we are laying stress on the security issue in
the cloud. In this paper, we propose an approach for applying DpaaS to the existing applications in cloud
environment to secure the confidentiality of users data without increasing system performance overhead too
The paper has been written with the kind assistance, guidance and active support of my department
who have helped me in this work. I would like to thank all the individuals whose encouragement and support
has made the completion of this work possible.
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