Research Proposal: Impact of Training and Motivation On Employee Turnover in Universities of Islamabad
Research Proposal: Impact of Training and Motivation On Employee Turnover in Universities of Islamabad
Research Proposal: Impact of Training and Motivation On Employee Turnover in Universities of Islamabad
Impact of Training and Motivation on Employee
Turnover in Universities of Islamabad
Impact of training and motivation on employee turnover in Pakistan
mployee turnover is the problem that causes intense inapt
circumstances for the organizations in particular and the
employees in general. The former have to bear great economic
and behavioral loss in this situation and the latter have to face entirely
different and uncertain circumstances as a result. Instantly, employee
turnover has emerged as a serious problem causing high cost and low
productivity to organizations. There may be different reasons to this
conundrum but organizational callous attitude towards employees
considering them bought machines is one of the vital reasons of the
employee high turnover across the globe. High turnover rate is
considered harmful for the organizations as the organizations have to
bear financial loss in hiring and training their employees. The turnover
has been seen as a costly activity for the organizations which
ultimately spoils its overall profit and market share. By training
employees and giving them better internal communication,
organizations may induce motivation in their employee. This
motivation is necessary for employee satisfaction which eventually
leads to high productivity through better customer satisfaction and
achievement of the organizational goals. Also fulfilling the basic needs
– self-actualization, self-esteem, social, safety and physiological, of the
employees, as described by Maslow, can also motivate employees and
revamp performance and profit. Some other reasons of employee high
turnover are better job opportunity, self-development, more
challenging work, competitive remuneration, medical problems, work-
life balance, working conditions (flexible vs fixed), information system,
lack of meetings, span of control, etc. Internal Communication can be
considered as an important factor in stopping the high employee
turnover. As employees keep on asking different questions about their
job requirement, about employer’s expected attitude towards a
particular activity and about the company policy for different acts and
if they do not get a satisfactory answer to their questions they may
either resign or may be fired. It has been observed by researchers that
without improvement in communication managers may not be able to
get their employees engaged efficiently and effectively. Based on the
previous statement, it can be said that when employees are not
efficiently and effectively engaged they are likely to be less productive.
In nut-shell, it can be said that communication gives way out to
different seen and unseen complexities/problems.
Impact of training and motivation on employee turnover in Pakistan
3.1 Training
rainings are considered of vital significance these days because
of their positive effect on organizational commitment, market
share, growth and overall performance. It has been observed that
40-50 percent employee turnover may be in the interest of the
organization yet trainings have their own importance for the
organizational growth and performance, therefore, need not to be
neglected. The corporate world is rapidly moving towards active
trainings needed for the employee development which creates synergy
in performance and growth of an organization. Trainings save money
and time by getting employees specialized in their particular domains.
Organizations achieve better results when they provide effective and
regular trainings to their employees. Training need analysis is part and
parcel to employee development that help out the HR managers in
making a round the year plan for the employee trainings and
continuously organizational learning. Employee counseling is also a
sort of training that makes employees motivated and up to date. As
mentioned above, turnover has many reasons to its credit. The reasons
may be training, supervision, and job content; any or all the three if
Impact of training and motivation on employee turnover in Pakistan
3.2 Motivation
ongenial and trustworthy Business-customer relationship is the
backbone of any organization. Organizations always try to have
better motivated employees who create a better business
environment necessary for business-customer relationship. There can
be high employee turnover if employees do not get motivated by the
organizational policies and procedures. Although motivation and
satisfaction are two famous terms used inter-changeably yet they are
minutely different from one another. When compared, satisfaction
contrary to motivation does not mean that the organization will not
face employee turnover; but motivation may help avoiding high
turnover. Motivation plays an important role in solving the problem of
employee turnover; employee turnover problem can be encountered
effectively by the supervisors, of course, through motivation and better
communication. Supervisors can be motivated by appreciating and
rewarding them. The appreciation or reward can be a letter of
appreciation or a breakfast in their honor. Employees get motivated
when they are heard by the organization; their suggestions and
recommendations toward a particular activity is owned and changes
are made accordingly. It has been observed by researcher that
unsatisfied employees with reference to benefits and those who find a
job inconvenient and are in a position to change job quit it.
3.3 Turnover
rganizations are keen in knowing reasons of turnover and
stopping it to reasonably good extent. Disagreement, negative
emotions, and interference are some of the reasons that cause
conflicts among employees and eventually result in employee
turnover. Disagreement can eliminated by extending behavioral
motivation and training, negative emotions can be mitigated through
better job conditions like pay, promotions, and benefits, and
interference can be avoided by providing better understanding of
professional and technical policies, procedures, and rules and
regulations. Performance of the employees influences the
Impact of training and motivation on employee turnover in Pakistan
Impact of training and motivation on employee turnover in Pakistan
Three variables are selected for this study among which one is
dependent variable i.e employee turnover and other two are
independent variables i.e. training and motivation. The dependent
variable is the domain of interest whose relationship with the
independent variables is attempt with reference to turnover inclination
among the university employees in Pakistan. Employees are
committed when they are appropriately motivated and trained to
handle with their jobs. This statement has also been substantiated by
the Maslow’s theory.
Impact of training and motivation on employee turnover in Pakistan
Usage of skills
APPLICATION practically
Shows positive
BETTER result
A Increases
L affiliation
Impact of training and motivation on employee turnover in Pakistan
7.1 Universe
Five different universities of Islamabad (Air University, Quaid-e-
azam University, NUST, and NUML University) are selected and
questionnaires will distribute among the employees to analyze the
impact of training and motivation on the employee turn over.
7.2 Sample
50 employees from each organization will be selected as
Impact of training and motivation on employee turnover in Pakistan
9. Data Analysis:
9.1 SPSS
The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) will use for
all statistical calculations.
9.2 Correlation
To verify existence of relationship between the dependent
variable Employee turn over and independent variables training and
motivation SPSS will be used.
9.3 Regression Analysis
The relative strength of relationships between the dependent variable
and independent variables regression analysis will use.
Impact of training and motivation on employee turnover in Pakistan
Dear Respondent!
I am a student of MBA. This survey is being conducted to evaluate the training and motivation
needs for employees in universities of Islamabad to decrease the employees turnover. Please
take few minutes to complete the survey and return it as soon as possible. I assure you that the
information/feedback provided by you will be kept confidential and will only be used for the
study/research purpose. Your cooperation in this regard shall be highly appreciated.
Masters PhD
Impact of training and motivation on employee turnover in Pakistan
y Disagre Agre Strongl
Job Environment Uncertain
Disagre e e y Agree
1 2 3 4 5
1. I find real enjoyment in my job.
1 2 3 4 5
4. I would not consider taking another job.
1 2 3 4 5
6. I feel fairly well satisfy with my job.
y Disagre Strongl
Organizational Commitment Uncertain Agree
Disagre e y Agree
Impact of training and motivation on employee turnover in Pakistan
organization now.
Thank you very much for your assistance. If you have question or need clarification about the survey, please contact me
03455658764 or send email to
Impact of training and motivation on employee turnover in Pakistan
o Dalton, 1997
o Lee, Mitchell, Wise, Fireman, 1996
o Levine, 1993
o Nelson, & LeRouge, 2001
o Roger, & Peter, 2001
o Schrag, 2001
o Stephen, 2001
o Thanchanok, 2003
o Walsh, 1982
o Wilson, 2000
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