Kinematics of Machines Prof. A. K. Mallik Department of Mechanical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur - Lecture - 2

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Kinematics of Machines

Prof. A. K. Mallik
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur

Module 4 - Lecture - 2

Today, we continue our discussion on relative ICs of planar linkages and then we shall
see how this relative instantaneous center can be used for the purpose of velocity analysis
of these linkages. To start with let me take an example of the simplest 4R linkage.

As we see in this figure, we have a 4R linkage namely O 2, A, B, O4. Because we have

four links (n = 4), there are n ¿ (n – 1)/2 = 4 ¿ 3/2 = 6, i.e., 6 relative ICs.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:59)

Let me list all this six relative ICs. They are: 12, 13, 14, 23, 24 and 34. So our first task is
to locate all these six relative instantaneous centers of this four-link mechanism. Out of
these six, as we said in the last lecture, the location of 12 is at O 2, because link 1 and link
2 are connected by a revolute pair at O2. So O2 gives us the location of the relative
instantaneous center 12. Similarly, 23 is at A, because of the same reason that links 2 and
3 are connected by a revolute pair at A. So, A gives us the location of 23. Following the

same argument, we get 34 at B and 14 at O 4. So out of the total six numbers of relative
instantaneous centers, four of these are located just by inspection. We have still to
determine two more instantaneous centers namely, 13 and 24. To determine these two, we
invoke the Aronhold-Kennedy Theorem of three centers.

For example, if we say three rigid bodies namely 1, 2 and 3 are in relative motion with
respect to one another. Consequently, the three relative instantaneous centers that is 12,
23 and 13 will be collinear. Out of these three, as we see, we have already determined 12
and 23. So 13 must be on the line joining 12 and 23 that is line joining O 2A. This line
O2A must contain the third instantaneous center namely 13.

Next, let us consider three rigid bodies namely 1, 3 and 4 in relative motion.
Consequently, the three relative instantaneous centers that is 13, 14 and 34 must be
collinear. Out of these three, we have already determined 14 and 34, so, 13 must be on
the line joining these two relative instantaneous centers, 14 and 34 that is 13 also lies on
the line OB. So, we have said 13 lies on the line O 2A and also lies on the line O 4B. As a
result, 13 lies at the intersection of these two lines when extended, that is here and we
locate 13. Arguing the same following the same principle, we can also determine the last
one, that is 24. For this, we consider three rigid bodies 1, 2 and 4. As a result, 12, 14 and
24 are collinear. 12 is here at O2, 14 is here at O4. So, 24 must lie on line joining O2 and
O4. Then we can consider three rigid bodies namely; 2, 3 and 4. Consequently, Aronhold-
Kennedy Theorem says three instantaneous centers, 23, 24 and 34 also are collinear. Out
of these three, we have already located 23 at A, 34 at B. So, 24 must lie on the line
joining AB. As a result, 24 is located at the intersection of the line O 2O4, that is the line
joining 12, 14 and the line AB that is the line joining 23 and 34. As a result, we get the
location of 24 at here, at the intersection of O2O4 and AB.

So, we determine some of the relative instantaneous centers just by inspection of the
kinematics pairs and the rest by application of Aronhold-Kennedy theorem. Once we
have determined all these six relative instantaneous centers, we are in a position to carry
out the velocity analysis. To carry out the velocity analysis, let as look at this picture.

(Refer Slide Time: 07:21)

In this figure, where all the six relative instantaneous centers have been located as
explained just now. For velocity analysis, let’s say the angular velocity of the input link
say that of two is given. The problem is input angular of velocity ω 2 is given and our task
is to determine the angular velocity of the other two moving links, say link 3, that is the
line AB and link 4 that is the line O4B. So, at this particular configuration, if ω2 is given,
question is: What is ω3 and what is ω4? Obviously, this will be true only for particular
configuration. To do that, we carry out the velocity analysis as follows. If ω 2 is given then
we can find the velocity of the point ⃗ ω2 X ⃗
vA = ( ⃗ O2 A ). Since ω2 is given and

O2A is known, we can find the velocity vector v A)

(⃗ from the input angular velocity.
Now A happens to be the relative instantaneous center 23. That means if we consider this
point A to be a point on link 2, whatever its velocity, if we consider being point on link 3
then it will have the same velocity.

(Refer Slide Time: 09:18)

Now let us consider the point A as a point on link 3 and link 3 is rotating at this instant
about the point 13. So velocity of A, if we consider it to be a point on link 3, which is
rotating with angular velocity ω3 about the point 13, that is, we have to take this vector
from the point 13 to A, i.e., ⃗ ω3 X ( ⃗
v A =⃗ 13− A ¿ . Now these two are same. From,
these two equations both give vA
⃗ and the only unknown is ω3. So, we can determine
ω3. To determine, say output angular velocity that is ω 4 of the line O4B, we consider the
point 24, which we have already located. Now 24 is a point whose velocity will be same
whether we consider it to be a point on body 2 or we consider it to be a point on body 4.

If we consider 24 to be a point on body 2, which is rotating about O 2. So, velocity of this

point 24 considering it to be a point on body 2 is, ⃗ ω2 X ( ⃗
v 24 =⃗ O2−24 ¿ , because link
2 is rotating about the point O 2, which is 12. As ω2 is given, we can find out what is the
velocity of this point for counter clockwise velocity of link 2, it will be in this direction
perpendicular to this line and the magnitude we can find out.

Now let me consider the same point 24 as a point on body 4 and we must get the same
velocity. So same, equation we can write now, v 24
⃗ considering it to be a point on link
4 is ω4 and link 4 is rotating about 14, that is O 4. So, ⃗ ω4 X ( ⃗
v 24 =⃗ O4 −24 ¿ . Now
v 24
⃗ is already known, only unknown is ω4. So, we can determine ω4. This is what we

mean by the velocity analysis of a linkage, if the input angular velocity is given, we
obtain all the relative instantaneous centers and use them judiciously to determine all the
unknown quantities. Suppose we are interested in finding the velocity of this particular
point on link 3, we have already found ω 3. So, link 3 is rotating about 13 and if we call
this point P, velocity of the point P will be ⃗ ω3 X ( ⃗
v P=⃗ 13−P ¿ . ω3 is already known,
this vector ( ⃗
13−P ¿ v P ). For
is known, so we can find the velocity of the point P ( ⃗
example, in this particular problem with ω 2 counter clockwise, the velocity of the point A
is in this direction, perpendicular to O2A and link 3 is rotating over this point so ω3 comes
out as clockwise from these two equations, so velocity of P will be in this direction
perpendicular to 13-P, this vector and in the clockwise direction. Now let me show with a
model that this 13 and 24 and in the model, it will be also clear what is the significance of
this relative instantaneous centers.

(Refer Slide Time: 14:13)

Let us know consider this model of the 4R linkage. As we see, there are three moving
links, namely this blue link, say link 2, this grey link that is the coupler, say link 3 and
this red link that is the output link, say link 4. According to our notation, this is O 2, A, B,
O4. Applying Aronhold-Kennedy Theorem, we have seen that 13 is located at the point of
intersection of these two lines, O2A and O4B. So, these two lines intersect here, which we
call 13. Similarly, at the point of intersection of the two lines O 2O4 and AB, we get the

instantaneous center 24. So, this is 13 and this is 24. Now if we move this linkage around
this configuration, because this point is P 13 that means the link 3 is instantaneous rotating
about this point. This point does not move. This point has zero velocity. As we will see,
when we move this linkage, all other points in this link 3 is moving around this
configuration this point has zero velocity and point is hardly moving. To see the
significance of 24, let me consider this point, a coincident point on link 2 and link 4. That
means one point on link 2 is exactly just below this point, a point on link 4. These two
points on link 2 and link 4 at this instant has same velocity. That is why we will call it 24
and if we move this, we see this is the hole which was coincident with this P 24. Right
now, this is different configuration, so their location is elsewhere, but at that
configuration, hole on link 4 and the point on link 2, you cannot distinguish because they
move with same velocity. Here we can see them distinctly. This is the hole which was
coincident with this point at this configuration. So around this configuration, these two
points, one belonging to body 2 and the other one belonging to body 4 move with same

(Refer Slide Time: 16:58)

At this stage, let me carry out another example of six link mechanism. Let us consider the
model of this six link Whitworth quick return mechanism, which we have seen earlier.
Here, the input link is this link, this is O 2A. This is the input link which rotates at the

constant speed and consequently the output link, that is this tool holder reciprocates along
a straight line. Our job is, given the six link mechanisms at a particular configuration, say
this configuration, if first task is to locate all the relative instantaneous centers, then
second step is given the input angular velocity at this configuration, say ω2 is given what
is the velocity of the cutting tool or this tool holder? That is this slider which will be our
link number 6. So, this is the problem that now we are going to solve.

(Refer Slide Time: 17:56)

This is the kinematics diagram of the Whitworth quick return mechanism, the model of
which we have just now seen. O2A is link number 2, which is the input link, that is hinge
to this block 3 and the 3 is moving on the slotted lever 4 which is hinged at the point O 4.
Then link 4 is connected to link 5 by a revolute pair at the point B and link 5 is connected
to the tool holder that is the link number 6 at the point C. So our first task is to obtain all
the relative instantaneous centers. As we see, there are six links 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 links.
So if there are the six links then the total number of relative instantaneous centers is 6
¿ 5/2 = 15. So first of all, let me list all the 15 relative instantaneous centers, namely;
12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 23, 24, 25, 26, 34, 35, 36, 45, 46 and 56. So this is the complete list of
all the 15 relative instantaneous centers.

At the second stage, let us now try to locate all those relative instantaneous centers,
which can be easily obtained by inspection of the kinematics pairs. For example, 12 is
easily located at the revolute pair between link 1 and link 2, that is at O 2. Similarly, 23 is
easily located at the revolute pair connecting link 2 and 3, that is at this point A. 14 is
easily located at O4 because that is where the revolute pair between link 1 and link 4 is.
Link 4 and 5 are connected by revolute pairs at B, so 45 is at B. Let me try to write this
on figure, here we have 12, here we have 14 at O 4. At B, we have 45. At A we have 23.
Next, we have revolute pair, link 5 and 6 at C, so that is 56. C is 56. Now we have located
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 revolute pairs and the corresponding five relative IC’s. The other two
kinematics pairs in this linkage is a prismatic pair between link 3 and 4 along this slotted
lever. So, the relative IC34 will lie at infinity in a direction perpendicular to the direction
of sliding, that is perpendicular to the line O4A. So, we can draw a line which is
perpendicular to O4A and 34 lies on this line at infinity.

We should remember that all parallel lines meet at infinity, so one can also say that if we
draw a line which is parallel to this line that is 34 lies on this line as well, because these
two lines are parallel and 34 lies at infinity and two parallel lines meet at infinity, so 34
lies also on this line. All parallel lines meet at infinity, so 34 at infinity, on all these
parallel lines. So we have located the relative IC 34. 6 is in perfect translation in the
horizontal direction with respect to the fixed link 1. So, 16 lies at infinity in a direction
perpendicular to the horizontal that is vertical. So, if we draw a vertical line, all these
vertical lines, we can write 16 at infinity along this vertical direction. So, we have located
16. Because of the seven kinematics pairs, we have just by an inspection located 7 out of
these 15 instantaneous centers. Rest 8 can be determined only by invoking Aronhold-
Kennedy Theorem. Because there are so many numbers, it will be quite confusing if we
do it haphazardly, it is better to do it a little more systematically.

To do it systematically, we put this link numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 at equal spacing on the

circumference of a circle. This diagram is, in fact called as circle diagram. Here, links are
represented by these numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. And if this relative instantaneous center 12
has already been determined, then we join 1 and 2 by a straight line 12. This line
represents the relative instantaneous centers 12 and if the line has been drawn, that means

this has already been located. So, let us draw all the 7 relative instantaneous centers that
we have already determined. We have determined 14, so we join 1 and 4. we have
determined 16, so we join 1 and 6. 23, so we join 23. 34, so we join 34, 45 and 56. So
corresponding to the 7 relative ICs, which have already been obtained by mere inspection
of kinematics pairs, we join these 7 lines. Now to apply Aronhold-Kennedy Theorem
systematically, we should consider a quadrilateral in this figure. For example, we have
already completed two quadrilaterals, namely 1, 2, 3, 4, all the four sides are known.
Then the diagonals of the quadrilateral can be decided at the second stage. For example,
we can determine say this diagonal 13, how is as follows: we consider that 12, 23 and 13
are collinear. We have already drawn 12 and 23, so 13 must be lying on this line. This is
what we call, the Aronhold-Kennedy Theorem, that 12, 23, 13 are collinear. 12 is here, 23
is there, so 13 must lie on this line and 13 is this diagonal. As we see 14 and 34, so we
consider 14, 34 and 13. We have already determined 14 here and 34 is on this line at
infinity. So, 13 must be on this line as well and 13 must be on this line as well. So the
point of intersection of these two lines gives me the location of relative IC13.

Same way, we can determine 24. 24 we can consider as lying on a line joining 23 and 34
and also on the line joining 12 and 14. This is 12, this is 14, so 24 must lie on this line,
and 23 is here, 34 is here, so it must lie on that line. That means, the intersection of this
vertical line which contains 12 and 14 and this line which contains 23 and 34 determines
the relative instantaneous center 24. This process can be continued like considering this
quadrilateral with sides have already mean determined. In the next step, we can consider
the two diagonals that are 46 and 15. In the second step, we have determined 13 and 24
and in this step, we can consider 14 and 45 and 15 are on one line. 14, 45, 15 is on one
line and also 16, 56 and 15 on one line. As we see, this is 56 and 16 is on the vertical line,
15 must lie on this vertical line and also 14 is here, 45 is here, so 15 must lie on the line
joining O4B. So if we extend this line, at this intersection of these two lines we can get
15. Now after the second step we see, lot of quadrilaterals has been filled up.

For example, now we can determine 26, because we know 12 and 16 and we also know
46 and 24. Then in the third step, we can determine the rest of the unknown relative ICs
like 26, 25, 35 and so on. The diagram will become very complicated. we will show the

complete diagram, where all the relative instantaneous centers have been located
following the same procedure.

(Refer Slide Time: 31:13)

Following the procedure just now explained, finally we obtain all the relative
instantaneous centers of this six-link mechanism as show in this figure. We note O 2, that
is 12, A which was 23, B which was 45, C which was 56 and O 4 that was 14. These are
the five R pairs, immediately locate five relative instantaneous centers. Corresponding to
the prismatic pairs between 3 and 4 along this O 4A, we have 34 in a direction
perpendicular to O4A and lying at infinity, so all these parallel lines 34 lie at infinity
along this direction. Similarly, 6 is in horizontal translation with respect to link 1 so
relative instantaneous center IC16 is at infinity in the vertical direction. That is on all
vertical lines we can say, 16 lies at infinity. Following the procedure just discussed, we
locate all the relative instantaneous, all the rest of the relative instantaneous centers like
13, 24, 15, 46, 35, 36, 25 and 26. After obtaining all the relative instantaneous centers, we
are in a position to carry out the velocity analysis of this mechanism. That means, for this
configuration, if one prescribes the input angular velocity ω2 which is given and we have
to determine, what is the velocity of the cutting tool that is link 6? What is the velocity of
link 6 or velocity of the point C, which is same as the sliding velocity of the cutting tool?

Now to determine this, we argue it out as follows. Let us consider this relative
instantaneous center 26, which is lying here. Now by definition, this point the velocity of
this point, if we consider it to be a point on body 2 or if we consider it to be a point on
body 6, it must be same. That is the definition of relative instantaneous center 26.
Because ω2 is prescribed, we can find out the velocity of this point 26, if we consider it to
be on body 2, and body 2 is the rotating about O 2, therefore ⃗ ω2 X ( ⃗
v 26=⃗ O2−26 ¿ .
So, we can find out the velocity of this point 26 by considering it to be a point belonging
to body 2. ω2 is given, link 2 is rotating about 12 and this point 26 is here, so we get the
velocity. If ω2 is counter clockwise, the velocity of this point 26 is horizontal and to the
left, because this line is vertical. So, we get the velocity of this point 26 is along
horizontal direction and towards left and the magnitude is ω 2 into distance O2 to 26. Now
let me consider now the point 26 as the point on link 6 and it must have the same
velocity. And link 6 is a slider, that means it is in pure translation which means all points
on link 6 must have the same velocity. So v 6 =⃗
⃗ v 26 , because all points on link 6 have
v6 .
the same velocity. So immediately we get the output velocity ⃗

In today’s lecture, we have seen how to determine all the relative instantaneous centers of
a planar linkage by considering the different kinds of kinematics pairs and by
successively applying Aronhold-Kennedy Theorem of three centers. This method is
definitely going to give you result so long you have not more than six links in a
mechanism which is sufficient for the purpose of this course. So, for a six-link
mechanism, there are 15 relative instantaneous centers and all of which can be
determined. Once we have determined all the relative instantaneous centers, we have also
explained, how we can use the location of these relative instantaneous centers for the
purpose of a velocity analysis, that is given the input velocity, we can find the velocity
characteristics of all other links present in the mechanism. One thing we can remember,
in the last example we saw that the output link was a slider. So, the velocity of all the
points of a slider is same, because it is in pure translation that fact was very cleverly
utilized to find out the output velocity, when the input velocity was prescribed.


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