2.1.d-Microelectronics From A Third World Perspective
2.1.d-Microelectronics From A Third World Perspective
2.1.d-Microelectronics From A Third World Perspective
Juan Rada
Technology has played a crucial role in the economic, social and political development of the
past two centuries, within both national and international contexts.
Similarly, the commercialization of the Haber-Bosh nitrogen fixation process in the 1920s
did away with one of Chile's most important sources of external revenues: the exploitation of
natural nitrate. At one point, Chile supplied at least two thirds of the nitrate requirements of
the world, and the tax on exports was 80 per cent of Chile's total revenue.
These examples illustrate the interaction between technical change and the international
division of labor. However...the characteristics and nature of microelectronics create a rather
different situation today, one which challenges the traditional conceptualization of technology,
development and industrialization.
Today, the importance of technology's role in development and the contribution it could
make toward a more equitable world system are commonly recognized. The control of technology
often means the control of development, the definition of its aims and even its pace. In these
circumstances, the debate on technology should be placed in a wider framework, one which
encompasses the very essence of commonly practiced development strategies and styles.
The second area of disparity relates to industrial capability. In 1975 a conference of the
United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) adopted an industrialization goal
for the Third World which became commonly known as the Lima Target.
*REPRINTED FROM: Guenter Friedrichs and Adam Schaff (eds.), Microelectronics and
Society (New American Library: New York 1982), Chapter 7, pp. 203-
In brief, it stated that the developing countries should increase their share of world
industrial output from 7 per cent to at least 25 per cent by the year 2000. By 1980 this share
hardly reached 9 per cent and, in the absence of special measures, will not exceed 13 per
cent by the end of the century. In five years the Lima Target has been cut almost in half.
The third area of disparity is in the information infrastructure of society: the system that
binds together different activities of a social, cultural, political and economic nature.
Many of the disparities in this field have been researched by the UNESCO program in the
International Information Order. In developing countries, 1 person out of 30 gets a daily
newspaper, and only 1 out of 500 has a TV set, while in the developed countries the figures are 1
out of 3 and 1 out of 12, respectively. In addition, 83 per cent of the world's books are produced in
the advanced countries. These disparities are now accelerating at a rapid pace as the information
infrastructure becomes more dependent on electronics.
In terms of the value of data processing equipment, the consulting firm Diebold
(Europe) estimates that the United States, Japan and Western Europe accounted for 83 per
cent of the world total in 1978. The 17 per cent share held by the rest of the world will have risen
only marginally to 20 per cent by 1988. Most of this figure is accounted for by Eastern European
countries and by some developing countries. Large Western banking firms possess more
computer power than the whole of India. During the period 1978-1988 the "gap" in the value of
equipment between the Western advanced countries and the others is expected to grow by a
factor of more than two.
In introducing a Third World perspective, it is also necessary to point out the great
disparities within and between developing countries. The term "developing countries" is a
shorthand concept describing many different levels of economic, social, political and cultural
development, though often with similar colonial history and many common interests. These
differences make generalizations hazardous and possibly misleading. Many of the issues related
to advanced countries...can also be applied to some of the developing countries, particularly
the most advanced ones.
The array of electronic devices and products will probably only reach a tiny minority, the
urban upper class and sectors of the middle class. The overwhelming majority of the population
will not feel the impact nor reap any benefits. While the more advanced world is moving toward
the integration of thousands of elements per "chip," in Africa only 1 person out of 18 has a
radio; the transistor revolution (which spearheaded today's electronics nearly 30 years ago)
has not yet arrived. All this points to the fact that the underlying socioeconomic, cultural and
political reality of the world is not only increasing in complexity, but also widening the gap
between the rich and the poor. Technological fixes of whatever nature are nothing but a drop of
water in the sea of reality. Current trends must be redressed and this is becoming
increasingly urgent as the advanced countries push inexorably toward a different societal
texture. Although there is no easy diagnosis or answer to the dilemmas posed by rapid and
varied technological change for developing countries, there are some fundamental issues that
need urgent attention if a proper perspective is to be acquired.
Two other important elements must be mentioned in order to adequately assess the
impact of technological change on developing countries. The first relates to the increasingly
tough attitude Western countries are adopting toward the Third World. This results from the
painful domestic consequences of their own process of adjustment. They have become less
willing to take a global view of their own problems. This attitude has been manifest in the last
two years and is likely to be accentuated, due partly to the impact of microelectronics on their
own societies. The second element is that the expansion and development of
microelectronics require a world market, a global strategy. This is a direct consequence of the
research and development cost and capital investment needed to make companies truly
competitive. Although the developing countries' market is in many cases very small, it is
important for the overall feasibility of investment; and thus for the diffusion of the technology
even in developed countries. Underlying this is the fact that electronic component, computer, and
telecommunication technology is concentrated in a few multinational companies. As the
productive structure of national economies becomes more dependent on these technologies
their power, already great, will increase, leading toward further transnationalization of the
economy and greater dependence. All the issues related to multinationals and transfer of
technology will, therefore, become increasingly important.
There are the following main areas where developing countries will be affected by
microelectronics. These can be summarized as follows:
Comparative advantage
Traditional industries are moving toward a high technology category, heavily based on
research and development and science. Science and technology are becoming the underlying
base of industrial production, determining its structure and output, and therefore are increasingly
the base of wealth creation. This shift will increase the gap between nations given the present
imbalance in science and technology capabilities mentioned earlier.
Labor costs
The location of manufacturing facilities is not determined by labor cost alone, but by a
number of factors--the type of product being manufactured, transport, flexibility, tax
incentives, start-up costs, tariffs, government and fiscal policies, other aspects of
international trade and labor legislation. Labor costs in many cases are now no longer of
overriding consideration.
A massive return of industry to the advanced countries is unlikely. But relative stability of
the current international division of labor with some roll-back in specific sectors can be expected.
This has serious implications for the Third World's plans for industrial development.
The time horizon in which changes will occur undoubtedly vary from sector to sector, but
the trend is definitely toward a systematic erosion of the advantage of low-cost labor. With
automation the cheapest labor is no labor.
Production is increasingly the result of capital investment rather than use of labor. In the
field of microelectronics and other advanced technologies, this is certainly the case. A classic
example is modern capital-intensive agriculture, where inequal access to capital and inequality in
the availability of all the conditions necessary for its investment has led to wide disparities within
and between countries.
A polarization of skills takes place, which appears not only at the plant level but also on the
international scale, insofar as the suppliers of equipment are mostly in developed countries. This
leads to the growing danger of technological discontinuity as the advanced countries push
equipment to obsolescence and discontinue the production and supplies of spare parts and
systems. In most developing countries this equipment could remain economically viable for a
long time, but it is unable to operate because of a lack of adequate supplies. Past examples are
many and need to be assessed in the light of accelerating technological change.
The increase in capital intensity brings forward the old question of technological
innovation and employment. The utilization of computers and information technology in
developing countries could produce both an immediate loss of jobs and a lowering of the
country's job creation potential. This will be particularly true if the countries are not producers
or assemblers of equipment and thus no compensation takes place within the national
Integration of functions
These five main areas of concern are less applicable to those countries which do not
possess an industrial base or even an incipient one. But these countries should be aware of
policy options and possess an adequate understanding of the dynamics of industrialization. A
precondition for the utilization of information technology is an adequate infrastructure, regular
electricity supply, and a fairly sophisticated telecommunications infrastructure (which in many
advanced countries is taken for granted). Useful and practical applications of microelectronic
technology in the least-developed countries can be found particularly in agriculture.
Nevertheless, under the conditions prevailing in this large group of countries, the gauge by which
to measure the positive impact of the new technology is the national capacity to absorb its
application, rather than the simple importing of complete systems. Furthermore, if advanced
technological innovations increase the inequalities within countries, they will hinder rather
than help development, as happened to a great extent with the "great revolution."
Although the problem of adjusting to their negative effects presents considerable difficulties,
current technological changes also offer many opportunities. The incorporation of skills into
equipment, such as in precision machinery, will save skills which are often difficult and costly to
acquire. In the case of some precision engineering activities where labor is required in great
quantities, new opportunities to leapfrog traditionally low- and medium-grade mechanical skills
have become available.
At the same time, the full utilization of human resources could bring important gains. Low-
cost, highly educated labor can be used in areas such as the conversion and development of
software which is likely to remain labor intensive. In this respect economic and educational
opportunities are open, particularly if software is utilized in the wider context of science and
technology policy.
Information technology, particularly interactive links, can be used to increase the flow of
scientific and technical data within and across countries without changes in geographical
location and therefore help to create the "critical mass" necessary for innovation.
Both aspects depend on public policy and are important for absorbing current changes,
maintaining cultural identity and obtaining some degree of independence in the scientific and
technological field. The cultural importance of information technology needs no emphasis;
unless developing countries pursue a forceful policy and direct the applications of the new
technology for their own purposes and aims, their level of cultural dependence will increase.
Many other aspects of current technological innovation could be used to great advantage
(e.g. remote sensing for agricultural development or direct broadcasting for education and
other purposes), but again it will depend on prospective policy, the full utilization of local
human resources and pooling of resources on a regional basis.
The realities of current and future technological change show that national approaches to
application, production, even assembling of equipment, and development of know-how are in
most cases clearly insufficient. A broader, regional approach is required.
On the following pages specific aspects of certain sectors will be briefly analyzed in order
to illustrate the assertions made earlier.
The electronic industry is a very heterogeneous one, covering many different types of
activities. This section will mainly deal with the component sector to examine how the shift
toward more complex production processes erodes the advantages of developing countries.
For developing countries, there are two areas of concern in relation to current
developments in the electronic industry. Firstly, the immediate effect (particularly on export-
oriented economies), and secondly, the medium-term prospects of policy options and capacity
to absorb the technology. Both these concerns must be seen in the context of the speed at
which innovation is taking place the changes that this has produced at the product and process
It is evident that different countries follow quite different development strategies and
any generalizations are hazardous. This section will concentrate on a handful of developing
countries which have followed a strategy of export-led growth. This is not typical of developing
countries, but it has been chosen because it illustrates in a very forceful and clear manner the
industrialization dilemma facing developing countries. To a greater or lesser extent, all countries
wish to participate in the world market of semi-manufactured and manufactured products,
thereby diversifying away from agriculture and raw material production. The route followed
ranges from strict import substitution with protective barriers to fairly open economies which
use the mechanisms of free zones for offshore installations of foreign companies. Many
developing countries have adjusted their legislation precisely to allow this system to operate,
particularly in Southeast Asia.
For these countries, electronics has been a substantial element in their overall strategy
since, in the past, the characteristics of the industry called for extensive use of labor in the
assembly phases and required low amounts of capital per worker employed. These countries
have upgraded electronics in an effort to diversify toward high quality products, increasing level
of nationally manufactured components in the finished products.
Transfer of technology
The highly competitive environment in which the electronic industry has evolved forces a
policy of constant cost production, rapid innovation leading to shorter product cycles and a
powerful marketing infrastructure. The cost reduction policy led to the extensive use of offshore
installations during the 1960s and early seventies for the assembly of components and other
items. This was partly related to the U.S. special tariff arrangements.
In the past all major manufacturers of electronic components used offshore installations for
the wiring and encapsulation of "chips." Since about 1978, however, the trend has been to open
the new generation of plants in the advanced countries. There are a number of reasons for
this: automation, the need to be closer to end users, quality control, elimination of logistic
problems, and the need to upgrade local or national capabilities.
Since 1978, the major investment in semiconductor plants has been in Europe, Japan and
the United States. At the same time, offshore installations are being moved from high-cost
Asian countries, such as Singapore, Hong-Kong, Taiwan and South Korea to countries like
Thailand and the Philippines in an effort to cut cost further. In other cases automation of offshore
plants is taking place. A number of factors combine to reinforce this trend, ranging from the
policy of industrialized countries' governments to ensure a microelectronic base, to
protectionist measures and currency values which affect, for instance, Japanese producers in their
effort to export to Europe. Economic factors and the political climate together affect investment
decisions. But it is important to realize that in the case of electronic components, the growing
integration and the automation of the manufacturing process is a crucial element. Since labor
costs are not an overriding consideration, this process allows greater flexibility in investment
The strategies of each manufacturer are different and, due to the characteristics of the
industry, are constantly being modified. For Japanese producers, the use of offshore plants
represents only about 10 per cent of production and in some areas (discrete semi-conductors) it is
declining. Japanese automated bonding equipment represents a labor efficiency factors (in terms
of people) of ten to one. This has helped to compensate for growing salaries in Japan. Another
factor of equal importance to Japanese producers is the concern for quality which they feel
cannot be maintained through the use of offshore installations. This element is growing in
importance and will force other producers to follow similar policies.
Countries which have relied heavily on foreign investment and imported technology in the
electronic industry are becoming more vulnerable. They have been criticized on a number of
occasions precisely because of the dependence of their economy on outside decisions, in
particular in relation to the type of technology, its domestic diffusion and the product-cycle of
foreign investment.
The rapid pace of change could imply technological discontinuity with severe effects
on the industry. Products which remain labor intensive in the assembly stage have lost an
important part of their value-added elements due to the change in components. This is the case,
for instance, with TV sets, where the number of parts has been halved since 1970 because of the
use of more sophisticated components which have eliminated many assembly operations.
Transfer of technology is possible only if the absorption capacity exist from the human
resource side. Even developing countries which are advanced in electronics, such as South
Korea, had only 0.4 researchers per 1000 of the population in 1978 compared with 2.6 and
2.4 in 1977 for the United States and Japan, respectively. Expenditure in R & D per
researcher is about $21,500 in Korea, compared to $47,560 in Japan and $80,680 in the United
State. Figure on R & D do not tell the whole story since the process of innovation into a
marketable product can easily be as high as 1 to 20, on top of which a powerful marketing
structure is also required.
There is no doubt that as time passes, some developing countries will be able to
absorb part of the technology in specialized areas. Whether that will give them any significant
stake in the international market for components and equipment is another matter.
For developing countries which have followed a domestic oriented pattern, the
alternatives, in the light of current changes, are different. The trend has been to diversify
dependence in the component field and assembly of systems and peripherals. Some choose
to standardize at a lower level by manufacturing wafers for the domestic market rather than try
to compete in the international market.
As the speed of technological change increases, so do the requirements for capital and
research funds. According to figures from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and
Development (OECD), already by 1975 industries producing electrical and electronic
machinery, equipment and supplies (including computers and data processing supplies
and accessories) were the largest users of R & D, outstripping the chemical and aerospace
Many other areas not accounted for in the electrical groups, such as aerospace and
machinery are in fact heavily based on electronics and considerable R & D efforts are
undertaken. In addition, production support, in-company training, management development
and other items which are part of the "technological environment" are not accounted for,
although they may have a significant impact on results.
It was around 1975 that rapid technological change and keen competition led to an
acceleration in the use of R & D by the electronics industry. The ten most important U.S.
"independent" semiconductor companies (the companies that sell on the open market) more
than doubled their R & D budgets, from over $200 million in 1975 to over $ 550 million in 1980.
These figures include expenditure by the companies and exclude programs from outside
contractors such as the U.S. Government.
An element which is not considered here, essentially because of lack of data, is investment
in basic scientific research. This is becoming increasingly important to maintain the lead in
An indication of the changes in production costs is the fact that a typical production line of
integrated circuits in 1965 cost about $1 million. In 1980, due to the complexity of the circuits
and automation the cost ran as high as $40-50 million. The combined effects of growing R & D
and capital expenses have resulted in business, and thus technological concentration which
affects developing countries by a further polarization of the international division of labor.
Some plants will stay in developing countries. Their task will be mainly the
encapsulating, wiring and testing of components, but sophisticated wafer fabrication will
remain in the developed countries, particularly in the United States and Japan.
There are three main reasons why a massive repatriation of offshore assembly in this
sector is unlikely in the medium-term, although the amount of investment is diminishing and
will diminish further. Firstly, under financial stress companies prefer to maintain offshore
installations and invest at a slower pace in new plants, thereby retaining reduced profits from the
installations without incurring the cost of considerable and unjustified new investment. Supply
problems can also extend the life expectancy of offshore installations. Increased salaries in
Southeast Asia, however, are forcing some companies to search for different locations, while
those staying in countries such as Singapore are increasing automation of assembly.
Secondly, labor legislation in offshore locations often permits working conditions that
are not tolerated in the developed countries.
Thirdly, there is great pressure by governments in Southeast Asia to maintain facilities and
upgrade technology. Direct government intervention and guarantees are a very important
element. A number of agreements already reached in some countries for wafer fabrication
aimed at the lower level of the semiconductor market, are the result of such incentives.
In the case of consumer products (TV, for example) the continued use of offshore
installations will depend very much on what type of product is manufactured. Thus, for those
products where the selling price and margin are low, the assembly time long and the relative
weight of labor in the product high, offshore installations will be maintained for some time.
However, in those cases where the product incorporates expensive raw materials, is produced in
long production
raw materials, is produced in long production runs, and has a short assembly time it may be
profitable to repatriate the installations from the Far East. With automation and robotization, the
cost of investment and utilization remains basically the same, regardless of location.
Software and man-machine interface are areas where some developing countries could
play an important role, providing they possess a degree of specialization and a forceful
government policy. It must be understood, however, that an important level of dependence will
continue to exist at the component level. This should encourage developing countries to pool
resources in order to reach economies of scale on a regional basis, even at the software level.
Software is a complex skill, but at the same time remains an extremely labor-intensive activity
which demands close contact with the end user for most applications. India, with its large
proportion of highly educated people and its low labor costs, has successfully been able to
export software to developed countries.
The garment industry, traditionally, has been very segmented and one of the least
automated and most labor-intensive industrial sectors. Garment manufacturing is typically
composed of a recurrence of different activities with connected manual operations. It is
estimated that about 80 per cent of the direct operative labor force spends 90 per cent of its time
picking up, positioning, manipulating and removing pieces around stitch-making and cutting
Most of the progress in the last twenty years has been on the stitching cycle, rather than
on handling. Changes in stitching have been enhanced by microelectronics because of more
reliable and powerful industrial sewing machines, where hundreds of components have been
replaced by "chips". In addition, microprocessor-controlled sewing machines are able to monitor
the temperature of the needle and regulate the speed accordingly, in order to avoid damaging the
cloth or causing a breakdown.
In the initial cutting and marking process which has been traditionally highly skilled and
labor intensive, computer technology is today widely used by the larger manufacturers. Since
as much as 50 per cent of the cost of garments is the cost of the cloth, optimizing the utilization
of the material is crucial. Optimal pattern placement is worked out by the computer which also
guides a laser beam cutter. With this equipment, the reduction of labor can be dramatic in some
cases reducing the number of people required from 200 to 15 with savings on cloth wastage
ranging from 8 to 15 per cent. A number of edge guidance devices are now available. Theses
automatically monitor the edge of the material to be sewn and draw the sewing foot along at the
same time.
These are part of a growing number of applications, leading toward a "total system
concept." This means the use of computerized equipment to detect flaws, optimize layout,
keep track of patterns and orders monitor the progress of work throughout the plant, automate
the matching of patterns, cut and sew.
Important technical changes are also taking place in the assembly stage, where the
separate components and subcomponents (collars, buttons, pockets, ornamentation, etc.) are
put together. This is one of the areas where subcontracting to low-wage companies in developing
countries often takes place. Later on, automation in the handling operation will greatly diminish
the labor content at this stage.
In the high-wage developed countries the weighted average annual cost per worker is
about $12,000. In the main developing countries the average cost is about $2,000. This
difference is so great that it is doubtful whether new technology can offset it if the technology is
simply used to reduce the importance of labor costs. This is certainly a crucial point. However,
the new technology permits better and more flexible design, fabric and quality improvement,
customer service, product innovation and risk reduction, which is important for the marketing and
"appeal" characteristics of the garment industry. Thus a wider understanding is required in
order to increase the efficiency not only of labor, but also of the other elements mentioned above.
The wage differential and the segmentation of the industry suggest that the pace of
change will be slow and different in each segment. It also implies that many segments will
remain in the developing countries. The technological trends imply a decline in the labor
content of the garment industry. At the same time a more skillful and flexible labor force will be
needed with growing skill requirements at the software level and also an increase of managerial
and office productivity will be required.
The latter aspect is of great importance, since an increase in "white collar" productivity could
be as significant as changes on the shop floor. As the industry becomes more and more
dependent on managerial capacity and complex information flows among the different stages, it
will further reinforce traditional advantages of developed countries. Furthermore, the extensive
use of, for example, computer aided design will link in with the manufacturing process and
increases automation.
The technical and economic problems of automating and mechanizing garment production
remain formidable but not insurmountable. The pace of innovation has already been accelerated
by the combined effect of the existence of reliable control elements and other technologies as
well as the economic and social pressures generated by the need to perform adequately on the
international market.
If the garment industry pursues the technology path, there will be a considerable change in
the structure of the industry and its capital requirements. In the short run automation will be
concentrated in high-quality fashion products, where developed countries have a lead-time of six
or more months. Current protectionism in the industry, based on import quotas, has forced
some-producers in developing countries to move up-market in order to increase value while
reducing volume; this also increase their vulnerability. Furthermore, the labor cost differentials
are eroding as some countries industrialize.
Although it is too early to evaluate the final consequences, the trends seem to point to large-
scale concentration in the garment business in the medium term. This trend is already discernible
in Western Europe, the United States and Japan as companies search for the economies of
scale necessary to justify large capital investments.
The garment industry is living in the dawn of a transition toward different types of skills,
higher investment and concentration. The cost of implementing the technological changes
required is pulling together the manufacturers of equipment and end users, at the same time
making the industry more dependent on research and development. It is worth noting in this
context that breakthroughs in automatic cutting came from aerospace and associated large-scale
high-technology enterprises.
The technological and business trends in garments suggest that the diffusion of the
technology will be uneven. The very basis of the industry is geared toward the "high-
technology category" and hence to a reliance on software and systems skills, complex
maintenance skill (in such areas as optoelectronics and robotics, design and managerial
The combination of these factors could give the producers in the developed countries an
advantage which will allow them to regain important segments of the market and retain part of
these industry in the North, albeit with reduced manning levels.
It is not possible at this stage to determine the exact value of the flow of data across
borders, since it involves many activities of different kinds. Evidence suggests, however, that it
has significant importance and will increase considerably in the next ten years.
There is also the cost of importing computing services, which has not only an economic
consequence but also involves a loss of control over the direction of future economic and social
developments by the exodous of key decision-making processes. For most developing
countries, the pressure on the balance of payments relates to the import of a service and the
hardware and infrastructure required to receive the service. Furthermore, due to the decreasing
cost of communications and the concentration of "information intensive" sectors in developed
countries, it is becoming cheaper in many cases for Third World enterprises and institutions to
send their design problems, calculations, research and routine data abroad rather than
assemble and develop local teams.
Developing countries tend to use the data processing facilities of the industrialized
countries for several reasons: routine data processing can be done more economically, the data
centers may possess expertise not available locally, and their data bases contain vital
information not obtainable in the Third World.
What happens, in fact is a sort of "electronic brain drain" resulting in the reduction of
opportunities for local development. The ever-growing dependence of many countries on
large data networks will increase the importance of these issues. The economies of scale
achieved by information centers in developed countries makes them very competitive
internationally. Brazilian officials have stated that "dumping" of cheap time-sharing services has
discouraged the establishment of this type of service in Brazil.
Transborder data flows have created the potential for greater dependence and with it
the danger of losing legitimate access to vital information affecting economic and social
developments. This has important political implications. The risk of retention or selective release
of data is real. Under conditions of economic war, deterioration of the international political
climate or indeed by unilateral decision, a country can withhold data with harmful consequences to
others. Some balance between imports and exports of data is required and this fact needs to
be considered by countries which are just establishing international data links.
The concentration of data processing facilities, data banks and data bases poses the
question of the distribution of an access to information. Although one of the advantages of
current changes is the access to vast pools of information, disparities in this areas will continue to
In the scientific and technical field greater diversity is required in order to accommodate
the needs of developing countries in areas as diverse as traditional medicine, rural
technology and education. In this respect there is also a tremendous need for cultural
diversity, not only linguistically but also in terms of content and format. Developing countries
should collectively implement the storage of the "collective memory" in their own language
and according to their own interests.
There are several kinds of practical factors that condition and slow down the rate of
diffusion. One important factor is labor costs, particularly in direct application of computers for
conventional procedures. The low cost of labor makes the equipment less competitive and
amortization takes longer. The lack of standardization in a number of activities and of modern
managerial practices has made software requirements more demanding and, therefore, the
total cost of installation more expensive than they would have been otherwise. "Software
packages" even in the banking sector, are difficult to implement. This situation has led,
paradoxically, to well-developed software applications in some countries. Additionally, companies
need to -spread the costs of the infrastructure, services and operations over relatively few pieces
of equipments, which also contributes to increased costs.
Most computer applications in developing countries are of a traditional nature, that is for
payroll, accounting, stock, routine administrative work, billing, etc. Although this is the same
pattern as followed by the West, inasmuch as an essential core of specialists and skills is
developed, some developing countries can expect a more decisive more to less conventional
applications in the future. As in the West, some sectors, such as banking, insurance, finance,
large companies, utilities, airlines and governments, use computers more intensively.
The role of trade union movements has not been significant in acting as a brake, although
examples of industrial action on computerization exist in several countries.
The single most important factor concerning he diffusion of the technology is undoubtedly
government action. This has occurred in a wide range of fields, from imports, telecommunications
and transfer of technology policy to industrial strategy. An increasing number of countries
have adopted centralized systems to process import requests, monitor applications and
purchase equipment for government needs. These types of measures cover data processing
equipment especially and do not affect other types of electronic devices. The situation in each
country varies considerably.
India, for instance, manufactures equipment under license (about 30 per cent imported
components) and has introduced regulatory measures on foreign investment in the field. Given
the current and potential impact of information technology, it is likely that an increasing number of
developing countries will combine regulation on imports and applications, following a path similar
to India. At the same time, the penetration of the technology is partially due to the marketing
drive of the manufacturers, who are under constant pressure to open new markets, mainly
because of the rapid technical obsolescence of hardware. This compels them to sell or rent as
many computers of a given generation as possible. The technical obsolescence criteria of the
developed countries is almost mechanically transmitted to the developing countries, leading
more often than not to an unnecessary frequency in the upgrading of equipment.
When all factors are taken into account, it is evident that a relatively rapid diffusion can be
foreseen in computers and telecommunications and in some industrial applications. This,
however, does not necessarily imply that developing countries will be able to absorb
microelectronic technology at a pace that will put them in a position to compete with the
industrialized countries. They lack the awareness, the skills and capital requirements. In this
respect developing countries are bound to benefit less from current changes.
Although the effect of information technology on employment has been in the center of
debates in the developed countries, the issue is rather different for developing countries. This is
due to the structure of the labor market and to widespread underemployment. More
important than the direct utilization of equipment, which affects a small proportion of the labor
force, is the narrowing of industrialization alternatives resulting from the erosion of comparative
advantages. Many factors other than technology are important in determining these changes.
But technology does increase the options for developed countries. It reduces the importance of
direct labor costs as a result of changes in products and processes, while at the same time
increasing flexibility quality and overall productivity and performance.
In some industries developing countries will be chosen as sites for establishing new plants
based on the new technology. The decision making will be based less on low labor costs than on
tax advantages, lack of labor resistance, lower start-up costs and cheaper capital. It is doubtful,
however, whether this type of modern installation will create significant employment or
contribute to the general development of the economy. The diffusion of microelectronics on
developing countries implies a sophisticated technology for most products and processes,
employing few people.
At the same time, the use of the technology by developing countries will widen the gap
between technology and its application, because entire processes will have to be imported on a
turn key basis. The net result could be islands of high technology within economies
characterized by low-productivity and artisan-based production systems. This dichotomy, and
the interlink between the two areas, represents one of the existing dilemmas of industrialization.
The qualitative characteristics of industrialization are as important as the measurement of
industrial output, for they have consequences on income distribution, employment and the
general structure of the economy.
The industrial and service structure in most developing countries is sharply divided
between a modern sector and a multitude of small businesses with extremely low productivity
and high underemployment. From the point of view of employment, this "formal-informal" sector
relation poses a qualitatively different problem. A reduction or loss of potential employment in
the "formal" sector increases pressure in the "informal" one, provoking further underemployment
or unemployment there. This reinforces the pattern of low productivity and further inhibits
economic growth. This classic circular situation shows that the introduction of advanced
technology has a chain effect and cannot be analyzed only at the level of the individual enterprises
using it. This aspect is particularly important when the equipment is imported and thus does not
enhance internal manufacturing capabilities.
For some developing countries the combination of high technology and low labor cost,
particularly of educated labor, could be one of the opportunities to develop an embryonic
information industry and thereby to create employment. Already low-cost, highly qualified
manpower is being used in a number of areas such as civil engineering, the provision of
technical services in health, finance, agriculture and consultancies in general.
Whether these opportunities can be increased will depend on developments in the area of
software. Software will remain for some time a labor- and skill-intensive activity, thus the low
cost of labor can continue to be a comparative advantage in this area. Such an advantage
depends on the country's current endowment of software skills and its capacity to keep
software specialists at home. The development of capabilities in this area will largely depend
on public policy, since in many cases the purchasing of skills outside the country is more
economical than developing national skills.
The question of "brain drain" should not be overlooked, since the recruitment policy of
large hardware and software companies is as global as all their other operations. Developed
countries are already subcontracting software routines and applications which are most
relevant to their conditions.
Information technology is a reality, and a rapidly expanding one. Therefore, the question is
how to master the changes and deal with the issues it raises to the best advantage for
development strategies.
Three general principles apply to the use of the technology within countries. First is the
need for a national policy bases on a careful selectiveness in applications. These should be
aimed at overcoming bottlenecks and optimizing the use of resources, rather than using the
technology to replace labor, or to increase efficiency which could be increased by other means.
Selectivity of application and conscious planning can, for instance, minimize hard currency
expenditure if data banks and data bases are developed for domestic use and export. By
avoiding imports of services, the foreign exchange savings could be greater in the medium term
than the cost of installing the equipment, while at the same time local expertise and
capabilities are also developed. It will also have the added advantage of organizing a system
that meets the needs and the culture of the country.
Second is the need to assure diversified sources of supply in the market and to avoid
becoming dependent on a few companies. Such dependence can greatly distort prices and
application criteria because of the companies' disproportionate marketing power. This must be
accompanied by a policy on software.
On the service side, the "technological package" should be unwrapped in such a way
that conversion software and other services could be produced locally, providing an
adequate manpower policy is followed to train and develop local personnel and firms.
Diversification of the sources of supply is the only way to minimize dependence, given the
fact that it is highly unlikely that developing countries can develop their own manufacturing
capabilities. The possibility of manufacturing exists only when the adopted criteria of
obsolescence differ from those of the international market. Even then the system would have
to be developed behind strong protective barriers. The technical specifications of the
equipment would, however, be several years and generations behind the leading producers.
The third element is to monitor the national integration of locally assembled or partly
manufactured electronic-based products. In general, countries use an index of national
integration combining weight-volume-value to measure how much of a given product is
nationally made in compliance with local legislation or plans.
Today's integrated circuits, which are the heart of electronic-based products, have a
very low weight-volume-value, but they incorporate all the "real" value of the product from the
point of view of technology and know-how. If the purpose of a country is to upgrade slowly its own
national capability in this area, it is important to monitor national integration in the light of
changes in the technology under way. This is also related to the fact that many "intelligent"
products appear under traditional or very general descriptions of import classifications or
the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) which may not only decrease the
capacity of local industry to compete, but also implies that many products escape general
guidelines and automation policy.
Possible economies
The capital-saving characteristics of the technology and its skill-saving effects allow
"leapfrogging" of certain technological stages in some areas such as precision engineering. At the
same time, traditional equipment is rapidly pushed to obsolescence, not because it is intrinsically
outdated, but because developed countries need to use the latest equipment available to be
able to compete among themselves. This equipment can become available at scrap value and
remain economically viable when combined with lower labor costs, appropriate skills and
appropriate managerial and government policies.
In many of these new area of development, some skills are not difficult to obtain (conversion
software, simple programming, etc.), although mastering the programming needs of standard types
of equipment is not equal to the creation of innovative capacity and systems-engineering skills.
The "core" of the software is generally part of the producer's package, and as the competitive
edge will be increasingly on the software rather than on the hardware content, the shift to
"incorporated technology' will grow even more in importance while becoming increasingly
intangible. "Reverse engineering" in this context will be even more difficult. Transfer of
technology, patents and licensing will therefore be much more complex, particularly since the
product being sold is as intangible as non-materialized knowledge.
Computer technology has long been used by government services in developing countries,
especially for statistical purposes. This can increase further, improving the accuracy, reliability
and timing of statistical information. This represents a valuable input into decision making
and planning. The time lag between events or policy implementation and their proper evaluation
can be shortened considerably thus increasing the efficiency of decisions, policy design and the
monitoring of the performance of different measures. With a solid information base, the
technology can be used to optimize the allocation and use of resources, which in itself could
mean considerable economies. A tighter control of commercial stocks, imports and exports, and
tax collection could be of great benefit, while saving foreign exchange in many years.
Although employment could increase marginally where new or supplementary services are
created, in general the technology will diminish the job creation potential. Thus a careful
evaluation is needed to combine traditional and modern methods with desirable information and
employment results. Countries can further their planning and bargaining capacity if they are
capable of assembling the information relevant to their interests.
Other important areas of application are those which enhance social services, particularly
health and education. In education, information technology can improve the capability of the
traditional system integrating remote and isolated sectors to national life and increasing the
diversity and national content of programs. For instance, the economy of audiovisual production
and equipment can boost national programs for schools, television, village education and
rural extension just as the mimeograph boosted the local press and decentralized the
production of educational materials.
There are many areas where developing countries are called upon to act collectively. These
could be facilitated by the use of information technology. These areas range from the coordination
of industrial, agricultural and financial policy, which could allow massive horizontal links in the
field of trade, to the strengthening of technological capacity and the development of
adequate information and informatic systems. Collective action should be taken in three main
2. Joint efforts to evolve a common information policy. This policy should encompass
data banks, data bases and networks in the economic, scientific and technological, research
and development (R & D), cultural and mass media fields. The Third World should also develop
a common policy toward communications transborder data flows, satellite links, transfer of
technology, and establish common facilities on a regional basis for manufacturing in
selected areas, applications and R & D, with special emphasis, at least initially, on software.
3. Joint efforts to obtain preferential treatment for access to data banks and data bases
as a way to mitigate the growing gap between developed and developing countries in areas
such as science and technology. Free access to these sources could be part of agreements
dealing with aid and transfer of technology.
It is necessary to warn that at present the benefits of the new technology remain largely on
paper. To secure these benefits requires both short- and long-term policies. It necessitates an
active search for alternative development strategies and this, in the final analysis, is related to the
power structure within and between countries. If this structure is not altered in most countries
and internationally, there is little hope that desirable benefits will materialize.
Data, information and a new productive infrastructure should not benefit only the few; we
cannot have a world divided between information "poor" and "rich." Data and information should
not be used to infringe on a people's cultural identity and invade, by means of different lifestyles,
patterns of consumption and values, a world that is struggling to reach its own identity and
development path. More than legislation and protocols a new atmosphere of social command
of technologies should be developed. In this atmosphere a participatory and pluralistic discussion
about the use of technologies could take place. The wonders of current change could be used to
solve pressing needs and for the benefit of all in a more interdependent rather than dependent