CH15 - 1 Hydroponics
CH15 - 1 Hydroponics
CH15 - 1 Hydroponics
*For tomatoes (beefsteak and TOV) (U.S. Grade Standards For Greenhouse Tomatoes):
#1 fruit must be fairly well formed whereas #2 fruit can be reasonably well formed
Fruit must be free from decay, sunscald, freeze damage, bruises, cuts, catfacing
cracks, scars, puffiness, shriveling, disease, insects, etc.
For any particular lot of tomatoes: 10% may be damaged but only 1% soft or decayed.
*Tomatoes may be sold as a fresh market product or as a value added product.
Value added = to enhance or change the product before offering it to the customer.
Example: tomato paste, tomato sauce, tomato soup, salsa.
*Consumer concerns: Todays consumer takes many factors into account when buying produce.
Use of chemicals and pesticides
General freshness, condition and appearance of the product
Cleanliness of the product; is it free of dirt, insects and disease
How the product was handled which might result in problems with contamination
Perceptions with regard to genetically modified organisms (GMOs) or foods
Effects of foods on diet and disease (i.e., lycopene in tomatoes as a deterrent to cancer)
Problems with spoilage over time
Where the product was grown
Over-packaging and other packaging issues
METHODS OF MARKETING AND SALES (just the basics - marketing is very complex!)
*Direct Farm Market: Example: the grower sells the product at a roadside stand or takes the
product to a farmers market . This is typical of a small family business.
When selling at a stand, etc., the idea is to make the product look natural.
Use wooden crates or baskets and hand written signs.
Mirrors in back make it appear as though there is more product than there actually is.
Lights brighten the area and can be used to highlight certain items.
*Grower/Packer/Shipper: Similar to the above but on a much larger scale where the grower
packs and ships their product to a place of sale.
*Sales Agent/Distributor (usually receives a commission of 10% or more)
They can sell direct to supermarket chains, to a wholesaler to a terminal market (**) or
through a broker. (Note: The more people involved in the transaction, the
higher the final price of the product to the consumer.)
*Wholesaler/Handler: This person operates within a terminal market (**).
They sell produce at a price and mark-up agreed upon with the buyer.
(**) Terminal market: A central site, under the jurisdiction of the USDA & often in a
metropolitan area, that serves as an assembly and trading place for agricultural
commodities. Terminal markets are usually at or near major transportation hubs.
*Sale based on:
Cash to the seller: The buyer pays the seller outright for the product and takes all
responsibility for it after the purchase.
Consignment: The seller delivers the product to the buyer/distributor.
The seller is paid for all sold product, BUT
Whatever product is not sold the seller must take back and will not be paid for!
This is common when the product is not in good condition or can not be
guaranteed. Therefore, the value of the product rests with the
grower/shipper with no risk to the buyer.
The person buying on consignment often receives a 15% commission but may
also pay for the handling and freight.
*Two types of pricing: Depending upon the terms of the agreement, the price of produce
can shift with the market (variable pricing) or be fixed (contract pricing).
Variable pricing: a greenhouse hydroponic tomato grower might make more money per
unit in the Winter when competition is lower and demand is high, but not fair so
well during the Summer when there is a lot of competition and demand is lower.
Contract pricing: the grower would receive a fixed price year around. This might be
lower in the Winter than what could be obtained with variable pricing, but the
grower would make up the difference in the Summer when prices would
otherwise be much lower.
*Unless the public knows about the growers product they wont buy it!
And, the growers product must be better than others for the consumer to want it!
*Remember, in the case of tomatoes, open field tomatoes are cheaper than greenhouse
hydroponic tomatoes. So the grower must convince the consumer that it is worth the
added price to buy their greenhouse hydroponic product!
*One advertising technique is to use Sales bullets
= short phrases that emphasis a particular positive factor or attract a particular audience
and can be added to the advertising or packaging to promote the product.
Pesticide free
Hand picked with care
Sunshine sweet
Nature sweet
Vine ripened
Vitamin rich
Arizona sunshine
Hydroponically grown
Tomato eaters make better lovers