April 2010, Issue 9: Current Events
April 2010, Issue 9: Current Events
April 2010, Issue 9: Current Events
Current Events
• April 28th - Progress Reports issued
• April 30th - Hip Hop Dance Show
• May 5th - No school for students
• May 12th- Early Dismissal at 1pm
• May 28th- Visakha Bucha Day
Language Arts
You’re a poet and you don’t even know it…
We continue to write and learn about poems in our poetry unit. The students are reading and
writing poems including haikus, epitaphs and limericks. In their own writing, we are focusing on
using descriptive language, such as similes and metaphors, and using strategies like alliteration,
personification, onomatopoeia and rhyming. Read or write a poem with your child today!
Fraction Action!
Fractions have been the focus this April – specifically adding, subtracting, multiplying and
dividing fractions and mixed numbers. Students are learning about fractions using fraction bars,
models, rules and relationships. See if you can provide real-life examples of fractions at home,
such as cooking, measuring, or eating (pizza is great way to have fun with fractions!).
Social Studies
Calling all Early Man groups…
This month we have been focusing on the important groups of Early Man in history:
Australopithecus, Homo Habilis, Homo Erectus, Neanderthals and Cro Magnon. The students are
working in groups to become experts on one Early Man group and present their findings to the
class. Ask your child about their Early Man group and see what they come up with!
We hope that everyone had a restful Songkran break. For this quarter,The kids learned about
many kinds of Thai entertainment. They also learned about how to debate. We are going to have a
debate competition on the topic of “Hobby” on May 25, 2010 at E.401. We would like to invite
the parents who are interested to join our activity. Thank you so much.
Science Laboratory
Body Basics…
Our grade 5 scientists are currently looking at the digestive system and excretory system of the
human body, and will soon partake in an experiment with celery! How does celery relate to our
living system you may ask? Hmm…maybe that’s a question you should be directing towards our
students. Living Systems is the final unit for Grade 5 Science, and the students have really shown
a great interest when it comes to studying the amazing machines that are our bodies.
The Under 11 Girls T-Ball team won BISAC this past weekend with a thrilling extra inning
victory over the Patana Tigers. Congratulations to the following grade 5 girls who participated in
this great triumph for RIS.-Jean, Amp, Tif, Pligne, Sandy, Mint, Namwan, Jenny. Two grade 4
girls, Gina and Mill, helped the team earn the first place gold medals.
Counselor Corner
March and April have been key months in communicating the transition to Middle School for our
Grade 5 students. Mr. Terry, our MS Counselor, visited each homeroom to present basic
information about what life will be like in MS. Your child also received a class request form,
which they completed with your help. This is an exciting time in your lives as you prepare for the
step of your academic journey. It has been such a pleasure working with these great students
since 2nd grade. I am confident they will do extremely well in middle school.
Nothing submitted at this time.
Topics to be taken up this second half of the 4th quarter are Opera, Broadway Musical, and the
lives and music of great composers; Johann Sebastian Bach and Ludwig van Beethoven. Students
will have a chance to watch video presentations about the topics mentioned above.
We are working on the project Land Mark of the World:
Theater Arts
This Friday 30th April, we’ll bring Grade 5 students in the most challenging, fun, and motivating
activity of the year, our “Hip-Hop Happening 2010”. This is a friendly dance competition where
NO ONE gets left behind and EVERYONE will be challenged according to his or her ability.
The students group together in a team and throughout the lessons and during their free time they
worked really hard on their own dance interpretations. They helped one another and now they are
very excited and ready to rock the floor in showcasing all their hard-earned talents and abilities.
Students, teachers, parents and friends please give them a big round of applause! Let’s celebrate
our student’s work!
Jesus is indeed Risen. ALLELUIA! During his forty days on earth after he resurrected he brings
peace and hope to all that he encounters. May the Risen Christ Peace-Love-Joy-Hope continue to
shine through us, in us and around us always.
* Students experienced the spirit of the Risen Christ in class through prayers, 7 accounts of
resurrection stories, activities, light celebration, and etc. I hope that they will continue to spread
that joy at home as well.
* Grade 3 and 4 are very proud to accomplish a production of different accounts of Resurrection
on DVD.
* Our next focus would be on the Mass and living the Sacraments
* Students will continue to do other work in the different centers.
This month we celebrate Earth Week. As a good citizen we care for the environment and that includes
our dear planet Earth. To help us understand better that we must do our part, we have set up an
exhibition of our projects. We would like to invite everyone to do his or her part in helping care for the
earth. Small or big acts done for the common good will always benefit the bigger community.
The Grade 5’s are working hard in Prezi doing presentations on Early Human Beings. With only five or
six classes left to go, students are working hard to polish off their online webspaces in Posterous. In the
final weeks, students will be exploring Apple’s new presentation tool, Keynote. Expect some
interesting end of year Prezis coming from Grade 5, and check your student webpage for the latest
updates from your child. Stay tuned!
Elizabeth Library
By now everyone probably knows I have to leave RIS after four very enjoyable years serving you
in the library. The most satisfying moment in all that time came for me when groups of students
presented me with beautiful cheer up cards which had the following messages:
"R - rare
"I - intelligent
"C - caring
"K - kind"
"Dear Mr Rick,
Thank you for everything you have taught us.
You are the best teacher and we will never forget you.
We love you a lot.
Never forget your library!!! Bye Bye"
"Dear Mr Ricky,
If you go please don't forget Sweety Pea.
I liked you very much because you're
kind and funny. You are the best teacher
in my whole life.
I will never forget you."
Many thanks for your friendship and letting me share part of your children's lives. I wish you all
the best for whatever you do in life. - Mr Rick