LC'S Copy: Parish Renewal Experience (Prex) Seminar Guidelines
LC'S Copy: Parish Renewal Experience (Prex) Seminar Guidelines
LC'S Copy: Parish Renewal Experience (Prex) Seminar Guidelines
Seminar Guidelines
Symbols Used:
1. Attend the morning mass and anointing: secretariat, sponsoring class, & auxis.
2. PA to arrange/check the seminar hall. Preparation of A/V systems and power points*.
3. Registration
a. Screening of participants based on prerequisites upon registration.
1. Screening committee consist of CC, ACC, & ACs.
2. At least 18 years old.
3. Should be a baptized Catholic and must be a parishioner.
4. Seed participants duly endorsed by the parish priest may be accepted.
5. Should be able to attend the seminar full-time. (Participants who missed
Talks 1 & 2 are not allowed to take the seminar.)
g. MM to sing: 'Come Holy Spirit' (Full verse, then hum the song).
h. Opening prayer – LC.
i. MM to sing 'Glory be…'
j. Lights on.
5. LC introduces oneself and the ALC then gives PREX overview and House Rules. Ask
participants for food allergies.
a. Introduction of participants (optional).
b. Introduction of secretariats (optional).
10. SB – reviews TALK No. 1 to the additional participants (as the need arises/fast tracking).
a. DOCU prepares the presentation for TALK 2.
b. ALC prepares name tag of the speaker and Patron Saints.
14. PA arranges the venue. DOCU posts the seating arrangement (groupings).
16. LC posts question and assigns groupings.
a. Explain how to answer the question and what to do in small group sharing then
introduces staff sharers for sample sharing.
b. Ask representative from each group for large group sharing.
c. FC checks the food (“pledged”).
d. LC sums up the message from the sharing if the speaker is not available.
e. MM sings the requested song from the speaker (optional).
17. FC serves lunch while PA rearranges the venue for Talk 4. DOCU posts the seating arrangement
23. PA arranges the venue for TALK 5. DOCU posts the seating arrangement (groupings).
27. Confession.
35. FC serves dinner (participants and secretariat will eat together) while PA arranges the venue for
Healing and Reconciliation Ceremony, collects the PREX Kits and secure the personal belongings of
the participants. DOCU posts the seating arrangement (groupings) and the sign “Only Elders are
Allowed Inside”. VC prays over the DEMO Team. All members of the sponsoring class are
required to attend the vigil. VC to select Elders (for laying of hands/monitoring).
36. PA secures the venue to prevent the participants and non-auxiliaries from entering until told to do
37. MM, elders and the DEMO Team enter the venue ahead of the participants.
38. LC allows the participants to enter the venue and instruct them to refer to the posted seating
39. LC introduces the DEMO Team to the participants. The team leader explains the mechanics of the
ceremony while the members demonstrate. MM, Elders, and DEMO Team should be present in the
seminar hall.
40. The team leader with the help of the elders answers the inquiries of the participants.
i. Elders, staff and sponsoring class with the participants form one big circle and Ate
Lou delivers (closing admonition). Distribute and explain the essence of white
j. Everybody sings 'You are My Hiding Place' and 'Jesus You’re My No. 1' with actions
to be taught by the MM.
k. Litany of Saints* to be led by the LC.
l. Renewal of Baptism*.
m. Final instructions.
a. MM sings 'David’s Song' with the participants and during the humming LC leads
the closing prayer.
b. Final song 'Oh I Love You with the Love of the Lord'.
1. PA prepares the venue and DOCU prepares the registration table, and MM prepares different
songs for Day 2.
2. Registration/Serves Breakfast
a. Signing of participants for attendance and DOCU distributes ID’s and notebooks and
collects love offering.
b. DOCU prepares the presentation for TALK 8.
c. ALC posts speaker tag and Patron Saints.
3. Vigil starts and VC prays over the Speakers for TALK 8 and DEMO Team.
5. MM sings 'Come Holy Spirit' and hum the song and LC leads the opening prayer.
a. Song of Ruth
b. It’s a New Day.
8. LC posts question.
a. Explain how to answer the question and what to do in small group sharing then
introduces staff sharers for sample sharing.
b. Ask representative from each group for large group sharing.
c. LC sums up the message from the sharing if the speaker is not available.
d. MM sings “I Love You with the Love of the Lord”.
9. FC serves snacks while PA arranges the venue for Anointing Ceremony, collects the PREX Kits and
secure the personal belongings of the participants. DOCU posts the seating arrangement
(groupings). All members of the sponsoring class are required to attend the vigil.
10. PA secures the venue to prevent the participants and non-auxiliaries from entering until told to do
11. MM, elders and the DEMO Team enter the venue ahead of the participants.
12. LC allows the participants to enter the venue and instruct them to refer to the posted seating
13. LC introduces the DEMO Team to the participants. The team leader explains the mechanics of the
ceremony while the members demonstrate.
14. The team leader with the help of the elders answers the inquiries of the participants.
17. Segregation of palanca by DOCU. Certificates for signature of CC and Parish Priest. Photos and
class directory, permanent ID, and paraphernalia.
18. PA arranges the seminar room for TALK 9. DOCU prepares the presentation for TALK 9 and ALC
prepares name tags of the Speaker and Patron Saints.
19. Allow the participants to enter the seminar room and sit at their respective family.
a. MM leads the action songs.
b. The LC introduces the speaker.
c. ALC post name tag of the speaker and Patron Saint.
d. Staff sharer joins the LC and ALC and listens to TALK 9.
e. LC takes down notes of TALK 9.
23. LC posts question. Explain how to answer the question and what to do in small group sharing.
25. Election of officers and invitations of different communities, ministries and organizations.
27. LC introduces the next Lead Couple and ALC, presents and acknowledges the sponsoring class.
28. FC serves heavy snacks while the PA arranges the venue for palanca according to the sitting
arrangement of the DOCU.
29. DOCU place palanca envelope on their respective chair. (No palanca shall be entertained after the
envelopes are placed on the chairs and during the ceremony.)
30. Participants are advice to enter the seminar room and are instructed by the LC to occupy the chairs
with envelope containing their names but not to open it.
31. Sit, relax and listen to the instruction of the LC regarding the palanca ceremony.
4. LC posts question.
a. Explain how to answer the question and what to do in large group sharing.
b. LC encourages the graduates to say something about PREX.
c. LC distributes ¼ sheet of paper and explains what to do.
d. DOCU collects the ¼ sheet of paper and surrenders it to LC.
e. Large group sharing.
6. Snack.