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Chapter 4

We Are All Connected
Heroes TV Series

Many real-life problems can be classied as graph problems. Some have ecient solutions. Some do not have
them yet. In this chapter, we learn various graph problems with known ecient solutions, ranging from basic
traversal, minimum spanning trees, shortest paths, and network ow algorithms.


Overview and Motivation

In this chapter, we discuss graph problems that are commonly appear in programming contests,
the algorithms to solve them, and the practical implementations of these algorithms. The issue on
how to store graph information has been discussed earlier in Section 2.3.1.
We assume that the readers are familiar with the following terminologies: Vertices/Nodes,
Edges, Un/Weighted, Un/Directed, In/Out Degree, Self-Loop/Multiple Edges (Multigraph) versus
Simple Graph, Sparse/Dense, Path, Cycle, Isolated versus Reachable Vertices, (Strongly) Connected Component, Sub-Graph, Tree/Forest, Complete Graph, Directed Acyclic Graph, Bipartite Graph, Euler/Hamiltonian Path/Cycle. If you encounter any unknown terms. Please go to
Wikipedia [46] and search for that particular term.
Table 4.1 summarizes our research so far on graph problems in recent ACM ICPC Asia regional
contests and its ICPC Live Archive [11] IDs. Although there are so many graph problems (many
are discussed in this chapter), they only appear either once or twice in a problem set. The question
is: Which ones that we have to learn? If you want to do well in contests, you have no choice but
to study all these materials.


Depth First Search

Basic Form and Application

Depth First Search - abbreviated as DFS - is a simple algorithm to traverse a graph. With
the help of a global array int dfs_num[V] which is initially set to unvisited (a constant value




Problem Name
The Suspects
Geodetic Set Problem
Finding Nemo
Color a Tree
Invite Your Friends
Ultimate Bamboo Eater
Bug Sensor Problem
Anti Brute Force Lock
Polynomial-time Red...
Gun Fight
Unlock the Lock
Interstar Transport
Repeated Substitution ...
Infected Land

c Steven & Felix, NUS


Graph Problem (Algorithm)

Connected Component
APSP (Floyd Warshall)
SSSP (Dijkstra on Grid)
MST (Kruskal)
SSSP Un+Weighted (BFS + Dijkstra)
Longest Path in DAG (Toposort + DP + DS)
MST (Kruskal)
SSSP (Floyd Warshall, small graph)
Maximum Spanning Tree (Kruskal)
MST (Kruskal)
Flow on Graph
Bipartite Matching ( Max Flow)
SSSP on unweighted graph (BFS)
APSP (Floyd Warshall)

Table 4.1: Some Graph Problems in Recent ACM ICPC Asia Regional
DFS_WHITE = -1), DFS starts from a vertex u, mark u as visited (set dfs_num[u] to DFS_BLACK = 1),
and then for each unvisited neighbor v of u (i.e. edge u v exist in the graph), recursively visit
v. The snippet of DFS code is shown below:
typedef pair<int, int> ii; // we will frequently use these two data type shortcuts
typedef vector<ii> vii;
#define TRvii(c, it) \ // all sample codes involving TRvii use this macro
for (vii::iterator it = (c).begin(); it != (c).end(); it++)
void dfs(int u) { // DFS for normal usage
printf(" %d", u); dfs_num[u] = DFS_BLACK; // this vertex is visited, mark it
TRvii (AdjList[u], v) // try all neighbors v of vertex u
if (dfs_num[v->first] == DFS_WHITE) // avoid cycle
dfs(v->first); // v is a (neighbor, weight) pair

The time complexity of this DFS implementation depends on the graph data structure used. In
a graph with V vertices and E edges, dfs runs in O(V + E) and O(V 2 ) if the graph is stored as
Adjacency List and Adjacency Matrix, respectively.

Figure 4.1: Sample graph for the early part of this section
On sample graph in Figure 4.1, dfs(0) calling DFS from a start vertex u = 0 will trigger
this sequence of visitation: 0 1 2 3 4. This sequence is depth-rst, i.e. DFS goes to


c Steven & Felix, NUS

the deepest possible vertex from the start vertex before attempting another branches. Note that
this sequence of visitation depends very much on the way we order neighbors of a vertex, i.e. the
sequence 0 1 3 2 (backtrack to 3) 4 is also a possible visitation sequence. Also notice
that one call of dfs(u) will only visit all vertices that are connected to vertex u. That is why
vertices 5, 6, and 7 in Figure 4.1 are currently unvisited by calling dfs(0).
The DFS code shown here is very similar to the recursive backtracking code shown earlier in
Section 3.1. If we compare the pseudocode of a typical backtracking code (replicated below) with
the DFS code shown above, we can see that the main dierence is just whether we ag visited
vertices. DFS does. Backtracking does not. By not revisiting vertices, DFS runs in O(V + E), but
the time complexity of backtracking goes up exponentially.
void backtracking(state) {
if (hit end state or invalid state) // invalid state includes states that cause cycling
return; // we need terminating/pruning condition
for each neighbor of this state // regardless it has been visited or not

Other Applications
DFS is not only useful for traversing a graph. It can be used to solve many other graph problems.
Finding Connected Components in Undirected Graph
The fact that one single call of dfs(u) will only visit vertices that are actually connected to u can
be utilized to nd (and to count) the connected components of an undirected graph (see further
below for a similar problem on directed graph). We can simply use the following code to restart
DFS from one of the remaining unvisited vertices to nd the next connected component (until all
are visited):
#define REP(i, a, b) \ // all sample codes involving REP use this macro
for (int i = int(a); i <= int(b); i++)
// inside int main()
numComponent = 0;
memset(dfs_num, DFS_WHITE, sizeof dfs_num);
REP (i, 0, V - 1)
if (dfs_num[i] == DFS_WHITE) {
printf("Component %d, visit:", ++numComponent);
printf("There are %d connected components\n", numComponent);

For the sample graph, the output is like this:

Component 1, visit: 0 1 2 3 4
Component 2, visit: 5
Component 3, visit: 6 7

Exercise: We can also use Union-Find Disjoint Sets to solve this graph problem. How?



c Steven & Felix, NUS

Flood Fill - Labeling the Connected Components

DFS can be used for other purpose than just nding (and counting) the connected components.
Here, we show how a simple tweak of dfs(u) can be used to label the components. Typically, we
label (or color the component by using its component number. This variant is more famously
known as ood ll.
void floodfill(int u, int color) {
dfs_num[u] = color; // not just a generic DFS_BLACK
TRvii (AdjList[u], v) // try all neighbors v of vertex u, note that we use our TRvii macro again
if (dfs_num[v->first] == DFS_WHITE) // avoid cycle
floodfill(v->first, color); // v is an (neighbor, weight) pair
// inside int main()
numComponent = 0;
memset(dfs_num, DFS_WHITE, sizeof dfs_num);
REP (i, 0, V - 1) // for each vertex u in [0..V-1], note that we use our REP macro again
if (dfs_num[i] == DFS_WHITE) // if not visited
floodfill(i, ++numComponent);
REP (i, 0, V - 1)
printf("Vertex %d has color %d\n", i, dfs_num[i]);

For the sample graph, the output is like this:

Vertex 0-1-2-3-4 have color 1
Vertex 5 has color 2
Vertex 6-7 has color 3

Exercise: Flood Fill is more commonly performed on 2-D grid (implicit graph). Try to solve UVa
352, 469, 572, etc.
Graph Edges Property Check via DFS Spanning Tree
Running DFS on a connected component of a graph will form a DFS spanning tree (or spanning
forest if the graph has more than one component and DFS is run on each component). With one
more vertex state: DFS_GRAY = 2 (visited but not yet completed) on top of DFS_WHITE (unvisited)
and DFS_BLACK (visited and completed), we can use this DFS spanning tree (or forest) to classify
graph edges into four types:
1. Tree edges: those traversed by DFS, i.e. from vertex with DFS_GRAY to vertex with DFS_WHITE.
2. Back edges: part of cycle, i.e. from vertex with DFS_GRAY to vertex with DFS_GRAY too.
Note that usually we do not count bi-directional edges as having cycle
(We need to remember dfs_parent to distinguish this, see the code below).
3. Forward/Cross edges from vertex with DFS_GRAY to vertex with DFS_BLACK.
These two type of edges are not typically used in programming contest problem.
Figure 4.2 shows an animation (from top left to bottom right) of calling dfs(0), then dfs(5), and
nally dfs(6) on the sample graph in Figure 4.1. We can see that 1 2 3 1 is a (true) cycle
and we classify edge (3 1) as a back edge, whereas 0 1 0 is not a cycle but edge (1 0) is
just a bi-directional edge. The code for this DFS variant is shown below.


c Steven & Felix, NUS

Exercise: Do you understand why appending topologicalSort.push_back(u) in the standard

DFS code is enough to help us nd topological sort of a DAG? Explain in your own words!
Programming Exercises for Depth First Search (DFS):
Finding Connected Components / Flood Fill
1. UVa 260 - Il Gioco dellX
2. UVa 352 - Seasonal War (Flood Fill)
3. UVa 459 - Graph Connectivity (also solvable with Union-Find Disjoint Sets)
4. UVa 469 - Wetlands of Florida (Flood Fill)
5. UVa 572 - Oil Deposits (Flood Fill)
6. UVa 657 - The Die is Cast (Flood Fill)
7. UVa 782 - Countour Painting (Flood Fill)
8. UVa 784 - Maze Exploration (Flood Fill)
9. UVa 785 - Grid Colouring (Flood Fill)
10. UVa 852 - Deciding victory in Go (Flood Fill)
11. UVa 10336 - Rank the Languages (Flood Fill)
12. UVa 10926 - How Many Dependencies?
13. UVa 10946 - You want what lled? (Flood Fill)
14. UVa 11110 - Equidivisions (Flood Fill)
15. UVa 11518 - Dominos 2 (Flood Fill)
16. UVa 11749 - Poor Trade Advisor (also solvable with Union-Find Disjoint Sets)
Finding Articulation Points / Bridges
1. UVa 315 - Network (Articulation Points)
2. UVa 610 - Street Directions (Bridges)
3. UVa 796 - Critical Links (Bridges)
4. UVa 10199 - Tourist Guide (Articulation Points)
Finding Strongly Connected Components
1. UVa 10731 - Test
2. UVa 11504 - Dominos
3. UVa 11709 - Trust Groups
4. UVa 11770 - Lighting Away
Topological Sort (also see shortest/longest paths problems in DAG in Section 4.9.2)
1. UVa 124 - Following Orders
2. UVa 200 - Rare Order
3. UVa 872 - Ordering
4. UVa 10305 - Ordering Tasks


Breadth First Search

Basic Form and Application

Breadth First Search - abbreviated as BFS - is another form of graph traversal algorithm. BFS
starts with the insertion of initial source vertex s into a queue, then processes the queue as follows:


c Steven & Felix, NUS

take out the front most vertex u from the queue and enqueue each unvisited neighbors of u. With
the help of the queue, BFS will visit vertex s and all vertices in the connected component that
contains s layer by layer. This is why the name is breadth-rst. BFS algorithm also runs in O(V +E)
on a graph represented using an Adjacency List.
Implementing BFS is easy if we utilize C++ STL libraries. We use queue to order the sequence
of visitation and map to record if a vertex has been visited or not which at the same time also
record the distance (layer number) of each vertex from source vertex. This feature is important as
it can be used to solve special case of Single-Source Shortest Paths problem (discussed below).
queue<int> q; map<int, int> dist;
q.push(s); dist[s] = 0; // start from source
while (!q.empty()) {
int u = q.front(); q.pop(); // queue: layer by layer!
printf("Visit %d, Layer %d\n", u, dist[u]);
TRvii (AdjList[u], v) // for each neighbours of u
if (!dist.count(v->first)) { // dist.find(v) != dist.end() also works
dist[v->first] = dist[u] + 1; // if v not visited before + reachable from u
q.push(v->first); // enqueue v for next steps

Exercise: This implementation uses map<STATE-TYPE, int> dist to store distance information.
This may be useful if STATE-TYPE is not integer, e.g. a pair<int, int> of (row, col) coordinate.
However, this trick adds a log V factor to the O(V + E) BFS complexity. Please, rewrite this
implementation to use vector<int> dist instead!

Figure 4.7: Animation of BFS (from UVa 336 [17])

If we run BFS from the vertex labeled with 35 (i.e. the source vertex s = 35) on the connected
undirected graph shown in Figure 4.7, we will visit the vertices in the following order:
Layer 0: >35< (source)
Layer 1: 15, 55, 40
Layer 2: 10, 20, 50, 60
Layer 3: >30<, 25, 47, 65
Layer 4: 45
// Three layers from 35 to 30 implies that the shortest path between them
// on this unweighted graph is 3 distance units.

Other Applications
Single-Source Shortest Paths (SSSP) on Unweighted Graph
The fact that BFS visits vertices of a graph layer by layer from a source vertex turns BFS as a good
solver for Single-Source Shortest Paths (SSSP) problem on unweighted graph. This is because in


c Steven & Felix, NUS

unweighted graph, the distance between two neighboring vertices connected with an edge is simply
one unit. Thus the layer count of a vertex that we have seen previously is precisely the shortest
path length from the source to that vertex. For example in Figure 4.7, the shortest path from the
vertex labeled with 35 to the vertex labeled 30, is 3, as 30 is in the third layer in BFS sequence
of visitation. Reconstructing the shortest path: 35 15 10 30 is easy if we store the BFS
spanning tree, i.e. vertex 30 remembers 10 as its parent, vertex 10 remembers 15, vertex 15
remembers 35 (the source).
Which graph traversal algorithm to choose? Table 4.2 can be helpful.


O(V + E) DFS
Uses less memory
Cannot solve SSSP on unweighted graphs
Slightly easier to code

O(V + E) BFS
Can solve SSSP on unweighted graphs
Uses more memory
Slightly longer to code

Table 4.2: Graph Traversal Algorithm Decision Table

Programming Exercises for Breadth First Search (BFS):
Single-Source Shortest Paths on Unweighted Graph
1. UVa 336 - A Node Too Far
2. UVa 383 - Shipping Routes
3. UVa 417 - Word Index
4. UVa 429 - Word Transformation
5. UVa 439 - Knight Moves
6. UVa 532 - Dungeon Master (3-D BFS)
7. UVa 567 - Risk
8. UVa 627 - The Net (must print the path)
9. UVa 762 - We Ship Cheap
10. UVa 924 - Spreading the News
11. UVa 928 - Eternal Truths
12. UVa 10009 - All Roads Lead Where?
13. UVa 10044 - Erdos numbers (parsing part is troublesome)
14. UVa 10067 - Playing with Wheels (implicit graph in problem statement)
15. UVa 10102 - The Path in the Colored Field
16. UVa 10150 - Doublets (BFS state is string!)
17. UVa 10422 - Knights in FEN
18. UVa 10610 - Gopher and Hawks
19. UVa 10653 - Bombs! NO they are Mines!! (BFS implementation must be ecient)
20. UVa 10959 - The Party, Part I
21. UVa 11049 - Basic Wall Maze (some restricted moves + print path)
22. UVa 11352 - Crazy King
23. UVa 11513 - 9 Puzzle (BFS from goal state + ecient data structure)
24. UVa 11545 - Avoiding Jungle in the Dark
25. UVa 11730 - Number Transformation (need prime factoring, see Section 5.3.1)
26. UVa 11792 - Krochanska is Here! (be careful with the denition of important station)
27. LA 3290 - Invite Your Friends (plus Dijkstras)


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