The All-One Unified Force & The
All Is God Particle
By Ananda M. Bosman,
March 18-26, 2006 (as released to the Grail-Ring Europe)
[updated August 2006]
Copyright 2006 by ANANDA and ATON VASE DA
That which is in the core of every particle is the totality that is known as AllOneness.
Emmanuel, To Group de Lucinge, August 1990
Bhagavata Purana, Rg Veda, & Emmanuel)
Since the first publications of this manuscript in March, Dr. Rogero Santilli has stunned the
scientific world, by announcing in May 2006, the first prime time discovery of a completely
new fundamental particle hadron, that is the very first fundamental particle ever detected that
OPERATES IN HYPERDIMENSIONS In other words THE fundamental particle behind
all atoms and elements, christened the Etherion, whose permanent nature and characteristics
are multi-dimensional, hyperdimensional characteristics that are axiomatically apparent in its
3rd dimensional physical measurements
THIS IS THE FIRST TIME EVER, that the objective discovery of a plural-octave of
dimensional strings have been detected as the fundamental invarient charactgeristics of
fundamental mater This hyper-dimensional Etherion-Hadron is behind all matter, all
elements, all forces, and exhihibits the axiomatic characteristics of a hyper-intelligence
the fundamental particle behind all consciousness and cognitive awareness.
THIS REALITY SHIFTING DISCOVERY has such enormous impact implications on who
we are as a cognitive species and completely revises the nature of the universe and
multiverse in which we appear to be citizens Reality, the self, our source, our nature, why
we are here, and where we are going, is now in a complete metamorphosis, whose
revisionary apotheosis stretches beyond the expanses of every philosophy, religion, science,
cosmology, metaphysics, arcane mystery school, and etno-cultural paradigm
In concert to this announcement, our indirect hadronic mechanics colleague, professor Erik
Trell of published the first mainstream science article demonstrating that the living
dynamic DNA, operating WITHIN biology (not examined dead and abstract in disection
within a laboritory, or genom think tank, far removed from the living dynamic state), is
unquestionable operating in the hyper-mathermatics (hadronic mechanics) of at least an 8
dimensional (octonian) morphological structure
That is, the living DNA in our bodies operates in hyperdimensions, which
includes hyper-temporality (time travel), and multi-dimensional geometrical symmetries
(Dr. Eric Trells prelimenary explorations of this, prior to this announcement, are explored in
this article). Confirming our inter-geometrical models of the in-vivo DNA helix (computer
modeled and presented outside of the mainstream, some already before the millenium). The
implications of this, means that our exterior biology is a construct, and 3D dimensional
holographic shadow of a hyperdimensional dynamic genetic code, operating on the invarient
principles of hadronic mechanics (that transcend the varient principles of previous modern
This implies that the so called mechanical 3rd dimensional laws of the universe (the doctrine
of modern physics), as well as chemicals and pollutions, electromagnetic frequencies and
relatives (whose technologies are based on the varient principles of the now transcended
modern physics) interact, and affect our biological holographic projection of the
hyperdimensional DNA continuum, only in a limited ratio
Cosmologically and epistemologically, this changes our entire focus of this postt-industrial
modern era Pollution, electromagnetic smog, increased gamma and cosmic ray exposure,
viral, bacteriological, and parasitical susceptability (essential for the justification of the
modern pharmaceutical drug cartel, and its pseudo-scientific medical science) are
removed from their all consuming powerful role to which are species is modelled to be a
victim of Rather, the very nature of our fundamental being, based on the Etherion-Hadron
and the hyperdimensional DNA modus operandi, is sublimated into being revealed as being
the ultimate cosmological Anthos and Universal Macroimperishability that is the SUMA of
all universal realities.
These two historical hyper-paradigm shifting discoveries, within mainstream academia,
objectively removes our common held notion of being 3 dimensional citizens inhabiting a
planet around the sun, and subjegated to the mechanical laws of its space-time physics are
now vacuumed from the vanishingly small into the domain of being notions that are pure
fantasy These discoveries expose that we are hyperdimensional, and that to think that we
are 3 dimensional bodies, with a genetic code operating in 3 dimensions, is pure abstract
nonesense, notions of pure fantasy that are the luxary of perspective choice, engendered upon
the hyperdimensional continuum that is the topological living morphology continuum,
operating in every one of our trillion cells, and whose atomic elements (electron clouds,
proton clouds etc) are comprised from the All-One Hadron-Etherion operating in an
irreversible and invarient hyperdimensional continuum Reality, our body, senses,
cognition, life, and the universe, is a continuous hyperdimensional holographic
We note that our work covered in our 2002 book THE SOMA CONSPIRACY and 2003
VAJRATHA: Diamond Body Manual, and the Manu-Script series (2002-2006) that are
chapters of our forthcoming book The Manu: A Hyperdimensional Artifact At The Genesis
Of History are the very first propulsions into unfolding Hadronic Cosmology, and
Hadronic Philosophy, that integrate the novel hadronic mechanic principles underlying the
matrix of their ontological texstylus However, we have published and made our
presentations outside of the academic meanstream.
Inside the academic world, our colleague, Dr. Stein Johansen, is the first to have published a
hadronic philosophy in his 2005 paper now submitted to the Hadronic Physics Journal,
entitled Initiation Of Hadronic Philosophy (The Philosophy Underlying Hadronic
Mechanics And Chemistry, DR. Stein E. Johansen, Institute of Basic Research, ibr@gte.
net, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway).
Our own non-mainstream hadronic philosophical writtings first published in 2002, were
themselves germinated due to Dr. Johansens good efforts (2001 and 2002), in translating
the hadronic mechanics prime novel principles into our very specific numencluture and
fractal cosmological jargon thereby, Dr. Johansen can also be attributed to nudging our
own very first hadronic philosophical writings for the public, and cosmological publications
outside of the academic mainstream, since 2002 (small portions of these explorations have
also been published on our web site, including those contained in the downloadable pdf
publication, Manu-Script 10)
It is also noted here that Dr. Johansen wrote his hadronic philosophical based article on our
Vortexijah theory, outisde of academia, which we published as an appendix in our 2003
Vajrathatha: Diamond Body book so following our 2002 first public hadronic
philosophical publications, Dr. Johansens Transmodern Science, The Nature Of Man, And
Vortexijah, published in 2003, also marks Dr. Johansen as the second to publish hadronic
philosophy OUTSIDE of the academic mainstream . Therefore, our writings over the last 4
years have been the first novel publications of hadronic philosophy outside mainstream
academia (historically this is now important for the record, since the irreversible impact of
hadronic mechanics is sure set to transfigure every field of mankinds cybernetics and
cognosis. I cannot thank Dr. Johansen enough for introducing me to this utterly novel and
reality rewriting hadronic science).
bending spoons on television. A new generation that utilised natures 5th force, the Hadron/
Akasa Unified Field.
Many of these children claimed regular contact with extraterrestrials, and displayed
knowledge of 6 dimensional algebra at the age of 6 (presented to Drs J. Sarfetti and Dr. P.
Sirag ) Star Trek author, Gene Rodenberry too had a high interest in these children. And
in his many interviews with them gained fields of inspiration, seeded with the ideas that
would become embedded within the foundation of many of his Star Trek concepts (The
Gods Of Aquarius, UFOs and the Transformation of Man, Brad Steiger; Harcourt Brace
Jovanovich New Yorkby Brad Steiger. Doubleday, Sphere 1978).
Dr. Puharich was one of the very first persons to publically show the DNA tests of this next
generation of Platinum Children utilsing the 5th element of creation, showing clear
evidence of their genetic mutation in harbouring a tripple helical DNA strand arrangement
(without any sign of cancer. Other public science papers that followed years later, by and
large, only presented the tripple helix phenomenon as a form of cancer, or fibreosis).
These children, in the late 1970s also had such a strong unifying ELF field (8hz) coming
from their hands, that the signature remained measureable in water months later (Dr. A.
Puharich, Magnetic Model of Matter And Mind: Physical Foundation Of Information And
Action Transfer In The Healing Process. Temple University Conference. April 15th 1988.
Pp 2). This Field was identified as the Universal Intelligence unifying field.
Dr. Puharich, aparently unaware of some of the much higher Oligarchical power interests
that infested the US Intelligence Agencies highest ranks, had rounded up these
extraordinary mutating children that claimed ETI contact as central to their powers many
of them were to become some of the highest trained CIA, NSA, and Navel Intelligence
Officers (and more clandestine agencies, such as those under the NSC 5412/2 Committee of
the Majority [MAJI, and MJ12]), heading Remote Viewing projects and operations at the
highest above top secret positions of the intelligence world.
It appears that within the almost extinct papers published by Dr. Puharich, he has burried
the secret science which reveals that consciousness can totally and utterly transform our
body, the natural laws of physics, and alter the universe at large With and without
technology a science of what the Vedas call Maha Siddhi forms of super power,
which are part of the natural universe, via the 5th force (we shall be presenting this science,
old, new, numinous and novel, ahead).
Such phenomenon as telepathy, teleportation, levitation, bilocation, dematerialisation, are
identified by the simple principles of the hadronic All-One Unified Force.
We shall now quote extensively from his papers, and reocord this for the public domain (in
these dark ages for all true and actual science, overt for humanity. And not clandestine for
the military industrial complex undisclosed minority privvy to the need to know [above
top secret], security clearances, required in ventures that deal with actual science, and not
the religeous patchwork that is thrown to the public at large).
We also make referrences to modern hadronic physics, and quote from our ETI/OTI
contacts during the 1980s on this hadronic 5th Force, the Aether, or Etheric, All-One Field
that the ancients called Akasa.
Naturally, we will also index the Manus (OTI) legacy of this same science manufested
within the first manuels and manuscripts at the genesis of history.
That Dr. Puharich is clearly referring to the hadron par se, is made clear in his 1988 paper
Magnetic Model of Matter And Mind: Physical Foundation Of Information And Action
Transfer In The Healing Process, some 10 years before Dr. Santillis uncovering of the 5th
Here, he is illustrating that the Magnetic Monopole (MM) and its anti-MM, embedded
within the protons compossited at the atomic nucleus (from which 8hz ELF fields that
induce healing, and many of the psychic PSI phenomenon as emanations of the so called
PSI Particles), are in fact the product of a the multi-dimensional nature of the All-One
It is believed that MM and MM have been found in a hadron existing in a 26dimensional state. It is believed that
MM and MM carry all the biological information to create life,
organise life for growth and repair, and to maintain health.
Dr. Andrija Puharich, Magnetic Model of Matter And Mind: Physical Foundation Of
Information And Action Transfer In The Healing Process. Temple University Conference.
April 15th 1988. Pp 4.
Of course, this was then revolutionary, but Puharich had generated laboritory evidence
whereby life was created solely by the PSI effect of the 8hz ELF field in plane water
The Magnetic Monopole (MM) pair being within the status quo of a 26 dimensional hadron,
was at that time still daring, and that this IS THE SOURCE OF LIFE and its organisation, is
even more profound.
An multidimensional intelligence signalling and ordering all life (for us, with our ETI and
OTI [Omni-Temperal Intelligence] contacts and their visionary propulsion schooling, this is
plain identification of the Emmanuels and Manu as the multi-dimensional co-creators of
life. Manu-Emmanuel and company from my contacts as an oblivious aware teenager, and
the Manu, as the source of the Vedas who are described as the emanaters of all life in the
cosmos). Puharich, lays out the clear evidence for this multi-dimensional intelligence
emanating and co-organising life.
Whilst in 1988, 26 dimensions were at the forefront of fundamental particle physics string
theory research, today 26D has failed to unify Einstein General Relativity with quantum
mechanics, in superstring theory, and Grand Unified Field Theory (GUT) Rather, some
480 dimensions are now being explored as the foundation of our fundamental particle
universe (science studies just started at the CERN Particle Physics laboritories Large
Hadronic Collider Experiment, Geneva).
However, within the matrix of the 480 dimensional geometrical algebra (hyper-lifted
beyond the arbitary by the Unity of hadronic physics), there is the 27 dimensional matrix of
Jordun algebra, whose mathematical geometry has been technically identified as the precise
structure comprising the morphology of the Sri Yantra (the Meru mandala shape that is
generated in sound sensatised material by the careful sounding of AUM), with its 27 lines
surounded by its 8 and 16 petalled Lotus (the Staar Flower, and Purusah Flower).
The detailed algebraic formula of this is laid out and illustrated in our 2002 book THE
SOMA CONSPIRACY (2nd edition onwards).
The 27 lines of the general cubic surface. Now imagine the Sierpinski
Tetrahedral form of the above.
The 27D Hadron itself is hermetically axiomatic to the 27 lines of the general cubic surface
and its extending hypercubes (multi-dimensional lifting of the cube into each of its
respective hyperdimensional symmetrical extensions) which is immaculately
symbiotically personfied within the 27 dimensional Jordun algebra that comprises the Sri
Yantra sonic signature of the Logos mantra AUM, the Word of creation.
stance, physical mater is imaginary in the form that we presently appear to identify its
Every subatomic particle also, incredulously (to the pre-hadronic scientist), becomes every
other subatomic particle: quarks into leptons, into fermions etc.
In otherwords, our reality is compossed from 19 families of fundamental particles that
have an existence of an imaginary span of time, and each becomes the other one Actually
being many faces of All-One fundamental particle This is the Hadron.
what composses everything within our body and, so called, 3D reality, in a matrix of an
incredible axiomatic examplified array. Which will begin to make this multi-dimensional
Universal Language possible to be brought to the comprehension of our future children...
As a preparation for our races hyper-indexing with the ETI/OTI of the intergalactic and
inter-temporal community, now on the not to distant horizon of our race, through the
implications of our practical application of hadronic physics.
Forinstance, the opening to hyper-time time travelling as the status quo of future
hadronic transport, by manufacturing with the newly discovered hypertemporal natured
hadronic macro-molecules called hyper-magnecules, a Causal Time Machine (Dr. R. M.
Santilli, Hadronic Mechanics, Antigravity, Spacetime Machines, & Other Predictions,
Chapter 2.5.11). Which are also hyperdimensional in their nature, and now appear to be a
core composit of our living DNA molecule (as pioneered by the work of hadronic physicist
and mathematician, Dr. E Trell (Dr. R. M. Santilli, Elements of Iso-, Geno-, HyperMathematics for Matter, Their Isoduals for Antimatter, and Their Applications in Physics,
Chemistry, and Biology. Foundations of Physics, September 2003, vol. 33, no. 9. Pp. 13731416(44)).
Remember, that the Universal Heart-Mind is based on the hydrogen constant (H, element 1,
comprises 90% of the universe, unanomously distrubuted), of 8 hz (phase-velocity
difference of the 1 orbital electron to the proton).
Protons are the heart, core-seed-essence, that transmits the Universal Heart-Mind PSI Field,
as the compassionate agency of the All-One Hadronic 5th Force. Puharich takes us into the
At the moment [Feb. 1987] it is believed that the ultimate particle is the quark. A proton, for
example, is made up of three quarks. The quark, however, is made up of a fractal electric
and magnetic charge.
Dr. Andrija Puharich, Protocommunication II: Universal Information/Action Transfer,
February 1987. Pp 1.
Subatomic particle physics has considerably changed since Furtheremore, the new class
of materials called magnecules, made in hadronic reactors, through the new mathematics of
hadronic mechanics, are objective evidence for the nature of what we had called atom (with
an orbiting electron and a nucleus) to be something somewhat different in morphology,
especially in the case of the 1 femto-meter bound limit scale of the hadrons. The fractal
charge mentioned by Puharich is of some great interest, which shall not be left vacant in this
We should also mention here that today the subatomic particle world is not considered
material, in fact it is amidst the pure dynamics of the consciousness itself, and our coparticipation with it, as this classical example of Dr. F. Capra examples:
Subatomic particles are not made of any material stuff; they are patterns of energy. Energy,
however, is associated with activity, with processes, and this implies that the nature of the
subatomic particles is intrinsicly dynamic. When we observe them, we never see any
substance, nor any fundamental structure. What we observe are dynamic patterns continually
changing into oneanother.
Dr. Fritjof Capra, The Tao Of Physics, Third Edition, The Future of the New Physics,
1991, Pp 362
As to the quark, here Dr. Capra relates that the illusive nature of the quark illucidates the
hadron, as it was seen in the old school of the new physics (hadronic mechanics being the
new school):
Experimenters continued looking for free quarks but were never able to detect any. The
phenomenon has been given the name quark confinement, the idea being that quarks are, for
some reason, permanently confined within the hadrons and thus will never be seen.
To account for the observed patterns in the hadron spectrum, at least eighteen quarks plus
eight gluons seem to be needed; none of these have ever been observed as free particles and
their existence as physical constituents of hadrons would lead to sever theoretical
Dr. Fritjof Capra, The Tao Of Physics, Third Edition, The Future of the New Physics,
1991, Pp 349
Indeed, hadronic physics is turning the old pseudo cult science upsidedown, the new
materials now being made by the hadron reactors are impossible by the physics that has
tried to unify Einstein, quantum mechanics, string theory and beyond. But Dr. Capra
Although our present understanding of the subatomic world precludes the existence of
quarks as physical particles, there can be no doubt that hadrons exhibit quark symmetries that
will have to be explained There has been a major breakthrough in S-Matrix Theory In
the quark model particles are pictured, essentially, as billiard balls containing smaller billiard
balls, the S-matrix approach, being holistic and thoroughly dynamic, sees particles as
interelated energy patterns in an ongoing universal process; as correlations, or
interconnections, between various parts of an inseperable cosmic web. There are no disinct
entities and no basic building blocks; there is only a flow of energy showing certain well
defined patterns.
Dr. Fritjof Capra, The Tao Of Physics, Third Edition, The Future of the New Physics,
1991. Pp 350
This whole-oneness is further iterated to the hadron, with its seemless self-sustaining,
merely itself but involves every other object and in fact is everything else.
Sir Charles Eliot, Japanese Buddhism, Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, 1959. Pp 109-110
However, as we researched this Net of Indra, we found that the Rg Veda portrays this as the
Somanet, a word we had coined in the mid 1990s, now revealed in the archaic Manu-Script.
The Somanet of Indra is made up from the immaculate drops of Soma (from which the
essence of the Bindhu concept comes from, the drop of immaculate emptiness and infinite
bliss), which becomes transfigured to the pearls in the 1000 petalled lotus, later on.
Whilst Soma is a god, the Moon and the Sun, and the Soma plant is identified as wild rue
(whose active ingredients are pinoline and harmine, natures two molecules, also in the
human pineal gland, that have a miraculous Nuclear Magnetic Resonance stability of 8 hz,
the Hadronic mediator, the PSI-Prana hadronomy et al), by being characterised as having:
Four (4) horns, three (3) feet has he; two (2) heads and seven hands has he.
RV 4.58
This also appears to be the earliest mention of the Kalpa cycle that is 4,320,000,000 years
(should the proto-Vedic people be primitive such a span of years has zero practical value)
Where the hands of Soma, are the 7 zeros that follow the 4 horns, 3 feet, and 2 heads of
Thus the Soma Plant is also a hyper-temporal plant structure of hadron bootstrap
connections. Which is also molecularly true in the sense of the 8hz NMR nature and
phenomenon, being the hadronic force mediator, as we examine.
We explore the Somanet of Indra in avid detail, in a later section on the Vedas LOKAs &
The Multi-Dimensional Universe.
As Dr. Capra sums up, it is extremely difficult to imagine how a single particle can contain
all other particles and at the same time be a part of each of them.
As to a hyper-intelligence therein, this is implied in mankinds own intelligence, as Dr. G.
Chew points out, the bootstrap implies that the existence of consciousness, along with
all other aspects of nature, is necessary for the self consistency of the whole (Dr. Geof F.
Chew, Bootsrap: A Scientific Idea?).
Thus, the intelligence evident in the numerous lifeforms that compose the one organic
whole entity, of which mankind, and consciosness, are indivisibly sub-whole expressions,
along with the intelligence of the DNA code language this intelligence implies that the
whole (whether the organic whole entity scribed in DNA anywhere in the universe, or the
whole universe), itself must be intelligent.
By Chews logic, mankind is the best evidence for hyper and cosmic intelligence. Since our
self-reflection of the universe, continuously enables the whole to repeat itself recursively,
with the ability of progenerating forms through which the whole universe is self-reflecting
itself, in fractal self-similarity, the fractality of consciousness co-creating with the All-One
Creator/Creation of All-Oneness.
In a contact with Emmanuel called: THE UNIFIED FIELD: GOD, they relate this
subatomic consciousness hadron bootstrap wholeness:
The physical body is equally the Unified Field. The physical body is the gateway to your
consciousness, to your Total Consciousness, as it is mirrored and stored within every particle.
Light is percieved in different frequencies and different octaves of resonance which your
brain filters into the understanding of physical reality. All that you percieve around you is
vibrational form. All that you are is vibrational forms. There is, however, a point that
connects to all points. It is not in a specific place it is contained within all
Much of the genetic formats, along with the DNA, are brought out of a subconscious mode
and into the conscious mode, they move from the instinct to the conscious mind, so that one
becomes aware that the body also is consciousness. If you move into the subatomic particles
you come to consciousness. You come to consciousness creating within itself your own
Emmanuel, THE UNIFIED FIELD, January 1991, Copenhagen Yoga Center of Else
Helland , Copenhagen
Thus Emmanuel relate the subatomic partical bootstrap holonomy, or holography, to
consciousness generation We shall explore Puharichs implications in this regard as we
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The other geometry that is symbiotic to this, is a form of the Mandelbrot fractal (also found
by Puharich as the fractal form ordered organisation of the protein life that was generated by
the simple 8hz electrolysis of water Hadronogenesis par excellance, we would suggest).
This geometry is identical to what the Vedas call the Dharmata, upon which the Stupa
geometry is based. This ancient geometry also traces the mandlebrot set fractal, some
representations of it have remained accurate over thousands of years.
The 3D rotation of the Novelty Time Wave Graph, into the Dharamata
Hyper-morphology. Here an iso-pair of Dharmatas in concressence, by 2012
On a background of the Mandelbrot fractal. Still from 3D animation by Ananda
Our rediscovery of the accurate 3D Dharmata geometry is based on the novel Timewave
discovery of Novelty Theory, visionarily rediscovered by ontologist Terrence McKenna,
initially in the 1970s.
The Timewaves typological morphology has been acredited by UCLA scientist and
mathematician, professor Ralf Abrahams (A Chronology Of Time), as the fractal symmetry
of the ontological morphology of time itself.
The Timewave verified to be an accurate cartography of times temporal wave architecture
within the atomic clock observation measurements made by Los Alamos Laboritory
physicist, Dr. Sheliak. The temporal behavior within the scale of the ATOMIC clocks,
behaved accordingly to the Timewave-1 graph topology
Thus, Puharichs assertion to the ATOMs nucleus MM force within the proton, to be
following fractal electric/magnetic charge, which he also relates to the Mandlebrot set is
clearly here highlighted for the very first time. Especially when we understand the relation
between the Timewave, Dharmata, and the mandlebrot fractal, as follows
This leads us to our findings By tracing the complete Timewave graph into 3D computer
animation software; replicating the design 180 in mirror symmetry; and then rotating this
into 3 dimensions, the beautiful and remarkable precise morphology of the Dharmata was
resurrected from the catacombs of antiquity. Dharmatas shape is traced by the Mandlebrot
fractal symmetry outline.
Before Leonardo Da Vincis version of this mandelbrot fractal design within his Leicester
Codex, he was preceeded by several hundred years in the remarkable labour undertaken by
Monk Udo of Achen, who spent 9 years calculating the accurate Mandlebrot set which he
called Divinitas (Godhead), rather than using Abacus, he utlised the Vedic mathematics
of algorythm calculations that utilised the Vedic arabic numerals (based on Brahmiscript), (The forgotten genius of Udo von Aachen", Schipke, R.J. and Eberhardt, A.,
Harvard Journal of Historical Mathematics, 32, 3 (March 1999), pp 34-77), which itself is
derived from Vedic mathematics. He depicted it as the star of Bethlehem.
The Timewave, also appears to be the accurate morphology of the full permutation of the
DNA genom (by the implication of Dr. Martin Schnbergers accademically impeccable IChing and The Genetic Code: The Hidden Key To Life). Thereby, the fractal MM fields of
the hadronic force in the proton, through 8hz electrolysis of water, producing the amino
acids and full proteins in the very same fractal symmetry as itself which itself is the
complete permutation of the DNA code, is extraordinary
Same fractal semantics as the DNA life code and the organising fractal
force in the heart of all the periodic elements that built the universe And the application
of one (the fractal MM within the proton), upon the element water (by 8hz electrolysis),
produces living complex amino acid chained proteins that grow according to the fractal
Dharmata/Mandlebrot image/symmetry, that is the characteristics of the MM proto-force in
the atomic heart; and which is also the fractal image of the entire ontological morphology of
the DNA code, itself a composite of amino acids
The human genome is some 3.6 billion DNA letters in length, whilst one
single X-chromosome is a macro-DNA molecule some 160 million DNA letters in length.
Dr Robert Pollack relates that the DNA:
Is also a form of text, and that therefore it is best understood by analytical ways of thinking
commonly applied to other forms of text, for example, books.
R. Pollack A Crisis In Scientific Moral, Nature, 385,1997. pp 674
One cannot analyse a text like a book, if one presupposes that there was no intelligence
behind writing it. The very fact that the DNA turns out to be an intricate language, written
in complex grammer, reveals an intelligence that has a far more holographically integrated
hyper-semantics than our present use of languages.
The DNA resonating crystal is an intelligently ordered linguistics with a holographic laser
resonation communication continuum, as molecular biologist Dr. Frank-Kamenetskii relates:
The DNA crystal is aperiodic, since the sequence of base pairs is as irregular as the sequence
of letters in a coherent text.
M. D. Frank-Kamenetskii Unveiling The DNA. New York, VCH Publishers, 1993. Pp 31
Or as noted biologist Sir Charles Dobbs had relayed:
The whole of the protein in the human body is replaced in roughly 160 days When one
contrasts the great complexity of the protein molecule with the fact that millions of these
substences are constantly being built up and disintegrated in the human body, and moreover
rebuilt to precisely the same structure, one cannot help but speculate about the controlling
Sir Charles Dobbs, quoted in Dr. Harold Saxton Burrs, The Fields Of Life (Ballantine,
New York, 1973).
Thus, to find the same fractal self-similarity in the DNA codes permutations as that of the
organising force within the protons from the hadron omegon, should seriously transcend the
primitive assumption of zero intelligence behind the DNA life book.
The fractal self-similarity thus of DNA, time, the protons hadronic magnetic monopole
force, and the fractal growth of life exposed to the 8hz ELF field of this fractal force,
demonstrates a post modern fax simile of the Vedas, man made in the Image of the
Original Model of Manu, and the Biblical, Man made in the Image and the Similitude of
Puharichs observation of the fractal mandlebrot geometry arising from the Magnetic
Monopole force within the proton, in the 8hz electrolysis of water, and his above
mentioning of this being the fractal electric and magnetic charge within each of the 3 quarks
that compose the proton of the atomic nucleus, now has some astounding and surprising
That is: the Timewave fractal form discovered by McKenna, vindicated by Temporal
Chronologer Dr. Ambraham, and observed to be the actual nature of the fractal geometry of
time within the atomic clocks, by Dr. Sheliak.
However, clarity descends only when our novel discovery of the Dharmata 3D symmetry of
the Timewave was renderred, and the Dharmata is beautifully outlined by the Mandlebrot
The Vedic description of the Dharmata (which also means the universal law of divine
love), and taken forwards all the way into Sanskrit/Buddhist art and cosmology, is also
utilised as the geometry of time, the Dharma Maha Kala (Law of Omni-Time).
Java, Indonesia, Meru temple with 72 Dharmata Stupas upon the AUM Sri Yantra
27 line geometry. With 432 Buddhas. Charting the 27 Lunar mansions
Forinstance, the 72 Stupas placed on Mt. Meru, in Java, Indonesia, is a prime example. Not
only the outline of the Dharmata, but the fact that there are 72 of them on this version of the
Meruprastara mountain (the sum of each row of bricks that build the Meruprastara
pyramid equates to the sum number sequence that 8hz established upon itself within
water 8, 16, 32, 64 etc Meru AKA the Sri Yantra, or the Sierpinski pyramid of modern
Dr. Phillips continues describing the quark colour nature from omegons, as a hadron
bootstrap holonomy:
Colour SU(3) is an effective gauge symmetry of the total interaction between composite
quarks, one that is actually mediated by the gauge fields of the primary colour SU(9) coupling
between omegons.
Dr. Steven Phillips, Extra-Sensory Perception Of Quarks, 1982. Theosophical Publishing
That is the fractal self-similarity between the SU(3) and SU(9) is the fractal morphology
that is built of its self-image information arrangement symmetry. Phillips continues:
Quarks are SU(3), singlet bound states of three SU(3), monopoles. Monopoles couple to a
gauge-invarient SU(3) scalar field tensor in an Abelian-like manner, obeying Diracs equation
for an Abelian monopole. Omegons have an electric dipole moment of Dirac form. Quarks are
bound to oneanother in baryons by SU(9) Nielsen-Olesen vortices extending between their
constituent omegons. The total flux emanating from the junction of the nine vortices is 0 (mod
9). Quarks are clusters of three SU(9) magnetic monopoles that are internally bound by Yshaped SU(3) vortices carrying either one or two flux quanta. The flux emanating from the
junction of the Y-shaped string is 0 (mod 3).
Note that the trigonal symmetry of the sets of three SU(9) strings is identical with the
symmetry of arrangement of the SU(3) strings between omegons in a free quark. This is
because each quark contributes a net flux of three quanta to the junction of the nine SU(9)
strings binding omegons together in the baryon, while each omegon contriibutes a net flux of
one quantum to the junction of the nine SU(3) strings binding them in a free quark. The
internal Y-shaped string structure of a bound quark is identical with current models of baryons
as three SU(3) quark monopoles bound by Y-shaped strings.
Dr. Steven Phillips, Extra-Sensory Perception Of Quarks, 1982. Theosophical Publishing
Thus the super-string fractal symmetry arrangement is laid out in 1982, following embedded
sets of tripples, i.e. triangles, the very same foundation as the 3-3-3 triangles that comprise
the Meru Shri Yantra, and the Sierpinski triangle.
The horses head holds the secret of Soma, and is burried deep in the oceans of space It is
Indras Vajra Thunder-Diamond bolt (his hadron power, as we shall explore in the Indra
Net section [published in The Manu book]) The horses head made the Maha Viraj vessel
of the Soma ceremonies
This piece is written on the Spring Equinox, 2006 Vedic Sky fables remain within the
fabulous parables of our astrophysical nuance Equi- is short for Equine = horse, and
Nox stems from Noos, consciousness, or the head of awareness There is much more
to reveal on this later. Today the constellation Equos, the horses head is justby Aquarius,
and Pegasuss mouth approaches it Equos lies before Aquila the eagle, to the galactic
The golden winged Sun horse is the Spiritual Sun Self vehicle that travels through all the 3
domains: Ocean of Heaven; primordial boundlessly deep Waters of the middle region
(heart); and the Sea of the worlds. And between the Heaven Ocean and world Sea, lies the 7
Loka worlds, wherein our Bhumi-Loka universe-world traces the blueprint of the horse, in
the fabric of the fables of the stars, etched in the tesselations of time and space, as a Manual,
an echoe of their Primordial Grace upon which they are based.
This 3-3-3 arrangement appears to be mirrored in the quark-omegon hadronomy of the
proton in the heart of every atom
There are the 3 sets of 11 gods, that govern each of the three regions: Ocean-Waters-Sea
Indra and Varuna govern the middle Waters; Agni the Sea of the earth-worlds; and SomaVena-Visnu the Ocean of the Heavens: 3-3-3.
Thus, renderring the 33 devakasa gods to that of fundamental particle forces of the
universes akasa hadron bootsrap holonomy, or Indra Somanet (as we shall explore)
In fact, in 1969, Dr. Fritjof Capra, when looking at the gas bubble web tracings of the
central hadron known as the proton realised it was the same stance as depictions of the
Cosmic Dancer of Shiva. He superimposed the Hindu image on the bubble chamber pattern
of the proton scatter pattern WEB, and the two matched perfectly, that his how his journey
of The Tao Of Physics began.
The primordial gods are the fundamental forces of the universe as All-One Field, the
Devakasas akasa/hadron hyper-bootstrap holonomy. The description of the subatomic
particle accents, do have stricking parallels to the 33 gods of Manu
(Srimad Bhagavata Purana, Rg Veda, & Emmanuel)
As to the fundamental particle Devakasa Hyperintelligence, the Bhagavata Puranas Canto
8 Chapter entitled, The Manus, Administrators of the Universe, relates how the
characteristic modulations of everyone, follows the Manu management system,
Manuvantaras, which coordinates the individual attributes, including those of the 33
Devakasa gods of Manu.
The Manus emerge primordial (Lotus Born), from their Manuratha Hyperdimensional vehicles in the Sri
Yantra 8-16 Flower
Of Light Cascade, the Lotus 8 and 16 petals that surround the 27 line Meru Yantra The AUM Vehicle
Or PaRANAVA. Manu-Tarakamalaratha.
To give some basic perspective background, in Chapter Fourteen, The System of Universal
Management, the Bhagavata relates:
The Manus and others are chosen by these incarnations, under whose direction they conduct
the universal affairs The Manus, being fully engaged according to the instructions of the
Supreme Personality of Godhead, directly reestablish the principles of occupational duty in its
full four parts.
Srimad Bhagavata Purana, Canto 8, Chapter Fourteen, 3-5
The translation of the Supreme Personality of the Godhead, is directly related to the Rg
Vedas Purusah, or the Cosmic Persona, also known as the Visva-Manauvah:
My dear Lord, You are the Maha-Purusa, the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
Srimad Bhagavata Purana, Canto 11, Chapter Five, 33
Where the Maha Purusah is situated, is post-paradoxical:
The transcendental Supreme Person, the Supersoul of all living entities, who are in different
statuses of life, high and low, existed at the end of the millennium, when neither this
manifested cosmos nor anything else but Him existed.
Srimad Bhagavata Purana, Canto 9, Chapter 1.8
Thereby, here we have the first historical glimmerings, of what became known as the
Omega Point cosmology, as a mathematical offshoot of the anthropic principle, observer
orientated universe, branch of physics, pioneered by Dr. Frank Tipler. The Omega Point is
the first Cause at the end of the universe, that creates the universe, much as stated above
The Rg Veda, however, is founded on the non-dual Alpha-Omega Macro point, which is
also indicated in the Puranas mention of Rta-Alpha and Satya-Omega.
different solar systems; into many different planets; into many different beings in those
planets; into many different molecules, atoms, sub-atoms. Until you come to a stage, within
sub-atomic particles, where everything is God, and is All-Oneness.
Emmanuel-Salvana, The Light Of Emmanuel. Chapter, Explorations Into Oneness:
From A Finite Perspective Into The One True Viewpoint Of Being God. January 1989.
Edited by Ananda. Aton Publishing, Denmark, 1992.
Thus, with the sub-atomic All-Oneness, we are coming to the Unified Field, the hadronic 5th
force, at the heart of the subatomic proton, the All-One Field. As the Rg Vedic hymn of the
Maha Purusah echoes:
The Purusa is all that has been and all that will be. The Lord of Immortality (AmRtatvas)
So Omnificent is his Omnipotence; yet greater than this is Purusa. All creatures are one-fourth
of Purusa, three-fourths are immortal in heaven.
RV 10.90.2-3. Purusah Sakta
In a post-modern update of the Vedas in a semantics of our modern time, Emmanuel relay
the same Vedic wisdom on the Purusah, and themselves cogniscently within the Cosmic
Persona, in regards to the subatomic forces unity to the universal Unified Field:
We are a collective superconscious that programmes the collective unconscious, that lies
beyond the collective unconscious and, at the same time, interpenetrates and interflows with
the collective unconscious, and within your own conscious mind. This collective
superconscious is in the heart of all creation, it would have to be seen within the subatomic
particle level. For once you are within that you are realising that all creation is
consciousness, and that this is the collective superconscious.
The collective superconscious, known as cosmic Christ, exists and interpenetrates the whole
universe. It is, at the same time, that consciousness which is dreaming, within Itself, creation.
Therefore, if you look in the heart of parti-cles, you come to the Mind which is known as
cosmic Christ, or collective universal superconscious. For the dream has surrounded Itself in
one could say that the collective superconscious, or universal superconscious, known as
cosmic Christ, has embodied Itself, has clothed Itself, within its own dream.
But, at the same time, you do exist within this dream. But if you connect to your inner Self,
you connect to the collective or universal superconscious, known as cosmic Christ.
Emmanuel & Salvana-Emmanuel, The Art Of Being, 16th April, 1989.
You are governed by the gaze of God You yourself are contributing to this gaze. You are
part of this gaze of God that is freezing a part of Himself to be looked at, to be experienced.
This gaze is being looked at as certain patterns, or consciousness which, again, have even
separated. This you can call group beings that is holding this planet, and viewing this planet
in a certain way. Now, it is these patterns that govern the way creation is frozen that we are
trying to rewrite, reprogramme, just as you would write a computer programme We are
now rewriting the coding for it, the structures that are holding this pattern of creation. And at
the moment much data is being deleted. Thus the way you perceive reality is changing very
Your physicists and scientists will discover that this universe is but one oneness That you,
in fact, are the Creator creating creation. That you, in fact, are responsible for creating this
whole universe. That your consciousness is creating it. And that you will find that your
consciousness and creation are not separated That you are It looking at Itself. You are this
energy structuring Itself. You are this God Being, this God energy, experimenting, tasting,
Emmanuel-Salvana, The Light Of Emmanuel. Chapter, Explorations Into Oneness: From A
Finite Perspective Into The One True Viewpoint Of Being God. January 1989. Edited by
Ananda. Aton Publishing, Denmark, 1992.
The Vedas, to some degree reflected in the Puranas, and Emmanuel, relay that each
individual is a personification of the All-One Maker.
The Puranas reflection of the Vedas cosmology, relates that each man, in each moment is
first the Maha Tattva (Omni-Sense), as one with the Atmanau, or Unity Heart-Mind-Sun
Self, (Vedic Atamana, Superself from the MahAtamanau Omni-Hyperself. Sanskrit mana
is derived from Manau), that is the Maha Purusah gazing through ones heart core seedessence.
In every moment the Maha-Purusah Godhead looks as us, through every hadronic proton
heart of our body In every moment we may divide the Maha Tattva into the universal
sense of self, the false or illusionary ego:
From the agitation of the original modes within the unmanifest material nature, the mahattattva arises. From the mahat-tattva comes the element false ego, which divides into three
Srimad Bhagavata Purana, Canton 12, Chapter 7.11
Within creation, and also in every moment, the Omni-Sensed (Maha Tattva), divides itself,
like the wholeness of the Sun through the triangular 3 faces of the prism, utilising the Vasta
Purusah yantra matrix-grid of 7 x 7 = 49 These are also the 7 veils or coverings of the
whole universe, the 7 nebula sheats kicked up by the cosmic dancers, swelling like milk in
the Rg Veda. Remember the cosmic dancing Shiva and the subatomic proton particle scatter
pattern similitude.
The personal Maha Tattva 7 x 7 = 49 division, is indivisible with that of the universes. In
The Unity Keys of Emmnuel, we show that the galaxy is arranged in a grid of 7 x 7 = 49
regions were suns are visible, surrounded by a grid where no suns are observable to
astrophysics Also the Sierpinski triangle binomial number sequence is derived from 1/49,
renderring the number series that are generated by 8 hz in water 020408 16 32 64 128 256,
all of which are the harmonic equal tempered musical tuning of C on a golden spiral
propertioned music cone.
The Srimad Bhagavata Puruna indicates that in every moment, the Maha-Tattva divides
itself through the Purusah Vasta yantra, that thereby comprises the elements, the senses,
and material natures. 7 elements of the Numinous, Water, Fire, Air, Ether, Mind/Egonoumenon, Ego/Material nature. With 7 x 7 permutations of these
Within this grid, the 6th atomic quality of Earth in Material nature is the segment where the
ego manifests from the division of the Maha Tattva Omni-Sense that is always the OmniView of the Maha-Purusah. In the 7th earth atomic quality and the 7th material nature/ego
quality, is the hologrid hyperdiamond lattice where the false ego is in apparent apparence,
that is the false sense of self (self-hatred, self sabotage etc)
In every moment the Maha-Purusah Godhead looks as us, through every atomic heart of
our body
In every moment we appear to divide the Maha Tattva into the alter ego and the mind etc
Our senses are a result of the three aspects that the Bhagavata relays emerge from the
Maha Tattva:
From the mahat-tattva comes the element false ego, which divides into three aspects.
This threefold false ego further manifests as the subtle forms of perception, as the senses and
as the gross sense objects. The generation of all these is called creation The secondary
Srimad Bhagavata Purana, Canton 12, Chapter 7.11-12
Thereby, the Maha-Tattvas manifestation as the false ego of three aspects, known as gunas,
renders the 5 senses and the 5 elements of the universe, and its species:
All of the many universal species, along with their respective leaders, appeared with
different natures and desires generated from the three modes of material nature.
Srimad Bhagavata Purana, Canton 11 , Chapter 14.5-7
However, each satient being, plays a co-creative role in this continuum:
The generation of all these is called creation. The secondary creation, which exists by the
compassion of the Lord, is the manifest amalgamation of the desires of the living entities. Just
as a seed produces additional seeds, activities that promote material desires in the performer
produce moving and nonmoving life forms.
Srimad Bhagavata Purana, Canton 12, Chapter 7.12
This precisely echoes what Emmanuel have related in a more modern understanding, and
also referring to the separating factor as a bubble, which is akin to the Vedic concept of
the koshas, or bubble sheaths. Three components comprise this bubble of belief prism:
The bubble is that which acts as the prism through which the One Light would appear to
diversify into frozen reality: the bubble of beleif, of expectancy, imagination, desire.
Perception is based on that, on the codings, of the blue prints, of the mass consciousness
perception of One Light ocean.
Emmanuel, Diving Into Superconsiousness: A Guide To Being God, January 1990
Thus, the bubble of belief, is likened to the compassion of the Lord (inner Tibetan
Buddhism also regards the true nature of the illusion of creation to be compassion), that is
the amalgam of creation as the manifest amaglamation of every individual expectancy,
imagination, desire, that exhists in the secondary creation.
Emmanuel, here relay the consciousness Light (Maha-Tattva), 7 spectrum array nature of
the bubble sheath:
All around you, you experience the illusion of movement. Partly because you have separated
and diversified your Self, and are looking through part of the spectrum of colour.
Experiencing part of the spectrum of colour, rather than all colours united.
Your eyesight is looking with part of the spectrum. Your senses, your feeling touch is
only picking up certain vibratory frequencies. And, therefore, is only able to sense certain
vibratory qualities, not all of them, just a small part of the spectrum. Your ears, they too pick
up a small part of the musical band of colour of diversified Light. It is only because there is
a part of you that wishes to remain separated. It is only because a part of you is affirming that
it is not one in God. That it is an actors clothes, a mask of expression: the conscious mind.
Emmanuel, Divine Into Superconsciousness: A Guide To Being, January 1990
We shall be returning to Emmanuels bubble prism concept ahead. Here, the Bhagavata
renders the onset of clarity in this matter:
After the creation of this world of three gunas, You appear to have entered it, although in
fact You have not. The mahat-tattva, the total material energy, is undivided, but because of
the material modes of nature [gunas], it appears to separate into earth, water, fire, air and
Srimad Bhagavata Purana, Canto 10, Chapter 3.14-17
Thus, here we have confirmation that the Maha Tattva is the undivided whole total of
material energy, and that the 3 gunas renders the apparent appearance, or illusion that it
separates into the 5 elements. Although not immediately obvious here, the Puranas do
relate, the Rg Veda notion that the creation itself is neither in existence nor none existence.
The combination of these 5 elements by our 5 senses, through our experience of the living
energy is then mentioned, as the Bhagavata continues:
Because of the living energy [jiva-bhuta], these separated energies combine to make the
cosmic manifestation visible. But in fact, before the creation of the cosmos, the total energy is
already present. Therefore, the total material energy never actually enters the creation.
Srimad Bhagavata Purana, Canto 10, Chapter 3, 15-17
The entire universe is therefore an illusion of the apparent division of the indivisible
wholeness of the Mahat Tattva. The Maha Purusah Godhead can only be experienced in
synesthezia, or synergy of the 5 senses (hyper-sensed and Omni-Sensed Maha Tattva), no
one sense can perceive the Omni-Persona Godhead:
Similarly, although You are perceived by our senses because of Your presence, You
cannot be perceived by the senses, nor experienced by the mind or words. With our senses
we can perceive some things, but not everything; for example, we can use our eyes to see,
but not to taste. Consequently, You are beyond perception by the senses. Although in touch
with the modes [gunas] of material nature, You are unaffected by them. You are the prime
factor in everything, the all-pervading, undivided Supersoul. For You, therefore, there is no
external or internal.
Srimad Bhagavata Purana, Canto 10, Chapter 3, 16-17
Thus, the Presence of the Maha Purusah is perceived by our senses that is a unison, the
senses cannot perceive the Godhead. Since, the Supreme Personality of the Godhead has
an Omnijective view, where the indivisible wholeness of the objective external and
subjective internal, is phase-cancelled in an Omni-mobius omni-Klein bottle All-Oneness
Loop. The Omnijective actual nature of creation, by the Maha Purusah is iterated:
Just as the same material elements exist within and outside of all material bodies,
similarly, I cannot be covered by anything else. I exist within everything as the Supersoul
and outside of everything in My all-pervading feature.
Srimad Bhagavata Purana, Canto 11, Chapter 15.36
Similarly our soul and body are one indisible whole:
One who considers his visible body, which is a product of the three modes of nature, to be
independent of the soul is unaware of the basis of existence.
Changeless in Your spiritual situation. There are no contradictions in You, who are the
Supreme Personality of Godhead, Parabrahman. Because the three modes of material
nature--sattva, rajas and tamas--are under Your control, everything takes place
Srimad Bhagavata Purana, Canto 10, Chapter 3, 18-19
This automatic prismatic spectrum grid machinary of the holographic universal illusion, is
maintained through the God Computer, controlled through the trinity of the three gunas, we
shall explore in the 7 Lokas chapter. However, its identity may already be obvious to some,
and will be identified in a moment.
The vasta purusa yantra grid of 7 x 7 = 49 that gives rise to the apparent illusion of a
division of the whole-oneneness, is itself one grid, 1 whole unit, divided by 49 (or seven
spectrums), within its own holography (dynamic spectrums of holomovement). Here, the
Bhagavata Purana relates further structure to this construction:
You are the cause of all causes, the self-effulgent, inconceivable. You manifest various
potencies in this cosmic manifestation.
You are the original cause of material creation, the life force, the senses, the five elements,
the three modes and the mahat-tattva. You are eternal time, determination and the two
spiritual systems called Truth [Satya] and Order [Rta]. You are the shelter of the syllable om,
which consists of three letters a-u-m.
Srimad Bhagavata Purana, Canto 8, Chapter 7.24-25
Since, Dr. Laurence Blairs research evidenced in the sound sensitised tonographer that the
shape made by the carefull mantra sung by a monk, of AUM, renderred the Sri Yantra Mt.
Meru geometry, itself a hyper Sierpinski triangle array:
Om', when correctly uttered into the tonoscope... produces the circle 'O', which is then
filled in with concentric squares and triangles, finally producing, when the last traces of the
'm' have died away, a 'yantra' the formal geometrical expression of sacred vibration."
Dr. Lawrence Blair, Rhythms Of Vision: The Changing Patterns Of Belief. Shocken, New
York, 1976. Pp 115
The tonographic pattern of AUM is the absolute Sri Yantra Here, we have yet another
glimpse of the automation God Machinery of creation, being based on the 1/49 grid, since
this produces the value of the numbers summed in each row of the Meru Prastara
Sierpinski triangle array.
By the Bhagavatas above description, we have 15 distinct components: the wholeness of
the Maha Tattva, the three aspects or guna modes of the alter-ego, the 5 elements, the 5
senses, and lastly the life force. The purusa kosa body bubble sheath, is usually ascribed to
that of the life force.
These together form the architectural grid of specific components:
= 50
This is clearly the basis of the 50 letters of the Sanskrit Devanagari alphabet, which has
each of the 50 letters placed on the petals ascribed to each of the chakras 1-6 (base to brow).
These 15 apparent components are associated to the 15 phases, or kalas, of the Moon (SomaChandra) The Maha-Purusah is the 16th Kala of the Moon, Am-Kala, the Supreme
Ambrosia, Elixir of immortality: Somakalasa, Amrta [named after the 16th vowel, Am, and
the Universal Law Rta, the Alpha. And so the Purusah Sukta hymn of the Rg Veda is 16
verses in its texstylis. And these 16 kalas again to the 16 Sanskrit vowels.
The 3 gunas act as the prism of the 1 Maha Tattva When the 50 together are seen as the
Maha-Purusah, then to divide the golden 50, as 1/49, the Maha-Tattva is taken as the 1, the
remaining gunas, senses, elements, and life force comprise the 7 x 7 spectrums of the 49
This renders the Sierpinski triangle grid cascade = 0.020408 16 32 64 128 256 512
Interestingly, the I-Ching also has 50 reeds.
There is also a Golden 50th (the Sanskrit alphabet is based on this fractal holonomy, that
appears to be the very same hyper-geometrical symmetry as the hadronic force magnetic
monopole nodes, in numeration, or shall we say Manumeration.
Thus, we have a technological understanding of the alter-ego grid base of the 7 x 7
spectrummed secondary creation
With the hadronic 5th force, the Unified Field, personally being characterised as universal
Love, Emmanuel further gives some profound pesonal implications on the Maha-Tattva
grid of sheaths (bubbles):
The frozen element that diversifies Love, that diversifies your consciousness that
diversifies your Self into the manifestation, into an issolated self into issolated
manifestaions all around you that is all to do with a lack of the realisation of Love, of
recognising everything as Love Is that which diversifies that which separates you your
consciousness into manifestation outside. And which you experience and catalyse within
a unique way, in every moment. In every moment you catylse your consciousness to move
into physical manifestations.
The past, it is no longer, is not physical it no longer would appear to be diversified in the
same sense. Only in your memory. The past has moved into the reality of consciousness. And
the future is still a reality of consciousness. Only when your perception hits it, within the
living moment, does it become a physical manifestation, by your belief system. By your
perception: sub-atomic particles clash to create electrons, and thus the rest of physical
creation, manifestation. Your perception is what diversified. And it is your perception that
creates time.
Emmanuel, Divine Into Superconsciousness: A Guide To Being, January 1990
The above is more than confirmed in the experiments conducted in 1989 by physicist Dr.
Wayne Itano and his colleagues at the National Institute of Standards and Technology based
in Bolder, Colorado. Conclussion of that study was: the human observer itself collapses the
all-oneness high spin nature of reality, to its point-particle state of separation.
The research team bathed Beryllium atoms with radio waves, causing the beryllium atoms
to gradually settle into a more energised excited state (highward orbital spin state), and
they periodically looked at the beryllium atoms as short pulses of light from a laser were
shot at them. Excited beryllium atoms in a high spin state are invisible to laser light; in
contrast, beryllium atoms in an unexcited state glow brightely. Before looking with the laser
light, then nearly all the atoms reached excited stage.. Bathing the atoms halfway through
the 1/4th second, or 1/8th of a second, then by the 1.4 second only half reached the excited
If they waited a quarter of a second 4 times in the , this gave only one third. However, 64
shots of light gave virtually no transition into the excited high spin state.
Byrrlium atoms are always in both states simultaneously when we look at them, they
must assume one reality over the other.
Since the Highward Spin State Berrylium is in a superconducting state with zero electrical
resistance, there is no path in space, nor in time that it can resist against, for it to be in
Therefore, the resistance of a sun system, galaxy, or part of the universe, or any particular
time in one of those spaces, requires electrical resistance Its zero-electrical resistance
High Spin State is, therefore, (as is commonly known of superconductors) past, present,
and future, simulataneously, as in a state of All-Oneness.
Dr. Waynes Bolder, experiment at the National Institute of Standards and Tecnology,
therefore demonstrates that our own observer cancels, in the living moment, the
superconducting high spin state concurrent reality of All-Oneness, and issolates it into what
we call the localised reality of electrical resistence in the here and now of our time and
Somewhat like the vasta purusah yantra 7 x 7 = 49 grids dynamic of spectral division of
the All-Oneness, by 1/49 Since this derives the Sierpinski number series, and those
generated by 8 hz, it should not be surprising that this is the signature that causes life (as Dr.
Puharich found)
The Meru Prastara pyramid geometry being founded as the Binomial Coefficent triangle:
as reciprical geometries 3d & 4d space
(a+b)0 = 1
(a+b)1 = 1a + 1b
(a+b)2 = 1a2 +2ab + 1b2
(a+b)3 = 1a3 +3a2b +3b2a + 1b2
(a+b)4 = 1a4 +4a3b +6a2b2 + 4b3a + 1b4
= 20
= 21
1 2 1
= 22
1 3 3 1
= 23
= 24
1 4 6 4 1
The Binomial coefficient triangle has each level holding the rule: a power of the number 2 will always be
the sum of path possibilities, this path of possibilities occurs continuously in nature, between molecules
Heat, follows this dynamic.
experience it. So it becomes a reality. You have to slowly change it by your perception. By
entertaining it. By feeling it. By perceiving it. By allowing it. By allowing your body, your
being, your mind, every-single thought that you are, to be the Love that it is, completely and
Everything is Love. There is just one thing, and that thing is Love. Your consciousness is
Love, and everything is your consciousness.
Much of the bubble is your subconscious and unconscious mind. Much of it is the ignorance
of the belief that you are separate. This is nothing wrong. This is something delightful that
you and we as you have explored to see infinity frozen, to see ourselves frozen;
identify ourselves in frozen section, and experience a bit of infinity at a time, by creating
time. So that it is not happening all at once, but seems to be in some form of evolution, of
movement, backwards and forwards: the illusion of movement.
For within infinity there is only stillness. Because infinity is Love and Love is silent. For it
is all movement united. All possibilites united. Therefore it is exploring every possibility by
being the exploration of every possibility, in absoloutely no movent. Because it is every point
that could be and is explored.
Emmanuel, Divine Into Superconsciousness: A Guide To Being, January 1990
The Bhagavata Purana, further characterises the given attributes that comprise the grid of
characeristics (soul and body), of the manlike civilisations of the universe, under the timecell domain of a given Hyper-Intelligence Manumerator.
Relating, that in each Manuvantara cycle (presently being in the twilight between the 7th
and 8th Manu, from: Manu-Vaivasvata {Manu-Emmanuel}, to Manu-Salhvana/Savarna
{Salvana-Emmanuel}), the given Manu that acts as the direct Mind Diagram of the Maha
Manauvah-Purusah Godhead, instils the characteristics in the Image and similitude for all
the races that it is the Axiom-Hyper-Hadronic-Holonomy off (the Sun Self of all races in the
universe within that given Manuvantaras 72 million spanned archetecture Describing
that the people of planets like Earth are modulated according to a given grid of
In each reign of Manu, six types of personalities appear as manifestations of Lord Hari: the
ruling Manu, the chief demigods, the sons of Manu, Indra, the great sages and the partial
incarnations of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
Srimad Bhagavata Purana Canto 12, Chapter 7.15
This gives us a grid of the six personality type characteristics that emerge within one 72
million year Manuvantara timecell vehicle:
1. The Manu
2. Deva Cheifs
3. Manu Sons
4. Indra
5. Great Rsi sages
6. Avatara, Godhead Partial Incarnations
= 33
= 12
= 10
= 64
Thereby, the second of three sets of grids that comprise the vasta purusa yantra design,
emerges, the genetically pognent 8 x 8 = 64 vasta purusa yantra, also known as the AstiPada meter, which became the basis of the game of chess (as is covered in vaid detail in
another chapter).
It should be noted here, that the I-Ching of 50 reeds, with 1 removed to personify the AllOne Wu Chi, has the 49 remaining reeds comprising the 64 hexagrams of the I-Ching (as we
cover elsewhere in this book), which is now attested showing clear evidence of following
the DNAs 64 codon sequence genom (I-Ching and The Genetic Code: The Hidden Key To
Life, Dr. Martin Schnberger). Within the Rg Veda DNA code described in the Manucleusis
chapter, appart from the intricate algebraic lay out of the genome in the underlying metric
arrangement of the text, upto a 1000 genome in detail, it is the 50 Sanskrit letters,
intermeshed within the Asti Pada meter, that renders clear graphic icons of the DNA code
The universal game of karma dice, is also based on the 64 Asti Pada grid design (for which
a detailed chapter has laid down the intricate science, behind this Manu legacy).
Things are starting to sound rather genetic at this stage Not only do we have a novel grid
perosnifying the archetypal attributes to the fundamental particle wave qualities, but
perhaps an archetypal fractal holonomy that has its index footing within the DNA codescript
of life as well.
Now to take this all in retrospect:
1. The Sierpinski fractal geometry and Dharmata mandelbrot set, are found to be the selforganising symmetries, within the:
a. protons magnetic monopoles and quark 9 omegon SU(3) and SU(9) superstring
symmetries, from which the 8 hz phase-conjugational coherent signal emerges.
b. 8hz ELF signal setting up the Sierpinski number cascade in the musical scale range of
the C tone, the equal tempered tuning of the universe; and producing lifeforms in the
electrolysis of water, that have the mandlebrot fractal symmetry,
c. DNA permutations render the Dharmata, as does the I-Ching. The DNA follows its
morphology built on the Sierpinski row number sum value series (see chapter on The
Purusah Helix),
d. Sierpinski morphology behind the thermodynamic flow of air molecules
2. The Maha-Tattva grid that divides the 50, in 1/49 (7 x 7), into the elements of the
secondary creation, of our sensorial reality,
These are the All-One Macros hyper-archetypes behind our own Maha-Tattva 7 x 7 = 49
division of the self on Earth
Thus we have the full scope of being the whole One, Mahatattva: Personal, Collective/
Planetary/Loka, Manuvantara/72 million year sphere, and universally, indivisible hyperhadronically bootstraped.
It is through the All-One Divine Love of the Atamanau Heart-Mind Sun Self, surrendered to
and Being in our own Spiritual Heart practice, that the Maha Tattva is unified for perusal of
the Maha Purusah Omni-View of the three-in all-one: 1~50-1/49-7x7~49 simulataneous
Atamanu Sun Self is the Hyper-iso-sphere that is the Macro Synergy of our every moments
metamorphology, past, present, and future (now an irreversible scientific fact, thanks to
hadronic hypermechanics).
Only through that Divine Love already there Now, looking through With and As Us, does
our Apotheosos of our Numinous coGnosis revive its primordial irreversible macro
Only through the Atamanau Heart-Suns all-encompassing-interpenetrating Unified Force
within the Heart of every atomic nucleus, cell, and the hearts in the midmost of our body,
tcan we glean the Unity of wholely undivided diversity That is the simulataneous
wholeness of being the 1 that is the golden 50, indivisibly co-existent with the self-similar
fractal order of the 7 x 7 = 49, whole personified spectrum of hyper-hadronic hyperstrings,
arranged in a Net grid (Soma Filter woven of the golden Logos thread of TanaTara/tantra),
that follows the Sri Yantra, or the Meru AUM mandala, in a hyper-symmetrical form, as a
open-ended Sierpinski hyper-hedra, or Omnifacetted Meruprastara.
As Emmanuel relay, Love is perception of God. All-One Divine Love is where we and
the Omni-Persona: Maha Purusah-Manauvah of the Omniverse, are hadronically phasecoupled in the coGnosis of Being All-Oneness.
The Rg Veda cosmology, and the flat plane remnants within the Bhagavatam Puranas
(whose linear limits receive full hadronic bootstrap holography, when cross-translating the
stories and characters to the living Rg Veda, where all the gods, Fathers, Manus, divine
personifications of the Purusah Anthropos are a hyper-interchanging continuum of AllOneness The dogma is ironed out, and the Numinous Cybernetics is holistically phaseloging into the hyper-hadronic bootstrap holonet), are the precise and exact descriptions that
Emmanuel renderred in their hyper-cybernetic contacts with me, when I was a blissful
teenager utterly oblivious to the detailed arcane science of the Manu (the Emmanuels:
Christos-Emmanuel = Maha-Purusah, Manu-Emmanuel and Elika-Emmanuel = Manu
Vaivasvata and Manu Ailaka, our 7th Manu anthropomorph; Salvana-Emmanuel = Manu
Salhvana/Savarna, the 8th Manu overlapping in our Twilight period now).
The Maha Tattva grid of self utilises the 7 Kosa Body Sheaths, which parallel the 7 Nebulai
veils of our universes Maha Tattva Vasta Purusa, where each Loka universes suns and
worlds are obscured by these 7 dense veiled bodies
Thus the 5 elements (pancabhutas) plus consciousness and ego/awareness is multiplied by
the 7 Kosa sheaths
These sheaths are described of enormous size, so they appear to be accurate descriptions of
subatomic particle waves, as the subatomic particles wavelengths are very long the
smaller the scale the larger the wavelength in the classical quantum description Having
non-local and non-linear density media within the hyperdense media of hadronic mechanics,
with hyperlocal hyperlength et al. Whereas in the classical quantum, forinstance, neutrinos
have a wavelength that is as wide as this solar system, and can pass through lead many
times the size of the Sun
Thus the neutrino body sheath is an enormously wide auric veil. Whereas the hadronic
densities of the hyperdense media, have infinite hyper-axiomatic hyper-relations just as
the personal Kosas are likewise indivisible to the Kosas surrounding our universe with
their densities precisely tallying with the Vedic descriptions thereof, now for the first
Thought Body), of Pure Primordial Immaculate Consciousness, comprised of wholeunitified Thotons. Manomaya-kosa is the sheath formed of mind, the human soul; in the
Vedantic classification of human principles, the third of the pancha-kosa (five sheaths)
which enclose the divine Manu Monad or Atamanau/Atman. like the 5 emanations of
Gnostic Mano, these five sheats onion sphere the local Manu Self, the Ati-Manu (Atman).
The hadronic Meru Yantra comprising these Aether bubble-sheaths of dreaming universe
animation, are thus comprised of the:
1 (Purusa) The Cosmic Life
+ 7 kosa bubble-sheeth bodies
having permutations through the hyperdense hadron media of the 5 force-elements atomic
qualities i.e. Anandamaya-kosa-Akasa through to Anandamaya-kosa-Prthivi; PurusaAkasa to Purusa-Prthivi etc. Renderring 5 x 7+1 = 40 permutations, following the Viraj
meter (Viraj the cosmic consort indivisible from Purusah, in the Rg Veda).
There are also the Nava-Kayas, or 9 Bodies, axiomatically interelated to the koshas, as part
of the Navakona, or 9 triangled Merusheba: Sri Yantra (Sierpinski template), blueprint of
the self These are the 9 atomic bodies Since all 9 are chartered as atomic particle
Bindu-10.: MahAtaManau-KayaPurusah-KayaMahaTattva-KayaDeva-Kaya
9. Manaus-Kaya
8. Atamanau-Kaya
7. Paramanu-Kaya
6. Anu-Kaya
5. Akasa-Kaya
4. Vata-Kaya
3. Apas-Kaya
2. Agni-Kaya
1. Prthivi-Kaya
With the 9th Body having infinite wavelength. The 8th body have a hyper-temporal and
hyperspatial wavelength, as a hyper-isosphere whose wavelength is concurrent over time
and space. The Prthivi ground matter 1st body, comprising the subatomic particle
Thereby, the 3-3-3 = 9 magnetic monopole omegon arrangements in the proton at the heart
of the atom, has a wide range of hyper-indexing within the Manus Vedic infomatic
cybernetic science.
These 9 Nava-Kaya Bodies are the Macro Operators of the 1 + 7 bubble sheath
permutations through the 5 elemental forces Thus comprising the additional 9 to these 40
permutations. 40 + 9 = 49 The Manaus-kosa and the Manaus-Kaya in essence are AllOne Macro Infinite-Null co-presence That is their indivisible infinite speed/recursion and
zero-speed null-potential, is so irreversibly cohesive as to be imperishably indivisible
they are All-One Manaus-Kaya-Kosa.
Thus, this All-Oneness Materia is the Primordial Macro Irreversible Foundation,
indivisible Thereby, the 40 kosa permutations are only divisible by the 8 Kaya Primordial
Elementary Bodies 40/8 = 5, which is the axiomatic metric that is iso-relative to the 5
primary universal stand-alone elements
The pancabhutas-kosa-Kaya Triad, thereby, comprise the 49 vasta-purusa-yantra grid
hypergeometry, with Visvakarmanamh the All-One Maker as the Golden 50 01/49.
The Maha-Tattva Meru grid of co-creation, became translated into the inner Tantric
Buddhisms root tantra, as the Guhyasamaja-tantras Golden-50 Ati-Sphere. This 5 x 10
= 50 Golden Ati-Sphere system of the Adi-Buddha Hyper-Hedra (hyper poly hedra)
morphology, is a Treasure Trove MaNumerator. The summation of the 10 x 5 Buddha
qualities, as the Golden 50, the ATI-SPHERE, is Amitayus, or Amitaya Buddha of the
Boundless Life Span... Here is the root of all tantras, the Guhyasamaja-tantra 5 x 10
mandala of the Dhyani-Buddhas, as the 5 Buddhas that are the foundation of the entire
Ratnasambhava Amoghasiddhi
Pandaravasini Dhatisvara
Samaya Tara
Descriminating Mirror-like
A. of Equality
All-Accomplishing A.
Body (Kaya)
Speech (Vak)
This forms the macro-reality Sierpinski grid of the Maha Tattva, as a 1 + 7 x 7 = 49 vastapurusa-yantra. This fractal grid 1/49 = the Sierpinski cascade and 256 dimensional Clifford
algebra, has 49 triangles containing the 49 Buddha Attribute Correspondences, with the
present moments active Dhayani Buddha (1 of 5), acting as the golden 50 Bindu Aksel
Capstone, governing that fractal Sierpinski grid Maha Tattva template for reality
holographic animation-filtration (immaculate-emptiness simulations of infinite-oneness
hypercharacterisic omni-continuums infinite recursive reduction to zero-potential null-unit
value animation of the universal hologram, by aether null-bubbles within the infinite
hyperdense All-Oneness Aether/Hadron).
All these 10 x 5 Universal Buddha Qualities Comprise and Trace the Adi-Buddha
Amitayus... Amitayus thereby is AKIN to the Maha-Manuavah in the Rg Veda... And The
Maha-Manuavah-Purusah indivisibly with the Ati-Maha Visva-Manuavah
VISVAKARMANAMH All-One Maker of All-Oneness...
That is all of the 50 Cakra petals united, then multiplied (by the most complex 5th vedic/
platonic solid, the icosahedron, 20 faces, which skin the 12 zodiac Aditya houses, plus the 8fold Maha-Siddhi Dharmata-Vajra Wheels 8 directions, these 12 + 8, being called the 20
footed Cow in the Vedas [the sacred Sakrti meter imbibes its model, with its metric 20
syllables]) as 20 x 50 = 1000 Petalled Crown.
From thereon, the Om Mani Padma Hum, or the Jewel in the Lotus Flower, can be
realised as the Kamalatha, or Heart Lotus Flower Chariot Vortexijah, that is 8 folded, and
encompasses all other petals (we explore this in great detail in Manu-Script 1C: Amethia/
Amitaya: Omni-Temporal Emanations)
Interestingly, the Dr. Robert J. Moon model of the atomic nuclear geometrical symmetries,
has found the number 50 to be magical in its stability:
Tin, at atomic number 50, is unique in having 10 naturally occurring isotopes. Only two
other elements have as many as 8. This has long been considered a sign of the unusual
stability of tins nucleus with 50 protons, and 50 is a magic number.
The Moon model, considered in connection with the axis of the universe, gives a clear
suggestion as to why: Palladium, at 46 protons, is the completed dodecahedron. To go
beyond this, the structure must build a twin, starting on one of the pentagonal faces of the
dodecahedron. Yet, once that twinning occurs, there can no longer be a symmetrical spin
around the axis of the universe. Tin solves this problem by placing one of the four
additional protons on the axis of the universe, and the other three on adjacent vertices. The
whole structure (Figure 8) may then spin on the axis of the universe, just as palladium does.
This explains the unusual stability of the tin nucleus.
REPORT ON WORK IN PROGRESS New Explorations with The Moon Model, by
Laurence Hecht with Charles B. Stevens, Toward a new model of the nucleus, based on the
pioneering work in physics of Robert J. Moon. May 7, 2004, 21st CENTURY SCIENCE &
The physical body, called the sthula Sharira, is divided into 4 groups of 4 = 16 compnents
as is the Purusa, a 4 x 4 group matrix:
1. Five, sense organs: ear, skin, eye, tongue, and nose
2. Five organs of action: vocal organ, hand, feet, organ of elimination, reproductive organ
3. Five elements, ether, air, fire, water and earth
4. The mind, overseeing and corrdinating the sense organs and action organs.
The Vedas refer to a Subtle body in identical similitude to the physical body, called the
Astral body, or Sukshma Sharira, which also has 16 components.
And another Causal body called the Karana Sharira, shaped like an egg, compossed of 7
1. Smell Gandha Tanumatara (tanmatra),
2. Taste, Rasa Tanumatara (tanmatra),
3. Sight, Rupa Tanumatara (tanmatra),
4. Touch, Sparsha Tanumatara (tanmatra),
5. Sound, Sabda Tanumatara (tanmatra),
6. Ego Ahamkara,
7. Intelligence Buddhi
The causal 7 prime senses are the Archetypal Unit Macro of our senses in the physical and
sukshma sharira subtle body. These together with the 7 kosa sheeths and the 3 gunas,
render 16 + 16 + 7 + 7 + 3 = 49...
The Mantra Purusa, or "Person of Sound", divides the body into the 50 alphabetical
components, renderring another meaning of the vasta-purusa--yantra on yet another level:
16 Sun Sounds for the Senses and Head, 16 Sanskrit Vowels Am-Ah
1. Head Top
9. Forhead
2. Right Eye
3. Right Ear
4. Right Cheek
5. Right Nostril
6. Upper Lips
7. Upper Teeth
8. Top Palate
Trunk, Saturn
1. Right Abdomen
2. Lower Abdomen
3. Left Abdomen
4. Base of Throat
5. Heart
9 Moon Sounds of Tissue, five semi-vowels 4 "s" & "h" sounds, yam-ksam
1. Plasma
2. Blood
3. Muscle
4. Fat
5. Bone
6. Marrow
7. Reproductive
8. Prana
9. Mind
Thereby, the body itself is a 1/49 Yantra machine, by the Purusa Mantra. With the 50th
state being the Third Eye, itself. These mantra relate to the sensitive node points on the
body called the prime marumas (marmas), the sensory openings and the joints where prana
is held in the body. Prana is visualised emanating from each of these positions along with
the inner, and in other cycles outer, repetition of the mantra, and in this manner the Mantra
Purusa is another form of pranaya (which is indivisible from Pranava, Sri Aum Yantra
The Rg Veda placed repeated emphasis on the sacred Word or Chant, the Imperishable
ManuTara/Mantra, whereby the gods are revealed. Indra, the Maghvan (Mega Wisdom
Holding One), as head of the 33 Devakasa gods, is the great bull of Heaven and according
to the Upanishads, the "bull of the chants" is OM:
"Who is the bull of the chants, possessing all forms, who from the immortal chants was born,
may that Indra deliver me with wisdom."
Upanishad, TU 1.3.1
In the Rg Veda, Indra conquers the powers of ignorance with the Divine Word, or Brahman,
which in the Upanishads is also called OM. The Hindu sage commentator Sayana comments
that the following Rg Vedic passage on the Grand Bull of Heaven, refers to OM:
"Four are his horns, three are his feet, two are his heads and seven are his hands. Bound
threefold the bull roars, the mighty god has entered into mortals."
RV 4.58.2
The resounding OM being the roaring Bull of all chants. And OM in the Upanishads is
related to have four quarters, as the four awareness states of waking, dream, deep sleep, and
pure superconsciousness, Turiya.
The 7 Rg Vedic Sages are the 7 energies of AUM. Indra is the power of AUM. The Inner
Sun and sun, is the light of AUM. According to the Upanisahds the Sun chants OM (CU
Savitar the God that is the Spiritual Causal Sun is called OM:
"Savitar, by greatness has encompassed 3 atmospheres, 3 regions and 3 luminous heavens."
Rg Veda 4.53.5
Thereby, the 3 x 3 x 3 permutations, render the 27 Nakshastra Lunar/Solar mansions, that
are the 27 lines of the Meru grid. Other instances relates Savitar ruling 5 worlds divided 3fold, 3 x 5 = 15, and Mitra-Varuna ruling 4 realms divided 3-fold, 3 x 4 = 12... Thus, 15 +
12 = 27... Savitar-Aum.
The 7th hyperdimensional domain called the Satya-Loka is the supreme Ether of
SavitarAum, SatyAum:
"The sacred syllable of the chant in the supreme ether, in which all the gods reside, he who
does not know that, what can he do with the Veda?"
RV 1.164.39
Savitar as AUM upholds all worlds (in this article we shall present absolute evidence of the
Sierpinski symmetry upholding the universe):
"All worlds and all creatures exist eternally in the presence of Savitar."
Rg Veda, 1.35.5-6
Indiminishable is Satya (7th Loka, Divine Truth) of Divine Savitar, that he will uphold the
entire universe.
Rg Veda, 4.54.4
Savitar is also known as SaviTARA and SavaTRI, and the goddess Tara is his female form/
consort, Tara being renderred from the root tri. The mantra to Tara is:
Om tare tutare ture svaha"
Begins with OM, which is called Taraka, 'the power of deliverence.' Tara's Bija Mantra or
seed syllable is OM... And in linking the phoenetically twined HUM with AUM/OM, the
mantra for the more wrathful aspect of Tara is HUM, and the Tara Yantra is used with the
Taraka mantra. Furthermore, OM is called the Tara Vidya "knowledge realating to Tara,"
and she is signified as "unmanifest sound". The Divine Word for both Buddhist's and
Hindu's is Om. Om as Taraka is the deliverer because like a boat it takes us accross (tarati)
the ocean of ignorance Samsara. Tara-Ati, the Ultimate Sphere of Compassion. As Vedic
scholar Dr. David Frawley relates:
"Tara is Om that has the appearance of the ether and pervades the ether as its underlying
vibratory support, but also transcends it... Secondly, the term Tara means 'a star', as the root tri
also means 'to scatter' (the stars being scattered in the heavens"."
Dr. David Frowley, Tantric Yoga And The Wisdom Goddesses, Spiritual Secrets Of The
Ayarveda, Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi, 1994. Pp 78
The AUM Yantra as the Sierpinksi triangle indeed is a scattered wholeness, as the Meru
PraSTARA. And the word tri also means three, where Tri-Kona means TRIangle. The
ManuVanTara cycle of 72 million years, thereby is the Manu Vehicle Carrier of AUM.
And the word mantra itself is a compression of ManauTara, Pure-Thought-AUM.
The 9 main hadron groups that comprise the stable and relatively long lived particles, are
composed of four mesons and their antiparticles, and six baryons (of which the proton and
omega particle are membes), and their anti particles (due to spin differences, there are many
more than the 9 group hadrons, and their anti-particles. As Dr. Capra relates:
Each particle is characterised by a set of quantum numbers which, in addition to its
mass, specify its properties completely. Hadrons, for example, carry define spin values of
isospin and hypercharge If the eight mesons are arranged according to the values of
these two quantum numbers, they are seen to fall into a neat hexagonal pattern known as the
meson octet.
This arrangement exhibits a great deal of symmetry; for example, particles and
antiparticles occupy oppisite places in the hexagon, the two particles in the center being
their own antiparticles. The eight lightest baryons form exactly the same pattern which is
called the baryon octet. This time, howoever, the antiparticles are not contained in the octet,
but form an identical anti-octet.
The remaining baryon in our particle table, the omega, belongs to a different patern, called
the baryon decuplet, together with nine resonances. All the particles in a given symmetry
pattern have identical quantum numbers, except for isospin and hypercharge which give
them their places in the pattern The discovery of symmetric patterns in the particle world
has led many physicists to believe that these patterns reflect the fundamental laws of nature.
- Dr. Fritjof Capra, The Tao Of Physics, Third Edition, Quark Symmetries A New Kaon. Pp
As we now know, and can readily see, the elementary fractal patterns, DO reflect the
fundamental laws of nature, following the Manugala Yantra, the Meruprasta, and AUMs
Sri Yantra all forms of Sierpinski binomials, like the baryon decuplet. Thus, the vasta
purusa yantra 7 x 7 = 49, and 1/49 Maha-Tattva grid design manifests into further
fundamental clarity.
As Hadronic mechanics have hyperquarks that are iso-lifted into the hyperspatial hadron, so
the octet baryon hexagrams follow the iso-dual symmetry of our Vortexijah model
(intergeometrical tetrahedron) that links the 3D cube to the 4D hypercube The Sierpinski
hyperhedra is the unified image of all hedral hadronic arrangements (classic-, iso-, genohyper-, and their respective isoduals, in Santilli hadronic mechanics), of creation.
Thereby, the baryon octet, in our Vortexijah intergeometry modelling of the hadronic
horizons iso- and hyper-geometrical symmetries, we suggest that the baryon octet and its
self-similar relatives be modelled as an Sierpinski-iso-tetrahedron and Sierpinski-isooctahedron, as iso-units of the iso-tetrahedron-wheels and Vortexijha Iso-Lense, within the
Vortexijah-Hyper-Iso-Sphere. The geometrical foundation for this will become ever more
clear. The baryon octets geometry could thus be called iso-fractality and hyper-fractality
within the hadron hyperdense medium.
Left our 1994 2D iso-tetrahedron model. Right Sumerian game-board and gameboard
Operator, as an iso-tetrahedron set. Photo copyright 2003, by Ananda, Berlin Museum
Further discoveries on the hadronic omegon have firmly established the validity of using the
platonic solid geometries in the hadronic horizon nucleart atomic heart domain. Recently, in
1995, before winning the Nobel prize on the hyperdimensional geometry operating in sea
shells, Dr. Chris Illert published his findings discovery of the Omegon particle (Dr. Chris
Illert & D. Reverberi, "Our Discovery Of The Omegon, An Elementary Particle Which May
Explain Cold Fusion", COLD FUSION, vol. 6: 10-13 (1995)). As COLD FUSION
".. Illert feels that nuclear bonding can be better (i.e. more simply) explained by a classical,
geometrical model of the nucleus than by Quantum Mechanics. ... [he] has published
Alchemy Today volume 2 Chris conceives of quark or subquark particles called omegons
for which he claims experimental evidence Nucleons (protons and neutrons) are constantly
emitting and reabsorbing omegons. Citing evidence from electron scattering experiments, he
depicts a layered [structure]: at the centre is a "solid" core around which is a halo of omegons
emitted and reabsorbed. Intermediate to both is another halo of mesons emerging and fading
back into the nucleonic core. Nuclear binding is carried by a few exchanges. Simple omegon
exchange is basic. Chris argues that exchanging an omegon-antiomegon pair is equivalent to
the passing of a pi-meson. There are also pionic current interactions which must be taken into
account. Using data for nuclear binding energies already published ... [he] calculates the
binding energies for ground and excited states for the various nuclei. He then shows
remarkable agreement between his calculations for the exchange process of his theory and
actual experimental measurements. Step by step, starting with the simplest compound
nucleus, the deuteron ... he builds his magical geometries using simple, arithmetical
COLD FUSION, (vol 8, pages 1-4 (1995)
Dr. Illert expands from Dr. Puharichs work and Dr. Phillips work, and is using platonic
solid geometry, like the tetrahedron, to charter these domains: Instead of the spherical
harmonics and wave-functions in contemporary treatises, we chose to use Platonic Solids as
our geometrical eigenfunctions and superimposed them to generate the vertices of our
nuclear Buckey Ball shells, (Dr. Chris Illert, sub-physical underpinnings of matter,
Alchemy Today volume 1, matter on the E5 level: Platonic Geometries in Nuclear Physics,
a Centennial Commemoration of Occult Chemistry 1895-1995; First Edition 1992/5, 172
A4 pages, ISBN: 0 949357 13 8 (v1)). Dr. Illerts use of the tetrahedron herein is given by
Rosemary Lorenz, who reports on her attendence of Dr. Illerts lecture presentation on his
volume one work:
The topic micro-psi investigations into atomic nuclei has attracted many... What was
presented to us now was -- simply mind boggling. Here was a toybox with colourful models
which could be expanded, contracted, transmuted, which could spit out a small tetrahedron
Here were the results of Chris' extraordinary intuitions and mathematical computation
rendered so fascinatingly, intricately precise and yet so simple even the non-scientists
among us could catch glimpses of the principles of cosmic order in the structure of matter
and the geometrical language behind it He uses real geometry to predict structures and
events occurring within atomic nuclei the term Buckey Ball is derived from the name
of ... Buckminster Fuller who in the 1930's drew [some of] the first models of atomic nuclei
based upon sacred geometry. He constructed super-stable magic nuclei by nesting Platonic
solids one inside another, resulting in nested Platonic shells within the nucleus ... In a
Buckey Ball one has to visualise spheres, representing nucleons (protons and neutrons) at the
vertices ... These nucleons are thus spaced equidistantly from each other ... Chris has
calculated the critical density of nucleons within Buckey Balls thereby determining
[condensation into] the [observed] shell layers inside the nucleus... spurred on by the psivisions of the occult chemists who saw four instead of the expected three mesic strands
holding back the tetrahedra in the process of leaving the radium nucleus ... he explained this
by assuming ... four surface hexagons (funnels) attached to a linear (not tetrahedral) vibrating
alpha-string (described as an excited Helium nucleus) which, after leaving the surface of the
radium nucleus, curls up to form the tetrahedral ground state of the alpha-particle,
whilst the [outer shell of] the radium parent-nucleus rearranges itself into a Radon nucleus -i.e. a Buckey Ball 60 turning into a Buckey Ball 56. The final relation Chris pointed out is
that if one plots the relative abundance of elements in the universe against their atomic
numbers -- the peak values correspond to our super stable nuclear Buckey Ball
configurations because they are most stable, and all other nuclei are less stable (hence less
abundant) and they undergo various nuclear reactions trying to become the special Buckey
Ball configurations!
Rosemary Lorenz, Review Of Public Lecture Based On Volume 1, by Dr. Chris Illert:
NEWSLETTER (of the Dowser Society of NSW), vol. 4(6): pages 2-8 (July 1992)
These 1995 novel advancements in nuclear symmetrical geometry highlight the utmost
validity of our Vortexijah Platonic Sacred Intergeometry, models of Summer 2000. Since,
the hadronic world is a hyperdense media with non-local (hyperspatial), and non-linear
(hypertemperal) interactions occuring, our iso-geometrical extension of the platonic solids is
essential for modelling the hadronic horizon of the nucleons
Expanding on from Dr Illerts work and bridging the Santilli hadronic mechanics into new
multi-media hiehgts of visualisation, animation, and enable widespread assimulation and
comprehension of the hyperdimensional significance of these utterly novel and reality
changing science discoveries, by a larger majority of our species.
The hadronic meson iso-Sierpinski geometry operating between proton-proton spin-spin
coupling and bonding, we explore in this article, coupled to the hadronic baryon isoSierpinski tetrahedron.
4 points makes a tetrahedron with octehedral gaps (an octehedron bounded by a triangle, the shape 'removed' from the
center of the tetrahedron below):
,7` `| `\,
\, `\,
AV `|`\,
\, `\,
,7` \\, `'TTs.,
`| /7
\, `\,
,7` `|`\,
\, `\,
`\, `|
`\, \, AV
\, AV ,7`
`|/7 ,7`
\, /7
`| AV
The shape from the middle:
/7 \,
,7` `\,
`\, `|
`\, \,
(each face of the tetrahedron is a Sierpinski triangle, and every 3D gap is octehedral in shape.) 4 generating points
easily fill the quadrilateral formed by them if the points are randomly placed. And so on, dc'ing in each previous dc, the
performing the dc 2 in space, ch 2, dc 2 in space, ch 3, dc 2 in space, ch 2, dc 2 in space on the corners. It displays a
certain reluctance to be perfectly triangular... more of a spherical triangle.
After one row, it doesn't look much like a triangle at all, but once you've put two or three rounds on it, it'll shape up quite
NOTE: Further experience with Pascal's Triangle shows that this generator's curvature is closer to that of a sphere
than a plane. It is suggested that you space 3 decreases on each side of the triangle after row 8 or so.
The sum of the numbers in any row is equal to 2 raised to the power of the row number.
20 = 1 = 1
21 = 1+1 = 2
22 = 1+2+1 = 4
23 = 1+3+3+1 = 8
If the second number of any row is prime, all other numbers in the row (excluding the ones) are divisible by the prime.
row 7: 01 07 21 35 35 21 07 01
| | | | | |
divisible by 7
Start at a 1 on the side of the triangle. Draw a diagonal line down from the 1, and end it somewhere in the middle of the
triangle. The sum of all the numbers in the diagonal will equal the number below the end of your "selection" which is not
on the same diagonal itself.
The sums of diagonal rows (shown in alternately bold and plain text) produce the Fibonnacci Sequence.
01 = 1
= 1
01 01 = 2
= 3
01 02 01 = 5
= 8
01 03 03 01 = 13
= 21
01 04 06 04 01 = 34
--01 05 10 10 ----01 06 15 ----01 07 ----01 --Pascal's triangle is often drawn with each number in a small hexagon. If you fill in the odd numbers on the triangle and
leave the even numbers empty, you'll produce the recursive Sierpinski Triangle fractal. Here's a rather poor
approximation of that fractal:
<$/3@ C@X%B
00g0` `$G$G <@G@X %BG$^
<B$ $B<
~@8 g@ C@C~@B
/@/ $$ 0@`<@V
G@X%@^ 0@/@$ <@%X@X /@/%@^ $B(0$ `@%/@X X@XV@^ 8$(G$
equation (by which the true force of gravity and anti-gravity have been identified, and the
isolation, identification and first time harnessing of the 5th nuclear force, the Unified Field):
We should note that the isodual mathematics originated from an inspection of the celebrated
Dirac equation Intriguingly, Diracs gamma matrices turn out to be isoselfdual, thus
implying a novel reformulation of the equation as representing the direct product of an
electron and a positron.
Institute for Basic Research FL 34682, U.S.A. August, 2002. Pp 9.
In fact, the iso-self dual nature of the gamma matrices is evident in the very field nature of
the proton magnetic monopoles 8 hz field nature it is perfect phase-conjugate two
equal counterotating fields in coherent phase-cancellation (having a local and nonlocal
component 180 to oneanother, as Puharich demonstrated in his Lab-9 studies), displaying
pseudo-superconductive iso-symmetry of the hadronic force.
The superstring SU(3) quarks in hadronic mechanics are a little more complex, being
attributed to Dr. Santillis isounits and company here is a hint of an idea:
New structure models of hadrons with ordinary massive constituents and [quark] SU(3)color theories was achieved via the assumption that quarks are composite, a view first
expressed by Santilli in 1981, and the use of hypermathematics with different units for
different hadrons. This approach essentially yields the hyperrealization SU(3) in which
composite hyperquarks are characterized by the multivalued isounit with isotopic element
resulting in hypermultiplets of mesons, baryons, etc. The compatibility of this hypermodel
with conventional theories is established by the isomorphism between conventional SU(3) and
the hyper- SU(3), the latter merely being a broader realization of the axioms of the former.
Dr. R. M. Santilli. Elements of Iso-, Geno-, Hyper-Mathematics for Matter, Their Isoduals
for Antimatter, and Their Applications in Physics, Chemistry, and Biologym Foundations of
Physics, September 2003, vol. 33, no. 9, pp. 1373-1416(44)
Mt. Meru itself is made up of 9 macro triangels (3+3+3=9), this is the foundation of the Sri
Yantras 27 lines. The Meru pyramids capstone, also known as the Bindu, is the keystone,
and is the 10th step
The number 10 was not just seen as the digits 1 plus 0, but rather was seen as the
indivisibility of the 1 and 0, as personfied by the golden ratio PHI: , the All/0-One/1
That the omegon universal unified information particles are arranged in the proton in 3 sets
of 3, as par the Meru prime code, plus one free omegon, for the universal all-one calculation
continuum (Bindhu tensor), is thereby utterly remarkable (one comes to appreciate the
intricate complex mathematics of the ancient Vedas, that utilised this primordial 1-9 + 10/
system as its fundation).
Thereby, we come to understand that quarks within the smaller scale of the hadron horizon
must be hyperquarks, since the massive hadronic proton sphere, 2000 times denser than the
electron sphere, operates within the hadronic horizon of hyperdense material, and the
quantum jump attributed to the quark, only operates at quantum scales, at the electron
orbital plane, much larger than that of the hadron. The hyperdimensional media is further
clarified, precisely validating our intergeometrical extrapolations of the Vortexijah and the 5
symmetries (the interdodecahedron being composed of a minimal iso-dodecahedron pair,
coupled nucleus to nucleus, within the nuclear deformation in high orbital spin states of the
platinuum group element palladium (found in the salt water of the DNA molecule):
The Galileo and Poincare symmetries cannot be exactly valid for the hadronic structure
because hadrons do not possess a Keplerian centers as it is the case for atoms.
Consequently, hadrons cannot constitute Keplerian systems, and quantum mechanics cannot
be exact. According to incontrovertible data from deep inelastic scattering, hadrons are
composed of a somewhat homogeneous and isotropic hyperdense medium in which the search
for the remnants of an atomic structure has no scientific sense.
Proceedings of the XVIII Workshop on Hadronic Mechanics University of Karlstad, Sweden,
June 20-22, 2005
This is the domain of the All-One Materia Symmetry (all syymmetries being every one
symmetry) Furthermore, there is no neutron in hadron mechanics, rather it is the marriage
of the quantum mechanical potential point-particle realm of the electron orbital domain
with the hadronic horizon null-potential hyperdense medium of the protons hadronic
Note that the absence of an atomic structure inside the proton is sufficient, per se, to
invalidate all arguments against Rutherfords conception of the neutron, since all these
arguments are based on said atomic structure.
When, the electron penetrates within the hyperdense medium inside the proton it is
constrained for stability to couple with antiparallel spins, while it is equally constrained to
have an angular momentum that coincides with the spin of the proton. In this process the
electron is mutated into the isoelectron, that is, a particle characterized by the covering
isosymmetry. Consequently, at the completion of the compression, the isoelectron has null
total angular momentum and the spin of the neutron coincides with that of the proton
without any need for the neutrino conjecture.
The sole deformation of the electron caused by its Rutherfords compression
inside the hyperdense proton is sufficient to represent all features of the neutron. Once
compressed inside the proton, the electron is constrained for stability to have its spin
antiparallel to that of the proton and its orbital angular momentum to coincide with the spin
1/2 of the proton namely, the total angular momentum of the isoelectron is null,
[SUNYATA] and the spin of the neutron coincides with that of the proton.
Deeper understanding of the structure of hadrons because a theory constructed for the
description of electrons orbiting in vacuum in atomic structures, cannot be credibly claimed to
be necessarily valid for the description of the same electrons when moving within the
hyperdense media inside hadrons.
Proceedings of the XVIII Workshop on Hadronic Mechanics University of Karlstad, Sweden,
June 20-22, 2005
Thus the hyperbaryon Meru symmetries within the hadronic horizon scale operating the
proton, must be hyperdense and hypersymmetrical, as an infinite hyperdimensional Meru
Yantra foundation, with all of the one apparent components of the all-one materia, being
reduced to null
The exchange of a pion meson n, between two protons P. Such exchanges occuring
Wtihin proton-proton spin-spin coupling within the 8 hz NMR processes within the
DNAs hydrogen bounds, during DNA replication. We suggest that the above
Diagram, especially in the case of 8hz proto-resonance, can be modelled by the
Iso-tetrahedron wheels of our vortexijah model.
Accoring to quantum field theory, all interactions take place through the exchange of
particles nucleons interact through the strong interaction which manifests itself as
the exchange of a new kind of particles called mesons. There are many different types of
mesons which can be exchanged between protons and neutrons. The closer the nucelons are to
each other, the more numerous and heavy the mesons they exchange. The interactions
between nucleons are thus linked to the properties of the exchanged mesons and these, in turn,
interact mutually through the exchange of other particles Two protons may exchange a
pi-meson, or pion, whose mass is about one seventh of the proton mass
Subatomic event occuring within a short time span involve a large uncertainty of energy. The
exchange of mesons, i.e. their creation and subsequent destruction, are events of that kind.
Dr. Fritjof Capra, The Tao Of Physics, Third Edition, The Future of the New Physics, 1991.
Pp 240-242
That the subatomic particle second (circa a trillionth of a second, the time it takes to cross
the proton), are thereby described for mesons in the uncertaintity terms for their creation
and destruction is elegantly replaced by the hadronic hyerpdense, hyperlocal, and
hypertemporal medium, which can only be modelled by the iso-symmetries, of which our
Vortexijah models are comprised (initially to model the local and non-local 8hz counterrotary phase-conjugational fields, which involves the proton resonance).
Nobel laurate Dr. Illert describes the mesons in terms of bubbles within the All-Oneness
Hadron Hyperdense Medium, the Aether, linking the Aether to the Hindu forms of the
Prakrti (which is a gross distortion of the Rg Veda Purusah-Viraj, indivisibility. Whereas
the much later dualistic Hindus have the Purusah as Mind-Spirit and Prakrti as mater)
Mulaprakriti Root Materia then would be a form of proto-materia, or Prima-Materia,
the quintessence of the Akasa/Hadron hyperdense medium, Dr. Illerts description has
some fine parallel resonance with hadronic mechanics, and heps bridge the proto-Vedic
Omni-Science into that of the post-modern hadronic aether mechanics:
It is clear that occult chemists were speaking of proto-aether "Mulaprakriti" (what Paul
Davies calls "the initial false vacuum") undergoing an expansionary phase-change to become
"Koilon" (our present-day "normal quantum vacuum") driven by "Cosmic Fohat" (the
"Superforce" of Paul Davies which blew bubbles (i.e., 'material' particles) in an infinitely
dense aether Cosmic Fohat, a unified Superforce to start with The occultists labour the
point that instead of matter being solid within an empty insubstantial aether, the aether itself is
VERY DENSE (one thousand million times denser than platinum, according to Oliver
Lodge's estimate), and matter is REALLY JUST BUBBLES-the ABSENCE OF AETHER
this occult cosmology are easilyvisualized in terms of liquid in a cylinder. Fizzing can be
induced if the piston is moved; thus did Cosmic Fohat - Superforce - induce a quantumvacuum transition (Mulaprakriti to Koilon), releasing energy into numerous 'subatomic
particles' - BUBBLES - which we see as substantial even though they are, in fact, THE
ABSENCE OF SUBSTANCE It is important to realise that, at the quantum level of
description, the vacuum is the DOMINANT STRUCTURE. ...particles are only MINOR
DISTURBANCES bubbling up over this background sea of activity/(shades of implosion/
But what of subatomic particles? Are they really bubbles? Electric field lines radiating
through the aether between charged particles as the electrical charges are moved apart, the
field lines spread apart, off to infinity.
But one of the simplest kinds of 'massive' particles, a MESON is actually a bubble in the
aether (quantum vacuum) and its internal ('matter') field lines are trapped within the bubble.
Indeed, if the bubble is somehow stretched, the ('matter') field lines actually DRAW CLOSER
TOGETHER! This is exactly the OPPOSITE to 'electric' field lines in the aether!
In fact, if the meson bubble stretches TOO FAR, it can DIVIDE into TWO BUBBLES
The 'charges' inside the bubbles are called quarks and antiquarks Instead of drawing the
bubble in the aether, and all its internal field lines, we will henceforth introduce a kind of
cartoon called the "Nambu string." It is just the field line which directly joins the quark and
the antiquark INSIDE the meson. But we can think of the Nambu string (or spring) as a kind
of elastic band which can be stretched.
Dr. Chris Illert, Matter as Bubbles in the Aether Alchemy Today - Volume 2, Matter On
The E4 and E3 Levels: A Beginners Guide To Hadronic Circuit Diagrams, and the Secrets of
Cold Fusion; a Centennial Commemoration of Occult Chemistry. First Edition 1993/5, 172
A4 pages, over 300 illustrations, about 100 references, archival (200 yr) softback. ISBN: 0
949357 15 4 (v2)
The fractal self-embedded symmetry of mesons to quarks to omega, is best examplified by
Sierpinski iso-tetrahedrons (within the Sierpinski Iso-tetrahedron wheels), which are the
hyperconnections of the Sri Yantra hypergeometrical 27D hadron template design So
called division is actually a further fractal casecade symmetry of the infinite symmetry
tapstry string comprising the hadronic hyperdense medium, being chartered within the
hyper-klein hypertoroidal iso-interelations of fractal infinite hadronic reduction to null
points. Dr Illert continues:
If drawn too far apart, as when the meson bubble divides into two, we can think of the
Nambu string as snapping -but it can never have free ends because field lines must BEGIN
and END on 'charges' (in this case, quarks and antiquarks) So in order for the Nambu
string to snap, a quark-antiquark pair must be sucked into existence from out of the aether.
The quark and the antiquark CANCEL out each other (like +1 -1 = 0), so we haven't
obtained something for nothing.
One way we could stretch and divide a meson bubble would be to make it SPIN VERY
FAST; then the centripetal force would draw the quark and antiquark APART, stretching
the elastic 'string' that holds them together. Thus, spinning 'matter bubbles' in the aether
(quantum vacuum) would tend to be elongated AND oval-shaped. They are called
VECTOR MESONS and there are 37 different types of them in nature Non-spinning
'matter bubbles' would TEND TO BE SPHERICAL. They are called SCALAR MESONS
and there are 36 different kinds of them also in nature.
Dr. Chris Illert, Matter as Bubbles in the Aether Alchemy Today - Volume 2, Matter
On The E4 and E3 Levels: A Beginners Guide To Hadronic Circuit Diagrams, and the
Secrets of Cold Fusion; a Centennial Commemoration of Occult Chemistry. First Edition
1993/5, 172 A4 pages, over 300 illustrations, about 100 references, archival (200 yr)
softback. ISBN: 0 949357 15 4 (v2)
The, so called, meson bubble division by increasing the spin, we would liken to the
Vortexijah iso-tetrahedron wheel apparent spin increase (where from the 10,000 rpm
threshold onwards, anti-clockwise spinning gyroscopes become anti-gravitational), of fields
being gathered into the Unified Field (hadronic force) All-One wave-guide of the Macro
coherent phase-conjuting iso-tetrahedron wheels, thereby the iso-symmetries of nuclear
deformation in high spin state platinum group elements, or ORME (Orbitally Rearranged
Monatomic Elements) pseudo-superconductors, the iso-symmetries of magnecules, as
comprised by the iso-tetrahedral intercoupling spin dynamics (see examples of ORME
palladium on our Sacred Intergeometry web page).
The, non-spinning spherical forms of the 36 scalar mesons, would be inline with the
macro model blueprint instillations imbibed by our hyper-iso-symmetry sphere.
Furthermore, Illert referencing the Aether,:
Paul Davies writes that "what appears as empty space is actually a seething ferment....of
quantum activity, teeming with [ghost] VIRTUAL PARTICLES and full of complex
interactions. ....A real particle...must be always viewed against this backdrop of frenetic
activity. When [a real particle] moves through space, it is actually swimming in a sea of ghost
Thus the Lotus hyper-symmetry relations of the Sri Yantra (not only implied in
the larger than 180 line curves found in some Sri Yantra models, but in the Vedic texts
themselves, and Buddhist commentaries like the Amitayur-Dhayana Sutra, which describes
hypergeometrical interelations of the Sri Yantras axis, and Lotus petals hyperfoldings,
descibed with octonian 8D numbers (as we explore in great detail in Manu-Script Amitaya).
Further one, we shall present the latest objective science studies that demonstrates the flow
of the universal random chaos, in colliding molecules has now been found to be the
binomial coefficients of the Sierpinsku Manugala Yantra. Furthermore, our universes entire
frequency spectrum of radiations is itself comprised as all-one macro Meruprastara
Sierpinski symmetry, as is clearly evident in the example below (note that visible light is in
the 49th octave, of the number cascade emerging from 1/49):
1/49 = 0.20408-16-32-64-128-256
| 1 to 4 hz
| 4hz-65,536hz
| 2,048 HZ 268,435,456 HZ
137,438,953,472hz - 140,737,488,355,328hz
VISIBLE LIGHT | 140,737,488,355,328hz-1,125,899,906,842,620hz 49th Octave = Light
| 2,251,799,813,685,250hz-36,028,797,018,964hz
RAYS 151,115,727,451,829hz-1,208,925,819,614,630hz
The 1st of the Tri-Vasta-Purusa Yantras, of 1/7x7=49, renders an interesting relation. This
first of the 3 Yantra forms, is the universal grid matrix of the Sierpinski binomial triangle
equation 1/49 whose digits readout the binomial triangle's octave order of all: molecular
cascades, heat, weather, chaos and randomness, all are ordered fractally by this intelligent
design... And all of the universes spectrums, from the frequency of the sense of touch all
the way to the highest energy spectrum, cosmic rays, are modulated by this Vasta Purusah
Yantra/Machine... 80 octaves of the 1/49 = 0.020408 16 32 64 128 256... (this is the first
octave of 8 in hz... 80 for the full spectrum)... The 49th position is the frequency spectrum
of visible light, by which we have our sight...
Clear-Sight and Clear Mind of the Amitayus Lotus Light (Kaya-Sku), is the Primordial
Consciousness Foundation that is the All-One Macro by which our vision's spectral light
Fax Simile has its All-One Matrix Numeration, and this is governed by the 5 Dhyani
Buddha's with their 10 x 5 = 50 grid of the senses and the Omni-Sense of the sensorial
matrix axiom of the All-One Matrix Aksi-Om (One-Eye/Axel of OM), which as AUM,
yields the hyper-Sierpinski geometry in its sonogram signature.
creation, hadronic reacors that create new molecules, magnecules, which will enable
detection of the next spectrum of dimensional densities (as now has become clearly
observed in the hadronic densities, including faster-than-light [beyond 3d] densities of the
hyperdense medium). This itself now is quite remarkable, on retrospect:
You shall discover that there is another parallel dimensional spectrum above your
spectrum different spectrums of dimensional frequencies. Once you have discovered these
dimensions you shall learn how to change the molecular structures [hadronic configurations]
of the vehicles [hadronic space-time machines of hypergeometrical propulsion] you will be
travelling in You shall be able to take control of the molecules that will be surrounding you
in a form of a shape. Via electrical signals [hadronic plasmArc flow reactors] you will be able
to change their structure [iso-electron magnecules already, and hypermagnecules in future
hadronic mechanics], so that they will change in shining the rays, and that way change
When you realise that you are just in one colour of the solar system, in one spectrum of it,
then you shall learn to discover other areas. For the law is: as above so below the key to
getting to the other spectrums in this solar system is by changing your molecules even
going into a more universal dimension, and being able to see the spectrums outside of
themselves, all at once Once you are out of the spectrums, you shall realise you are in an
even larger colour spectrum, and that the solar system itself is just one colour in a far greater
macroscopic colour spectrum. That the galaxy is but one colour in a colour spectrum, and
so on it is reflected from the macrocosm into the microcosm, and so on into eternity.
Unit-Emmanuel, Solar Energy, February 1987 (excerpts of this contact transmission
published in The Unity Keys Of Emmanuel)
The All-Oneness of Emmanuel, which they theologically translated as All Is God, has
become the foundation of hadronic mechanics hypermath plane, as the Macro-Irreversible,
where the atomic heart hyperdense medium of the elementary particles have their being, and
upon which all creation is based:
A finite collection of elementary constituents all in reversible conditions cannot yield an
irreversible macroscopic ensemble [like the universe].
The implications are quite profound because it establishes that, contrary to academic
beliefs, irreversibility originates at the most primitive levels of nature, that of elementary
particles, and then propagates all the way to our macroscopic environment.
ISODUAL, in Chapter 4 of Elementary Hadronic Mechanics Vol III, 2005.
Emmanuel continue with their exceptional foresight and insightful hyper-fractality, that also
has axiomatic composition to the similar Vedic and Puranic fractal ideas:
You shall discover that in your body, your molecules never end. How ever greatly you
advance with material technology, you shall never find an end to substance in the microscopic
scale [indeed, the hadronic hyperdense medium is hyperlocal, infinite, hypertemporal], and
indeed in the macrocosmic, you shall never find an end to the Omniverse [also now implied
by hadronic mechanics] So you realise that your progression is infinite And it is eternal,
it shall be ever lasting You shall be going from a centre point in consciousness to all areas:
where you will be able to project yourselves into all things [via the hadronic hyperdense
media in the hadronic horizon of all atoms, hyperelated], and feel it, and remain in that state,
consciously, all the time [hypertime hyperconducting materia]. Being able to feel all matter
to be able to feel all things at the same time, not just on Earth, but through the universe, and
by doing so knowing all of the universe [Mahat-Tattva, as described in the Purana] and feel
that at the same time in your feeling, and influence it by your thought constructively.
It is not only these multi-dimensions of colour spectrums and octaves in different scales in
those octaves! You shall find, there are many areas which you cannot comprehend of now.
Unit-Emmanuel, Solar Energy, February 1987 (excerpts of this contact transmission
published in The Unity Keys Of Emmanuel)
Such extraorindary instillations in my teenage neurocybernetics, had an irreversible effect
of visionary wholeness that invariently impacted my lifes self-embedded cascade
symmetry. Still being unaware of the Rg Veda geometrical science and its fractal
cosmology, these OTI invaginated numinous hyper-images inseminated the mitosis of our
own coherent fractal cosmological attempts at bridging this Numinous language, spun into a
cohesive map of theories and woven with the technical concepts of the modern world and
science to become our book The Unity Keys of Emmanuel
Which presents a very detailed astrophysical 7 x 7 galactic grid geometrical design (from
star catalogues); a 7 x 7 structuring of 7 atomic densities [now confirmed by hadronic
mechanics], and spectrums of hyperdimensions, with a 7 x 7 axiomatic hyper-relativity;
and many of the 610 pages, modelling the 7 primordial bodies (also now clear in Rg Veda
science), which now, on retrospection, give some remarkable clarifications and extensions
on the Mahatattva AUMKara design, with new cosmological insight.
This especially so with our modelling of the 7 bodies and 7 atomic densities, utilising the
nearest terms we had in our grasp to etch and define on our semantic canvus, the multiple
hadronic and classical character descriptions, hermetically axiomatic enough to share great
similitude and easy translation into the hadronic mechanical metaporphic view we now
know today. In fact Dr. Santillis recent announcement of the first hyperdimensional
elementary particle, the Etherion, now is one of the first confirmations of these fractal
cosmological models of the 7 density bodies of 49 states, modelled into germination upon
the foundation of the Emmanuel Hyper-Holo-Imagery
Space does not allow us to summarise, or iconograph these writings, but the following gives
a small idea.
A note of nomencluture the Rainbow Body, or Jalus, in Tibetan Buddhism is one of the
first hadronic conversion stages of the biophysical body into a pseudo-superconducting
form However, the Rainbow Races described here, are Archetype Universal Macros
that appear to follow much similitude to the Rg Veda and Purana iconographical attributes
vibrations and densities; so does the solar system. So as you enter the solar system you enter
seven levels As you entered Earth there are seven states.
50. So the chakras represent those seven key states of being that are above and so are they
below These corresponding levels echo throughout the universe and are focused down in
creation. But these are colours There comes a point where all colours merge and become
one, and so these cycles and different layers do not exist.
In each chakra there are all the different chakras and all the different colours to form that one
chakra. Your solar system is one of those colours within the chakra of the galaxy. The galaxy
being one chakra within the universe But at the same time all this is but one energy, one
wave-length in the state of All-Oneness."
Unit-Emmanuel, SALVANA, SALVADOR, SYLVIA & ATON, The Inflow Of Etheric
Man Into Earth. June 1988.
Interestingly this description occurred on paragraph 49 and 50 The All-Oneness
Wavelength naturally is the All-One Hyperdense Medium Macro Irreversibility. The clear 7
x 7 matrix personal to universal Ideogram is axiomatically nuanced by Emmanuel. This
Numinous Intelligence relates that mankind is coming to a threshold where the concurrent
perspective of the Maha-Tattva and the All-Oneness (hyper-hadronic with the hadronic), is
coming into realisation:
This will change the whole relationship of all form and structure on the Earth planet How
to remain individual, as well as being in All-Oneness, at the same time. This is a reality
anyway But now you are learning to become both simultaneously This is your next stage
on Earth to direct these energies, in forms and patterns, within All-Oneness But yet
within the centre of that wave is something known as Godhead [Maha Purusah], which is
where that wave originated. And yet that centre is also a wave, and is the whole All-Oneness
Unit-Emmanuel, SALVANA, SALVADOR, SYLVIA & ATON, The Inflow Of Etheric
Man Into Earth. June 1988.
Thus, the fractal AUMKara axiom universal realisation is unveiled in our hadronic force
atomic density biogenesis into the hyperdense medium foundation already present The
All-Oneness Wave-Length being 0, that is Infinitely-One and Zeropointedly All-Null
indivisibly co-present Ati-Sunyata-Maha-Ananta.
Hadronic mechanics states, that because our experience of the 3dimensional sphere
coincides, when it is inspected by a person of who is either in classical geometrical space, or
in the iso-geometrical space, because of the identity that is axiomatic in these related
expression thereby multidimensions are co-existently co-present in our daily normal
A schematic view of the isodual sphere on isodual Euclidean spaces over isodual fields.
Theisodual sphere and the conventional sphere coincide when inspected by an observer
either in the Euclidean or in the isodual Euclidean space, due to the identity of the related
expressions. This identity is at the foundation of the perception that antiparticles appear to
exist in our space, while in reality they belong to a structurally different space coexisting
within our own, thus setting the foundations of a multidimensional universe coexisting
in the same space of our sensory perception.
Hadronic Mechanics Vol III: Chapter 2. 2005.
However, an Omniverse was Emmanuel Imbibed in me as the raptured nervous system (all
5 senses fused into all-one macro sense standard modus operandi of OTI HyperCybernetic Hyperflux translteration), direct experience of an Omnidimensional OmniRelative Omni-Continuum.
This we then modelled into an hyperindex map of the Emmanuel Hyper-Icon-Ideoms (given
to me in ETI/OTI 3-day contact in the Sion, high Swiss Alps, September 1992), as The
Unity Key Emmanuel. Its fractal description cosmology is an ecological tapestry, whose
cartography axiomatically traces the Omni-Infinite, into their hyper-logical and logical
architectures of modern neuro-semantic structuring, to enable comprension and expansion
by mankind in our era and beyond
These involved myriads of 7 x 7 dimensional hyper-liftings of the spectrum-dimensions,
matter and anti-mater inter-unificaitons (now a standard component of the hadronic axiom
preserving iso-unit law), and onwards into their superuniversal, and hyperuniversal
architectures, tesselating the Omniverses Omni-cartography
Hadronic mechanics 4 x 4 = 16 tensor [another Purusa measure as we shall see] of
isosymmetry, implies spacetimes of infinite dimensions, axiomatically contained in our
dimension (like all the multi-angles on one point of a holographic plate, each angle
containing complete unique information for holographic projection), whilst preserving the
dimensional perspective of the observer in our universe:
of The Unity Keys Of Emmanuel, we take many routes to inspire this open-ended hyperlogic, this chapter being written in 1994, some 12 years before this writting:
"Predispositions, pre-matrixs, of the universe, are also remnents of an open-ended set of
universes in the plurality of the Superuniverse, which Itself supercoils into one face of the
Hyperuniverse, whose 7-face toroidal Hyper-vorticity itself is near to ineffible, but openended.
Ananda, Seven Weeks & Days Of Creation: A New Fractal Holographic Cosmology:
We Are In The Chakras Of The Cosmos (December 1994) chapter of THE UNITY KEYS
OF EMMANUEL: The Interuniversal Viewpoint For The Unity Of Diversity. Ananda/
Emmanuel. First Published 1999
The 7-Hyperfaces of the Hyper-Toroid Hypervorticity, is then detailed in another Unity Key
"...This Superuniversal holographic plate comprised of the 7 Unityverses as one with all
spectrum universal spin directives, is the Superuniversal Body, the 64th unit state. Likened
unto Superuniversal-DNA strands, which are interhyper-linked together into interhyper-10interpentagon chains, to form the interhyper-interdodecahedron, the interhyper-interdecogon
of 1 and 2/3rds of a Hyperuniverse, as a interhyper-intersine-wave intergeometry. Which is
then further linked through Super-Hyperuniverses, as nucleidal chains which hold together the
7 Days of Creation Blood Cell, comprised of numerous Superuniversal DNA strands, coiled
upon themselves, as strings of Hyperuniverses and two thirds, in inter-hyperinterdodecahedrons, and further post-paradoxical hyperspatial intergeometrys beyond
Ananda, Understanding The Universal Dream: The Holographic Analogy (infusion on
hyperuniversal DNA structure July 1994. Updated 1996-98), chapter of THE UNITY KEYS
OF EMMANUEL: The Interuniversal Viewpoint For The Unity Of Diversity. Ananda/
Emmanuel. First Published 1999.
Here, during the 1990s, we model geometrical relations of no-less than iso-hyper-isododecahedrons and iso-hyper-iso-sine-wave-iso-geometry which with the new
hypermathematics of hadronic mechanics, become highly understandable and practical
models utilised in cosmology. The hyper-axiom implied by hadronic iso- and
hypermathematics, where all arbitary links vanish, makes our cosmological modelling of the
multiverse using the axioms and ideoms of the DNA language code operations, especially
with the new field of hyper-genetics, which demonstrates hyperdimensional operations as
being the machinary of the DNA code of life (as is explored fruther on) ever increasingly
pertinent in a hyperanthroporphic unanimity, axiom preserving et al
Man in the Image of the universe, as Above so below, as the true hyper-fractal and hyperrelative All-One Macro/Micro interscaling nature of the Mahat-Tattva AUMKara Yantra
machinary, enabling the personal individual ecology to be the entirety of the universal
Macro Ecological Matrix AUM Machinary, unified upon the foundation of the All-One
Hyperdense Medium implies that the Sunya-Vak, or Immaculate Emptiness nature of
our cosmos. The universe in its entirety of energy, time, and physical characteristics, are
each respectively a total of null-value:
Isoselfdual bound states may result in being the microscopic image of the main
characteristics of the entire universe... In this case the universe results in having null total
physical characteristics, such as null total energy, null total time, etc., thus implying no
discontinuity at its creation.
Hadronic Mechanics Vol III: Chapter 2. 2005. Pp 141
Thus, the microscopic bonding that binds our bodies life continuum together has the main
characteristics of all creation as a miniturised image of the entire cosmos because
isoselfdual bound states have been now observed
Just as 49 reeds comprise the I-Chings 64 hexagrams which Dr. Shoenbergers analysis
demonstrates auto-similarity to the 64-codon DNA code, our fractal cosmology germinated
from the given hyperindex of the Unity Iconography, models the macro-multiverse thereon.
In The Unity Keys model, the Superuniverse contains 7 Octonian-8D universes, fractally as
the Octonian iso-LIE algebra convays 7 dimensions to the 8 dimensional universe
hypersphere, likewise the Superuniversal Body is the 8th state that are 64 Supercomposits.
These 4 excerpts from the chapter Exploring The Superuniverse gives a slight glimpse
"...The Superuniverse is like one body which has seven chakras. Each chakra is a universe.....
...Each Universal Christ acts as a holographic plate, through which the Light Focus of Christ
shines, to form seven holographic universal dream bodies, each universal body containing
seven chakras. These seven universal bodies, together with their Oversouls as the seven
Universal Christ Sons/Suns, form one post-paradoxical Superuniversal animation book
likened unto the DNA books composed of protein pages in our living body...
...This DNA-like bi-strand book known as the Superuniverse has the bi-directions of spin
encoded within it, when viewed from the illusion of time dynamics apparent by the dream
hallucinations we compose as our language, based on the hallucination known as time.
...Thus 63 + 1 = 64 overall states of experience or angles within the Superuniverse. The
Superuniversal book of life contains 64 different buttons of experience, just as our DNA
contains 64 codons as the push buttons for genetic formation in our biological coding.
Although the Superuniversal 64 is paradoxical, and cannot be understood in rationality of
linear thinking it is a state where all paradoxes must be seen as diverse angles of one book of
life, within a larger story. Just as our DNA books are contained in larger stories, and are
fractally recursive, to guarantee the dynamics of love in the form of the gravity that this
fractal recursiveness appears to create, as the love link guarantee to maintain eternity and
infinite in their erotic relationship with each other."
Ananda, Exploring The Superuniverse (1993, updated 1994) from the chapter of THE
"...To further understand the universal body, and the seven dimensions let us use the
principles of the Vortexijah. Just as the two interlocking electro-gravidic and magnetogravidic tetrahedrons [iso-tetrahedrons] of our virtual field are spinning at a certain virtual
rate (to map graviton cubic engineering scriptations into photon and electron sound grid
mandala matrixes, of holographic fabric manifestations {the illusion of speed}), interlocking
through their intercubic bi-directions [iso-direction], into a phase conjugated cube, to create
the illusion of time, where our energy wavelengths are phase-locked into the magnet
moments of the dream fruit cycles of our planetary dream fruit script, so each of the
dimensions in the universe appear to be spin angled in different directions (one of seven
possible spins that a hyperdimensional-tetrahedron can be spun to, according to its axis, to
map the hyperdimensional 7 phase super-hyper-super photon doughnut [all 7 axis spin
according to the central axis of the hypertetrahedron. 3D being 3-axis, x, y, z]).
When we look at the simplified Vortexijah model with 48 tips of the spinning tetrahedrons
[iso-tetrahedrons] which form the virtual field of our body, to make the Grail so the seven
dimensions of the universal body also appear as a disk when seen in a 48 spin simultaneity.
We have to account for 48 tips, plus the body it makes, attaining the outcome of 49. And so
is the Unityverse of the universe, as the universal Christ, when one takes the horizontal spin
of the universal disk Vortexijah [hyper-iso-Vortexijah] and thus form a ball constructed out
of all possible angles of the seven dimensions, and the sub angles [atomic densities/
octaves] within those angled dimensions of colour, and these sub-angles [7 x 7 = 49 subangle
octaves or densities, 7 in each of the 7 dimensions, as exlored in a preceeding chapter of The
Unity Keys] we understand as the various cycles of time Alpha-Omega.
Thus the universal Christ is all angles, and all colours and sub-colours united into a single
Understanding The Universal Dream: The Holographic Analogy (infusion on
hyperuniversal DNA structure July 1994. Updated 1996-98), from a chapter of THE
UNITY KEYS OF EMMANUEL: The Interuniversal Viewpoint For The Unity Of
Diversity. Ananda/Emmanuel. First Published 1999
The above description renders the All-One MaNumerator Unity-Sphere of a Maha-AtiVasta-Purusa-Yantra comprised of the 49 density angles of 7 octaves densities times the 7
dimensional hyper-axis, all-one hyper-unified field unity as the hyper-iso Vortexijah Lense,
into the iso-hypersphere Suma.
24 vertices,
96 edges,
96 faces, and
24 cells.
4-dimensional 24-cell, whose 24 vertices are the root vectors of the 24+4 = 28-dimensional D4 Lie algebra;
two 4-dimensional HyperOctahedra, lying (in a 5th dimension) above and below the 24-cell, whose 8+8
= 16 vertices add to the 24 D4 root vectors to make up the 40 root vectors of the 40+5 = 45-dimensional D5
Lie algebra;
5-dimensional HyperCube, half of whose 32 vertices are lying (in a 6th dimension) above and half
below the 40 D5 root vectors, whose 16+16 = 32 vertices add to the 40 D5 root vectors to make up the 72 root
vectors of the 72+6 = 78-dimensional E6 Lie algebra;
two 27-dimensional 6-dimensional figures, lying (in a 7th dimension) above and below the the 72 E6
root vectors, whose 27+27 = 54 vertices add to the 72 E6 root vectors to make up the 126 root vectors of the
126+7 = 133-dimensional E7 Lie algebra; and
two 56-dimensional 7-dimensional figures, lying (in an 8th dimension) above and below the the 126 E7
root vectors, and two polar points also lying above and below the 126 E7 root vectors, whose56+56+1+1 =
114 vertices add to the 126 E7 root vectors to make up the 240 root vectors of the 240+8 = 248-dimensional
E8 Lie algebra.
The 240 E8 root vectors form a Witting Polytope. They are related to the 256 elements of the Cl(1,7)
Clifford Algebra of the D4-D5-E6-E7-E8 VoDou Physics model as follows:
Cl(1,7) has 256 = 2^8 elements, corresponding to the 2^8 vertices of an 8-dimensional HyperCube and
having the graded structure
1 8 28 56 70 56 28 8 1 [Sierpinski row 8] with even part 1 28 70 28 1 and odd part 8 56 56 8
An 8-dimensional HyperCube decomposes into 2 half-HyperCubes, each with 128 vertices, and each
corresponding to one of the 2 mirror-image half-spinor representations of the D8 Lie algebra whose
Euclidean-signature spin group is 120-dimensional Spin(16) and whose half-spinor representations have
dimension (1/2)(2^(16/2)) = 256/2 = 128;
One half-HyperCube corresponds to the 128 even elements 1 28 70 28 1 and the other to the 128 odd
elements 8 56 56 8;
The128 vertices of the odd 8-dimensional half-HyperCube with graded structure 8 56 56 8 correspond
to 128 of the 240 E8 root vectors as follows:
Since the E8 Lie algebra has rank 8, it has dimension 240+8 = 248, and the 2^8 = 256-dimensional
real Clifford algebra Cl(8) (or Cl(1,7) if you pay attention to signature) can be constructed as Cl(8) = E8 + 8dimensional vector space.
The first thing that I would tell you would be that Clifford algebras (working over the real
numbers and using Euclidean signature) have the structure of the binomial triangle, so that
the Clifford algebra Cl(n) has structure like:
2^0 = 1= 1x1
1 1
2^1 = 2= 1+1
1 2 1
2^2 = 4= 2x2
1 3 3 1
2^3 = 8= 4+4
1 4 6 4 1
2^4 = 16= 4x4
1 5 10 10 5 1
2^5 = 32=16+16
1 6 15 20 15 6 1
2^6 = 64= 8x8
7 1 7 21 35 35 21 7 1 2^7 = 128=64+64
8 1 8 28 56 70 56 28 8 1 2^8 = 256=16x16
9 1 9 36 84 126 126 84 36 9 1 2^9 = 512=256+256
... etc ...
The Clifford Algebra Cl(8) has dimension 2^8 = 256. Since 256 = 16 x 16 = 2^4 x 2^4, the full spinors of Cl
(8) are 16-dimensional, and the half-spinors of Cl(8) are 8- dimensional. Cl(8) has graded structure
1 8 28 56 70 56 28 8 1
The 28-dimensional grade-2 bivectors of Cl(8) form the Lie Algebra Spin(8).
E8 The E8 Lie Algebra is the sum (on this page I am using the word "sum" very imprecisely) of the 120dimensional Spin(16) Lie Algebra of the 2^16 = 256 x 256 = 65,536-dimensional Cl(16) Clifford
Algebra and one 2^7 = 128-dimensional Cl(16) half-spinor space.
Thus, we have Dr. Smiths renderrings giving much flesh to our Hyperuniversal Hyper-Super-IsoHypergeometrical ideas modelled in The Unity Keys Of Emmanuel, and whose Lie and Clifford algebras
simply need the iso-unit liftings to preserve their axioms to the universal dimensional configurations
Furthermore, above one will not the 16D and 27D number correlations, which adds much depth to the
Purusah metrics and the 27D Hyper Sri Yantra, for further eleborate expansions.
Rg Veda 10.90 tells us that the Purusah is all, all that has been, all that is
and all that will be. And with Purusah all is woven like a text. The Rg Veda uses an overall
90 algebraic meters to structure the weaving of its prose (archaic proto-Sanskrit having been
noded like knots on a string, or song-line), of which 7 meters are the fundamental primary
meters of creation (these by and large all exhibit genetic relations, as we show in our ManuScript Omni-D Hyper-DNA chapter).
Since, all 90 meters comprise all of the 432,000 syllables, and 10,800
stanzas of the Rg Veda (which together form All-One Macro Meru-Prastara Sri Yantra, or
Sierpinski pyramid), and the Rg Veda is said to be a manuel of the actual universe the
Cosmic Mt. Meru AUM or Sri Yantra, then the Purusah is all this. So the 90 meters weave
the Veda textstylis, as the Purusah, whose one unique (the unicorn) Sutra is hymn 90.
Some of the Vedic Agni-Hotr fire-alter chronomoniters (including of the Meru Prastara
design), found in the archaic Sarasvati river valley culture (going back 11,000 before
present), utilise a 90 day count precession astrophysical numerical calculator system.
The Purusah Sukta states within the 3rd and 4th verse that s of the
Purusah are Imperishable beyond this universe, and of the Purusah remains, and is all
animate and inanimate within this universal world. The 3rd and 4th themselves having auto
reference to the as is classical to Rg Veda fractal prose logic (auto-correlating selfembedded symantic networks of symmetrical algebraic geometrical hyperindexing) as
well as holding numerous keys, genetic and cosmological contants and the like.
Since, of the Purusah are ascended beyond this universe [itself an AllOne Universal Meru (AOUM), with 27 lines comprising the 44 triangles of the isoSierpinski triangles compossing the Sri Yantra, and recursively scaled to the galactic Meru
hyperlinked through the 27 lunar mansions], by a measure of 10 golden fingers, the formula
is simple
The ascended Purusah beyond this universe is 3 x 90 = 270 for the 3/4, which is the precise
decimal of 27, that is 10 x 27 (just as 27 is 3 x 9, or 9+9+9, omegon-symmetry, so 270 is 30
x 9, or 30 x 3+3+3, for iso-quark and omegon geometry
So by 10 golden fingers x the 27 lines of the general cube surface of our universes length,
width and height (the 3 equal axis of a cube), and the 27 lunar mansions of the local galactic
space, as the 27 lined Meruprastara-Sierpinski of the local universe has been surpassed,
indeed, by 10 times.
This links the vasta-purusa-yantras of the Maha Tattva directly to the hadronic
fundamental particle grid assigned to each individual, DNA, atomic symmetry, and
neurogenetic template, by which the shell universe appears to project (in immaculately
empty bubble null elementary particles) its holographic dimensionality as the apparent
reductional simulation of the infinite hyperdense All-One Medium of the Aether Unified
Macros hyper-infinite-oneness.
nodes, the 72 appearances of Manu in the Rg Veda, the 72 million year Manuvantara cycle,
and 216 million year galactic orbit cycle of 3-Visnu AUM strides (Manuvantaras) around
the Visnu Nabhi, or galactic centre.
Of the 90 metric measures the 7 prime meters used in the Rg Veda, have the pairing of
opposite meters syllable count, all sum to 72, like 1. Gayatri of 24 syllables with 7. Jagati
of 48 syllable 24 + 48 = 72) And then it should be noted, that 72 is the iso-dual of 27
(27:72), forming an iso-unit hyperelation.
Furthermore, 216 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 3 = 8 x 27, so that the 27 symmetrical lines of the
AUM chant sonic waveform Sri Yantra geometry, is unified to the 8-petal lotus asymmetry
that coherently surrounds the 9 Macro Meru triangles
Apart from binomial binary systems, trinary systems also make a from of triangle fractality
called ternary structure triality:
The rows of the ternary (1 + 2)^n power of 3 triangle
4 1
8 12 6 1
16 32 24 8
3^0 = 1
3^1 = 3
3^2 = 9
3^3 = 27
3^4 = 81
Note the third levels sum of 27. The binary (1 + 1)^n triangle directly corresponds to the I
Ching number system, whereas the ternary (1 + 2)^n triangle has its correspondence to the
Thus, this ancient Vedic cubic dice divination system has the appearance of being a
combination of a binary system like the I Ching (clearly based on the vasta-purusa-yantra,
as an axiomatic mirror formula of proto-Sanskrit tantra), and a ternary system like Tai
Hsuan Ching ternary structures like Triality, which underlies the foundation structure of
the 27-dimensional exceptional Jordan algebra J3(O), and the 27-dimensional MacroSpace
of the Dr. Frank Smiths D4-D5-E6-E7-E8 VoDou physics model... Use of this oracular
saging system is furthermore woven into the lotus flower textstylus thread nodes that weave
the Vedic prose tapestry:
Divination on a rosary: The person doing the divination holds up the rosary
horizontally with the fingers of each hand grasping a randomly chosen bead, leaving half
the beads of fewer between them. Then the fingers of each hand move towards each other
counting three beads at a time. The outcome of the divination depends on the number of
beads left. The procedure is repeated three times. When only one bead remains, the result is
called 'falcon'. When two beads remain, it is called 'raven'. When three beads remain the
result is called 'snow lion'. ...".
One of the Rg Vedic fire altar metric geometrical design is called the falcon, and is shaped
in the geometry of this bird (The Astronomical Code Of The Rg Veda, Dr. Sabash Kak)
Thereby, we see the clear Meru 3+3+3 = 9 symmetry at work, in the 3 beads being counted
at a time, and repeated 3 x. As 216/3 = 72, we know that there are 72 bead pairs of 3 to
count through, and this is done tri-fold, 3 x 72 = 216.
Since, the 8-petal Lotus times the 9 macro yantra triangles clearly
hallmarks this 8 x 9 = 72, we witness once again the Meru geometry relation in the
count. This is brought out even further, when we realise that 216 is also 108 x 2, from the 2
x 2 x 2 = 8, times 3 x 3 x 3 = 27 formula, and that 216 divided by 8 renders the 27D axiom:
216/8 = 27 (3 x 3 x 3, itself being 3+3+3 + 3+3+3 + 3+3+3), and the 27 lines, surrounded
by the 8 petal lotus Herein, we have hypersymmetrical examples of the 27:72 iso-unit
The ancient Vedic rosary/mala bead divination system, also used 27, 54
(2 x 27) and 108 (4 x 27) beads, counting 3 beads at a time, getting 3 outcomes, and
repeating the procedure 3 times (3-3-3), this being a ternary system and the ternary
structures themselves operate on Triality; operating in the 27-dimensional exceptional
Jordan algebra J3(O); and the 27-dimensional MacroSpace of the Dr. Smiths D4-D5-E6-E7E8 physics model.
The Rg Vedic divination system is largely based on the Triality aspect of the 256dimensional Cl(8) Clifford algebra, 16 x 16, following the 4 x 4 iso-minkowski metric
tensor operating within the hadronic horizon hyperdense medium, for its hyperdimensional
transform Furthermore, 256 is the sum of the base row value of one full octave of the
Sierpinski triangle numbers, and is the binomial co-efficient 28 .
27-dimensional M-theory with Jordan Algebra structures J3(O) and J4(Q)o and Lie Algebra
structure E7 / E6xU(1) (iso-unit lifted by hadronic mechanics), is used to describe Timelike
Branes in the 27 dimensional MacroSpace of the Many-Worlds theory.
Thus, the 27 lines of the general cubic surface which extend beyond this
dimension of 3 x 90 angles known by the axis names of x, y, z (vertical, horizontal,
diagonal x-L90y-L90z- L90), into a higher dimension = 270, mapped by the iso-
being comprised of all the Moon phases together as All-One (the Prima Moon), through all
the 27 lunar mansions it spans in this galactic 27 lined Meru, in the course of its 360
passage over the 360 day lunar year of 10,800 hours (30 hours per day x 360 10,800
stanzas in the Rg Veda, which is the 432,000 syllables divided by 40 Viraj, the
Anthromorph of Purusah). This 360 x 360 cycle was reckoned on the 13 Moons of 27.69
16 Lunar Phase Yantras
from the Sri Yantra
Thus Soma Kalasa as the 16th Kala of the Moon is an annual of all lunar phases, 360, as
one summation of the Moons 27 Meru mansions comprising the AUM Yantra, or Sierpinski
Meru mountain of this galaxy.
The Soma-Kalasa of the 16th Kala is also the beginning, and is mapped by the 16th Sanskrit
vowel Am, which is the beginning, or first root of order Ruta.
This 16th vowel is positioned, as the first petal of the 16 petalled Visuddha throat/voice
cakra, and is the 16th serial order.
The 16 complete undivided parts of the Primal Manu Omniversal Persona, Purusarah,
whose 16 divisions, each are divided into 16. This comprises one complete Meruprastara,
or Manugala Yantra, as 16 x 16 = 256, the sum of the octaval 8th row of numbers of the
Sierpinski triangle.
The 11th verse of the Purusah Sukta relates the wisdom of how Purusahs divine division
devises the device of how many portions divide this grand time machine, or Kalpa Yantra
(usually ascribed 4,320 billion years. Kalpa can also mean creation, millennium, and
even imagination), as the body of Purusah.
Since there are 16 verses, and 16 is the ideal sum of 4 x (4 x 4 = 16, , which also happens
to be the immaculate equation utilised in the hadronic horizon, as the 4 x 4 iso-minkowski
meter, by which infinite recursive dimensionality is reduced, within the heart of the atom,),
and we are told that the Purusah has its quarter divisions to its whole it appears utterly
appropriate to divide the decimal base of the Kalpa-Yantra, by the 16 verse structure
The Rg Vedas 432,000 syllables are said to embody the Kalpa-Yantra, a Kalpa being one
Aeon Universal Macro cycle, a Kalpa-Manuvantara-Yantra, the Rg Veda relates this in
precise decimals as being 4,320 billion years
"Four are his horns, three are his feet, two are his heads and seven are his hands. Bound
threefold the bull roars, the mighty god has entered into mortals."
RV 4.58.2
Or the Meru Yantra of 4,320 billion years, and to the 432,000 Muhurtas/hours that is the
geometrical Meru pyramid of the Rg Veda, and is the chronomoniter, or time machine, of 40
years (2 Saturn-Jupiter-Tri cycles). Thus:
Purusah 432,000/16
= 27,000
Purusah 432,000/4
= 108,000/30 muhurtas
= 3,600 days /360 day year
= 10 years
We should note here, that mandala II of the Rg Veda, has some Meru 43 hymns, which
correlates to 27 + 16 Sidereal months, and Lunar 29 + 14 Synodic months. 27 and 16 are
Meru temporal in space and time. 16 x 27 = 432, rendering a 432,000 hyper-link and
musical A tuning in the C-256hz scale, or Meru-tuning.
We found out that Sri Yantra diagram can be considered as a symbolic language,
containing information about the mechanism of wave-particle duality, being the background
of existing Universe and all kinds of fundamental interaction.
Each of triangles pair [down+up] in terms of our model corresponds to [positive+negative]
vortex dipoles in form of parted hyperboloid of [W] phase of the pair of sub-elementary
particles, like standing [neutrino+antineutrino] in different excitation states...
It is surprising as a part of Sri Yantra, contains information about parted two-cavity
hyperboloid as a spatial image of wave B in form of cumulative virtual cloud (CVC) and
about its positive and negative energy quantization as a quantum harmonic oscillator.
Parts of Sri Yantra, representing in accordance to our model the spatial images of pair of
sub-elementary [particle+antiparticle] of excited state of wave phase [W] as a parted,
(double) hyperboloid and its ground state.
Parameters, Golden Mean, Eigenmoments, Weak and Strong Interaction. Pp 8-10
Once again, the hyperelementary particle design governing these arrangements, by hadronic
mechanics, make the hyper-significance of these models to a new prime
Dr. Kaivarainens studies thus describes the Meru Yantra, as a diagram conveying the
symbolic language of the underlying wave-particle duality mechanism that is the foundation
of our universe, and the fundamental particle interactions, like the hyerpboloid map of the
subatomic elementary particles in different states of excitation; and the two cavityhyperboloid, mapped by the Sri Yantra interlocked triangle pairs, relating the positive and
negative quantum energy numbers, in a manner akin to the Sierpinski form of the baryon
Hadronic mechanics lifts and amplifies the above observations significantly the hadronic
force horizon domain is at the 10-13cm, individual and distinct to the much larger quantum
mechanical scale of 10-9cm at the hadronic horizon scale, non-local, non-potential, and
non-linear influences are at work, as a hyperdimensional interface, and All-One Macro
Lense that reduces infinite-One to null-0
The hadronic force removes the need for the hypothetical neutrinos, and instead establishes
the hyper-symmetry design to hyper-units that interface within the hadronic horizon,
reduced to null. Thereby, the Sierpinski-like fractal binomial coefficient geometries of
infinite recursion, have the hyperquarks, and hyper-mesons (in iso-cubic symmetry), and
hyper-baryons (in iso-Sierpinski symmetry) clearly hyper-present, but their value is reduced
to null = 0 Thus, Sunyata Immaculate Emptiness is the particular personification
reduction of Ananta Infinite Oneness (Sierpinski infinite recursion), within the unified
field force of the hadronic horizon (Divine Love).
Thereby, the God Computer machine/yantra of AUM, gains further ground to being
components of an Omni-Temporal Intelligence (OTI) Omni-science, which can never be
controlled or possessed, except by axiomatically Being Its Prime indivisibly co-present
All/0One/1 Macro Operator, in coherent Self-Similarity (Divine Love-Compassion),
personally personified.
The AUM Yantras characteristics around its Bindhu-point (golden mean) tensor, also
features the asymmetry attributes of being a model for the composition of an electron from
the particle and antiparticle pair of standing neutrinos are then described by Dr. Kaivarainen:
Other feature of Sri Yantra, compatible with our model of standing [neutrino
+antineutrino] in composition of electron, is its asymmetry. Asymmetry is obvious from
position of central zero point of diagram as an open circle (o) and diamond shape of its
nuclei, composed from two triangles with common base and different height.
It is interesting to note that spatial position of zero-point (o), localized in lower triangle of
Sri Yantra diamond-nuclei as respect to its base and apex corresponds to Golden mean.
The degree of asymmetry of Sri Yantra decreases with increasing the distance from its
central point (o). For example, the shifts of zero-point positive and negative vacuum
sublevels, as respect to central point (o) of Sri Yantra are characterized by ratio: 1.77.
It reflects the asymmetry of bi-vacuum boson of secondary bi-vacuum, perturbed by
The less asymmetric shifts of higher sublevels with quantum number: n = 1, 2, 3,
corresponding to positive and negative energies of vacuum excitation: (3/2);
(5/2) and (7/2) are characterized by the following ratios of their distance from central
point: 1.19; 1.1 and 1.046.
In terms of our model of gravitation this asymmetry reflects the vacuum symmetry Shift
produced by [real vortex+mirror rotor] dipoles of uncompensated sub-elementary particle in
composition of elementary particles with fermion properties. The analogy between some
features of ancient diagram and our wave-corpuscle duality model is surprising indeed.
Parameters, Golden Mean, Eigenmoments, Weak and Strong Interaction. Pp 8-10
We should note that the neutrino conjectures are eliminated by hadronic mechanics:
The scattering theory used in all experimental claims on neutrino conjectures is structurally
insufficient for final scientific claims because it is based on the abstraction of particles as
massive points (top view) that, as such, cannot have collisions. In reality, all hadrons are
extended hyperdense spheroids of radius 1F = 1013 cm, and even though electrons have a
point-like charge, they do not have a point-like wavepacket as necessary for a serious
validity of the quantum scattering theory. When extended particles collide as in the physical
reality, we have a volume of mutual penetration of their charge distributions and/or
wavepackets (lower view) that causes interactions of nonlinear, nonlocal, nonpotential and
nonunitary type, namely, interactions dramatically beyond any dream of treatment via
quantum mechanics.
The conjecture on the existence of the neutrinos as physical particles was never accepted
by the entire scientific community because of: the impossibility for the neutrino to be directly
detected in laboratory; the neutrino inability to interact with matter in any appreciable way;
and the existence of alternative theories that do not need the neutrino conjecture.
Proceedings of the XVIII Workshop on Hadronic Mechanics University of Karlstad, Sweden,
June 20-22, 2005
Thus, physical reality is a mutual penetration of wavepackets (iso-symmetry, hyperdense
media), or charge distributions, whose interactions are everywhere, nonlocally hyperspatial,
everywhen nonlinear hypertemporal, and absolute non-potential invariance of being all-null
reductions indivisible to the infinitely-one hyperdense hyperverse All-One Macro
foundation That is, physical reality is an illusionary shell simulation contiguously
composed and comprised of hyperdimensional All-Oneness.
That the AUM Yantra also was found to have a geometrical arrangement from its Bindhu
point that correspond to the vacuum asymmetrical morphology of the bi-vacuum bosons
when perturbing matter, and the positive and negative energies of the given vacuum
excitations, as well as representing the vacuum symmetry shift, in the composition of the
fundamental particles of the fermion type, a shift caused by the triangular vortex and
mirrors dipoles of uncompensated sub-elementary particles, reveals some major
fundamental machinery behind the Sri Yantra automotives.
The researchers conclude that the Sri Yantra:
Is comprehensive enough to contribute not only modern knowledge, concerning different
fields, elementary particles, distant interactions, but as well the ancient holistic perception
of World Mystery in forms of sacred geometry, based on trained intuition of most sensitive
individuals of the past.
Parameters, Golden Mean, Eigenmoments, Weak and Strong Interaction. Pp 8-10
Dr. Kulaichev notes that the Sri Yantra's Complexity mathematics computations, far
exceeds the requirement of our modern computers. Thereby, the hyper-mathematics of the
Manumerator, that governs the God Computer of the universe, remains far ahead of our
state of the art computer science.
Here we excerpt a few sentences of Dr. Kulaichev's description of the Iterative method
constructing the Sri Yantra, relates (since it is highly technical, only the outlines that can be
comprehended by a wider audience are here conveyed):
"With the help of linear and circular equations and a sequence of super position (of coordinates) of the matching line points each structural component may be described by
algebraic equation.
"The volume of required analytical transformations is boundless even for high-power
computers. Thus for first step of transformation (from four required ones) computer must
perform more than 10^11 operations, and a volume of calculations on each succeeded step,
at least, in 100 times more than preceding one. Morever, the investigation of such resulting
equation requires to operate with a number representation of 4 thousand figures. These
demands very far exceed the capacities of modern computers."
Dr. A.P. Kulaichev, `Sriyantra and its mathematical properties. 1984. Indian Journal of
History of Science, 19.279-292.
The hadronic horizons infinite to zero reduction thereby becomes of quintessence to
utilising the Sri Yantra hypercomputer. Thus the hadronic forces reduction of infinite to
0, can be classified as the True form of the Bindhu.
That the 27 Triangle Vertices of the Sri Yantra correspond to the 27-line Configuration
whose symmetry group is the Weyl Group of the 78-dimensional Lie algebra E6; and that
the 27 Triangle Vertices also correspond to that of 27-complex-dimensional space E7 / (E6
x U(1)); and the 27 dimensional Jordun algebra is another story of the God Computer,
for another chapter.
Since all of the 8 meson hadrons and all of the 9 baryon hadrons are all-one hyperdense
media of overlapping of wave-packets, the hypermorphology of the internal hadronic
dimension is a clearly wed unity of all hyper-symmetrical and isoasymmetrical
interrelations of the Sri Yantra hypergeometry. The iso-stellated tetrahedron cube mesons
and the iso-Sierpinski tetrahedron baryons, have an intergeometrical interarrangement,
whereby all symmetrical components are hyper-mobius looped, in a hyperklein bottle, to
every other iso-symmetrical hadron relation As Santilli clarifies:
All hadrons have a charge radius which is the same as the range of the strong interactions
To activate strong interactions. Hadrons must enter into conditions of mutual penetration of
their charge distributions. The emergence of nonlocal interactions under these conditions is
then beyond scientific doubts.
Hadrons are not empty spheres with points in them on the contrary, according to clear
experimental evidence, the interior of hadrons is given by one of the densest medium
measured by mankind in laboratory Massive particles have a wavepacket at least of the
order of the size of the hadrons (1 fm) In the hadronic structure the constituents are in
condition of total mutual penetration, one inside the others, resulting in the hadronic medium i.
e. the hyperdense, medium composed by the complete mutual penetration of the wavepackets
and charge distributions of the hadronic constituents. Isorelativities, pp 322-323
Sierpinski Tetrahedron
Thus, each of the hadronic iso-symmetry spheres contain each of the other hadron isosymmetry spheres (all the mesons and all the baryons)
Here, the hyperdense medium is hypercomposed into an All-One Hyper-Morphology of
everything is everything else. Our intergeometrical modelling (summer 2000), unifying
all of the 5 platonic solids via their composition by the Vortexijah iso-tetrahedrons (and isotetrahedron-wheels), unifying all opposite faces through the 4D mobius klein bottle (single
surface toroid folding through the 4th dimension) hyper-isorotation of all opposite isosymmetry faces, whereby every solid is every other solid (see our Intergeometry page for
details and computer animated models to clarify), as All-One Macro Hypergeometry
appears to describe the hadronic Yantra hyperelative hyperindex continuum
Klein Bottle Thread called the "Shiela Structure, from the work of Shiela Morgan and our
colleague Dr. Melanie Claire Purcell, whom with Steven Rosen, are the 3 "Klein Bottle
Philosophers" in the world. Download Dr. Purcells PDF file here
As Santilli continues:
[diagram of a hyper-toroidal sphere, containing the hypermobius interrelationship of all
hadron mobius wave-packet interpenetrations, as all-one single sided toriodal hyperloop
arrangement Ananda] A schematic picture of the hadronic structure emerging from the
experimental data on the size of wavepackets and of the charge distribution of hadrons.
Essentially consists of constituents each one inside all the others this occurrence suggests a
departure in the interior hadrons from the geometry of empty space In fact, the identity of
the size of all hadrons with the range of the strong interactions, the dimension of the
wavepackets of the hadronic constituents being equal to the hadrons themselves, the
hyperdense character of the hadronic medium, and other data establish the impossibility for
conventional relativistic formulations to be exact for the hadronic structure Evidence of
the existence of deviations from the Minkowskian geometry of interior hadrons. First time
experimental verification of the isominkowskian geometry, iso-poincare symmetry and related
isospecial relativity for the interior of hadrons is provided by the behaviour of the meanlife of
unstable hadrons with speed which 1. Is at variance with Minkowskian behavior 2. Confirms
the behavior predicted by our isomonkowskian geometry 3. Provides a verification of the
isodoppler law
The isominkowskian geometrization of the physical medium in the interior of hadrons with
isotopic law was subsequently proved by Aringazin to be directly universal, i.e., including
all possible generalisations via different expansions in terms of different parameters and with
different truncations, while preserving the frame of the observe. Isorelativities
Thereby, our hyperunifications of all symmetries through intergeometrical iso-symmetries
became the confirmed conformity of the hadronic hyperdense medium This
hyperdimensional hyperdensities of hypergeometry, furthermore, are revealed to exhibit
speeds faster than the speed of light, due to their ultra high density startlingly, the
hadronic internal heart force horizon is comprised of hyperdensities that are soo dense as to
be beyond our 3rd dimensional speed of light limit local spatial geometry, the implications
of these observations are beyond profound:
One of these studies by de Sabata and Gasperini who confirmed via the use of
conventional gauge theories the preceding hypothesis by Santilli that the maximal causal
speed inside hadrons is greater than co, as recovered for the structure of the nuclei.
The second phenomenological confirmation by Nielsen and Picek who computed
deviations from the Minkowski geometry inside pions and kaons via standard gauge models
in the Higgs sector A deformed Minkowski metric inside hadrons, which is precisely of the
isominkowskian type The change in numerical value of the isotopic element in transition
from pions to kaons is necessary because of the change of the density (all hadrons have
approximately the same size, but different rest energies, thus having different densities which
require different isounits). Isorelativities. Pp 328
Thereby, the hadronic atomic densities, with greatest speeds that are superluminal, now
directly verify the visionary albeit numinous inspiration source that imbibed us in the late
1980s, which utilised the paradigm of atomic densities by new bonding arrangements of
the electron closer to the atomic nuclei, in a string of octave densities, now has the clear
observational evidence that precisely describe this state. Which lead me to write in
September 1991 the following:
Emmanuel to me appears to be a number of things. I understand and remember that
Emmanuel is part of a universal state of consciousness shared by group consciousness in
dimensions and planetary systems throughout the universes and throughout the dimensional
densities part of the Emmanuel group consciousness structure are in interuniversal, and
interdimensional extraterrestrial human forms, generally beyond the fourth density but who
can lower there atomic density and enter what we call our present physical reality of
I would also perceive the Emmanuel process as a state of awakening dormant parts of my
own brain, activating parts of the other two thirds of the cerebral cortex of the brain, by
synchronising both hemispheres of the brain [8hz], thus unifying conscious with
subconscious, to gain access to superconsciousness. Having an acceleration of brain neuron
transmissions etc.
I have understood through the Emmanuel process that there is a universal collective
superconsciousness [All-One Hadron Macro Mind], and that this is used in the
communication process. This interpenetrates
the entire cosmos
I have witnessed the star ships manifest physically, as I have worked with them, and have
clear memories of other planetary, dimensional, multi-universal experiences in the human
form or outline image [axiomatic hadronic hyper-archetypes, whose hyperdensities preserve
the space of the observer] though generally having merged into an atomic density where
the electrons are close to fusing with the nucleus of the atom [clearly describing the
hadronic horizon] and thus time/space are further collapsed [hadronic hyperdense medium of
non-local hyperspace, and non-linear, hypertime connections] and the atoms are emitting
photons, particles of light or the light body. Thus one could say the human extraterrestrial
and interdimensional form has been defrosted into a physical higher atomic density light form,
or as pure Higher Light the Original Form [describing the hyperdense photon saturation of
some of the hadron densities, and the All-One Macro Irreversible Hadron Primordial Hyper
I sincerely believe that every person has the possibility to reconnect to their own groups bandwidth within the universal superconsciousness.
The Light Of Emmanuel: Explorations Into Oneness, Ananda/Emmanuel, Aton
Publishing, 1992. Section The Emmanuel Story, signed September 1991, pp 7
Infinity or All-Oneness felt it was their duty to awaken those who had fallen into the sleep
of the universal Dream, to their Light Body expressions and equal connection and to decode
the living memories of the past out of the DNA or memory cells. Many regressed right to the
point of the original fall of man into the lower densities, where man became locked from the
atomic Light Fusioned Body. Some couples pioneered down these awakenings more than
others. Together these couples were able to increase their atomic densities, when they
together channelled the intelligent universal energy [All-One Macro Hadronic Unified Force]
through their memory cells. The memory cells awakened further energy and linkages [isoelectron clusters of magnecules and hypermagnecules, and other superconductor
configurations like ORME and cooper-pairs] to the Light Body State [All-One Hadronic/
Aether Unified Field Body], beyond atomic fusion [hyper-iso-superconductivity], way
beyond what is known as the speed of light [properly describing realisation of hypertemporal
hadronic configuration], into the state known as All-Oneness.
This transformation caused numerous members of our Confederation to break through the
fall state and re-establish their connection to multiple density expressions
interdimensional. Some chose to remain in the visible spectrum for those who had not yet
chosen to reconnect to the All-Oneness. These acted as bridges to those who ascended into
the highest levels possible of the All-Oneness.
It was recognised by the reconnected ones, that man serves an extremely important purpose
to the universe. He is the bridge, or wedding ring, that reconnects the dream of the universe
back into the All-Oneness. But yet the Force, or electrical force of the universe, when united
with the All-Oneness, creates a new level of Being. It was thus thought to be necessary that
parts of the Confederation remain in lower densities after having established the reconnection
physically with the All-Oneness, to directly connect the two principles and to guide those
who had not yet made the interdimensional connection with All-Oneness.
Eventually all members of the race had managed to defrost the frozen light of their atomic
densities into totally awakened Light Body Forms. This process continued and is continuing.
They could, however, still decrease their atomic densities and become visible in the lower
densities, as well as perform duties in these levels of vibration [the reality formulation
comprised upon the foundation stability of interpenetrating wavepackets of the hadron
horizon hyperdense media].
However, it was also realised that other parts of the universal mankind race, following the
ancestral line, were still trapped in lower densities or dream realities, in other star systems
which we had never connected with, and which had been less fortunately placed in position
to the conflicts There were thousands of planetary systems in various dimensions, octaves
and densities, that were either in the heat of the old conflicts, not recognising, themselves,
that they were in the middle of these manipulations, or had never broken the amnesia or
recognised the law of All-Oneness. They had never broken the memory veil in the DNA,
because they had not collected into a social superconsciousness, or even superconsciousness,
and thus were unable to fully unlock the memory block stored in the cellular memory, via
connecting the scattered Light Codes in the DNA [hadronic 8 hz phase-conjugational phasegathering of the DNA laser holographic continuum, into superconductive Whole Light
The Earth today is in the middle of an atomic density shift [new hadronic emissions now
clearly emerging in an independent magnetic field, and hadronic emissions registered from
the new exotic materia now influxing our solar system, together with other impulses
transfiguring the plasma-sphere of our solar system, transforming every planet into massive
energy doubling, interplanetary warming, aurora activations, and inversion of many previous
astrophysical laws [that join the 48% increase in Neptunes brightness since 1996], as the
human race upon its surface is slowly awakening its social superconsciousness, which breaks
it free from the control groups. Lifting a civilisation from a collective unconscious, to the
collective superconsciousness, which then further plugs into the collective universal superconsciousness [All-One Hadron Heart Mind] etc. A good number from the Confederation to
incarnate into the consciousness of this planet, beginning many thousands of years ago,
simultaneously projected into multiple time-frames [describing the multi-time index of
structure arrangements of hypermagnecules, which operate in the hadronic hypertemporal
and hyperelative conformations of hypermathematics [with plural frame of time in the future,
past and present, in 4 directions of time travel, exhibited in sea shell growth, and other
temporal iterations]. The Emmanuel unit or group is part of our original Confederation.
Some of which operate in the highest densities of the cosmic Christ, and with others in the
multiple universes higher densities [thereby modelling the hadronic densities axiomatic
within any myriad of multiverses cross-indexed to our own, through the hadronic hyperdense
medium and beyond] this existing as a simultaneous incarnations existing more as interuniversals, having multidimensional principles, as well as inter-universal access
[descriptions par excellance of hadronic hyperconductive hyperrelative materia, axiomatic to
all hyper-hadronic density domains of any open ended multidimension and multiverse, as
implicated in hadronic mechanics].
ANANDA, SEPTEMBER 1991, Groupe De Lucinges, France. Light Of Emmanuel,
Pp 17
This remarkable above account that I wrote 15 years ago at the age of 21, now describe a
pseudo hadronic hyper-history, where the hypertemporal and hyperelative continuum
compossing our living life architecture and ecosphere, naturally is implied to have such
hadronic hyper-axiomatic links within the multiversal holographic hypermechanics,
undulating upon the All-One Hyper Hadron Macro Foundation of the Hyper-Operator of
All-Oneness Interestingly, based on the Emmanuel atomic density paradigms, I also
explain that each respective density is interlinked to all other spaces of that same density
form, which is parallel to the hadronic hyperdense medium hyperlinking to all hadronic
hyperdense mediums within the multiverse as All-One Hyper-Medium:
So as to increase their atomic densities and move into the next octaves of dimensional
atomic density in Mars. This specific group was also connected
and in harmony with the Confederation most of them unified into group consciousness in
those higher atomic density octaves, and eventually opened the gateway into higher
A few of them remain in the higher densities of Mars today, but due to their realm of
experience are equally united with the same densities in some of the other planets of this solar
system, such as Earth, as well as other systems throughout this galaxy and the higher
universes. For this unified state is not isolated by one particular planetary system, but is
united throughout all systems of Light in service of the One
Infinite Creator. In other words that density or dimension is linked into the interuniversal
super-consciousness [All-One Hadron Universal Heart-Mind].
ANANDA, Light Of Emmanuel Pp 20
Then on page 191, I finally clarify the atomic density idea further in describing the Aetheric
(which in fact is the Hadronic Force) domains:
ETHERIC: where the electron within the atom has moved closer to the nucleus of the
atom, and therefore has moved into the next atomic density or octave, the vibration moving
too fast for a third density eye circuit to decipher [describing the high spin state Likewise
the iso-coupling of electrons in the superconductor, as the light cannot escape, phaseconjugates coherently with itself, and as the Meisner Field high spin state is achieved. Since
nothing penetrates the superconductor, so no photons can bounce off its morphology, and
are warped around, thereby making the superconducting material conformity obscure to the
sensory photonic activated visionary apparatus (films of heated ORME superconductors
show it to disappear Stirring the space where the material was placed, and then subsequent
cooling of the ORME superconductor, bringing it back into visibility, show that when in the
Meisner superconducting state, the conducting components of the spoon stirring the material,
warped around the superconducting Meisner space]. The higher the density the more photons
particles of light are emitted from the atom [these are the hyperdense photons of
hadrons, their hadronic coupling with elements that are brought into the superconductive
Meisner Field state, increases the intensity of the hyperdense photons, into coherent selfphase-cancellation, thereby becoming Hadronic Whole-One Light of the All-One Macro.
Infinite-speed with zero-value Hyper-Light]. Therefore, the higher the atomic density, the
more light you emit, until you are a pure atomically fused Light Body [the superconducting
and hyperconducting hyper-morphology].
Also can refer to the realms of the Light Body where one has total atomic fusion: the
electrons have fused with the nuclei in the atoms, and thus are moving way beyond the speed
of light, into hyperspace: moving in every direction simultaneously, and thus you are not
moving at all, you are everywhere at the same time, but yet are individual as One [clearly
describing full hadronic hyperconductive realisation of the apparent conducting electron
orbitals of biology into hadronic iso- and hyperdense coupling within the hadron horizons
hyper dense media and beyond. Macro Hadronic coupling of a conducting biology that is
operating itself within and as the hyperlocal hyperelativity of the hyperdimensional
hypertemporal architecture of the All-One Hadron Hyper Macro Materia that comprises it
Where the two apparent perspectives have been cognised as the indivisible immaculate
empty and infinite Unity that they are as the Omniversal All-Oneness Heart-Mind] The
Universal Intelligence the Unified Field Emmanuel explains that God is the
combination of all polarities. Therefore the Creator is everything and nothing united every
possibility, every expression, imagined and unimagined by man the Creator IS, in Unity [the
All-One Macro Hadron Unified Field is likewise described in this 1991 writing].
The Light Of Emmanuel, pp 191
Following on from this, in light of the hadronic horizon, we now can clearly understand the
notion of the 7 atomic densities, with our present density being the 3rd density The 7
electron densities then are:
1. Outer electron shell photon positive,
2. Middle electron shell neutral,
3. Inner electron shell, negative,
4. iso-electron-magnecules and the like,
5. Proton-Electron, ergo Neutron,
6. Meson,
7, Baryon,
8. Protonic,
Of these 7, 3 are potential operators, functioning under the 4 nuclear forces and quantum
mechanics, whilst the inner 4, operate in various densities of the hadronic horizons
hyperdense medium, under the 5th Unified hadronic force The highest densities are so
dense, by hadronic mechanics, that they are superluminal
Shell Number
K-shell orbital (closest to nucleus)
L-shell orbital
M-shell orbital
N-shell orbital
N-shell orbital
N-shell orbital
N-shell orbital
Maximum saturation
Number of electrons
Energy Level
In essence, these two opposing 7 density spectrum arrays operating in the atom (akin to the
Sva-Loka/Heavenly Worlds and the Patal-Loka Netherworlds of the Veda, and the
interchange of these 7s with the 7p locals renders 49 domains that are the root of the
Tibetan book of the Deads 49 Bardos of heaven and hell) the hadronic atomic heart
fusionary form; the electronic shell difusionary excitation form comprise the interelative
permutations between the nuclear and electron-shell 7 x 7 permutations, that governs the
architectural continuum of the billions of atoms in every second entering our body yantra
geometry and leaving our biological geometrical template
This fractal symmetry is then macro-scaled in resonance, in that the DNA operates on
Sierpinski binomial numbers, the musical octave foundation set up from the 8hz continuum
in our body, is the c-tone cascade following the binomial numbers, and when placed upon a
golden section cone, comprises the golden spiral of the DNA to boot, let alone the
geometrical arrangement of our body morphology following the binomial equal tempored
musical tuning symmetry so much so that, over 3000 opera singer signatures appealed to
the International music board in Rome to change the international musical A-440 hz tuning
note standard, to the natural A-432 hz (which on the golden music cone, is the A-tone range
of C-256 hz [one 8 fold octave of Sierpinski row number summation]) as the geometry of
the human larynx is naturally designed according to this tuning.
Thereby, we now glimpse two forms of atomic densities that interact according to the
Mahat-Tattva AUMKara geometry. More precisely, and open-ended, we are suggesting
binomial co-efficient geometrical levels of atomic densities, and their permutations (and
iso-, geno-, hyper- permutations).
The Universal Akasa/Hadron information storage systems 3,628,800 possible
combinations (3.6288 x 10^6), per unit, when considering that protons are wherever
hydrogen is (distributed in every cubic cm of space and representing 90% of the universe)
that is a hadronic universal processing system that spans far beyond the mind boggling.
Every cubic centermeter of the universe, inumerable protons are everywhen and
everywhere, with such omegon hadronic processor setup (the 27D hadron akasa itself is
omni-temperal, in concurrent hypertemporal unanimity past, present, and future,
everywhere and everywhen.
Our actual primordial nature in this regard is glimpsed through one function of protons
within our body, giving us a view of our nature as universal heart-mind processors, and
holographic personifications of the hyper-fractal universe Proto-Heart-Mind All-One
Macro. For in 1984, Dr. Gow and colleagues discovered that protons in the form of Ca2+
ions, have been identified as the main charge carriers in numerous cells (Gow,
Microbiology, 1984, vol. 130. Pp 2967-2974 and 3313-3318).
The number of protons in the universe are now beyond the imagination, and each with some
3.6 million combination sets within their complex communication system manufold. We
thereby turn the beacon light on this 8 hz ELF proton communication information system,
as being the nature of hadronic force process being orchestra player facets of the
hadronic 5th force symphony.
Dr. Puharich now goes into the specific frequency tunings for the omegon hadron:
Preons (10 in number) are the ultimate physical particles that carry information using a basic
alphabet of distinct units. This alphabet is expressed as magnetic fields with a frequency range
from 10^-3 hz to 10^3 hz. The preons plus the gluons generate the ELF magnetic field
through string vibrations.
Dr. Andrija Puharich, Protocommunication II: Universal Information/Action Transfer,
February 1987. Pp 35
In hadronic physics, the string vibrations are in fact the All-One Hadron, and the nature of
all mater is empty, whilst the vacuum is rigid and one. Matter is empty and space is
infinitely one. Matter is the undulation of the infinitely rigid Macro Hadron modelled within
the vacuum emptiness of matter. This is what we call an Omni-scalar Hadron Hyperstring.
Puharich continues:
In order to send precise signals to protons in DNA, the ELF magnetic fields must be tuned
accurately to 10^-2 to 10^-3 parts of a cycle per second. One frequency only keeps the DNA
perfectly tuned for health, and that is 8.00 Hz.
Protons are the senders and receivers of information in biological systems as bound in water
and DNA. Protons are changed through preon information and action to carry out the Kevran
weak transmutation of atoms.
Dr. Andrija Puharich, Protocommunication II: Universal Information/Action Transfer,
February 1987. Pp 35
The Kevran transmutation of atoms Puharich observed in laboritory studies, where the 8 hz
Omegon/Preon resonation of information and action changes the protons, and new elements
appear, including life.
The detailed and laborious extensive studies carried out by Puharich since the 1950s, with
paradigm leaps in the mid 1970s, clearly points to the 8 hz ELF field in fact being a
component of the Hadronic 5th Force little wonder that the 8 hz proton resonance in the
DNA hydrogen bonds replication, was the first scientific mention of being a body
temperature superconductive-like phenomenon (Scientific American, March 1965, Pp 28).
Therefore, in this paper, we bring to focus the much obscured hard science studies of the
1970s, which appears to have observed, harnessed, and replicated the Hadronic 5th force.
Here, Puharich lists the hadronic/omegon/preon model of the MM magnetic monopoles, for
many of what had previously been thought to be superhuman feats, that he observed in
many of the PSI-kids of the 1970s, numerously studied in his Lab-9. Here is a hint of
hadronic Hyperbiology and hypergenetics:
The ELF field theory, i.e. a plasmon microstructure made up of magnetic bubbles, and
magnetic monopoles organised according to the fractal geometry of Mandelbrot.
Each genetic segment of DNA has a specific ELF go, no-go frequency control operating in
the form of magnetic bubbles.
roots only one root is appropriate due for its asymptotic behavior at R 0.
Dr. R. M Santilli, ELEMENTS Of HADRONIC MECHANICS Vol. III, : Applications and
Experimental Verifications Chapter 9, EXPERIMENTAL VERIFICATIONS AND
APPLICATIONS IN CHEMISTRY. Naukova Dumka, Ukraine Academy of Sciences, Kiev.
Thereby, the hydrogen molecules spheroidal infinite fractal recursive polynomial
coefficients (Sierpinski polyhedra), utilised the hyperdimensional N (aNy number) lifting
value of the Sierpinski 16, to calculate the 27 minimal energy modes at optimal positioning
of the isoelectronium in the molecular form of element one, whose harmonic resonance
continuum is 8 hz, which sets up the binomial co-efficient triangle fractal cascade
symmetry, axiom shadowgrams of a 27D state within the hadronic hyperdense media!
Thus the universal All-Oneness Mind-Heart intelligence is directly accessable within the
heart of every atom in our body, the above implies (the hyperdimensional hypercomputer
embodied in the unified force of the atom, at the hadronic horizon in the heart between the
electron shells and the nucleus. As Emmanuel related:
One has to embrace and love the physical body, for the physical body is equally the Unified
Field. The physical body is the gateway to your consciousness, to your total consciousness, as
it is mirrored and stored within every particle. If you move into the subatomic particles you
calm the consciousness. You calm the consciousness creating with itself your own
Emmanuel, The Unified Field: God, Denmark, January 1990
Thus, our consciousness generation by the Mahatattva Purusa Vasta subatomic fractal grid
compter hyper-geometry (Sri Yantra, Meruprastara, AUM mandala, Sierspinski binomial
triangle), is directly interceptable by becoming conscious at the subatomic particle heartcore. As Emmanuel relate it to the Universal Macro Unified Field, or Hadron Force (Akasa):
Your mind is not separate from the universal Unified Field which is everything AllOneness, we have termed it, others call this God. Your thoughts, when in creative impulse,
are received, or called upon, from the very centre realisation of All-Oneness.
Therefore, every-single thought that you think is connected to the One Source it has in
some way been orignally conceived from the One Source, even though the recording that
exists within your brain may be the echoe of that Original Spark.
All around you is God. All around you is your mind. There is no separation between your
mind and all things that surround you. All things that surround you are your mind. At the subatomic level, and further within the microcosmic scale you have already began to explore
that posibility, that you are your suroundings, that you are every-single thing around you.
Your thought and your mind are not issolated things just limited to the storage point which
you call brain.
Emmanuel, The Unified Field: God, Denmark, January 1990
Since it is 8hz that is the coherent signal that emerges from this omegon fractal design, and
8 hz is the heart-mind state of compassion and coherence, inspiration, the direct signal
signature to log onto this intelligence is thereby defined Compassionate love show
coherent golden mean cardiorythmic magnetic fields, that peak in their coherency at 8 hz
Love, therefore is the means to go online.
This is precisely what the alchemical teachings of the easter tantric alchemist Boganathar
relates. This Maha Siddhi from the Tamil Siddhi Yogis is well known as a teacher of
Mahanagaraj Babaji, who founded the Krija Yoga school made famous by Yoganandas
Autobiography Of A Yogi.
Boganathar appears to have lived for a very long period of time, and rather remarkable
science is attributed to his works. Boganathars alchemical yogic texts describe the central
use of the AUM Sri Yantra in the art of biogenesis.
According to Professor S. K. Ramachandra Rao (Srividya-Kosha), the Sri Yantra is used
centrally in the alchemical tantric traditions, such as those following the notorious "would
not die" Maha Siddhi, Boganathar, as part of their alchemical formula's for biogenesis...
Professor Rao gives his description of the Yantra:
"The mandala is in its nature a complex pattern of several geometrical paterns, each of which
has a aspecific character and a specific function. When the mandala is made to represent that
human constitution itself, areas of the mandala are made to correspond with parts of the body.
Introspecive visualisation helps in giving meaning to the mandala. This yantra is essentially a
pattern of interwoven triangles, nine in number... Surrounding this pattern are two concentric
circles (colled lotuses), the inner one having eight petals (dala) and the outer 16.... The angles
are known as vimarsa and the petals prakasa [para-akasa] is the light of consciousness, the
illumination that Purusa is. And vimarsa is the Sakti principle, the incorporation of the
projected world... The union of the two principles is the foundation for the creation as well as
the well into which the world dissolves at the end."
- Professor S. K. Ramachandra Rao, Srividya-Kosha, Kalpataru Research Academy, 2000.
The Tamil Maha Siddhi's are of a long unbroken lineage of alchemist-shamans, or yogin's,
stemming from Agastyar, one of the authers of the Rg Veda, and the first historical source
with extensive writtings and parapenelia on alchemy. One of the main tenents of this
Tantric Yoga tradition is that whaever is in the macrocosm called anda, is in the micorcosm,
pinda. Deepak Bhattacharya calls this axiom macro-micro-symmetry", comprised of
param-mahat [transcendental-Prima Mahatattva], the absolutey grand, and param-anu, the
absoluty miniscule. The ParamMahat being the undifferenciated diffused infinite, as the
Ether, or the Vittaveli Consciousness of the Siddhas, whilst the Param-Anu is the
condensed, potential and nonpotential, as the Bindhu, the living germs thereof being atoms
(paramanu's are a Vedic class of primordial atoms), akin to the hadronic reduction infinite
to null-potential.
Boganathar's historical footprints, left in well established shores, over hundreds of years,
are all the more remarkable when one realises that in these manuscripts from antiquity,
including Boganathar's Saptakandam, where his transcendence of time, or Kalatita, enabled
him to create a steam boat, and a cart that can move with steam/gas, together with a pugai
ratam cart that emits smoke... Accurate workable descriptions on how to make a parachut
(Saptakandam, verses 281-284 canto II).
How his hypertemperal superconducting Maha Siddhi power's enabled him to go forwards
in time, where he scribes his journeys to Jerusalem and Rome, where he describes "seeing"
the Samadhi of the disciples of Christ, whom Boganathar refers to by the name Immanuel
in this archaic manuscript (Saptakandam, verse 222).
Boganathar as
Boga Yang &
Lao Tse
Here, Boganathar describes the use of the AUM Yantra 9 sound alchemy:
"Concentrate the sound energy, visually transcend there. Who is inside? Appropriate there
with Prana-Vayvu power, the imperishable letter AUM. Circulate the the Causal Self/SoulSun Prana that you see, and identify, sustain and bind the Atam/Soul, to be sustained in the
was instructed to make the bean sprout. Within two minutes a three inch sprout appeared
from the bean. This is called growth forward time (G.I.F.T.).
Then the healer was instructed to make the sprout grow back into the bean. This is called
growth into reversed time (G.I.R.T.). This was accomplished in about two minutes. EEG
readings, as well as the scalar wave detecter showed 8 Hz radiated from the healers hand,
both in the GIFT and GIRT mode.
Test subjects were found (starting with Uri Geller), who could bend metals without manual
contact. It was found that such hands put out a 7 Hz scalar field. The action affects the Fermi
electron band of atoms resulting in bond weakening, or breaking. Some of this group could
also make objects vanish (dematerialise), as well as teleport and materialise
The origin of the Healers 8.00 Hz was in his double helix coupling-protons, which
transferred an ELF scalar field to DNA in the nucleus of the cells of the healee by resonance.
The target hit by the ELF scalar field was a coupling-proton suspended between two single
DNA helices which make up the double helix.
Resonance between the Healers DNA 8.00 Hz proton ELF scalar field and the Healees
proton coupling the two DNA helices, a local separation between the 2 helices, which triggers
a signal to the messenger RNA. This produces, or releases, a genome called RAD 6 which
initiates the healing process.
An instrumental ELF scalar field generator was designed to put out an 8.00 Hz ELF scalar
field of strength 9 x 10 minus 9th Tesla. Over 2,000 persons wore such, called a TESLAR, for
a period of two years. The study was triple blind. It was found that such an artificially
generated 8.00 Hz ELF scalar field cured 27 different organic diseased.
Dr. A. Puharich, Magnetic Model of Matter And Mind: Physical Foundation Of Information
And Action Transfer In The Healing Process. Temple University Conference. April 15th 1988.
Pp 1-3
Here, in the Bhagavata Puruna, an emanational personification of the Maha Purusah OmniPersona describes the hadronic Maha Siddhi powers in association with the atomic hearts
unified field force:
One who worships Me in My atomic form pervading all subtle elements, fixing his mind
on that alone, obtains the mystic perfection called anima anima, becoming smaller than
the smallest.
I exist within everything, and I am therefore the essence of the atomic constituents of
material elements. By attaching his mind to Me in this form, the yogi may achieve the
perfection called laghima, by which he realizes the subtle atomic substance of time.
The yogi who completely absorbs his mind in Me, and who then makes use of the wind
(Vata/Vayu, [Vortexijah]) that follows the mind to absorb the material body in Me, obtains
through the potency of meditation on Me the mystic perfection by which his body
immediately follows his mind wherever it goes.
In terms of using the active Maha Siddhi Rainbow-, Light-, or Diamond Body, whereby the
biogenesis of the conducting biological body into a full hypermagnecule hadronic Aether
The Soma-Pinoline-Harmine-Loturin molecule has a stable NMR of 8 hz, and its flat nature,
flouressence readings show, has superior binding to the DNA, by donating electrons to the nucleotide
Base pair. Proton-proton spin-spin coupling at 8 hz. See our book The Soma Conspiracy for avid details on
our theories of DNA Somagenesis (hadronic bio-morphosis)
The 8-fold spin symmetries of the Vortexijah sphere, is the ultimate hyperdimensional
orhtorotation of the unified 8hz fields that one can practice, as a macro field map for the
myriad of proton-atomic-heart Thereby, with the actual Heart-Will compassionate Love
experience, in apotheosis with the Divine Love of the All-One Maker the practical
application of the Maha Siddhi Rainbow and Diamond Body is now, translated and defined
into the protocol and science of our modern age.
Love is what logs us into the atomic heart resonance, of every atom.
Dr Puharich here describes further use of the Heart-Mind Will with the omegon proto-mind
force, in reality co-creation:
Metal-bending, and metal-fracture. Warping of electronic/proton domain plasmon
Paranormal photos. High resolution of domain formation of plasmons guided by telepathy.
Memory in living and non-living objects. Psychotronic systems. Stationary field magnetic
bubbles at resonance, and polarization of quarks and preons.
Psycho-kinesis. Quark domain polarisation of n-dimensional axes.
Phantasmagoria, monsters, tulpas, and ectoplasm [co-creation]. Dispersion of normal selforganizing ELF bubble soliton plasmon.
Dr. Andrija Puharich, Protocommunication II: Universal Information/Action Transfer,
February 1987. Pp 34.
Thus, with psychotronic/radionic information transmission (virtual magic), there is a
polarisation of the quark magnetic monopoles by the MM omegon magnetic bubbles
stationary field.
Here, Emmanuel give some extraordinary insight, to the Omnipresent Omniscience
The application of this All-One Macro realisation of Coherence, All Is God, Maha Purusah,
All-Oneness and the like, with the atomic heart force of Divine Love renders the powers
ascribed to the alchemists of history, the Maha Siddhis. The Bhagavata Puranas
personified commentary from the Maha Purusah, describes the 8 Prime Maha Siddhis as
Among the eight primary mystic perfections, the three by which one transforms ones own
body are
1. anima, becoming smaller than the smallest;
2. mahima, becoming greater than the greatest; and
3. laghima, becoming lighter than the lightest.
Through the perfection of:
4. prapti one acquires whatever one desires, and through
5. prakamya-siddhi one experiences any enjoyable object, in this world or the next. Through
6. isita-siddhi one can manipulate the subpotencies of maya, and
7. vasita-siddhi, controlling its potency one is unimpeded by the three modes of nature.
8. kamavasayita-siddhi acquired, one can obtain anything from anywhere, to the highest
possible limit.
These eight mystic perfections are considered to be naturally existing and unexcelled within
this world.
Srimad Bhagavata Purana, Canto 11, Chapter 15
Therein, the Maha Siddhi craft of the Mahatamanau can now be rekindled in light of the
novel hadronic mechanic revolution, of the 5th Unified Force: Akasa Divine Love,
Compassion in All-Oneness Action. As Emmanuel relate into terms of the hadronic/
Aetheric biogenesis of the Unified Filed Force:
Allow your being to be infused, to be your and the whole Infinite Being that you are as a
unique individualisation of God, so that the body may vibrate in tune with the cosmos, and
may be eternal life, light and love, of God. This will be seen on many levels as chemical
reactions [hypermagnecules]. Those chemicals and molecules within your body are all God,
are all Christ.
Emmanuel, Eternal Life, July 1988
The Vedic Sage Markandeya became immortal, with a lifespan over seven Manuvantaras
(7 x 72 million years). His practice of the Vedas included the proper alchemical Soma
tools, and the All-One Atamanau Heart-Mind Sun Self, cognising the Source of the Maha
Tattva. Immortality is gained through the Maha Purusah: total All-One identification with
the All-Oneness of All Is God:
Markandeya studied the Vedic hymns and strictly observed the regulative principles. He
furthered his spiritual progress by carrying the mendicant's waterpot, staff, sacred thread,
brahmacari belt, lotus-seed [harmine/ loturine, soma], prayer beads and bundles of kusa grass
[phalaris reed grass, DMT/5-MeO-DMT]. At the sacred junctures of the day he regularly
worshiped the Supreme Personality of Godhead in five forms- and the Supersoul within his
heart Thus devoted to austerity and Vedic study, Markandeya Rsi worshiped the supreme
master of the senses, the Personality of Godhead, for countless millions of years, and in this
way he conquered unconquerable death.With his mind thus free of all disturbances, he turned
it inward and meditated on the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who lies beyond the material
While the mystic sage thus concentrated his mind by powerful yoga practice, the tremendous
period of six lifetimes of Manu passed by.
Srimad Bhagavata PuranamCanto 12, Chapter 8.13-14
In hadronic mechanics, the perspective of quarks being localised units is transfigured by the
discovery of the hadronic force exhisting on the post quantum range of 10-13cm, between
the electron orbital quantum range of 10-9cm and the nucleus This new hadron horizon,
operates in a unique domain where non-potentials, non-local, non-linear influences phaseconjugate with the larger quantum domains potentials, local point-particles, and linear
operations. As Dr. Santilli relates:
Quarks cannot be physical constituents of hadrons existing in our spacetime. Quarks
cannot be directly detected as physical particles in our spacetime.
Proceedings of the XVIII Workshop on Hadronic Mechanics, University of Karlstad, Sweden,
June 20-22, 2005. Institute for Basic Research FL 34682., http://www.
Hadronic mechanics gives us a new stance on the concurrently hyper-reality involved in our
own All-One Macro Hadron co-creativity with the All One Maker Omni-Hyperhadron:
Biological events, such as the growth of an organism, are irreversible. Therefore, any
treatment of biological systems via conventional reversible mathematics and related physical
formulations cannot pass the test of time.
Computer simulations have shown that the imposition to sea shell growth of conventional
geometric axioms (e.g., those of the Euclidean or Riemannian geometries) implies the lack of
proper growth, as expected because said geometries are strictly reversible, while the growth
of sea shells is strictly irreversible.
The same studies by C. R. Illert (loc. cit.) have indicated the need of a mathematics which is
not only structurally irreversible, but also multi-dimensional.
A main difference of hypermathematics with the preceding formulations is that in the latter
the product of two numbers is indeed generalized but single-valued... By comparison, in
hypermathematics the product of two numbers yields, by conception, a set of values...
Such a feature appears to be necessary for the representation of biological systems because
the association of two atoms in a DNA (mathematically representable with the
hypermultiplication) can yeld a large variety of different organs.
This feature serves to indicate that the biological world has a complexity simply beyond our
imagination at this time, and that the study of biological problems, such as understanding the
DNA code via numbers dating back to biblical times, is manifestly insufficient.
An important application of hyperformulations has already been the achievement of
compatibility between structure models of hadrons with ordinayr massive particles as
constituents in mutated conditions, and the SU(3)-color models of classification, which
compatibility is permitted by the assumption that quarks are composite, thus admitting an
hyperstructure with mutivalued hyperunits.
That the complexity of biological structures requires the use of hypermathematics as well as
its isodual, e.g., for quantitative interpretations of bifurcations. In fact, a quantitative
interpretation of bifurcations, e.g., in sea shells, requires four different hypertimes and their
In turn, this is sufficient to illustrate the departure from conventional notions of a relativity
suitable for quantitative studies on biological systems, known as hyperrelativity and its
In fact, such new relativity requires the most general notion of numbers, those with a multivalued hyperunits characterized by an ordered, yet unlimited number of non-Hermitean
elements, with consequential most general possible geometries and mechanics, plus their
This results in an ordered, yet unlimited variety of spaces and their isoduals all coexisting in
As Emmanuel relate:
This is something delightful that you, and we as you have explored to see infinity frozen,
to see ourselves frozen, identify ourselves in frozen section, and experience a bit of infinity at
a time So that it is not happening all at once, but seems to be in some form of evolution, of
movement, backwards, and forwards: the illusion of movement.
For within infinity there is only stillness. Because infinity is Love and Love is silent. For it is
all movement united. All possibilites united. Therefore, it is exploring every possibility by
being the exploration of every possibility, in absoloutely no movement. Because It Is every
point that could be and is explored By embracing your Superconsciousness, you become
the planet. Because the bubble is dissolved.
Emmanuel, Diving Into Superconsciousness: A Guide To Being God, January 1990,
Bubble disolation, absolutely no movement It Is every point that could be and is
explored, this does not only describe superconductivity: zero electrical resistence, but
rather hyperconductivity and beyond: truly the OMNICONDUCTIVITY of All-Oneness,
Omni-All/0-Oneness Resistence.
(also see:
(E. Trell, Tessellation of Diophantine Equation Block Universe, contributed paper to Physical Interpretations of
Relativity Theory, 6-9 September 2002, Imperial College, London. British Society for the Philosophy of Science, in
print, (2002))
(R. M. Santilli and T. Vougiouklis, contributed paper in New Frontiers in Hyperstructures, T., Vougiouklis, Editor,
Hadronic Press, p. 1 (1996))
(H. C. Myung and R. M. Santilli, Editor, Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Lie-Admissible Formulations,Part II,
Hadronic J. Vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 1-725)
(C. R. Illert and R. M. Santilli, Foundations of Theoretical Conchology, Hadronic Press, Palm Harbor, Florida (1995).)
(R. M. Santilli Isotopic, Genotopic and Hyperstructural Methods in Theoretical Biology, Ukraine Academy of Sciences,
Kiev (1996).)
(R. M. Santilli, Isodual Theory of Antimatter, with Applications to Cosmology, Antigravity and Spacetime Machines,)
Thus, Manu-Emmanuel and Salvana's "All-Oneness," having its first glimmers dawning as
"'everything implicates everything' in an order of undivided wholeness."This is identical to
Visvakarmanamh, the All-One Maker/All Is God Being Maha Purusah, and each
inidividual universe, heart, and atom.
We seal this chapter, by choosing a selection which is full of clues on how to use the
Unified Field of the Divine Love Force in the heart of every atom To be the heart of
every atom, one goes into the very macro heart Sun Self, from the heart with Divine Love,
one has the Macro lense to the heart of every atom.
These excerpts from Emmanuel, we have added bracket comments to remind and reiterate
the diverse technical points that we have spanned in this discourse, to the Hearty unified
whole triggers of Emmanuel, of All-One Maker With and As Us Divine Love is the
Choice of each individual, absolutely:
This planet is based, or is a projection, of the combination of all experience within the
It means an overt and invert concentration on Love; a complete and total dedication to the
God Source God is not impersonal, God is very Personal, is very much alive, It has
consciousness; you happen to be that consciousness. That consciousness can be witnessed in
all around you. That is important. It can be witnessed by Love.
Love alone will help you recognise God. Love is God in perception. For Love is whole.
Love is unified. The act, the very thing that Love IS, is unification, is One, and One is God.
Love is the answer to seeing God in All.
It is also very personal. It is something that needs to be felt, not just understood, it's a
feeling of Love, it's a feeling and understanding of embrace, an act, it is Being, with a capital
When Love comes in, black [tamas-guna] and white [sattva-guna] are gone beyond. You
go beyond the chessboard of the game of life [purusa vasta yantra] and go into the place
where black and white are united, a place that is known as Love, a place that is actually You.
For You, inside, are the black [tamas-guna] and the white [sattva-guna] united. However,
the externalisation, or outward projection [mahatattva-alter ego, vasta purusa yantra] of that
which you surround your Self [Atamanau] with, is freezing, is diversifying that One Light
into polarity.
So you get a colour spectrum [7 x 7 = 49 grid], which is in-between the black and the white.
The two would appear to be opposites of the magnetic pole. And so, as you live within
duality and choose to perceive that, you have a duality or a polarity within yourself [alterego]. And, naturally, in the illusionary creation of the world you also see the polarity.
Love is that which leads you beyond polarity, beyond battle. Integrating the mind into the
heart is where good and evil stops and you go into God [All-One Maker: Visvakarmanamh],
into Universal Christ [Maha Purusah].
Unless, it is perceived from the game of duality [7 x 7 = 49; 8 x 8 = 64 vasta purusa
yantra], of separation but that is just an illusionary projection from a point of unification.
This planet is the culmination, is the projected culmination of the entire universal game of
polarities and dualities, of separation.
It culminates in this planet. And as Love is integrated and understood, thus all polarities
meet in a centre point, and are home; the universe is able to be birthed into the state of Being
home, of Being God, of Being Love.
Much of the realisation that springs forth within you now, within the years to come
within some of you, hopefully with all of you in your choice will lead you directly to the
One State of Being, that is beyond comprehension. And it is not limited, it is simply
incomprehensible within word format. It is not limited. It is beyond every experience united
and no experience united. It is beyond ecstasy.
Love is but the nearest thing that can move towards IT. For in Love no duality can exist: no
everythingness, no nothingness, only the two united.
Remember, you personally are the important one. You personally are the very experience of
this expression. You personally are a personification, a projection of God. You personally
make the difference. Love is your key. You can call it Divine Love, if the understanding of
love has been to limited to what is termed as physical love on the Earth planet and plane.
But physical love is a part of Divine Love. We are talking about the Grand Unifying Point,
the Grand Unifying Essence, in which no polarity can exist. That is what each of you are.
That is what your Sun Self [Atamanau] Is. Even if your Sun Selves would appear to be cells
within a Cosmic Christ Body, your Sun Selves blend together to make that One Cosmic
Christ Body. And, therefore, the Body and the Consciousness are One and the same.
For, as you are discovering, the beginning and the end, and all the bits in be-tween, are
happening at the same time. All dimensions are happening within the same Point of Light.
All spaces are in One Point, and that is Love. The universe exists only in One place and that
place is called Love.
Love leads you beyond time into timelessness. The silence of Love, the timeless music, is
motion, is vibration. Love is silence, is all vibrations united, and beyond that there is the
sound of everything united, which is the everythingness, and there is the silence of
nothingness. Love is the two united. In Love there can be no polarity, none at all.
Love will lead you to the Grand Unification. And will transform all mind, and integrate all
This planet is going through a transformation that is inevitable. It is inevitably going into
that of a Light particle structure. which is to say a Unified Particle Structure [hyperhadronomy/Aether]. A particle struc-ture that is working in vibrational wave-lengths that
have one Unified Field, that are not in the battle of diversification, but are integrated, and are
coming and moving further and fur-ther into unification [superconductivity], through the
vibration [fractal Dharmata/Mandelbrot-Meruprastara/Sierpinski-SriYantra], or True Core
that is known as Love [All-One Macro Hadron].
Aligning your will to that which is that of the Will of God, inside, and in you, around you,
above you, wherever you wish. Because the core of you is that: your Sun Self [Atamanau],
your timeless Self [Atimanu]. The Self that is not bound by time. It remains outside of time,
as the Unified One that you are, as the Love Essence, therefore. Co-create with that.
This point of this planet is a marvel. For it signifies the complete combina-tion and
culmination of all universal explorations and experiences, within one point. And as this is
represented here, and unified here, so it affects and transforms the entire universe.
Love your Self. Love all that you are. The distortion is the defense system of something that
feels it is not being trusted, because it is not being recognised. So, it does not dare to be it
Self, to be Love.
And so, it would appear for you, in this world, your physical body, your personality, is a
defense system, that appears to be distortion [alter-ego, tri-gunas]. Because you feel you are
not trusted to be Love.
But no one can do that for you, to trust you for you. You must learn to trust your Self
[Atamanau], to trust each part of yourself as God, to allow it to be God, recognised by your
perception, and embraced by your perception, not as the distortion, but as God, as Love,
and as You. Take responsibility, for It is You. For every energy in your body is You. Take
responsibility for you as God, as Love.
Then the world changes for You.
Emmanuel, The Universal Christ: Embracing The Colours Of The Universe Into The
One Son: The Sun Of Love. July 5, 1990. THE LIGHT OF EMMANUEL.
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and includes the first treatments on record of sea shells via the isoeuclidean geometry and the identification of their
universal isorotational symmetry. The volume includes several beautiful color plates of computer visualization of
complex sea shells. The first edition of this monograph was very well received by professional conchologists,
theoretical physicists and mathematicians. This second edition should be part of all science libraries.
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Devlin, K. [2002]: Kurt Gdel - Separating Truth from Proof in Mathematics,
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Eberhard, C.A. [1999]: Diophantine equations,
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for the Study of Time, 1, pp. 7-13.
Heath, T.L. [1964]: Diophantus of Alexandria: A Study in the History of Greek
Algebra. New York, Dover Publications.
Hogben, L. [1937]: Mathematics for the Million. London: Georg Allen&Unwin.
Hossack, K. [2000]: Plurals and Complexes, British Journal for the
Philosophy of Science, 51, pp 411-43.
Ikkala, O. and ten Brinke, G. [2002]: Functional materials Based on SelfAssembly of Polymeric Supramolecules, Science, 295, pp 2407-9.
Kamionkowski, M. [2002]: A Hawking-eye View of the Universe, Science,
296, p 267.
Kato, T. [2002]: Self-Assembly of Phase-Segregated Liquid Crystal
Structures, Science, 295, pp 2414-8.
Kukla, A. [1998]: Studies in Scientific Realism. Oxford: Oxford University
Laubichler, M.D.[2003]: A Premodern Synthesis, Science, 299, pp 516-17.
Mackenzie, D. [1997]: Number Theorists Embark on a New Treasure Hunt,
Science, 279, p 139.
All of the CA (cellular automata) programs reflect aspects of the Sierpinski gasket
(sometimes called the Sierpinski triangle) ; Professor Isaacson's CA analysis included.
Different particular patterns emerge from the use of different operations on the gasket as it
is created, but the general format remains, as it does as a general background pattern in
Professor Isaacson's diagrams. What Professor Isaacson has achieved is the application of
processes that 'bring out' the Baryon octet as a 'hidden' element in CA 129 of Wolfram's set.
My focus here is on what is BEHIND the octet, namely the Sierpinski gasket. The tie of
the Sierpinski gasket to Pascal's triangle, and to constrained random processes (where the
triangular gasket emerges from out of the 'random' dynamics within the constraint) reflects
oscillations in thought where the act of containment through brain oscillations (i.e. object vs
relationships oscillations, oscillations of a dichotomy) *must* lead to Sierpinski gasket
expressions. For brain oscillations and their affect on behaviour and so thought(in this case
manic/depression) see (in particular the paper on hemispheres). Note in
this that it is the particular accumulated time in one 'side' or the other that influences general
For Pascal's triangle See where the
emphasis favours the conjecture that Pascal's triangle, and so the Sierpinski gasket and so
Isaacson's octet, are fundamental concepts in the structuring of the discipline of
mathematics such that there are fundamental patterns encoded within these concepts, within
the discipline of mathematics and the application of mathematics to mathematics or the
mathematically constructed will lead to the 'revelation' of these patterns. SO? see
random, between extremes can lead to the emergence of archetypal and so 'meaningful'
Something to think about. :-)
best regards,
-----------------Chris Lofting
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