Venture Capital
Venture Capital
Venture Capital
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Venture capital is a growing business of recent origin in the area of industrial
financing in India. The various financial institution set-ups in India to promote
industries have done commendable work. However, these institutions do not
come up to benefit risky ventures when they are undertaken by new or relatively
unknown entrepreneurs. They contend to give debt finance, mostly in the form of
term loans to the promoters and their functioning has been more akin to that of
commercial banks.
Starting and growing a business always require capital. There are a number of
alternative methods to fund growth. These include the owner or proprietors own
capital, arranging debt finance, or seeking an equity partner, as is the case with
private equity and venture capital.
Venture capital is a means of equity financing for rapidly-growing private
companies. Finance may be required for the start-up, development/expansion or
purchase of a company. Venture Capital firms invest funds on a professional
basis, often focusing on a limited sector of specialization (eg. IT, Infrastructure,
Health/Life Sciences, Clean Technology, etc.).
Indian Venture capital and Private Equity Association(IVCA) is a member based
national organization that represents venture capital and private equity firms,
promotes the industry within India and throughout the world and encourages
investment in high growth companies.
IVCA member comprise venture capital firms, institutional investors, banks,
incubators, angel groups, corporate advisors, accountants, lawyers, government
bodies, academic institutions and other service providers to the venture capital
and private equity industry.
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Members represent most of the active venture capital providers and private equity
firms in India. These firms provide capital for seed ventures, early stage
companies, later stage expansion, and growth finance for management
buyouts/buy-ins of established companies.
Venture capitalists have been catalytic in bringing forth technological innovation
in USA. A similar act can also be performed in India. As venture capital has good
scope in India for three reasons:
First: The abundance of talent is available in the country. The low cost high
quality Indian workforce that has helped the computer users worldwide in Y2K
project is demonstrated asset.
Second: A good number of successful Indian entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley
should have a demonstration effect for venture capitalists to invest in Indian
talent at home.
Third: The opening up of Indian economy and its integration with the world
economy is providing a wide variety of niche market for Indian entrepreneurs to
grow and prove themselves.
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Table of contents
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Approval Latter
Executive Summary
Statement Of Problems
Limitation Of Project
Conceptual Framework
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Industrial Attractiveness
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Venture capital is in its nascent stages in India. The emerging scenario of global
competitiveness has put an immense pressure on the industrial sector to improve
the quality level with minimization of cost of products by making use of latest
technological skills. The financing firms expect a sound, experienced, mature and
capable management team of the company being financed. Since the innovative
project involves a higher risk, there is an expectation of higher returns from the
project. The payback period is also generally high (5 - 7 years).
The various problems/ queries can be outlined as follows:
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A study of this type cannot be without limitations. It has been observed those
venture capitals are very secretive about their investments. This attitude is a
major hindrance for data collection. However venture capital funds/companies
that are members of Indian venture capital association are to be included in the
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In India neither venture capital theory has been developed nor are there many
comprehensive books on the subject. Even the number of research papers
available is very limited. The research design used is descriptive in nature. (The
attempt has been made to collect maximum facts and figures available on the
availability of venture capital in India, nature of assistance granted, future
projected demand for this financing, analysis of the problems faced by the
entrepreneurs in getting venture capital, analysis of the venture capitalists and
social and environmental impact on the existing framework.)
The research is based on secondary data collected from the published material.
The data was also collected from the publications and press releases of venture
capital associations in India.
Scanning the business papers filled the gaps in information. The Economic times,
Financial Express and Business Standards were scanned for any article or news
item related to venture capital. Sufficient amount of data about the venture capital
has been derived from this project.
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succeeds. Thus the primary return sought by the investor is essentially capital
gain rather than steady interest income or dividend yield.
The most flexible Definition of Venture Capital is:The support by investors of entrepreneurial talent with finance and
business skills to exploit market opportunities and thus obtain capital gains.
Venture capital commonly describes not only the provision of start up finance or
seed corn capital but also development capital for later stages of business. A
long term commitment of funds is involved in the form of equity investments,
with the aim of eventual capital gains rather than income and active involvement
in the management of customers business.
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High Risk
By definition the Venture capital financing is highly risky and chances of failure
are high as it provides long term start up capital to high risk- high reward
ventures. Ventures capital assumes four type of risks, these are:
o Management risk
o Market risk
o Product risk
o Operation risk
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little capital gets venture finance. Venture capital is available for expansion of
existing business or diversification to a high risk area. Thus technology financing
had never been the primary objective but incidental to venture capital.
Equity Participation & Capital Gains
Investments are generally in equity and quasi equity participation through direct
purchase of share, options, convertible debentures where the debt holder has the
option to convert the loan instruments into stock of the borrower or a debt with
warrants to equity investment. The funds in the form of equity help to raise term
loans that are cheaper source of funds. In the early stage of business, because
dividends can be delayed, equity investment implies that investors bear the risk
of venture and would earn a return commensurate with success in the form of
capital gains.
Participation In management
Venture capital provides value addition by managerial support, monitoring and
follow up assistance. It monitors physical and financial progress as well as
market development initiative. It helps by identifying key resource person. They
want one seat on the companys board of directors and involvement, for better or
worse, in the major decision affecting the direction of company. This is a unique
philosophy of hand on management where Venture capitalist acts as
complementary to the entrepreneurs. Based upon the experience other companies,
a venture capitalist advice the promoters on project planning, monitoring,
financial management, including working capital and public issue. Venture
capital investor cannot interfere in day today management of the enterprise but
keeps a close contact with the promoters or entrepreneurs to protect his
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Length of Investment
Venture capitalist help companies grow, but they eventually seek to exit the
investment in three to seven years. An early stage investment may take seven to
ten years to mature, while most of the later stage investment takes only a few
years. The process of having significant returns takes several years and calls on
the capacity and talent of venture capitalist and entrepreneurs to reach fruition.
Illiquid Investment
Venture capital investments are illiquid, that is not subject to repayment on
demand or following a repayment schedule. Investors seek return ultimately by
means of capital gain when the investment is sold at market place. The
investment is realized only on enlistment of security or it is lost if enterprise is
liquidated for unsuccessful working. It may take several years before the first
investment starts too locked for seven to ten years. Venture capitalist understands
this illiquidity and factors this in his investment decision.
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the manufacturing and marketing facilities in that order. Finally the funds are
needed to expand the business and attaint the critical mass for profit generation.
Venture capitalists cater to the needs of the entrepreneurs at different stages of
their enterprises. Depending upon the stage they finance, venture capitalists are
called angel investors, venture capitalist or private equity supplier/investor.
Venture capital was started as early stage financing of relatively small but rapidly
growing companies. However various reasons forced venture capitalists to be
more and more involved in expansion financing to support the development of
existing portfolio companies. With increasing demand of capital from newer
business, venture capitalists began to operate across a broader spectrum of
investment interest. This diversity of opportunities enabled venture capitalists to
balance their activities in term of time involvement, risk acceptance and reward
potential, while providing ongoing assistance to developing business.
Introduction stage
Later Stage
Seed Capital
Early Stage
Startup Capital
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Different Venture capital firms have different attributes and aptitudes for
different types of Venture capital investments. Hence there are different stages of
entry for different venture capitalists and they can identify and differentiate
between types of venture capital investments, each appropriate for the given
stage of the investee company, these are:1. Early stage Finance
Seed capital
Start up Capital
Early/First Stage Capital
Later/Third Stage capital
2. Later Stage Finance
Expansion/Development Stage Capital
Replacement Finance
Management Buy Out and Buy Ins
Mezzanine/Bridge Finance
Not all business firms pass through each of these stages in sequential manner. For
instance seed capital is normally not required by service based ventures. It
applies largely to manufacturing or research based activities. Similarly second
round finance does not always follow early stage finance. If the business grows
successfully it is likely to develop sufficient cash to fund its own growth, so does
not require venture capital for growth.
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The table below shows risk perception and time orientation for different stages of
venture capital financing.
Financing Stage
Period (funds
Activity to be financed
Start up
First stage
Second stage
Later stage finance
Very high
product development
Initializing operations or
developing prototypes
Start commercial
Buy out-in
Facilitating public issue
Seed Capital
It is an idea or concept as opposed to a business. European venture capital
association defines seed capital as The financing of the initial product
development or capital provided to an entrepreneur to prove the feasibility of a
project and to qualify for start up capital.
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a) Seed capital projects by their very nature require a relatively small amount
of capital. The success or failure of an individual seed capital investment
will have little impact on the performance of all but the smallest venture
capital investments. This is because the small investments are seen to be
cost inefficient in terms of time required to analyze structure manage them.
b) The time horizon to realization for most seed capital investment is
typically 7-10 years which is longer than all but most long-term oriented
investors will desire.
c) The risk of product and technology obsolescence increases as the time to
realization I extended. These types of obsolescence are particularly likely
to occur with high technology investments particularly in the fields related
to Information Technology.
Start Up Capital
It is stage second in the venture capital cycle and is distinguishable from seed
capital investments. An entrepreneur often needs finance when the business is
just starting. The start up stage involves starting a new business. Here in the
entrepreneur has moved closer towards establishment of a going concern. Here in
the business concept has been fully investigated and the business risk now
becomes that of turning the concept into product.
Start up capital is defined as; Capital needed to finance the product
development, initial marketing and establishment of product facility.
The characteristics of start-up capital are:a) Establishment of company or business: the company is either being
organized or is established recently. New business activity could be based
on experts, experience or a spin-off from R & D.
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b) Establishment of most but not all the members of the team: the skills
and fitness to the job and situation of the entrepreneurs team is an
important factor for start up finance.
c) Development of business plan or idea: the business plan should be fully
developed yet the acceptability of the product by the market is uncertain.
The company has not yet started trading.
In the start up preposition Venture capitalists investment criteria shifts from idea
to people involved in the venture and the market opportunity. Before committing
any finance at this stage, venture capitalist however, assesses the managerial
ability and the capacity of the entrepreneur, besides the skills, suitability and
competence of the managerial team are also evaluated. If required they supply
managerial skill and supervision for implementation. The time horizon for start
up capital will be typically 6 or 8 years. Failure rate for start up is 2 out of 3. Start
up needs funds by way of both first round investment and subsequent follow-up
investments. The risk tends to be lower relative to seed capital situation. The risk
is controlled by initially investing a smaller amount of capital in start-ups. The
decision on additional financing is based upon the successful performance of the
company. However, the term to realization of a start up investment remains
longer than the term of finance normally provided by the majority of financial
institutions. Longer time scale for using exit route demands continued watch on
start up projects.
Volume of Investment Activity
Despite potential for secular returns most venture firms avoid investing in startups. One reason for the paucity of start up financing may be high discount rate
that venture capitalist applies to venture proposals at this level of risk and
maturity. They often prefer to spread their risk by sharing the financing. Thus
syndicates of investors often participate in start up finance.
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are in place i.e. fully assembled management team and a marketable product. A
company needs this round of finance because of any of the following reasons: Project overruns on product development.
Initial loss after start up phase.
The firm needs additional equity funds, which are not available from other
sources thus prompting venture capitalist that, have financed the start up stage to
provide further financing. The management risk is shifted from factors internal to
the firm (lack of management, lack of product etc.) to factor external to the firm
(competitive pressures, in sufficient will of financial institutions to provide
adequate capital, risk of product obsolescence etc.)
At this stage, capital needs, both fixed and working capital needs are greatest.
Further, since firms do not have foundation of a trading record, finance will be
difficult to obtain and so venture capital particularly equity investment without
associated debt burden is key to survival of the business.
The following risks are normally associated to firms at this stage:a) The early stage firms may have drawn the attention of and incurred the
challenge of a larger competition.
b) There is a risk of product obsolescence. This is more so when the firm is
involved in high-tech business like computer, information technology etc.
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finance and can be defined as the provision of capital to the firm which has
previously been in receipt of external capital but whose financial needs have
subsequently exploded. This may be second or even third injection of capital.
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High growth enterprises expand faster than their working capital permit,
thus needing additional finance. Aim is to provide working capital for
initial expansion of an enterprise to meet needs of increasing stocks and
It is additional injection of funds and is an acceptable part of venture capital.
Often provision for such additional finance can be included in the original
financing packages as an option, subject to certain management performance
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Venture capitalists prefer later stage investment vis a Vis early stage investments,
as the rate of failure in later stage financing is low. It is because firms at this
stage have a past performance data, track record of management, established
procedures of financial control. The time horizon for realization is shorter,
ranging from 3 to 5 years. This helps the venture capitalists to balance their own
portfolio of investment as it provides a running yield to venture capitalists.
Further the loan component in third stage finance provides tax advantage and
superior return to the investors.
There are four sub divisions of later stage finance:
Expansion/Development Finance
Replacement Finance
Buyout Financing
Turnaround Finance
Expansion/ Development finance
An enterprise established in a given market increases its profit exponentially by
achieving the economies of scale. This expansion can be achieved either through
an organic growth, that is by expanding production capacity and setting up proper
distribution system or by way of acquisitions. Anyhow, expansion needs finance
and venture capitalists support both organic growth as well as acquisitions for
At this stage the real market feedback is used to analyze competition. It may be
found that the entrepreneur needs to develop his managerial team for handling
growth and managing a larger business.
Realization horizon for expansion/development investment is one to three years.
It is favored by venture capitalist as it offers higher rewards in shorter period
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with lower risk. Funds are needed for new or larger factories and warehouses,
production capacities, developing improved or new products, developing new
markets or entering exports by enterprise with established business that has
already achieved break even and has started making profits.
Replacement Finance
It means substituting one shareholder for another, rather than raising new capital
resulting in the change of ownership pattern. Venture capitalist purchase share
from the entrepreneurs and their associates enabling them to reduce their
shareholding in unlisted companies. They also buy dividend coupon. Later, on
sale of the company or its listing on stock exchange, these are re-converted to
ordinary shares. Thus Venture capitalist makes a capital gain in a period of 1 to 5
Buy-out / Buy-in Financing
It is a resent development and a new form of investment by venture capitalist.
The funds provided to the current operating management to acquire or purchase a
significant share holding in the business they manage are called management
Management Buy-in refers to the funds provided to enable a manager or a group
of managers from outside the company to buy into it.
It is the most popular form of venture capital amongst stage financing. It is less
risky as venture capitalist in invests in solid, ongoing and more mature business.
The funds are provided for acquiring and revitalizing an existing product line or
division of a major business. MBO (Management buyout) has low risk as
enterprise to be bought have existed for some time besides having positive cash
flow to provide regular returns to the venture capitalist, who structure their
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investment by judicious combination of debt and equity. Of late there has been a
gradual shift away from start up and early finance towards MBO opportunities.
This shift is because of lower risk than start up investments.
Turnaround Finance
It is rare form later stage finance which most of the venture capitalist avoid
because of higher degree of risk. When an established enterprise becomes sick, it
needs finance as well as management assistance for a major restructuring to
revitalize growth of profits. Unquoted company at an early stage of development
often has higher debt than equity; its cash flows are slowing down due to lack of
managerial skill and inability to exploit the market potential. The sick companies
at the later stages of development do not normally have high debt burden but lack
competent staff at various levels. Such enterprises are compelled to relinquish
control to new management. The venture capitalist has to carry out the recovery
process using hands on management in 2 to 5 years. The risk profile and
anticipated rewards are akin to early stage investment.
Bridge Finance
It is the pre-public offering or pre-merger/acquisition finance to a company. It is
the last round of financing before the planned exit. Venture capitalist help in
building a stable and experienced management team that will help the company
in its initial public offer. Most of the time bridge finance helps improves the
valuation of the company. Bridge finance often has a realization period of 6
months to one year and hence the risk involved is low. The bridge finance is paid
back from the proceeds of the public issue.
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Deal Origination:
In generating a deal flow, the VC investor creates a pipeline of deals or
investment opportunities that he would consider for investing in. deal may
originate in various ways. Referral system, active search system, and
intermediaries. Referral system is an important source of deals. Deals may be
referred to VCFs by their parent organizations, trade partners, industry
associations, friends etc. Another deal flow is active search through networks,
trade fairs, conferences, seminars, foreign visits etc. intermediaries is used by
venture capitalists in developed countries like USA, is certain intermediaries who
match VCFs and the potential entrepreneurs.
VCFs, before going for an in-depth analysis, carry out initial screening of all
projects on the basic of some broad criteria. For example, the screening process
may limit projects to areas in which the venture capitalist is familiar in terms of
technology, or product, or market scope. The size of investment, geographical
location and stage of financing could also be used as the broad screening criteria.
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Due Diligence:
Due diligence is the industry jargon for all the activities that are associated with
evaluating an investment proposal. The Venture capitalists evaluate the quality of
entrepreneur before appraising the characteristics of the product, market or
technology. Most venture capitalists ask for a business plan to make an
assessment of the possible risk and return on the venture. Business plan contains
detailed information about the proposed venture. The evaluation of ventures by
VCFs in Indian includes; Preliminary evaluation: the applicant required to
provide a brief profile of the proposed venture to establish prima facie eligibility.
Detailed evaluation: once the preliminary evaluation is over, the proposal is
evaluated in greater detail. VCFs in India expect the entrepreneur to have: integrity, long-term vision, urge to grow, managerial skills, commercial
VCFs in India also make the risk analysis of the proposed projects which
includes: product risk, market risk, technological risk and entrepreneurial risk.
The final decision is taken in terms of the expected risk-return trade-off as shown
in figure.
Deal Structuring:
In this process, the venture capitalist and the venture company negotiate the
terms of the deals, that are the amount form and price of the investment. This
process is termed as deal structuring. The agreement also include the venture
capitalists right to control the venture company and to change its management if
needed, buyback arrangement specify the entrepreneurs equity share and the
objectives share and the objectives to be achieved.
Post Investment Activities:
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Once the deal has been structured and agreement finalized, the venture capitalist
generally assumes the role of a partner and collaborator. He also gets involved in
shaping of the direction of the venture. The degree of the venture capitalists
involvement depends on his policy. It may not, however be desirable for a
venture capitalist to get involved in the day-to-day operation of the venture. If a
financial or managerial crisis occurs, the venture capitalist may intervene, and
even install a new management team.
Venture capitalists generally want to cash-out their gains in five to ten years after
the initial investment. They play a positive role in directing the company towards
particular exit routes. A venture may exist in one of the following ways:
There are four ways for a venture capitalist to exit its investment:
Initial Public Offer (IPO)
Acquisition by another company
Re-purchase of venture capitalists share by the investee company
Purchase of venture capitalists share by a third party
Promoters Buy-back
The most popular disinvestment route in India is promoters buy-back. This route
is suited to Indian conditions because it keeps the ownership and control of the
promoter intact. The obvious limitation, however, is that in a majority of cases
the market value of the shares of the venture firm would have appreciated so
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much after some years that the promoter would to be in a financial position to
buy them back.
In India, the promoters are invariably given the first option to buy back equity of
their enterprise. For example, RCTO participates in the assisted firms equity
with suitable agreement for the promoter to repurchase it. Similarly, ConfinaVCF offers an opportunity to the promoters to buy back the shares of the assisted
firm within an agreed period at a predetermined price. If the promoter fails to buy
back the shares within the stipulated period, Confine-VCF would have the
discretion to divest them in any manner it deemed appropriate. SBI capital
Markets ensures through examining the personal assets of the promoters and their
associates, which buy back, would be a feasible option. GV would make
disinvestment, in consultation with the promoter, usually after the project has
settled down, to a profitable level and the entrepreneur is in a position to avail of
finance under conventional schemes of assistance from banks or other financial
Initial Public Offers (IPOs)
The benefits of disinvestments via the public issue route are improved
marketability and liquidity, better prospects for capital gains and widely known
status of the venture as well as market control through public share participation.
This option has certain limitations in the Indian context. The promotion of the
public issue would be difficult and expensive since the first generation
entrepreneurs are not known in the capital markets. Further, difficulties will be
caused if the entrepreneurs business is perceived to be an unattractive investment
proposition by investors. Also, the emphasis by the Indian investors on short-term
profits and dividends may tend to make the market price unattractive. Yet another
difficulty in India until recently was that the Controller of Capital Issues (CCI)
guidelines for determining the premium on shares took into account the book
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value and the cumulative average EPS till the date of the new issue. This formula
failed to give due weight age to the expected stream of earning of the venture
firm. Thus, the formula would underestimate the premium. The government has
now abolished the Capital Issues Control Act, 1947 and consequently, the office
of the controller of Capital Issues. The existing companies are now free to fix the
premium on their shares. The initial public issue for disinvestments of VCFs
holding can involve high transaction costs because of the inefficiency of the
secondary market in a country like India. Also, this option has become far less
feasible for small ventures on account of the higher listing requirement of the
stock exchanges. In February 1989, the Government of India raised the minimum
capital for listing on the stock exchanges from Rs 10 million to Rs 30 million and
the minimum public offer from Rs 6 million to Rs 18 million.
Sale on the OTC Market
An active secondary capital market provides the necessary impetus to the success
of the venture capital. VCFs should be able to sell their holdings, and investors
should be able to trade shares conveniently and freely. In the USA, there exist
well-developed OTC markets where dealers trade in share on telephone/terminal
and not on an exchange floor. This mechanism enables new, small companies
which are not otherwise eligible to be listed on the stock exchange, to enlist on
the OTC markets and provides liquidity to investors. The National Association of
Securities dealers Automated Quotation System (NASDAQ) in the USA daily
quotes over 8000 stock prices of companies backed by venture capital.
The OTC Exchange in India was established in June 1992. The Government of
India had approved the creation for the Exchange under the Securities Contracts
(Regulations) Act in 1989. It has been promoted jointly by UTI, ICICI, SBI
Capital Markets, Can Bank Financial Services, GIC, LIC and IDBI. Since this list
of market-makers (who will decide daily prices and appoint dealers for trading)
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includes most of the public sector venture financiers, it should pick up fast, and it
should be possible for investors to trade in the securities of new small and
medium size enterprise.
The other disinvestment mechanisms such as the management buy outs or sale to
other venture funds are not considered to be appropriate by VCFs in India.
The growth of an enterprise follows a life cycle as shown in the diagram below.
The requirements of funds vary with the life cycle stage of the enterprise. Even
before a business plan is prepared the entrepreneur invests his time and resources
in surveying the market, finding and understanding the target customers and their
needs. At the seed stage the entrepreneur continue to fund the venture with his
own fund or family funds. At this stage the funds are needed to solicit the
consultants services in formulation of business plans, meeting potential
customers and technology partners. Next the funds would be required for
development of the product/process and producing prototypes, hiring key people
and building up the managerial team. This is followed by funds for assembling
the manufacturing and marketing facilities in that order. Finally the funds are
needed to expand the business and attaint the critical mass for profit generation.
Venture capitalists cater to the needs of the entrepreneurs at different stages of
their enterprises. Depending upon the stage they finance, venture capitalists are
called angel investors, Venture capitalist or private equity supplier/investor.
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Income or aid
Commercial viability
Rs. 15 lac(Max)
Size of assistance
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Appraisal process
Estimates returns
20 percent
30 percent plus
Highly flexible
Value addition
Multiple ways
Exit option
Funding sources
Owner funds
Not done
Tax concession
Success rate
Not good
Very satisfactory
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o Angels
Most venture capital funds will not consider investing in anything under $1
million to $2 million. Angels, however, are wealthy individuals who will provide
capital for a startup business. These investors have usually earned their money as
entrepreneurs and business managers and can serve as a prime resource for
advice on top of capital. On the other hand, due to typically limited resources,
angels usually have a shorter investment horizon than venture capitalists and tend
to have less tolerance for losses.
o Private Placement
An investment bank or agent may be able to raise equity for our company by
placing our unregistered securities with accredited investors. However, you
should be aware that the fees and expenses associated with this practice are
generally higher than those that come with venture and angel investors. We will
likely receive little or no business counsel from private investors who also tend to
have little tolerance for losses and under-performance.
o Bootstrap Financing
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This method is intended to develop a foundation for your business from scratch.
Financial management is essential to make this work. With bootstrap financing
youre building a business from nothing, which means there is little to no margin
for error in the finance department. Keep a rigid account of all transactions and
dont stray from your budget.
A few different methods of bootstrapping include:
Factoring, this generates cash flow through the sale of your accounts receivable
to a factor at discounted price fors cash.
Trade Credit is an option if you are able to find a vendor or supplier that will
allow you to order goods on net 30, 60 or 90 day terms. If you can sell the goods
before the bill comes due then you have generated cash flow without spending
any money. Customers can pay you up front our services.
Leasing, your equipment instead of purchasing it outright.
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important that your projected returns are more than enough to cover the risk that
you will be taking.
o SBIR and STTR Programs
Coordinated by the SBA, SBIR (Small Business Innovation Research) and STTR
(Small business Technology Transfer) programs offer competitive federal funding
awards to stimulate technological innovation and provide opportunities for small
businesses. You can learn more about these programs at
o State Funding
If youre not having any luck finding funding from the federal government take a
look at what your state has to offer. There is a list of links to state development
agencies that offer an array of grants and financial assistance for small
o Community Banks
These smaller banks may have fewer products than their financial institution
counterparts but they offer a great opportunity to build banking relationships and
are generally more flexible with payment plans and interest rates.
o Microloans
These types of loans can range from hundreds of dollars to low six-figure
amounts. Although some lenders regard microloans to be a waste of time because
the amount is so low, these can be a real boon for a startup business or one that
just needs to add some extra cash flow.
o Finance Debt
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It may be more expensive in the long run than purchasing, but financing your
equipment, facilities and receivables can free up cash in the short term or reduce
the amount of money that you need to raise.
o Friends
Ask your friends if they have any extra money that they would like to invest.
Assure them that you will pay them back with interest or offer those stock
options or a share of the profits in return.
o Family
Maybe you have a rich uncle or a wealthy cousin that would be willing to lend
you some money get your business running or send it to the next level. Again,
make it worth their while by offering interest, stocks or a share of the profits.
o Form a Strategic Alliance
Aligning your business with a corporation can produce funding from upfront or
access fees to your service, milestone payments and royalties. In addition,
corporate partners may be able to provide research funding, loans and equity
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If your business has positive cash flow and has proven that it will cover its debts
then you may be eligible for a business line of credit. This type of financing is a
common service offered by most business banks and serves as business capital,
up to an agreed upon amount, that you can access at any time.
o Personal Credit Cards
Using personal credit cards to finance a business can be risky but, if you take the
right approach, they can also give your business a lift. You should only consider
using this type of financing for acquiring assets and working capital. Never
consider this to be a long-term option. Once your company breaks even or moves
into the black, ditch the credit cards and move toward traditional bank financing
or lease agreements.
o Business Credit Cards
Business credit cards carry similar risks as personal credit cards but tend to be a
safer alternative. While the activity on this card goes toward your credit report, a
business credit card can help you to build business credit, keep your business
expenses separate from your personal expenses and can make tax season easier to
Established the
Investing In
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+ Financial Funds
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500,000 they finance companies in their early stages. Examples for angel clubs
are Media Club, Dinner Club, and Angels forum
Small and Upstart Capital Funds
These are smaller Venture Capital Companies that mostly provide seed and
startup capital. The so called Boutique firms are often specialized in certain
industries or market segments. Their capitalization is about USD 20 to USD 50
million (is this deals size or total money under management or money under
management per fund?). As for small and medium Venture capital funds strong
competition will clear the market place. There will be mergers and acquisitions
leading to a concentration of capital. Funds specialized in different business areas
will form strategic partnerships. Only the more successful funds will be able to
attract new money. Examples are:
o Artemis Comaford
o Abbell Venture Fund
o Acacia Venture Partners
Medium Venture Funds
The medium venture funds finance all stages after seed and operate in all
business segments. They provide money for deals up to USD 250 million. Single
funds have up to USD 5 billion under management. An example is Accel Partners
Large Venture Funds
As the medium funds, large funds operate in all business sectors and provide all
types of capital for companies after seed stage. They often operate internationally
and finance deals up to USD 500 million the large funds will try to improve their
position by mergers and acquisitions with other funds to improve size, reputation
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and their financial muscle. In addition they will to diversify. Possible areas to
enter are other financial services by means of M&As with financial services
corporations and the consulting business. For the latter one the funds have a rich
resource of expertise and contacts in house. In a declining market for their core
activity and with lots of tumbling companies out there is no reason why Venture
Capital funds should offer advice and consulting only to their investees.
Examples are:
o AIG American International Group
o Cap Vest man
o 3i
Corporate Venture Funds
These Venture Capital funds are set up and owned by technology companies.
Their aim is to widen the parent companys technology base in an win-winsituation for both, the investor and the investee. In general, corporate funds invest
in growing or maturing companies, often when the investee wishes to make
additional investments in technology or product development. The average deals
size is between USD 2 million and USD 5 million. The large funds will try to
improve their position by mergers and acquisitions with other funds to improve
size, reputation and their financial muscle. In addition they will to diversify.
Possible areas to enter are other financial services by means of M&As with
financial services corporations and the consulting business. For the latter one the
funds have a rich resource of expertise and contents in house. In a declining
market for their core activity and with lots of tumbling companies out there is no
reason why Venture Capital funds should offer advice and consulting only to their
investees. Examples are:
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o Oracle
o Adobe
o Dell
o Kyocera
As an example, Adobe systems launched a $40m venture fund in 1994 to invest
in companies strategic to its core business, such as Cascade Systems Inc and
lantana research Corporation-has been successfully boosting demand for its core
products, so that Adobe recently launched a second $40m fund.
Financial Funds:
A solution for financial funds could be a shift to a higher securisation of Venture
Capital activities. That means that the parent companies shift the risk to their
customers by creating new products such as stakes in a Venture Capital fund.
However, the success of such products will depend on the overall climate and
expectations in the economy. As long as the sown turn continues without any sign
of recovery customers might prefer less risky alternatives.
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The global economic downturn has many venture capitalists altering strategies,
including reducing investment levels in the short term, according to the 2009
Global Venture Capital Survey by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu and the National
Venture Capital Association. Fifty-one percent of the survey respondents are
decreasing the number of companies in which they plan to invest and just 13
percent are increasing this activity.
The 2009 Global Venture Capital survey, which measured the opinions of more
than 750 venture capitalists worldwide, also shines headlights into the postrecession landscape. The cleantech sector is poised to become the leading
investment category and the globalization of the venture capital industry will
intensify the latter posing significant competitive questions for the United States
and opportunities for emerging markets such as China.
While the recession has slowed the pace of venture investing in the short term, it
may very well have expedited the global evolution of the industry in the long
run, said Mark Jensen, national managing partner of Deloitte LLPs Venture
Capital Services. In recent years, many entrepreneurs who have been educated
in the United States have returned home to start companies in their home
countries. The playing field continues to level out in terms of new innovation hot
spots, broader access to capital and growing regional ecosystems that foster risk
taking and capital formation.
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The NASDAQ stock market, which has been the exit strategy of choice
for venture capitalists, was strictly regulated and characterized by
increasing openness thus limiting investors fears of fraud and
This created a general macroeconomic environment of transparency and
predictability, reducing risk for investors. Put differently, environmental risks
stemming from government action were minimized- a shop contrast to most
developing nations.
Another important policy has been a willingness to invest heavily and
continuously in university research. This investment funded generations of
graduate students in the sciences and engineering. From this research has come
trained personal and innovations; U.S. universities particularly, MIT, Stanford,
and UC Berkeley played a particular salient role.
The most important direct U.S. government involvement in encouraging the
growth of venture capital was the passage of the small Business Investment Act
of 1958 authorizing the formation of Small Business Investment Corporations
(SBICs). This legislation created a vehicle for funding small firms of all types.
The legislation was complicated, but for the development of venture capital the
following features were most significant:
It permitted individuals to from SBICs with private funds as paid-in
capital and then they could borrow money on a 2:1 ratio initially up to
$300,000, i.e., they could use up to $300,000 of SBA-guaranteed money
for their investment of $150,000 in private capital.
There were also tax and other benefits, such as income and a capital gains
pass through and the allowance of a carried interest as compensation.
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The SBIC program becomes one that many other nations either learned from or
emulated. The SBIC program also provided a vehicle for banks to circumvent the
Depression-era laws prohibiting commercial allowed them to acquire equity in
small firms. This made even more capital available to fledgling firms, and was a
significant source of capital in the 1960s and 1970s. The final investment format
permitted SBICs to raise money in the public market. For the most part, these
public SBICs failed and/or were liquidate by the mid 1970s. After the mid 1970s,
with the exception of the bank SBICs, the SBIC program was no longer
significant for the venture capital industry.
The SBIC program experienced serious problems from its inception. One
problem was that as a government agency it was very bureaucratic having many
rules and regulations that were constantly changing. Despite the corruption,
something valuable also occurred. Namely, and especially, in Silicon Valley, a
number of individuals used their SBICs to leverage their personal capital, and
some were so successful that were able to reimburse the program and raise
institutional money to become formal venture capitalists. The SBIC program
accelerated their capital accumulation, and as important, government regulations
made these new venture capitalists professionalize their investment activity,
which had been informal prior to entering the program. Now-illustrious firms
such as Sutter hill ventures, Institutional Venture Partners, Bank of America
Ventures, and Menlo Ventures began as SBICs.
The historical record also indicates that government action can harm venture
capital. The most salient example came in 1973 when the U.S. Congress, in
response to widespread corruption in pension funds, changed Federal pension
fund regulations. In their haste to prohibit pension fund abuses, Congress passed
the employment Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) making pension fund
managers criminally liable for losses incurred in High-risk investments. This was
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Industry Shifts
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Mega Trends
Several global mega trends will likely have an impact on venture capital in the
next decade:o Beyond the BRICs: - A new wave of fast growing economies is joining
the global growth leaders like Brazil, China, India And Russia. The
beginning of venture capital activity has been seen in others countries
such as Indonesia, Korea, Turkey and Vietnam.
o The new multinationals: - A new breed of global company is emerging
from developing countries and redefining industries through low-cost
advantage, modern infrastructure, and vast customer databases in their
home countries. These companies are potential acquirers of developed
market companies at all stages of growth.
o Globalization of capital: - Changes in economic and financial landscape
are creating significant regional shifts in IPO activity. These changes
have also sparked global consolidation alliances among stock
o Transformation of the CFOs role and function: - With the globalization
and increasingly complex regulatory environment, CFOs have a wider
range of responsibilities and finance function has been transformed to
face broader mandates.
o Clean Technology: - Clean technology is poised to become the first
break through sector of 21st century. Encompassing energy, air and
water treatment, industrial efficiency improvements, new material and
waste management etc. are playing very vital role globally because of
which VC investors are enjoying rewards.
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for Deloitte. "Additional project financing came from large corporations whose
direct investments in cleantech increased by 14% in the second half of 2009
compared to the same period in 2008. Leading global utilities and non-utilities
are likely to continue to see cleantech projects as an attractive investment from an
economical and regulatory perspective."
Venture investment was down 33% in 2009, compared to US$8.5 billion in 2008,
yet investment in cleantech declined less than other sectors, despite the economic
The largest deal in all sectors was Solyndras US$198 million to expand its CIGS
thin film production. The company has since filed for an IPO.
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Location of respondents
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Firm type
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deals in which the existing venture syndicate has enough reserve capacity to fund a
company, if necessary, all the way to cash flow independence."
Adjusting to a New Reality
In short, the tourists have left, explained Mark Heesen, president of the NVCA. "Young
entrepreneurs who thought they could get rich quickly with just a good idea are now
gone and those now left standing recognize the challenges and tenacity needed to
establish and build a sustainable business," he said. "Those out on the dustings trying to
get funded are much more astute about the globalization of the economy and
worldwide competition. They understand that the value of their company today is not
what it will be six months from now and that if they want to be funded, it will likely
be at a lower valuation than in the past."
Lower valuations could present opportunities for VCs looking for a good deal. But are
they spending? In fact, we see the larger firms eying a bigger slowdown than the
smaller firms. Just more than half of respondents from firms managing $500 million or
more are decreasing their level of investment, compared to about one in three of those
managing $99 million or less.
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"In this environment, it pays to be either a very early-stage investor or a very late-stage
investor," said Steve Fredrick, general partner of Grotech Ventures. "The classic Series B
round, where a business is still finding its legs and remaining capital requirements are at
best an estimate, carries more risk given higher burn rates and the climate's uncertainty
around future financings. So, we're seeing reduced investment levels as firms either
invest smaller sums in very early-stage companies, or invest traditional sums in fewer
and much later-stage companies. The middle ground has been largely vacated."
Impact of the global recession on investment strategies-stage (by assets under
Five years ago, when the first Global Venture Capital Survey was conducted, the results
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indicated some interest in clean technologies and the life sciences. This year, regardless
of fund size, we see tremendous interest from VCs in both of these sectors, especially
clean technologies, where more than six out of 10 respondents anticipate their
investment levels to increase and another three out of 10 will hold their investments at
the same level.
In terms of total capital invested, anticipated level of investment change in select sectors, over
the next three years
Among U.S., UK and Israeli investors, about half expect to increase their investments
in cleantech, while about seven out of 10 AP respondents and European respondents
expect their cleantech investments to increase. Two-thirds of respond- dents from the
Americas plan to increase their cleantech investments. This interest could be because
we're seeing an increase in government/political support for cleantech and VCs are
looking more to government participation in both investments and incentives.
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"Governments around the world are very supportive of creating a cleantech industry
with tax credits and incentives," said Heesen. "In the U.S., it's now seen as an energy
independence issue, a security issue and a jobs issue. And the public is more supportive
of cleantech activities as more people are cognizant of the threat of global warming."
But while this finding is significant, it's also important to note that with a couple of
exceptions where the sectors have significantly maturedsemiconductors and
telecommunicationsVCs expect their level of investment in other industries to
remain the same or increase.
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Eastern Exposure
Another trend that hasn't changed in the last five years is venture capitalists' interest in
China and India. Regardless of the size of the firm, investors are intrigued by the
investment possibilities of these two countries.
"We are lucky to be sitting at the hub of what we believe will be the most exciting
venture market in the coming years China," said Gavin Ni, founder, president and CEO
of Zero2IPO. "If you take a look at the short-term, you see China will be the first to
emerge out of the worldwide downturn. China is projecting 7 percent-plus GDP
growth in 2009the highest in the world. Then, looking beyond, you see a swelling
middle classbut still a minority of the populationwith money in their pockets to
spend. That does not even scratch the surface of the eventual buying power of the
largest population in the world1.3 billion potential consumers."
Half of all respondents expect their investment levels to increase in Asia (excluding
India), while 43 percent expect to increase their investments in India over the next
three years. In 2007, 41 percent of respondents indicated an interest in expanding their
investment focus in Asia Pacific. About one-third expect to increase their investment
levels in South America. Only 17 percent expect to increase their investments in North
America, the same as 2007.
Compared to North America, the numbers were only slightly better for Europe and the
UK (25 percent) and Israel (19 percent). More than half of the respondents do intend to
maintain their investment levels in Europe, while 21 percent expect those levels to
decrease. This investment strategy is a change from 2007, when one-third of
respondents indicated that they were interested in expanding their investment focus in
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When it comes to interest in Asia and India, UK respondents are the most enthusiastic,
planning either to increase investment levels (67 percent and 58 percent, respectively)
or keep them at the same levels (33 percent and 42 percent, respectively). But, about
nine out of 10 U.S. VCs are also increasing or maintaining their investments in Asia
and India and about the same number of respondents from Asia Pacific have similar
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In other words, noted Jensen, "Firms are now looking at the whole world in terms of
their investing priorities. The world has gone global in venture capital and the firms are
adapting their strategies accordingly."
David Chao, co-founder and general partner of DCM, agrees. "The lines between
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Why is there so much interest in China and India? China and India are emerging
markets compared to North America, and the U.S. specifically, with great growth
potential. Also, the strained exit markets in the U.S. and the impact of recent
government policies appear to be discouraging investors from increasing their risk
exposure in North America.
Venture capitalists anticipated level of investment in Europe and the UK, over the
next three years (by location)
At least a quarter of global VCs intend to increase their investments levels in Europe
and the UK. This is mainly driven by VCs in the Americas (excluding the U.S.), among
which 43 percent plan to invest more into Europe and the UK. However, another 43
percent of the VCs in that same area intend to reduce their investments in Europe and
the UK. The most positive forecast comes from U.S. players, among which 28% expect
to increase investments, while only 20% foresee a decrease. Israeli and Asia-Pacific
VCs show the least interest in Europe and the UK...
Fund Raising
Despite the fact that the world is struggling with a recession, VCs are remarkably
optimistic about their future funds. Most VCs believe that their next fund will be either
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larger than their existing fund or will be approximately the same size. And, that's
across the board, regardless of the size of the venture firm or where they're located.
Among those managing more than $1 billion, 24 percent project that their next fund
size will increase while almost half expect it to remain the same. Less than a third
anticipates a decrease. Those numbers are very close when it comes to those firms
managing $500 million to $1 billion. As the size of the firm grows smaller, the firms
grow more optimistic about the size of their next fund levels, with 60 percent of the
smallestthose managing $1 million to $49 million anticipating their fund levels
will grow and another 28 percent stating that they'll remain the same.
Projected fund size compared to current fund (by assets under management)
The numbers are far more consistent when you look at this question regionally. Very
little decrease in fund size is projected across the board. And, those projecting increases
or stasis range from the Americas (excluding the U.S.) at 73 percent to the UK at 87
percent. The region anticipating the greatest increase in their next fund is Europe
(excluding the UK) at 55 percent. Europe (excluding the UK) (15 percent) and the UK
(13 percent) are the regions with the lowest expectations of decreased fund size in the
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The current economic crisis will affect the following types of limited
partners' willingness to invest in the venture capital asset class, over the next
three years
22% by corporate venture capital, followed by fund of funds. This is significant, given
a tradition of reliance on private capital in the United States. Six out of ten Asia Pacific
respondents also believe there will be an increase in activity on the part of
government. Among Israeli respondents, that number is almost half of respondents,
while two-thirds of those in the Americas (excluding the U.S.), Europe (excluding the
UK) and the UK see government investment increasing.
Of course, these questions were being answered at a very negative point in time
(February-March 2009), and with the financial challenges traditional investors are
facing, it's clear that the VC community is increasingly looking to the government for
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assistance. But even so, it's unclear how they can assert that their funds will increase or
remain the same when there are fewer limited partners and there's less capital available.
Winner is
Apparently, among venture capitalists, there's China and there's everyone else. That was
clearly demonstrated in response to earlier questions about where VCs plan to increase
their investments.
It was further validated when VCs were asked directly which country has the most to
gain in overall stature over the next three years. Most respondents from around the
globe chose China either first or second on their lists.
"A question I frequently get is whether China's recent growth in venture investing is
sustainable. I would say, 'of course,'" said Zero2IPO president and CEO, Gavin Ni, "I
interact with China's entrepreneurs every day. There is a real drive to win, and there's no
stopping until the game is won. Others see the victory and want to win, too. And, the
rules of the game from China's government continue to drive strong business growth."
China was a clear favorite among U.S. investors with 42 percent of respondents
believing that the country has the most to gain. Only 24 percent held that conviction
for the U.S., followed by 12 percent for India, 5 percent for Brazil and 2 percent for
Russia. Among VC respondents from the Americas (excluding the U.S.), 35 percent
look to Brazil while 18 percent see China being a clear winner, followed by Canada at
16 percent, India at 14 percent and the U.S. trailing at 12 percent. Israeli respondents
selected the U.S. with 36 percent, followed by China (29 percent), Brazil and Israel (14
percent) and India (7 percent). More than half of Asia Pacific respondents were
enthusiastic about China, while 20 percent looked at India as having the most gain,
followed by Japan (6 percent), the U.S. (5 percent) and Afghanistan (4 percent).
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Almost three out of 10 respondents from Europe (excluding the UK) see China as
having the most to gain. Sixteen percent saw that potential from India and the U.S.,
followed by Brazil (7 percent) and France (6 percent). Finally, 35 percent of UK
respondents eyed China as the clear winner, with India following at 24 percent, the
U.S. at 9 percent and the United Arab Emirates at 6 percent.
Top five locations viewed as having the most to gain in terms of overall
economic stature, over the next three years (U.S. respondents)
Top five locations viewed as having the most to gain in terms of overall
economic stature, over the next three years (the Americas (excl. U.S)
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On the opposite end of the spectrum, across the board the U.S. consistently was
perceived as having the most to lose in economic statureeven by more than half of
U.S. respondents. This shouldn't be surprising, given that having created venture
capital; the U.S. has long had preeminent status. With the rest of the world looking at
the future of the industry and where people will be investing, there's no question among
any respondents that the U.S.'s elevated status cannot continue to be taken for granted,
particularly given this new economic environment and the entrepreneurial ecosystems
that are emerging around the world.
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According to the KPMG survey, the outlook on investment levels and deal
volume for 2009 mirrors the views on IPO activity. In fact, 74 per cent of
respondents expect overall venture investment to decrease and 82 per cent see a
decline in deal volume. While it is uncertain when venture investment will trend
back up, 50 per cent of venture capitalists surveyed do not expect that up-tick to
occur until the second half of 2009, while 32 per cent predict it will not happen
until 2010 or beyond. Only 18 per cent predict the turnaround in venture funding
will start in the first two quarters of 2009.
While overall investment levels are expected to be lower, the KPMG survey
found that 2009 funding will be targeted toward key geographic regions and
industry segments. Respondents indicated that China, India and Israel will be the
most attractive regions for venture capital, while clean tech, life sciences, mobile
and digital entertainment will remain the hot industries. While overall funding
will decrease, venture capitalists will continue to invest in those areas they feel
will provide the best return on investment, said Brian Hughes, KPMG partner
based in Philadelphia and co-leader of its venture capital practice. Not
surprisingly, they continue to be bullish on emerging markets and industry
sectors, such as cleantech, that project near term growth.
Another indication of the current market conditions negative impact on the
venture community can be seen in attitudes toward start-up investing. Ninetyseven per cent of venture capitalists surveyed said the credit crisis will have an
adverse effect on the availability of venture financing to start-up companies, and
73 per cent said it will be harder to get debt or lease financing.
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Above chart reveals that 19% U.S. respondents are expand globally for
generating high quality deal flow. And 31% believe that expand globally for
getting benefit of emergence of entrepreneurial environment. Whit 17%
respondents of non U.S are expanding globally for diversification of industry and
geographic risk. All respondents are least concerned about low cost of locations.
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Top markets where the cost of complying with corporate governance regulation
too high
From the above chart we can see that most of the respondents believe that U.S. has
high cost of complying with Corporate Governance regulation and China, India, Israel
and Canada cost of complying with corporate governance regulation too high.
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The IDBI started a Venture Capital in 1976 as per the long term fiscal policy of
government of India, with an initial of Rs. 10 Cr. which raised by imposing a
chess of 5% on all payment made for the import of technology know-how
projects requiring funds from Rs.5 Lacks to Rs.2.5Cr. Were considered for
financing. Promoters contribution ranged from this fund was available at a
concessional interest rate of 9% (during gestation period) which could be
increased at later stages.
The ICICI provided the required impetus to Venture Capital activities in India,
1986 it started providing venture Capital finance in 1998 it promoted, along with
the Unit trust of India (UTI) Technology Development and information Company
of India (TDICI) as first venture Capital company registered under the companies
act, 1956. The TDICI may provide financial assistance to venture capital
undertaking which are set up by technocrat entrepreneurs, or technology
information and guidance services.
The risk capital foundation established by the industrial finance corporation of
India (IFCI) in 1975, was converted in 1988 into the Risk Capital and
Technology Finance Company (RCTC) as a subsidiary company of the IFCI the
rate provides assistance in the form of conventional loans, interest free
conditional loans on profit and risk sharing basis or equity participation in
extends financial support to high technology projects for technological up
gradations. The RCTC has been renamed as IFCI Venture Capital Funds Ltd.
Promoted by State Level Financial Institutions
In India, the State Level Financial Institutions in some states such as Madhya
Pradesh, Gujarat, Uttar prades, etc., have done an excellent job and have
provided venture capital to a small scale enterprise. Several successful
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India controlled them rigidly. One of the major forces that induced Government
of India to start venture funding was the World Bank. The initial funding has
been provided by World Bank. The most important feature of the 1988 rules was
that venture capital funds received the benefit of a relatively low capital gains tax
rate which was lower than the corporate rate. The 1988 guidelines stipulated
venture capital funding firms should meet the following criteria:
o Technology involved should be new, relatively untried, very closely held,
in the process of being taken from pilot to commercial stage or
incorporate some significant improvement over the existing ones in India.
o Promoters/entrepreneurs using the technology should be relatively new,
professionally or technically qualified, with inadequate resources to
finance the project.
Between 1988 and 1994 about 11venture capital funds became operational either
through reorganizing the business or through new entities.
All these followed the Government of India guidelines for venture capital
activities and have primarily supported technology oriented innovative business
started by first generation entrepreneurs. Most of these were operated more like a
financing operation. The main feature of this phase was that the concept got
accepted. Venture capitals become operational in India before the liberalization
process started. The context was not fully ripe for growth of venture capitals. Till
1995 the venture capital operated like any bank but provided funds without
collateral. The first stage of the venture capital industry in India was plagued by
in experienced management, mandates to invest in certain states and sectors and
general regulatory problems. Many public issue by small and medium companies
have shown that the Indian investor is becoming increasingly wary of investing
in the projects of new and unknown promoters.
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The liberation of the economy and toning up of the capital market changed the
economic landscape. The decisions relating to issue of stocks and shares was
handled by an office namely: Controller of capital issues (CCI). According to
1988 venture capital guideline, any organization requiring starting venture funds
have to forward an application to CCI. Subsequent to the liberalization of the
economy in 1991, the office of CCI was abolished in May 1992 and the powers
were vested in Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI). The Securities
and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 empower SEBI under section 11(2)
thereof to register and regulate the working of venture capital funds. This was
done in 1996, through a government notification. The power to control venture
funds has been given to SEBI only in 1995 and the notification came out in 1996.
Till this time venture funds were dominated by Indian firms. The new regulations
became the harbinger of the second phase of the venture capital growth.
Phase II- Entry of Foreign Venture Capital Funds (VCF) between 19951999
The second phase of venture capital growth attracted many foreign institutional
investors. During this period overseas and private domestic venture capitalists
began investing in VCF. The new regulations in 1996 helped in this. Though the
changes proposed in 1996 had a salutary effect, the development of venture
capital continued to be inhibited because of the regulatory regime and restricted
the FDI environment. To facilitate the growth of venture funds, SEBI appointed a
committee to recommend the changes needed in the venture capital funding
context. This coincided with the IT boom as well as the success of Silicon Valley
startups. In other words, venture capital growth and IT growth co-evolved in
Phase III-(2000 onwards)- Venture capital becomes risk averse and
activity declines:
Study Of Venture Capital In India
Not surprisingly, the investing in India came crashing down when NASDAQ
lost 60% of its value during the second quarter of 2000 and public markets
(including those in India) also declined substantially. Consequently, during 20012003, the venture capitals started investing less money and in money and in more
mature companies in an effort to minimize the risks. This decline broadly
continued until 2003.
Phase IV- (2004 onward)- Global venture capitals firms actively investing
in India
Since Indias economy has been growing at 7%-8% a year, and since some
sectors, including the services sector and the high end manufacturing sector, have
been growing at 12%-14% a year investors renewed their interest and started
investing again in 2004 the number of deals and the total dollars invested in India
has been increasing substantially.
shop in India, with the year 2007 having been a landmark year for venture capital
in India. The no of deals are increasing year by year. The no of deal in 2003 only
56 and now in 2007 it touch the 387 deals. The introduction stage of venture
capital industry in India is completed in 2003 after that growing stage of India
venture capital industry is starrted.
Tere are 160 venture capital firms/funds in India. In 2006 it is only but in 2007
the number of venture capital firms are 146. The reason is good position of
capital market. But in 2008 no of venture capital firms increase by only 14 the
reason is crashdown of capital market by 51%. The no of venture capital funds
are increasing year by year
clusters. The cost of mnitoring and the cost of skill acquisition are lower in
clusters, especially for innovation. Entry costs are also lower in clusters. Cerating
enetrepreneursship and stimulating innovation in clusters have to become a major
concern of public policy makers. This is essential becouse only when the cultural
context is conductive for risk management venture capital will take-of. Clusters
support innovation and facilitates risk bearing. Venture capital prefer clusters
because the information costs are lower. Policies for promoting dispersion of
industries are becoming redundant after the economic liberalization.
The venture capital firm invest their money in most developning sectors like
health care, IT-ITes, Telecom, Bio-technology, Media & Entretainment, shipping
& ligistics etc.
Now venture capital is nascent stage in India. Now due to growth of sector, the
venture capital industry is also growing. The top most players in the industries
are ICICI venture capital fund, IT&FS venture capital fund, Canbank.
Companies based in south India accounted for 50% of all venture capital
investments (47% by value) during 2009. Their peers in western India accounted
for 25% of the pie (29% by value) while companies in north India accounted for
15% of the investments (12% by value).
Among cities, companies headquartered in Bangalore and Mumbai were the
favorites among venture capital investors during 2009, with the former attracting
29 investments and the latter 15. The Delhi National Capital Region accounted
for 11 investments, followed by Hyderabad with 9 investments.
Creating new Industry Clusters: Media, Retail, Call Centers and back office
processing, trickling down to organized effort of support services like Office
services, Catering, Transportation.
Transfer or issue
of security by a
person resident
outside India
regulation 2000
nt approvals
IT Act, 1961
Investment Criteria:
Disclosure of investment strategy;
Maximum investment in single venture capital undertaking not to exceed
25% of the funds committed for investment to India however it can
invest its total fund committed in one venture capital fund;
Atleast 75% of the investible funds to be invested in unlisted equity
shares or equity linked instruments.
Not more than 25%of the investible funds may be invested by way of:
o Subscription to initial offer of a venture capital undertaking whose
shares are proposed to be listed subject to lock in period of one
o Debt or debt instrument of a venture capital undertaking in which
the venture capital funds has already made an investment by way
of equity.
Hassle Free Entry and Exit: the Foreign Venture Capital Investors proposing to
make venture capital investment under the Regulations would be granted
registration by SEBI. SEBI Registered Foreign Venture Capital Investors shall be
permitted to make investment on an automatic route within the overall sectoral
ceiling of foreign investment under Annexure III of statement of Industrial Policy
without any approval from FIPB. Further, SEBI registered FVCIs shall be
granted a general permission from the exchange control angle for inflow and
outflow of funds and no prior approval of RBI would be required for pricing,
however, there would be export reporting requirement for the amount transacted.
Trading in Unlisted Equity: the board also approved the proposal to permit
OTCEI to develop a trading window for unlisted securities where Qualified
Institutional Buyers (QIB) would be permitted to participate.
Eligibility conditions for grant of license to a venture capital fund.(1) A venture capital fund shall not be granted license unless it fulfills the
following conditions, namely:a) It is incorporated as a company under the Companies Ordinance, 1984
(XLVII of 1984);
b) It is not engaged in any business other than that of investment in venture
c) It has a minimum paid-up capital of fifty million rupees raised through
private placement; and
d) For the purpose of managing its entire business, it has entered into a
contract, in writing, with a venture capital company and a copy of which
has been filed with the Commission.
The board of venture capital fund shall not have a director, who is on the
hold controlling interest shall not exceed ten per cent of the overall
portfolio of venture capital; and
d. Not accept any investment from any investor, which is less than one
million rupees.
Renewal of license.
(1) The license granted to the fund under rule 10 shall be valid for one year and
shall be renewable annually on payment of a fee of twenty thousand rupees on an
application being made on Form VII.
(2) The Commission may, after making such inquiry and after obtaining such
further information as it may consider necessary, renew the license of such fund,
one year on Form VIII on such conditions as it may deem necessary.
Private placement.A venture capital fund shall raise and receive monies for investment in venture
projects through private placement of such securities as may be notified by the
Commission, from time to time.
Placement memorandum.A venture capital fund shall, before soliciting placement of its securities, file with
the Commission a placement memorandum which shall inter alia give details of
the terms subject to which monies are proposed to be raised from such
Risk management skills
and contacts to investors
Market growth rate
from 251.06% in 2004. From the above chart we can conclude that inflation and
Venture Capital has positive relationship. Now in June 2008 the inflation rate was
11.9 and the NO. Of deal in first two quarter in 2008 was 170 and value of deal
was 6390 US$mn and in third quarter of 2008 there was only four deals. And in
October the inflation touch the 13.01%. Due to increase in inflation rate the
people will go to spend more. Thus, their savings will decrease. So more money
will come into the market and demand of the products will increase continuously.
Now due to growth of any sector will attract new entrepreneur to enter in the
industry. For that they must need funds. So there is a great opportunity for
venture capital industry to attract this new entrepreneur.
important features of this package. SMEs have been allowed to manage their
direct/indirect exposure to foreign exchange risk by booking/canceling/rollover
of forward contracts without prior permission of RBI.
To boost the micro and small enterprise sector, the bank has decided to refinance
an amount of 7000 crore to the Small Industries Development Bank of India,
which will be available up to March 31, 2010. The Central Bank said that it is
also working on a similar refinance facility for the National Housing Bank
(NHB) of an amount of Rs 4, 000 crore.
the other side when company going to export the company must have good
contact with other countrys company. So for that venture capital industry is
useful because they have good contact and affiliation network with other
countrys company.
Industry Profitability:
The venture capital firms invest their money in most emerging sectors like
biotechnology, IT-ES, retailing, infrastructure which gives higher return but also
they all involved risk in substantial amount.
Possible result of venture capital investments
Blended average
Annual rate of
Venture capital firms are coming with new ideas of investment to attract the
buyers to their firms. For this purpose they are introducing new types of funds
and schemes.
For example, IFCI Venture Capital Funds Limited (IVCF) has launched three
new funds in emerging sectors of the economy namely:
i) India Automotive Component Manufacturers Private Equity Fund 1-Domestic
(IACM-1-D) with a target corpus of Euro 60 million equivalent to Rs.396 crores.
This Fund will be dedicated for investment mainly in Indian Automotive
Component companies and in other related/ emerging sectors.
ii) India Enterprise Development Fund (IEDF), a Venture Capital fund set up
with target corpus of Rs.250 crores to invest in knowledge based projects in key
sectors of Indian economy with outstanding growth prospects.
iii) Green India Venture Fund (GIVF), a Venture Capital fund setup with a target
corpus of Euro 50 million (approx. Rs.330 crores) with the objective to invest in
commercially viable Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), energy efficient
and other commercially viable projects with an aim to reduce negative ecological
impact, efficient usage of resources such as energy, power etc and other related
sectors/projects. The summary of the Funds:
Launching of new funds by IFCI
To invest in Indian
The objective of
To invest in
companies engaged
GIVF would be to
knowledge based
barriers, critical
in order to generate
projects/ business.
scalability in
diversified and/ or
emerging sectors.
INR 250 Cr
VC Fund
10 years with two
of 1 year each
20% p.a.
Rs. 2 to 30 Cr
of 1 year each.
20% p.a.
Rs. 2 to 25 Cr
Management fee 2% of the total
2% of the total
2% of the total
With a view to augment the availability of Venture Capital, the Government has
decided to allow overseas venture capital investments in India subject to suitable
guidelines as outlined below:
Once the initial FIPB approval has been obtained, the subsequent investment
b y the domestic venture capital company/fund in Indian companies will not
require FIPB approval. Such investments will be limited only by the general
restriction applicable to venture capital companies viz.o A minimum lock-in period of three years will apply to all such
o VCFs and VCCs shall invest only in unlisted companies and their
investment shall be limited to 40% of the paid up capital of the
company. The ceiling will be subject to relevant equity investment
limits that may be in force from time to time in relation to areas
reserved for the Small Scale Sector.
o Investment in any single company by a VCF/VCC shall not exceed
20% of the paid-up corpus of the domestic VCF/VCC.
The tax exemption available to domestic VCFs and VCCs under Section
10(23F) of the Income Tax Act, 1961, will also be extended to domestic VCFs
and VCCs which attract overseas venture capital investments provided these
Study Of Venture Capital In India
payback period is also generally high (5 - 7 years). The various problems/ queries
can be outlined as follows:
obtained from the venture capital firms who expect an above average rate of
return on the investment. Government of India understands this.
Also, The Government of India in an attempt to bring the nation at par and above
the developed nations has been promoting venture capital financing to new,
innovative concepts & ideas, liberalizing taxation norms providing tax incentives
to venture firms, giving an opportunity for the creation of local pools of capital
and holding training sessions for the emerging VC investors.
In the year 2000, the finance ministry announced the liberalization of tax
treatment for venture capital funds to promote them & to increase job creation.
This is expected to give a strong boost to the non resident Indians located in the
Silicon Valley and elsewhere to invest some of their capital, knowledge and
enterprise in these ventures.
This includes measures addressing concerns of credit, fiscal support, clusterbased development, infrastructure, technology, and marketing. Capacity building
of MSME Associations and support to women entrepreneurs are the other
important features of this package. SMEs have been allowed to manage their
direct/indirect exposure to foreign exchange risk by booking/canceling/rollover
of forward contracts without prior permission of RBI.
To boost the micro and small enterprise sector, the bank has decided to refinance
an amount of 7000 crore to the Small Industries Development Bank of India,
which will be available up to March 31, 2010. The Central Bank said that it is
also working on a similar refinance facility for the National Housing Bank
(NHB) of an amount of Rs 4, 000 crore.
The Indian economy is growing at 8-9% so the there is a development of all
sector like manufacturing, services sector. So there is a great opportunities for
Venture Capital firms. Because mostly invest their money in this sectors.
India amongst leading entrepreneurial Hotbeds globally
City competencies emerging
All IP-led companies; IT and IT-enabled services
Delhi (NCR)
Software services, IT enabled services, Telecom
Software services, IT enabled services, Media, Computer Graphics,
Animation, Banking
o Other emerging Centers
Chennai, Hyderabad, and Pune
Emerging sectors for investments
Over last few years ,the story of the US biotech industry has been one of the
remarkable success .There are signs that this success story is now repeated in
Study Of Venture Capital In India
other parts of world ,with maturing pipelines, record breaking financing totals,
strong deal activity and impressive financial results. Industry is grew 31% for
second year in raw in 2007.
The industry's growth rate is likely to touch 19 per cent from the current 13 per
cent, according to a projection released by the Confederation of Indian Industries
(CII), on September 1, 2008.
According to a McKinsey study, the Indian pharmaceutical industry is projected
to grow to US$ 25 billion by 2010 whereas the domestic market is likely to more
than triple to US$ 20 billion by 2015 from the current US$ 6 billion to become
one of the leading pharmaceutical markets in the next decade.
The Indian pharmaceutical industry has shown robust growth in terms of
infrastructure development, technology base creation and a wide range of
products with a determination to flourish in the rapidly changing environment,
thereby establishing its global presence. The Indian pharmaceutical industry has
increased its competitive intensity owing to pricing pressures and striving
consistently to innovate. ICICI Venture-controlled Ranbaxy Fine Chemicals
(RFCL) has acquired the US-based specialty chemicals major Mallinckrodt
Baker in a deal estimated at US$ 340 million.
So there is great opportunity for venture capital industry to invest their money in
this sector. Nowadays, India will become a global pharmacy hub exporting by
exporting domestically produced generic products.
IT/IT-ES Industry
The Department of Information Technology is setting up Nano Electronic Centers
at the Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai and the Indian Institute of Science,
Study Of Venture Capital In India
Bangalore. With an outlay of about Rs. 100 crore to carry out R&D activities in
nano-electronics devices and materials.
In 2006-07, the performance of the Information Technology Enabled Services
Business Process Outsourcing (ITES-BPO) industry was marked by double-digit
revenue growth, steady expansion into newer service lines and increased
geographic penetration and an unprecedented rise in investments by multinational
corporations (MNCs).
The Special Incentive Package Scheme (SIPS) to encourage investments for
setting up semiconductor fabrication and other micro- and nano-technology
manufacturing industries was announced in March2007. The incentives
admissible would be 20 per cent of the capital expenditure during the first 10
years for units located in Special Economic Zones (SEZs) and 25 per cent for
units located outside SEZs.
Electronic Industry
There is a high growth of software and solutions related to the consumer Internet,
software as a service (SAAS), open source, software-cum-services and
telecommunications (both wireless and wire-line) products and related services.
There is a great opportunity for venture capital industry to invest in this
electronic production industry.
Venture Capital Market in India Getting Overheated
The Venture Capital market in India seems to be getting as hot as the countrys
famous summers. However, this potential over-exuberance may lead to some
stormy days ahead, based on sobering research compiled by global research and
analytics services firm, Evalueserve. Evalueserve research shows an interesting
phenomenon is beginning to emerge:
Over 44 US-based Venture capital firms are now seeking to invest heavily in
start-ups and early-stage companies in India. These firms have raised, or are in
the process of raising, an average of US $100 million each. Indeed, if these 40plus firms are successful in raising money, they would garner approximately $4.4
billion to be invested during the next 4 to 5 years. Taking Indian Purchasing
Power Parity (PPP) into consideration, this would be equivalent to $22 billion
worth of investment in the US. Since about $1.75 billion (or approximately 40%
of $4.4 billion) has been already raised, even if only $2.2 billion is raised by
December 2006, Evalueserve cautions that there will be a glut of Venture Capital
money for early stage investments in India. This will be especially true if the VCs
continue to invest only in currently favorite sectors such as IT, BPO, software
and hardware products, telecom, and consumer Internet. Given that a typical
start-up in India would require $9 million during the first three years (i.e., $3
million per year) and even assuming that the start-up survives for three years,
investing $2.2 billion during 2007-2010 would imply investing in 150 to 180
start-ups every year during this period, which simply does not seem practical if
the VCs continue to focus only on their current favorite sectors.
Unproductive workforce:
A global survey by McKinsey & Company revealed that Indian business leaders
are much more optimistic about the future than their international peers. So
Indian employees are tardy in their job so it will effect reversely on the economic
condition of the country. Because they are unproductive to the economy of the
Exit route barriers:
Due to crash down of market by 51% from January to November 2008. It creates
a problem for venture capital firms. Because nobody is trying to come up with
IPO and IPO is the exits route door Venture Capital.
Taxes on emerging sector:
As per Union Budget 2007 and its broad guidelines, Government proposed to
limit pass-through status to venture capital funds (VCFs) making investment in
nine areas. These nine areas are biotechnology, information technology,
nanotechnology, seed research and development, R&D for pharmacy sectors,
dairy industry, poultry industry and production of bio-fuels. Pass-through status
means that the incomes earned by funds are taxable now.
Presently there are three set of Regulations dealing with venture capital activity
i.e. SEBI (Venture Capital Regulations) 1996, Guidelines for Overseas Venture
Capital Investments issued by Department of Economic Affairs in the MOF in
the year 1995 and CBDT Guidelines for Venture Capital Companies in 1995
which was modified in 1999. The need is to consolidate and substitute all these
with one single regulation of SEBI to provide for uniformity, hassle free single
window clearance. There is already a pattern available in this regard; the mutual
funds have only one set of regulations and once a mutual fund is registered with
SEBI, the tax exemption by CBDT and inflow of funds from abroad is available
and therefore taxation at the level of VCFs as well as investors amount to double
taxation. Since like mutual funds VCF is also a pool of capital of investors, it
needs to be treated as a tax pass through. Once registered with SEBI, it should be
entitled to automatic tax pass through at the pool level while maintaining taxation
at the investor level without any other requirement under Income Tax Act.
venture capital comes from pension funds, banks, mutual funds, insurance funds
and charitable institutions.
consistent with the very concept of venture funding, certain restrictions could be
put by specifying a negative list which could include areas such as finance
companies, real estate, gold-finance, activities not legally permitted and any other
sectors which could be notified by SEBI in consultation with the Government.
Investments by VCFs in associated companies should also not be permitted.
Further, not more than 25% of a funds corpus may be invested in a single firm.
The investment ceiling has been recommended in order to increase focus on
equity or equity-linked instruments of unlisted startup companies.
As the
venture capital industry matures, investors in venture capital funds will set their
own prudential restrictions.
Changes in buy back requirements for unlisted securities:
Study Of Venture Capital In India
The shareholders of an Indian company that has venture capital funding and is
desirous of swapping its shares with that of a foreign company should be
permitted to do so. Similarly, if an Indian company having venture funding and
is desirous of issuing an ADR/GDR, venture capital shareholders (holding
saleable stock) of the domestic company and desirous of disinvesting their shares
through the ADR/GDR should be permitted to do so. Internationally, 70% of
successful startups are acquired through a stock-swap transaction rather than
being purchased for cash or going public through an IPO.
Such flexibility
should be available for Indian startups as well. Similarly, shareholders can take
advantage of the higher valuations in overseas markets while divesting their
Global investment opportunity for Domestic Venture Capital Funds
DVCFs should be permitted to invest higher of 25% of the funds corpus or US
$10 million or to the extent of foreign contribution in the funds corpus in
unlisted equity or equity-linked investments of a foreign company.
investments will fall within the overall ceiling of 70% of the funds corpus. This
will allow DVCFs to invest in synergistic startups offshore and also provide them
with global management exposure.
The study provides that the maturity if the still nascent Indian Venture Capital
market is imminent.
Venture Capitalists in Indian have notice of newer avenues and regions to
expand. VCs have moved beyond IT service but are cautious in exploring the
right business model, for finding opportunities that generate better returns for
their investors.
In terms of impediments to expansion, few concerning factors to VCs include;
unfavorable political and regulatory environment compared to other countries,
difficulty in achieving successful exists and administrative delays in
documentation and approval.
In spite of few non attracting factors, Indian opportunities are no doubt promising
which is evident by the large number of new entrants in past years as well in
coming days. Nonetheless the market is challenging for successful investment.
Therefore Venture capitalists responses are upbeat about the attractiveness of the
India as a place to do the business.
Taneja Satish, Venture Capital in India.
Sharma Kapil, an Analysis of Venture Capital Industry in India.
Trends of Venture Capital in India, survey Report by Deloitte, 2009.
Global Trends of Venture Capital, survey report by Deloitte, 2009.
Economic survey 2008-09,
Study Of Venture Capital In India