3p de Heij Nagelopen Door Hans - DNB

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Innovative approaches to the selection of

banknote security features

Hans A.M. de Heij1
De Nederlandsche Bank NV
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
New public security feature may become successful when next to their reproducibility the
following parameters are part of the selection procedure:
- time needed to verify the feature,
- the required human operation (feel, look and tilt),
- the location of the feature on the note,
- consistency within the series,
- costs.
Two stakeholders are discussed: public and retailers. What do they know? What do they want?
A public person receives on average one or two banknotes a day. The probability to receive a
counterfeit is low and the confidence in genuine banknotes high. The average knowledge is in the
Netherlands is around 2 security features, the watermark and the holographic stripe.
In daily practice the public is not willing to verify a banknote, but if they do, it should be done
within 5 seconds. As a consequence the counterfeiters are decreasing the quality of the public
security features.
A retailer receives on average around 200 banknotes a day. The counterfeiter targets the retailer
and creates counterfeits with UV features that look similar - or even better - than in a genuine
euro banknote. Many Dutch retailers still rely on their UV lamp (almost 40 %) and around 40 %
of the retailers are not using any checking devices.
A retailer does not want to receive high denominations like 100, 200 and 500 euro. A security
check should be done in less than 2 seconds and should not lead to discussion with the client.
Magnifying glasses or mirrors are not used at all. Central banks do not want the retailer to use a
pen tests for starch content.
How to get attention of the public for the public security features? A design solution is achieved
by a synthesis of several design parameters like a maximum of 3 active security features (and 3
sleeping). The features should be striking and easy to find, e.g. by a preset layout and added way
finding features like the use of an icon. An eye-travel path should be designed and checked
during the design process.
For the retailer the design team may achieve a synthesis by introducing new security features like
e.g. taggants, which can be checked by an automatic device within 2 seconds. The device
provides a signal (red or green light or a beep) and the retailer may tell the client The detector
does not accept this note, would you have another one for me?
Other counterfeit models used by DNB are refreshed too, like intrinsic versus extrinsic features,
internal versus add-on features and the black box model.
Banknote design, design methodology, public and retail security features, counterfeiting.

Email: Hans.de.Heij@dnb.nl

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This paper will focus on the selection of public security features for banknotes. Next to the
reproducibility of a new security feature other parameters should be studied too to make a new
security feature successful, like e.g. the time needed to verify the feature, the required human
operation (feel, look and tilt), the location of the feature on the note and the consistency within
the series.
Another purpose of this paper is to give a historical overview of the policy of De Nederlandsche
Bank (DNB) regarding the introduction of new security features.
DNBs tasks regarding counterfeit deterrence are:
- producing banknotes with adequate security features,
- keeping the retail sector and public at large properly informed,
- supporting repressive measures on the part of judicial, judiciary and police authorities against
DNB prefers to present these three aspects as a triangle (see Figure 1 [99]). The focus in this
paper will be on secure banknotes; law enforcement, communications and awareness are only
marginally touched.
Central bank
secure banknotes + communication


Law enforcement + prosecutors

attention to counterfeits

Retailers and public


Figure 1.
For counterfeit deterrence to be effective, maximum cooperation is required. Close collaboration is the best
guarantee that the central bank provides secure banknotes and adequate communication, making retailers
and consumers aware of the security features and that counterfeiters are traced by law enforcement.

Self defending banknote versus law enforcement

A central bank may have a bias to either more secure banknotes or to law enforcement. This bias
is driven by national culture. In Europe central banks relied more on self defending banknotes,
while for example the Treasury of the US by tradition has an intensive cooperation with the
Secret Service and also with others like e.g. Interpol (Figure 2). This bias may also explain why
the euro banknotes have two additional production steps compared to the US dollar, foil and silk
screen, which makes the euro notes more costly than the dollar.
Legislation and informing the public
President Lincoln explicitly gave the Secret Service also the task of counterfeit combat. First
legislation on counterfeiting banknotes was done in 1697, when the British Parliament
proclaimed forgery of a banknote to be a felony and punishable with death. Later, in 1800, the
introduction of banknote paper with a waved line watermark, instead of straight lines, was
supported by an Act of the Parliament prohibiting the manufacturing of paper with a waved line
watermark [27].

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Banknote strategy bias

Banknote production cost
Communication cost
Law enforcement cost

Self defending
89 %
10 %

Law enforcement
75 %
< 0.5 %
25 %

Figure 2.
Two basic strategies to protect banknotes against counterfeiting. Central banks following the strategy of
self defending banknotes spend relatively more money on the security of the banknotes. Central banks
opting for the strategy of law enforcement will spend relatively more money on law enforcement.
Imaginative figures.

The Swiss National Bank was the first to issue a public leaflet (1976). Before then this was
considered unwanted, since informing the public is like telling the counterfeiter, so was the
general opinion of central banks. DNB followed the Swiss example in 1983 with a first
experimental leaflet for the NLG 50/Sunflower. Today every central bank makes an effort to
familiarise the public with the (public) security features. Communication costs are relatively low.
Easy to explain, hard to counterfeit
Security features should be easy to authenticate and difficult to counterfeit. This is easier said
than done! Indeed: If you can make it, they can fake it!, the motto of Mr. Martin Mund of the
European Central Bank (ECB). In a Monthly Bulletin phrased as: The main challenge in
developing a new series of banknotes is ensuring that, on the one hand, the new banknotes are
innovative and difficult to counterfeit, and that, on the other, they are easy to check and have
security features that can be easily communicated. [62]. For the US dollar a similar policy is
drawn: future US dollar features should be complex yet easy to explain to the users of currency

1.1 Public preferences

How to garner public interest in banknotes? Key here is the development process involved by
such features and their introduction in new banknotes. The Bank of Canada proposed highly
intuitive security features, which can be used effectively for counterfeit detection even if an
individual has no prior training in how to deal with it [72]. Intuitiveness will be hard to define and
jumping to conclusions is a pitfall. Still, it is becoming increasingly clear that public perception
of a banknote is the key to better banknote design.
The time needed to evaluate the feature in order to establish its authenticity is a critical parameter
for the Bank of Canada. This seems to be very true. The public is willing to spend about 5
seconds on a security check as will be discussed in Chapter 4 of this paper.

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Features for new banknotes should not only be selected on the basis of perception, but obviously
also on the basis of other studies, like
- communication strategy (e.g. motto like feel, look, tilt, retrieval path),
- capitalizing on public awareness of legacy features (e.g. no more than two new public features
and improving the features that are kept),
- costs (e.g. maximum cost increase 3 %),
- resistance to counterfeiting.
In 2009, DNB conducted a survey of the Dutch publics security feature preferences. It turned out
that the location of security features on euro banknotes has the highest relative importance,
followed by the number of security features. The appearance of the security features is considered
less important. Security features that are verifiable at one glance will give the strongest boost to a
new euro 50 banknote design (see Paragraph 8.5.2)

1.2 Shorter life cycle for banknotes?

The trend towards shorter life cycles for both banknote design and security features is a constant.
The question is: are we heading for life cycles of 5, 10, 15 or 20 years?
Long life cycles for DEM and USD notes
The German Mark banknotes (DEM) first issued in 1948 circulated until the mid-1990s: a life
cycle of around 35 years. At 68 years, the life cycle of US dollar series was even longer. In 1996,
US dollar banknotes received their first major change since 1928. The intervening years had seen
the introduction of minor changes (e.g. the addition of In God We Trust in the mid-50s; the
replacement of Latin by English on the treasury seal in the 60s; the application of micro-printing
and security threads in the early 90s).
Shorter life cycles
DNBs policy in the 1980s was to issue a new banknote design after every two years. This means
that, with 6 denominations, a Netherlands guilder (NLG) banknote series life cycle would be
around 12 years. This policy would ensure a constant work load for the central bank, designers
and printing works. However, as new versions of the most counterfeited denominations, e.g. the
NLG 100 note, were issued more frequently than others, like the NLG 10 note. In practice the
public usually carried banknotes from different series in their wallets. For by the time a series was
complete, the arrival of the first new banknote broke up the series perception.
Today even shorter life cycles are foreseen by the US Treasury. The Bureau of Engraving and
Printing (BEP) writes on its website: In keeping with the strategy of maintaining the security of
our currency by enhancing the designs every 7 - 10 years, a new series of U.S. currency is being
issued. Proof for this statement is the replacement within 8 years of the USD 20 model 1996 by
the 2004 model of this same denomination.
In 2003, the ECB also assumed that a new banknotes life cycle would be around 7 years and that
a further decline in lifespan was likely [32, 33]. However, the lead time to realise the second
series of euro banknotes (ES2) already exceeds this 7 years. The ES2-project started in 2003 and
is expected to be issued in a few years time (2008, Annual Report ECB). Indeed, the develop
time to come to a new banknote design is a lower limit to the life cycle.
Lifespan of security features
Although a security features lifespan is not identical to a banknote models life cycle, they are
evidently related. The reason behind new banknote designs is usually the introduction of new
security features. However, there seems to be a contradiction. The lifespan of many security
features is much longer than that of a banknote design. The first watermarks, for example, were

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made in 1282 in Bologna in Italy, long before the first western banknotes appeared, which
amounts to a lifespan of well over 700 years. Although back then watermarks largely consisted of
lines, watermarks are still used in banknotes (Figure 3). And if we consider that copper plate
engraving was first used for British pound banknotes in 1694, we are looking at a tradition
spanning over 300 years! [24]. The origin of micro-printing is not exactly known, but Dutch
guilder notes issued in 1860 are the first available example of the micro-printing in offset used in
banknotes. Still in use as a security feature in many banknotes including the euro, the application
of micro-printing is a tradition spanning 150 years!




Figure 3.
a) sketch of the first watermark made in Bologna in Italy in 1282. The first NLG notes in 1814 included
such a line watermark.
b) mould-made watermark Little Owl by Jaap Drupsteen for DNB and produced by VHP. Fist watermark
with integrated highlights applied in NLG 100/Little Owl, issued in 1993. Since 1924, NLG notes featured
mould-made watermarks.
c) mould-made watermark Renaissance by Inge Madl for DNB and produced by Arjo Wiggens (VHP) in
2003. The background is an innovation, a so-called digitised area.

Legal lifespan of security features is 20 years

If patented, a security feature has a legal lifespan of 20 years, the period during which the patent
owner has the exclusive rights to the features use. This is a reason for central banks to come with
a new banknote, since after this period of 20 years the feature may be produced free of any
claims. Recently, the patent on the optically variable ink (OVI) expired, giving anyone access to
the production of such inks or the right to order such inks, like for example metameric optically
variable pairs presented in September 2009.
The patent on a transparent window in banknotes (Wertpapier mit Fenster) will expire in 2015,
probably leading to new competitive initiatives to introduce a transparent area in a (cotton)
banknote as basis for a public security feature.
Features for detectors
The same pattern is observed for machine-readable features, as presented at the Banknote 2005
conference by De Heij. The use of UV-features that, to be discerned must be evaluated using
ultra-violet light, has spanned over 40 years. And features requiring the light from the infra-red
section of the spectrum (IR-features) have been in use for around 30 years. The lifespan of the
magnetic and spectral properties are approaching 20 years [40].
Hard to abandon features
A variable that is crucial when we break down the lifespan of security features, is their number.
New banknotes contain far more features than did the first banknotes, i.e. 37 now against 3 or 4 in
the 18th century [48]. It appears to be difficult to discontinue the use of features, which in turn is

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problematic given that banknote dimensions have reduced over time, in some cases over 50 %!
Foil and silk screen were new features introduced in the 80s to deter colour copying and were
added to the existing ones like watermark, thread and gravure print. Today central banks
maximise the number of security features in their banknotes to around 20, divided over several
user groups [25, 48, 55], including around 6 security features for the public and 2 or 3 features for
the retailer. Contrary to the past, central banks can pick from a wide variety of security features.
The question is: how to make this choice?

1.3 Reactive response policy

Until the 1970s, DNBs response policy with respect to counterfeited NLG banknotes was
reactive. When the public lost confidence in certain denominations and avoided using these notes
in daily payments, DNB responded by developing a new banknote design. The first time was in
1853, when, after the discovery of a batch of counterfeit NLG notes in London, the board of DNB
decided to give the development of new banknotes priority. One of the DNB board members,
Willem Cornelis Mees, personally led the research for new security elements. The final choice
went to an improved intaglio gravure (a small blue-green security text was already printed by
gravure on the guilder notes between 1814 and 1837). The NLG notes using this improved
technique were issued in 1860 [20]. Several times over the history of Dutch banknotes such
reactive decisions were made, one of the last being made in the 1970s, when the NLG
100/Michiel de Ruyter was found to be frequently counterfeited.
The (implicit) counterfeit deterrence model used by many central banks is the outcome of a
design strategy based on the counterfeits received. When these counterfeits exceed a given
threshold, the central bank speeds up the search for new security features. Once such features
have been developed, the central bank commissions a new banknote design (see Figure 4). While
the threshold value marking the moment from which new features must be developed may be a
quantitative value, it is usually of a subjective kind, such as complaints or a (perceived) high
counterfeit volume.




Search for


Figure 4.
Process traditionally preceding the production of a new banknote model in a particular denomination in
reaction to a high incidence of counterfeits of that denomination.

Counterfeiter focus is on mid denominations

In the past counterfeiters focussed on the highest banknote denominations. The NLG 1,000 (value
454 euro) was one of the most targeted denominations in the 1970s, although this denomination
was hardly used in daily cash payments [8]. Retailers and public became alert and the
counterfeiter moved to lower denominations like the NLG 100. This denomination became by far
the most counterfeited Dutch guilder banknote. Lower denominations like the 5 and 10 guilder
notes were not attacked. The profit for the counterfeiter on such low denominations of bogus
notes is too low.
This pattern seems to be also true for the euro banknotes. The counterfeiter targets mainly the
euro 20 and 50, and leaves aside the low (5 and 10 euro) and the high denominations (200, 500
and also 100).

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High denominations not used for daily payments

Retailers do not want to take the risk of a counterfeited 200 or 500 euro notes and inform their
customers by stickers (Figure 5a). At first only the 200 and 500 euro were not accepted, the euro
100 joined later (Figure 5b). If high denominations are not accepted in the shops than
counterfeiters will not produce such denominations. Professor Philip Hans Franses: Nine out of
ten shops do not accept euro 100 notes. As a consequence people cannot and do not want to pay
with 100 euro bills and ATMs do not provide euro 100 notes. [58]. Recently, however, the Dutch
publics demand for 100 euro notes has started to rise, though, and more and more ATMs in the
Netherlands now contain 100 euro banknotes (Figure 5c).

Figure 5.
Communication examples on the use of high banknote denominations in the Netherlands.
a) Sorry, no change (gasoline station, 2007) .
b) These banknotes are not accepted (liquor store, 2009).
c) This ATM issues also EUR 100 notes (ABN AMRO branch, 2009).
Pictures by author.


Euro counterfeits threshold

As far as is known, no studies are available of what would be an acceptable counterfeiting level in
a cash payment system. The first system to observe a distinct threshold, an alarm level indicator,
was the Eurosystem.
Before the introduction of the euro, the total number of counterfeits detected in the 12 countries
that converted to the euro was around 600,000. This is why, in 2002, the threshold for euro
counterfeits was set at a maximum of 50,000 notes per month for all denominations. Action is
triggered when that limit is reached and when each month during a period of three months in a
row over 50,000 counterfeits are detected. A denomination should be replaced with a new design
if the number of counterfeits of that banknote accepted in one year exceeds 75,000. The euro zone
passed the threshold in 2008. The annual report of the ECB over this year reports a total of
666,000 counterfeited euro banknotes on a circulation of 13 billion notes.
The Eurosystem has left this threshold policy in 2009, since media attention on counterfeits is
depending on several aspects like perception on the counterfeits by the public.
If the 9 billion notes issued at the introduction of the cash euro in 2002 is divided into the above
threshold of 600,000 counterfeits per year, we arrive at a threshold of 70 counterfeits per million
notes in circulation (or c/mln). Looking at the alarm level from this point of view, the threshold in
2008 was about 50 c/mln.

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1.4 Proactive counterfeit models developed by DNB

Since the mid-1970s, DNB abandoned its reactive approach and developed the following three
proactive counterfeit models:
- intrinsic and extrinsic security features (1976),
- black box model (1991),
- simple model (2006).
These models are discussed in paragraphs 8.1, 8.2 and 8.3, respectively.
Being the only party in the banknote-chain receiving all counterfeits accepted in circulation,
central banks (or in some countries the police or justice), should analyse these notes closely.
Shortly after the introduction of the euro, DNB developed the so-called simple model to analyse
incoming counterfeits. The simple model focuses on the received counterfeits and classifies the
reproduction of the security features in simple qualities as not imitated (= 0 points), poor
imitation (= 1 point) or good imitation (= 2 points). This simple counterfeit analysis model has
now been in use for over 3 years.

1.5 Need for development of counterfeit models

Before issuing a new banknote, it is common practice for central banks to produce several
counterfeit studies in so-called reproduction research centres (RRC).
Counterfeit studies on isolated parts
With the help of such a RRC central banks may create their self made counterfeits before the
new banknote will be issued. Such self made counterfeits could be disclosed to retailers or to the
general public. As far as known, this is has never been done.
A new feature is often studied and evaluated as an isolated part of a banknote. The evaluation of
such a study is quite often by the person producing the counterfeit. Such evaluation could become
more objective if the counterfeit resistance is determined with the aid of a model, by recording
and reporting for example time and expertise required to reproduce a new design. Also the
counterfeit study could be reproduced by a third party to verify the conclusions. Finally the
methods used in ranking features for counterfeit deterrence can be improved and made more
objective to overcome statements like this version will be more resilient to counterfeit attacks
than the previous sample. See also paragraph 8.4 Preparation of counterfeits for the Board.
Counterfeiters have a test market; central banks do not
An important - and often neglected - difference between a central bank and a counterfeiter lies in
the possibility of improving a banknote while the denomination in question is in circulation.
Where central banks cannot change a banknote once it is put in circulation, a counterfeiter may
continuously produce and try out their products. Next to introducing technical improvements,
counterfeiters can optimise their counterfeits by taking on board the response of retailers and the
public at large. They anticipate on public behaviour by decreasing the quality of the public
features (see paragraph 8.3) and increasing the UV quality needed to pass the notes to the retailer
(see paragraph 8.5.1). Like counterfeiters, central banks could receive feedback on their new
banknote design before bringing the note into circulation. Such feedback could be received by
offering a testing programme to retailers and public, using self made counterfeit notes.
Counterfeiting may be triggered by new design
Central banks should be cautious with the issuance of new banknote designs. There is a
remarkable phenomenon that shortly after the issuance of a new model, the number of
counterfeits rapidly rises to figures higher than used to be the case with the old note. This

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happened in Canada after the issuance of the new CAD 10 in 1999. A similar reaction by
counterfeiters was recorded in the United Kingdom. Shortly after the introduction of the new
GBP 20 in 2007, counterfeit figures surged to an all-time high in 2008. In the Netherlands, too,
counterfeit figures increased shortly after the issuance of the NLG 25/Robin in 1989.

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Banknote counterfeiters reproduce banknotes with the intention to use them for real. They come
in several categories. To this end, the US National Research Council [62] and the Bank of Canada
[64] work with the following categories of banknote counterfeiters:
1) primitive or unprofessional (fantasy notes and existing notes made with off-the-shelf
equipment at home or push-the-button devices like a colour copier),
2) casual counterfeiter, hobbyist, opportunist or petty criminal counterfeiter (digital publishing
tools like a Personal Computer (PC), scanner, printer, editing software (i.e. Photoshop) and other
desk top publishing equipment),
3) professional (specialised equipment, acquisition of special materials, organised crime),
4) state sponsored or sophisticated high level counterfeiting (access to banknote production
The ECB uses a similar classification system (unprofessional, semi-professional, professional and
State sponsored counterfeiting happens only occasionally, usually to destabilize hostile
economies, like the attempt of the British Government to destabilise the Continental government
by counterfeiting US currency during the Revolutionary War (1775 - 1783). In 1942 the Germans
tried to do the same to the British. Inmates had to counterfeit the 5, 10, 20 and 50 British pound
banknotes, called Operation Bernhard. A recent example is the Super Dollar. These dollar
notes are printed by a real banknote printing works outside the USA and pieces are found in the
dollar circulation since 1989. The US Government suspects the involvement of the North Korean
government [27, 62].

2.1 What quantities do counterfeiters produce?

Usually the counterfeit level is defined by the number of counterfeits per million notes passed in
circulation [c/mln] (or parts per million, ppm). So these counterfeits were successfully used for a
cash payment. Counterfeits seized by police before the criminals could use them for payments are
not part of these figures and are in general much larger quantities.
Six counterfeit levels are recognised and some countries are classified according to these levels,
including the euro area (see Table 1). No case is known were over 500 c/mln have circulated. Of
course, world currencies like the US dollar and the euro are more attractive for counterfeiters than
the currencies of small economies.

Counterfeits detected
per million notes in
circulation [c/mln]
0 10


10 - 50
50 - 100
100 - 200
200 - 500
> 500

Australia, Japan, Latvia, Norway, Romania, Sweden
(Netherlands before euro)
Hungary, United States (excluding 1 USD-notes)
Euro (average in euro area)
Canada, United States, Euro in NL
Canada (in 2004), Great Britain (in 2008)

Table 1.
Seven levels of counterfeits and some of the countries where these levels have been established. Number of
counterfeits detected per million notes in circulation [c/mln].

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Increase of euro counterfeits

Euro counterfeits increased from 49 in 2007 up to 55 c/mln in 2008 and will probably reach a
level of around 70 c/mln in 2009, much more than the counterfeit level of US dollars, which is
believed to be around 5 c/mln in 2005 (including the USD 1).
The USD 100 has a counterfeit rate of 30 c/mln [62]. The total value of counterfeited USD-notes
is less than 0.01 % of the value of currency in circulation [62, 77].
The counterfeit level in the Netherlands (NL) seems to be substantially higher than the euro area
average. As the Netherlands is like a euro area province, the number of euro banknotes in
circulation is not exactly known but is estimated to be approx. 350 million. It follows that at
around 50,000 counterfeits a year, the counterfeit level in the Netherlands may be calculated at
143 c/mln or 0.0143 % (= 50,000/350.106), far above the average for the whole euro area 55 (in
However, one should be cautious, for counterfeit figures are highly volatile, as was recently
demonstrated in Canada (up to 470 c/mln in 2004) and the United Kingdom (up to 298 c/mln in
2008) [69, 91]. Australia claims a very low counterfeit rate of just 6 c/mln. This low figure is
fully attributed to the high counterfeit deterrence capability of the polymer notes [56, 62].
Rolling average number of counterfeits
Over the years 2006 - 2008, banknote counterfeiting more than doubled in the Netherlands (from
20,745 notes in 2006 to 49,294 in 2008) [90]. To overcome the high volatility in counterfeit
figures, DNB prefers a reporting style on counterfeit figures based on the 12-month rolling
average number of detected fake banknotes [55]. Averaging over 12 months will yield a more
objective view on the trend, which for the euro notes in the Netherlands is going up appreciably
(see Figure 6).
Aantal falsificaties


juni 2009

dec. 2008

juni 2008

dec. 2007

juni 2007

dec. 2006

juni 2006

dec. 2005

juni 2005

dec. 2004

juni 2004

dec. 2003

juni 2003

dec. 2002

Figure 6.
The incidence of euro counterfeits in the Netherlands, 12-month rolling average number of detected fake
banknotes in circulation. Figures concern counterfeits passed as registered by the National Analyse
Centre of DNB, 2002 - 2009.

2.2 Press releases by central banks

Most central banks issue annual or biannual press releases containing the latest counterfeiting
figures. Such press releases and the subsequent articles in the media - often copy-and-paste jobs
from the original press release - cover a fixed range of items:

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- numbers,
- in- or decreases in the number of fake banknotes,
- the places where the counterfeits were distributed and/or circulate
- the denominations that are counterfeited (the most),
- face value,
- the places where the counterfeits were produced and by whom or which criminal group.


1. Increase/decrease
2. Distribution: where
3. Circulating: where (mainly)
4. Note counterfeited the most
5. Percentage of most
counterfeited denomination
on total of counterfeits
6. Other counterfeited notes
7. Numbers passed
- absolute
- c/m
- per resident
8. Numbers seized
9. Face value

Euro area
+ 17 % *
Euro area
Euro area
EUR 20
48.5 %

+ 31.5 % *
+ 30 %
Euro area
EUR 50
NLG 100
82 %
~ 90 %

EUR 50,

EUR 20

NLG 25,


~ 140 ***

~ 10

10. Name of producing country

or town


11. Produced by criminal group



USD 100

between 5
and 30
USD 103
(0,01 % of

+ 235 %
GBP 20
98 %


GBP 13.7

digital press
(61 %)

12. Reproduction equipment

13. Police actions/arresting

[62, 77]

e.g. 17

*) These figures are simply double the figure for the first half year of 2009.
**) Period October 2007 - August 2008
***) implicitly mentioned (reader has to divide the number of counterfeits by banknotes in circulation)

Table 2.
Typical subject-matter covered by press releases of 4 central banks.
Overview of counterfeit figures in eurozone and some other countries.

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Such reports have a statistical format including some legal remarks. Table 2 provides an overview
of a reporting style as observed by four central banks in this context. All too often these pressreleases fail to inform on technical matters like differences between the fake and original notes.
Increase in counterfeit detection by Dutch retailers since euro introduction
A comparison of the number of counterfeit NLG notes with that of euro counterfeits in the
Netherlands (see Table 2), should take the following into account. The figures for the Netherlands
were only based on the counterfeits detected there and did not include NLG counterfeits detected
in other countries. The figures on the euro counterfeits in the Netherlands also include - of course
- euro counterfeits coming in from other euro and non-euro countries.
Table 2 shows that Dutch retailers were since the introduction of the euro confronted with about 4
times more counterfeits in 2009. However, the total loss incurred by Dutch retailers because of
shoplifting is much higher than the total value of the counterfeits, i.e. around EUR 750 million
and EUR 2 million, respectively.
Probability of receiving a counterfeit in NL
The odds of winning a lottery are usually much higher than receiving a counterfeit in circulation.
In reaction to the first increase in euro counterfeits (2004), DNB calculated the probability of
receiving a counterfeit in the Netherlands. Since the circulation of euro notes in the Netherlands is
unknown, the total volume of passed counterfeits was expressed in absolute numbers.
Nevertheless, the following calculation can be made:
Assuming a total circulation of 13 billon euro banknotes (13.109) in 2008 and a share of 5.71 % of
this total for the Netherlands (capital key of 3.99 % rebased to 100), the Dutch account for 742.3
millions of euro notes in circulation. However, the real circulation in the Netherlands is, as said
before, estimated to be lower, i.e. at approximately 350 million notes. With around 50,000
counterfeits in 2008, the probability of receiving a euro counterfeit in the Netherlands will be assuming the issuance of counterfeits are a constant flow over the whole year - about 140
counterfeits on 1 million real euro notes. The real probability will be lower, since counterfeits are
not equally put in circulation. Furthermore, the calculation is only valid for the person being the
last to use the counterfeited note; it presupposes that only one payment is done with the
counterfeited banknote. Only the last person using a counterfeit will bear the damage of a lost
The probability of receiving a US dollar counterfeit note is believed to be lower, around 5 on 1
million, including one-dollar bills [62].
Perception of the number of counterfeits
At the height of the first media attention for euro counterfeits in the Netherlands, in February
2004, people estimated the number of counterfeits to be much higher than the actual number of
counterfeits circulating. Entrepreneurs estimated that - within a 5-year period - 0.5 to 10 % of the
euro notes in the Netherlands would be counterfeits. Consumers were expecting even much higher
levels: 30 -100 % [48]. Such high figures were also reported in 2004 in research done by the ECB;
49 % of the retailers believed that they have come across a fake euro banknote [34].
In a recent survey by DNB on the safety of payment instruments, 11 % of the Dutch respondents
reported having received a counterfeit banknote or coin at one time or another [93]. This public
perception is remarkable, since it is far above the reality of around 50 c/mln passed or 0.005 % in
2008. Based on these figures the Dutch estimated over 200 % more counterfeits in circulation as
there were in reality (in 2008).

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Confidence in banknotes
In addition to the cognitive average knowledge of public security features, DNB considers the
Dutch citizens confidence in euro banknotes a relevant psychological indicator and started in
2004 to measure the publics trust in banknotes. Figure 7 provides the confidence figures for NL
and Canada.
The publics confidence that euro banknotes in circulation are authentic is not high: around 7 on a
scale from 1 to 10 [48, 55, 85]. The Bank of England has also measured aspects of public
confidence since 2004, but did not publish the results.
In 2004 and 2007 the ECB made a so called cash handlers survey [34, 61]. From these two
surveys it can be concluded that in both years about 50 % of the European cash handlers is of the
opinion that the euro banknotes are sufficiently secure against counterfeiting. For the Netherlands
the opinion is also evenly split. It is most probably on the basis of these surveys that the ECB
reported that Studies show that, in general, the more a banknote is immediately liked, the more it
inspires confidence [66].



Euro NL
















Figure 7.
Public confidence score for the euro (in NL) and for the Canadian dollar.

Threat indicators
The first counterfeit threat in Europe was already recognised in 1849 by the Acadmie
Internationale des Sciences. Banknotes could be reproduced using palaeography. Palaeography
employs both lithographic and photomechanical techniques. Such techniques became available
with the invention of the photography in 1825 by Nipce and by Daguerre in 1837. Because of
this counterfeit warning, in the 1850s the black print on the Belgium banknotes was replaced by a
more secure blue tint [20].
Instead of probability of a counterfeit or confidence, central banks have recently started
looking for ways to create threat indicators, just as in 1849. Such indicators intend to create a
signal, e.g. on a scale of 1 to 5, that indicates what kind of response is necessary. This signal
could be based on a variety of aspects like: increase in counterfeits since previous quarter,
counterfeit percentage in total banknote circulation, deceptiveness, average counterfeit value or
financial damage.
Recently artificial models have been developed to explain these threats, like threat assessment
(Bank of Canada, 2008), analytical flow model (USA, 2007) and multi criteria decision analysis
(ECB, 2007). They will be discussed in Chapter 6.

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Sometimes, central banks are weary of the publics apathy, as is witnessed by the following three
statements made by central bank employees:
- I believe that in most cases the public is not concerned and does not really look at their
banknotes (Thomas Ferguson, former Director of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing of the
United States) [75],
- The public in general appears to have no clue what features to look for, and if they do, often
they do not know exactly what the feature should display (ECB Monthly Report 2007) [60],
- The general public is urged to continue to play its part in the fight against counterfeiting by
taking an interest in their money and being alert to the possibility of fraud (Mr. Paramo, member
of the Executive Board of the ECB, on the occasion of the first Europol congress on
counterfeiting) [54].
How to garner public interest in public security features? Studies on public appreciation,
knowledge, emotion and perception are necessary to arrive at more communicative banknotes.
This view is shared by Dr. Hans Reckers of the Bundesbank, who finds that: The new Euro
Series 2 (ES2) should receive user friendly public security features. [78].

Public knowledge of security features (%)

Number of respondents
Hologram/silver foil
Security thread
Special ink: glossy stripe (iridescent gold)
Special ink: colour changing ink (OVI)
See-through register
Raised ink, relief
Micro text
Type of paper
Ultra violet (UV) total
- dull paper
- fluorescent fibres (red, blue, green)
- ink brightens up (front, e.g. flag, sign.)
- ink brightens up (rev. e.g. bridge, map)
- no specification, hold under UV light
Infrared (IR)
Dont know any security feature
Average knowledge of security features

Feb 2002

Feb 2003

Feb 2005

Feb 2007

Feb 2009

* = corrected compared to 2007

Table 3.
Public knowledge of the security features of euro banknotes in the Netherlands in 2002, 2003, 2005, 2007
and 2009 (in %) [55, 86]. OVI = Optically Variable Ink.
All measurements are done by TNS NIPO. The answers are given repeated by heart. The type of research
is periodic.

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Instead, security features are getting more and more complex to evaluate. The public already has
major difficulties recalling a feature. The general public is unaware of security features, as is
illustrated once more by DNB's 2009 study of public knowledge of security features (see Table
The group that can not tell any security feature dropped from 19 % to 7 %. Spanish researched
showed that almost 1 in 5 Spanish cannot name one security feature either [73].
Public: some qualitative, but no quantitative knowledge
The ECB also found that the public at large has little knowledge of euro banknotes' security
features. Their qualitative surveys suggest that cash users usually do not pay much attention to the
security features of the euro banknotes and are familiar with only a limited number of these
features. Furthermore, just a tiny fraction of the respondents was able to name or describe their
functionalities. Knowledge is, in most cases, limited to the traditional security features, i.e. the
tactile properties; the watermark and the security thread [61].
So, the public knows some qualitative aspects of banknote security features, but hardly any
quantitative. The relative high confidence in the euro banknotes (Figure 6) is probably one of the
reasons why the public does not check banknotes on counterfeits. An other explanation is given
by Ruud Van Renesse: The probability of a member of the public receiving a counterfeit is
virtually negligible. So why would the public inspect banknotes at all? It is hardly worth their
while. [57].
How does the public know what to check?
Many people will recognise the following situation: Look at me, what do you see?, asks the
wife of the husband. A new dress?, the husband answers hesitantly. No, look at my hair! I have
been to the hairdresser! This is a fine illustration of what kind of images our brain stores: 95 %
of what we see is recollection of old images [67]. For banknotes, this means that people will
probably just look for the watermark and foil, the two best-recalled public security features. This
implicit long-term memory seems to be irrelevant for a full security check, since it does not tell us
how the feature should be checked.
Another example of banknote recollection over a period of 7 years was researched in 2009 by
TNS NIPO at the request of DNB (Table 4).

Spontaneous awareness of pictures on NLG banknotes in 2009

Name mentioned
1. Snipe
25 %
2. Lighthouse
15 %
3. Sunflower
4. Other bird
5. A head of a person
6. Named colour
7. Michiel de Ruyter
8. Frans Hals
7. Others
~ 10 %
8. Do not know
22 %
Table 4.
After 7 years the Dutch recall the image of a snipe best, followed by the lighthouse and sunflower.

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The Dutch public was asked which images of former guilder banknotes they could remember.
The Snipe, as the then circulating NLG 100 bill was popularly referred to, was mentioned by far
the most, followed by the Lighthouse and Sunflower.
Only a few people recalled historical persons like Michiel de Ruyter (2 %) and Frans Hals (2 %).
Men proved better able to recall pictures on guilder banknotes than women, mentioning the
lighthouse and Michiel de Ruyter the most. Respondents between 35 and 54 years old could
mention more pictures of guilder banknotes than those in the other age groups: the snipe,
lighthouse and sunflower. The denominations of 25 and 10 guilders were best recalled (33 % and
26 %) [86].
Banknote perception
Besides the overlooked new haircut, other examples were given in the second public feedback
paper [55]. There is a difference between removing an element (a birthmark or a moustache) and
adding one (start wearing glasses). This might also apply to the perception of banknotes. Leaving
out the watermark or a secure ink may go unnoticed, while something added like a stamp or
writing on a banknote will definitely not be overlooked. This explains why counterfeiters can
permit themselves to leave out some security features as we will see in paragraph 8.3 DNB Model
3: Simple method.
There are some other famous recollection examples that might be useful for banknote design, like
e.g. the interior of a room. When people are offered an image of that room, they are very well
able to reproduce an inventory list of all the furniture and other objects in the room. However,
when the same furniture and objects are offered as single images, one by one in a random order,
people are less able to recall all objects shown. This speaks in favour of a little story on the note,
as we will see in paragraph 8.5.4 Communication of security features.
Does the counterfeiter make use of the publics knowledge?
Why do counterfeiters focus on certain features and widely ignore others? Knowing that the
watermark is the best-known public feature, would counterfeiters always incorporate fake
watermarks? Or, in more general terms, do counterfeiters use the publics knowledge as reflected
by Table 3 for optimising their bogus notes?
To answer this question we need statistics on how often security features are reproduced. Such
statistics are only incidentally made. Table 5 provides on the one hand the public knowledge of
security features and on the other hand an estimation of the presence of public security features in

Public feature in euro

1. Watermark
2. Hologram/silver foil
3. Security thread
4. See-through register
5. Tactility
6. Colour changing ink (OVI)
7. Glossy gold stripe

Public knowledge
(NL, 2009)
76 %
55 %
15 %

Imitated in some
form in euro
Almost all

Table 5.
Relation between public knowledge of public security features and the presence of such features in
counterfeited euro banknotes (common class, frequency).

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Vicious circle: public - counterfeiter - central bank

Judging by Table 5, there is a relation. It seems that counterfeiters are doing more than is
necessary for public acceptance! This is in line with the observation that the quality of
counterfeits seems to be declining (see Paragraph 8.3).
Counterfeits do not have to be very close to the original to be accepted by the public, is how
counterfeiters seem to reason. Here the vicious circle becomes clear (Figure 8). The public pays
no attention to the notes they receive, since the probability on receiving a counterfeit is low and
the confidence in genuine euro banknotes is relative high. As a consequence the counterfeiter
starts producing a lower quality. This lower quality triggers the central banks to tell the public
that it is easy to distinguish between a real and a counterfeit note!
When the number of counterfeits is increasing, like is the case in the Netherlands, people know
more public security features (2.5 in 2009 versus 1.9 in 2007) and also the group that can not
recall a single security feature decreased from 20 % in 2007 to 7 % in 2009 (Table 3). If the
public becomes more alert, the vicious circle may be broken.
Public does not
pay attention

Central bank tells it is easy to

see the difference between
real and counterfeit

Counterfeiter settles for

lower quality counterfeit

Figure 8.
How to break the vicious circle? Make designs that get attention of the public!

Focus from public to retailer?

Central banks focus in this context should be shifted towards retailers, since they are the key
persons in accepting counterfeits. While the average consumer makes cash payments once or
twice a day [38], retailers receive on average 200 notes a day [48].
Most Dutch retailers (41 %) do not check a banknote for genuineness; at least not without the
help of a device. Fortunately, the category that uses a device is growing (see Table 6) [79].
Used by
Retail device
1. UV lamp
2. Auto detection
3. IR viewer
4. Different
5. Magnifier or mirror
6. None

35 %
16 %
45 %
100 %

36 %
18 %
41 %
100 %

Table 6.
Overview of the use of retail devices in the Netherlands (2007 and 2008) [55, 79].

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These results qualitatively match the data for the Netherlands as reported in the 2007 Cashier
Survey of the ECB except for the pen tests for starch content (see Table 7) [61]. Euro banknote
paper does not contain starch and therefore will not leave a dark brownish mark as most
commercially available paper does. The pen is not recommended for authentication of euro
banknotes because it is not always accurate and results can be manipulated using various

Retail device
Ultraviolet lamp
Euro pens indicating whether the
banknote paper is genuine
Infrared viewer
Authentication device/equipment
The till/equipment you use automatically
checks all banknotes
You dont use any tools (spontaneous)
Other tool (spontaneous - specify)
Dont know

44 %
10 %

Euro Area
26 %

22 %


18 %

55 %

Table 7.
Results on the question: Do you use any tools to help you check the authenticity of euro banknotes? If so,
which ones? (multiple answers possible). Cashier Survey 2007, ECB.

A similar figure (43 %) was reported by the Banco de Espaa in 2008 for the presence of
banknote authenticity devices at Spanish shops. They reported also that 47% of their customers
are not annoyed by verification with authenticity devices of the banknotes they proffer to pay for
a purchase; but on the other hand 41% are annoyed by it [73].
Automatic devices are preferred
There are two types of device for retailers:
1) The type of device letting the retailer decide whether the note is genuine or not, e.g. UV lamps,
IR viewers, magnifiers and mirrors (for the colour-changing features when the note is tilted).
2) The type of device that indicates whether a note is genuine or not, often by a green/red light, a
text display or sound (a beep).
The second option is preferred and advised by DNB. Research conducted by DNB in 2006
showed that UV light checks on banknotes are often not properly conducted. This explains why
so many counterfeits with a limited UV imitation are not rejected. That is why DNB discourages
the use UV lamps (see paragraph 8.5.1). Auto detection devices on the other hand provide the
retailer with an easy argument to ask: The detector does not accept this note, would you have
another one for me?
Develop features to assist retailers
It is known that retailers do not wish to spend more than 2 seconds on a security feature [48].
Central banks could be of assistance here to retailers, for example, by:
- ensuring that in the next generation of banknotes all retail features are on one side,
- developing tools, e.g. a barcode scanner, that also check a banknote for genuineness (Figure 9).
- developing a marker and/or taggant readers (see Paragraph 7.1).

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Figure 9.
Cashier feature with three functions: security check, denomination recognition and cash management
developed by DNB in 2001.
Left: a barcode on the banknote is readable with the laser light scanners used at supermarkets (660 nm).
Right: metameric barcode NoCopyCode, developed by Joh. Ensched. A barcode with camouflage
based on metameric inks. Any code could be used, like e.g. EAN-13, EAN- 8, or any other. Metameric inks
are explained in paragraph 8.2.

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When a cash transaction between two persons is settled, one person is the payer and the other the
receiver. The payer has to search in her/his wallet or pocket, and recognises a banknote usually by
its borders.
Flash second
When the payer hands over the note, the acceptor only gets to see a glimpse of the banknote since
the payer's fingers and thumb partly cover the note (Figure 10).

Figure 10.
Banknotes are often used without being seriously checked. The flash second is important. Drawing by
author (1984).

In this instant, the value must be verified. The receiver, usually a retailer, will need to assess if
she or he is getting the right value, while the payer must determine whether she took the right
denomination from her wallet. This explains also the research results of both the US Treasury and
the ECB that the touch of the banknote is the most important trigger on counterfeits. In 2002 the
US Treasury reported that 25 % of the cash handlers only check the just received banknote if it
feels suspicious (against 6 % of the general public, the consumers) [29]. The 2007 Cash handling
survey of the ECB reported that the most common security feature checked is tactility for 70 % of
the cashiers [61].
Maximum time spent on checking security features: 5 seconds
The authors paper entitled Public feedback for better banknote design provides data regarding
the time needed to check a security feature [48]. From DNB research, the total time to settle a
cash payment transaction is known to be 19 seconds [36]. Unfortunately, it was not documented
what exactly is included within this time. Therefore, we have to live with the breakdown of 19
seconds as assumed in Table 8 until more studies on time become available. From this
breakdown, it may be deduced that the total time to check a banknote is probably around 5
seconds. This is also consistent with the study initiated by the ECB in 2007 to analyse how people
handle banknotes. The total handling time was 5 seconds on average, 3.5 seconds of which was
spent on exploring the front and the remaining 1.5 seconds on checking the reverse. After 10
seconds the test terminated [52].
Five seconds also seems to be the limit of what is socially acceptable to check a received
banknote without being impolite.

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CASH SETTLEMENT - break down

1. Payer becomes conscious of the amount to be paid
2. Payer searches cash and takes his/her wallet (or from pocket)
3. Payer selects right cash amount (banknote(s) and coin(s))
4. Payer hands over the cash to the receiver
5. Receiver checks the value of the received cash
6. Receiver may check the authenticity of the received cash
7. Receiver calculates the change (if any)
8. Receiver searches for change
9. Receiver hands over change to payer
10. Payer checks on the amount of change
11. Payer may check the change for authenticity
12. Payer stores the change in his/her wallet or pocket
Total settlement time

19 seconds

Table 8.
Breakdown in time of a cash settlement between a payer (public) and a receiver (retailer). Estimation by
author, based on the reported total time to settle a cash transaction.

How much time is needed to check a banknote?

On the website of the ECB the following statement is made: It only takes a few seconds to check
a banknote. The question is if this can be verified. First answer would be that the estimated 5
seconds are not enough to check all public features in a euro 50 banknote. To check all 6 public
features would take an estimated time of 16 seconds, as reported in Table 9. Usually central banks
advise the public to check 3 security features, which altogether would take about 5 seconds (3 x
max 2 seconds = max 6 seconds).

Euro 50 Public security features

1.1 Tactile relief
1.2 Nail scratch
2. Watermark
3. Security thread
4. See-through
5. Colour changing ink (OVI)
6. Hologram.
Total to check all public features

16 seconds

Table 9.
Estimated time to check the public security features in a EUR 50 banknote.

Not much attention for reverse side

Checking features on the reverse side takes additional awareness that is usually lacking and is
therefore often not done. Turning the euro note and tilting it for the special inks features is
probably found to be too time-consuming, although ECB research showed that on average people
spent 1.5 seconds on checking the reverse side. It may be questioned if this suffices to verify the
optically variable ink (or the iridescent stripe on the low euro denominations). Furthermore, this

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check is often hindered by the thumb or other fingers covering the feature when the note is being
turned. It is therefore interesting to follow the response to the recently introduced motion thread
on the reverse of the new 50 Danish krone banknote issued in August 2009. Will it be successful?
Other ECB research done in 2007 reported that the majority of the cash handlers check banknotes
on both sides (64 %) with just over a quarter only the front (27 %) [61].
No nested features
There is a clear trend that central banks expect the public to pay more attention, in casu more
time, to security features. The reason is the trend of so called nested features. Nested features
are based on the principle of a feature within a feature, reminding of the well-known Dutch
example of the Droste Cacao box (Figure 11). The first image, a nurse holding a tray with a cup
of cacao and a Droste Cacao pack on it, is interminably repeated in that Droste box.


Original public feature

Original feature with 3

nested features.
One nested feature has two
more nest levels.

Figure 11.
Principle of nested features. On the left: Droste effect. In the middle the original basic feature. On the
right the basic feature with 3 nested features in it. One nested feature contains two more levels of nested

Figure 12.
A switch from dark to light within the renaissance window is seen when the hologram on the euro 50
banknote is tilted.

A hologram is such a nested feature: a plain foil (main feature) is provided with a hologram
(nested feature 1), mini text (nested feature 2), micro text (3) and, from the reverse, a perforation
(4). The hologram itself shows the image of a gate switching from positive (feature 2.1) to

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negative (feature 2.2) on being moved (see Figure 12). Also the numeral 50 may be seen
(feature 2.3).
Another example of a nested feature is a mark in glossy ink (main feature) showing a colour-shift
(nested feature 1) and movement (nested feature 2). Micro-lettering on a security thread is also
seen as a nested feature, just as a feature which becomes discernable when held under UV-light
with a long (around 365 nm) or a short (around 254 nm) wavelength.
Change blindness
The switch from dark to light within the Renaissance window of the hologram on the euro 50
(Figure 12) reminds of a change blindness test done with 20 US dollar banknotes. The two
images of Figure 13 are used in an animation movie showing each 1.5 second a switch from one
image to the other. Most people do not notice that the background behind the portrait changes
from dark to light. Tilting the euro 50 hologram will also be hindered by change blindness. So
called achromatic holograms switch from light to dark and will experience similar perception
Figure 14 is also a variant on change blindness. Mirroring the portrait of the well known one
dollar banknote is not noticed by most people [80].

Figure 13.
Change blindness illustrated by USdollar 20 banknote. When the above images are shown on a screen most
people will not notice the 2 second switch in the background to Jackson from dark to light.

Figure 14.
Which is the correct USD banknote? [80].

Nested public features are too difficult to explain

In banknote design such nested features are unwanted, because they involve explaining and
checking several features, instead of just one. This may be demanding too much from the public
in terms of time and knowledge. A plea for simple design was already given by the Bank of
England in the 18th century: the best defence against forgery lies in three key features:
watermarked paper, good quality ink and a simple design [27].
In fact, central banks should see the banknote as a whole, as one feature (the banknote) with six
nested public features in it, all on nest level 1. As often said, the security of the complete
banknote should be found in the integration of these features, e.g. as achieved through overlaps

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between these features. This principle is explained in Figure 15 and the DNB-patent Authenticity
Mark [46]. As reading eyes typically focus on sizes of about 30 mm x 15 mm, these dimensions
might serve as guidelines for the dimensions of public security features [67].

Figure 15.
Left: banknote with six individual public security features; stand-alone features without integration or
overlap (island features).
Right: banknote with six integrated public security features; partly overlapping each other. Integration is
further enhanced by overlap of non-secure areas, like e.g. overprinting with offset.

Thread, foil stripe or iridescent band are usually simply overprinted in the banknote design and
are not really integrated. Such features could be more effective by making them leading in the
design process. Also features that are not linked, not physically connected to others could be
improved like the colour changing element (OVI) and the watermark. Such island features
should be avoided since they make life easier for the counterfeiter.
Multi-level security features
One should be careful with features serving several user groups. A security thread for the public
that may also be used as a detector feature in the central banks sorting machines is an example of
a multi-level feature. Such feature might lead to sub optimization for one or more of the
relevant user groups. Ideally each feature should serve just one user group.
User requirements
Time seems to be the most important user requirement for a public security feature, but there are
more, as listed in Public feedback for better banknote design papers [48, 55]. Table 10 provides
an overview of these user requirements, including the new introduced no nested features
requirement. As an example the table is filed in for the euro 50 note.
Scoring of public features in the EUR 50 note is simply done by a Yes or No.
The features best fulfilling the user requirements are:
- nail scratch feature (or ISARD), 7 out of 7
- security thread, 5 out of 7
- see-through register, 5 out of 7
The features that do not match the user requirements are:
- hologram, 1 out of 7
- OVI, 2 out of 7.

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1. Fast (< 3 s per f.)
2. Easy to use
3. Discrete
4. Reliable (durable)
5. Striking
6. Univocal
7. No nested feature


3/7 Y

7/7 Y

5/7 Y


5/7 Y

5/7 Y





2/7 Y

1/7 Y

5/7 Y
5/7 Y
2/7 Y
5/7 Y
2/7 Y
4/7 Y

Table 10.
Scoring the public security features in the EUR 50 note against the user requirements.
Y = Yes, meeting the requirement. N = No, not meeting the requirement.

Transparent window takes at least 9 seconds

In 2005 the Varifeye feature was presented, a clear window in a cotton paper. To check this
feature would take around 2 seconds:
- view against white background - in transmission
- view against dark background - in transmission
--- +
Today commercial companies propose a clear window in a banknote which should be viewed first
from the front (viewed in reflection) and subsequently should be looked through. As a next step,
the public should turn the note and check the same feature from the reverse (e.g. reVIEW and
recolor) [84]. The time to check such a single feature would be at least 9 seconds instead of the
requisite maximum of 3 seconds:
- view note from front - in reflection
- view note from front - in transmission
- turn note and view from reverse - in reflection

---- +

This leads to serious doubt if such features will be used by the public. Most likely, the public may
use it partly, e.g. will view it from the front in transmission.
More and more central banks are growing convinced that Optically Variable Ink (OVI) is not a
strong feature. After DNB and Romania, similar findings are reported by Banco de Espaa. Just
as in the Netherlands, the optically variable ink mark is the least familiar public security feature,
known by 11 % of the Spanish (and 3 % of the Dutch). The OVI on the dollar notes is also not
popular in the United States. The NRC in their NextGen book writes that color-shifting inks are
rarely used by the general public[62]. Dr. Hans Reckers (Bundesbank) is one of the criticasters

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of OVI because of its astonishingly easy reproducibility [78]. Vladimir Finogenov of the
Russian Central Bank agrees: OVI are reproduced with rather high quality [76].
With Spark, the next generation of OVI features, a third, motion-based, nest level was
introduced, in addition to the gloss and a colour (Figure 16). The order of checking the Spark
feature will be:
- motion,
- colour switch,
- gloss.

Figure 16.
The first banknote to feature the Spark is the Chinese 10 Yuan (print run 6 million), issued by the Peoples
Bank of China in 2008 on the occasion of the Olympic Games in Beijing in 2008. Picture published by
Getty Images.

The question is whether it will be successful. Motion is registered more quickly and in a different
part of the brain than colour differences. People will focus on motion rather than colour change
and/or gloss. If it sees motion in a counterfeited Spark-feature, the public might take it for real.
Since the OVI patent has expired, another draw back is the free production by any company of
two elements of the Spark: the gloss and colour switch.
And there are other hurdles for a Spark feature to be successful. The limited range of colours that
are suitable for the purpose is another weak aspect, also from counterfeiters point of view. Once
the good colour flop imitation is found, it may be used for many banknotes, both within the series
and internationally.

banknote colour

turns to gold

Figure 17.
Colour concept for a banknotes series. Easy to communicate: all colours turn to gold.

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From the customers point of view central banks will opt for a colour-scheme as provided in
Figure 17, where seven different colours all change to the same hue of gold. Such a proposal is in
line with the advice given 2007 to develop security features much more on colour concepts, like
e.g. partly coloured foil stripes [55]. The design of the colour-moving features should be extra
appealing, since the public in general is not keen on having to tilt banknotes in order to check
features [48]. Finally, the Spark feature is expensive, making up 15 to 20 % of a banknotes
production costs.

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Usually the printer is the contractor for a new banknote. The printers customer is the central
bank, not the public or the retailer. Semi-finished product suppliers are even further removed
from the final users of the banknotes (see Figure 18). This situation may be explained by the
controversy between technology push (the suppliers) and technology pull (the central banks).




(semi finished)



Figure 18.
Supplier (too) far from final customers. The central bank should take care of their stakeholders and inform
the private sector by means of a Programme of Requirements.

One of the central banks commenting on this issue is the Bank of Canada. The approach of the
private sector, because it is largely driven by profit motives and short term timelines, is not
completely suitable for the Bank of Canada. () Working through an internal research and
development program allows the Bank of Canada to test concepts that fall outside the core
capabilities of the traditional suppliers. Such exploration allows the Bank to progress toward
features targeted to specifically meet the needs of the Canadian currency user. [82].
An even stronger quote comes from Julian Ashbourn: Suppliers are convincing central banks of
the merits of their particular features, spiced with some attractive sounding theoretical benefits,
couched in the language of the organisation being targeted. With good marketing and publicity a
steamroller effect is created and, with the help of conferences and workshops to reinforce the
message, consumers dutifully start adopting the sales-speak.[83].
The new CEO of DeLaRue is aware of, and even accepts, this criticism when he tells that the
security industry is suffering from complacency. I think there is a real concern that this is
becoming an introverted, narrow and incestuous industry which forgets the outside world be it the
consumer (in the end of the day the user of banknotes). [92].
The banknote industry cannot develop optimal banknotes for lack of input from the retailers and
public. Central banks should provide this input. The central bank is, in modern management
terms, the chain director and should do the consumer research. By means of a Programme of
Requirements the central bank may inform the private sector [65].
What should be developed?
Since there is only one feel feature available (ink relief) central banks are especially in need for
more feel features. Tilt features - and especially colour switching features - are less popular than
feel and look features as is concluded in the first paper on Public feedback for better banknote

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design [48]. Also user requirements for public features are defined in this paper, like a checking
time less than 3 seconds. Further more new retail features are needed as follow up for the
magnifying glass and the UV lamp.

abstraction level

Printer is contractor
It seems that the central banks should develop themselves much more as knowledgeable on the
subject banknotes and should increase their development work, starting first of all to understand
their customers better, especially the retailers and the general public (Figure 19).

5. Science
4. Independent designer
3. Project team
2. Central bank
1. Suppliers, printer

development input
Figure 19.
Schematic view of the estimated input in banknote development by 5 disciplines (estimation is subjective,
made by author). Suppliers dominate banknote development process.

Often developers of security features expect that public and retailers will recognise small design
deviations in a counterfeit. Having a good idea of what a document should look like is essential to
detecting irregularities so is the idea of many suppliers. This may be questioned. Even if a large
element like the main image on the euro notes is altered, as in Figure 20, this is not noticed by
more than 80 % of the people [86, 87 90, 100].

Figure 20.
Change blindness for euro banknotes. Which are the correct notes?

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Wouldnt it be fantastic if we could say: The counterfeit resistance of a foil is 134 % of a
watermark? Unfortunately it is not that simple to compare security features with each other.
Recently, three reports were published on models for analysing public security features and their
counterfeiting resistance. The first was the report by the National Research Council in 2007 [62],
followed by a report by the Bank of Canada in 2008 [64]. The third method is developed by the
ECB and deals with a method to rank human sense security features on the basis of their
counterfeit resistance. The target of these three models is not exactly the same, as is illustrated in
Table 11.

6.1 National Research Council

In 2007, the report A Path to the Next Generation of U.S. Banknotes was published.
Commissioned by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing from the National Research Council
(NRC), this study provides an extensive analysis of who is counterfeiting what. Around 80% of
the lower US dollar denominations are mostly counterfeited by opportunistic (or casual
counterfeiter) and petty criminals, while the USD 100 is mostly reproduced by professional
criminals and even state-sponsored criminals (around 85 %). Most counterfeits are ink-jet printed
(mostly lower denominations) and offset (USD 100) [62].
The NRC chose for an analytical flow model after their conclusion that all features were
assigned about the same scores (mean score 1.9 +/- 0.1, maximum 2.1, minimum 1.7).
Counterfeits should be removed from circulation when passing sophisticated authentication
detectors [63]. A feature that prevents reproduction is less effective than a feature that prevents
passing, their conclusion reads. The future they see is a world using many more devices to check
The NRC also reported on technology fields for innovative features for future banknotes.
Colour change in response to pressure is a case in point. The greater the pressure, the greater the
blue-shift in the colours [62].

6.2 Bank of Canada

All R&D projects for new security features are conducted through a stage/gate process and
reviewed by a panel of experts. The development phases of a security feature are:
- design,
- proof of design,
- prototype,
- pilot scale-up,
- production scale-up.
Since the inception of the programme, more than 300 prospective designs have been reviewed
(not only security features). To date, just one project pertaining to security features has reached
the pilot scale-up phase. The intention is to maintain projects running on a continual basis at
various stages of maturity.
Several projects have been designed to predict the effectiveness of banknote security features. For
this purpose, information about how well users can authenticate notes or features has been
collected from direct observations using human perception experiments [82].
The criteria for passing on to the next phase of the stage/gate process are partly based on a
Technology Scan and Threat Analysis. The focus is on the different users of banknotes like

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human, automatic and forensic. Human is subdivided into unassisted (e.g. general public)
and assisted (e.g. retailer). Automatic is subdivided into cash distribution (e.g. counting,
sorting) and retail (e.g. vending machines) [64].



National Research
Council USA
Analytical flow model

Currency symbol


Classes of


Public testing /input
Complete note or
single features
Time needed by
Costs made by
Final output

Forecasting which
technologies are
favourable for new
security features
1. Primitive
2. Opportunist
3. Petty criminal
4. Professional criminal
5. State sponsored
5 criteria per counterfeit
class (excellent, good,
easy, somewhat, blank)
Not found useful

Bank of Canada
Stage/Gate process
(Technology Scan and
Threat Analysis)
Selection of designs of
security features for
development by the
central bank
1. Primitive
2. Hobbyist
3. Professional
4. State sponsored
3 in criteria and 7 out

European Central Bank

Ranking counterfeit
Ranking of old and new
public human sense
security features
1. Unprofessional
2. Semi-professional
3. Professional
4. Sophisticated
14 criteria (subdivided in
totally 57 descriptors) and
4 indicators.
Multi-criteria decision
Central bank experts

Single features

Dynamic Selection
Process (ranking table)
Central bank experts
Yes, some human
perception experiments
Single features

Single features







Development programme;
technological directions
where to search for new

Stage-gate process,
> 300 at start; still 8
projects running for new

Resilience Grade 1 - 6
(best - worst feature)

By Committee (NRC)

Table 11.
Overview of three models.

6.3 European Central Bank

At the Euro-conference in 2007 the ECB presented the counterfeit resilience assessment of
security features, a method which allows for a classification of public security features reflecting
their counterfeit resilience.

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The ranking of counterfeit resilience by the ECB is based on 8 criteria:

1. Complexity (number of properties to be checked),
2. Clarity (univocal properties),
3. Wear & tear resistance (impact of wear & tear on the clarity),
4. Equipment needed,
5. Material needed,
6. Material becoming available in the near future,
7. People (knowledge, skills),
8. Counterfeit attacks
A distinction is made between a feature reproduction made by emulation and one made by
simulation. When an original security feature may be reproduced close to the original by
commercially available techniques this is called emulation. If a reproduction is made with
materials that are basically not suitable for recreating the original, this is called simulation.
The simulated counterfeit attacks are ranked good, mediocre or poor. The method provides
for several steps to arrive at Robustness Grades (RG), ranging from RG 1 to RG 6; RG1 for the
highest resilience and RG6 for the lowest.
It seems that the ECB experiences the same difficulty as the NRC. Finally, the difference between
the features scored is quite small; from the 6 RG-levels just 3 are used.

6.4 Some observations

On the basis of a study of and comparison of the three models, the following observations can be
made. All three institutes:
- feel the need for an objective tool to evaluate public security features for their resistance to
- focus on the evaluation of single features, not taking into consideration that a counterfeiter must
produce a complete banknote and not just one single feature;
- fail to include the way counterfeiters operate. In other words: the time and investment needed to
counterfeit a banknote are not fully covered by the models;
- base their judgement on their experts view instead of also the public's comments (except the
Bank of Canada);
- fail to conduct measurements on the genuine feature versus counterfeited variants.

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Counterfeit Deterrent Systems (CDS) are generally aimed at preventing counterfeiting by the use
of standardized of the shelf reproduction techniques. In 1990 the Bank for International
Settlements (BIS) took the initiative to develop such systems.
Two generations of CDS
Today there are two generations of deterrence features. The first was aimed at colour copy
machines, introduced to combat the threat posed by colour copy machines. The second CDS
feature is directed against the casual counterfeiter trying to manufacture counterfeits at home and
introduced in the euro banknotes in 2002.
Both CDS-features centres on the use of existing banknote production machines and should be
applicable in existing banknotes without much change. The idea behind CDS is also to protect
people of becoming a criminal by copying or printing banknotes at home.
Quote from ECB report
The ECB reports regularly on CDS systems. Thus, in October 2007 [60], it wrote,
The effectiveness of a counterfeit deterrence system that prevents personal computers and digital
imaging tools from capturing and reproducing the image of a protected banknote has had a
significant impact on the counterfeiting techniques applied over time. The Central Bank
Counterfeit Deterrence Group (CBCDG), in which the ECB participates, along with many other
central banks around the world, aims to promote the voluntary adoption by hardware and
software producers of a counterfeit deterrence system to prevent the use of PCs, digital imaging
equipment and software in the counterfeiting of banknotes. In the early days of the euro
banknotes, a significant proportion of the counterfeits was produced with the aid of inkjet and
laser printers, as well as colour copiers. However, the effectiveness of CBCDG developments has
caused the volume of counterfeits produced by PC-related techniques to decline considerably,
while that of counterfeits produced on the basis of traditional printing techniques has increased.
Nowadays, approximately half the counterfeits detected and withdrawn from circulation were
those produced with fewer than ten distinctly identifiable sources of traditional printing
Counterfeit deterrence systems are an element of law enforcement rather than part of a self
defending banknote strategy (see Figure 2). With the introduction of the euro in 2002 the central
banks in Europe, including the ECB, gained interest in counterfeit deterrence systems but kept
spending money also on more secure banknotes by applying e.g. holographic foil and OVI in silk
screen. Evidently, CDS has had a considerable impact, since home counterfeiting has come down:
toner copies have fared badly thanks to CDS. In 2006 only 3.3 % of total quantities recovered by
the Eurosystem were toner copies.
Too much space and pale banknotes
CDS features are in need of space. DNB calculated in 2005 that over 50 % of the euro 50 note
surface is occupied by [65] which has a clear negative effect on the overall perception of the
banknote. The space attributed to CDS limits the surface for public security features, being 15 %
of the surface of the euro 50 note.
Its large space requirements give the banknote a rather blurred and pale impression. Now the
public is known to disapprove of pale banknotes [48, 55]. Indeed, they may accept a more
colourful counterfeit note for the real thing!
If the graphic designer would be able to reserve space for the CDS-features in advance, the pale
colours and blurring can be made a natural part of the design, e.g. as is done in pre-set lay-outs
like the one shown in Figure 21.

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Figure 21.
Conceptual banknote for the partially sighted: clear large numerals, alternating between positive and
negative against different geometric patterns. Secure tactile patterns are included at the short edges
providing a codification for the blind. Maximum attention for the 4 security features in the centre (but not
on the folding line). One security feature has a secure purple colour. Background could be used for other
security features. Design by author (2009) [55].

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In 1814 DNB commissioned its first banknotes from Messrs. Johannes Ensched in Haarlem
because they owned many unique letter types for letterpress printing cut by Fleischman. Letter
types were very difficult to reproduce for it required other type cutters to reproduce the types by
Around 1850, the new technology of photography triggered illegal banknote reproduction, also in
the Netherlands. In 1860, a new series of NLG banknotes including improved gravure print
provided the answer. Counterfeits kept coming, however, and once more necessitated the
introduction of new features and production machines around 1920. The single grey colour of the
NLG 1,000 note issued in 1921 was quickly imitated. This time (part of) the response was found
in the introduction of iris print. A two-colour press by Roland, the Roland Zwei Farben Presse
(RZ press) was installed and ready for use in 1926. The iris print technique was introduced in the
upgraded NLG 1000 issued in 1929!
Portraits on banknotes
In the 1920s DNB held the statement that banknotes should have a historical portrait on the note,
because forgeries are less likely to be successful if the public is well acquainted with its
banknotes, i.e. if people study them more closely. The portrait of William of Orange appeared on
the new NLG 25 issued in 1921 [20]. The reasoning behind this choice may be questioned, but it
can be seen as the first step towards a proactive anti-counterfeit strategy. For a long period a
portrait on a banknote was seen as an anti forgery device. It was assumed that people would
notice immediately that the expression of a portrait on a real banknote is different from the
counterfeit. People are expert in recognizing other people, especially by the eyes, so was the
philosophy. With the issuance of the NLG 100/Snipe, a banknote depicting a bird, DNB was in
1981 the first to leave portraits on banknotes behind. At international meetings DNB received
some sarcasm like Please, can you tell us what the facial expression of a snipe is?

8.1 DNB Model 1: Intrinsic and extrinsic security features

The development of the second generation of banknote sorting machines in the 1970s caused
DNB to switch from a reactive to a proactive strategy, initiated by Dr. Peter Koeze (DNB). He
introduced the concepts of intrinsic and extrinsic features, borrowed from thermodynamics. If the
result of a measurement depends on the size of the sample, the dimension is extrinsic. An
example is the volume of gas. If the result of a measurement does not depend on sample size, e.g.
the pressure of the gas, the dimension is intrinsic. Reasoning by analogy, fluorescence in
banknote paper is seen as intrinsic, since whatever the size of a piece of banknote paper, the
fluorescence is the same. Intrinsic banknote features mentioned by Koeze were, among others:
X-ray fluorescence, absorption of electro magnetic micro waves and Electron Spin Resonance
(ESR). Another feature mentioned also was based on laser Raman spectroscopy (in the infrared
In this model the intrinsic banknote features are characterised by the choice of materials, while
the extrinsic banknote features are set by the choice of the applied production technique. Intrinsic
features are typically more difficult to counterfeit than extrinsic features, is one conclusion drawn
in those days [2].
Machine readable features based on counterfeit policy
The model was first applied in 1979 in the development policy concerning machine readable
features. One intrinsic and one extrinsic feature were proposed for both the paper and the print: c
UV luminescence (intrinsic, paper), magnetic ink (intrinsic, print), barcode watermark (extrinsic,

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paper) and intaglio lines (extrinsic, print). In addition, it was proposed to keep number reading
(extrinsic, print) [3].
Finally the new sorting machines, introduced in 1981, were to have three security feature
detectors: AQUS (barcode watermark), ISARD (intaglio line pattern) and an OCR-B number
reader (see Figure 22). The ink of the banknote number could be either magnetic or nonmagnetic.


Figure 22.
Left: first banknote with ISARD, the NLG 10/Frans Hals issued in 1971.
Right: NLG 25/Robin banknote with barcode watermark AQUS, issued in 1990.


Which came first, the chicken or the egg? This is a recognisable statement for any new banknote
feature to be detected by a detector. In both cases of ISARD and AQUS there was first the
banknote feature, although there were already ideas about the principles of detection.
An intaglio pattern of straight lines was for the first time printed on the NLG 10 banknote issued
in 1971. A detector was developed by DNB in cooperation with the TNO/TPD Institute of
Applied Physics. The prototype of the Intaglio Scanning and Recognition Device (ISARD) was
built in 1971. The ISARD uses reflected light to check for the presence of intaglio printing on the
banknote. Later the element of straight lines on the banknotes was also called the ISARD (and
by designer Oxenaar the television screen!).
The barcode watermark followed a similar development sequence. Based on a proposal of Karel
Schell (Joh. Ensched), the first bar watermark was introduced in the NLG 250 banknote issued
in 1986 [13]. The watermark, created during the paper production process, may be heavily
overprinted and hence be made more or less invisible to the public.
Just as for the ISARD, DNB asked TNO/TPD to develop a detector. The prototype dates from
1983 and was called the AQUa watermark reading System (AQUS). Transmitted light is used to
check for the presence of the bar watermark in the banknote paper. Here also the element in the
banknote was later called the AQUS.
ISARD and barcode watermark in euro banknotes
Both extrinsic features, ISARD and barcode watermark, became part of the euro in 2002. After
just a few years, these features were no longer actively used, bringing the life cycle of the ISARD
to around 35 years! In fact, it began a second life as a nail scratch feature on the euro series
[48]. The bar watermark in the euro is quite different from the Dutch AQUS. It takes much more
space and doesnt use the density gradation of the AQUS. For the public this euro bar watermark
is more obvious and counterfeiters are often imitating it.
Since these features are created with the basic banknote production tools - that is, the paper
machine and the intaglio press - these features still have potential and could be further developed
as proposed in Figure 23.

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data collection area


free intaglio detector

sinusoidal barcode

Figure 23.
Left: conceptual proposal for a so called free intaglio detector. Instead of the fixed intaglio line element
shown in Figure 22 any intaglio print area may be used for detection. All relief in this area will be added
up and the sum total has to be above a given threshold value. The sum total of all relief on a counterfeit
will stay below this threshold. The data collection area area should also be freely adjustable. The first
concept was proposed in 1998 by Koeze (DNB) and elaborated further by De Heij in 2003 for a discussion
with De La Rue Currency [31].
Right: The initial idea is to transform the sharp-edged bars into sinusoidal waves. Wavelength variation of
the bars exploits the characteristics of the mould-made paper machine to the maximum! Optical
transmission detection in IR range. Sample produced by Arjo Wiggens (2004). Based on DNB EU patent
on BCWM (2003) [30].

Internal and add-on features

In the 1980s the security printing industry started developing a wide variety of semi-finished
security features. Examples are fluorescent fibres, security threads, foils and special luminescent
features. Due to this development the discrimination between intrinsic and extrinsic features was
replaced by internal and add-on features. For DNB an internal security feature became one that
can only be produced inside a security paper mill or printing works in the course of the actual
production process, such as a watermark or intaglio gravure. Under this definition, the AQUS and
the ISARD now became - confusingly! - internal features (instead of extrinsic). Next to
watermark and intaglio printing a new unmistakeable example of an internal feature was born in
the early 1990ths: the micro perforation of a banknote, first used in Swiss banknotes (CHF 50,
1995). The optical thin-film patch on the Canadian banknotes first issued in 1989, applied by a
special cold transfer technique, is an other example of an internal feature.
Internal features still preferred
Considering the pros and cons of internal versus add-on features is advisable for other reasons as
well. Add-on features like a security thread or a chip may be removed from a banknote. The
residue of add-on features might be recovered from the banknote after destruction, while this
seems less possible for internal features. Finally, the physical and chemical resistance of add-on
features such as foil usually perform less than the internal features. Add-on features like foil are
usually introduced from another industry. An example is holographic materials, which are widely
used in fancy postcards and the packaging industry, lending appeal to gift paper and cosmetics
alike. The security of the hologram has suffered because of this worldwide proliferation of
holographic technologies. Another disadvantage of such features is that they add a link to the
production chain. Any additional link will add transportation movements, security requirements
and confidentiality clauses and therefore costs.
Semi-finished products are, in principle, less suitable as bearers of security features, since they
will be delivered from outside to the security paper mill or printer.

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Overt versus covert

Intrinsic/extrinsic and internal/add-on features should not be confused with overt and covert
features. Until 1980, security features were kept secret, because in banking circles the notion
reigned that to tell the public was to tell the counterfeiters [68].
The terms overt and covert features were never favoured by DNB. Instead, DNB opted for the
introduction of user groups including the general public, retailers, central bank sorting machines
and forensic experts. DNB was the first to apply user group classification in 1982 [6]. Of course,
public features should be evident, even striking, while features for sorting machines should be
undetectable to the human eye.
As stated in the Introduction of this paper, the Swiss National Bank was the first with a public
leaflet in 1976.
Considering the trend that counterfeiters mainly try to fool the retailer and the public and
therefore mainly imitated retail and public features, a constant development of improved and new
retail and public security features should receive priority. It would seem that the security industry
focuses too much on add-on technologies as is suggested by Table 12.

Security features
production process


1. Paper

mass variations within the paper

(watermark, barcode watermark),

2. Foil (hot

glue, special unique colours,

additional layers, nanotechnology, ebeam made holograms (high
patch changing colour

3. Thin-foil (cold
transfer technique)
4. Silk screen/

5. Offset
6. Intaglio

7. Numbering
8. Perforations
9. Cutting

extremely small two dimensional


spectral values (layers of ink), small

silicon printed on wafer *
ink mass variations

number + database
(micro)perforation patterns through
finished banknote
shape of edges, notches

(delivered as semi finished product)
security thread, micro chips (RFID
tags), UV fibres, other types of fibres
like thin steel, luminescent pigments,
other pigments, markers/taggants like
e.g. botanical DNA
plain foil with or without hologram

magnetic pigments, pigments for

Optically Variable Inks (OVI), liquid
crystal inks, metameric optically
variable inks
UV fluorescence, IR
magnetic pigments, OVI pigments,
taggant protected ink (i.e. botanical
magnetic pigments, OVI pigments

Table 12.
Overview of several internal and add-on features that are or could be used in banknotes (the list is far from
*) Recently first prototypes were printed of flexible displays. Individual pixels are printed by using
inorganic and organic Light Emitting Diodes (LED). The organic LEDs (OLED) are printed using wafer

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A relatively new development are the so called taggants, specific compounds added to the
banknote paper or ink and therefore classified as add-on features. Taggants are a subdivision of
banknote markers like numbering or magnetic codes. When engineered at a molecular level, these
taggants can provide a unique signature when probed with a suitable reader. Taggants are
typically manufactured using complex rare earth-phosphor compounds that are hard to source.
Their production may also be based on different technologies, e.g. optical, nano or DNA. Since
2004 customized genetic codes can be produced by extracting DNA from an infinite selection of
plants (botanic DNA). The typical structure of cotton makes every banknote unique and could
also be seen as a marker.
Taggants are known security features, but their application in security products has remained
limited. They could be introduced in banknotes as a retail feature, since today they can only be
read by specialised devices operating at slow speed or at standstill. For the same reason, such
features could be used as a counterfeit deterrent system feature or as a forensic feature. Those
readable by high-speed detectors could suit the sorting machines of central banks. Each
denomination could have a code of its own or even every banknote could receive a unique code.
Although classified as add-on features, taggants have also internal characteristics since they have
to be dissolved in paper or ink.

8.2 DNB Model 2: System approach

In 1991 DNB presented a second counterfeit model, based on the principle that a reproduction of
an original banknote will never be identical to the original. The counterfeiters have no access to
the banknote security industry and have to use reproduction tools of the graphic industry, as
indicated in Figure 24. The quality of the reproduction will look poor - although sometimes
enriched! - beside the original.


Security printing industry

- central bank
- security printer
- semi finished secure products:
paper, fibres, thread, pigments, inks


Graphic industry
- primitive counterfeiter
- casual counterfeiter
- petty criminal
- professional criminal

Figure 24.
Schematic presentation of the producers of original and counterfeit banknotes.

Black box model

The reproduction system of the counterfeiter is seen as a black box. The basic idea behind this
model is a system approach. Any reproduction system takes an original banknote as input and
outputs a reproduction. The black box is defined in terms of physical and chemical dimensions
such as resolution, colour, opacity, geometry, mass and materials. The model was first applied by
Dr. Peter Koeze and Hans de Heij in 1984 for the development of new security features like the
resolution indicator, to be explained in paragraph 8.2.1. In 1989 the model was successfully
applied in an internal report to the DNB Board to protect future NLG-banknotes against colour
copy machines. This analysis was basis for the innovative NLG 100/Little Owl, a note well
protected against colour copying, issued in 1993 [16].

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Outside DNB the model was first introduced at the 1991 meeting of the Paper Committee of the
Banknote Printers Conference. One of the conclusions of this paper is that System analysis by
physical and chemical dimensions of reproduction systems leads to a clear development strategy
for new security features. [19]. Over the years the system was developed further [22, 25, 43, 87]
and today the model may be described as shown in Figure 25. The six key dimensions are
specified in more detail in Table 13.
Reproduction system


1) resolution
2) colour a
3) optical density


4) geometry
5) mass
6) material b

a = including UV, IR and other spectral features

b = including magnetism, conductivity
Figure 25.
The reproduction system is regarded as a black box that reproduces six physical and chemical effects found
both in genuine banknotes and in counterfeit notes.



1. Resolution
2. Colour
3. Opacity
4. Geometry
5. Mass
6. Material

dots/inch, line pairs/mm

CIE-diagram (Lab-values), colour travel graphs
density (log 1/R), gloss measurements
mm, m, nm (e.g. register)
paper weight (g/m2)
magnetism, taggants, steel fibres, polyester thread, aluminium foil

Table 13.
Overview of the six dimensions used in the system approach and the corresponding units (overview of units
is not exhaustive).

Reporting on banknotes based on black box approach

The black box approach enables reporting on banknotes in terms of the six dimensions described
above. Table 14 is an example based on the public security features in the euro series 2002.
According to this method the see-through register is rather weak and watermark quite strong.
The black box approach also permits real measurements between original and counterfeits. An
example of this is provided in Table 15.

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Counterfeited public security feature in euro banknotes


- 1)





+ 2)

Table 14.
Strength-weakness analysis of the 6 public features of the euro series 2002 according to the black box
model or system approach. Original compared to counterfeit:
+ + = original much better than counterfeit, + = original better, o = original and counterfeit quite similar,
- = counterfeit slightly better, - - = counterfeit is better than original. N/A = not applicable.
1) because paper weight is similar to standard in copy machines, 2) for nail scratch element.

original hologram

Sample A
Sample B
Sample C

reproduced hologram

Table 15.
The gloss of the original hologram is compared to three different hot-stamping imitations A, B and C using
different foils and fixed on mat adhesive tape. The gloss of the reproduced hologram is measured in gloss
units [41, 43].

Sustainable competitive advantage of real notes over counterfeits

The motto of central banks, Interpol, Europol, Secret Services and many others within the
security business is to stay one step ahead of the counterfeiters. In this atmosphere one may
encounter warrior language such as the weapons of choice in the fight against counterfeiting,
although milder terms like robust security are also used. Modern managers would probably
phrase it as: We are looking for sustainable competitive properties of the real note over the
counterfeit notes.
How to find such properties? Here the favoured system approach proved to be helpful. A new
security feature to be considered for use in a new banknote must have physical and chemical
limits higher - or lower - than the boundaries of commercially available reproduction systems.
Consider, for example, that a micro printed element on a banknote should have a resolution
higher than the resolution of a standard copy machine. Or take the iridescent planchettes made of
a material (polyester or acrylic) that is not available in (almost) any commercially available
reproduction system.
Weakest link
Studying the key parameters of a reproduction system one should identify the weakest link, as is
shown in Figure 26.

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Reproduction system


= Kinemax = 1,000 lp/mm

= Liquid layer = around 300 lp/mm
= Elastomer copy = around 6 lp/mm
Figure 26
Security system (or security chain) in which the weakest link determines the overall security of the
document. System approach depending on the weakest link.

Although current off-the-shelf dot matrix systems have a high resolution, this does not mean that
an imitated hologram will be that sharp. The elastomer copy process will reduce the resolution to
just 6 lp/mm.
Keep track of changing key specifications
Now what a central bank has to do is to keep track of improved and/or new technologies. This is
an ongoing process. The last three decades have delivered overwhelming innovations, as phrased
by security product designer Joost van Roon: Scanning, imaging and printing have rapidly
evolved. Techniques that were beyond anyones imagination thirty years ago are commonplace
today. [89]. Personal computers became both cheaper and more powerful in the 1990s. Very
affordable image-editing software, desktop scanners and printers became available and delivered
good quality. Today you may buy a 4,800 dpi ink jet printer for just 60 euro!
Since the introduction of home scanners and all in one devices no new reproduction
technologies appears to have emerged. With no obvious new print technology platform in the
offing, innovation lies in the improvement of features. A case in point is the introduction of
digital engraving around 2000, which ushered in a new phase in a long gravure tradition (first
banknote gravure: 1732).
It seems that for the first time, the development of new features, such as a transparent window in
a cotton banknote, is not specifically aimed at outperforming newly arriving reproduction
methods. Table 16 provides a short and incomplete historic overview of counterfeit threats and
the reaction of central banks and indicating the dimension on which the new protection may be
reduced, like resolution, geometry or colour.
Predicting quality of counterfeits
Whenever a new ink jet printer, new imaging software or a new digital press is introduced, the
key specifications of the black box will change. An example is the particle size of the pigments in
colour copy machines. The pigments of the first generation of colour copy machines (1980,
Canon CLC 1) were limiting the resolution, but did deliver some relief to the copies, quite similar
to real banknotes. The third generation of copy machines used much smaller pigments (1994,
Canon CLC 800) leading to higher print resolutions. The relief disappeared, to the relief of the
central banks!

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Historical counterfeit threats and the reactions of central banks



Changing value of
real notes
banknotes not

Offset printing

Colour copy

ca. 1850
ca. 1920
ca. 1925
ca. 1960
ca. 1970
ca. 1980
ca. 1980
ca. 1994

Home scanners



All in one devices

ca. 2000
2010 ?

Central banks reaction

First banknote with watermark (Stockholms
Marbled paper (GBP)
Gravure printing using copper plates, maximum
10,000 passes (GBP)
Anti erasure feature: an elaborate -sign in front
of the amount (GBP)
First forgeries. Number by letter press (GBP)
Plate Transfer Method (hardened steel mother
plate) invented by Jacob Perkins
Electrotype invented by Boris Jakobi
Introduction of colour
Shaded watermark (GBP)
Security thread (silk), Crane
First photographic forgery discovered (GB)
Line printing in alternating colours (up to 3 lines)
First see-through register (RZ press)
First banknote introducing colour, red for 10
shilling, green for 1 pound (GBP)
Simultan press (see-through register)
Introduction UV features
Magnetic particle printing (e.g. in number)
Introduction IR features
Polymer banknote with transparent window and
foil with pixelgram, ASD 10
Foil with hologram, ATS 1,000
First OVI in intaglio, THB 60, commemorative
note, issued 1989
Thin-film patch (OSD) by cold transfer technique,
turning from gold to green (CAD 50, issued 1989)
Windowed thread (Stardust), GBP 5, 20
Spectral features (M-feature), DEM 10
Common Mark/Security Circles to prevent from
Counterfeit Deterrence Systems
Simultan presses with 4/4, usually 3 plates dry
offset and one wet.
Silk screen, pearl lustre, NLG 100, 1992
Iridescent planchettes, NLG 100, 1992
Micro perforations, CHF 50, 1995
Transparent window in cotton banknotes,
BGL 100, commemorative note, issued 2005
Watermark with large highlight area (pixel area),
MXN 200 com. note, issued 2009
Hybrid banknote paper: film-cotton-film
SLZ 100 and 200, commemorative note, 2009
Hybrid paper: paper-polymer-paper (CHF 50)

Material, density
Material, density
Colour change
Density, colour
Geometry, density
Geometry, density
geometry, density
Geometry, density

Table 16.
Overview of several historical threats and the reaction of the central banks.

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With this system approach it is now even possible to predict the quality of counterfeits. When the
colour gamut of any reproduction system is increased, security features based on colour will lose
strength. The new banknote under development should receive better key specifications on
colour than the latest graphical tools can deliver.
Provides insight in dimensions of new features
Another advantage of the system approach is the quick insight it offers into the basic level of
defence of a new feature. The Wings security thread for example can be defined in terms of
geometry and density (Figure 27)

In reflection

In transmission

Figure 27.
The Wings security thread shows up quite differently in reflection and in transmission (Goznak, 2007).

Also, the real security of the Motion feature is not only the lenticular lenses (geometry), but

especially the high resolution of the electro-graphical printing underneath these lenses. A
transparent window in a paper banknote is mainly a matter of material and optical density (Figure
28). But the model also serves to expose the weak elements in an existing banknote, e.g. the seethrough and (intaglio) portraits, losing territory in, respectively, the geometry and resolution

resolution 1)
colour 2)
geometry 3)
optical density 4)
mass 5)
material 6)

Micro-optics Motion in
promotional banknote,

Latvia LVL 100 banknote,

issued in 2007. First cotton
banknote with a transparent
window (after the
Bulgarian BGL 20 in 2005,
which was an occasional

Figure 28.
Characterising Motion and transparent window with the system approach.

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System approach applied on Counterfeit Deterrence Systems

The principle of Counterfeit Deterrence Systems (CDS) may also be explained by the system
approach, as is done in Figure 29. An intrinsic feature, such as a taggant might be an option for
such systems, since high-speed detection is not required. Taggants are not visible and therefore
inconspicuous. Furthermore taggants take no space.


Reproduction system


Figure 29.
Basic principle of prevention of banknote reproduction: no output.

Not all eggs in one basket

The selection of security features for a new banknote may profit from this system approach. The
central bank could select the features on the principle of not all eggs in one basket and could opt
for a strategic spread of the features over the six dimensions (Figure 30).







Figure 30.
Selection of security features for a new banknote could be based on the policy do not put all your eggs in
one basket.

8.2.1 Resolution
For a better understanding of the system approach, resolution is explained here in more detail. By
tradition, banknotes are printed with continuous lines instead of dots. Replication by scanners or
copiers may be recognised because it consists of dots specified in dots per inch (dpi), in screen
values or in pixels or in any other way. If we want to compare the resolutions applied in banknote
production and in the graphic industry, both must be expressed in the same units. For banknotes,
line pairs per millimetre [lp/mm] are preferred.

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The finest elements a banknote printer may print are lines of 30 m wide. If the area between two
printed lines is also 30 m, the line frequency of these lines may be calculated as 16.7 lp/mm. A
resolution of 360 dpi is equivalent to 6.6 lp/mm.
Over the decades several security features were developed based on printed lines, such as lines in
alternating colours, as will be explained in Section 8.2.2 on dry offset printing.
A review of all kind of security features that can be printed by lines and also dots is provided by
Ruud van Renesse in 2002 [28]. One of the classes defined is local screen modulation,
subdivided in screen- and scan traps. Screen traps are dedicated line patterns that interfere with
the screens used to reproduce a banknote with moir fringes as a result. Scan traps are defined as
printed patterns that form aliasing effects when the feature is scanned with similar frequencies as
for example the frequency used in the scan trap (eigenfrequency).
Screen traps using line patterns were first applied in the NLG 10/Frans Hals, issued in 1971. Later
Dr. Peter Koeze found that for being effective, the line width of the printed and the unprinted line
should be exactly the same [4]. The frequencies selected for the screen traps were similar to the
frequencies used in the reproduction systems used by the counterfeiter, e.g. screen 45 or screen 60
and are therefore also scan traps. Both, screen- and scan traps, are security features which trigger
the publics attention. Today such features are not considered to be public features, but trigger
features (or level 0). Such trigger features make the counterfeited note look blurred or brownish,
which triggers people to check for example the watermark and other public security features [48,
When screen- and scan traps are printed too small, people will not notice them. That is why a
large circle was printed on the NLG 100/Snipe (Figure 31). Disturbance by interference (moir
patterns) or by aliasing effects (i.e. eigenfrequency) would disturb the homogenous circle so was
the design idea.
detail mirror

screen and scan traps

screen and scan traps

metameric colours

fading to zero

Figure 31.
Left: NLG 100/Snipe with screen and scan traps, issued in 1981.
Right: NLG 250/Lighthouse (reverse) with resolution indicator or detail mirror and screen and scan
traps, issued in 1986.

The NLG 100/Snipe was the first banknote with screen traps based on line pairs with exactly
equal line widths (a) and (b), leading to 50 % coverage (Figure 32). Unfortunately, the best line
pair specification the printer was able to print was between 40 % and 60 % coverage, which made
the screen traps less effective.

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Cut-off frequency
A second defence line is based on the principle that a reproduction system will not be able to
reproduce line frequencies above its eigenfrequency (Figure 32). In fact, the Nyquist theorem
explains that the sample frequency of the system must be at least twice the resolution of the
printed matter (Harry Nyquist, 1929).

line pairs with

a = printed line width
b = unprinted line width
Figure 35.
Left: line pairs with line width (a) and an un-printed line width (b). When a = b, the coverage K of the lines
is exactly 50 % (K = a/(a + b)).
Right: Modulation Transfer Function, where cut-off frequency is o and C is contrast.

Table 17 provides an overview of several typical cut-off frequencies of printing units and imaging
software, provided in lp/mm. Not every new technique achieves better performance than previous
ones. A photograph taken about 200 years ago, a Daguerreotype, typically has a pixel size of
about 0.5 m (or 100 lp/mm), the size of a particle of silver amalgam, while a standard digital
photograph today would have a pixel size of 6 m (or 8.3 lp/mm).


Newspaper photo (screen 25)

Printed photo, grey scale (screen 48)
Printed photo, colour (screen 60)
Flatbed ink-jet printer
Stamp in photogravure (screen 125)
360 dpi
Stochastic screen (400 dpi)
Ordinary digital photo print
All-in-one device (copier)
Digital press (600 dpi)
Intaglio press (chemical etching)
Colour copy machines (720 dpi)
Intaglio press (laser engraving)
Direct colour printing (800 dpi)
High quality laser printers
Daguerre photo print


Imaging software

Digital-image capture systems

High quality scanner
Electro-photographic systems
Graphical film
Imaging software (10,000 dpi)
Perfect lens

50 -100

Human eye at reading distance

Table 17.
Characterisation of reproduction systems by resolution in terms of line pairs per millimeter.

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Resolution indicator and micro text (1986)

DNB first applied the black box model for the development of new security features in 1984,
when it designed a so called detail mirror [7]. Such an element would indicate the resolution of
the counterfeiters equipment, which is of course expected to be lower than that of the security
printer. The detail mirror was introduced in the NLG 250/Lighthouse, issued in 1986 (see Figure
Another clear example of the black box model was the introduction of intaglio micro printing for

that same note. According to the printer, the 0.2 mm letter height proposed by DNB could not be
achieved, but DNB proved that it could, with the letter font shown in Figure 33 a) and b) [10].
Where several languages have to be used on a banknote, central bank and designers tend to limit
themselves to numerals (e.g. 50) or letter designs (such as EURO). Micro-symbols as
presented in Figure 33 c) and d) may be used to create new images and so may go down better
with the public.




Figure 33.
a) Micro-letters proposed by DNB for the NLG 250/Lighthouse based on the cut-off frequency of the
intaglio press.
b) The word EXPORT based on the letter type proposed in a).
c) Instead of micro-text, designs may use micro-symbols, combined here into the shape of a bottle.
d) Detail of c).

8.2.2 Dry offset printing

This paragraph is specifically dedicated to dry offset Simultan printing, a banknote printing
technology which is outdated, in the authors opinion, as will be explained in this section.
RZ-offset printing
Around 1920 offset print became widely available, gaining market share from letterpress printing.
Offset colour printing uses 3 or 4 screens or plates (blue, cyan, yellow and/or black). This
technique was - and still is - based on dots and the reaction of the central banks was to base their
banknotes on line work instead. As said in the introduction of this Chapter, the answer for DNB
was the introduction of two-colour offset presses (RZ press), ready for use in 1926. Basic idea of
these presses was line print (instead of dots). The technique allowed two lines to be printed in two
different colours with white lines in between, as illustrated by Figure 34. Lines in each colour
were printed from two separate plates. The register between the two plates completed the security
of the line work. A typical example from NLG banknotes of this press is shown in Figure 35.

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dry offset 50 m 30 m 50 m

2 offset plates

dry offset
50 m 30 m
wet offset 30 m
30 m

50 m
30 m

3 offset plates

Figure 34.
Security principle of alternating line colours, based on two colours (left, since around 1925) and based on
three colours (right, since around 1960).

Figure 35.
Two examples of line work in banknotes.
Left: typical detail of line work, including guilloches, in NLG 10/Greybeard, issued in 1934 (design by
C.A. Lion Cachet).
Right: typical detail of line work in EUR 50, issued in 2002 (design by Robert Kalina).

Simultan printing
The successor of the RZ-press at security printer Ensched is the Simultan press. These
innovative presses were first introduced in the 1960s. A Simultan press is a brand name for a
printing press manufactured by a well known company in the security printing industry. This
press collects the print of several separate images - all images on one side - on a rubber blanket.
The same is done for several separated images on the reverse side of the banknote. The
registration of the offset plates within one side is high, today less than 3 m. Next these collected
images are printed in one run - simultaneously - on both the front and the reverse of the banknote
In traditional offset printing, ink separation is based on the repulsion between ink and water (or
wet offset). The printing plates of these new Simultan presses did not use water, but separated ink
and non-ink areas by using a slight relief, in fact a variant of letterpress. Therefore the Simultan
printing technique was called dry offset. The presses had another property unavailable in the
outside graphic industry: one plate on the front could be printed in perfect register with one plate
on the reverse (+/- 0.10 mm).

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To date the Simultan press has lost its added value. Lines in alternating colours and iris print, the
two typical dry offset features, are no longer a hurdle for the counterfeiter and are less used (e.g.
Figure 35). Also the fit of the front and the reverse, the see-through register, no longer provides a
defence against current reproduction techniques. Its main drawback is its low resolution (around 8
lp/mm); most commercial presses can do better. Also the line broadening because of the slight
relief of de dry offset plates is today a disadvantage for a security product like a banknote. As a
consequence there are no new public features using the techniques of the Simultan press, except
the Multi Variable Colour feature.
Multi Variable Colour
In 2004 a new public security feature was introduced using the three offset plates of the Simultan
press. The feature is called Multi Variable Colour (MVC) and is part of the Russian 100 rouble
banknote (Figure 36). The MVC is a smart construction making use of the high registration
between the three offset plates. The MVC feature shows all kind of rainbow colours when the
banknote is tilted.

MVC in RUR 100, issued in 2004

Detail MVC

Figure 36.
Muti Variable Colour (MVC) security feature in Russian rouble banknotes, introduced in 2004. When
tilted, rainbow colours appear in the area printed under the denomination numeral.

8.2.3 Density and tonal range

The system approach also sparked inspiration for some new features based on colour density. The
tonal range characterizes the density reproduction capacity of a graphic process (see Figure 37).
The upper (light) and lower (dark) boundaries of this range serve to test the quality of the
reproduction process. A graphic original can be optimized to emphasize the difference between
the density ranges of the original and the graphic reproduction. Lightly tinted banknote paper is a
well known security feature based on low density. Other features covering the low end of the
density range may use pastel tints or grey scales ranging from 0 % to 5 %. A typical Dutch lowdensity feature was the fading to zero first applied on the reverse of the NLG 100/Snipe issued
in 1981 (see Figure 31 for an example from the NLG 250/Lighthouse).
What if the colour chosen for the paper tint is complementary to the dominant banknote colour?
Are people more likely to notice, for example, the absence, in a green counterfeit, of a faint red
paper tint than a slightly green paper tint? An experiment was carried out by DNB with the green
NLG 1,000/Lapwing as shown in Figure 38b and reported in 1996 [23]. Although the reddish tint
was absent in standard colour copies, the idea was abandoned because the graphic designer Jaap
Drupsteen did not like it. It delivers the design an old fashioned look.

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density of graphic reproduction

high density

low density

density of graphic original

Figure 37.
Development model for security features based on density. Tonal range of perfect (A) and imperfect (B)
graphic reproduction.



high density
Figure 38.
Examples of features based on low and high density.
a) Original NLG 1,000/Lapwing on white paper (issued in 1994).
b) NLG 1,000/Lapwing printed on slightly red paper (1993).
c) High density element printed in NLG 1,000/Lapwing (dark solid offset area with on top dark intaglio).

High density features

Also high density features will contribute to the security of a banknote. The difference in the
density must only be seen in the original and not in its graphic reproduction. Differences at the
high end of the density range may be introduced for example by designing an area with overlay
printing located next to an area with high single-print density. The difference in density must be
visible in the original but not in a graphic reproduction. For this purpose a grey scale from
90 - 100 % could be suitable. The same colour was used for both the intaglio print and the offset
print. Figure 38c show an application of this principle. The high density properties were used
again in the NLG 10/Kingfisher, issued in 1997.

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8.2.4 Colour
The system approach also yielded some security features based on colour. Since 1850,
unsaturated colours have been used in many banknote designs, including the Dutch. Such colours
were often based on unique ink recipes. The well known Dutch artist Anton Pieck worked and
lived in Haarlem, also the residence of security printer Joh. Ensched. In the 1950s he regularly
visited the printer because he loved all the nice dark brown ink varieties he could find there.
In 1980, unprecedented in banknote printing, a very bright colour, a highly saturated orange ink,
was developed. The idea was to use a colour outside the euroscale colour reproduction standard.
The bright orange colour, showing up brown in a reproduction, was first introduced on the
NLG 50/Sunflower issued in 1982.
In 1986 some more design studies on colours outside the euroscale were performed. One idea that
came out of this study was to print a reference next to the colour outside the euroscale. This
reference was the colour the outlier colour would show up as in reproduction. In an original
note, the idea ran, the two colour areas should look different, while in a reproduction they would
look the same. Figure 39 explains the principle and provides some examples.


Examples for colour B
1. = PMS 021
2. = PMS warm red
3. = PMS rhod. red
4. = PMS 245
5. = PMS purple

repr. PMS warm red/

PMS warm red

repr. PMS rhod. red/

PMS rhod. red

repr. PMS 245/

PMS 245



Figure 39.
Study of colours outside the euroscale reproduction standard, 1986 [9, 11].
a) Basic principle. The colour B will be reproduced as colour B, which ideally should be similar to colour
A). Within the ellipse humans will perceive no colour difference between A and B.
b) The human eye will see two different colour areas (A and B) if the diameter of such an area is about 10
mm, corresponding to an angle of vision of ca. 2 at reading distance.
c) The colours developed, plotted in a CIE-diagram.
d) Samples of the colours developed.

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Metameric colours
An other example of a colour pair based on the colour dimension are so-called metameric
colours also recommended by the NRC in their NextGen report [62]. Metameric colours are two
colours (a colour pair) that are perceived as similar under one light source, e.g. daylight, and as
differently under another, e.g. neon light. Infra red (IR) images are also referred to as IR
metameric ink, since under daylight two inks will look the same, while with an IR-viewer one
ink becomes visible (absorbent in IR spectrum) and the other ink is not visible (transparent in IR
Metameric design in Dutch guilder notes
A green metameric colour pair was designed and introduced in the NLG 250/Lighthouse intended
for use by retailers. Seen through a red filter, a rabbit would show (Figure 40). In the years that
followed some more metameric studies were done by DNB and Joh. Ensched. One example is
shown in Figure 41. An other metameric colour pair, in the shape of a fish, was introduced in the
NLG 25/Robin issued in 1990. This was to be the last banknote model DNB incorporated colour
pairs in, because the design suffered of a lack of colours in the area of the metameric colour pair
and the feature never became popular. In 1996 Singapore issued a commemorative banknote of
SGD 25 using metameric colours (Figure 40). In 2001 DNB proposed a metameric barcode for
the euro banknotes (see Figure 9).

metameric rabbit in NLG 250

original SGD 25

one of the metameric colours
becomes visible using a red filter

Figure 40.
a) Metameric rabbit explained in the leaflet of the NLG 250/Lighthouse (1986).
b) Metameric security feature in Singapore SGD 25. A third brown pattern is used as camouflage.
c) Under a red filter the text 1JAN96 becomes visible (SGD 25).

colour copy
Figure 41.
Design study on metameric colours by Joh. Ensched, based on designs made by Hans Kruit. On the left
the original (here of course reproduced) and on the right a contemporary colour-copied reproduction (ca.

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8.3 DNB Model 3: Simple method

Up to 2002, classifying of and reporting on NLG counterfeits were not a high priority of DNB.
With the introduction of the euro banknotes all central banks of the Eurosystem implemented a
National Analysis Centre (NAC). The principal aim of the centres is to keep track of counterfeit
euro notes. Counterfeits within the Eurosystem are therefore classified in a standardized way and
information is centrally gathered.
The coming of the Dutch NAC at DNB brought counterfeit analysis to a higher level of
sophistication. DNB began to prepare monthly reports on counterfeited euro banknotes. The first,
internal, reports were mainly statistical and did not tell much about a trend. The question for DNB
was: how to get more feedback from counterfeited security features as input for future banknote
Simple method
Based on an idea of Mr. Marco Wind (DNB) a new, simple method was developed and
introduced in DNBs monthly report of January 2006. The idea underlying the method is to take
the most recent counterfeits and monitor their quality. Instead of monitoring all counterfeits, this
simple method considers only the 10 types most frequently accepted by retailers and the public.
Figure 42 shows some examples of counterfeit scoring. For each of the six public security
features in a euro banknote, counterfeit quality is simply scored as:
0 point = no imitation
1 point = poor imitation
2 points = good imitation

no watermark
0 points

poor foil stripe

1 point

poor watermark
only dark tints
1 point

poor foil stripe

1 point

good watermark
dark and light tints
2 points

poor foil stripe

1 point

Figure 42.
Six examples of counterfeited public security features in euro banknote forgeries and the assignment of
points according to the simple method.

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Maximum score = 12
Euro banknotes have 6 public features, so the maximum counterfeit quality score is 12. Figure 43
is taken from the report on banknote counterfeit quality in the Netherlands as measured in
September 2009.

50 4
10 a
10 2
20 3

Figure 43.
Quality of euro counterfeits in September 2009, ranked according to the simple method. The 200P3 has the
highest quality (10 points) and the 50C78 the lowest (3 points). The average counterfeit quality in this
month is 6.4 points.

Two interesting conclusions were drawn immediately:

- not one euro counterfeit received 12 points; the maximum score to date is 10 points (euro
- the average quality score is around 6.5 points.
These findings lend support to the well-known rule of thumb stating that less than 10% of
counterfeits are good reproductions. They also support statements made by the Russian Ministry
of Internal Affairs: No counterfeiter will try to imitate all security features on a note; they will go
for the necessary minimum. [94].
Quality of counterfeits in NL
If all scores for one denomination are grouped, the average public score may be calculated, as
shown in Figure 44. This is the average quality of the ten most frequently found counterfeits in
the Netherlands in the January 2008 - September 2009 period. Note that in the Netherlands, euro
50 counterfeits have the highest occurrence rate: some 80% of all counterfeits are euro 50s, which
is why there are several euro 50 counterfeit types (indicatives) represented. The euro 20 makes up
about 12 % of the number of counterfeits found in NL, but within this denomination there are
several variants. This is why there is only one euro 20 counterfeit in the top 10, which is also the
most common one in NL (indicative 20P2d).

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Figure 44.
Weighted average score of the quality of counterfeit euro banknotes in NL since 1 January 2006.
The quality of counterfeited euro banknotes in NL is declining. This is especially true of the euro 50
counterfeits (from 7 down to 5 points).

This exercise yields an interesting conclusion: the quality of counterfeits is not rising, but
declining. From the graph in Figure 44 it can be concluded that:
- there is a difference in quality per denomination,
- the quality of the most frequently counterfeited note, the euro 50, is declining,
- the quality of counterfeits in general is stable if not slightly declining,
- the euro 50 has the poorest quality (!, since it is the most used denomination in NL).
Quality of counterfeited public security features
The simple method also delivers the individual quality of each public feature as provided in Table
18, including the two retail security features.
Clearly the watermark is the weakest feature, in this perspective, since it is imitated most and
best. The iridescent feature seems to be the strongest public security feature.

Quality of counterfeited public security features

Public feature
1. Watermark
2. See-through register
3. Foil
4. Security thread
5. Tactile effect intaglio
6. Iridescence/OVI
Retail feature
1. UV
2. IR

(2 points max)

Table 18.
Quality of counterfeited public security features in euro banknotes, based on the 10 most frequently
received counterfeit types in the Netherlands (April 2009 figures).

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Evaluation of the simple method

The simple method provides a better view on developments and is indeed simple to apply.
Scoring the features seldom requires discussion, so is the experience of DNB, also because of the
limited classes (0, 1 or 2). Therefore DNB presented the method in 2006 to the Counterfeit
Working Group of the Eurosystem [50].
One disadvantage has already been mentioned: the limitation to the 10 most frequently detected
variants. If within one denomination, e.g. euro 20, one indicative is predominant, the counterfeit
quality will appear stable, since no other variants are shown.
The method was also validated during a research project in which it was tested how well the
public and retailers could distinguish counterfeits from genuine notes (see paragraph 8.5.1
Discrimination of counterfeits by public and retailers). It turns out that the simple method has a
high correlation with deceptiveness, i.e. the higher the score according to this method the more
deceptive the note will be to public and retailers. Deviation in correlation found may be
attributable to the fact that the paper quality feel is not accounted for. Further research is needed
to fine tune the method.

8.4 Preparation of counterfeits for the Board

When in the 1990s a new banknote design was submitted to the Board of DNB, the presentation
also included specially prepared counterfeits, which were the best reproductions the banknote
developers of DNB were able to make, including a just push the button colour copy.
These first self made counterfeits were printed by the colour copy machine at security printer
Ensched. In 1995 DNB travelled for the first time to Copenhagen, to the Reproduction Research
Centre (RRC), to prepare such self made counterfeits. Figure 45 shows two examples. The RRC
is an initiative of Denmarks national bank and is established on 1 December 1989.

standard colour copy CLC 700, 1995

production time: 2 minute

optimized colour copy CLC 700 plus foil, 1995

production time: 2.5 hours

Figure 45.
Colour copy reproductions of NLG 1,000/Lapwing made by DNB at the RRC in Copenhagen in 1995.

A further development of this exercise would be to test such counterfeits on an external panel.
Retailers, law enforcers and consumer organisations could be invited to sit on such a panel. The
test report could also be part of the presentation to the Board.
Track of the time, expertise and investment
The report to the Board would be even more informative if it also included time, expertise and
investment needed to reproduce the freshly designed banknote. Table 19 presents an imaginary
example of such a method, reporting on the time, expertise and investment needed to reproduce a
newly designed banknote.

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A. COPY - pre press

- production
B. INK JET - pre press
- production
C. OFFSET - pre press
- production

Cost in EUR
Push-the button: 1 s
100 hour
1 day
Casual, hobbyist
~ 1,000
10 hour
~ 100
1 week
~ 10,000
Casual, hobbyist
~ 50,000

Table 19.
Overview of the time, expertise and investments needed by the counterfeiter to make a reproduction
Expertise subgroups correspond to those defined in Chapter 2 (primitive, hobbyist, professional and statesponsored). The figures mentioned are estimations. A reference is needed to judge if the counterfeit
resistance of the new note is poor, medium or good.

Evaluation of research results

A research team studying a new or improved security feature might present its results as shown in
Table 20. This method was developed in 2004, in the context of a foil research project by DNB at
the request of the ECB. For the first time both public preference and counterfeit resistance are
researched to underpin the selection of one of the samples produced. Remarkably, the hologram
preferred by the public (A) showed the lowest counterfeit resistance. Sample B received the
highest ranking on both parameters and would the preferred foil design [37, 41, 43].

Ordinal ranking of foil/hologram samples

Public preference
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. E
6. F
7. G
8. H
9. I
10. J
11. K
12. L
13. LD original

Counterfeit resistance
1. I
2. H
3. F
4. B
5. C
6. D
7. J
8. K
9. E
10. L
11. G
12. A

Table 20.
Overview of the public preference for 13 hologram designs and the quality of the counterfeits. The results
are part of a DNB study Foil with public appeal prepared for the ECB in 2004/2005.
Green = good, favoured by public, difficult to counterfeit, Yellow = medium, Red = poor, rejected by
public, easy to counterfeit.

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8.5 DNB Researches

Since the introduction of the euro in 2002, DNB performed several research studies. The
following relevant studies are reported here:
8.5.1 Discrimination of counterfeits by public and retailers (2005),
8.5.2 Marketing approach: what does the public want? Conjoint research. (2009),
8.5.3 Marketing mix of public security features (2007),
8.5.4 Communication of public security features (2007, 2009).

8.5.1 Discrimination of counterfeits by public and retailers

In 2005 DNB investigated how accurately retailers (cash handlers) and the public (consumers)
can distinguish counterfeit euro notes from genuine ones. Also examined was the question
whether the use of DNBs educational CD-ROM entitled Genuine or Counterfeit? led to
improved performance and wheter such aids as UV lamps or IR viewers helped to identify notes
correctly. The results show that the public is quite capable of recognising a counterfeit note:
without practice, members of the general public correctly identified 88% of counterfeit notes they
were given to examine, while after training they scored as high as 96%. Remarkable scores were
recorded by cash handlers operating without aids: even without training they showed themselves
expert at sifting the wheat from the chaff (98% correctly identified counterfeit notes).
Recognising genuine euro notes proved slightly more challenging, but here technical aids
provided useful services. Practice with the help of the CD-ROM turned out to benefit untrained
consumers in particular. They soon managed to bring their performance up to the level of
experienced cash handlers [47]. The findings were also reported at the Banknote 2006
Analysing the data of the study mentioned above, Tom Buitelaar (DNB) reported in 2007 that the
majority of respondents were not fooled by the imitations. The maximum acceptance rate found is
37.5 % for counterfeits having three good imitated public features. Furthermore, a correlation was
found between the public acceptance of the counterfeits presented and the quality of the imitated
security features. The highest correlation was found for intaglio relief, security thread and
watermark, meaning that the public prefers these features in checking euro banknotes on
genuineness. Some correlation was found for the hologram, indicating that some people also rely
on the foil. The lowest correlation was found for the see-through register and the OVI, meaning
these features are hardly ever checked [59]. Except for the foil/hologram these findings match
qualitatively with the public awareness of security features as reported in Table 3.
UV feature not reliable
The UV features in the counterfeited euro notes are imitated so well that UV light did not
contribute to correct identification by the retailers for which this feature was intended (Figure 46).
The UV fluorescence of the counterfeited notes is often stronger than that of the original, making
the counterfeit look more real and misleading to the public. Washed genuine banknotes on the
other hand will light up under UV light because of the bleaching agents in some detergents and
may be misjudged as a counterfeit.
The increase of UV imitations has also been recognised by the ECB. In 2006 about 80 % of
counterfeits showed attempts to imitate the UV fluorescent part of the printing image. Some UV
imitations are hard to distinguish from the real thing. The Bank of Russia agreed that the
counterfeiters reproduced the UV feature of banknotes well enough. In this way they practically
invalidated such devices as the UV lamp. [76]. The Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs holds

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the same opinion The luminescence of the counterfeit is poor, yet close to that of the genuine
note. [94].

euro 50 - Genuine (2002)

euro 50 - Counterfeit (2005)

Figure 46.
Banknotes under UV light. Because of the brighter reflection of the UV features in the counterfeited note,
many people accept this note as real.

DNBs policy with respect to UV

Since 2006 Dutch retailers are discouraged to rely on UV features, because many retailers tend to
misjudge the UV properties of real and counterfeited euro banknotes. Real notes are mistaken for
counterfeits and vice versa.
Short and long UV
The response of the security industry has been to use more complex UV, for example using UV
light of two different wavelengths: short (254 nm or C) and long UV light (365 nm or A). This
response using double UV features applies the (undesired) nested feature approach and creates
features that take too long to check. An automatic UV detector detecting within 2 s whether a
note is forged could be attractive to retailers.

8.5.2 Marketing approach: what does the public want?

In 2009, at the request of DNB, TNS/NIPO researched the public preference for different sets of
security features [86]. It was the first ranking based on public preference. The perceived relative
importance of security features was determined by using a marketing research method called
conjoint analysis. Conjoint analysis is also called multi-attribute compositional models analysis
and is a statistical technique that originates in mathematical psychology. It analyses the relative
importance of attributes or components. In this case, six different attributes of the security
features of a banknote were distuinguished, each with 2 or 3 levels as shown in Table 21.
The respondents were asked to indicate which they found more important: the number of features
or their location on the banknote. They were given three options to choose from: 2, 4 or 6 features
all placed on the front of the note, all placed on the reverse of the note or divided over both the
front and the reverse. Other considerations concerned the design of the features (figurative,
numerals or abstract), the degree of complexity, conspicuousness and the appearance of the
Each participant was offered two different sets and asked to choose between them. In total, 36
combinations were offered.

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Attribute level

1. Location of security feature

Everything on the front

Everything on the back
Partly on the front and partly on the back
Should be noticed at first glance
Should be somewhat concealed
Should be verifiable at one glance
Should need an effort to verify
Figurative: clear and recognisable images (for example
flowers, animals, buildings)
Number: value of the banknote (for example 5, 10, 20, 50)
Abstract: combined, no obvious depiction (for example lines
and compartments)
Technically improved, but with the same appearance as the
current security features
Technically improved, and with a modern, state-of-the-art

2. Number of security features

3. Degree of conspicuousness
4. Degree of complexity
5. Pictorial element used for security

6. Appearance of security feature

Table 21.
Overview of the six attributes of the security features of a banknote and their levels used in the conjoint
analysis 2009.

Location of feature most important

It turns out that the location of the security features on the euro banknote is given the highest
relative importance, followed by the number of security features. The appearance of the security
features turns out to be of least relative importance, as shown in Table 22.

Euro banknote characteristic

Score in %

Location of security feature

Number of security features
Type of image
Degree of complexity
Degree of conspicuousness
Appearance of security features


Table 22.
Relative importance of the characteristics of the security features on euro banknotes.

Checkable at one glance

Based on the conjoint analysis done, the effect of making changes to the security features of the
euro 50 banknote can be predicted. The Dutch fully agree with the October 2007 Report of the
ECB: The public seems to experience some difficulties in locating the security features on the

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banknotes. Therefore, communicating on the security features of the banknotes is an important

and ongoing challenge. It can be aided by a user-friendly banknote design. [60].
The graph in Figure 47 shows the results. The attribute levels of the current euro 50 banknote are
marked with an asterisk. It is clear that a change in the degree of complexity will give a strong
boost. In fact, it is by far the strongest boost that can be given, it would become possible to check
the soundness of the note at one glance.


On front and reverse*

Everything on the back
Everything on the front

Number of security features

Degree of eye-catching

Degree of complexity

Kind of image


Should be kind of hidden*
Should be noticed in one glance
Make effort to check*
Check in one glance
Modern, state of the art
Same as the current ones*

Figure 47.
Relative importance of the characteristics of the security features on euro banknotes. People would like to
see features that can be checked in one glance.

To men, the location and the number of security features are slightly more important. To women,
the degree of complexity is slightly more important. Youngsters find the number of security
features most important, as opposed to the elderly, who find the type of image used for the
security feature is most important.
Operational model
The conjoint analysis is a working model. The model is filled with the data obtained in 2009 and
provided on a CD-ROM. The model accepts variable input, simulating different banknote
concepts put together using the several attribute levels mentioned. The model will tell the user the
level of public acceptance relative to another concept, e.g. the existing euro 50.

8.5.3. Marketing mix of public security features

Analysing the considered security features by a marketing approach is an other vital aspect of the
feature selection. The new features should fit in a balanced mix of old and new public security
features, a marketing mix which results in fact in a gradual approach. The first item to decide
upon is the number of public security features (PSF). Since the public will not recall more than

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four security features, it seems that four features is enough [25, 48]. However, central banks may
want to incorporate more than four PSF and opt for a mix of active and sleeping public security
features. Three features will be actively communicated, while three public features are kept
sleeping. Sleeping features will be awakened - some or all - when one or more of the other
features are heavily counterfeited.
In the example of Table 23 a total of six PSF, three active and three sleeping, is divided over the
front and the reverse. However, different concepts are possible.

Divide security features over feel - look - tilt




+ = active public security feature, to be communicated

o = sleeping public security feature
Table 23.
Marketing mix of six public security features divided over feel, look and tilt and over front and reverse.

Keep gold features from previous series

Issuing a new series of banknotes using only completely new public security features is a risky
policy. Do not alter or leave out features to which the public has grown accustomed! Bear in mind
that it takes a long time before the public will be able to recall new features; public knowledge of
security features should be cherished like gold! Existing features enjoying high public awareness
should be cherished like gold, since it is a proven fact that the public is very hard to familiarise
with new security features. A fine example of a traditional feature is the watermark. Used for the
first time over 300 years ago, it is still the most popular banknote security feature!
A gradual approach, using also improved versions of the best PSF of the previous series is
accepted best practice. The basic change policy regarding banknote features would therefore be, in
the case of six PSF:
1) Keep, but improve, 2 - 4 features,
2) Introduce 2 - 4 new features.
This principle is illustrated in Figure 48 [65]. Table 24 indicates which features of the old
banknote series are most widely known and should return - improved - in the next series.


2 - 4 PSF


2 - 4 PSF



Figure 48.
Example of the gradual approach applied to the selection of 6 PSF for the new series: 2 - 4 public features
are retained from the previous series and 2 - 4 new features are added.
PSF = Public Security Feature(s).

Page 64/84


PSF in euro series 2002

Hologram/silver foil
Security thread
See-through register
Raised ink, relief
Special ink (iridescent ink/OVI

Public knowledge in
NL (2009)
76 %
55 %
15 %

Cherish awareness of
old series as gold!

Table 24.
Keep the best-known features. Cherish familiarity with security features in old series like gold!
Public awareness of existing features is taken from Table 3.

Policy ECB
At the Currency Conference 2007, the ECB presented the desired number of security features for
the next series of euro banknotes (Table 25), based on work done in 2004 -2005 [53, 70, 88].
User group
Level 1
Level 2

Level 3

a) Retailers human
b) Retailers automatic device
c) Third-party sorting machines
Central bank sorting machines


At least 4
4 to 6

2 or 3 in substrate and 2 or
3 applied in printing works

Table 25.
Overview of the proposed number of security features in the Euro Series 2.

The proposed mix of public features may be completed by dividing the 6 features over the Feel
Look Tilt motto. Within each of these three categories, the best known features from the previous
series could be kept. In case of six public features a total of three new features are needed,
preferably also divided over Feel Look Tilt and would lead to a marketing mix as first suggested
in 2007 by De Heij, in this paper reproduced as Table 26 [55].

Public use
LOOK - through
- at

Public security feature

1. previous (e.g. improved tactility)
2. new (e.g. nail scratch element)
3. previous (e.g. improved watermark)
4. new (e.g. secure window)
5. previous (e.g. hologram)
6. new (e.g. floating image or colour shifting feature)

76 %
55 %

Table 26.
An example of a set of public security features based on a marketing mix.

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Selection strategy for groups of security features

Individual security features should not be selected ad random. It is logical to start with the
selection of retail and public features, since they will dominate the banknote design. Features for
detectors usually have a large design freedom and there is much more choice. Figure 49
provides such a strategy.

Retail features

Public features

Retail features
automatic device

Features banknote
sorting third party

Features banknote
sorting central bank

Figure 49.
Strategy for selection order of security features. First the retail and public features should be selected, since
they are dominating the design. Machine readable features have a larger design freedom and there is
much more choice.

Selection of retail features

Existing retail features (level 2a) are detected with an UV lamp, IR viewer or a magnifying glass.
In some cases a mirror is used to check the colour changing feature (OVI). The last decades the
magnifying glass is hardly used and has become obsolete (see also Tables 6 and 7). From a
marketing point of view there is a need for a follow up of the magnifying glass. Features based on
filter seem to full fill the user requirements and therefore such filter features could be selected,
like for example a polarisation filter. The IR viewer is not much used, but does not yet disappear
from the shops (Table 6). Instead auto detection, often (partially) based on IR properties (level
2b) is growing in popularity.
Future development
The marketing method may be further developed by creating banknote concepts based on
different sets of 20 to 25 security features each. In case of NLG notes the total number of features
was limited to 20 [25]. Central banks and manufacturers are getting aware to limit the number of
security features in a banknote: As we continue to develop security features, we need to ensure
we do not overcomplicate banknotes for the public. a statement made by a well known security
printer on the Currency Conference 2008 [74].
Central banks may want to develop different packages of security features before a choice is
made. A template is provided in Table 27, showing three different feature sets for Models A, B
and C. In case of Model A the production costs of the new note should be similar to the note it is
to replace. Model B allows a rise of the cost price by 5 % and C by up to 10 %. Dutch guilder
banknotes were developed according to Model A; the production costs of the new banknote
should not increase. Ideally, one would create a complete prototype of each feature set and test
these packages for public and retailer preference.

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Cost increase to
level 0

level 1

level 2a

Retailer device
level 2b, 2
Third party sorting
level 2c, 1

Central bank
level 3
level 4 3
level 5 1/2

Model A
1. Colour outside
2. Grey colour
3. Screen and scan traps
4. Feel: CtIP
5. Feel: nail scratch area


Model B
Colour outside
Different paper tints

3. Screen and scan traps

4. Feel: CtIP
5. Feel: embedded
6. Look: watermark
portrait with digitized


Model C
+ 10 %
Colour outside
Different paper tints


Screen and scan traps

Feel: CtIP
Feel: thermo chromic


Look: watermark
animal with digitized
Look: secure
window die cutting


6. Look: watermark
portrait without
digitized area
7. Look: full embedded
security thread, e.g.
8. Tilt: foil/hologram,
continuous stripe, 10
9. Tilt: iridescent band


10. Glue of foil in note

11. Polarisation in foil

10. Multi colour UV

11. Polarisation in foil

12. UV-fibres bi-colour



11. Liquid crystal-based

12. UV short/long wave
bi- or tricolour

21. nano lettering

20. botanical DNA
21. UV-fibres extrusion

21. botanical DNA
22. nano lettering


Look: windowed
thread colour switch



Tilt: foil/hologram,
registered stripe, 12
Tilt: micro optics


Tilt: foil/hologram
registered stripe, 20
9. Tilt: offset, OVI +
blind embossing
10. IR-image

Table 27.
Example of three conceptual banknotes A, B and C with different cost prices and different sets of security
features. In this example a total 21 or 22 security features are foreseen. CtIP = Computer to Intaglio Plate.
Retailer human are features were some aid is need like a polarisation filter or UV lamp and the decision is

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8.5.4 Communication of public security features

This chapter ends with a section on the communication of security features and should perhaps be
the very first paragraph instead of the last. The message of the central bank does not come across
to the public as stipulated before. Figure 50 describes the basic communication model senderreceiver.

security features
central bank



Figure 50.
Basic sender-receiver communication model. The banknote security features communicated by the central
bank (sender) do not get across to the public (receiver).

Let us start with the following statement by the ECB in October 2007: With respect to
communications on the current series of banknotes, such qualitative research has helped to make
communication tools, such as brochures, leaflets and electronic communication media more
easily comprehensible by avoiding technical terms for the security features and by providing
simple instructions on how to authenticate a banknote. [60]. This policy should be the starting
point for a new series of banknotes, rather than being developed once the note is ready for issue.
A communication strategy should already be part of the design process as described in Public
feedback for better banknote design 2 [55].
Series concept
The communication strategy should first of all cover the complete series. A generic strategy is
required, leaving freedom to individual communication concepts for each denomination [25].
The euro banknotes have a so-called split between low (5, 10 and 20 euro) and high
denominations (50, 100, 200 and 500), each subset having partly different security features.
Different public features for low and high denominations make it more difficult to explain and to
communicate. ECB research reported in 2004 that close to 70 % of the cash handlers did not
know that there were two groups of euro banknotes: the low and the high denominations, bearing
different security features [34]. Research by DNB in 2007 reported a similar conclusion: The
distinction between low and high euro denominations is not effective as it leaves both the public
and retailers confused about the security features, besides making the public information tools too
complex. [48].
A split is not appreciated and it is advisable to apply the same security features throughout the
series. For reasons of communication all features should be on the front of the banknote, making
a communication concept even stronger. The recent conjoint analysis indicated that people prefer
public features both on the front and on the reverse. On the other hand, time spent on the reverse if at all - is limited to around 1.5 seconds.
For a new banknote series a central bank should decide between better public recognition (all
features the same) and higher counterfeit resilience, which always is a trade-off as shown in
Figure 51.

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Lower Higher

Counterfeit resistance


All features

All features


Simple Complex
Public information
Figure 51.
Trade-off between similar security features in all denominations and simple or more complex information
tools (e.g. front side of one note explains all). The design of the features can be different, but based on the
same technique.

Since the public is quite unaware of security features, it seems that central banks should focus on
better public recognition. This argues in favour of using the similar technique for each public
feature throughout a series and incorporating all features on the front. Each denomination within
a series could be presented in different designs, such as different watermarks, different paper tints
and different foil elements.
Tell a little story
The optimal banknote design uses features that are easy to remember but still difficult to
counterfeit. In several publications De Heij plead for a little story as was the case for the Dutch
guilder notes [25, 48, 55]. Based on this design philosophy an example was prepared for the
Central Bank of Aruba in 2007. In Table 28 the letters A-R-U-B-A tell a little story about the
island, for each denomination a different story.


Portrait of

See through
Palm tree
Willem III tower
Carnival feather

Relief print
Rattle Snake
Dividive (tree)
Bird painting
from cave
Group of people
in carnival-like

Colour crypt
(silk screen)
Cactus, Aloe,
Old coin

Colour shifting
wide thread
5 continuous
fish, flower, bird,
tree, persons
head, carnival

Table 28.
A first proposal for design/communication of 5 public security features. Each public feature is identified
with a small letter symbol, reading from left to right: ARUBA. Because of the low volume, the watermark
is kept the same for each denomination.

Page 69/84

The 10 Florin tells about the animals in the sea and the theme of the 20 is about animals on land.
Animals of the air are found on the 50 animals and the 100 tells us about the typical plants on the
island. Old and new architectural elements are used on the 200 and on the highest banknote
people are filling the carnival theme. To illustrate this concept further a conceptual banknote
design is made for the 100 (Figure 52).

Figure 52.
Conceptual banknote design for a 100 Florin banknote for the Central Bank of Aruba. Five public security
features may be found by following the letters A-R-U-B-A. The study was focussed on banknote identity,
in this case by following design elements of banknote designs of European Union, Netherlands, Caribbean
area, South America and USA. Design by author (2007), published with permission of Central Bank of

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The last chapter of this extensive paper explores a novel research area, an area very much in
movement: brain processing of information (perception).
As stated in Chapter 5, people do not notice minor changes in banknotes, contrary to what is
assumed by the security industry. In this respect it seems that counterfeiters understand the
perception of banknotes better than central banks. The application of evidence-based design
raises questions such as:
- How to draw the attention of both the public and retailers to security features?
- Where and how to mobilize the storage of related information in the brain/memory?
- How to retrieve security feature information from a banknote by just looking at it?
Some first suggestions were made in the Public Feedback papers [48, 55], such as way finding
features, the retrieval path and the preset lay-out (all features in a row). Other perception
examples are those where the mind completes the offered images or optical illusions (ambiguous
images, multi stable perception etc.) illustrating that brain processing is only partly understood.
An example is Ames room, invented by Adelbert Ames in 1934. This room is a distorted room
that is used to create an optical illusion. As a result of the optical illusion a person standing in one
corner appears to the observer to be a giant, while the person standing in the other corner appears
to be a dwarf. If you want or not, it is impossible to pass the information from your brains: it is
impossible to see both persons of equal length! This is what banknote designers would be looking
for: an inescapable force to pass the public security features when accepting a banknote!
In this chapter one more step in the pre-design process is added, namely the study of human
sensory perception and the storage of perceptions in memory. This approach is called Multi
Sensory Design (MSD). All human senses are involved and human intuition is exploited. To
date, no readily applicable MSD method appears to be available.

9.1 Perception of a euro 20 banknote

According to Colin Ware, if we think of a euro 20 banknote, nothing resembling a picture of a
banknote exists in our head. What does exist is more like a combination of features bound
together by the knowledge we have about banknotes in general and notions about this particular
banknote, like change, cash, euro, twenty, one note [67]. Figure 53 illustrates how, according to
Ware, a EUR 20 note is stored in our visual memory.


one note

Figure 53.
Representation of a euro 20 banknote in the visual working memory. Only a few features of the banknote
(colour, hologram, numeral and flag) are linked to the knowledge we have about banknotes.
Based on the example of a dog in Visual Thinking for Design [67].

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The following is based on the perception of a dog as described by Colin Ware, applied by your
author to a banknote. Let us take the situation where we accept a banknote in return at the
supermarket checkout counter. How do we perceive the change? Assume the change is one 20
euro banknote and some coins. Our rapid eye movements (or saddic eye movements) capture the
banknote. From the retinal image some features are captured and processed bottom-up. The
captured features could be the ones we know from recollection: colour, denomination numeral,
flag and hologram. These two or three features are low-level features, matched by the brain to
relevant patterns (a crude map) and finally to an object (a banknote). This object is not simply an
image of the banknote. The rest of the banknote features are not yet activated, as illustrated in
Figure 53.

Brain process checking banknotes

Cognitive or navigation costs


What is active?
Eye movements
Eye movement catches a
Inferotemporal cortex (IT)


Cognitive cycle(s) or brain

(structured objects)
V1, V2, V4, LOC


Back to IT, working memory


Linguistic/semantic judgement


Search PSF




Check PSF


Cognitive thread


Decision on first PSF

Check next PSF
Return to phase 9


Occurs whenever our eyes alight (0.04 s).
Banknote image falls on fovea to be analysed by the brain
(0.04 s).
In the IT cortex neurons responds to meaningful patterns, e.g.
a banknote or a car. Rapid characterisation of the banknote,
categorical judgements. Sub area banknote found in 0.1 s.
A banknote is a strong gist that will increase the number of
cognitive cycles concerning the banknote.
Three-dimensional shapes or skeletons are stored in the brain.
Example: 2D images with shades.
Pop-up differentiators in V1 (colour, shape, texture, motion,
V2s neurons respond to slightly more complex patterns,
based on the processing already done in V1.
In V4 more complex compound shapes are identified from
patterns of features.
The banknote image is processed in both the verbal and
visual working memory (0.1 s 1 s, max 2 s). Limitation: up
to 3 items.
Are we looking for denomination, public security features
(PSF) or something else?
Orientation and navigation: way finding features, retrieval
path, pre-set lay outs.
Link visual information to verbal working memory. E.g.
Feel-look-tilt or Look for Yvonne.
Identification, information: either on colour, geometry,
resolution, etc.
On going chain reaction towards higher levels of pattern
Feature OK. Check more.
Recollection of: check more than one feature!
Repeat motto. Etceteras.

Table 29.
Schematic breakdown of the brain process involved in checking a banknote, based on the theory described
by Colin Ware. Best guess by author!

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At the same time the banknote is processed bottom-up, the brain also processes the note topdown. Top-down processes (or high-level attention) reinforce relevant information, causing a bias
in favour of the signals we are looking for. If we are looking for the banknotes value then the
colour and denomination numeral will signal louder. If we are looking for the public security
features, then the watermark and the hologram will have their signals enhanced. This biasing in
favour of what we are seeking or anticipating occurs at every processing stage. Telling the
banknotes value is accomplished by an iterative process of linking and re-linking visual and nonvisual information about the banknote.
Because of the very limited capacity of the visual working memory, most information about the
20 euro banknote will be lost as we trace out the coins. We will most probably not check if the
received note is genuine.
Table 29 presents a first attempt to make a breakdown of the brain process involved in checking a
banknote, based on the book by Colin Ware. More study is clearly needed.

9.2 Designing new banknotes on the basis of eye movement planning

Every day people are working on new banknote designs. What can they already do today?
A first recommendation is to start with eye movement planning. Begin by designing an eye
tracking path, a further development of pre-set layouts such as all features in a row or all
features in a circle [55]. Eye tracking paths are dependent on the instruction given, e.g. check
three public security features. An eye tracking path should work as a follow me instruction.
Figure 54 presents such a design. Once the eye tracking path is designed, the features may be
worked out in further detail. During the design phase, verify regularly whether the eye tracking
path is working. Eye tracking instruments are nowadays made widely available by universities,
institutes or commercial parties.

Figure 54.
Example of eye movement planning (follow me) for 6 public security features on a banknote. The feature
in the top right corner is ignored.

Lessons to be learned from information leaflets

As proposed in paragraph 8.5.4 a security feature communication plan should be ready before the
banknote is designed and printed. It is useful to look at banknotes reproduced in public instruction
leaflets. Figure 55 shows three examples. Note how symbols such as numbers or letters are used
to identify the security features.
Banknote design could be explored further on the basis of such symbols. DNB has developed
way-finding icons to mark public security features. Apart from alphanumeric information, wayfinding icons indicate whether a feature should be checked by feeling, looking or tilting [48].
Figure 56 presents an example, a dummy note prepared in 2003.

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Figure 55.
Explaining security features by marking them in the information leaflet. Why not do this on the banknote
a) image of HKD 1,000 as used in leaflet of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (around 1995).
b) image of ZAR 20 as used in leaflet of the South African Reserve Bank (around 2005).
c) Information tool on credit card size by ECB using numbers to indicate the public security features

Figure 56.
Dummy note with way finding features used for testing comprehension (self explaining and searching).
DNB, 2003.

Figure 57.
Communication symbols introduced by the Bank of Canada early 2008. The design is based on the wayfinding icons developed by DNB in 2003. An additional colour is introduced for each function. Also each
symbol shows a hand. The motto is TiLL: Touch, Tilt, Look through and Look at.

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The developed way-finding icons became quite popular as a communication tool. After DNB had
used them on its CD-ROM Genuine or counterfeit in 2002, several others adopted them, such as
the European Central Bank (2003) and the central banks of South Korea (2006), Chili (2006),
Mexico (2007) and Canada (2008) [55]. Often the symbols were modified, as in Canada (see
Figure 57). Despite the copyright aspects this is a peculiar habit, since the altered symbols are not
tested on their comprehensibility like is the case for the original proposed symbols [44].
Pubic security features indicated by a letter
Whereas way-finding icons are used in communication tools around the world, the idea of
printing them on banknotes has met with resistance, although it has been proved that doing so
will increase the average number of public security features recognized from around 2 to 4.7 [55].
However, alternative design solutions have been developed as shown earlier in Figure 52. All five
public security features are simple to find, just follow the letters A-R-U-B-A. The same concept
may be used for a euro 50 banknote as shown in Figure 58. Here the word E-U-R-O-P-A is
indicating six public security features. The basic idea behind these concepts is to find first a
meaningful word, supporting the philosophy of the playing man (for the Dutch: humo ludens),
and subsequently detect the public security feature for each letter.

Figure 58.
Conceptual banknote EUROPA with six public features E, U, R, O, P and A. People are invited to find all
features and works as a memory aid. The letters will also be understood by other cultures as (compare the
gate letters at airports. In international championships Greek football players have their names in Latin
writing. In Russia the plate numbers on cars are in Latin, not Cyrillic.
Two variants are possible: the currency code E-U-R (three active features on the front) or E-U-R-O (four
features on the front). Design by author.

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10. General
10.1.1 Public perception of counterfeits in circulation is far above the reality; people
overestimate the reality by 200 % (NL, 2008).
10.1.2 To assist the selection of security features for new banknotes a model is required.
However, there is no such proven model available. Recently some models have been
developed by central banks, but these models are not (yet) mature.
10.1.3 Different selection models lead to different preferred features as shown in Table 30.
Selection of security features should be done by using different selection models.
Public security features (in euro)

Feature selection model

1. User requirements
2. Public knowledge
3. Intrinsic/extrinsic
4. System approach
5. Simple method
6. Public testing (DNB, 2006)
7. Marketing mix
8. Communication








Table 30.
Overview of the appreciation of the public security features in the euro 50 banknote, showing 9 different
feature selection models.

10.1.4 Dedicated research of central banks will lead to public and retail security features better
serving the needs of these user groups. Central banks should write the requirements, the
industry should develop.
Worldwide banknotes receive similar public security features, because the introduction of
new security features in banknotes is often triggered by suppliers and early adaptors.

New features are usually a dedicated barrier against the counterfeits coming in
(photography 1850s, colour copiers 1980s, home scanners 1990s). New security features
should be a barrier against the new threats. After 30 years of overwhelming innovations
in the graphic and information technology industry, there seem to be no new (technical)
threats on the horizon.

10.1.6 While the market is offering more and more add-on security features, the choice of
internal security features is limited. Yet, if a choice can be made, internal features are
preferred over semi-finished features, because they can only be created inside a paper
mill or banknote security printing works. By principle internal features are more secure.

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10.1.7 The focus of counterfeit reports is often on statistical data and counterfeits seized,
illustrated with anecdotic stories, usually about the organisation of the criminals. Studies
on counterfeits should be more analytical from the perspective of:
- the range of the dimensions of the reproduction equipment, like resolution, colour,
opacity, geometry, mass and material,
- counterfeiter, like production time, skills and investment costs.
10.1.8 The public is not interested in public security features since the probability to receive a
counterfeited banknote is very low. This explains why the quality of the counterfeited
euro banknotes is relatively low (6.4 on a scale of 0 - 12). Probably this quality will
decline further. Central banks are right that the difference between a real and a
counterfeited note is easy to see, but their message does not come across to the public.
10.1.9 Instead central banks should focus on the retailer, who is the target of the counterfeiter.
The retailer is key in the combat against the acceptation of banknote counterfeits. New
banknote designs should assist first of all the retailer.
10.1.10 Public interest in public security features is key to get public attention. Develop a slogan,
or keep the one that is successful (e.g. feel-look-tilt). Give the new note a name. All
within an attractive design.
10.1.11 From guilloches to holograms; every generation of banknote developers joins in at a new
security technology and seems to forget about the old one.

10.2 Feature selection for the public

10.2.1 Fix the total number of public security features required (e.g. 6). Fix also the total number
of security features, divided over the user groups (e.g. 20).
10.2.2 Keep the best known public security features from the previous series (e.g. keep 4 of 6).
10.2.3 Make a list of the new public and retail features. Select the features taking less than 2
seconds to verify.
10.2.4 Divide these pre-selected features over 6 dimensions: resolution, colour, opacity,
geometry, mass and material.
10.2.5 Divide these pre-selected features over the human operations feel, look and tilt.
10.2.6 Prefer internal features (made in house) over add-on ones (like semi-finished products).
10.2.7 Prefer features with a high design freedom (i.e. size, shape, colours)..
10.2.8 Prefer features with design variety (i.e. available in different colours).
10.2.9 Prefer features that may be combined (integrated) with other banknote design elements
(i.e. partly overlap, avoid island features).
10.2.10 Avoid nested features.
10.2.11 Avoid multi level features.

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Banknote series design

10.3.1 A public security features should full-fill all user requirements: fast (< 2 s), easy to use,
discreet, reliable (e.g. durable), striking, univocal, easy to communicate and no nested
10.3.2 Public security features should have a similar authentication procedure on all
denominations; probably, but not necessarily based on the same technology. Avoid
denominations within a series bearing different public security features like a split in low
and high denominations.
10.3.3 Throughout the series public security features should always be on the same location.
10.3.4 Develop a slogan, or keep the one that is successful (e.g. Feel-look-tilt, Look for Yvonne
or E-U-R-O-P-A).
10.3.5 Within the individual banknotes the design theme of the public security features can be
different (tell within each note a little story using the colour of the note, the name of the
note or something else).
10.3.6 The public will take about 5 seconds to check a banknote (although usually they will not
check at all).
10.3.7 Three features should be checked, so 1 to 2 seconds per feature.
10.3.8 Divide the public features (i.e. 6) in active and sleeping features (i.e. 3 active and 3
10.3.9 Active features are promoted. Once a preset threshold level is passed, the sleeping pubic
features could be promoted.
10.3.10 All active public features should be on the front for two reasons:
- preference of the public: in general people do not look at the reverse,
- communication: one poster showing the front of one note is representative for the
complete series.
One or two sleeping public security features could be on the reverse. All human
detectable retail features could also be positioned on the reverse.
10.3.11 Public features based on similar human operations like feel, look or tilt could be grouped
together so that these features may be checked in one glance. This is especially true for
tilt and look-through features.
10.3.12 Pictorial elements like way finding features or letters will help the public to trace the
security features.
10.3.13 Start the design process of the individual banknotes with the development of an eye
travel path. Start with the public and retail security features (there is more design
freedom for detector readable features).

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10.4.1 A retail feature should full fill all user requirement, like a total authentication time < 2 s.
10.4.2 Retailers do not use a magnifying glass (neither does the public). From a marketing point
of view there is a need for a follow up. Features based on a polarisation filter seem to full
fill the user requirements of the retailers.
10.4.2 Counterfeits have good imitated UV features, often even brighter than the ones in the real
notes. The retailer should not rely on a human operational check under a UV lamp.
10.4.3 Detectors telling yes-or-no the note can be accepted are preferred over detectors that
need an interpretation by the retailer.
10.4.4 Maximum 3 features for retailers, based on different dimensions. A taggant could used,
since the detection speed can be slow.
10.4.5 All human detectable retail features on one side (reverse).


Counterfeit Deterrence Systems (CDS)

10.5.1 Instead of adding CDS-features once the design is ready, such CDS-features should
become part of the design process. Therefore specifications are needed.
10.5.2 CDS-features reduce the design quality of a banknote. Such features require too much
space and provide the note with a blurred and pale look.
10.5.3 An intrinsic and invisible feature using the complete banknote surface would be an
optimal CDS-feature (like e.g. a spectral property or a special fibre added to the


Forensic features

10.6.1 Since forensic features are small, some forensic features could be introduced like e.g. a
taggant, fibres with an extrusion profile and a nano-text (letter height 2 m).


Test on counterfeit resistance

10.7.1 Tests on counterfeit resistance should be done on the complete new banknote.
10.7.2 Tests on counterfeit resistance should be reproducible by third party and should also
report on needed skills, investments and time.
10.7.3 Self made counterfeits of the new note should be tested with retailers and public
(providing feedback on the banknote design and its features).
10.7.4 Proposing proof prints of the new banknote to the Board should include two self made
counterfeits: a push the button copy and a counterfeit on a professional level.

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Reporting on counterfeits in circulation

10.8.1 Reporting on counterfeits should be done by counterfeits detected per million notes in
circulation (counterfeits passed in c/mln).
10.8.2 Information about counterfeits in circulation to the public is fragmented and unclear,
leaving the public with a passive attitude and negative feeling. Central banks report in a
statistical and juridical way on their counterfeited banknotes and i.e. not in a more
informative manner like reporting on:
- the chance to receive a counterfeit,
- public confidence,
- the difference between genuine and most counterfeited notes.
10.8.3 Central banks do not collect information on how often a security feature is faked. Such
information is valuable feedback for the design process of a new banknote.


Counterfeits in NL

10.9.1 Since the introduction of the euro banknotes in 2002 Dutch retailers are confronted with
about 4 times more counterfeits in 2009.
10.9.2 Best known public security features in the Netherlands are watermark, hologram/foil and
the security thread.

This paper is part of the fieldwork of my PhD-study Key elements in banknote design at the
Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering. The paper is a first
investigation of this research area and will be discussed with my tutors and supervisor and
investigated further.
Several people have contributed so far to the content of this paper. Since the paper is extensive,
not all have commented on all subjects. Thanks are due to the following persons and or
organisations for their remarks or support:
- Ms. Jolanda Hijlkema - Duikers (DNB),
- Mr. Marco Wind (DNB),
- Dr. Peter Koeze (DNB, retired),
- European Central Bank.
Further thanks go to Mr. Jan Binnekamp, head of the Currency Policy Department (DNB), for
making this paper possible and to Mr. Fred Collens (DNB) and Mr. Ren Kupershoek (DNB) for
editing my English.

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97. Infosecura, 13th year, number 40, July 2009.
98. Balueva, Tatiana; In search of new images interview with Hans de Heij, Watermark, Number 5, St.
Petersburg 2009.
99. Van den Kommer, Esther; Communication on euro banknotes, De Nederlandsche Bank NV, Cash
Seminar, Budapest, 7 October 2009.
100. De Heij, Hans; Banknote design for the visually impaired De Nederlandsche Bank NV, Occasional
Study 2009 Volume 7, Number 2, Amsterdam October 2009.

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