CH15 - 1 Hydroponics

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*Once the grower has a prime product, that product needs to be marketed. How the grower goes
about marketing their product will determine the success or failure of their operation.
*Marketing is a specialty in itself and should not be attempted by the novice.
*This section covers a few of the basics that must be kept in mind when marketing your
greenhouse hydroponic tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, lettuce, etc.
*In general:
Open field tomatoes are sold in direct competition with greenhouse hydroponic tomatoes
and will always be sold for a lower price.
Open field tomatoes from the USA are primarily produced in Florida and California
One disadvantage for open field tomatoes is the climate. Therefore, most field tomatoes
from the USA are grown in the Spring, Summer and Fall.
During the late Fall, Winter and early Spring greenhouse hydroponic tomatoes command
a larger share of the market (including those from Mexico gh & field).
*World-wide (combination of field and greenhouse hydroponic):
China is the top tomato producer (mainly field grown) in the world and exports mainly to
Vietnam, Hong Kong and Russia.
USA is the second ranked tomato producer (field plus greenhouse/hydroponic = total)
and exports mainly to Canada and Mexico.
Top fresh tomato exporters (total) = Spain Mexico Canada USA Italy France Turkey
Top fresh tomato importers (total) = USA France Canada Italy Mexico Japan
Top exporters of fresh market tomatoes (total) into the United States (2002 ):
Mexico ($550 million) Canada ($175 million) Holland ($50 million)
Spain ($10 million) Israel and others ($10 million)
*North America (Canada, USA and Mexico): (field and greenhouse hydroponic)
An increasing competition for the fresh tomato market from Canada and Mexico
1995: North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) led to trade disputes.
1996 to present: trade disputes continue over problems created by NAFTA.
The US imports more tomatoes from Mexico during the Winter (Jan Feb).
Canadian imports are nil during these months due to low light and high energy costs.
Mexican imports are reduced in Summer when US & Canadian production is up.
Most Mexican & US production is in open field vs greenhouse for Canadian production.


*The United States:

Area in greenhouse production in the USA is estimated at ~800 acres (2002).
Leading greenhouse tomato producing states are California, Arizona, Colorado,
Minnesota, New York, Pennsylvania, New Mexico, Nevada, Texas and Virginia.
Major greenhouse hydroponic tomato producers in the USA (over 100 acres):
EuroFresh ~220 acres in Willcox AZ and 44 acres in Snowflake AZ
Village Farms 148 acres in Texas, Pennsylvania and New York
Although open field, fresh market tomatoes are cheaper than greenhouse hydroponic
tomatoes, 61% of consumers purchased greenhouse product during the Winter
of 1999-2000.
Greenhouse tomatoes are purchased by all consumer groups.
Although more open field, fresh market tomatoes are produced, greenhouse tomatoes
now make up about 10% of the total tomato consumption in the United States.
* Very small operation:
1-2 greenhouses run by a family or retiree(s)
Usually requires a second income (second job or retirement income)
Small market: produce sold at the greenhouse, at a farmers market, to local stores, etc.
* Large operation:
1 to several greenhouses of 5 acres or more run by a corporation
The corporation pays a team of experts to run the operation (including growers, nutrition
and pest management specialists, engineers, marketing specialists, etc.)
Large market: local, statewide, nationwide, international
Several small growers working together in their businesses and marketing
Can all grow the same product or several products
Small to large market: but must be a dependable source of produce for the buyers
*Most crops grown using controlled environment agriculture and hydroponics are high cash
value and perishable.
An exception: China grows both horticultural and agronomic crops (cotton, peanuts,
etc.) using CEA in the form of plastic mulches.
*Usually regarded as luxury crops (as opposed to staple crops such as wheat, corn, rice, etc.,
which usually can not be grown economically using CEA/hydroponics).
Luxury foods, such as tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, lettuce, specialty greens, etc.,
add color and variety to a meal as well as vitamins and minerals.
Herbs add flavors to our meals and medicinals provide high quality alternative medicines.
Floriculture crops (much of which is grown using CEA) add beauty to our environment.
*Definitions for greenhouse hydroponic tomatoes include the use of permanent structures
(plastic/glass) and hydroponic growing systems to differentiate them from field grown tomatoes.


*For tomatoes (beefsteak and TOV) (U.S. Grade Standards For Greenhouse Tomatoes):
#1 fruit must be fairly well formed whereas #2 fruit can be reasonably well formed
Fruit must be free from decay, sunscald, freeze damage, bruises, cuts, catfacing
cracks, scars, puffiness, shriveling, disease, insects, etc.
For any particular lot of tomatoes: 10% may be damaged but only 1% soft or decayed.
*Tomatoes may be sold as a fresh market product or as a value added product.
Value added = to enhance or change the product before offering it to the customer.
Example: tomato paste, tomato sauce, tomato soup, salsa.
*Consumer concerns: Todays consumer takes many factors into account when buying produce.
Use of chemicals and pesticides
General freshness, condition and appearance of the product
Cleanliness of the product; is it free of dirt, insects and disease
How the product was handled which might result in problems with contamination
Perceptions with regard to genetically modified organisms (GMOs) or foods
Effects of foods on diet and disease (i.e., lycopene in tomatoes as a deterrent to cancer)
Problems with spoilage over time
Where the product was grown
Over-packaging and other packaging issues
METHODS OF MARKETING AND SALES (just the basics - marketing is very complex!)
*Direct Farm Market: Example: the grower sells the product at a roadside stand or takes the
product to a farmers market . This is typical of a small family business.
When selling at a stand, etc., the idea is to make the product look natural.
Use wooden crates or baskets and hand written signs.
Mirrors in back make it appear as though there is more product than there actually is.
Lights brighten the area and can be used to highlight certain items.
*Grower/Packer/Shipper: Similar to the above but on a much larger scale where the grower
packs and ships their product to a place of sale.
*Sales Agent/Distributor (usually receives a commission of 10% or more)
They can sell direct to supermarket chains, to a wholesaler to a terminal market (**) or
through a broker. (Note: The more people involved in the transaction, the
higher the final price of the product to the consumer.)
*Wholesaler/Handler: This person operates within a terminal market (**).
They sell produce at a price and mark-up agreed upon with the buyer.
(**) Terminal market: A central site, under the jurisdiction of the USDA & often in a
metropolitan area, that serves as an assembly and trading place for agricultural
commodities. Terminal markets are usually at or near major transportation hubs.


*Sale based on:
Cash to the seller: The buyer pays the seller outright for the product and takes all
responsibility for it after the purchase.
Consignment: The seller delivers the product to the buyer/distributor.
The seller is paid for all sold product, BUT
Whatever product is not sold the seller must take back and will not be paid for!
This is common when the product is not in good condition or can not be
guaranteed. Therefore, the value of the product rests with the
grower/shipper with no risk to the buyer.
The person buying on consignment often receives a 15% commission but may
also pay for the handling and freight.
*Two types of pricing: Depending upon the terms of the agreement, the price of produce
can shift with the market (variable pricing) or be fixed (contract pricing).
Variable pricing: a greenhouse hydroponic tomato grower might make more money per
unit in the Winter when competition is lower and demand is high, but not fair so
well during the Summer when there is a lot of competition and demand is lower.
Contract pricing: the grower would receive a fixed price year around. This might be
lower in the Winter than what could be obtained with variable pricing, but the
grower would make up the difference in the Summer when prices would
otherwise be much lower.
*Unless the public knows about the growers product they wont buy it!
And, the growers product must be better than others for the consumer to want it!
*Remember, in the case of tomatoes, open field tomatoes are cheaper than greenhouse
hydroponic tomatoes. So the grower must convince the consumer that it is worth the
added price to buy their greenhouse hydroponic product!
*One advertising technique is to use Sales bullets
= short phrases that emphasis a particular positive factor or attract a particular audience
and can be added to the advertising or packaging to promote the product.
Pesticide free
Hand picked with care
Sunshine sweet
Nature sweet
Vine ripened
Vitamin rich
Arizona sunshine
Hydroponically grown
Tomato eaters make better lovers


High in cancer-fighting lycopene

Natures finest
Arizona grown
Youll love every healthy bite
Grown in Wildcat country


*Controlled environment agriculture and hydroponics is often labeled as intensive.
To the economist, intensity is related to the labor and capital inputs per unit
of land involved.
Compared to open field agriculture, the labor and capital inputs per unit of land
for CEA/hydroponics are much greater.
*However, because of the potential for multiple cropping and higher yields, as well as
the high cash value of crops chosen for CEA/hydroponics, the high returns can
more than make up for the costs.
*Multiple cropping
With almost all forms of CEA and hydroponics growers can produce multiple
crops in a single year. Open field agriculture is usually limited to one.
Greenhouse hydroponic tomatoes can be grown year around with 2 overlapping
crops using interplanting. Ex.: one that produces from October to March
and a second that produces from March to July or October (see Chapter 3).
Greenhouse hydroponic cucumbers mature faster than tomatoes and can produce
up to 3 crops. Ex.: July to October, November to March and April to June.
Greenhouse hydroponic lettuce, with as little as 40-45 days to maturity, can yield
up to 10 crops per year.
*Higher yields - Several factors contribute to higher yields with CEA and hydroponics:
Control of the aerial environment (temperature, relative humidity, carbon dioxide
levels, light, etc.) maximize plant growth and productivity.
Control of the root environment (temperature, moisture, nutrient composition, oxygen
levels, etc.) also maximizes plant growth and productivity.
Higher planting densities result in higher productivity per unit area.
Even mulches and row covers for field crops can double or even quadruple early
yields (before other open field products are ready for market and when the
prices are therefore higher).
*However, these increased returns, in the form of multiple crops and higher yields, are
realized only by an increase in costs:



*The land:
The initial cost of the land, roads and utility installation (water, sewer, natural gas,
electricity, phone, etc.) will usually need to be paid up front via a loan and
will then be paid off over the first several years of operation.
The land may also need to be modified to accommodate greenhouses and support
buildings including grading, fencing, wind breaks, etc.
*Structures: These can be amortized over several years.
The greenhouse itself (frame, glazing, construction labor, environmental control
system and the nutrient delivery system injectors, mixing tanks, PVC
delivery tubing, etc.).
Support buildings
Office space with restrooms
Packing area
Storage area for produce which might include a cold room
Storage areas for supplies including seeds, growing media, fertilizers,
produce shipping boxes, irrigation equipment, support devices
(clips, tomahooks, etc.), tools, ladders, gloves, smocks, etc.
Workshop with equipment for fabrication and repairs
*Annual expenses (include but are not limited to):
Seeds or transplants
Growing media (rockwool, perlite, etc.) cubes, blocks, slabs, bags, etc.
Irrigation equipment (poly and drip tubing with stakes, emitters, misc. plastic)
White reflective ground cloth for the greenhouse floor (may last 2-3 years)
String for plant support
Tomahooks, vine clips and cluster clips (if these are not recycled)
Labor: Plant care & harvest (usually 1 full-time plant worker/2000m2), fruit packing,
office, etc. Should also include training costs.
Management costs: head growers, marketing, human resources, etc.
Should include training costs, travel, etc.
Misc. tools, ladders, gloves, etc.
Repairs and replacement parts on the structure, environmental control system,
nutrient delivery system, tools, etc.
Marketing expenses
Utility costs (water, electric, natural gas, phone, sewer, etc.)
Bee hives (tomatoes and peppers) and beneficial insects
Limited pesticide equipment and pesticides (organic is best) if needed
Insurance, property taxes and interest payments
Carts, bicycles and other vehicles
*Other expenses may be incurred depending upon the type of structure, crop, location,
and other considerations.



*A business plan is a formal document that will help you
Define the purpose of your business including personal and business goals
Discover problems before you begin the business
Take advantage of new opportunities as they occur
Estimate the cash needs for your business
Explain your business goals to others including loan agents, investors, etc.
List your skills and abilities as well as what is needed
Outline marketing prospects
*Elements of a business plan (As described in the booklet Preparing a Business Plan)
Title page
Make this look as professional as possible.
Include the company name, the date, contact person, contact information
Table of Contents
Gives an outline of your plan (include page numbers)
Business Profile and Summary
This is a basic orientation of the purpose and concept of your business
Basic financing and financial resources required
Basic business activities and targets marketing, production, labor,
financial and projected income/net worth
Business Organization
How the business is organized (sole proprietor, partnership, corporation)
Any required registrations and/or licenses
Business managers and advisors and their roles
The Marketing Plan
The industry: trade associations, journals, other growers, advisory services
Industry and market trends
Political and legal constraints or aids
Consumer responses, preferences and the target audience
Advertising, promotion, sales and pricing
The Human Resources Plan
Employee plan how many employees, job titles, functions
Organizational chart How the employees are organized
Compensation and benefits
Labor relations: training, motivation, discipline procedures, etc.
The Production Plan
Description of the land, buildings and facilities
A list of all the equipment needed (environmental control, auxiliary power
units, spray equipment, scales, meters, tools, heavy lift equipment,
electric or other carts, vehicles, etc.)
A list of all the materials/supplies needed (plants, beneficials, bags, etc.)
The production strategy (specifics about the crop and system to be used)
Initial construction and production/sales schedules (week by week plans)


The Financial Plan

Income statement (income from sales, operation expenses, net income)
Projected cash flow summary (need adequate capital first 3-5 years)
Projected statement of assets, liabilities and equity for the next 3 years
Capital sales and purchases (land, buildings, equipment)
Loan summary (type of loan, security given, interest rate, etc.)
Financial performance indicators (profit, growth and risk ratios for the
first 3 years)
The Long-Range Plan
Should cover the next 5-10 years
Business goals and objectives (i.e., no pesticides, expand staff training)
Major milestones anticipated (i.e., projected mortgage payoff)
Additional production/labor, financial backing and management or
marketing skills that will be required
*Final note: Any person considering starting a CEA/hydroponic business should learn as
much as they can about plant science, nutrition, diseases and IPM techniques,
greenhouse structures and control systems, marketing and business management
practices. More information about business planning can be obtained from local
financial institutions, state departments of agriculture, or other appropriate
1. Preparing A Business Plan: Greenhouse Vegetable Example. 1992. Published by the
Extension Systems Branch, British Columbia, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food,
808 Douglas Street, Victoria, B.C., Canada, V8W 2Z7. ISBN 0-7726-1514-4
2. Planning A Profitable Hydroponic Greenhouse Business. 1996. A.J. Savage. Sovereign
University Publishing House, 30 Caro Mio 1, Sark, Channel Islands, United Kingdom, GY9
0SE. ISBN 0-929440-00-5
3. Protected Agriculture: A Global Review. Part 4. Economic Factors. 1995. M.H. Jensen
and A.J. Malter. The International Bank For Reconstruction and Development/The World
Bank. 1818 H. Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20433. World Bank Technical Paper. ISBN
4. Web Pages:
University of Florida: Commodity Outlook 2003: Southeast U.S. Fresh Vegetable
USDA Tomato and Tomato Products Situation.
USDA International Agricultural Trade Report: U.S. Greenhouse Tomato Industry
Alleges Unfair Competition, Files Antidumping Action Against Rising Imports From
Greenhouse tomatoes change the dynamics of the North American Fresh Tomato


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