Flow Through Nozzle
Flow Through Nozzle
Flow Through Nozzle
Converging nozzle
A mass flow rate through a converging nozzle is function pressure at the inlet pi
and the exit pe (back-pressure) of the nozzle:
Equation 1/id101. The flow velocity at the exit of the nozzle in i-s diagram at adiabatic expansion.
(a) formulas for calculation of leaving velocity of gas as function of static state of gas at inlet of nozzle; (b)
formulas for calculation of leaving velocity of gas as function of stagnation state of gas at inlet of nozzle.
A [m2] area of flow; c [ms-1] velocity of gas; i [Jkg-1] specific enthalpy of gas; s [Jkg-1K-1] specific
entropy; [-] heat capacity ratio; r [Jkg-1K-1] individual gas constant; T [K] temperature of gas; p [Pa]
pressure of gas. The subscript i denotes the state at the inlet of nozzle, the subscript e denotes the state at the
exit of nozzle and the subscript c denotes the stagnation state of the gas. This equation is called Saint
Vnantova-Wantzel equation [2, p. 350]. This equation is can derived from First law of thermodynamics for
open system for flow of ideal gas without friction. The derivation of the equation for a calculation of the
velocity of gas at the exit of the nozzle shows the Appendix 101.
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The velocity of gas ce is function the inlet temperature Ti and pressure pi according
last equation and a maximum velocity is reached at expansion in the vacuum pe=0:
The pressure ratio pep-1i is usually denoted by the letter or c (c=pep-1ic).
The leaving mass flow rate of gas at the exit is calculated from Equation 1 and the
continuity equation:
Equation 2/id334. The equation of mass flow rate through the nozzle.
m [kgs ] mass flow rate of gas through nozzle; v [m3kg-1] specific volume of gas; m [-] variable parts of
equation that is function of pressure ratio. The derivation of the equation for a calculation of the mass flow
rate of gas at the exit of the nozzle shows the Appendix 334.
According this equation is true, if the pressure on the exit nozzle pe is decreasing
then the mass flow rate m is increased only to a pressure ratio where the mass flow
rate should be decreasing:
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Equation 3/id515. The maximum of mass flow rate of gas through the nozzle.
The curve 1-a-0 corresponds to Equation 2*. The maximum mass flow rate m* is reached at a pressure ratio
*c. According Equation 2 should following a mass flow rate fall. In really the mass flow rate is a constant
and equals m* from point *c to an expansion to vacuum c=0. The pressure ratio for the maximum mass
flow rate of gas through the nozzle is called the critical pressure ratio (therefore index *). The derivation of
the equation for a calculation of the critical pressure ratio of gas at the exit of the nozzle is shown in the
Appendix 515.
*Bendemann ellipse
The curve 1-a-0 is similar with an ellipse, therefore this curve is usually substituted by
the ellipse for case routine calculations. This ellipse is called Bendemann ellipse:
Equation 4/id162. A formula for approximate calculation of mass flow rate through the nozzle according
Bendemann ellipse.
This formula can be use only for pep*. The derivation of the equation of Bendemann ellipse is shown in the
Appendix 162.
The isentropic index can be various for individual type of gas and therefore its
critical pressure ratio can be also various:
gas *c [-]
*c [-]
air (dry)
superheated steam 0,546
CO2 0,540
saturated steam
Table 1/id699. The critical pressure ratio of some gases.
Gas velocity reaches the speed of sound at the critical and a lower pressure ratio in
the nozzle throat (the narrowest area of the nozzle), this state of the flow is called a
critical state of flow. The equations of flow for narrowest area of the nozzle be can
derived by substituting equations for the critical pressure ratio (Equation 3.) to the
above equations for the gas velocity and mass flow rate:
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Equation 5/id516. The equations of the critical flow in narrowest area of the nozzle.
These quantities are called critically (critical velocity, critical mass flow rate, critical pressure ratio...). max
this constant are listed in a table according type of gases, pressure ratio and for case ci=0; i* [Jkg-1] critical
enthalpy (at critical enthalpy reaches isentropic expansion the critical velocity).
3D plot of the equation for mass flow rate of gas as function the pressure ratio and
the back-pressure is called flow 3D characteristic of the nozzle:
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confirmed by experiments [4, p. 319]). It means the exit velocity should be in axial
direction of the nozzle. This condition must also satisfy the streamlines at the wall of the
Figure 3/id475. Influence shape of the nozzle on the direction of the exit velocity.
(a) cone nozzle; (b) ideal shape of nozzle; (c), (d), (e) usually shapes of nozzles; (c) so called Vitoshinsk
nozzle or Vitoshinsk converging nozzle (this shape is use for reduction passage between two passages with
different diameter or as blower nozzle of wind tunels); (d) shape of nozzle by lemniscate ; (e) shape of
nozzle for outlet of bottles; R [m] radius of nozzle; l [m] length of nozzle. The cone nozzle has significantly
lower velocity coeficient than the nozzle with shape (b) (definition of the velocity coefficient of the nozzle
is shown in chapter "Flow in nozzle with loss").
The described condition for shape of nozzle is also true for non-circular passages
and blade passages.
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Figure 4/id984. The outflow from a converging nozzle at the critical pressure ratio.
Photo from [3, p. 5].
(2) The pressure ratio is less than the critical ratio, pe<p*.
The leaving velocity is equal the sound speed but the leaving pressure is bigger than the
pressure of surroundings gas, therefore expansion of the leaving gas continues and the
velocity of gas increases to supersonic according the Equation 1. The gas stream area be
must increased according Hugoniot condition. The divergent gas stream forms oblique
shock waves on border between the stream and the surroundings gas. These shock
waves are reflected to the core of gas stream and they are decreased an efficiency of
expansion (they cause pressure drop). The expansion is ended when the pressure is
equal the surroundings pressure and a next process is similar the previous case it means
gradually leveling of the gas state with the surroundings.
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Figure 7/id517. i-s diagram used in the description ideal expansion of gas through a CD nozzle.
Calculate a diverging section of the nozzle from the Problem 1. Calculate Mach number on the exit of the
diverging section. The flare angle of the diverging section is 10.
Problem 2/id104.
ce [ms-1] 686,6286
D [cm]
l [cm]
Ma [-]
Problem 2: the results.
Water steam flows through a de Laval nozzle. Pressure and temperature of the water steam is 80 bar
respectively 500C at input to the nozzle. The leaving pressure is 10 bar. The mass flow rate of water steam
must be 0,3 kgs-1. Calculate base dimensions of the nozzle and state of water steam at the exit. The flare
angle of the diverging section is =10.
Problem 3/id336.
c [-]
*c [-]
p* [MPa]
c* [ms-1] 615,4186
D* [m2]
ce [ms-1] 1054,9313
De [m2]
Problem 3: the results.
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pe<pn (under-expanded nozzle) then the length of the divergent section of the nozzle is
shorter than it is need. At pressure which is the bigger than the designated pressure can
arise the normal shock wave inside de Laval nozzle:
Figure 8/id105. Pressure and velocity variation with location inside a de Laval nozzle for several backpressures.
Subscript 1 denotes a state in front the normal shock wave; index 2 denotes a state behind the normal shock
At this back-pressure the velocity at the throat does not reach speed of sound - it does
not reach critical state, the curve a. Inside the converging section of the nozzle is done
subsonic compression (increasing of pressure and decreasing of velocity-in this case the
converging section of the nozzle acts as a diffuser) to the pressure pa.
At this back-pressure the velocity at the throat reaches speed of sound-critical state, the
curve b. Inside the converging section of the nozzle is done subsonic compression to the
pressure pb.
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At this back-pressure the velocity at somewhere inside converging section of the nozzle
occurs non-continuity of the velocity and pressure (is developed the normal shock
wave). Behind the normal shock wave is subsonic flow and the gas is being compressed
to pressure pc.
At this back-pressure the normal shock waves arises exactly at the exit of the nozzle.
At this back-pressure the normal shock waves arises behind the exit of the nozzle. This
normal shock wave is unsteady (free flow) and it alternately develops and disappears
(similar situation is in case an converging nozzle where back-pressure is smaller than is
the critical pressure pe<p*)
At this back-pressure continued the expand of working gas behind the exit of the nozzle.
Similar as previous case arise sonic effects.
A develop of the normal shock wave inside divergent section of the nozzle be can
assumed from the Hugoniot condition. A smooth change the supersonic flow on the
subsonic flow is allowed only in throat of the nozzle. The position of normal shock
wave inside the diverging section of the de Laval nozzle is can calculate through the
equations for stable normal shock wave:
Find the approximate position of normal shock wave inside de Laval nozzle from Problem 2, if the backpressure is increased about 0,52 MPa. The specific losses of the normal shock wave is calculated
in Problem 1 in the article ffects at high velocity flow.
Problem 4/id862.
[kJkg-1] 384,75
Problem 4: results.
x [mm] the position of the normal shock wave from the throat. This calculation does not include the flow
losses, only losses of the wave are included.
The normal shock wave inside the nozzle is not usually stable [4, p. 363] therefore
it can cause a vibration of the nozzle and a vibration neighboring machines. This
unstable of the shock wave increases noise of the nozzle.
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Figure 9/id106. Flow through an oblique cut nozzle- for a case the critical state in the throat.
left a converging nozzle; right de Laval nozzle. [deg] Mach angle; [deg] deviation of the stream from
the nozzle axis.
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The flow through oblique cut de Laval nozzle is the same as the supersonic flow
around an obtuse angle. The start of expansion is at pressure p1 on the cross section A-C
and the end of expansion is at back-pressure p2 on the cross section A-C'.
At pressure p*iz can be the velocity in core of the stream equal sound velocity but
the velocity on the periphery of the flow area can be subsonic due boundary layer on the
surface of the nozzle. The mean velocity at the throat of the nozzle is smaller than sound
velocity respective the mean kinetic energy of the stream is smaller than kinetic energy
for case sound velocity. The mean velocity stream occurs of the sound velocity at the
pressure p* - it is position behind the throat. In this the flow area is p*<p*iz, therefore the
velocity can be supersonic in the flow core and subsonic on the periphery.
The nozzle loss is can calculated through energy parameters of the nozzle as a
velocity coefficient , a mass flow coefficient (discharge coefficient) and a nozzle
efficiency :
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[-] velocity coefficient; [-] mass flow coefficient; [-] nozzle efficiency; ciz [ms-1] the leaving velocity
at flow without loss (isentropic expansion); miz [kgs-1] the mass flow rate at flow without loss (isentropic
expansion). The values of the velocity coefficients are shown in [4, p. 328] (for convrgent nozzle
including the cone nozzles) a [4, p. 348] (for Laval nozzles).
Calculate the throat area and the exit area of the de Laval nozzle and its efficiency. Through the de Laval
nozzle flows the water steam saturation. The mass flow rate is 0,2 kgs-1. The stagnation pressure at the inlet
of the nozzle is 200 kPa and pressure at the exit is 20 kPa. The velocity coefficient of the nozzle is 0,95.
Problem 5/id109.
[ms-1] 803,0844
Problem 5: results.
Sketch the 2D characteristic of the nozzle for the mass flow rate
as function of the pressure ratio m-c (m-mass flow rate,
c-pressure ratio between the inlet of the exit of the nozzle).
Sketch i-s diagram for the expansion of the de Laval nozzle (flow
with loss).
1. TOMEK, Petr. Kde jsou ty (skuten) kosmick lod?. VTM Science, 2009, leden.
Praha: Mlad fronta a.s., ISSN 1214-4754.
2. KALK, Josef, SKORA, Karel. Technick termomechanika, 1973. 1. vydn,
Praha: Academia.
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