An RF-based System For Tracking Transceiver-Free Objects: Dian Zhang, Jian Ma, Quanbin Chen, and Lionel M. Ni

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An RF-based System for Tracking Transceiver-free Objects

Dian Zhang, Jian Ma, Quanbin Chen, and Lionel M. Ni

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong
In traditional radio-based localization methods, the
target object has to carry a transmitter (e.g., active
RFID), a receiver (e.g., 802.11x detector), or a transceiver (e.g., sensor node). However, in some applications, such as safe guard systems, it is not possible to
meet this precondition. In this paper, we propose a
model of signal dynamics to allow tracking of transceiver-free objects. Based on Radio Signal Strength
Indicator (RSSI), which is readily available in wireless
communication, three tracking algorithms are proposed to eliminate noise behaviors and improve accuracy. The midpoint and intersection algorithms can be
applied to track a single object without calibration,
while the best-cover algorithm has potential to track
multiple objects but requires calibration. Our experimental test-bed is a grid sensor array based on MICA2
sensor nodes. The experimental results show that the
best side length between sensor nodes in the grid is 2
meters and the best-cover algorithm can reach localization accuracy to 0.99m.

1. Introduction
Real-time tracking of moving objects is highly in
demand and important to many applications, such as
vehicle tracking [2], battlefield surveillance [18], animal habitat monitoring [25], and patient tracking in
hospitals [5]. It has attracted a great deal of attention in
various research communities. GPS [21] is a technology well known for its accuracy. However, GPS only
works in outdoor environments without satellite signals
being blocked. Moving object tracking in indoor environments is more complicated and several technologies, such as video, pressure, infrared, and ultrasound,
have been proposed. These technologies are usually
costly, including infrastructure, deployment, and maintenance, and may have some restrictions placed on the
environments in which they are applied. For example,

Proceedings of the Fifth Annual IEEE International

Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom'07)
0-7695-2787-6/07 $20.00 2007

video technology based on real-time image processing

is a feasible solution. However, video technology does
not work in dark environments and the privacy of those
being tracked creates another concern.
Radio frequency (RF) is another promising technology, which utilizes Radio Signal Strength Indicator
(RSSI) to track moving objects if both moving objects
and some reference objects are using RF signals to
communicate. In theory, the RSSI obtained by the receiver is a function of the distance between the transmitter and the receiver as indicated in many propagation models [16]. However, in practice, there are many
problems in applying these models. The indoor layout
structure, objects, and humans can cause reflection,
refraction, diffraction, and absorption of radio signals.
Therefore, severe multi-path phenomenon will occur
and affect the accuracy of indoor location sensing.
Moreover, many other factors also influence the RSSI,
such as temperature, orientation of antenna, and height
to the ground [7]. Nevertheless, since RSSI is readily
available in wireless communication without additional
cost, RF-based localization has become a hot research
issue in wireless networks [3] [10] [11] [13] [25].
In RF-based localization, both target objects and
reference objects have to communicate with others to
collect RSSI information for location estimation. There
are three basic models. In the first model, the target
object has to carry a transmitter (e.g., active RFID
tags) to periodically transmit beacon messages (e.g.,
the ID of the RFID tag). Many receivers (e.g., RFID
readers) with known locations may measure the RSSI
values of received beacon messages and cooperate to
estimate the locations of the target objects. In the second model, the target object has to carry a receiver
(e.g., 802.11x detectors). The target object is able to
receive RSSI information from nearby transmitters
(e.g., 802.11x access points) and estimate its current
location. In the third model, each object has a transceiver (e.g., sensor nodes) and exchange information
with other objects. Based on the RSSI information

collected from nearby objects, the target object may be

able to estimate its location. In order to improve the
localization accuracy, many techniques have been proposed and this subject remains a hot research issue.
In the above three models, the target object has to
carry a transmitter, a receiver, or a transceiver. This
precondition, however, cannot be met in some applications, such as safe guard systems. The objective of this
paper is to investigate if the location of moving objects
can be estimated without carrying any RF device in an
environment covered by a wireless sensor network
(WSN) where sensor nodes exchange information with
each other1. To the best of our knowledge, this is the
first paper that attempts to track transceiver-free objects using RF-based technology. Our initial research
shows that this is possible using some novel approaches as described later.
The basic idea of this paper is to construct a signal
dynamic model to obtain the property of the RSSI
changing behaviors in WSNs. Based on this model and
its property, we propose three tracking algorithms:
midpoint algorithm, intersection algorithm, and bestcover algorithm. Through using these algorithms, we
can eliminate the noise behaviors and improve tracking
accuracy. The midpoint and intersection algorithms can
be applied to track a single object without calibration,
while the best-cover algorithm has potential to track
multiple objects but requires calibration.
Our experimental test-bed is a grid sensor array
based on MICA2 sensor nodes [23]. The experimental
results show that the best side length between sensor
nodes in the grid is 2 meters and the best-cover algorithm can reach localization accuracy to 0.99m. In realtime moving object experiments, the tracking latency is
about three seconds, which is dependent on the information exchange interval between sensor nodes. The
best-cover algorithm can also recognize multiple objects if these objects are not tightly close to each other.
In short, the best-cover algorithm can perform transceiver-free object tracking as long as the objects are
not crowded in an area covered by a well-structured
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In the
next section, we provide some related work and give a
comparative overview. Section 3 introduces the signal
dynamic model and the associated property. The proposed three tracking algorithms are described in Section 4. We then show the experimental results and
evaluate the performance in Section 5. Lastly, we conclude the paper and list our future work.

In fact, we only take advantage of the communication behavior of sensor nodes, not the associated sensing device.

Proceedings of the Fifth Annual IEEE International

Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom'07)
0-7695-2787-6/07 $20.00 2007

2. Related Work
Other than the RF technology, some other technologies might be used to track moving objects.
Video. In the computer vision area, by applying
many video-based algorithms on sequences of images
from a camera or synchronized images captured from
multiple cameras, moving people can be tracked [4] or
the number of people in a certain area can be counted
[22]. However, this technology is expensive and fails
in darkness. Moreover, it may violate the privacy of
Infrared. In the context of infrared wireless networks, the limited range of an infrared network, which
facilitates the user location, is a handicap in providing
ubiquitous coverage. For example, some companies,
such as Acorel [1], already have some products based
on infrared technology. However, they can only record
how many people enter or exist in a restricted area by
monitoring that areas access, such as the door of a
room. Moreover, this technology requires careful and
dense deployment, and does not work in a more complicated environment.
Pressure. An optional localization technology is to
use acceleration and air pressure sensors to detect peoples footsteps [17]. The obvious drawbacks of this
technology are the high cost and need for careful deployment.
Ultrasound. The technologies using ultrasonic sensor networks usually require the target object to carry a
transmitter or receiver. Most of them adopt an ultrasonic Time-Of-Flight (TOF) method to obtain location
information. For example, in the Bat Ultrasonic Location System [19], the target object must carry a Bat
(transmitter), while this Bat periodically emits a short
pulse of ultrasound. The Cricket Location-Support
System [15] uses a combination of ultrasound and RF
to provide a location-support service. It allows applications running on mobile and static nodes to learn their
physical locations by using listeners (receivers) that
hear and analyze information from beacons spread
throughout the building.
As mentioned earlier, three indoor localization
models have been studied using the RF technology.
They are 802.11, active RFID, and wireless sensor
802.11. 802.11 technologies use a standard network
adapter to measure signal strengths. This approach
utilizes signal strength information gathered from
known multiple access points to locate objects. Some
approaches build a radio map of signal strength value
for each location [3] [24]. All these methods need the
target object to carry a radio detector (receiver).
RFID. LANDMARC can localize the target object

Figure 1: Static environment

Figure 2: Dynamic environment

carrying an active RFID [11]. It adopts a number of

reference tags to alleviate the fluctuation feature in
RSSI and then utilizes K nearest reference tags coordinates to compute the coordinate value of the tracking
tag. However, this method also requires the target object to carry a tracking tag, which is an active RFID
(transmitter). In addition, the RFID readers are expensive. Therefore, it will cost much if applied to a large
area. Our system only uses the cheaper MICA2 sensor
nodes [23].
Wireless Sensor Networks. Similarly, in RF-based
WSNs, the information gathered from sensors is used
to infer the global or application-defined local coordinates of the objects. Most of the object localization
methods calculate distance or count the hop number to
some nodes whose positions are already known, or
measure the angle of arrival to derive location information [8] [9] [10] [12] [13] [25]. The target object also
has to carry a sensor node (transceiver) to send or receive the packets.

3. The Signal Dynamic Model

We have to understand how the movement of an object will affect the signal strength of two communicating sensor nodes. To focus on this effect, we consider a
static environment, shown in Figure 1, where two sensor nodes are fixed on the ceiling with d distance apart
and are h distance from the ground. For the corresponding dynamic environment, shown in Figure 2, at
least one object moves in the environment. All other
factors, such as temperature, remain unchanged.

3.1. Theoretical background

In an indoor static environment, there should be two
main radio propagation paths between the transmitter
and the receiver besides the multi-path reflections of
the surroundings. One is the line-of-sight path and the
other is the ground reflection path as illustrated in
Figure 1.
For the direct line-of-sight propagation path, according to the free space model, the power received by

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Figure 3: Position classification on

the ground

the receiver is given by the Friis free space equation

[16] as
P1 =

Pt G t G r 2


(4 )2 d 2

where Pt is the transmitted power in watts, P1 is the

received power in watts, Gt is the transmitter antenna
gain, Gr is the receiver antenna gain, is the wavelength in meters, and d is the distance from transmitter
to receiver.
For the ground reflection path, the power received
by the receiver can be expressed as
P2 =

Pt Gt G r 2


(4 )2 (d 2 + 4h 2 )

Suppose the intensity magnitudes of the line-ofsight path and the ground reflection path are E1 and E2,
respectively. Eother is the intensity magnitude of other
radio propagation paths, such as the reflections of the
surroundings. The total received power by the receiver
P0 in the indoor static environment is expressed below.
P0 E1 + E 2 + E other
This value is almost stable in a static environment although noise does exist.
When a finite-sized object comes into this static environment, the target object will scatter the incident
power in various directions as illustrated in Figure 2.
According to radar equation [14], the received power
influenced by the target is
P G G 2
Pobj = t t 3 r2 2
(4 ) r1 r2
where r1 is the distance from the transmitter to the target object, r2 is the distance from the target object to
the receiver, and is the radar cross section of the target object. The radar cross section is defined as the
ratio of scattered power to incident power density.
According to scattering theory [6], in the dynamic
environment, E1, E2 and Eother will not change their values. The total received power by the receiver is the
sum of incident and scatted waves as below
P E1 + E 2 + E other + E obj


where Eobj is the intensity magnitude of scatted wave

PL(1m to MPL)
PL(2m to MPL)
PL(3m to MPL)




Dynamic of RSSI (dB)

Dynamic of RSSI(dB)



Figure 4: Proof of the signal dynamic


caused by the target object.

Based on Eqs. [1-5], as long as Pobj << P0, we get
the difference of power received by the receiver as


That is, if the condition Pobj << P0 is satisfied, the difference of signal strength between static environment
and dynamic environment is approximately proportional to Pobj. Here we omit the proof part because of
the page limitation.

3.2. Signal dynamic property

At first, we classify the object position on the
ground as shown in Figure 3. The main parallel line
(MPL) is the mapping on the ground of the transmitterreceiver. The main vertical line (MVL) is perpendicular to MPL crossing the midpoint of MPL. Parallel
Lines (PL) and Vertical Lines (VL) are on the ground
and parallel or equal to MPL and MVL, respectively.
Second, suppose we have m number of RSSI values in
the static environment, which are a1, a2, , am and b is
the RSSI value in the dynamic environment. We define
the RSSI dynamic as below.

i =1

b ai

Based on the theoretical background, we have the

following property to describe the signal dynamics.
Signal dynamic property: Along each PL or VL, if
the object position is closer to its midpoint, the RSSI
dynamics caused by the object are larger.
Let us verify the signal dynamic property. First,
suppose the object is on one PL as shown in Figure 4.
We define hp as the distance between the midpoint of
the PL and the midpoint of the transmitter-receiver,
and x as the distance between the object and the midpoint of the PL. The deduction is as follows.

r12 = x + h p2

r22 = x + + hp2

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Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom'07)
0-7695-2787-6/07 $20.00 2007



Distance to midpoint (m)

Figure 5: PL view of model


P Pobj




VL(0.75m to MVL)
VL(1.5m to MVL)
VL(2.25m to MVL)




Distance to midpoint (m)

Figure 6: VL view of model test


r12 r22 = x + h 2p x + + h p2


= x 4 + 2 ( h p2

d2 2 d2
) x +
+ h p2

+ h p2 d 2
= x 2 + h p2

When x becomes smaller, the value of r12r22 also

grows smaller. According to Eqs. (4) and (6), Pobj is
inverse proportional to r12r22. We prove that along each
PL, when the object is closer to its midpoint, Pobj is
Suppose the object position is on one VL. Because
the midpoint of each VL is on MPL, the line from the
transmitter or receiver to the midpoint of VL is perpendicular to the VL. Thus, the value of r12r22 becomes
smaller when the object moves closer to its midpoint.
We prove that along each VL, if the object is closer to
the midpoint of it, Pobj is larger.
Based on Eqs. (6), the difference of signal strength
between static environment and dynamic environment
is approximately proportional to Pobj. Therefore, the
signal dynamic property is verified.

3.3. Experimental verification of the model

In order to verify the signal dynamic property further, we use two MICA2 sensor nodes [23]. Its detail
setting is described in the next section. Each sensor
acts as both a transmitter and a receiver. These two
sensor nodes are placed 3m apart on the ceiling of a
room with the height of 2.4m. We arrange one person
to act as the target object and test different PL and VL
We show the relationship between the positions of
the person and the related RSSI dynamics from the PL
direction and VL direction in Figure 5 and Figure 6,
respectively. The coordinates of the two sensors are (0,
-1.5) and (0, 1.5), respectively. For each PL and each
VL, we find that the RSSI dynamics bump up around
the center (0, 0). That is, the person standing at the

Figure 7: An example of midpoints algorithm

Figure 8: An example of intersection algorithm

midpoint of MPL or MVL has the largest RSSI dynamics. For each PL or each VL, although there are some
fluctuations at some positions due to noise behavior, in
general, the RSSI dynamics are larger as the person
moves closer to its midpoint. We also observe that
when the object position is on the MPL or MVL, the
RSSI dynamics are much larger than it is when the
person is at the same place on the other PLs or VLs.
From our experiments, we further verified that the
relationship between the person-position and the associated RSSI dynamics does obey the signal dynamic

4. Methodology
Extending our signal dynamic model, we deploy
sensors in a regular 2D grid array, in which the positions of all the nodes are predetermined. Each node
broadcasts beacon messages periodically and listens to
the beacons from its neighbors as well.
The basic idea of our methodology is to detect the
RSSI dynamics due to the movement of objects. Because noise behavior sometimes can also generate
some RSSI dynamics, in order to reduce the influence
of noise, we set a dynamic threshold for each wireless
link. Only when the measured RSSI dynamics on a link
is larger than its threshold, we call the link as an influential link. Based on the signal dynamic property, the
influential links tend to cluster around the object position. Thus, we can employ these influential links to
locate the target objects.
In this section, first we present the midpoint and intersection algorithms, which can be applied to track a
single object without calibration. Then, in order to improve the accuracy and track multiple objects, we propose the best-cover algorithm, which requires calibration on the wireless links with the same distance.

4.1. Midpoint algorithm

Based on our model, by using the sensor grid, the
influential links tend to cluster around the object. The

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Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom'07)
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Figure 9: An example of bestcover algorithm

midpoint algorithm utilizes the midpoints of the influential links to estimate the object location. We assign a
weight value to the midpoint of each influential link
according to its RSSI dynamic value. The object position can be calculated as the weighted average of these
midpoints positions.
An example is illustrated in Figure 7, where a
thicker influential link implies that it has a larger RSSI
dynamic value. For example, link ab is one of the influential links. m is the midpoint of link ab. From the
signal dynamic property, link ab having a larger RSSI
dynamic value means it is closer to the object position,
so is the midpoint m of link ab. In this example, there
are four midpoints on four influential links (some of
them are overlapped).
Since the coordinates of all the sensor nodes are
known in advance, for each influential link, the midpoint coordinate (xi, yi) can be calculated. The weight
of each influential link is pi, which is the RSSI dynamic value of the link. Assuming we have in total n
influential links, we compute the weighted average of
all the midpoints and get the object position coordinate
value (xobj, yobj) as below.

p x

xobj =

i =1

p y

i =1

yobj =

i =1

i =1

Since we only need to compute the midpoint coordinate of each influential link, the complexity of the
midpoint algorithm is O (n), where n is the number of
influential links.

4.2. Intersection algorithm

The intersection algorithm improves the midpoint
algorithm by using the intersection points of influential
links instead of the midpoints of them. This is because
more points on the influential links offer more information of the object location. If there are more intersection points, the possibility that the links are caused
by noise is smaller. For each intersection point, we
assign it a weigh value as the sum of RSSI dynamic

4m between 2 nodes

Y - Dynamics of RSSI (dB)






X - Distance to midpoint (m)

Figure 10: Illustration of one influential link

Figure 11: Calibration on sensor distance with 4m

values of the two crossing links. Then, we average all

the intersection points to calculate the object position.
An example is illustrated in Figure 8. Besides the
influential link ab shown in the same scenario as in
Figure 7, links cd and ef are also influential links. m1 is
the intersection point between link ab and link cd. m2
is the intersection point between link ab and link ef.
From the signal dynamic property, if the influential
link has a larger RSSI dynamic value, it will be closer
to the object position. Therefore, links ab, cd, and ef
are all close to the object. Moreover, link ab also has
intersections with links cd and ef. The intersection
points m1 and m2 are both close to the object and the
possibility that link ab is caused by noise is small.
Therefore, for link ab, instead of using only one midpoint, we utilize two intersection points for the object
Since the coordinates of all nodes are known in advance, we can calculate the intersection coordinate
value (xi, yi) of any two influential links in advance.
Furthermore, the weight pi of the two intersected influential links is defined as the sum of the RSSI dynamic
value of the two influential links.
Suppose the number of influential links is n and the
number of intersection points is l. We calculate the
estimated object-position (xobj, yobj) as the weighted
average value of all the intersection points.

xobj =

i =1


, yobj =

i =1

i =1


i =1

Since we need to calculate the intersection coordinate of each two influential links, the total algorithm
complexity is O (n2), where n is the number of influential links.

4.3. Best-cover algorithm

Instead of utilizing points on the influential links as
described in previous algorithms, for each influential
link, the best-cover algorithm creates a rectangle area,

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Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom'07)
0-7695-2787-6/07 $20.00 2007

Figure 12: Experimental environment

in which the object is likely to reside. Therefore, in the

sensor grid, there are many rectangles and some of
them will overlap as shown in Figure 9. It is obvious
that if one place has more overlapping rectangles, the
object is more likely to be within that area. Therefore,
in this algorithm, we use a square with a fixed area to
scan in the grid area. At each scanning position, we
calculate the sum of the intersection area between the
scanning square and the generated rectangles on each
influential link. We also define covering rate as the
ratio of the number of rectangles intersecting with the
scanning square to the total number of rectangles on all
the influential links. The most possible object location
is the position of the scanning square with the largest
total covering area and the calculation reliability is
according to its covering rate. Because the scanning
square is an estimated area to represent the target object, such as a person, we adopt a square to be 0.50.5
square meters in our experiments.
As far as multiple objects are concerned, we define
a cluster as a collection of rectangles, among which
each two rectangles can be connected directly or indirectly by other rectangles. Each cluster represents one
object inside so that we can identify the number of
objects by counting the number of clusters. For each
cluster, we define a covering area, which is the sum
area of all the associated rectangles. We can eliminate
the noise behaviors since a cluster caused by noise
usually has a very small covering area. However, if
multiple objects are tightly close to each other, we may
underestimate the number of objects because their corresponding clusters may merge into one cluster.
Given a pair of sensor nodes, in order to estimate
the size of its rectangle area, we should do calibrations
before running this algorithm. According to our signal
dynamic property, when the object is on MPL or MVL,
the RSSI dynamic is much larger than it is when the
object is at the same place on other PLs or VLs. Therefore, given an RSSI dynamic value of one influential
link, such as link ab in Figure 9, the possible area of
the object-position is likely covered in an ellipse

1m between 2 nodes

6m between 2 nodes

4m between 2 nodes






Y - Dynamics of RSSI (dB)





Y - Dynamics of RSSI (dB)

Y - Dynamics of RSSI (dB)














X - Distance to midpoint (m)






X - Distance to midpoint (m)



X - Distance to midpoint (m)

Figure 13: Dynamic behaviors on different sensor distances

shown in Figure 10. To simplify the calculation, we
use a bounding rectangle instead of the ellipse to represent this area. Let L and W represent the length and
width of the rectangle, respectively. In order to get the
related value of L and W of the rectangle on each influential link, we perform the calibration for different
sensor distances. For each sensor distance, we arrange
a person to stand at different positions of its MPL and
MVL, and then we record the related RSSI dynamic
One of the calibration results on different link distances is shown in Figure 11. For each link distance, no
matter the object is on MPL or on MVL, the RSSI dynamics grow higher when the object moves closer to its
midpoint. Therefore, for each dynamic line on MPL
and MVL, we use a threshold to intercept it. We denote
the interval on MPL as the length L of the rectangle,
and the interval on MVL as the width W of the rectangle. Therefore, for different influential links with the
different distances, we get the size of rectangles and
complete the calibration step.
Since we should compute the total covering area at
each scanning-step and generate the rectangle for each
influential link, the complexity of the best-cover algorithm is O(nk), where n is the number of influential
links and k is the total number of scanning times for the
scanning square in the grid. The value of k depends on
the side length of the grid array and the scanning step.

5. Performance Evaluation
In this section, we first describe our experimental
setup and phases of the tracking system. Second, the
investigation of sensor distance and dynamic threshold
are given. Third, we compare the performance of the
three tracking algorithms proposed in the last section.
Lastly, the tests of a moving object and multiple objects are provided.

5.1. Experimental setup

We conduct experiments in an empty room with
129 square meters. As shown in Figure 12, since the

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Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom'07)
0-7695-2787-6/07 $20.00 2007

ceiling is not level, we hang the ropes from the ceiling

to set up a 44 sensor grid. All the sensors are 2.40
meters above the floor.
We use the popular MICA2 nodes with Chipcon
CC1000 radio chips and monopole antennas [23].
Unless stated explicitly, the default transmission power
is set as 0 dBm. The radio frequency is 870 MHz. We
program all the sensor nodes to broadcast beacons periodically with the same interval. In order to avoid beacon collision, each node has to wait a short backoff
time before broadcasting a beacon. The default beacon
interval is three seconds.
Generally, all the proposed tracking algorithms consist of two phases. First, in the initialization phase,
each node builds a static table to store the static RSSI
values for all its neighbors after receiving enough
number of beacons. The link thresholds are also computed from those static RSSI values. The initialization
phase has to be carried out in the static environment.
After initializing all the nodes, the system enters the
tracking phase. Each node measures the RSSI dynamic
value to detect the influential links. If the RSSI dynamic value on a link is higher than the corresponding
link threshold, the link is considered to be an influential link and the RSSI dynamic value is reported back
to the sink node. Otherwise, the dynamic value is used
to update the static table.

5.2. The impact of sensor distance

In this study, we assume a rectangular 2D grid array
where the distances to each of the four neighbors are
the same. Clearly, the accuracy of position estimation
depends on the size of the sensor grid array. Therefore,
how to choose an appropriate cell size in the grid is a
key point. We test the radio dynamic behavior of different sensor distances from 1m to 6m. In our experimental environment, some of the test results are shown
in Figure 13.
Test results show that different sensor distances
cause different RSSI dynamic behaviors. For the sensor distances, which are larger than 1m and smaller
than 6m, the RSSI dynamics grow larger as the object





s + 0.1 dB







s= Variance
in static
s - 0.1 dB
s - 0.2 dB



Tracking error (m)

s + 0.2 dB

0 .8
0 .6
0 .4
0 .2









Intersection Best-cover

Figure 14: Test on different thresholds





Tracking error (m)



Figure 15: Algorithm comparison on all samples

is closer to the midpoint of MPL or MVL. We call

these links valid links. However, for other sensor dis
tances such as smaller than 1m or greater than 6m, this
trend is not obvious. If the sensor distance is very short,
the received signal strength is very strong on the lineof-sight radio propagation path and it is not easily influenced by the scatted wave caused by the object. On
the contrary, if the sensor distance is very large, the
received signal strength is very weak and is susceptible
to noise interference. Therefore, we call these links as
invalid links.
Among the tested valid links, we find that the dynamic behavior is the best when the sensor distance is
equal to 4m. Therefore, if we set the side length between sensor nodes as 2m chosen from the candidates
from 1m to 6m, the sensor grid can cover the sensor
distances with 4m, 2m, and their diagonals. Thus, we
can ensure the most number of valid links in our gird
setting. Therefore, the best side length between sensors
in the grid is 2m and we use this setting in our experiments.
Moreover, similar test of radio dynamic behavior on
different sensor distances should be performed in the
calibration step before running our best-cover algorithm. The invalid links can be skipped in the algorithm, so the efficiency and accuracy can be improved.

5.3. Dynamic threshold

The dynamic threshold is a key point for deciding
the influential links. If its value is set very high, there
are no enough influential links to localize the target
objects. On the contrary, many influential links caused
by noise will be taken into account, which will decrease the accuracy making a tradeoff necessary. Since
noise behavior will cause some radio signal strength
fluctuations in the static environment, we denote s as
the largest difference between each measurement and
the average of RSSI in the static environment. If the
RSSI dynamics of a link are lower than s, it is likely
that the RSSI dynamics are caused by noise on the link.
Thus, we can eliminate the noise behaviors if we set s
as the threshold. In order to test whether this setting is

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Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom'07)
0-7695-2787-6/07 $20.00 2007



Tracking error (m)



Figure 16: Algorithm comparison on non-border samples

suitable, we test different thresholds above or below

this empirical value. Based on 169 tested object positions, we find that no matter which algorithm we
choose, the tracking errors are all larger than if we
choose s as the threshold, as Figure 14 shows.

5.4 Comparison of algorithms

In our experiments, we test 169 sample positions in
the area covered by the grid. Among these samples,
there are 48 samples on the border area of the grid. We
find that, whether the test samples include the border
area (as shown in Figure 15) or not (as shown in Figure
16), the best-cover algorithm significantly outperforms
the other two algorithms. Specifically for the nonborder samples, the average tracking error of the bestcover algorithm is 0.99m. Since the total number of
influential links is small when the object position is in
the border area, the accuracy is not as good as it is
when the object position is in the other places.
In summary, if high accuracy is not critical and
with only one moving object, the intersection algorithm is a good choice as it is easy to implement and
does not require calibration. Otherwise, the best-cover
algorithm is recommended.

5.5. The effect of moving objects

To study the effect of a moving object, we arrange a
person to walk through some fixed traces under the
sensor grid. The speed of moving is 0.5 m/s. Since it is
our first attempt, the speed is not very high. One of the
testing traces is shown in Figure 17. The dashed line
with an arrow represents the trace of the moving person. The solid line is the trace calculated by the bestcover algorithm. The average tracking error of this
example is 0.74m. Another moving object example is
shown in Figure 18. The average tracking of this example is 0.66m. In these two examples, when the person moves close to the border area, the number of the
caused influential links is relatively small leading to
the track accuracy decreasing in some extent. The latency of detecting a person in the corresponding posi-

Figure 17: Moving test 1

Figure 18: Moving test 2

tion is around 3 seconds, which is same as the time

interval for sending beacon messages.
In summary, our system possesses the ability to
catch the trace of a moving object with accuracy.
However, if the object moves very fast, it is difficult
for our system to catch the full trace. We can improve
it by using a distributed algorithm to dynamically adjust the beacon interval. That is, if the RSSI dynamic
value of one sensor is larger than the link threshold, we
can decrease the beacon interval, and vice versa. Thus,
we can decrease packet collisions and reduce system
latency. Due to the time constraints in conducting the
experiments, we leave it for our future work.

5.6. The effect of multiple objects

Detecting multiple moving objects is really a challenge for our system. With the best-cover algorithm,
our system is able to recognize multiple objects by
counting the number of the clusters formed by the influential links. If the objects are tightly close to each
other, we regard them as one object.
An example of our experiment is shown in Figure
19, in which we have two persons. The experiment
result has three disjoint clusters of rectangles. We ignore the cluster on the bottom part because it has a
very small covering area. We estimate the location of
the two persons based on the remaining two clusters.
The tracking errors of the two persons are 1.06m and
1.86m, respectively.

6. Conclusions and Future work

We have presented three algorithms for tracking
transceiver-free moving objects in WSNs. To the best
of our knowledge, this is the first work to track transceiver-free objects in an indoor environment using the
RF-based technology. We can maintain the properties
of low cost and easy deployment while having less
restriction regarding environments.

Proceedings of the Fifth Annual IEEE International

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Figure 19: Multiple object test

Our methods utilize the RSSI dynamic value between the static environment and the dynamic environment to calculate the target object position. Among
the three algorithms, the midpoint and intersection algorithms can be used for applications without requiring
high accuracy and with only one moving object. If
some calibrations are performed in advance, which test
the dynamic behavior and measure the possible object
area by different sensor distances, the best-cover algorithm significantly beats the previous two. Furthermore, our system can also support moving object tracking. Even if there are multiple objects in our system, as
long as the objects are not tightly close to each other,
the best-cover algorithm is able to locate them. If the
objects are tightly close to each other, we would recognize them as one object.
The algorithm complexity relies on the number of
influential links. Even in a very large area covered by
the sensor grid, as long as the moving objects are not
crowded, the number of the influential links stays very
limited. For the midpoint and intersection algorithms,
the complexity is nearly constant. For the best-cover
algorithm, the complexity still depends on the side
length of the grid array and the scanning step.
As future work, we would like to try a larger area
covered by the sensor grid. Furthermore, we may try
other settings or irregular topologies instead of the grid
setting to deploy sensors. For example, we may consider hexagon structure for each cell in the deployment.
At each cell, the number of sensor pairs with the same
distance will be larger than that in the grid setting. This
may help to improve the accuracy of location estimation. Our solution to multiple moving objects is restricted. Some probabilistic models may be used to
analyze the dynamic behavior of the multiple moving
traces in the future.


This research was supported in part by Hong Kong

RGC Grant HKUST6183/05E, the Key Project of

China NSFC Grant 60533110, the National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program) under Grant
No. 2006CB303000, and the HKUST Digital Life Research Center Grant.

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