Kinematics of Machines Prof. A. K. Mallik Department of Civil Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
Kinematics of Machines Prof. A. K. Mallik Department of Civil Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
Kinematics of Machines Prof. A. K. Mallik Department of Civil Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
Prof. A. K. Mallik
Department of Civil Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
Module 06 Lecture - 3
Let us start our discussion on the third type of three position synthesis that is function generation.
(Refer Slide Time: 00:25)
By function generation, we mean how to maintain the specified relationship between the input
and output movements. We shall take the example of a 4R function generator with three position
synthesis. By three position synthesis, we mean two pairs of coordinated movements of the input
and output links, namely theta 2 one two and theta 4 one two where theta 2 represents the
orientation of the link number 2 which is the input link and theta 4 represents the orientation of
link number 4 which is the output link. This theta 2 and theta 4 can be measured from some
reference line, say the line of frame O 2 O 4 . Now, let us look at this superscript, theta 2 one two
that is the changing the value of theta 2 from position 1 to position 2 that is, theta 2 one two is
nothing but theta 2 two minus theta 2 one. The superscripts one and two refer to the two
configurations 1 and 2. For two pairs of coordinate movement, this is one pair that has a linkage
moves from configuration 1 to 2 and theta 4 one two. Similarly, theta 4 two minus theta 4 one, that
is the output movement from configuration 1 to configuration 2. So that is the prescribed value
for this theta 2 one two and theta 4 one two so, we have to satisfy by designing the 4R linkage.
Similarly, the movement of the input and the output links from configuration 2 to 3 described by
theta 2 two three and theta 4 two three are also prescribed which have to be satisfied. Let me now
explain this symbol with reference to a figure and then explain how to graphically synthesis the
4R linkage such that these two pairs of coordinated movements are achieved.
(Refer Slide Time: 02:35)
This figure explains the symbols that we have just now talked about for three position synthesis
of a 4R function generator. Let O 2 and O 4 be the two fixed pivots that define a line of frame
O 2 O 4 . The input link is O 2 A. Now as this input link moves from position 1 to 2, the rotation is
theta 2 one two. If we measure theta 2 from O 2 O 4 , then this angle that O 2 A 2 makes with O 2 O 4 ,
we call it as theta 2 two, the superscript two refers to the second configuration. Similarly, the
angle made by O 2 A 1 is theta 2 one, so theta 2 one two is theta 2 two minus theta 2 1. This is the
movement of the input link as the linkage goes from first to second configuration. Corresponding
movement of the output link is also prescribed as theta 4 one two. Similarly, as the linkage goes
from the second to the third configuration that is the crank pin goes from A 2 to A 3 , the rotation is
theta 2 two three. That is theta 2 three minus theta 2 two, the difference of these two angles, that is
the movement of the input link from second to third configuration that is theta 2 two three that is
also prescribed and we desire that the corresponding movement of the output link should be
theta 4 two three. We can easily see that this whole angle which is theta 2 three minus theta 2 one,
that is this angle I can say theta 2 one three. I ask to note the superscript one three means theta 2
three minus theta 2 one, two three means theta 2 three minus theta 2 2 and so on.
To solve this problem, that is to satisfy these two pairs of coordinated movements theta 2 one two
must generate theta 4 one two and theta 2 two three must generate theta 4 two three. We proceed as
follows. We assume the locations of O 2 and O 4 , the fixed pivots according to our convenience.
We also choose the crank pin A 1 arbitrarily. The only thing remaining is to determine the
location of B 1 , the other moving hinge such that O 2 , A, B, O 4 , the 4R linkage is complete. To do
this again, we apply the principle of kinematic inversion. If we want to locate the point B 1 , then
we should hold link 4, that is the follower link fixed at its first configuration and allow this fixed
link O 2 O 4 to move such that the same relative movements are maintained. Accordingly, we find
the inverted positions of the point A that is A 1 , A 2 and A 3. Since we are holding link 4 fixed, that
is the point B is not moving from B 1 , the point A must move in a circle with BA as radius. As we
have seen earlier, first step is to determine the inverted position of A 1 , A 2 , A 3 , holding the link 4
fixed at its first configuration.
(Refer Slide Time: 06:20)
To do this we proceed as follows. Let me now first choose the fixed hinges O 2 and O 4
arbitrarily. This is O 2 and this is O 4 . We also choose the first position of the crank pin A
arbitrarily, here which I call A 1 because the rotation of the input link O 2 A is prescribed, I can
find the second position of the crank pin which I call A 2 . So the rotation of the input link from
first to second configuration which is given to us is the angle between these two lines namely,
O 2 A 1 and O 2 A 2 . This is the angle of rotation theta 2 one two. Similarly, the third position is also
known because theta 2 two three is prescribed and A 2 comes to A 3. This is the third position of
the crank pin A 3 and the angle between O 2 A 2 and O 2 A 3 is theta 2 two three. This point is O 4 . So
the only thing remained is to locate the point B 1 such that the theta 4 one two and theta 4 two
three, the coordinated movements of the follower can occur.
To do this, we have decided to hold the follower fixed at its first position. Accordingly, applying
the principle of kinematic inversion, that is to maintain the same relative motion, the fixed link
O 2 O 4 must rotate by an angle minus theta 4 one two. O 4 B has been held fixed, so O 4 O 2 moves in
the direction opposite to theta 4 one two which was counter clockwise. So this angle is minus
theta 4 one two. By minus I mean clockwise, because theta 4 one two was counter clockwise. So
this is the inverted position of O 2 , inverted position corresponding to the second configuration
inverted on the first configuration The angle between O 2 O 4 and O 2 A 2 , which is this angle that is
theta 2 two, if I draw that I can find the inverted position of A 2 inverted on the first configuration.
The superscript always refers to the configuration which has been held fixed. Here O 4 B 1 has
been held fixed, that is the follower is held fixed at its first configuration. So A 1 is identical to
A 1 one. If we look at these two triangles namely, O 4 , O 2 , A 2 and O 4 , O 22 one and A 2 one, but we
see that this length is same as this length, because that is the length of the fixed link. This length
is same as this length, because that is the crank length and this angle is same as this angle
because both of them are theta 2 two (Refer Slide Time: 10:39).
Consequently, these two triangles O 4 , O 2 , A 2 and this triangle O 4 , O 22 one and A 2 one, these
two triangles are identical, because two sides and the included angle are same. We get O 2 , O 4 ,
A 2 1 is same as O 4 A 2 . In fact what is happened? This whole triangle has been rotated by the angle
minus theta 4 one two. So we can say, I can go from A 2 to A 2 one by rotating O 4 A 2 through an
angle minus theta 4 one two. This is the principle of getting the inverted position of A 2 inverted
on first configuration. Exactly the same logic can be applied to get the inverted position of A 3 by
rotating O 4 A 3 about the point O 4 . This I will call A 3 one and O 4 A 3 is rotated by minus theta 4
one three. So we get the three inverted positions A 1 which is A 1 one, A 2 one and A 3 one. B 1 is
nothing but the center of the circle passing through these three points, so I can easily determine
where B 1 is.
Draw a perpendicular bisector of this line. This is the perpendicular bisector. Similarly, drop a
perpendicular bisector of this line A 2 one, A 3 one, this is the perpendicular. So these two
perpendicular bisectors meet at B 1 , that is B 1 is the center of the circle passing through A 1 one,
A 2 one and A 3 one. We have designed the required linkage as in this first configuration as O 2 ,
A 1 , B 1 , O 4 . So we get the required 4R linkage to generate the two prescribed pairs of
coordinated movements of the input and the output linkage O 2 A 1 B 1 is the required linkage.
(Refer Slide Time: 14:24)
Let me go through the procedure once more. O 2 and O 4 were chosen arbitrarily. A 1 , that is the
location of the crank pin at the first configuration were chosen arbitrarily. From the given
movements from the first to the second configuration of the crank, I can locate A 2 and A 3 on this
circle with O 2 as center and O 2 A 1 as the radius. A 1 O 2 A 2 is the angle theta 2 one two. A 2 O 2 A 3
is the angle theta 2 two three. Now, we apply the principle of kinematic inversion. Hold the
follower fixed at its first configuration, which means the fixed link will rotate in the opposite
direction by minus theta 4 one two and minus theta 4 two three to get the corresponding inverted
positions. So O 2 goes to this point which I have called O 22 one, that is the second position
inverted on the first configuration. By rotating this link O 4 O 2 about O 4 , through an angle minus
theta 4 one two, now theta 2 two is known, that is the angle between O 2 O 4 and O 2 A 2 . So I draw
the same angle theta 2 two between this line O 4 O 22 one and O 2 A 2 , one. I get the point A 2 one.
Then using simple geometry, we could prove that I could have obtained A 2 one simply by
rotating O 4 A 2 through an angle minus theta 4 one two. O 4 A 2 is the line, I am rotating through an
angle minus theta 4 one two and we automatically get the inverted position A 2 one. Similarly, by
rotating O 4 A 3 through an angle minus theta 4 one three, I get the inverted position of A 3 as A 3
one. Finally B 1 is obtained at the centre of the circle passing through these three points namely,
A 1 one, A 2 one and A 3 one. Next, we will take an example of a slider crank mechanism such
that, that can be used as a function generator that is the output link that is the slider movement is
coordinated with the movement of the input of the crank.
(Refer Slide Time: 16:58)
Let us now discuss the slider crank as the function generator where we treat the slider as our
output link and crank as the input link. If we talk of three position synthesis as we have seen in
the case of a 4R linkage, we mean two pair of coordinated input output movement. That means
we have to design a slider crank such that the crank rotation theta 2 from position 1 to 2, that is
theta 2 one two must generate a slider displacement in a particular direction which we shall take it
to be horizontal say s one two. So this pair is prescribed theta 2 one two must generate s one two.
Similarly theta 2 two three that is from the second to the third position must generate slider
displacement s two three. So, these two pairs of coordinated input output movements are
prescribed and we have to design the required slider crank mechanism.
(Refer Slide Time: 17:57)
This diagram explains the two pairs of coordinated movements for a slider crank, theta 2 one two,
this amount of clockwise rotation of the crank must produce s one two this much of horizontal
displacement of the slide. Similarly, theta 2 two three that is from position 2 to position 3 of the
crank this amount of rotation should generate s two three. This is the amount of horizontal
sliding movement of the slide. Our job is to find the required slider crank mechanism. As before,
we assume that crank step location O 2 , according to our convenience we choose it arbitrarily.
We also choose the crank length and the crank pin corresponding to this first configuration, if I
call it configuration 1, we choose A 1 at this location. So we call this as A 1 . Using this
information, theta 2 one two and theta 2 two three, I can rotate O 2 A 1 and get the corresponding
locations of A which I call it as A 2 and A 3 .
The only thing remaining is where should be the slider corresponding to the first configuration
that is the other moving hinge connecting rod and the slider which we call as B 1 . To determine
B 1 , we must hold the slider fixed and consider the kinematic inversion. The same relative
movement between the crank and the slider, but we hold the slider fixed and allow the fixed link
to move. So if we hold the slider fixed at the first position then corresponding to this movement
of the slider, the fixed hinge will move opposite to that by the same amount. So it should come
here. This we call as O 2 , second position inverted on the first position. We also know that the
angle between the horizontal line through O 2 at the A 2 position, second position. We draw here
at the same angle and we get the inverted position of A 2 , we call it as A 2 one. A 1 and A 2 one are
coming out to very close.
As we have seen in case of the 4R linkage, A 2 one can be easily obtained by sliding A 2 by minus
s one two. A 2 move to the left, because s one two is at right, minus s one two is to the left, so I
move horizontally the point A 2 and I get A 2 one. Similarly, this whole distance s one two plus s
two three, this whole distance is called s one three that is to the right. So holding the slider fixed,
we move the fixed link and the crank to the left. So A 3 , I move by minus s one three to the left
and get to this point to which I called A 3 one. So holding the slider fixed at the first
configuration B 1 , because the connecting rod is a rigid member, the length AB remains fixed. So
A 1 which is nothing but A 1 one, A 2 one and A 3 one. We have got three points, here A 1 one, here
A 2 one and here A 3 one.
We can easily find the centre of the circle passing through these three inverted positions of A and
we get the point B 1 . Accordingly, I have designed the required slider crank mechanism as O 2 ,
A 1 , and B1. O 2 A 1 B 1 is the required slider crank mechanism such that when A 1 goes to A 2 , B 1
will move to the right by s one two and as A 1 goes to A 3. This slider will move again to the right
by magnitude s two three. As we have seen, we assume arbitrarily the location of the crank shaft
O 2 and the crank pin A 1 . Only determine the slider location corresponding to the first
configuration at B 1 this revolute pair. They solve the problem also by choosing arbitrarily B 1 and
find A 1 that is what we will do in the next example. The same slider crank mechanism, I will try
to design but assuming the location of B 1 arbitrarily and find the required position of A 1 . I would
ask the students to solve the 4R function generator. The same way instead of choosing A and
determining B, one can also solve the problem by choosing B and determining A. Of course,
then we have to hold the input link that is the crank fixed and apply the principle of kinematic
inversion, as we shall explain just now with respect to this slider crank mechanism.
Let me now say, this design of this slider crank mechanism to generate these two pairs of
coordinated movement as we have seen in the previous problem. It is the same problem, only
thing is we solve it a little differently by assuming the crank pin location arbitrarily which we
call it as O 2 . We assume the other moving hinge which is connecting to the slider at the first
position is here which I call it as B 1 .
Generate these two movements s one two and s two three, B 1 must move to B 2 and B 3 . B 2 B 3 is
s two three. Only remaining task is to locate the crank pin A 1 . So to determine that, we hold the
crank fixed at its first position, such that the point B moves on a circle with A 1 as the centre. So
we have to first find the inverted positions of B 2 and B 3 , if we hold the crank fixed at its first
location and apply the principle of kinematic inversion.
As we seen the fixed link is represented by this tag. This is the fixed link on which the slider is
moving to the right. So if we hold the crank fixed then this link should rotate by minus theta 2 one
two. The crank is held fixed, so O 2 point is not moving. This fixed link is rotating counter
clockwise by theta 2 one two, which I call it as minus theta 2 one two. So the fixed link is now
represented by this line and point B 2 is at a distance from here by so much. This is the distance
of B 2 from this point, so from this point I take this distance and I get to this point B 2 which is
nothing but B 2 one inverted position with the position 1 being held fixed. So that we can easily
do by rotating O 2 B 2 , so the same angle. This is O 2 B 2 is rotated by minus theta 2 one two.
Similarly by rotating O 2 B 3 , this is the line O 2 B 3 , this was the line O 2 B 2 . This whole angle be
minus theta 2 one three, which is theta 2 one three is this angle which is clockwise. So I rotate
counter clockwise and we get to the point by rotating O 2 B 3 , I get to the point B 3 one. B 1 is
nothing but B 1 one, B 1 is same as B 1 one.
In the center of the circle passing through these three points, B 1 one, B 2 one and B 3 one,
determine the locations of A 1 . We draw perpendicular bisector of these two lines as usual. We
draw the perpendicular bisectors. This is perpendicular and this is also perpendicular. These two
lines intersect to determine the center of the circle passing through B 1 , which is B 1 one, B 2 one
and B 3 one and we get A 1 . We have designed the required slider crank mechanism O 2 , A 1 , B.
We have got O 2 , A 1 , B 1 as the required slider crank mechanism, which will generate these two
pairs of coordinated movements. Only difference is that I arbitrarily assume the location of B 1
and determine A 1 . In the previous example, we assume the location of A 1 and determine the
corresponding location for B 1.
(Refer Slide Time: 30:45)
Now, we have explained the three position synthesis for path generation and function generation.
We can attempt to solve another problem by a two state synthesis. Suppose the problem as
follows: We have to design a 4R linkage such that the coupler curve is approximately a straight
line. We talk of three position synthesis, obviously that problem we could have done by the
method explained earlier. Here, we are saying, it is not only a three position synthesis for a
coupler curve which is approximately a straight line. We also want to coordinate with the input
movement that means as the coupler point goes from first position to second position, the crank
must rotate by a specified amount. Similarly, as the coupler point goes from the second to third
position, we want the crank to rotate by again a specified amount.
To solve this problem of coupler curve generation, of course an approximate straight line curve
generation coordinated with the input movement can be solved in two stages which will be
explained now. To solve this problem, first we design a slider crank mechanism. This is the
slider crank mechanism, such that this pair of coordinated movements from first to second
configuration and second to third configuration can be designed. This we have done just now, if
we specify theta 2 one two, theta 2 two three and the corresponding s one two, s two three, I can
always design this slider crank mechanism.
After designing this slider crank mechanism as a function generator for two pairs of coordinated
movements, we talk of the mid point of this connecting rod. At the third configuration, it is here.
At the second configuration, the same mid point of the connecting rod is here and at the first
configuration, it is here. We mark this midpoint of the connecting rod corresponding to three
specified configurations as C 1 , C 2 and C 3 . The center of the circle passing through these three
points C 1 , C 2 and C 3 is here, so we make that as our O 4 for the required 4R linkage.
For that purpose, we remove this slider and take this fourth link and put a hinge between those
midpoints of the original connecting rod connected by this rigid link whose center is at O 4 ,
which is hinge at O 4 . This is the other fixed link. We have got a 4R linkage namely, O 2 , A, B,
O 4 . This is designed from the previous slider crank, only the slider has been removed.
If we move this linkage, we see that this point of the coupler is still following the originals of
straight line but only approximately. We can notice that this coupler point, though not guided by
the slider as before, the slider is totally detached but this 4 bar linkage is also driving this coupler
point through the axis of this slot by the previous slider was moving. We have generated a
coupler curve synthesis problem or path generation problem coordinated with the input
movement. As it goes from position 1 to position 2, this rotates by a specified amount as it goes
form position 2 to position 3, again it rotates by a specified amount which was dictated by the
original slider crank. So this is what we called a two stage synthesis. So all the methods that have
been taught so far can be cleverly used to design more complicated mechanism rather
mechanisms with more complicated motion requirements.
Let me now repeat this two stage synthesis problem what we did. First we designed a slider
crank mechanism such that it acted as a function generator. The slider displacement was
coordinated with the crank rotation. Then we took the midpoint of this connecting rod at these
three configurations, which are C 1 , C 2 and C 3 . For the three positions which have been
generated by this slider crank as a function generator. Then we removed the slider and
considered the midpoint of this connecting rod. Corresponding to these three positions, it is at
C 1 , C 2 and C 3 . The center of the circle passing through these three points is at O 4 , so we added a
fourth link with O 4 as the fixed hinge and connecting it with C 1 . So we get a 4R linkage with this
coupler point generating an approximate straight line as we have seen earlier. As it goes from
position 1 to position 2, the movement of the crank is exactly same as it had with the slider
Similarly the movement of the crank from C 2 to C 3 is again theta 2 three which is coordinated.
Now the question is why did I take the midpoint of the connecting rod? I could have taken any
point on this connecting rod and can consider the three positions of that particular point and think
of the surface.