Land Reforms in India
Land Reforms in India
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If China has continued to be stable in spite of its size, defying the biological dictum that cor
pulence is a
China watchers ascribe it to their land reforms. In India everyone was talking about land
reforms but this
vital area has taken a back seat with nothing being done. Land reforms have been halfheartedly attempted at
times and this has proved
to be a case of the
remedy being worse than the disease.
Commenting on the process of land reforms,
Prof. M.L. Dantwala observes
"By and large land reforms in India enacted so far and those contemplated in the near futur
e, are in the right
and yet due to lack of implementation the actual results are far from satisfactory".
Joshi observes:
"There is no doubt that during the past twenty five years land reforms in India have not
assumed the form of
revolutionary upheaval as in China, or that of a dramatic change brought about
from above as in Japan.
But from this to
to the conclusion that the land reforms programme has been
a hoax or a total fiasco is to
substitute assertion for a
detailed empirical examination. India has also
witnessed important changes in the
agrarian structure, which have gone unnoticed because of the absence
of a downtoearth approach in assessing
these changes.
Evaluating the Indian land reforms, a recent comment from G.S. Balla is apt. He observe
"The Indian Government was committed to land reforms and consequently laws were
passed by all the State
Governments during the Fifties with the avowed aim of abolishing landlordism, distributing
land through
imposition of ceilings, protection of tenants and consolidation of landholdings.
One of the significant
achievements of these acts was the abolition of absentee landlordism in several parts of In
land reforms were halfhearted with regard to the imposition of ceilings and security of tenure.
the skewness in land distribution was not reduced in any significant manner. Further, a very
number of
tenants were actually evicted in the name of selfcultivation. In spite of it, land reforms brought about
significant change in land relations in so far as selfcultivation, rather than absentee landlordism, became a
predominant mode of production.
The Government of India is aware that agricultural development in India could
be achieved only with the
reform of India's rural institutional structure. It was said that the extent of the
utilisation of agricultural
resources would be determined by the institutional framework under which the various
inputs were put to use.
M. Dandekar observed:
"Among the actions intended to release the
accelerate the process of economic
growth, agrarian reform usually receives high priority".
After Independence, attempts had been made to alter the pattern of distribution
of land holdings on the basis of four types of experiments, namely
I.)Land reforms "from above" through legislation on the lines broadly indicated by the Centr
al Government,
enacted by the State legislators, and finally implemented by the agencies of the State
II.)Land reforms "from above" as in the case of Telengana and the naxalite movement also
to some extent in the
case of the "Land Grab" movement.
III.)Land reforms through legislative enactments "from above" combined with peasant mobil
isation "from
below" as in the case of controlled land seizure in West Bengal and protection of
poor peasants in
IV.)Land reforms "from below" through permission of landlords and peaceful processions by
peasants as in the
case of Bhoodan and Gramdan.
The land reform legislation was passed by all the State Governments during the
Fifties touching upon these measures
Abolition of intermediaries.
Tenancy reforms to regulate fair rent and provide security to tenure.
Ceilings on holdings and distribution of surplus land among the landlords.
Consolidation of holdings and prevention of their further fragmentation and
Development of cooperative farming.
The Act did not benefit subtenants and share croppers, as they did not have occupancy righ
ts on the land they
Intermediaries were abolished, but the rent receiving class continued to exist.
Many landlords managed to retain considerable land areas under the various provisions of t
he laws. Benami holdings became the order of the day in many States.
The problems of transferring ownership rights from the actual cultivators of the land, the te
nants, the
subtenants, share croppers, therefore, remained far from resolved.
Result, land reforms remain incomplete and unfinished.
The tenancy reform measures were of three kinds and they were:1) regulation of rent
2) security of tenure and
3) conferring ownership to tenants.
After independence, the payment of rent by the tenants of all classes and the rate of rent w
ere regulated by legislation.
The first FiveYear Plan laid down that rent should not exceed onefifth to onefourth of the tot
al produce.
The law along these lines has been enacted in all the States. The maximum rate of rent sh
ould not exceed that
suggested by the Planning Commission in all parts of the States. Maximum rents differed fr
om one State to
another Rajasthan, Maharashtra and Gujarat
fixed onesixth of the produce as maximum rent.
In Kerala, it ranges between onefourth and onethird and in the Punjab onethird. In Tamil Na
du, the rent varies from onethird to 40 per cent of the produce. In Andhra Pradesh it is onefourth for irrigated land.
rent could be paid in cash instead of kind.
With a view to ensuring security of tenure, various State
Governments have passed laws which have three essential aims:1.)Ejectment does not take place except with the provisions of law,
2.)the land may be taken over by the owners for personal cultivation only, and
3.) in the event of resumption the tenant is assured of the prescribed minimum areas.
The measures adopted in different States fall in four categories
First, all the tenants cultivating a portion of
land have been given full security of tenure without the land owners
having any right
to resume land for
personal cultivation. This is in operation in Uttar Pradesh and Delhi.
Secondly, land owners are permitted to
resume a limited area for personal
cultivation, but they should provide a
minimum area to the tenants. This
is in vogue in
Assam, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Punjab and Rajasthan.
Thirdly, the landowner can resume only
a limited extent of land and the tenant is not be entitled to any part of it.
This is operating in West Bengal,
Jammu and Kashmir.
In Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh and Orissa, measures in the form of an
order for staying
ejectments have been adopted to give temporary protection to the tenants.
Fourthly, ligislative measures have also indicated the circumstances under which only
ejectments are permitted.
Retrospective application of the law for declaring benami transactions null and void and
e. No scope to move the court on ground of infringement of fundamental rights
Besides, national guidelines were issued in 1972, which specified the land ceiling limit as:The best land 10 acres
For second class land 1827 acres and
For the rest, 2754 acres with a slightly higher limit in the hill and desert areas
According to the figures available till the beginning of the Seventh Plan, the area declared s
urplus is 72 lakh acres
the area taken over by the Government is 56 lakh acres and the area actually distributed i
s only 44 lakh acres.
Thus, 28 lakh acres of land declared surplus have not been distributed so far. Of this, 16 la
kh reserved for specific
public purposes.
The process involved in the distribution of surplus land was complicated and time consumin
thanks to the intervention of the court.
Many land owners surrendered but only inferior and uncultivable land. The
allottees, in many cases, could
not make proper use of the land as they did not have the money to improve the soil.
Several States have passed the Consolidation of Holdings Act.
Statistics reveal that 518 lakhs of hectares
had been consolidated in the country at the beginning of the Seventh
Five Year Plan, which constitute about 33% of the cultivatable land.
The food and the agricultural organisation (FAO), after studying the position in
and Uttar Pradesh
regarding the operation of the consolidation of holding act, remarked
"A significant reduction in the cost of cultivation, increased cropping intensity and a
more remunerative cropping pattern were developed in these two States."
The Planning Commission in the first three Five Year Plans, chalked out detailed plans for th
e development
of cooperative farming. Only two per cent of the agriculturists have formed cooperative soci
eties farming
only 0.2 per cent of the total cultivable area. Cooperative farming has certain difficulties to
big and marginal farmers are sceptical and the small peasants are not easily convinced that
the movement
would help them.
Assessed from the point of view of two broad
objectives namely, social justice and economic
land reforms, one might say, has been partially successful. Since the adoption of land refor
ms, the
ownership in the country is changed but one wonders whether it will ensure social justice in
Indian agriculture is in a stage of transition, from a predominantly semi feudal
oriented agriculture characterised by largescale leasing and subsistence farming to
oriented farming. Another noteworthy feature is the emergence of modern farmers who are
substantial landholders and cultivate their land through hired labourers using new techniques.
One of the major negative features of agrarian transition in India is the continued concentra
tion of land in the
hands of the
upper strata of the rural society. This has not undergone any change in the past five decade
despite the reforms.
In fact, leasing in by the affluent farmer is common place.
An outstanding development of Indian Agriculture was the rapid growth of landless agricult
ural labourers.
They constitute about 10 per cent of the agricultural population and make up about 25 per
cent of the labour force.
It may be inferred that the steps taken by the Government have not made any significant i
mpact on the agrarian
structure to reduce, let alone eliminate the inequality in the distribution of land or income o
r to afford to
lend the
poor the access to the land. It is also true that the land reforms did not seriously
jeopardise the interest
landholders. The structural impediments to production
and equitable
distribution of rural resources
are very much in existence.
Social, political and economic power still rests
with the elite group who were elite prior to 1947 also.
On the question of
increasing productivity, it is difficult to assess the exact contribution of land reforms
because productivity has been more related to the technical revolution ushered in the India
n agricultural sector.
As Dhingra says,
"It is difficult to say either
that land reforms did not contribute at all to an
agricultural production or
increase in agricultural production.
It is for the
future research workers to determine what has been the
relative share of institutional and
technological factors in agricultural development.
There are many factors responsible for the tardy progress but important among them are th
e lack of adequate
direction and determination, lack of political will, absence of pressure from below, inadequ
ate policy instrument,
legal hurdles, absence of correctupdated land records and the lack of financial support.
In order to achieve success, the Asian Development Bank has recommended a strategy on t
hese lines political
commitment at the top, administrative preparedness including the improvement of the tec
hnical design of
enactments, the provision of financial resources and the streamlining of the
organisational machinery
of implementation, creation of necessary supporting service for the beneficiaries and finall
y the organisation
of beneficiaries themselves.
In this background, the
following suggestions may be considered for improvement
1.) breaking up the landlord tenant nexus,
2.) effective implementation of ceiling legislation and distribution of surplus land and si
mplifying legal
procedures and administrative machinery and
3.) lastly the potential beneficiaries should be made aware of the programmes.
It is time we thought seriously of land reforms when especially a "humble farmer" is on top.
If in the new century
we still talk of reforms without effective implementation we will surely miss the bus.
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