Optical Ethernet
Optical Ethernet
Optical Ethernet
This presentation would illustrate the functioning of Optical Ethernet and its advantages over
existing technologies. Optical Ethernet is the technology that extends Ethernet beyond localarea network (LAN) and into metropolitan-area networks (MANs) and wide-area networks
(WANs). The adoption to the economical bi-directional optical Ethernet system with one fiber
has increased rapidly at optical distribution network in the market because of the explosive
increase of the number of broadband access subscriber in recent years, and system can
provide 100mbps transmission to each subscriber. The reduced end to end complexity can
lead to faster payback for operations. Running over single-mode fiber, Optical Ethernet lets
link in the network range from 3 to more than 6 miles in the case of 1310nm wavelength
technology and up to 43.4 miles for 1550nm wavelength technology. Optical Ethernet can
also deliver guaranteed levels of latency, jitter and bandwidth.
1.1 Preliminaries
1.2 Literature Survey
2.1 Functional requirements
2.2 Non functional requirements
5.1 Merits
5.2 Future Developments
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Types of cables
Ethernet timeline
LAN forms basic of all commercial, research and data communication networks.
Recently an increase in applications demand significantly higher band width. Ethernet is an
easy to understand and extremely cost-effective technology. For these reasons, 98% of local
area network (LAN) connections are now Ethernet based.
To meet this, high speed LAN types have been developed including a number of
variations of basic Ethernet LANs. CSMA/CD (carrier sense multiple access with collision
detection) is used widely in wired LANs as a MAC (Medium Access Control) method.
Transmission medium is coaxial cable (ether) up to 2.5km long, with repeaters at every
500m. Up to 256 machines could be attached to the system via transceivers screwed onto the
cable. The system ran at 2.94Mbps.
Four types of cabling are commonly used. They can be compared as shown.
Optical Ethernet is the technology that extends Ethernet beyond the local area
network (LAN) and into metropolitan area networks (MANs) and wide area networks
(WANs). While Ethernet LANs are almost exclusively used within the enterprise, optical
Ethernet technology can be used as a service provider offering. Key components of optical
Ethernet are the abilities to segregate traffic of different users and to deliver the particular
service level each user purchases.
They combine the flexibility, simplicity and cost effectiveness of Ethernet with the
reliability, speed and reach of optics to allow users to extend their LAN environment across
the MAN and WAN.
Optical repeaters were part of the first Ethernet standard back in the early 1980s.
Today, optical Ethernet advances promise to take Ethernet transport to levels undreamed of
back then and not even feasible using copper technologies today. Thanks to advances in
optical Ethernet, this most common (and most standard) of LAN technologies will soon be
the most common (and most standard) of WAN technologies. The history and potential of
optical Ethernet technology is explained, focusing specifically on its impact on serviceprovider networks and services.
Technical approach:
Ethernet was defined as an open standard in the early 1980s by a consortium
comprised of Digital Equipment Crop, Intel and XEROX. The resulting standard was called
the DIX Ethernet spec. The goal was to promote a relatively high-performance and low cost
LAN implementation using digital (baseband) signaling on a shared coaxial cable. In 1983,
the IEEE 802 Local Area Network/ Metropolitan Area Network Standards Committee
(LMSC) using a distributed media access control (MAC) mechanism called carrier sense
multiple access with collision detection (CSMA/CD).
Ethernet has proven to be a highly flexible standard. It has evolved to include point-to-point
signaling, full-duplex (unshared) links, and very high speed networks. Several Ethernet
characteristics have persisted, the most important of these being the framing format itself.
An Ethernet frame specifies a minimum and maximum packet size, a protocol-type
field (expanded by 802.3 to function sometimes as a packet-length field), and both a
destination and a source MAC address (each 48 bit long) have enabled the creation of new
devices (Ethernet switches) that have simplified the development of large Ethernet networks.
Optical links have been a part of Ethernet standards since the early 1980s. The needs
and potential of optical transport, including point-to-point and full duplex links, have driven
some of the evolution of Ethernet. Optical Ethernet technologies are providing the longest
spans and greatest speeds used in LANs today, and they will undoubtedly, continue to do so
in the future.
The figure shown below reveals the frame format of Ethernet.
the other LAN. Second, collisions (and collision-detection signals) are not transported,
each side its own Layer-I LAN. Together, these features not only improve network
performance by isolating LAN segments but also greatly increase the maximum size of an
Ethernet LAN.
The Ethernet bridge enabled large LANs to be deployed because a network of campus
bridges could interconnect all of the building LANs. Instead of forming a simple star
network, these were implemented as meshes, with multiple connections to each LAN. This
required the development of the spanning-tree protocol (802.1D), which works by disabling
redundant paths and which implements a form of path protection for the LAN.
People quickly realized that if both ends of an optical link terminated on a bridge port,
then the normal limits on the size of an Ethernet LAN segment no longer applied. The optical
link could be operated as full-duplex, thereby doubling the bandwidth of the link. And with
only one transmitter on a LAN segment, there could be no collisions; thus, the need to limit
the size of the span for collision detection vanished, allowing an optical Ethernet segment to
span as far as the lasers could reach.
In the early days, this still meant only a few kilometers because light emitting diodes
and multimode fibers were used; but this was still enough to enable large campuses to be
fully connected. The loss of collisions as a flow-control mechanism required the development
of a new protocol, 802.3x, to handle that need.
specification back in 1994. The second optical fast-Ethernet standard was 100BASE-SX,
ratified in June of 2000 (a full six years later).
This standard enabled backward compatibility with 10BASEFL by using the same
850 nm wavelength and an auto-negotiation protocol.
There was no single-mode fiber standard for optical Fast Ethernet transmission (and
there is still none at the time of this writing, nor is one expected). This lack of a formal
standard has not stopped equipment manufacturers from implementing longhaul (10 km
100 km) fast-Ethernet links, and in practice they are likely to be interoperable, at least when
operating at the same wavelength. They are available both at 1310 nm (the wavelength used
in 100BASE-FX, FDDI, and SONET equipment) and 1550 nm (the wavelength used in
wavelength division multiplexing [WDM] systems). This de facto compatibility has resulted
from the evolution of Ethernet devices, which originally separated the digital logic from the
analog logic.
This distinction was formalized in the Fast Ethernet standard as the media
independent interface (MII). Today, the chip sets that handle Ethernet are generally
independent of the chips that handle the media, be they copper, fiber, or potentially something
else. Moreover, the fiberoptic drivers themselves dont know (or care) if the fiber is
multimode or single-mode, what the type of connector is, or what wavelength is being used.
The bottom line is that the approach used by Ethernet component manufacturers has led to a
great deal of flexibility and interoperability, often transcending the standards that were
created for that very purpose.
GBIC modules:
Originally specified for fiber channel, the GBIC standards have evolved to support
Gigabit Ethernet, and these modules have become the de facto standard for gigabit Ethernet
interfaces. They provide hot-swappable modules that can be installed to support LAN,
campus area network (CAN), MAN, and even WAN transport interchangeably, as needed.
And they are available from a large number of suppliers, keeping prices competitive and
capabilities expanding.
The GBIC revolution is one of the best examples of industry consortia creating a new
market by consensus, yielding a net increase in the revenues of all the participants. The
modules themselves, by virtue of being small and plugging into a standardized slot,
challenged the transceiver manufacturers, who responded with technological innovations and
features beyond all reasonable expectations. The chip manufacturers contributed readily
available chip sets that support these GBIC modules, simplifying and speeding up the task of
the hardware engineers.
Ethernet Timeline
The above building blocks can also be merged together in hybrid implementations.
Topologies can be combines as well, blending point-to-point, rinr and/or mesh topologies, to
deliver unique functionality. Every corporation or service provider has unique requirements
and objectives for their networks and Optical Ethernet is flexible and adaptable enough to fit
almost any circumstances.
Today, few optical Ethernet links are implemented within a computer room or small
building. But there are exceptions for electrically noisy environments, highly secure
transmissions, and ground isolation. And even in a small building, it is easier to run fiberoptic conduit than electrical wires because there are fewer issues with building codes. Traffic
segregation is accomplished by using the IEEE 802.1pQ virtual LAN (VLAN) standard. This
standard lets Optical Ethernet networks mark each user's traffic with a VLAN tag as it enters
the network and then use this tag to keep each user's traffic separate as it crosses the network.
Of course, 802.1pQ was designed for enterprise networks and the number of possible VLAN
tags is too low. Work is under way in IEEE to extend this number from 4,096 to
approximately 16 million.
This situation is likely to change, as very-short-reach optics support much higher
speeds than copper does. It is important to note that gigabit copper links are limited to about
30 meters and that the next generation of Ethernet at 10 Gigabits would drop this already
inadequate distance dramatically.
Figure 2.2:
Today, virtually all Ethernet links greater than 200 meters are implemented optically.
The CAN is dominated by multimode fiber, although most CANs are really multiple LANs
interconnected by routers that use optical links. This situation is changing, as the scale and
functional capabilities of Ethernet switches increase.
Ethernet 10BASET hubs, once dominant, no longer offer a sufficiently lower cost to
justify their use. More and more LANs are being implemented with Ethernet switches,
providing separate switch ports to every node on the LAN.
Traditionally, these Ethernet switches aggregate traffic into a high-speed uplink port
(once Ethernet, then Fast Ethernet, and now Gigabit Ethernet), which feeds a router that itself
interconnects the LANs and provides WAN access. But today, when the cost of a router is
weighed against the cost of a GBIC module, it loses every time.
This trend is being accelerated by the proliferation of virtual LAN (VLAN)capable
Ethernet switches and by the development of even larger and more capable routers that
understand and route to VLAN IDs in the now larger LAN.
Optical Ethernet in the MAN is a relatively recent development. Gigabit optical
Ethernet has the capacity to provide direct Ethernet services as a carrier offering, with service
switches that limit actual delivered bandwidth as needed. Multiple vendors now offer direct
Ethernet services to subscribers, with only a few core routers linking those subscribers to the
outside world (the Internet).
But Ethernet services is not the leading reason to implement an Ethernet MAN
today. Rather, the desire to reduce the number of routers in the network is becoming the most
compelling reason to use a Layer-2 technology (Ethernet) in the metro area. The reason is
simple every router in a path, many of which are unnecessary, adds delay to the
packet transport. In an ideal world, routers provide a buffer between management domains,
which are generally companies or network providers.
They provide a place to control access, provide security (via firewalls) and manage
addresses. But within a management domain, layers of routers generate excess complexity
and require large staffs of router guys. They also bypass a primary tenet of many routing
protocolsthat every router should have a direct link to every other router that it knows
about. Based fundamentally on Ethernet, Optical Ethernet MANs let carriers deliver standard,
well-known 10/100M bit/sec or 1G bit/sec Ethernet interfaces - the same as those used to
easily connect office networks today.
Instead of a SONET ring, the metropolitan backbone for Optical Ethernet networks
will be based on the 10G bit/sec Ethernet standard from the IEEE working group 802.3ae.
Optical technologies enable Ethernet networks to extend over much greater distances
than campus Ethernet nets. Running over single-mode fiber, Optical Ethernet lets links in the
network range from 3 to more than 6 miles in the case of 1310-nm wavelength technology,
and up to 43.4 miles for 1550-nm wavelength technology.
Ethernet transport has not yet taken off in the long-haul network, but this is expected
to change as 10-Gigabit Ethernet interfaces become available. Some of those are expected to
operate at SONET OC192 speeds and at the distances needed for long-haul networks. The
distance limitations are not a serious concern because most long-haul networks use dense
wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) systems to combine multiple circuits over a
single fiber, each on its own wavelength, and these DWDM systems provide the long-haul
capability themselves. Still, wide-area Ethernet networks are expected to be implemented, the
main reasons being speed, cost, and simplicity.
Consider a nationwide 10-gigabit IP SONETstyle ring implemented as OC192
packet-overSONET (POS) links between a dozen cities. Each city would need a large router
with two relatively expensive POS ports, and the average packet would traverse half a dozen
routers as it crossed the network. In the event of a link failure, the routers would spend a
significant span of time converging on a new set of routing tables to bypass the failure.
Now consider the same network with each city containing an Ethernet switch with
two 10Gigabit Ethernet switch ports and a 1-gigabit port connected to the local router. Total
costs here would be much lower because 10Gigabit Ethernet switch ports are expected to be
much less expensive than the equivalent router ports, and 1-gigabit router ports are relatively
Today, several vendors have products that aggregate and transport Ethernet traffic at
10-gigabit speeds suitable for the WAN. These are proprietary, requiring matching devices
from the same vendor at each end normally not a problem in a full-duplex, point-to-point
Figure 3.1:
Figure 3.2:
GBIC Modules
The latest GBIC innovation is a miniGBIC, also known as the small form-factor
pluggable multisource agreement (SFP MSA) module. The miniGBIC is only about half the
size, effectively doubling the available capacity that can be designed into the face of an
equipment shelf. New designs are quickly taking advantage of this space savings.
Bandwidth-Growth Timeline
5.1 Merits of optical Ethernet:
Ethernet is 10 times less expensive than the SONET technology being used today.
Ethernet is a simple and widely understood technology.
Ethernet is the best technology for carrying IP traffic - Ethernet and IP have grown up
Optical Ethernet networks can easily handle the needs of both data and circuit-switched or
voice applications. Circuit traffic requires only modest bandwidth.
domains, or because of todays limits to the number of MAC addresses that an Ethernet
switch might support.
VLANs already start to address these issues; and larger VLAN enabled switches in
the future are at least likely to control the problems and isolate them for a really large router
to handle.
The practical limits to the size of an optical Ethernet are not geographic; rather, they
involve bandwidth, node count, and overlying protocol (broadcast traffic, routing-table size,
etc.). As VLAN and other Ethernet services become more common, we may even see large
corporate networks simplify into a single, optically connected Ethernet LAN, with only a few
large routers providing the necessary functions of security, address management, and
interdomain routing.
The largest optical Ethernet networks are likely to belong to carriers, interconnecting
all of their points of presence (POPs). Even todays optical Ethernet technology could be used
to create a nationwide (or even global), very- high-speed optical Ethernet that can be used to
interconnect the large core routers in each POP. Such a network would have fewer router
hops, faster link- failure recovery, and lower cost than todays normal network of OC192
POS routers.
Beyond 10 Gigabits
Just as the growth of 10-Megabit Ethernet led to the need for 100-Megabit Fast
Ethernet, and just as the growth of Fast Ethernet led to the need for Gigabit Ethernet, the
growth of Gigabit Ethernet is now driving the market to 10-Gigabit Ethernet. This trend is not
likely to stop anytime soon. Serverswhether Web servers, file servers, e-commerce servers,
or others must have greater bandwidth than the customers they serve, otherwise, those
customers will feel frustrated with inadequate performance and possibly go elsewhere for
service. The best example is Web servers.
If the average Web browser is using a 56k modem, a server on a T1 line can
simultaneously handle approximately 30 customers. But the broadband movement has
already started, and millions of consumers are now accessing the Internet from DSL and
cable networks. These consumers access the Internet at speeds up to 10-Megabit Ethernet
(typical connectivity for a cable-modem service), and for them, a service provider limited to a
T1 line is already unacceptably slow.
This requirement to always be faster than your customer (and by a factor of the
number of simultaneous accesses) drives the need for T3 (45 megabits) or even greater
speeds today and will drive the need for Fast Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet tomorrow.
Some carriers are already deploying gigabit optical-Ethernet services today. They may
limit their customers to a few megabits per second, but the links are gigabit- capable; and
someday the fees for gigabit-scale Ethernet services will be affordable. Then, even a 10-
GigabitEthernet transport will be inadequate. Engineers are already dreaming of the next
step, and arguing over what speed it will be. 40-gigabit speeds (SONET OC768) have
already been demonstrated, so that is a possible Ethernet target. But the Ethernet purists
insist that the only logical next step is to move the decimal point one more timeto 100
In the meantime, the protocols and techniques for bandwidth sharing over parallel
links exist, work well, and are used in thousands of sites. It is a simple step to run parallel
optical-Ethernet trunks, each on a separate wavelength, all multiplexed over a single fiber
pair using DWDM technology.
In this way, a point-to-point Ethernet link could have scores of 10-gigabit channels,
with an aggregate Ethernet bandwidth of perhaps 400 gigabits, today! Using recently
announced DWDM capacity of 160 wavelengths, 1600-gigabit-per-second links could be
implemented. So in a sense, Terabit Ethernet is already availableof course, this kind of
network requires very large Ethernet switches at the ends of that fiber.
The limits on optical-Ethernet bandwidth may just be the limits of fiber-optic
bandwidth perhaps 25 Terabits per second for the available spectrum on todays fiber,
which is still well beyond the capabilities of todays lasers and electronics. Still, extrapolating
from recent trends gets us to that level in only 5 or 10 years.
Behrouz A. Forouzan, Data Communication and Networking, 3/e, TMH, 2008.
Andrew S Tanenbaum, Computer Networks, 5/e, Pearson Education, 2011.
S.Keshav, An Engineering Approach to Computer Networks, 2/e, Pearson Education.
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