Choir Guidelines
Choir Guidelines
Choir Guidelines
Singing should always be a joyous activity. The Ministry of Choir is one means by which
joy is expressed through singing. The members of the choirs at St. Louis Catholic
Church seek to celebrate the liturgy in a manner that promotes participation by all with
joy and reverence.
These guidelines have been prepared and implemented after consultation with the
directors of each choir and discussion with the pastor.
Through it we hope to accomplish unity and a sense of holiness among members of the
All involved in the ministry of sacred music at St. Louis Catholic Church are expected to
abide by these guidelines and help in opening the minds and hearts of the worshipping
community, to give glory to God.
Mission Statement
The mission of St. Louis Catholic Church choirs is to enrich, inspire, motivate, and
engage the community in hymns and sacred songs in the celebration of the Holy
Eucharist and other liturgical celebrations.
Vision Statement
St. Louis Catholic Church choirs seek to achieve our mission by:
1. Being rooted in Catholic Spirituality that seeks the overall growth of the members;
2. Being committed to rehearsals;
3. Having discipline and respect for authority;
4. Learning new hymns; and
5. Being knowledgeable of the liturgy and various liturgical seasons of the church
All who are interested in joining a choir must be willing to attend weekly rehearsals, as
this is the means for training of members. Worship aids such as missalettes and
hymnals will be provided.
Music Coordinator
Responsibilities of the music coordinator to the choirs and their directors:
1. Provide impartial and inspiring leadership to the choirs along with each director,
2. Serve as a liaison between the pastor, choir directors, and other liturgical ministers,
3. Encourage communication and harmony between directors and choirs,
4. Assist the choirs in working collaboratively for holy days of obligation and other
special celebrations, and
5. Provide musical resources and instruction as needed.
Responsibilities of the director are to:
1. Provide impartial and inspiring leadership to the choir along with the coordinator,
2. Set the day and time for rehearsal,
3. Assist the choir in preparation and delivery of its music,
4. Build confidence in every choir member and a sense of community among members,
5. Develop the quality of the choirs presentation and sound;
6. Appoint section leaders and soloists,
7. Conduct rehearsals and lead the choir during liturgies.
8. Carry out requests made by the pastor, including attending planning meetings when
possible in the spirit of Catholic Church practices.
9. Submit to the Music Coordinator at least a week in advance of the first Sunday of the
month the list of selected hymns and/or choral pieces for the following month.
Choir Uniforms
In order to promote harmony and unity among members of the choir, all within a
particular choir will dress uniformly, preferably in robes. Acquisition of robes will be
jointly decided by the members and director of the choir in consultation with the pastor.
If wearing robes is not feasible, the alternatives are to dress in concert black, meaning
all black attire, or other appropriate attire as decided by each director and group.
Rehearsal is the key to success of every choir. Keeping this in mind, members are
expected to be punctual for each rehearsal. If a choir member must be absent from
rehearsal they should inform the Director in a timely manner. Considering the
importance of time and the personal sacrifice each member makes, it is important to
limit the rehearsals to a set time. Therefore, rehearsals shall not exceed one hour,
unless an exception is suggested and agreed upon beforehand. All rehearsals and
warm ups must be concluded no later than fifteen minutes prior to the beginning of
mass, so as to preserve a prayerful atmosphere in the sanctuary.