MIT-101 Introduction To Information Technology

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MIT-101 Introduction to Information Technology

UNIT-1: Way to IT
Careers and Jobs; Commerce & Money; Computer Variety; Education;
Entertainment & the Arts; Global Communications; Government; Health and

UNIT-2: The Internet and Company

Browser Functions; Connecting to the Internet; Email; Internet History;
Intranets and Extranets; Other Internet Protocols; What is TCPIP?; World
Wide Web

UNIT-3: More Internet/Software

Configuring Email; Databases; Email Attachments; GUIs; Operating Systems;
Specialty Application Software; Spreadsheets; System Software; Using non-
WW clients: TELNET, FTP, NNTP; Word Processing

UNIT-4: Search Engines/System Software/Extending Browsers

Internet Clients: ARCHIE, GOPHER, & VERONICA; Convergence; Digital
Camera; High-Tech Radio; IPTV; MP3 Players; Portability; Personailization
Podcasting; PDA; Search Engines; Smartphone; Tablet PC; Videogame
Systems; Acrobat, Flash, QuickTime, Realplayer, & Shockwave; AIFF, AU,
AVI, EPS, MOV, MP3, MPEG, RTF, TIFF; Binary System - Ones and Zeros;
Connectivity; Expansion; Function and Purpose of Browser Plug-ins; Objects
and Multimedia; Performance Measurement; Short History of Computing

UNIT-5: Information and Information Storage

Accuracy and Privacy; Artificial Intelligence; Computer-based Information
Systems; Data Mining & B2B; DB Modals; DBMS; Managing Files; Markup &
Scripting Languages; Object-oriented & Visual Programming; Organizations &
Information; Systems Development

UNIT-6: Challenges/Extending Web Services/Security

CGI Introduction to Security Concepts; Quality of Life; Server-side Scripting;
Web Programming Alternatives; Web Service and DBMSs; Internet Security;
Authentication; Cookies; Digital Certificates; Encryption; Intrusion Detection;
Network Security Concepts; Policy and Audit; Proxy/Firewalls; Threats and

Text Books
Williams, B., & Sawyer, S. (2006). Using information technology (7th ed.).
McGraw-Hill/Irwin. ISBN: 0073480371

Reference Books
• Lane, Sodeman, & Delaney (2002) CIW Foundations
• Lunsford, A. (2003). St. Martin's Handbook w/2003 MLA Update (5th ed.).
Bedford/St. Martin's. ISBN 0312413130
MIT-102  Object Oriented Analysis and Design

UNIT-1 Review of the Software Development Process

Life cycle models; Development approaches; structure systems development,
object oriented development, the strengths and weaknesses of different
approaches. Overview of Software Design, Software Design Process,
Software Design Concepts, Introduction to Software Design Methods.

UNIT-2 Object Oriented Principles and Concepts

Objects, classes, instances, encapsulation, abstraction, generalization,
specialization, aggregation, inheritance, polymorphism, messaging. Object-
Oriented Type Systems, Object Oriented Life Cycle: Inception, Elaboration,
Construction, Transition, UML, object-oriented methodologies.

UNIT-3 Object Oriented Analysis

Requirements gathering, feasibility studies, functional and non-functional
requirements, fact-finding techniques. Techniques for modeling classes and
transactions. Notation used. File and database organizations and structure,
normalization, using a database with an object oriented developed system,
identifying classes and their relationships, iteration through role-playing -
class, object, and state diagrams, class collaborations through dynamic
models (activity, sequence, and collaboration diagramming)

UNIT-4 Object Oriented Design

Functional Design Methods: Structured Design - module coupling and
cohesion criteria Design strategies: Transform Analysis, Transaction Analysis.
Concurrent Design Methods. DARTS - Design Approach for Real Time
Systems; concurrent task design, task interface design. Jackson System
Development. Overview of Object-based and Object-Oriented Methods. Naval
Research Laboratory Software Cost Reduction Method. Object-Oriented
Design. Overview of ADARTS (Ada based Design Approach for Real Time
Systems) and CODARTS (Concurrent Design Approach for Real Time
Systems). Comparison of Software Design Methods.

UNIT-5 Concurrent Object-Oriented Design

Overview of Concurrent Object-Oriented Design Method Software
Architecture Design. Subsystem Structuring Criteria. Distributed application
design. Client / server applications. Concurrent Task Structuring Task
Interfaces - message communication, event synchronization, information
hiding classes Information hiding class design Designing class operations
Inheritance in software design Class interface specs, Detailed Software
Design, Integrating tasks and information hiding object, Access
synchronization, Design of connector classes.

UNIT-6 Object-Oriented Implementation Issues & Special Topics

Issues related to the Object Oriented Implementations, Special topics related
to software design.

Text Books
• The Object Primer: 2nd edn. Scott W. Ambler, Cambridge Univ Press,
February 15, 2001.
• Java Design: Objects, UML and Process. Kirk Knoernschild (Addison-
Wesley, 2002).
Reference Books
• Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-oriented Software. Erich
Gamma et al. (Addison-Wesley, 1995).
• Object-oriented Design Heuristics. Arthur J. Riel (Addison-Wesley, 1996).
• The Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman to Master. Andrew Hunt et.
al. (Addison-Wesley, 1999).
MIT-103  Digital Communication and Computer Networks

UNIT-1 Introduction
Definition of a digital communication link and its applications in telephony,
computer networks, broadcasting and data storage. Importance of channel
bandwidth and system noise. Protocols in telephony and internet
communications. Types of channels. Advantages and disadvantages of
analogue and digital transmission, Protocols and Standards; Network Models
– Layered tasks, Internet model, OSI Model.
UNIT-2 Analogue Signal Analysis and the Fourier Transform
Notation. Reminder of important properties of the analogue Fourier Transform
and its inverse. Reminder of Fourier series and its relationship to the Fourier
Transform. Energy and power of signals. Parseval's Theorem. Power spectral
density of random signals. Auto-correlation function. Weiner-Khintchine
Theorem. Cross-correlation function as a measure of similarity and matching.
UNIT-3 Digitising Speech, Music and Video
Digitising speech for fixed and mobile telephony. Waveform coding and
companding. Parametric coding for lower bit-rates as used in GSM mobile
phones. RPE-LTP and other coding standards. Digitising music for
broadcasting (DAB) and compressed transmission and storage (MP3 etc.).
Digitising video for HDTV (MPEG-1 & MPEG-2, etc.).

UNIT-4 Physical and Data Link Layer

Duties of Physical Layer; Signals - Transmission impairment; Transmission
Mode - Serial and Parallel transmission; Analog Transmission - Telephone
Modems; Multiplexing – FDM, WDM and TDM; Transmission media - Guided
media and unguided media; Circuit switching and telephone network, Duties
of DLL; Error detection and correction; Data link control and protocols;
Multiple access – Random access and Controlled access; Local Area
Networks - Ethernet; Connecting devices; Virtual Circuit switching – Frame
Relay & ATM

UNIT-5 Network & Transport Layer

Host-to-Host Delivery – Internetworks, Addressing and Routing; Network layer
protocols – ARP, IPv4, ICMP and IPv6; Unicast routing – RIP and OSPF;
Multicast routing – IGMP; Duties of Transport layer; Process- to-process
delivery- UDP, TCP
UNIT-6 Application Layer & Security
Application layer - Issues, DNS, E-mail and FTP; HTTP and WWW; Security –
Text Books
Data communication and networking – Behrouz A Forouzan – Tata McGraw
Hill – 2004.
Reference Books
• Computer Networks – Andrew S. Tanenbaum – PHI – 2003
• William Stallings – Data and computer communications – PHI 1997
MIT-104 Data Structure and Algorithms Using C++

UNIT-1 Review of C++

Introduction to data types: Primitive data types/standard primitive types,
Structured data -- arrays and structs, User-defined data types at work --
streams, strings, and money; Control structures: Decision structures,
Repetition structures; Functions: Parameters (in, out, inout), Decomposition
using functions, type: function documentation, Scope rules, Local data
(avoiding use of globals, an introduction); More on data types; Fundamentals
of I/O; Arrays and Structs.

UNIT-2 Procedural Abstraction, Top-Down Design, Modularization -

Software Components, Reuse
Introduction to data modeling and dynamic modeling; Top down design and
procedural abstraction; Correctness – assertions; All about program
components; Maximizing the use of libraries; Introduction to abstract data
types and abstraction-based approaches to program design: Implementing
ADTs without language help, The concept of hidden (private) data, The
concept of public and private operations on hidden data;

UNIT -3 Template Classes : A First Project and Advanced Issues in C++

Template classes: Collections of varying sizes of data elements of varying
types, Stack class template -- with elements of type T, Hash table -- multi-
level hierarchy with unspecified table elements; Overview of issues related to
the analysis, design, and implementation of larger, more complex programs:
Analysis of a problem specification, Software design issues- oriented-based
system decomposition, information hiding; separation of concerns, design for
UNIT -4 Recursion
Definitions and concepts- Review: run-time stack analysis in terms of some
simple problems such as Character-Integer Conversion, Factorial, surface
analysis of recursion; Recursion as a natural means of expressing algorithms
for solving certain kinds of problems- Arithmetic expression evaluation,
Towers of Hanoi; Backtracking techniques -Eight queens problem, Maze walk,
Knight's tour problems; Applications-Polish notation, Infix to Polish
conversion, Polish conversion to code.

UNIT -5 Pointers and Dynamic Data Structures

Introduction to pointers; Dynamic data / dynamic memory -- allocation and
deallocation; Class constructors (default constructors; copy constructors);
Dynamically sized arrays - collections of varying sizes, Linked lists: Traversals
– search, Insertion / deletion; More complicated linked lists: Doubly linked
lists, Circularly linked lists.
UNIT –6 Searching, Sorting and Trees
Introduction to Big-O notation and algorithm performance, Searching
algorithms, Algorithm analysis for best, worst, and average cases, Sorting-
Three simple (o(n2)) sorts: log(n)) sorts: Shellexchange, selection and
insertion, Three o(n sort, heapsort, and quicksort, Trees: Binary search trees,
Binary tree traversal, Binary expression trees. AVL Tree, B Tree, B+ Tree.

Text Books
1. Gottfried, “Schaum’s Outline series in C Programming”, McGraw Hill. 2003
2. Horowitz, E. and Sahni, S., “Fundamentals of Data Structures”, Galgotia
Publications. 2002

1. Kernighan and Ritche, “The C programming Language”, PHI. 1999
2. Lipschultz, “Schaum’s Outline series in Data Structures”, McGraw Hill. 2001
3. Hutchison, R., “Programming in C”, McGraw Hill. 1999
4. Johnsonbaugh, R. and Kalin M., “Applications programming in C”, PHI.
5. Rajaraman, V., “Computer programming in C”, PHI. 2003

MIT-105  Operating Systems

UNIT-1 Introduction
Introduction-What is an OS-OS structures-Process management-Process
concept-Process scheduling-Operation on processes–Co-operating
processes-Threads-Inter process communication.

UNIT-2 CPU Scheduling

CPU scheduling - Basic concepts - Scheduling criteria - scheduling algorithms
- process synchronization - The critical section problem-semaphores -
classical problems of synchronization – monitors -synchronization in Solaris

UNIT-3 Memory Management

Storage management - Memory management - Logical Vs Physical address
space - Swapping – Contiguous allocation – Paging – Segmentation - Virtual
memory - Demand paging - Page replacement - Page replacement algorithms
– Thrashing

UNIT-4 Device Management

Techniques for Device Management: Dedicated Devices, Shared Devices,
Virtual Devices; Device Characteristics- Hardware Considerations: Input or
Output Devices, Storage Devices; Channels and Control Units: Independent
Device Operation, Buffering, Multiple Paths, Block Multiplexing; Device
Allocation Considerations; Virtual Devices;
UNIT-5 Deadlocks, Protection and Security
Deadlocks - Deadlock characterization – Preventions - Deadlock avoidance.
Detection recovery from Deadlock - Protection and security : Protection -
goals of protection - Domain of protection – Security -Security problem
authentication – Encryption

UNIT-6 File System Interface

File system interface-file concept-access methods-directory structure-
protection-file system implementation- I/O systems-secondary storage
section-disk structure-disk scheduling-disk management-disk reliability-Case
study- Windows NT system.

Text Books
• Silberschatz Galvin et. al.– “Operating system concepts” - John Wiley &
Sons – 2004

Reference Books
• Milan Milenkovic – “Operating System Concepts and Design” - McGraw Hill
– 2003
• Andrew S. Tennenbaum – “Modern Operating System” – PHI – 1997.
• Deital - “An Introduction to Operating System” – Pearson Education– 1990

MIT-106  Web Technology

UNIT–1 Introduction
Introduction and overview of Internet & Web; Web Design: Key issues in web
site design, Introduction to HTML, Structure of a Web Page, Various HTML
Tags, Table Handling, Frames, Forms & Interactivity;

UNIT –2 Design Tools

Usage of various web based tools like Microsoft Front page, Adobe
Photoshop, Ulead Gif Animator, Macromedia Flash etc.; Various Security
methods like firewalls etc.

Types of E-Commerce applications, Architectural Framework & Order
Management Cycle of E-Commerce, Components and public issues of i-way ,
media convergence, challenge response system, Electronic Market place,
types of electronic payment systems and electronic tokens, challenges in
electronic payment systems, Mercantile process and Mercantile consumer
UNIT-4 M-Commerce
WAP features and applications, WAP Architecture & Workability, WML
skeleton framework.

UNIT–5 Web Technologies

Brief Overview & usage of various web technologies. ASP Application
Development Framework - ASP request object, ASP response object, ASP
server object, ASP session object, ASP components, Creating interactive
applications using active server pages. JAVA: Embedding java applets and
jeva script in web page. .NET technology & C# - Overview

UNIT-6  Web Engineering & Semantic Web

Upcoming Concepts & Research in Web Engineering & Semantic Web.

Text Books
1. Internet and Web Technologies by Raj Kamal , TMH,2002
2. World Wide Web Design by C Xavier, TMH,2001
3. Web publishing by Monica D’Souza , TMH,2001
4. Active Server Pages by Heith Morneau, Vikas Publishing House,2000
5. Frontiers of electronic commerce, Ravi Kalkota, Addison Wesley, 2000
1. Web Design by David Crowder and Rhonda Crowder, IDG Books India,
2. Database Driven Web Sites by Mike Morrison , Vikas Publishing House,
3. Mark Swank & Drew Kittel, “World Wide Web Database”, Samsnet, 2001.
4. ASP 3 Programming , Eric A. Smith , IDG Books India. 2000
Second schem syllabus
MIT201 - Software Engineering
 UNIT-1 Software Engineering Paradigms
Software Characteristics – Software myths – Software Applications - Software
Engineering Definitions – Layered Technology – Software Process –
Introduction to CMM and Umbrella Activities – Various Software Process
Models, Overview of Quality Standards like ISO 9001, SEI-CMM

UNIT-2 Project Planning and Schedule

Software Project Management Spectrum – Team Organization – Software
Metrics and Measures – Process Metrics –Project metrics - Software Project
Planning – Empirical- Putnam, COCOMO – Risk Identification and Projection
– RMMM – Project Scheduling and Tracking.

UNIT-3 Analysis and Design

System Engineering - Requirement Analysis – Analysis Concept and
Principles -Analysis Modeling – Software Design concepts and Principles –
Effective modular design

UNIT-4 SCM and Software Reliability

SCM – SCI – Change control, Version control – Configuration Audit - Software
Re-engineering – Benefits and Activities – Forward and Reverse Engineering,
Reverse Engineering, Software Re-engineering, Software Reliability
Engineering – Software Reliability Metrics – MTTF, MTBF, POFOD, ROCOF,
Software Reliability, Mistake Proofing for Software.

UNIT-5 Software Testing

Software Testing Objectives and Principles – Testing Techniques – Testing
strategies – Debugging Principles – Testing for specialized environments

UNIT-6 Software Quality Assurance and Maintenance

Quality Concepts, The Quality Movement, Software Quality Assurance –
Software Reviews, FTR, Formal Approaches to SQA – Statistical Quality
Assurance – McCall’s Software Quality factors – FURPS, Quality Standards,
Quality Models, Management of Maintenance, Maintenance Process,
Maintenance Models.
Test Books
Roger S. Pressman – “Software Engineering: A Practitioner Approach” -
McGraw Hill – 6TH Edition 2005.
Reference Books
 Carlo Ghezzi, Mehdi Jazayari, Dino Mandrioli – “Fundamentals of
Software Engineering - Prentice Hall of India
 Farley – “Software Engineering Concepts” - McGraw Hill
 Sommerville I. – “Software Engineering” - Addison Wesley
MIT202 - Network Security
UNIT-1 Foundations of Information Security
Threats & Countermeasures, Terminology: Security Objectives and Services,
Cryptographic Algorithms and Protocols, Cryptography and Cryptanalysis,
Primitives: Symmetric Encryption, Asymmetric Encryption / Signing,
Modification Check Values, Random Number Generation, Cryptographic
Protocols, Access Control
UNIT-2 Network Security Integration and link Layer Security  Protocols
Basic Design Space of Security Integration, Pragmatic Internet Computing
Model and Different Security Requirement Levels, Discussion of Integration
into Lower vs. Higher Protocol Layers and into End Systems vs. Intermediate
Systems, Link Layer Security Protocols: Point to Point Protocol, Point to Point
Tunneling Protocol, Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol, Virtual Private Networks:
Definition and Design Alternatives

UNIT-3 Internet Security Architecture

Basic Security Deficits of the Internet Protocol, Security Objectives of IPSec,
Overview on Concepts: Security Associations, Security Association Database,
Security Policy Database, Security Protocols, Transport Mode and Tunnel
Mode, Authentication Header (AH), Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP),
Authentication and Key Management

UNIT-4 Transport Layer Security Protocols and Firewalls

Secure Socket Layer / Transport Layer Security (SSL/TLS), Secure Shell
(SSH), Basic Firewall Concepts, Firewall Architectures, Packet Filtering, Proxy
Services and Bastion Hosts

UNIT-5 Security in Wireless and Mobile Networks

Specific Threats in Mobile Communications, Security of Wireless Local Area
Networks according to IEEE 802.11, GSM/GPRS/UMTS Security Concepts
and Protocols, Outlook on Security for Mobile Internet Communications
UNIT-6 Electronic Commerce Security
Electronic Payment Systems, Secure Electronic Transaction (SET),
CyberCash, iKey Protocols, Ecash (DigiCash)

Text Books
Günter Schäfer. Security in Fixed and Wireless Networks. John Wiley & Sons, 2003.

Reference Books
 A. J. Menezes, P. C. Van Oorschot, S. A. Vanstone. Handbook of Applied
Cryptography. CRC Press Series on Discrete Mathematics and Its
Applications, CRC Press, 1997.
 J. Schiller. Mobile Communications. second edition, Addison-Wesley, 2003.
 W. Stallings. Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice.
Prentice Hall, 2nd ed, 1998.
MIT203- Computer Graphics and Multimedia Applications

UNIT-1 Overview of Computer Graphics and Display Devices
Interactive Graphics, Passive Graphics, Referesh CRT, Random-Scan and Raster
Scan Monitor, Vector, Inner Product and vector product, Distance between a point
and a line, Projection of a point on line, scan conversion of Line, Circle, and ellipse.

UNIT-2  2-D Graphics Transformations

Geometric and Co-Ordinate Transformation- Rotation, Scaling, and Reflection.

UNIT-3  2-D Viewing and Clipping

Windowing concept, Clipping algorithms(line, Sutherland, mid-point subdivision),
window to viewport transformation, Be’zier curves, B-Spline curve fitting.

UNIT-4  3-D Graphics & Problem of Projection

3-D Graphics Transformations- - Rotation, Scaling, and Reflection, Parallel
projection, perspective projection, Z-Buffer Algorithm.

UNIT-5 Multimedia Concept and Applications

Concept of Multimedia, Multimedia Applications, Hardware Software requirements,
Multimedia products & its evaluation, Components of multimedia: Text, Graphics,
Audio, Video, Design & Authoring Tools, Categories of Authority Tools, Types of

UNIT-6 Animation
Introduction, Basic Terminology techniques, Motion Graphics 2D & 3D animation,
Introduction to MAYA (Animating Tool), Fundamentals, Modeling: NURBS, Polygon,
Organic, animation, paths & boxes, deformers, Working with MEL: Basics &
Programming, Rendering & Special Effects: Shading & Texturing Surfaces, Lighting,
Special effects.

Text Books
D.P. Mukherjee, “Fundamentals of Computer Graphics and Multimedia”, PHI, 2002.

Reference Books
 David Hillman, “Multimedia Technology & Applications”, Galgotia
 Rajneesh Agrawal, “Multimedia Systems”, Excel Books.
 Nigel Chapman & Jenny Chapman, “Digital Multimedia”, Wiley Publications.
MIT204 -Computer Architecture
UNIT-1 Introduction to Computer Structures
Historical overview, economic trends, underlying technologies. Computer
Performance: the metrics of performance, popular performance metrics, comparing
and summarizing performance.

UNIT-2 Instruction Set Design

Alternatives and Principles: classifying instruction set architectures, operations in the
instruction set, type and size of operands, instruction representations, interactions
between languages and instruction sets, measuring instruction set usage, instruction
set examples

UNIT-3 Arithmetic Logic Unit & Basic Processor Implementation Techniques

Arithmetic and logic operations, arithmetic and logic operands, constructing an
arithmetic logic unit. processor datapath, basic steps of execution, hardwired control,
microprogrammed control, interrupts.

UNIT-4 Pipelining
Pipelined datapaths, pipelined control, pipeline hazards, pipeline implementations,
Dynamic instruction scheduling , taking advantage of more instruction-level
parallelism, Branch prediction

UNIT-5 Memory Systems

Principle of locality, principles of memory hierarchy, caches design and optimization,
main memory, virtual memory design, memory protection, memory coherency,
evaluating memory hierarchy performance

UNIT-6 I/O & Multiprocessors

I/O interface. RAIDS. Buses, Multiprocessor organizations. Cache coherence, Types
and uses of storage devices, interfacing I/O to the rest of the system, reliability and
availability, I/O system design, classifying parallel architectures, centralized vs.
distributed shared memory, interconnection topologies, synchronization, memory

Text Books
Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface, Third Edition,
by D. Patterson and J. Hennessy. ISBN: 1558606041.

Reference Books
 J. Hennessy and D. Patterson, Computer Architecture: A Quantitative
Approach (3rd Edition), Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2003. ISBN
 Mark Hill, et al, Readings in Computer Architecture, Morgan Kaufmann
Publishers, ISBN: 1558605398.
 Kai Hwang, Advanced Computer Architecture, McGraw Hill, 1993.
MSC205  Analysis of Design and Algorithm
UNIT-1 Introduction
Mathematical preliminaries – Complexity Analysis – Asymptotic Notations – Average
and worst-case analysis – Stepwise refinement. Sorting: Bubble sort – Bucket sort –
Heap sort – Radix sort. Searching: Sequential search – Binary search

UNIT-2 Design Techniques-I

Divide and Conquer – General method – Quick sort – Finding maximum and
minimum – Strassen’s matrix multiplication. Greedy method – General method –
Tree vertex splitting problem – Job sequencing with deadlines

UNIT-3 Design Techniques-II

Dynamic Programming - General method - Multistage graph – String editing.
Backtracking – Basics – 8 Queen problem – Sum of subset problem. Branch and
bound – Basics – Traveling Salesperson problem

UNIT-4 Graph Algorithm

Minimum cost spanning tree algorithms – Shortest path algorithms – Transitive
closure – Topological ordering – Bi-connected and strongly connected components –
R-connected graph – Even’s Kleitman’s algorithms

UNIT-5 String Matching

The naïve String Matching algorithm, The Rabin-Karp Algorithm, String Matching with
finite automata, The Knuth Marris Pratt algorithm.

UNIT-6 Selected Topics

NP complete & NP hard problems – Approximation algorithms – Fast fourier
transform and algorithm – Lower Bound Trees – Oracle and Adversary arguments.

Text Books
 Horowitz E, Sahni .S & Rajasekar S– “Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms”
– Galgotia Publications, 2003.
 T .H . Cormen, C . E . Leiserson, R .L . Rivest “Introduction to Algorithms”,
PHI, 2002.
Reference Books
 Sara Base – “ Computer Algorithms : Introduction to Design and Analysis” –
Addison Wesley.
 Algorithms and Data Structures in C++ - Ammerald-Wiley Publications-2003.
 A .V. Aho, J . E . Hopcroft, J . D . Ulman “The Design & Analysis of Computer
Algorithms”, Addison Wesley.
 V . Manber “Introduction to Algorithms – A Creative Approach”, Addison
MIT206  Data Bases and Data Warehousing
UNIT-1 Introduction
Purpose of Database system - Advantages of DBMS over File Processing System –
View of Data - Data Abstraction - Data Independence – Data models – Database
languages – Database Administrator – Database users – DBMS system structure

UNIT-2 Logical Database Design

ER model basic concepts – Attributes and its types – Entity and Entity set –
Relationship & Relationship set - Mapping Constraints – Keys – ER Diagram – Weak
entity sets

UNIT-3 Relational Model & Object Model

Structure of Relational Database - Relational Algebra - Extended Operations - Tuple
relational Calculus & Domain Relational Calculus – Aggregate Functions-
Modification of the database-Views – SQL- Triggers-Integrity Constraints - Object
Oriented Database - Object Relational Database.

UNIT-4 Relation Model Design Technique

Pitfalls in relational database design- Decomposition - 1 NF – Normalization using
Functional dependency – 2 NF - 3 NF – BCNF- Multi Value Dependency & 4 NF -
Join Dependency & 5 NF

UNIT-5 Physical Implementation, Transaction & Recovery

Storage and File Structure - Indexing & Hashing – Transaction - Concurrency Control
- Recovery System- Parallel Database – Distributed Database

UNIT-6 Defining Data Warehouse Concepts and Terminology

Data Warehouse Definition, Data Warehouse Properties, Data Warehousing
Terminology, Components of a Data Warehouse, Oracle Warehouse Vision,
Products, and Services, Online Analytical Processing (OLAP), Data Mining

Test Books
Fundamentals of Database Systems, Fourth Edition, Ramez Elmasri and Shamkant
B. Navathe, Pearson Addison Wesley; 2003, ISBN: 0321122267.

Reference Books
 Database Systems Design, Implementation and Management, 5th edition,
Peter Rob and Carlos Coronel, Thomson Learning: Course Technology,
2002, ISBN 0-619-06269-X.
 Modern Database Management (6th Edition), Jeffrey A. Hoffer, Mary B.
Prescott, and Fred R. McFadden, Prentice Hall, 2002, ISBN: 0130339695.
 Database Systems, A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation, and
Management, Thomas M. Connolly and Caroline E. Begg, Addison-Wesley,
2002, ISBN 0-201-70857-4.
MIT301- Artificial Intelligence
UNIT-1 Introduction to Computer Structures
Tentative definitions. Turing's test. Knowledge vs. Symbolic Level. Relations
with other disciplines, from Philosophy, to Linguistics, to Engineering. Review
of AI successes and failures.

UNIT-2 State Spaces, Production Systems and Search

State Space representation of problems. Problem solving as search.
Constraints. Definition and examples of Production Systems. Heuristic search
techniques. Two person games

UNIT-3 Knowledge Representation Issues

Procedural Knowledge Representation vs. Declarative Knowledge +
Reasoning. Facts, General Assertions, Metaknowledge. The Frame Problem,
Prepositional Logic: Semantics and Deduction. First Order Logic: Semantics
and Deduction. Unification. Resolution-based theorem proving. Using theorem
proving to answer questions about the truth of sentences or to identify
individuals that satisfy complex constraints. Logic Programming.

UNIT-4 Common Sense Reasoning & Statistical Reasoning

Nonmonotonic reasoning and modal logics for nonmonotonic reasoning. How
to deal with Agents and their Beliefs, Use of Certainty Factors in Rule-Based
Systems. Associating probabilities to assertions in first-order logic. Bayesian
Networks. Fuzzy Logic, Artificial Neural Network.

UNIT-5 Weak Slot and Filler Structures

Semantic Nets and Frames. Scripts for representing prototypical combinations
of events and actions, Pattern-matching algorithms. The problem of Control in
Rule Based Systems. The Rete Algorithm.

UNIT-6 Planning & Learning

Representing plans. Partial order planning. Planning applications, learning to
classify concepts using features of their instances. Learning a concept
[Induction] from examples. Explanation-Based Learning. Version Spaces.
Neural Nets with back propagation

Text Books
Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig, Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach,
Prentice Hall, 2nd edition, 2003.
Reference Books
 Elaine Rich and Kevin Knight, Artificial Intelligence, Mc Graw Hill, 2nd Edition,
 Herbert A. Simon, The Sciences of the Artificial, MIT Press, 3rd Edition (2nd
printing), 1998.
 Guy Steele, Common Lisp: The Language, Digital Press, 2nd Edition, 1990.

MIT302- Compiler Construction

UNIT-1 Anatomy of a Compiler
The importance of compilers; Structure of a compiler; Analysis (lexical, syntax
and semantic analysis); Synthesis (intermediate code generation, optimisation
and code generation); Compilers vs. interpreters

UNIT-2 Lexical Analysis (Scanning)

Tokens; Regular expressions; Finite state automata (deterministic and non-
deterministic); Translating regular expressions into finite state automata;
Automatic lexer generators (JLex/JFlex)

UNIT-3 Syntax Analysis (Parsing)

Context-free grammars; Derivations and (concrete/abstract) syntax trees;
Handling ambiguous grammars; Bottom-up parsing (LR(k) grammars, shift-
reduce parsers); Automatic parser generators (CUP); Syntactic error recovery

UNIT-4 Syntax-Directed Translation

Semantic analysis; Syntax-directed definitions; Abstract syntax tree
construction; Symbol table management; Scoping and type checking; Basic
implementation techniques (Visitor methodology )

UNIT-5 Intermediate Code Generation

Three address code; IR instructions; Translation methodologies

UNIT-6 Code Generation and Optimization

Run-time storage organization; A simple code generation algorithm;
Optimisation of intermediate code; Optimisation of target code (Peephole
 Microprocessor Based System
UNIT-1 Architecture
Review of Z80, the instruction cycle, registers and stacks etc., external
interface; introduction to 8086 series; register architecture, external interface

UNIT-2 80X86 Programming

Addressing modes, branching and conditions; stack commands; subroutines,
port I/O, interrupts; Internal Operation of the Processor: register transfer logic,
instruction formats; microcode, timing diagrams; design techniques: pipelining

UNIT-3 Other Microprocessors

68000, addressing modes, instruction sets, timing

UNIT-4 Systems Design

Memory: Static/Dynamic RAM, technology and timing; ROM, PROMs,
EPROMs, PLAs,DMC chips address decoding ,EDAC;

UNIT-5 Input/Output
Parallel, serial I/O, DMA; interrupts and interrupt control circuits;
Microcomputer Buses: the system bus, bus interface and arbitration circuits;
bus standards

UNIT-6 Peripherals
Keyboards, CRT controllers, printers; secondary memory; A/D and D/A
Conversions; Engineering: noise, reliability etc. Putting a System Together:
the development cycle (h/w and s/w), development aids; cost of development
and production
Digital Image Processing
UNIT-1 Introduction to the Digital Image
Why digital images; The digital camera; Data types and 2d representation of
digital images; Discrete sampling model; Quantisation; Noise processes;
Image attributes

UNIT-2 Segmentation & Image Transformations

Thresholding and thresholding algorithms; Performance evaluation and ROC
analysis; Connected components labeling; Region growing and region
adjacency graph (RAG); Split and merge algorithms; Grey level
transformations; Histogram equalization; Geometric transformations; Affine
transformations; Polynomial warps

UNIT-3 Morphological Operation & Feature Characterisation

Erode and dilate as max and min operators on binary images; Open, close,
thinning and other transforms; Medial axis transform; Introduction to grey-level
morphology; Calculation of region properties; Moment features; Boundary
coding; Fourier descriptors
Line descriptors from boundary coding and from moments

UNIT-4 Image Filtering & Edge Detection

Linear and non-linear filtering operations; Image convolutions; Separable
convolutions Sub-sampling and interpolation as convolution operations;
Alternative approaches; Edge enhancement by differentiation; Effect of noise,
edge detection and Canny; implementation; Edge detector performance

UNIT-5 Corner Detection & Colour Images

Image structure tensor; Relationship to image auto-correlation;
Characterisation and Harris corner detector; Sub-pixel accuracy and
performance evaluation; Representations of colour in digital images; Colour
metrics; Pixel-wise (point) operations; Colour invariants and Finlayson colour
constancy algorithm

UNIT-6 Templates Matching

Similarity and dissimilarity matching metrics; L2 metric and relationship to
cross-correlation; Image search and multi-resolution algorithms; 2D object
detection, recognition, location
Advance Java Programming
UNIT-1 Reflection & Java Beans
Class, modifiers, fields, methods, constructors, and superclasses; information
on interfaces; runtime object creation; flexible component initialization;
dynamic method invocation, client side Beans; server side Beans; existing

JDBC versus ODBC; JDBC driver types; JDBC-ODBC bridge; two tier versus
three tier models; DriverManager; Driver; Connection; Statement; ResultSet;
mapping SQL data types

UNIT-3 Threads and Concurrency

Thread theory: philosophers at lunch; Runnable interface and the Thread
class; critical sections, locks, synchronization

UNIT-4 Distributed Computing

Overview of current technologies (J2EE, RMI, CORBA, DCOM); RMI and
ORBs; patterns for distributed components; defining interfaces to active
objects; problems of building enterprise applications; adopting existing legacy
applications into the universal C/S; structure; remote RMI interfaces; RMI
clients, server, and registry

UNIT-5 Patterns & Servlets

MVC(Model View Controller); Two-way link; Observer; Recursive Composite;
State Delegation; Interface Decoupling; advantages of Servlets over CGI;
Servlet sessions; Servlet class hierarchy; Servlet interaction with the client

UNIT-6 Review of other JAVA Technologies

Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI); Java Transaction Service (JTS) ;
Java Message Service (JMS) ; Java in small memory spaces, eg PDAs
Soft Computing
UNIT–1 Introduction
Neural Networks: History, overview of biological Neuro-system, Mathematical
Models of Neurons, ANN architecture, Learning rules, Learning Paradigms-
Supervised, Unsupervised and reinforcement Learning, ANN training
Algorithms-perceptions, Training rules, Delta, Back Propagation Algorithm,
Multilayer Perceptron Model, Hopfield Networks, Associative Memories,
Applications of Artificial Neural Networks.

UNIT–2 Fuzzy Logic

Introduction to Fuzzy Logic, Classical and Fuzzy Sets: Overview of Classical
Sets, Membership Function, Fuzzy rule generation. Operations on Fuzzy
Sets: Compliment, Intersections, Unions, Combinations of Operations,
Aggregation Operations.

UNIT–3 Fuzzy Arithmetic

Fuzzy Numbers, Linguistic Variables, Arithmetic Operations on Intervals &
Numbers, Lattice of Fuzzy Numbers, Fuzzy Equations. Fuzzy Logic: Classical
Logic, Multivalued Logics, Fuzzy Propositions, Fuzzy Qualifiers, Linguistic
Hedges. Uncertainty based Information: Information & Uncertainty,
Nonspecificity of Fuzzy & Crisp Sets, Fuzziness of Fuzzy Sets.

UNIT-4 Fuzzy Image Processing

Introduction to fuzzy image processing, Fuzzy Data Fusion; Fuzzy Diagnosis;
Neural Networks: Supervised Learning: Hopfield Nets, Perceptrons, gradient
descent, multilayer nets, backpropagation, overfitting.

UNIT–4 NEURO-Fuzzy Systems

Introduction of Neuro-Fuzzy Systems, Architecture of Neuro Fuzzy Networks.
Application of Fuzzy Logic: Medicine, Economics etc.

UNIT-5 Genetic Algorithm

An Overview, GA in problem solving, Implementation of GA

Text Books
 Anderson J.A, “An Introduction to Neural Networks”,PHI, 1999.
 Hertz J. Krogh, R.G. Palmer, “Introduction to the Theory of Neural
Computation”, Addison-Wesley, California, 1991.
 G.J. Klir & B. Yuan, “Fuzzy Sets & Fuzzy Logic”, PHI, 1995.
 Melanie Mitchell, “An Introduction to Genetic Algorithm”, PHI, 1998.
Reference Books
 “Neural Networks-A Comprehensive Foundations”, Prentice-Hall International,
New Jersey, 1999.
 Freeman J.A. & D.M. Skapura. “Neural Networks: Algorithms, Applications
and Programming Techniques”, Addison Wesley, Reading, Mass, (1992).

UNIT-1 Introduction
History, robot architectures, technical concepts of robotics, actuation and
sensing, robotic system design, applications.

UNIT-2 Coordinate Systems

Cartesian coordinates, transformation matrices, reference frames, relative and
general transformations, orientation, inverse transformations, graphs.

UNIT-3 Kinematics-Position
Joints, members, reference frames, trigonometric solution, Homogeneous
transformations, direct and inverse kinematics, orientation, precision,
efficiency/complexity of kinematics solutions.

UNIT-4 Kinematics-Motion
Derivatives, velocity and acceleration of a rigid bodies, differential movement,
Jacobian, and singularities.

UNIT-5 Sensors, Measurements and Perception

Sensors hierarchy, interfaces, internal and external sensors, location,
computer vision, applications.
UNIt-6 Control & System Design
Basic concepts in control systems, digital control for position, System
integration: mechanism, actuators and sensors
Neural Networks
UNIT–1 Introduction
Biological, Analogy, Architecture classification, Neural Models, Learning
Paradigm and Rule, single unit mapping and the preception.

UNIT–2 Feed Forward Networks

Review of optimization methods, back propagation, variation on
backpropagation, FFANN mapping capability, Mathematical properties of
FFANN’s Generalization, Bios & variance Dilemma, Radiol Basis Function

UNIT–3 Recurrent Networks

Symmetric hopfield networks and associative memory, Boltzmann machine,
Adaptive Resonance Networks

PCA, SOM, LVQ, Hopfield Networks, Associative Memories, RBF Networks,
Applications of Artificial Neural Networks to Function Approximation,
Regression, Classification, Blind Source Separation, Time Series and

UNIT-5 Binary Decision Neurons & Multilayer Perception

The McCullough-Pitts model; Single-layer perceptrons and their limitations;
The sigmoid output function; Hidden units and feature detectors; Training by
error backpropagation; The error surface and local minima; Generalisation,
how to avoid 'overtraining'

UNIT-6 The Hopfield Model & Self-Organising Nets

Content addressable memories and attractor nets; Hopfield energy function;
Setting the weights; Storage capacity; Topographic maps in the brain; The
Kohonen self-organising feature map

Text Books
 Haykin S., “Neural Networks-A Comprehensive Foundations”, PHI, New
Jersey, 1999.
 Anderson J.A., “An Introduction to Neural Networks”, PHI, 1999.
 Hertz J, Krogh A, R.G. Palmer, “Introduction to the Theory of Neural
 Computation”,Addison-Wesley, California, 1991.

 Hertz J, Krogh A, R.G. Palmer, “Introduction to the Theory of Neural
Computation”, Addison-Wesley, California, 1991.
Software Testing and Quality Assurance
UNIT-1 Software Testing Fundamentals
Introduction; Software Testing Perspective Related Terminology; Myths; Purpose,
Goal and Objectives; Challenges and Issues; Effective Software Testing; Types of
Testing; Principles of Software Testing; Testing and Debugging, Testability Artifacts
Testability Facilitators, Testability Analysis

UNIT-2 Static Testing & Testing Strategy

Introduction, Principles of Static Analysis, Static Testing Perspective, General
Methodology, A Taxonomy of Static Testing, Manual Techniques, Walkthrough,
Formal Reviews, Inspection, Automated Testing, Syntax Parser, Static Verification,
Symbolic Execution, Static Vs Dynamic Testing, Strategic Issues Strategic Premises
A Generic Testing Strategy Models for Software Testing

UNIT-3 Black Box Testing & White Box Testing

Introduction, Black Box Techniques, Equivalence Partitioning, Scope and Prospects,
Test Case Generation, Boundary Value Analysis, Robustness Testing, Syntax
Testing, Finite State Testing White Box Technique White Box Modeling Basis Path
Testing Control Structure Testing Mutation Testing

UNIT-4 Software and Quality Concept

Objectives, Quality: An Overview, Software Perspective, Software Quality Factors&
Planning Software Quality Assurance, Software Quality Models, Software Quality
Measurement and Metrics, Software Quality Assurance Software Quality Assurance
Life Cycle Establishing Software Quality Assurance Program SQA Activities

UNIT-5 SQA Planning & Standards

Building Blocks of Software Quality Assurance Plan, SQA Planning Assurance,
Journey of Standards SQA Standards: Purpose and Role SQA Standards:
Requirements and Activities ISO 9000 Quality Standard Series

UNIT-6 Software Quality Metrics & Models

Software Metrics, Software Quality Metrics Framework, Software Quality Metrics
Features, Developments of Software Quality Metrics, Selection of Software Quality
Metrics, Quality Models: Hierarchical Models Quality Models: Non- Hierarchical
Models, Capability Maturity Models, CMM Maturity Levels
Advance Software Engineering
UNIT-1 The Wider Software Engineering Context
Embedded software and systems engineering: overview, examples and industrial
realities; Project Management - Project Planning and Scheduling; Standards, e.g.
PSS-05; Case studies

UNIT-2 Software Engineering Process

Unified Software Development Process; Software Process Improvement; Software
Economics; Software Quality

UNIT-3 Software Metrics

Software Metric definition; Various metrics available; Measurement, Estimation and
Prediction; Requirements Management; Configuration Management; Risk
Management; Testing and Inspection

UNIT-4 Software Architecture

Architecture Description Languages; Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture;
Component-based Development; Distributed Software Architectures using
Middleware; Enterprise Application Integration; Architectures for Mobile and
Pervasive Systems; Model Driven Architecture

UNIT-5 Advanced Modelling

UML Extension Mechanisms; Object Constraint Language; Model Checking

UNIT-6 Recent Trends in Software Engineering

Current practices in the industry should be taught in this unit
Dot Net Technology
UNIT-1 Introduction to Microsoft .NET
Business requirements fulfilled by the .NET initiative, core services and features
provided in the .NET platform, features and benefits of XML Web services, clients
available for the .NET platform and the different types of .NET–compatible smart
devices, Benefits of the .NET Framework, components of the .NET Framework.

UNIT-2 Introduction to Designing Business Solutions

MSF Process Model and the MSF Team Model, key activities of each phase in the
MSF Process Model and the deliverables associated with each phase.

UNIT-3 Creating the Conceptual, Logical and Physical Design

Purpose of the planning phase of the MSF Process Model, role of the functional
specification in the planning phase, purpose of conceptual design, Analysis and
optimization of a conceptual design, benefits of logical design, logical design model
for a business solution, Documentation of the outputs of logical design, role of
physical design in the MSF Process Model, steps of physical design, Designing a
programming model.

UNIT-4 Designing Security Specifications

Identifying potential threats, Applying mitigation technologies.

UNIT-5 Stabilizing and Deploying the Solution

Goal, milestones, and deliverables of the MSF stabilizing phase, tasks involved in
testing and piloting a solution, goal, milestones, and deliverables of the MSF
deploying phase, steps for deploying the solution to a production environment,
recommended activities involved in completing a project

UNIT-6 Project Work

A project work based on the .NET technology will be carried out by the students in
this unit.

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