Wan Technologies Comparision

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Comparing Private Line, Frame

Relay, ATM, Ethernet and IP VPNs

Executive Summary
Implementing the best-performing, most cost-efficient mix of WAN services requires
that IT departments compare the characteristics of a broad array of physical network
types and network service alternatives. Different networks work best depending on
the geography of the enterprise and the application(s) at hand. A key decision is at
what Open Systems Interconnect (OSI) layer or operational function an enterprise
wishes its WAN service provider to participate. There are compelling reasons to use
Layer 1, 2 and 3 services, and a given enterprise might use just one or a mix of
service types. This paper takes a comprehensive look at each of the layers, the
service types that accompany them and a number of sample use scenarios.

Comparing Private Line, Frame Relay, ATM, Ethernet and IP VPNs ______________________________________________________________________________ 2

A number of access and backbone services are available to accommodate

enterprises many and varied connectivity requirements. There are
decisions to be made about physical and service access connection
types, as well as backbone service choices. Some networks will be
selected to connect users to corporate data resources, while other
services will serve different applications, such as machine-to-machine
communications. Part 1 of this paper identified situations that might
motivate an enterprise to upgrade or change WAN services as well as
help the enterprise recognize when an upgrade may not be needed.

WAN Services by Layer

Layer 1: Private line services
Layer 2: Packet-switched frame relay, ATM and
Ethernet services
Layer 3: Routed IP services

For highly meshed enterprise networks, private lines grow more

expensive as the number of sites to be connected and the distance
between those sites increases. The total number of enterprise network
site-to-site connections can be calculated using the formula n(n 1)/2,
where n represents the total number of sites that need full-mesh
interconnection. A five-node network, then, would need 10 circuits; a
30-node network would require 435 circuits.
Another consideration is private line pricing (specifically, T1/T3 pricing)
is largely distance-sensitive: the farther away two sites are from one
another, the greater the connectivity service fee is per month. The
distance-oriented pricing model of private lines has driven many
hierarchical network designs, whereby enterprises connect multiple
sites to a relatively nearby aggregation point and multiple aggregation
points ultimately feed into the data center.

Figure 1
Site A

As discussed in Understanding Your WAN Choices, Open Systems

Interconnect (OSI) layers specify technical functions, not branded
WAN services. Though OSI technical layers and network services are
not synonymous, the terms tend to be used interchangeably. This often
complicates the task of sorting out what are enabling technologies
and what are actual services that are built on them. This paper will
explain those differences and then put them into context as they apply
to creating an effective overall WAN service strategy.




Layer 1 services are often considered highly reliable and secure for the
basic reason that the equipment supporting them is mature, comparatively
simple and capacity is dedicated to one entity. Because carriers are
not providing equipment that participates at the other network service
layers, there are fewer components between point A and point B to
break or open up security vulnerabilities. These Layer 1 services
characteristics are why many of the worlds trading networks use
private lines between brokerage and stock exchanges.

Site B


To interconnect 5 sties with private lines, 10 end-to-end physical circuits must

be purchased.

Layers, Functions and Service Options

A key WAN service decision for the enterprise to make is at what OSI
layer it wishes its WAN service provider to participate in its access and
backbone network operations. Generally speaking, the lower the layer
number, the less the carrier will be participating and the fewer
enhanced services the provider will be supplying.
Layer 1
Layer 1 services imply that the carrier will be providing a network
pipe a point-to-point transmission medium only. To connect any
pair of sites, a Layer 1 access service at each site linking to a Layer 1
long-haul private-line circuit in the middle must be physically set up
for an end-to-end connection with bandwidth dedicated exclusively to
that connection (see Figure 1). This works well for small networks or
pockets of high-speed communications needed directly between two
sites. The reason is that the network remains relatively simple, Layer 1
networks are easy to troubleshoot, and the entire communications
circuit can be used exclusively by the enterprise.


Figure 1 shows a Point-to-Point Private Line Network

Because of the characteristics described, Layer 1 private line services

are often used in the following sample situations:
1) In networks with a relatively small number of nodes that all require
direct connections to all other nodes.
2) For point-to-point high-speed connections dedicated to bandwidthintensive operations, such as database synchronization or disaster
recovery between two sites.
3) For high-speed, time-critical transactions that require the highest
level of security, such as brokerage-to-trading floor communications.
4) To support broadcast television signals, which require high reliability
and have nearly zero tolerance for rerouting. Here, circuits are often
implemented in a redundant dual-circuit/failover design.

Comparing Private Line, Frame Relay, ATM, Ethernet and IP VPNs ______________________________________________________________________________ 3

5) In organizations with a do-it-yourself philosophy that are not

interested in statistically sharing bandwidth with other customers.
For example, a worldwide manufacturing company might run private
lines among its engineering sites to support high-bandwidth
computer-aided design, or CAD, applications.
6) As an access service connecting sites to shared, higher-layer
network services, which are described in the below subsections.
Layer 2
Layer 2 services are responsible for framing packets, providing an
access mechanism to the physical circuit and error detection. This
layer performs its portion of network duties using software-based
protocols running on the WAN access devices installed and
configured either by the enterprise or the enterprises router vendor.
As another option, Layer 2 software can be installed and configured by
the enterprises carrier as part of a managed service that includes
installing and managing CPE. A sampling of Layer 2 protocols includes
frame relay, ATM, Ethernet and the Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP). In
addition to running on the enterprises WAN access equipment, Layer
2 protocols are also implemented in the carriers WAN backbone
infrastructure equipment.
When implemented as a WAN backbone service, some Layer 2
services add switching capabilities. Switching tends to appeal to
companies that wish to take advantage of the economies of scale and
the pervasive coverage of a carriers nationwide or global backbone,
which is shared by multiple customers. Here, an enterprise minimizes
the number of access and backbone connections it purchases in the
Layer 1 example. It can purchase a single physical circuit that connects
a business location to an access point at the edge of the carrier
backbone cloud, which contains a national or global mesh of highspeed circuits. From the carrier access point, the traffic from one site
can be switched over to any other enterprise site (see Figure 2).

Figure 2
Physical Circuit

Full Mesh of Virtual

Circuits (Pre-configured)

From a configuration standpoint, a PVC must be pre-defined and

configured between each pair of sites that might wish to connect
across the backbone. Layer 3 routing, which will be discussed in the
Layer 3 subsection, greatly simplifies the setup and configuration of
highly meshed environments.
Ethernet Services
These Layer 2 services can function as switched services to mimic a
LAN. Provisioned over fiber, they are highly scalable, in that Ethernet
technology runs at speeds from 2 Mbps up to 10 Gbps and customers
can often simply upgrade the interface on their premises-based
Ethernet switches to turn up the speed of their bandwidth. Skilled
resources for Ethernet local networks are widely available, so there is
little or no training required for staff to apply those same skills to
Ethernet in the MAN or WAN.


Frame Relay Access and ATM Backbone Services

These Layer 2 switched services rely on permanent virtual circuits
(PVCs), configured between all participating end points through the
carrier cloud, to segregate a given enterprises traffic flows from those
of other customers. In addition to reducing the number of physical
access connections required at each corporate site, frame relay and
ATM offer a bursting advantage over private line services, which can
further reduce network costs. The way this works is that the pricing
models for these services are such that the customer selects and pays
by the month for a port speed and one or more PVC speeds per
access connection. The PVC speed(s) might be significantly lower than
the port speed (often T1, or 1.544 Mbps, for example) and less
expensive than a full T1 access line. But most of the time, there is
enough network capacity in the frame relay/ATM network backbone to
allow traffic on those lower-speed PVCs to burst up to their port
speed and take full advantage of T1 network speeds across the entire
access line and backbone.

Note that fiber access is available only to about 13% of North

American businesses. So Ethernet access service availability may not
reach all the sites where a given organization wishes to deploy it.

Carrier Backbone Network

Below is a discussion of some common Layer 2 services.

Five (5) physical circuits are purchased for full mesh connectivity instead of 10.
Destination sites are predefined in customer router software.

Figure 2 illustrates a Layer 2 switched service

However, like private lines, virtual circuits also have to be pre-configured

for every network connection, so configuration complexity remains
about the same. The efficiencies are in the cost savings associated with
purchasing fewer physical access and long-haul circuits.

Layer 2 MPLS Services

These services primarily exist to allow customers to gain the benefit of
MPLSs meshed connectivity in the carrier backbone and retain non-IP
interfaces at customer sites that dont yet require an immediate CPE
upgrade. For example, Ethernet, frame relay and ATM can all be
tunneled through MPLS, allowing the enterprise to have a single
consistent backbone service (MPLS) with a mix of endpoints and
access services at their various locations.
Layer 3
Layer 3 services embrace routing, which is a more dynamic form of
traffic forwarding than switching. Routing relies on IP addresses and
intelligent routing protocols to determine the best (fastest or least
expensive) paths that traffic should take through the network at any
given moment. For subscribers seeking more options from their
networks than forwarding traffic from one point to another, Layer 3
services because of the intelligence afforded them by information in
the IP packet header also offer routing-related advanced capabilities.

Comparing Private Line, Frame Relay, ATM, Ethernet and IP VPNs ______________________________________________________________________________ 4

For example, Layer 3 services can offer inherent rerouting around failures,
encryption, voice over IP (VoIP), high-availability/failover protocols and
features, and bandwidth management for per-application and per-user
control of each traffic flow.
From an enterprise configuration standpoint, adding sites to the network
becomes easier than at Layers 1 and 2, because no circuits neither
physical nor virtual must be predefined between any two end points.
Rather, Layer 3 sites function independently of one another. A new site
can simply be plugged in to the network service and that site will
automatically be able to communicate to every other site.
Note that making the best path decision requires routers to auto-discover
one another across the network, share route information and let one
another know about path and router availability. As such, routing is
inherently slower than Layer 2 switching. A combination of Layer 3 and
Layer 2 that blends the strengths of each is available in MPLS VPN
services. Because MPLS VPNs use IP route information and intelligence,
they are considered to be Layer 3 services.
MPLS VPN Services
MPLS is generally deployed by organizations requiring a great deal
of dynamic meshed connectivity among many distributed sites.
Sometimes the need for meshed connectivity is driven by the
deployment of real-time, multimedia applications that demonstrate
much better performance without having to traverse a central hub site
(making an extra hop) to get from point A to point B. MPLS VPN
services use a mix of IP routing and fast switching: IP routing at the
edges of the backbone network determine where packet streams need
to go and relieves network administrators from having to predefine
site-to-site circuits (see Figure 3). However, across the backbone,
fast-switching Layer 2 technology ensures very high forwarding
speeds across most of the backbone equipment hops. In this way,
MPLS VPNs set up virtual circuit-like partitions for inherent security
and are sometimes considered a hybrid Layer 2/Layer 3 service.

Figure 3

MPLS VPNs also provide class-of-service (CoS) prioritization capabilities

to ensure that real-time traffic performs as expected in the presence
of data traffic. CoS becomes particularly important in Layer 3 IP and
MPLS VPN networks, because these types of network services are
used most often for supporting multiple types of traffic converged
on a single network that reaches a fairly distributed set of sites with
meshed connectivity. Each traffic type has different requirements and
thresholds for maintaining performance. Because these different types
of services are sharing a common backbone, it is important for the
backbone to know how to prioritize and treat the packet types as they
come across so that the services perform consistently well.
The way this happens is that a network administrator at the customer
location configures its WAN edge router with industry-standard IP
priority markings. These are known by a number of names, including
Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP), DiffServ and Type of Service
(ToS). At the edge of the carriers backbone network, the IP markings
are communicated to the carriers MPLS switch and stored in a label
that is passed across the network to preserve and enforce the customers
priority markings end-to-end. If a Layer 2 access protocol, such as
frame relay, ATM or Ethernet, is used, the Layer 2 protocol header is
stripped off at the ingress of the MPLS switch, and the IP header, with
its priority markings, is exposed to the WAN for enforcement.
Internet VPN Services
These services involve buying Internet access through a public Internet
service and encrypting all data and authentication traffic with IP
Security (IPSec) to partition a companys traffic from the rest of the
Internet (see Figure 4). They are less expensive than MPLS services,
but, because they traverse the public Internet, the same levels of
performance are not guaranteed. Performance can vary depending
upon whether the service purchased keeps traffic on a single carriers
network or whether it traverses the Internet segments managed by
multiple carriers. The single-carrier service will be much more reliable
and better-performing, simply because its operations fall within the
purview of a single operator, who can manage it and troubleshoot it.

Figure 4
Carrier Backbone Network

Full Mesh of Virtual

Circuits (Dynamic)

Five (5) physical circuits are purchased for full mesh connectivity instead of 10.
No pre-configuration of site destinations is needed; new sites can plug in to the
network and automatically become part of the mesh.

Figure 3 depicts a MPLS VPN Service

Public Internet Service(s)


Full Mesh of IPSec

Tunnels (Pre-configured)

Five (5) physical circuits are purchased for full mesh connectivity instead of 10.
IPSec encrypted tunnels must be predefined among sites for privacy. Performance
is generally better across a single providers network than multiple ISP networks.

Figure 4 illustrates an IPSec VPN Service

Comparing Private Line, Frame Relay, ATM, Ethernet and IP VPNs ______________________________________________________________________________ 5

Layer 1

Service Type(s)

Typical Applications


Possible Limitations

Private Lines (physical

point-to-point circuits)*

Database synchronization

Reliable; few parts to break

Distance-sensitive pricing can

can add up in large
distributed networks

Site-to-site disaster recovery

Available at very high speeds

All physical connections must

be predefined; configurationintensive in large networks

Transactional B2B networking Organization uses all capacity;

no statistical capacity sharing
with other entities
Distributed engineering
network with bandwidthintensive applications
Access connection to shared
backbone service
Layer 2

Frame Relay/ATM

Connecting multiple distributed

sites to consolidated data
center resources

Shared network cost

All virtual connections must
efficiencies: reduction in private be predefined; configurationlines required
intensive in large networks

Branch to regional
site connectivity

Ubiquitous network footprint

Some inter-site
mesh connectivity

Layer 3

Create metro or wide-area

Fast, easy bandwidth
LAN with internal VLAN user provisioning and
group configurations intact
speed changes

Low availability
(relatively small fiber footprint)

Available at very high speeds

Generally not recommended

for more than 50 meshed
sites or 200 hub-and-spoke
sites due to interior gateway
protocol limits


Retain existing WAN interfaces

at some sites while adding
new MPLS services

Avoids forklift CPE

upgrade at all sites

Minimum scalability


Fast failover among multiple

data centers

Plug-in connections simplify

large-network configuration

Customer shares IP route

information with carrier

Full-mesh connectivity among Enforces priorities of

large number of highly
multimedia traffic end-to-end
distributed sites
Intelligent value-added IP
services available

Use of the public Internet as

a corporate network

Relatively inexpensive

Teleworker and extranet access

Less predictable performance

Camouflaging IP information
can suppress value-added
Configuration-intensive in
large networks
Customer shares IP route
information with carrier


Mobile worker access to

corporate Web-based

Web browser is only

client needed

Dynamic access, including

disaster recovery

Controls access at application

layer so is sometimes seen
as more secure than IPSec
from an access standpoint

*Enabling service delivery technologies: Sonet/SDH, DWDM, T-Carrier

Source: AT&T

Figure 5 matches networking requirements to WAN Services.

Dynamic access can encourage

use of unmanaged devices,
which can increase risk of
network infections

Comparing Private Line, Frame Relay, ATM, Ethernet and IP VPNs ______________________________________________________________________________ 6

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) VPN Services

SSL is an encryption protocol designed for a wide range of web
applications. SSL secures two applications communicating with each
other, and addresses the requirements of mobile users by controlling
user access at the application level. No special client software is
required by the user; browser-based devices provide access to network
resources. Users traverse the public Internet through tunnels encrypted
at the application layer. Access is granted or denied at a SSL VPN
termination device hosted and managed by the network operator (see
Figure 5). Although it is not typically used for site-to-site communications,
SSL is being mentioned in this paper as an option for remote access or
traveling users.
There are compelling reasons to use Layer 1, 2 and 3 services
and any given enterprise may use one or a mix of service types.
Generally, private line networks, which operate at Layer 1, are used for
point-to-point application traffic where the user organization (or part
of an organization) is not interested in statistically sharing bandwidth
with other customers. This is often the case for very high-speed
applications such as machine-to-machine communications. Private
line services are often considered because of their reliability,
performance and security characteristics, as well.

Layer 2 services allow enterprises that are fairly distributed to reduce

WAN access circuit costs by sharing the carriers backbone service
with other customers. Enterprise can also get extra bandwidth across
the backbone when enough capacity is available in the backbone
network to allow them to burst up to their full port speeds end-to-end.
Layer 3 services are oriented toward highly distributed organizations
and are often selected by those running voice, data and video on a
single network infrastructure. Layer 3 intelligent routing allows any site
to find any other site simply by plugging into the backbone network,
vastly simplifying configuration. Layer 3 intelligence also allows for
value-added services such as encryption and other security features,
as well as automatic failover between devices for redundancy and
traffic management.
There is no one-size service that fits all organizations or even
necessarily a single organization. As they plan their WAN strategies
going forward, enterprises will do well to keep in mind the descriptions
and sample applications discussed in this paper and to consider their
own profiles carefully. Each service type has its place, and a given
organization will build its optimum WAN strategy based on its
application mix, traffic patterns, connection speed requirements and
inherent build or buy networking philosophy.

For more information contact an AT&T Representative or visit www.att.com/business.

04/08/08 AB-1216-01
2008 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT&T and the AT&T logo are trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property.

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