Lepra Reactions

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Chapter: 8

Leprosy Reaction and its Management

8.1 Introduction
8.2 Risk for developing reactions
8.3 Types of reactions
8.3.1 Type 1 reactions
8.3.2 Type 2 reactions
8.3.3 Clinical Difference between Type 1 and Type 2 reactions
8.3.4 Mild & Severe leprosy reactions
8.4 Diagnosis & examination of the person with lepra reaction
8.4.1 Differential diagnosis
8.4.2 Early diagnosis of reactions
8.5 Management of reactions
8.5.1 Management of mild reactions
8.5.2 Management of severe reaction
8.5.3 Management of severe type 2 reaction
8.5.4 Recording steroid treatment
8.5.5 Treatment with surgery
8.5.6 Counselling of person in reaction
8.6 Precautions during treatment with systemic steroids
8.6.1 Monitoring of the patient for side effects of prednisolone
8.7 Counselling PAL in reactions / steroid therapy
8.7.1 Counselling patients at start /during steroid therapy
8.7.2 Counselling patients & follow-up on completion of treatment with steroids.
8.8 Referral of patient in reaction
8.8.1 Referral before starting treatment with steroids
8.8.2 Referral during steroid therapy
8.8.3 Referral after completion of treatment with steroids.
8.9 Management of person with interruption of steroid therapy
8.10 Assessment of requirement of prednisolone tablets for leprosy reactions
Learning Objectives: At the end of the session trainees will be able to

 Describe criteria and identify early reaction/ neuritis

 Describe high risk PAL for development of reactions
 Describe management of PAL with reaction
 Describe principles of management of neuritis
 Describe monitoring of PAL with reaction/ neuritis
 Enumerate conditions for referral of PAL with reaction

Teaching method – Lecture discussion using power-point Presentation, case demonstration

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8.1 Introduction
Though leprosy is a chronic disease, sudden appearance of signs and symptoms occur during
reactions. Skin and nerve lesions become inflamed and nerves may become extremely painful
and tender due to acute neuritis:
Occurrence of reactions is one of the characteristics of leprosy
Long term problems related to leprosy (disability) are due to damage from leprosy
Reactions occur due to abrupt change in immunological response of the body against M.
leprae. Severity of reaction depends on
Presence of bacterial load in the body of PAL
Strength of immunological response of the PAL
Both Pauci-bacillary and Multi-bacillary PAL, have some risk for developing reaction
(either type-1 or type-2).
Leprosy reaction can develop at anytime, at
Onset of the disease / before starting the treatment
During treatment
After completion of the treatment

Patients developing reactions are at a higher risk of developing disabilities and

deformities compared to people who do not develop reaction.

8.2 Risk for developing reactions

Though any PAL can develop reaction, some are more prone/ predisposed. People having
few skin lesions and no nerve enlargement are at low risk of developing reactions.

Persons with following features are more likely to develop reactions:

 Multiple lesions
 Lesions close to the peripheral nerve (predisposes to neuritis)
 Lesions on the face
 People with nerve thickening with / without functional impairment (including
Reaction precipitating factors:
 Infections and infestations
 Vaccination
 Hormonal changes: Puberty, Pregnancy & Childbirth
 Psychological stress
These patients should be monitored more frequently for early detection of reaction
and its prompt management.

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8.3 Types of Reactions

There are two types of Leprosy reactions.

(1) Type 1 Reaction: Also called Reversal Reaction can occur in any patient with unstable
(2) Type 2 Reaction: Also called Erythema Nodosum Leprosum (ENL) occurs in patients
with MB leprosy having a heavy load of bacilli
Both the types of reaction can be either mild or severe, clinically.

8.3.1 Type 1 reactions

Occur both in PB and MB leprosy.
Cause: It occurs as a result of increased activity of the body’s immune system,
particularly cell mediated immune response fighting the leprosy bacillus or remnants of
dead bacilli.
Clinical presentation Reaction may be the first presenting
sign of the disease and usually last for few weeks to few

General condition: General condition of the patient is

satisfactory. Usually there is no fever and patient does not feel

Inflammation of skin lesions: Signs of inflammation are seen in the existing skin
lesions i.e. skin lesions become red, more prominent, swollen, shiny and warm. Lesions
are usually not painful but some discomfort may be felt.
Sometimes, only few patches are inflamed.

Appearance of new skin lesions: Some previously unnoticed

or non visible patches may become visible, giving an
impression of appearance of new skin lesions. Some or all of
these new lesions may be inflamed.

Inflammation of nerves: Nerves are frequently affected in type 1 reaction

Acute Neuritis: Existing involved or new nerves become enlarged, painful/tender
and their sensory, autonomic and motor functions get affected. Pain in the nerve is
due to increased intraneural pressure because of oedema and cellular reaction of
inflammatory process and gets aggravated when swollen nerve trunk becomes
entrapped in bony or fascial tunnel. Pain may even be felt in the region supplied by
the nerve (referred pain). Some times, involvement of nerve may be the only
presenting feature of reaction without presence of any visible skin lesions.
Silent neuropathy /quiet nerve paralysis: Sometimes, nerve function may get
affected without any pain or tenderness of the nerve or inflammation of skin lesions
making it much less obvious. It is seen infrequently. However, these patients need to
be identified early and treated with corticosteroids.

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Swelling of hands and feet: Swelling of the limbs &/or face may be present.
Eyes: Ocular tissue is not affected in type 1 reactions but patient may develop corneal
anaesthesia & lagophthalmos due to involvement of trigeminal and facial nerves. (Refer
POD & chapter on ocular leprosy).
Involvement of nerve leads to permanent loss of function resulting in disability. PAL with
severe type-1 reactions (see table below) should be identified in early stages and referred to
higher centre for management.

Difference between mild and severe Type 1 reactions

Mild Type 1 Reaction Severe Type1 Reactions

Occurs in some of the pre-existing Red, painful, inflamed skin lesions with
skin lesions only (Other than those ulceration
on face) Pain or tenderness in one or more nerves with or
Erythema and swelling of skin without loss of nerve function
lesions without ulceration An erythematous, swollen skin patch on the face
Nerves are not affected around the eye
Skin lesion overlying major nerve trunk
No constitutional symptoms
Constitutional symptoms
No edema of hands and feet
Marked oedema of the hands, feet or face
Clinically mild reaction not responding to
NSAIDs for a period of 2 - 4 weeks.
Increased or new muscle weakness noticed (motor

8.3.2 Type 2 reactions

Patients having high load of leprosy bacilli as in Multi- bacillary/ infiltrative type of leprosy
get type 2 reaction. Type-2 reaction can involve multiple organs & systems, causing
generalized symptoms.

Relation to treatment: It may occur in the early stages of treatment and even after
completion of the treatment with MDT, because body takes a long time to clear the dead
bacilli within the macrophages. Type 2 reaction commonly occurs within first three years
after the start of leprosy treatment.
Cause: It occurs when large numbers of leprosy bacilli are killed, followed by release of
their antigens. These antigens from the dead bacilli provoke an arthus type allergic
reaction (Coombs and Gell type III hypersensitivity) producing antigen antibody immune
complex reaction in the presence of complement system. Immune complexes are
precipitated in the tissues (skin, eyes, joints, lymph nodes, kidneys, liver, spleen, bone
marrow, endothelium and testes) as well as in the circulation.

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Clinical presentation
Type-2 reaction may be the first presenting sign of the disease and usually last for few
weeks to several months.

General condition: In the beginning general symptoms like fever, headache and body
ache appear before or along with the characteristic nodules that appear on the skin.

Skin lesions: Type 2 reactions exhibit the typical signs of

erythema nodosum - red, firm, painful, tender cutaneous and
subcutaneous nodules (about 1-2 cm across) and variable
sized plaques appear in crops. Nodules blanch on pressure.
Usually multiple, they tend to be distributed bilaterally and
symmetrically. Nodules are better felt than seen when
subcutaneous. They appear preferentially on cooler parts of
the skin (found on face and outer surface of limbs and less
frequently on the trunk). They usually spare the warmer parts of the body like hairy scalp,
axilla, groin and perineum.

Rarely they can break down and suppurate / necrose

producing Erythema Nodosum Necroticans (ulcerative ENL).
These nodule crops are evanescent, melting away in seven to
ten days. When nodules fade these leave bluish/brownish
marks followed by brownish hue in the skin. Unlike type-1
reaction, there is no clinical change in the existing leprosy

Inflammation of nerves: Nerves may also get affected in type

2 reactions.
Differentiating ENL from other diseases: They differ
clinically from erythema nodosum seen in other conditions like
tuberculosis, streptococcal and viral infections and sarcoidosis,
by the fact that the lesions in other cases persist for longer
duration (other lesions last up to 7 days) and requires longer
therapy, where as ENL lesions of lepra reactions do not last
longer than 2 or 3 days.

Eyes: Ocular tissue may get affected in type 2 reactions. It

may lead to the development of iritis or iridocyclitis
(inflammation of the iris and ciliary body) and impairment of
vision. Eye becomes red, watery and painful, pupil becomes
constricted and non reactive. Colour of iris becomes dull and
patient complains of photophobia (pain in the eye when it is
exposed to light). Involvement of eye is an emergency and
need immediate referral to higher centre.
Swelling of hands and feet: Often there is non pitting

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oedema of face, hands and feet.

Table: Difference between Mild Type 2 and Severe Type 2 Reactions

Mild Type 2 reaction Severe Type 2 Reactions

Intermittent crops of few ENL Red, painful, multiple/innumerable ENL in crops
Nerves are not affected Pain or tenderness in one or more nerves with or
0 without loss of nerve function
Mild fever (less than 100 F) may
or may not be present ENL that becomes ulcerated (ENL necroticans)
No other organs involved Accompanied by a high fever (>1000F)
Pain and/ or redness of the eyes with or without
loss of visual acuity (Involvement of eye)
Generalized symptoms with painful swelling of the
small joints with fever
Recurrent ENL (more than four episodes in a year)
Clinically mild reaction not responding to NSAIDs
and/or within 2-4 weeks.
Enlargement of Lymph glands /testes with pain or
Involvement of other vital organs like kidneys,
liver, bone marrow, endocardium, etc.

Involvement of other organs: In addition, there may be periosteal pain (especially

tibiae), muscle pain (myositis), pain and swelling of the tendons and joints, rhinitis,
epistaxis, painful dactylitis, swollen tender lymph nodes especially femoral, acute
epididymo-orchitis, hepato-splenomegaly with hepatitis and endocarditis with/without
arhythmia. Presence of protein and red cells in urine are seen in glomerulonephritis that
may occur due to deposition of immune complex in renal glomeruli.
ENL reaction may become chronic (when the condition persist for more than three
months in spite of adequate treatment) or recurrent (more than four episodes in a year).
It may persist for many months; it may get better and/or worse from time to time. A
person with type 2 reaction may feel very ill. If not treated in time, involved organ may
get permanently damaged and the patient may even die. Severe type-2 reactions (see
table below) should be identified early and referred to higher centre for management.

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8.3.3 Clinical Difference between Type 1 and Type 2 reactions

Type 1 reaction is localised where as type 2 reactions is more generalized. In Type 1 reaction,
the skin lesions themselves become inflamed i.e. red and swollen whereas in Type 2 reaction
existing lesions remain unchanged and new firm inflamed red nodules about 1-2 cms in
diameter appear under the skin. See table below for details.

Signs Type 1 Type 2

Type of reaction Cell mediated Delayed Antigen antibody (Immune
Hypersensitivity complex), reaction
Inflammation of Skin lesions suddenly becomes Red, painful, tender,
the skin reddish, swollen, warm, painful/ cutaneous/subcutaneous nodules
tender but the rest of the skin is appear (not associated with
normal, “fresh” lesions may be leprosy patches). ENL may
noticed appear commonly on face,
extensor surfaces of arms and
Nerve involvement Nerves close to skin may be enlarged, Nerves may be affected
tender and painful (neuritis) with loss
of nerve function (loss of sensation
and muscle weakness) and may appear
suddenly / rapidly
General condition Good, with little or no fever or other Poor, with prominent fever and
(Constitutional constitutional symptoms general malaise
Eye involvement Weakness of eyelid muscles leading to Internal eye disease (iritis, irido-
incomplete closure may occur (nerve cyclitis) occurs, lepromatous
involved) nodules are seen.

Other Not affected May be affected


8.3.4 Mild & Severe leprosy reactions

Both the type of reaction can be either mild or severe. Presence of one or more of the features
mentioned under severe reaction (see earlier tables) means PAL is suffering from severe
reactions and needs treatment with steroids and should be referred to higher medical centre
identified for the purpose.

8.4 Diagnosis & examination of the person with lepra reaction

To prevent disabilities and deformities in leprosy

Diagnose reactions and treat them promptly

Leprosy reactions are diagnosed by clinical examination (described above). Whenever

leprosy affected person is examined, ask for symptoms related to inflammation of skin

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lesions, presence of cutaneous nodules, pain and tenderness of the nerve, pain & redness in
the eye, weakness in hand and feet and inability to close eyes completely.

Consider Reaction on
 Sudden appearance of symptoms
 Inflammation of existing skin lesions (type-1 reaction) or
appearance of painful tender nodules (type-2 reaction)
 Inflammation of nerves
 Involvement of ocular tissue
 Swelling of hands, feet and pain in small joints

8.4.1 Differential Diagnosis

Common conditions that can be confused with reactions are:

Cutaneous drug reaction: May present variably as exanthemata, urticarial, lichenoid,

Erythema nodosum like, Erythema multiforme, Stevens-Johnson syndrome or as Toxic
epidermal necrolysis. In some of these reactions the patients complain of itching or
burning that is not seen in leprosy reactions. The fresh eruptions do not correspond to pre-
existing skin lesions.
Local infection: Localized pyodermas that develop in leprosy patients are usually limited
to one part of the body and history of cause of infection like injury or insect bite is usually
Relapse: Reaction usually occurs within 3 years of starting anti leprosy treatment and is
acute in onset with pain and tenderness of the old lesions. In relapse new lesions appear
and are insidious in appearance (see table given earlier).
Other medical conditions:
Diabetes: Diabetics are prone to infections as well as development of peripheral
neuropathy. Further, if given corticosteroids the blood glucose tends to go out of
control. All patients should be screened for diabetes and if diabetes is detected, the
patient should be referred to an approved higher centre for further evaluation and
Bell’s palsy: This condition can mimic facial palsy caused by leprosy reaction. These
patients do not have nerve thickening and/or anaesthetic and/or hypopigmented skin
lesions. This condition is better managed by an ophthalmologist. In bell’s palsy
widening of palpebral fissure is not due to sagging of lower eyelid
Rheumatoid arthritis: This condition can present in women of reproductive age
group with skin eruptions, fever, joint involvement, deformities and multiple organ
system involvement. RA factor is detectably raised almost invariably. However,
sometimes differentiation of this condition from leprosy reaction may require referral
to higher centre.

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Rheumatic fever: Patients may develop fever with joint pains and transient skin rash
usually in a young patient. ASLO titre will be raised and cardiac valvular involvement
may result in detectable murmurs. These patients require consultation/management by
Disk prolapse: Patient may present with acute onset neuropathy of lower limbs.
Patient usually gives history of straining the back or lifting heavy object before the
onset. These patients will not have any skin lesion or thickened nerves. They should
be managed by an orthopaedic specialist.
8.4.2 Early diagnosis of reactions
Take the following steps for early diagnosis and prompt treatment of leprosy reactions to
prevent development of disability.

 Diagnose leprosy early and treat with MDT.

 Build capacity of the staff to enable them to identify & refer PAL with reactions
 Counsel PAL and family members regarding importance of regular and complete
 Educate PAL and family member for signs and symptoms of reaction & neuritis
and ask them to report immediately on appearance of these signs and symptoms
 Retrieve the defaulter as soon as possible.
 Monitor and frequently examine high risk persons on monthly interval and others
after every three months for early detection of reaction and nerve damage
 Timely treatment of reaction and appropriate referral helps in prevention of
disability dueoftothe
8.5 Management leprosy

Examine the person with reaction thoroughly to assess the extent of involvement of various
systems (refer diagnosis) and decide whether the reaction is mild or severe in type.

Those at risk of developing reactions or with thickened nerves without any pain / tenderness/
functional impairment are registered for treatment with MDT (if not taken previously),
counselled to report immediately on earliest sign of development of reaction and monitored

Principles of Management of mild reactions

: Anti leprosy drugs to be continued as earlier
 Counseling to relieve stress
 Treatment of inter-current infections and infestations
 Analgesic, anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS)
 Anxiolytics (at bedtime)

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8.5.1 Management of mild reactions
Mild reactions are treated symptomatically without steroids. Treatment includes:

Reassurance: Patient is reassured that it will subside within few weeks with medicine

MDT: Start MDT, if person has come for the first time & MDT not taken previously.
People still on anti-leprosy treatment (MDT) must continue their treatment. However,
those who have completed their course of MDT do not need anti-leprosy treatment while
on treatment for reaction.

Analgesics and Anti- inflammatory agents: Mild cases of both the types of reactions
are treated symptomatically with NSAIDs like Aspirin (Adult dose 600 mg which can be
given upto six times a day)/ Paracetamol (adult dose 1 gm up to four times a day).

Reactions, which are mild (show no signs of severity) and are

limited to mildly inflamed skin lesions may be treated
symptomatically with Aspirin/Paracetamol.

8.5.2 Management of severe reaction

If any of the features of severe reaction (see earlier tables) are present, treatment with steroids
is required. Management of severe reaction includes:

Bed rest: Admission and bed rest for two weeks or more (as required).
Rest to the affected nerve using splint: Rest to the affected nerves is provided by use of
static splint. Splint is applied involving joint in the vicinity of the affected nerve. It
prevents injury to the affected nerve that may occur due to repeated movement of the
joint. While applying splint, affected portion is kept in the functional position. Splint is
applied for 24 hrs and removed only for exercise. Initially, person is assisted to carry out
gentle passive exercises for the splinted joint where as rest of the adjoining joints are
moved twice a day with full range of movement to avoid stiffness. When acute phase is
over i.e. pain and inflammation subsides (recovery begins), passive exercises are started
to maintain the range of movement of all the adjacent joints. Later, even if there is some
permanent nerve damage, active exercises are started to restore strength of the affected

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Functional positions for splinting

Analgesics: Analgesics are given as required as described above.

Prednisolone: The main drug for the treatment of severe reactions is corticosteroids
It relieves pain and inflammation in After
the nerve and the skin. Reduction in Before
pain, tenderness & oedema helps in
gradual restoration to normalcy. It is
easily absorbed when taken orally. It
is a very effective drug and its affect
starts in a few days. It should never
be stopped abruptly.
Type 1 reaction before & after treatment with steroids
The usual adult dose of steroids to begin
with, is 1 mg/kg of body weight to
immuno-modulate the reaction. Duration Before After
of treatment is 12 - 24 weeks depending
on the severity of reaction and response
to the therapy.
If inflammation of skin & nerve subsides
and there is no new nerve involvement,
the dose of Prednisolone is gradually
reduced at fortnightly interval depending
on the response and eventually stopped
Type 2 reaction before & after treatment with
(see table).

In case of neuritis, (inflammation of peripheral nerve trunk) the period of treatment is

prolonged according to the response. From 20 mg onwards (in table below), duration of
each dose is increase to 4 weeks.
Prednisolone is given in the following regime/doses:
Note: Treatment with prednisolone is not linked to MDT i.e. It can be given after adequate
MDT is given and stopped.

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(i) Start Tab. prednisolone dose at 1 mg/kg body wt/day given as a single morning dose
after breakfast (consider giving tab ranitidine 150 mg along with prednisolone)
(ii) After the reaction/inflammation is controlled, prednisolone is tapered by 10mg,
fortnightly till the dose of 20mg/day
(iii) Thereafter prednisolone is tapered by 5 mg/day, fortnightly till withdrawal.

8.5.3 Management of severe type 2 reaction

Type 2 reactions can often last for many months so
there is a risk of people becoming dependent on Before After
steroids. It becomes difficult to taper steroids and
eventually stop the treatment. These patients should
be managed in higher referral centers where
admission of the patient is possible. Persons who
suffer from persistent ENL or who can not be
weaned from steroids need drugs other than
Prednisolone like higher doses of clofazimine
and/or thalidomide for the management of the ENL necroticans reaction (before & after)
reaction. Treatment with thalidomide is only ))treatment
recommended in tertiary care hospitals after taking necessary consent. Since this drug is
teratogenic, it is contraindicated for use in women of reproductive age group.

Clofazimine is given with corticosteroids in every case in the following regime:

One capsule (100mg) 3 times a day x 12 weeks

One capsule (100mg) 2 times a day x next 12 weeks
One capsule (100mg) once a day x next 12 wks

Though Clofazimine is less potent than steroids and often takes 4 – 6 weeks to develop its
full effect; it is extremely useful in reducing or withdrawing corticosteroids in patients who
have become dependent on them. Total duration of clofazimine therapy should not exceed 12

8.5.4 Recording steroid treatment

Information regarding Leprosy reaction and details of steroid therapy are filled in leprosy
reaction/ neuritis form (form P-III) kept at the PHC, to monitor the nerve function by
comparing the current findings with that of the previous visit. If steroids are being given,
record the details in the Leprosy Treatment Register and on the Patient Record Card by red
ink. To ensure regularity of the treatment, in people on steroid therapy, who have completed
course of MDT, add their names in the treatment register with old registration number in red
for the duration of the steroid therapy. Details of the referred person must be recorded in the
register (P - V).

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8.5.5 Treatment with surgery

Presence of abscess along the course of the nerve needs surgical intervention at referral
In some cases of neuritis, despite treatment with steroids for 2-4 weeks; pain persists and
there is no improvement in motor function of the involved nerve. To relieve nerve pain and
restore nerve function in such cases, nerve pressure is relieved by surgery called nerve
decompression. Nerve decompression can be done at referral centre if facilities are available.
8.5.6 Counselling of person in reaction - Refer section 11.6

8.6 Precautions during treatment with systemic Steroids

Before starting treatment with steroids take a detailed history and examine the person
thoroughly to exclude conditions that are likely to worsen. Treatment for some of these
ailments like worm infestation, diarrhea, dysentery, conjunctivitis, fungal infection, scabies
and epigastric pain must be started along with the steroids. Persons with conditions like
diabetes, hypertension, presence of any infection, red eye, ulcer, osteomyelitis, tuberculosis,
and severe depression are referred to higher centre before starting steroid therapy because
they need additional resources, precautions and close monitoring during steroid therapy.
Pregnant females and children under 12 years of age also need close monitoring during
steroid therapy (Refer Annex VI).

NOTE: When there are no contraindications to steroids, Mebendazole is given to treat any
worm infestation (if not taken during the last six months) and steroids are started.

8.6.1 Monitoring of patient for side effects of prednisolone

Side effects of prednisolone therapy can be serious and sometimes even fatal. Before starting
the treatment with steroids, exclude medical conditions that make a person more vulnerable
to side effects of steroids and refer such patients to identified referral centre for management.

Person with recent nerve damage not having any of the above mentioned
conditions (requiring referral) can be treated with steroids at PHC.

Exclude the following before starting prednisolone (and also monitor after starting
 Hypertension,
 Diabetes,
 Peptic ulcer,
 Osteoporosis,
 Growth retardation,
 Cataracts/ Glaucoma,
.  Weight gain and/or pitting oedema.
If any of these above conditions are present or suspected, refer the patient to identified
referral centre for management.

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8.7 Counselling PAL in reactions / steroid therapy

8.7.1 Counselling patients at start/during steroid therapy

Patients on steroids must be counselled regarding reason for treatment, duration of treatment
importance of complete and regular treatment, not to stop treatment abruptly on their own,
possible side effects, conditions when they must report immediately.
These PALs should report to the PHC fortnightly for clinical review and delivery of
8.7.2 Counselling patients & follow-up on completion of treatment with steroids
People who have been given a course of steroids for reactions or nerve damage are at a
greater risk of recurrence of reactions and damage to other nerves. They must be followed
closely. Tell all patients that they must report immediately to the PHC/ treatment centre;
whenever they see any change or recurrence of similar episode.
People who have not developed reaction but are at high risk of developing reaction must
be made aware regarding the condition for which they must report immediately and may
be asked to come every three months after completion of MDT course for the next one
Counsel and train the person and one of the family member in self care (Refer POD)
People who still have lag-ophthalmos (weakness of eyelids) should be referred to a
specialised centre.

8.8 Referral of patient in reaction

Patient may need referral before starting the steroid therapy or during the treatment

8.8.1 Referral before starting treatment with steroids

If a patient has any relative or absolute contra-indication for steroid therapy he/she should
be referred to the appropriate referral centre.
Eye involvement: must be referred immediately because it may lead to impairment of
vision and even blindness.
Type – I reaction that occurs after completion of the treatment, must be referred and
managed at the referral centre.
Nerve Abscess: Start anti inflammatory drugs/corticosteroids, provide splint and refer the

8.8.2 Referral during steroid therapy

Patient with neuritis is also referred if condition of the patient does not improve after two
weeks of steroid therapy.
Condition of the patient worsens at any time during treatment.
Patient develops side effects of steroid therapy that cannot be managed at PHC

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Any deterioration of general physical condition of the person
While referring a person on steroid therapy, continue the same dose as is being taken by the

8.8.3 Referral after completion of treatment with steroids

People who still have persistent lag-ophthalmos (weakness of eyelids) after completion of
treatment with steroids are again referred to a specialised centre.
While referring the person, details are noted in the referral register; this would be helpful
in keeping the track of the referred person and in providing follow up services to the
person according to the guidelines from the referral centre. Person is also given a referral
slip with details of the condition and their treatment. Person would be referred back with
details of the follow up treatment required for the concerned person.
See referral system chart in annexure II.

8.9 Management of person with interruption of steroid therapy

Some times, patient may not come back for next dose of steroid therapy, try to retrieve the
patient with the help of the health worker. Explain the importance of continuing the therapy.
When ever patient returns after interruption in the steroid treatment:

Assess the nerve function.

Irrespective of the duration of interruption of steroid therapy; management of reaction
depends on the condition of the patient:
If the original problem does not exist (no sign of reaction/ impairment of nerve function).
Stop the steroid treatment.
If nerve damage of less than six months duration and/or sign of reaction still persist,
restart the whole course of steroids. Make sure that the person understands the importance
of completing the course without interruption.
If the nerve damage has worsened/ duration of nerve damage is for more than six months,
restart the course of steroids and refer the patient to higher centre.

8.10 Assessment of requirement of prednisolone tablets for leprosy reactions

Medical officer needs to indent the prednisolone tablets for the health centre. To
calculate the required number of prednisolone tablets

It is estimated that nearly 1/3 of the newly detected cases in the preceding year will require
steroids and total number of 5mg tablets of prednisolone required is 336 for recommended
standard 12 weeks schedule – starting with 40 mg/day.

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