Space Vector PWM - 1
Space Vector PWM - 1
Space Vector PWM - 1
Student Member IEEE, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Basaveshwar Engineering College, Bagalkot
Member IEEE Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Basaveshwar Engineering College, Bagalkot
Senior Member IEEE Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Basaveshwar Engineering College, Bagalkot
Abstract: Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation (SVPWM) method is an advanced computational intensive PWM algorithm for
voltage source converter. Among various PWM techniques, SVPWM is most preferred technique because of higher DC bus utilization
and ease in implementation. Traditionally processors like Microprocessors, Microcontrollers, DSP and dsPICs are used to implement
SVPWM. However these processors are having limitations like moderate processing, complex implementation and higher switching
losses. To overcome these aspects ATmega microcontroller is proposed for implementing SVPWM. The paper presents a review of
different processors like DSP, dsPIC and ATmega further implementation of SVPWM using ATmega328P has been presented. The
results shows that the space vector PWM waveforms generated are symmetric with respect to the middle of each PWM period. It has
been concluded that ATmega microcontroller is the suitable processor for implementing SVPWM technique.
1. Introduction
In recent years, the SVPWM is widely used for three-phase
PWM inverters since it gives higher output voltage and
lower harmonic distortion than the conventional Sinusoidal
Pulse Width Modulation (SPWM) method [8]. SVPWM is
an advanced real time control mechanism that can be used to
generate balanced three phase ac voltages of the desired
magnitude and frequency at the output of an inverter. To
implement space vector modulation a reference signal Vref is
sampled with a frequency fs (Ts = 1/fs). The reference vector
is then synthesized using a combination of the two adjacent
active switching vectors and one or both of the zero vectors.
SVPWM technique can be implemented using different
processors like DSP [1], dsPIC [2] and ATmega [4]. It is
observed from the literature survey that implementation of
SVPWM in DSP using look up table, increases the execution
time and overload the processor during closed loop
operation [1]. Further DSPs do not have built-in PWM units
to control switches of inverter. These features increase
circuit complication and computational burden [5]. While
implementing SVPWM in dsPIC, unconventional mnemonic
names are present, inefficient lookup tables, no add/subtract
with carry, small stack, paged architecture becomes a real
pain. The PIC18 architecture addresses many of the above
said issues, however implementation of SVPWM at higher
switching frequency adds extra limitation in program
environment [6]. SVPWM program developed in DSP and
dsPIC has to be executed in Code Composer and MPLAB
respectively. To execute the program, library referencing has
to be made for the created project. This library referencing is
processor dependent, which creates in-convenience to
program developers.
GCC based IDE that is free for the whole range of their
processors. Power consumption is much lower as compared
to PIC. UART (TX and RX) can be enabled separately
which is useful for multi-processor on a common bus.
Hence this paper presents the review of different processors
like DSP, dsPIC and ATmega along with implementation of
SVPWM using ATmega328P. Section II presents the basic
principle of SVPWM, section III presents brief description
regarding DSP and dsPIC processors and also algorithm for
implementing SVPWM using ATmega328P. The results
shows that the space vector PWM waveforms generated are
symmetric with respect to the middle of each PWM period.
Symmetric waveform generation will eliminate even
harmonics and reduces the odd harmonics. It has been
concluded that to overcome the limitations of DSP and
dsPIC, ATmega is the suitable processor for implementing
SVPWM technique used for the voltage source converter.
2. Principle of SVPWM
Space vector PWM refers to a switching scheme of the six
power switches of a 3-phase VSI. It generates minimum
harmonic distortion and also provides more efficient use of
DC supply voltage in comparison with the sinusoidal
modulation method. The topology of conventional two level
voltage source inverter is shown in Fig.1
six sectors, V
D. Specifications
Microcontroller: ATmega328
Operating Voltage: 5V
Input Voltage (recommended): 7-12V
Input Voltage (limits): 6-20V
Digital I/O Pins: 14 (of which 6 provide PWM output)
Analog Input Pins: 6
DC Current per I/O Pin: 40 mA
DC Current for 3.3V Pin: 50 mA
Flash Memory: 32 KB (ATmega328) of which 0.5 KB used
by boot loader
SRAM: 2 KB (ATmega328)
EEPROM: 1 KB (ATmega328)
Clock Speed: 16MHz
Arduino also created software which is compatible with all
Arduino microcontrollers. The software, also called
Arduino, can be used to program any of the Arduino
microcontrollers by selecting them from a drop-down menu.
Being open source, and based around C.
The Arduino development environment contains a text
editor for writing code, a message area, a text console, a
5. Conclusion
The basic principle of SVPWM, brief description about
different processors like DSP, dsPIC and ATmega and the
algorithm of SVPWM using ATmega has been discussed in
this paper. It has been reviewed that ATmega with its
advanced features and the advantages over other processors
is the suitable processor for implementing Space Vector
Pulse Width Modulation technique for the inverter switching
[1] Ronad B. F, Naik R. L, Jangamshetti Suresh.H. A
Novel Method to Eliminate Negative Time Period of
SVPWM using DSP TMS320F2812,International
Conferences on Renewable Energies and Power
Quality(ICREPQ11) Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
(Spain),13th to 15th April,2011.
[2] Duc-Cuong Quach, Quan Yin, Yu-Feng Shi and ChunJie Zhou, Design and Implementation of Three-phase
SVPWM Inverter with 16-bit dsPIC, 2012 12th
International Conference on Control, Automation,
Robotics & Vision Guangzhou, China, 5-7th December
2012 (ICARCV 2012).
[3] Zhenya Yu, Arefeen Mohammed, Issa Panahi,Review
of Three PWM techniques,Texas Instruments, DSP
Automotive/Industrial Applications, Houston, TX
[4] Slamet, Generation of Space Vector PWM Using
Microcontroller ATmega 16, International Journal of
Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 3,
March-2013 ISSN 2229-5518.
[5] Oscar Lopez Sanchez, SVPWM for multilevel
multiphase voltage source converters,Vigo,9th Jan
[6] Marwan A.A. Badran, Ahmad M. Tahir, Waleed F.
Faris, Digital Implementation of Space Vector Pulse
Microcontroller, World Applied Sciences Journal 21
(Mathematical Applications in Engineering): 21-28,
2013 ISSN 1818-4952 IDOSI Publications, 2013.
[7] Mr.N.D.Patel,H.D.Patel,R.R.Soni,T.H.Panchal,
Development and implementation of spwm Logic
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Journal of information, knowledge and research in
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[8] Susovan Mukhopadhyay, Sujit K. Biswas, Nirmal K.
Deb, A Simple Sector Independent Space Vector
Modulation using DSP Processor, International Journal
of Power Electronics and Drive System (IJPEDS) Vol.2,
No.3, September 2012, pp. 297~304 ISSN: 2088-8694.
[9] ATMEL, Atmega328P datasheet
[10] dsPIC30F datasheet.
Author Profile
Asma was born in Mudhol, Karnataka, India on 7th
Dec. 1987. She obtained B.E (Electrical and
Electronics) from Kuvempu University, Karnataka,
India in 2009. She is currently pursuing M.Tech.
Degree in Power and Energy Systems in Electrical and Electronics
Engineering, Basaveshwar Engineering College, Bagalkot, India.