Cyberpunk 2020 - CP3171 Protect & Serve

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The document discusses a sourcebook for running police/law enforcement based campaigns in the Cyberpunk 2020 tabletop roleplaying game world. It provides information on playing cops, the structure of police forces, procedures, challenges, equipment and more.

In a cyberpunk world, law enforcement would face challenges like advanced technology used by criminals, widespread corruption, limited resources compared to criminal organizations, and operating in a dystopian society with rampant inequality and lack of trust in authorities.

The document outlines different sections/departments within a police force including patrol, investigations, forensics, swat/tac units, and more. It discusses their roles and responsibilities.



efore you start accessing this book, let me tell

you something about it. To Protect and Serve is
aLaw Enforcement Sourcebook for CYBER­
PUNK 2020, allowing you to run and play
Cyberpunk games in the cop environment. Apolice­
• based game is probably alittle different than any other
game of CYBERPUNK you've played, but it offers afan­
tastic opportunity for roleplay and campaigning. If you
don't plan on running this type of game, this book wi II still
• open your eyes to the worlds of crime and enforcement
within the CYBERPUNK world.
When dealing with law enforcement, there is agreat temptation to follow the rules to the letter.
Referees reading this book should remember one important thing: Nothing is carved in stone! If .you
don't like, or agree, with something in here, change it! That's what you're there for.
I have to admit that I had agreat time writing this project, from researching all the data to putting
everything together. I've run acop campaign in CYBERPUNK for some time and loved it; so did my play­
ers.lfl can pass on afraction of that fun to you, then it's all been worth the long nights, coffee and cigarettes.
.. And rememberl Let's be careful out there...

Geoff Pass

This book is dedicated to Paul Strong, who got me into all this in the first place! Big thank yous must
also go to the following:
• Alex Bund (lowe you one!)
Heather Pass (Thanks again)
Derek QUintanar (For making it happen and being the best Editor I've worked with!)
Mike LaBossiere (For the Right Stuff)
Mark Galeotti (For advice and kind words)
Brian Perkins (For patience and help)
Alison Bentley Chief Superintendant Michael James
Jackie Christie
• Derek Crossland (For saving the day!!!)
The Original Cops:
Alex Bund, Gerard Sydenham, Phil Sutton
And to the following Institutions and Organizations:
R. Talsorian Games
The New York Police Department
The British Library
• The National Institute of Justice
Bramshill Police College
The Police Research Foundation
The United States Embassy, London
New Scotland Yard and dozens of authors whose books were so helpful, but most of all: To every cop
who has ever lived, and died, in the line of duty.


INTRODUCTION ..................................................4
Editors Derek Quintanar
THE COP'S OATH ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 4
Janice Sellers

HITTING THE STREETS •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 7

Written By Geoff Pass
GETTING THE BADGE •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 9

Mike LaBossiere
CASH, BOOSTS AND PROMOTION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••14

COP HANDY TIPS •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••16

Art Director Matthew Anacleto

COP TERM INOLOGY ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 17

BY THE BOOK ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••18

Layout Matthew Anacleto
OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 18

Cover Bill Akin

DEPARTMENTAL STRUCTURE •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 21

DEPARTMENTAL SECTIONS •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 22

Illustrations Karl Martin

BACK UP ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••27

EQUIPMENT AND HARDWARE •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 32

John Hurst
James Balkovic
GOOD GUYS & BAD GUYS ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••42
Darrell Midgette
NATIONAL RESOURCES ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••42

Bob Giadrosich
ORGANIZED CRIME .............................................. 49

CORPORATIONS .................................................................54

Copyright~ 1992 R. Talsorian Games

GANGS •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 58

All Rights Reserved. Cyberpun~is R.

YOU'RE BUSTED ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••62
Talsorian's trademark name for its
CRIME STATISTICS •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 62

adventure game of the dark future.

CRIMES AND SENTENCING •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 62

IN THE MACHINE: THE LEGAL SYSTEM ••••••••••••••••••••.••••• 67

Protect & Serve is a trademark of R.
GOING DOWN: PUNISHMENT IN 2020 ...........................70
Talsorian Games Inc . All Rights
Reserved.All incidents, situations, and
JUST THE FACTS ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••73


persons portrayed within are fictional,
PERSONNEL FILES ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 74
and any similarity, without satiric
SAMPLE PRECINCT ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 75

intent. of characters living or dead is

strictly coincidental.
SCENARIO IDEAS •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••80

HO.As the reinforced titanium doors slid open, a ayoung Special Weapons trooper staggered in.
shadow of red light fell across him. "Wanna come He was soaked with blood; his AllStop Kevlar
The scene looked bad as the black Omega cruis­ in?" he said, big grin plastered over his face. suit had about four holes punched in it, and he
er pulled in behind one of the six Trauma Team The interior of the mobile HO vehicle was was making amess of the white floor panels.
paramedic vans. The screaming siren died; the one large control center, packed with monitors, Another, less-trashed trooper followed the
swirling lights died as well. TV cams, external cameras, weapon systems, first one in. DeVris pulled his badge from his
DeVris sat back in the sim-Ieather roll seat, PA, vidcomm and communicators back to NCPD pocket and presented it to him. "Lieutenant
'narrowing his eyes as he drew deeply on a Central. DeVris followed Crowley in. "Who's DeVris, Tactical. Where's Captain Sanchez?"
Russian Krilova. He let the smoke trickle through holed up inside?" The psychologist picked up a The trooper looked dazed, as if he was hav­
his nose, stubbing the cigarette out as he opened phone set and began punching numbers on the ing trouble comprehending what DeVris had just
the door and stepped into chaos. keypad. "Ching and his boys," he replied. said. Then, in one sentence, he blurted it all out:
It was definitely bad. "They've declared war on their own Triad chief. "They've got heavy hardware man the Captain got
Clear of the deceptive silence of the Omega's They've got about fourteen hostages in there with his head blown off and before we could bug out
interior, DeVris could now hear the crackle of them. We started with twenty-two." the rest of us went down it's a real mess back
automatic weapons over garbled screams of DeVris picked up abundle of computer there sir Charlie here took four from asupport
"Ceasefire!" Unhooking the strap of his shoulder printouts and cast an eye over them. "This the weapon or something Oh God I think I'm gonna
holster, he strode through the fray of police vehi­ assimilation?" The psychologist nodded quickly, puke.. ." With that, the trooper dropped to his
cles, paramedics and concerned citizens. then spoke into the phone. "Is that Ching?.. .well, knees and retched . DeVris stamped out his
He knew it was big time when he caught the get Ching on the line, dammil! This is Dr. cigarette. Shaking his head, he grated, "So who
harsh glare of six floodlights focussed on asin­ CrowleY...Listen to me, goon, get Ching on the the hell's in charge here?" "It looks like you are,"
gle apartment building. Backed away but cover­ horn now or I'll send in the National Guard!" Crowley answered as he hung up the phone.
ing the battle zone were at least twenty cops, Glancing at amonitor, DeVris saw that the "I knew this was gonna be bad," DeVris
most staying low as streams of lead spat out the shooting had started up again. It seemed Ching muttered. He turned back to Crowley "So what's
windows of the top floor. Most of the police vehi­ had dumped the body of ahostage out of atop your psychological evaluation?" The psycholo­
cles were pockmarked with bullet holes. floor window. She fell screaming to the ground gist pondered for amoment, his brow furrowing.
Approaching the police line, he fought his way sixty feet below. DeVris shook his head. Where He shrugged."These guys are far gone and blitz­
past the medias; all out for the story, they were the hell was Sanchez? ing all the way. If you don't take them down it's
playing wolf pack tactics in afeeble attempt to "Where the frack am I going to get afreight going to be Triad happy hour out there. They're
slip past the cops. jet at this time of night, Ching? Goddammit, I'm nuts." DeVris paused for amoment before reply­
Ahulking sergeant stood aside as DeVris doing my best but you're gonna have to stop ing. "Okay, let's do it:
approached, sparing abemused look at his playing bouncey with the hostages." DeVris Five minutes later, Mobile HO 14 was filled
unexpectedly formal attire. Once inside the could see Crowley was losing it. He was about to with cops. DeVris stood in the center, finishing his
perimeter, he headed straight for the large rig make asuggestion when the door slid open and briefing. "".and I want all our wounded, and the
with "NCPD Mobile Command 14" stencilled in
white down the side, ducking as astream of bul­ "Where am I going to get a freight jet at this time of night, Ching? .. .dammlt, I'm
lets swept the stationary vehicles. Some of the doing my best, but you're gonna have to stop bouncing the hostages."
cops started shooting back. Two of the floods
went out. Two more flickered on.
Dr. Crowley was crouched around the back
of the mobile rig, coffee in one hand and loud­
hailer in the other. He smiled at DeVris' approach.
"How was the opera?"
DeVris lit another Krilova. Clouds of blue
smoke billowed around him. "Bomb scare," he
said shortly. "They had to close it down for two
hours while disposal boys checked it au!."
DeVris did not sound happy. "Where's Sanchez?"
The police psychologist took another swig
of coffee and shook his head. "No idea. He took
off with some sticks to check out the rear of the
building. That was about ten minutes ago."
"I guess I'll just hang around here then .
Who's inside the can?" DeVris jerked his head
towards the mobile HO. "No one right now," the
psychologist replied absently as he peered around
the side of the rig at the now quiet apartment build­
ing. He turned back and popped the door to the
wounded civilians, evac'd to hospital as fast as DeVris pulled up aheadset and yelled into "We'll hold. Burn em' on my mark." DeVris
possible. We've only got eighteen men total it. "Reece! Go! " Instantly a wall of bullets turned to the cop. "Keep this line open ." To
until MaxTac or some form of backup arrives, so smashed into the apartment block's top floor, as Crowley, he said, "Tell Ching his transport's
no 'heroics. Taylor, get your boys on covering Taylor and his men opened fire. Reece and his coming in now. Roof pick up. Conditional-he
fire -if they start shooting, shoot back at them. squad charged the doors. In afew moments they leaves the hostages where they are." He lit anoth­
Reece, get your team geared up; you'll be going were in. Taylor's barrage continued. er cigarette . "Taylor. Go for the building now.
in when I give the word. Crowley, keep that DeVris' headset crackled as Reece's voice Hostage rescue. Get them outta there; you've got
communication line open -buy us some time. came through. "Okay, we're in. Proceeding up the just over 70 seconds."
Ching must only have about ten hostages left; stairwell. I don 'tthink there's as many as.. ." "On our way "
the next time he bounces someone off the DeVris ripped the headset away from his ears as "They're going for it!" Crowley yelled .
sidewalk I want maximum firepower on that it emitted ashrill scream of static.The rig shook DeVris turned back to Garrison. "Okay, come in
window! Shoot to kilL" with an almighty blast from the booby-trapped fast and hit them.They'll be on the rool. You won't
The cops flooded out of the command rig. stairwell. Apolice vehicle was flipped and anoth­ have time to lock on before they realize, so go to
OeVrls was left alone with Crowley and a cop er caught fire. Reece's men were gone. The few manual."
who was manning the phones. He took two long survivors of Taylor's squad were now being cut to "They're on the roof. No hostages." Crowley
swigs from a cold cup of coffee before he pieces by combined fire from the top fioor as called out. DeVris keyed his mike. "Taylor,what's
realized he'd dropped his cigarette butt in it five Ching's gang opened up. your sitrep?"
minutes earlier. "OeVris-this is Taylor! Reece has been "We're almost there.No resistance yet. n
"Sir, it's the Chief!" the cop at the phones torched and we're down to three men! We can 't "All right. You've got 50 seconds. Let me
spoke nervously, handing aheadset over to get to you without taking holes! Request assis­ know when you're on your way down or you'll be
OeV~is. "That's alii need," DeVries said,reaching tancel"Taylor's voice sounded anxious, but not in Ground Zero!" Seconds counted down. OeVris
for the mike. He keyed it, "DeVris. panicked. watched his monitors.Garrison hooked up to his
Taclical ...Yes ...No, I'm afraid Sanchez took a weapons links. The Triads on the roof were firing
hit...No sir.. .That's right...1 need backup here, "Yo! What's the down at the crowd. They were taking hils.
sir. ..MaxTac for starters ... ls that agood idea, lowdown?"Garrison grinned, "Okay, we're on our way down. There were
slr?..Will do." DeVris passed the headset back to showing more teeth through his onlyfour ofthem. "Taylor reported.
the cop and sighed. cheek. "I'm comin' in! This is going to be aBig
Crowley pulled back the earpiece of his Kahoma so keep your people back!" Garrison
headset,"What's up?" DeVris shrugged. "Oh, "Maintain your position, Taylor;we'll get to sounded gleeful.
nothing much. Garrison of MaxTac has signed you." DeVris dropped the headset on the console "We're au/!" Taylor reported . Not bad,
himself out of NC General to hook up to Muther­ and stubbed out his Krilova on the monitor thought De Vries, onlyfive seconds to spare. The
1. Hes our back up." screen in front of him. He turned to Crowley. scream of the AV-9's jets sounded like a
Crowley looked confused. "But he almost "Could be agood time,huh?" Crowley shrugged thousand banshees as it roared in . Garrison
got iced at that riot on 28th St. afew hours ago! and continued his attempts at picking up the line walked fire across the roof with his twin chain
Took some real damage, they said.· There was with Ching. guns, while he adjusted for the belly-mounted
awe In his voice. DeVrls nodded and lit another "Sir, I've got Lieutenant Garrison 01 MaxTac rapid fire rocket launcher. The first rocket
cigarette "Right. Lost three fingers and most of on hold,· the cop at the comm desk said. DeVris sheared off acorner of the roof. By this time
his left cheek in addition to the gunshot pulled back on the headset and punched the Ching and his boys realized they'd been set up;
wounds. He's signed himself out saying it's green flashing button. Acrackling picture they were fighting to get back into the building.
only a concussion." He blew out smoke and appeared.It was Garrison in Muther-1. The flight The first of the multi-salvo of hi-explosive
turned to the cop mann'ing the com­ helmet he wore obscured most of the damage to rockets took the roof clean off; the rest worked
munications console. "Try and patch us in to his cheek, but DeVris could still see teeth their way down 1I00r by floor.
Muther-1. '1wanna talk to Garrison before he through the gaping wound; it was bleeding, too. Over the comm, DeVris could hear
screams in." He could see Garrison had come as soon as he Garrison's yells of "Yeah!"and "Get Some!" as he
DeVries turned back to the external monitor. could: He was still wearing his bloodstreaked systematically demolished the entire building.
Outside the command rig, Sergeant Reece and hospital gown. "You okay, Garrison?" DeVris The whole apartment block came down hard in a
his squad of six men had geared up and were asked carefully. cloud of dust and fragments, with Muther-1
awaiting the word. Tension was high. The apart­ "Yo! DeVris! What's the lowdown?" hovering over the devastated site like an
ment block was drenched in white light and the Garrison grinned, showing more of his teeth avenging angel.
shot-up police vehicles were providing cover for through his cheek. DeVris dropped back into his chair and tried
Taylor's boys. Apile of bodies had built up on the "I've got over adozen men down, including to relax.The cop at the comm desk spoke up ner­
sidewalk outside the block. All was Quiet except Sanchez. Ching is holed up in an apartment vousy. "Sir, you're wanted down near Med
for the occasional scream from the top floor. block with aseveral hostages. We're down to five Tech-there's a firefight going on between
Crowley started to say something; DeVries men, including me. Are you sure you're okay?" Trauma Team and REO Meatwagon ."
turned back towards him. Garrison nodded. "Feel in' abit green, but I'll DeVris stubbed another cigarette out on the
"They're arguing over their stash. It could make it. I'm locked and loaded and on my way in. monitor screen and keyed his mike to Muther-1 .
bea good time..." You think you can hold for about ninety seconds?" "Garrison. Wait up, I'm hitching aride." •

his chapter covers the basics of

being a cop in 2020. Players

who wish to make up cop char­

acters are advised to go over

this section carefully; all the

information to get acop character togeth­

er is here. (You'll need the Cyberpunk
2020rulebook for afew things.)

HePD Training Academy 06:00 hours. "08:00. Clean up and report to Class 13.
Audio Recording; Sgt.. Instructor Korsky, Doctor Crowley has a short film for you to
On-Site Instructor: watch. I think he said something about 'Ritual
"Okay people, let's get on with it, this ain't no Killings in the 1990's', so take those sick bags,
goddamn holiday camp. You raws wanna be cadets. Alter that I want you at Parade Ground
cops, you golla be good, and to be good, you C by 10:05 for your first AV-6 G-Tolerance
golla work for it. We're two weeks into your Familiarization Course. Yeah, I know it's only
training and eighteen of your buddies have jacked five minutes, Ling, but nobody said that life
out already,and they won't be the last. Unless, that was fair!
is, you get off your butts and toe the line. "12:00. Chow down ...come to think of it,
"RighI, now that I've got your attention, here maybe you'd beller skip lunch!
is your schedule for today. That's if Cadet "12:40. Report to the firing range for your
Krueger wishes to hear what I have to sa,/? Heavy Weapons instruction drill. Sgt. Magellan
"Thank you.06:30. You guys get to run the wants to introduce you to the effects of the
physical training course. It's 5 degrees outside, Barrett-Arasaka Light 20mm Cannon on Kevlar
so what can Isay, except stay frosty, Kids!" at close range.

Cont. on pig. 10


Sgt. Instructor Korsky demonstrates proper disarming hold on Cadet K. Nakata.

THE BRIEFING Chrissakes-it was his father's statue! GETTING THE BADGE
"That's all of you except Krueger, Ling and "18:40.Basic Law part 2. Today's lecture­ Here is all the gen on how to cut it as aCop. The
Kincaid. The Commandant wants to know what The Legal Rights of The Criminal Perpetrator. character creation rules are similar to those in
you intended to do with that silenced MPK-11 Should be ashort lesson. the Cyberpunk Rulebook and you'll need both
and the statue of his father in the parade area. "19:40. Unarmed Combat Techniques. books to work it out. There are six steps to
Yeah, I figured that you wouldn't be involved, Since Sgt. Lucas is out of action for awhile, I'll creating aCop.
Kincaid, you never are... be taking the lesson today, and I wanna see you
"14:00. Riot Training. Kit up and report there, Ling. For those of you interested, Sgt. o You and the Ref figure out how
to the riot simulator, and try to remember that Lucas should be back in about two weeks, and you're going to start your charac­
you'll be up against live ammo again. I don't MaxTac says they've nailed the cyberpsycho ter up. Interface with Page 15 in the
want any flatliners in this program; one a who almost iced him. Reports say he was in Cyberpunk rulebook and decide upon
cadre is plenty enough this year. Rainbow Nights and wanted to dance. character pOints.
"16:00. Tactical Vehicular Maneuvers "The current bodycount is seventeen.
Program. If you want to live through a high­ "21 :00. Time's your own, guys. Study up for @ Run through pages 16-19 of the
speed pursuit, you gotta drive like you're in a next week's anti-terrorism exam, and Iwant lights Cyberpunk Rulebook. Generate Stats
goddamn warzone. I don't want to hear about out at 22:30 hours. Okay, you know the score and Modifiers as as you would normally.
any Sunday drivers In this group, okay? people, so haul yourselves outta here. It's now All Cop characters must have the follow­
"18:00. Chow time as normal, except for 06:28 and you've got exactly two minutes to ing Stat minimums:
you three. The Commandant reckons he might reach the Training Ground.
be able to find something more worthwhile for "So what are you waiting for, Christmas? Reflex 5 CoolS Bod 4 Int 4
you to do. Don't give me that, Krueger! Fer Get your butts outta here! MOVE!"
@) Move to the Cop Llfepath section
(pgs. 10-13 of this book). Work
through your Lifepath with the Referee
and sort out some history on your cop.

Now you know who you are and you've got agrip
on where you are going. Either roll 206+16 for
your character's age, or pick any age you like
between 18 and 45. For each year of your charac­
ter's life past age 16, rol11 010, reference that sec­
tion of the Lifepath charts on pgs. 27-29 of the CP
2020book, and apply the results. After your char­
acter has joined the police, use the charts below.
Each roll corresponds to an event during each
year of your character'S life.Keep rolling each year
until you reach your starting age.





Life with the badge can be good and it can be hell.
This year you cut it good or you got cut up. Roll
1010: if it's even you got lucky, if it's odd you

Disaster Strikes!
1 Financial loss or debt: Roll 101 Ox100.
You've lost this rnuch Eb. If you can't pay
it now, you have adebt to pay in cash­
or blood.

2 You caught aslug! It was abad one: Roll

1010. 1-3=: -1 to BOD Stat. 4-7=: -1 to
MA. 8-10= -1 to both. Either way, you've
got anasty scar.

3 Suspended and investigated by lAD:

Pick up aBlack Mark, and they're proba­
bly keeping awatchful eye on you now.

4 Betrayal: You have been backstabbed in

some manner. Roll 1010. 1-3, you're
being blackmailed. 4-7, asecret was
exposed . 8-10, you were be(rayed by a
close friend in either romance or career

5 Lover, friend or relative killed: You lost

someone you really cared about. 1-5,
they died aCCidentally. 6-8, they were
murdered by unknown parties . 9-10,

Deputy Chief James Teal hands gun and badge to cadet J. Davis at graduation ceremony.
they were murdered and you know who out of the picture. 7-8, aCorp tried to take You Get Lucky
did it. You just need the proof. you down. 9-10, you don't know who they Roll 1010
were or why they wanted you on aslab. 1 Financial windfall. You got awork bonus,
6 You shot an innocent: They didn't make or a perp had a reward on him: Roll
it. Pick up aBlack Mark. Suspended for 10 Lover, friend, relative busted! Rol11 01 O. 101 Ox1 00 for amount in Eurodollars.
six months. 1-4, it's only amisdemeanor. 5-7, it's a
felony. 8-10, it's afederal crime. 2 Big collar, you're on the news!: +1 Rep
7 Accident:You were in some kind of terri­ and gain acommendation.
ble accident. Rol11 01 O. 1-4, you were What Are You Gonna Do About It?
terribly disfigured and must subtract -5 Choose or roll one: 3 Martial Arts training: Begin aMartial Art
from your An. 5-6, you were hospital­ 1-2 Clear your name. at +2 or add +1 to an existing Martial Arts
ized for 1010 months that year. 7-8, skill.
you've lost 1010 months of memory that 3-4 Live it down and try to forget about
year. 9-10, you constantly relive night- it. 4 Served overseas: Pick up a foreign
mares (8 in 10 chance each night) of the enforcement contact at +2.
accident and wake up screaming. 5-6 Hunt down those responsible and
make them pay! 5 Undercover Op: Totally successful, well
8 Lose an Informant: He disappeared/got done. Gain acommendation.
wasted/moved on. 7-8 Attempt to cover it up.
6 Gain an Informant: Choose or roll one.
9 Someone wanted you dead: Rol11 01 O. 1­ 9-10 Save, if possible, anyone else
3, acriminal went after you personally. 4-6, involved in the situation 7 Promotion: About time, too! Lose ablack
an organised crime syndicate wanted you mark and shoot up one rank.
8 Selected for aspecial Task Force: +1Rep. 5-8 You hate them.

9 Sent on firearms course : +2 to one 9-10 The feel ing's mutual.

weapon (Firearm) skill.

"Why did I become a
10 Beneficial transfer.You choose.
cop? Well, when push Whatcha' Gonna Do About It?
1-2 Concoct amurderous scheme to
comes to shove, Ilike deal with him.
Life with the badge means two things. You make to be the one doing 'the 3-4 Avoid the scum.
solid buddies, but your enemies are for life, and
they're gonna be gunning for you. This year you pushing can 5-6 Backstab him indirectly/Use your
met someone who isn't going to forget you fast. position to harass him.
Good or bad? Let's see...
push real hard with a
Roll 101 O.On a1-5, it's abuddy; on a6-1 0, it isn't.
Hurricane Assault 7-8 Ignore the scum.

Shotgun. " 9-10 Rip into him verbally.

Make AFriend
Rol11 010 Even =Male, Odd =Female What Can He 'rhrow Against You?
Roll 1010 1-3 Just himself.
1 Media 7 Informant or Friend

4-5 Him and afew friends.

2 Corporate Exec 8 Independant Criminal

6-8 His whole organization.

3 Gang Member 9 Lover/ex-lover

9-10 The whole organization, and he's

4 Nomad 10 Media got contacts everywhere!


The emnity started when one of you (choose or How you met:
6 Private Investigator roll one): 1-6 Off-duty romance
1 Caused the other to lose face or status.
7 Criminal 7 Other cop
2 Caused the loss 01 a lover, friend or
8 -Go-worker or boss relative. 8 Your partner(!)

9 Government official 3 Caused aphysical disability: Roll 1010. 9 Asuperior officer

1-2=lose eye, 3-4=lose arm, 5-6= badly
10 Military scarred, 7-8= lose aleg, 9-1 D=lose 2limbs. 10 Acriminal gone good

Make An Enemy 4 Turned down other's offer of job or How it Worked Out:
Not too much of asurprise, really. Nobody loves romantic involvement. 1-4 Happy love affair
the badge.
Roll 1010 5 You just didn't like each other. 5 TragiClove affair
Even =Male, Odd= Female
Roll 1010 6 Was aromantic rival. 6-7 Love affair with problems
1 Fellow Cop
7 Foiled aplan of other's. 8-10 Some small dates, nothing serious
2 Government Official
8 Busted him. Tragic Love Affair:
3 Organised Crime (GM chooses group) 1 Lover killed in accident
9 One of you was framed.
4 Corpo rate Exec 2 Lover vanished
10 Rival at work.
5 Gang member 3 Lover awanted criminal
Who's Fracked Off?
6 LEOiv 1-4 They hate you. 4 Lover worked for Crime Syndicate (you
never qu it the Mob).
o Generate Starting Skills (pg. 32­
43. Cyberpunk Rulebook). using
the Police Career Package
Human Perception

Minimums must be purchased in the

following skills:
Streetwise 1
Brawling 1
Awareness 1
FirstAid 1
Handgun 2
Aremote surveillance system in operation. Melee 1

5 Lover kidnapped by vengeful 8 Lover is jealous, and often "follows" Cop Special Ability: Authority. Theabilityto intim­
crirninal/gang. while you do your job. idate or control otrhers through your position as a
lawman. This attribute represents the Cop's ability to
6 Lover left you for another cop. 9 One of you is "messing around ." call on the forces of Law and the Government. Cops
can use Authority to Question suspects, arrest
7 Lover committed suicide. 10 You have different beliefs on law enforce­ wrongdoers, and defend the innocent.
ment, and bicker constantly.
8 Lover killed in police action. New Skill: REMOTE SYSTEMS OPERATIONS (2):
Mutual feelings The ability to operate all types of remote-controlled
9 Rival cut you out of the action. 1 They still love you
machines. This skill governs both maneuvering
and combat activities of the remote machine.
10 Lover serving jail time for some crime 2 You still love them
Computers do not use this skill, and instead treat
(possibly framed). the remote machine as an extension of their normal
3 You still love each other
systems. This skill is based on an average of REF
Love Affair with Problems and INT. When operating remote devices engaged
1 Lover's friends/family hate cops. 4 You hate them
in certain activities, another skill will sometirres be
used in place of the remote skill. However, this skill
2 Lover has criminal ex who wants you 5 They hate you
can only be used up to the level the character has in
dead. Remote System Operations. For example, achar­
6 You hate each other
acter with Piloting 5 and Remote System
3 Your friends/co-workers don't approve Operations 3would be treated as having aPiloting
of your lover. 7 You're friends
skill of 3if he tried to pilot avehicle by using arobot
to operate the controls.
4 One of you has aromantic rival. 8 No feeling's either way; it's over

fa Get gear and equipment (see

5 You are currently separated. 9 You like them; they hate you
pgs. 47-61. Cyberpunk Rule­
book). As acop, you are automatical­
6 You think lover may be involved with 10 They like you; you hate them ly issued a heavy handgun, body
criminal activities, but need proof. armor and some type of communica­
tions device (Referee's choice for
7 If lover is a Cop-you are rivals for an each). An implanted location chip is
upcoming promotion. imbedded in your skin. This is not a
If lover is not aCop-lover thinks you cyber implant, it just means that if you
should Quit and find a"safe" job. get in trouble, your cop buddies can

locate you. It will be removed when Any additional cyberware, gadgets, Standard Boosts
you leave the police department. Also, gear, etc., must be purchased from Pension: Your base pension is added to each
if you're aPatrol or Investigative cop, your salary (as either apatrol officer or year you work as a cop . Interest (05%) is
go to the section on Confidential cadet. Where you start is determined calculated by the EBM Payment Computer and
Informants (pg.33) and pick/roll two by the Referee at this time). Also work is added to a base of 200eb per month. Each
off the list. in your apartment details, and calcu­ year this figure is summed and added to your
late overheads each month. monthty pension, which you get to pick it up
A Cyberpunk cop's salary is never once you retire.
great. But hey-you get to walk Not much of your paycheck left, is there? Death Benefits: If you die while on active
around with agun and you're allowed duty, your deSignated next of kin receives 3
to use it, and it's better than Jo's job. o Sell out if you have to (see pg. 83, months pay and free cremation for your body.
Cash is always (well mostly) paid Cyberpunk Rulebook), and tell the Medical: Costs of injuries caused while on
directly into your account on the last Ref the kind of game you're looking for­ active duty are taken care of by the Police
day of every month. This is all com­ ward to. Make any aspirations of your Department, and you stay on full pay while
puter calculated and additions are character known to the Ref at this time. recovering. On the Street, you may also call for a
automatically made for overtime and Medical back-up (similar to Trauma Team).
other bonuses. There have been afew CASH, BOOSTS, RANKS AND

problems with errors on these com­ PROMOTIONS

puter payment systems, however EBM What can you expect as aCop in 2020? Let's start To gainpromotion you must be recommended by
say they are designing anewer, more with the important parts; what you get paid, your your immediate superior, aithough the Chief can
accurate system. boosts (benefits), retirement, ranks and promotions. promote whomever he wants. In addition, you

must also possess any and all requirements for Only one DAC can be taken per year. Making
the position you will be promoted to. "The gangs rule the Detective brings you an increase of +30% to your
monthly cash.
Commendations When transferring, you are required to stay
Commendations are awarded for Exceptional streets, the Corps own in your new section for at least six months.
Merit in the execution of you r job as a Law However, you're unlikely to be allowed to transfer
Enforcement Officer. If you are recommended for again until ayear has passed.
aCommendation it is passed up the chain of
command to arelevant Deputy Chief. The Chief
them, the Triads and Veteran officers are alittle more respected
than patrol officers. They are often brought in
and his Deputies can also award Com­ to help train rookie cops and sometimes to
mendations on the spot.
You're likely to receive a commendation
Yaks terrorize them; I lead them. You answer directly to your
for bravery, making a big bust, doing~ well on
something important, being in charge of Sergeant
something that went well, and any other guess it's our job to REOUIREMENTS: Minimum of 2 years active
positive moves in general that benefit the service, proven expertise in given department.
Department. A Commendation automatically Potential .
wipes out1 Black Mark. clean them Up." Asergeant will pick up 3,OOOeb amonth. He
also picks up a large chunk of responsibility. You
Black Marks are almost always likely to be assigned agroup 01
Black Marks are immediately entered into your Patrol Officer officers to command . If you work Beat, you
file the moment they are awarded against you. If a Picks up 1,200eb amonth.. Officers can bunk at supervise alarge area of beats. If you work Admin,
cop collects five, he's out. That's it, gone. (see their precinct if they don't have their own place you're a desk sergeant sorting calls and
Black Marks in Just the Facts, pg.74 ') (this is generally thought of as uncool).Everyone complaints. If you're in Max-Tac you may get a
else calls you Bunkboy. Think about il... vehicle command, etc.
Retirement There aren't many other boosts beyond As aSergeant, you can assign veterans to
After you've served your 30 years in the police working four 8hour shifts every three days.You're be in charge of patrol officers. You can also
department you get to retire, hopefully with a on the streets most of the time, wearing kevlar and place Black Marks and recommend
nice fat pension to look after you. Until the packing sometbing heavy while waiting for the Commendations and promotions. Many cops
time of your death, (or criminal prosecution), shooting to start. You may get to drive something never make it past sergeant at all; it's a
you can choose to remain a Licensed like apatrol unit, even an AV-4 . II's not likely, comfortable job-most of the time. You answer
Terminator; in fact, many old cops become though.You answer directly to your sergeant, and directly to your Lieutenant.
Bounty Hunters. any veteran officers placed in charge of you .
When you get into trouble,you can expect a Lieutenant
fast and effective respose from the cops. The Veteran Officer REOUIREMENTS : Minimum of 1 Com­
police take care of their own-even when they're After ayear "in" you automatically become avet­ mendation, no Black Marks at time of promotion.
old and gray. eran officer. There's no cash bonus to this. It does Proven ability in leadership.Minimum 013 years
mean you can request transfer to a special sec­ active service and 1year as sergeant.
RANKS tion (such as Special Weapons). This must be You get this far, and you've made the big
There are eight ranks of police officer-Cadet, approved by your superior. If there's an available time. Lieutenants are often placed in charge of an
Patrol Officer, Veteran Officer, Sergeant, slot you'll be put on the list. Some Departments entire section at aprecinct. This means you're
Lieutenant, Captain, Dept. Chief and Chief. Each don't have Iists,so you may make it straight away. overseeing all cases, as well as your own work­
rank comes with its own pay scale; sometimes it's You are also up for promotion and may, if you load. You're still active-by no means is this a
almost enough to live on. Cops live (and die) for wish, take the Detective's Assessment Course. desk jockey job; you just have to take on respon­
their pensions. Promotion is good, because it This 3 day examination must be passed before sibility for all the people in your section. You also
means more cash and more boosts. Each rank transfer to certain sections is allowed . (See assign officers to cases and supervise them.
described below details its promotion require­ Departmental Sections for which Special Sections You pick up a check each month for
ments along with cash and boosts. require this) The Detective's Test requires the cop 5,OOOeb.Not abad wage.
to make the following successful task rolls: As aLieutenant, you assign Black Marks,
Academy Cadet and recommend Commendations and promo­
Payment for the Academy trainee is half the Average Awareness Average Streetwise tions.You also ensure the mental health and sta­
patrol officer rate: 600eb per monlh. The only bility of your officers in addition to approving
boosts are the fact you get to see lois more day­ Average Interview Average Interrogation budget requirements.The job even comes with a
lightlhan most people. You get fit, learn how to car. But if things go bad, you take whatever was
handle yourself and take lots of tests. You also Average Human Perception meant for the fan .You're also responsible for all
get shouted at all the time. If you're good, in the your section liasion operations, and occasional­
end, you get The Badge. Average Expert Knowledge: LAW ly pick up some Media exposure. You're the man

they wanna talk to. "Hey, aren'tyou that guy Isaw and adozen other things. The Mayor is always
on the News?"Hmm... "I prefer the term civil on your phone, telling you what must be done.
You answer directly to your Divisional and You've got a city full of criminals and it's your
Precinct Captains. It can be areal conflict of job to keep the peace. Everybody in the city
interests sometimes... looks to you for answers- and you'd beller
unrest management. sound like you have them.
Captain Politically, you're just aresource, but if you
REQUIREMENTS: Minimum 01 2 Com­ can turn it round in your favor you could make it
mendations. 'No Black Marks at time of on the Politics scene, even run for Mayor (don't
promotion. Minimum of 4 years active service Riot control sounds expect to stay Chief when the Mayor finds out,
and at least 1year as Lieutenant. though) . You must also liaise with LEDlv
Captain is abig change in lifestyle.Cash is regularly and ensure all liasion between your
at 7,OOOeb amonth and you get to be in charge officers and other organizations and Individuals
of awhole Precinct or entire city Division! too ...unfriendly" goes smoothly.
Each Precinct comes with a large city You're directly answerable to the Mayor,
district command in addition to loads of cops. and occaSionally to LEDiv.
You're responsible for everything that goes on
with them in that district. The Chief talks to you -Deputy Chief M.M.Simmons HANDY COP 'IPS
lots-he shouts at you even more. You won't • Approach buildings from corners; then you
have enough cash to allocate on resources, for all section and divisional liasions within can cover an entire building with just two
and manpower is low. The streets are your Division. cops.
becoming more and more dangerous and You're directly answerable to the Chief and
everybody looks to you to sort it out. Deputy the Deputy Chiefs. • Don't use sirens if you believe the perp to be
Chiefs are always sticking their nose In, and at the scene.
the last Captain probably either got himself Deputy Chief
wasted, quit due to nervous exhaustion, or is REQUIREMENTS: Must be a Captain and be • Always watch your partner's back.
one of the Deputy Chiefs who is always telling hand-picked by the Chief. As Deputy Chief you
you how easy he thinks your job is because he pick up B,OOOeb amonth, acar with adriver, and • If your weapon's almost empty, reload now.
did it for years. a much easier job than a Captain's. You work
You still assign Black Marks, recommend directly for the Chief doing whatever he tells you • If the odds are stacked against you, then it's
Commendations and approve promotions. You to do. Lots of the time you play advisor to him; probably best to wait for back-up. There are
get a better car, a driver, and loads of media you may also be assigned the task of smoothing no medals for getting yourself stupidly
exposure. You're starting to get involved In the over public/media/corporate relations if it's killed.
political scene In the city, which means judges, needed. You may be placed at the head of a
lawyers, politicians and corps speak to you now. special task force. You'll get afat budget and can • Use your weapons to keep the cyberpsy­
Everybody blames you for any bad karma in pick your own team for it. chos away from you, or they'll tear you limb
your precinct and you have to take it. You don't You assign Black Marks, approve from limb.
get to see much action, but if it's areal big, bad Commendations and advise the Chief on strate­
mother going down, you'll be first on the scene. gy,planning and resource management. You get • Don't pull your gun unless you plan on
You must also be aware of, and supervise, all heavily involved in the political scene and regu­ using it. When you pull it. don't shoot once,
liasions within your precinct. larly meet with judges, corporations and other shoot till the perp's down.
You're directly answerable to the Chief, big shots. You also keep an eye on all the police
Deputy Chiefs and the public. In return, you get work going on within the city, while attempting • Never underestimate the damage agang
to chew up your precinct l ieutenants when to predict trouble spots and deal with them. can do.
you're mad. You're directly answerable to the Chief.
If you're aDivision Captain, you're in charge • Don't accept gifts from civilians.
of all your Division's sections in the entire city. Chief of Police
You allocate your budget to the sections under REQUIREMENTS: Must be hand-picked by the • Don't do drugs-it's not just your life, but
your command; you even get to see some action. Mayor to serve each term of 4years. You may be your partner's,too.
You supervise the activities of all the sections, fired by the Mayor, at any time.
recommending Black Marks and This is as far as it goes, unless you chase • If you're unsure, back off.
Commendations, while also approving the political scene. Cash is at 9,OOOeb amonth
promotions. You get abetter car, adriver, and the and there are lots of benefits (dental, Trauma • It doesn't matter how fast you can move,
media talk to you all the time. Team, car, driver, etc.) to be had. You have a bullets move faster.
You're also involved politically, although whole police force at your disposal; you receive
not much, and you usually catch the blame the budget from the Mayor and assign it as you • If you're at adead end in an investigation­
more than the praise. You are also responsible see fit, among Divisions, Precincts, Training think motive.

• Agun in the hand is worth two in the car. Headlining= Wanted Man Spiked= Killed

• Don't call in for back-up unless you need il. Holding Down= Drawing aweapon Sprung= Blown cover, or
and aiming il. escaped custody with
• Never cry wolf. outside help
Hustler= F,ixer
• Never rat on abuddy. Sticks= Beat Cops
Iced= Killed
• Don't eat donuts: They're bad for you man. Stiff= Corpse
Iceman= No emotions
• Don't get too personally involved. Suit= Corporate Type,
Inkman= White collar guy straight man
TERMINOLOGY Jacket= File The Man= Immediate Superior
Agent Man= LEDiv
Jo/Joanna= Nobody Torched= Burned
Bag Man= Fixer
Jumbo Bird= Heavy aerial assist Tough Guy= Muscle
Baked= Burned
Kid= Anyone else Trashed= Assaulted
Banana Boys/Bunch= MaxTac
Loser= Anyone else Twisted= Drug warp
Bird= Aerial Assistance
Lost Boy/Girl= Nobody Wasted= Killed
Blitzed= Drug Warp
Lowlife= Anyone else Waxed= Killed
Boney= Corpse
Maggot= Anyone else Whacked= Killed
Bust= Arrest
Packing= Carrying aweapon Wise Guys= Mafia
Cold One= Corpse
Part Timer= Corp Cop or Bounty Worm= Anyone else
Creep= Anyone else (besides Hunter
the cops) FAVORITE
Pasta Boys= Mafia COP SAYINGS
Crisped= Burned Drop it!
Paint Boys= Yakuza
Dealer= Fixer Spread 'em!
Pencil Neck::: White Collar guy
Desk Jockey= White collar guy Come out wilh your hands where Ican see 'em!
Perp= Criminal
Dough Boy= Money Man You have 30 seconds 10 comply!
Pig= Cop
Easy Rider= Someone who travels Freeze!
a101. Player= Big time criminal
Dead or alive, buddy, it makes no difference to me!
Flatbacker= Hooker Punk::: Anyone else
Just the facts, ma'am.
Fried= Insane Ripped= Assaulted
Get on the ground! (prior to searches)
Geeked= Killed Scum= Anyone else
Do it now! (used as an accent to ot,her verbal
Going Down= Going to Jail Slag::: Anyone else commands)

Green= Unwell Slime::: Anyone else I think you should put the gun down now son,
because you don't want to die, and Idon't want to
Grifter= Con Artist Smelly::: Corpse kill you.•

his chapter examines the role of

the Cop, providing data on the
types of enforcement officers.
This chapter also covers police
equipment and resources, in
addition to important facets of police orga­
nization, such as Confidential Informants,
Proceedures and the varying Divisions.
OPERATIONAL Government Agents and/or Servants
The main difference between acop and aperp is o When making an arrest, the perpetrator
the fact acop has to play by the rules. The perp must be informed of the officer's legal right
doesn't. There are certain legal requirements an to arrest him. This is done by the officer dis­
enforcement officer must adhere to in bringing a playing his badge and announcing his
perp to justice. Failure to comply with these laws intent to arrest. The officer may then subdue
will make your bust resemble uncooked pasta... it the perpetrator with necessary force and
won't stick. arrange transportation to apolice precinct,
where the perp will be booked and charged
MAKING THE BUST with the stated crimes.
In the course of acop's duty there will come many
times when abust must be made. There are cer­ o The arresting officer must inform the perpe­
tain restrictions placed upon an officer in deter­ trator as to why he is being arrested, stating
mining who and how he may arrest. the crimes he has committed. The officer
must also ensure the perpetrator's safety
They are as follows: lrom that point on.
o The officer must witness agiven offense
perpetrated by the individual before making o Once officially charged and booked by the
the arrest (you golla see 'em do it). duty sergeant, the arrested individual must
submit to afull sample test. I! is the arresting
or officer's responsibility to ensure these sam­
ples are taken correctly.NOTE: ABiotechnica,
o The officer must have enough non-circum­ Bio-Sampler Scanning device is used to per­
stantial evidence to ensure he can prove the form this test. This two ton machine takes a
individual has perpetrated, or conspired to full holographic image of the perp, in addi­
perpetrate, an offense (you gotta be able to tion to retinal scans, blood, DNA, fingerprint
prove they did it, or were planning on doing it). and hair samples. If the crime is Priority 3+,
the information is relayed to the LEDiv central
computer (where it becomes part of the per­
o The officer cannot make asummary arrest manent record if he is convicted). The entire
upon the following types of perpretrators. process takes about seven minutes. Only
He must obtain an Arrest Warrant first: minor discomfort is lelt by the subject.

Corporate Executives with Corporate USE OF FORCE

Immunity (see pg. 55) An officer is often required to make use of deadly
force in the course of duty. Firearms and other
Foreign Nationals with Diplomatic weaponry are placed at the officer's disposal to
Immunity achieve this. However, they may only be used

An enforcement officer is empowered to search

and seize in any public or private area, or search
and seize evidence from people, solely on the
basis of "probable cause." Probable cause is
defined as "Would areasonable person suspect
crimina! activity was in progress, given the cir­
cumstances?" The officer must document the
probable cause in areport. The report will be
... ;~. ~~
reviewed by the Court for "reasonability· of the
search. Obviously, flagrant abuse of this right
will ensure the cop's superiors will find out due to
aflood of complaints, but agood cop can always
"write it into evidence." Gone are the days of
lengthy search warrant applications and having
evidence thrown out on "technicalities." It's
2020, and tough limes call for tough tactics...

The following proceedures must be observed:

o The officer may enter private or commercial
grou nds to search once he has notified his
direct superior. Normally, he just has to call
into Police Dispatch on the radio.
under specific circumstances. These are: PAPERWORK
o When the officer witnesses asituation "I want your report on my desk first thing in the o The officer may search an individual after
where the use of deadly force could mean morning!" informing him of the officer's belief that the
the difference between life and death. The individual has commitled, Qr in some way has
officer may use force when an individual's Paperwork is the bane of every cop.Every offiCial participated in the commission of, acrirre.
life is threatened (including his/her own), act requires agiven amount of administration.
or when there is adanger of severe dis­ While we do not specify the exact steps of each STIFFS
abling injuries being caused. process, here are some approximate times When an officer encounters acorpse, it is his/her
required to process certain forms. responsibility to call in aBody Recovery Team
o Force may be used against any individual who Arrest Report: 1Hour (aka, "meatwagon"). Most police agencies have
has been arrested and atlempts to escape. Use of Force Report: 1Hour at least one Morgue vehicle delegated to this
Obtaining an Arrest Warrant: 2Hours task; however, contracts with reputable body
o Force may be used to control unruly or dan­ Refusal of Bail Request: 2Hours bank/medical recovery agencies are common.
gerouscrowds (an example would be ariot). Work-related Complaint Form: 2Hours
Transfer Request: 3Hours .. 1
.' ...• 2~.... "D
o Force may be used if aperpetrator violently Investigation Report: 6Hours + Yt " L.•f c!..
resists arrest. Resource Request: 1Hour
9 Cannot Talk-HELP!


Aggravated Assault


• 3 --...
2'1 '" ll. '.
~. p, ,I
I~Y1P .
:3 "'{L 1ft


When an officer calls into Police Dispatch, and




when Police Dispatch alerts other officers, acode 14 Type ATrafficking

system is used to describe various situations. 15 Type BTrafficking

Copy this and have your players get used to it. 16 Type CTrafficking

17 Pursuit

2 Treason
18 Robbery

3 Homicide-Mass
19 Burglary

, 4 Kidnapping
20 Auto Theft

5 Cyberpsycho
21 Grand Larceny

6 Homicide
22 Disorderly Conduct

I' 7 Riot 23 Drunk

8 Armed Robbery 24 Soliciting


"Mono-chopper, scatter gun, plastic one-shot, gas bomb; been watching the Militech Home Shopping Channel, humm?"

Autopsies are performed on all crime The Buck Stops Herel lems arising in their fields of operation, and
scene corpses, in addition to al'l unidentified -Departmental Chief maintain lines of communication with the Chief,
bodies. An autopsy on a body will be able to The Chief of Police (or just "Chief") is the head of law media, public and their own people.
reveal any and all external and internal wounds, enforcement in any city. He or she is always an expe­
plus traces of foreign elements in the blood, rienced officer, having risen through the ranks from Division Level
skin and hair. It will also reveal details on stom­ beat cop all the way to the lolty position of Chief. Each precinct contains various personnel from
ach contents, and any medical illnesses or dis­ Each Chief serves a series of two to six the various pol ice divisions. A division is the
eases possessed by the individual. Cause of year terms. The Mayor may select any available largest single body within the overall
death will also be noted. Afull bioscan will also person from any recognised law enforcement department; each division is in turn subdivided
be performed in cases where identification has agency. Normally, the Mayor will choose some­ into sections. At this level, it is likely that a
not been possible, in order to learn any details one he knows from within the ranks of the city Captain will lead each division from
regarding the victim's b3ckground. An officer police. The Chief is answerable directly to the Headquarters, or the largest precinct. At precinct
may request an autopsy on abody if he has suf­ Mayor, who may fire the Chief on various level, single sections will be represented, not the
ficient cause to suspect foul play. Autopsy lag grounds: incompetence, gross misconduct, etc. division as awhole.
time runs from 8 hours (minimum) to about 5 The Chief runs aknife edge of pandering to the
days. An autopsy form is included in the Forms Mayor, while ensuring that the city's cops get a Precinct Level
section of this book (pg. 94) fair break, along with the manpower, budget and Each police preCinct within acity is commanded
resources they need. This is never easy. by aCaptain, answerable directly to the Chief or
Deputy Chiefs. He is responsible for all law
The Deputy Chief enforcement activity within his preCinct, and
Following is the basic structure of an average The Chief may assign any number of Deputy oversees the performance of all the section heads
central police precinct This chart can be refer­ Chiefs, whose job is to carry out the day-to-day under his command.
enced for chain of command, section placement, responsibilities of running the Police
promotions, and transfer and allows the Ref and Department. Deputies are often appointed to Section Level
characters to grasp the general structure of their Administration, large preCincts and even divi­ Each precinct will consist 01 various sections,
precinct. sions. They must troubleshoot all potential prob­ normally headed by a Lieutenant. They are

answerable directly to their Precinct Captain and RESPONSE TIMES: shootouts, corporate hits, riots, all sorts of illegal
their Divisional commander. For example, the VERY SLOW: 6hours+ if at all. deals, psychos and outraged citizens (some­
SWAT Lieutenant of Precinct 5 is answerable to SLOW: Up to 3 hours times there is little difference between the latter
the Captain of Precinct 5 andto his Captain at AVERAGE: Up to 1 hour two). Occasionally, they'll spot one of their own
Tactical Division. FAST: Up to 20 minutes black and whites, or have to call in the heavy
VERY FAST: Up to 8 minutes boys, but most of the time they're on their own.
The Lowest of the Low Day and night on the Street. It's not the best job in
Beneath Section level are the sergeants, detec­ PATROL DIVISION the world.
tives and beat cops. They are answerable directly Manpower and resources are constantly being
to their section heads and each are assigned to a poured into Patrol Division. This is due to the RESPONSE TIME: SLOW
specific precinct. fact Patrol Div is the largest division within
any police department. Patrol is the backbone Average Beat Cop
of all police work. The main purpose of Patrol INT: 6 REF: 7 TECH: 5
Div is to effectively distribute pol ice officers in COOL: 6 EMP: 6/6 ATTR: 6
In this area, all police sections are discussed, away so as to reduce opportunities 01 civilian LUCK: 5 BODY: 7 MA: 6
even though some are not likely to be utilised a misconduct. It gets the cops onto the streets,
great deal within aCyberpunk game. It is likely an in force. SKILLS: Rifle 5, Streetwise 6,
officer would come into contact with all sections Patrol Div consists almost entirely of uni­ Handgun 6, Stealth 5,
throughout his/her career; therefore, all are pre­ formed officers. Their job: to patrol agiven area Dodge /Escape 4, Hide/
sented and examined. and enforce the law. This means covering all Evade 4, Athletics 4,
Refs may wish to assign Cops to various sec­ minor incidents, in addition to anything serious Awareness 6, Authority 3,
tions throughout the course of aLaw Enforcement that goes down in your zone. Human Perception 6,
campaign. Both Hefs and' players are advised to Intimidate 4, Interrogation
familiarize themselves with the sections they are Beat Patrol 5, Interview 5, Persuasion
likely to come into regular contact with. Beat cops have ahard time. II's their job to walk /Fast Talk 5, Brawling 4,
Average Night City response times for each the streets, on foot, normally in pairs. They're Expert (Law) 5, Melee 5
section are also included at the end of each always on the Street and they have to be alert to
description. thousands of threats every patrol-gang CYBERNETICS: Usually none.
EQUIPMENT: Standard Issue Patrol

Armor and Helmet, Sonar

Scanner*, Personal Body

Alarm*, 3 sets of Cufls*,

First Aid Kit*, Sonic

Alarm*, 'Burst' caster*,

Excalibur Nightstick,

Armalite.44 Autopistol w/4

Magazines or CA-MAP

Ordnance Weapon with

ammunition varying de­

pendent upon specific duty,

Evidence Bags (3)

Cruiser Patrol This type of unit consists of two Beat Cops with Drive
* These items are standard issue for all uni­ Assignment to Cruisers is astep up from Traffic skill of 7, in aBMW 600 Patrol vehicle (pg.34).

formed police officers within the Night City and Beat. Patrol Cruisers (aka Black and Whiles)

Police Department. are the high-response police vehicles within the Airborne Patrol

city. In most mega-urban Cyberpunkcities, cruis­ Airborne provides all aerial patrol services for a
Traffic Patrol ers are more common than beat cops-there's given city, including AV-4 and AV-6 Operating
Traffic is something of alame job; it doesn't come too much area to cover by walking. APatrol unit Zones, Gyro Patrol and Surveillance.
with agreat deal of pride. Traffic cops get vehi­ consists of one cruiser and two Patrol officers Airborne, while equipped with state-of-the­
cles (sometimes) and their roles are limited to who, like beat cops, are aSSigned azone. However, art airware and formidable firepower, is basically
enforcing the laws related to vehicles, while they reap the benefits of the (comparative) luxury asupport branch. Should there be the need,
attempting to ensure the smooth day to day flow of acruiser with fu ~ 1 police features. This allows Airborne can bring in chopper and AV support
of traffic through the city. Nobody likes Traffic the officers to respond far quicker and more effec­ anywhere-FAST. The problem is they're always
cops, not even other cops. Atransfer to Traffic tively to any situations arising within their patrol needed somewhere, and there aren't enough to
often means you've upset someone somewhere, zone. Cruisers are also the immediate back up to go around. This can sometimes mean alag time
and it's almost always aslow, monotonous job. Beat and Traffic should they call for assistance. in response. Higher priority crimes are always
People still shoot at you; many people think Each Cruiser is aUnit, and assigned agiven dealt with first.
you're just another cop and give you just as much patrol or other objective (such as escort). They The bottom line with Airborne is: If you real­
beef for it. Nobody wants to work for Traffic. are high profile, fast and reliable. ly need them, they'll be there-usually.


Average Traffic Cop Average Cruiser Unit. Average Airborne Unit

INT: 6 REF: 5 TECH: 6
COOL: 5 EMP: 5/5 AnR: 6
LUCK: 5 BODY: 6 MA: 6

SKILLS: Handgun 4, Streetwise 3,

Dodge/Escape 5, Stealth 3,

Athletics 5, Awareness 6,

Authority 1, Human Pe­

rception 5, Basic Tech 5,

Persuasion/Fast Talk 3,

Expert (Traffic Control) 5,

Motorcycle 6, Melee 4,

Expert (Law) 5

CYBERNETICS: Usually none.

EQUIPMENT: Standard uniformed cop

eqUipment, Flak Vest (SP =

15), Blue Knight Moto­

rcycle, Traffic Helmet,

Federated Arms x-9mm

pistol w/3 Magazines

This unit consists of the following members: against all controlled substances entering the Personal Grooming 4,
city, and are generally concerned with Expert (Narcotics) 5,
1 Pilot: Beat Cop with Pilot 5, Basic Tech 3 Trafficking, Possession, Non-commercialized Authority 5, Expert (Law) 7,
1 Officer: Beat Cop with Authority 6, Vice, Gambling, Substance Abuse Laws,
Awareness 7 Weapon Laws and Extortion. CYBERNETICS: Digital Camera, Amplified
2 Troopers: Beat Cops Almost all of these crimes occur at street Hearing, Teleoptics, Voice
1 Medic: Beat Cop with First Aid 6, Medical level; Vice Cops know the street scene better than Stress Analyzer, Adrenal
Tech 4 any other. They are excellent at undercover work Booster, Targeting Scope,
and must perform it during most investigations, Time Square
'INVESTIGATION DIVISION sometimes adopting afake 10 for months on end.
The amount of drugs and other controlled sub­ EQUIPMENT: Mil itech Arms Avenger,
stances entering the city is on the rise. Vice are Sportscar (performance),
CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION IS NECES­ there to try and curb it before it gets out of control. High Fashion Clothing (Eji,
It's not an easy job. The drug scene ensures Takanaka, etc), Two-way
SARY WHEN LAWS FAIL TO DETER PER­ Vice will come up against the craziest types Radio, Kevlar T-Shln
who'll do anything rather than get busted. (SP=10), Plastic Cuffs,
SONS FROM COMMITTING CRIMES, OR Organized Crime has avested interest in most Evidence Bags (6)
types of Vice; they too are ahard enemy.
RESPONSE TIME: FAST Robbery section is responsible for all serious
FAILS AND CRIMINALS HAVE NOT BEEN theft and robbery investigations within the city.
Average Vice Cop This section tends to receive good resources,
IMMEDIATELY APPREHENDED. ITS PUR­ INT: 7 REF: 6 TECH: 5 because so much cash is at stake. Armed
GOOL: 8 EMP: 6/5 ATIR: 7 Robberies happen all the time; these are the guys
POSE IS TO: IDENTIFY, LOCATE, ARREST LUCK: 5 BODY: 6 MA: 6 who show up and track the robbers down. Big
heists are on the increase, too, and Robbery sec­
AND ASSIST IN PROSECUTION. SKILLS: Awareness 7, Handgun 6, tion will often go undercover in attempts to infil­
Athletics 6, Human Per­ trate those groups who commit these crimes.
SERGEANT INSTRUCTOR ception, 7, Education 5, Robbery covers the following offenses:
Brawling 6, Melee 5, Armed Robbery, ,Robbery, Burglary, Auto Theft,
J.M. KORSKI, NCPO Interrogation 6, Streetwise Grand Larceny, Fraud, Counterfeiting,
8, Wardrobe/Sty,le 6, Embezzlement.
Intimidate 5, Persuasion/ Robbery work means agreat deal of admin
Investigation Division, while being agreat deal Fast Talk 6, Disguise 5, paperwork; sifting through financial details on
smaller than Patrol Div, is agreat deal more pres­ Shadow/Track 6, Driving 5, dozens of suspects, etc. It can also mean
tigious, as it carries out almost all ongoing crim­ screaming onto the scene of an Armed Robbery
inal investigations within the city. Because of the with six or seven perps still in the bank, playing
nature of its operations, uniforms are rarely (if trigger with automatic weapons. This is adan­
ever) worn and many other duty regLllations are gerous job. With so much Euro at stake, life
waived. Investigation officers are often assigned becomes very cheap.Especially cop's lives.
vehicles and special equipment. They are also far
more likely to come into direct contact with the RESPONSE TIME: VERY FAST
more violent criminals of the city, because of the
nature of the work. Average Robbery Cop
While Investigation. does not have to patrol INT: 8 REF: 7 TECH: 7
the streets, they have to know the streets better COOL: 6 EMP: 5/5 ATIR: 5
than your average beat cop. In many ways, LUCK: 5 BODY: 6 MA: 6
Investigation is the best division to assign play­
ers to. They are allowed greater freedom in their SKILLS: Awareness 4, Handgun 5,
work and in its execution. Most Investigation Athletics 5, Human Per­
heads only care about results, but serious mis­ ception 7, Education 6,
conduct will still ensure lAD comes down hard Brawling 5, Melee 4,
on the players if they screw up. Interrogation 6, Streetwise
6, Intimidate 5, Shadow/
Vice Track 4, Driving 5, Ac­
Vice is the section that gets all the di rty jobs. counting 6, Maths 6, Expert
They are responsible for the continuing battle (Law) 6

CYBERNE'rICS: Image Enhancement, EQUIPMENT: Sternmeyer Type 35 2 sets 01 Plastic Cuffs,

Digital Camera, Chemical Heavy Pistol, Standard LapTop Computer, Kevlar
Analyzer, Times Square Automobile (unmarked), Armo r Jacket (SP=18),
Plain Business Suit (non­ Evidence Bags (6)
EQUIPMENT: Sternmeyer Type 35 Heavy designer label), Two-way
Pistol, Standard Automobile Radio, 2 sets 01 Plastic TACTICAL DIVISION
(unmarked), Plain Business Cuffs, Kevlar Armor Tactical Division is there for when the talking
Suit (norHJesignerlabel), Two­ Jacket (SP=14), Evidence stops (which is Quite often in 2020). They're
way Radio, 2sets of Plastic Bags (6) called into all sorts 01 hi-risk situations ranging
Cuffs, Kevlar Armor Jacket Irom hostage rescue to dealing with arampaging
(SP=18), Evidence Bags (6) Special Investigation cyberpsycho. Trained in all types 01 Situational
S.lN. is awild card unit common to many city's Response including Anti-Terrorist and Urban
Homicide pol ice departments in 2020. They are atask lorce of Clearance activities, Tactical is the bottom line­
It's plain and simple: Homicide deals with Investigation officers assigned to various cases il they can't deal with it, there's aproblem.
murder. All types of murder. With city popu­ within the city which have been granted special Apart from some ranking officers, TacDiv is
lation explosions taking place every year, attention due to seriousness of the crime, media auniformed division, almost always geared up
more and more people are getting killed. coverage, politics and. Corporate pressure. S.IN. with hardcore armor, weapons and vehicles.
Murder Is still avery popular crime . If adead deals direcllywith the city's highest priorities, o~en
body turns up not in direct relation to anoth­ liaising directly with LEDiv. Due to S.IN.'s nature, S.W.A.T.
er crime, Homicide moves in. Mass murders they are often granted access to large budgets and Special Weapons and Tactics Section (Also
take place with frightening frequency and resources for investigations. They are also known known in some cities as Emergency Response
ferocity while Corps, crime syndicates and to get results. Many other sections view S.IN. with Unit or Special Response Team). These rapid­
gangs all war among each other. Homicide acertain disdain, due to their tendency to take over response units are always held on alert status,
gets to deal with it. certain investigations and make them their own. ready to react to any hi-risk situation where alarge
Crimes covered by Homicide include Mass S.IN. is ollen called in to deal with Mass number of Iives are placed at risk. SWAT is often
Murder, Murder 1, Murder 2, Manslaughter, Murders, Espionage, Corporate Activity, called in to settle sieges, take down very danger­
Corporate Murder and Aggravated Assault. Organized Crime, Gangs, Major Kidnappings, ous suspects, provide security and seal off critical
The officers working Homicide soon Counterfeiting, Mass Internal Affairs Cases and areas. All SWAT officers are trained in awide array
become really cold; they're seeing up to fifty dead Shocking Murders. 01 weapons. Most carry heavy hardware and use
bodies aday in various states of decay and dis­ When acase becomes out of control, too their own lully combat-capable vehicles .
memberment. They learn very fast how to dis­ .dangerous, or just too damn dlficult to crack, it's
tance themselves. The best Homicide officers handed over to S.IN. RESPONSE TIME: VERY FAST
may be more than alittle way out, but if they're
good, that's not aproblem. There are too many RESPONSE TIME: FAST Units consist 01 ten SWAT marksmen plus one
psychos stalking the streets, too many lives get­ officer.
ting snuffed out, too Quickly. Homicide is there to Average S.IN Cop
locate and deal with all the murderers in the city. INT: 8 REF: 7 TECH: 7
Typical SWAT Marksman
COOL: 8 EMP: 5/5 ATTR: 5
INT: 6 REF: 9 TECH: 6
COOL: 7 EMP: 7/6 AHR: 5
Humanity: 3.5
LUCK: 5 BODY: 7 MA: 6
Average Homicide Cop
INT: 6 REF: 7 TECH: 5 SKILLS: Awareness 7, Handgun 7, SKILLS: Dodge/Escape 6, Weapon­
COOL: 8 EMP: 6/4 AHR: 5 Athletics 6, Human Per­ smith 8, Athletics 5, Rifle 9,
LUCK: 7 BODY: 7 MA: 7 ception 7, Education 6, Shadow!Track 4, Stealth 7,
Brawling 6, Melee 5, Hide/Evade 7, Basic Tech 6,
SKILLS: Awareness 6, Handgun 8, Interrogation 8, Streetwise Awareness 7, Handgun 6,
Athletics 6, Human Per­ 7, Driving 6, SMG 5, Expert Authority 2, Streetwise 5,
ception 6, Education 4, (Law) 8 Karate 5, Expert (Law) 5,
Brawling 7, Melee 4, MeleeS
Interrogation 7, Streetwise CYBERNETICS: Image Enhancement,
7, Intimidate 7, Shadow Digital Camera, Micro­ CYBERNETICS: Smartgun Link, Interlace
!Track 5, Driving 6, Rifle 5, Optics, Voice Stress Ana­ Plugs, Image Enhance­
SMG 6, Expert (Law) 7 lyzer, Bug Detector ment, Targeting Scope,
Teleoplics, Inlrared
CYBERNE'I'ICS: Targeting Scope, Motion EQUIPMENT: Glock Thirty Machine
Detector, Pain Editor, Pistol, Unmarked Perfo­ EQUIPMENT: Digital Weapons Uplink,
Smartgun Link rmance Vehicle (Armored), Hi-threat Battle Vest (SP =
25), Patrol Issue Combat

Helmet, Stern.M-95B or

FN-RAL or Militech Bull­

dog SG, Sonar Scanner

SWAT Officers are identical to the marksmen

except for the following,details: Authority 5
Streetwise 6 Awareness 9, Beretta M-24
Advanced SMG is carried along with arifle. The
SWAT marksmen use a BMW 91 Oa Police
Transport (pg. 35) as their primary vehicle.

Max-Tac is still called C-SWAT by some depart­
ments: the offical title in Night City currently is
Cyborg Supression Unit. Individual units are
known as SPAR teams (Special,Purpose Assault­
Rescue). It is the bottom line in combat police
officers. Specifically created to deal directly with
the everpresent cyberpsycho threat, these officers
are trained and equipped with the best resources
money can buy. All officers are supremely fit and
agile, and able to withstand agreat deal of dam­ Stealth 3, Dodge/Escape 5, RIOT
age. Cyber-augmentation is common, if not Interrogation 5, Intimidate Riot section is another Tactical force held on con­
mandatory. Max-Tac officers' enhanced abi Ilities B, Shadow/Track 4, Karate stant alert in order to deal with the vast number of
allow them to be the equal of any cyberpyscho. B, Aikido 7, Expert (Law) 5 civil disturbances taking place within the city.
Weapons and armor of the most e~ective kind are Equipped with armor equivalent to SWAT, they
placed at their disposal, as are combat vehicles, CYBERNETICS: Replacement Limb with are issued non-lethal weapons and hard vehicles
including fully equipped AV-9s. Thickened Myomar, Rein­ to take care of crowd control.
Originally adivision of SWAT, Max-Tac's forced JOints and Pop-up Trained in specific ways of dispersing large
actual role has expanded since its creation. While Micromissile Launcher, numbers 01 peopte, Riot can seal off entire blocks
they are the only real force capable of dealing with Torso Plate, Cybereye and disperse thousands. Riot's non-lethal
the cyberpsycho threat effective'l,y, they are occ­ w/lnlrared,Targeting Scope, weapons have been criticized (due to accidental
sionally also utilized as ahigher form of SWAlln Times Square, Smartgun deaths which have occasionally occurred),
any situation where SWAT fails, Max-Tac will Link, Muscle and Bone However, NCPD maintains the attitude of "II you
arri·ve. Their job is almost always Hit Hard and Lace, Wolvers, Limblink, don't want to get hurt, don't riot," and it seems to
Shoot to Kill. In many ways, they are as dalilger­ Decentralized Heart. work for them.
ous as those they are brought in to fight: many
officers are teetering on the brink of cyberpsy­ EQUIPMENT: Cyclone Squad Support RESPONSE TIME: FAST
chosis themselves. NCPD sees this "fight fire Weapon or Remington
with fire" strategy as effective (at least for now). Gyro-Sniper Rifle, Rostovic Riot units consist of one officer plus 10 troopers.
Wrist Racate, Militech
RESPONSE TIME : FAST Crusher SSG, Full Metal­ Typical Riot Trooper
Gear Armor (not always INT: 6 REF: 7 TECH: 5
Max-Tac work in squads of six men plus one officer. worn), Hurricane Shotgun, COOL: 7 EMP: 6/6 AHR: 6
Federated Arms 454 DA LUCK: 6 BODY: 8 MA: 8
Typical Max-Tac Operative 'Super Chief'. Max-Tac units
INT: 6 REF: 9 TECH: 5 use AV-9 transports for most SKILLS: Authority 4, Intimidate 7,
COOL: 7 EMP: 8/2 AHA: 4 situations, although several Brawling 9, Dodge/Escape
LUCK: 3 BODY: 8(10) MA: 8 AV-9 gunships are also 5, Melee 7, Awareness 5,
operating (such as 'Muther­ Athletics 6, Human Per­
SKILLS: Authority 4, Brawling B, l' commanded by the now ception 3, Rifle 6, Per­
Rifle B, Athletics 6, SMG 6, famous U. Garrison) suasion/Fast Talk 4, SMG
Endurance 6, Handgun B, 4, Streetwise 6, Handgun 7,
Strength Feat 7, Heavy Atypical Max-Tac officer is set up as anormal Aikido 6, Karate 6
Weapons 7, Streetwise 5, Max-Tac operative except: Authority 7Intimidate
Melee B, Awareness 5, 9Interrogation 7Awareness 7, CYBERNETICS: Usually none.
EQUIPMENT: Standard Issue Riot Armor the lAD may be suspended, or worse, and there is
and Helmet, Standard Issue always astigma involved as your partner and
Riot Shield, CA-MAP buddies wonder if you really area dirty cop.
Ordnance Weapon, 6chem­
ical shells (Tear Gas), 4stan­ RESPONSE TIME: VERY FAST (faster than you wish)
dard shells, 4taser shells,
Excalibur Patrol Slick, Average lAD Officer
Militech Military/ Police INT: 9 REF: 7 TECH: 6
Shotgun w/4 Magazines COOL: 9 EMP: 7/7 ATTR: 7
LUCK: 6 BODY: 6 MA: 7
Note: One man per unit is issued with aDeluge
CCW instead of ashotgun and acts as asupport SKILLS: Handgun 7, Social 6,
trooper. Riot officers are identical to the standard Streetwise 8, Persuasion/
trooper except: Authority 6Persuade/Fast Talk 6 Fast Talk 7, Authority 6,
Awareness 7. Armed with aHurricane AssauH Education/Gen. Know 7,
Weapon; Vehicle: These units use the BMW 910a Interview 9, Library Search
Police Transport 8, Interrogation 8, Shadow/
Track 8, Intimidate 7,
NETSEC Dodge/Escape 6, Expert
Net Security Section provides an enforcement, (Law) 9, Melee 5, Aware­
monitoring, and information service on areas of the ness 7, Disguise 6, Rifle 5,
Net within aspecific city. While NETSEC's main Human Perception 7, Elec.
priority is to track down the most dangerous and berTech 8, System Know­ Security 7, Forgery 5, Pick
daring criminal netrunners, they also provide all ledge 8, Streetwise 7, Lock 7, Aikido 4
other sections with up-to-date information straight Cyberdeck Design 8,
out of the Net. Not all municipalities have aNET­ Programming 9, Composi­ CYBERNETICS: Usually none; sometimes
SEC; many rely on the services 01 NETWATCH, the tion 7, Electronics 8" Voice Stress Analyzer, or
International Nel Security organization. Persuasion/Fast Talk 6, Digital Camera optic
Besides monitoring for illegal netrunning, Expert (Law) 2, Brawling 2,
NETSEC also performs its own information Melee3, EQUIPMENT: Glock Thirty Machine
search runs-NETSEC runners often provide Pistol, Personal Body
valuable information on suspects or corporations CYBERNETICS: Interface Plugs, Wet Drive, Alarm, Advanced Alarm
(which can lead to aconviction). This is rare, but CyberrtlOdem Link, Chip­ Removal Kit, Newsviewer
cops will know agreat deal more about their sus­ ware Socket, Adrenal Security Scanner, Image
pect after aNetrun details all his affairs... Booster Wallet. LapTop Computer,
NETSEC officers tend to be somewhat high­ Kevlar Armor Jacket
ly-strung, and are allowed into NCPD without EQUIPMENT: MirrorShades, 'Haight (SP=14), Mirrorshades,
Academy training. NETSEC monitors prospec­ Street' Cigarettes, Malorian Evidence Bags (6)
tive operatives and recruits them, deputizing Arms Heavy Flechelle
them in asimilar way to CorpCops. These indi­ Pistol, Police Issue ADMINISTRATION DIVISION
viduals then become officers within NETSEC Combat Deck, Eji of Japan Admin Div is manned mostly by non-cops: sec­
with access to top level hardware, software and clothing (loud and garish). retaries and other desk jockeys performing most
headware allowing them to become even more of the administrative duties of the police depart­
proficient in their chosen area of Netrunning. INTERNAL AFFAIRS ment. While it is possible to transfer to Admin,
Internal Affairs Division (lAD) is the bane of most nobody really wants to, unless they've had areal
RESPONSE TIME: AVERAGE police officers; its job is to investigate officers good scare or have been seriously wounded.
suspected of committing gross misconduct in Admin positions, unless very high up, hold little
Typical Netsec Operative. the pursuance of their duties, or who are corrupt, or no prestige among other officers.
INT: 8 REF: 10 TECH: 9
dangerous, or perform other activities which
COOL: 6 EMP: 7/6 ATTR: 8
either abuses their position, or endangers the BACKUP AND RESOURCES
LUCK: 8 BODY: 5 MA: 6
Department as awhole. Experienced investiga­ This section examines the types of backup an
tors, lAD officers are selected for their ability to officer may have access to. For ease of reference,
SKILLS: Interface 8, Awareness 8, sniff out when acop is "bad." the backup types have been broken down into
Handgun 5, Basic Tech 6, lAD is not well liked by other divisions. two sections: Immediate and Resource.
Stealth 5, Education 7, They have the ability to turn an oflicer's life Backup can be called in two ways:
Wardrobe/Style 9, Per­ upside down on the mere suspicion of illicit • If the officer requires immediate backup in
sonal Grooming 8" Cy­ involvement. An officer under investigation by the line of duty, all he has to do is call it in on

Seconds are like hours when you're bleeding your life out onto the Street.

his communicator. Backup will then be dis­ ber, location, type of assistance requested, type RESPONSE TIME: VERY FAST (if not faster!)
patched to the officer at the earliest avail­ of situation encountered and speed of response
able opportunity, if not immediately. required. PARAMEDICS
Should anyone become seriously wounded
• If the officer requires a resource-type Example: "Harris, 302, Back ofFunes on 46th St., (civilian, officer, etc.), the officer on the scene can
backup he may attempt to reserve it in Vehicle Assistance, Gang Shootout, Now!" call in for Paramedics. This message will be dis­
advance. For example, an officer wishes to patched directly to the rapid-reaction Paramedic
go undercover. In this case the officer RESPONSE TIME: FAST Services working in coordination with the police.
makes a request to his direct superior; in Officers should state the severity of the sit­
almost all cases there is likely to be acer­ Example: "Unit 302. Request Backup 1500 uation and call for a specific number of
tain time ,lag between request and receipt block of 1st Street. Situation: [traflic stop, suspi­ paramedic units if more than one is required.
of assistance. cious person, etc.] Additional information: [sus­
pect description, vehicle number, etc.]" RESPONSE TIME: AVERAGE-FAST
RESPONSE TIME: AVERAGE-FAST Rapid Response Paramedic Unit: 3 man unit (2
Assistance paramedics and 1 driver) in New American
This can be called in anytime on communicators Officer Down Autoworks Ambunaught.
via the Police Dispatch System. There are innu­ If, when calling for assistance, one or more offi­
me~able cases when an officer, or officers, will cers have been seriously wounded, the officer Typical Paramedic
encounter a situation they cannot deal with requesting,assistance can add "Officer Down" to INT: 6 REF: 7 TECH: 7
alone. They may be outgunned, they may be their message. This will ensure a speedy COOL: 7 EMP: 6 AnR: 5
unable to continue pursuing acriminal, or one of response and will also serve the purpose of call­ LUCK: 5 BODY: 6 MA: 6
ahundred other reasons. This is when an officer ing in aParamedic team.
should request assistance. SKILLS: Awareness 4, Basic Tech 5,
Officers should be specific when request­ Example: "302! Shots fired! Officer down! 1500 Diagnose 5, Handgun 4,
ing assistance, stating,their name, badgenum­ block of lst/!" Education 5, Cryotank
Operation 4, Pharma­ CYBERNETICS: Usually none. All other equipment housed in BMW 1010
ceuticals 4, Brawling 4, Minivan.
First Aid 6, Medical Tech 5 EQUIPMENT: Medica.! Kit, Two-way
Radio, White Jumpsuit Riot
CYBERNETICS: Sometimes; non-specific. (SP=O) Should an oHicer determine the need fora Riot Squad,
he/she can contact the Police Dispatch System and
EQUIPMENT: Medical equipment de­ FORENSICS request its presence. Number of Squads required
tailed with other items TEAM should be communicated as soon as possible.
under vehicle description. Upon reporting acrime scene, an officer may
also call in a Forensics Team, especially if SWAT
Typical Paramedic/Driver dealing with serious crimes. Forensics' task is Should an officer determine that there is ahi-risk
INT: 6 REF: 7 TECH: 6 to examine every feature of the crime scene situation and that use of SWAT would be the most
COOL: 7 EMP: 6/6 AnR: 5 closely, utilizing the latest hi-tech equipment effective and efficient resolution, ateam may be
LUCK: 4 BODY: 6 MA: 6 and forensic science methods in order to called in via the Police Dispatch System.
gather evidence and information.
SKILLS: Awareness 5, Basic Tech 6, If an officer requires any type of blood or Max-Tac
Driving 6, Handgun 6, DNA check, etc., he'll also need a Forensics Max-Tac may also be requested when an over­
SMG 5, First Aid 3, team. Alternatively, he may place the evidence in whelming force threatens innocent lives, and
Education 4, Brawling 4, a sample bag and personally deliver it to the officers on the scene are not able to (or are not
Streetwise 4, police department lab (where they will run the equipped to), resolve the situation. Again, all that
check) . Lag time: 3 hours to 3days. is required is amessage to Police Dispatch.
CYBERNETICS: Low Lite, Thermograph
optics, sometimes Inter­ RESPONSE TIME:AVERAGE Example: •Get MaxTac here NOWr
face Plugs and Vehicle Link
Typical Forensics Officer All Points Bulletin
EQUIPMENT: Medical Issue Helmet INT: 8 REF: 7 TECH: 9 When aperp (Priority3 crimes or higher) is likely to
(SP=20, Anti-Dazzle, Two­ COOL: 6 EMP: 7/7 AnR: 6 escape arrest by normal means, an officer may
way radio) See vehicle LUCK: 5 BODY: 6 MA: 6 request an All Points Bulletin. The perp's details are
description for cab equip­ made available to all authorities, and orders are be
ment. SKILLS: St reetw ise 4, Li bra r y placed for his immediate apprehension. APBs
Search 6, Physics 6, include all police precincts and transportation areas
MORGUE (AKA, Human Perception 7, (such as airports and maglevs), in addition tocircu­
THE MEATWAGON) Interview 8, Zoology 4, lating information to all Licensed Bounty Hunters.
Should the situation be clearly too late for Anthropology 5, Aware­
paramedics, the officer may call for aMorgue or ness 6, Basic Tech 6, RESPONSE TIME: SLOW-FAST
Coroner's Vehicle . Similarly equipped as Forgery 5, Biology 4,
paramedics, the meatwagon is not armed and is Chemistry 7, Photo/Film 6, Roadblock
designed purely to pick up dead bodies and take Education 7, Expert (1 An officer in high speed pursuit, or an officer who
them away. Field) 9, Pharmaceuticals knows his suspect plans on travelling agiven
Officers are again advised to clearly state 6, Escape/Dodge 4, Hand­ route, may request aroadblock to be set up in
the number of meatwagons required. Note: One gun 4, Authority 2, Expert order to stop him/her. Once the request is
meatwagon holds five corpses. Body bags (Law) 5, Brawling 2 received by Police Dispatch, two police cruisers
optional. will be sent to block off the specified area.
CYBERNETICS: Sometimes . Might have
Plugs, Machine Link,
Unit comprised of 2orderl ies driving aMercedes DataTerm Link, Cyberoptic Name Check
Spacewagon 2000+. w/various options An officer may request a Name Check in the
course of an investigation. The name must be
Typical Orderly EQUIPMENT: LapTop Computer (linked passed to Police Dispatch. A check will be made
INT: 5 REF: 4 TECH: 6 to vehicle computer), by NETSEC or Admin officers against police files,
COOL: 5 EMP: 5 AHR: 4 Cellu lar Phone, Poison revealing any convictions or other information.
LUCK: 5 BODY: 6 MA: 5 Sniffer, Sonar Scanner,
Cybercam EX-1(linked to RESPONSE TIME:AVERAGE
SKILLS: Awareness 2, Education 4, vehicle computer), Evid­
Basic Tech 4, Medical Tech ence Bags (several hun­ Trace
3, Brawling 4, Driving 4 dred in Minivan) An officer may request aTrace on any vehicle 10
plate or number in order to learn the name of the Athletics 5, Education 7,
owner. The officer may also trace owners of Brawling 4, Melee 2,
phone or fax numbers, registered cyberware Interrogation 2, Streetwise
and/or reg istered weapons. 4, Basic Tech 7, Photo/Film
6, Electronics 7, Elec.
RESPONSE TIME: SLOW Security 7, Driving 6,
System Knowledge (Power
RESOURCE BACKUP Grid) 7, Wardrobe/Style 5,
This type of Backup can be obtained by placing a Authority 2
request with your superior. The request maybe
immediately granted; however, in reality it is like­ CYBERNETICS: AudiolVideo Tape Re­
ly to take anything up to aweek before aresponse corder, Radio Link, En­
is given. This situation varies greatly on the pri­ hanced Hearing Range,
ority, and importance, of the crime and criminals Voice Stress Analyzer
under investigation.
EQUIPMENT: Federated Arms X-22,
Psychologist Light Pistol, Shower-in-a­
can, Travel Kit, Sleep
Inducer, Binoculars, Ad­
vanced Alarm Removal Kit,
Light Booster Goggles,
Plain Clothes (several sets)

mid ate 9, Oratory 9, Standard surveillance vehicle is the Mercedes

Interview 8, Human Per­ Spacewagon 2000+. See description for con­
ception 9, Anthropology 9, tents of Surveillance suite.
Persuade/Fast Talk 6,
Education 9, Awareness 7, Stores
Expert: Psychos 9, History Requests for special eqUipment, weapons , and
6, Library Search 8, Drive vehicles all go through Stores. If an officer is in
8, Teaching 8 need of any of the above, he must have achit signed
by his superior and present his request at Stores.
CYBERNETICS: None The officer and Stores sergeant both sign this chit.
The issued equipment is then the responsibility of
EQUIPMENT: Advanced Communica­ the officer, and is to be returned after use.
tions Suitcase, Image Stores allows officers greater freedom ifl
Wallet , Newsviewer, Per­ their investigations, and ensures atl personnel
Investigating Officers may request the assistance sona Body Alarm, Travel become proficient in awide seleclion of equip­
of apolice psychologist to aid them in building Kit, Shower-in -a-can, ment in the courseof duty. O!ficers who habituatty
up apsychological profile of their suspect. This Takanaka 'Exec' line suit use, abuse or destroy equipment will be subject to
course of action happens mostly in murder disciplinary action. (See Personnel Files, pg. 74)
investigations and other cases where the police Surveillance
have no idea who their suspect really is. Many investigations require suspects to be placed NETSEC
Apolice psychologist will assist with the under surveillance. This can range from domestic If an olficer determinesthat he requires the use of
investigation, has access to all evidence, and surveillance and bugging, to continuous 24-hour NETSEC and their abilities in his investigation,
may interview witnesses and suspects in addi­ operations costing agreat deal of manpower and he must follow aprocedure similar to that of the
tion to performing psych tests on Ihem. resources. Surveillance can be vehicle, aerial, Stores. His immediate superior must agree with
domestic, corporate and 24-hour. These requests his estimation, and sign aform which NETSEC
Typical Police Psychologist are often turned down on political grounds atso signs (as does the investigating officer) .
(Dr. J. Crowley) NETSEC will then perform the required action
INT: 9 REF: 5 TECH: 6 Surveillance Officer and submit areport to the investigating officer.
COOL: 9 EMP: 8 ATTR: 7 INT: 8 REF: 6 TECH: 8
LUCK: 7 BODY: 6 MA: 6 COOL: 6 EMP: 6/5 ATTR : 5 Witness Protection
LUCK: 5 BODY: 6 MA: 6 Many cases hang on evidence given by witness­
SKILLS: Social 6, Personal Gro­ es to the crime. Lots of perps know this, so they
oming 5, Wardrobe/ Style SKILLS: Awareness 4, Handgun 4,
pull out their heavy weapons and hunt the wit­
6, Interrogation 8, Inti- Human Perception 2,
nesses down before the trial. In the event an offi­
cer deems awitness to be endangered, he may
file for Witness Protection. This system allows
the investigating officer to place the witness in a
police safehouse, protected by aminimum of two
competent officers around the clock, until such
time that there is no danger to the witness (nor­
may at the time of the perp's conviction).
Witness Protection forms must be signed
by the investigating officer's immediate supervi­
sor (who assigns the guards) and aDeputy Chief
(due to costs involved).

Confidential Informants
The core of police work has always been on the
streets. It is here that cops make contacts with Jo
(and his input, Joanna). When aplayer creates a
cop character, he may pick any two Informants
from the list below. New informants can also be
gained during the Lifepath procedure.
Informants may be gained and lost throughout
the course of the game. They can provide solid or
gunky lowdowns on loads of events on, and oH, the
Street. Sometimes they may need help from you. You play some antithetical roles in the Undercover game ...
Maybe you pay them, or look the other way for them?
Whatever the reason, he or she is your Informant, This is due to the considerable expense involved go undercover themselves. Either way, they enter
and is the link between you and the Street. in these operations; many require large-scale their "cover" as quickly as possible. From then
backup, surveillance, the doctoring of official on, the U-op team has to wing it, as they just can't
C.I.'s can be any of the following: records, and injection of manpower into "cover" call in for backup; they don't have access to their
D Vagrant D Student occupations.They are also dangerous. badge, etc. Forget about using your Authority
D Hooker D College Teacher U-ops most often take place when dealing Special Ability; depend on your StreetwiseSkil1.
D Street Vendor D Mercenary with gangs, Organized Crime, and other activi­ Undercover requires acertain type of person.
D Gang Member D Convict ties that require "insiders" In order to get ahan­ They must be confident in their cover for every­
D Nomad D Prison Warden dle on what's really going on. LEDiv often utilizes thing to work. I! not, they'll blow it the moment the
D Braindance Addict their large U-op wing to penetrate foreign espi­ stress hits- and the stress a/ways hits. I! gOing
D RetiredCop D Dealer onage stations in the U.S., plus corporations, undercover, the officers should have direct experi­
D Corp Cop D Drug Addict drug and other organized crime rings, as well as ence of the environment they are entering. Without
D Bounty Hunter D Bartender political bodies . A good undercover officer, if this, they will stick out-and be dead. Organized
D Store Owner D Ex-convict successful, can get enough info together to put criminals and other organizations are always on
o Media 0 Organised Criminal away alot of people for along time . The pay's the lookout for infiltrators-it's never an easy ride.
D Indie Criminal D Private Investigator good, too. The fuU facial and physical surgery
o Street Crazy D Netrunner
sometimes required can be something of adown, Dangers Involved
D Corporate Suit D Bouncer
but hey! You don't wanna be acop? Then throw Many officers think gOing on aU-op is agood
D Courier D Cabdriver
away your badge and change your name to Jo. excuse not to have to wear uniform.Maybe so­
D Trucker D Paramedic
but it's also agood way to get your head blown oH.
D Fixer D Techie
How to Go Undercover I! acop blows his cover on aU-op, he's as
D Rocker D Artist
If investigating officers determine aneed to go good as dead. Su re, some make it, but they're the
D NI (!?) 0 Disc Jockey
undercover, they must puta request in to their divi­ good ones. Most go down fast, as the infiltrated
sional superior. The superior will assess the need, organization teaches them aquick lesson in
UNDERCOVER and if he deems the request reasonable, will get counter-insurgency. Sometimes you even get
authorization from aDeputy Chief. This process back-up, but it can take along time to arrive,
THE REASONS WHY_ can lake anything from six hours to six weeks and because they don't want to be too nearby in case
Undercover operations are sanctioned for inves­ is prirnari,ly dependant on who you know. it blows your cover...
tigations which require enforcement officials to Once authorized, the investigating officers Many organizations may require the under­
penetrate an organization in order to obtain the will be provided with abudget (every expenditure cover officer to perform initiation rites (maybe
evidence required to prosecute it. In most cases, must be approved by their direct superior) for the that means you've golla kill acop!?). U-ops are
U-ops will only be authorized if there is no other Op. Undercover officers will either be supplied by fraught with dangers. Only the experienced need
course of action open to the investigating officers. another division, or the investigating officers will apply.And there aren't many experienced around.
Bonuses provided directly to the user (requires Time considered AP vs. Soft Armors (I.e., leather,
You get paid time and ahalf for your trouble. You Square Marquee). Kevlar-T, Lt. Armor jacket). Constitution Arms
get to make amajor bust (if you're lucky). If you're only sells sleep darts (officially). Abox of 50
good at it, maybe LEDiv will want you for their Constitution Arms Multiple Ammunition: rounds sells for 40eb.
own Undercover w,ing ... Standard Round: General purpose 12mm
shells with a50m effective range, and causing Chemically Propliled Capsull Round:
GENERAL EQUIPMENT SECTION 4d6+1damage. Abox of 50 sells for 20eb. Three types of CPC are available, each designed
to release their payloads upon contact with a
POLICE ISSUE WEAPONRY Hyper·Penetration Round: Consists of a solid object, breaking the capsule within the slug
The police officer of the 21 st Century faces chal­
lenges that his 20th Century counterpart only
saw on the movie screen. These challenges sim­
ply cannot be met by the oid police .38, or even
the 9mm. Fortunately for the 21st Century cop,
he has at his disposal an array of effective arrna­
ments ranging from the non-lethal to the cyber­
busting cannons of the Max-Tac division. lihe
following is ase'lection of the available weapons
currently in use by the NCPD and other police
forces around the U.S.
Note that the majority of this technology is
not available to the general 'Punk public, being
restricted to police and para-military use only. lead slug, surrounding acadmium rod core with body. The three types are apaint round, used
ahigher than average propellant mass to provide mostly for training, asleep round favoured by
CONSTITUTION ARMS MULTIPLE AMMU· an increase in velocity. If the round hits asoft tar­ many riot units around the wor,ld, and finally,an
NITION PISTOL get, it will mushroom like a standard round. acid round (with avariety of uses, not against
CA-MAP PO J PVaries (12mm) 61 VR 50m (V) However, upon impacting an armored target, the human targets; treat acid capsule as airgun load,
525eb lead slug is hailed, allowing the cadmium rod to 2 rounds duration). The round has areduced
propellant toad, and thus only has arange of
45m. A box of 50 paint shells costs 25eb, while
the sleep and acid rounds both sell for 40eb per
50 shells. II is also possible that other payloads
could be used.

Chemically Propelled Taser Round: Arel­

ative breakthough in taser technology. This shell
avoids the problem of the taser's limited range
by using a chemical propellant with the taser
built into the projectile. Upon impact, the round
causes 1d6 damage plus the usuat taser effects.
However, due to the low power of the weapon,
all saves against the effects of the weapon are at
+2. There is also a 1 in 10 chance that the
impact will cause the taser to malfunction and
fail to release its charge. A box of 50 of these
rare rounds costs 80eb.
Designed by Constitution Arms to take advan­ penetrate the armor. The round does 4d6+1and
tage of advances in the field of ordnance technol­ is treated as armor-piercing or normal,whichev­ Exp10sivI Round: Designed for the rapid
ogy, this revolver is designed to offer the user a er does the most favorable damage to the target. 'lock-picking' that police so often have to carry
choice between lethal and non-lethal response to Abox of 50 rounds sells for 60eb. out, this round Is an effective anti-personnel
asituation. weapon as well. The impact-activated warhead
The standard model is equipped with a Chemically Propelled Dart Round: This is formed of an experimental explosive with a
rapid selector switch (to select between rounds ro uond has a reduced propellant load to far greater explosive yield than existing types.
before firing) and areadout display under the rear accomodate asmall dart in its tip, capable of The range is 50m and the explosion causes 2d6
sight, which informs the user of the round select­ delivering toxins of various types. ACPO has damage in a 1mblast diam. Abox of 50 sells
ed. Smart-chipped models give the user direct arange of 45m and inllicts 1d6 damage plus for 100eb.
control over selection and round information is any effects caused by the toxin payload. It is
ARASAKA RESTRAINT CASTER CONSTITUTION ARMS CYCLONE SQUAD Adevelopment of the gyrorocket system initially pro­
P-1 J PTangle (15mm) 41 ST 25m 200eb SUPPORT WEAPON posed by Militech in 2008, the Remington Gyro fires
HVY t 1NP6d6+2 (7.62mm) 100 35 VR 1200eb arocket-propelled, gyrostabilized shell. Through the
Advances made by Arasaka in reactive poly­ use of advanced sensor technology, the shell homes
mers have made apopular weapon from gen­ One of the few weapons specifically deSigned for in on the weapon's laser designator. The designator's
erations of science-fiction stories a reality. the type of mission so frequently given to the integral rangefinding computer determines such fac­
This oversized pistol fires a low velocity cap­ likes of Max-Tac. The weapon is chambered for tors as wind speed/direction, distance to target, and
sule of reactive polymer which, upon contact 7.62mm caseless ammunition and has a100 so forth, and then vectors the shell through use of its
with the atmosphere, assumes a semi-solid round drum magazine to feed it. The high rate-of­ steering jets towards the intended target. Low Lite
form and spreads into incredibly strong ten­ fire and stopping power of the 7.62mm round and Infrared capabilities are built in.
drils of polymer. These strands wrap around makes the Cyclone effective against any human The incredible stopping power (and long
anything that they come into contact with. A or semi-human target. Military sales have been range) of the Gyro has earned it the nickname "Zeus'
human entangled by these strands will be disappointing to CA, but the potential of the Lightning" among the police and Max-Tac snipers.
effectively immobilized. Cyclone has been discovered by the police force Its ammunition is Quite expensive, selling
The tangles may be broken through, requir­ and so production will continue. at 400eb for acase of 50 shells.
ing aVery Difficult roll against Body Type (or Note: because arocket shell takes time to
against the strength of alinear frame or other REMINGTON GYRO SNIPER RIFLE reach full velocity, the weapon does 3d6+2 and is
cybernetics). RIF +2 NP7d6API (1Bmm) 61 ST 600m 1000eb oAcc. at 75m or less. Armor-Piercing Incendiary
The polymer dissolves in around 20 min­
utes (plus or minus 1d1 0 minutes) or can be
removed with asolvent.
~ 00 I 1,1
Polymer shells cost6Oeb for acase of 20, and I
-­ - ... .­

asolvent spray costs an additional10eb (10 uses). ::".Juul



./ "­
0 1[
1­ 1
SHT 0 NP4d6 (00) 40 2/20 ST 70m 1000eb "')
The Hurricane is an automatic-action shotgun
(12ga. magnum) that utilizes adual reciprocat-
I J 1 J (API) ammo does an extra 1d6 damage for 2
rounds after hitting. Armor does not stop this
I j 1.
. ~l extra damage.

~ "'\ / ~I ~
~ 1
C,-c:JJ-\ II....J i"""'" CONTROL WEAPON

o· _ .....

f ~~
~ 'III
HVY 0 NP1-2ptstDrugs 400 35 ST 60m BOOeb

~ . J The Deluge is essentially amachine-cannon that
.~ fires darts of ballistic polymer at an extreme rate
I of fire. Designed as acrowd-control weapon, it is
capable of Quelling ariot in amatter of minutes

ing barrel action to minimize heat problems.

The weapon is equipped with aforty-round sad­
dle drum magazine, plus hydro-shock recoil .h 1... 1.. .1 . I!;l
. ­ -... .. ~.

compensation (mounted in the stock) that ... 0 I .0 111 =-= D

enables accurate autofire. The Hurricane was
\ L ~I
designed initially for urban police units requir­ «­
( 7L ,b -ltD
ing an effective weapon against street violence
and crowd control that required extreme force. ~""

• ~-=-I ~ --­ -:==: ~

HOlHe'ler, the use of this weapon has come to the *'''-.,.; ;

I J*~-"tm"= "IiiiiiII
attention of many Max-Tac units, who see the
smart-chipped version as a perfect anti­
cyberpsycho system. Note: Slugs do 406 AP,
~ .. ~

~-- .
, I

but damage is not halved after penetration. I I.. I -­


due to the sleep drug that each sliver is impreg­ er key rings for the up-and-coming executive
nated with. Because of this potentially non-lethal wanting that hidden defense (40eb each). POLICE VEHICLES
ability, the Deluge is most often seen mounted
upon riot trucks and occasionally on other police EXCAUBUR NIGHTSTICK BMW 600
vehicles. The magazine contains 400 sleep darts Taser-type MEL OJ PStun (Taser) 81 ST 1m BOeb Patrol Crusier 25,000eb
and acompressed air canister required to fire the Mace-type MEL 0J PMace Effect 6 1 ST 1m Based upon the tried-and-tested BMW 400
weapon. Amagazine sells for 125eb and they are Basic-type MEL 0J P2d6t3 - - VR 1m chassis, the 600 is the new police cruiser intend­
only available in sleep dart format. ed to provide officers with afast and secure form
Recently, hUman rights groups (Yes, there The melee weapon for the officer of the 21 st cen­ of transport within the confines of any megaur­
are still one or two about!) have raised concerns tury, this state-of-the-art nightstick is manufac­ ban city.
over the Deluge due to its rate of fire, and the tured from industrial strength ceramics. In addi­ Seating two officers in the front seats,the
possibility of multiple hits upon one target tion to its solid hitting power, the ENS is 600 has sufficient room in the rear to hold two
causing an overdose on the sleep drug, or even equipped with two hidden extras, ideal for perpetrators, in the high-tensile restraints
the target being literally torn apart by the hail suprising the creeps on the street. The busi.ness provided, if necessary. The occupants of the
of darts. So far though, there have been no end of the weapon incorporates ataser or hidden vehicle are given maximum protection by the
fatalities in Night City since this weapon was mace-sprayer, while the side handle holds the thick ball istic armor that cocoons the bodywork
implemented. trigger mechanism. Just right for those punks (SP=20, SDP=50), while the tires are protected
who won't lie down! The taser is rechargeable by ceramic-core radial bands (SP=15).
from any standard wall socket, while new mace Standard features on the BMW 600
SHT Var PE2d6+1(28ga.) 11 VR 3m 33eb
canisters can be bought for 5eb asix-pack. include amUlti-band radio, on-board police
computer patched into the central precinct
The latest in self-defense weapons from mainframe, sirens and high-intensity lights, as
StreetTech. The Burst looks like asmall flash­ well as a loudspeaker system and remote is triggered by unlocking its built-in safe­ searchlight. For those friday nights down in the
ty mechanism and thumbing the switch, which warzones, gunports are provided in the front
electronically detonates the weapon's propellant and side armor, allowing an unrestricted !ield of
and fires its payload of pellets. fire for the occupants.
Designed to rapidly lose their destructive Standard Police Cruiser Inventory'. 2x
power, these pellets are ineffective beyond 3m (­ Respirator units (15 minutes independent air
1accuracy at 0-1 m, -2 at 1-2m, -3 at 2-3m). supply), 2x Mililech Military/Police Shotguns
Originally designed as an emergency hideout w/6 magazines, 6x magazines per officer for
weapon for pOlice officers, StreetTech has issued sidearm, 2x pairs Ion Cuffs, 4x pairs
recently re-packaged this design for public con­ Plas-Cuffs 1x set of Binoculars, 2x
sumption, producing Burst models with design­ Biotech/Askari Motion Restraint Bombs
BMW 2020 Designed for speed and duration, the 9­ vehicles have forward driver compartments
Urban Patrol Vehicle 85,OOOeb series has only two seats in its cab, the rear two equipped with two seats, multi-band radio,
The tiger of the urban jungle, the 2020 is aheav­ being replaced by apair of reserve fuel tanks, siren, lights, air bags, Infrared viewer, 100m
ily armed and armored urban fighting veh icle. giving it double the effective range of most other radar and automated lire-extinguishers. Both
Designed to house just two crew, the vehicle performance vehicles. Features such as protec­ are also filled with six-wheel drive for steady
contains asmall containment facility, which at a tive airbags, auto-lire extinguishers,crash cage, maneuvering.
squeeze can accomodate up to four prisoners (In and an impressive 600m LowLite and Radar suite The police carrier can transport up to ten
some discomfort, but then they aren't there for are fitted at the factory, and although no weapon­ officers in full riot gear, or up to sixteen in an
the ride!). ry is included, space is provided for afew little emergency. There are four fire ports on each side
Standard features include multi-band radio 'extras' under the hood. and alurther two in the rear, providing all-round
with atight-beam transmitter/reciever, an on­ There are few vehicles that can stand offensive capability.
board computer, automatic fire extinguishers, against the sheer power of the Interceptor, and The prison version is equipped to carry up
siren, lights, crash bags for emergency maneu­ fewer are prepared to try! to twelve prisoners, with seat restraints, if neces­
vers, an infrared and lowlite viewer, and a400m Standard Interceptor Inventory: Interface sary, capable 01 holding even enhanced perpe­
radar suite for those smoke-ridden battlefields Link, Computer SatMap with transponder, First trators. In addition, the rear section can also be
and shopping malls. Aid and survival kit, Weapons locker: your flooded with atoxin that will cause unconcious­
The vehicle has asolid four-wheel drive choice of 1 Hurricane Assult Shotgun, or 1 ness within thirty seconds. Both vehicles have
system using new sol idtires (SP=20), which Militech Ronin Assault Rifle, or 1 Stein & SP=30 and SDP=80. The tires have SP=15. Top
support its heavily-armored frame with ease Wasserman Model F"Cyborg Assault" ; plus 2x speed is 140kph, or 70kph off-road.
(SP=30, SDP=75). I.ncluded is aremote turret Armalite.44 Pistols w/6 magazines per weapon
capable of holding most heavy weapons sys­ Popular vehicular weapons include the BLUE KNIGHT
tems; common types tend to be the Deluge for Barrett ~Arasaka Light 20mm Cannon, or the Police Motorcycle 6000eb
crowd control actions, or for those cyberpsy­ Scorpion 16 Missile Launcher with an auto-feed Produced by the Harley-Davidson company, the
chos, the good 01' M-134 Minigun. mechanism (3 rounds) mounted in the front-left Blue Knight is the choice of the NCPD Traffic
Top speed is 150kph on road, or 75kph off­ wing of the car. police. It comes equipped with multi-band radio,
road, adefinite must for all of those tricky-to­ on-board computer, siren, lights and bullet­
catch creeps who like cross-country running. BMW 91 Oa/91 Ob Police Combat! proof fuel tank and windscreen (SP=20).
Perpetrator Transport Vehicle While produced without weaponry, alight
BMW 9-SERIES 100,OOOeb SMG can be mounted on the front 01 the bike
Performance Interceptor 55,OOOeb This tried and tested vehicle comes in two major (150eb to mount and lit remote trigger).The bike
Considered by many to be one of the fastest and forms.The 91 Oa is designed to transport officers has SDP=36 and the tires have SP=15.Top speed
meanest vehicles on the roads today.This night­ into and out of a variety of hazardous is240kph.
mare on wheels can push at aterrifying 350kph environments, while the 910b is primarily used
on the roads, more than enough to take the life to transport prisoners in large numbers to BOEING CITYHAWK UAAV 800,OOOeb
out of any speeder. holding areas and prison complexes. Both The Cityhawk Urban Airborne Assault Vehicle

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MILITECH IVa Central Mobile Command and Control Center

is designed to maintain order in urban areas. BMW1010 Minivan 23,OOOeb cover units of the NCPD.1t is amedium sized
The vehicle Is similar in design to an AV. but The BMW Minivan is considered by many to be CHOOH2-burner with no exterior markings,
is more closely re'lated to VTOL aircraft. the workhorse of the police department. It is a designed to be inconspicuous and neutral in
Standard equipment includes two ejection four-wheel drive transport vehicle, designed to appearance. The interior of the vehicle is split into
seats (pilot and gunner), a highly advanced be used in avariety 01 police activities. Its prima­ two areas. The cab area has smoked glass windows
sensor suite (Infrared, Lowl ite. Image ry use is as aportable lab and transport for the and can hold up to three people in limited discom­
Enhancement, TeleOptics, and 100km Radar), forensics teams, who require afast and easy way fort. The rear section can hold only one person, the
ECM. flare Ilauncher (20-round magazine), to move their equipment from one crime scene to main bulkof it being filled by the advanced commu­
chaff dispenser (4 loads), onboard computer, another. The Minivan can accomodate atotal 01 nication and surveillance suite.l his rear section is
mUlti-band and tight beam radio, and auto-fire four people, along with alarge scientific comput­ sound-proofed and both rear-windows are smoked
extinguishers. The UAAV maneuvers er and test equipment. The standard model is to provide maximum discretion for the occupant.
exceptionally well (it was designed to fight equipped with amulti-band radio, siren, lights, Aside from the surveillance version of the
between skyscrapers) and gives the operator a and asatlink antenna for transmitting data to the SpaceWagon, the NCPD utilize several other
+2 bonus on his piloting skill rolls. Astandard central police mainframe system. types, each with the modular rear-section used
CityHawk is aImed with one or two M-134 The vehicle does possess alimited amount for adifferent purpose. such as the SpaceWagon
Miniguns (one in achin turret and one in atail of armor, providing it with SP=15 and SDP=35. Meatwagon units. which hold up to five bodies in
mount). and has two launch pylons capable of Top speed is 120kph, or 60kph over rough the back of the vehicle.
holding Scorpion 16s or other rockets and ground.The Minivan has no weapons, although The vehicle has very little armor
missiles. SP=50, SDP=85. Top speed is 600kph. space is provided for asingle weapon mount on (SP=5.SDP=25), and has standard tires. Top
the rool (a Cyclone SSW is apopular fitting in the speed is 70kph, 30kph on rough ground.
HUEY Pollee Helicopter 210,OOOeb more hazardous areas). Standard Inventory for aSurveillance Team:
Intended as alow cost alternative to the AVor Standard Inventory lor aForensics Team: Jamming Transmitter, Movement Sensor, Police
UAAV, the Huey PH comes standard with IR, 1x ArmalHe.44 Autopistol w/4 Magazines, Mini-Computer, Radio, Scanner, 4x Linetaps, 1x
LowLite, and telescopic video system as well Portable Forensics Lab (+1 to all related skill H-7 Droid and sensor link, 2x Li nozaps, 1x
as a 60km radar. Defensive systems include checks), Drug Analyzer, Mini-Computer (con­ Pseudo-Dragon, 2x Airborne Surveillance Units,
ECM, a chaff launcher (2 loads), and a flare nected via satlink to Police Central computer), Electronics Kit, Power Gri'd'Solar Electric Panel,
launcher (6 rounds). Offensive capacity is Ballistics Kit, Medical Examiner Kit 1x Movie and Still Camera suite w/LowLite, IR.
limited to achin-mounted M-134 Minigun or and telephoto capabillity
an auto-grenade launcher (ROF=6, 30rnds., MERCEDES SPACEWAGON 2000+
500m range, effects=hand grenade types). The 32,OOOeb N'EW AMERICAN AUTOWORKS
PH can carry up to four people in addition to One of the few common police vehicles not origi­ AMBUNAUGHT Pollee Paramedic Version
the pilot and gunner. Airspeed is 480kph. nating from the BMW company.The SpaceWagon 76,OOOeb
SP=20 and SDP=65 is the standard unmarked truck used by the under­ Based upon the standard Ambunaught design
(see Chromeboo/Q, the Police version is designed ry is empty, allowing individual NETSEC Both flanks of the vehicle mount additional
to extract the wounded from more hazardous envi­ officers to utilize their own personal pro­ security cameras to provide 360 0 vision to
ronments, such as the streets of Night City. The grams when the system is needed. those inside.
Police Ambunaught is treated as astandard ver­ The roof section of the trailer is also fitted
son except that it comes mounted with two 180 0 4. Militech Multipurpose Weapons Console with four Power Grid improved solar panels,
Grenade Launchers (equal to Militech drum-type linked to the vehicle's weapon systems and allowing the CMCCC to operate in the field inde­
GLs w/Tear Gas), or aremote turret-mounted security cameras. In addition, this console pendently from any fixed power supply,
Deluge Crowd Control Weapon. All armor for the can be linked by radio to any remote although links at the base of the fifth-wheel
vehicle is identical to the standard version. weapons, and then used to direct fire from socket are included for power hook-ups when
Standard Inventory for aPolice paramedic those weapons. This function has amaxi­ necessary. In addition, aseries of internal bat­
unit: Rear locker-Medscanner, 2x Surgical mum range of 5km. Using the console, all teries can be hooked up to provide thirty-six
Kits, Cryotank, 4x Spray Skin Canisters, 12x weapons can be voice-activated, fired man­ hours of power.
Airhypos with painkiller ,loads, 4x Mastoid ually, or set to fire upon any moving target Each corner of the trailer is also fitted with
Communicators, 1x Tech Tool Kit, 4x by the weapons officer who mans this con­ powerful spotlights, which can illuminatean area
Respirators, 1x Movement Sensor; Cab locker­ sole at all times. 80m around the CMCCC.
2Armalite .44 Auto Pistols w/2 magazines per Alimited arms locker and some medical
weapon,1 Militech Ronin Assault Rifle w/4 mag­ 5. Command Console manned by the Chief equipment is kept in the trailer section, but the
azines,1 xTool Kit, 2x Respirators. Tactical Surveillance Officer. This console content depends greatly upon the situation the
can be used to patch into all activities of the vehicle is being used for.
MillTECH IVa Central Mobile Command various other consoles and, if necessary,
and Control Center 2S0,OOOeb assume control of their functions. POLICE ROBOTS AND AI SYSTEMS
Considered by the Law Enforcement agencies of Modern police operations often involve the use of
the world to be one of the most well designed and The exterior of the trailer area is protected by robots. While their most common use is for
engineered tactical command vehicles available. fireproof armor (SP=30, SDP=200), while the surveillance, the use of combat robots is not
The CMCCC system comprises an articulated tractor cab is armored to a lesser degree unheard of, and is in fact, growing more common.
tractor-trailer rig massing some forty tons in (SP=20, SDP=75).
weight, protected by some of the best armor and The roof of the vehicle holds two APEX II ROBOHOllNDS
armament systems on the market, and housing turret systems (see Apex in Chromeboo/Q, one at The Robohound is areasonably recent addition
some of the most advanced surveillance and the rear of the main body and one at the front. to the support services. DeSigned with diversity
communication equipment available. Both of these turrets have a270 arc of fire,
in mind, these hounds (a modular,
Capable of atop speed of 80kph (running on which stops them from crippling or destroying computerized, robot system buill of
standard synthetic fuel), the CMCCC is afast and each other. Both turrets are linked to the Weapon plastics/ceramics in aworking animal shape)
reliable method of achieving tactical and strategic Control Console inside the vehicle, through the can perform a wide range of services. From
coordination of any force, in any situation. security cameras mounted above the weapons. providing guard duty at precincts, through
The interior of the CMCCC is ahigh-tech
command centre, designed using only the best
technology and expertise from the labs of the
Mililech Corporation. Within this vehicle are the
following systems:

1. Office Communications Suite with four

additional miniscreen TVs, each linked to
an external audio/video recorder unit, pro­
viding all-round vision of the area sur­
rounding the vehicle. This unit is always
manned by aPolice Technical Officer.

2. Surveillance Communications Suite simi­

lar to that used by the Surveillance teams in
the Mercedes SpaceWagon 2000+. This
unit is manned by aSurveillance Officer
when in the field.

3. Police Cyberdeck Interface linked via radio

splice to the main Net, and by dedicated link
to the Police Central CPU.This deck is sim­
ilar to the Police Issue deck, and its memo­
tracking perps, to large-scale crowd control. using four compressed air nozzles. lis four ADREK ROBOTICS Robot Patrol Unit
Unlike many of NePD's toys, this one is micro-cameras are equipped with infrared, ALPHA 75,OOOeb
actually useful. Most often used by Tactical low-lite and telescopic capacity. its four The RPU-A is designed to patrol low-threat
Division, the RoboHoun di is an efficient and microphones are equipped with a broad areas, such as minimum to medium security
savage recruit. reception range and have integral sound edit containment facilities. It's also used as acrowd
facilities. The unit'spower pack has aduration control unit in situations in which resistance is
The Lawtech Unlimited of around 10 hours and can be recharged from not expected to be too intense.
Pollee Model Robohound 3625eb a standard wall socket. The handheld or The standard unit looks somewhat like a
Tri-Plastic frame; Great Dane Body: 10 REF: 10 mounted controller has arange of 60km. The trashcan on balloon tires.Size:1.5mTx 45cm Dia.,
MA:20 ARMOR: 20 SP Oracle has the same out-of-contact program Weight is fitted with audio/Visual sensors
as the Pseudo Dragon. and aloud speaker unit. The unit has two manipu­
Programs: Dog Behaviour, Kill System For an additional 200eb above the base lator arms, the right being equipped with aMilitech
(Threaten, Atack, Patrol), Track: Specific, Target price,the unit can be equipped with an on-board Electronics Taser which runs off the robots internal
Restrain: Sharpwire System, Suppressive Fire: computer which enables it to patrol an area on its battery.The left arm is equipped with an Avante P­
Mini-Rockets own, recording information (up to 10 hours). It 1135 Needlegun (with a45 round magazine),while
can also be programmed to signal acontrol sta­ the torso contains aNelspot 'Wombat' paintgun
Stealth Pad,Feet, Chemical Bio sensors and snif­ tion whenever certain conditions (pre-pro­ (for marking suspects) with a60 round magazine.
fers, Infrared Vision, Increased StreFlgth: +2D6 grammed) are met. The unit has SP=4, and Sensors can be upgraded as per the
bite damage SDP=B, target modifier=-1 . cyberoptic/audio options, but at 20% less cost.
Each arm has SP=20 and SDP=20 (use­
CarboGlass Teeth: +2D6 Bite (for total dam­ H·7 Hazardous Material less)/30 (destroyed).The central torso has SP=20
age=4d6AP), MicroRocket Launcher (ROF=5, Handling Robot 50,OOOeb and SDP=40 (useless)!50 (destroyed). Rendering
20rnds.,300m range) w/Nausea Gas {2m rad.)or The H-7 is designed to safely dispose of the central torso useless or destroyed disables the
Hi-Explosive Rounds (4d6 dam., 2m rad .), explosives, chemical agents and other entire unit. Maximum speed is 50kph.
Sharpwire Net Launcher (+2Acc., 10m range; hazardous materials. The unit's body is like that Remote-controlled by either ahuman or AI
target must make Dodge roll to avoid entangle­ 01asmall tank (an armored vehicle body with system, the standard range between control
ment; if target struggles, apply BOD/3 dice of AP treads or wheels). Size: 2mL xO.BmT, Weight panel and unit is BOkm, which may be enhanced
damage; must use knife or other tool to escape in 600kg.In place of aturret, the H-7 has avaguely by greater transmission power. If not under direct
12-REF combat turns) humanoid, heavily-armored torso equipped with control, an RPU has alimited fallback routine:
two manipulator arms and an array of smaller return to point of last contact, return to apre-des­
For more on robohounds, see Interface manipulators and tools for disarming ignated location, or shut down and emil homing
magazine /1. explosives. The unit is equipped with heavily signal. An interface link may be added at a500eb
shielded cameras and microphones, all heavily cost, providing a+2 bonus to operation skills.
PSEUDO DRAGON enhanced. The cameras are equipped with
Aerial Surveillance Unit SOOeb infrared, low-lite and telescopic functions. ADREK ROB01'ICS
Abattery-powered micro-copter equipped with The unit is also fitted with chemical sniffers and Robot Patrol Unit BETA 95,OOOeb
avideo camera and advanced 'boom microphone other detection equipment. The medium threat version of the RPU-A, Ihe
system. Si'ze: BOcmL x30cmW x30cmT, Rotor It is operated using a complex control RPU-B is vaguely humanoid in configuration, and
dia.150cm, Weight 5kg. Battery life is six hours panel usually situated in a vehicle (often the possesses senses equal to those of ahuman
(recharges from wall sockets) andl top speed UPV). This panel may be equipped with an (enhancements are possible at the same cost as
is 60kph. The unit is remote controlled from a interface link (400eb extra) which gives an the RPU-A).Size:2mT xO.5m Dia., Weight 300kg.
. hand-held or mounted unit which has a30km additional +2 bonus to operations . The unit has two manipulator arms, fitted in
range. If it loses contact with its controller, it Transmission range is 20km and can be an identical way to the RPU-A. In addtion, the
will slowly descend until it touches asurface, boosted with a more powerful transmitter if center torso holds an H&K MPK-9 (with 100
tllen will shut down and emit ahoming signal desired. round drum). In addition, four external weapon
(same range as the control system). If contact Bomb disarming procedure uses mounts and links are also provided, two on the
is re-established, it will automatically re-start. Demolitions, Electronics or Mechanics skill, hips and two on the shoulders of the unit.
The unit has SP=2, and SDP=4 , target whichever is appmpriate, rather than Remote The units arms are SP=25 and SDP=25/35,
modifier=-2. Systems Operation ski II. while the torso has SP=25 and SDP=35/45. The
The H-7's lower body has SP=30 and legs have SP=25 and SDP=30/40. Crippling the
ORACLE SDP=45 (disabled)/55 (destroyed), while the central torso disables the unit.
Airborne Surveillance Unit 1500eb upper body has SP=25 and SDP=35 (dis­ Control and interface details are identical to
This flying saucer-shaped device was abled)/40 (destroyed). Rendering the upper or those for the RPU-A . The unit can handle a
originailly designed for miltary use, but was lower body useless will disable the entire slightly more sophisticated fallback routine, i.e.
adopted by the police of Night City. Size: 1.0m machine.The H-7's arms are treated as if they are return to point of last contact and if contact not
Dia. x25cmT, Weight 6kg. it is kept airborne equipped with hydraulic rams.Maximum ground re-e;, ~ dblished , return to deSignated location.
by an internal rotor system and maneuvers speed is 50kph. Maximum ground speed is 40kph.
------------~GD~------------ . J .1 .1

ADREK ROBOTICS Robot Patrol Unit may be blocked or weakened. In such cases POLICE ISSUE PATROL HELMET 230eb
GAMMA 105,OOOeb repeater units are often used. Commonly (430eb w/option)
The high-threat big brother to the RPU-A and patrolled areas and many buildings have built-in Worn in conjunction with the Patrol armor, the hel­
RPU-B, designed for urban patrol and high-level repeaters. Repeaters can also be placed in an met provides SP=25 protection. Built into the hel­
crowd and prisoner control. area. It is not uncommon for an RPU to carry sev­ met is aWlo-way radio, ahigh-intensity beamlight,
In configuration it is almost identical to the eral repeaters in case transmission-impairing and an anti-dazzle visor. Atargeting scope with
RPU-B, with both arms holding an H&K MP­ areas are to be entered. Astandard repeater infrared ability for "smart" weapons is optional.
2013 and apair of implanted Rippers. The central weighs 0.33kg. Special models (shielded
torso contains an Arasaka RA-12 (with 100 against detection, for example) cost extra. POLICE ISSUE RIOT HELMET 650eb
round drum magazine) and an H&K MPK-11 Identical to the Patrol helmet, except that the
(with 100 round magazine). It is also equipped MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT Riot helmet is environmentally sealed and has a
with four weapon mounts and links in the same built-in 10 minute air supply for use in hostile
configuration as the RPU-B. PA'rROL ARMOR 900eb environments (riot gases, poison gases,
The unit's arms are SP=25 and SDP=30/40, Consisting of all-over flexi-armor (by Gibson smoke, etc.).
its torso is SP=25 and SDP=40/50, and its legs Battlegear), the Patrol armor provides SP=18 for
SP=25 and SDP=35/45. Rendering the torso use­ both legs, SP=20 for the torso and SP=15 for POLICE ISSllE TRAFFIC HELMET 170eb
less will disable the unit. Remote and interface both arms. Optional alloy plates then cover the Lighter than the Patrol and Riot helmets, the
capabilities are identical to those of the RPU-B. shoulders, elbows, knees and thighs, providing Traffic pOlice helmet provides SP=15, and has no
These units can operate semi-autonomously. an extra SP=5 to arms and legs. [EV=+2/+3J Infrared or Targeting capabilities. However, it
Maximum ground speed is 30kph. does have abuilt-in Digital Stillcam with 20 shot
It is believed that Adrek Robotics has pro­ MAXIMUM THREAT URBAN RIOT ARMOUR capability.
duced an experimental, fully-autonomous RPU, 1200eb
but it has yet to come onto the market. Designed for use in urban disturbances where POLICE ISSUE PARAMEDIC HELMET 180eb
close combat is expected, the pOlice riot armor Worn by the drivers of the Police Rapid­
REPEATER STAllON 100eb provides SP=25 for the torso and arms, while the Response Paramedic units, these helmets pro­
Robots are often required to operate in situations legs have SP=20. All limbs are also protected by vide SP=20, as well as an anti-dazzle visor and a
in which radio and microwave transmissions alloy plates providing an additional SP=8. [EV=+3] two-way radio.
Aflat, plastic plate used for palm-print recogni­
tion systems, which identifies palm-prints
against those in its SOO template memory. Just
like the Retina Scanner, these are used in con­
junction with the Central CPU to provide asecure
personnel tracing system.


This is acylindrical sampling device linked via
cable to amicroprocessor and analysis unit the
size of atrunk.The unit records DNA patterns and
uses them to identify individuals at alater date. It
can be linked to the Central Precinct CPU for
expanded memory capabilities.


This cylindrical device is used by police officers
to analyze the blood of suspects for traces of ille­
gal substances, or the amount of legal sub­
stances within their systems.


This device utilizes sonic/magnetic resonance
scanning 'wands' linked to amicroprocessor to
detect the presence of implanted cyberware.The
difficulty of ascan is dependent upon the type of
cyberware being scanned. Things like neural
processors or rippers are easy to find, but spe­
cially made cyberware (such as organlcally­
made items) may be almost impossible to detect.
Police precincts have larger, more sophisticated
versions at their disposal.


This field kit contains all of the equipment
required for an on-site ballistics investigation. It
allows askilled user to identify type of weapon
POLICE ISSUE RIOT SHIELD 150eb (1 BOeb RETINA SCANNER 400eb used, angle of attack, and so forth. The entire kit
w/optlon) The retina scanner consists of acylinder with an is contained in an armored suitcase (SP=l S)
Designed with the defense of riot police in mind, the eyepiece linked by cable to abelt unit which con­
Riot shield' is afull-length plastic barrier (SP=lS), tains the system's microprocessor and memory MEDICAL EXAMINER'S EQUIPMENT PACK
intended to protect the officer from attack. The cen­ chips. The unit can record asubject's retinal pattern 700eb
teroftheshield has abuilt-in Militech Taserforcon­ and then use this as identification ata later date. The This unit provides askilled user with all of the
tact subdual. The most interesting feature of the unit's memory can hold up to 2S0 retinal images. equipment necessary to carry out an preliminary
shield is the optional strobelight built into the face Police stations have versions linked to the central examination of a body or biological substance,
some six inches from the top. When activated, CPU to keep track of personnel and prisoners. before removing it to aforensic lab.
those directly in front of the light must make aREF
save to shield their eyes; failure means aBOD save INVESTIGATION KIT 45,OOOeb
or become stunned for 1d6 combatturns, incapable This highly advanced kit contains forty special­
of any but the most basic actions.The shield's bat­ ized scanners, a command panel, and four
tery has enough power for 10 pulses. Cyberform Spiders.
Each scan unit contains an infrared scanner,
POLICE ISSUE GENERAL PURPOSE SHIELD apheremone sniffer, and asound pickup.When
BOeb planted by one of the Cyberform 'Spiders', the
Asmaller, round' shield issued to officers, mostly on scanners are activated by acommand pulse. This
the beat patrols.These are shields provide SP=10. activation will give the user athree-dimensional

..-~¥ }1 POLICE COMPUTER Eb Varies

I-I--+--+-+--t--~.....-f---r-~-I-~~~~~ 4~ This vehicle-mounted police computer is
primarily an information processing and storage

~~~I ~~
system.It contains information such as wanted

1~ .,~~ ~
1 ' /:~ { I 7" ~
lists, lists of stolen vehicles, lists of donut
shops, and so forth. Police computers are
generally linked via radio/microwave to a
central police CPU which enables officers to
acquire information they need and transmit data
back. The police computer is also capable of
running various programs. For example, some
- ~
are equipped to process medical data; some are
even designed to control the vehicles in
emergencies. Price depends upon the
complexity of the system.


......... ~ ~, EbVaries
. .""'1'~~
. This is the standard type of deck used by the
Netrunners of,NETSEC, although most of the
runners modify their systems to their own per­
image of the area covered, including IR patterns, ION CUFFS 100eb sonal needs. Zetatech 2000 Combat Assault
pheremone patterns and asonar map of the area. These cuffs are manufactured from conductive Deck-Memory: 20MU, Speed: +4, Data Walls:
Each scanner has a1Om range, and correct use polymers, and are designed to restrain enhanced +6, Low Impedence Cables, Auto Punchout, Flip
of them can provide askilled user with an idea of the prisoners. To do this, they run adisabling current Switch, Videoboard, Chip Reader, VoxBox, Deck
number of people who have used the room, how and through the metallic elements of the arms that Security System (retina).
where they moved, and so forth.Approximate iden­ they are holding.The effect of this is that the sub­
tification of individuals is possible through their ject loses all control of the bound Iimbs and can­ SOFTWARE
thermographic and pheremone patterns. not use them until released. The cuffs have no The police use avariety of software systems in
The Cyberform Spiders (courtesy of keys and can only be unlocked at the central the line of duty, some legal and (occasionally)
Adrek Robotics), are robotic bodies with par­ precinct. some illegal. The NETSEC runners each have a
tially organic brains (the ceretronic system) personal preference as to which software they do
that are designed for two tasks. Firstly, they EVIDENCE BAGS 5 for 6eb and don't use. In general, most current programs
can plant the scanners anywhere (using their Small ziplock polythene bags used to pick up can be found amongst the cyberdecks of NET­
multiple legs to climb walls and ceilings), and
secondly, their own scanners can pick up tis­
sue samples, chemical traces, etc. Correct use
evidence for later examination, without smearing
prints all over the item. Amust for all good cops. I.
SEC, even ones that theoretically don't, or
shouldn't, exist.

of this system can provide an officer with a

complete picture of a crime and the environ­
ment in which it took place.


The appropriate identification/examination
equipment can be linked into the police version
of the Visual Recognition Chipware
(Chromebook, pg. 76). Aslight modification is
required in the chipware, which can be done at
the sales/service site.

High-tensile strength plastic handcuffs designed
to hold all but enhanced individuals (BOD check
at 25+, use Strength Feat skill). Release is only
possible through use of the computer key carried
by the officer.

look at the local cop's

"big brothers": govern­
mental anti-crime forces.
Plus an in-depth exami­
nation of their interna­
tional enemies: Organized Crime

and the Multinational Corporations.

body could police the country on its own.Initially
thought to be an expedient combining of similar
resources to reduce costs, LEDiv has now become
an excellent pool of law enforcement resources,
outperforming the sum of its original parts.
The Government stili retains asizable dedication The only stigma it now faces is local law
to national law enforcement, and has always been enforcement's disdain for "agents from outta
asolid supporter of the Uniform Civilian Justice town." This antipathy has been enhanced due to
Code. Although unforeseen political and budget LEDiv's greater powers of investigation beyond
difficulties were the cause of the initial FBI and the limits of the locat enforcement community.
CIA merger, it has turned out to be far more of a Sometimes the local cops don't ever find out much
working venture than originally intended (or about what's really going on, but when LEDiv
expected). Due to their success, LEDiv is now the moves in, the cops know they mean business.
pride and joy of the government, and personnel Most cities maintain asingle LEDiv office
are recruited nationally from various agencies to which monitors criminal activity and investigates
form this prestigious side arm of the CIA. national threats and crimes. In addition, they liaise
The Government has astake in ensuring with (and sometimes monitor) the local law
LED iv's continued success, as the only alternative enforcement agencies. Unlike the police, LEDiv's
to astrong ponce system would be Martiat Law. activities are not guided by acity Mayor, but by the
With the events of the late 1990's still fresh in Director of the CIA, and ultimately the President.
everyone's memories, the government knows that LEDiv is active in most areas of investiga­
the martial law alternative will not win them any tion . They have enough manpower and
friends (and will cost them abig bundle of cash). resources at their disposal to make any Mayor
Since the Jacobi assassination, the cry. They also have full immunity and
Government is far more active in its struggles Presidential clearance in regard to carrying out
against Corporations and other nations than it is their duties. While secrecy does not permit us to
in suppressing crime. However, Government examine the CIA in any great detail, we can take a
does its best to meet common crime with effective look at the general structure of LEDiv.
force; wh ite not always agood deterrent, they try Ten bureaus make up LEDiv (despite con­
to put the problem down hard whenever they can. stant media statements claiming there are actual­
ly twelve); we shall examine each one briefly.
The National Law Enforcement Division of the RECORDS
Central Intelligence Agency springs from an amal­ LEDiv Records Bureau maintains files on all con­
gamation of the Federal Bureau of Investigation victed criminals nationwide. These files include
(FBI) and the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) with holophotos, DNA and finger-prints, retinal and
the CIA. After the lifting of martial law, and the voice scans. In addition, up-to-date criminal his­
removal of restrictions on Federal law enforcement tories can be accessed through the CIA's central
boundaries, it was hoped that asingle enforcement computer.

LEDiv's Agents are often as ruthless as their criminal counterparts.

New records of convicted criminals are law enforcement-related data for use by agents.
constantly fed into the computer. Interpol and Intelligence also infiltrates various organizations
other agencies will sometimes share resources, in an effort to learn their strengths and weakness­
allowing access to afull international database of es. Undercover operations are aspecialty of
known felons. Intelligence, and this Bureau is one of the more
secrelive areas within LEDiv.
This bureau provides all the laboratory and tech­ SPECIAL OPERATIONS
nical work for LEDiv. Various tech and analysis This is the military arm of LEDiv. When real war
sections are combined in the STB, allowing it a needs to be waged against criminals, Special
full array of state-of-the-art sensing and scan­ Ops are called in. Recruited from the mil itary
ning devices, as well as full analysis capabilities. (usually the Special Forces), these soldiers are
All LEDiv agents may call upon the services as good as they come. Trained in every manner of
of STB in the course of their investigations. counter-insurgency technique, Special Ops
Those working for STB are among the most pro­ teams wage small wars against powerful crimi­
fessional and dedicated members of their given nals nationwide. Atypical Special Ops team will
scientific area. This bureau also provides afull consist of four men, hand-picked for each
psychological portrait and prediction program aSSignment (all of them deniabte). Special Ops is
for agents pursuing unknown suspects. aclassified bureau .


The Intelligence Bureau's only goal is to gather This bureau of highly-trained agents serves the
Intimidate 7, SMG 7, Resist
Torture/Drugs 5, Human
Perception 6, Interview a,
Personal Grooming a,
Social 5, Persuasion/Fast
Tal k 5, Hide/Evade 6,
Awareness a, Education/
Gen 7, Library Search 4,
Athletics 5, Shadow/Track
5, Brawling 6, Driving 7,
Elec, Security 7, Stealth 6,
Pick Lock 6, Disguise 6,
Expert (Law) 9, Karate 7

CYBERNETICS: Chipware Socket, LEDiv

Procedures in MemChips,
Interface Plugs, DataTerm
Link, Smart Link, Vehicle
Link, Cyberoptic, Targeting
Scope, Image Enhance­
ment, Time Square, some­
times aVideo Cam/ Trans­
Sometimes an OCB op goes sour and you've got no other way out... mitter and Wide Band
Radio Scanner
Presidential office directlY, providing security and resources to bear on difficult cases, giving local
gathering'data on threats to the Executive Branch, agencies some aid in tracking down their most EQUIPMENT: Sternmeyer Type 35 Auto­
Each one of these deadly security agents is dangerous criminals, pistol, Sternmeyer SMG 21
trained to ensure no assassin reaches the Criminal Investigation offices are situated in vehicle, 5magazines per
President, and is occasionally tasked with under­ in each city, Iiaising directly with the enforcement weapon @, Mirrorshades,
cover operations within the borders of the USA, community and maintaining close contact with Light Booster Goggles,
each other. However, most cops resent the pres­ Tracking Device and 12
CORPORATE INVESTIGATION ence of LEDiv agents, especially when they take Tracer Buttons, Advanced
CIB is arelatively new bureau, created to monitor over the locals' current case.., Communications Suitcase
the activities of the many multinational corpora­ in vehicle, Cellular Phone,
tions operating on lJI,S, soil. After the corp-spon­ DRUG ENFORCEMENT Line Tap Detector and
sored assassination of President Jacobi, there is Formed from the hardcore of the original Drug Linozap, EBM Carfaxx and
still agreat deal of fear and paranoia within the Enforcement Administration, these agents are Laptop computer, Executive
law enforcement community with regard to purely concerned with keeping controlled sub­ Line Suit: Armored SP = 13,
corps, CIB agents infiltrate these multinationals, stances out of the cities, Many agents are ex-vice Evidence Bags (12)
gathering data and performing anti-corporate cops, and all have an excellent feel for the streets,
subversion in order to ensure they cannot, and Most of them are also experienced undercover HIWAY

will not, target the U,S, directly again, operatives, In between the cities, along the old interstates,

outside of anybody's jurisdiction, wait HiWay,

ORGANIZED CRIME ADMIN The name is general Nomad slang for the
OCB was created to stem the rising tide of Somebody has to push the papers and answer various legal agencies charged with lawenforce­
Organized Crime, Most OCB agents' identities the phones, 'Nuff said, ment in the "great wide open," Texas Rangers,
are kept secret because of the governmental cor­ NorCal Highway Rangers, SoCal Highway
ruption Organized Crime brings, Small task Typical LEDiv Operative Patrol, U,S, Marshals "riding the circuit"-all
forces from OCB are sometimes assigned to a ROLE: COP these make up HiWay,
city to bring down the head of agiven criminal INT: 10 REF: 7 TECH: 6 Freeway law enforcement is avery different
group, At this time, OCB concentrates most COOL: 9 EMP: 7/6 ATTR: 6 type of policing ,Many of the men and women of
heavily on the Southeast Asian syndicates, LUCK: 7 MA: 7 BODY: 7 HiWay are ex-bounty hunters, or city cops with
nowhere to go, drawn to the idea of getting avery
CRIMINALINVESTIGAIION SKILLS: Authority 6, Resources fast car, aselection of hi-powered weapons, and
These agents are the core of LEDiv, most often (LED iv) 3, Wardrobe and the power to mete justice on the long roads
coming into direct contact with local Police, Style 6, Streetwise 5, Inter­ between the cities, HiWay officers (although not
Criminal Investigation agents bring their valued rogation a, Handgun a, always the cream of law enforcement agencies),
perform this job well in a lawless wasteland . Link, Rippers , Interface ally fall into these catagories: performance of
Marauder gangs, Exiled criminals and those who Plugs, Targeting Scope, legal executions by close-range pistol shot,
seek to harm others outside the cities must face Pain Editor, Anti-Dazzle pursuit of fugitives under sentence of death,
the HiWay cops, who have the power to deal out Wearman, Ultraviolet supervision of the security of Death Row pris­
instant justice. Image Enhancement, Time oners, and the direction/supervision of alterna­
But they're not the only ones. The U.S. Square, Teleoptics tive state executions (should there be other
Marshals Service operates within aregular sys­ methods allowed than the primary one men­
tem of "judicial districts, n each encompassing tioned above).
the rural areas of several states within the current The State Executioner for the NorCal Free
U.S. borders. As aresult, the Old West concepts State is currently Susan Forrest, ex-NCPD Max­
of circuit judges and lawmen riding alarge terri­ Tac.Being State Executioner is apretty tough job.
tory have returned. Marshals are empowered to The pay's great, but the chances of getting iced by
make extradition runs deep 'into the Free States, some crazy punk while you're chasing him are
and can be sometimes be encountered on the real big. So you've got to be good, and prepared
open road in pursuit of such missions. to deal with every eventuality.
Laws vary between states and cities, but in Susan Forrest was one of the most highly
general, one law stands throughout-anybody trained individuals within the structure of the
endangering the life of another without pwper Night City Police Department. Ex-MaxTac, she
cause, or stealing avehicle which does not requested atransfer to her current position after
belong to him/her is to be met with maximum being seriously wounded in a firefight. She
force: DEATH. There's a good reason for this. In doesn't have much time for punks , and takes
the wildlands of 2020's America, stealing aman's great pride in her job, especially when tracking
vehicle and stranding him is often tantamount to down an escapee.
killing him. She is paid well, and drives a Bensen
The various HiWay systems are currently Cascade hovercar,or AV-9 (depending upon her
under review, due to the occasional horror sto­ current activity). She wears the best of the
ries circulating about lunatic HiWay cops killing Gibson Battlegear, along with a Salamander
everyone they meet on the road, etc. However, Fireproof jacket. Susan is alevel-headed and
many state HiWay programs have always been rational woman, but getting on her bad side will
underfunded, and it's unlikely you'll meet a be the last mistake many apunk will make.After
HiWay officer on any trip of less than one hun­ all, you don't become the State Executioner by
dred miles. You're far more likely to run into a being anice person.
nasty gang or aCorporation performing some
illegal activity than you are aHiWay cop. But if CORPORATE COPS
you do: Tread softly. With regular cops spread thinly enough over the
city, Corporate Police are anecessary evil. With
typical HiWay Cop all sorts of manpower and resource problems
ROLE: COP within the police department, it is almost thank­
INT: 5 REF: 9 TECH: 6 ful the Corporations police themselves, taking a
COOL: 8 EMP: 6/2 ADR: 6 large slice of police work away from the city.
LUCK: 5 MA: 7 BODY: 8 That's the good side.
EQUIPMENT: Colt Alpha-Omega 10mm The problem with Corporate cops is the fact
SKILLS: Authority 6, Strength Feat Pistol in Speedholster w/5 that many of them are ex-city cops who've
6, Handgun 9, Awareness Magazines, Beretta M-24 changed sides for better money and equipment.
8, SMG 7, Rifle 7, Melee 8, Advanced SMG w/4 Mag­ In some extreme cases, having disgraced them­
Brawling 7, Drive 8, Stre­ azines , Full MetalGear selves as real cops,bad apples go corporate, and
etwise 5, Intimidate 7, armor and Salamander are Viewed by regular officers as little more than
Basic Tech 5, Interrogation Line fireproof jumpsuit, pumped-up security guards.
5, Expert (Interstate Road­ Mirrorshades, Binoculars, Corporate cops don't have to play by the
net) 7, Shadow/Track 3, Kendachi Monoblade, plus same rules, either. They can shoot first and ask
Athletics 6, Dodge/Escape all other uniformed cop questions later (the company can normally cover
6, Stealth 5, First Aid 3, equipment except for armor up any problems when they occur). If Corp cops
Wilderness Survival 6, and helmet want to make abust stick, they throw their sus­
Expert (Law) 5, Karate 5 pects into holding cells until the regular cops can
STATE EXECUTIONER'S OFFICE come and take them away. But since police to
CYBERNETICS: Smartgun Link, Skin The duties of the office of State Executioner corporate response time tends to be slooow
Weave (Sp = 12), Vehicle tend to vary depending on the state, but gener­ (nobody really gives it ahigh priority), you could




State Executioner
INT: 7 REF: 9 TECH: 6
MA: 6 BODY: 8 EMP: 9/4
SAVE: 8 BTM:-3

SKILLS: Combat Sense 6, Weaponsmith 6, Martial Arts (Karate) 7, Awareness 9,

Handgun10, Melee 8, SMG 8, Athletics 6, Stealth 9, Rifle 8, Pers.
Grooming 5, Endurance 8, Swimming 6, Interrogation 9, Intimidate 9,
Streetwise 7, Human PercepHon 8, Interview 6, Persuade/Fast Talk 7,
Anthropology 3, Hide/ Evade 7, Shadow/Track 9, Dodge/Escape 7,
Driving 8, Basic Tech 6, Motorcycle 4, Disguise 5, First Aid 6

CYBERWARE: Sandevistan Speedware, Pain Editor, Vehicle and Smartgun Links,

Interface Plugs, Chipware Socket (with chips relevant to current mis­
sion), Adrenal Booster, Motion Detector, AN Tape Recorder, Bio­
monitor, Skin Weave (SP=12), Cyberoplics, Target Scope, Image
Enhancement, Time Square, Anti-Dazzle, Low-lite, MicroVideo, Digital

EQUtPMENT: Armalite.44 autopistol, Malorian Arms 3516 Pistol (Smartlinked) in

vehicle, Militech-10 SMG (Smarllinked), Militech M-31a1 Rifle
(Smartiinked), Kendachi M-33 Powersword, Advanced
Communication Suitcase, Newsviewer, Digital Weapons Uplink,
Speedholster (pistol), Personal Body Alarm, Travel Kit and Shower-in­
a-can, Balliegiove (with Micromissile Launcher), First Aid Kit, note:
must be wearing Balliegiove to use Malarian 3516
spend months in holding or just end up dumped EQUIPMENT: High Fashion Clothing (Eji, criminal, ranging from as low as 50eb into the
in the landfill. Gibson, Armorline, etc), thousands.
In some cities, the entire police department SpeedHolster with Armalite When an alert goes out, Bounty Hunters all
is made up of Corp cops; this sometimes creates .44, Arasaka Minami 10 over the city arm up with heavy weaponry, pull
an effect similar to that of aPolice State. Anti­ SMG, Cellular Phone, on their combat vests, and hit the streets to bag
Corporate dissidents are subjected to terrible Pocket Computer, Mirror­ their man. The police often attempt to restrict the
harassment (although this is rarely uncovered). Shades, Gibson All-Over activities of bounty hunters, and there have been
Providing acompany with its own independent Battle Gear (SP=18) cases of hunters stealing criminals from
law enforcement capabilities is not always a arresting officers in order to pick up the bounty.
good idea. BOUNTY HUNTERS Sometimes even killing other bounty hunters
In Night City, the Police Department has In addition to Police, Corp Cops, LEDiv agents and enforcement personnel occurs (this is
allowed each Corp asmall police force of its own, and HiWay, there is one other group of individu­ known as "bounty-jumping") if the stakes are
whose jurisdiction ends at the Company als who have the power of arrest and are issued
Property line (see Corporate Immunityfor defini­ with Terminator Licenses: Bounty Hunters.
tions of Company Properly). This is monitored Anyone with aclean criminal record and WHEN THE ALERT GOES

by NCPD, which checks officer records and is previous police, military or security experience
allowed to register objections to applications can apply to become alicensed terminator. The OUT, HUNTERS ALL OVER

before deputizing corp cops. This allows the city administration, in liaison with the police THE CITY ARM UP WITH

NCPD adegree of control when dealing with department, issues anumber of these permits
Corp cops as they still, to acertain extent, hold each year in an effort to assist the legitimate HEAVY WEAPONS, PULL ON

the reins. It is far more tricky in practice, because enforcement officers in the apprehension of dan­ THEIR COMBAT VESTS, AND

there are so many political and financial consid­ gerous criminals.At 'least that's what they say.
erations to take into account. Bounty Hunters are a varied lot; sure, HEAD OUT TO BAG THE MAN.

There is no doubt Corp cops receive better they're not supposed to have criminal records,
cash, benefits and equipment than City police. but many do. They may not have been convicted high enough. Bounty Hunters have their uses,
However, the real difference between City police of murder, but maybe aggravated assault, however, and usually work well with the police. If
and the Corporate security is their effectiveness. threatening behavior and drug offenses. This not, the department knows how to deal with the
Fighting crime in general means nothing to these motley crew are issued licenses, and told which troublesome ones by revoking their licenses or
hired gl!Jns; they are created solely to keep criminals the police want found via a 1imited­ other, less regulated means. But as long as
unwanted individuals away from corporate access FAX network. Full Hie details are bounty hunters keep on bringing in criminals,
premises, and to ensure the personal safety of provided, in addition to details on any related there will be a place for them inside (and
the corporate employees. There are also docu­ investigations. Bounties are posted for each outside) the law.
mented cases of Corp cops moonlighting as
Black Operations teams within their parent cor­
poration; this is unavoidable when you place a i(1
paramilitary organization at the disposal of a
multinational corporation. ,­I~_ J
Typical Corp Cop
INT: 5 REF: 7 TECH: 4
1,1. - -

COOL: 7 EMP: 7/4 ATIR: 5

LUCK: 5 BODY: 7 MA: 6 Ii"""l;

SKILLS: Awareness 5, Handgun 6,

Brawling 6, Aikido 5, Rifle
6, Athletics 5, SMG 5, First
Aid 2, Intimidate 5, Inter­
rogation 3, Wardrobe!
Style 4, Expert (Law) 3,
Melee 6

CYBERNETICS: Cyberarm, Cyberoptic,

Times Square, Low Lite,
Anti-Dazzle, VideoCam . II
Transmitter, Grafted Mus­
cle, Decentralized Heart
Atypical Bounty Hunter
INT: 6 REF: 7 TECH: 5
COOL: 8 EMP: 7/3 AnA: 5
LUCK: 5 BODY: 8 MA: 6

SKILLS: Combat Sense 5, Aware­

ness 6, Handgun 6, Braw­
ling 6, Melee 5, Thai
Boxing 6, Rifle 7, Athletics
6, SMG 6, Stealth 5, First
Aid 3, Drive 6, Basic Tech 3,
ShadowfTrack 5, Persua­
sion/ Fast Talk 6,Intimidate
6, Disguise 4, Wardrobe/
Style 4, Expert (Law) 4

CYBERNETICS: CyberHmb, Smartgun Link,

Pain Editor, Subdermal
Armor, Cyberoptic, Target­
ting Scope, Time Square,
Low Lite, Dodgeball, Ad­
renal Booster, Flashbulb
securing their place in underworld society. In • Criminal organizations, due to their size
EQUIPMENT: Tech Tool Kit, Breathing many cases, organized crime also filters off large and the need to live within their community,
Mask, High Fashion Clo­ amounts of money, undermining the legitimate may be more popular within their own area
th ing, Pocket Computer, economy. The wealth is then distributed to the than without. This can cause difficulties
Cellular Phone, Movement criminal/underworld subculture, and is often when attempting to secure aid from the
Sensor, Medkit, Sleeping sent abroad. local populace.
Bag, Bensen Cascade per­ The government has placed heavy empha­
formance Speedholster sis on neutralizing the threat of Organized Crime • Organized crime's goals tend to be long-term.
with Fed.Arms 454 'Super because of the grave danger it presents to indi­ Not onlyare organized criminals (usually) more
Chief', Advanced Alarm viduals, communities, and the economy. careful than individual perps, but they are always
Removal Kit, Militech Organized crime is often rooted very deeply planning to expand Iheir "field of operations."
Military Shotgun, Beretta within the communities it serves (and exploits), This means they prefer to diversify and not tie
M-24 SMG, all-over Gib­ making removing it an almosl impossible task. themselves to asingle area of exploitation.
son BattieGear SP=18 Pulling up these roots can cause agreat deal of
damage; the end result leaves the populace • Organized criminals are resourceful. They
PERPS: THE BAD GUYS poorer, without services they had taken for grant­ have financial support in addition to man­
ed, and resentful. However, studies have shown power. This makes them very dangerous.
ORGANIZED CRIME that uprooting organized crime communities is
the most successful and satisfactory solution to • Almost all organized crime syndicates are
THE BASICS the problem. run by a single leader or small group
Organized Crime is BIG bUsiness in 2020, but In this chapter, we will examine the faces of (although asingle gang may be subservient
then again, it always has been. organized crime within the U.S. However, there to another gang head and so on).
Organized crime is cause for great concern are some features common to all types of orga­
within the law enforcement community due to its nized crime which are listed here: • Many organized criminals may call upon
very disturbing nature. In comparison to other • The sole purpose of organized crime is to "part-timers" for aid. These can range from
crime, organized crime actions are planned and make money. This is their NUMBER ONE truck drivers to store owners and street docs.
executed with extreme care, utilizing anetwork of objective-anything which allects this This is one of the reasons organized crime is
professional and semi-professional criminals. In becomes aproblem. Interruption of cash so popular within acommunity-it can pro­
many cases, services and materials are supplied flow is also the best way to draw oragnized vide work and money to those that need il.
(in large quantity) which are not available criminals into the open.
through other, legal, sources. In order for these • Organized crime will seek to subvert power
enterpr,ises to become long term successes, the • Criminal organizations are generally made wherever possible. This is achieved
criminals must either corrupt officialS or utilize up of individuals who live in, or come from, through corruption, intimidation, violence,
violence to eliminate any and all competition, the same ethnic community. or acombination of all three.
• Organized crime will often hide behind
legitimate fronts, such as stores, restau­
rants and even corporations. There is no
differentiation between the crime and the
front protecting it, making the job of discov­
ery and apprehension even more difficult.

Since the 1930's, the responsibility for "uproot­
ing" organized crime fell to the Federal Bureau of
Investigation.This was natural, because many of
the crimes committed by organized criminals
were federal crimes. Today, the LEDiv office of
each city will have aSpecial Agent in Charge of
Organized Crime (from the O.C. Bureau) to coor­
dinate anti-organized crime efforts, liaising with
local law enforcement agencies.
Due to the corrupting nature of organized
criminal activity, OCB agents may act above and
beyond the rights bestowed upon them by the
Mayor of any city. They are respons'ible only to
their own supervisors, who in turn are responsi­
ble directly to the Bureau chiefs. This allows the most widespread. With amembership larger turn, the Oyabun pays annual tribute to the
OCB acertain flexibility when dealing with orga­ than the Mafia (who are less visible these days), Osaka Clan chiefs; the same rules apply.
nized crime. This has also been abone of con­ the Yakuza are also one of the most dangerous The Yakuza (or "Yaks") primarily recruit in
tention with civil government officials, who have and difficult types of organized criminals to suc­ two ways:
always resisted these measures, stating the OCB cessfullyapprehend. They rely heavily on the Japanese
is "out of control." The Yakuza have always been based in the Basazuka, or hot rod and motorcycle gangs.
OCB agents may, at their discretion, set up Osaka region of Japan. Efforts by the Japanese Many foolish, daredevil young men involved in
aTask Force within acity to combat organized National Police Agency (their FBI) to crack the these bloodthirsty gangs end up being recruited
crime. The Agent in Charge must coordinate this Yakuza have always failed; the reason for this is by the Yaks. The Basazukaare also used for indi­
personally, and choose his team from among the commonly thought to be the extent of Yakuza infil­ rect intimidation by the clans, as these roving,
existing ranks of local law enforcement officers. tration in loca~ police departments. It may also have often-boosted mobs know the cities just as well
Many are selected right out of the academy due to something to do with the amount of Yakuza-influ­ as (and sometimes better than) other, non-affiliat­
their lack of potential corruptibility. enced pressure the many Osaka corporations heap ed gangs. The Yakuza also operate a number of
We'll now examine four major types of onto the overworked police force.The NPA main­ orphanages, primarily in Japan. It is from here
Organized Criminals that remain acontinual tains an International Index on the Yakuza which that over fifty per cent of young Yaks are recruit­
problem within the cities of 2020. may be ,accessee by other country's enforcement ed, the organization becoming asurrogate family
agencies in their attempts to shut them down. for them.
The Yakuza Based upon the ancient Japanese princi­ The family aspect of the Yakuza cannot be
The word Yakuza translates into "Good for ples of Giri Ninja (strong obligations), the overemphasized, as this facet is arecurring
Nothing." It originates from aJapanese gam­ Yakuza operate today in the same manner they theme in their criminal lifestyle. One of their most
bling game called Sammai Karuta or "Three have done for countless years. The leader of of a revealing rituals is the Demukai, aceremony car­
Card: This game is very similar to Blackjack, but Yakuza clan is the Oyaburr, and is granted his ried out when aYakuza is released from prison.
the idea is to get19 points instead of 21. Thus power by the Osaka Clan chiefs personally. His entire gang shows up to greet him in stretch
drawing an Eight (Ya), Nine (Ku) and Three (Za) These chiefs are a loose alliance of Yakuza limousines and expensive suits, welcoming their
you get 20 which (not being 19) was "good for heads who oversee Yakuza operations world­ own back into the gang. This is an important
nothing." The Yakuza originated in Japan, but wide. However, they have been known to wage symbol in showing the prison, and society, that
has now spread worldwide as successfully as war among themselves on occasion. An their best efforts could not reform the Yakuza's
most Japanese corporations. (In fact, there are Oyabun's clan is made up of anumber of Gangs, convicted brethren.
some who say there is Iittle difference, if any, each commanded by aCaptain appointed by the Once you're "in", the Clan never lets you
between the two...) Oyabun. ACaptain then appOints Lieutenants as leave. Many young Yaks take to body tattooing to
It has always been commonly held by the he sees fit to supervise various areas or gang clearly identity their clan affiliations. Like the street
Yakuza that there are only two paths they may fol­ activity. Each Captain or a member gang must gangs, they see these tattoos as their "colors" and,
low: prison or death. They are among the most pay regular tribute to the Oyabun, lest he be while not displaying them publicly, are equally
violent of all organized criminals and perhaps the replaced with someone else who can pay. In proud of them. Yakuza tattoos cost around Eb
3,000 and always identify the clan they belong to.
More than this, however, Yakuza tattoos mark them
as misfits, unable and unwilling to adapt to SOCiety.
The Yakuza involve themsetves in many
activities, not all of them crime-related. Like most
organized crime, this makes them agood deal
tougher to weed out of their neighborhoods. The
Yakuza's main investments are in drugs, gam­
bling, transportation, real estate, construction,
nightclubs, restaurants, bars, moneylending,
chop shops, snack bars and street stalls. While
they may engage in legitimate activity, the Yakuza
will not hesistate to use underhanded methods
such as intimidation, violence and corruption to
achieve their aims.
The Yakuza do not accept failure well and
have developed an elaborate ceremony to deal with
it. Known as Yubifsume, or ritual finger cutting,the
ceremony is performed when aYakuza wishes to
apologize to his immediate superior. Digit seg­
ments are severed from the offender's hands, start­
ing with the little finger on the off-side. Asmall sil­
ver knife is placed over the finger and the Yakuza
leans forward, his body weight causing the knife to
snap the finger off cleanly. The piece of finger is
then placed in abottle and sent to the superior as a
gift. Repeat offenders may lose any number of fin­ success. The East Coast remains relatively legitmate organizations, retreating before any­
gers (this offen reduces the apologetic Yak's effi­ untouched-primarily due to Mafia interests there. one realizes what went on. In many ways, this
ciency, leading to adownward spiral in digits). Night City has been the site of one of the greatest makes them more dangerous than other criminal
Besides fingers, the Yakuza are very big on intrusions of Yakuza over the last twenty years. organizations; you don't know you've upset them
gift-giving of all kinds, and visiting Yakuza will Many legitimate organizations are controlled by the til you're dead.
always pay tribute to clan/gang chiefs. Among Yakuza and their criminal activities range Irom One element of the Mob which remains
themselves, they are incredibly courteous, the gangs, gambling, and illegal clubs, to alarge drug from the old days is the principle 01 the Family.
smallest breach of conduct usually resulting in network which the local, national, and international Even now, each Mafia Family "owns" agiven city;
Yubifsume(or agang war if the offense is not dealt enforcement agencies have yet to crack. they may have hundreds of "wiseguys" working
with properly). While many think of the Yakuza as aroman­ for them, but the Family is in control and nobody
tic vestige of the past, the reality is a blood­ forgets it. AFamily is lead by a"Godfather" (or
The Yakuza rigidly adhere to aset of tenets streaked history of carnage as the organization Capo)-always male-who hands his organi­
founded from the organization's beginning: wages war against the public, police, other crim­ sation down to the elder son, or closest and
1. Never reveal the secrets of the organization. inals, and themselves in an elfort to gain control. eldest male relative. A "Commission" of Capos
2. Never violate the wife or children of another (family bosses) rules over all the Families in
member. The Mafia America, but they try to remain as far removed
3. No personal involvement with narcotics. The Mafia (or just The Mob), originated from the from illegal dealings as possible so as to remain
4. Do not withold money from the gang. Sicilian clan-families of the Cosa Nostra. For untouchable in regards to the law. The
5. Do not fail in obedience to superiors. years, nobody believed the Mafia really existed, Commission assigns cities and positions within
6. Do not appeal to the police or the law. while they consolidated their pusition and utilized the overall Mob network and they settle all major
this refusal of acknowledgement to adopt the cloak disputes. This Mafia course on Management for
Obviously, some of these are broken all the time; of secrecy which now surrounds their actions. the Future is aproven success story.
these offenses inevitably lead to the gangs Today, the Mob is still the single most pow­ The Mafia family provides the Italian com­
inflicting vicious punishments upon each other. erful organized crime network in the U.S.; they munity (and others) with a wealth of goods and
In many ways, the Yakuza are more intolerant of have achieved this through violence, corruption services ranging from special offers on "sur­
each other's shortcomings than anyone else. and lots of hard work. Like many criminal syndi­ plus" goods, through loans of desperately need­
They enforce their code of conduct with great cates, they maintain legitimate holdings, bul ed cash, to settlement of domestic disputes. It is
vigor, and suffer outsiders with even less grace. make the bulk of their money through (semi­ because of this support that the Mafia com­
Since the arrival of the Yaks in the U.S., they )illegal activities-unlike their rivals, they are mands an amazing loyalty within their communi­
have systematica lIy attempted to take control of barely Visible, and rarely expected. They have ties. "Payback" is a very familiar word within
cities along the West Coast with varying degrees of become masters of striking from the shadows of these lower middle-class neighborhoods, and
the Mob works primarily on the Payback way of sees. Drugs are still frowned on, holding astig­
life when asking for information and low-grade ma which has not been completely shaken yet.
services. While the Mob employs alarge group However, gone are the days of the Mob leaving
of core personnel, most of what can be termed their calling cards at ahit, and hanging around
Mafia people are merely regular people working storefronts. Today, they are primarily abusiness
on Payback. (with anice line in assassination). While they still
The Mafia maintain their Number One posi­ occasionally organize "wars" against one anoth­
tion against the rising tide of foreign organized er, they have become far more unforgiving to out­
crime through their long-term interests, particu­ siders who dare cross them in thei rchosen areas
larly through use of political corruption. No sin­ of influence. This has led to ferocious battles
gle organization is more successful or persua­ against other organized criminals, especially the
sive In this area,. Corrupting officials is away of Triads. The Mafia are no longer hustling young
life for the Mob; they are in aposition to offer men moving into the New World, they are busi­
their "clients· aphenomenal amount of assis­ nessmen with resources to rival those of aCorp.
tance with their careers, in addition to financial And business is good.
aid. In the Cyberpunk Mob, money doesn't just
;talk; It whispers seductively in your ear. The Triads
Mafia wrath is legendary, and rightly so. The Triads are the third largest criminal organiza­
Once you've invoked it, your best option is prayer tion operating in the U.S. today. From initial
(but even then, the Mob knows God is on their beachheads in San Francisco, these Chinese
side). The Mafia still utilizes the ·contract" sys­ mobs have created astranglehold on Chinese
tem when placing a"hit" on an individual. This communities throughout North America. The
allows all Mob personnel to earn some extra Triads originated in Hong Kong and Taiwan (which
cash, should they ask for achance at the hit. The remains their international base) and have spread
Godfather ultimately decides who receives the across the world, bringing their trademark of vio­
contract, and for services rendered, the hilter lence with them.
gets alarge cash bonus to his next payoff from To understand the Triads, we must first look
the Mob. For tme most part, however, aGodfather at the Tongs. ATong is asecret (or not so secret)
will only assign acontract to atrusted hitter who association of business and/or social leaders.
he knows will get the job done, then fade away Tongs always exist within any sizable Chinese
without any trouble. Mafia hit men are some of community, working along similar lines to the
the best hired killers around, equalling corporate early Sicilian Malia. The Tong oversees the
solos in their dedication to the work. community's development and integration into a
Mafia interests are amix 01 traditional and city. For the most part, aTong is law-abiding;
modern rackets: unions, loansharking and gam­ furthering the aims of their community and busi­
bling, as well. as stock fraud and money launder­ nesses. Almost as asideline, aTong will also
ing. This allows them access to agreat deal of look alter the social interests of the community,
money which the Treasury Department never poliCing itself.
rather than the "go down for 15" option.
Flamboyant, but dangerous for everyone.

The hundreds of multinational corporations
around the world practice legitimate business
operations. True-and false. No Corporation
considers the use of criminal activity too unethi­
cal when it might be acost-effective part of their
entire business strategy.Therefore, we must look
at the various ways in which the law enforcement
community comes into contact with Corps, and
how to handle these slippery types.
The Law and Corporate interests do not mix
well and the true extent of corporate criminal
activity (if ever uncovered) would make most
organized criminals look like petty thieves.Even
asmall Corp has an awesome array of resources
and manpower with which to plan, execute and
cover up its crimes.

Corp Crimes can be broken down into five major

II is via this medium the Triads appeared, to shoot up someone. More than this, the Triads • Crimes against the Public
their t.ierce, cavalier attitudes in direct contrast are easily the most savage of organized crimi­ • Crimes against the Individual
and conflict to the ol'der, more traditional ways of nals, killing or brutalizing entire families as • Crimes against other Corporations
the Tongs. Triad gangs contiually terrorized the warnings to those who offend them. • Crimes against the Environment
Tongs into serving them. Worse than this, some The Triads maintain avery high profile with­ • Crimes againstlhe Government
of the more ambitious, less traditional, Tong in their territory; those who come looking for
counselors saw f,inancial possibilities in less trouble soon find themselves fighting over every Crimes against the Public
restrictive methods. Thus the Tongs became the inch of ground to get further in ... or back out. Tempted to cut corners while trying to maximize
Triads, and (in some cases) the Triads became Compared to other crime syndicates, the Triads profits and reduce overhead, corporations often
the Tongs. are afar more reactionary group. Because of a allow avast amount of substandard, sometimes
Today the Triads, while not as large (in the lack of overall control, Triad members will over­ dangerous, products to find their way to the public.
U.S.) as the Yakuza, or as commercially react to provocation. This has many results, but These products can come in any shape or form,
involved as the Mafia, control the majority of the most obvious are the high body counts. ranging from pharmaceuticals with known (yet
the Chinatowns in our cities. This manifests unpublicized) side eHects, lethally malfunctioning
itself in two major ways: Triad gangs who lurk The Columblans
machinery,all the way to contaminated food know­
on every street corner and follow tourists up the (and other South Americans)
ingly sold at knockdown prices. Many outwardly
alleyways (the Hung Kwan, or fighters), and the Since the DEA destroyed the Columbians' hope of legitimate Corporations are only too willing to
"[;riad hierarchy who arrange, control and main­ making it big back in the 90's, these remarkably break the law when there's hard Euro involved.
tain profitable (il illegal) commercial interests. inventive and persistent entrepreneurs have turned Crimes against the general public are rea­
This second group is a mix: from Tong their attention to more generalized organized sonably easy to monitor once they become
Counselors and information brokers (Pak Tsz crime. This has not been particularly successful known. However, many products (especially food
Sih/Chu Ch'l), to illegal dealers and those who (for the same reasons as their previous attempts at and pharmaceuticals) cause such indirect effects
provide "services" (Che Hai/Sze Kau). The criminal activity). While they can be brutal in their it is believed only afraction (15%) of these crimes
Triads involve themselves directly with street methods, the primary goal for Columbian crimi­ are ever discovered. The Corporate Investigation
profits: mainly drugs, prostitution, gambling, nals is to escape the incredibly poor standard of life Bureau (CIB) maintains aTask Force that con­
protection, stolen goods and pornography. within their own country. For this reason, most stantly attempts to monitor these crimes. Lacking
They also protect themselves on the Street in a Columbians still attempt to "make it big" in one manpower, and facing the immense resources
most blatant fashion. Chinatowns are never sweep.Unlike the older types of criminal organiza­ Corps can utilize in covering their tracks, they do
policed particularly well, so the Triads can tions, their desperation causes them to take high not have aparticularly successful record.
issue their own form of justice: Those who risks for any rewards. This results in many situa­ The Law states that aCorporation may be
cross them die. It's a simple principle, well tions where they find themselves trapped and pre­ held directly responsible for its actions in com­
backed by crazy gangs who are only too happy ferring the "go down in ablaze of glory" option, mitting, or conspiring to commit, crimes against
the public. However, if it can be shown that the
Corporation, as awhole, had no knowledge of the
situation, then individuals within the corporation
must be found to be responsible. This makes
these kinds of cases particularly difficult (if not
impossible) to prosecute. The company starts by
stating that it had no knowledge of the crime and
passes the blame to an individual. The individu­
al, in turn, if not immune (See Corporate
ImmuniM cannot pay the substantial damages
involved (and more often than not is set up by the
Corp as ascapegoat). The public never gets the
damages they're owed; the Corp stays clean and
nobody wins. Often, the Corp may have hired the
individuals involved as freelancers, thus neatly
washing their hands of any direct responsibility

Crimes against the Individual

Fact-corporations exploit people. While they
provide hundreds of thousands of jobs, they also
exploit the public and their workers alike. In
today's world, agood job with aregular wage is
hard to find. Yet, as part of most employment Cops; this treatment tends not to be particularly when dealing with immunity cases.They are unlike­
contracts, most corporations ensure that their courteous and is sometimes fatal. Trespass at ly to inform aCorp of the detention of one of their
laborers sign away all rights to compensation your own risk! employees, and once the individual has been deter­
due to damages caused while at work, or due to If, and when, acorporate employee of suHi­ mined to be the perpetrator, he will be held in maxi­
the nature of the work. Having Signed these doc­ cient status is arrested, detained or questioned mum secrecy while the agency involved decides his
uments, the individual is forced to live with his with regard to criminal activity, that individual fate.Quite often, the guilty party simply disappears.
loss of limb/debilitating disease/radiation sick­ may, if authorized, declare Corporate Immunity. When dealing with Corporate Immunity at Priority
ness, etc. Despite frequent government warn­ Once this is verified (about half an hour) the law 1, the Ref will have to handle every case individual­
ings, most workers have no choice but to sign­ enforcement community is required-by law­ ly, and must take into account whether the Corp
the only other option is to starve. to return the individual to corporate property (any knows one of their own is being held.If they do, and
There are also alarge number of individuals company-owned site; company property they want him back,they'll go to any length to get
who have suHered directly at the hands of acor­ includes such things as company jets, vehicles, him-or silence him for good before he squeals...
poration-assault, torture, murder- these are stores, oHices and houses). It's assumed that the If aCompany man is busted and goes down,
all commonplace results of defying acorpora­ Corp will handle all necessary discipl inary action it's highly unlikely he'll go down for long.He will
tion's agenda (this could as simple as living in a internally at this time (but this rarely happens).As probably be sent to an executive penal facility,
place where aCorp wants to build and refusing to you can see, this is not ahappy situation. complete with full leisure activity program.
leave). In these situations, there is no real diHer­ Corporate personnel have been charged in
ence between the actions of Corps and organized the past with crimes ranging in severity across the Crimes against other Corporations
criminals.What is worse, Corps will often "hire" six priorities, and in these cases Corporate When Corps aren't performing Black Ops against
freelancers to perform these tasks, once again Immunity has had varying degrees of success.As some innocent (or not so innocent) Jo, poisoning
creating adeniable resource which allows them ageneral rule, Corporate Immunity should work the food or getting out of jail free, they're warring
to avoid blame. These are euphemistically called infallibly; however, the CIB has seen to it that this against each other (hell, they're warring against
"Black Operations" (see below). is not always the norm. Immunity works well up to each other when they do all that other stuff, too!).
Such crimes against individuals rarely and including Priority 2-although Priority 2 is Corps suffer from defectors, just like
result in aconviction against the relevant corpo­ something of agray area. If aCorp learns it has an nations. They don't like this very much, especial­
rate parties,due to the power difference between employee being held by an enforcement agency, ly when the defector signed alifetime contract. but
a vast corp and the small man . Corporate and he is protected under immunity, the Corp will has just been airlifted to safety with his latest
Immunity sees to this. bring varying amounts of legal, political and development as abargaining chip...leaving sev­
media pressure to bear in their attempts to get him eral dead Corp security guards and personnel
Corporate Immunity back (this obviously depends on how much the lying around. This is not good for business. So
Corporations are now like sovereign nations in Corp wants him back, of course, and how much they get him back.How? The same way, of course:
many respects. Company property has become a he may know of their operations). small operations teams loaded to the max with
safe haven where no unauthorized person may At Priority 1, the governmentallaw-enforce­ fully automatic weapons and lots of heavy hard­
enter. Those that do enter are dealt with by Corp ment community has afull set of "unofficial" rules ware. This happens alot. When Corps are not
engaged in these activities, they're busy stealing
each other's special designs and projects.
(Industrial espionage is abigger depart­
ment than Advertising in most corporations
these days-but don't use that word; it's called
Operational Logistics now. And if some rival
Corp is about to blow you rlatest scam/Logistical
Development to Channel 77, what you do about
it? Shut them up fast. How? Logistical Crisis
Operatives Le., Solos.)
Corporations openly dispute territory out­
side of cities, especially in Potential Exploitation
Areas (Le., developing countries). These "open
disputes" are virtually full-scale wars, fueled with
mercenaries, air power, and the latest military
hardware money can buy. All the largest corps
retain mHitary personnel ready to fly out to various
hotspots around the world at amoment's notice.
Corps wIll often utilize their Strategic
Studies departments to maintain constant eco­
nomic, political and personal wars against rivals.
These can get very bloody indeed, once again
reflecting the many similarities between the
operations of Organized Crime and the
Corporations. Current policy among the police
with regard to many of these activities is to let
them tear the hell out of each other. However,
more often than not, corporate wars spill onto the
streets, taking innocent lives in the constant
struggle for that "substantial dollar value."

Crimes against the Environment u.s. Army MBT smashes its way into a Mantoga warehouse during the government's
This may come as something of asurprise, but anti-corp campaign.
many corporations do not have the environ­ gets in their way. Factories pollute the cities, and tracks. Get Graphic Design onto some "live
ment's best interests at heart when conducting transportation of hazardous materials is unstable footage" of your man performing some embar­
their activities. This crime occurs everywhere at best. The fact that Corps perform these activities rassing, but entertaining, feat. All they need are a
and takes on many shapes and forms. While in unmarked vehicles, or even vehicles painted up few photos.
Corp crimes against the global environment war­ in other Corp's logos, makes these laws very diffi­ With cash and resources similar to those of
rant special attention, it is not the responsibility cult to enforce. Corps will often hire athird party to large nations, Corps inevitably develop political
of i.ndividuallaw enforcement agencies to carry out many of these eco-violations. interests. These interests are often the cause for
enforce this. There are plenty of cases within the friction between themselves and various countries
local environment which need attention. Crimes against the Government they work within. With heavy dollar investment and
The unwholesome truth is that Corps will long term returns, moving out is not aviable solu­
dump their waste wherever and whenever they "I will not stand for co"uption of any tion; it's better to find someone with whom you can
can. For example,last year it was discovered that type. The corporations do not rule the deal. The result is corporations allying themselves
Petrochem's vast "All-Purpose Waste United States of America. I promise the to political factions, pouring large amounts of cash
Reprocessing Facility," as widely publicized and people ofAmerica that for as long as I and resources into them to ensure the success and
credited by the President, was nothing more than am President of this country of ours, the the fru ition of long-term strategy.
alarge hole in the ground somewhere in the law will be fair and that no man, whoev­ Corporations indirectly involving them­
Nevada desert. Their exeuse? Tiley stated that er he may be, is above the law. " selves in politics are frowned upon by the CIA;
"Board level approval had yet to be secured on -President Henry T. Jacobi at his direct involvement is usually unacceptable, and
this long-term plan." However, they did whole­ inauguration ceremony, moments before if discovered, is promptly stomped on. Or at least
heartedly agree their marketing division had he was assassinated. they try. Corporate sponsored kidnapping,
overstepped the mark in releasing full publicity assaSSination, corruption and bribery frequently
details and declaring the site open. Politicians giving you trouble? Get Public occurs, and has been cause for CIA concern for
Not only do Corps dump their loads all over Relations onto it. They'll run amassive smear some time. Multinationals tend to operate more
the place, they will also tear down anything that campaign that's sure to stop that man in his blantantly in the U.S. than in other parts of the
civilized world, but will not hesitate to act even in optic, Target Scope, Times of the human body to be
the heart of the Eurotheatre if their assets are in Square, Infra-red, Image worthless.
danger of being reduced or neutralized. Enhancement, Cyberaudio,
Corps often have very long-term plans RadiO link, Frequency EQUIPMENT: Stern meyer Type 35 Pistol­
which may be affected by short-term politics. Changer silenced, No-Dachi and
This sometimes causes them to act in ahostile Ninjato (Workmanship
manner toward their host governments. But nor­ EQUIPMENT: Colt Alpha-Omega 10mm gives weapons capabilities
mally they must tread carefully, lest they invoke a pistol-silenced, Militech of the Kendachi Mono Two),
National Security threat (at which time discretion MK IV Assault Weapon, Militech-10 SMG with sup­
goes to the wind and minor warfare breaks out). Mirror shades, Cellular pressor/ scopes/ Grenade
For example, the Mantoga Corp (implicated in Phone, Sonar Scanner, Launcher, FEN Dz 22 Saucer
the assassination of President Jacobi) was Advanced Communication Grenades, Gpz-78 Mini­
deemed athreat to National Security and given Suitcase, Credchip account Grenades,SonarScanne~
four hours to leave the country. This threat was IR Cloak Suit (Black),
not taken seriously by Mantoga, and of their six Logistical Crisis Operative is the title that this Compact Climbing Kit
thousand personnel on U.S. soil, only athou­ guy uses, but he knows (and everybody else (100m mono-line with grap­
sand escaped airstrikes on their offices, and tank knows) that he's just asolo. He doesn't care nel), Det Cord, Advanced
and AV-4 assaults on their storage facilties. Even though-the Company has taken good care of Alarm Removal Kit
those who left the U.S. were pursued. Four him, given him agreat place to live, adecent
months later, Mantoga ceased to exist. salary,even fixed him up after he almost got f/at­ He has areputation for being the most deadly
lined by acouple 01 booster-freaks. assassin in the city. His clients are amongst
AWord on Japanese Corps He dresses as an everyday company exec. some of the most powerful men and women with­
The Japanese Corps operate very efficiently (as Frack, why not? There's no point in standing out in the Corporate sector. He has no qualms con­
we all know only too well). This does not change in acrowd, not in his line of work. If your target's cerning who he works for, as long as the price is
when excecuting their Black Ops. Many wearing the latest line of Eji executive evening­ proper, and his zaibatsu is satisfied. He has never
Japanese Corps retain asizable contingent of dress, you have to as well . Anyhow, some of failed on amission, and not one of his employers
"ninja" to perform the surgical strikes they have these new cuts are pretty wild for aworking stiff. knows his true name (or face).
become reknowned for. Such groups have often He's cool and cocky, knows his capabilities The Ninja is the best of the worst, and uses
been associated with aparticular zaibatsu for and limitations, and most important of all, he's this reputation to its full advantage. His favored
decades. These ninja are totally loyal, totally loyal to the Corporation. And in this day and age, form of dress is based closely upon the cos­
fanatical, totally charged-up all-purpose killers. as far as he's concerned, ,that's all that counts.
Most of the time, you don't see 'em coming; you
don't see 'em getcha; you don't see 'em leave. THE CORPORATE "NINJA"
Nobody ever knew they were there. ROLE: SOLO
INT: 8 REF: 10 TECH: 6
INT: 6 REF: 8 TECH: 5 SAVE: 6 BTM: 2
COOL: 8 EMP: 7/4 ATIR: 7
LUCK: 5 MA: 7 BODY: 8 SKILLS: Combat Sense 8, Hide/
SAVE: 8 BTM:-3 Evade 8, Endurance 6,
Shadow!Track 9, Strength
SKILLS: Combat Sense 5, Stre­ Feat 5, Athletics 8, Dodge/
elwise 3, Wardrobe &Style Escape 8, Resist Torture
7, Human Perception 5, /Drugs 7, Awareness 9,
Personal Grooming 6, Handgun 6, Melee 7,
Social 4, Intimidate 8, Fencing 8, M.A. Karate 9,
Awareness 9, Interrogation Rifle 8, M.A. Choi Li Fut 8,
6, Shadow!Track 5, Braw­ Stealth 9, M.A. Tae Kown
ling 5, Dodge/Escape 6, Do 5, SMG 6, Demolitions
Driving 7, Handgun 8, 5, Electronic Security 6,
Melee 6, Rifle 8 Pick Lock 6, Archery 6,
Disguise 5
CYBERWARE: Interface Plugs, Smartgun
Link, Chipware Socket, Skill CYBERWARE: None-The ninja considers
Chips (dependant upon those who rely upon
specific mission), Cyber- mechanical augmentation
- . --.- .. -.-----~---- --_ . _- ..- - ----.. --
-..- - . . - . : . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - j

tumes of the ancieRt ninja: special black or ones. Over the course of ayear in agiven city, Unlike most organized crime, the gangs are
chameleon coveralls, designed to allow freedom many gangs will ceaseto exist; the problem is, so high profile. They can be seen on every street,
of movement, and to act as camouflage in the many new ones spring up in their place. their colors clearly defining agiven area as their
night. His equipment is especially imported from With no education, no career prospects and no turf. The streets are run by the gangs; while pos­
Japan, to ensure the highest quality possible. real hope of ever "making it", many ofthecity's youth sibly being hired by (or serving) Corps or orga­
Everything about this man gives the impression are sucked into the gangs. Agreat many kids who nized criminals, they know The Street belongs to
of aprofessional, trained to never make mistakes drift into town from the Outside also hook into gang them by right of conquest.
and to always complete acontract. life. In away, agang is afamily of sorts, however The gang presence on the street may vary
bloodyand hostile. Don'tbemisled into thinking the from zone to zone, but almost always, the gang
GANGS gangs are just lowlife, swimming around atthe bot­ will be there. You may not see them, but they'll be
tom of the sludge-pool. While this may the case for keeping tabs on what's going down. Very little
"They're like cockroaches.... II some, many are jacked into big business. Crime, as happens in agang's domain without them know­
weall know, pays well. With drug networks, protec­ ing about it.
Overview tion rackets and theft, many gangs manage to earn Gangs are one of the primary causes of riot­
Street gangs in the cities have been aproblem to good Euro. With the constant demand for "deniable ing; this can range from alarge-scale gang war
everyone for a very long time. And it's getting resources" from the corporate sector, some gangs with all affilate members involved, to a gang
worse. Every neighborhood has its own gang will even sell out to acompany, enjoying the bene­ invasion where the defending gang calls upon
problem; every gang battles over turt ,and every fits of excellent equipment, weapons and legal pro­ the locals to assist them. Sometimes the com­
gang fights every other gang as iUries to stake its tectioll, in addition to amonthly retainer of cash as munity itself will turn on its "home" gang and
claim in the concrete jungle. long as theyact when called on by "Mother Company." evict them with maximum force. The rise of
Gangs vary in size considerably; this is Manygang members are accomplished thieves, fix­ Citizen Defense Leagues (CDLs) has seen more
often the direct result of the latest turf war. As a ers and solos, and this provides them with the skills instances of unnacceptable gangs being wiped
rule, the bigger gangs are the more powerful they need to "run their turt." out by popular demand. In many ways, today's
gang situation can be likened to football teams of wired dudes are cybered up to the max; mostly so much rebel rock available today, these gangs
old, where the local people either love them or showy, physical enhancemenls. They're very hot are becoming more and more dangerous.
hate them. Without much warning, neighbors on weaponry, especially slash 'em attachments Chromers may travel around, following
can rally to rid themselves of ahated gang (in a such as rippers. Many pack illegal cyberware and "their" band wherever they go. Most can't get the
similar manner to what happened in Cleveland most of them are on, or over, the Edge. Euro together to settle down in a'hood; many are
back in the nineties). There's only one real reason boostergangs failed rockerboys. Their favorite habits are
Manpower, material resources and socio­ appear: 'cuz they wanna bust heads! Other watching their group perform, doing
logical difficulties mean the gangs present abig gangs', Jo's, each other's; heck, anybody's head Simstim/Braindance, and "wrecking" in the
problem to local law enforcement agencies. This will do. The boostergangs usually make special name of their favorite lyrics. Obviously, insulting
is because they exist on the hazy line between efforts to stay low; if they didn't, Max-Tac would their heroes is abad Idea. The problem with
being useful and being very dangerous. blow them to pieces. These guys are Wanted Chromers is they're always about to burst. One
almost all the time, and they don't make any minute they'll be fine, the next they'll be wreck­
Assessment friends. It's like a bunch of cyberpsychos all ing. Their leaders are charismatic; if aChromer
Gangs are made up of criminals, ranging from running rampage at the same time. They mostly leader is taken down, the gang often falls apart.
minor abusers to psychos. Gangs illegally rule move around at night, and they're very hard to Chromer hangouts include clubs, concerts and
their domain through threats and violence. They deal with . A couple of street cops who run Braindance arcades.
push hard drugs, illegal firearms, and many across several hardcore Boosters will be
other controlled materials. Gangs war with each squashed like bugs, due to Ihe gang boys' high­ Posergangs
other, causing bloodshed on amassive scale. powered strength and enhanced rellexes, plus While aheck of alot less dangerous than your
They are disprespectful to authority and very the fact nothing short of an Armalite .44 is like­ average boostergang, posergangs can, and do,
hard to weed out. ly to slow them. cause big trouble. Not only do posers adopt the
But... It gets better: These guys will go out for a image of their particular hero, they also take on
AGang knows exactly what's happening in night's party with automatic weapons, after hav­ the attitude. This can lead to some pretty meek
its neighborhood; this can be very useful to the ing dropped some nasty drugs to get in the mood. posers, but many can be incredibly dangerous if
cops. Gangs, unlike organized criminals and The upside to all this (if there is an upside) they adopt the mentality of ahard-sport star,
corporate criminals, can also be controlled to a is the fact that Boosters tend not to think too terrorist, radical politician or imprisoned
certain extent. They are far more visible, and rnuch. While the wars they wage are ferocious psycho.
therefore accessible for questioning. Gangs, and leave lots of bodies on the Street, they are Posergang activity can prove maddening
unlike so many other criminals, are also pre­ very predictable in their strategies. Awar for cops-especially as they all look the same.
dictable. between two boostergangs is horrific, and often Visiting "enemies" of the posers can, and do,
There are also the SOCiological ramifica­ leaves both gangs permanently crippled . receive trouble.Back in 2015, Judge Lawrence J.
tions. Pressure groups make everybody aware Because of their nature, Boosters are tied into Hick visited Night City, only to be shot and killed
of how young many gang members really are. illegal cyberware and eqUipment dealing, but by six posers who all looked exactly like Harold
The media can come down very hard on the they are more often arrested for violence-relat­ Meech-a cyberpsycho whom Judge Hick had
cops when they kill one. Especially if the zoned­ ed crimes. sent down to Death Row.
out Psycho Trooper firing aMilitech Ronin into Boosters aren't quite so wary about their Posers, when not following their heroes
the line outside the SIMplex was only eleven turf; while they may guard their borders and about, will hold their own turf. The size of poser
years old. patrol regularly, they are not as visible as other turf varies and is largely dependent upon the atti­
There is no standard policy when dealing gangs. They figure if any trouble goes down, tude of their hero. Posers will hook up to all kinds
with the gangs; they are so diverse and they'll crack the guy open and sort it out (this of activity if the money is good, though their one
changable that there are few constants common works pretty well, too). true love is being their hero.
to all. If agang is burning up the street, then Boosters are very big on gruesome initia­
they're dealt with, fast. The use of deadly force is tion rites; these are rumored to be as grotesque Culties
acceptable, as the risk to life when gangs are out as those of the marauder gangs of the Road. Most Culties are another highly dangerous gang type.
of control is BIG. However, the general word is boostergangs' objectives are to go out and rip Many Cultie gangs may go around offering cook­
that the gangs can be left to get on with their busi­ into someone, get the latest chromed-up slicing ies, selling Peace chips and being generally
ness unless they become aproblem. This allows cyberweapon, and have fun all the time. This harmless. Some, however, will inflict their
aflow of hardcore data into street level enforce­ means they don't try to expand agreat deal, but warped religious philosophy on all. Their
ment, without which the cities would be aworse tend to strike out from their turf at random. unshaking faith in their "religion" is what makes
place to live in. Any rampaging booster counts as "autho­ them so potentially hostile. Charismatic leaders
So, the word for now is: Tread Carefully. rized" for termination purposes. fuel the fires of hatred, bigotism, technophobia
and ahundred other religious "causes." The fol­
GANG TYPES Chromers lowers become warriors, fighting their own per­
Chromers=Dangerous groupies.These guys, all sonal crusades against those who would dare
Boostergangs freaked out by their hero rock band, can be very oppose their beliefs.
The Boosters are one of the most violent and volatile. They worship the bands they follow like The problem with Cu Ities is they're not
threatening gang types in the city. These hard- gods, interpreting the lyrics as they see fit. With afraid to die for the cause. This leads to suicide
submachinegun in one hand and abig bag half Many members of Guardian gangs ollen
full of Boost (the other half having been follow this path to the police force itself. Over
munched by him), and lell him he's under arrest! Ihe last few years more and more ex-Guardians
Chances are he'll let rip... have joined the ranks of the police. Where this is
There are cerlain dorphgangs who never useful, the practice is greatly encouraged.
touch the stuff Ihey push, but this is the
exceplion to Ihe rule. Mosl are drug-zoned Nihilists
dealers who will do anything to get their cash.
There are many stories drifting around about "When I saw fifteen Nihilists In black
"what happened to those guys who screwed robes sitting In economy class, well, I
Ihe dorphers..." Just knew they were gonna be trouble.
LEDiv have a special code when dealing Two of 'em managed to pull their pins,
with dorphers, because shutting them down can but one didn't go off; the explosion was
mean blood on the streets. Many dorph gangs secured real fast and we only lost two
push low-grade subslances and Ihey work nuns and a hostess. II
againsl each other. This fills the role of interdic­ -Sgt. J. J. lorbrugg-NYPD Maxlae.
tion well-they control each other. Dorphgangs
tend to be targeted only when certain priorities Nihilistic gangs are no better than terrorists.
are crossed: These gangs are united in the belief the world
• Operating outside of acceptable bound­ will end; futility and other dark philosophies are
aries. the only answers. Their goal: Spread the Word.
• Pushing really BAD substances. In many ways, the Nihilists are just another
• Suspected Corporate involvment. Cultie offshoot; Ihe problem is, all these guys
• Suspected Organized Crime involvment. are Nuts No.1.
• Unnacceptable hostilities. Thanks to their penchant for splashy pub­
lic suicide, Nihilists can be a real problem.
Individual dorphers have proven to be excellent Many of their actions, such as self-immolation,
tactics and other fanatical behaviour, which sources of information at street level. However, are harmful only to themselves. However, there
makes them as hard to deal with as terrorisis. caution should be exercised when attempting have also been many cases where Nihilist sui­
There are some Cullies who remain harm­ this. Drugs=Unpredictable. cides have indirectly been responsible for mass
less; however, the trend seems 10 veer towards Some cities allow low-grade controlled
the violent, with such gangs as Klansmen, Red subtances to be sold if the individual is apermit
Chrome Legion, the Inquisitors and WorldGod. holder. This course of action has shown some
More and more Cullies are utilizing terror tac­ success in legalizing the drug trade. But the
lics to further their particular message. This praclice has yet to gain full approval in most
leads to greater retaliation, which results in the states.
Culties becoming more determined. II is often
said most Cullies join solely to commit violent Guardians
acts. Although there are many who truly Guardian (or vigilante) gangs are something of
"believe" in their varied causes, there are others ablessing in disguise, if taken seriously. These
who use it as an excuse for violent behaviour. gangs will effeclively police their own neighbor­
Violent Gulties are never tolerated, for as long hoods; their methods and attitudes being almost
as they conllnue to utilize terror lactics, they will in line with the cops. Sometimes a Guardian
be met with the full force of the law. gang can spring up in the middle of a hellhole;
sometimes Ihey even manage to stay there.
DOlllh-Heads Other gangs tend to have ahard time with
Dorph-Heads are Ihe front line in getting drugs Guardians; this often escalates into open war­
onto the street. Dorphgangs, while many mem­ fare, making the Guardian gang just another fac­
bers are hard-users, are responsible for much of tion in the battle for turf. Some enforcement
the dislribulion of controlled substances at agencies will liaise directly with reputable
street level. II fuels their own habits, allowing Guardian gangs, exchanging informalion and
them to continue their drug-warped exislence, resources. This has proven very useful in the
and the cash it brings In is phenomenal, some past and leads to well-integrated policing. The
of which fillers back up the line to the main deal­ worst Guardian gangs are nothing more than
ers. Dorphers can be dangerous on occasion; standard combat gangs defending their turf Irom
this is attribuled 10 the attitudes of the gang all comers, their stated objectives just being an
members themselves. Take adorpher holding a excuse to bang heads.
murder and serious property damage. Intimidate 8, Streetwise 5,
Rappeling down buildings while laden with Brawling 7, Awareness 8,
explosives is a popular Final Option, as is the Pistol 6, Stealth 4, Melee
old Kamikaze fly/drive into a structure full of Weapons 8
people (like aBraindance arcade). As far as the
law is concerned, these crimes are defined as CYBERWARE: Epsilon-strength Linear
acts of terrorism. There is aproblem. Nihilists Frame, Pain Editor, Muscle
cannot be arrested unless they are committing a and Bone Lace, Subdermal
crime, this means they can only be arrested Armor, Basic Processor,
when attempting one of their suicide feats. That Smartgun Link, Interface
isn't easy. Plugs, Wolvers, Cybereye,
Targeting Scope, Infra-red
Party Gangs vision
Like Chromers, party gangs are not really a
problem until they start on a burn. When they ROLE: CHROMER
break out the booze, drugs and automatic INT: 6 REF: 7 TECH: 7
weapons, they're gonna cause trouble. When it COOL: 7 EMP: 7/5 ATIR: 8
happens, the cops come down fast and hard; the LUCK: 5 MA: 6 BODY: 6
worst ones get to come back down again and SAVE: 7 BTM: 2
think about what they've done on Death Row.
Treat like aBoostergang when rampaging. SKILLS: Charismatic Leadership 4,
Play Instrument 4, War­
Gogangs drobe/Style 6, Dodge/ Es­
Inside the cities, the most dangerous bike (or cape 3, Persuasion 6,
go) gangs are the Bosoluka, Asian imports Streetwise 4, Brawling 5,
affiliated with the Yakuza. These gangs, while Awareness 6, Basic Tech
maintaining their own turf (normally within Yak 3, Perform 4, Melee
territory), also serve the Yakuza and perform Under them come the hardcore member­ Weapons 3
various operations on their behalf. Many are ship: Homeboys and Bloodboys; the full-timers,
already on the Edge, fully equipped with Yak all gang and nothing else. From this core ele­ ,CYBERWARE: Interface Plugs, Chipware
hardware and cybered up. Bosozuka can be ment come all the specialists and troops. After Socket, Machine Link,
one of the most fearsome, and fearless, gangs that, there are affiliates, or part-timers. If the Cyberau dio, Enhanced
in the city. gang is in some kind of trouble (and it invariably Range, Level Damper
And don'tcall them Bozos. is), then the affiliates might be called in to help.
The HiWay troopers have their own prob­ They are often called upon to perform some JO and JOANNA
lems with marauding road gangs outside the minor feat in order to demonstrate their loyalty. These are the small-timers among street crimi­
cities. These can be the ever-changing Hiway This is where most guys start. Those with the nals; the one-time lawbreakers that a cop will
Pirate/Marauder groups, pillaging at random, or will, charisma or sheer brute strength climb deal with by the dozens every day. They also
sometimes Nomad packs gone bad. Because from there. make good working-stiff victims.
their actions are governed by less restrictive Gang HQ's (Dens) are either a closely­
laws, HiWay troopers usually treat these people guarded or heavily-defended secret. This is INT: 5 REF: 5 TECH: 3
as the most dangerous of enemies, waging con­ where they come together; it's always some­ COOL: 5 EMP: 6/7 ATIR: 6
stant war against them. where they can feel "safe." Large amounts of LUCK: 3 (Jo's don't have any luck)
cash, hardware and other resources are often MA: 5 BODY: 5

AFast Word on Gang Structure stored here-where the Chief can keep an eye SAVE: 5 BTM: 1

Gangs operate on aranking system similar to on them.

organized criminals. At the top of the pile sits SKILLS: Common survival/working
the Chief, or Warlord, or Hardest Man (or Typical Ganger skills are at 0 or 1. They
whatever he wants to name himself). His word ROLE: BOOSTER might have Melee/ Braw­
is The Word . INT: 5 REF: 9 TECH: 5 ling/ Handgun at 1 (if
Beneath him come a number of COOL: 7 EMP: 6/2 ATIR: 5 they're lucky). Non-violent
Lieutenants, who also have names like Right LUCK: 5 MA: 8 BODY: 7 perps will have Pickpooket
Hands, The Respected, Icemen. These are the SAVE: 7 BTM: 2 / Stealth/Basic Tech (bur­
guys who carry out the Chief's Word. They glary) 1
each command a small detachment of mem­ SKILLS: Combat Sense 4,
bers and get away with most things, unless Athletics 6, Strength Feat CYBERWARE: Are you kidding!? •
they upset the Chief. 7, Dodge/ Escape 7,

his chapter examines the crimes of

2020" providing a complete overview
of the common types and describing
many of the criminal elements that
players will encounter. Part of this chapter is
.. also devoted to the legal system; Ref's
should go over this section carefully and
make a great deal of this information avail·
able to their players.
CRIME STATISTICS (and no AI's) dispense easy rides. With rising
As 012020, Homicide is the leading cause of crime rates and incidents 01 violence on the
death in 75% of those 30 years old and under. increase, most people who commit crimes (and
We have aproblem. get caught) are dealt with severely.
The worldwide crime rate has risen phenom­ Following is asection on Ihe diflering types
enally over the past thirty-live years, soaring to of crimes, from disorderly conduct to murder,
unprecedented heights in the last twenty, While and the punishments issued by the Courts,rang­
new measures have been taken by both local and ing from fines to death.
Government enforcement agencies, they have
... been unable to stem the tide of crime sweeping the LOW PRIORITY CRIMES
United States, The "deterrents" of longer sentenc­
ing, braindance and execution seem to achieve lit­ PRIORITY SIX
tle, so manpower priorities are now switching to
more efficient and effective means of enforcement. Buying, Receiving and Possession of
Stolen Goods.
The statistics given here show three things: This crime covers the trade of stolen materials,
1) Priority level of each crime, Since 2015 whatever they may be, and can only be applied
each crime has been listed with a Priority when it can be reasonably proven the individual
which denotes the seriousness of the knowingly Bought, Received or Possessed
crime in relation to others . The Priority materials that had been stolen.
system is also used when city Mayors This crime occurs almost every day, with all
allocate budgets to respective deterrent sorts of equipment from leisure and entertain­
and manpower plans, ment gear to vehicles and computers being
stolen and resold on the Street. Clean-up rate on
2) The yearly percentage rise of each listed crime, recovering stolen goods is terrible, so when
busts do occur, the sentences tend to be on the
3) The percentage level of the crime which is harsh side, Fixers beware!
successfully dealt with by local and federal
authorities, SENTENCE: Return of all materials, Fine Eb50+
and/or Jail1 Month-1 Year in Low Security Block,
Disorderly Conduct
THE BASICS Disorderly conduct is open to a great deal of
This section includes full details on the Uniform interprelation, Any situation where a person
Civilian Justice Code, which came into effect in can be deemed to be causing anuisance and is
2000.The details included here are from the Free not committing any other crime can be con­
State of Northern California version, although strued as Disorderly Conduct. This crime also
most states follow the same guidelines, The law includes offensive behavior and causing adis­
is applied hard most of the time; very few judges turbance,

CRIME (Priority) Rise SuccessRate

Mass Murder (1 ) 47% 65%
Murder 1 (2) 65% 58%
Murder 2 (2) 74% 72%
Manslaughter (2) 72% 75%
Corporate Murder (1 ) 60% 22%
Espionage (1 ) 66% 31%
Kidnapping (2) 57% 45%
Armed Robbery (3) 72% 70%
Robbery (4) 82% 73%
Burglary (5) 44% 12%
Auto Theft (5) 56% 44%
Grand Larceny (4) 87% 38%
Larceny (6) 92% 34%
Fraud (5) 56% 20%
Counterfeiting (2) 67% 05%
Embeulement (4) 64% 23%
Aggravated Assault (3) 87% 64%
Assault (4) 94% 50%
Rape (4) 39% 12%
Extortion (3) 70% 15%
Gambling (3) 45% 20%
Liquor Laws (6) 34% 07%
Prostitution &Non- Commerical Vice (5) 67% 23%
Arson (4) 40% 10%
Type ATrafficking (1 ) 57% 23%
Type BTrafficking (2) 75% 40%
Type CTrafficking (3) 73% 50%
Buying/Receiving/Possession Stolen Goods (6) 60% 15%
Possession of illegal cyberware (5) 44% 12%
Use of illegal cyberware (2) 82% 78%
Illegal Netrunning (6) 59% 06%
Disorderly Conduct (6) 94% 14%

SENTENCE: Up to aweek in aLow Security Block. Liquor Laws

Any breach of liquor Laws can result in an arrest.
Illegal Netrunning However, the only liquor Law which is enforced
This is the Net equivalent of trespassing and is usual­ to any extent is Drunkeness. This is adiscre­
ly not the focus of major police or Netwatch activities tionary offense, although the arresting officer can
(although any crime commitled in addition to this can make it stick if he wishes.
be heaped onto the Perp as well). This crime also cov­
ers unauthorized acess to restricted areas, such as SENTENCE: Fine of Eb20-1 00.
Police computer systems, Corp computer nets, etc.
Obstruction of Justice
SENTENCE: Fine Eb50+ and/or up to 5 Years in Any individual who illegally wit holds informa­
Low Security Block. tion or attempts to stop, or hamper, an authorized
investigation is guilty of Obstruction of Justice.
Larceny Actually getting this to stick can be very difficult,
Larceny is the theft of goods or money up to the as it is hard to prove and interpret.
value of 50eb . Anything above this is either
Grand Larceny or Robbery. If the theft is directly SENTENCE: 1Month-1 Year in Low Security Block.
from an individual this counts as Robbery.
Traffic Offenses
SENTENCE: Return of materials: 1-10 Years in This section includes all Traffic-related crimes
Low Security Block. from illegal parking, dangerous driving, and
driving without alicence to driving while under
the influence of drugs and/or alcohol. With the
advent of aerodyne vehicles and light aircraft
within the airspace of major cities, these offens­
es have escalated in potential danger (and their
penalties have followed suit).

SENTENCE: Fine Eb20-1 ,200 and/or Up to 3

Years in Low Security Block.

Auto Theft
The theft of vehicles (including motorcycles,
ground cars, aerodynes, etc) happens too often.
There are dozens of vehicle thefts each hour in
Night City alone, and the crime has become so
commonplace that enforcement officials can do
little about it. Vehicles can be stolen and stripped
within an hour; if it happens to you, it's unlikely
you'll ever see your vehicle again (unless you
paid that very costly insurance premium...). Agood time costs money, even in 2020 ...

SENTENCE: Jail for 1-7 Years in Low Security municipalities vary widely on their interpretation of permit allows handguns, semi-automatic rifles
Block or Exile. what is illegal (just as courts in the 1900's varied on and knives no longer than 18" to be carried for
concealed weapons laws).Use of illegal cyberwear personal defense.
Note: HiWay (see pg. 46) dispenses Death for is considered to be amuch higher priority (2) crime.
major Autocrimes. SENTENCE: Fine Eb1 00-1 ,000 and/or 1
SENTENCE: Fine Eb: 100-500 and/or 1 Month-10 Years in Low Secu rity Block
Burglary Month-1 Year in Low Security Block
This Is the crime of breaking into aprivate, pub­ MID-PRIORITY CRIMES
lic or commercial residence with the intent to Prostitution and
steal goods. Unless your place has good securi­ Non·Commercialized Vice PRIORITY FOUR
ty facilities, there's avery high chance of you This catch-all crime includes such offenses as
being burgled. How do you stop this from hap­ soliciting sexual favors for money, making money Arson
pening? Good security facilities. from prostitution and illegal strip and sex acts. Arson is defined as the unauthorized setting of
Cities vary widely on their interpretations of this fires, or using flammable devices with intent to
SENTENCE: Return of goods, Personality offense, with some cities even licensing prostitu­ destroy property or harm others.Arson is one of
Adjustment and 1-6 Years in Low Security Block. tion (licensed prostitutes must renew their 500eb crimes that is the hardest to detect and prose­
permit every six months or be charged with this cute, because most people consider it avictim­
Fraud offense). In more restricted communities, there are less crime unless someone one is killed. Usually,
Gaining money and/or materials through decep­ occasional sweeps on known areas of prostitution, when something somewhere goes up in flames,
tion.Although this happens alot, most of it goes but more often this is done for political reasons. Jo tunes in and thinks the victim (often a
by unnoticed. The harshness of sentence primar­ Corporation) deserves it.
Ily depends on who was screwed out of the cash, SENTENCE: Fine Eb50-2000 or 1 Week to 2
and for how much. Years (Pimping) SENTENCE: Personality Adjustment and 1-20
Years in Mid Security Block or PsychoBlock.
SENTENCE: Return of goods. Personal ity Weapon Offenses
Adjustment and/or 1-20 Years in Low Security This crime relates directly to those posseSSing Assault
Block. weapons without the correct permits or to the The application of force upon another person, or
possession of support, fully automatic and other the threat (implied or otherwise) of doing so. In
Possession of Illegal Cyberware non-permitted weapons. Permit laws vary these violent times , almost everyone gets
Possession (either implanted or carried) of offen­ between municipalities; many law oflicers use assaulted at one time or another. Most people
sive, combat or restricted cyberwear. This covers this as acatch-all to run in "undesirables" or don't eYru know who attacked them, making it
the sometimes dangerous headware and enhance­ suspected go gangers. In general, the Federal hard for the cops to press the case.
ments that are always for sale on the Street (any­ Weapons Statute of 1999 has provisions that
thing from illegal chips to huge cyberclaws). Most allow a"carry" permit to be issued for 25eb. This SENTENCE: 1-7 Months in Mid Security Block.
Bribery of an Enforcement Officer victims often cannot provide adequate descrip­ Note: HiWay (see pg. 46) often dispenses Death
This crime is defined as the offering of money, tions of the perps. for this crime.
gratuities or other favors in exchange for prefer­
enlial treatment. This is avery serious offense SENTENCE: 1-20 years in Mid Security Block Extortion
and also includes Attempted Bribery. However, and Personality Adjustment Gaining cash, goods or services through threat
many municipal police departments are riddled of sabotage or violence.Extortion is big business
with corruplion, and bribery happens all the time. PRIORITY THREE and can make agreat deal of cash if managed on
acitywide scale (which makes it particularly
SENTENCE: 1-6 Months in Mid Security Block. Aggravated Assault attractive to Organized Crime, Corps and gangs).
This crime is baSically Assault with the intent to
Embezzlement kill or inflict disabling injury. Falling just short of SENTENCE:1-15 Years in Mid Security Block
To unlawfully divert funds and/or materials for murder, this is aserious crime. Many victims,
personal or commercial gain. Corporations lose having been burned by agang, are in no shape to Gambling without Permit
millions of eurobucks each month to this crime. provide agood description or are too frightened, This crime is defined as the operation of games
Illegal Netrunners are the major source of this making this avery hard crime for police to track of chance and/or betting services for money or
crime, but disloyal employees within the corpo­ and prosecute (one reason why self-defense other stakes without proper permits.While gam­
ration Itself are also afactor. laws in 2020 are so broadly interpreted). bling is legal on all licensed premises, many
places operate without alicense, protesting that
SENTENCE: 1-20 Years in Mid Security Block SENTENCE: 1-7 Years in Mid Security Block or the license costs are too high. Organized crimi­
PsychoBlock and Personality Adjustment and/or nals often set up SIMplex arcades and casinos in
Grand Larceny Braindance direct breach of the law. Priority 4in some areas.
Theft of money or goods in excess of 50eb. If the
theft is from an individual, this crime becomes Note: HiWay (see pg. 46) dispenses Death for SENTENCE: Fine Eb500+and Up to aYear in Mid
Robbery. this crime. Security Block

SENTENCE: 1-20 Years in Mid Security Block Armed Robbery Type CTrafficking
and Personality Adjustment. Armed Robbery is Theft,or Robbery, with use, or Sale, manufacturing and distribution of Type C
threat, of deadly force (such as guns, knives or substances, such as Illegal Entertainment
Rape illegal cyberware). This can range from mug­ Software, Blue Grass, Stirn, etc. Buying and
This is the forcing of asexual act by use of vio­ gings to bank robbery. Selling Type Csubstances is good business; it's
lence, or the threat of violence. also the most visible and allows the cops to clean
SENTENCE:4-15 Years in Mid Security Block or up to areasonable degree.
SENTENCE: Exile or 1-15 Years in Mid Security PsychoBlock and Personality Adjustment and/or
Block, or PsychoBlock and Personality Braindance. SENTENCE: 1-10 Years in Mid Security Block.
Alteration and/or Braindance. Note: HiWay (see
pg. 46) dispenses Death for sex crimes.

Rioling is defined as any illegal assembly of over
three people for the purpose of causing property
or personal damage. This crime was the major
problem during the years of the Collapse, when
riots swept almost every urban center with
destruction and death (this is why the law is so
strictly worded).
Even in 2020, riots still go on all the time;
cops make arrests based on how sensitive the
political situation is. This crime also includes
Incitement and Intent to Riot.

SENTENCE: 1 Month-1 Year in Mid Security

Block or Exile.

Robbery is the crime of theft from the individual,
including pick-pocketing and mugging. Like
Assault, this is very difficult to enforce, as many
The manufacture and distribution of falsified cur­
rency and/or documents. Making funny money
and selling It is agreat way to get rich fast and
destabilize the economy. The government has
always come down hard on this crime, which
also includes Forgery of any kind. Sometimes it's
not so hard to spot counterfeit money, but finding
the guys who are making it is always hell.

SENTENCE: 6-15 Years in Hi Security Block

Environmental Laws
There are afull array of laws protecting the envi­
ronment including Dumping and Illegally
Transporting Hazardous Materials, Unauthorized
Pollution, and Unauthorized Damage to Items Cyberclaws are no/legitimate self-defence weapons ...
Protected Under Environment Laws. Enforcing
this against corporations is difficult to impossible. Manslaughter Murder 2
Manslaughter includes both the killing of some­ 2nd Degree murder is the intentional but not pre­
SENTENCE: Fine of EbSOO+ and up to 3Years in one in mitigating circumstances, such as heat of meditated killing of someone. This can often be
Hi Security Block passion or reasonable provocation, as well as the very difficuIt to prove.
unintentional killing of someone while behaving
Kidnapping in areckless manner. Perps of the latter type are SENTENCE: 5-20 Years in Hi Security Block or
To illegally carry away and detain another person more likely to be sentenced leniently. PsychBlock and Personality Adjustment and
against his will, through use of force, threat of Braindance. Note: HiWay (see pg. 46) dispenses
force, fraud or other form of coercion. This often SENTENCE: 0-5 Years in Hi Security Block Death for this crime.
happens within the Corporate sector; cops'fami­
lies sometimes get hit as well. While the clean up Murder 1 Type BTrafficking
rate on this isnl bad, the only real precaution an 1st degree murder is intentional and premeditat­ Sale, manufacture and distribution of Type B
individual can take if he feels that he or his fami­ ed killing, or killing in association with another substances including Firearms, Explosives,
ly are in danger are better security facilities. crime. Either way, it is not looked upon well. Illegal Commercial Software, Synthcoke, Boost,
Dorphs, etc. Trafficking in Type Bsubstances
SENTENCE: 5-20 Years in HiSecurity Block or Exile SENTENCE: Death. tends to stay off the streets. Deals go on behind
closed doors and in isolated places.

SENTENCE: 3-12 Years in Hi Security Block or Exile

Use of Illegal Cyberware

Use or threatened use of offensive, combat-ori­
ented or restricted cyberwear. Possessing nasty
cyberclaws is one thing, actually using them is
something else.

SENTENCE: Removal of Cyberware, Up to 1Year

in Hi Security Block and Personality Adjustment


Corporate Murder
Defined as any Corporation knowingly selling, manu-
facturing or distributing defective equipment resulting
in death; failure to remove known hazards from the
workplace resulting in death,or attempting to willfully
murder an individual for the profit of tre Corporation.

SENTENCE: Fine Eb1000+, 10-20 Years in Top

Security Block, or Death. Note: HiWay (see pg.
46) often dispenses Death for the willful murder
portion of this crime.

Spying on government plans,installations, individ­
uals and organizations and providing this informa­
tion to another agency, organization, corporation or Prelim. Hearing Detrimination of
government; also theft and distribution of secret or
IPossible Baill participation in crime
secured materials and information. This crime is
taken very seriously, particularly by the remaining
government agencies and the military police.

SENTENCE: 10-20 Years in Top Security Block

and Braindance, or Death.

Mass Murder
Mass murder is first degree murder of two or more
individuals.While many mass murderers are total
psychopaths, the serial killings which started Trial
IJudges hear evidence, Execution
decades ago have now become commonplace.
pass verdict) Order Issued

Any organized system of intimidation through
force for political ends. Terrorists are dealt with
as harshly as mass murderers.


Type ATrafficking
Trafficking in any of the following substances:
Black Lace, Werewolf and other dangerous
drugs, Government software, Illegal Body Parts.

SENTENCE: 15-20 Years in Top Security Block

and Braindance.



Once an individual is busted and charged, he

becomes part of the Legal Machine.This section
examines the various parts of that process and
provides all the data required to get the machine
up and running. Low,Med, High Death by State
Security Block Execution
Crimes defined as felonies and misdemeanors
disappeared after the Lawyers Purge in 1997.
Now, crimes are listed in order of Priority: the
more serious the crime, the higher the Priority. Top Priority Crimes (TPC) are crimes rank­ THE TRIAL
This directly affects the rights of the individual as ing at 1. These crimes are rated so seriously the Generally, the defendent is arrested and charged
they are dependent on the nature of the crime perp has no rights whatsoever. Once the individ­ with acrime (or crimes). He is then officially
committed. ual is determined as the perpetrator, an execution arraigned and either released on bailor into cus­
Low-Priority Crimes (LPC) are any crime order can be issued and he may be terminated by tody until the trial. At the trial, it is the
with a ranking of 5 or 6. These crimes afford any authorized body. Prosecutor's job to show that the crime was com­
the perp the most rights (which aren't much). mitted by the defenden!. The Defense attempts to
Individuals charged with a Rank 5-6 crime REFUSAL OF BAIL show this is not true. Both parties may submit
have the right to secure a Defense Attorney; Police may attempt to ensure their perp stays evidence, call witnesses, and interview them In
they are also allowed two phone calls and locked up until the trial. This is atricky procedure, addition to the defenden!. Evidence must serve a
retain the "right to remain silent." They must and translates into game terms as aDIFfl'CULT purpose and questions to awitness must be
be given aPreliminary Hearing within 48 homs l:aw Task requiring at least two hours of paperwork, obviously directed towards the Defense or
(where bail may be set). The trial date must be and the signature olthe DA or relevant prosecuting Prosecution's goals, character witnesses includ­
set no later than two weeks from the prelimi­ office. The Referee may adjust this difficulty level ed. The Judge ensures the process is carried out
nary .hearing, Q( the trial is declared void. In dependent upon the nature and seriousness of the lawfully,and ultimately decides as to the defend­
most cases, LPC trials are presided over by a charge. Political and other considerations may ent's guilt. The Judge then passes sentence.
Judge who sets fines and short sentences; also be factored into this decision. There are no jury trials in 2020.
however, an AI may be used in some cases to Terms of bail may crange,but are generally Obviously, the Legal System is far more
speed the process. the same everywhere. The defendent may not complex than this, but space does not permit us
Mid-Priority Crimes (MPC) are crimes with leave the country (this can sometimes be to perform an in-depth examination of the vari­
aranking of 3or 4. These crimes are serious and reduced to state or city). He must also make him­ ous technical aspects of the Court process. For
do not afford the perp many rights. The individu­ self available to the Police at their request, game purposes, the Ref should examine the fol­
al retains the right to remain silent and is still although he is not to be harassed. lowing points and utilize the simple system pre­
allowed to secure an Attorney in his defense. He sented below:
may be held for aweek before aPreliminary DEADT.IME • Judges: The GM should note down several
Hearing, and during that time he may not make The period between the Preliminary Hearing and Judges (human or AI's), detailing their
contact with anyone: no phone calls, no visitors. the trial is commonly known as Dead Time. This political affiliations, likelihood of corrup­
Most of this time is likely to be spent in holding can be anywhere between two weeks and six tion, level of severity when passing sen­
cells and interrogation cubicles. months. During this time, the defendent is either tence and general demeanor. A sample
T'he Judge (human or AI) may set bail, out on bail or in custody, and awaiting trial. Either Judge is detailed atthe end ofthe section on
although the criminal is more often held in cus­ way the Defense Attorney (if any) may have page 70.
tody until the time of his or her trial. At the trial, access to his client at any time.
the perp is confronted by apanel of three judges It is during Dead Time that the Defense and • Prosecutors and Defense Attorneys: The
(AI's, humans, or amix of both). The Prosecution the Prosecution prepare their cases, gathering Ref should also detail alist of attorneys
makes its case, followed by the Defense (the witnesses and evidence. Both parties must make including the DA and Federal Prosecutor in
Defense may be aLawyer or the charged individ­ their witnesses and evidence known to each asimilar manner as the Judges, including
ual himsell). Averdict is passed, and the individ­ other.However, attorneys can bring in witnesses their level of competence. A sample
ual is either freed or sentenced to one of many and evidence at the last minute under the legal Attorney is detailed at the end; page 70.
possible punishments. manuever of "Newly Discovered." This is alegit­
High-Priority Crimes (HPC) are crimes imate course of action, although both sides often When acase comes to court, the Referee should
with aranking 012. These crimes are considered abuse it by bringing in their key witnesses and assign aJudge, Prosecutor and note the defend­
very serious and the charged individual fore­ evidence at the last minute when they knew about ent's Defense Attorney, if any. He must also
goes all rights, including the right to remain it long before. If it can be proven that the attorney decide how "strong" the case is, basing his deci­
silent. Once charged, the perp may be forced to was aware of the evidence for longer than 24 sion on evidence and witnesses. The ability to
undergo interrogation under truth serums, lie hours prior to admission, the evidence presented prove guilt is based on three things:
detectors, psychological reality simulations and is "inadmissable" evidence.
analysis. The perp must be allowed a Most witnesses agree to appear in court; Motive-A reason for performing the specific
Preliminary Hearing within two weeks. At this however, akey witness who refuses to attend crime.
time, aJudge (,human or AI) will determine the court may be issued with asubpoena. This legal­
possibility of bail and set the date for atrial. The ly requires the witness to attend the trial under Means-The necessary tools, weapons or other
Judge willi also decide whether to allow the penalty of committing aPriority 4offense. Both equipment for the commission of said crime.
defendent a Lawyer, dependerlt upon whether the Prosecution and the Defense may issue sub­
the Judge sees any ambiguity in the presented peonas to witnesses. NOTE:For asubpeona to be Ability-The physical and mental acuity neces­
case.Anything more than a20% margin of error issued, it must be served upon the person sary to perform said crime.
and the Judge will allow aDefense Attorney. The required to attend by alegal representative. Many
trial is presided over by a Judge and four AI's witnesses, knowing they will be issued with a The weakness or strength of acase depends on
who will pass sentence. subpeona, may "disappear" for awhile. how many of these points are known, and how

strong is the evidence or knowledge supporting If the final result is apositive figure, the defend­ ANOTE ON INSANITY
these points. (Normally, two 01 the points must ent will be found guilty and sentence will be Not surprisingly, many of the Perps the cops bust
be at least known before acase can go to trial. passed. If it is anegative figure, the defendent is are total loony-tunes. They may range from hard­
Judge each point by weak, average, or strong either found to be not guilty, or the case is core psychopaths to mere kleptomaniacs. For a
merits; e.g., only 2points are known, and they're thrown out of court. (Treat 0as positive or GMs defendent to be pronounced insane, acounsel of
weak=case is Very Weak, throw it out. AI13 pOints choice). This is just a guide and the Referee is three psychologists must examine the subject and
are known and are strongly supported=case 1s encouraged to add further variables dependent rule on his relative sanity. In an insanity defense,
Very Strong, ironclad.) upon each case. the defendent does not stand trial, but is instead
Once the Ref has worked out the outcome, committed to aPsycho block until such time as he
Once done, the Ref should examine the various he must sentence the defendent NPC. Go now to is fit to stand trial for his crime(s). However, in
tables below and, starting at zero, add and sub­ the CRIMES and SENTENCING Section of this cases of Priority 1crimes, this may be waived and
tract figures based on these points: book (pg. 62). the Judge may order termination if he/she bel ieves
the perp cannot, or will not, be rehabilitated.

For game purposes, any arrests the characters
v. Weak= -10 Poor (skill 1-2)= +5 Poor= -5 make should go to court either between game
Weak= -5 Average (skill 3-5)= - Average:: ­ time or during their next case. Unless the Ref
Average:: - Good (skill 6-7)= -5 Good= +5 has good reason, there is no need to run the tri­
Strong= +5 Excellent (skill 8-1 0)= -10 Excellent= +10 als during game time. However, you should
v. Strong= +10 definitely inform the characters of the outcome
of all trials they were involved with . The Ref
JUDGE should also note which NPCs are incarcerated
Corrupted: -10 (AI's normally cannot be corrupted) and keep track of how long they have to serve
Straight= ­ on their sentences.
Harsh= +5 After all, who knows what they'll do when
they get out...
The ReI must also decide what the delend­ Atypical Attorney Code (UCJC), when death or incarceration were
ent will do if they "get 011." Their subsequent INT: 8 REF: 6 TECH: 5 the only options, there are now anumber 01 types 01
actions can turn into interesting side plots, or COOL:8 EMP: 7/6 AnR: 5 sentence which can be bestowed upon acriminal.
lUll-blown adventures, il they decide to seek LUCK: 7 MA: 7 BODY: 6 These range from reasonably harsh (incarceration
vengeance against the characters or others... and braindance) to aslug in the back of the skull.
SKILLS: Reason 6, Expert (Law) 6, UCJC law says: The worse the crime, the
AFINAL NOTE ABOUT Social 5, Human Perception more severe the punishment. For atime, many
ATTORNEYS AND JUDGES 6, Persuasion 5, Notice 4, prisoner's rights groups demonstrated in oppo­
Even in 2020, atlorneys have their own character Streetwise 3, Interrogation sition to the UCJC's draconian solutions; howev­
skill packages. Their special ability is called 3, Handgun 3, Education/ er, victims 01 crimes in general wholeheartedly
Reasoning; it is the application 01 legal knowl­ Gen. Know. 5, Library support the system. The UCJC (and the punish­
edge belore the bench. With Reasoningl, the Search 4, Driving 5, Inter­ ments it issues) was not designed with public
attorney attempts to prove his theory by logic view 4, Personal Grooming relations in mind, it was created and is enlorced
(linear or cyclical). This theory may have no 4, Wardrobe and Style 6 to maintain an effective system lor dealing with
bearing on the gl:Jiit or innocence 01 the delend­ the criminals in communities. While it isn't per­
en!. The skill can be used as an opposed roll with CYBERNE'rICS: Chipware Socket, Interlace fect, it sure is better than most country's systems.
two attorneys against each other, and the judge Plugs, DataTerm Link, Wet Following are descriptions of the types of
acting as referee. It can also be used in conjunc­ Drive punishments available to the Courts 012020.
tion with Persude and Notice skills to influence
judges and spot flaws in opponent's cases. EQUIPMENT: Newsviewer, Cab Hailer, INCARCERATION
The Expert: Lawskill is rote knowledge 01 Image Wallet, Cellular
procedural and written law.To learn the ability to Phone, EBM Carlaxx, SECURITY BLOCKS
analyze and apply legal situations, astudent 01 Personal Body Alarm, Fed. Within the U.S., all states maintain an array 01
law must pass aseries 01 examinations, be Arms X-38 pistol, Bizwear security blocks within their borders. These
assessed capable by ajudge, and affiliate himsell suit w/protection SP =7 buildings are maintained primarily by State and
with a"bar" association. He may then accept National enlorcement agencies, although many
clients and charge lees. Eventually, he may Atypical Judge are supported to a certain extent by
become ajudge. (This involves achange in sta­ INT: 9 REF: 5 TECH: 7 Corporations. The manpower and financial prob­
tus only; the skill package is the same.) COOL: 7 EMP: 7/7 AnR: 6 lems associated with running security blocks
The distinction between attorneys and par­ LUCK: 8 MA: 5 BODY: 7 usually ensures Corporate involvment in almost
alegals (a person with Lawskill only) is impor­ every state.
tant; ever since the Purge 01 1996, formal SKILLS: Reason 8, Expert (Law) 6, Some states have one huge Security com­
lawyers have been an endangered species. Social 5, Education/Gen. plex which encompasses all 01 the differing lev­
Streetcorner paralegals and Fixers have taken Know. 6, Human Percep­ els of security required for the containment of
over much of the work. But in areal courtroom, tion 6, Persuasion 4, criminals. Others maintain dillerent security
even a knowledgeable Fixer has no chance Notice 4, Interrogation 4, blocks in separate areas (most criminals prefer
against atrained attorney. Library Search 3, Leader­ the latter option, so as not having to run the risk
Because 01 their short supply, attorney's ship 6, Oratory 3, Driving 3, 01 coming face to lace with apsycho-killer when
lees are somewhat high: an LPC trial will cost Personal Grooming 5, all they're in for is larceny). Obviously, security
between 1500-2000eb, an MPC trial costs Wardrobe and Style 5, complexes usually segregate inmates of diflerent
3500-4000eb, and an HPC trial (il you can get Melee 2 security levels, but as many utilize the same
one) will cost as much as 7000-8000eb. These lacilities and have limited budgets, agreat deal 01
lees don't include PI's costs, or any 01 the myri­ CYBERNETICS: Basic Processor, Chipware sharing still occurs.
ad expenses an attorney might dream up. II you Socket Low Security Blocks are containment lacil­
want to find that missing witness, be prepared to ities lor petty criminals and those convicted 01
shell out the Euro. EQUIPMENT: Cellular Phone, EBM moderate offenses. Prisoners often share their
Carlaxx, Laptop Computer, own cells with one or more others. In many ways,
AnORNEv/JUDGE Skill Package: Digital Recorder, Personal Low Security lacilities are very similar to prisons
Reason Body Alarm, Militech Taser, of the late 20th Century. They are manned by
Notice MicroCom Pagestar (Corp­ prison guards, either private or Corporate, who
Expert: Law Book In, Takanaka 'Exec' will not hesitate to shoot criminals who become a
General Knowledge suit w/Salamander lire­ nuisance. Most prisoners are short-term; long­
Persuasion proofing term prisoners can become Trustees, and may
Social even be deputized and allowed access to non­
Human Perception GOING DOWN:
lelhal weapons if their psych reports permit this.
Composition PUNISHMENT IN 2020
Low Security inmates are often required to
History Unlike the days belore the Uniform Civilian Justice work very hard at meniallasks. This can be likened

to the chain gangs of long ago, where prisoners of offense and instantly assigns an appropriate High Security Block
were worked so hard that they didn't have the ener­ sentence. This can range from an immediate High Security Blocks are containment facilities
gy to cause trouble. Some Low Security facilities addition to sentence length, immediate transfer provided for the most dangerous of low and
maintain dormitories instead of cells. to High Security facil ities, or even execution. moderate offenders, who find themselves here
Inmates who cannot or will not accept their While this process is often viewed as harsh, it through bad behavior in lower security facilities.
incarceration and are aconstant cause of trouble saves agreat deal of administration and man­ They also house offenders dangerous to the pub­
may find themselves getting drilled by aguard. power costs. Inmates are informed in advance of lic,the economy and the government.
They may also be charged with amore serious this system, and are therefore aware of the reper­ Security is light; guards are filted in outfits
crime and re-sentenced to ahigher level security cussions of their security infringements prior to similar to riot gear (SP 25). Nobody steps out of
block. Sentence lengths are often extended when committing them. line. Surveillance is constant and the guards are
an inmate causes trouble. No court is required Auto defense grids are set up in all non­ often just the overseers of varying amounts of
for this, only the Governor's signature. authorized areas and are issued with commands automated security equipment installed to
to open fire immediately and with deadly force observe and dispense justice. Robo-sentries
Medium Security Blocks upon any persons not possessing asecurity tag patrol constanlly and auto-defense grids are set
Medium Security Facilities primarily deal with (a small retinal scan device, worn as abadge, and up anywhere the inmates gather, ready to fire with
violent and dangerous criminals. Their sen­ containing eye patterns unique to the wearer. autocannons on arowdy crowd. In 2017, ariot by
tences are often long and the potential for dan­ These may only be issued by a Security inmates in the Louisiana HSB (due to what
gerous behavior is high, which is the reason Supervisor). inmates considered an unfair summary execu­
Braindance and Personality Adjustment are so Inmates are locked down into "coffins" tion) was dispersed by an automated defense
often included as part of the sentence. These (cramped bed chambers about twice the size of grid.There were no survivors.
security blocks are manned by armed guards in areal coffin) for the night. The coffins are fed air At night, most inmates are locked down into
addition to robo-sentries, cameras and auto­ through a central circulation system. Inmates Braindance while the guards run asecurity sweep of
defenses. Supervision is required of the inmates who become violent are fed sleep gas until they the entire facility to remove potential weapons and
at all times, and they are under one form of calm down. Good behavior may allow an other dangerous equipment. Visits are not allowed
surveillance or another round the clock. Minor inmate his own cell; these are only tiny rooms and all correspondence must be delivered by video
disturbances are dealt with automatically with a bunk, but one heck of an improvement transmission (observed by an AI who can, and will,
through AI guardians. The AI assesses the level on acoffin. pull the plug if it observes any security risks).
Good behavior may get you 'transferred psychological damage to those who experience
down to Mid Security facilities, although checks (and do not adapt well to) Fear Confrontation.
must be made with LEDiv first to ensure an indi­ Despite the fact that P-Ad comes in many
vidual is not deemed along term threat to nation­ different forms with varying degrees of success, .
al security. Apart from Top Security, High Security there is still agreat deal of room for improvement
is as hard as it gets on the individual prisoner. in this area. Future projects should be well fund­
ed, thanks to the involvement of the
Top Security Block Corporations, who are now moving into the field
Top Security provides containment facilities for the of P-Ad for their own reasons.
bJghest offenders.MostareIlocked doYtfl almost all of
the tirre.lnterpersonal inleliKiion betwren irmates is Braindance
forbidden. You do time in Top and you're on your Although Braindance therapy is often acommon
own--for the duration. Robo-sentries guard you component of acriminal'ssentence, most will do
round the clock and no ,infringement of security is anything to avoid it. Although the body is cooled and
all~ under penaltyofdeath.lnmatescorre into con­ no physical exertion is possible, the Braindancer's
tact with guards em other authorized personnel only mind is fully active for the duration of the session. All
when they are undergoing treatrrent of sorre kind. he/she can really ·see" is the endless blackness of
The entire Top Security system is one big total sensory deprivation. Fifteen years or more of
machine, usually overseen by aGovernor (often this will cause even the most hardened perp to beg
an AI). All connection with night and day disap­ for another sentence. Many criminals are allocated
pears as each inmate is assigned his own time periods of Braindance each day as apunishment, a
pattern, going through the cycle of sleeping, eat­ relaxant, or even just to keep the numbers of active
ing, etc., with no knowledge of time; never seeing inmates down to amanageable low.
another inmate, just the Robo-sentries and the all PsychoBlock is to attempt rehabilitation,leading to Many inmates come out of Braindance
too familiar blackness of Braindance. the inmate standing trial for his or hercrimes, many totally linsane; however, guards and Robo-sen­
PsychoBlocks become Corporate pharmaceutical tries are on hand to deal with any difficulties that
PsychoBlock testing grounds. Draconian standards and prac­ may arise from this , Braindance is seen as an
It doesn't matter what you've done, or Who you've tices ensure PsychoBlocks maintain their intimi­ excellent way of getting difficult prisoners out of
done it to.If you're nuts, this is where you go. dating facades. Nobody willingly pulls apsycho­ the way in lieu of executions (which are not
Unlike the years before the UCJC, when rap anymore, and that's just theway they want it. always good for public relations).
pulling a psycho-rap was an free ride,
PsychoBlock is noteasy. Not now. While apsycho­ Personality Adjustment Exile
inmate is allowed far more interpersonal commu­ Personality Adjustment is often used to augment a Exile Implants are often used as asentencing
nication with other inmates and guards, he/she is sentence when there is reasonable belief the crimi­ option. An Exile Implant works in conjunction
far more likely to suffer at their hands.PsychoBlock nal can be rehabilitated . P-Ad comes in many with acity's celluar net, preventing the criminal
doctors and other "qualified" personnel can be forms, ranging from deep psycho,logical recon­ from re-entering aforbidden area by neurally
likened to ship's doctors of old; their incompetent­ struction assessment to interviews and diagnosis at transmitting waves of excruciating pain. New
cy ensures that they can~ pick up acontract with a its most basic form, Prescribed drugs (often implant codes can be added for further cities (in
Corp or educational,establishment Many of them Inhibitors) are sometimes successful, although the event of offenses commited elsewhere). Exile
are little better than ripperdoc Techies. there are few without side effects. Cyber-implanta­ is agood deterrent, since almost everybody is
Except that now they're in charge of a tion 01 Personality Restraintchips is now becoming afraid of having to live outside the urban megac­
PsychoBlock. more popular. These chips cause the wearer to feel ilies, where they would have to deal with
Guards are used to restrain inmates suffer­ pain or other stimulating anti-effects when in the roadgangs and the harsh justice of HiWay.
ing,from drug-induced bouts of violence-this process of committing agiven (or any) crime.Many
restraint usually comes in the form of nightsticks states have yet to permit the usage of these, even Death
and hypos.Personality-inhibiting drugs are pre­ though the Restraint Chip has shown excellent Death is the ultimate sentence. Execution is always
scribed on aregular basis; many of these are results against repeat offenses in Night City (which performed by the State Executioner, an individual
experimental in the extreme. Braindance and pioneered its development). Many groups draw empowered with the right to administer lethal jus­
artificial environments also allow the personnel attention to the psychological dismantling that P­ tice. Upon being sentenced to death there is ashort
to attempt rehabilitation through fear confronta­ Ad can cause, and claim it is just another step appeal process while the convict waits on Death
tion and induced nightmare analysis. towards the creation of universal mind control. Row; this period lasts three months. After this, the
Many of the so-called "restraining drugs" Personality Adjustment can,and does, often convict is taken to the place of execution where the
allowthe user full control over his mind, but not his take place in the Net. Scenarios and/or simulations State Executioner adrninsters the sentence. This is
body, in away similar to Braindance. Often, of events help the user to experience situations and normally aslug in the back of the skull; the convict
Exper,imental Personality Adjustment techniques feelings benificial in the real world.Use of so called has the rightto call fora public execution, although
are tested here,prior to becoming available to other "Nightmare" technology has yet to come into this is often waived by LEDiv if it is believed that it
Security facilities. While the goal of the mainstream usage, due to claims of irreversible would cause apublic disturbance.•

his chapter is primarily

for Referee use only, as it
deals with topics such as
running a campiagn, cop
personnel files, disci­
plinary actions and a sample


you've got ajob to do. You can still be adesper­
ate dude, but you have to follow acertain code.
There are afew marked differences between run­ You are the last representative of what little jus­
ning astandard game of Cyberpunkand running tice remains, and there's lots of people relying on
agame of Cyberpunkwith your players as cops. you.The big difference is:RESPONSIBILITY.
In fact, as you read through the book you may You're responsible to the badge, your part­
have noticed achange in emphasis. ner, you r ch ief, etc. But most of all, you 're
It'sthe same place, just as nasty and dark as responsible to the public.The difference is simi­
the one we love so much, but there's adifference. lar to watching agangster movie where every­
Asimple one, easy to miss.If you're acop, you're one's fighting against each other, and only the
on a different side! A "straight" game of coolest gangster wins. Compare that to watching
Cyberpunk puts players in all sorts of positions acop movie where it's goodguycops versus bad
and they play all sorts of people.They break the guycriminals. You have to get adifferent mindset
law, but frack, they're desperate people in ades­ to make the change.
perate world! This has to change with a law Experience shows that acop campaign is
enforcement campaign; you're cops now and better with asmaller playing group, but if you have
alarge group, it shouldn't be any problem arrang­ As aRef, it's your job to keep the players on be awarded, and promotion will take place. The
Ing for all the players to be part of one section. their toes. Never let up the pace: so they're just cop's file is an excellent tool in determining eligi­
S.IN. Is the best section for this; it's also the most about to make the big bust when someone bility for promotion.
diverse in terms of encounters and scenarios. Vice appears from the last game, looking for Events such as deaths of partners, close
is agood section, too.Before you start, you wantto vengeance. Or maybe there's two gangs trying to friends and any family members should also be
ask your players what kind of Law Enforcement hold up the bank (or worse)? Keep it moving all noted. So should any investigations performed
campaign they wantto run through. 1fthey all want the time; in Cyberpunk, if someone sees apolice by lAD, and any disciplinary action taken against
to be LEDiv, then you just might have to let them officer, they're going to interact with them.Maybe the officer. The psychological profile is also like­
playa Tas'k Force. No problem, think o,f all the threaten them, lie to them, or just have achat. ly to change. (Not for the better either, Ibell)
nasty types you can throw at them... Maybe just run and hide, but nobody is going to
Cyberpunk is already flIled with shades of leave these guys alone. And why is it everybody Disciplinary Actions
gray, so don' get too much into tne idea of Good except cops can tell acop in plain clothes? Acop's career in Cyberpunkis bound to beamix­
guys and Bad guys. People don' commit crimes If your players think straight Cyberpunk is ture of commendations and results against a
just Ilecausethey're bad; they do it for awhole host rough, make 'em play cops-then they have to background of disciplinary actions and Black
of different reasons.Ask any Cyberpunk player. upho/dlaws instead of break them. It's one tough life. Marks. That's the way life is; there are no perfect
The players are never going to save the city cops out there. They're all people, just like you.
·from crime, no si r. But they may win the occasion­ COP MOVIES Except they carry the Badge.
al battle. Good game presentation can ensure play­ Bladenmner Disciplinary actions take place for anumber
ers feel these accomplishments. In many ways, a Predator 2 of reasons; some, more lenient, ranking ofHcers
Ref should try and present the game like aserial­ Outland are unlikely to enforce regulations that have no
ized cop show. Each week anew case, guest stars, Lethal Weapon 1 & 2 effect on the job. However, some will. If you've
old favorites, etc. r.his way, your players won't get Extreme Prejudice got agood boss then you're lucky; if you haven't,
bogged down in one case for too long, or deal with Cop then you're in trouble.
just one type of crime. At the end of the book, there Mad Max Not everyone plays by the rules, either. If
are some episode suggestions which will keep any Assault on Precinct 13 you make enemies of fellow cops, especially if
group on their toes for awhile. There are loads of Manhunter they outrank you, then you're in for abad lime...
inspiration sources for this kind of game, and at the To Live and Die in L.A.
end of the section we've listed afew. Silence of the Lambs Black Marks

You won't lose the basic feel of the Black Rain (See Cop Character Generation in HITTING THE

Cyberpunk game style when running, a law Year of the Dragon STREETS, pg.7) Black Marks are picked up for

enforcement campaign; It's just achange of per­ BestSeller bad calls. Anything that goes bad (and can be

spective. Follow the original code and you won't Robocop 1 & 2 attributed to a player) may earn him a Black

go wrong: Mark. Breaking the law will pick up one (if it

1. Style over SUbstance PERSONNEL FILES doesn't get the cop busted out), as will insubor­

2. Attitude is everything Note: This Is what the GM keeps on dination and negligence. Gross misconduct is

3. Live on the Edge Players In his group always agood one. Media, political and corpo­

From the day you join the Academy and become rate pressure can also get your players these.

Your Cyberpunk Cop probably won't be some an olficer cadet, they keep afile on you; every­ Five Black Marks and they're out, no pension.

namby-pamby college boy. Maybe he used to be thing goes in it. You're tested, and notes are Change their names to Jo.

aNomad? Or aGangboy? Now, with 100 man­ made of Blood Type, DNA, retina- and finger­
hours on the range, thousands of dollars of hard­ prints. Your test results on all courses are input Under Investigation

ware behind him (and abad attitude in front), he's directly to your file, as are all cautionary and dis­ One day, you may be suspected of illicit behavior

gonna give as hard as he gets when he rolls onto ciplinary actions taken against you. within your department; if this comes to light,

the streets. And if he's having abad day...took out! This section examines the various ways a Internal Affairs may develop an interest in you.

So you've gotta play by the rules? Ain't that a cop's personnel file will affect him/her through­ Should you fall "under investigation" this should

shame... Well, if there's nobody around to tell you out their career. Ref's are advised to take time out also be imediately referenced in your file, includ­

different, you can do what you want, can't you? to create afile on each law enforcement player, ing details regarding the reasons why.

Maybe that makes life harder. But hey, if you can't updating it after every case and noting the impor­ Perhaps you took a bribe, or unlawfully
take it,l've got abag of pointy ears right here... tant features therein. shot someone; any serious breach of procedure
So your Lieutenant isn't happy with you; it could warrant an investigation against you. Just
was only aPatrol cruiser. He had abazooka! Of The section on acop's history will grow with him. being under investigation, you pick up 1 Black
course there was nothing you could do... And Each time the character completes acase, the Ref Mark on your file. Once lAD has come to acon­
your wife's threatening divorce again, and the lAD should enter details in his file, describing the clusion regarding your involvement with what­
want to talk to you about an unlawful shooling. So case, final results, ramifications, and noting any ever took place, the result should then be noted
what? You've got an eight hour shift to pull, and if recognition he received. in your file. If the result is anything but total
you're not 110% alert, some geek is going to send As acop completes more cases, his history acqUittal, you may find other action will be taken
you to Memorial, maybe for good... will grow, commendations and black marks will against you.
Suspension Goods. This is abad way for acop to go; being a The side entrance (.8) is used by pedestrian
You can be suspended for any breach of proce­ cop isn't just ajob, it's away of life . Getting officers and all visitors to the precinct. There is a
dure not serious enough to warrant Gross thrown off the force is like being exiled; the cops standard set of doors here, but they are protected
Misconduct. You may also be suspended while (your buddies) want no more to do with you; you by an APEX Mobile Point-Defense system locat­
under investigation if the charge against you is have become aJo. There are probably lots of ed above the doors, which will open fire on any
serious enough. Cops often get suspended when enemies waiting to hit back at you, now that you target unless the operator is given the correct
they become too "involved" in acase, or when don't carry the badge. identification code. The APEX system may be
they've freaked out and their boss thinks they over-ridden from within the precinct, and to
need some time to calm down. Suspension can SAMPLE SETTING: MEGA­
ensure no accidents occur, athree second delay
be with or without pay (suspending officer's dis­ URBAN POLICE DEPARTMENT
is built into the firing mechanism of the weapons.
cretion) and can last up to six months, after PRECINCT BUILDING

which time adecision must be made whether to The streets of aCyberpunkcity are adeadly place, ROOF AREA (See Map for layout)
remove the cop from the force, or take him back. as everybody knows (and those that don't, soon The roof of the concrete precinct building is used
Suspended officers must hand in their gun and find out). They crawl with cyberpsychos, punks, as the hangar area for AV flights that operate from
badge immediately upon suspension. crazies, hitmen and just about every other type of the precinct.
lowlife you could name. Because of this, the All repair and maintenance work is carried
Disciplinary Days Off precinct buildings of 2020 are alot different from out here in the covered, armored hangars. Any
For infractions that do not warrant along sus­ those of the late twentieth century. No longer are vehicles wishing to exit the area must receive
pension. Things like not waiting for backup, they simple concrete buildings designed to acco­ authorization from the command center before
minor cases of excessive force, etc., are usually modate the pol ice, and to keep offenders from the roof door slides aside to allow passage.
met with around one to thirty days off as adisci­ escaping while being processed. The preCinct
plinaryaction. building of 2020 is an armed and armored In addition to repair systems, there are also four
It's similar to suspension because you have fortress, designed to keep the streetfreaks out, refueling pOints inside the hangars, fed by apipe
to turn in your badge and during that time you are and to protect the police during the time between system from the huge fuel reserve tanks imbed­
not apolice officer, but it's on ashorter basis and regular journeys onto the hellish streets. ded beneath the entire complex, some 20m
is not associated with corruption or abig internal The following details should give an idea of beneath the surface and encased in concrete
affairs investigation like normal suspensions are. the design and defense of atypical police (even so, this is still anon-smoking area!).
Administrative Leave GROUND FLOOR AREA (See Map)
This is paid leave where the officer still has police External Defenses 1. Main Desk: This desk is constantly
status and retains his badge and gun. Admin The entire complex is surrounded by a3.5m tall manned by asingle uniformed officer
leave is usually used after acritical incident situ­ reinforced concrete wall (SP=30, SDP=250), com­ (usually asergeant), who sits behind a
ation. This time allows the officer to go through plete with three layers of razor-wire on top to dis­ clear, armored safety shield (SP=25) and
psych evaluations and to generally "cool down" courage even the most persistent intruder. Each deals with the public. Both doors behind
(plus it allows lAD time to investigate, should corner of the wall is mounted with ahigh-intensity the security desk are code-locked and
they choose to do so). searchlight system that provides full illumination can only be opened by the desk sergeant,
to the courtyard below. As an extra defensive mea­ using ahand-print scanner on the desk.
Insubordination sure, the searchlights are armored to SP=15.
Officers who constantly act insubordinately are During the night, the perimeter of the wall 2. Lounge Area: Originally aholding area for
likely to get away with it-once. After that, they and courtyard are patrolled by apair of Lawtech members of the public wishing to see friends
will get into all sorts of trouble, depending on Unlimited Police Robohounds, both programmed or family currently under arrest. This area is
who they're insubordinate to. They can pick up with aKill directive (this is only if attacked, if not, now aworn-looking and dreary waiting
Black Marks or suspension, and make enemies theywill attempt to disable and capture intruders). room, with graffiti-covered walls, uncom­
very easily this way. If this happens too often, the The Robohounds will not attack if the current iden­ fortable chairs and vomit-covered floors. The
Black Marks alone will see toa cop's future. tification password is given by the individual. This only points of interest are the plaques cover­
password is changed each week and issued to ing the walls naming all officers from the
Getting -rhrown off the For.:e each officer working the night-shift at the station. precinct who have died during active service
Apart from accumulated Black Marks, the only The main gates of the precinct wall (A) are (and there are one hell of alot of them).
other way acop can be forced to give up the fitted flush into the surrounding structure, and
Badge is through Gross Misconduct. This is are armored to survive even adirect missile 3. Dispatch/Communications Area: The
always aserious charge to be brought against an strike. The gates will only open after an officer police communication and command
officer. II it can be proven that acop knowingly identifies himself by radio, and then only when system is installed here. This area is
committed aserious crime, not in the course of the security cameras have made apositive iden­ used to carefully monitor afl police activ­
his duty, he may be eligible for Gross tification of the vehicle. The gates are kept shut at ity within the precinct's jurisdiction. It is
Misconduct. Discretion is often exercised, as a all times, only opening when necessary (there constantly manned by ateam 01 otticers,
Traffic violation is unlikely to get anyone thrown are no exceptions to this policy!). The gates are and is run in amanner similar to that of a
off, whereas Murder will, as will buying Stolen armored to SP=35, SDP=150. military command post.




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4. Office Area: Used by pol ice officers to


equipped with avariety of audio-visual 22. Stairs to Basement.

enter reports directly into the precinct equipment.
computer. This area tends to be one of the 23. Storage: Ageneral storage area for office
most turbulent and chaotic rooms in the 14. Ammunition Locker: Constantly manned equipment, crime scene equipment, etc.
building. by auniformed officer, the ammunition
store is kept locked at all times, and 24. Autokitchen: Complete kitchen area for
5. Sergeants' Desks: Similar in purpose to access can only be gained after apositive providing prisoner and officer meals. The
the main office area, except the Sergeants retinal scan has been made and the food is slightly bland and looks rather
tend to have better quality furnishing and correct 10 code entered. The officer dubious as to it's origin.
cleaner offices. within is always armed with aHurricane
Assault Shotgun. 25. Forensics Lab: Full facilities for Forensics
6. Officer's Desks: This area is used as an teams working out of the Precinct.
office by some of the mid-rank police offi- 15. Ready Room: Open to all precinct Autopsies cannot be performed here, but
cers, especially the detectives. Furnishing personnel, and fitted with avariety of there is adecent laboratory.
and equipment are of better quality than in recreational equipment. It also contains
the other offices, but the atmosphere is several vending machines for food and Note: The walls of the building are
still quite chaotic. beverages, as well as the all-important armored to SP=20, and SDP=300.
cigarette machine.
7. Captain's Office: The Captain has aquiet BASEMENT AREA
office at the back of the main office area. 16. Stairwell to AV Hanger (See Map)
His room is clean, well-equipped and 1. Main Vehicle Bay: This area houses the
sound-proofed from the other offices. An 17. Prisoner Identification: All prisoners precinct vehicles when they are not in use.
armored window (SP=20) allows him to brought to the station are identified in A. Repair pit and refueling point from
see out into the other offices. this area. All personal details are underground reserves. B. Entry/Exit
recorded by computer and stored on Ramps: These two ramps lead up to the
8. Computer Cores: The doors of this area datachip. Two armed officers stand main courtyard of the precinct. In emer­
require akeycard, plus aretinal- and guard here at all times, while athird sits gencies an armored metal gate can be
handprint scan for entry to be allowed. behind the desk. lowered over these areas to prevent entry
Inside are the central cores to the precinct (SP=30, SDP=100).
computer. Access is limited to officers of 18. Prisoner Processing: This area is used
the rank of Lieutenant and higher, and to for scanning the prisoners for 2. Workshop: This area holds all 01 the
authorized technicians. As an extra mea- cyberware, illegal SUbstances within precinct's spare parts for their fleet of
sure, the walls and doors of this area are their blood-streams, etc. Again, there ground vehicles. All intricate repair work
shielded against EMP effects and com- are two armed officers on guard at all is carried out in this area.
puter jamming. times, and two police medics to carry
out the examination. 3. Stairs to Ground Floor.
9. Computer Defense Command: All defen­
sive systems (such as the Robohounds, 19. Armory: All of the weapons not in use in 4. Mechanics' Locker and Shower Room.
doors, Apex turrets, etc.) are controlled the precinct are kept in this locked,
from the central console of this room, security-coded room. An armed officer 5. Electronics Workshop: All electronic
which is linked directly to the main CPU remains inside at all times. The same repair work is carried out in this area. The
next door. identification procedure as that used in precinct's Robohounds are kept within
the Ammunition Locker is required to this area during the day, where they spend
10. Toilets: Male and Female. All have securi- enter the Armory. their time scaring the rookie mechanics
ty cameras inside. (some say that the chief technician pro­
20. Prisoner Belongings : All 01 the grammed them to do this).
11 Women's and Men's Shower and Locker belongings of prisoners are tagged and
rooms. stored in this area. An officer mans the 6. Independent Power Generator: This gen­
desk at all limes, protected by an armored erator is designed to act as an auxilliary
12. Women's and Men's Shower and Locker screen (SP=15). power supply for the precinct should the
rooms. external power be cut-off. It can run for a
21. Cells: Two officers and aseries 01 security total of 30 days (approx.) before requiring
13. Briefing Room: This area is large enough cameras monitor this area at all times. refueling.•
to accommodate the entire precinct lorce Each cell is designed to hold two people
if necessary, and is used lor briefing offi- (although they are normally over­
cers on their duties and providing news crowded), and contains an open toilet in
updates concerning various cases. It is one corner.
his chapter consists of several law
enforcement mini-scenarios. The
Referee will have to perform some
preparation work before running any
of them, but all the information to do
this is included in each scenario description.
or speed of set-up we suggest you use the var­
ious sanlple cops, crooks, and victinls on
• .pgs.22-30, 52-61. Plus, if your GM owns Night
City Sourcebook, many of the scenario settings
can be staged in those familiar environs.)
The following format Is used:

Media Report: Abrief story about the situation covered in the adventure.This information is available

to anyone with access to the media (that is, everyone).

Police Report: The official police briefing lor the situation.Available to law enforcement officials only.

Referee's Information: The information the Ref needs to fully prepare the adventure.


• -Media Report
"Another brutal incident occurred today on Main Street when cyber-enhanced youths attacked three
young pedestrians. Ayoung man was killed and two young women were kidnapped. One body was
found two hours later by police robohounds on aroutine sweep. The other woman remains missing."

Police Report
Summary: Four young women, believed to be members of the boostergang the Daly Gang, attacked
and killed David Stevens. Anne Stevens and Carla Long were kidnapped. Anne Steven's body was found
• .two hours later after the altack and Carla Long is still missing.The Daly Gang is believed to be based in
an abandoned warehouse at 23456 West Anderson Street.

Daly Gang: An all-female boostergang, best known for their radical feminist philosophy and their vio­
ent attacks on males.They are also known to kidnap and "process" females in the hopes of increasing
their membership. All members are enhanced and should be considered extremely dangerous.

Assignment: You are to investigate the abandoned warehouse at the above address.
• •Referee's Information
Preparation: Prepare amap of the warehouse and the surrounding streets. The "Daly Gang" can
have from 10-30 members depending on the number of PC's and their resources. The gang members
will have at least four pieces of cybergear each (implanted weapons are very common). They will be
with heavy pistols and submachineguns and will be wearing flak jackets, Kevlar vests, or
armored jackets.

For these gang members, Star Tre~ is more than just avid show...

Action: The gang members will snipe at the police as they enter gang turf Steel Eagles: A recenlly-formed boostergang which was created by the
(simply out of general meanness!), and they will intensify their attacks as the banding together of the Iron Fists, Cobras and Death Hawks. All of these
police get closer to their den. During combat, gang members will shout out gangs suffered heavy losses during the last round of inter-gang warfare.
slogans like "All men must die!" and so forth. They will concentrate their Members are enhanced and many are skilled fighters.
firepower on male cops first.
Trekkies: Aposergang in which the members act as characters from the
Notes: The kidnap victim will be guarded by two members at all times. 'Star Trek' tv shows and movies. Some members are enhanced with
She has been heavily drugged and is linked to aBraindance unit. She will cybernetics or nanotech. The gang has a high number of techs who
have to spend several months in therapy before she returns to normal. produce their exotic-looking weapons. Although generally well-behaved,
they are certain to fight.


Assignment: You are to minimize the gang violence and maintain order.
Close surveillance of gang activity is to be maintained. and early
intervention is essential.
Media Report
"Today was another scorcher with the temperature soaring to new heights. Referee's Information
The increased violence between the Steel Eagles and the Trekkies shows Preparation: Prepare maps of the city streets and any key buildings. Both
that human temperatures are also running high again today. The leader of gangs should be detailed. The Steel Eagles have from 20-40 members.
the Steel Eagles said he would nail 'Admiral Kirk's' head to apost before the They will typically have 3-4 (or more) pieces of cybergear. Many (the ex­
end of the week. The police are ready, according to police spokesman Iron Fisters) will have BigKnucks. The gang members will have high
James Rajid." combat skills, including martial arts. They are fairly well-armed with
medium pistols and light submachineguns. The Trekkies are a fairly
Police Report diverse group. The ones posing as humans (Kirks, McCoys, Scotties,
Summary: Gang violence has escalated recenlly. Of particular concern Wesleys) will have been bodysculpted and may have neuralware. The ones
are the incidents between the Steel Eagles Boostergang and the Trekkies posing as aliens may have cybernetics or nanotech (The Vulcans will have
Posergang. It is believed that afull scale war is inevitable. had bone/muscle lace and cyberaudio, Datas will have many cybernetics,
as will the "Borgs"). There are many techs in the Trekkies and they have attacks (generally, hired gang members armed with pistols and light
constructed all sorts of equipment for them. For example, they have SMG's). Finally, the PC's will go after the lab.
microwave weapons shaped as phasers, radar and IR scanners shaped as
tricorders, and so forth. Their gang headquarters is decked out as a Notes: The lab is actually a distribution front for a corporation which is
starship and is laden with tech stuff (including some laser weapons trying to produce anew line of military drugs. This can be determined by
mounted on the outside!). an examination of the drug, and the equipment in the lab. All are beyond
the resources of a typical small-time producer. The adventure can be
Action: At first, the PC's will be engaged in surveillance and dealing with expanded by developing the corporate connection and involving the PC's
minor Incidents. Gradually, these incidents will escalate until a full-scale with it. This will be very dangerous.
war erupts. It will be up to the PC's to bring order back to the streets. If the PC's get clumsy in their investigations, or have their cover
blown, they will face great difficulty in finding the lab (which may move).
Notes: This could make a good background adventure while PC's are
focusing on other activities. The drug: "Werewolf"

Type: Military drug, Strength: +2, Difficulty: 32, Cost: N/A, Duration: 1d6 x
1Dminutes, Effects: +2 REF, +2 CL, Negates Pain Effects, and Reduces Stun.
Side Effects: Reduces INT, Paranoia, Psychotic Rage
Media Report
"Bizarre incidents of violence nave plagued the city over the past two Description: An experimental military drug. Due to its extreme complexity,
weeks. Victims have been found torn to shreds and some appear to have the producers have not yet worked out all the problems.
actually been chewed upon by their attackers. Police reports indicate these
attacks are not the wor,k of asingle individual."

Police Report
Summary: Fifteen people have been killed in the past two weeks. Each

body has been severely mutilated, in many cases by the bare hands and Media Report
teeth of the attacker. According to forensic reports, the attacks have not "The ravages of the modern highwaymen continue unabated. Today, an EBM
been the work of asingle individual. transport was hijacked off 1-95. The escorting AV's were both taken out with
Traces of "Blissful Blossom" and an unidentified chemical interlocked light anti-aircraft missiles and the solo teams in the escorting vans were
with the "Blissful Blossom" compound have been found in residue left at killed in alirelight. Aresponding police helicopter was also shot down."
the scenes of the attacks.
Police Report
Blissful Blossom: A new street drug. It is reported to be an opium
Summary: There have been four hijackings of Corporate transports on 1­
derivative and is also synthesized.
95 over the past few days. The hijackers have been focusing on hi-tech
equipment. They are heavily armed with military-grade weaponry. So far
Unidentified Chemical: 1\ is believed the attacks may have been caused
there are no leads.
by contarninated "Blissful Blossom," as the unidentified chemical is

similar in composition to outlawed "berserker" drugs.

Assignment: The PC's have been assigned to this "Trojan Horse"
operation. AYakurichi-Ural BR7D has been provided by EBM and they have
Assignment: You are to go undercover into the drug community, and
set up the necessary background. The police department will provide three
attempt to determine the source of the contaminated drug and shut down
unmarked interceptor vehicles and air support (an AV, helicopter gunship
their operations.
or aCityHawk). All officers will be heavily armed.

Referee's Information
Referee's Information
Preparation: The Referee will need to detail the undercover operation.
Preparation: The Referee should map out the section of the highway on
NPC dealers and users will have to be generated as well as their hangouts.
which the action will occur. The hijackers should be detailed. There will be
The base of operations is alab in the basement of astore and this will also
8-16 attackers. They are enhanced and armed with military weapons,
have to be mapped out. There are three chemists and six guards in the lab
including shoulder-fired missiles and grenade launchers. For transport
at any time. (The guards are enhanced and armed with submachineguns.)
they have various AV's armed with amix of LMG's.
The lab is also protected with cameras and hand-print locks.

Notes: The attackers are part of a terrorist group which is assembling

Action: The first part of the adventure will primarily be investigation as the
equipment for aconcentrated attack on U.S. installations via physical and
PC's try to find out the source of the contaminated supply. This will be done
Net methods. Afollow-up to this adventure can have the PC's investigating
by talking with dealers, users, and others in the drug culture. They will be
the terrorist group, which is well-equipped and financed (it is actually
fairly cooperative, as they don't like the situation anymore than anyone
backed by acorporation which is in stiff competition with many American­
else. When the PC's begin to close in on the dealers, they will be subject to
based corporations).

Action: There will be real world and NET action. Obviously, at least one
team will be attacked in the NElin the outside world, the AI's and the rogue
'runner's skills will enable them to send trouble to the PC's in the form of
Media Report hired guns, robots, electronic failures, etc.
"We all know from the vids that people linked into the net can be injured, or
even killed, by certain programs, but we were all taken by surprise when a
psychopath began murdering people through their decks. Another
netrunner was found dead in his burnt-out apartment after the fire sensors
in the building detected the blaze."

Media Report
Pollee Report "Three area youth were killed after they stumbled onto a Corporate team
Summary: There have been twelve deaths caused via computer interface dumping waste in an illegal zone. The activity was reported by the only
in the past three days. Three of those killed have been known criminals and survivor, whose name has been changed to protect his life. Police
four were under investigation. Four were students and one was acorporate investigations promise justice will be served."
security Netrunner. While some of these deaths may be attributed to
corporate or govenrment Black Ice, it is thought that there is a killer at Poi ice Report
large. Investigation of the victims' deck memory units indicates that six of Summary: Three young men were killed at the cily water supply station
them were attacked by another operator in the NET while they were not last night when they interrupted an illegal Corporate dumping. The one
engaged in any intrusive activities. In these six cases, the attack patterns survivor is under Witness Protection.
and traces are identical.
Assignment: The PC's are to take the survivor (Derek Domino) to asafe
Assignment:: Liaise with NETSEC to capture the Net Stalker.
house and protect him until the trial.

Referee'S Information
Referee's Information
PreparatIon: The Net Stalker and his/her resources must be detailed.
Preparation: Derek's stats must be generated. He is ayoung techie who
The Net Stalker is an "insane" Judicial AI system, backed up by an ex­
was working at the water supply as apart-time job. He will insist that the
NETSEC cop who now worships the AI. Both have gone Vigilante.
police take his girlfriend "Lola Granola" into protective custody, too. She is
the lead singer of the poser band "Bloom Boingers" and will annoy the PC's Pollee Report
with her singing (which resemble screaming fits) and dancing (beheaded Summary: Reliable sources indicate ashipment of Blue Glass is coming
chicken moves). The corporate team that will be sent to wipe out Derek into the city tonight via the bay. The smugglers are believed to be using a
must also be detailed. hovercraft in this operation.

Action: There will be an attack on the safe house after Lola breaks the Assignment: The PC's are aSSigned to the team that is to stop the
security by making several phone calls to tell her friends what is smugglers. The police forces consist of apolice hydrofoil and air support
happening. There will also be afollow-up attack before the trial (if the first (AV or Helicopter) in addition to aLEDiv DEB agent.
attack falls).
Referee's Information
Notes: The corporation will be heavily fined and investigated if Derek Preparation: The smugglers and NPC Police must be generated. There
survives. After all, even acorp can't get away with almost poisoning half the will be a smuggler pilot, six guards (enhanced and armed with assault
city. The corporation didlil't intend to dump the waste into the city water rifles), and two dealers being brought in.
supply, but their hired help wasn't of a very high Quality and decided to
dump their stuff as Quickly as possible and the water supply was handy. Action: The PC's will have to locate the hovercraft and then capture it. The
smugglers, most of whom are wanted criminals, will resist violently.

Notes: The smuggler hovercraft is capable of 80KPH on flat surfaces, has

SP=20 and an SDP=90. It has aforward pilot section, acrew section, and
a cargo bay. It is carrying 20kg of Blue Glass, as well as three cases of
Media Report assault rifles. The police hydrofoil is capable of 1OOKPH and is armed with
"The spree of the latest cop killer to hit Night City continues onward adeck-mounted 20mm cannon (treat as B-A 20mm, but with ROF of 5and
unchecked. Last night, two officers were killed in their cruiser, raising the 50 round magazine). The Hydrofoil has SP=20 and SDP=100. The DEB
total to eight dead," agent may be atraitor working with the dealers if you wish...

Pollee Report
Summary: Eight police officers have been killed as of (insert date).
Forensic reports indIcate a single individual has been responsible for all
the killings. The specifics of the killings and certain incidents (uses of

certain security codes, etc.) indicate the killer is well versed with pOlice Media Report
operations. "Black Market cybernetics have been a problem for nearly a decade now,
and anew wave of them has surfaced in Florida. In an exclusive interview
assignment: The PC's are given the entire investigation. Find the killer. with 'Metal Doc', this reporter learned that the famous Ripperdoc has been
Stop him dead. operating out of a laboratory hidden in the Florida swamps. When this
reporter asked him why he revealed his hideout's location, he simply
Referee's Information laughed and said 'The pigs will never find it. Out in the swamp, pigs are just
Preparation: The killer is actually aMax-Tac officer who has gone over the more gator baiL'"
edge and has generated multiple personalities. His stats must be generated.
Police Report
Action: The killer will be making attacks on officers until he, or she, is Summary: Dr. Lewis Ganser, a.k.a. "Metal Doc", has revealed that his
stopped. The attacker will also initiate copy-cat killings in the city which base is located in the Florida Everglades. This is consistent with police
will make matters worse. intelligence reports. Dr. Ganser, an ex-corporate scientist, has long been
producing and supplying Black Market cybertech. His base is undoubtedly
Notes: The officer in Question acts perfectly normal until he, or she, is 011­ well-hidden and well-guarded with boosted individuals.
duty, when the person's alternate personality takes over. It is up to the PC's
to find out what is going on and it is up to the Referee to maintain the Assignment: The PC's are to locate and neutralize the base, and capture
mystery as long as possible. Dr. Ganser. They will be supplied with appropriate vehicles and equipment.

Referee's Information
Preparation: Maps 01 the Florida Everglades and Metal Doc's compound
need to be made. The compound is constructed on pylons (like an offshore
oil rig) and has a helicopter landing pad. It will be armed with avariety 01
Media Report heavy weapons. There will be aforce of 15-35 cybered guards armed with
"Despite the efforts of LEDiv's Drug Enforcement Bureau and other police assault rilles and submachineguns as well as 10-15 techs and Metal Doc
agencies, drugs continue to come across the borders of the United States. himself. The interior will consist of living quarters and associated facilities
While this seems to be a losing battle for the brave defenders of the law, as well as the production labs. There will be plenty of Black Market
they haven't thrown in the towel." cybertech as well as severa I cases of weapons.

Lt. T. DelGrosso 01 Tactical Divsion leads a security sweep prior to Senator Henderson's downtown speech.

Action: The PC's will first have to find the base. Doing this may involve Situation: The police precinct the PC's are in has been cut off. Power
investigative work (that is, trying to find out where it is before leaving), or lines, phone lines, water and so forth have been cut, and the station has
the PC's may go out into the swamps. Simply searching at random been surrounded by armed rioters and gang members.
probably will not work, and they are apt to encounter other law breakers
who will try to kill them. An aerial sweep is not agood idea as Metal Doc Referee's Information

has hardware to shoot down anything that flies over his base. Once the Preparation: Amap of the city area and maps 01 the police station need

PC's locate the base, they will have their hands full. to be made. The police resources, in terms of personnel and equipment,

need to be detailed.

Notes: Small 4-man hovercraft (top speed 140 KPH, SP=6,SDP=35) are
often used in the swamps. Don't forget the gators! Action: Being in the middle of awar zone with hundreds of people eager
to kill will provide the PC's with plenty of action.

Notes: Military and police units will eventually restore order. Of course the
PC's have to either survive to be rescued, or escape.

Media Report
"Downtown is acomplete war zone. Burning vehicles litter the street and
bodies are strewn around like broken dolls. The sounds 01 battle echo
through the buildings. All communication has been lost with the police

precinct in the center 01 this chaos, and we can only hope the brave men Media Report
and women in blue are still holding out." "Senator Henderson will be participating in today's parade. despite the
death threats made against him by various underworld groups. Senator
Police Report Henderson is best known for his work as State Prosecutor, pulling away
Summary: Aseries 01 riots have swept through the city in recent days and such notables as the Sicilian Five, and his work for corporate
gangs have joined In, escalating the violence to greater levels. supervision.'
Police Report
Summary: There have been 27 death threats against the Senator in the
past two days, and there have been two actual attempts.

Media Report
Assignment: The PC's are assigned to help protect the Senator. ·Concern grows as weather reports show record levels of pollution
gathering in the atmosphere over Night City. Smog is keeping many citizens
Referee's Information inside, however, and crime has dropped to its lowest level in 17 months."
Preparation: The Senator and his four Secret Service guards need to be gen­
erated.1f needed, maps should be prepared of the parade route. There will be Police Report
several assassination attempts and the participants will have to be generated. Summary: Due to arecent spate of unorthodox behavior, and the low In
crime right now, you've been transferred to Beat for aweek.Graveyard shift.
Action: There will be several attempts on the Senator's life. One will occur
In his hotel, another on the street, and at least two during Ihe parade itself. Assignment: Patrol your beat.

Notes: The PC's willi become more and more responsible for the Senator Referee's Information
as his Secret Service guards get killed off. If desired, one of them may also Preparation: You'll need amap of the PC's beat zone and will have to
be an assassin... generate anumber of minor encounters which will happen during the
early evening. You'll also need acouple of boostergangs, agood solo and
an arsonist.

Action: The early evening will be fine: minor disturbances, that kind of
thing. The smog makes life annoying but not difficult. Tension is low; you
Media Report do notice aguy watching you every now and then (the arsonist)-but he's
"Another savage killing occurred last night in Night City. Police sources clean. Then, without warning a huge electrical storm breaks over Night
state that they believe they are dealing with ahe~vily enhanced cyberpsycho. City; within minutes the whole city is blacked out as the power goes down!
Others are not so sure.Eye witnesses report an alien-looking attacker,which 10:25PM Power down, 10:30PM Looting begins, 10:46PM 2Local gangs
spoke in no known human language.There are rumors we have been invad­ begin war in PC's beat, 11 :22PM Officers called to department store,
ed from outer space. So far there have been 'twenty such killings. Even scene of looting. While PC's are on third floor, a huge fire erupts on the
today's numbed sensibilities are stirred by the thought of akilling machine ground floor. 11 :43PM Retired Solo in drug warp begins sniping at Fire
loose among us, akilling machine that seems fueled by blood ..." Department and everyone in vicinity. Midnight Power back on line. Return
to normal.
Police Report
Summary: Based on site examinations, it is likely that aheavily enhanced Notes: This should provide the PC's with an evening's fun as what they
individual is responsible for the killings. Police techs believe the individual thought was going to be awalk in the park turns into total chaos.
is probably fully plated and has four or more cyberlimbs and possibly a
linear frame. Built-in cyber weapons are also believed to be part of this
individual's equipment.

Assignment: The PC's are assigned to track this individual down and

deal with him or her in the appropriate manner.

Referee's Information

Preparation: The killer needs to be created. He or she is fully plated and has Media Report
four cyber limbs and many other enhancements. He, or she, is convinced they "Today sees NCPD launch the new Arasaka Urban Assault and Pacification
are the last survivior of an alien racewhicb is being hunted down by humans. Vei"licle, arevolutionary design in which the Police hope to gain the upper
Naturally, the person thinks he must kill any human he encounters. hand against crime."

Action: The first part of the adventure, the PC's will have to track down the Police Report
killer. The second part will be the battle with the individual. Summary: As we know, today sees the trial of our new toy. You're the
lucky squad that gets to use it.
Notes: The killer is fully convinced he/she is an alien.This person has gone so
far as to make up his own language and has afull delusionary story about how Assignment: You are to utilize the UAPV in a raid against the Oarkside
humans destroyed his race. The person has modified his equipment to look Troopers combat gang, who have declared the North side of 5th Avenue
utterly inhuman. Try to convince the PC's they are dealing with an alien (this can their territory. They're well-armed, so go in and get 'em.
be done by having odd fluids left after the PC's fire upon him/her). Let them
assume the chemicals are blood. Of course, if you want to have areally special Referee's Notes
adventure, generate areal extra-terrestial. (See Predator 2for inspiration.) Preparation: You'll need street and building plans for the area North of

"- ., •
. '\ ~,.

5th Avenue which is held by the Darkside Troopers. You'll also need stats Police Report
for 15-30 non-enhanced but fully armed gangmembers. The UAPV should Summary: Amotocycle gang, the Daemon Wheels, has been engaging in
be designed around the Arasaka Riot VIII in the Chromebook, but add more random attacks on Area 56 of Highway 17. So far, there have been three
weapons and more armor. deaths, twenty-two serious injuries, and seven rapes.

Action: This starts off well as the PC's roll in with their huge vehicle, Daemon Wheels: The Daemon Wheels are believed to be exiles from a
bristling with weapons. The insane bunch of Darkside Troopers will war Nomad group. They are not heavily enhanced, but are well-armed.
against it, using everything they've got, but they won't be able to get through
the devastaling walls of lead thrown their way. Until it breaks down... "Area 56 should be considered a Red Zone as the biker gang
disrupting traffic is still in action ... "
Notes: Adesign glitch will cause all weapon systems to fail and the PC's
will be left fighting a war with what little resources they have left. Assignment: The PC's are aSSigned to deal with the Daemon Wheels
Meanwhile, the Darkside Troopers will be moving in for the kill to avenge problem.
the deaths of their comrades.
Referee's Information
Preparation: The highway area will need to be mapped and Daemon
Wheels will have to be generated. The gang consists of 8-16 Nomands
on bikes. The motorcycles are of varying quality, but some have interface
capacity. The gang members are armed with submachineguns and
Media Report assault rifles.
"Today's tra~ic advisory is brought to you by Toyota. There is aspecial today
on vehicle armor at Burke's Toyota so stop by and get ready for the rush Action: Being Nomads, the gang members are skilled at hiding along
hour. Now for the report: Area 56 of Highway 17 should still be considered the roadside so the PC's will have difficulty locating them. The first part of
aRed Zone as the biker gang that has been disrupting traffic is still in action; the adventure will involve asearch and afew minor encounters by the PC's
sub area 23 of Area 45 on Highway 18 is closed due to achemical spill, and and 2-4 gang members. Eventually the PC's will have a showdown with
there is ashootout occurring in Area 41 of Highway 17..." the full gang.
joining the search for them. Psychologists predict an attempt to hit ex­
Capt. Mason at his home. The Slammers are armed and dangerous.

Assignment: Ensure Capt. Mason's safety and escort him to asalehouse. Note:
Capt. Mason is now in his seventies and rather senile, so be careful with him.

Media Report Referee's Information

"The DEA-Drug Cartel wars of the 1990's are well known to us from our Preparation: Maps of Mason's home and the safehouse will be required,
school history lessons. Some of our viewers may even have been plus anywhere else the Slammers try to hit him. There are seven Slammers
participants in this conflict [footage of the events shown, with brief and they are armed with submachineguns and pistols; they have also
soundbite summary]. It would appear that the real thing is back on our secured anumber of vehicles.
streets. According to a police source, natural cocaine has reappeared on
the street. However, the police are not unduly concerned: 'We fixed them Action: Less than aday out of Braindance, the Slammers only goal is to lake
before, and we can fix the scum again.' said one officer. down Mason. The first hitwill beat Mason's home and the PC's will not be able
to get to the safehouse due to the fact the Slammers won't leave them alone.
Police Report
Summary: Five kg. of natural cocaine was seized by DEB agents. Notes: Old cops never die, but they do get senile. Mason calls all the PC's
Interrogation of the dealers revealed that anew batch of coca plants have by different names. He falls asleep often and is constantly changing the
been devised that are resistant to the DEA vlr'uses used in the 1990's. The subject. He's aslow, doddery old man, with incredible flatulence. He also
location of the plants has been determined and a raiding force has been happens to be the most heavily decorated cop in the history of Night City.
assembled with the cooperation of the local government.

Assignment: The PC's are to be part of the team sent to South America
to attack the dealers' base of operations. THE

Referee's Information
Preparation: Maps of the area will need to be prepared. There is a
house and al barracks building on the compound, which is located deep

In the jungle. The area around the compound is littered with traps, Media Report
mines, razor wire, fish hooks strung at eye level, etc. There are 20 "The Candyman once again dominates the morning's news. His latest
workers on the site who will fight with machetes and some will have victim is Jo Lydan, 26 and known drug user. Jo was found dismembered by
obsolete firearms. There are 10 guards armed with assault rifles and what police believe to be abuzzsaw in her apartment. This is the fi~h victim
some are enhanced. Also present will be the compound manager and his of the anti-drug psycho, the Candyman. And now, over to sport..."
bodyguard (a solo).
Police Report
Action: The PC's will have to get through the jungle, which will be Summary: The Candyman is the latest in the long line of Night City
dangerous as there are plenty of people who hate the U.S. and the psychos. It appears he is an anti-drugs vigilante, favoring industrial
government of the country. (They are armed with obsolete weapons and equipment as murder weapons. His target group seems to be drug users,
many of their parents were put out of work by the DEA.) Once the PC's with no reference to age, sex or race.
reach the compound, they will have to defeat the guards and workers, all
of whom hate the United States and especially US Cops. They will not take Assignment: Locate and apprehend the Candy Man.
any prisoners.
Referee's Information
Preparation: One or two more victims will have to be set up and crime
scenes detailed. You'll also need to generate the Candy Man himself along
with amap of the derelict construction site he lives on. He favors weapons
such as buzzsaws, industrial drills, nail guns etc. He is not enhanced. He
Media Report gets access to these weapons because he used to work in construction.
"Latest report justin: There's been ajailbreak at the High Rock Hi-Security
facHity. Unconfirmed reports indicate the remains of the Slammers Action: The first part of the adventure will be primarily investigation. To
boostergang broke out after aBraindance control unit malfunctioned. The make matters worse, apro-Candy Man media team will constantly annoy
Slammers were responsible for the Rainbow Nights massacre three years them. Once he is located the adventure will turn into abattle at the derelict
ago and were only caught through the intervention of now-retired police construction site he lives on.
Captain Daniel Mason."
Notes: The Candy Man is no vigilante. He's along time user of all sorts of
Police Report SUbstances; now it's fried his brain. When he isn't asleep, or suffering from
Summary: The Slammers are now in Night City and all available units are side effects, he hunts other users down in order to steal their stash.

"It's midnite in the Zone••• I'm on crutches (foot patrol)... AIII had for dinner was a couple of bennies and a cold cup of coffee ... The
air stinks and a wino threw up on me... My wife Ie" me for another woman ... I've been shot six times, once last week... My feet
hurt... Yeah, I love being a cop ... " Officer E. Wells, 15-year veteran.

Action: The Iceman will be very cool throughout his entire stay, even though
people are trying to kill him left, right, and center. His own guards will go
down quite quickly, but the Iceman isn't bothered by anyone's death. Even his
girlfriend's demise! The PC's will be ducking bullets for the whole 72 hours.
Notes: What the PC's won't know until the end is that the whole show has been
Media Report
one huge publicity stunt pulled by the entertainment man. Iceman knew all about
"Tonight Night City sees the arrival of the Iceman, Japan's leading Simstar.
it and was never in any danger. Lots of people died for this, and the PC's should
Here to plug his latest vid, Black Ice Blues, a high police presence is
get achance to see justice done. (With areal assassin at the end, maybe. Iceman
expected for the duration of his stay."
panics badly after having made his arrogant farewell speech to the PC's.)

Pollee Report
Summary: There have been anumber of death threats made against the
Iceman. Trouble is expected for the duration of his 72 hour stay. AND HERE IS THE

Assignment: Pick up Iceman at the airport and babysit him for his whole
stay. Make sure he stays in one piece. NEWS!

Reteree's Information Media Report

Preparation: The Ref will need to generate the luxury hotel the Iceman "As aresult of our highly successful Police Walch series, in which we high­

will be staying in, also the TV studio where he'll be interviewed and the light the NCPD and their incompetence in dealing with the soaring crime rate,

nightclub he'll be going to . A selection of assassins, ranging in we have obtained permission from City Hall to send aroving crew out with a

competence, will be needed. typical street squad, to show you the people what it's Iike as aLawman today."

Police Report Action: This soiree out of the city should be total chaos. Not Dnly dD the
Summary: Now, you all know about these media-guys making us look PC's have tD deal with Max and his bDYs, but Dther gangs, exiles, weirdDs
bad on prime-time TV. Well, in their wisdom, City Hall have allowed them and maybe WDrst Df all: HiWay. Watch DUt fDr military weapDn testing
to send ateam of vultures out with one of our street squads, to show 'just ZDnes, CDrp strike teams, TDXic waste and buuards. Eventually MoIDtDv's
what being acop's all about'. gang will hDle up in adeserted farmhDuse and wait fDr the grDup tD CDme
tD them. Real westpr:l.
Assignment: You guessed it guys, the Media team will be joining your
unit for the day and filming you all of the way, so don't do anything too Notes: This little udventure ShDUld make the PC's very glad tD be back in
stupid today, not on camera, anyway. be;lir.d the safe walls Df Night City Dnce mDre.

Referee's Information
Preparation: Atypical four-man Media team will be needed forthis scenario.
Make them as irritating and difficult for the group as you possibly can. A
vaiiety of punks and criminals will be needed to throw at the group as well.

Action: Practically anything can be thrown at the group, such as bank

robberies, cyber-psychos on the rampage, or Corporate Hit Teams on the

loose. Maybe even kidnapping one of the reporters isn't too bad an idea. Media Report
Just make sure that the group are exhausted by the end of the day and that "TDday sees the launching Df NCPD's latest develDpment in its CDnstant war
they get some incredibly bad and embarrassing press to deal with a:ld to against cri(";1e in Dur city: the all-new Enforcement CDmputer CDntrDI Grid.
explain to their C/O. Saving thDu,ands of hDurs and thDusands Df E-bucks Dn reSDurces, the
ECCG wil,1Ic:ke Dver the strategic planning, cDmmunicatiDn, tactical
reSDurce designatiDn and cDntrDI purpDses Df NCPD. Answerable Dnly tD

the Chief, thi~ new recruit will tailDr specific assignments tD specific
officers, ensuri'lg an eflicient use Df Dur finest bDYs and girls in blue."

Police Report
YDur first ECCG assignment has CD me thrDugh; with this new reSDurce
management, YDU shDuldn't get any mDre duM jobs. It's a bit Df a letdDwn.
Media Report YDu've been secDnded tD Vice tD stakeDut the dDCks and make asmall-time
"Latest in: NCPD spokesmen are continuing to refuse !o cDmment after last drugs bust. .
night's incident in which Max MDIDtov and his Flamers blasted their way
DUt Df Precinct 213. The bDDstergang is believed tD have headed Dut Df the Assignment: Stakeout dDcks area. Target vehicle is metallic blue
city tD regrDup, althDugh uncDnfirmed SDurces say the gang witl make a SpacewagDn. Owners suspected of Type CTrafficking. Apprehend all Perps
revenge attack against the NCPD. We asked YDU Dn the street what should once situatiDn clarified.
be dDne with such dangerDus criminals..."
"Max who?" Referee's Notes
"I didn't see nDthing, man." PreparatiDn: YDu'li need a map Df the relevant dDck area. It's astreet with
warehDuses tD bDth sides, dDck wDrkers mDving arDund mDst Df the time.
Police Report
YDu'li need stats Dn the tWD petty dealers and the van, in additiDn tD twD
Summary: MDI'DtDv and his gang brDke city limits arDund 3 AM this
small-time users WhD'1l be IDDking tD make a buy. YDu'li alsD need abDut
mDrnililg. We believe they're heading fDr MexicD in several stDlen vehicles.
ten well-armed and equipped bDunty hunters...
Their escape has caused embarrassment tD NCPD and we want them back,

even thDUgh it's nDt Dur jurisdictiDn.

Action: Everything will gD well, the PC's wililDcate the van and eyeball
a deal gDing dDwn. The mDment they make a mDve, ten bDunty hunters
Assignment: GD DUt intD the desert and bring MDIDtDv back-alive. will scream in with flashy vehicles and hardware. They're here to bust
Watch out for HiWay; they're nDt gDing tD like this intrusiDn into their these guys tDD! Whatever the result, the PC's will have to call in to ECCG
territory. to infDrm it of the situatiDn. Due tD a glitch the message will be
misinterpreted and it respDnds by telling PC's tD wait where they are.
Referee's Information Meanwhile it issues TerminatiDn Orders on all PC's, which go straight intD
Preparation: A large scale map frDm Night City tD MexicD will be the BDunty Net. In nD time at all the PC's will be targeted by those same
needed, and Max MDIDtDv and the Flamers will need generating. They're all Bounty Hunters...
enhanced and packing pDlice weapDns in additiDn tD being bDmbed DUt Dn
anasty cDcktail Df drugs. AlsD avariety Df bad, mad exiles will be useful to Notes: The PC's witl suddenly find DUt that everyDne is shDDting at them,
throw at the PC's when things get SIDW. Oh yeah, and one (Dr mDre) including the CDpS. Their Dnly hDpe is tD get tD the Chief, as he's the only
dangerDus HiWay CDPS in fast cars with SDCal accents and mirrDrshades tD one WhD can override ECCG's cDmmands. Once this is dDne, ECCG will be
harass the PC's every step Df the way. dismantled and nDt talked abDut very much anymDre.


Media Report Media Report

"The escalating violence in Night City is spreading the police too thin in an "NETSEC are still refusing to make comment upon the release of Mad-dog
effort to cope. With the police almost at breaking point, they are forced to Shannon by their Judicial AI earlier this week. As you may remember,
take stronger measures in dealing with the threats. Dr. Larry Kasta, Shannon was responsible for the deaths of thirty-five innocent civilians last
enforcement statistician claims the police must stop so many dangerous month, many of whom he mutilated before killing. Meanwhile Harvey
weapons reaching the street if they are gOing to have any ohance in solving Edgeton, a retired communications clerk, was last night sentenced to
the problem." twenty years with Braindance for two unpaid parking fines. Speculation
continues as to the sanity of the AI responsible for these sentences."
Pollee Report
Summary: Anew strategy has been developed: Rather than react to the 'Pollee Report
gang wars when they happen, the Police will atlemptto restrict the amount of Summary: Okay, so we do have aproblem with the AI. Some netrunner
hardcore weaponary at their disposal, thus solving aproblem before it starts. nas been playing around with its higher functions, and it's your job to find
out who's doing it.

"They walk like us, talk

Assignment: NETSEC have been unable to locate the netrunner due to an
impressive smokescreen that he has spread though half of the net. The
runner accesses the AI on aregular basis, so next time, get afix on him and
bring the sucker in.
like us. MAX-TAC are just
Referee's Notes
Preperatlon: Aset of stats for the Netrunner himself are required. He is a
crippled seven-year old, with the genius of Einstein (Computer and
criminals with a badge"
scientific ski lis = level 10).
Also, he has become ahero to alot of other 'runners, who have been
helping him by c ~eating that smokescreen, and generally watching his back
for him. So have several other 'runners prepared as well.
punk overheard in the Zone In addit ion, he's been helping a lot of other people in his
neighborhood (such as the local boostergang. He transferred some cash
Assignment: You've been selected to tryout th Is strategy, but you're into their accounts as agood-will gesture), so have a lot of other types
starting small. The Black Doves, asmall time gang, will be targeted first. prepared, all ready to help defend the kid.
They are known to have anumber of weapons, but not an arsenal like so Finally, a map of the kid's neighborhood will be needed for the
many bigger boostergangs. You are to seize all weapons currently held by investigation.
the Black Doves. Oh yeah, you've got to do it in full uniform too. This is an
exercise in logistiCS to determine if asmall number of officers can handle
asituation like this. "... Mad Dog Shannon, responsible for 35 deaths last
month was just released. Meanwhile, Harvey
Referee's Information Edgeton, retired clerk, was sentenced to 20 yrs. with
Preparation: You'll need to map outthe Black Doves' headquarters, which Braindance for unpaid parking fines last night. .. It
is an abandoned factory in the Zone. You'll also need to generate the forty or
so Black Doves who have about 20 or so weapons ranging from light pistols
to submachineguns; the rest are geared up with baseball bats, machetes, etc. Action: The pOlice will firstly have to locate the kid, which will be diHicult
You'll also need to generate one suit and one Corporate solo... with the smokescreen running. Once the kid knows that the police are onto
him, he will use his deck to hire ateam of hillers (Corporate) to neutralize
Action: As the PC's approach the headquarters, all will be quiet. This is the group.
due to the deal currently going down inside. ACorp suit has just delivered His friends and family will help defend him, many by simply running at
a huge shipment of military weapons and explosives to the gang. By the the police screaming with weapons blazing.
time the PC's arrive, all the crates will have just been ripped open and the Also, the media will pick up on this story and give the group as much
gang is about to tryout some of their new toys before paying... bad publicity as possible, on prime-time.
Finally, one of the Corps the kid decked into is unhappy and is sending
Notes: This should give the PC's quite a shock. Suddenly they will be its own team to neutralize the kid, so the group had beller hurry it up.
faced with afully-equipped small army. The suit and soio will ,try to get
away, but the gang will stay put, supremely confident in their new Notes: If the kid is apprehended, he cannot be charged due to his age,
weaponary. PC's can call in back up and should get it. So much for a instead being given awarning and sent home.
logistical exercise huh?



Media Report
"The latest in the series of killings by 'the
Necromancer' took place last night. This
brings the total bodycount to twenty
prostitutes. Police still have no leads."

Pollee Reports
Summary: The Necromancer has got to be
stopped; he's got all the perverts behind him,
and the copycats have started. There's even a
cultie gang started up. In tribute to him they
cali themselves the "Undead ,"

Assignment: You're handed the investigation

and told to get some results.

Referee's Information
Preparation: You'll need to create a short
history for the 'Necromancer' case. The killer
,is not enhanced and possesses aliair for the
occult and melodramatics. You'll also need a
lew future crime scenes, ahandful of 'Undead'
and a police psychologist who has created a
profile of the killer.

Action: The killings will continue and the PC's

will have no real leads to follow. The 'Undead'
will become aproblem too. The psychologist is
actually the 'Necromancer'; the occult angle is a
smoke screen. Something will happen to give
th is away and then it's arace to catch him, ades­
perate and psychotic individual. Notes: Once
the 'Necromancer' realizes the PC's are onto
him, he'll make good use of the 'Undead' in a
getaway attempt. He's avery smart man and he
already knows the PC's verywell, and should he
feel they're gelling too close, he could always
declare them unfit for duty.....



Media Report:
"The hunt goes on tonight for the 'runner
responsible for the launch initialization of six U.S. cruise missiles. Talks are
Referee's Information
still continuing between the Russian States and the U.S., but fears are grow­
Preparation: You'll need several mercenaries (solos), in addition 10 a
ing that this is one crisiS that may not be solved. Now here's the traffic with
Biotechnica security team (all heavily armed), plus acouple of Corporate
Johnny K, brought to you by Toyota."
suits. Each of the mercenaries is going to be killed, so you'll need crime
scenes as well. You'll also need atotally cyber-enhanced solo, areal mon­
Police Report:
ster equipped with some nasty and illegal cyberware, in addition to aserious
Summary: Basically, a'runner has set the six missiles on ahair-trigger sys­
amount of automatic weapons.
tem, so we can't disarm them except with his help. The government is gun­

ning for us for letting it happen, the Air Force is gunning for the CIA for not
Action: The solos are going to die, one by one. Biotechnica has been work­
finding out about it, and we're caught in the middle.
ing on asupersoldier program. It got out of control and their prototype has
turned into amonster. His brain has been fried and now he's targeting mem­
Assignment: Our intelligence suggests that several agencies will be attempt­
bers of his own unit. This link will become apparent after acouple of mur­
ing to locate the 'runner. The Mayor doesnl want the Secret Service crawling all
ders. Biotechnica is out in force to get their prototype back, while he is on a
through his city, so irs LIP to you guys to find the guy first. Good luck.
burn, all the way down.

Referee's Information
Notes: Apart from the PC's, there are no friend lies. The mercenaries are
Preparation: The 'runner's stats will be needed for this scenario.But if the
bloodthirsly murderers. The prototype cannot be reasoned with (and will just
players had to track down that seven-year old from the preceeding senario,
kill everyone, after he's eliminated the mercenaries), and the Corp will go to
use his stats. He's the one responsible for this as well!
any lengths to get their supersoldier back.
Three separate Corporation hit teams, armed with SMGs and having
some enhancement, will be needed.(The corps want the kid, too, for endan­
gering their marketing plans.)
One experienced LEDiv team, armed similarly to the Corp teams, will
be required, as will a highly-trained and heavily-equipped Military

Intelligence unit.
Several Media teams will be needed to harrass the group and to gener­
ally get in the way when the bullets lIy, as will the secret Russian team who

will spend their time trying to track the kid down, while not being noticed by Media Report
anyone else. "The war between the Mob and the East Asian syndicates intensified last night
Also have the numerous deckers and punks from the previous scenario with four more contract killings. One suspected Malia hitter was found dead in
at hand, as well as the map of the neighborhood. his hotel room and three known members of the Yakuza were killed in adriveby
shooting in Japantown; four members of the public were also killed. This
Action: The various hit teams will spend their time snooping around and reporter wants to know: When are the cops gonna get off their butts and do
running into each other, while the kid and his followers (including agang of something?!?"
Nihilists who think he is the Angel of Death) stop all attempts to capture him.
The Media will make life hell for everyone, giving as much bad public­ Police Report
ityas possible. Summary: The Mafia are back in town. This war is a longstanding feud
Total chaos will erupt if any of the teams gets too close to the kid's base, between the Mafia and the Yakuza. Night City has long been Yakuza
with street riots, arson, gang Violence, you name it going on. territory. It seems the mob have sent in astrike team against the Yakuza.

Assignment: Locate and round up all of those involved in this war.

Referee's Information
Preparation: You'll need to generate four Mob hitters and 6-10 Yakuza of
Media Report varying ranks . The Yaks have a base in Japantown and the Mafia are
"Unconfirmed sources claim several technicians and scientists were brutal­ moving around. You'll need to make afew maps of bases and shootouts.
ly slain at the Biotechnica Research Establishment. Aspokesman for
Biotechnica refused to comment: Action: The PC's will have to wait for the next hit to get a fresh crime
scene; clues will be waiting. The Mafia seem to have the advantage as they
Police Report are much harder to find and blend in well. Things will change once the PC's
Summary: Something did happen at Biotechnica tast night, and there were become abig problem to the mob or the Yakuza, as both will put contracts
anumber of killings. Biotechnica is on the streets in force today, so it looks out on the group.
like something big's going down.
Notes: This scenario will cover surveillance and investigation. The PC's are
AssIgnment: You've got this investigation.Check out Biolechnica 10 see if up against professional criminals and won't be allowed to make too many
you can get anything there, and keep an eye on their street activities. mistakes. Once the tables turn, they'll be in awhole world of trouble.•





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