W Scott Keys Usgs Twri 2-E2

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of Water-Resources

of the United


States Geological


I :.







By W. Scott Keys

Book 2





LUJAN, Jr., Secretary



Dallas 1. Peck, Director



For sale by the Books and Open-File

Reports Section,
U.S. Geological
Federal Center,
Box 25425, Denver,
CO 80225


The series of manuals on techniques describes procedures for planning and
executing specialized work in water-resources investigations. The material is
grouped under major subject headings called Books and further subdivided into
sections and chapters. Section E of Book 2 is on borehole geophysics applied to
ground-water investigations.
The unit of publication, the chapter, is limited to a narrow field of subject
matter. This format permits flexibility in revision and publication as the need
arises. Borehole geophysics applied to ground-water investigations is the
second chapter to be published under Section E of Book 2.
Reference to trade names, commercial products, manufacturers, or distributors in this manual constitutes neither endorsement by the U.S. Geological
Survey nor recommendation for use.






The U.S. Geological Survey publishes a series of manuals describing procedures for planning and conducting
specialized work in water-resources investigations. The manuals published to date are listed below and may be
ordered by mail from the U.S. Geological Survey, Books and Open-File Reports Section, Federal Center, Box
25425, Denver, Colorado 80225(an authorized agent of the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing
Prepayment is required. Remittance should be sent by check or money order payable to U.S. Geological
Survey. Prices are not included in the listing below as they are subject to change. Current prices can be
obtained by writing to the USGS address shown above. Prices include cost of domestic surface transportation.
For transmittal outside the U.S.A. (except to Canada and Mexico) a surcharge of 25 percent of the net bill should
be included to cover surface transportation. When ordering any of these publications, please give the title, book
number, chapter number, and U.S. Geological Survey Techniques of Water-Resources Investigations.
TWRI 1-Dl.
TWRI l-D2.
TWRI 2-Dl.
TWRI 2-D2.
TWRI 2-Fl.
TWRI 3-Al.




TWRI 3-A19.
TWRI 3-Bl.
TWRI 3-B2.

Water temperature-influential
factors, field measurement, and data presentation, by H.H. Stevens, Jr., J.F. Ficke, and
G.F. Smoot. 1975. 65 pages.
Guidelines for collection and field analysis of ground-water samples fdr selected unstable constituents, by W.W. Wood. 1976.
24 pages.
Application of surface geophysics to ground-water investigations, by A.A.R. Zohdy, G.P. Eaton, and D.R. Mabey. 1974.
116 pages.
Application of seismic-refraction techniques to hydrologic studies, by F.P. Haeni. 1988. 86 pages.
Application of borehole geophysics to water-resources investigations, by W.S. Keys and L.M. MacCary. 1971. 126 pages.
Borehole geophysics applied to ground-water investigations, by W. Scott Keys. 1990. 150 pages.
Application of drilling, coring, and sampling techniques to test holes and wells, by Eugene Shuter and Warren E. Teasdale.
1989. 97 pages.
General field and office procedures for indirect discharge measurements, by M.A. Benson and Tate Dalrymple. 1967.
30 pages.
Measurement of peak discharge by the slope-area method, by Tate Dalrymple and M.A. Benson. 1967. 12 pages.
Measurement of peak discharge at culverts by indirect methods, by G.L. Bodhaine. 1968. 60 pages.
Measurement of peak discharge at width contractions by indirect methods, by H.F. Matthai. 1967. 44 pages.
Measurement of peak discharge at dams by indirect methods, by Harry Hulsing. 1967. 29 pages.
General procedure for gaging streams, by R.W. Carter and Jacob Davidian. 1968. 13 pages.
Stage measurements at gaging stations, by T.J. Buchanan and W.P. Somers. 1968. 28 pages.
Discharge measurements at gaging stations, by T.J. Buchanan and W.P. Somers. 1969. 65 pages.
Measurement of time of travel in streams by dye tracing, by F.A. Kilpatrick and J.F. Wilson, Jr. 1989. 27 pages.
Discharge ratings at gaging stations, by E.J. Kennedy. 1984. 59 pages.
Measurement of discharge by moving-boat method, by G.F. Smoot and C.E. Novak. 1969. 22 pages.
Fluorometric procedures for dye tracing, Revised, by J.F. Wilson, Jr., E.D. Cobb, and F.A. Kilpatrick. 1986. 41 pages.
Computation of continuous records of streamflow, by E.J. Kennedy. 1983. 53 pages.
Use of flumes in measuring discharge, by F.A. Kilpatrick, and V.R. Schneider. 1983. 46 pages.
Computation of water-surface profiles in open channels, by Jacob Davidian. 1984. 48 pages.
Measurement of discharge using tracers, by F.A. Kilpatrick and E.D. Cobb. 1985. 52 pages.
Acoustic velocity meter systems, by Antonius Laenen. 1985. 38 pages.
Determination of stream reaeration coefficients by use of tracers, by F.A. Kilpatrick, R.E. Rathbun, N. Yotsukura, G.W.
Parker, and L.L. DeLong. 1989. 52 pages.
Levels at streamflow gaging stations, by E.J. Kennedy. 1990. 31 pages.
Aquifer-test design, observation, and data analysis, by R.W. Stallman. 1971. 26 pages.
Introduction to ground-water hydraulics, a programmed text for self-instruction, by G.D. Bennett. 1976. 172 pages.

This manual is a revision of Measurement of Time of Travel and Dispersion in Streams by Dye Tracing, by E.F. Hubbard, F.A.
Kilpatrick, L.A. Martens, and J.F. Wilson, Jr., Book 3, Chapter AS, published in 1982.
2Spanish translation also available.


TWRI 3-B3.
TWRI 3-B4.
TWRI 3-B5.
TWRI 3-B6.


TWRI 5-A2.
TWRI 5-A3.i
TWRI 5-4.
TWRI 5-A5.
TWRI 5-A6.
TWRI 5-Cl.
TWRI 6-Al.
TWRI 7-Cl.
TWRI 7-C2.
TWRI 7-C3.
TWRI 8-Al.
TWRI 8-A2.

Type curves for selected problems of flow to wells in confined aquifers, by J.E. Reed. 1980. 106 pages.
Regression modeling of ground-water flow, by Richard L. Cooley and Richard L. Naff. 1990. 232 pages.
Definition of boundary and initial conditions in the analysis of saturated ground-water flow systems-An introduction, by
0. Lehn Franke, Thomas E. Reilly, and Gordon D. Bennett. 1987. 15 pages.
The principle of superposition and its application in ground-water hydraulics, by Thomas E. Reilly, 0. Lehn Franke, and
Gordon D. Bennett. 1987. 28 pages.
Fluvial sediment concepts, by H.P. Guy. 1970. 55 pages.
Field methods of measurement of fluvial sediment, by H.P. Guy and V.W. Norman. 1970. 59 pages.
Computation of fluvial-sediment discharge, by George Porterfield. 1972. 66 pages.
Some statistical tools in hydrology, by H.C. Riggs. 1968. 39 pages.
Frequency curves, by H.C. Riggs, 1968. 15 pages.
Low-flow investigations, by H.C. Riggs. 1972. 18 pages.
Storage analyses for water supply, by H.C. Riggs and C.H. Hardison. 1973. 20 pages.
Regional analyses of streamflow characteristics, by H.C. Riggs. 1973. 15 pages.
Computation of rate and volume of stream depletion by wells, by C.T. Jenkins. 1970. 17 pages.
Methods for determination of inorganic substances in water and fluvial sediments, by Marvin J. Fishman and Linda C.
Friedman, editors. 1989. 545 pages.
Determination of minor elements in water by emission spectroscopy, by P.R. Barnett and E.C. Mallory, Jr. 1971. 31 pages.
Methods for the determination of organic substances in water and fluvial sediments, edited by R.L. Wershaw, M.J.
Fishman, R.R. Grabbe, and L.E. Lowe. 1987. 80 pages.
Methods for collection and analysis of aquatic biological and microbiological samples, by L.J. B&ton and P.E. Greeson,
editors. 1989. 363 pages.
Methods for determination of radioactive substances in water and fluvial sediments, by L.L. Thatcher, V.J. Janzer, and
K.W. Edwards. 1977. 95 pages.
Quality assurance practices for the chemical and biological analyses of water and fluvial sediments, by L.C. Friedman and
Y D.E. Erdmann. 1982. 181 pages.
Laboratory theory and methods for sediment analysis, by H.P. Guy. 1969. 58 pages.
A modular three-dimensional finite-difference ground-water flow model, by Michael G. McDonald and Arlen W. Harbaugh.
1988. 586 pages.
Finite difference model for aquifer simulation in two dimensions with results of numerical experiments, by P.C. Trescott,
G.F. Pinder, and S.P. Larson. 1976. 116 pages.
Computer model of two-dimensional solute transport and dispersion in ground water, by L.F. Konikow and J.D.
Bredehoeft. 1978. 90 pages.
A model for simulation of flow in singular and interconnected channels, by R.W. Schaffranek, R.A. Baltzer, and D.E.
Goldberg. 1981. 110 pages.
Methods of measuring water levels in deep wells, by M.S. Garber and F.C. Koopman. 1968. 23 pages.
Installation and service manual for U.S. Geological Survey monometers, by J.D. Craig. 1983. 57 pages.
Calibration and maintenance of vertical-axis type current meters, by G.F. Smoot and C.E. Novak. 1968. 15 pages.

This manual is a revision of TWRI 5-A3, Methods of Analysis of Organic Substances in Water, by Donald F. Goerlitz and Eugene
Brown, published in 1972.
This manual supersedes TWRI 5-A4, Methods for collection and analysis of aquatic biological and microbiological samples, edited by
P.E. Greeson and others, published in 1977.



Abstract ......................................................................
Introduction .................................................................
Purpose and scope ..................................................
Background ...........................................................
How to use this manual ...........................................
why log?. ..............................................................
Limitations of logging ..............................................
Analysis of logs ............................................................
Qualitative log analysis.. ..........................................
Quantitative log analysis.. ........................................
Synergistic log analysis.. ..........................................
Computer analysis of logs ........................................
Digitizing logs.. ................................................
Correcting and calibrating logs ...........................
Plotting data from logs ......................................
Petrophysics and log response ........................................
Mineral composition ................................................
Porosity ................................................................
Particle size, shape, and cementation .........................
Formation-resistivity factor.. ....................................
Rock structure .......................................................
Ground-water flow and log response ................................
Well hydraulics ......................................................
Hydraulic conductivity and intrinsic permeability.. .......
Specific yield and moisture content.. ..........................
Interstitial fluids and log response.. .................................
Electrical conductivity.. ...........................................
Temperature.. ........................................................
Chemical composition ....................................................
Borehole effects.. ..........................................................
Drilling fluids.. .......................................................
Borehole diameter ..................................................
Well construction.. ..................................................
Geometric effects ..........................................................
Volume of investigation ...........................................
Bed thickness.. .......................................................
Logging equipment .......................................................
Probes ..................................................................
Cable and winch .....................................................
Control modules .....................................................
Recorders ..............................................................
Planning a logging program.. ..........................................
Buying a logger.. ....................................................
In-house service logging ..........................................
Contract logging.. ...................................................
Selecting a suite of logs ...........................................
Quality control of logs ...................................................
Prelogging contacts.. ...............................................
Quality control at the well.. ......................................
Log headings .........................................................
Calibration and standardization of logs .............................
Calibration ............................................................
Standardization ......................................................


Test 1. -Principles, equipment, and log-analysis techniques.

Electric logging.. ..........................................................
Spontaneous-potential logging ...................................
Principles and instrumentation.. ..........................
Calibration and standardization.. .........................
Volume of investigation .....................................
Extraneous effects.. ..........................................
Interpretation and applications ...........................
Single-point-resistance logging.. ................................
Principles and instrumentation.. ..........................
Calibration and standardization.. .........................
Volume of investigation .....................................
Extraneous effects ............................................
Interpretation and applications ...........................
Normal-resistivity logging.. ......................................
Principles and instrumentation.. ..........................
Calibration and standardization.. .........................
Volume of investigation .....................................
Extraneous effects ............................................
Interpretation and applications ...........................
Focused-resistivity logging.. .....................................
Principles and instrumentation.. ..........................
Calibration and standardization.. .........................
Volume of investigation .....................................
Extraneous effects.. ..........................................
Interpretation and applications ...........................
Lateral-resistivity logging.. ......................................
Induction logging.. ..................................................
Microresistivity logging ...........................................
Dipmeter logging ....................................................
Test 2. -Electric logging ...............................................
Nuclear logging.. ..........................................................
Fundamentals of nuclear geophysics ..........................
Detection of radiation.. ............................................
Instrumentation .....................................................
Counting statistics and logging speed.. .......................
Use of radioactive sources in well logging ...................
Gamma logging ......................................................
Principles ........................................................
Calibration and standardization.. .........................
Volume of investigation .....................................
Extraneous effects.. ..........................................
Interpretation and applications ...........................
Gamma-spectrometry logging ...................................
Principles ........................................................
Calibration and standardization.. .........................
Volume of investigation and extraneous effects ......
Interpretation and applications ...........................
Gamma-gamma logging ............................................
Principles ........................................................
Calibration and standardization.. .........................
Volume of investigation .....................................
Extraneous effects.. ..........................................






Nuclear logging-Continued
Gamma-gamma logging-Continued
Interpretation and applications ..........................
Neutron logging ....................................................
Principles .......................................................
Calibration and standardization.. ........................
Volume of investigation ....................................
Extraneous effects ...........................................
Interpretation and applications ..........................
Other nuclear-logging techniques ..............................
Neutron-activation logging ................................
Neutron-lifetime logging ...................................
Nuclear-magnetic-resonance logging ...................
Test 3. -Nuclear logging ..............................................
Acoustic logging ....... .,,.................................................
Acoustic-velocity logging.. .......................................
Principles and instrumentation ...........................
Calibration and standardization.. ........................
Volume of investigation ....................................
Extraneous effects ...........................................
Interpretation and applications ..........................
Acoustic-wave-form logging .....................................
Acoustic-televiewer logging .....................................
Principles and instrumentation ...........................
Calibration and standardization.. ........................
Volume of investigation ....................................
Extraneous effects ...........................................
Interpretation and applications ..........................
Caliper logging ............................................................
Principles and instrumentation .................................
Calibration and standardization ................................


Caliper logging- Continued

Volume of investigation ..........................................
Extraneous effects .................................................
Interpretation and applications ................................
Test 4. -Acoustic and caliper logging.. ............................
Fluid logging ..............................................................
Temperature .........................................................
Principles and instrumentation.. .........................
Calibration and standardization.. ........................
Volume of investigation ....................................
Extraneous effects ...........................................
Interpretation and applications ..........................
Conductivity .........................................................
Principles and instrumentation.. .........................
Calibration and standardization.. ........................
Extraneous effects ...........................................
Interpretation and applications ..........................
Flow ....................................................................
Principles and instrumentation ...........................
Calibration and standardization.. ........................
Extraneous effects.. .........................................
Interpretation and applications ..........................
Well-construction logging ............................
i, ................
Casing logging ......................................................
Cement and gravel-pack logging.. .............................
Borehole-deviation logging ......................................
Test 5. -Fluid and well-construction logging.. ..................
Summary-A case history .............................................
Acknowledgments ........................................................
Selected references ......................................................
Answers to test questions .............................................



1, 2. Photographs showing:
1. Hand-cranked winch and cable used by the U.S. Geological Survey to make temperature logs prior to 1918 . . . . . . . . . .
2. Wheartstone-bridge system used to make depth-temperature curves or logs with a resolution of 0.01 degree
Celsius . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....................
3. Graph showing depth-temperature curve and interpretation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4, 5. Photographs showing:
4. First geophysical well logger for water-resources investigations bought by the U.S. Geological Survey in 1946 . . . . . .
5. Recorder and controls on 1946 logger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6-10. Diagrams showing:
6. Correlation of lithologic units between two drill holes, based on acoustic-televiewer, caliper, gamma,
neutron, and gamma-gamma logs, Cook County, Ill. . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7. Typical responses of a suite of hypothetical geophysical well logs to a sequence of sedimentary rocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8. Typical responses of hypothetical caliper, gamma, neutron, acoustic-velocity, and resistivity logs to various
altered and fractured crystalline rocks.. ................................................................................................
9. Gamma, neutron, and gamma-gamma logs for two wells in the Raft River geothermal reservoir, Idaho ................
10. Format of cross plot of two logs with three mineral matrices .........................................................................
11, 12. Graphs showing:
11. Acoustic transit time versus neutron porosity, Madison Limestone test well 1, Wyoming ....................................
12. Bulk density versus neutron porosity, Madison Limestone test well 1, Wyoming ...............................................
13. Z-axis plot of gamma-log response versus gamma-gamma-log and neutron-log responses for the upper part of the
Minnelusa. Formation .....................................................................................................................................
14. Histogram of gamma-log response for a deep well near Raleigh, N.C ...........................................................................
15. Computer p1ot.sshowing lithology, bulk density, matrix density, and secondary porosity based on geophysical logs of the
Edwards Limestone near San Antonio. Tex .......................................................................................................




16-20. Graphs showing:

16. Relation of porosity and horizontal permeability for replacement dolomite5 in the Madison Limestone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
17. Hydraulic conductivity and gamma response versus formation-resistivity factor for a limestone aquifer in Florida . .
18. Relation between specific conductance and dissolved solids in water from 26 wells completed in the Lockport
Dolomite, Ohio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..II.II.I...I.....I..................................................................
19. Electrically equivalent sodium chloride solution plotted as a function of conductivity or resistivity and
temperature ,,....................,....................................I......I.,................................................................
20. Effect of drilling technique on borehole diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
21. Schematic diagram showing a modern analog and digital logging system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
22-24. Photographs showing:
22. Large logging truck used for deep-well logging ,..,,,,,,,,,,,.,,..............................................,..,..,,.,,..................
23. Electronic control panels and modules, and analog and digital recording systems, in a modern logging truck.. . . . . . . . .
24. Winch controls and computer in a modern logging truck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
26, 26. Graphs showing:
26. Porosity from core analyses and compensated neutron log for cored intervals, Madison Limestone test well 1,
Wyoming .........................................................................................................................................
26. Porosity from core analyses versus porosity from a compensated neutron log, Madison Limestone test well 1,
Wyoming .........................................................................................................................................
27. Diagram showing flow of current at typical bed contacts and the resulting spontaneous-potential curve and static values.. ...
28. Graph showing changes in spontaneous-potential and resistivity logs caused by differences in mud salinity in two closely
spaced wells, Houston, Tex .............................................................................................................................
29. Diagram showing caliper, gamma, spontaneous-potential, normal-resistivity, single-point-resistance, and neutron logs
compared with lithology, Kipling, Saskatchewan, Canada.. ...................................................................................
30. 31. Schematic diagrams oE
30. System used to make spontaneous-potential and conventional single-point-resistance logs ...................................
31. System used to make spontaneous-potential and differential single-point-resistance logs .....................................
32. Diagram showing typical responses of single-point-resistance, caliper, and long-normal-resistivity logs to a sequence of
sedimentary rocks .........................................................................................................................................
33. Graph showing caliper and differential and conventional single-point-resistance logs in a well penetrating fractured
crystalline rocks ............................................................................................................................................
34. Diagram showing principles of measuring resistivity, in ohm-meters.. ..........................................................................
36, 36. Schematic diagrams oE
36. System for making 16- and 64-inch normal-resistivity logs .............................................................................
36. System for calibrating normal-resistivity equipment ........................................................................................
37, 38. Diagrams showing:
37. Relation of bed thickness to electrode spacing for normal probes at two bed thicknesses.. ...................................
38. Current distribut,ion around a normal-electrode system and a focused-electrode system ......................................
39. Schematic diagram of system for making induction logs .............................................................................................
40-46. Graphs showing:
40. Comparison of a digital recording of a gamma signal with l-second samples and an analog recording with a l-second
time constant ....................................................................................................................................
41. Effect of time constant on data from a gamma probe at one position in a well ...................................................
42. Effect of time constant on data from a neutron probe at one position in a well ..................................................
43, Difference between gamma logs made at 6 and 40 feet per minute ..................................................................
44. Gamma logs made by a commercial service company and by the U.S. Geological Survey, and a resistivity log
to aid in identifying lithology, Madison Limestone test well 1, Wyoming .......... . .........................................
46. Gamma logs recorded at two different logging speeds and time constants, well EX-1, Guam ...............................
46. Chart showing relative radioactivity of some common rocks.. ......................................................................................
47. Graph showing effect of position of a gamma probe in a borehole as a function of borehole diameter for uranium and thorium
radiation ......................................................................................................................................................
48. Diagram showing typical responses of gamma and caliper logs to a sequence of sedimentary rocks ...................................
49-66. Graphs showing:
49. Percentage of orthoclase and biotite versus gamma-log response in borehole CR-6, Ontario, Canada ....................
60. Relation between percentage of silt and clay and gamma radiation from analyses of core samples from near
Bear Creek, Co10..............................................................................................................................
61. Gamma spectra for the uranium-238 series, thorium-232 series, and potassium-40.. ............................................
62. Gamma spectra recorded in test hole 6-T83-6, Oak Ridge, Tenn.. ....................................................................
63. Relation of calcium carbonate to radium/thorium and radium/potassium ratios from analyses of gamma spectra,
Lubbock, Tex ...................................................................................................................................
64. Calcium carbonate versus radium/potassium ratio for a borehole in the Ogallala Formation ..............................
66. Gamma log and gamma spectra at three depths, Maxey Flats, Ky. ..................................................................
66. Schematic diagram of probe for making compensated gamma-gamma logs.. ........................... .:. .....................................
67. Chart showing specific gravity and Z/A ratio for some common minerals ......................................................................




58-60. Graphs showing:

58. Calibration plot for a dual-detector gamma-gamma probe .............................................................................
59. Effect of drilling technique on gamma-gamma logs ......................................................................................
60. Porosity from core analysis versus porosity from a compensated gamma-gamma log, Madison.Limestone test
well 1, Wyoming ..............................................................................................................................
61, 62. Schematic dia$Fams showing:
61. Probe for making compensated neutron-porosity logs ...................................................................................
62. Neutron processes, from source to detectors, through rocks surrounding a borehole ..........................................
63-65. Graphs showing:
63. Calibration data obtained with a compensated neutron-porosity probe in the American Petroleum Institutes
calibration pit.. ................................................................................................................................
64. Calibration curves for a compensated neutron-porosity probe based on data from the American Petroleum
Institutes calibration pit ...................................................................................................................
65. Neutron log of the Red River Formation, Custer County, Mont., showing method for onsite calibration using
estimated values of porosity for shale and anhydrite ..............................................................................
66. Diagram showing theoretical response of a neutron probe to changes in porosity and bed thickness .................................
67, 68. Graphs showing:
67. Moist.ure content from core analyses compared with neutron logs in cased and uncased boreholes, Lubbock, Tex ...
68. Neutron-transmittance log between boreholes S-3 and S-11 compared with single-borehole neutron logs of
borehole S-3, cased and uncased, Lubbock, Tex. ...................................................................................
69, 70. Diagrams showing:
69. Drillers logs and neutron logs of two closely spaced water wells completed in glacial sediments, Anchorage,
Alaska.. ..........................................................................................................................................
70. Typical responses of neutron and caliper logs to a sequence of sedimentary rocks.. ...........................................
71, 72. Graphs showing:
71. Relation between a neutron log and the estimated clay content of core from-a borehole penetratink crystalline
rocks ...............................................................................................................................................
72. Gamma spectra produced by neutron activation in a well using a 50-millicurie source of Lalifornium-252, near
Aiken, S.C.. ....................................................................................................................................
73. Diagram showing acoustic wave forms for a two-receiver system and arrival times of compressional, shear, and fluid
waves .........................................................................................................................................................
74. Graph showing conversion of transit time from acoustic-velocity logs to porosity of various rock types.. ...........................
75. Diagram showing typical responses of acoustic-velocity and caliper logs to a sequence of sedimentary rocks ......................
76, 77. Graphs showing:
76. Relation of acoustic-transit time to porosity for tuff, sandstone, and siltstone, Raft River geothermal reservoir,
Idaho .............................................................................................................................................
77. Porosity from core analyses versus porosity from a compensated acoustic-velocity log, Madison Limestone
test well 1, Wyoming.. ......................................................................................................................
78. Diagram showing three-dimensional view of a fracture intersecting a borehole and appearance of the same
fracture on an acoustic-televiewer log ..............................................................................................................
79. Acoustic-televiewer logs made by the U.S. Geological Survey and a commercial service company, Madison Limestone
test well I, Wyoming.. ..................................................................................................................................
80. Acoustic-televiewer log of producing zone A in a geothermal well, Roosevelt Hot Springs, Utah.. ...................................
81. Diagram showing mechanical- and acoustic-caliper logs of producing zone A in a geothermal well, Roosevelt Hot
Springs, IJtah.. ............................................................................................................................................
82. Acoustic-televiewer logs of a &foot interval at four different gain settings, borehole CR-6, Ontario, Canada.. ...................
83. Diagram showing single-point-resistance, caliper, acoustic-televiewer, neutron, and gamma logs of a borehole
penetrating the Monterey Shale, Calif.. ............................................................................................................
84-86. Graphs showing:
84. Caliper logs from probes having four independent arms, three averaging arms, and a single arm, Madison
Limestone test well 1, Wyoming.. .......................................................................................................
85. Caliper, differential-temperature, and temperature logs for an interval in Madison Limestone test well 1,
Wyoming ........................................................................................................................................
86. Temperature log of a producing geothermal well, Roosevelt Hot Springs, Utah ...............................................
87. Diagram showing temperature, differential-temperature, caliper, and acoustic-televiewer logs of Sears test well 1 near
Raleigh, N.C. ..............................................................................................................................................
88, 89. Graphs showing:
88. Selected temperature logs made in a monitoring well located 39 feet from a recharge well, High Plains of Texas ...
89. Diurnal-temperature cycles and traveltimes of the center of thermal waves, based on temperature logs
made in a monitoring well located 39 feet from a recharge well, High Plains of Texas .................................
90. Schematic diagyam of equipment for making heat-pulse flowmeter logs .......................................................................
91. Diagram showing analog record of a heat pulse from a thermal flowmeter ...................................................................







92-94. Graphs showing:

92. Calibration data for an impeller flowmeter developed by moving the probe in a water well that was flowing.. . . . . . . .
93. Impeller-flowmeter logs made up and down a well where the casing was perforated opposite two aquifers . . . . . . . . . . .
94. Single-arm-caliper log and data from heat-pulse flowmeter showing zones of water entry and loss in a borehole
penetrating granitic rocks in the Canadian Shield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
95. Diagram showing radioactive-tracer-injector logs before and after acidizing and fracturing of Madison Limestone test
well 3, Montana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....................
96-99. Graphs showing:
96. Comparison of impeller-flowmeter and radioactive-tracer-injector logs, Madison Limestone test well 1, Wyoming..
97. Downward movement of four slugs of iodine-131 injected in a borehole penetrating granitic rocks near Aiken, S.C.,
plotted from periodic gamma logs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
98. Radioactive-tracer-injector and reversed-temperature logs made during pumping of test well USW H-5, Yucca
Mountain, Nev . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .........
99. Casing-collar-locator logs recorded by an event marker and analog recorder at two different gain settings . . . . . . . . . . .
100. Diagram showing correlation of lithologic units between Madison Limestone test well 1 and oil test well MC-3 based on
gamma and neutron logs, Wyoming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Response of logs to porosity .................................................................................................................................

Criteria for selection of logs .................................................................................................................................
Calibration pits available for public use ..................................................................................................................
Comparison of the neutron response of some common elements for a neutron with an initial energy of
2 million electronvolts ..................................................................................................................................
5. Activation data for some common isotopes ..............................................................................................................
6. Compressional-wave velocity and transit time for some common rocks and fluids ..........................................................






The inch-pound units used in this report can be converted to metric units by use of the following
conversion factors:

gallon per minute (gal/min)
foot (ft)
inch (in)
mile (mi)
pound per square inch (lb/in)


To obtain
liter per second

To (convert degrees Fahrenheit (F) to degrees Celsius (C), use the following formula:
To Iconvert degrees Celsius (C) to degrees Fahrenheit (F), use the following formula:
F=1.8 C+32.
The following terms and abbreviations also are used in this report:
revolutions per second (r/s)
foot per second (ft/s)
micromhos per centimeter (pmho/cm)
foot per minute (ft/min)
electronvolt (eV)
foot per inch &/in)
thousand electronvolts (keV)
second per foot (s/ft)
square meter (m)
million electronvolts (MeV)
parts per million (ppm)
cubic meter (m3)
microsecond per foot (~~s/ft)
pulse per second (p/s)
second (s)
gram per cubic centimeter (g/cm)
milliliter (mL)
volt (V)
ampere (A)
milligram per liter (mg/L)
kilohertz (kHz)
ohm-meters (ohm-m)
curie (Ci)
ohms per inch (ohm/in)
millicurie (mCi)
microsiemens per centimeter at
25 degrees Celsius (@/cm)




Acoustic log. -A record of changes in the character of sound waves

as they are transmitted through liquid-filled rock; transit time

(t) is the characteristic most commonly measured, but amplitude and the full acoustic-wave form also are recorded. Also
called a sonic log.
(ATV) log.-A
record of the amplitude of
high-frequency acoustic pulses reflected by the borehole wall;
provides information on location and orientation of bedding,
fractures, and cavities; compare with optical image produced
by the borehole television.
Acoustic wave.-A
sound wave transmitted through material by
elastic deformation.
Activation log. -A record of radiation from radionuclides that are
produced in the vicinity of a well by irradiation with neutrons;
short-half-life radioisotopes usually are identified by the energy
of their gamma radiation or by their decay time. Also called a
neutron-activation log.
A electrode.-One
of the current-emitting electrodes of a
resistivity-logging system, labeled A; the current-return electrode is labeled the B electrode.
AM spacing.-The
distance between the current-emitting electrode (A electrode) and the potential electrode (M electrode) in
a normal-resistivity-logging system.
Alpha particle.-The
nucleus of a helium atom emitted during the
decay of some radioisotopes; not measured by well logging
because of very low penetrating ability.
Analog recording.-A
recording in which data are represented as
a continuous record of physical variables rather than discrete
values, as in digital recording.
designation for annular space, such as the space
between the drill pipe or casing and the borehole wall or the
transition interval between the invaded zone and the unaltered
API unit.-A
unit used in the American Petroleum Institute (API)
test pits for calibrating neutron and gamma logs. The API
neutron unit is Yl,oooof the difference between electrical zero
and the logged value opposite the Indiana limestone in the
calibration pit, which has an average porosity of 19 percent.
The API gamma unit is Y200 of the deflection between intervals
of high and low radioactivity in the calibration pit.
Apparent resistivity @a). -Resistivity on a log that deviates from
the true value because of the effects of the borehole or the
invaded zone, or other extraneous effects; the term apparent
also is used for other logs that might need correction to provide
true values.
of steel wire (usually two layers) wrapped on the
outside of most logging cable, to serve as a strength member
and to protect the inner conductors.
Arrow plot.-A
depth plot of data from a dipmeter log that shows
the direction of dip of planar features or the drift of the hole.
Atomic number. -The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom;
equals the number of electrons in a neutral atom.
Atomic weight. -The total number of protons and neutrons in the
nucleus of an atom.
Attenuation. -The decrease in amplitude of a form of energy when
it is propagated through a medium.
Azimuth. -The compass direction measured from magnetic north
in a clockwise direction.



radiation. -The radioactivity at the land surface or in

a well, in addition to the source of radioactivity that is being
measured; surface background comes from natural radioisotopes in rocks and from cosmic radiation.
Back-up curve.-A
curve on the analog record that displays log
data on a new scale when deflections on the main curve exceed
the width of the paper; usually displayed with a different
pattern or color.
Baseline shift.-A
shift in the average response of a log as a result
of a change in hole conditions or lithology; also, manual rebasing or repositioning of the pen to prevent a log from going off
Beta particle.-An
electron or positron emitted from a nucleus
during beta decay; capable of penetrating only a few millimeters of rock.
Bond index. -An index based on interpretation of a cement-bond
log; the ratio of acoustic attenuation in a depth interval of
interest to attenuation in a well-cemented interval.
-A descriptive term applied to probes
designed to reduce the extraneous effects of the borehole and of
probe position.
Borehole gravimeter. -A gravimeter designed for well logging;
provides information on the bulk density of materials distant
from the borehole.
Borehole television.-A
downhole television camera. SeeAcousticBackground

televiewer log.
Bottom-hole temperature

(BHT).-The temperature at the bottom of the hole, usually measured with maximum recording
thermometers attached to a logging probe but sometimes
inferred from other data and thus hypothetical.
flexible, insulated cable on which some of the electrodes are mounted for multielectrode resistivity logging; also,
a short, readily disconnected length of cable that contains the
cable head and fishing bell.
Bulk density.-The
mass of material per unit volume; in logging,
the density, in grams per cubic centimeter, of the rock in which
the pore volume is filled with fluid.
of the log values that correspond to
environmental units, such as porosity or bulk density; usually
carried out in pits or by comparison with laboratory analyses of
Caliper log.-A
continuous record of hole diameter, usually made
with a mechanical probe having one to six arms.
Capture cross section. -The effective area within which a neutron
must pass to be captured by the nucleus of an atom.
Casing-collar locator (CCL). -An electromagnetic device usually
run with other logs to record the location of collars or other
changes in casing or pipe.
Cementation factor (m). -The cementation exponent in Archies
(1942) equation relating formation-resistivity factor and porosity; this constant is related to many aspects of pore and grain
geometry that affect permeability.
Cement-bond log.-An
acoustic-amplitude log used to determine
the location of cement behind casing and, under some conditions, the quality of the bonding to casing and rock.



Centralizer. -A device designed to maintain a probe in the center

of a borehole.
flow of fluid during the drilling process; flow
usually is down the drill pipe and up the annulus to the surface.
Collimation. -The shielding technique for confining radiation, such
as gamma photons, to form a beam.
Compressional wave. -Acoustic wave propagated in the same
direction as particle displacement. Compressional waves are
faster than shear waves and are used for measuring acoustic
velocity or transit time. Also called a dilatational wave or a P
wave. Compare Shear wave.
Compton scattering. --The inelastic scattering of gamma photons
by orbital electrons; related to electron density, and a significant process in gamma-gamma (density) logging.
Correlation. -Determination of the position of stratigraphically
equivalent rock units in different wells, often done by matching
the character of geophysical logs; also, the matching of variables, such as log response and core analyses.
Cross plot. -A term used in log analysis for a plot of one parameter
versus another, usually two different types of logs.
Curie. -The quantity of any radionuclide that produces 3.70~ 10
disintegrations per second.
Cycle skip.-In acoustic-velocity logging, erroneous sharp deflections on a log and incorrect transit times that result when only
one of a pair of receivers is triggered by an arriving wave.
Dead time.-In nuclear logging, the amount of time required for
the system to be ready to count the next pulse. Pulses
occurring during dead time are not counted.
Decay.-In nuclear physics, the process of disintegration of an
unstable radioisotope by the spontaneous emission of charged
particles or photons.
Decentralize.-To force a logging probe against one side of the drill
Density log.-The log that results when gamma photons emitted
from a radioactive source in the probe are backscattered to a
detector; the backscattering is related to the bulk density of the
material around the probe. Also called a gamma-gamma log.
Departure curves.-Graphs that show the correction that may be
made to logs to correct for some extraneous effects, such as
hole diameter, bed thickness, and temperature.
Depth reference or datum. -The zero reference for logs of a well;
the kelly bushing may be used if the rig is still on the well;
ground level or top of casing frequently is used.
Depth of invasion.-The radial distance from the wall of the hole to
the radial location of the interface between formations invaded
by mud filtrate and uninvaded formations.
Depth of investigation.--See Volume of investigation. Also called
radius or diameter of investigation.
Detector.-A sensor of any kind used to detect a form of energy;
usually refers to nuclear detectors, such as scintillation crystals.
Deviation. -The departure between the drill hole or probe axis and
the vertical, in degrees.
Differential log.-A log that records the rate of change of some
logged value as a function of depth; sensitive to very small
changes in absolute value.
Digital log. -A log recorded as a series of discrete numerical values
(compare Analog recording).
Dipmeter. -A multielectrode contact-resistivity probe that provides data from which the strike and dip of bedding can be
Directional survey. -A log that provides data on the azimuth and
on deviation of a borehole from the vertical.
Disequilibrium. -State that occurs when population of daughter
isotopes in a decay chain are not present in concentrations that

would be achieved in the long-term absence of isotope mobility;

the total radioactivity measured may not correctly indicate the
quantity of radioisotopes present if all isotopes in the decay
series are not present in equilibrium proportions.
Dual induction log.-An induction log with two conductivity
curves having different volumes of investigation; usually run
with a shallow focused-resistivity device.
Dual laterolog.-A
focused-resistivity log with both shallow and
deep investigation which results from simultaneous measurements with different volumes of investigation; usually gamma,
spontaneous-potential, and microfocused logs are run simultaneously with the dual laterolog.
Effective porosity. - Interconnected pore space that contributes to
Electric log.-Generic term usually referring to a resistivity log
that consists of long-normal, short-normal, lateral, and
spontaneous-potential curves; also refers to other types of
resistivity logs.
Electromagnetic casing-inspection log.-A record of the thickness of the casing wall made by measuring effects of eddy
! I,
currents on a magnetic field.
Electronvolt (eV).-The energy acquired by an electron passing
through a potential difference of 1 volt; used for measuring the
energy of nuclear radiation and particles, usually expressed as
million electronvolts (MeV).
Epithermal neutron.-A
fast neutron that has been slowed by
moderation to an energy level just above thermal equilibrium,
making it available for capture; most modern neutron probes
measure epithermal neutrons because they are less affected by
chemical composition than thermal neutrons.
Field print.-A copy of a log obtained at the time of logging that
has not been edited or corrected.
First reading. -The depth at which logging began at the bottom of
the hole.
object lost in a well, such as a logging probe. The
operation designed to recover the lost object is called fishing; a
device at the top of a probe designed for ease of connection to
an overshot device sometimes is called a fishing bell.
Flowmeter. -A logging device designed to measure the rate, and
usually the direction, of fluid movement in a well; most flowmeters are designed to measure vertical flow.
Fluid sampler. -An electronically controlled device that can be run
on a logging cable to collect water samples at selected depths in
a well.
Flushed zone.-The zone in a borehole wall behind the mud cake
that is considered to have had all mobile native fluids flushed
from it.
Focused log.-A resistivity log that employs electrodes designed to
focus the current into a sheet; provides greater penetration and
greater vertical resolution than an unfocused log.
well-logging literature in a general sense, all
material penetrated by a drill hole without regard to its
lithology or structure; in a stratigraphic sense, a named body of
rock strata having unifying lithologic features.
factor (FL -The ratio of the electrical
resistivity of a rock 100 percent saturated with water (Ro) to
the resistivity of the water with which it is saturated (Rw):
F= RolRw.
Formation tester. -A wire-line device that can be used to recover
fluid samples from rocks penetrated by a borehole and to record
flowing and shut-in pressure versus time.
Free-fluid index. -Measurement by a nuclear-magnetic log that
indicates the amount of fluid (containing hydrogen) that is free
to move.


Gamma log.-A log of the natural radioactivity of the rocks

penetrated by a drill hole; also will detect gamma-emitting
artificial radioisotopes (seeSpectral-gamma log). Also called a
gamma-ray log or a natural-gamma log.
Gamma ray.-A photon having neither mass nor electrical charge
that is emitted by the nucleus of an atom; measured in gamma
logging, and output from a source used in gamma-gamma
probe used to measure the average density
of fluid in a Z-ft interval of a well bore.
Grain density. -The density of a unit volume of rock matrix at zero
porosity, in grams per cubic centimeter. Also called matrix
Ground electrode. -A surface electrode used for spontaneouspotential and resistivity logging.
Guard log.-A type of focused-resistivity log that derives its name
from guard electrodes that are designed to focus the flow of
time required for a radioisotope to lose half its
radioactivity from decay.
Half-value thickness.-The thickness of a material that reduces
the radioactivity to half the initial value.
Hydrogen index.-The ratio of the number of hydrogen atoms per
unit volume of a material to the number in pure water at 75 F.
Induced polarization.-A
surface and logging method based on
measurement of the decay of voltage in the ground after
excitation by a current pulse.
Induction logging. -A method for measuring resistivity or conductivity that uses an electromagnetic technique to induce eddy
currents in the rocks around a borehole; can be used in
nonconductive borehole fluids, and can make measurements
through nonconductive casing.
Interval transit time (t). -The time required for a compressional
acoustic wave to travel a unit distance; usually measured by
acoustic or sonic logs, in microseconds per foot, and is the
reciprocal of velocity.
Invaded zone. -The annular interval of material around a drill hole
where drilling fluid has replaced all or part of the native
interstitial fluids.
Isotopes.-Atoms of the same element that have the same atomic
number but a different mass number; unstable isotopes are
radioactive and decay to become stable isotopes.
Kelly bushing (KB).-The
bushing on the derrick floor that
transmits rotary motion to the drill pipe; most logs of oil wells
are referenced to the kelly bushing, which may be many feet
above ground level.
Lag. -The distance a nuclear logging probe moves during one time
Last reading.-The depth of the shallowest value recorded on a log.
Lateral logging. -A multielectrode resistivity-logging technique
that has a much greater radius of investigation than the normal
techniques but requires thick beds and produces an unsymmmetrical curve.
focused-resistivity logging technique designed
to achieve greater penetration into the formation; see also
Guard log.
Long-normal log.-A resistivity log with AM spacing (the distance
between the A and M electrodes) usually 64 in; seeNormal log.
Lubricator. -A hydraulic-packing device through which the cable
passes that permits logging of wells under pressure; the
lubricator may be screwed to the casing or valve at the well
magnetic marker or metallic shim on a logging cable,
used for depth control; also an arbitrary probe reference for
sweep on acoustic-televiewer logs.


solid framework of rock or mineral grains that
surrounds pore spaces.
M electrode.-The potential electrode nearest the A electrode in a
resistivity device (compare N electrode).
Mho.-A unit of electrical conductance that is the reciprocal of ohm;
Microresistivity log.-One of a group of short-spaced resistivity
logs that are used to measure the mud cake and invaded zone.
Monitor curve.-A curve on a well log that is related to probe
performance or stability.
Mud cake. -The layer of mud particles that builds up on the wall of
a rotary-drilled hole as mud filtrate iS lost to the formation.
Also called filter cake.
Mud filtrate.-The
liquid effluent of drilling mud that penetrates
the wall of a hole.
Mud logging.-Analysis
of circulated drilling mud for hydrocarbons, lithology, salinity, viscosity, and so forth.
N electrode.-The potential electrode distant from the A electrode
in a resistivity device (compare M electrode).
Neutron.-An elementary particle of the nucleus of an atom that
has the same mass as a proton (1) but no charge; a neutron
source is required to make neutron logs.
Neutron generator.-A high-voltage electromagnetic device that
can be controlled to emit neutrons only when it is turned on,
contrasted with an isotopic source that emits neutrons at all
Neutron-lifetime log.-A log that measures the lifetime of the
neutron population emitted by a pulsed-neutron generator and
can be related to porosity, salinity, and clay content. Also
called a pulsed-neutron or thermal-decay time log.
Neutron log.-A log that measures neutrons from an isotopic
source at one or several detectors after they migrate through
material in, and adjacent to, the borehole; log response results
primarily from hydrogen content, but it can be related to
saturated porosity and moisture content.
Noise.-A spurious or erratic log response not related to the
property being logged; sonic noise logs use an acoustic receiver
to detect sound caused by rapid fluid movement in a hole.
Normal log. -A quantitative-resistivity log, made with four electrodes, that employs spacings between the A and M electrodes
of 4 to 64 in to investigate different volumes of material around
a borehole; see Long-normal log and Short-normal log.
Nuclear log. - A well log using nuclear reactions to measure either
response to radiation from sources in the probe or natural
radioactivity present in the rocks.
Nuclear-magnetic logging. -A procedure in which protons (hydrogen nuclei) are aligned with an impressed magnetic field that is
turned off, and the radiation produced by the precession of
their magnetic fields about the Earths magnetic field is measured; the measured intensity of this precession at a specified
time after the impressed field is turned off is logged as
free-fluid index, which is related to hydrogen in fluids that are
free to move. Also called a nuclear-magnetic-resonsuice, or
NMR, log.
Ohm. -The unit of electrical resistance through which 1 ampere of
current will flow when the potential difference is 1 volt.
Ohm-meter.-The resistivity of 1 cubic meter of material, which
has a resistance of 1 ohm when electrical current flows between
opposite faces; the standard unit of measurement for resistivity
Open hole.-The uncased intervals of a drill hole.
Photoclinometer. -A logging device that photographically records
the azimuth and the deviation of a well at preselected depths.
Porosity. -The ratio of the void volume of a porous rock to the total
volume, usually expressed as a percentage.



Probe. -A downhole well-logging instrument package. Also called

a sonde or a tool.
Production log.-A log run in a petroleum production or injection
well; small-diameter probes are used to make logs mostly
related to fluid movement.
Proton.-The nucleus, of a hydrogen atom; a positively charged
nuclear particle having a mass of 1; see Neutron.
Pulsed neutron log. - Any log made with a pulsed neutron source.
Pulse-height analyzer.-An
electronic device used to sort and
record radiation pulses as a function of their energy; used for
gamma-spectral logging and activation logging.
Radioactivity. -The energy emitted as particles or rays during the
decay of an unstable isotope or nuclide to another unstable
isotope or a stable isotope.
Repeat section.-A short interval of log that is run a second time to
establish repeatability and stability.
Resistivity log. -Any of a large group of logs that are designed to
make quantitative measurements of the specific resistance of a
material to the flow of electric current; calibrated in ohmmeters.
Reversal. -A typical distortion of normal-resistivity logs opposite
beds that are thinner than the AM spacing (the space between
the A and M electrodes); the effect is an apparent decrease in
resistivity in the center of a resistive unit.
Rugosity.-The irregularity or roughness of the wall of a borehole.
Saturation. -The percentage of the pore space occupied by a fluid,
usually water in hydrologic applications.
Scintillation detector. -An efficient detector used in nuclearlogging equipment; ionizing radiation causes flashes of light
that are sensed by a photomultiplier tube and converted to
pulses of electric current.
Secondary porosity.--The porosity developed in a rock after its
deposition as a result of fracturing or solution; usually not
uniformly distributed.
Sensitivity. -The amplitude of deflection of a log in response to a
standard-input signal. Also called span.
Shale baseline.-A line drawn through spontaneous-potential log
deflections that represent shale; a similar technique can be used
on gamma logs and can represent the average log response of
sand or other lithologies.
Shear wave. -An acoustic wave propagated at right angles to the
direction of particle vibration. Also called an S wave. Compare
Compressional w,ave.
Short-normal log.-One of a group of normal-resistivity logs
usually with AM ispacing (the distance between the A and M
electrodes) of 16 in or less; see Normal log.
term describing a logging device with sensors
mounted on a pad or skid that is forced into contact with a
borehole wall.
Signal.-The desired portion of the response of a logging device,
contrasted with the unwanted noise.
Single-point-resistance log.-A log of resistance measured by a
single-electrode device; cannot be used quantitatively.
Spacing. -The distance between sources or transmitters and detectors or receivers on a logging probe.

Spectral-gamma log. -A log of gamma radiation as a function of its

energy; permits identification of the radioisotopes present.
Spike.-A sharp deflection on a log, usually the result of a spurious
signal or noise.
Spine-and-ribs plot. -A plot of long-spaced detector output versus
short-spaced detector output for a dual-detector gammagamma probe; permits correction for someextraneouseffects.
Spinner survey.-A log of fluid velocity made with an impeller
Spontaneous-potential log. -A log of the difference in DC voltage
between an electrode in a well and an electrode at the surface;
most of the voltage results from electrochemical potentials that
develop between dissimilar borehole and formation fluids.
distance between a probe and the wall of a
Survey.-An oil-industry term for the performance or result of a
well-logging operation.
Temperature log.-A log of the temperature of the fluids in a
borehole; a differential-temperature log records the rate of
change in temperature with depth and is sensitive to very small
Thermal neutron.-A
neutron that is in equilibrium with the
surrounding medium such that it will not change energy
(average 0.025 eV) until it is captured.
Time constant.-The
time, in seconds, required for a varying
signal to record 63 percent of the change that actually occurred
from one signal level to another.
Tracer log.-A log made for the purpose of measuring fluid
movement in a well by means of following a tracer injected into
the well bore; tracers can be radioactive or chemical. Also
called a tracejector log.
Track.-The areas in the American Petroleum Institute log grid
that are standard for most large well-logging companies; track
1 is to the left of the depth column, and tracks 2 and 3 are to the
right of the depth column, but are not separated.
Transducer. -Any device that converts an input signal to an output
signal of a different form; can be a transmitter or receiver in a
logging probe.
Ultra-long-spaced electric log.-A modified long-normal device
with an AM spacing (the distance between the A and M
electrodes) of as much as 1,000 ft; can be used to locate
anomalies quite distant from a borehole.
Variable-density log.-A log of the acoustic wave train that is
recorded photographically, so that variations in darkness are
related to the relative amplitude of the waves. Also called a
three-dimensional log.
Volume of investigation.-The
volume of borehole fluid, and
invaded and uninvaded formation surrounding the geophysical
logging probe which determines 90 percent of the measurement

obtained from the probe; the radius of this volume generally

depends on both probe configuration and the properties of the
formation and fluids.
Z/A effect.-An effect on the relation between the response of
gamma-gamma logs and bulk density based on the ratio of the
atomic number (Z) to the atomic weight (A) of elements in the


By W. Scott Keys


The purpose of this manual is to provide hydrologists, geologists,

and others who have the necessary background in hydrogeology
with the basic information needed to apply the most useful boreholegeophysical-logging techniques to the solution of problems in
ground-water hydrology. Geophysical logs can provide information
on the construction of wells and on the character of the rocks and
fluids penetrated by those wells, as well as on changes in the
character of these factors over time. The response of well logs is
caused by petrophysical factors, by the quality, temperature, and
pressure of interstitial fluids, and by ground-water flow. Qualitative
and quantitative analysis of analog records and computer analysis of
digitized logs are used to derive geohydrologic information. This
information can then be extrapolated vertically within a well and
laterally to other wells using logs.
The physical principles by which the mechanical and electronic
components of a logging system measure properties of rocks, fluids,
and wells, as well as the principles of measurement, must be
understood if geophysical logs are to be interpreted correctly.
Plating a logging operation involves selecting the equipment and
the logs most likely to provide the needed information. Information
on well construction and geohydrology is needed to guide this
selection. Quality control of logs is an important responsibility of
both the equipment operator and the log analyst and requires both
calibration and well-site standardization of equipment.
Logging techniques that are widely used in ground-water hydrology or that have significant potential for application to this field
include spontaneous potential, resistance, resistivity, gamma,
gamma spectrometry, gamma-gamma, neutron, acoustic velocity,
acoustic televiewer, caliper, and fluid temperature, conductivity,
and flow. The following topics are discussed for each of these
techniques: principles and instrumentation, calibration and standardization, volume of investigation, extraneous effects, and interpretation and applications.

Purpose and scope
Borehole geophysics, as defined in this manual, is
the science of recording and analyzing continuous or
point measurements of physical properties made in
Manuscript approved for pubhtm

September 10, 1987

wells or test holes. The chief purpose of this manual is

to serve as a comprehensive source of information on
how to make and record geophysical logs for groundwater investigations, and therefore ensure that all
hydrologic information contained in the logs is made
available. It is also intended to update the version
published in 1971 (Keys and MacCary, 1971). This
updating is done by emphasizing techniques that have
changed most since 1971. Additional emphasis is
placed on newer logs, such as the acoustic televiewer,
that have become widely used since 1971; some text
and figures describing older techniques that appeared
in the earlier version have been omitted. Newer
applications of borehole geophysics, to such problems
as waste disposal and geothermal energy, are emphasized becauseof their increased importance during the
past 19 years. Interest in these applications, as well as
in applications to the prediction of earthquakes and
volcanism, has increased the need for log analysis in
igneous and metamorphic rocks. These rocks, which
have been of little importance to ground-water hydrologists until recently, are discussed in greater detail in
this manual. The emphasis in this manual is on the
principles of borehole geophysics and their application
to ground-water investigations, rather than on how to
operate a specific logger, or how to make holediameter corrections on a specific type of gammagamma log made by a commercial service company.
Most of the literature on borehole geophysics is
directed toward petroleum applications, which can be
quite different from ground-water applications. Log
analysis for petroleum stresses the determination of
hydrocarbons in pore space, normally expressed as
water saturation (SW), in the presence of two immiscible fluids, and the relative permeability to these
fluids; this is a rare situation in ground-water investigations. Water encountered in oil-well logging usually
is saline; most of the equations developed for analysis
of electric logs under these conditions do not apply to
fresh water.




No manual or bookcan answer all possible questions

on borehole geophysics, and length limitations preclude describing some subjects here. For example,
specifications and calibration data are so variable
among logging tools of the same type that space does
not permit inclusion of that type of information; manuals provided by manufacturers or logging-service
companies can be consulted for that type of information.
The glossary at the front of this manual includes
only those terms used in the text. A more complete
glossary has been published by the Society of Professional Well Log Analysts (1975). Terms and abbreviations differ among commercial service companies.
This terminology problem is compounded by the fact
that the same type of log may be given a different
name by each of the major logging-service companies.
The list of references included herein is far from
complete; only the most important are included. A
more complete bibliography related to ground-water
applications of borehole geophysics has been published
by Taylor and Dey (1985).

Most texts on borehole geophysics credit the
Schlumberger brothers for developing the first geophysical logs, in -France in 1927. They made the first
resistivity logs by manually plotting the deflections of
a galvanometer that responded to resistivity of rocks
and interstitial fluids (Schlumberger and Schlumberger, 1929). In 1931, Schlumberger engineers
recorded natural electrical potentials caused by differences in the lithology penetrated by wells. The existence of these potentials was known as early as 1830. A
log of these spontaneous potentials was called a porosity log at that time.
In the United States, the first geophysical well logs
probably were plotted from temperature measurements made by Hallock (1897), although Lord Kelvin
made downhole temperature measurements in 1869
(Van Orstrand, 1918). C.E. Van Orstrand (1918) of
the U.S. Geological Survey described downhole
temperature-logging equipment with a resolution of
0.01 C, which he used to plot depth-temperature
curves. Van Orstrand also worked with personnel of
the Carnegie Institute in Washington, D.C., who
made temperature measurements with similar equipment prior to 191.6(Johnston and Adams, 1916). The
winch that was used to log to depths of as much as
7,000 ft and the related surface equipment are shown
in figures 1 and 2. The cable was not unlike that used
today, with a strength member and two separate
insulated conductors. This logging equipment was
probably the first used by the U.S. Geological Survey,

Figure I.-Hand-cranked
winch and cable used by the
U.S. Geological Survey to make temperature logs prior
to 1918 (from Van Orstrand, 1918).

and among the earliest used anywhere. An example of

one of Van Orstrands depth-temperature curves is
shown in figure 3; he attributed the anomalies to
water, gas, and oil. He also speculated that such
temperature curves might . . .afford a means of determining the relative water content of rocks in situ.
Temperature logs can sometimes be used to locate
permeable zones intersected by water wells.
At present (1985), geophysical well logs are run in
every exploration or production well drilled for oil
anywhere in the world. Because the value of the
product justified the expense, almost all of the
advances in borehole geophysics have been made for
oil-well logging. As a consequence, most of the literature on the field is related to petroleum. Both the use
and the development of borehole geophysics in
ground-water hydrology lag substantially behind the
petroleum industry; however, the gap has narrowed
over the past 15 years.
The first comprehensive report pertaining to the
use of subsurface geophysical methods in groundwater hydrology was written by Jones and Skibitzke
(1956). The first U.S. Geological Survey logger for the



Figure 2.-Wheatstone-bridge



system used to make depth-temperature

0.01 degree Celsius (from Van Orstrand,

study of ground water was purchased by P.H. Jones in

1948for $499. Two views of that early Widco,, logger,
built by Hubert Guyod, are shown in figures 4 and 5.
The logger was modified with the addition of a gamma
panel above the recorder. It probably was also modified by changing the curvilinear recorder first used to


curves or logs with a resolution



a rectilinear recorder. The Widco Company, which no

longer exists, was started by Hubert Guyod and
produced all the early small loggers used in groundwater hydrology. Guyod also did considerable
research on log analysis and published early reports
that were useful for ground-water applications
(Guyod, 1952, 1966; Guyod and Pranglin, 1959).

How to use this manual






I \ Oil



Figure 3.-Depth-temperature
curve and interpretation
(modified from Van Orstrand, 1918).

This manual is organized into introductory sections

on the principles of borehole geophysics followed by
sections describing each of the types of geophysical
logs that have important application to ground-water
hydrology. To select the logs needed to solve a specific
problem, the reader should refer to the sections on log
analysis, petrophysics, and ground-water flow. Explanation of how to select the types of logs that will
provide, from the wells available, the information
needed for the rocks and fluids penetrated is, in fact,
one of the most important purposes of this manual.
The section on planning a logging program should be
reviewed early in a project, preferably before drilling
is started. Sections on specific types of logs should be
studied after the logs to be used have been selected.
The glossary may be helpful in early stages of a study.
If preliminary information indicates that a certain
type of log may be applicable, then the subsections on


Figure 4.-First




well logger for water-resources

Survey in 1946.


by the

U.S. Geological

interpretation, applications, and extraneous effects

for that type of log should be reviewed. Finally, when
the decision has been made to use or interpret a
specific suite of logs, the sections on those logs should
be studied thoroughly. References mentioned in each
section may be consulted for more complete information on a subject. Descriptions of instrumentation or
calibration may be reviewed, even though the reader
does not plan to participate in making the logs,

procedure. The test hole or well provides accessto the

ground-water system at one point; therefore, each
test hole or well provides a valuable opportunity to
obtain vertical profiles or records of many kinds of
data. The cost-benefit ratio for recording geophysical
logs usually is quite favorable. That is why all oil wells
drilled anywhere in the world are logged. Although
the unit costs for drilling most water wells are less
than those for drilling oil wells and the value of the

because equipment

product usually is less, the cost of logging usually also

is less.

and procedures

must be under-

stood if the logs are to be interpreted correctly.

Multiple-choice tests on related types of logs at the
end of some sections, or groups of sections, may help
the reader determine whether significant points are
understood; test answers are given at the end of the

The most important objective of borehole geophysics is to obtain more information from a well than can
be obtained from drilling, sampling, and testing. Drill-

Geophysical logs provide continuous analog or digital records that can be interpreted to provide an
understanding of the physical properties of the rock
matrix, the contained fluids, and the construction of
the well. Logs can be interpreted in terms of the
lithology, thickness, and continuity of aquifers and
confining beds; the permeability, porosity, bulk density, resistivity, moisture content, and specific yield of
aquifers and confining beds; and the source, movement, and chemical and physical characteristics of
ground water. These data are objective, repeatable

ing any kind of a test hole or well is an expensive

over a long period of time, and comparable,

why log?



Figure 5.-Recorder





and controls on 1946 logger. Single-point-resistance

and spontaneous-potential
run with controls on the recorder. Gamma panel was added later.

though gathered with different equipment. Repeatability and comparability provide the basis for measuring changes in a ground-water system over time.
Changes in the aquifer matrix, such as in porosity, or
changes in water quality, such as in salinity or temperature, may be identified. Thus, logs can be used to
establish predevelopment characteristics of an aquifer
so that future logging can identify changes that may
have occurred. Now that computers are being used for
log analysis, logs that are digitized at the well site or
later in an office can be rapidly corrected, collated,
and analyzed. Digitized logs can be transmitted by
telephone; a number of comprehensive computer programs are available for interactive analysis of data.
Geophysical logs for most oil wells and for some
water wells, in analog or digital format, can be purchased from a number of private companies. Copies of
logs can also be obtained from various Federal and
State agencies. Logs of old wells are a valuable source
of data when studying a new area.
Some geophysical logs measure the properties of a
volume of rock many times larger than the core or
cuttings that have been extracted from the hole. Some

logs were

probes record data from rock beyond the rock disturbed by the drilling process. Laboratory analysis of
samples provides data from small volumes of rock,
whereas logs usually provide continuous data and can
be analyzed immediately at the well site to guide
completion or testing procedures. Unlike descriptive
logs written by a driller or geologist, which are limited
by their authors experience and purpose and are
subjective, geophysical logs later may provide information on some characteristic not required at the time
of logging. Serendipity of this type (from analysis of
old well logs) has resulted in discovery of uranium,
phosphate, and potash.
Data from geophysical logs are useful in the development of digital models of aquifers and in the design
of ground-water supply, recharge, and disposal systems. A log analyst who has the necessary background
data on the area being studied can provide usable first
approximations of the hydraulic properties needed for
these purposes. Stratigraphic correlation is a common
use of geophysical logs; logs also permit lateral extrapolation of quantitative data from test or core holes.
Using logs, a measured value at a point in a water well



can be extrapolated in three dimensions, thereby

increasing its value greatly.
Many techniques used in surface geophysics are
similar to techniques in borehole geophysics, and the
two are considered together when a comprehensive
ground-water investigation is planned. Most surface
geophysical surveys cannot be uniquely interpreted;
geophysical logs, such as acoustic-velocity and resistivity logs, can provide detailed profiles of data that are
useful in interpreting surface surveys, such as seismic
and resistivity surveys.


of logging

Geophysical logging cannot replace sampling completely, becausesome sample data are needed for each
study area to aid in log analysis. A log analyst cannot
evaluate a suite of logs properly without some information about the local geology. Logs do not have a
unique response; for example, gamma-log anomalies
from shale are indistinguishable from anomalies from
granite. No absolute rules for log interpretation exist.
To maximize results from logs, at least one core hole
may be drilled in each depositional basin or unique
aquifer system. If coring the entire interval of interest
is too expensive, intervals for coring and laboratory
analysis can be selected on the basis of geophysical
logs obtained from a nearby hole. Laboratory analysis
of core is essential either for direct calibration of logs
or for checking calibration done by other means.
Because of the effect of chemical composition of the
rock matrix, calibration of logs made in one rock type
may not be valid in other rock types. Even subtle
changes in the rock matrix can produce large changes
in log response.
In spite of the existence of many equations for log
interpretation and of charts that provide values such
as porosity, log analysis still is affected by many
variables that are not completely understood. Most
log analysis is guided by empirical rules developed
from oil-field data. Such rules may not be applicable
to, or may introduce errors when applied to, aquifers.
Correct interpretation of logs is based on a thorough
understanding of the principles of each technique. For
this reason, interpretation of logs in the petroleum
industry is done largely by professional log analysts.
Because few professional log analysts are working in
ground water, and because the cost usually is not
justified, interpretation of logs for ground-water
applications usually is done by less experienced people, and errors may be more common than in the
petroleum industry. In addition, neither the experience nor the scientific literature available for groundwater applications is comparable to that available for
petroleum applications.


Although this manual will answer basic questions

regarding the application of borehole geophysics to
ground-water hydrology and will serve as a reference
for experienced analysts, it is not a substitute for
on-the-job training and formal courses. Training is
needed by equipment operators as well as analysts;
the quality of logs made in water wells generally is not
comparable to the quality of logs made in oil wells.
Standards for log headings (explained in a later section) and log calibration are well established for the
petroleum industry but are lacking for ground-water
investigations. Even when commercial oil-well-logging services are used, scales and logging speed may
not be correct for ground-water applications unless a
geologist or hydrologist works with the loggingservice personnel and knows what to ask for. Control
of the quality of water-well logs has been a major
limitation to appropriate application in the past;
hence, the subject is discussed in some detail in this
The cost of geophysical logs usually is cited as a
reason for their limited use in ground-water investigations. The cost of logging can be decreased markedly by making only those logs that offer the best
possibility of providing the answers sought. Further
decreases in cost can be achieved by logging only
those wells that are located and constructed so as to
maximize results from logging, and by using logging
equipment no larger and no more sophisticated than
the level required by the specific study. In contrast,
more money needs to be spent on log analysis. More
time may be needed to thoroughly analyze a suite of
logs than to make the logs; too often this time is not
budgeted when a study is planned.
To be of maximum benefit, a logging program must
be well planned. A sequenceof steps that will improve
the cost-benefit ratio follows:
1. Plan the logging program on the basis of the
information needed and the boreholes that will be
2. Drill and complete test holes and wells to optimize
results from sampling, testing, and logging.
3. Collect representative water and core or cuttings
samples at depths where significant changes in
water quality or lithology take place, using logs as
a guide if possible.
4. Control the quality of logs recorded by complete
labeling, calibrating, and standardizing.
5. Interpret logs as a suite, based on a thorough
understanding of the principles, while considering
all available background data for the area.


of logs

The qualitative and quantitative analysis of geophysical logs in the petroleum industry usually is done




by specialists called log analysts. Because of the

complexity and scope of borehole geophysics, few, if
any, of these specialists are knowledgeable about all
logging techniques in all geologic environments, and
even fewer are knowledgeable about hydrologic applications. In recent years, computer techniques have
dominated log analyses; however, this development
has not changed the basic requirements for obtaining
the most information possible from logs. First, background information about each new geohydrologic
environment where logs are to be used is essential.
The quantity and kind of background data needed are
functions of the objectives of the study. Second, the
suite of logs to be made must be based not only on
study objectives, but also on knowledge of the synergistic nature of logs. Two logs may provide answers
that would not be obtainable from either log analyzed
separately, and each additional log may add much
more to a total understanding of the system. Third,
logs must be selected, made, and analyzed on the basis
of a thorough understanding of the principles of each
log, even if the final results are generated by a
Most logs obtained for ground-water applications
are interpreted by the geologist or hydrologist in
charge of the study, because the services of a professional log analyst cannot be justified economically.
Only the largest ground-water organizations have
professional log analysts on their staffs. The geoscientist expert in the area of study can do an excellent job
of log analysis if he or she understands the basic
principles of the logs used. One of the purposes of this
manual is to provide some of the necessary information to permit nonexperts to use borehole geophysics

Qualitative log analysis

The first uses of logs were for identification and

lateral correlation of rock and fluid types and for
selection of likely producing intervals for well completion; these uses are still vital today in both groundwater and petroleum studies. Qualitative log analysis
is based mostly on knowledge of local geology and
hydrology, rather than on log-response charts or
computer plots. Examination of outcrops, core, and
cuttings, coupled with an understanding of log
response, will permit identification and correlation of
known aquifers and confining beds. Where the aquifers have not been identified previously, various kinds
of flow logs, obtained under pumping or injection
conditions, will assist in locating and characterizing
the aquifers and confining beds. Even for qualitative
log analysis, hole conditions must be known, because
they can alter log response markedly. Qualitative log



analysis is usually an early step in quantitative analysis; matrix parameters must be understood before
proceeding with quantitative analysis.
Because geophysical logs do not have unique
responses, lithologic interpretation of logs must be
checked against data from other sources. This also is
true of stratigraphic correlation, becausegross errors
can be made by just matching the wiggles. Even
within one depositional basin, the response of one type
of log may shift, becauseof lateral facies changes. For
example, the feldspar content of a sandstone may
increase toward a granitic source area, and this probably would cause an increase in the radioactivity
measured by gamma logs. This measurement might be
interpreted mistakenly as an increase in clay content,
unless other logs or data were available. For this
reason, the synergism of composite-log interpretation
is stressed in this manual. Logs are interpreted as an
assemblage of data, not singly, to increase the accuracy of analysis. Stratigraphic correlation, using
acoustic-televiewer, caliper, gamma, neutron, and
gamma-gammalogs, is shown in figure 6. The two drill
holes are located 1,175 ft apart in Illinois; they penetrate dolomite of the Silurian Niagaran Series. The
correlation of individual beds and intervals of solution
between the two boreholes is apparent, even though
the logs were not recorded at the same horizontal
scale or gain. Correlation by matching log character
can be done without understanding the response to
lithology, but this approach also can lead to erroneous
results. In figure 6, anomalies on the caliper logs
represent solution openings, probably along bedding
planes because one interval correlates between the
boreholes. The excellent correlation on the gamma
logs probably is due to shaly units that are more
radioactive than dolomite. Changes in responses on
the neutron and gamma-gamma logs probably represent dolomitic beds of different porosity that are
relatively consistent in the area of these drill holes.
The effectiveness of qualitative interpretation usually improves with an increase in the number of wells
that are logged in an area and in the quantity of core
data that is available. A gradual change in log
response across a depositional basin may indicate a
facies change. One anomalous log caused by unusual
hole conditions may be identifiable when compared
with a number of logs that show consistent responses;
such errors are not likely to repeat. Continuous core,
or a large number of core samples from one test hole,
is more useful than a few nonrepresentative samples
from throughout the section. If continuous coring of
one hole cannot be funded, then logs of a nearby hole
can be used to select representative intervals for
coring. This subject is discussed in more detail in the
section on log calibration. Although an increase in the




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number of different types of logs run may improve the

accuracy of inte$retation and the variety of results,
the logs should be selected carefully. Too often logs
are run that are not appropriate for the environment
or for the information desired.


log analysis

Obtaining quantitative data on aquifer or water

characteristics is an important objective of many
ground-water logging programs; however, the steps
that will ensure reasonable accuracy of the data often
are not followed. For example, the scales on logs in
environmental units, such as percent porosity or bulk
density, in grams per cubic centimeter, must be
checked. Further, even if the procedures described in
the sections on log calibration and standardization are
followed carefully, corroborating data for the particular rocks and wells logged are needed. Repeatability
can be checked by logging selected depth intervals a
second time; equipment drift is indicated by changes
in response as a function of time or temperature.
Because of the matrix effect, calibration for one rock
type may not ensure accurate scales for another rock
type. For this reason, if the rocks being logged are not
the same as those in which the equipment was calibrated, core analyses are needed to check values on
the logs. Before any log data are used quantitatively,
they must be checked for extraneous effects, such as
borehole diameter or bed thickness. Data are of questionable value if they were obtained from depth intervals where borehole diameter is considerably greater
than bit size, or from intervals where bed thickness is
equal to, or less than, the vertical dimension of the
volume of investigation for the probe.
Both vertical and horizontal scales on logs should be
selected on the basis of requirements for resolution
and accuracy of the data to be obtained. Most commercial logs are recorded on a vertical scale of 20 or
50 ft/in; this scale is not adequate for the detail
required in many ground-water studies, in which the
wells may be only a few hundred feet deep. Similarly,
the horizontal scales on many commercial-servicecompany logs are compressed, to avoid off-scale
deflections; some logs also may be run too fast for the
accuracy required. These factors are discussed in the
section on quality control of logs.
Few logs measure the quantity shown on the horizontal scale directly; for example, the neutron log does
not measure porosity, but responds chiefly to hydrogen content. The difference between porosity and
hydrogen content can lead to a large porosity error
where bound water or hydrocarbons are present.
Thus, knowledge of the principles of log-measuring
systems is necessary for accurate quantitative analysis of logs.




log analysis

Multiple-log analysis takes advantage of the synergistic nature of many logs; usually much more can be
learned from a suite of logs than from several logs
analyzed individually. For example, gypsum can be
distinguished from anhydrite by interpretation of
gamma and neutron logs together. Both rocks contain
small concentrations of radioactive elements, so a
gamma log indicates minimal radioactivity for both
rocks. However, gypsum contains substantial water of
crystallization, so it appears relatively porous on a
neutron log. In contrast, anhydrite contains little, if
any, water of crystallization, so it appears relatively
nonporous on a neutron log. Both minerals will be
logged as high resistivity. This response, as well as
typical responses of a suite of logs in a section of
sedimentary rocks, is shown in figure 7.
The logs in figure 7 are hypothetical; it is difficult to
find a complete suite of logs from one well that
includes the diverse lithologic section shown. The log
responses shown are typical for the rock types represented, but they do not represent unique signatures
for those rock types. For example, coal and limestone
are shown on the gamma log as having little radioactivity, although in some areas lignite and limestone
are uraniferous and, therefore, are quite radioactive.
Coal and limestone that lack solution openings can be
distinguished by neutron and resistivity logs, which
have similar responses in most rock types. Although
both rock types have a relatively high resistivity, coal
is logged on neutron logs as having relatively high
porosity (negative deflection) because of its hydrocarbon content. Thus, neutron and resistivity logs usually
show reversed responses in coal beds. Note that the
caliper and single-point-resistance logs indicate the
reason for the cycle skips on the acoustic-velocity
log-solution openings and fractures. Extraneous
effects, such as the major shift in the single-pointresistance log caused by a change in fluid salinity in
the rocks, and reversals in response of the long
normal-resistivity log caused by bed-thickness effects,
are shown in figure 7. It is assumed that the fluid in
the lower part of the borehole is saline; this salinity
causes the spontaneous-potential log to be featureless
and decreases response of the resistance and resistivity logs in this part of the borehole. Portions of this
figure are included and described in more detail in the
sections on specific types of logs. The hypothetical
responses of these logs to a wide range of lithologies
may be typical of one depositional basin but not of
another. Log response must be learned for each new
study area, where it usually becomes a recognizable





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++ monzomte. r+++


Figure &-Typical
responses of hypothetical caliper, gamma, neutron, acoustic-velocity,
and resistivity
logs to various altered and fractured crystalline rocks. Porosity increases to the left on the neutron
and acoustic-velocity
logs; scales increase to the right on the other logs.

The typical responses of some logs to various types

of altered and fractured igneous and metamorphic
rocks are shown in figure 8. Data on log response in
crystalline rocks have been few until the recent expan-

sion of exploration for geothermal energy and for

potential repositories for radioactive waste. The logs
in figure 8 reflect a summary of some of the experience
gained in those programs by the U.S. Geological








10 2.5

Figure 9.-Gamma,



and gamma-gamma






logs for two wells in the Raft River geothermal

Survey. Synergistic log analysis is just as useful in

crystalline rocks as in sedimentary rocks. An example
of the use of gamma, neutron, and gamma-gamma logs
to distinguish chlorite schist from biotite schist in the
Raft River geothermal reservoir, Idaho, is shown in
figure 9. The schists are marked by an anomalously
large porosity, based on the neutron logs, and by a
marked increase in density, based on the gammagamma logs. This difference is caused by the large
content of bound water or water of crystallization in
the mica minerals. Radioactivity of the chlorite schist
was decreased substantially during the process of
hydrothermal alteration from biotite. Leaching of
potassium, and possibly of uranium, during alteration
caused the decrease in radioactivity, which allowed
the two types of schist to be distinguished by use of
gamma logs.
The technique of studying the different types of logs
as a group, rather than one at a time, is an important
one to develop. For this purpose, the logs for one well
are placed side by side after the appropriate corrections for depth errors have been made. Locating logs
that show similar responses, such as neutron and
resistivity, side by side makes depth errors and differences in response easier to identify. Plotting any





core data or lithologic descriptions on the same vertical scale as the logs is helpful, but these data usually
will require vertical displacement with respect to the
logs because the depth datum may be different by as
much as 20 ft. A few correlation lines drawn across a
suite of logs at major anomalies also are helpful.
Examining a suite of logs from a few feet away is
good practice. From that distance, detail becomesless
important, and significant trends and shifts in
response become more obvious. Replotting logs at
different vertical or horizontal scales, using a computer, may bring out features not previously obvious.
A suite of logs should be examined for similarities and
differences, and explanations should be sought for a
log response that departs from that anticipated on the
basis of available background data. When searching
for explanations for anomalous log response, one
should first examine the caliper log to determine if
borehole-diameter increase is a reason. Wellconstruction information also may explain an anomalous response, as may information on the mineral or
chemical composition of the rock. The results of synergistic log analysis depend on the information available from other sources and on a complete understanding of what the various logs respond to.





analysis of logs

During the last few years, computer analysis of

geophysical well logs has become widely used in the
petroleum industry, but it is seldom applied in groundwater hydrology. If done properly, computer analysis
of logs can provide many additional data for groundwater studies. The large quantity of data represented
by a suite of well logs cannot easily be collated or
condensedin the human mind so that all interrelations
can be isolated and used. Computer analysis makes
this possible. All major commercial well-logging service companiesoffer digitized logs and computer interpretation; some offer real-time interpretation at the
well site. Several programs are available for purchase
that will run on minicomputers and microcomputers
having sufficient memory, data storage, and graphics
capability. Numerous log-analysis programs also have
been written for programmable pocket calculators. In
addition to the logging-service companies, several
other companieswill process logs with their computeranalysis packages. Logs that have not been digitized
onsite can be sent out for commercial digitizing.
Computer-analysis programs have been developed in
Government agencies such as the U.S. Geological
Survey (Merkel and others, 1976; Scott, 1977).
Recent improvements in and decreasesin the cost of
microcomputers and personal computers make them
suitable for log analysis and economically justified for
ground-water applications (Keys, 1986). Geophysical
logs can be transmitted by telephone from a logging
truck or another computer to a personal computer
equipped with a modem, and can be analyzed and
plotted using a spreadsheet program. Although the
spreadsheet was not designed for log analysis, a few
hours with the program manual and computer will
allow someone who understands logs to manipulate
the data and plot results similar to those available
from commercial organizations at a fraction of the
Computer analysis of logs offers a number of advantages compared with other methods used in the past:
(1) a large mass of data can be collated and displayed;
(2) logs can be corrected and replotted; (3) scales can
be changed; (4) smoothing and filtering operations can
be conducted; (5) cross plots can be made between
different kinds of logs, and between logs and core
data; and (6) calibration curves, correlation functions,
and ratios, as well as cross-section and thickness
maps, can be plotted. Finally, these results can be
plotted as publication-quality figures at a cost less
than that required for professional drafting. Although
all of these manipulations can be done manually, the
large quantity of data available from a suite of logs, or




from the logs of all wells penetrating an aquifer

system, is ideally suited for computer analysis.
The disadvantages of computer analysis are several.
First, the cost may be excessive, particularly for a
small quantity of data. Further, the complexity of the
approach may lead to overestimation of the value of
the answers it provides. This is particularly dangerous
because most of the algorithms developed commercially for log analysis are for petroleum applications
and may require modification for ground-water applications. An understanding of log analysis is necessary
before computer interpretation is attempted. Finally,
the computer-plotted data are no better than the
original log data; if the logs are improperly recorded
or calibrated, the computer output may be useless
until corrections are made.


Geophysical logs may be digitized at the well site

while they are being recorded in analog format, or
subsequently from the analog record. Onsite digitizing
is more accurate and less expensive; with computers
now on some logging trucks, the data can be processed
in real time. Onsite digitizing also provides backup for
recovery of data that are lost on the analog recorder
because of incorrect selection of scales. Off-scale
deflections lost from the analog recorder will be available from the digital record, if it is made correctly.
Some systems permit immediate playback of the digital record to the analog recorder with adjustment of
both horizontal and vertical scales. The equipment for
onsite digitizing is described in more detail in the
section on logging equipment. In most systems, the
signal from a logging probe is transmitted simultaneously to an analog recorder and through either an
analog-to-digital converter or a digital ratemeter to a
magnetic-tape recorder or to a disk. Sample interval
and sample time must be correctly selected for onsite
digitizing of logs. Digital sample time is important to
the proper recording of all nuclear logs; it is discussed
in the section on nuclear logging.
The digital data may be printed or plotted while the
log is being run, but the analog record also is needed
because watching a log develop on a chart-type
recorder is one of the best ways to avoid major errors
in logging and to optimize probe and data configuration. The analog record may show more detail than the
digital record because of sample interval or the elimination of the step function present in many plots of
digital data. Information on the digital record always
is listed in the log heading of the analog chart. This
information includes the label on the recording
medium, file number, sample interval and time, depth
interval recorded, and any calibration information
pertinent to the digital record.




Although office digitizing of analog records is

expensive and time consuming, no other choice may
exist for old logs. Desk-top curve-following digitizers
probably are available in most offices that have a
computer. Because of the training needed to digitize
logs, particularly multicurve commercial logs, correctly, better and less expensive results usually are
obtained from a company that specializes in digitizing
geophysical logs. Such companies are located in major
oil-exploration centers. When logs are digitized commercially, certain specifications or instructions must
be provided to tlhe company along with the purchase
order, such as recording medium, format and bits per
inch, sample interval, depth shifts, editing required,
and plots of the data that can be used to check
accuracy of digitizing.
Correcting and calibrating


The computer is ideally suited for correcting logs

and plotting them with calibrated scales. Depth correction is required on most logs, and it can be done at
the same time th,e computer is being used to make the
first plot of digitized data. Most depth errors are the
result of operator error or use of a different depth
reference at different times; however, other errors
resulting from a. stretched cable or a sticking probe,
and errors in the cable measuring system, also occur.
The most common correction needed is a consistent
depth shift for the entire log to make it correlate with
other logs of the same well or with core data. A
technique for computer correlation of log and core
data has been described by Jeffries (1966). Sometimes
the logs in a suite require some shifting to agree with
a preselected datum. If depth errors vary as a function
of depth because of cable stretch, these errors can be
corrected using the equation for the particular cable
used. Sudden changes in depth may occur randomly in
the log because of a sticking probe or because of
changes in the depth reading, which are made manually by the operator when a magnetic cable marker is


Changing the vertical and horizontal scales of logs

independently was almost impossible before computer
processing became available; now replotting to produce scales best suited for the intended purpose is a
simple matter. Correcting for nonlinear response and
changing from a linear to a logarithmic scale also are
relatively simple procedures. Most probes produce a
pulse frequency or a voltage that can be related to the
desired rock or fluid property by an equation. For
example, many of the temperature probes used by the
U.S. Geological Survey use a thermistor, which is
stable and responds rapidly but is nonlinear. After
careful calibration across the temperature range of
use, the response equation for each probe can be
calculated to replot the temperature log. The original
field prints of logs, both analog and digital, have scales
in pulses per second and are nonlinear with respect to
temperature. The final computer plot will have a
linear scale in temperature. Logs also can be plotted
at several different scales to keep the full data range
on the paper and, at the same time, to resolve small
but significant changes.
Plotting data from logs

Probably the most important technique available for

log analysis today (1985) is the computer plotting of
data obtained from logs against data from other logs,
core analyses, or tests. The most frequently used
technique is cross plotting, which compares the
response of two different logs. An idealized cross plot
of log A versus log B in a three-mineral-component
system is given in figure 10 (Mac&y, 1978). If log A

detected. These types of errors are best avoided, but

should be noted on the log when they occur. Different
corrections for specific depth intervals will produce
either overlap or missing data sections that will
require editing.
Data from probe calibration can be used to convert
a log to the appropriate environmental units. For
example, most neutron logs are recorded in pulses per
second, which can be converted to porosity if necessary calibration and standardization data are available. It is better to record unprocessed log data, such
as pulses per second, and calibration data for later
conversion to environmental units, such as porosity,
because it is easier to correct unprocessed data for




Figure IO.-Format
of cross plot of two logs with
three mineral matrices (modified from MacCary,








0 b,,:,



, ,-,

I , , , , I , , , , 1 , , , I 1





Figure Il.-Acoustic

transit time versus neutron

and log B have inverse responses to minerals X and Y,

a plot of A versus B will yield the line from 100percent
of mineral X to 100percent of mineral Y. The percentage of the two minerals can be measured along a linear
scale from X to Y. If a third mineral is added, as in
figure 10, the relative content of the three minerals
can be determined uniquely from the cross plot. If a
fourth mineral is added, the solution is indeterminate,
unless a third kind of log is added. Usually more than
three minerals are present, even if only in trace
quantities, so some scatter of data points will be
produced. For a more complete description of cross
plots, see MacCary (1978).
A cross plot of transit time from an acoustic-velocity
log versus porosity from a neutron log, calibrated for
limestone, is given in figure 11. The data were plotted
from digitized commercial logs of Madison Limestone
test well 1 (named for the Mississippian Madison
Limestone) drilled by the U.S. Geological Survey in
Wyoming. The calibration lines labeled sandstone,
limestone, and dolomite were obtained from a plot in a
book of log-interpretation charts provided by the
company that did the logging for the survey. Such
chart books are available at no charge from all major
commercial well-logging service companies. The
appropriate chart for the specific probes used to make




test well 1, Wyomina.

the logs must be selected. When the cross plot is

entered with the values from corresponding depths for
the acoustic-velocity and neutron logs, the approximate lithology and the porosity corrected for matrix
or mineral response can be read. Obviously, the logs
must be depth corrected to the same datum before
such plots can be made. Similar porosity values on the
calibration lines for the three rocks may be connected
with lines to facilitate interpolating porosities. The
line of data points at 30-percent neutron porosity
indicates that the log was limiting at this value, and
that some porosity values probably are greater than
30 percent, although they may be caused by solution
openings. These two logs indicate that two major rock
types are in the interval plotted: limestone and dolomite. The group of points to the right of the dolomite
line indicates secondary porosity in the dolomite.
Unfortunately, all petroleum-oriented interpretation
charts are based on only the three rock types shown,
with the occasional addition of anhydrite.
A plot of bulk density from a gamma-gamma log
versus a neutron log for the same well is given in
figure 12. The plot clearly shows that the neutron log
was artificially limited at 30-percent neutron porosity.
Commercial logs commonly are limited at this value.
















Figure 12.-Bulk
density versus neutron porosity, Madison Limestone test well 1, Wyoming. The line of
data points at 30.percent neutron porosity shows that the log was artificially limited at this value.

The plot also indicates that most of the rocks penetrated are limestone or dolomite; however, the presence of some sandstone is indicated. While the plot in
figure 12 was being made, the group of points circled
along the sandstone line were noted to occur within a
continuous depth interval. A check of the lithologic log
indicated that the Cambrian Flathead Sandstone was
clearly defined on the cross plot.
Another kind of cross plot that can be made using a
computer is illustrated in figure 13. The figure, modified from Head and Merkel (1977), shows a third log
variable for an interval in the upper part of the
Pennsylvanian and Permian Minnelusa Formation.
The third variable plotted on the Z axis is a weighted
function, from 1 to 10, of the gamma-log response. The
presence of shale is indicated by Z-axis values greater
than 8. The authors of the paper selected a shalematrix point by examining trends in the third-variable
plots. Matrix response for a log is the value for a pure
matrix lithology at zero porosity. For example, in
figure 13 the sandstone line intersects the O-percent
apparent neutron porosity line at 2.63 g/cm3, which is
similar to the grain density of quartz. Shale is not a
pure matrix mineral and does not record a zero

Frequency plots appear similar to figure 13, but

numerical values in the plot represent the frequency
of occurrence of a pair of values from two logs rather
than values from a third log. Where points are very
numerous and overlapping, a frequency plot is easier
to evaluate than a standard cross plot. The frequency
of occurrence of values for each of the logs may be
plotted along the axes.
Frequency-distribution plots or histograms are useful indications of the number of major rock types that
are present, based on the response of a single log.
They also may indicate abnormal log response by
abrupt termination of data along either axis. A histogram of gamma-log response for a deep well near
Raleigh, N.C., is shown in figure 14. The bimodal
distribution probably indicates sandstone and conglomerate at count rates less than 1,500p/s and clay or
mudstone at count rates greater than 1,800 p/s. A
histogram like this might indicate the cumulative
thicknesses of rock types and whether contacts are
distinct or gradational. This type of histogram has
been used to calibrate old or incorrectly calibrated
logs within a single formation and a limited area.
An example of the kind of final product that might
result from the computer analysis of logs is given in







L 2.5
fj 2.6















Figure 13.-Z-axis
plot of gamma-log response versus gamma-gamma-log
and neutron-log responses for
the upper part of the Minnelusa Formation (modified from Head and Merkel, 1977). Numbers (l-9)
represent a weighted function of the gamma-log response; values of 9 indicate the presence of shale.

figure 15. The plot is based on well logs of the

Cretaceous Edwards Limestone near San Antonio,
Tex.; the program was developed by Merkel and
others (1976) of the U.S. Geological Survey. Porosity,
dolomite, limestone, and sandstone as percentages
of total rock mass are shown in figure 15. Bulk
density, matrix density, and secondary porosity also
are shown. The Edwards Limestone is most permeable in intervals that have the largest secondary
porosity. Merkel and others (1976) also computed
logs of thermal conductivity, heat flow, permeability,
and apparent water resistivity. They used a linearprogramming algorithm that allowed the analyst to

weight the log data according to probable data quality,

determined by examining logs and from cross plots.
Many core analyses were available to calibrate the
logs and to validate the final results.
Several computer programs for analysis of geophysical logs are available commercially, in addition to
those used by the service companies for their own
logs. These programs generally were written for
petroleum-oriented applications, but some may be
useful in ground-water hydrology. In any event, if
computer-log analysis is used without knowing the
basis for the algorithms, errors may result. The logs
should be analyzed by a local hydrologist, on the basis







;: 150




+++++++++++ +++++++


s 1013l+++++++++++++t++++++++++++++
50 l++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
++ +++
++++*++++ i



Figure 14.-Histogram

of gamma-log




response for a deep well near Raleigh, N.C.

of as complete knowledge of the study area as possible, rather than relying on canned computer analyses available from logging companies.
The validity of computer analyses must be evaluated in each geohydrologic environment. Many of the
programs are limited because they are restricted to
three rock types: limestone, dolomite, and sandstone.
A correction for shale may be added by using gamma
logs; igneous and metamorphic rocks are not considered. Water-saturation problems are a major part of
commercial software packages for log analysis because
of the importance of saturation in oil recovery. Almost
all ground-water applications would involve sediments
that are considered to be 100 percent saturated. Some
companies use the term index when plotting such
computer-calculated values as permeability and porosity. The term is used as a qualifier to indicate that
neither true permeability nor porosity is being plotted. The log-interpretation equations used in computer analyses are mostly empirical, specific to the
rocks commonly present in oil fields, and may not be
applicable to a ground-water environment.

Petrophysics and
log Response
The responses of geophysical well logs are affected
by several important factors: the rock matrix, the
interstitial fluids, the borehole temperature, the construction of the well, and the fluids in the well. For
most applications, responses to the first two factors
are desired but generally are inseparable; the
response resulting from the construction of the well
usually is an extraneous or undesired response.
Aspects of petrophysics that are most important in
understanding log response are (1) the chemical composition of the rock or sediment, (2) the shape and size
distribution of the grains or crystals, (3) the size,
shape, continuity, and filling of the pore spaces, and
(4) primary or secondary structures such as bedding
and fractures. Well logging for physical properties has
been discussed in much greater detail by Hearst and
Nelson (1985).

























Figure 15.-Computer
plots showing
based on geophysical
logs of the Edwards
others, 1976).






bulk density,
matrix density,
near San Antonio,


The chemical composition of either crystals or detrital grains in a rock matrix or unconsolidated sediment
has a substantial effect on the responses of nuclear and
electric logs. Calibration of neutron and gammagamma logs should be done in pits or core holes where
the chemical composition of the rock matrix is similar
to that expected to be present during logging. Flow of
most of the electric current t,hat produces resistivity
logs is through fluid-filled pore spaces rather than
through rock matrix; however, electrically conductive
minerals may have extraneous effects on the relation
of current flow to porosity.
Because variations in mineralogy or chemical composition affect log response, semiquantitative laboratory analysis of selected core samples in a new study
area is needed. When the minerals present are known,
most standard texts on mineralogy can provide information on chemical composition and density. The
Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (Weast and
Astle, 1981) is useful for obtaining this type of information and some data on resistivity and nuclear

and secondary
Tex. (from Merkel and

characteristics. The physical, chemical, and nuclear

characteristics of major rock-forming minerals that
may affect log analysis are discussed in some handbooks on formation evaluation and books of loginterpretation charts available from major commercial
logging-service companies. Addresses of these companies can be found in issues of the Log Analyst,
published by the Society of Professional Well Log
Analysts, Houston, Tex.

The porosity of rocks affects the response of many
geophysical logs; neutron, gamma-gamma, and
acoustic-velocity logs commonly are incorrectly called
porosity logs. The various electric logs also respond to
porosity. Different types of logs respond to total,
effective, and primary or secondary porosity in dissimilar ways. To understand the effect of different
types of porosity on logs, the type of porosity being
measured using core or interpreted from logs needs to
be defined. Because the terminology varies somewhat




Table 1. -Response


Response to total


of logs to porosity
Response to
secondary porosity

Response to
effective porosity


Hydrogen content.

Best response to lowporosity rocks.

Does not distinguish

from primw porosity.

Does not distinguish.


Electron density.

Best response to highporosity rocks.

Does not distinguish.


tra.nsit time.


Both resistivity and

volume of fluid in

Related only to total

porosity, when it is
primary and intergranular.
No current flow
through isolated

Does not distinguish

from primary
Does not respond to
secondary porosity
under most conditions.
Detects secondary
pores, but is
affected by shape.

among various groups working with logs, definitions

are provided in this text and in the glossary that will
be used throughout this manual. Porosity is defined as
the ratio of the void volume of a porous medium to the
total volume, expressed as a decimal fraction or a
percentage. In well-logging literature, the term
porosity commonly is used without definition and
without the modifying terms total or effective.
When the term porosity is used without a modifier
in this manual, it refers to total porosity, and it
includes all pore spaces, whether they are interconnected or not. Effective porosity includes only those
pores that are interconnected and, therefore, are
effective in transmitting fluids and electrical current.
Effective and total porosity are nearly the same in
most detrital sedimentary rocks; however, in some
carbonate and volcanic rocks, isolated pores are common. Primary porosity includes porosity developed
during the final #stagesof sedimentation, or porosity
present at the time of deposition; it usually is intergranular and relatively uniform. Secondary porosity
develops after deposition and usually is present as
nonuniform fractures or solution openings.
Because the type of porosity is so significant in log
analysis, it is important to determine exactly how
laboratory measurements are made and the type of
porosity measured. Laboratory porosity measured
using core may be the only practical way of calibrating
some logs made in ground-water systems; core analyses are necessary to confirm the porosity scales on
commercial logs. The common scatter of data illustrates one of the problems with core measurements;
porosity usually varies greatly within a small volume,
and, therefore, a few samples may not be statistically
The responses of specific logs to various types of
porosity are described in detail in the section on each
log; however, a brief summary is appropriate here.

Does not distinguish.

Responds only to
effective porosity.


matrix and fluid


Bound water and other

neutron absorbers.
High salinity. Pores
must be saturated.
Matrix composition.
High salinity. Saturation error.
No signal in gas or air.

Boundary effects (surface conduction),

fluid chemistry.

The ways in which resistivity, gamma-gamma, neutron, acoustic-velocity, and resistivity logs respond to
porosity are summarized in table 1. This table can be
used as a first step in selecting logs appropriate to
estimate porosity; however, more detailed study is
needed before making a final decision. No log measures porosity directly, and the widely used term
porosity log is misleading. Resistivity logs provide
an estimate of effective porosity only when no conductive mineral grains are present. Because the flow of
electrical current through pore spaces is affected by
the shape of those pores and by the conductivity of
pore fluids, resistivity logs may be in error when used
to estimate porosity. Gamma-gammaand neutron logs
may provide estimates of total porosity under the
right conditions, when they are properly calibrated.
Acoustic-velocity logs also may provide estimates of
total porosity, but some kinds of secondary openings
may not be detected.
The measurement of effective porosity is important
in determining the volume of water present. Variations in porosity can be used under favorable conditions to estimate variations in hydraulic conductivity;
however, in most rocks, porosity and permeability are
not related quantitatively. A very small secondary
porosity, present as fractures or solution openings,
may transmit large volumes of water in crystalline or
carbonate rocks. For this reason, and because crystalline rocks are being investigated as possible repositories for radioactive waste, interest in determining the
distribution and character of fractures by geophysical
logging has increased greatly during the last decade.
Acoustic-logging techniques are proving to be particularly useful for this purpose.

Particle size, shape, and cementation

Particle-size distribution and the shape of smaller
particles, such as grains, or larger particles, such as




pebbles, have a substantial effect on the ability of

porous media to transmit fluids and therefore affect
the response of some logs. Although no log provides a
direct measurement of particle size, many finegrained detrital sediments are more radioactive than
coarse-grained sediments in the same depositional
Particle sizes of sedimentary rocks penetrated by
wells range from clay particles to large boulders; these
different sizes affect logs very differently. Minimal
sorting and large rock fragments produce an inhomogeneous rock. Logs made in such a rock are less
diagnostic than logs made in uniform sandstone or
shale. Geophysical logs measure the average of some
physical characteristic within the volume of material
being investigated. As the particles increase in size,
the volume measured also needs to increase if the log
is to be statistically representative of the material
surrounding the borehole.
Flat particles, such as clay, have minimal resistivity. They have a greater surface area for a given
volume; thus, they have a greater surface conduction,
which can introduce errors in measuring the resistivity of clay-rich sediments. Because clay-rich sediments introduce an error in deriving porosity from
neutron logs, analysts in the petroleum industry commonly adjust logs for clay content by applying a
shaliness factor derived from gamma logs. The error
is mostly the result of the relatively large hydrogen
content of clay rather than the shape of the particles.
Cementation of mineral grains affects log response
and the flow of fluids through detrital sediments. No
log responds specifically to cementing material, but
the cementation factor, or exponent (m), is important
in the relation among resistivity, formation-resistivity
factor, and porosity.
Cementation of grains has a major effect on the
propagation of acoustic energy in detrital sediments.
Attenuation of the signal is substantial in slightly
cemented sediments; acoustic-velocity logs usually
cannot be made in these materials. Acoustic reflectivity also is minimal, so acoustic-televiewer logs are
difficult to make in poorly consolidated sediments. In
general, acoustic logging of unconsolidated sediments
is not done, because an uncased borehole cannot be
kept open without the use of heavy drilling muds.



The formation-resistivity factor (F> is an important

concept in borehole geophysics; the various relations
of F to porosity and resistivity can be used to calculate
porosity 4 or water quality from geophysical logs.
Archie (1942) defined F as the ratio of the electrical
resistivity of a rock 100 percent saturated with water




(Ro) to the resistivity of the water with which it is

saturated (Rw); F=RolRw. He also stated that F is
related to porosity as F= l/+, where m is the cementation exponent, sometimes called the porosity exponent. Many modifications have been made to Archies
(1942)original concept; they have been summarized by
Ransom (1984). The more widely used modified formation factor is stated F=al+m, where the coefficient
a and the exponent m can be calculated independently
and are related to rock characteristics.
The coefficient a usually is 1 when clean, shale-free
rocks are being investigated, but it may be less than 1
when clay or other conductive minerals are being
logged. The presence of conductive minerals
decreasesresistivity within an aquifer; a would be less
than 1 as long as m remains constant. Methods also
are in use in the petroleum industry that compensate
directly for conductive clays; when these methods are
used, a would be 1 (Waxman and Smits, 1968; Ransom, 1977).
The porosity exponent m usually varies from 1.3 to
2.8 when a=l. This exponent is related to some of the
same pore-geometry factors that affect permeability,
such as shape of pores or particles, ratio of surface
area to volume of particles, cementation, compaction,
and anisotropy. The occurrence of secondary porosity,
such as an open fracture, will have as substantial an
effect on m as it does on permeability. The value of F
calculated from resistivity logs of fractured igneous or
vugular carbonate rocks will give misleading results if
it is used to estimate water quality. A consistent
increase in both permeability and F with an increase
in particle size has been demonstrated (Jones and
Buford, 1951). Alger (1966) published both laboratory
and resistivity-log data demonstrating an increase in
F with an increase in particle size.
The value of F tends to be relatively consistent for
a given aquifer within a single depositional environment. It can be determined from resistivity logs in
wells where Rw is known from water samples or from
logs that are properly calibrated for porosity. When
determined in this way, F has been called the fieldformation factor and has been used to map the distribution of ground-water salinity using only resistivity
logs (Turcan, 1966).

Rock structure
Primary structural features, such as bedding, and
secondary features, such as fractures and faults, can
be detected indirectly by log response. Bedding planes
can be inferred from logs only when they are contacts
between lithologies having dissimilar physical properties. Lithologic changes usually produce inflections on
logs; such inflections usually are the basis for strati-




graphic correlation from one well to another. Unless

the log inflection is very sharp, contacts usually are
assumed to occur at one-half the inflection-amplitude
difference between two rock types. Thin bedding
planes, from a layer of laminated minerals, may not
cause recognizable log response unless the logging
device has sufficiently high resolution. Both thin,
cyclic bedding and graded bedding can be recognized
on logs under favorable conditions. Although stratigraphic correlation with logs usually is done by
matching the wiggles, correlation is likely to be
more accurate when based on a knowledge of the
causes of log response.
Fractures and faults may be recognized on logs if
they are wide enough to be resolved by the device in
use or if they are marked by changes in rock type or
alteration. Many fractures are too thin for recognition
by any logging devices except those having the highest resolution, such as the acoustic televiewer. Only
the acoustic televiewer, borehole television, and the
dipmeter provide data that can be interpreted in
terms of the dip and strike of planar structures, such
as bedding planes or fractures. The potential for error
in the correlation of planar structures between boreholes should be recognized. One potential source of
errors is produced by deviation of boreholes. All deep
boreholes deviate from the vertical, unless very careful control of drilling procedures is maintained.
Borehole-deviation logs should be obtained and corrections made before three-dimensional information
on bedding or fractures is assumed to be valid. More
information on this subject is included in the sections
on borehole effects and acoustic-televiewer logging.
Knowledge of the location, orientation, and character of fractures is essential to understanding the flow
of ground water in many crystalline rocks and hard
sedimentary rocks. In crystalline rocks, almost all
flow is through fractures, even though such rocks may
have minimal porosity. Widespread logging of wells in
crystalline rocks in recent years indicates that most of
the flow may be through one or several discrete
fractures, even though a large number may have been
intersected by the borehole. The significance of a few
conductive fractures to rock permeability has been
demonstrated both in geothermal reservoirs and in
the Canadian Shield (Keys and Sullivan, 1979; Keys,

Flow and
Llog Response
Measurements of the flow of ground water and its
relation to permeability and specific yield are among
the most important objectives of borehole geophysical


logging in water-resources investigations. Although

no log measures permeability directly, several kinds
of logs indicate where water is moving into or out of a
well. Also, the relative magnitude of the permeability
of discrete depth intervals can be estimated from
flowmeter logs. In addition, moisture content and
specific yield can be measured with properly calibrated logging equipment under certain conditions.

Well hydraulics
The uncased or screened interval of many wells
provides a short circuit for vertical flow if two or more
permeable intervals with different hydraulic heads are
intersected. Vertical flow commonly is detected when
several hundred feet or more of uncased borehole are
available for logging. Flow may be in either direction,
or may be upward in one depth interval and downward
in another depth interval in the same well. Convective
movement within a well caused by thermal gradients
is common; the interpretation problems caused by
convective flow are discussed in the section on temperature logging.
Temperature logs, impeller-flowmeter logs, and
tracer logs of various types can be used to measure
vertical flow in wells. Temperature logs are most
useful for locating intervals in which water flows into
or out of a well. Impeller-flowmeter logs can be used
in continuous logging mode to locate these intervals,
or in stationary mode for more accurate measurements when velocity is sufficiently fast. Tracer logging is most useful when velocities are too slow for
impeller flowmeters.
When velocity of flow is not sufficient for detection
by available equipment, the aquifer system may be
stressed by injecting water at the land surface or by
pumping the well at a constant rate. Velocities measured in the cased interval can be used to calibrate the
logging equipment. Water with temperature different
from that of the ground water can be injected in one

well, and its movement to other wells can be detected

using temperature logs (Keys and Brown, 1978). The
distribution of water of different salinities can be
mapped using fluid-conductivity logs. Both temperature and fluid-conductivity logs will identify the more
permeable intervals by locating the depths at which
the anomalous water arrives. If permits can be
obtained, a short-half-life gamma-emitting radioisotope, such as iodine-131, can be used for accurate
measurement of vertical flow within a well or flow
between wells.
Caliper logs are essential for quantitative interpretation of flow in wells because discharge is proportional to the cross-sectional area of the borehole.
Using properly calibrated flow-measuring probes and







correcting for hole diameter, the relative hydraulic

conductivity of depth intervals within a well can be

Hydraulic conductivity
and IL
intrinsic permeability
No log measures hydraulic conductivity or intrinsic
permeability directly, yet these measurements are
essential to most ground-water studies. Hydraulic
conductivity (K) is the quantity of water that will flow
through a unit cross-section area of rock, per unit
time, at a specified temperature under a unit hydraulic gradient and is, therefore, a function of both the
properties of the rock and the water contained in the
rock. Intrinsic permeability (k) is a measure of the
relative ease with which a porous medium can transmit a liquid under a potential gradient and is, therefore, a function only of the properties of the rock.
Computer-plotted logs available from some commercial service companies may have a scale labeled
permeability index. Although the units usually are
millidarcies, the qualifier index is used as a disclaimer of accurate permeability measurement. Knowing how this index is calculated is important because
the technique used may not be appropriate for aquifers that are 100 percent saturated with water, in
contrast to the two-phase system (water and oil or
gas), which is the basis for most log analysis in
petroleum applications. Although K cannot be measured directly by borehole geophysics, a number of
relations exist that permit its estimation from logs.
The basic principles of these relations need to be
understood as an aid in selecting and interpreting
A popular misconception is that porosity and permeability are directly related. Although a general
relation has been demonstrated in a limited number of
geologic environments, the problems of establishing a
clear relationship are many. A plot of porosity versus
horizontal permeability, measured using core samples
of replacement dolomites from a well completed in the
Madison Limestone, is shown in figure 16 (Thayer,
1983). This plot is typical of the scatter usually
obtained; permeability cannot be estimated from
porosity values of less than 20 percent, yet most of the
samples having a porosity greater than 20 percent also
are more permeable than the less porous samples.
This relation may pertain elsewhere in the Madison
Limestone, but the possibility would have to be established by measurement. When secondary porosity,
such as fractures or solution openings, contributes
substantially to flow, no relation between porosity and
K is detected. Other problems in trying to establish
relations of this type are the potential for error in






. .


. .

. 0. . .



0.1 r

0.05 F

z 0.005

. .


. .





Figure 16.-Relation
of porosity and horizontal permeability for replacement dolomites in the Madison Limestone (modified from Thayer, 1983).

measuring K using core and the relatively small size of

core samples; small samples are not representative if
the rock is not homogeneous.
A relation between the formation-resistivity factor
and K, mentioned previously, and a relation to radioactivity from gamma logs are shown in figure 17,
which is modified after Kwader (1982). The data are
from a carbonate aquifer in Florida. Gamma logs
usually indicate greater radioactivity in clay than in
coarser sediments or in carbonates; any relation to K
must be demonstrated by a statistically significant
number of samples. This relation has been demonstrated in a number of depositional basins throughout
the world.
Raiga-Clemenceau (1977) suggested a relation
between intrinsic permeability and the cementation
exponent in the porosity-formation-factor equation.
Jones and Buford (1951) and Alger (1966) demonstrated that both F and k increase with grain size.
Croft (1971) used Algers (1966) plot of k versus F to
determine K from resistivity logs; he found reasonable
agreement with values obtained by other methods.
Worthington (1977) showed that the relation between
F and k may not be systematic because of surface
conduction. Urish (1981) obtained a relation opposite
to that suggested by Alger (1966)and Croft (1971)and





















Figure 17.-Hydraulic




conductivity and gamma response versus formation-resistivity

aquifer in Florida (modified from Kwader, 1982).

concluded that variations in porosity and matrix conduction limited the method to qualitative evaluation of
k. The varying Iconclusions of these studies suggest
that relations between the formation-resistivity factor
and intrinsic permeability must be demonstrated for
each aquifer before they can be used in a predictive
Intrinsic permeability cannot be obtained directly
from logs because it is related not only to the percent
and kind of porosity (+), but also to particle-size
distribution, particle shape and orientation, and the
type and distribution of cement. The Kozeny equation
relates k and $ randother fundamental properties of
porous media (Kozeny, 1927).The equation states that

T =coefficient of tortuosity, and
S,=specific surface of particles exposed per unit
volume of matrix.
Specific surface is controlled by grain size. At a
given porosity, smaller particle size will decrease k.
The Kozeny equation indicates that a combination of
logs that provide information on both effective porosity and particle size might allow estimation of k. Thus,
the importance of applying several different logs to
the problem of estimating hydraulic conductivity and
other hydrologic characteristics is emphasized in this

factor for a limestone

Specific yield and moisture


Specific yield is the ratio of the volume of water that

saturated rock will yield by gravity to its own volume
(Meinzer, 1923). Specific yield plus specific retention
equals effective porosity. Specific yield also is a function of particle-size distribution (Johnson, 1967). In
general, maximum values of specific yield are associated with medium sand with uniform size distribution,
and minimum values of specific yield are associated
with clay and silt; therefore, under the right conditions the specific yield of aquifer materials can be
estimated using geophysical logs.
Specific yield or storage coefficient of an unconfined
aquifer can be determined by using neutron logs to
measure the moisture remaining after gravity drainage is complete (Meyer, 1962). The moisture in the
unsaturated zone is important because it is related to
evapotranspiration and recharge. Neutron-moisture
logging can be done on a periodic basis in order to
record changes over time.

Interstitial Fluids and

log Response
Logs respond to the fluids contained in pore spaces
as well as to the rock matrix, although separating the
two effects is not always possible. Only those logging
devices designed to measure the fluid column alone
provide data unaffected by the matrix. Unfortunately,





the fluid in the well bore is not always representative

of the fluid in the adjacent rock mass. This problem
affects all fluid-column logs, and it can be resolved
only through an understanding of the flow within the
well, and of the construction, drilling, and testing of
the well. Vertical movement in the fluid column,
including that caused by convection, displaces fluids
away from their host rocks. Accurate information on
well construction is essential for correct interpretation
of the fluid profile. Knowledge of the character of the
fluids injected, and of the time since drilling, circulation, pumping, or injection, will aid in determining
when the fluid column might reach equilibrium and
will provide measurements that are related to the
surrounding rock mass. Under some conditions, many
months might be necessary for the fluid column to
reach equilibrium; in fact, it may never be possible to
obtain representative information by logging the fluid
column. McConnell (1985) reported that owing to
invasion of freshwater aquifers by drilling fluids containing sodium, it may be necessary to pump seven or
more pore volumes before the resistivity of the water
is 90 percent of its true value.
Standard logging probes are available to measure
fluid resistivity, which can be converted to conductivity, and simultaneously to measure temperature. Specific ion electrodes have been modified for well logging, and neutron-activation analysis has been done
experimentally in wells, but. neither of these techniques is routine or dependable at this time.



Measurement of the electrical conductivity of

ground water provides data related to water quality.
Most logging probes measure the resistivity of the
fluid in the borehole directly, and the reciprocal is
conductivity. Specific conductance can be calculated
when temperature logs are available. When enough
chemical analyses are available from one aquifer, the
relation between specific conductance and dissolvedsolids concentration can be established for that aquifer. A plot of the relation between specific conductance and dissolved solids in water from 25 wells
completed in the Silurian Lockport Dolomite in Ohio is
given in figure 18. Such a relation can be used to
predict concentration of dissolved solids from conductivity logs.
The graph in figure 19 allows rapid conversion from
resistivity to conductivity and to approximate sodium
chloride (NaCl) concentration, in milligrams per liter,
corrected for borehole temperature; the graph is
extensively modified from one published by Schlumberger Well Surveying Corp. (Alger, 1966). Temperature scales are included in both degrees Celsius and



E 2,400

202,000 35
z 1,600%
z 1,200 8
2 8008
si 409 00


Figure l&-Relation
between specific conductance
dissolved solids in water from 25 wells completed in the
Lockport Dolomite,
Ohio (modified
from MacCary,

degrees Fahrenheit because most commercial welllogging services still use Fahrenheit. Chloride concentrations, expressed in parts per million, are still in
common use in the well-logging industry. Sodium
chloride rarely is the only salt present, so correction
needs to be made for the presence of other ions. The
following multiplying factors can be used to convert to
electrically equivalent sodium chloride concentrations:
Ca+, 0.95; Mg+, 2.00; K+, 1.00; Sod-, 0.50; HCO,-,
0.27; and C03-, 1.26 (Lynch, 1962). For example, if
the chemical composition of water from an aquifer is
known, from chemical analyses of water samples, to
be consistent, the approximate fluid resistivity or
conductivity that would be obtained from logs can be
estimated as follows:
Multiply the concentration of each ion, in milligrams per liter, by the factor given above and sum
the results. This concentration, in milligrams per
liter, is the electrically equivalent sodium chloride
Using the graph in figure 19, plot this concentration at the intersection of the appropriate diagonal
line representing this concentration and the borehole temperature; read resistivity or conductivity
at the bottom or top of the graph.









- 110
- 100


- 90




z 70



- 40







- 35

Figure 19.-Electrically

equivalent sodium chloride solution

or resistivity and temperature (modified

Fluid-conductivity logs are important in the interpretation of other logs becausethe salinity of the fluid
column can have extraneous effects on resistivity,
gamma-gamma, and neutron logs. Although multipleelectrode resistivity logs are supposed to measure
only the rock surrounding the borehole, very saline
water or brine in the borehole, may cause some electrical current to flow through the borehole fluid,
producing an error on the log. A large salt concentration also decreases the concentration of hydrogen in
borehole and interstitial fluids and increases the density of those fluids. These effects may cause errors on
gamma-gamma and neutron logs.
Several problems with fluid-conductivity logging
are discussed later. Some probes are improperly
designed, so that logs made with.them are affected by
changes in resistivity outside the fluid column. Fluidconductivity logs should be made at the beginning of
the logging program, before the fluid column is disturbed; also, they should be made traversing down the
borehole. Temperature logs should be made simultaneously, if possible. The flow system in the borehole
must be understood if the conductivity data for the
fluid column are to be interpreted correctly, and the
effect of the drilling fluid must be recognized.

plotted as a function
from Alger,1966).


Temperature logs of the borehole fluid have a
number of important applications in ground-water
hydrology. They are essential in the search for hot
ground water that might be a source of geothermal
energy. These logs can also be a guide to the source
and movement of ground water and contaminants.
Temperature data are needed to correct for the effect
on ground-water flow of variation of viscosity with
temperature. Water of a different temperature can be
used as a ground-water tracer. Temperature data are
needed to correct other logs, such as resistivity logs,
and to provide evidence of unwanted temperature
drift, characteristic of some probes. Temperature logs
also can be used to locate cement behind casing by
means of heat released by curing cement.
As with fluid conductivity, temperature should be
logged down the hole and run first, simultaneously
with conductivity, if possible. Although temperature
logs can help explain the flow system in a well,
corroborating logs are needed. Temperature-logging
equipment is relatively simple and inexpensive, but

of the



is inaccurate





lacks the sensitivity necessary for many ground-water




Although a great need exists for a logging probe

that will provide accurate data on the chemical composition of ground water, no such probe is available at
this time (1985). Specific-ion electrodes, widely used
in the laboratory, have been modified experimentally
for well logging, but they have not become commercially available for operation on standard logging
cable. Research on neutron activation in boreholes has
been in progress for a number of years, but the effort
has not produced a simple, inexpensive system that
yields unambiguous chemical analyses of ground
water. At present, the best method for obtaining
chemical analyses of ground water is to use one of
several types of remotely controlled water samplers
that are available for operation on any type of geophysical logger. Logs of fluid conductivity, temperature, and vertical flow can be used to select depths for
water samples and to extrapolate analytical data vertically.



The manner in which a test hole or well is drilled,

completed, and tested has a marked effect on geophysical logs made in that test hole well. One of the
objectives of logging is to obtain measurements of
physical properties of undisturbed rocks which can be
converted to approximate values of such rock properties as porosity, bulk density, acoustic velocity, and
resistivity. However, the drilling process disturbs the
rock near the borehole to varying degrees. Although a
number of different types of logging probes have been
developed that are called borehole compensated or
borehole corrected, all probes are affected by the
borehole to some degree. Borehole effects on geophysical logs can be categorized as effects produced by (1)
drilling fluids, (2) borehole diameter, and (3) wellconstruction techniques. All three types of effects can
be controlled to produce better logs, if that is a
priority objective. In some situations, it may be cost
effective to drill two boreholes close together-one
designed to optimize logging and the other cored in
the depth intervals indicated by those logs. Even if
drilling and completion techniques are beyond the
control of the hydrologist, the effect on log response
can be decreased by careful selection of probes. An
understanding of borehole effects will decrease errors




in log analysis. Specific effects are discussed in the

sections on each type of log.



Although cable-tool and air-rotary methods are

used occasionally, most drilling today (1985) for
ground-water purposes is done by mud rotary methods, with some augering used for shallow test holes.
Fluid is circulated in the borehole during rotary
drilling for the following reasons: to suspend and
remove cuttings, to support the wall of the borehole,
to cool and lubricate the bit and drill pipe, and to seal
the wall of the borehole to decrease fluid loss. The
fluid in the borehole also serves as the coupling
medium for electrical and acoustic logging. The hydrostatic pressure of the fluid column is an important
factor in preventing caving of unconsolidated materials. This same pressure can cause invasion of an
aquifer by the mud filtrate and the development of a
mud cake on the wall of the borehole. The pressure in
the fluid column forces the water in the mud (mud
filtrate) into permeable rock. The mud cake may
decrease the permeability of the aquifer adjacent to
the well and, thus, change results obtained from
various flow-logging devices. The thickness of the
mud cake varies with the permeability and porosity of
the rocks adjacent to the well. In oil wells, the mud
cake is commonly thinner on more porous rocks than
on less porous rocks. In contrast, in water wells, the
thickest mud cake often is present on more porous
aquifers. Some of this difference in mud-cake thickness and distribution may be the result of the carefully
controlled drilling mud program used in most oil wells.
Geophysical logs can be used to measure the effectiveness of well-development techniques designed to
remove drilling fluids and increase permeability adjacent to the well. Periodic neutron logs may detect
changes in porosity; periodic flow logs may determine
changes in source and quantity of water during pumping or injection. Gamma-gamma transmittance logs
have been used to detect changes in porosity caused
by injecting sediment-laden water and subsequently
redeveloping the well.
Today (1985) most drillers use special additives to
control the weight, viscosity, and gel strength of
drilling mud. Artificial drilling mud has different
physical and chemical characteristics than the rocks
penetrated and the associated native fluids. The chemical composition of the water used for mixing the
drilling mud is seldom the same as the chemical
composition of the ground water in the area. The
contrast between the electrical conductivity of the
fluid in the borehole and in the adjacent rocks will
determine the magnitude and direction of deflection




on a spontaneous-potential log. Invasion by drilling

fluids may change the electrical conductivity of the
pore water and may decrease porosity and permeability in the vicinity of the borehole. Drilling muds
frequently are thinned and circulated prior to logging
to reduce density and resistivity contrasts. If this is
done, the tendency for caving may increase, so logging
must proceed rapidly.
Hydraulic fractures can be induced in consolidated
or crystalline rocks by excessive hydrostatic pressure
during drilling. Drilling-induced fractures commonly
are observed on acoustic-televiewer logs; these fractures not only may affect log response, but also may
increase vertical permeability. The circulation of air
during air-rotary drilling tends to remove moisture
from the material adjacent to the borehole; thus it
affects the response of logs that provide data on
porosity and moisture content. The character of the
drilling fluids in and adjacent to the borehole affects
the response of most logs; the character of the fluids
must be considered when planning the logging operation and interpreting the logs.
It is beyond the scope of this manual to describe the
various drilling techniques and how they might be
modified to provide the best logs or the most productive well. A companion report in this series by Shuter
and Teasdale (19139)contains an excellent description
of drilling and sampling techniques used in waterresources investigations; it should be consulted before
planning a drilling and logging program.
One technique that is available for determining the
extent of alteration of properties of rock and fluid
adjacent to a borehole is the use of different spacings
between the source and detector in acoustic or nuclear
probes or between electrodes in resistivity probes.
Longer spacing usually increases the size of the volume of investigation or increases the percentage of the
signal that is derived from material farther from the
borehole. Logs made with focused-resistivity devices
and induction logs are less affected by near-borehole
conditions than are commonly used normal-resistivity
logs. Comparison of a log that measures material close
to the borehole, such as a microresistivity log, with a
log that measures properties deeper in the formation,
such as a focused-resistivity log, will indicate the
depth of invasion that has taken place.



Although many logs are termed borehole compensated or borehole corrected, almost all logs are
affected to some degree by substantial changes in
borehole diameter. All boreholes, except those drilled
in well-consolidated or crystalline rocks, have thin
intervals where borehole diameter exceeds bit size


sufficiently to cause anomalous log response. For this

reason drilling must be planned to minimize changesin
borehole diameter, and high-resolution caliper logs
should be made to detect such changes. For purposes
of log interpretation, borehole-diameter changes are
subdivided into those caused by bit size, where only
the average diameter is affected, and thin intervals of
considerable rugosity, or roughness, caused by a
combination of drilling technique and lithology. Most
logs can be corrected for average borehole diameter,
but logs made in thin zones of different diameter are
difficult to correct.
A high-resolution caliper probe may enable detection of mud cake or mud rings that are thick enough to
cause a significant error in log response. Mud rings
commonly are the result of clay being extruded into
the borehole; these rings may cause logging probes to
get stuck. Mud rings can gradually increase in size,
even after drilling has been terminated, and they
eventually may close the borehole.
Drilling technique can have a major effect on variations in borehole diameter. The difference in borehole diameter between a rotary-drilled borehole and a
nearby core hole in an area where the sedimentary
rocks change very little laterally is shown in figure 20.
The first rotary hole was drilled rapidly to minimize
borehole-diameter changes. The second borehole was
drilled very slowly, with considerable circulation of
drilling mud to maximize core recovery. Core recovery was almost 100 percent from the well-cemented
mudstone and sandstone, anhydrite, and dolomite.
The drilling and coring procedure caused considerable
variations in borehole diameter, partly because of
solution of halite cement and veins during the lengthy
drilling process, which included numerous trips with
the core barrel. The core hole produced some poor
quality logs; an example is discussed in the section on
gamma-gamma logging. Although increases in borehole diameter occurred at the same depth in both drill
holes, the range of diameter was much greater in the
core hole. Stratigraphic correlation in this area can be
done with caliper logs because borehole-diameter
changes are related to rock type. The very prominent
log deflections just above 200 ft reflect the solution of
halite veins. The very rugose interval below 300 ft
probably is the result of thin-bedded layers of anhydrite and mudstone.
Better logs generally are obtained from smaller
diameter boreholes. However, the chance of having a
probe stick in a borehole generally is decreased if the
probe does not fit the borehole too tightly. Centered
and decentralized logging tools yield different
responses; many tools are intentionally decentralized
to decrease variations in response caused by changes
in the distance of the probe from the borehole wall.







CasingSlowly drilled
core hole

- - 7==7--,





Figure 20.-Effect
of drilling technique on borehole diameter. The boreholes are
close together in an area of persistent lithology, Upper Brazos River basin,

Almost all boreholes become deviated from the vertical as depth increases; drilling procedure has a major
effect on that deviation. Because of deviation, logging

probes are assumed to be traveling along the wall of

the borehole most of the time. Forced decentralization
likely decreases periodic departure from the borehole




wall caused by rugosity, or by changes in direction of

deviation of the lborehole.
Charts in commercial log-analysis handbooks permit
correction for diameter of the borehole, but corrections for rugosity or rapid variations caused by either
lithologic changes or by drilling techniques are
extremely difficult. The correction charts usually
refer to average drilled diameter, not the diameter of
a short, irregular interval, as measured by a caliper
log. Many borehole-compensated probes employ two
detectors at different distances from the source of the
signal, and the log is based on the ratio of output from
these detectors. In theory, the different lengths of the
paths traveled to these detectors allow cancellation of
the effect of near-borehole cavities or washouts. The
short-spaced detector is supposed to be affected by
the cavity; the far-spaced detector is not. The usefulness of such techniques under a variety of borehole
conditions is questionable.
From the standpoint of quantitative log analysis,
the,best procedure is to eliminate from consideration
those depth intervals that have borehole-diameter
changes that would substantially affect the logs. It is
possible that this method could eliminate one lithology, such as salt or swelling clay. Determining the
significance of borehole-diameter changes might be
done in several ways. Data from a specific probe may
indicate the expected magnitude of the response of the
log to changes in borehole diameter. If the log being
analyzed shows (deflections that closely match the
intervals where the caliper log shows boreholediameter changes, those intervals can be eliminated
from quantitative analysis. Although such boreholediameter changes might be caused by a different
lithology, log response caused by differences in lithology is very difficult to separate from that caused by an
increase in borehole diameter. Also, not all boreholediameter changes are caused by drilling. Solution
openings, open fractures, and vesicles can exist at
great depths, and they are an intrinsic part of the rock
fabric to be considered during log analysis. An acoustic televiewer can be particularly useful in distinguishing such primary features from drilling-induced borehole enlargements. Borehole-diameter changesbehind
casing have a considerable, but undetermined, effect
on through-the-casing logs. Thus, a caliper log should
be made before casing is installed, if possible.


in interpreting logs that might provide information on

the rock behind the casing. For most wells, nuclear
logs are the only type that will receive a signal from
outside the casing, gravel pack, and cement, although
acoustic logs are a possible source of such information
if the cement is properly bonded to the casing and to
the wall rock. In general, the thinner and more
uniform the material between the logging probe and
the rock that is to be measured, the better the results.
Nuclear logs can provide data about the materials
behind the casing, but thinner casing of uniform
thickness will produce better results. Changes in
casing thickness, such as threaded couplings, will
produce anomalies on gamma-gamma logs. Two
strings of casing decrease the magnitude of the signal
from the rocks penetrated. Usually, each string of
casing will cause an offset in log response that can be
used to locate the bottom of one string of casing
outside another. The composition of the casing is less
important than its thickness and uniformity; neutron
logs will detect changes in rock character through
plastic casing in spite of its considerable hydrogen
content, just as gamma-gamma logs will detect
changes through thick steel casing. Such changes may
represent a small part of the total signal received by a
probe; uniform casing will represent a uniform background to this signal. Accurate information on casing
location and character are prerequisite to any useful
interpretation of through-the-casing logs.
Cement and gravel pack present similar difficulties
in the analysis of logs in terms of rock character.
Uniformity in thickness and in physical properties is
important but more difficult to attain than for casing.
Varying borehole diameter causes one boundary of
this annular material to be indefinite, unless a precompletion caliper log is available. Gravel pack tends to be
nonuniform, as does most fill material behind the
casing, because it usually includes materials slumped
from the borehole wall. Gamma logs can be misleading
if made through gravel pack derived from radioactive
granitic rocks. Similarly, neutron logs made to measure moisture content through casing may give inaccurate results for many months after cementing,
becauseof moisture changes as the cement cures. Dry
sand is probably a better backfill material for test
holes if neutron logging will be important. Backfill
problems and solutions have been described by Keys
and Brown (1971)and Brown and Keys (1985).

Well construction
Casing, cement., and gravel pack have substantial
effects on log character. Some logs are designed
specifically to provide information on the location and
character of easing and cement. These logs, described
in the section on well-construction logging, are useful



Geometric effects are produced on logs by variations in the relationship between the volume of investigation of a logging probe and the borehole and





intersected rocks. The volume of investigation must

be considered in log analysis, becauseit has a substantial effect on response to borehole characteristics and
to beds of varying thickness.

Volume of investigation
The volume of investigation is defined, for the
purposes of this manual, as that part of the borehole
and surrounding rocks that contributes 90 percent of
the signal that is recorded on a log. The radius of
investigation is the distance from the sensor to the
go-percent boundary. One should not infer from these
definitions that the volume of investigation is spherical or that the boundary is distinct. Instead, a gradual
decrease in contribution to the signal occurs. The size
and shape of the volume of investigation changes in
response to varying borehole conditions and to the
physical properties and geometry of boundaries in the
rock matrix. The effect of changes in porosity and bed
thickness on the volume of investigation of a neutron
probe are described in the section on neutron logging.
Not only do the size and shape of the volume of
material measured by the probe change, but the
porosity and bed-thickness values derived from the
log are affected. In the case of neutron logs, the radius
of investigation is shorter in saturated porous rocks.
In contrast, gamma and gamma-gamma logs have a
longer radius of investigation in more porous (less
dense) rocks than in less porous (more dense) rocks. If
the drill hole penetrates a series of thin beds having
different properties, the volume of investigation has
an irregular shape, which is defined by those properties.
The borehole also can affect the size and shape of
the volume of investigation. For example, a resistivity
log made in a well filled with very saline water or
brine may provide little information on surrounding
rocks that exhibit substantial resistivity becausemost
of the electrical current will flow through the borehole. Within the volume of investigation, for most
logging systems, materials closest to the sensor have
more effect than those farther away. The most significant exception to this rule includes some resistivity
probes, for which the zone of maximum influence is
located some distance from the pickup electrodes.
Decentralized, side-collimated, dual-detector probes
commonly are called borehole compensated because
they may decrease the percentage of the total signal
coming from the borehole and the mud cake. In
general, longer spacing between the source of energy
and the detector increases the radius of investigation
and decreases borehole effects, but also decreases
resolution. The radius of investigation may vary from
fractions of an inch for short-spaced probes to tens of



feet for ultralong-spaced probes. Thus spacing should

be considered when designing the logging program
and interpreting the logs.
Techniques for logging the material between two
boreholes can decrease borehole effects. These crosshole, or transmittance, logging techniques are experimental; they have relatively limited vertical resolution, but they may be advantageous under some
conditions. Both gamma-gamma and neutron transmittance logs have been used by the U.S. Geological
Survey between boreholes located several feet apart
(Keys and Brown, 1971). One of the limitations of this
technique is the difficulty of drilling two boreholes
that are straight and parallel.

Bed thickness
Bed-thickness effects on log response can be best
explained using the concept of volume of investigatipn
and its relation to source-to-detector spacing. If a bed
is thinner than the vertical dimension of the volume of
investigation or thinner than the source-to-detector
spacing, the log seldom provides accurate measurement of the thickness or physical properties of that
bed because, under these conditions, the volume of
investigation includes some of the adjacent beds, so
that the signal recorded on a log is an average .of
several lithologic units. A radiation detector will begin
to receive some data from a bed before it is opposite
the bed. When the detector is centered on the contact
between two beds of sufficient thickness, half of the
signal will be derived from one unit, and half from the
other; selection of contacts at one-half amplitude for
nuclear logs is based on this fact. If a nuclear log or
other slow-responding log is recorded too fast, contacts will be difficult to pick and apparently will be
displaced. If a bed is too thin with respect to the probe
spacing, it may not cause any response on the log; this
becomes a problem at rapid logging speeds. Contacts
on some electric logs are picked at the inflection point
where the slope of the curve changes.
Some long-spaced resistivity logs, such as the 64-in
normal log commonly used on water-well logging
equipment, display an anomalous response, called
cratering or reversal, in thin beds. This effect is
discussed in more detail in the section on resistivity
logging extraneous effects. Thin, resistive beds
between less resistive beds actually may be logged as
having a smaller resistivity than the adjacent rocks-a
reversal. Most multielectrode logs will show reversals
under some conditions and may provide erroneous 5
data on bed thickness. A single-point-resistance log is
valuable under these conditions because it never
reverses and provides high resolution in thin beds.
Thus, it is an excellent log for determining lithology,






Alternating- or
nntr,nr ct lnnl,PC

or panels

Analog and digital

depth system
Logging speed

analog recorder

and cameras






Disk drive


Magnetictape recorder






although it does not provide quantitative measurement of resistivity. A spontaneous-potential log may
provide useful data on bed contacts, but the log tends
to be featureless in many water wells. A highresolution caliper log may provide unambiguous location of contacts in some kinds of lithology.

Logging Equipment
A thorough understanding of the theory and principles of operation of logging equipment is essential for
both equipment operators and log analysts. Equipment operators need to know enough about how each
logging system works to be able to recognize and
correct problems at the well site and to select the
proper equipment configuration for each new logging
environment. Log analysts need to be able to recognize, by looking at the logs, logging-system malfunctions and improperly recorded logs. The maximum
benefit usually is derived from a logging operation in
which operators and analysts work together in the
logging truck to select the most effective adjustments
for each log and to obtain more detailed logs on
sections of interest.
A logging system can be subdivided into subsystems or components to simplify the description. A
schematic block diagram of a modern analog and

and digital



digital logging system is shown in figure 21. The

logger components shown in this diagram can be
mixed or matched in the fashion of modern computer
systems. In this manual, logging-system components
are described in the following categories: probes,
cable and winch (including depth system), control
modules, and recording. Specific information on each
type of logging probe and ancillary equipment is
included in the section on that type of log. Other
related information is discussed in the sections on
planning the logging operation, quality control, and
calibration and standardization.

Logging probes, also called sondes or tools, enclose
the sensors, sources, electronics for transmitting and
receiving signals, and power supplies. The probes are
connected to the cable by a cable head screwed onto
the top of the probe. Most probes are made of stainless
steel or other noncorroding materials. Electriclogging probes commonly have lead electrodes; acoustic probes incorporate rubber and plastic materials for
acoustic isolation and transmission. Probes vary in
diameter from less than 1 in to more than 4 in. The
standard size used in most oil-well operations is 3% in;
most probes used in ground-water studies are smaller.
Lengths vary from about 2 to 30 ft or more; weight




may be as much as several hundred pounds. Some

electric- and acoustic-logging devices are flexible; others are rigid. They are designed to withstand pressures of many thousands of pounds per square inch,
based on the maximum depth they are expected to
reach, plus a safety factor for heavy drilling mud.
Most probes used in ground-water hydrology today
(1985)transmit an analog signal to the land surface for
processing. The signal usually is a varying voltage or
pulses that vary in frequency. The new generation of
probes converts variations in response to a digital
signal for transmission up the cable. With this
approach, some of the data processing can be done in
the probe. For example, count rates can be divided by
a constant to decrease losses in the cable. Data from
several sensors also can be t,ransmitted in a single
probe. Digital probes offer the added advantage of
easy switching and control from the land surface by
means of a computer keyboard.
Most older probes, including many used in groundwater hydrology, are axially symmetric and are not
side collimated. That is, they send and receive signals
360 from the probe axis; they are not intentionally
decentralized, Many modern nuclear probes, often
called borehole-compensated probes, are decentralized and side collimated, and they use several detectors. They are decentralized with caliper arms or bow
springs, and are side collimated with appropriate
shielding material around the source of energy and the
detector. Using the ratio of count rates from two
detectors provides some amount of compensation for
borehole effects. Compensated acoustic-velocity
probes are centralized with bow springs or rubber
fingers; they may use two transmitters and four
receivers to transmit an average signal. Operation of
centralized probes in greatly deviated boreholes can
be very difficult. If centralizers are rigid enough to
center the probe adequately, sometimes the probe will
not go down the hole.
As wells get deeper and geothermal exploration
increases, temperature becomes a limiting factor for
many probes and must be considered when selecting
probes for such an operation. Few standard logging
probes will operate properly at temperatures greater
than 100 C, and many demonstrate thermal drift
before that temperature is reached. Thermal drift
caused by changes in the temperature of the electronics in a logging probe is common and may produce a
misleading log. A temperature log of a well in which
temperature drift is suspected may be useful in confirming drift in other logs, but only a test in a
controlled-temperature environment will provide
direct evidence that the problem exists and data to
allow the logs to be corrected. The U.S. Geological
Survey has designed and tested probes that have




operated at temperatures as high as 260 C, but such

probes are large and expensive (Keys, 1982).
Water leaks are rare in logging probes, but they do
occur. Most probes are sealed with double O-rings at
the joints; faulty O-rings usually are responsible for
leaks. O-rings need to be kept clean and lightly
greased and must be inspected frequently for nicks. If
a probe does fill with fresh water, it usually is possible
to remove the electronics, which are mounted on long
boards, and dry them out at the well site, so that
logging operations can be resumed. Probes may operate for years with no malfunctions; most failures can
be attributed to a broken or intermittent solder joint.
Commonly, a broken joint can be located and repaired
at the well site. If a probe cannot be repaired, it
usually is possible to send it to the manufacturer or a
repair facility and to receive a similar probe by return
air freight, so that the logging job can be completed.
The replacement probe must be calibrated if the logs
are to be used quantitatively.
Probes should be stored and transported with care.
Large probes usually are stored horizontally in a
probe rack where they can be locked down to prevent
movement; small probes may be stored in a vertical
rack. Logging probes stored in a strong, well-padded
box will be lesslikely to sustain damage.

Cable and winch

Most logging cable is double-wrapped with steel
wire to protect the insulated conductors inside and to
serve as a strength member. This armor serves as one
of the electrical conductors in single-conductor cable.
Many portable water-well loggers still use singleconductor cable because it is lighter and less expensive than multiconductor cable. However, in recent
years there has been a trend toward using fourconductor cable for water-well logging, because it
permits quantitative resistivity and acoustic logs to be
recorded. Other advantages of multiconductor cable
are that it allows a large number of logs to be recorded
at one time and has greater strength for use with
heavy probes and in deep wells. Cable having seven
conductors is standard for oil-well logging and is used
in deep water wells and geothermal wells. A Teflon
type of insulation should be used on high-temperature
cables; special steel is needed for the armor if corrosive fluids may be encountered.
Logging cable is expensive and must be treated
with care if it is to be useful for a long time. Kinks
should be avoided at all times. The cable should be
wiped or washed before it is stored on the drum after
logging in corrosive fluids, and light oiling may be
helpful to prevent rusting. Cable wipers and line
coolers can be used to clean the cable automatically as




it comes out of the well. A line cooler is essential for

hot cable because hot cable may crush the drum as it
shrinks if it is not precooled. The cable should be
spooled on the drum with a level wind; any backlashes
on the drum can be carefully removed manually.
Shorts or open conductors occur more frequently in
mistreated cable and may necessitate cutting the cable
and reinstalling the cable head.
The cable hea.d usually is the most troublesome
component of a logging system. Electrical leakage in a
cable head is common; when this occurs, the cable
head usually must be reinstalled, a time-consuming
procedure. A volt-ohm meter is carried on every
logging truck to check for cable and cable-head leakage and shorts. To decrease the occurrence of leaks,
the O-rings in the cable head should be examined and
greased frequently, and the cable head filled with
grease as specified by the manufacturer. When a cable
head is being reinstalled, the correct number of
strands in the armor must be cut so the breaking
strength is decreased to less than that of the cable.
The purpose of eliminating some strands is to ensure
that the cable will part or pull out at the head if the
probe becomes lodged in the well. Retrieving or
fishing for a lost probe is easier if there is no cable
above it; cable al;sois expensive and difficult to grind
up with a drill bit if it is left in a well. Drawings and
dimensions of the cable head and all probes should be
kept on the logging truck as aids in fishing for lost
probes. With this information, a fishing tool can be
made that may enable the probe and cable head to be
removed from the well. Some commercial firms will
rent or sell fishing tools and supervise the retrieval
operation. Proper tightening of the joint between the
cable head and the logging probe and continuous
awareness of well conditions are important in decreasing the chance of losing a probe.
Most winches (are powered by alternating-current
electric motors or are driven mechanically or hydraulically from a power takeoff on the truck. They need
sufficient power to break the cable if necessary. If the
winch is powered by an alternating-current generator,
the generator should be oversized for the load, so that
voltage decrease does not affect the electronics. Some
suitcase-type loggers have a hand-crank winch, but
this is practical only to depths of 500 ft, and only if the
probes are light in weight. An adjustable, powered,
level wind is needed to prolong cable life. Slip rings
provide the electrical connection between the cable
and the electronics at the land surface. Although they
tend to be trouble free, they should be inspected and
cleaned periodically, particularly if noise caused by
winch rotation is observed on logs.
Logging cable is passed over a measuring sheave
between the winch and the well. Electrical signals


from an optical encoder, or selsyn, or a speedometer

type of cable are used to transmit the rotation of the
measuring sheave to the recording systems. The
measuring sheave is precisely machined to provide
accurate cable measurement and must be kept free of
dry drilling mud and ice. The accuracy of cablemeasuring systems should be checked periodically.
When the measuring point on a probe reaches the
reference point at the wellhead, the magnitude of any
error should be recorded on the log. Depth errors tend
to be greater with lightweight probes and rapid logging speeds, probably because of slipping on the
measuring sheave. Depth errors can come from many
sources; most result from operator error rather than
equipment malfunction, and frequent checks are
needed to detect them.
Two types of warning systems are used in some
logging trucks to decrease the chance of loss of or
damage to equipment. A weight indicator is essential
for logging deep wells to warn the operator if the
probe has become lodged in the hole while moving in
either direction. The weight indicator may be connected to an adjustable audio alarm so the operator
does not have to watch the indicator constantly. A
depth alarm, which can be preset to sound before the
bottom and top of the well have been reached, can be
helpful to a busy operator who has many duties during
The cable leads from the measuring sheave over one
or more sheaves at the wellhead before going down
the borehole. These sheaves should be sufficiently
large in diameter to avoid damage to the cable, and
the groove in the sheave must be machined to fit the
diameter of the cable. For water-well logging, a
sheave that will attach to different-sized casing in
several different ways can be carried on the logging
truck. Surface casing may vary from 2 to 20 in or more
in diameter; wells may be located in pump houses,
where access is difficult.
If the logging equipment is to be used regularly to
log a large number of test holes and water wells, an
adjustable boom with a sheave mounted on the end
can save considerable time in setting up to log. A
boom similar to that shown in figure 22 also can make
it much easier to handle long and heavy probes. Small
folding booms have been designed that will mount on
the roof of a carryall or station wagon. When large
probes are being used and neither a boom nor a drill
rig is available for mounting the sheave, a tripod can
be constructed out of heavy pipe. A large logging
truck like that shown in figure 22 is necessary only if
a large suite of heavy probes is carried or if deep wells
are logged.



Figure 22.-Large




logging truck used for deep-well


Control modules or panels are used to make most of

the adjustments necessary to obtain each type of log.
Plug-in modular design is desirable, becausethe modules can be replaced readily in the event of failure. If
a widely used design is selected, modules can be
bought from several different manufacturers, and
modules can be added as funds permit. Modules also
take up less space than panels and usually can be
connected to a common power supply. A photograph
of the inside of a U.S. Geological Survey research
logging truck is shown in figure 23. Both control
modules and panels are mounted in standard relay
racks. Although this logging truck contains more than
the usual number of modules and panels, many of the
modules are of standard design, widely used in waterwell logging.
Most logging equipment includes a function-selector
switch that allows the operator to choose the proper
combination of modules, panels, and power supplies to
record each kind of log. On some loggers, switching is
accomplished by plugging wires into the appropriate
module or panel. A pilot light on each module or panel




shows that the power is on. The module may contain

controls for adjusting the voltage and current of the
power to the probe; meters may be included to indicate these values. Additionally, the module or panel
will have switches to select recording scales and
positioning of the pen on the recorder. Further selection of scales and positioning usually is possible with
controls located on the recorder. Additional controls
or switches that may be on a module or panel, depending on the logging function, include time-constant
adjustment or smoothing, recorder-channel selection,
and internal calibration,
Some modern logging trucks use a computer instead
of modules or panels to control logging functions (fig.
24). The operator determines the way each log is to be
run, and instructions, based on displayed questions,
are entered from a terminal keyboard. These instructions can be transmitted to probes, power supplies,
modules or panels, and recorders.

A variety of recorders is available for geophysicallogging equipment because almost any recorder man-



Figure 23.-Electronic
control panels and modules, and analog
recording systems, in a modern logging truck.

ufactured today can be adapted to this use. Most of the

recorders currently (1985)used in ground-water applications are of the pen-and-ink type, with one to four
pens. Ozalid-type recorders, using light-sensitive
paper, are widely used in oil-well logging by commercial service companies; laser recorders are coming into
use. Ozalid recorders are suitable for logging very
deep wells and recording a large number of curves
simultaneously; the disadvantage is that the log cannot be studied as it is being recorded, but only after it
is finished. Also, it is difficult for the untrained eye to
distinguish all the overlapping curves on such a log,
even when dots and dashes are displayed.
Pen-and-ink recorders are relatively inexpensive
and are widely available in many styles. Pens are

and digital

available in many colors, so that traces can be readily

distinguished. The common pen types are inkreservoir or capillary, felt-tip, and ballpoint. All these
pen systems have shortcomings, but felt-tip and ballpoint pens can be replaced easily, which makes them
more suitable for a logger that is not used on a regular
basis. Ink-reservoir pens that are used and cleaned
frequently provide good service, but they may leak
ink during rapid pen travel. An important consideration in selecting the type of pen is legibility of copies
made on a duplicating machine. Different colors may
be indistinguishable on copies, and some colors may
not reproduce well.
The number of pens or recording channels is a

of the number

of logs that

can be recorded



Figure 24.-Winch




and computer

simultaneously and the cost of additional channels.

Recorders should have at least two channels, so that
spontaneous-potential and single-point-resistance logs
can be recorded simultaneously. Four channels permit
two normal-resistivity logs, a spontaneous-potential
log, and a gamma log to be recorded at the same time,
if the probe is properly designed. Two or more channels also permit recording of a log on several scales to
provide the needed response range and sensitivity.
Extra channels also provide spares that can be easily
selected if a channel malfunctions. Most analog recorders permit independent adjustments for each channel;
these usually are gain or attenuation and position or
basing. Gain allows the operator to control the amplitude of pen deflection for a given probe signal. Positioning permits the manual location of the pen on the
chart without changing gain. Recorders generally are
among the more trouble-prone surface components of
a logging system.
Chart paper is marked with vertical and horizontal
divisions consistent with the logs to be made. In the
United States, a l-in scale in both directions, subdivided into tenths, is most common. In other parts of
the world, paper with scales in metric units is used.
For oil-well logging, an American Petroleum Institute
(API) horizontal scale is used for many logs; a loga-

in a modern


logging truck.

rithmic scale is used for some. Most of the paper used

in these commercial service trucks has two recorder
tracks, 2.5 and 5 in wide, and the logs are confined to
those tracks. Recorders from 2 to 10 in wide are used
for ground-water applications, but 10 in is practical for
most purposes, except the portable suitcase type of
loggers. For greatest versatility, all pens should be
capable of recording on the full width of the paper.
When a log is started, depth should be adjusted so
that even footage to the nearest 10 ft plots on a major
division on the paper. Most loggers used for groundwater purposes do not have a system for automatically
indicating the depth on the chart paper. Depths frequently need to be manually written on the chart
paper, and checks should be made to ensure that the
readings from the depth indicator agree with the
divisions on the chart paper. The horizontal-scale
values also should be written on the log at the time it
is set up, and the pen positions, set by internal
calibrators, should be marked across the entire span of
log response. Selection of the appropriate log scales is
essential to obtaining the maximum information from
logs; scale selection is described in the section on
quality control. Recording paper that is too narrow
will not permit adequate resolution of a large range of
data. Backup curves are provided on most commercial





ratemeter at the land surface to send data to a digital

recorder. Probes that transmit an analog signal, such
as the analog voltage from resistivity electrodes,
require an analog-to-digital converter. Newer probes
that transmit digital information up the cable require
no data conversion at the land surface. Digital-toanalog converters are required to replot digitized logs.
Replotting can be done on the analog recorder in the
logging truck or on a computer-compatible X-Y plotter.

logs as a solution to this problem, but they tend to

make log reading difficult.
Because log headings are not put on the log until
after it is completed, all pertinent information should
be written on the log as it is being recorded, including
information about the well, probe, module adjustments, logging speed, and calibration. Log headings
can be used as a reminder to ensure that all pertinent
information is noted.
Many modern loggers incorporate digital recording
equipment, so thlat data from the probe are recorded
simultaneously in digital and analog format. Although
digital recording is becoming standard, it will never
completely replace analog recording because of the
need to study a log as it is being made. Without analog
capability, malfunctions or incorrectly selected logging parameters may not be recognized until it is too
late for correction. In addition to use in computer
interpretation, digitizing of logs onsite has several
other benefits. Because the digital record contains all
the unprocessed data before it is sent to the analog
recorder, no information is lost if the analog trace goes
off scale. This allows the horizontal scale on the analog
record to be selected at optimum sensitivity to display
small-amplitude features. Valid logs can be plotted
later from the digital data, even though the analog
surface equipment may have malfunctioned. In some
logging trucks, replotting with corrections immediately after the log is made also is possible. If a modem
is available, a digitized log can be transmitted over the
telephone, or the tape or disk can be mailed, for rapid
data processing.
Several different types of digital recorders are
used. The most common at the present time (1985) is
magnetic tape, either standard computer-compatible
tape or cassettes. The larger reel-to-reel tape has the
capacity to store more data from deep wells or many
logs. Floppy disks also can be used; they have the
advantage of smaller size, they allow random access,
and they also can be used to store computer programs
for onsite processing of data. Either a digital display
or a printer usually is available to display the digital
data being recorded. Most logs are digitized at 0.54%
intervals; 0.14 intervals may be desirable if high
resolution is needed in shallow wells, but sampling
with more than a :few data points in one sample volume
is redundant and does not improve resolution. Digital
recording does not slow the logging speed of most
logs. However, for nuclear logs, recording one to
three samples of the count rate at each depth usually
is desirable. The need to space these samples sufficiently close together for thin-bed resolution may

At present (1985), logging is available on a feeper-job basis within the U.S. Geological Survey;
major private companies may have a similar arrangement. The main advantages of paying by the job are
that someone else takes care of equipment mainte-

require logging speeds of about 25 ftlmin or slower.

nance and operator training,

Probes that transmit pulses, such as nuclear probes

and some temperature probes, require only a digital

logging is infrequent. This approach will mean better

Planning a logging


The first decision to be made in planning a logging

program is the equipment and operators to be used.
The selection may be based in part on the needed logs,
because some of the more expensive and newer equipment may not be available from all sources. Within the
U.S. Geological Survey three basic options are available: (1) buy or rent the equipment and do the logging
with staff personnel, (2) pay for logging by an internal
service unit on a job basis, or (3) contract for logging
by a commercial service company.

Buying a logger
Although ordering a logger from a catalog may
seem simple, many options must be considered that
are beyond the scope of this manual. Several basic
decisions need to be made regarding the logger. How
much cable is needed? The answer is, At least 500 ft
more than the deepest hole anticipated. How many
conductors should the cable have? At least four if
quantitative logging is needed. What kind of recording
should be used? At least two-pen analog, or four-pen
analog if multiconductor cable is to be used, and digital
recording if computer-log-analysis techniques are to
be used.
Owning logging equipment is justified only if it will
be used on a regular basis. The main advantages of
owning equipment

are availability

whenever needed,

complete control over logging procedures, and, possibly, smaller costs per foot of borehole logged.

In-house service logging

and costs may be less if

use of equipment but only fair availability

and control





of log quality. The last factor depends to a large

degree on the training and experience of the operators. Onsite quality control by the group paying for
the logs is just as necessary for Government-owned
equipment as for commercially owned equipment. The
procedures described in the section on quality control
should be followed.



Commercial logging services are available throughout the United States and in many foreign countries,
from companies that range from multinational corporations to one-person operations. The larger companies are based almost entirely on oil-well operations;
smaller companies rely mostly on water wells, mineral
test holes, or coal-exploration holes. Oil-well-logging
equipment is larger and, therefore, more expensive,
so the costs per foot of log are much greater. Oilyell-logging probes may be too large for some groundwater test holes, and a large drill rig is needed on the
hole to suspend the upper logging sheave. The major
service companies have trucks available only in oilexploration or producing areas, and mileage costs are
substantial. In spite of these drawbacks, oil-well type
of equipment increasingly is being used in groundwater studies and development, because deeper production and disposal wells justify the cost and may
require this type of equipment.
A number of smaller local companies specialize in
water-well or mineral logging; some drillers own their
own logging equipment. Usually, the smaller equipment owned by these companies does not permit all
the logging techniques available from larger companies; digital recording may not be available. Depth
charges, standby time, and mileage costs will be less
for these small companies, but they may not have the
calibration facilities that most larger companies have.
Even if calibration is available, the written agreements or disclaimers from most commercial service
companies contain a statement to the effect that the
accuracy of the data is not guaranteed.
The total cost of commercial logging may be difficult
for the inexperienced person to calculate from price
lists, becauseof the various unit costs involved. Depth
and operation charges usually are listed per foot, and
a minimum depth is specified. Mileage is usually
charged for distances of more than 150 mi per round
trip. The well must be ready for logging when the
equipment arrives because standby charges are relatively expensive. The customer is required to sign an
agreement before any logging is done, stating that he
or she assumes full responsibility for the cost of any



probes that are lost, the cost of all retrieval or fishing

operations for lost probes, and the cost of any damage
to the well. If a radioactive source is lost, fishing is
required by law, and the well must be filled with
cement if the source is not recovered. Probeprotection charges may be paid per probe, or per trip
in and out of the borehole, but this form of insurance
cannot be legally purchased by Government agencies
because they are considered to be self-insured. Some
Government drilling contracts include the cost of
commercial logging, and the driller may pay for probe

Selecting a suite of logs

The most effective logging programs are designed
on the basis of the information that is needed, the rock
types to be penetrated, and the construction of the
test holes or wells to be logged. Commonly, all logs
available are made, even though an examination of
controlling factors, based on an understanding of the
principles of the various logging techniques, would
allow preselection of only those logs most likely to
produce useful data. This is becausebringing a logging
truck back to a well to record an essential log that was
not recorded on the first trip is expensive. For example, an acoustic-velocity log probably will not provide
useful data in unconsolidated or slightly consolidated
sediments, but might yield information on the
strength of some unconsolidated formations, and this
information might be useful in some situations. The
caliper log is essential to the interpretation of most
logs and always is made in an open hole, so that caliper
logs are almost always run even when caliper logs
would not provide a direct measurement of formation
properties. If not enough logs of different types are
made, the results from synergistic log analysis are
likely to be inferior.
Some types of logs, resistivity, flowmeter, and
caliper logs among others, are available in several
varieties. For example, a bow-spring caliper is inappropriate when high-resolution hole-diameter information is needed, and a three-arm averaging caliper
will provide no useful information in a borehole that
has substantial deviation. An understanding of the
differences between the various probes is essential for
selection of the right one for the job. The detailed
information needed for this selection is presented in
the sections on the various logging techniques. The
basic information needed to simplify selection among
the more commonly used logs is provided in table 2. A
cross reference to more detailed descriptions of the
types of logs listed in the first column also is provided
(in the second column).




Table 2.-Criteria
Varieties and

of log


for selection

of logs



Electric potential
caused by salinity
differences in borebole and interstitial

Lithology, shale content, water quality.

Uncased hole filled

with conductive

Resistance of rock,
High-resolution litholsaturating fluid, and
ogy, fracture locaborehole fluid.
tion by differential
Resistivity, in ohmQuantitative data on
meters, of rock and
salinity of interstitial
saturating fluids.
water; lithology.

Uncased hole filled

with conductive




Normal, focused, or


Gamma spectral.

Gamma radiation from

natural or artificial


Compensated (dual

Electron density.


Epithermal, thermal,
compensated activation, pulsed.

Hydrogen content.


Compensated wave
form, cement bond.

Compressional wave


Acoustic caliper.


Oriented, I-arm highresolution bow





Resis tivity.


Spinner, radioactive
tracer, brine tracer,
thermal pulse.

Acoustic reflectivity of Location, orientation,

borehole wall.
and character of
fractures and solution openings, strike
and dip of bedding,
casing inspection.
Hole or casing
Hole-diameter correcdiameter.
tions to other logs,
lithology, fractures,
hole volume for
Temperature of fluid
Geothermal gradient,
near sensor.
in-hole flow, location
of injected water,
correction of other
logs, curing cement.
Most measure resistiv- Quality of borehole
ity of fluid in hole.
fluid, in-hole flow,
location of contaminant plumes.
In-hole flow, location,
and apparent
hydraulic conductivity of permeable



Lithology-may be
related to clay and
silt content and permeability; spectral
identifies radioisotopes.
Bulk density, porosity,
moisture content,
Saturated porosity,
moisture content,
activation analysis,
Porosity, lithology,
fracture location,
and character,
cement bond.

of logs

Control of the quality of geophysical logs recorded

at the well site is the responsibility of all concerned,

Required hole

Uncased hole filled

with conductive

Other IimItations

Salinity difference
needed between
borehole fluid and
interstitial fluids
correct only for
NaCl fluids.
Not quantitative; holediameter effects significant.
Normals provide incorrect values and
thicknesses in thin

Any hole conditions,

except very large,
or several strings of
casing and cement.
Optimum results in
uncased; qualitative
through casing or
drill stem.
Optimum results in
uncased; can be calibrated for casing.

Severe hole-diameter
Hole-diameter and
chemical effects.

Fluid-filled, uncased,
Does not see secondexcept cement bond.
ary porosity; cement
bond and wave form
require expert analysis.
Fluid-filled, 3- to 16Heavy mud or mud
inch diameter.
cake attenuate signal; very slow log.

Any conditions.

Deviated holes limit

some, significant
resolution difference
between tools.


Accuracy and resolution of tools varies.


Accuracy varies,
requires temperature correction.


Spinners require
higher velocities.
Needs to be

from the organization making the logs to the analyst

them; the ultimate responsibility
with the professional who ordered and accepted the
logs. Commercial logging-service companies require




that a representative of the customer (for example,

the U.S. Geological Survey) be at the site to sign for
and accept responsibility for the operation and for the
logs. Oil companies commonly assign a project geologist or engineer to this job, and he or she is expected
to ensure that the logs meet minimum quality standards. Neither private logging companies nor Government logging organizations accept responsibility for
the accuracy of the data recorded. Agreements signed
prior to logging by commercial companies usually
include a disclaimer regarding the accuracy of the log
data; therefore, the customer needs to ensure that the
best practices are followed. A quality-assurance program begins before the logging truck arrives at the
well site; this program requires continuous input from
the inspector or observer at the site. The quality
control of oil well logs has been described in detail by
Bateman (1985).



To obtain the most useful data, the logging program

should be discussed in detail with a local representative of the Government organization or the private
company that will do the logging. Such discussions
also may aid in deciding what logs to order. The
following information is needed during prelogging
discussions and will decrease the possibility of problems:
1. Purpose of logging-What information is needed
from logs?
2. Construction of well-Depth, diameters, deviation,
caving, or lost circulation zones, casings, cement,
screens, junk in the borehole, fluid type, temperature, and pressure range expected.
3. Access for logging-Roads, parking for logging
truck, drill rig on borehole (required by most
commercial logging companies), wellhead construction (in detail, if a lubricator is needed), and time
available for logging.
4. Conditions-Lithologic,
fluid, or hole conditions
that might affect log response.
Item 4 includes a number of factors that might not be
evident; they are described in detail in the section on
borehole effects and in the sections on individual types
of logs. For example, rocks ha,ving unusually large or
small values of bulk density may require special scales
or probe modifications. If forewarned about large
resistivity or inadequate cementation, the logging
organization may be able to suggest electric and
acoustic probes that would provide more accurate
If quantitative logs are required, discussion of questions and logging specifications early in planning will




improve the data and identify potential errors; examples of these questions follow:
1. How is each probe calibrated, and how often?
2. What field standards are carried on the logging
truck? Is system response checked against these
standards before and after each log?
3. What is the range of resistivity, porosity, bulk
density, and so forth within which each probe will
operate and for which each probe is calibrated?
4. What vertical and horizontal scales are available? If
onsite digitizing is requested, what digitizing intervals are available, and what is the recording
medium and data format?
5. What will be the logging conditions, such as speed,
scales, calibration and standardization, reruns to
demonstrate repeatability, and so forth?



at the well

A geoscientist who understands the project objectives and the local geohydrology should be in the
logging truck during the entire operation. This
observers first task is to specify the order in which
the logs are to be made. Usually, fluid logs are run
first, if the fluid in the well has had time to reach
equilibrium; nuclear logs are always run last, or
through the drill stem if necessary, to lessen the
possibility of losing a radioactive source. Logging
sequenceis also based on the need for one log to help
select the optimum logging criteria for a later log. For
example, single-point-resistance and gamma logs may
indicate the thicknesses of potential aquifers and thug
aid in selection of the resolution needed, and a caliper
log may indicate that certain logs would not be meaningful.
The observer usually makes preliminary interpretations of the logs as they come off the recorder.
Based on the immediate analysis of field prints of logs,
reruns can be requested, if problems on the logs can
be demonstrated. Usually, at least partial reruns will
be made at no additional cost, if the contractor is at
fault and the probe is still on the cable. After the
logging truck has left the site, no-cost reruns are
rarely possible. The observer should ask questions if
he or she does not understand part of the operation.
Notes on problems that occur can be abstracted on log
headings. A few symptoms that may indicate equipment malfunction can be recognized during logging;
these include periodic oscillations, nonlinear response,
temperature drift, noisy sections, and rapid transients. Almost-straight sections (no horizontal pen
response) are not always invalid, but generally they
indicate problems. If reruns do not repeat within the
statistical range expected, the observer may request
periodic repeats to determine if well conditions actu-




ally are changing. Most reruns are at least 100 ft long

and include intervals where log values change markedly. In evaluating new logs, copies of logs previously
run in the well, or in nearby wells, are helpful. If old
logs are not available, a description of the rock types
penetrated by the well will aid in anticipating log
response. When the logs appear to be incorrect,
changes in speed, time constant, scales, spacing, and
so forth may improve the record.
Selection of the horizontal and vertical scales that
will provide the most useful data and the required
resolution without noise is difficult, but is among the
most important aspects of log-quality control. To some
degree, the ability to digitize logs onsite permits more
latitude in the selection of scales, because later the
digitized logs can be plotted at more suitable scales;
however, the digitizing intervals must have been
properly chosen for this to be possible. Advice on
scales to use may come from the log analyst, based on
objectives and real-time analysis of the logs as they
come off the recorder. Vertical scales are chosen on
the basis of hole depth, needed bed resolution, and
ease of comparing with other data. A vertical scale of
10 ft of borehole per inch of chart paper is common for
shallow holes, for which detailed information is
required, but 20 ft of borehole per inch of chart paper
is probably the most widely used scale over a depth
range of several hundred to several thousand feet.
The most common vertical scale for logs of oil wells is
50 ft/in; 100 ft/in also is used. The U.S.Geological
Survey has used 2 ft/in or less, when fractures were
being studied and when other logs were being compared directly with an acoustic-televiewer log. Seleetion of horizontal scales is even more difficult, because
of the range of data that may be present and the need
to detect small (changes.Except for temperature and
fluid-resistivity logs, logs are recorded while the
probe is being pulled up the borehole. Logging up
allows operators to observe the responses of most
probes, except oaliper, on the trip down the borehole,
to help select the best scale. Many commercial logs are
recorded on a scale that is too compressed, in the
interest of simplifying the logs by eliminating multiple
backup curves. The wider paper used on much waterwell equipment permits expanded scales without
backup curves. If the data range is too great for the
resolution needed, the best technique is to record the
signal from the probe on two different recorder channels at different gain settings. Thus, one log will
remain on scale, and the other will show the needed
detail. This technique is commonly used on temperature logs of geothermal wells, where a great temperature range is expected, but small changes may indicate depths where water is entering the well. In a
shallow well, reruns to observe changes or at different


scales may be economically justified; in deep wells,

however, the cost of standby time and the larger
logger may make reruns too expensive.
Logging speed usually is checked with a stopwatch,
using the depth indicator, because many logging
speedometers are not accurate. Depth readout should
be checked periodically against the analog record and
at the depth reference point for the well when the
probe returns to the land surface. The direction and
size of the depth discrepancy is noted on the log
heading. Depths are recorded frequently on the log. A
common practice on large commercial trucks is to
manually add a depth correction when the magnetic
cable markers differ substantially from the depth
display. This practice should be discouraged, or at
least a note should be made of the depth at which
corrections are made. A uniformly distributed error
can be corrected easily in a computer; random,
unknown corrections by the operator cannot be reconstructed. Depth errors that are not consistent
throughout a suite of logs usually can be recognized by
careful correlation of anomalies between logs. Core
data may provide some information on correct log
depths; however, core depths commonly are incorrect.
Lack of depth correlation between logs made at various times by different organizations is common and
usually results from the use of a different depth
reference. Most commercial logs are referenced to the
kelly bushing on the drill rig, which may be 17 ft or
more above ground level.
Depth errors can be caused by both equipment
malfunction and operator error. A mechanical backup
measuring system will help detect errors caused by a
malfunctioning electronic measuring system. An
incorrectly machined measuring sheave or a sheave
that is coated with ice or mud will affect both types of
measuring systems. If either the logging truck or the
sheaves at the well are allowed to move, a depth error
will be introduced. The sag in the cable from the rear
of the logging truck to the well will decrease gradually
as the weight of the cable in the well increases, and
this will introduce an error. Cable stretch is a significant factor only in deep wells and can be corrected
for, but errors caused by the probe sticking, while
traveling either up or down, are more difficult to
interpret. Hole deviation is common and must be
corrected for if vertical depth must be known. The
recorder-paper drive can slip, and the paper may not
be scale stable because of humidity changes. Common operator errors include setting the starting depth
on the display incorrectly, writing the starting depth
incorrectly, and not allowing for the mechanical slack
present in most paper-drive systems.
The observer must remember so many factors to
help control the quality of logs that many major oil




companies provide a quality-control checklist (Lynch,

1962). Most of these lists are many pages long,
because they include specific items for each type of
log. The checklist that follows has been shortened by
combining many of the log-specific criteria; expanded
checklists for individual logging operations can be
created from the detailed descriptions of the various
logging techniques elsewhere in this manual. A checkmark is adequate to indicate that the particular
requirement has been met; a significant deviation


Log headings contain information of two types:

information on the well, and data pertaining to the
logging equipment and operations. Well information
usually is provided by the observer, but it is recorded
by the logging operator. Data on the equipment and
logging operations are best recorded before the logging tool is removed from the cable. The completed
heading should be attached to the analog record at the
well site. A short reference to the log-heading information entered on the digital recording of each log
enables the two records to be related. This reference
should include the following information, at a minimum: borehole number, date, log type, and run number. If necessary, the log heading can be typed in the
office and permanently attached to the original of the
log, so it will appear on all copies. The format of a log
heading is not important; the information is essential.
The well-information section of the heading should
contain all of the following, if known:
l Well name and number (lease, operator, and field
name if in an oil field)


from that requirement should be noted in detail.

Logging programs for special purposes may require
additional checklist items. For example, logging a
series of ground-water monitoring wells at a wastedisposal site will require careful cleaning of probes
and, possibly, of the cable between wells; care must be
taken to avoid contamination of personnel. Log headings that have blanks for a complete set of well and log
data also can serve as partial quality-control checklists. An example checklist follows:

Hole no.
Logging organization
Log heading completed
Depth reference and errors noted
Proper logging speed maintained
Pre- and post-logging standardization recorded
Repeat-log interval
Scales and changes labeled
Curves readable with no off-scale deflections
Sample of drilling mud or water collected
Changes in fluid resistivity recorded
Logs appear reasonable
Problems noted on log headings
Did operator make requested changes?

Log headings



Type of log

Location-township, range, section, distance from

nearest town, and so forth, and owner (API number
if in an oil field)
Name of driller, date drilled, drilling technique, and
depth drilled
Elevation of land surface
Height of casing above land surface
Depth reference
Complete description of all casing, type, size, and
depth intervals
Location of cement, perforations, and screens
Borehole diameter (or bit size) and depth intervals
Fluid type, level, resistivity of mud and mud filtrate
at measured temperature, and bottom-hole temperature

The log-information section of a heading should

contain different information for each type of log,
although the same heading can be used for similar
logs. The following information is needed on the
heading for each log:
l Type of log, run number of9date
l Number or description of logging truck




Names of logging operator(s) and observers

Probe number and description-diameter,
detector(s), spacing, centralized or decentralized,
source type and size, and so forth
0 Logging speed
0 Logging scales-vertical
(depth) and horizontal,
including all changes and depths at which changes
were made
0 Recorder scales-millivolts
(span) and positioning
0 Module or panel settings-scale,
span, position,
time constant, and discrimination
0 Power supply-voltage
and current
0 Calibration and standardization data-preand
postlog digital values recorded on heading and
annotated at selected points on the analog stripchart record
0 Other logs of the well run on the same date
0 Problems or unusual responses during logging
(mark at appropriate depth on log)
Incomplete log headings prevent quantitative
ysis of logs and make qualitative analysis much more
difficult. The increasing emphasis on ground-waterquality problems means that logs will be used more for
monitoring in the future and that preexisting logs may
provide baseline data, if they are properly labeled.
Lack of information on well construction may make
even the simplest log analysis impossible. Log headings may be printed up in quantity, with blanks for
each item large (enoughfor all needed data. For small
records of geophysical data, such as pictures of oscilloscope traces or acoustic-televiewer photographs,
stick-on labels have proven effective in encouraging
the recording of essential data.


of Logs

If logs are to be used for any type of quantitative

analysis or to measure changes in a ground-water
system over time, they must be properly calibrat.ed
and standardized. The importance of standardization
can be illustrated by the gamma log, which is most
commonly used 1;o identify lithology and stratigraphic
correlation. Studies in various sedimentary basins
throughout the world have demonstrated locally that
the gamma log can also identify particle-size distribution and permeability. Such relations cannot be demonstrated unless the logs used have a standardized
response. A gradual change in gamma response across
a depositional basin may signal a change in the percentage of clay and silt, or it may be a result of
equipment drift. A change in gamma response over


several years may signal migration of uranium daughter products in ground water, or equipment drift.
Calibration and standardization also may help establish comparability between logs made with different
For purposes of this manual, calibration is considered to be the process of establishing environmental
values for log response in a semi-infinite model that
almost simulates natural conditions. Environmental
values are related to the physical properties of the
rock, such as porosity and acoustic velocity. The signal
from a probe may be recorded in units, such as pulses
per second, that can be converted to environmental
values with calibration data. Calibration usually is
done before going to the well site to log. Standardization is the process of checking the responses of the
logging probes at the well site, usually before and
after logging. Standardization involves the use of
some type of a portable field standard that most likely
is not infinite and may not simulate environmental
conditions. Because the terms calibration and
standardization are not used in the same way in the
oil-well-logging industry, the user must understand
the procedure to know with certainty what has been
accomplished. The basic principles of these techniques
are described in the following sections, but the specific
procedures are described in the sections for each type
of log.

Cali bration
Calibration of probe response should be done in a
medium that closely simulates the chemical and physical composition of the earth materials that are to be
measured. For example, a neutron probe that is to be
used to measure the porosity of sandstone would not
be calibrated in limestone unless the correction factor
is known. Calibration pits or models are nearly infinite
with respect to probe response. In a model that is
infinite with respect to probe response, the response
of the probe does not change substantially if either the
diameter or the thickness (height) of the model is
increased when the probe is located in the center of
the model.
Calibration pits or models are maintained by the
larger commercial service companies; these are not
readily available for use by other groups, although it is
possible to arrange to use some of the private pits.
Four sets of calibration pits or models currently (1985)
available for public use are listed in table 3. The
American Petroleum Institute maintains a limestone
pit for calibrating neutron probes and a simulated
shale pit for calibrating gamma probes at the University of Houston, Houston, Tex.; these have been
accepted internationally as the standards for oil-well





Table 3.-Calibration
pits available for public use
[in, inch; ft, feet; gm/cc, grams per cubic centimeter]
Name and

American Petroleum Institute

Facility; University of Houston,
Houston, Tex.:
two pits.

Who to contact

University of
Houston, Cullen
College of Engineering.

Probes that can

be calibrated

Two pits:
1. porosityneutron
2. simulated

Department of
Energy, Grand
Junction, Colo.:
20 models or

Department of
Energy, Grand
Junction Operations office, or
the prime contractor at the
Department of
Energy office.

Gamma calibration
in percent U,,,;
and gamma
spectra in percent K; and
parts per million
U and Th. Also
and magnetic

Bureau of Mines
density pits;
Denver Federal
Center, Lakewood, Colo.:
three pits.

U.S. Geological
Survey, WaterResources Division, Borehole
Project, Building 25, Denver
Federal Center,
or Geologic Division, Geophysics
U.S. Geological
Survey, WaterResources Division, Borehole
Project, Building 25, Denver
Federal Center,
or Geologic Division, Geophysics

acoustic, resistivity, and magnetic susceptibility.

Department of
Energy: Fractured igneous
rock calibration
models; Denver
Federal Center,
Colo.: three
models or pits.

Fracture detection
probes, neutron,
resistivity, and
acoustic velocity.


1. Six stacked
blocks of limestone and marble; stacks
average 1.9, 19,
and 26 percent
2. Concrete twice
as radioactive
as the average
shale, with concrete of low
above and
Uranium ore
mixed with concrete; barren
zones above and
below. Content
of radioactive
elements, water,
and bulk density
known for most
pits. Magnetic
Concrete of known
density: 1.73,
2.33, and 3.00

and mediumgrained granite
and altered diabase with arti&
cial fractures
intersecting and
6 in to 1 ft from
the borehole.
Known porosity,
bulk density,
acoustic velocity, and resistivity.

logging. The pits are available for a nominal daily fee,

but they are used enough that reservations are advisable. Pits for calibrating gamma-gamma probes are
available for no charge at the Denver Federal Center,
Lakewood, Colo. At the same location, three pits
constructed of blocks quarried from three different
igneous rocks are available for calibrating several
types of probes. The igneous rock pits are probably


of pits

7% in diameter,

1. 6 ft diameter, 18 ft

5% in diameter,
inside casing.

2. 4 ft diameter, 24 ft

Most 4+ in,
uncased; 2to 8-in holesize calibration. Some
cased, 2, 4,
6, and 8 in
inner diameter.

4 to 7 ft diameter, 4.5 to 16
ft high.

Call to confirm
available; no

2, 3, 5, and 8

4.3 and 12.5 ft

diameter, 8.2
and 9.2 ft

Usually available weekdays; call to

contkm; no

7%in core

8 ft diameter
20 ft high.

Usually available weekdays; call to

confirm; no


Call to reserve;
daily fee.

the first ever made for these rock types. They contain
artificial fractures of several different orientations
that intersect the borehole and fractures that do not
intersect the borehole. These fractures are discussed
in more detail in the section on acoustic televiewers.
The U.S. Department of Energy maintains a set of
gamma probe calibration pits in Grand Junction, Colo.
This complete set of pits provides several different




borehole sizes in blocks having the same concentration

of radioisotopes, a desirable feature becauseboreholediameter effects always must be considered when
applying calibration data to logs.
Boreholes that have been carefully cored, and the
cores analyzed quantitatively, also may be used to
calibrate logging probes. To decrease depth errors,
core recovery in calibration holes should be about 100
percent for the intervals cored; log response can be
used to select samples for laboratory analysis. A
computer technique for matching core and log depths
has been described by Jeffries (1966). The importance
of using log response as the basis for selecting cores
for analyses is shown in figure 25. The neutron log and
cores are from Madison Limestone test well 1, Wyoming. The log is shown only for the cored intervals.
Although the overall trend in porosity matches fairly
well, average porosity from the core is less than
average porosity from the log. A plot of the core
analyses versus values from the neutron log at corresponding depths is given in figure 26. Based on the
core analyses, it is apparent that porosity cannot be
read directly from this commercial neutron log, which
was calibrated for limestone. The scale on the log was
labeled porosity index, so no claim was being made
for correct porosity values. The cross plot in figure 11
indicates that considerable dolomite is present in this
well, which is probably the reason for the large values
on the neutron log. A cross plot like the one in figure
11 can be used to correct porosity values for matrix

and it







similar to the core measurements.

Because of the possibility of depth errors in both
core and logs, and of bed-thickness errors, samples
should be selected from thicker units, where log
response is consistent. The number of samples to be
analyzed is a function of the variability of the property
being measured;;a completely homogeneous, isotropic
material needs only one sample; an infinitely variable
material needs an infinite number of samples. The
statistics of sampling are beyond the scope of this
manual. The core should be analyzed for more than the
required properties, such as porosity or bulk density.
Mineralogy and chemical composition are important
because the responses of many logs depend on rock
chemistry. The chemistry of interstitial fluids also
may be important; changes in pore fluid during the
period the borehole is being used for calibration may
cause errors, as will core resaturated with water of
different quality for laboratory tests. Laboratory
analyses should measure the same physical property
that controls log response, if possible. For example,
effective porosity does not control the response of
neutron and garnma-gamma logs unless it is the same
as total porosity.



g 2,754
2i 2844 1

10 I

3270 1







Figure 25.-Porosity
from core analyses and compensated
log for cored intervals, Madison Limestone
well 1, Wyoming.






Figure 26.-Porosity
from core
from a compensated
test well 1, Wyoming.




analyses versus porosity

log, Madison

Care must be taken to ensure that the components

of a calibration facility-the fluid, rock matrix, and
borehole-do not change over time. An example of
change is wear of the borehole caused by centralizing
or decentralizing bow springs or caliper arms. A well
frequently used for testing the acoustic televiewer at
Mobil Oils Dallas Research Center has three obvious
grooves worn by the centralizing bow springs of
televiewer probes.
At least three, and preferably more, values are
needed to establish a calibration curve using pits;
many more values are needed if core is used. Log
values for calibration should be based on both continuous logging runs and stationary measurements.
Measurements are best made at depths where the
physical property being measured is consistent, if the
depth interval is greater than the vertical dimension
of the volume of investigation of the probe. Particularly for the nuclear probes, the logs should be run
very slowly, and the stationary measurements should
be long term to decrease statistical error. If spacings
or other probe parameters are to be changed, then
calibration is needed at each of these adjustments.
The field standards to be used on the logging truck
should be checked before and after calibration to
determine the relation between log values given by
these standards and calibration values, and to ensure
probe stability during the testing period. Corrections
to nuclear logs may have to be made for the decay of
radioactive sources based on half-life.




Field standards should be checked before and after
each log is recorded, and the values should be written
on the log if the data are to be used quantitatively.
Frequent standardization of probes provides the basis
for correcting for system drift over time. Radioactive
decay of sources used in probes or in calibration is the
only form of drift that can be calculated; standardization is needed to check the calculations. Obviously,
equipment for checking field standards must be portable and easily used, but it also must be stable and
affected little by the different conditions at each well
site. An example of a nonstable standard is a onceused commercial neutron calibrator that changed as
the plastic insert gradually absorbed water. Most field
standards are not infinite with respect to the probes
on which they are used, so they are affected by the
environment. The best that can be done to reduce
these extraneous effects is to raise the standard and
probe off the ground and move away from the logging
truck. Neutron probes, for example, are affected by
moisture changes at the ground surface near the
probe; a pair of folding sawhorses is useful for reducing ground effects. Values for field standards usually
are point values, and these digital values should be
recorded on the log heading. Several long-time readings, at least 100 s, are needed for nuclear probes.
While the readings are being recorded, the analog
recorder should be operated on time drive so variations in probe output are recorded as a function of
time. If drift is observed on the analog record, the
final measurement should be made after the readings
have stabilized. The long-time value is then divided to
produce the same count-rate units as the log.
Two or more field standards should be used to
provide at least two values; more values may be
included if size and time involved are not limiting
factors. These values should be in the same range as
the borehole data being recorded. For example, a
loo-percent porosity value is fairly easily obtained for
a neutron probe in a large volume of water, but this
small count-rate point does not establish probe
response at less than 1 percent porosity where the
count rate will be more than an order of magnitude
greater. Some standardization can be done in a borehole; zero resistivity can be measured in a water-filled
steel casing of sufficient length to include all electrodes. Casing of known diameter also provides an
excellent check of caliper and flowmeter calibration.
Logs for which there are no standardization data
cannot be used with confidence because all logging
probes are susceptible to malfunction and drift and the
effects of any malfunction or drift may not be identified readily on a rapidly varying log.





1. Geophysical well logging reduces project costs
because it
a. Eliminates the need for coring.
b. Provides more information from each
c. Enables lateral and vertical extrapolation of test results.
d. Aids in the selection of depth intervals
for hydraulic testing.
2. The intrinsic accuracy of geophysical logs is
usually limited by
a. Inadequate electronic circuits.
b. Borehole effects.
c. Operator error.
d. The fluid in the borehole.
3. Some geophysical logs can indicate permeability because
a. Porosity and permeability are always
b. Cla,y content can be related to permeability.
c. Water flow measured in a well is an
index of permeability.
d. Cornputer analysis of several logs provides accurate values of permeability.
4. Which of the following geophysical logs measure(s) porosity directly?
a. Neutron.
b. Acoustic velocity.
c. Gamma-gamma.
d. Resistivity.
5. The formation-resistivity factor (F) is equal to
a. Porosity (4).
b. l/+.
c. Water resistivity (Rw).
d. Saturated-rock resistivity divided by
water resistivity (RolRw).
6. Synergistic analysis of geophysical logs is beneficial because it
a. Helps in identifying errors in individual
b. Can improve the accuracy of data on
porosity from logs.
c. Can provide more diagnostic identification of lithology.
d. Might decrease the number of logs
7. Computer analysis of geophysical logs
a. Eliminates the need to understand the
b. Decreases project costs.
c. Can correct some operator errors.
d. Is the best means to collate data from a
large suite of logs.


8. The volume of investigation of a logging probe

a. Usually is related to the source-detector
b. Limits the resolution of thin beds.
c. Includes all material 5 ft from the borehole.
d. Varies with rock type.
9. Quality control of geophysical logs is the
responsibility of the
a. Equipment operator.
b. Company providing the equipment.
c. U.S. Geological Survey observer at the
d. Project chief who planned the operation.
10. Standardization (field calibration) of geophysical logs should be done
a. Only when a problem is identified.
b. Daily.
c. Before and after every log.
d. Whenever the operator has time.
11. The difference between a portable or suitcase
logger and a large oil-well-logging truck is
a. Related mostly to depth capability and
the availability of a suite of probes
rather than to log response.
b. Basically the number of cable conductors and recording capability.
c. The size (diameter) of the borehole that
can be logged.
d. The cost.
12. Digital recording of geophysical logs at the well
site is desirable because it
a. Is more accurate than digitizing the
analog record.
b. Is less expensive than digitizing later
(assuming digital recording equipment
is available).
c. May permit correction of analog errors.
d. Can be done faster than analog recording.

Electiic logging
The term electric logging sometimes is used to
encompass all types of geophysical logs. In this report,
electric logging refers only to logs that measure
potential differences due to the flow of electric current
in and adjacent to a well. Logical subdivisions of
electric logging are spontaneous-potential and resistivity logging, although the latter can include a variety
of techniques for measuring rock resistivity. Many
types of resistivity logs that have been used in the
petroleum industry but very little in ground-water

are discussed briefly here.



c------ c


Spontaneous-potential curve


Figure 27.-Flow

of current


at typical

bed contacts and the resulting spontaneous-potential

values (modified
from Doll, 1948).


Spontaneous potential is one of the oldest logging

techniques. It uses simple equipment to produce
a log whose interpretation may be quite complex,
particularly in freshwater aquifers. This complexity has led to misuse and misinterpretation of
spontaneous-potential logs in ground-water applications. Spontaneous-potential logs are widely used in
oil fields to provide information on lithology and the
salinity of interstitial water, but these logs are not
universally applicable in fresh-ground-water environments. See Lynch (1962) for a more detailed discussion of spontaneous potential.
Principles and instrumentation

A spontaneous-potential log (sometimes called an

SP or self-potential log) is a record of potentials or
voltages that develop at the contacts between shale or
clay beds and a sand aquifer, where they are penetrated by a borehole. The natural flow of current and
the spontaneous-potential curve or log that would be
produced under various salinity conditions are shown
in figure 27. Spontaneous-potential measuring equipment consists of a lead electrode in the well connected
through a multivolt meter or comparatively sensitive
recorder channel to a second lead electrode that is
grounded at the land surface. The spontaneous-

curve and static

potential electrode usually is incorporated in a probe

that makes other types of logs simultaneously. When
the electrode is pulled through a rock-water system
such as that shown in figure 27, small changes in
potential, usually in the millivolt range, are recorded
as the spontaneous-potential curve shown on the left.
The static spontaneous-potential value is rarely the
same as the recorded spontaneous-potential value,
except in thick conductive units, where resistance is
minimal. In thin units, the recorded value may be
much less than the static value because the total
resistance along the flow path (shown in fig. 27) is the
sum of the resistances of the borehole fluid, mud cake,
invaded zone, aquifer, and shale. Spontaneous potential is a function of the chemical activities of fluids in
the borehole and adjacent rocks, the temperature, and
the type and quantity of clay present; it is not directly
related to porosity and permeability.
The chief sources of spontaneous potential in a
borehole are .electrochemical and electrokinetic or
streaming potentials. Oxidation-reduction potentials
may constitute another source. Electrochemical
effects probably are the most significant contributor;
they can be subdivided into membrane and liquidjunction potentials. Both these effects result from the
migration of ions from concentrated to more dilute
solutions, and they are mostly affected by clay, which
decreasesnegative (anion) mobility. Membrane poten-




tials are developed when ions migrate from formation

water (water in the aquifer) to adjacent shale to fluid
in the borehole-a three-component system. Liquidjunction potentials are those developed between the
mud filtrate in the invaded zone and the formation
water. When the fluid column in the borehole is
fresher than the formation water, current flow and the
spontaneous-potential log are as illustrated in figure
27; when the fluid column in the borehole is more
saline than the formation water, current flow and the
log will be reversed.
Electrokinetic or streaming potentials usually are
less important than electrochemical effects, but they
can change the magnitude and direction of the
spontaneous-potential log under some circumstances.
Streaming potentials are caused by the movement of
an electrolyte through permeable media. Thus, the
movement of ions across the mud cake caused by the
pressure differential between the fluid column and
interstitial fluids can produce a streaming potential.
In water wells, streaming potential may be substantial at depth intervals where water is moving in or out
of the hole. These permeable intervals commonly are
indicated by rapid oscillations in an otherwise smooth

and standardization

Spontaneous-potential logs are recorded in millivolts per inch of chart paper or full scale on the
recorder; the span used should be clearly stated in the
log heading. Span or sensitivity switches on electriclogging modules usually provide a few fixed scales
from 10 to several hundred millivolts per inch, but a
continuously variable potentiometer may allow selection of almost any scale. Positioning can be adjusted
independently; frequent repositioning is required for
many water wells. An accurate millivolt source of any
type may be connected across the spontaneouspotential electrodes to provide for calibration or
standardization at the well. These sources, which
contain a battery and selectable resistors, are available specifically for calibrating analog recorders, or
may be fabricated easily. Pen response, in millivolts
per inch, should be recorded directly on the log. The
accuracy of some of these calibrators may be no better
than +lO percent; however, this level of accuracy is
adequate for most applications.

of investigation

The volume of investigation of a spontaneouspotential probe is variable, because it depends on the

resistivity and cross-sectional area of the beds intersected by the borehole. A greater cross-sectional area
of resistive rock is required to carry a given amount of
current than that required in conductive rock. Thus,


the current will travel farther from the borehole in

electrically conductive shale adjacent to resistive beds
to find sufficient cross section to move through the
more resistive material. For this reason, the volume
of investigation varies as a function of resistivity and
bed thickness.


Spontaneous-potential logs are more affected by

stray electrical currents and equipment problems than
most other types of logs. These extraneous effects
produce both noise and anomalous deflections on the
logs. The steel armor on the logging cable may become
magnetized and produce periodic oscillations on the
logs. The steel armor is electrochemically active when
immersed in an electrolyte such as drilling fluid.
Variations in this battery effect while the cable is
moving may impress noise on a spontaneous-potential
log. Wrapping the cable with insulating tape for some
distance above the electrode may alleviate this problem. Stray currents, even from distant lightning
strikes and magnetic storms, can render a
spontaneous-potential log useless. Electrical currents
related to the corrosion of buried pipelines or well
casings can produce anomalous potentials in the
ground, as can nearby electric motors, such as pumps.
Railroad tracks and power lines also can cause problems.
An increase in borehole diameter or depth of invasion decreases the magnitude of the spontaneous
potential recorded. Obviously, changes in depth of
invasion over time will cause changes in periodic
spontaneous-potential logs. Because spontaneous
potential is largely a function of the relation between
the salinity of the borehole fluid and of the formation
water, any change in either will cause the log to
change as well. This factor is important to interpretation and applications, and is discussed in detail in the
following section. Streaming potential produced by
water moving in the well is considered an extraneous
factor when attempting quantitative interpretation of
spontaneous-potential logs, but it also can provide
important hydrologic information.

and applications

Spontaneous-potential logs have been used widely

in the petroleum industry to determine lithology, bed
thickness, and the salinity of formation water.
Although it is one of the oldest types of logs, it is still
standard in most logging operations and is included in
the left track of most electric logs. The chief limitation
of spontaneous-potential logs in ground-water studies
is the considerable range of salinity differences
between borehole fluid and formation fluid in freshwater environments. Water wells commonly are logged







1 c








20 0





Figure 28.-Changes




in spontaneous-potential
and resistivity logs caused by differences
two closely spaced wells, Houston, Tex. (Guyod, 1966).

after drilling mud has been totally or partly replaced

by formation fluids; vertical circulation is common in
water wells. As shown in figure 27, if the borehole
fluid is fresher than the native interstitial water, a
negative spontaneous potential occurs opposite sand
beds; this is the so-called standard response typical of
oil wells. If the salinities are reversed, the
spontaneous-potential response also is reversed, producing a positive spontaneous potential opposite sand

in mud salinity in

beds. Thus, the range of response possibilities is very

large and includes zero spontaneous potential
(straight line), when the salinity of the borehole and
interstitial fluids are the same.
Differences in spontaneous-potential and resistivity
logs between two wells located 160 ft apart near
Houston, Tex. (Guyod, 1966), are illustrated in figure
28. The differences result from differences in the
resistivity of the drilling mud- 10 ohm-m in well 1 and




1.3 ohm-m in well 2. Note that not only are the

amplitudes of the spontaneous potential different, but
the logs for the shallow part of the wells are very
dissimilar. Salinity differences probably are greater in
the shallow part of well 2. The amplitudes of the
resistivity logs also are different, but stratigraphic
units still can be correlated between the wells using
these logs.
On spontaneous-potential logs, lithologic contacts
are located at the point of curve inflection, where
current density is at a maximum (fig. 27). When the
response is typical, a line can be drawn through the
positive spontaneous-potential values recorded in
shale beds, and a parallel line can be drawn through
negative values, which represent intervals of sand
containing little clay. If the salinity and composition of
the borehole and the interstitial fluids are constant
throughout the logged interval, the shale and sand
lines will be vertical; however, this is not common in
water wells (Guyod, 1966). Where the individual beds
are thick enough, these lines can be used to calculate
sand/shale ratios or to calculate the net thickness of
each unit. The shale fraction is proportional to the
relative spontaneous-potential deflection between the
sand and shale beds.
A typical response of a spontaneous-potential log in
a shallow water well where the drilling mud is fresher
than the formation water is shown in figure 29. The
maximum positive spontaneous-potential deflections
represent intervals of fine-grained material, mostly
clay and silt; the maximum negative spontaneouspotential deflect,ionsrepresent coarser sediments. The
gradational change from silty clay to tine sand at the
bottom of the well is shown by a gradual change on the
spontaneous-potential log. The similarity in the character of a spontaneous-potential log and a gamma log
under these salinity conditions also is shown in figure
29. Under these conditions, the two types of logs can
be used interchangeably for stratigraphic correlation
between wells for which either the gamma or the
spontaneous-potential log is not available. The similarity between spontaneous-potential and gamma logs
can be used to identify wells where salinity relationships are similar to those shown in figures 27 and 29.
Spontaneous-potential logs have been used widely
for determining formation-water resistivity (Rw) in oil
wells, but this application is limited in fresh-groundwater systems. In a sodium chloride type of saline
water, the following relation is used to calculate Rw:
SP= -K

log (RmlRw)

SP=log deflection, in millivolts;



T = borehole temperature, in degrees

of borehole fluid, in ohmmeters; and
Rw=formation-water resistivity, in ohmmeters.
The spontaneous-potential deflection is read from a
log at a thick sand bed; Rm is measured with a
mud-cell or fluid-conductivity log. If the borehole is
filled with mud, then water must be filtered out and
Rmf, the resistivity of the mud filtrate, is used in the
equation. Temperature can be obtained from a log, but
it also can be estimated, particularly if bottom-hole
temperature is known. The calculated resistivity can
be converted to concentration of sodium chloride using
figure 19.
The unreliability of determining the resistivity of
fresh formation water using the spontaneous-potential
equation has been discussed by Patten and Bennett
(1962) and Guyod (1966). Several conditions must be
met if the equation is to be used for ground-water
investigations in which the water contains less than
10,000 mg/L of dissolved solids:
1. Both the borehole fluids and the formation water
must be sodium chloride solutions.
2. The borehole fluid must be quite fresh, with a much
greater resistivity than the combined resistivity of
the sand and shale; this requirement usually means
that the formation or interstitial water must be
quite saline.
3. The shale must be ideal ion-selective membranes,
and the sand must be relatively free of clay. No
contribution can be made to the spontaneous
potential from such sources as streaming potential.
These conditions are not satisfied in most freshwater wells. Nevertheless, water quality in some
ground-water systems has been calculated using the
spontaneous potential equation. Vonhof (1966) stated
that a . . .workable empirical relationship exists
between the spontaneous-potential deflection on the
electric log and the water quality in glacial aquifers.
His study was made in test wells in Saskatchewan,
Canada, where the chemical compositions of the drilling and formation fluids were similar and the drilling
fluid was much more resistive than the water in the
aquifers. Dissolved solids in the formation water
ranged from 1,191 to 3,700 mg/L. Alger (1966)
described the use of the spontaneous potential equation to determine the resistivity of fresh water, but he
had to convert all anions and cations in the water to an
equivalent sodium chloride concentration. He
assumed that chemical composition would be relatively constant within one ground-water system; he
started with a well for which he already had chemical
analyses of water samples and a spontaneous-potential
Rm (or Rmfl=resistivity











log. These data were extrapolated to other wells in the

area on the basis of spontaneous-potential logs. The
method probably is not appropriate for determining
the quality of water containing less than 10,000 mg/L
dissolved solids, unless many other data are available
to support the results.



The single-point-resistance log has been one of the

most widely used in ground-water hydrology in the
past; it is still useful, in spite of increased application
of more sophisticated techniques. Single-point-resistance logs cannot be used for quantitative interpretation, but they are excellent for lithologic information.
The equipment for making single-point-resistance logs
is available on most small water-well loggers, but it is
almost never available on the larger units used for
oil-well logging.
Principles and instrumentation

Ohms law provides the basic principle for all logging devices that measure resistance, resistivity, or
conductivity. The law states that the rate of current
flow through a conductor is proportional to the potential or voltage difference causing that flow, and is
inversely proportional to the resistance of the
medium. Ohms law is the electric analog of Darcys
law for hydraulic flow. Ohms law can be expressed as


r =resistance, in ohms;
E=potential, in volts; and
I =current, in amperes.
The resistance of any medium depends not only on
its composition, but also on the cross-sectional area
and length of the path through that medium. Singlepoint-resistance systems measure the resistance, in
ohms, between an electrode in the well and an electrode at the land surface or between two electrodes in
the well. Because no provision exists for determining
the length or cross-sectional area of the travel path of
the current, the measurement is not an intrinsic
characteristic of the material between the electrodes.
Therefore, single-point-resistance logs cannot be
related quantitatively to porosity or to the salinity of
water in those pore spaces, even though these two
parameters do control the flow of electric current.
Although some conductive minerals are present and
surface conduction on clay can contribute to current
flow in most rocks, effective porosity and fluid salinity
have a much greater effect on resistance or resistivity
than does mineralogy.


A schematic diagram of the system used to make

spontaneous-potential and conventional single-pointresistance logs is shown in figure 30. The two curves
can be recorded simultaneously if a two-channel
recorder is available. The same ground and down-hole
lead electrodes (A and B) are used for both logs. Each
electrode serves as a current and as a potentialsensing electrode for single-point-resistance logs. The
single-point-resistance equipment on the right side of
the figure actually measures potential in volts or
millivolts, but this can be converted to resistance by
use of Ohms law, because a constant current is
maintained in the system. To obtain the best possible
single-point-resistance logs, the lead electrode in the
well must have a relatively large diameter with
respect to the hole diameter, because the radius of
investigation is a function of electrode diameter. A
schematic diagram of the system used to make differential single-point-resistance logs is given in figure 31.
In this system, the current flows around an insulated
section from the lead electrode to the probe shell. The
insulated section usually is less than 1 in thick. The
differential system provides much higher resolution
logs than does the conventional system.
In both single-point-resistance systems, a constant
alternating current is supplied by a generator, so that
resistance is inversely proportional to the potential,
read in millivolts. Single-point logging systems function much like a volt-ohm meter in the ohms position.
In a volt-ohm meter, the unknown resistance is connected in series with a meter and a battery. In the
case of the volt-ohm meter, the battery voltage,
rather than the current, is constant, so that when
resistance is small, a large current deflects the meter
(or a recorder); when resistance is large, the current is .
small. For both a volt-ohm meter and a single-pointresistance system, the response is nonlinear. A loohm change is a much greater percentage of full-scale
deflection at small values of resistance than at large
values of resistance, and this has the advantage of
decreasing off-scale deflections on the log.

and standardization

Scales on a single-point-resistance log are calibrated

in ohms per inch of span on the recorder. Common
scales are 20, 50, 100, 200, and 500 ohms/in; some
loggers offer continuous adjustment of span. Scales
are not calibrated in ohm-meters, becausethe log does
not measure these units. Both calibration and field
standardization can be done using fixed resistors or a
resistance-decade box between electrodes A and B.
The spontaneous-potential-calibration box provided
with some loggers can be used by turning off the
battery and switching between the various resistances, which can be determined with a volt-ohm meter.













Millivolt meter
or recorder






Current and

Current and 7

Figure 30.-System


used to make spontaneous-potential

of investigation

The volume of investigation of a single-pointresistance probe is small, about 5 to 10 times the

electrode diameter. Larger electrodes will produce
more signal from the rocks and less from the borehole.
When a borehole in resistive rocks is filled with saline
fluid, most of the current will flow in the borehole.
Under these conditions, thin resistive units will be
difficult to identify on the log.

and conventional





Single-point-resistance logs are affected by many of

the same external and equipment phenomena that
produce noise on spontaneous-potential logs. Dirty or
worn slip rings or brushes will produce sharp deflections of consistent amplitude and frequency that usually can be related to revolutions of the winch. A
common problem is a fixed-frequency sinusoidal fluctuation of the pen, even when the probe is not moving









Cable armor


31 .-System





in the well. This fluctuation usually is caused by the

alternating current that is supplied to the electrode
superimposed on the 60-cycle alternating current that
is present in the ground from nearby power lines or
other sources. Some loggers have a provision for
adjusting the frequency of the power to the electrode,
or the frequency of the generator, while observing the
pen with the electrode stationary in the well. Differential single-point-resistance logs may be affected by





changes in the logging truck ground carried through

the tires and surface materials. Although the resistance of such a ground is large, a significant proportion
of the current may follow this path if the rocks being
logged have substantial resistivity. Most of the
sheaves used for logging with single-conductor cable
are insulated from the ground, even though they
usually are mounted on the casing. If the cable armor
intermittently touches the casing, fluctuations in log





response may be noted. Grounding problems sometimes can be solved by adding a ground at the logging
truck or at the casing-mounted sheave.
Single-point-resistance logs are greatly affected by
changes in borehole diameter, partly because of the
relatively small volume of investigation. Increases in
borehole diameter add to the cross section of the
current path through the more conductive borehole
fluid; thus, larger diameter decreasesapparent resistance. As discussed later, this aberration can be used
to locate fractures.

and applications

Single-point-resistance logs are useful for obtaining

information about lithology; their interpretation is
straightforward, with the exception of the extraneous
effects described previously. Single-point-resistance
logs have a significant advantage over multielectrode
logs because they do not exhibit reversals as a result
of bed-thickness effects; they deflect in the proper
direction in response to the resistivity of materials
adjacent to the electrode, regardless of bed thickness,
and thus have very good vertical resolution.
The typical response of a single-point-resistance log
to various types of lithology and to changing borehole
diameter and the difference between single-pointresistance and long-normal-resistivity logs are shown
in figure 32. The logs in figure 32, which is an
enlargement of part of figure 7, are hypothetical
because no logs could be found that illustrate all the
different lithologies and hole conditions demonstrated.
The purpose of the figure is to show relative log
response, so scales are not included. In addition, the
hypothetical log response shown cannot be used to
predict response in similar rock types because lithology and relative salinity of formation and borehole
fluids are so variable. In figure 32, the well is considered to be filled with saline water from below the
freshwater-saline water interface that exists in the
rocks. In this figure, solution openings and fractures
are indicated by hole enlargements on the caliper log
and by sharp, small-resistance anomalies on the
single-point-resistance log. Thin beds of greater
resistance, such as the limestone and gypsum beds in
the upper part of the figure, are indicated correctly on
the single-point-resistance log but are reversed on the
long-normal-resistivity log. The single-point-resistance log shifts at the depth where drilled diameter
changes from 8 to 6 in, but the long-normal-resistivity
curve does not.
A single-point-resistance log is included in figure 29
as part of a suite of logs of a sedimentary sequence.
Note that the scale for the single-point-resistance log,
in ohms, numerically is different from the scale for the
normal-resistivity logs, in ohm-meters. The differen-



tial single-point-resistance log has much higher resolution than the normal logs, and detects thin beds also
detected by the caliper log. In some rock types,
single-point-resistance and normal-resistivity logs
also may be similar to neutron logs (fig. 29). This
similarity can be used to correlate lithology between
holes for which one type of log is not available;
however, it should be used with caution. Different
types of logs that are based on entirely different
measuring principles probably will not respond similarly to a variety of rock types and hole conditions.
For example, in coal or gypsum beds, neutron
response will be the opposite of single-point-resistance
response; the difference can be used to identify these
rock types.
The responses of differential and conventional
single-point-resistance logs to fractures are illustrated
in figure 33. At least one of the logging systems was
not properly calibrated, becausethe scalesdiffer by an
order of magnitude. Borehole enlargements shown on
the caliper log are caused almost entirely by fractures
in the crystalline rocks penetrated by this borehole.
The differential single-point-resistance log defines the
fractures with much more resolution than does the
conventional system. Note that some relation exists
between the hole diameter shown by the caliper
deflection and the amplitude of the negative deflections on the differential log. In most cases, differential
single-point-resistance logs will define narrow or
partly closed fractures and solution openings better
than caliper logs, if the rock has uniform resistivity.
Single-point-resistance logs may help distinguish
between a steeply dipping fracture, which may be
shown on a caliper log as three anomalies, as in figure
8, and several low-angle fractures. Steeply dipping
fractures are not usually detected by single-pointresistance logs because the lower resistivity is spread
over a large depth interval.



Among the various multielectrode resistivitylogging techniques, normal resistivity is probably the
most widely used in ground-water hydrology, even
though the long-normal-resistivity log has become
nearly obsolete in the oil industry. Normal-resistivity
logs can be interpreted quantitatively when they are
properly calibrated in ohm-meters. The logs actually
measure apparent resistivity, which may need to be
corrected for bed thickness, borehole diameter, mudcake thickness, and fluid invasion to determine true
resistivity. The capability to make normal logs is
available on most water-well logging equipment that
has multiconductor cable; however, long- and shortnormal-resistivity logs may not be available on some
equipment used for logging oil wells.










Figure 32.-Typical


of single-point-resistance,
caliper, and long-normal-resistivity
of sedimentary

logs to a sequence










Figure 33.-Caliper


and differential



and conventional single-point-resistance

fractured crystalline rocks.

Principles and instrumentation

By definition, resistivity includes the dimensions of

the material being measured; therefore, it is an intrinsic property of that material. The difference between
resistance and resistivity is analogous to the differ-




logs in a well penetrating

ence between weight, in grams, and density, in grams

per cubic centimeter. Resistivity is defined by the









of measuring
meters.. Example is IO ohm-meters.

in ohm-

R=resistivity, in ohm-meters;
r =resistance, in ohms;
S =cross-sectional area normal to the flow of current, in square meters; and
L =length, in meters.
The principles of measuring resistivity are illustrated in figure 34. In this example, 1 A of current
from a 10-V battery is passed through a l-m3 block of
material, producing a decrease in potential of 10 V.
The current is passed between electrodes A and B,
and a voltage drop of 1 V is measured between
potential electrodes M and N, which are 0.1 m apart.
By Ohms law, the resistance is r=E/I=l
V/l A=1
ohm and the resistivity is R=rx S/L= 1 ohmx 1 m/O. 1
m=lO ohm-m. The current is constant, so the higher
the resistivity between M and N, the greater the
voltage drop. Alternating current is used to avoid
polarization of the electrodes that would be caused by
the use of direct current.
In logging equipment, electronic circuits, rather
than a battery, are used to maintain a constant
current, and the electrodes are arranged differently
than for measuring a sample. For normal-resistivity
logging, electrodes A and M are located in the well
relatively close together, and electrodes B and N are
distant from electrodes A and M and from each other.
The electrode spacing, from which the normal curves
derive their names, is the distance between electrodes
A and M, and the depth reference is at the midpoint of
this distance. The most common spacings are 16 and
64 in; however, some loggers have other spacings
available, such as 4, 8, 16, and 32 in. The distance to
the B electrode, which usually is on the cable, is about
50 ft; it is separated from the A and M electrodes by an
insulated section of cable. The N electrode usually is

Figure 35.-System
for making 16- and 64-inch
logs. Shaded areas indicate relative
volumes of investigation.

normalsizes of

located at the land surface, but in some equipment the

locations of the B and N electrodes are reversed.
A simplification of a normal-resistivity logging system, without the letters identifying the electrodes, is
shown in figure 35. Constant current is maintained
between a current electrode at the bottom of the
probe and a remote-current electrode at a distance of
50 ft or more. The voltages for the long-normal (64 in)
and short-normal (16 in) logs are measured between a
potential electrode for each, located on the probe, and
a remote potential electrode. In an actual logging
system, the remote-current and potential electrodes
are distant from each other. An insulating section of
cable (bridle) is used to ensure that the lower portion
of the logging cable does not act as the return current
electrode. The spontaneous-potential electrode is
located between the short-normal potential and current electrodes. The relative difference between the
volumes of material investigated by the two normal
systems also is illustrated in figure 35. The volume for
the long-normal system is shaded dark; the volume for
the short-normal system is lighter and smaller.
Because the depth-reference points for the long- and
short-normal systems are different when logging up
the hole, the long-normal log will show a change in
resistivity before the short-normal log. The long-





normal reference is 2 ft above the short-normal reference, but this can be corrected by adjusting the pens
on the recorder. Usually, spontaneous potential is
recorded in the left-recorder track and the resistivity
curves, distinguished by different pen colors or patterned traces, are recorded in the right-recorder
track. Becausethe resistivity of rocks penetrated by a
borehole may vary considerably, backup scales are
useful so information is not lost. Decreasing sensitivity so all data will be on scale can result in the loss of
small changes that may be significant. Onsite digitizing of the data can solve some of these problems.
From a practical standpoint,, a cable must have at
least four conductors to make two normal-resistivity
logs simultaneously along with a spontaneouspotential log. In the past, most,water-well logging has
been done with single-conductor cable; however, fourconductor cable has become more widely used, largely
because of the need to make quantitative resistivity
logs. Equipment has been designed and tested by the
U.S. Geological Survey to make normal logs on singleconductor cable, but the procedure has proved to be
expensive, complex, and relatively unreliable. Selecting the optimum current for a considerable range of
resistivity also was difficult with this equipment.
Recent advances in electronics may increase the feasibility of making multielectrode logs using singleconductor cable.
Older normal-resistivity logging systems use a
mechanical commutator to generate the square-wave
alternating current transmitted to the potential electrodes. Newer equipment uses a solid-state generator, which probably is a more reliable approach.
Regardless of which type is used, a provision for
changing the output frequency is necessary. Constant
current can be maintained by placing a large resistance in series with the generator and the current
electrodes, so that, within a range, the same current
will flow regardless of the resistance of the rocks. The
current produced is changed by the resistivity-scale
switch on the module. As resistivity increases, current decreases. To maximize log response, the optimum scale and current must be selected. If the
current is too small in less resistive rocks, the potential drop will be too small and the log will lack
character. If the current is too great in more resistive
rocks, excess voltage will saturate the recorder circuits.

and standardization

Normal-resistivity logging systems can be calibrated at the land surface by placing fixed resistors
between the electrodes. A schematic diagram of a
system used by the U.S. Geological Survey is shown
in figure 36. The formula for calculating the apparent



+ To cable

M 64

: electrode



M 16




for calibrating


resistivity (Ra) of an infinite medium, in ohm-meters,

incorporates a geometric factor with Ohms law:


where AM (that is, the distance between the A and M

electrodes) is in meters. Because E/I=r, the formula
can be rewritten as
r,= RaI4AM
where r~equivalent resistance of the formation. This
formula can be used to calculate the resistance values
to be substituted in the calibration network shown in
figure 36. The value for the geometric factor 4AM is
5.11 for the 16-in normal probe. Using this value in
equation 6 yields the values for the equivalent resistance for the 16-in normal probe shown in figure 36.
Contact resistance between the electrodes and fluid is
simulated by loo-ohm resistors in the calibrator
shown. This resistance may not be large enough in
very resistive rocks saturated with freshwater, where
contact resistance may be several thousand ohms.
A small board can be made with loo-ohm resistors
and terminals to allow substitution of other resistors
to simulate other values of rf. Large clips of the type




used to connect to auto batteries can be used to make

electrical contact with the logging electrodes. This
resistor system is sufficiently compact to be carried
with any logger for onsite calibration. At the well,
only one or two values of resistivity may need to be
checked within the range of interest. As with logging,
the proper scales must be selected for the resistor
values used. For example, 10 ohm-m would not be
calibrated on the l,OOO-ohm-mscale. A check for zero
resistivity can be done in a well with steel casing. For
this purpose, the entire electrode assembly must be in
the water and within the cased interval. All calibration or onsite-standardization values will be recorded
directly on the log in the appropriate channel, along
with information on equipment settings. If onsite
digitizing equipment is in use, these data also should
be on the digital record.
Volume of investigation

The volume of investigation of normal-resistivity

probes is considered to be a sphere, with a diameter
approximately twice the AM spacing. As an extreme
example, ultra-long-spaced electric logs use AM spacings as long as 1,000 ft to investigate anomalies more
than 100 ft away from the borehole. This volume
contributes most of the measured signal, but it does
not have distinct limits. The volume changes as a
function of resistivity and bed thickness, so size and
shape of the sphere change as the well is logged.







a factor,

short-normal (16~in or less) probes are considered to

investigate only the invaded zone, and long-normal (64
in) probes are considered to investigate both the
invaded zone and the zone where native formation
water is present. These phenomena are illustrated in
figure 29. In this figure, the area between a 32-in
curve on the left and 4-in curve on the right is shaded.
The longer spaced curve indicates less resistivity
farther from the borehole than in the invaded zone
near the borehole; this suggests that the formation
water is relatively saline with respect to the borehole
Extraneous effects

Long-normal-resistivity logs are affected by some of

the same instrumentation problems as single-pointresistance logs; these problems usually appear as
noise or periodic oscillations on the logs. Interference
from 60-cycle alternating current from local sources
usually can be eliminated by changing the alternatingcurrent frequency of the generator on the logging
truck. It may not always be possible to eliminate
random noise originating from external sources;
changing the equipment ground usually will help.






thickness (h)
= 6 AM




Figure 37.-Relation
of bed thickness
to electrode spacing for normal
probes at two bed
from Lynch, 1962). (Solid
line is theoretical-resistivity
curve, and dashed
line is actual log.)

Long-normal response is affected markedly by bed

thickness; this problem can make the logs quite difficult to interpret. The bed-thickness effect is a function
of electrode spacing, as illustrated in figure 37. The
theoretical-resistivity curve (solid line) and the actual
log (dashed line) for a resistive bed six times as thick
as the AM spacing is shown in the upper part of the
figure. The resistivity of the limestone is assumed to
be six times that of the shale, which is of infinite
thickness. As the electric-logging probe moves opposite the bed from below, measured resistivity
increases gradually until the M electrode reaches the
bottom contact of the limestone. Resistivity remains
constant until the A electrode reaches this contact,
when the curve shows a gradual increase in apparent
resistivity (Ra) until the center of the bed is reached.
The upper half of the curve is a mirror image of the
lower half. With a bed thickness six times AM, the




recorded apparent resistivity approaches, but does

not equal, the true resistivity (Rt); the bed is logged as
being one AM spacing thinner than it actually is. The
actual logged curve is a rounded version of the theoretical curve, in part because of the effects of the
The log response when the bed thickness is equal to
or less than the AM spacing is illustrated in the lower
part of figure 37. The curve reverses, and the resistive
limestone actually appears to have a smaller resistivity than the surrounding material. The log does not
indicate the correct bed thickness, and anomalies
indicating a resistivity that is too large occur both
above and below the limestone. Therefore, although
increasing the AM spacing to achieve a greater volume of investigation would ordinarily be considered
desirable, bed-thickness effects would diminish the
usefulness of the logs.
The accuracy of measurement of rocks having a
resistivity greater than several thousand ohm-meters
is questionable for most logging systems. Most sedimentary rocks have a smaller resistivity; however,
the resistivity of igneous and metamorphic rocks may
exceed 10,000 ohm-m, and values on logs made in
these rocks may be considerably in error.

and applications

The most important application of normalresistivity logs in ground-water hydrology is for

determining water quality, as explained in the section
on fluid conductivity. Normal-resistivity logs measure
apparent resistivity; if true resistivity is to be calculated from these logs, a number of factors must be
considered (Lynch, 1962). Although not all these factors are significant under all conditions, corrections
must be applied for each under some conditions. The
factors include resistivity of the invaded zone (Ri),
diameter of the invaded zone (Di), mud resistivity
(Rm), borehole diameter (d), bed thickness (h), resistivity of adjacent beds, and AM spacing. Temperature
corrections must be applied to any measurement of
resistivity. Apparent resistivity from logs may be
equal to, greater than, or less than true resistivity,
depending on the specific factors. Departure curves
have been developed to correct normal-resistivity logs
for these effects. Such curves were included in older
books of log-interpretation charts provided by commercial logging-service companies, but they are omitted from recent editions because of infrequent use of
all but the 16-in normal-resistivity log. Simplified
versions of some of the departure curves are included
in Lynch (1962)and Pirson (1963). Guyod and Pranglin
(1959) have published a set of charts for determining
true resistivity and the resistivity and diameter of the
invaded zone based on an electric log consisting of 16-




and 64-in normal-resistivity logs and an 1%ft S-in

lateral-resistivity log. These charts were derived from
an analog-computer study and include a variety of
conditions encountered in oil exploration. A summary
of these techniques has been compiled and published
by the Society of Professional Log Analysts (1979).
Resistivity-porosity cross plots, also called Hingle
plots, provide a graphical method of estimating water
quality from resistivity logs and logs that can be
converted to porosity. Hilchie (1982) published an
explanation of this technique and included the necessary graph paper for different cementation factors.
When corrected log data are plotted on the appropriate paper, the intercept at loo-percent porosity
approximates Rw. The technique is valid only for
water-saturated sediments relatively free of clay, and
the cementation factors must be consistent for the
depth intervals on a single plot.
Turcan (1966) used a practical field method to
estimate ground-water quality in Louisiana from
resistivity logs. The method is based on establishing
field-formation factors for aquifers within a limited
area, using electric logs and water analyses. After a
consistent field-formation factor is established, the
long-normal log or any other resistivity log that provides a reasonably correct Rt can be used to calculate
Rw from the relation F=RolRw. Under these conditions, Ro, the resistivity of a rock 100 percent saturated with water, is assumed to approximate Rt after
the appropriate corrections have been made. The
specific conductance of water samples, in microsiemens per centimeter at 25 C, can be converted to
resistivity, in ohm-meters, by the following:
Rw= 10,OOOlspecific


Resistivity values from logs can be converted to

standard temperature using figure 19, and the factors
listed in the section on fluid conductivity can be used
to convert water analyses to electrically equivalent
sodium chloride concentrations. If enough data are
available, specific conductance can be related empirically to dissolved-solids concentrations, as in figure
The relation between resistivity as determined from
normal-resistivity logs and concentration of dissolved
solids in ground water is valid only if the porosity and
clay content are relatively uniform and Ra from the
logs approximates Rt. Only in sediments having uniformly distributed intergranular pore spaces is bulk
resistivity proportional to Rw. This relation applies to
some limestone and dolomite, but the method does not
apply to rocks having randomly distributed solution
openings or fractures. Because the flow of electrical
current is related to tortuosity, two rocks having the




same average porosity will have different resistivities

if one has uniformly distributed intergranular porosity
and the other has randomly distributed vugs.
Additional factors that may cause errors in determining water quality from resistivity logs because of
their effect on the measured or apparent formation
factor are shape.,packing, uniformity, and mean size
of the particles; pore-water resistivity; matrix resistivity; ion exchange; and surface conduction (Biella and
others, 1983).
The normal-resistivity logs in figure 29 were used to
calculate the quality of the water in the aquifers at the
Kipling well site in Saskatchewan, Canada. The left
trace of the two normal-resistivity logs shown is the
32-in normal, which was used to calculate Rw for three
of the shallower aquifers intersected. The 32-in normal was selected becausemany of the beds in this area
are too thin for longer spacing. Wyllie (1963)described
a method for estimating the formation-resistivity factor (F) from the ratio RilRm, where Ri is the resistivity of the invaded zone from a short-normal log such
as the 4-in log and Rm is the measured resistivity of
the drilling mud. On the basis of the 4-in curve, F was
estimated to be 2.5 for the upper aquifer and 1.8 for
the lower two aquifers. The true resistivity values for
the three aquifers obtained from departure curves for
the 32-in normal log are 30, 20, and 17 ohm-m at
depths of 130, 250, and 300 ft, respectively. A formation factor of 3.2 provided good agreement with water
quality calculated from spontaneous-potential logs and
from laboratory analyses. Using an F of 3.2, Rw for
the three aquifers was calculated to be 9.4, 6.2, and
5.3 ohm-m at 4 C. The offset of the two normal curves
substantiated the fact that the water in the aquifers
was more saline than the drilling mud, which had a
resistivity of 13 ohm-m. Although normal-resistivity
logs can be used to determine lithology and locate
contacts, this application is subject to considerable
error because of the bed-thickness effects previously



Focused-resistivity systems were designed to measure the resistivity of thin beds or resistive rocks in
wells containing conductive fluids. A number of different types of focused-resistivity systems are used
commercially; the names guard or laterolog are
applied to two of these. Focused-resistivity logs can
provide high resolution and great penetration under
conditions where other resistivity systems may fail.
Principles and instrumentation

Focused-resistivity probes use guard electrodes

above and below the combined current and potential


electrode (M) to force the current to flow out into the

rocks surrounding the well. The guard electrodes are
electrically connected together, and a current is
applied to them. This current is automatically
adjusted so that the potential between M and the
guard electrodes is always zero. The resulting balanced potential forces the current from M to flow
outward in a relatively thin sheet. A constant current
is applied to M, so that the voltage drop to the remote
electrode (N) is proportional to the resistivity. The
thickness of the beam of current from M is proportional to the length of the M electrode, which in most
cases is between 3 and 12 in. The radius of investigation is considered to be about three times the length of
one guard, so a 6-ft guard should be able to investigate
material as far as 18 I%from the borehole.
With conventional guard systems, a spontaneouspotential measurement cannot be made within 25 ft of
the upper guard; thus, the bottom of the hole cannot
be measured. Another variety of a focused probe, the
laterolog, overcomes this problem. The laterolog uses
four M electrodes to focus the current in a sheet about
32 in thick. The depth of investigation is about the
same as that for a 6-ft guard, but the resolution is not
as good becausethe current beam is thicker. With this
system, spontaneous potential can be measured at the
potential electrodes. A number of different laterolog
systems having different characteristics are available,
so specific information must be obtained from the
company supplying the equipment.
The difference between the current distribution
around a normal electrode system and a lateral system, with the electrode array located opposite a
resistive rock such as limestone, is shown in figure 38.
The sheetlike current pattern of the focused probes
increases the resolution and decreases the effect of
adjacent beds in comparison with the normal probes.
Microfocused devices include all the focusing and
measuring electrodes on a small pad; they have a
depth of investigation of only a few inches.

and standardization

Because the geometric factor, which is related to

the volume investigated, is difficult to calculate for
focused probes, calibration usually is done in a test
well or pit for which resistivity values are known.
When this is done, the voltage recorded can be calibrated directly in terms of resistivity. Zero resistivity
can be checked when the entire electrode assembly is
within a steel-cased interval of a well that is filled with
water. Resistivity values measured in shale with a
focused system should be checked by comparing them
with values obtained from other types of resistivity
logs. The current supplied to the guard electrodes








correction charts and empirical equations can be used

to calculate Rt (Pirson, 1963). Borehole-diameter
effects tend to be relatively small. For example, a
laterolog 8 will provide values within 10 percent of Rt
for borehole diameters ranging from 6 to 12 in (Lynch,
1962). Currents in the ground from other sources can
produce errors on focused logs. If the monitoring
current is not properly balanced, substantial errors
may be produced on the logs.


Figure 38.-Current
around a normalelectrode system and a focused-electrode

should be continuously recorded on the log; if the

record is not relatively straight, the log may be
erroneous (Lynch, 1962).
Volume of investigation

The volume of material investigated by a focused

system is a function of the length of the guard and
current electrodes. For a guard system, the radius of
investigation is about three times the length of the
guard electrodes. For a laterolog 7 (7 being the
number of electrodes), the current beam, which is a
constant 32 in thick for some distance, starts to
diverge about 10 ft from the borehole; most of the
signal is from material inside this distance. For a
laterolog 8, about 90 percent of the signal is derived
from material within less than 4 ft of the borehole.
Extraneous effects

In general, focused-resistivity systems require less

correction for extraneous effects than do normalresistivity systems. Correction for bed thickness (h) is
required only if h is less than the length of M, which is
6 in on some common probes. Resistivity values on
guard logs will nearly equal Rt, and corrections usually will not be required if RmlRw45, RtlRmSO, and
invasion is shallow. If these conditions are not met,



and applications

Focused-resistivity logs are very useful for providing accurate resistivity values in thin and resistive
rocks when conductivity of the borehole fluid is relatively great. Various types of guard systems provide
excellent resolution of thin beds and require no correction for bed thickness under these conditions.
Focused systems provide quantitative information
under favorable geometry and salinity conditions,
whereas normal-resistivity systems require considerable correction. The application of these logging systems in ground-water hydrology has been limited
becausethe equipment is not available on most waterwell loggers. The equipment is available on many
loggers used in oil fields, and correction charts are
included in manuals provided by commercial loggingservice companies.



Lateral-resistivity logs are made with four electrodes, as are normal-resistivity logs, but the electrodes are in a different configuration. The potential
electrodes, M and N, are located 32 in apart; in the
most commonly used probe, the current electrode, A,
is located 18 ft 8 in above the center (0) of the MN
spacing. The distance A0 has varied over the years
from 4 ft 8 in to the present standard of 18 ft 8 in,
although the shorter spacings still are used for special
purposes. The midpoint (0) is the reference for depth
measurements on lateral-resistivity logs.
Lateral-resistivity logs are designed to measure
resistivity beyond the invaded zone by use of long
spacing. They have several limitations that have
restricted their use in water wells. Best results are
obtained when bed thickness is greater than twice
AO, or more than 40 ft for the standard spacing.
Marginal results are obtained in saline drilling fluid
and highly resistive rocks. Corrections must be made
for borehole diameter and for the effects of adjacent
beds (Pirson, 1963). Although correction charts are
available, the logs are difficult to interpret. Anomalies
are unsymmetrical about a bed, and the degree of
distortion is related to bed thickness and the effect of
adjacent beds. Lateral-resistivity logs have not been




Figure 39.-System

for making induction




used widely in ground-water hydrology, but the

equipment is still available through oil-well logging* 7
service companie,,.



Induction-logging systems originally were designed

to solve the problem of measuring resistivity in oilbased drilling mud, where no conductive medium is
present between the probe and the formation. A basic
induction-logging system is illustrated in figure 39. A
simple version of an induction probe contains two
coils, one for transmitting an alternating current into
the surrounding rocks and the other for receiving the
returning signal. The transmitted alternating current,
at about 20,000 cycles per second (20 kHz), induces the
flow of eddy currents (a ground loop) in conductive
rocks penetrated by the borehole. These eddy currents set up secondary magnetic fields that induce a
voltage in the receiving coil. That signal is amplified
and converted to direct current before being transmitted up the cable. The magnitude of the received
current is proportional to the electrical conductivity of


the rocks. Induction logs measure electrical conductivity, which is the reciprocal of resistivity. Additional
coils usually are included to focus the current in a
manner similar to that used in the guard type of
focused-resistivity systems.
Induction-logging systems provide resistivity measurements regardless of whether the well contains
oil-based mud or is filled with air or fresh mud. The
measurement of electrical conductivity usually is
inverted to provide curves of both resistivity and
electrical conductivity. The unit of measurement for
conductivity is the mho-meter; however, induction
logs are calibrated in millimho-meters. Calibration is
checked by suspending the probe in air, where humidity is minimal, in order to obtain zero electrical
conductivity. A copper hoop is suspended around the
probe while it is in the air to simulate known resistivity values. It is also possible to suspend the probe in
a lake or other body of water that is large enough to be
infinite with respect to probe response. The electrical
conductivity of the water can be measured with a
conductivity cell.
The volume of investigation of an induction probe is
a function of coil spacing, which varies among the
probes provided by different service companies. For
most probes, the diameter of material investigated is
40 to 60 in. For some probes, the signal produced by
material closer than 30 in is small, and borehole
diameter and properties of the invaded zone have little
effect on measured resistivities. Although induction
probes are not greatly affected by changes in borehole
diameter, they are affected by eccentricity, so they
usually are centralized. Vertical resolution of the logs
is good for beds that are more than 6 ft thick.
The application of induction logs in ground-water
hydrology is limited becausethe probe is most responsive to small changes in resistivity when background
resistivity is minimal. The dual induction log configuration where the probe measures resistivity uses two
different volumes of investigation is one of the most
common electric logs used in the petroleum exploration industry. The ratio of Rm to Rw usually determines the applicability of induction probes. If the
value of Rw exceeds 5 times Rm, which is common in
wells containing freshwater, resistivity values on an
induction log depart substantially from Rt.



A large number of microresistivity probes is available, but all have short electrode spacing, and thus a
shallow depth of investigation. They are of two general types: nonfocused and focused. Both types incorporate pads or some kind of contact electrodes to
decrease the effect of the borehole fluid.





Nonfocused probes are designed mainly to determine the presence or absence of mud cake, but they
also can provide high-resolution lithologic detail.
Names for these logs include microlog, minilog, contact log, and micro-survey log. A microlateral and a
micronormal configuration may be mounted on one
rubber-covered pad, with dime-sized electrodes
spaced from l+ to 2 in apart. In this example, the
microlateral would measure material only l+ in from
the pad; the micronormal would measure material
somewhat farther away. Lateral electrodes respond
mostly to the mud cake, and normal electrodes to the
material just beyond the mud cake. In shale, where
mud cake would be absent, the two will record the
same resistivity. A uniform mud cake, such as might
be present on sand, would be indicated by a greater
resistivity on a micronormal log. In general,
nonfocused-microresistivity logs are used to provide
information about the mud cake and are not as effective where the borehole is rough. Most of these logs
are limited to holes 6 to 16 inches in diameter, because
of the pads; the substantial spring pressure on the
pads exerts a strong pull on the logging cable, so a
sturdy tower is needed.
Focused microresistivity probes also use small electrodes mounted on a rubber-covered pad forced to
contact the wall of the borehole hydraulically or with
substantial spring pressure. The electrodes are a
series of concentric rings less than 1 in apart that
function in a manner analogous to a laterolog system.
The radius of investigation is 3 to 5 in, which provides
excellent lithologic detail beyond the mud cake but
probably still within the invaded zone. The chief use of
these focused microresistivity probes in the petroleum
industry is for determining the resistivity of the
flushed zone or the invaded zone. Focused microprobes are most effective with a saline mud in the
borehole. The logs produced by these probes also are
called microlaterologs or minifocused logs.



A dipmeter includes a variety of wall-contact

microresistivity probes that are widely used in oil
exploration to provide data on the strike and dip of
bedding planes. The most advanced dipmeters include
four arms with measurement pads located 90 apart,
oriented with respect to magnetic north by a magnetometer in the probe. Older dipmeters used three
pads, 120 apart. A modern dipmeter provides much
information from a complex tool, so it is an expensive
log to make. Furthermore, because of the quantity
and complexity of the data, the maximum benefit is
derived from computer analysis and plotting of the
results. Interpretation is based on the correlation of



resistivity anomalies detected by the individual pads,

and the calculation of the true depth at which those
anomalies occur.
A dipmeter log made with a three-arm probe displays the three resistivity curves in the right recorder
track, along with a caliper log. The left track includes
traces showing the azimuth of the number 1 electrode,
the degree of borehole deviation from the vertical, the
direction of that deviation, and the angle between
electrode 1 and the direction of borehole deviation or
drift. The log usually displays circular plots at the top,
showing the relation between the various directions
recorded and magnetic and true north. A dipmeter log
made with a four-arm probe displays four resistivity
curves and two caliper traces, which are recorded
between opposite arms, so that the ellipticity of the
hole can be determined. Most four-arm probes can be
run in holes 6 to 18 inches in diameter, but a version is
available that can be used in a hole 4 inches in
diameter. A more detailed description of dipmeters
has been provided by Bigelow (1985). The equipment
needed to make and interpret dipmeter logs usually is
available only from commercial oil-well service companies.
Although strike and dip can be determined from the
analog record at the well, using a stereographic net,
complete analysis is possible only with a computer..A
computer program can make all necessary orientation
and depth corrections and can search for correlations
between curves within a given search interval. The
computer printout usually consists of a graphic plot
and a listing of the results. The graphic plot displays
the depth, true dip angle, and direction of dip by
means of a symbol called a tadpole or an arrow. The
angle and direction of the probe also are displayed.
Linear polar plots and cylindrical plots of the data also
are available. A printout that lists all the interpreted
data points, as well as an index representing the
reliability of the correlation between curves, also is
A dipmeter log probably is the best source of
information on the location and orientation of primary
sedimentary structures over a wide variety of hole
conditions. An acoustic televiewer log can provide
similar information for a less variable set of conditions. The dipmeter also has been advertised widely as
a fracture finder; however, it has some of the same
limitations as the single-point-resistance log when
used for this purpose. Computer programs used to
derive fracture locations and orientations from dipmeter logs are not as successful as programs designed for
distinguishing bedding. Fractures usually are more
irregular, with many intersections, and may have a
greater range of dip angles within a short depth
interval. When the acoustic televiewer and the dipme-




ter have been compared in terms of providing information on the location, orientation, and character of
fractures, the acoustic televiewer has been found to
provide an understanding of complex fracture systems, whereas the dipmeter was not (Keys, 1979).


1. A spontaneous-potential log is one of the most
useful logs in water wells because
a. It provides an accurate measurement of
resistivity under most conditions.
b. It usually provides detailed lithologic

c. It is not affected by the salinity of the
borehole fluid.
d. The theoretical basis for the log is simple.
2. If the drilling mud has resistivity of 1.5 ohm-m
at 25 C and the 64-in normal log shows much
lower resistivity than the 16-in normal log in a
65-ft sand bed, the water in the sand is
a. Potable.
b. Of low conductivity.
c. Too saline to drink.
d. Indet,erminate.
3. A single-point-resistance probe is superior to
16- and 64-m normal-resistivity probes for distinguishing lithologic units because
a. It provides information about very thin
b. Log values are more accurate.
c. It never reverses.
d. It is not affected by borehole diameter.
4. The 64-in normal-resistivity curve is more
accurate than the 16-in normal-resistivity
curve for determining quality of formation

water because
a. It is less affected by borehole fluid.
b. Measurements are more accurate for
thin beds.
c. It is less affected by clay content.
d. It measures beyond the invaded zone.
5. Focused or guard logs
a. Are used when the borehole mud is
saline and the rock is resistive.
b. May have shallow or deep penetration.
c. Are available on most water-well loggers.
d. Are nonlinear at large resistivity values.
6. Selection of the type of resistivity logs to be
made should be based on
a. Salinity of fluid in the borehole.
b. Thickness of beds to be resolved.
c. Anticipated resistivity of rocks.
d. Equipment available.


7. The dipmeter is an excellent logging system

because it is
a. Inexpensive to use.
b. Best for location and orientation of
c. One of the best methods for determining
strike and dip of beds.
d. Available on most water-well loggers.
8. Induction logging is useful because it
a. Is inexpensive and readily available.
b. Provides good results in saline mud.
c. Is the only way to measure resistivity in
air- or oil-filled boreholes.
d. Works well in small-diameter boreholes.
9. Lateral logs are
a. Not symmetrical.
b. Distorted by thin beds and adjacent bed
c. Used to measure the resistivity of the
noninvaded zone in thick beds.
d. Widely used in ground-water hydrol%Y.
10. The formation-resistivity factor (F)
a. Equals Ro obtained from resistivity logs
divided by Rw.
b. Can be estimated from neutron,
gamma-gamma, and acoustic-velocity
c. May be consistent within a depositional

d. Is widely used in carbonate-rock aquifers.

11. The presenceof a thin, large-amplitudenegative deflection on a single-point-resistance log

in a depth interval where the 64-in normalresistivity log indicates a uniform resistivity of
1,000 ohm-m means that
a. The single-point-resistance log is demonstrating a reversal.
b. The 64-in normal-resistivity log probably is not correct.
c. The anomaly on the single-point-resistance log could indicate a fracture or
borehole enlargement.

d. An inductionlog would give more accurate values in these rocks.

Nuclear logging includes all techniques that either

detect the presence of unstable isotopes or create such
isotopes in the vicinity of a borehole. Nuclear logs are
unique because the penetrating capability of the particles and photons permits their detection through
casing, and becausethey can be used regardless of the
type of fluid in the borehole. Nuclear-logging tech-



niques described in this manual include gamma,

gamma-spectrometry, gamma-gamma, and several
different kinds of neutron logs.



of nuclear geophysics

An understanding of the basic structure of the atom

and of the energy that may be emitted is as important
to the use of nuclear logs as Ohms law is to resistivity
logs. The principles essential to the interpretation of
gamma, gamma-spectrometry, gamma-gamma, and
various types of neutron logs include the nature of
subatomic particles and the particles and photons
emitted by unstable isotopes.
The nucleus of an atom consists of protons with a
mass of 1 and a positive electrical charge and neutrons
with a mass of 1 and no electrical charge. Electrons
orbiting the nucleus have a negative charge to balance
the positive charge of the protons and a mass equal to
of the mass of a proton. The mass number (A) is
equal to the number of protons plus the number of
neutrons in the nucleus. The atomic number (Z) is
equal to the number of protons; Z is usually the same
as the number of orbital electrons and determines the
chemical characteristics of the elements. Isotopes are
one of two or more different states of an atom; they
have the same atomic number but different mass
numbers, because of a difference in the number of
neutrons. Isotopes of a given element have the same
chemical characteristics but a different mass. For
example, uranium present in rocks consists of three
isotopes with mass numbers of 234,235, and 238; these
isotopes can be separated by differences in their
weight. Of the 104 known elements, 83 have more
than two isotopes. The term nuclide refers to each of
the possible combinations of protons and neutrons.
Stable isotopes are those that do not change structure or energy over time. Unstable or radioactive
isotopes (also called radioisotopes) change structure
and emit radiation spontaneously as they decay, and
become different isotopes. Almost 1,400 isotopes are
known; 1,130 of these are unstable, although only 65
unstable isotopes occur naturally. Most of the radiation emitted during decay originates in the nucleus of
an atom; X-rays are derived from shell transitions by
the orbital electrons. Radiation from the nucleus consists of alpha particles, positive and negative beta
particles, and gamma photons or rays. Alpha particles
are stopped by a sheet of paper; beta particles are
stopped by h.5 in of aluminum. Several inches of lead,
however, are required to stop gamma radiation. Of
the three types of radiation, only gamma photons are
measured by well-logging equipment, because they
are able to readily penetrate dense materials such as
rock, casing, and the shell of a logging probe.




Neutrons also are able to penetrate dense materials;

however, they are slowed more effectively and ultimately are captured in materials, such as water, that
have a substantial content of hydrogen. Neutrons
produced by a source in a logging probe are measured
after they pass through material in and adjacent to the
well. Gamma photons produced by neutron reactions
are measured by some types of logging equipment.
Neutron reactions that produce gamma radiation
include scattering, capture, and activation. Neutron
activation produces a new isotope, which may be
identified on the basis of the energy of the gamma
radiation it emits and its half-life. Half-life is the time
required for a radioisotope to lose half of its radioactivity by decay.
The processes of transformation of one isotope to
another may leave the resulting nucleus with an
excess of energy, which may be emitted as electromagnetic radiation in the form of gamma photons or
gamma rays. Because photons have some characteristics of both particles and high-frequency waves, the
term gamma photon is more technically correct than
gamma ray; both terms are used in logging literature. The energy of gamma photons can be used to
identify the isotope that emitted them; this is the basis
for gamma-spectral logging and neutron-activation
logging. Scintillation detectors emit flashes of light
that produce electrical pulses; the amplitude of these
pulses is proportional to the energy of the impinging
radiation. These pulses can be sorted and recorded as
a function of energy by a pulse-height analyzer. The
energy of radiation, both neutrons and gamma photons, is measured in electronvolts (eV>, thousands of
electronvolts (keV), and millions of electronvolts
(MeV). Radiation intensity is measured directly as the
number of pulses detected per unit time, which may
be converted within the logging equipment to some
other unit of measurement, on the basis of calibration.


of radiation

Radioactivity is measured by converting it to electronic pulses, which then can be counted and sorted as
a function of energy. The detection of radiation is
based on ionization, which is directly or indirectly
produced in the medium through which radiation
passes. Three types of detectors currently are used
for nuclear logging: scintillation crystals, GeigerMueller tubes, and proportional counters. Scintillation
detectors are laboratory-grown crystals that produce
a flash of light, or scintillation, when traversed by
radiation. The scintillations are amplified in a photomultiplier tube to which the crystal is optically coupled, and the output is a pulse whose amplitude is
proportional to that of the impinging radiation. These




pulses can be used for spectral logging. The pulses

from a photomultiplier tube are small enough that
they require additional amplification before they can
be transmitted to the land surface and counted. The
number of pulses detected in a given radiation field is
approximately proportional to the volume of the crystal, so probe sensitivity can be varied by changing
crystal size. Scintillation crystals probably are the
most widely used detectors of gamma photons and
neutrons in nuclear logging. Sodium-iodide crystals
are used for gamma logging, and lithium-iodide crystals are used for many types of neutron logging
systems. These crystals are much more efficient than
Geiger tubes, but standard crystals cannot be used at
temperatures greater than about 65 C.
Geiger detectors are gas-filled glass tubes that
contain two electrodes at different potentials. The
electrodes collect, the charged ions that are produced
in the gas by radiation; the output pulse is so large
that additional a:mplifieation is not required. GeigerMueller tubes were used extensively in early gamma
probes, but they have been replaced largely by crystals, because the crystals are much more efficient.
Geiger tubes also have the disadvantage that the
amplitude of the output pulse is not proportional to the
energy of the radiation detected. Geiger tubes may be
more resistant to breakage from mechanical shock
than crystals, but shock-resistant crystals now are
available for well logging. Geiger tubes also can operate at higher temperatures than most scintillation
Helium-3 proportional counters also are gas-tilled
tubes, but the amplitude of the pulse produced is
proportional to the energy of the ionizing radiation.
Neutrons produce a higher amplitude pulse than
gamma photons, so energy discrimination can be used
to eliminate unwanted gamma contribution to the
recorded signal. Helium-3 detectors commonly are
used for neutron logging.
Most detectors used for neutron and gamma-gamma
logging are side collimated with appropriate shielding
material, so most of the radiation measured comes
from the side of the borehole against which the logging
probe is being decentralized. Both borehole diameter
and the position of the detector within the borehole
have an effect on the response of the system; these
effects are discussed in the sections on the various
types of nuclear logs. Detector length also is an
important factor that affects the vertical resolution of
a logging probe. A longer detector averages the signal
from a greater volume of material, thereby decreasing
the vertical resolution of lithologic changes.


Nuclear probes contain power supplies for the photomultiplier or gas-filled tube and electronics to
amplify, shape, and discriminate the pulses detected.
In most modern probes, the power is sent down the
logging cable to be regulated and divided into the
voltages needed in the probe. Pulse amplification is
needed in most probes; the pulses may need to be
shaped, to optimize transmission up the cable. If two
detectors are operated on a single-conductor cable,
the output of the two will be segregated into positive
and negative pulses for separate recording at the land
surface. Except for spectral probes, all pulses are
transmitted at the same height, so information on the
energy of the radiation is not available.
In the logging truck, the pulses coming up the cable
are received by ratemeters. An analog ratemeter
converts the pulses per unit time to an analog voltage
that is used to drive a graphic recorder. A digital
ratemeter counts the pulses that arrive during a
preselected time interval and transmits a proportional
signal to a digital-recording system. The pulses usually pass through an adjustable discriminator before
they are counted, so that unwanted noise can be
eliminated. Analog ratemeters incorporate scaleselection controls that permit adjustment of the sensitivity of recorder response. They also have a timeconstant switch, which controls the time period during
which the pulses are counted. Time constant is so
important to the proper recording and interpretation
of nuclear logs that it is described in detail in the
section on counting statistics.
When the count rate is rapid, dead-time or
resolving-time corrections must be made on nuclear
logs that are to be used quantitatively. Coincidence
error is caused by (1) the equipment feature that
causestwo pulses that occur in a time interval shorter
than the resolving time of the equipment to be counted
as one pulse, or (2) positive and negative pulses that
cancel. The coincidence error causes a nonlinear
response at rapid count rates. If the dead time of the
instrumentation is known, count rate can be corrected
using the following equation:


N=corrected count rate, in pulses per second;
n =measured count rate, in pulses per second; and
t =dead time, in seconds.
Dead time can be calculated by using two sources of
equal size. The procedures have been described by
Crew and Berkoff (1970). Dead-time corrections usu-



ally are not significant for count rates of less than

several thousand pulses per second.
If information on the energy distribution of the
pulses is desired for spectral logging, or if variableheight pulses are being transmitted from the probe,
the pulses are routed to single-channel or multichannel analyzers in the logging truck. A single-channel
analyzer discriminates against all pulses not within a
preselected energy range, and the resulting signal can
be used to make a continuous recording of the count
rate within that energy range. The signal from the
probe can be transmitted to several single-channel
analyzers, so that logs representing different energy
ranges can be recorded simultaneously. A multichannel analyzer permits analog or digital recording of a
spectrum that represents the chosen energy range;
the measurement usually is made at selected depths in
the borehole while the probe is stationary.




and logging









Time constant=


The statistical nature of radioactive decay should be

considered when making or interpreting nuclear logs.
Half-life is the time required for half the atoms in a
radioactive source to decay to a lower energy state.
Half-lives of the different radioisotopes, which vary
from fractions of a second to millions of years, have
been accurately measured. In contrast, it is impossible
to predict how many atoms will decay or gamma
photons will be emitted during the few seconds that
commonly are used for logging measurements. Photon
emission has a Poisson distribution; the standard
deviation is equal to the square root of the number of
disintegrations recorded. Therefore, the accuracy of
measurement can be calculated; accuracy is greater at
rapid count rates and for a long measurement period.
The statistical variations in radioactivity cause the
recorder pen to wander, even when the probe is
stationary; these variations have produced the mistaken impression that nuclear logs are not repeatable.
If the count rate is rapid enough and the measuring
time is long enough, the statistical error will be small
and the logs will be repeatable.
Time constant (tc) is an important adjustment on all
analog nuclear-recording equipment. Time constant is
the time, in seconds, during which the pulses are
averaged. Pulse averaging is done by a capacitor (C)
in series with a resistor (R), so that tc=RxC. Time
constant is defined as the time for the recorded signal
level to increase to 63 percent of the total increase that
occurred, or to decrease to 37 percent of the total
decrease that occurred. Thus, if the probe moved
opposite a bed where the long-time average-count rate
changed to 200 p/s from a previous average of 100 p/s,
and the time constant was 4 s, the recorder will show



Figure 40.-Comparison
of a digital recording
of a
gamma signal with l-second
and an
analog recording
with a l-second
time constant.

only 163p/s after 4 s, 186p/s after 8 s, and 195p/s after

12 s. The true value nearly is equaled after five time
constants, if the probe is opposite the same bed that
long. If the probe moves too fast, or if the time
constant is too long in thin-bedded materials, the true
value never will be recorded before the probe moves
away from a unit of interest. Specific time constants
for each type of log cannot be recommended, for
several reasons. Time constants labeled on the
switches on some logging equipment are quite inaccurate, and loggers differ considerably. The logging
speed, the count rate being measured, the vertical
resolution required, and equipment variations have
such a substantial effect on the selection of a time
constant that recommended values would have very
limited application.
The difference between a digital recording with a
sample time of 1 s and an analog recording with a time
constant of 1 s is shown in figure 40. The average, or
mean, radioactivity is shown as the wider line. Note
that the digital system changed more rapidly because
the time window used does not have a memory like the
RC circuit used to determine the time constant in
analog measurements. Note also that the analog meas-



urement did not equal the mean value for short time
The results of a study using U.S. Geological Survey
research equipment is shown in figures 41 and 42
(Dyck and Reich, 1979). The gamma and neutron
probes were stationary at different depths in a borehole while analog records were made of the varying
count rate at different time constants. Means and
standard deviations were calculated for all but the l-s
time constant. Note that standard deviation generally
decreased as the time constant increased. At a time
constant of 1 s, changes in gamma count rate would
have to exceed 20 pls (which is about 25 percent of the
mean value) to be significant. In contrast, changes of
about 10 percent of the mean may represent real
lithologic changes on a neutron log run at a l-s time
constant in this borehole. At a 10-s time constant, the
standard deviation of the gamma record is nearly 2
percent of the mean while the deviation of the neutron
record is less than 1 percent of the mean. The differences are the result of the faster count rate on the
neutron log. At a time constant of 50 s (not shown),
the gamma record showed only minor variations. The
recorder sensitivity could be decreased to decrease
the apparent magnitude of the statistical fluctuations,
but this also would decrease the amplitude of changes
caused by lithology.
The effect of logging speed in the same study is
shown in figure 43. The differences between the logs,
run at 5 and 40 ft/min, are very significant. Both
amplitudes and depth to contacts are much more
accurate on the log run at 5 ft/min.
Some commercial logs are recorded at a minimal
sensitivity, long time constant, and rapid logging
speed so that real changes are small; the curve is quite
smooth, and thin beds are not detected. The difference
between a gamma log recorded this way (log A) and a
log recorded on an amplified scale with a shorter time
constant (log B) is shown in figure 44. Even though
the log run at a greater sensitivity shows some
statistical variations, the resistivity log indicates that
the major deflections result from changes in lithology.
If the log on the left had been digitized onsite, much of
the lost detail could have been recovered by replotting
the data on an amplified scale with a computer;
however, information lost by running a log at excessive speed cannot be recovered. The more sensitive
log was run at 25 ft/min; no information on the logging
speed was written on the commercial log, but it
probably was run at least twice as fast. .
The effeet of a time constant so short that it makes
the log difficult to interpret is shown in figure 45. The
log on the left and the repeat log were made with an
8-s time constant and a logging speed of 10 ft/min. The
log on the right was run with a l-s time constant and


a logging speed of 20 ft/min using different equipment.

Note that the left log repeated well and that the real
changes are much easier to distinguish from the
statistical variations than on the right log. Interpretation of the right log, with the short time constant, is
complicated further by the fact that the operator
repositioned the pen at four different depths, which
are not labeled. The effects of two extremes-a time
constant that is too long and a logging speed that may
be too fast, contrasted with a time constant that is too
short-are shown in figures 44 and 45. If a long time
constant is used to improve repeatability, then a slow
logging speed is best. If time is an important factor, as
it often is on an oil well where standby time is being
paid, then 10 ft/min may be too costly.
Bed thickness and lag are additional factors related
to the speed at which nuclear logs should be run. Lag
(L), in feet, is the distance the detector moves during
one time constant:
L = (Is x tc)/60


where Is is logging speed, in feet per minute.

Note that on some commercial logs, speed is
recorded in feet per hour. The contacts between
lithologic units on a nuclear log are shifted by about
the length of the lag. Furthermore, beds that are
thinner than L are not defined. Both Is and tc can be
controlled by the logging-equipment operator, but the
count rate cannot. The resolution of thin beds that is
needed is a decision that may be made by the ultimate
user of the logs. The log analyst needs to be in the
logging truck to help in the selection of optimum
logging parameters.
If the count rate is slow, then tc may have to be
increased to decrease statistical fluctuations and
speed will have to be decreased to permit the proper
response to thin beds. Full log response to the lithology of a thin bed will not be attained if Is is too fast or
if the tc is too long. Bed-thickness effects are further
described in the section on neutron logging.
The general practice for locating lithologic contacts
on nuclear logs is to place them at one-half of the
maximum log amplitude for a given bed. Thus, if the
average count rate for a gamma log in a sandstone unit
was 100p/s, and the average count rate for a shale unit
was 200 p/s, the contact would be placed at 150 p/s,
using the half-amplitude rule. The true depth of the
contact would be deeper by the amount of lag. Morland (1984) has demonstrated by computer analysis of
the theoretical response of a gamma probe that, for
beds less than 4 ft thick, the measured amplitude of
the log deflection is substantially less than that for an
equivalent thick bed. He also determined that both
the half-amplitude and inflection-point methods of











1 second

-INot calculated




3 seconds



5 seconds






80 85 -





Figure N.-Effect

of time constant on data from a gamma probe at one position

Dyck and Reich, 1979).

in a well (modified









Not calculated




3 seconds


it 420

15 seconds




Figure 42.~-Effect of time constant on data from a neutron probe at one position
and Reich, 1979).

locating contacts indicate thicknesses that are too

large for beds less than 4 ft thick, and that the
contacts were located about 6 in below their true
positions, after correction for lag using detectors
either 4 or 8 in long. Errors in bed thickness and the
location of contacts can be significant, if logs are used
to determine the length and placement of screens in
water wells. M.orland (1984) provided an example of a
sand unit that is 1.5 ft thick, with shale above and
below. A gamrna log would indicate that this sand is 2
ft thick, and the decrease in radioactivity would be
only 65 percent of the true difference; therefore,
interpretation of the log would indicate a greater clay
content than is actually the case. He provided equations for making corrections for beds thinner than 4 ft.
Although he did not model the response of neutron
and gamma-gamma probes using the computer, the

in a well (modified

from Dyck

same conclusions apply; thin-bed deflections will be

decreased, and the thicknesses will appear too large.

Use of radioactive
well logging


Radioactive sources are placed in probes used for

making gamma-gamma, neutron, and some types of
tracer logs, and for calibrating various nuclear probes.
No source is needed to make gamma logs, but one may
be used for onsite standardization of the probe. The
use and transportation of artificial radioisotopes for
these purposes is regulated by various government
agencies; individuals involved in making nuclear logs
must be aware of the applicable laws. Even more
important are the needs to avoid exposure of personnel to more radiation than is necessary to do the job











= 16


: .__--



figure 43.-Difference






between gamma logs made at 5 and 40 feet per minute (modified

Reich, 1979).

and to prevent contamination of ground water. Neither of these potential problems has proved to be
significant in ground-water applications of borehole
geophysics because, in general, radioactive sources
have been used with care. Radiation-exposure risks to
logging personnel have been described by Fujimoto
and others (1985).
The use and transportation of radioactive materials
is regulated by both Federal and State government
agencies. Because of the numerous agencies involved
and the frequent changes in regulations, specific information on the subject cannot be provided in this
manual. A potential user must consult the appropriate
government agency for regulations that apply to the
specific type and area of use. Purchase and use of
radioactive sources requires a license from either the
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) or the
counterpart State agency, or both. A specified duration and type of training and experience are required
to qualify for such a license. Courses on handling
logging sources are available from private companies.
Information on these courses and licensing requirements can be obtained from local NRC offices or the
counternart State agencv.

from Dyck and

Transportation of radioactive sources is governed

by the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) and
counterpart State agencies. Radioactive sources for
logging may be transported across the country, and it
is difficult to be aware of all State regulations. For
example, particularly in the Eastern United States,
numerous bridges, tunnels, and toll roads cannot be
used to transport radioactive materials. A private
company has compiled and sells a publication that
includes a tabulation of State regulations on the transportation of radioactive materials and a compendium
of regulations on bridges, tunnels, and toll roads.
Information on reports of this kind is available from
the DOT. Most States have adopted the DOTs rules,
but many exceptions exist.
Radioactive materials used in water-well logging
are available in two forms: water-soluble tracers and
sealed sources. Although radioactive tracers provide
an excellent method for determining the direction and
velocity of ground-water movement, they have not
been used widely becauseregulations require a permit
for each application and much information about a
ground-water system is needed before a permit will be
issued. Ground-water users are protected by the use




I 0I(100






60 0





service company (log A) and by the U.S.

Figure 44.-Gamma
logs made by a commercial
lithology, Madison
Geological Survey (log B), and a resistivity log to aid in identifying
Limestone test well 1, Wyoming.










Figure 45.-Gamma


logs recorded at two different logging speeds and time constants,


of short half-life tracers that will decay before reaching a supply well. All radioactive sources used in
neutron and gamma-gamma probes are sold in welded
stainless-steel capsules that have double walls. The
sources are protected further by a source sub, which is
a removable section of the probe containing the
source. There is little danger of the radioisotope
entering the ground water unless both the capsule and
the source sub are crushed.
All sources must be transported and stored in a
shield (the shield is removed when the source is being
used for well logging). Shields for neutron sources are
filled with hydrogenous materials, such as plastic.
Shields for gamma sources are filled with heavy
material, usually lead. Shields must be attached
securely to transporting vehicles, and they must be
labeled and locked. The size of a source determines the
size of the shield required; shields for large sources
may weigh several hundred pounds. The radiation
level measured outside a shield determines whether,
by regulation, a sign warning of radioactive contents
must be placed on the logging truck. Shields should be

well EX-1,

as thick as practical to decrease exposure to personnel. The radiation that might be measured on the
outside of a shield can be estimated, based on tables of
half-value thickness for various materials and the
energy of the radiation emitted by the source. Halfvalue thickness is the thickness that will decrease
radiation of a given energy to half its original value.
The half-value thickness of lead is about 0.25 for
cesium-137 and 0.50 for cobalt-60, which emits more
energetic gamma radiation. Probes containing
sodium-iodide crystals should not be stored near neutron sources, becausethe crystals can be activated so
that they emit gamma radiation.
Most regulations specify that radiation-monitoring
equipment must be carried on a truck that transports
sources. Monitoring equipment must be capable of
measuring the kinds of radiation emitted by the sources being used, and the equipment must be calibrated
periodically. Hand-carried counters commonly have
interchangeable probes for measuring alpha, beta,
gamma, and fast and slow neutrons. They are used to
make periodic radiation checks of logging equipment




and logging sites. The sources also must be wipetested periodically to determine if they are leaking.
The wiping usually is done with a piece of filter paper,
which is sent to a laboratory for analysis. Sources
rarely leak, unless they have been physically damaged. Regulations require that records be kept noting
the use of the sources, the monitoring of vehicles and
sites, and the use of wipe tests.
Exposure of personnel to radioactivity during logging operations can be controlled by three important
factors-time, distance, and shielding. All personnel
involved with lo,gging operations that use radioactive
sources must wear film badges to record the dosage of
radiation of different types that they have been
exposed to during a specified time, usually 1 month.
Film badges are read at the end of the specified time,
and a record of the exposure for each individual is
maintained by private companies under contract. The
exposure to ionizing radiation recorded on the film
badge is a function of time and of the kind and energy
of radiation. Limits have been established for personnel exposure; if they are exceeded, no further onthe-job exposure is permitted for a specified period.
Self-reading pocket dosimeters also are available so
personnel can check exposure during a logging operation in which radiation might be expected to be
unusually high.
Time probably is the most useful control of the
dosage of radiation received by personnel involved
with a logging operation, All procedures for removing
sources from shields and loading them in probes
should be designed to minimize the amount of time the
source is out of the shield, before the probe is placed in
the well. When the probe is a few feet below the
ground surface, logging personnel will receive no
radiation. The length of time personnel are close to
sources in shields also adds to their total exposure.
Radioactivity decreases with the square of the
distance. Dista.nce can be controlled to some extent
when loading a source by the use of long-handled
devices, but sometimes remote-handling devices significantly increase the time needed to complete an
operation. Although sources are not manipulated with
the hands directly, the length of the handling device
should be selected to permit rapid completion of the
operation. If possible, source subs are designed so
they can be attached to the probe while the sub and
contained source are still in the shield. Using this
method, exposure is limited to the time required to
pull the probe and sub from the shield and lower it into
the hole. Sources also can be handled from behind
small shields, such as lead bricks for a gamma source,
or under water for a neutron source, but such shields
usually are not practical. During these operations, all


unnecessary personnel and visitors should be kept a

safe distance from the source.
The loss and subsequent rupturing of a radioactive
source in a well constitute the greatest single danger
in using such sources for logging. Although radioactive sources in shields have been lost out of the back of
logging trucks through carelessness, they usually are
recovered. Radioactive sources that are lost in wells
may not be recovered even by the expensive retrieval
attempt that is required by law. If the radioactive
source is not recovered, the well must be filled with
cement, and a plaque describing the lost source must
be mounted permanently at the top of the well. The
publicity and expense of such a loss might deter some
groups from further use of radioactive sources. The
author was involved in a retrieval operation that
lasted 16 days and nights after a large neutron source
was lost at a depth of 1,000 ft. The neutron source
finally was recovered and put back into use; however,
using care during logging to prevent such losses is
much better than depending on good luck or skill in
attempting to retrieve lost sources.
If a source is lost, nondestructive retrieval techniques (called fishing) are required by law; that is, the
probe and contained source cannot be drilled out.
Time is a factor, because of the possibility of a rock
falling on top of the probe. Drawings and dimensions
of the top of the probe and cable head should be keot
in the logging truck to facilitate onsite construction bf
an overshot device that might permit fast recovery by
using the logging winch and cable. Such fishing tools
have been constructed at a local welding shop, and lost
probes have been recovered within 1 day; however,
the loss of a radioactive source must be reported to the
appropriate agency immediately. If fishing with
locally constructed devices is not successful and help is
needed, a call to the nearest logging-company office
will provide the telephone number of a company that
specializes in such services. These companies will
either provide or rent fishing tools, and will provide an
expert to operate them. Usually a rotary-drill rig is
needed to use commercial fishing devices. Complete
instructions on fishing techniques are beyond the
scope of this manual; if a logging operator has no
experience in retrieving lost sources, help should be
obtained as soon as possible.
The loss of most probes can be prevented if proper
logging procedures are followed. Probes containing
radioactive sources should be the last to be used in an
uncased well; they should never be used if the use of
other probes indicated problems. The driller should be
consulted prior to logging to determine if caving or
other problems will prevent free access to the entire
depth of the well. If any drilling or logging equipment
(junk) has been lost in the well, all logging should





proceed with caution, and the probe should not be

lowered all of the way to the bottom of the well.
Damaged easing or key-slotted casing in deviated
wells can cause the cable to be caught. Swelling clay
can cause probes to become stuck in a well. The
weight indicator should be watched closely, and the
probe should be pulled rapidly from the hole if it
appears to be sticking. A high-resolution caliper log
may indicate hole conditions that would make logging
with a radioactive source unsafe. The individual in
charge of the logging equipment is never overruled if
he or she thinks logging is not safe.
Many precautions and procedures are needed to
make nuclear logs using a radioactive source. The logs
are useful, but for some organizations it may not be
economically justifiable to run their own logs; the use
of a commercial service company might be considered.

unless spectral-logging equipment is used. Some characteristics of the three most important naturally
occurring radioactive materials that affect logging are
listed below (Belknap and others, 1959). These concentrations, which are averages from 200 shale samples, were used to establish the concentrations of
radioisotopes in the American Petroleum Institute
calibration pits for gamma logs (see table 2).
Energy of
map gamma
peaks (mGx


Gamma logging
Gamma logs, also called gamma-ray logs or naturalgamma logs, are the most widely used nuclear logs in
ground-water applications. The most common uses are
for identification of lithology and for stratigraphic
correlation. Gamma logs can be made with relatively
inexpensive and simple equipment, and they provide
useful data under a variety of borehole conditions.

of photons
per second
per gram

content I
200 shale

2 percent (of
total potassium)
6 parts per




series in
series in






and gypsum

Gabbro and basalt




and dolomite
and orthoquartzite


Some lignite





Schist and gneiss

Granite and rhyolite
Potash and phosphate








Figure 46.-Relative

of total
of shale

12 parts per

Note that in these 200 shale samples, collected from

various localities around the United States, the uranium series contributed almost half the gamma radiation even though the average content was 6 ppm. This
is because of the substantial specific activity of the
uranium series. The average potassium content was 2
percent, of which potassium-40 constitutes only about
0.012 percent. Potassium is abundant in some feldspar
and mica that decompose to clay. Uranium and thorium are concentrated in clay by the processes of
adsorption and ion exchange. For these reasons, finegrained detrital sediments that contain abundant clay
tend to be more radioactive than quartz sand and
carbonate rocks, although numerous exceptions occur.
Rocks can be characterized according to their usual
gamma intensity, but knowledge of the local geology is
needed to identify the numerous exceptions to the
classification shown in figure 46.

A gamma log provides a record of the total gamma

radiation detected in a borehole that is within a
selected energy range. In water-bearing rocks that
are not contaminated by artificial radioisotopes, the
most significant naturally occurring, gamma-emitting
radioisotopes are potassium-40 and daughter products
of the uranium- and thorium-decay series-hence the
name natural-gamma log. If gamma-emitting artificial
radioisotopes have been introduced by humans into
the ground-water system, they will produce part of
the radiation measured, but they cannot be identified
1 Anhydrite





of some common




Coal, limestone, and dolomite usually are less radioactive than shale:;however, all these rocks can contain
deposits of uranium and be quite radioactive. Basic
igneous rocks usually are less radioactive than silicic
igneous rocks, but exceptions are known. There are
several reasons for the considerable variability in the
radioactivity of rocks. Uranium and thorium are trace
elements and are not important in the genesis of
rocks. Uranium also is soluble in ground water under
some conditions; thus solution, migration, and precipitation may causeredistribution with time. Separation
of uranium from its gamma-emitting daughters during
migration may cause disequilibrium, which will result
in a gamma-log response that does not indicate correctly the quantity of uranium present.

and standardization

The petroleum industry has adopted the American

Petroleum Institute (API) gamma-ray unit as the
standard for scales on gamma logs, but the unit has
not been widely used in water-well logging to date. A
number of different units have been used in the past,
including milli-roentgen per hour, inches of deflection, and standard units. Conversion between some
of the older units used by commercial service companies is included in Desbrandes (1968); however, in
general, if logging probes have not been calibrated in
the same pit, the accuracy of scale conversion is
Most laboratory radiation-counting equipment provides a direct reading in pulses or counts per secondor
minute; because this is a direct reading, these units
have been adopted for many of the small loggers used
for water wells. Pulses are convenient units to work
with becausereadily available pulse generators can be
used to establish and display scales on logs, and pulses
are recorded using digital ratemeters for onsite digitizing of logs. Unfortunately, although convenient to
work with, pulses per unit time cannot be used for
comparing logs quantitatively and have no meaning
with respect to the actual flux in a radiation field. For
example, gamma probes having different-size crystals
or different electronics probably will produce markedly different count rates in the same well at the same
depth. The entire logging system should be calibrated
in a pit or well with a known intensity of radiation or
a known concentration of radioisotopes.
The U.S. Department of Energy maintains a number of calibration pits for gamma probes; separate pits
are maintained for each of the naturally occurring
gamma emitters-uranium, thorium, and potassium.
These pits are not suitable for calibrating most gamma
probes used in water-well logging, because the contents of the radioelements in the pits tend to be much
greater than the average content of these radioele-

ments in most aquifers and related rocks. In contrast,

the APIs calibration pit for gamma probes contains
these radioisotopes in concentrations typical of shale;
this pit has become the worldwide standard for all
logging related to petroleum. For this reason, adoption of the API gamma-ray unit for use in ground
water would seem logical. The API gamma-ray unit is
defined as 1/200of the difference in deflection of a
gamma log between an interval of negligible radioactivity in the pit and the interval that contains the same
relative proportions of radioisotopes as an average
shale, but about twice the total radioactivity.
One or more field standards are needed when calibrating in a pit or well and when calibrating frequently during logging operations to ensure that a
gamma-logging system is stable with respect to time
and temperature. Field standards may be radioactive
sources that can be held in one or more fixed positions
in relation to the detector while readings are made. If
this approach is used, the probe is best located at least
several feet above the ground and distant from a
logging truck that contains other radioactive sources
that could contribute to the background radiation.
Radiation measurements taken around the logging
truck can be used to determine the proper distance.
Another approach is to fabricate sleeves consisting of
two concentric pipes with welded endpieces. After one
end is welded to the pipes, the annular space between
the pipes is filled with a radioactive cement slurry that
is allowed to set up before the other endpiece is
welded to the pipes. The standard is not used for a
month to allow radon to reach equilibrium. The advantages of this method are that a more uniform radiation
field is produced, the sleeves tend to shield the
background contribution, and proportions of radioisotopes can be selected to approximate those in the
APIs calibration pit or other calibration facility. If
natural uranium, thorium, and potassium are used,
the half-lives are so long that no correction need be
made for radioactive decay, which would be necessary
for many artificial sources.

Volume of investigation

The volume of material investigated by a gamma

probe is related to the energy of the radiation measured, the density of the material through which that
radiation must pass, and the design of the probe.
Dense rock, steel casing, and cement will decrease the
radiation that reaches the detector, particularly from
a greater distance from the borehole. Wahl (1983),
using a computer model, demonstrated that the effect
of rock density is negligible. Higher energy gamma
radiation, such as that from uranium and thorium, will
travel farther than the lower energy radiation from
potassium-40; however, Wahl(1983) determined that,


w # l.Or






$ 2 0.9 8



i 2 0.8 SE
0 ; 0.7 =zi
i+ ? 0.6 $$
g g 0.5

A Uranium peak

0 Thorium peak











Figure 47.-Effect of position of a gamma probe in a borehole as a function of borehole diameter for uranium
and thorium radiation (Ulrich Schimschal, U.S. Geological Survey, written commun., 1981).

from a practical standpoint, there is little difference in

the volume of investigation for uranium and thorium.
This lack of difference probably is attributable to the
fact that although thorium has a higher energy peak
than uranium, more of its activity comes from low
energy peaks. Energy discrimination used in the
probe, together with a dense or thick housing around
the detector, may decrease the low energy radiation
detected. Under most conditions, 90 percent of the
gamma radiation detected probably originates from
material within 6 to 12 in of t,he borehole wall. The
volume of material contributing to the measured signal may be considered approximately spherical, with
no distinct boundary at the outer surface. The vertical
dimension of this volume also depends on the length of
the crystal, and this will affect the resolution of thin
beds. Because the detector is at the center of the
volume investigated, radioactivity measured when the
detector is located at a bed contact will be an average
of two beds. The actual radioactivity of beds having a
thickness less than twice the radius of investigation
will not be recorded.
Extraneous effects

The amplitude of gamma-log deflections is changed

by any borehole conditions that alter the density of the
material through which the gamma photons must pass
or the length of the travel path. Thus, casing and
cement will decrease the recorded radiation, as will
large well diameters. The type of borehole fluid has a

minor effect unless the borehole is large in diameter or

the mud contains radioactive clay or sylvite. Heavy
drilling mud also can attenuate gamma radiation. All
these extraneous effects are less on gamma logs than
they are on other types of nuclear logs. Thick gravel
pack in the annular space behind the casing may limit
the usefulness of gamma logs. If the gravel pack is
composedof a rock, such as dolomite, that is minimally
radioactive, the gamma response from the aquifer will
be reduced. If a granitic or arkosic material is used,
gamma-log response will be anomalously large.
Changes in gamma-log response over time are common. Increases in gamma radiation have been
detected in oil wells that produce large quantities of
saltwater. Changes in gamma response during 1 year,
which apparently were caused by migration of uranium daughter products along fractures, have been
reported (Keys, 1984). Radon distribution, determined from gamma logs, has been used to identify
intervals of water entry or loss and to calculate the
rate of water inflow in boreholes in igneous rock
(Nelson and others, 1980).
The position of a gamma probe in a well may
introduce an error in the count rate measured. Unless
they are centered intentionally, probes slide along the
wall of most boreholes because the boreholes usually
are deviated enough to prevent the probe from
remaining in the center. The ratio of the count rates
from a centralized gamma probe to those from a
decentralized gamma probe is plotted in figure 47




(Ulrich Schimschal, U.S. Geological Survey, written

commun., 1981). Note that the difference is small for a
hole approximat,ely 4.5 inches in diameter, but quite
large for a borehole 12 inches in diameter; the difference is greater for thorium than for uranium.

and applications

Because of numerous deviations from the typical

response of gamma logs to lithology, some background
information on each new study area is needed to
decrease the possibility of errors in interpretation.
The typical gamma-log response in a hypothetical well
that penetrates a sedimentary sequence and bottoms
in granite is shown in figure 48. (See fig. 7 for the
responses of other logs in this rock sequenceand fig. 8
for the response of gamma and other logs in igneous
rocks.) Note that coal, gypsum, and anhydrite all are
recorded as a decreased gamma intensity on the log in
figure 48, so that other logs are needed to distinguish
between these rock types. Shale tends to be more
radioactive than sandstone, which usually is more
radioactive than limestone. Quartz sandstone usually
is less radioactive than sandstone containing other
minerals, and arkose tends to give a greater gamma
deflection than either. Granitic basement rocks are
likely more radioactive than any of the other rocks
shown. Note that no effect occurs on the gamma log
from the change in water quality and that boreholediameter effects are minor. The lo-in casing in alluvium does decrease the gamma-log response; however, the magnitude of the effect is not known because
the lithology changes at the bottom of the casing.
Gamma logs are used for correlation of rock units;
however, this approach can result in erroneous correlation if the gamma-log response within the area being
studied is not understood. For example, gradual lateral change in :grain size or increase in arkosic materials in a sandstone may change the response of
gamma logs. Gamma logs and spontaneous-potential
logs of the same area may be interpreted similarly if
the spontaneous-potential log was made under the
right conditions. The similar response of these two
logs in a sequence of detrital sediments is shown in
figure 29.
In igneous rocks, gamma intensity is greater in
silicic rocks, such as granite, than in basic rocks, such
as andesite. Orthoclase and biotite are two minerals
that contain radioisotopes in igneous rocks; they can
contribute to the radioactivity of sedimentary rocks if
chemical decomposition has not been too great. A
relation between gamma-log response and the content
of orthoclase and biotite in a borehole drilled in
igneous rocks is demonstrated in figure 49.
Gamma logs are used widely in the petroleum
industry to establish the clay or shale content of


reservoir rocks; laboratory data from ground-water

studies also support a relation between gamma logs
and clay or shale content. The relation between the
percentage of silt and clay from core analyses and the
gamma-log response in a series of valley-fill sediments
is demonstrated in figure 50. The increase in radioactivity from an increase in tine-grained materials has
been the basis for a number of studies relating
gamma-log response to permeability in various parts
of the world, such as Colorado (the Denver-Julesburg
basin), Russia, India, and Texas (Rabe, 1957;
Raplova, 1961; Gaur and Singh, 1965; Keys and MacCary, 1973). If gamma logs are to be interpreted
quantitatively, then using the amplitude of the gamma
response is not correct. Scott and others (1961) demonstrated that the area under the gamma curve is
proportional to the bed thickness multiplied by the
quantity of radioisotope present. If gamma logs are to
be interpreted quantitatively, other references should
be consulted; a number of considerations that are
beyond the scope of this manual have been described
well by Killeen (1982). The usefulness of gamma
measurements to establish clay and shale content and
for other ground-water applications probably will be
increased by using borehole-gamma spectrometry.



Gamma-spectrometry logging permits identification

and quantitative analysis of the radioisotopes that
contribute to the gross count rate that is recorded on
a gamma log. Gamma spectrometry in boreholes can
provide much more diagnostic information on lithology
than a gamma log, and can be used to identify natural
and artificial radioisotopes migrating in ground water.
The equipment required to make gammaspectrometry logs comprises a probe designed to
transmit variable-height pulses up the cable and a
multichannel analyzer. Determining the concentration
of radioactive elements requires computer analysis.
Gamma-spectrometry logging is used widely in the
petroleum industry, but it has not been used to the
extent justified in water-resources investigations,
even though this author applied it to ground-watercontamination problems more than two decades ago.

As described in the section on the fundamentals of

nuclear geophysics, radioisotopes emit particles and
gamma photons that have an energy characteristic of
the isotope. In the section on gamma logging, the
radiation measured was described as coming from the
decay series of uranium, thorium, and potassium. The
following are simplified decay series for these naturally occurring radioisotopes; the energy of the most









... ............~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~
.... ...............:::::::
. . . . . . , . . . . . . ::



Figure 48.-Typical

Saline water

responses of gamma and caliper logs to a sequence

of sedimentary






Figure 49.-Percentage
of orthoclase and biotite versus gamma-log
in borehole
Ontario, Canada.

important gamma peaks is shown in parentheses,

following the isotope from which it is emitted:

(1.46 MeV)

--, argon-40


Uranium-238 --3bthorium-234 + protactinium-234 +

uranium-234 --, thorium-230 + radium-226 + radon222 + polonium-218 + lead-214 -+ bismuth-214 (0.6,
1.12, 1.76, and 2.20 MeV) + polonium-214 (or
thallium-210) + lead-210 + bismuth-210 + polonium210 + lead-206 (stable).
Thorium-232 + radium-228 + actinium-228 (0.9 and
1.6 MeV) --;, thorium-228 + radium-224 -+ radon-220
+ polonium-216 --f lead-212 --f bismuth-212 +
polonium-212 (or thallium-208) (2.62 MeV) -+ lead-208
Each of the radioisotopes in these decay series is
present in a quantity related to its half-life if the
system is in equilibrium. Secular disequilibrium is
caused by selective removal of any of the isotopes in
the series; measurement of the quantity of gamma
emitters by standard spectrometry techniques will not
permit calculation of the correct quantity of other
isotopes that are present in the series. For this
reason, gamma-spectral analyses of samples for uranium content usually are reported as radiumequivalent uranium.


Gamma-spectral data can be recorded in boreholes

on a continuous basis or at selected depths with the
probe stationary. To record a full spectrum of the
naturally occurring gamma emitters, the multichannel
analyzer usually is set to record the energy range 0 to
3 MeV. The way individual spectra for the three series
would appear, measured by a sodium-iodide crystal, if
they were distinguishable on the analog display of a
multichannel analyzer is shown in figure 51. A catalog
of gamma spectra recorded for 277 radioisotopes using
a sodium-iodide crystal permits identification from
such an analog display, if there are not too many
interfering isotopes (Heath, 1964). Gamma spectra
usually are recorded in both analog and digital format.
In practice, the pulses recorded in each channel are
superimposed; a composite spectrum is produced that
is the sum of the spectra shown. If the concentrations
of uranium, thorium, and potassium are sufficient, the
energy peaks at 1.76, 2.62, and 1.46 MeV will be
distinguishable in a composite spectrum, along with
other lesser peaks. These are the peaks that are used
most often to identify the three naturally occurring
To estimate the quantity of radioisotopes present,
the area under a peak must be calculated; however, it
should be apparent (see fig. 51) that both uranium and
thorium contribute significantly to the 1.46-MeV
potassium peak. Similarly, thorium, if much is
present, makes a major contribution to the 1.76-MeV
uranium peak. To remove these unwanted contributions,

a technique




is used.

Spectral stripping and counting the number of pulses

within a peak may be done in most multichannel
analyzers that are computer based. Careful equipment
calibration permits selective removal of the thorium
spectrum, based on the 2.62-MeV peak; then the
uranium spectrum can be stripped out, based on the
1.76-MeV peak. This stripping process may be done at
individual depths or on a continuous basis. For a more
complete description of the quantitative analysis of
gamma-spectral data, see Killeen (1982).
To do continuous spectral logging, which records
separate curves representative of the content of
selected radioisotopes, energy windows are employed.
Single-channel analyzers are set to record all pulses
within the energy ranges representative of the three
peaks shown in figure 51. They may be stripped in real
time with a computer. The result is plotted as a
spectral log, or KUT log, which usually has at least
four traces, a gamma log and curves that should
represent the quantities of potassium (K), uranium
(U), and thorium (T) that are present. The count rates
in the channels selected may be quite small, so a large
crystal is needed and logging must be done at a slow
speed. Because of the complexity of the real-time




















Figure 50.-Relation








of silt and clay and gamma radiation

Bear Creek, Colo.

calculations to produce a spectral log, substantial

errors in the quantitative results are common. The
logs should be checked against laboratory analyses of
core and stationary spectral measurements. Spectrallogging equipment now is available from large com-


from analyses of core samples from near

mercial service companies; the equipment can be

purchased, but it is expensive.
Although most spectral equipment for logging currently uses sodium- or cesium-iodide crystals, solidstate detectors are available that increase resolution





(as the one used in this example) must be operated at

cryogenic temperatures; and most of these detectors
have minimal efficiency, particularly at greater energies. For this reason, count rates may be small in the
upper half of a natural-gamma spectrum.




- Potassium-40








Figure 51.-Gamma
spectra for the uranium-238
thorium-232 series, and potassium-40.


and make it possible to identify disequilibrium. A

comparison of a spectrum run in a test hole at Oak
Ridge, Tenn., with a sodium-iodide crystal and with a
solid-state germanium detector (Keys, Senftle, and
Tanner, 1979) is shown in figure 52. Note that the
solid-state germanium detector has much greater resolution and permits identification of peaks not
resolved by the sodium-iodide crystal. Solid-state
detectors do have several disadvantages, however:
they are expensive to buy and operate; some detectors




and standardization

The U.S. Department of Energys pits described in

the general section on calibration and standardization
can be used to calibrate spectral-logging equipment,
and a new pit for spectral probes has been constructed
at the American Petroleum Institutes facilities at the
University of Houston, although analytical data are
not available at this time (1985).The U.S. Department
of Energys pits offer different hole sizes and different
concentrations of radioisotopes, with an emphasis on
uranium. Commercial well-logging companies also
have calibration pits for spectral equipment; these
may be available by special arrangement. The only
other procedure for calibration is comparison with
laboratory analyses of core. Field standards should be
used frequently during both calibration and spectral
logging. The U.S. Geological Survey has developed
bucket standards for checking spectral equipment
onsite. Tubes that fit the probe tightly are placed in
the center of each of two &gal buckets. One bucket is
filled with quartz sand, and the other with potassium
hydroxide for a potassium standard. Four or five small
uranium or thorium sources are taped to the outside of
the sand-filled bucket to simulate the scattering that
takes place near a borehole. Natural radioisotopes
could be mixed in the sand with cement, and a lid
welded on after the cement has set. The material in
the standard can be analyzed in a laboratory, or the
concentration can be determined by comparison with
calibration pits; however, buckets of this size may not
simulate an infinite source, with respect to probe
response. A model or standard may be considered to
be infinite when an increase in size produces no change
in the measurement. Field standards are designed so
that the crystal is in the center of the standard when
measurements are made and the counting periods are
long enough to produce a small statistical error.
Volume of investigation

and extraneous effects

The volume of investigation and extraneous effects

for gamma-spectrometry logs are similar to those for
gamma logs, except that the former must be consid3
ered more rigorously because the results usually are
analyzed quantitatively. Ninety percent of the pulses
. r recorded probably originate within 6 to 12 in of the
Figure 52.-Gamma
spectra recorded in test hole S-T83-3,
borehole wall. Borehole diameter, fluid in the boreOak Ridge, Term. Upper spectrum recorded with a
casing, and material in the annular space introgermanium detector; lower spectrum recorded with a
duce errors that may be correctable within a limited
crystal (modified from Keys, Senftle, and
Tanner, 1979).
range. Instrument drift as a function of time or



















, I,






Figure 53.-Relation
of calcium carbonate to radium/thorium
analyses of gamma spectra, Lubbock, Tex. (modified

temperature is common. Many spectral systems incorporate a small, low-energy source and a spectrum
stabilizer that locks on the peak from that source and
automatically makes drift corrections. The term
drift refers to changes in the apparent energy scale
that result from changes in the ambient conditions of
the measuring equipment, such as temperature and
humidity. Other spectral systems lock the stabilizer
on a peak from a naturally occurring radioisotope.
Temperature drift of peak locations is common; drift
caused by rapid count rates also can take place.

and applications

Not only the methods, but also the interpretation

and applications, of gamma-spectrometry logs are
quite different from gamma logs, because the sources
of the radioactivity can be identified. Gamma-spectral
data from boreholes provide much more diagnostic
information on lithology, becausethe concentration of
each of the three naturally occurring radioisotopes can
be determined under the proper conditions. Gammaspectrometry logging also permits identification of

I ,


and radium/potassium
ratios from
from Keys and Brown, 1971).

artificial radioisotopes that might be contaminating

ground-water supplies or that are produced by neutron activation. The latter application is described in
the section on neutron logging.
The practical application of gamma spectrometry to
a problem in artificial recharge near Lubbock, Tex.
(Keys and Brown, 1971), is illustrated in figures 53
and 54. Laboratory analyses of core samples from
below a site being considered for a recharge pond
indicated that sediments of the Tertiary Ogallala
Formation having the smallest content of clay and
calcium carbonate had the largest permeability. Calithe intervals with calcium carbonate contents greater
than 35 percent had a lesser permeability that would
prevent the downward movement of recharge water.
Neither the gamma nor the neutron logs had a diagnostic response that aided in identifying these caliche
intervals. Gamma-spectral analyses permitted the
plotting of ratios of radium to thorium and radium to
potassium. Radium equivalent is reported here,
because disequilibrium may occur in these sediments.
The large ratios correlate well with the intervals of




2 oJ--



Figure 54.-Calcium
carbonate versus radium/potassium ratio for a borehole in the Ogallala Formation
(modified from Keys and Brown, 1971).

large calcium carbonate content (fig. 53). The radium/

potassium ratio can be used to identify clay, sand, and
caliche at this site (fig. 54). At other sites underlain by
the Ogallala Formation, caliche was determined to
have an anomalously large concentration of uranium
or its daughter products, although the permeability of
these intervals was not always small. Isotopes in the
uranium series may have been transported relatively
recently by ground water and precipitated in the
caliche. Disequilibrium caused by selective transportation of uranium daughter products is relatively
Radiometric ratios have been used to distinguish
clay or shale from other rocks more accurately than
the total gamma intensity because of the possibility
that the uranium contribution may be the result of
postdeposition migration. Secondary concentrations of
uranium and daughter products may indicate the
presence of fractures, but such concentrations may
not be related to lithology. Fractured calcareous and
cherty shales, which yield large quantities of oil
because of secondary porosity and permeability, have
been identified using gamma-spectral logs (Fertl and
Rieke, 1979). Some of these fractured shales have an
anomalously large uranium content, and much less
thorium and potassium. Nonproductive shales in the
same section have approximately the same total
gamma activity, but all three radioelements occur in
their usual relative abundance.
The ratio of thorium to potassium has been reported
to be related to the mineralogical composition of shale
(Quirein and others, 1982). This ratio can be correlated with the percentage of illite clay in shale. These


authors classified clay, feldspar, and mica minerals as

a function of expected thorium and potassium concentrations. Gamma-spectrometry logging has been used
to identify fractured and altered intervals in a geothermal well penetrating sedimentary rocks and in a
nongeothermal well penetrating igneous rocks (Keys,
1982). Water moving through fractures apparently
leached out much of the potassium deposited near the
margins of the permeable intervals.
A probe housing with a small atomic number has
been developed so that low-energy gamma radiation in
the photoelectric region can be measured with a
spectral probe (Gadeken and others, 1984). Reportedly, the photoelectric portion of the spectrum provides additional information on lithology; measurements of casing thickness can be made with this probe.
The photoelectric factor (Pe) is derived from the ratio
of counts in the higher energy Compton window to
counts in the photoelectric window. The reported
values of Pe are 1.81 for quartz, 3.14 for dolomite, and
5.08 for calcite.
Borehole-gamma spectrometry has considerable
application to the selection of sites for the disposal of
radioactive waste and the monitoring of waste migration. A table of gamma-emitting radioisotopes that
might be present in such waste and examples of their
identification are included in Keys, Senftle, and Tanner (1979). An example of the use of gamma spectrometry to identify artificial radioisotopes through casing
in a monitoring well is given in figure 55. The well is

near the boundary

of the commercial


active-waste disposal site at Maxey Flats, Ky. Water

samples collected periodically from the bottom of the
well indicated slight contamination by several radioisotopes. The gamma log on the left side of the figure
indicates a significant radioactivity anomaly at a depth
of 43 ft, which was identified through casing and
cement as being caused by cesium-134 and 137 and
cobalt-60. This contamination was not present when
the well was drilled, and a spectrum at a depth of 56 ft
did not indicate the presence of significant quantities
of artificial radioisotopes.

Gamma-gamma logging
Gamma-gamma logs, also called density logs, are
records of the radiation received at a detector from a
gamma source in a probe, after it is attenuated and
scattered in the borehole and surrounding rocks. The
logs can be calibrated in terms of bulk density under
the proper conditions and converted to porosity if
grain and fluid density are known. Gamma-gamma
logs are extensively used and readily available in the
petroleum industry, but they are used much less for
ground-water applications.



1c l-

If j-







Cable head n



Far detector


Near detector
















log and gamma spectra at three

Flats, Ky. (Keys, Senftle, and Tanner,



Gamma-gamma probes contain a source of gamma

radiation, usually cesium-137 in newer probes, and
one or more gamma detectors. Cesium-137 has a
principal energy peak at 0.66 MeV. Cobalt-60 has been
used in the past, but it has greater energy, which
increases the effect of elemental composition, and a
much shorter half-life, which necessitates frequent


for making compensated

gamma logs.


correction and source replacement. A recent study of

gamma-gamma logging in ore deposits indicates that a
cobalt-60 source will provide density measurements of
common rocks that are virtually independent of their
chemical composition (Borsaru and others, 1984). The
detectors in a gamma-gamma probe are shielded from
direct radiation from the source by heavy metal,
commonly lead or a tungsten alloy. Modern gammagamma probes are decentralized and side collimated.
The two parts of the probe shown in figure 56 screw
together, with the source and detectors at the bottom.
Side collimation with heavy metal tends to focus the
radiation from the source and to limit the detected
radiation to that part of the wall of the borehole that is
in contact with the source and detectors. The decentralizing caliper arm also provides a log of hole diameter. In some probes, the source and detectors are
mounted in a decentralized skid on an arm. The
modern probes are called borehole compensated or
borehole corrected, but logs made with these probes
still display some borehole effects. Older probes used
a single detector, and some were not side collimated,
so borehole effects were greater under most conditions.
Gamma-gamma logging is based on the principle
that the attenuation of gamma radiation as it passes
through a borehole and surrounding rocks is proportional to the bulk density of those rocks. Gamma rays









0.469 1
0.475 1








and Z/A ratio


for some common


or photons react with matter by three processes:

Compton scattering, photoelectric absorption, and
pair production. Only Compton scattering is not principally dependent on the elemental composition of the
matter through which the radiation passes. Compton
scattering is the main process in gamma-gamma logging, because pair production cannot take place at
energies of less than 1.02 MeV, and becausethe probe
shell attenuates the low-energy radiation from photoelectric processes.
If a probe detects only radiation resulting from
Compton scattering, the count rate will be inversely
proportional to the electron density of the material
through which the radiation passes. Electron density
is approximately proportional to bulk density for most
materials that are logged. A Z/A correction must be
applied for any minerals that do not have the same
ratio of atomic number to atomic mass as the calibration environment (Tittman and Wahl, 1965). Salt and
gypsum are two common minerals that require such a
correction. A plot of specific gravity, or density, and
Z/A ratios for some common minerals is given in figure




and standardization

Like other logging systems, calibration of gammagamma response is best done in pits designed for the





5 5

Z/A ratio



(no value


purpose. Calibration can be done in porosity pits such

as the American Petroleum Institutes neutron pit in
Houston, Tex., or in pits maintained by commercial
service companies. A set of bulk-density pits is available for free use by anyone at the Denver Federal
Center (see table 3). Core also can be used, but
precautions should be taken to avoid using data from
any intervals of a borehole that deviate from the
uniform borehole size because of the substantial effect
of rugosity on the log.
Onsite standardization of probe response usually is
done with large blocks of aluminum and magnesium
that are machined with a groove that tightly fits the
source and detector section of the probe. Aluminum
has a density of 2.7 g/cm3, and magnesium has a
density of 1.71 g/cm3; these densities are corrected for
the Z/A ratio used to calibrate the probe. These blocks
can be used to develop a calibration plot, as explained
by Head and Barnett (1980); however, calibration in a
pit is likely to be more accurate. The blocks must be
large enough that effects of the environment are
minimized; they also should be located off the ground
and away from a logging truck that may contain
radioactive sources. Probe standardization should be
done frequently during calibration and logging operations. Onsite standardization of probe response also
can be done with a radioactive source; however, this
technique is not as useful, because it tests only the




detectors, and not the complete system as configured

for logging.
A spine and ribs calibration plot for a dualdetector gamma-gamma probe is given in figure 58.
The procedures for developing such a plot have been
explained in detail by Scott (1977).In figure 58, the X
and Y scales are shown in pulses per second;however,
they also could have been in grams per cubic centimeter, had the density response of each of the detectors
been calibrated. Stand-off error is caused when a
side-collimated, decentralized probe or skid is separated from the borehole wall by mud cake or wall
roughness. Points along the ribs to the right of the
spine represent stand-off error, which may be caused
by borehole rugosity or low-density mud cake; points
along the ribs to the left of the spine may be caused by
high-density mud. After the shape of the ribs has been
determined by calibrating a probe, the spine-and-ribs
plot can be used to obtain density corrected for
stand-off even though the separation between logging
tool and borehole wall may be unknown. This is done
by moving from a measured value of long-spaced
versus short-spaced count rate along a rib to the
correct density on the spine. According to Scott
(1977), stand-off errors of 0.4 in or more can be
corrected accurately.
Volume of investigation

The volume of investigation of a gamma-gamma

probe probably has an average radius of 5 to 6 in; 90
percent of the pulses recorded originate from within
this distance. However, the volume of investigation is
a function of many factors. The density of the material
being logged, and of any casing, cement, or mud
through which the radiation must pass, has a substantial effect on the distance gamma photons will travel
before being stopped. Within limits, the greater the
spacing between source and detector, the larger the
volume of investigation. This is the basis for using
detectors at two different spacings. The closer detector is more affected by borehole parameters than the
farther detector. In porous rocks, such as tuff, a
greater than normal spacing must be used, and this
increases the volume of investigation.
Experiments have been made with gamma-gamma
transmittance logging to increase the volume of investigation and decrease borehole effects (Brown and
Keys, 1985). The technique is based on moving synchronously, at the same depth, a source in one borehole and a detector in another borehole located a few
feet away. Using a cobalt-60 source, changes in moisture content and porosity were detected between two
boreholes located 4 ft apart. For most materials, a
borehole spacing of 2 ft probably is better. Gammagamma transmittance logs are little affected by the





a 1ooc


2 - 80C )-

5 60C








*8 g ?j




Figure 58.-Calibration
plot for a dual-detector
gammagamma probe. Spine and ribs plot permits correction
for stand-off error.

borehole because it is a small part of the material

traversed by the radiation. The technique is severely
limited by the difficulty in maintaining a constant
distance between boreholes. Unless the distance is
known accurately, bulk density cannot be calculated
from gamma-gamma transmittance logs; however,
changes in bulk density and moisture content can be
Extraneous effects

Gamma-gammalogs demonstrate significant effects

from borehole-diameter changes, and from casing,
cement, mud cake, and probe stand-off. These effects
are reflected on borehole-compensated logs, but they
are smaller in magnitude than on single-detector logs.
The effect of borehole-diameter differences on the
single-detector gamma-gamma logs that have been
most commonly applied to ground-water investiga-



demonstrate that the differences between the two

gamma-gamma logs shown by shading are from differences in borehole diameter. The larger diameter
washed-out intervals in the slowly drilled core hole are
indicated as having a smaller bulk density or a larger
porosity than the same rocks in the adjacent borehole.
Borehole-rugosity effects usually can be recognized by
a detailed comparison of a gamma-gamma log with a
high-resolution caliper log. When sharp peaks on a
caliper log, which indicate borehole rugosity, match
sharp negative deflections on a gamma-gamma log,
the deflections most likely are the result of boreholediameter changes. Borsaru and others (1984) have
suggested that the use of a cobalt-60 source and a
correction factor derived from the count rate in highenergy spectral windows can provide a measurement
of density that is not sensitive to borehole diameter.
Casing, cement, and gravel pack all introduce
errors large enough that quantitative interpretation of
gamma-gamma logs made through these materials is
questionable, unless the thickness is constant and core
is available for calibration. The effect of borehole
construction on gamma-gamma logs can be used to
locate the tops of cemented zones, gravel-pack outside
the casing, or one string of casing outside another. If
a gamma-gamma log is run in drill stem or screwcoupled casing, the collars or threaded joints generally
will be indicated as sharp deflections on the log.
Errors also will be produced on gamma-gamma logs
by background radiation in rocks penetrated by the
borehole if the radiation is greater than the standard
error of the measured count rate. The background
radiation can be determined by running the probe
with no radioactive source installed. Substantial background radiation is not a common problem in groundwater investigations; when present, it can be corrected by using the sensitivity-corrected difference
between the count rates from the two detectors
(Scott, 1977).

liamond core ho

400Figure 59.-Effect
logs. (Note


of drilling


that the boreholes

area of persistent

on gamma-gamma

are close



in an


tions in the past is illustrated in figure 59. The two

boreholes shown in the figure were drilled close
together in an area where lithology is persistent for
long lateral distances. The log on the left was made in
a core hole that was drilled slowly and for which a
large volume of drilling fluid was circulated to maximize core recovery. The log on the right was made in
an uncared borehole that was drilled rapidly by rotary
methods to minimize borehole-diameter changes. The
caliper logs of these two boreholes, shown in figure 20,


and applications

Properly calibrated gamma-gamma logs can be used

to distinguish lithologic units, and to determine well
construction as well as bulk density, porosity, and
moisture content. Close source-detector spacing or
measurement of the high-energy part of the spectrum
will provide borehole-diameter information.
The chief use of gamma-gamma logs has been for
determining bulk density, which can be converted to
porosity. Although commercial gamma-gamma logs
generally have a scale indicating porosity, the log
response is related directly to electron density, which
may be related to bulk density by calibration and
correction for Z/A errors. The accuracy of bulk-


density determinations with these logs has been

reported by various authors to be from 0.03 to 0.05
g/cm3. The best results with gamma-gamma logs are
obtained in rocks of minimal bulk density or substantial porosity. This contrasts with neutron logs, which
give the best results in rocks of substantial bulk
density or minimal porosity.
Gamma-gamma logs conventionally are recorded
with bulk density increasing to the right, which means
that porosity increases to the left. Recording has been
done in this manner because porosity increases to the
left on neutron and acoustic-velocity logs. Most equipment used for water-well logging records count rate,
which by convention increases from left to right on the
analog record. If a gamma-gamma log is run with this
equipment, porosity will increase to the right, rather
than to the left. This reversal from convention in the
petroleum industry has caused much confusion in
interpreting the logs; recording all gamma-gamma
logs with count rate increasing to the left will avoid
the confusion.
The following equation is used to calculate porosity
from bulk-density logs:
(Grain density-Bulk

density)/(Grain density-Fluid


Bulk density can be derived from a calibrated and

corrected gamma-gamma log. Fluid density is 1 g/cm3
for most ground-water applications where the rock is
saturated with freshwater, but it may be as much as
1.1 g/cm in rocks saturated with brine. Grain or
mineral density can be obtained from most mineralogy
texts. This density is 2.65 g/cm3 for quartz; 2.71 g/cm
commonly is used for limestone, and 2.37 g/cm3 commonly is used for dolomite. On most large servicecompany trucks, the gamma-gamma system is programmed to solve this equation in real time and
produce a log of porosity. A plot of porosity from
laboratory analyses of core samples versus porosity
from a compensated gamma-gamma log is shown in
figure 60. The scatter of points for this data set is the
result of several factors. A density value for limestone
matrix was used in the porosity equation, although
many of the rocks penetrated by this test well were
dolomite. Secondary porosity is substantial in some
intervals of the test well; usually it is not represented
correctly by core samples. Some of the zones of
secondary porosity are shown, by a high-resolution
caliper log, to be rough and larger than bit size; these
zones may introduce a stand-off error.
Another important factor in attempting to relate
core analyses to logs is the likelihood of depth discrepancies between the two sets of data. A basic consideration in relating any set of core analyses to equiva-







Figure 60.-Porosity
from core analysis versus porosity
from a compensated
log, Madison
Limestone test well 1, Wyoming.

lent logs is the large difference in the volume of

material investigated. Unless the rock is homogeneous, a large number of small core samples will be
needed to represent correctly the much larger volume
of rock sampled by a log.
Because moisture content affects the bulk density of
rocks, gamma-gamma logs can be used to record
changes in moisture above the water table. In most
cases, a neutron-logging system is preferred for this
purpose, because errors from extraneous effects usually are smaller. If gamma-gamma logs are run before
and after drawdown during a pumping test, they can
be used to calculate specific yield (Davis, 1967).
Gamma-gammalogs can be used to locate cavities or
unfilled annular space behind casing and to locate the
top of cement through casing. A comparison of logs
made before and after cementing will provide the most
accurate location of the top of the cement.



In neutron logging, the probe contains a source of

neutrons, and detectors provide a record of the neutron interactions that occur in the vicinity of the
borehole. Most of these neutron interactions are
related to the quantity of hydrogen present; in
ground-water environments, the quantity of hydrogen
is largely a function of the water content of the rocks
penetrated by the borehole. Neutron logs are used
extensively in the petroleum industry to measure
porosity; they also are being used increasingly in




water-resources investigations because they can be

used to determine porosity for a considerable range of
borehole conditions and rock types. Two different
neutron-logging techniques are used in ground-water
studies: (1) neut,ron probes with a large source and
long spacing are used for measuring saturated porosity; and (2) probes with a small source and short
spacing are used for measuring moisture content in
the unsaturated zone. Neutron activation, neutron
lifetime, and nuclear-magnetic resonance are discussed in a separate section of this manual because
they are relatively new and are not yet readily available or commonly applied.

Neutron probes contain a source that emits highenergy neutrons; some neutron sources also emit
gamma radiation. Most isotopic-neutron sources are
made from a mixture of beryllium and an alphaemitting radioisotope encapsulated in a double-wall,
welded, steel container so that the alpha particles do
not escape.When bombarded with alpha particles, the
beryllium emits large numbers of neutrons with an
energy of a few million electronvolts. The most common neutron source is a mixture of beryllium and
americium, which is used in sizes that range from
about 3 to 25 Ci in porosity tools; moisture probes may
use a source as small as 100 mCi. Americium-241 has
a half-life of 458 years and an average neutron energy
of 4.5 MeV. Mixtures of beryllium and radium, and of
beryllium and plutonium, still may be used in some
older probes. A disadvantage of radium is that it emits
substantial gamma radiation; plutonium sources must
be large because the isotope has a relatively low
specific radioactivity. Californium-252 emits large
numbers of neutrons spontaneously, so a source emitting a large neutron flux may be physically small. It
has been used experimentally for neutron and
neutron-activation logging (Keys and Boulogne, 1969).
The 50-mCi source used in those tests emitted 2.1 x 10
neutrons per second, whereas a 3-Ci americiumberyllium source typically used for logging water
wells emits 8.62~10~ neutrons per second.
Californium-252 has the disadvantage of having a
half-life of only 21/2 years. If neutron sources are
stored near sodium-iodide crystals, which are commonly used in gamma and gamma-gamma probes, the
neutron sources will activate the sodium, and the
crystals will become temporarily radioactive.
Neutron-porosity logs are of three general types:
neutron-epithermal neutron, neutron-thermal neutron, and neutron-gamma. Three types of detectors
typically are used in neutron probes: lithium-iodide
crystals, helium-3 tubes, and sodium-iodide crystals.
Sodium-iodide crystals detect gamma radiation as well



Far detector

Near detector



and control



for making compensated

porosity logs.


as neutrons. Detectors of the other two types can be

designed to detect mostly epithermal neutrons; these
neutrons provide logs relatively free of errors resulting from the chemical composition of the rocks and
contained fluids. Cadmium foil can be used to shield
detectors from thermal neutrons. Neutron logs, based
on the detection of thermal neutrons or gamma rays,
may be affected markedly by the chemical composition
of the material traversed by the neutrons. Thermalneutron probes are used by some small loggers
becausethey have the advantage of producing a larger
count rate, so that a smaller source can be used. A
probe has been described that uses two pairs of
detectors-thermal and epithermal (Davis and others,
1981). Because the thermal neutrons are affected by
chemical composition, the difference between the two
pairs of detectors can indicate clay content. Two or
more detectors are used in modern neutron probes,
which may be collimated and decentralized. The ratio
of the near to the far detector provides logs that are
less affected by borehole parameters than are singledetector logs. A schematic drawing of a compensated
epithermal-neutron probe developed and tested by the
U.S. Geological Survey is given in figure 61. For this
probe, porosity is related to the ratio of the count rate






Gamma photons
Thermal neutrons (less than
0 025 electron volt)


Eplthermal neutrons
(0 1 to 100.0 electron volts)




Fast neutrons (More than

lo5 electron volts)

Figure 62.-Neutron

processes, from source to detectors,

rocks surrounding
a borehole.

from the near detector to the count rate from the far
detector; a caliper arm and additional detectors,
located in the section labeled borehole geometry
gage, provide data to make corrections for borehole
diameter and probe position.
The flux of neutrons around a source can be visualized as a cloud of varying neutron density; detectors
are located at various distances from the source within
the cloud. Fast neutrons emitted by a source undergo
three basic types of reactions with matter in and
adjacent to the borehole as they lose energy and
ultimately are captured: inelastic scatter, elastic scatter, and absorption or capture. The loss of neutron
energy is called moderation, and the elements that
cause that loss are called moderators. A diagrammatic
representation of this process is shown in figure 62.



Inelastic scattering can take place only with fast or

energetic neutrons immediately after they have been
emitted by a source; it is not an important factor in
well logging. When a neutron undergoes inelastic
scattering off the nucleus of an atom near the source,
that nucleus is left in an excited state and emits
gamma radiation as it decays back to a stable state.
When the neutron energy decreases to less than the
threshold for inelastic scatter, that process no longer
can take place and elastic scatter becomes the important process.
In elastic scatter, the mass of the scattering element controls the loss of energy by the neutron. Light
elements are most effective in moderating neutrons,
whereas heavy elements have little effect on neutron
velocity or energy. A comparison of the neutron
response of several common elements is presented in
table 4. Hydrogen is the element most effective in
moderating neutrons because it has the same mass as
a neutron. An analogy can be made using a Ping-Pong
ball and a billiard ball. The Ping-Pong ball may lose
little energy in a direct collision with a billiard ball,
but it may lose all of its energy and stop after a direct
collision with another Ping-Pong ball. The probability
or cross section for elastic scatter with hydrogen is
considerable and, on the average, neutrons lose onehalf their energy in each scatter. By this process they
are slowed-first to epithermal energies of 0.1 to 100
eV, and then to thermal energies of less than 0.025
eV. Because hydrogen is the most effective moderating element, the cloud of epithermal and thermal
neutrons occurs closer to the source in rocks having a
large hydrogen (or water) content than in rocks having a small hydrogen (or water) content. Neutron
capture takes place along the outer margin of this
cloud. The location of the capture margin is more a
function of the distance the neutrons take to slow
down to thermal energy than the distance they diffuse
after they are thermalized.
Although a few neutron-absorption or neutroncapture reactions may take place at higher energies,
most take place at thermal energies. When a thermal
neutron is captured by a nucleus, the nucleus becomes
excited and instantly emits capture gamma radiation,
which has an energy characteristic of the capturing
element. Cross sections for thermal-neutron capture
are dependent on the elements involved; for example,
chlorine is much more likely to capture a neutron than
is oxygen.
The processes described result in an inverse relation between the number of epithermal neutrons,
thermal neutrons, and capture gamma photons and
the hydrogen content of the rocks at a source-todetector spacing greater than about 12 in. In many
rocks, the hydrogen content or index is a function of


Table 4.-Comparison

of the neutron



of some common elements for a neutron

2 million electronvolts
[Modified after Wood and others, 19741

Average number of
collisions per neutron


Maximum energy loss

per collision (percent)




the volume of water in the pore spaces;this relation is

affected by the chemical composition of the water and
by the presence of water of crystallization in some
minerals and bound water in shale. If detectors are
located closer than 11.8 in from the source, as in
moisture probes, the number of moderated and captured neutrons increases with increasing hydrogen
content because the neutrons are not able to travel as
far. In practice, spacing for moisture probes usually is
much less than the crossover distance of 11.8 in.
Typical neutron processes for a long-spaced, dualdetector porosity probe are illustrated in figure 62. As
the hydrogen index in the materials between the
source and the detectors increases, fewer slowed
neutrons will reach the vicinity of the detectors and be

and standardization

of all neutron-logging


used in

the petroleum industry is based on the American

Petroleum Institutes calibration pit in Houston, Tex.
The pit contains three sets of six quarried marble and
limestone blocks that have an average porosity of
1.884, 19.23, and 26.63 percent. These values have
been rounded by the American Petroleum Institute to
1.9, 19, and 26 percent, and the 19-percent set of
blocks has been assigned the value of 1,000 API
neutron units (Belknap and others, 1959). Individual
blocks measure 5 ft across the octagonal flats and are
1 ft thick,


and the drill hole is 7% inches in diameter.

A plot of the calibration values for the U.S. Geological

Surveys experimental compensated neutron probe is
given in figure 63. Values for near-detectorlfardetector ratios are plotted from the digitized data.
Ratios are used becausethey provide some correction
for borehole effects. Note the errors from the effect of
the adjacent blocks at the top and bottom of each
porosity interval. Two calibration curves calculated
for the compensated neutron probe from the data
collected at the API calibration pit are shown in figure
64. The equation for the dashed curve seems to
provide a slightly better fit to the data than the
equation for the straight line. The greater scatter of

with an initial

Atomic weight


energy of




data for the larger values of porosity may be caused in

part by the smaller count rate, which increases the
statistical error.
Although the API pit is the accepted primary
standard, it is valid only for marble and limestone.
Therefore, most large logging companies maintain
their own calibration facilities for other rock types,
such as dolomite and sandstone. Careful evaluation of
laboratory analyses of core samples may result in valid
calibration, but scatter of data points is to be
expected. If information on lithology is available, it
may be possible to do calibration onsite, as explained
by MacCary (1980). An example of this practical
method is given in figure 65; shale was estimated to
have a porosity of 40 percent, and anhydrite was
estimated to have a porosity of 2 percent, which
enabled the placement of a logarithmic scale on the
neutron log. A logarithmic scale can be fitted on an
angle between two known porosity

values; then the

appropriate scale values can be extended parallel to

the vertical grid lines to create a new horizontal scale.
Regardless of how primary calibration is done,
onsite standardization should be done at the time of
calibration and during logging operations. The most
practical field standards permit the checking of probe
response with the source installed in a reproducible
environment that has a substantial hydrogen content.
A plastic sleeve may be used, but it should be large
enough to cover both source and detectors and thick
enough to decrease outside effects. If a plastic sleeve

is used, different values can be simulated by positioning the sleeve along the probe axis. A better approach
is to use a tank that may be filled with water for
standardization. The probe is locked in a fixed vertical
position in the tank, and a sleeve, sealed to exclude
water, is moved to different positions along the probe
axis. The sleeve displaces water away from the probe,
simulating different porosity values as it is moved to
different vertical positions.
Factory-calibration data generally are provided
with moisture meters; however, these should always
be checked. Plastic sleeves also may be provided that
are labeled with their equivalent moisture values.








3 Cartham
. Averaae- porosity












Indiana limestone--

. Average porosity






WITHIN A SET -- Vertical line
indicates actual porosity of the





Limestone-porosity 26.63


Figure 63.-Calibration
data obtained with a compensated neutron-porosity
the American Petroleum Institutes calibration pit.

probe in

Checking the validity of factory calibration and standardization data can be done in a properly constructed
and cored borehole. The core samples should be sealed
as soon as they are collected and weighed immediately
so that corrections for possible moisture loss can be
made. Borehole construction for moisture logging is
discussed in the section on extraneous effects.

of investigation

The volume of investigation of a neutron probe is

related to the content of hydrogen or other strong
neutron absorbers in the material surrounding the
probe, the spacing between the source and the detector, and the energy of the neutrons. Sherman and
Locke (1975) reported the results of a study of the
radius of investigation of various types of neutron and
gamma-gamma probes in sand having a saturated
porosity of 35 percent. Their experimental data and
theoretical calculations agreed quite well. Three different types of neutron probes received 90 percent of
the recorded signal within 6.7, 9.3, and 10.3 in of the
borehole wall. In contrast, a gamma-gammaprobe had
a measured radius of investigation of 5.0 in. They also
reported that a 4-in increase in spacing was needed on
the neutron tools to increase the radius investigated
by 1 in. Increased hydrogen content will decrease the
radius of investigation. Under some conditions, an

epithermal-neutron probe will provide data on rock

farther from the borehole than a thermal-neutron
probe. Volume of investigation can be increased substantially, and borehole effects can be decreased, by
using neutron-transmittance techniques.
Increasing the source-to-detector spacing increases
the volume of rock investigated in the vertical as well
as the horizontal direction. This increased volume of
investigation has a marked effect on thin-bed resolution, as demonstrated in figure 66. The hypothetical
volume of investigation is shown by shading in the
figure. Note that the size and shape of this volume are
shown to change as a function of porosity, when the
probe is moved up the borehole. The log gives only an
approximately correct value for porosity and thickness when the volume of investigation is entirely
within the bed being logged. Thus, in figure 66, the
upper thin limestone bed with 3.3 percent porosity is
indicated by the log to have a much greater porosity
and greater apparent thickness than the lower limestone bed, which also has a porosity of 3.3 percent.
The usual technique for determining bed thickness
from any type of nuclear log is to make the measurement at one-half the maximum amplitude of the deflection that represents that bed, as shown in the figure.
Although this technique may not be the best under all
conditions, it is applicable under most conditions for









2,3 and 4



Figure 64.-Calibration
curves for a compensated
probe based on
data from the American
pit. A straight line and
a dashed curve have been calculated
to fit the data.

beds that are thicker than the vertical dimension of

the volume of investigation. In figure 66, the apparent
bed thickness derived from the one-half-amplitude
technique is equal to the true bed thickness for the
lower limestone bed that has a porosity of 3.3 percent,
but not for the thinner upper limestone bed.


Neutron logs are affected by many of the same

borehole parameters that affect gamma-gamma logs,
although usually to a lesser degree. These extraneous
effects include variations in borehole diameter, thickness of mud cake or stand-off, salinity of the borehole
and interstitial fluids, mud weight, thickness of casing
and cement, temperature and pressure, and elemental
composition of the rock matrix. Matrix effects are
evaluated during log interpretation and can be analyzed by cross-plotting techniques, as demonstrated in
figure 15. Corrections for all of these extraneous

effects are different for each type of neutron probe;

they may be calculated theoretically, but they should
be substantiated by measurements in models.
Correction factors determined both theoretically
and experimentally for compensated neutron probes,
used by two different service companies, have been
presented by Arnold and Smith (1981) and Ellis and
others (1981). Correction factors are available in manuals provided by logging-service companies, but they
may not be available from manufacturers of smaller
loggers, which commonly are used for water-well
logging. When data for correction for extraneous
effects are not available, they can be determined
experimentally, or depth intervals where conditions
are likely to cause errors should be eliminated from
quantitative analysis. For example, a plot of porosity
measurements of cores versus neutron-log response
for a well completed in the Madison limestone had
widely scattered points; after elimination

of all depth






va e





20 15 10


Figure 65.-Neutron
log of the Red River Formation,
Custer County, Mont., showing method for onsite
calibration using estimated values of porosity for
shale and anhydrite
from MacCary,

intervals where the gamma log exceededa value likely

to indicate the presence of shale, and all intervals
where the caliper log indicated a borehole diameter
0.4 in greater than bit size, the relation between core
analyses and neutron-log response was much
improved. Shale and clay cause errors in the measurement of porosity because they usually contain bound
water, and a neutron-logging system is not capable of
distinguishing the difference between hydrogen in




bound water and hydrogen in free water in the pore

spaces. Some scatter is to be expected in core versus
log plots, even if all extraneous effects are removed,
because of the large difference in the volume of
material sampled by the neutron probe and analyses of
core and the likelihood of some discrepancy between
depths on a log and core depths.
Casing does not cause a major shift on most neutron
logs, as it typically does on gamma-gamma logs.
Neutron logs made through drill stem do not show the
location of collars, as gamma-gamma logs do. The
small difference between a neutron log of an uncased
augered borehole and a neutron log of a borehole
about 2 ft away that was cased with 2-in steel pipe is
shown in figure 67. Laboratory analyses for moisture
content are plotted on the logs to demonstrate that
both logs adequately represent the distribution of
moisture. Although the common belief is that neutron
logs cannot be made through plastic casing, that
easing is no different from an annular space filled with
water. Plastic pipe of constant thickness merely
causes a shift in log response similar to, but of lesser
magnitude than, that caused by the water level in a
small-diameter borehole. Some of the differences
between the two logs in figure 67 may be the result of
differences in the diameters of the two boreholes.
The major effect on neutron logs caused by changes
in thickness or lack of backfill in the annular space is
shown in figure 68. This effect is analogous to the
hole-diameter effect on neutron logs. The log on the
right was made after 2-in pipe was installed in borehole S-3 and the annulus was backfilled. The major
anomaly between a depth of 37 ft and about 90 ft was
caused by nonuniform backfill. The annulus probably
was not filled for much of this interval. The neutrontransmittance log between boreholes S-3 and S-11 is
little different from the log of borehole S-3 before it
was cased, and it does not indicate the absence of
backfill. The backfill was removed with a hollow-stem
auger and replaced by reversing the auger. After this
procedure, a normal log was obtained for borehole S-3.
Neutron-transmittance logs have been made through
moist sand and gravel between boreholes as much as 4
ft apart, but the technique is limited by the difficulty
of maintaining a constant distance between the boreholes.
The extraneous effects causedby borehole construction are much greater for neutron-moisture logs than
for neutron-porosity logs, such as those in figures 67
and 68. The short spacing used in moisture probes
decreasesthe volume of investigation so that borehole
effects are increased. For this reason, boreholes to be
logged with a moisture probe should be drilled as
small as possible; the annular space between casing
and borehole wall also should be as small as possible,








One half-amplitude


One half-amplitude





of a neutron
shaded areas represent
the volume





probe to changes in porosity

and bed thickness.
of investigation
at different
probe positions.

and the probe should fit the casing tightly. Methods

for installing access tubes for moisture probes have
been evaluated by Teasdale and Johnson (1970).
The presence of saltwater does not affect the
response of epithermal-neutron probes because the
chloride is not detected directly; however, in brine,
some of the hydrogen has been replaced by salt. A


saturated brine of 250,000 mg/L will have a hydrogen

density about 90 percent that of freshwater, so the
effect will be to decrease the apparent porosity on a
neutron log. Interfaces in the fluid column from
changes in quality, such as an interface between mud
and water, may cause a slight shift in a neutron log;
however, the largest shift will be caused by the water






Borehole S-l 1:



Figure 67.-Moisture





content from core analyses compared with neutron

uncased boreholes, Lubbock, Tex.

logs in cased and


,_-r (s-






I Boreholes





Borehole S-3:
2-inch pipe;

S-3 and :


-K-- lI
_/caused @Y
ionuniforr n

l --..



Figure 68.-Neutron-transmittance
log between boreholes S-3 and S-II compared with single-borehole
logs of borehole S-3, cased and uncased, Lubbock, Tex.

level. Fluid levels behind casing can be detected by a

shift on a neutron log.

and applications

Although neutron logs have been used primarily to

determine porosity and moisture content, they have
also been used frequently to determine lithology. Like
gamma logs, they can be used for lithologic and
stratigraphic correlation for a considerable range of
borehole conditions. The way a neutron log crossplotted with an acoustic-velocity log, or with a
gamma-gamma log, can be used to determine Ethology
and corrected porosity is shown in figure 11. Drillers
logs and neutron logs for two water wells drilled
several hundred feet apart in glacial sediments at
Anchorage, Alaska, are shown in figure 69. These
sediments are very difficult to identify or correlate
from either drill cuttings or logs. In this example,


there appears to be no correlation of lithologic units

based on the drillers logs; in contrast, the neutron
logs indicate that correlation is good, except for the
anomaly in well 1llA in the depth interval from 155to
175ft. These wells have large diameters, were drilled
with a cable-tool rig, and are cased, so the anomaly in
well 1llA probably was caused by borehole enlargement.
The typical responses of a neutron log to a hypothetical sequence of sedimentary rocks, and to
-borehole-diameter changes (as identified by the caliper log), are illustrated in figure 70. Note that both
coal and gypsum cause large deflections to the left,
indicating substantial porosity even though both probably have a relatively small porosity. Coal is a hydrocarbon containing abundant hydrogen that is not in
the form of water, and gypsum contains water of


of these



be more
















and fine grave

Hardpacked clay
with trace of sand

Sand with some

gravel and clay


.-------------_-----_- -- &- __-z
--- ----- c1
LCJ ------22 L

Clay with gravel

and fine sand
Hardpacked clay with
sand and gravel


Sand and&e
with \?rater

Figure 69.-Drillers



/ Sand and
gravel with little
clay and water >

logs and neutron


Sand, gravel, and water

logs of two closely spaced water wells completed


diagnostically identified by the use of other logs in

combination with neutron logs. Resistivity and neutron logs of most rocks will be similar because of the
relation between saturated porosity and resistivity.
Deflections marking both coal and gypsum are in
opposite directions on resistivity logs and neutron
logs. In general, shale or clay will be indicated by
anomalously large apparent porosity, because of
bound water. They generally can be recognized by use
of a gamma log. The neutron log in figure 70 shows a
gradual decrease in apparent, porosity with depth,
with the average porosity of limestone and granite
being minimal. The sharp deflections on the caliper log
in the limestone and arkose were caused by solution
openings and fractures that produced negative deflections on the neutron log. Part of this response indicating large porosity may have resulted from boreholediameter increase caused by fractures and solution
openings; another part of the response may have
resulted from an increase in porosity in the undisturbed rock. No effect is shown on the hypothetical
compensated neutron log at the change from B- to 6-in
bit size, or at the change from freshwater to saline
water. However, a shift is apparent at the bottom of
the surface casing, because both the borehole and the
casing are larger in diameter above this depth, and the
lithology changes at the same depth. The borehole



in glacial sediments,


enlargement at the bottom of the surface easing is

typical; however, it may not be shown clearly on the
neutron log, because it has shifted as a result of the
lithologic changes that occur at this depth.
A relation between neutron-log response and clay
content resulting from alteration in crystalline rocks is
shown in figure 71. In general, such rocks have a
primary porosity of less than 1 percent, and apparent
increases in porosity within one rock type generally
are the result of fractures or alteration to clay. Typical
responses of a neutron log and several other types of
logs to different types of igneous rocks are shown in
figure 8.
The responses of neutron logs to porosity and
moisture content, described in detail earlier in this
section, are summarized here. Neutron logs do not
measure porosity or moisture directly. They must be
calibrated for these characteristics and corrected for
extraneous effects. Logs made with a neutronporosity probe with long spacing and a large source
will demonstrate a decrease in count rate with an
increase in hydrogen content, whereas logs made with
a neutron-moisture probe with short spacing and a
small source will indicate an increase in count rate
with an increase in hydrogen content.
Neutron logs can be used to determine the specific
yield of unconfined aquifers (Meyer, 1962). A neutron








. . . . . . . . :::::.
... .........~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.
. . ..:::.
. . . . . . . . . :::::,,:.


Saline water







of neutron

and caliper

probe is used to measure the moisture content of

saturated material before and after it is drained by a
pumping test. Meyer (1962) reported that specific
yields measured with a neutron probe were similar to

logs to a sequence

of sedimentary


those calculated by conventional equations based on

drawdown data.
Neutron logs also can be used to locate depth
intervals where porosity may have increased from







is minimal; gamma-gamma logs are more sensitive to

small changes in porosity when porosity is large.

Other nuclear-logging


Several nonstandard nuclear-logging techniques

have potential for wide application in ground-water
hydrology. Neutron-activation logging and neutronlifetime logging use a neutron source; nuclearmagnetic-resonance logging measures a characteristic
of the nuclei of hydrogen atoms.

Ii 5oa




Figure 71.-Relation
a neutron
log and the
clay content
of core from a borehole
increases to the left.

development of a well or decreased from plugging

during artificial recharge. Substantial changes in
packing or porosity caused by development in the
annular space behind casing or screen may be
detected. Small changes may not be detectable when
porosity is substantial because of the compressed log
response in this range. Neutron logs are most suitable
for detecting small changes in porosity when porosity


Neutron-activation logging has potential for application in studies of ground-water quality, becausethis
technique permits remote identification of elements
present in the borehole fluid and in adjacent rocks
under a wide variety of borehole conditions. Neutronactivation logs are available from several commercial
service companies; these logs have been used to
provide more diagnostic data on Ethology and to
measure flow behind casing. The basic nuclear reactions are described in the section on the fundamentals
of nuclear geophysics, but further explanation is
needed here. For a complete description of the principles, consult publications by Caldwell and others
(1966) and Owen (1966).
Gamma photons produced by neutron reactions may
be classified as prompt, capture, and activation; these
photons have energies that permit identification of the
target nuclei. Prompt gamma photons result from
inelastic scattering of fast neutrons; they are present
only during neutron irradiation. Capture gamma photons are emitted immediately after a neutron is incorporated in a nucleus. The emission of activation
gamma radiation begins with neutron irradiation;
radiation then decreasesas a function of the half-life of
the newly produced radioisotope after the neutron
flux is terminated. Neutron activation produces radioisotopes from stable isotopes; the parent or stable
isotope can be identified by the energy of the gamma
radiation emitted and its half-life.
The gamma activity that may be produced by neutron irradiation is related to the neutron flux and to
the nuclear characteristics of the parent and daughter
nuclides. Saturation is the maximum gamma activity
that can be produced in a sample by a given neutron
flux. When the irradiation time is equal to five times
the half-life of the daughter isotope, an activity of 96.8
percent of saturation will be produced. The characteristics of some common stable isotopes that are readily
activated by thermal-neutron capture are summarized
in table 5.
The data in table 5 indicate that the radioactivity
produced by activation is quite variable and that a





Table 5.-Activation
data for some common isotopes
[Based on normal nuclide abundance, a flux of neutrons of 10 per square centimeter per second, and a lo-percent counting efficiency. Min,
minute; h, hour; MeV, million electronvolts. Modified after Senftle and Hoyte (1966), with additional data from Goldman and Stehn
Parent sotope





Counts per second per

gram after 2-mln

1.2x 104

relatively large neutron source is needed to keep

activation times within practical limits. Neutron sources commonly used for water-well logging have a
neutron flux tha,t is two orders of magnitude smaller
than the neutron flux mentioned in table 5. Although
a typical 3-Ci americium-beryllium source can be used
for neutron activation, long irradiation times are necessary. For example, if such a neutron source is left
suspendedin a well for a number of hours, or in a large
container filled with a concentrated sodium-chloride
solution overnight, the radiation from sodium-24 will
be detectable with a gamma probe but the maximum
activity will not be detected until after more than 75
hours of activation. The U.S. Geological Survey has
explored the poiasibility of using 3-Ci neutron sources
to activate iodides and bromides for ground-water
tracers; detection of small concentrations
was not
possible with the small source.
A 1-Ci source of californium-252 emits, by spontaneous fission, 300 times the neutrons of any other 1-Ci
radioisotope source. This source has additional advantages for well logging-small physical size and minimal gamma and heat emission; however, it also has the
disadvantage of a short half-life. The first experimental well loggiqg with californium-252 was done by
personnel of the U.S. Geological Survey (Keys and
Boulogne, 1969). Some of the gamma spectra produced by neutron activation in a well using a 50-mCi
source of californium-252 are shown in figure 72. Note
that a substantial difference occurred in the sodium-24
detected by activation at depths of 595 and 995 ft. The
significant peak from aluminum-28 at a depth of 534 ft
indicates that it could be produced by activation on a
continuous basis while logging slowly. With 5.5 ft of
spacing between the source at the bottom of the probe
and the detector above it, no radiation from the source
was reaching the detector. Logging down at a speed of
about 5 ftlmin produced a continuous neutronactivation log that was mostly related to the concentration of aluminum. Most clays are hydrousaluminum silicates; therefore, the continuous neutron-


Energy of malor
gamma peaks (MeV)

2.3 min
37.5 min
12.4 h
9.5 min
15.0 h
2.6 h


activation log has the potential for providing

additional information on clay content. Logging
upward with the same probe configuration produced a
standard gamma log. Neutron-porosity logs made
with this large source and longer than normal spacing
were superior to commercial neutron logs made in the
same well; because of the larger volume of investigation, the U.S. Geological Survey logs recorded much
less borehole-diameter effect.
Neutron-activation logging in boreholes also is done
using an electronic neutron generator that emits
pulses of neutrons with an energy of 14.2 MeV. A
neutron generator accelerates deuterium ions into a
tritium target to produce high-energy neutrons; the
generator has the advantage that no radioactivity is
emitted when it is turned off. Using a neutron generator,


is pulsed

many thousands of times per

second, and a synchronously gated detector, shortlived gamma radiation from prompt and capture reactions can be detected. Either sodium-iodide or solidstate detectors can be used for measuring the gamma
radiation from activation; the pulses are input to a
multichannel analyzer, as in spectral-gamma logging.
One commercially available neutron-activation log can
provide the ratios of carbon to oxygen and silicon to
calcium (Lawrence, 1979). These data can be interpreted in terms of lithology and in situ hydrocarbons.
A neutron generator also is potentially useful for
activating oxygen in water flowing behind casing so
that flow rates can be measured.
If a daughter nuclide can be identified, its concentration can be determined from measurements of the
gamma activity from the daughter nuclide. Quantitative neutron-activation analysis in wells is not likely to
be as accurate as laboratory analysis using the same
technique becauseof the complex and varying geometric relations between source, detector, and distribution of isotopes.
Neutron-activation analysis is complex but potentially useful in ground-water hydrology. The logging
parameters, such as type and output of source, type of








Depth, 995 feet;

16-hour activation:

Depth, 595 feet;15-hour activation;e-hour decay;-

1-minute activation;
1 -minute count


Figure 72.-Gamma


spectra produced


by neutron activation in a well using a 50-millicurie

252, near Aiken, S.C.

detector and irradiation, and delay or gating times,

are based on an analysis of the isotopes sought and the
presence of interfering elements.



Neutron-lifetime or pulsed neutron-decay logs are

produced using a pulsed-neutron generator and a
synchronously gated neutron detector to measure the
rate of decrease of neutron population near the borehole as neutrons are thermalized and captured. The
rate of neutron decay is greatly affected by the
chlorine concentration; therefore, the log provides a
measurement of salinity and porosity, similar to
resistivity logs (Helander, 1983). Neutron-lifetime
logs have a significant advantage over standard neutron logs because the measuring gate can be delayed
long enough that borehole effects are greatly
decreased. Neutron-lifetime logs can provide useful
data through casing and cement.



source of californium-

Usually the count rate from each of two time gates

is recorded continuously, and a third curve may be
calibrated in terms of capture cross section or capture
units. The total capture cross section is a function of
the cross sections of the individual elements, and it
can be related to porosity and salinity. If another type
of log calibrated in terms of porosity is available for
comparison, neutron-lifetime logs can be interpreted
in terms of salinity. The logs are used in the petroleum
industry to measure water saturation and to distinguish among oil, gas, and saltwater in cased wells. To
date, applications in ground-water studies have been


Nuclear-magnetic-resonance (NMR) logging or

nuclear-magnetic logging (NML) has been studied for
three decades, but it still is not widely used for
petroleum applications and is relatively unknown in




ground-water studies. Based on theory, it is a useful

method for ground-water studies because a measurement can be obtained of the quantity of water that is
free to move into a borehole from the rocks penetrated. At least one type of probe is available commercially. Tests are needed to determine the relation
of the log to such important ground-water parameters
as specific yield and permeability.
Several types of NMR logging systems exist; their
basic principles are similar (Brown and Neuman, 1982;
Jackson, 1984). The NMR uses a pulsed directcurrent, polarizing field to align a fraction of the nuclei
of hydrogen atoms (protons) with an induced magnetic
field. The signal that is recorded on the log is produced
by the precession of the magnetic fields of protons
about the Earths magnetic field after the polarizing
signal is shut off.. The proton relaxation time is short
for fluids in solids or bound to surfaces, but is much
longer for fluids free to move in pore spaces. The logs
are calibrated in terms of the free-fluid index, which
has been related to both porosity and permeability in
some studies (Loren, 1972).
Use of NMR probes is limited by borehole conditions. One commercial probe has a coil 5.9 inches in
diameter, so it seldom is used in boreholes less than 7
inches in diameter, and calibration is questionable in
boreholes larger than 12.5 inches in diameter. The
volume of investigation is relatively small; threefourths of the signal originates from within one borehole radius of the probe. Because the borehole is tilled
with fluid that will be recorded as loo-percent porosity, it usually is necessary to add magnetite powder to
the drilling mud to eliminate the borehole contribution
to the log. A new (1984) NMR probe has been developed and successfully tested in the American Petroleum Institute calibration pit (Jackson, 1984). This
new probe produces an NMR signal from a doughnutshaped region in the rock and eliminates the borehole
signal. In addition to providing porosity and saturation data, computer deconvolution of relaxation time
measured by this probe yielded a measurement of
pore-size distribution.


c. Plastic.
d. Water.
3. Standard gamma logs
a. Measure the quantity of clay in rocks.
b. Provide information through casing.
c. Distinguish among uranium, thorium,
and potassium.
d. Can be related to variations in permeability in some sediments.
4. The time constant
a. Can be decreased in rocks having substantial radioactivity.
b. Is the time for the signal (voltage) to
increase to 63 percent of the voltage
c. Is an important factor in determining
logging speed.
d. Should be carefully selected for digitized logs.
5. Compensated neutron and gamma-gamma
a. Eliminate the effect of borehole-diameter changes.
b. Contain two detectors at different spacings.

c. May provide more accurate data than

uncompensated probes.
d. Are side collimated.
6. Gamma-gamma logs may have substantial
errors caused by
a. ZIA ratio.
b. Mud cake.
e. Hydrogen content.
d. Borehole diameter.
7. Neutron logs can be related to
a. Moisture content.
b. Effective porosity.
c. Hydrogen content.
d. Total porosity.

8. Which error(s) can be caused by running

nuclear logs too fast?
a. Decreased log response.
b. Incorrectly located lithologic contacts.

c. Inadequateresolutionof thin beds.

d. Incorrect porosity values from neutron

and gamma-gamma

Test 3.--NUCLEAR


1. A government license is required in order to

make which of the following logs?
a. Neutron.
b. Gamma.
c. Gamma gamma.
d. Gammaspectrometry.
2. Neutrons are effectively shielded or absorbed
a. Paraffin.
b. Lead.

9. Which nuclear particles or photons can be

detected in well logging?
a. Activation gamma photons.
b. Beta particles.
c. Alpha particles.
d. Protons.
10. Neutron logs probably would be more useful
than gamma-gamma logs under which of the
following conditions?
a. Large rock porosity.
b. Small rock porosity.
c. Steel casing in the borehole.
d. Large rock bulk density.




11. To determine porosity from a gamma-gamma

log, one must have
a. Data for grain density.
b. Calibration data for a similar lithology.
c. Data for fluid density.
d. Data for borehole-diameter corrections.
12. When compensated neutron and gammagamma logs are calibrated in limestone,
a. The porosity for dolomite indicated on
the neutron log will be less than that
indicated on the gamma-gamma log.
b. The two logs will indicate the same
porosity for sandstone.
c. The porosity for shale indicated on the
neutron log will be less than that indicated on the gamma-gamma log.
d. The two logs will indicate the same
porosity for limestone.















Figure 73.-Acoustic
wave forms for a two-receiver
system and arrival times of compressional,
shear, and
fluid waves (modified
from Paillet and White, 1982).



Acoustic logging includes techniques that use a

transducer to transmit an acoustic wave through the
fluid in a borehole and the surrounding rocks. Several
types of acoustic logs are used; they differ in the
frequencies used, the way the signal is recorded, and
the purpose of the log, but all require fluid in the
borehole to couple the signal to the surrounding rocks.
Four types are described here: acoustic velocity,
acoustic wave form, cement bond, and acoustic televiewer. Acoustic logs can provide data on porosity,
lithology, cement, and the location and character of



Acoustic-velocity logs, also called sonic logs or

transit-time logs, are a record of the traveltime of an
acoustic wave from one or more transmitters to
receivers in the probe. The acoustic energy travels
through the fluid in the borehole and through surrounding rocks at a velocity t.hat is related to the
matrix mineralogy and porosity of the rocks. Sonic
logs are used extensively in the petroleum industry to
identify lithology and measure porosity; sonic-logging
equipment is now installed on some water-well

The principles

and instrumentation

and instrumentation



make acoustic logs are complex, and the reader is

referred to Guyod and Shane (1969) for a more complete description than can be provided here. Most

acoustic-velocity probes use magnetostrictive transducers to convert electrical energy to acoustic energy.
Most of the transducers are pulsed 10 or more times
per second, and the acoustic energy emitted has a
frequency in the range 10 to 35 kHz. Probes are
constructed of low-velocity materials, so that the
fastest travel path for the acoustic pulse will be
through the borehole fluid and the adjacent rocks,
which transmit acoustic energy faster than does the
borehole fluid. Acoustic probes are centralized with
bow springs or rubber fingers, so the travel path to
and from the rock will be of consistent length. Some of
the energy moving through the rock is refracted back
to the receivers, which may be piezoelectric transducers. The receivers reconvert the acoustic energy to an
electrical signal, which is transmitted up the cable. At
the land surface, the entire signal may be recorded for
acoustic-wave-form logging, or the transit time may
be recorded for acoustic-velocity logging. The amplitude of parts of the acoustic wave also may be
recorded; that technique is described later in the
section on acoustic-wave-form


Acoustic energy transmitted in borehole fluid and

adjacent rocks is divided into several components; the
most important for this discussion are compressional
waves and shear waves. Standard acoustic-velocity
logs are based on the time the compressional wave
arrives at the receivers. Compressional and shear
waves at near and far receivers, along with the fluid
waves that

are transmitted


the borehole

fluid, are shown in figure 73 (Paillet and White, 1982).

The optimum frequency range for excitation of compressional and shear waves depends in a complicated





way on borehole diameter and rock properties but

usually is 10 to Z!j kHz. Most acoustic-velocity probes
have paired receivers located 1 ft apart; some probes
have several pairs of receivers with different spacing;
the pair that is t,o be used may be selected from the
land surface. Some compensated probes have two
transmitters and two pairs of receivers. Transmitter
to near-receiver distance generally is greater than 2
ft. Compressiona,lwaves, or P waves, are propagated
by movement of particles in an elastic medium in the
direction of prop.agation. P waves have a faster velocity and a lower amplitude than shear waves, or S
waves. S waves have a velocity about one-half that of
P waves and are characterized by particle movement
perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation. S
waves are not transmitted directly by borehole fluid,
but by means of an intermediate P wave. Fluid waves
are slower and have higher amplitude than P and S
The signals shown in figure 73 are typical of those
displayed on an oscilloscope at the surface. Acousticvelocity logging modules contain a tracking circuit
that detects the arrival of the P wave when the wave
amplitude exceeds a threshold selected by the operator. The amplitude of the transmitted signal and the
received signal, along with the height of the detection
threshold, can be controlled from the land surface. A
circuit is used to convert the difference in arrival time
at the two detectors to transit time (delta t), in
microseconds per foot. Acoustic-velocity logs are

Table 6.-Compressional-wave
velocity and transit
for some common rocks and fluids
[Single values are averages]

recorded with interval transit time increasing from

right to left; porosity also increases to the left, as it

The interval transit-time

scale on most acousticvelocity logs has a resolution of 1 s/ft and a somewhat

does on neutron and gamma-gamma logs. On many

logs, two scales show interval transit time, in microsecondsper foot, and porosity, in percent, assuming a
specified rock type.
For rocks having uniformly
intergranular-pore spaces, porosity usually is derived from
the time-average equation. This equation is based on
the theory that the path of an acoustic wave through
saturated rock consists of two velocities in series, the
velocity in the fluid, Vf, in feet per second, and the
velocity in the rock matrix, Vm, in feet per second.
The method assumes that the length of the path in the
fluid is equal to the porosity ($1, and that the length of
the path in the rock matrix is equal to l/+. The
time-average equation is expressed as
delta t=lIVL=$lVf+(l-+/VW)

Slightly consolidated

$=(delta t log-delta t matrix)/




Transit time
per foot)


and standardization

lesser accuracy; however, the scale should be checked

if possible. The difference in arrival times of the P
wave at two receivers can be read directly from a
calibrated oscilloscope, which is an essential part of
any acoustic-logging system. Because transit time is a
direct measurement of a physical property, it usually
is not subject to operator errors, although operator



A / J

t matrix)

(feet per second)

Velocities and transit times for some common rocks

and fluids are provided in table 6. Note that the range
can be very large; laboratory measurements or experience in logging specific types of rock may be needed
to calculate porosities accurately.
The data in figure 74 can be used to convert transit
times from logs to approximate porosity values when
matrix transit times are not accurately known. More
information on determining porosity is included in the
sections on calibration and interpretation.


where VL is the velocity in the rock, in feet per

second, determined from a log. To calculate porosity,
the time-average equation is converted to the form
(delta t fluid-delta

Rock or fluid type


of transit time from acousticvelocity logs to porosity of various rock types.




adjustment of the triggering of the arrival of the first

compressional wave can affect measurement accuracy.
Most calibration pits are not specifically designed
for acoustic-velocity probes; however, they may be
used if velocity analyses are available and if the use of
probe centralizers will not damage the pit. Calibration
also can be accomplished using core samples analyzed
in the laboratory for acoustic velocity and porosity.
The response of an acoustic-velocity probe can be
checked onsite with a piece of steel pipe cut in half
lengthwise. The probe can be laid horizontally in the
pipe and dams made at both ends with flexible caulking, so that half of the transmitters and receivers can
be covered with water. Steel pipe has an acoustic
velocity variously reported to be 17,000to 20,000 ft/s,
so the probe can be checked for that range of values.
It is possible to make the same check in a borehole
that contains free-hanging steel pipe; however, if the
pipe is cemented in with good bonding, first arrival
might be through the rock if it has a faster acoustic
Some logging systems have several built-in calibration signals that can be used to check uphole circuits
and to place values on logs; however, such signals do
not check the transmitted or received signal or the
triggering circuits. An oscilloscope is essential for
checking the operation of these components.

of investigation

The radius of investigation of an acoustic-velocity

probe is reported to be about three times the wavelength (Pirson, 1963). The wavelength is equal to the
velocity divided by the frequency. At a frequency of
20 kHz, the radius of investigation theoretically
ranges from about 0.75 ft for completely unconsolidated materials or freshwater having an acoustic
velocity of 5,000 ft/s up to about 3.75 ft for hard rocks
having an acoustic velocity of 25,000 ftls. A lower
transmitter frequency will increase the volume of
investigation, but it will decrease the resolution of
small features, such as fractures.


One of the most obvious problems on acousticvelocity logs is cycle skipping caused by the amplitude
of the first compressional-wave cycle being too low for
detection or by prearrival noise of sufficient amplitude
to be detected. If the first cycle is detected at the near
receiver and the second cycle is detected at the far
receiver, the resulting transit time will be much too
long and the log will show a sharp deflection. Often the
amplitude of the received signal will vary from greater
than to less than the detection level, which causes
rapid fluctuations in the log trace that are easily
recognized as cycle skips (fig. 75). Cycle skipping




frequently is blamed on gas in the borehole fluid;

however, any condition that causes the amplitude of
the compressional wave to be less than the detection
level at one of the receivers will produce cycle skipping on the log. Causes include improper adjustment
of signal gain or detection level, fractures or solution
openings, rocks that attenuate the signal, and gas in
the borehole fluid. Cycle skipping can be used to locate
fractures in some boreholes, but corroborating evidence is necessary.
Borehole enlargements or cavities may produce
cycle skips or errors in transit time when the receiver
pair is opposite the top or bottom of a cavity. When
the edge of a cavity is between receivers, the travel
path may be of different length to the receivers,
causing the transit time to be erroneous. Some
borehole-compensated probes contain transmitters
located both above and below two pairs of receivers
and record the average of the two transit times. These
probes may decrease the effect of cavities somewhat,
but they do not ensure an error-free log.
Acoustic velocity in porous media is dependent on
such lithologic factors as the type of matrix, the
density, size, distribution, and type of grains and pore
spaces, and the degree of cementation. Acoustic velocity is also dependent on the elastic properties of the
interstitial fluids (Jenkins, 1960). The commonly used
time-average equation does not account for most of
these factors, but it has been determined to produce
reasonably correct porosity values under most conditions. Because correction for all of these listed factors
is impossible, some core analyses are needed for
checking porosity values recorded on acoustic-velocity
logs in each new geologic environment.

and applications

Acoustic-velocity logs are useful for providing information on lithology and porosity under a fairly wide
range of conditions. They usually are limited to consolidated materials penetrated by uncased, fluid-filled
boreholes. A hypothetical, but typical, response of an
acoustic-velocity log in a series of sedimentary rocks
and in granite is shown in figure 75. The response can
be compared with other logs in these same lithologic
types in figure 7. The hypothetical response of an
acoustic-velocity log compared with other logs in a
series of igneous and metamorphic rocks is shown in
figure 8. In figure 75, cycle skips are caused by
solution openings and probably also by fractures in the
arkose and granite. Solution openings and fractures
also are indicated by the caliper log. Transit times
decrease, or acoustic velocities increase, with greater
depth and with increase in rock hardness or cementation. In addition, acoustic velocities may vary with
confining pressure for several hundred feet below the











. ......



Saline water
. ...........
. . .... . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .
..... ...........



t, Granite




Figure 75.-Typical

responses of acoustic-velocity

land surface. This effect is most evident in slightly

consolidated materials, but it also has been noted in
crystalline rocks. Resolution of thin beds is good when

and caliper logs to a sequence

of sedimentary


1-ft receiver spacing is used; contacts generally are

marked by sharp deflections. Changes in diameter of
the bit used to drill the borehole, as shown in figure


0 Tlff






0 Sandstone
A Siltstone

Figure 76.-Relation
tuff, sandstone,

of acoustic-transit
time to porosity for
and siltstone,
Raft River geothermal


75, do not cause substantial shifts on an acousticvelocity log made with two or more receivers.
Many of the rock types logged will be characterized
by a limited range of transit times; therefore, acousticvelocity logs will provide diagnostic information on
lithology as well as porosity. Some porosity values
measured on core plotted against transit time
obtained from an acoustic-velocity log, for a sequence
of basin-fill sedimentary and volcanic rocks in Idaho,
are shown in figure 76. The correlation coefficient for
the core and log data from this well is 0.87, and the log
could be used to estimate porosity in this hole, Note
that the siltstone had a small range of acoustic-transit
times, even though the porosity of the siltstone had a
large range. The sandstone had a larger, but still
diagnostic, range of acoustic-transit time and porosity, whereas the tuff had an undiagnostic range of
acoustic-transit time and porosity, probably because
of its diverse lithologic character.
A computer plot of porosity from core analyses
versus values from an acoustic-velocity log that was
calibrated in terms of porosity is shown in figure 77.
The scatter of data points is large, and errors in
deriving porosity from this log would be substantial.
The value of having some core analyses for evaluation
of these log data is obvious. In figure 77, some data
points plot on the line where the core and log porosity
values are equal; however, many data points indicate
that the log porosity values are too small. The main
reason for this error is the presence of secondary
porosity, which was not detected by the acousticvelocity log. Secondary porosity is not detected by
acoustic-velocity logs because the first acoustic wave
to arrive travels the fastest path around solution openings. In addition, the logging operator used a limestone matrix lithology for calculating the porosity



Figure 77.-Porosity
from core analyses
from a compensated
test well 1, Wyoming.



curve, whereas dolomite was more prevalent in the

rocks penetrated by the well. An example of how cross
plots can be used to correct porosity for matrix
lithology is shown in figure 11. Some borehole enlargements also are present that may have caused erroneous log values.
In some geohydrologic environments, especially
those consisting of carbonate rocks, porosity from an
acoustic-velocity log and from a neutron log or
gamma-gamma log or core can be cross plotted to
identify intervals of secondary porosity. Many of the
data points above the calibration line in figure 77
represent intervals of large secondary porosity. A
computer-generated cross plot of the neutron log
versus the acoustic-velocity log for Madison Limestone test well 1 also was used to characterize the
most permeable intervals in the rocks penetrated by
the well (Keys, 1986). In the permeable intervals,
identified on flowmeter logs, many porosity values on
the acoustic-velocity log were smaller than the corresponding values on the neutron log or determined
from core analyses, because of secondary porosity.



Considerable information on lithology and structure

is available through analyses of the various components of a received acoustic signal. Analyses may
include amplitude changes, ratios of the velocities of
various components of the wave train, and frequencydependent effects. Cement-bond logs are included in




this section because acoustic-wave-form data are

needed to increase the accuracy of interpretation of
these logs. Acoustic wave forms can be recorded
digitally, photographs can be taken of the display on
an oscilloscope, or a variable-density log can be made.
The variable-density log, or three-dimensional velocity log, is recorded photographically, so that variations in darkness of the record are related to changes
in amplitude of cycles in the wave form. Troughs in
the wave form produce dark bands on the log; peaks
produce light bands. A digitized acoustic-wave-form
log is the most useful type, because the data can be
analyzed quantitatively. Velocities and amplitudes of
all parts of the recorded wave form can be measured
from a digital record. Acoustic-wave-form logs have
not been used extensively in ground-water hydrology;
however, the potential for obtaining useful information is significant, and the equipment is available
The elastic properties of rocks can be calculated
from the velocities of compressional and shear waves,
and from corrected bulk density from a gammagamma log. The elastic properties, or constants, that
can be determined are Poissons ratio, Youngs modulus, shear modulus, and bulk modulus. Guyod and
Shane (1969) discussed the relations among these
constants, and Helander (1983) discussed equations
, for calculating the constants from log data. These
constants have their greatest application in mining
and civil engineering; potential hydrologic applications
include predicting the subsidence and fracturing characteristics of rocks. Taylor (1968)used acoustic logs to
estimate the vertical compressibility of an artesian
aquifer. The compressibility values then were used to
plot the effects that changes in net stress had on the
storage coefficient of the aquifer.
Because of the potential for obtaining information
on aquifers from acoustic-wave-form data, the U.S.
Geological Survey is studying the application of
acoustic-wave-form analysis to ground-water hydrology; a number of reports have been published. Paillet
and White (1982) described the relation of modes of
acoustic-wave propagation to rock properties. Paillet
(1980, 1981) and Davison and others (1982) described
the characterization of fractures by various acoustic
techniques. A significant finding was a correlation
between the attenuation of tube-wave amplitude in
crystalline rocks and the permeability of fractures
determined by packer-isolation tests in smalldiameter boreholes. Thus, tube-wave-amplitude logging has potential for predicting the relative flow
through fractures in hard rocks. The tube wave is part
of the fluid wave propagated along the borehole under
certain conditions; it apparently is attenuated where
water in the borehole is free to move in and out of


fractures or when pressure oscillations in the borehole

produce viscous losses by forcing water flow in permeable pore spaces.
Cement-bond logging systems commonly use a single transmitter and a single receiver to obtain information on the quality of the bond between the casing
and the cement and between the cement and the
borehole wall. Most cement-bond logs are a measurement of only the amplitude of the early arriving signal
from the casing; however, to improve the accuracy of
interpretation, the full acoustic wave form is needed
for study. Although a small proportion of the total
acoustic energy may be received from the rock when
the casing is free to vibrate, this signal usually is not
detectable. The amplitude of the signal from the
casing is decreased by the following: good bonding of
cement to casing, larger area of easing surface
bonded, increased thickness of cement, and longer
curing time (Guyod and Shane, 1969).When the casing
is well bonded to the borehole wall by cement,,
acoustic-velocity logs of the rocks can be obtained.
Detection of channeling through cement in the
annular space is one of the main objectives of cementbond logging, yet even an expert analyst of cementbond logs probably will not accurately locate all channels. A basic problem derives from the fact that the
signal is averaged around the circumference of the
borehole so an open vertical channel 10 wide is a small
part of the total signal. When the bonding to hard
rocks is good, the casing signal will be obscured by the
arrival of compressional waves from the rock, and the
amplitude may not indicate the presence of channels.
Although interpretation of cement-bond logs may
seem simple, it is qualitative and best performed by
the expert. Newer cement-bond logging systems plot
the ratio of amplitudes in the casing time window to
the formation time window.



An acoustic televiewer (ATV) is a logging device

that can provide high-resolution information on the
location and character of secondary porosity, such as
fractures and solution openings. An ATV also can
provide information on the strike and dip of planar
features, such as fractures and bedding planes.
Because an ATV also is called a borehole televiewer, it
occasionally is confused with borehole television.
Borehole television is not discussed in detail in this
report because the probes currently available cannot
be operated on standard logging cable and becausethe
light required for television limits application to boreholes that contain clear water and have clean walls. A
few commercial firms offer ATV-logging services, and
the equipment to make logs can be purchased. ATV







logging has been applied to ground-water studies in

the United States and several foreign countries, but it
is not yet used extensively, partly because of the cost
and complexity of the equipment.

and instrumentation

The standard ATV probe uses a rotating 1.3-MHz

transducer that functions as both transmitter and
receiver (Zemanek and others, 1969). Lower frequencies may be used for better mud penetration. The
piezoelectric transducer is rotated at 3 r/s and is
pulsed approximately 800 times per second. The highfrequency acoustic energy is reflected from, but does
not penetrate, the borehole wall. A trigger pulse is
transmitted to the recording equipment at the land
surface from a flux-gate magnetometer each time the
transducer rotates past magnetic north. This pulse
triggers the sweep on an oscilloscope; each sweep
represents a 360 scan of the borehole wall. The
brightness of the oscilloscope trace is proportional to
the amplitude of the reflected acoustic signal, somewhat analogous to a rotating depth finder in a boat.
The probe must be centralized accurately with bow
springs so the signal will reflect from the borehole wall
perpendicularly and return along the same path to the
transducer. The sweeps are moved across the oscilloscope or other type of graphic recorder by a depthrelated signal derived from the cable measuring
sheave. If the log is recorded at speeds greater than 5
ft/min, small horizontal features may not be detected.
A camera or graphic recorder, using continuous lightsensitive paper, is used to make a record of the
intensity of the sweeps, thus producing a continuous
image. If a Polaroid camera is used to record the
acoustic image, the photographs can be taped together
to form a continuous log. An A.TV system requires at
least four-conductor logging cable.
An ATV log can be thought of as a cylinder that has
been opened along the north side and flattened, as
illustrated in figure 78. In the three-dimensional
drawing on the left of this figure, an open fracture
dipping to magnetic south is shown intersecting a
borehole. The hypothetical ATV log on the right
shows the fracture as it might appear, as a dark
sinusoid with the low point oriented toward magnetic
south. The transducer rotates clockwise, as viewed
looking down the borehole; hence, compass directions
are in the order shown at the bottom of the ATV log in
figure 78. This figure is discussed further in the
section on interpretation.
Fractures and other openings in the borehole wall
or in the casing appear as dark areas for several
reasons. Increasing borehole diameter means that the
acoustic signal must travel farther and that it will be
more attenuated by the fluid in the borehole. In

Figure 78.-Three-dimensional
view of a fracture
intersecting a borehole
and appearance
of the same fracture
on an acoustic-televiewer
log. D is the borehole
diameter from a caliper log, and H is the length of intercept
at the fracture in the borehole.

addition, where part of the surface of fractures and

other openings is not at right angles to the incident
acoustic signal, little of the signal will be reflected
back to the transducer.
Because of the large number of equipment adjustments that must be made to produce a quality ATV
log, an experienced operator is needed. A second
oscilloscope also should be available to monitor the
incoming signal so adjustments can be made as
required. The acoustic signal can be taped on a modified videocassette recorder simultaneously with
graphic recording; the taping allows the log to be
enhanced by later playback, using different adjustments of uphole equipment, if necessary. It also is
possible to digitize the acoustic signal and to use
image-enhancement computer programs to improve
the log.
Modifications to ATV equipment permit recording
an acoustic-caliper log, which consists of four highresolution traces. The use of a lower frequency transducer will provide better penetration of easing, and
the ATV probe can be used to examine cement in the
annular space. Broding (1984) demonstrated the ability of a lower frequency probe to locate voids and
channels in cement that were not detected by other
logging methods. ATV logs made in steel casing or in
the presence of large concentrations of magnetic minerals will not be oriented correctly because the magnetometer does not work reliably under these conditions. Under

such conditions,

a switch in the ATV

probe can be used to trigger the sweep relative to the

probe instead of the magnetometer; as a result, com-





pass orientation will be lost but an unoriented log may

be obtained.

and standardization

Magnetometer orientation and recording scales

need calibration and occasional standardization onsite.
If possible, the magnetometer should be checked with
a compass to determine if it triggers on magnetic
north within 1; this can be accomplished by using a
narrow reflective object in a plastic bucket tilled with
water. The lowler set of centralizers usually are
removed for this procedure. If an acoustic-caliper log
is to be made, borehole-diameter response should be
checked. Although the time-distance relation can be
calculated by using the calculated velocity of sound in
the borehole fluid, an onsite check is occasionally
needed. To make this check, the probe is carefully
centered in nonmagnetic rings of different sizes
immersed in a water-filled bucket. Checking orientation and borehole-diameter response also provides a
prelogging check of probe operation. Both horizontal
and vertical scales are checked with a ruler on the
analog record, before and during logging, because
drift is not uncommon. Logging speed should be
checked frequently with a stopwatch because logging
speed changes as the probe moves up the borehole,
and becausethe analog meters used to display logging
speed are not accurate at slow rates.

of investigation

The concept of volume of investigation does not

apply to the ATV in a strict sense because, with the
typical high-frequency transducer, most of the signal
is received from the wall of the borehole. Even if the
frequency is decreased to half the usual value, rock
penetration is small, although mud penetration is
increased. However, ATV probes have mechanical
and electronic limits to the diameter of the well that
can be logged. The operating range of borehole diameter for most 1% in ATV probes is 3 to 16 in.
Adjustment of the electronic-gating circuits might
allow some increase in borehole diameter, but the
centralizers need to be designed to do an effective job
in a large-diameter borehole.
Extraneous effects

Although interpretation of ATV logs ought to be

relatively straightforward, it is complicated by a number of extraneous effects. Most significant are inadequate centralization, incorrect gain settings, errors
caused by vertical deviation of the borehole, and
aberrations in the magnetic field. The effect of several
of these problems is illustrated in figure 79. The
commercial acoustic-televiewer log on the right was
made with gain settings that were too low to accu-

Figure 79. -Acoustic-televiewer

logs made by the
U.S. Geological
Survey (left) and a commercial
service company
test well 1, Wyoming.

rately resolve the numerous solution openings in this

dolomite, particularly in the depth range 3,000 to
3,010 ft. Many more features can be seen in the ATV
log on the left. The black streak down the left side of
the commercial log was caused by inadequate centralization, probably because the well is not circular. The
effect is much more obvious on the commercial log
because the gain settings were too low. Continuous
monitoring of the signal displayed on an oscilloscope
will allow an experienced operator to make the proper
gain adjustments.
Substantial deviation from vertical is common in
deep boreholes, and this introduces several errors on
ATV logs. In addition to the obvious error in the
measured vertical depth, corrections must be made to
dip and strike calculated from ATV logs made in
deviated boreholes. Another orientation error is







related to the effect of the vertical component of the

Earths magnetic field on the tilted magnetometer.
Kierstein (1984)has developed computer programs for
correcting the data and solutions that use a stereographic projection, and has described the orientation
problems in detail. A borehole-deviation survey must
be made if errors from this source are to be recognized
and corrected. Steel casing or drilling equipment lost
in the borehole, as well as magnetite, will result in
misorientation or missing sweeps, making the ATV
log Qfficult to interpret. Where the presence of magnetic materials is suspected, a rerun of the log using
the mechanical switch for triggering, rather than the
magnetometer, may eliminate the problem. Such triggering problems have been used to locate magnetite
concentrations that have been substantiated by the
examination of core.

and applications

An acoustic televiewer provides a record of the

location, character, and orientation of any features in
the casing or borehole wall that alter the reflectivity of
the acoustic signal. These include diameter and shape
of the borehole, roughness of the borehole wall that
may be caused by drilling procedures or lithology,
differences in rock hardness, and structural features
such as bedding, fractures, and solution openings. In

to providing

a photographlike



Figure 81 .-Mechanical-

and acoustic-caliper

Figure 80.-Acoustic-televiewer
log of
zone A in a geothermal
well, Roosevelt Hot Springs, Utah.


be interpreted in terms of the character of these

features, an ATV log also permits calculation of orientation of fractures and bedding planes. The smallest
feature that can be resolved on an ATV log depends on
a number of factors, such as borehole diameter and
borehole-wall roughness. Under ideal conditions, features as small as ~32 in, or possibly even smaller, can
be identified.
An acoustic-televiewer log of a producing fracture
zone in a geothermal well at Roosevelt Hot Springs,

Utah, is shown in figure 80. Acoustic- and mechanicalcaliper logs of this producing zone are shown in figure
81. These logs were made at temperatures as high as
260 C (Keys, 1979). The producing interval shown in
figure 80 is about 4 ft thick; this interval apparently is
the result of alteration and solution along a series of
subparallel fractures. The fracture at the top of the
interval appears, on the basis of the ATV log, to be
about 6 in wide; probably it is much less. Rock
adjacent to fractures tends to be broken out during

logs of producing

zone A in a geothermal

well, Roosevelt Hot Springs,








logs of a 5-foot interval at four


drilling, and the broken edges further increase the

apparent thickness of the fractures on the ATV log by
refracting the acoustic signal. This is particularly
evident at the top and bottom of the sinusoid on
steeply dipping fractures, as shown in figure 78. The
open fracture in the producing zone in figure 80 is
paralleled by one fracture above, and probably six
fractures below, which produced a brecciated, and
probably altered, permeable zone. The effect of drilling technique and lithology on the interpretation of
fracture character from ATV logs has been discussed
by Paillet and others (1985). Log quality generally is
not as good where the wall of the borehole is rough, or
where rocks are soft.
To calculate the strike and dip of fractures or
bedding, the following information is needed: (1) the
vertical intercept distance on the ATV log, H, as
shown in figure 78, (2) the direction of dip from the
ATV log, and (3) the borehole diameter, D, from a
caliper log. The same units should be used for H and
D. The angle of dip, in degrees, is equal to the arc
tangent of H/D. If the average H for the fractures in
figure 80 is 12 in and the borehole diameter is 6 in, the
dip would be 63; if the borehole diameter is 12 in, the
dip would be 45. Direction of dip usually can be
measured to the nearest 5, using a 360 scale constructed to fit the width of the ATV log. The average
direction of dip of the fractures in figure 80 is slightly
south of west. Elrrors in measuring strike and dip are
much greater for slightly dipping features than for
steeply dipping features. All calculations of orientation must be corrected for hole deviation and magnetic
effects, as explained by Kierstein (1984).
The orientation of the stress field can be determined
from an analysis of ATV logs made in wells where


gain settings,



fractures have been induced hydraulically, either

intentionally or accidentally, by drilling (Wolff and
others, 1974; Keys and others, 1979). Hydraulic fractures are oriented perpendicular to the direction of
least principal stress. Breakouts are increases in borehole diameter oriented at right angles to the maximum
principal horizontal stress. They are easily recognized
on ATV logs and have been discussed in detail by
Zoback and others (1985) and Paillet and Kim (1987).
Breakouts appear as two vertical dark bands with
irregular margins located about 180 apart on the log.
Breakouts also can be identified and oriented with
four-arm directional mechanical- or acoustic-caliper
logs, which may help to distinguish them from the
dark bands caused by a decentralized ATV probe.
Interpretation of ATV logs is complicated by many
factors, one of the most significant being gain adjustment. Four ATV logs recorded at different gain
settings are shown in figure 82. Based on the log on
the left, the intersecting fractures appear to be quite
open and permeable; however, increasing the gain
indicates that the fractures were widened artificially
near the borehole. The interpretation that these fractures were almost closed or filled with clay a short
distance from the borehole wall was substantiated by
an isolation-packer test that indicated minimal permeability for the interval containing the fractures (Davison and others, 1982).
The relation between ATV-log response and singlepoint-resistance, caliper, neutron, and gamma logs is
illustrated in figure 83. Bedding in the Tertiary Monterey Shale, Calif., is shown by the horizontal bands
across the ATV log. Beds of hard, silicified shale
appear white on the ATV log, and they are indicated







The ATV also can be used to examine casing for

damage and to locate joints in pipe and well screens;
borehole television might be better for these purposes
if the water is clear and the walls are clean. Borehole
television must be used above water level becausethe
ATV will not operate there. A comparison of fractures
located by the ATV, television, and logging the core in
a borehole penetrating crystalline rocks has been
published (Davison and others, 1982). Core logging
identified the largest number of fractures; however,
fractures not detected by the ATV log probably were
closed so tightly that they would not transmit water.
In this example the smallest number of fractures was
identified by borehole television. Borehole television
in dark rocks will not locate many fractures seen on an
ATV log. Use of borehole television is limited further
by borehole depths and temperature; another factor
limiting use is that it cannot be operated through
standard logging cable.

Caliper logging



Figure 83.-Single-point-resistance,
neutron, and gamma logs of a borehole
penetrating the Monterey Shale, Calif.

Caliper logs provide a continuous record of borehole

diameter and are used extensively for ground-water
applications. Changes in borehole diameter may be
related to both drilling technique and lithology. Caliper logs are essential in interpreting other logs,
because most of them are affected by changes in
borehole diameter. Caliper logs also provide information on well construction, lithology, and secondary

clearly by substantial resistance on the single-pointresistance log, minimal apparent porosity on the neutron log, and minimal radioactivity on the gamma log.
Natural fractures are shown clearly on the ATV log at
depths of 242, 252, 258, and 216 to 278 ft. Although
these fractures are shown as borehole enlargements
on the caliper log, and several produce anomalies on
the single-point-resistance log, the relative width and
orientation cannot be determined from these logs. The
dark vertical bands located 180 apart just above the
deepest fractures probably are breakouts. Note the
numerous horizontal bedding planes in the softer
shale. In another borehole in the same rocks, an
inflatable packer left impressions in the shale that
could be identified on the ATV log. It is common in
softer rocks to identify grooves in the wall of the
borehole caused by probe centralizers or by caliper

and instrumentation

Many different types of caliper probes have been

described in detail by Hilchie (1968). The most common type of probe used for logging water wells has
three arms, each approximately the diameter of a
pencil, that are spaced 120 apart and mechanically
coupled together. Arms of different lengths can be
attached to this type of probe to optimize sensitivity
for the borehole-diameter range expected. Mechanical
caliper probes have been used to measure a maximum
borehole diameter of 42 in. A typical water-well
caliper probe has arms that are connected together to
move a linear potentiometer so changes in resistance,
transmitted to the land surface as voltage changes,
are proportional to average borehole diameter. In
some probes, the voltage changes are converted to a
varying pulse rate to eliminate the effect of changesin
resistance of the cable. Three-arm averaging and
single-arm caliper probes will operate on singleconductor cable; however, probes having multiple
independent arms may require more conductors.




Single-arm caliper probes commonly are used to

provide a record of borehole diameter while another
type of log is being made. The single arm also may be
used to decentralize another probe, such as a sidecollimated gamma-gamma probe. Some single-arm
decentralizing caliper probes use a pad or wide arm
that does not allow borehole roughness to be resolved.
A single-arm caliper probe has an advantage in that
the arm generall,y follows the high side of a deviated
hole. A three-arm averaging caliper probe does not
function properly in highly deviated boreholes,
becausethe weight of the tool forces one arm to close,
which closes the other two arms.
Bow springs or bow springs with pads are used on
some commercial probes to provide a caliper log;
however, the log does not have the resolution that can
be achieved with small fingers or arms. The data from
bow-spring or single-arm devices sometimes are used
in real time to correct another log made simultaneously for borehole-diameter effects. The corrected
log will therefore be no better than the boreholediameter data that are transmitted to the correction
High-resolution caliper-logging probes generally
have three or four independent arms; these arms are
sometimes compass oriented. The difference in resolution between logs made with a four-arm probe and
the more common types is shown in figure 84 and is
described in the section on interpretation. Vertical
resolution is a function of the length of the contact
surface at the end of the arm as well as the response of
the mechanical and electronic components in the system. Horizontal resolution, which provides accurate
borehole-diameter measurement regardless of borehole shape, is related to the number of independent
arms. Although four arms are typical for a highresolution probe, some have more.
Acoustic calipers may use the time-of-travel data
from an acoustic televiewer (ATV) to provide
compass-oriented high-resolution logs. The reflected
signal usually is averaged for about 5 of transducer
rotation. This type of caliper log will show minute
openings, but it is limited to the maximum borehole
diameter that the ATV can log. Most ATV systems
are designed to operate in wells as large as 16 inches
in diameter, but they can be modified to operate in
larger diameter wells. A sonar caliper probe that
emits low-frequency acoustic energy has been
designed to measure the cross section of extremely
large diameter wells and gas-storage caverns
(Dawson-Grove, 1969).The transducer in this probe is
rotated similarly to the acoustic televiewer; however,
it may be tilted up or down to scan a cavity. Sonar
caliper probes have a range of measurement of 1.5 to
1,000 ft.





, Arks

, SlGLi;




Figure &I.-Caliper
logs from probes
having four independent
arms, three averaging
arms, and a single arm,
test well 1, Wyoming.


and standardization

Calibration of caliper probes is done most accurately

in cylinders of different diameters. Because large
cylinders occupy considerable spacein a logging truck,
it is common practice to use a metal plate for onsite
standardization of three-arm averaging or single-arm
probes. The plate is drilled and marked every inch or
two and machined to fit over the body of the probe.
One arm is placed in each of the appropriate holes for
the range to be logged. The pen location is labeled on
the analog chart and a digital value is recorded, if
applicable, for each of the known diameter measurements. Because values obtained with a calibration
plate are not as accurate as those obtained with a
cylinder, the log scale generally is checked using
casing of known diameter logged in the borehole. A
common horizontal scale used for water-well logs is 1
in of chart for 1 in of borehole diameter. With this
scale, changes in average hole diameter of 0.1 in are




easily detected. Some caliper systems are capable of

detecting much smaller changes; the horizontal scale
can be expanded 10 times, if necessary; however,
noise may become significant at this sensitivity.

Volume of investigation
The concept of volume of investigation does not
apply to caliper logs, because they are designed to
measure changes in distance to the borehole wall, not
into the rock. For the types of caliper probes
described here, the radius of investigation varies from
a few inches within the borehole to 1,000 ft within
gas-storage caverns. Under some conditions, data on
borehole shape can be obtained through casing and
cement using an ATV with lower than normal frequency or a gamma-gamma probe.

Extraneous effects
Most extraneous effects on caliper logs are caused
by instrument problems, rather than by the borehole.
Occasionally, heavy drilling mud will prevent caliper
arms from opening fully, and thick mud cake may
prevent accurate measurement of drilled diameter. A
typical three-arm averaging caliper probe used for
logging water wells will not be lowered into the heavy
mud that is common in the bottom of wells, becauseit
may not open. If the lack of pen deflection indicates
that the arms have not opened, this problem may be
corrected by lifting the probe out of the heaviest mud
or by bouncing it up and down. Packing the external
mechanical mechanism and grooves for the arms with
viscous grease will decrease the incidence of arms
failing to open.
Electrical leakage of cable and grounding problems
may cause spurious responses on caliper logs. Some
caliper probes are subject to temperature drift, but
this problem usually occurs only if the temperature
range is extreme. Checking the scale in casing of
known diameter and checking the calibration immediately after logging will indicate any changes that
might have occurred during logging. Two of the arms
on a three-arm averaging probe may need to be
removed to produce a valid log in a markedly deviated
hole. A subsequent caliper log in the same borehole
may not repeat exactly becausethe probe may rotate,
causing the arms to follow slightly different paths.


and applications

A valid caliper log is essential to interpretation of

the many different types of logs that are affected by
changesin borehole diameter, even those logs that are
labeled borehole compensated. Substantial differ-




ences in the responses of gamma-gamma logs in two

closely spaced boreholes, differences almost entirely
the result of differences in borehole diameter, are
illustrated in figure 59. Caliper logs of these two
boreholes are shown in figure 20. Because the lithologies penetrated by the boreholes are nearly the
same, the differences in borehole diameter are related
almost entirely to drilling technique. In general, circulation of large volumes of drilling fluid and a large
number of trips in and out of a borehole with the drill
string cause an increase in borehole diameter. The
shallower part of a borehole generally has a larger
diameter than the deeper part because it has been
affected by more drilling activity. Drill bits also may
become smaller with use; changes in drill-bit size will
be obvious on a caliper log, as will casing of different
size. Couplings, welds, and screens may be located
using a high-resolution caliper log.
Because a caliper log is needed to interpret many
other logs, it should be made before casing is installed
in a borehole that is in danger of caving. When
borehole conditions are questionable, the first log
made generally is the single-point-resistance log,
because it will provide some lithologic information;
also, the probe is relatively inexpensive, and will
constitute a relatively small loss if it is lost. If no
serious caving problems are detected during the running of the single-point-resistance log, a caliper log
should be made before casing is installed so it can be
used to aid in analysis of nuclear logs made through
the casing. Data for extremely rough intervals of
borehole wall, with changes in diameter of several
inches, cannot be corrected on the basis of caliper logs;
data for these intervals should be eliminated from
quantitative analysis.
Caliper logs can provide information on lithology
and secondary porosity. Examples of the response of
caliper logs to lithology and structures in sedimentary
and igneous rocks are provided in figures 7 and 8.
Boreholes drilled in hard rocks such as limestone will
have a smaller diameter than in adjacent shale. The
presence of thin beds may result in an irregular trace.
Secondary porosity, such as fractures and solution
openings, may be obvious on a caliper log; however,
the character will not be uniquely defined, as it would
be on an acoustic-televiewer log. Four traces from an
acoustic-caliper log and one trace from a mechanicalcaliper log for a producing-fracture zone in a geothermal well at Roosevelt Hot Springs, Utah, are included
in figure 81. An ATV log of this interval is shown in
figure 80. The oriented traces of the acoustic caliper
clearly show the apparent openness of the fractures
and the direction of dip of the larger fracture at the
top of the zone. These traces also demonstrate that
the borehole is not symmetrical or circular, which is a




typical, rather than an unusual, situation. An elliptical

cross section is p;articularly common in deviated boreholes. Note that the mechanical-caliper log, made with
a three-arm averaging probe, does not indicate the
actual irregularity of the fractured and altered zone.
The average borehole diameter probably was
increased in this interval by drilling becausethe rocks
were softer and because numerous fractures permitted spalling into the borehole.
The differences that can occur between three of the
most common types of caliper logs made in the same
well are illustrated in figure 84. The high-resolution
logs on the left yweremade with a probe having four
independent arms. The log for the three-arm averaging probe is typical of that recorded in many water
wells. The log for the single-arm caliper probe was
recorded during the running of a compensated
gamma-gamma log. The resolution of these logs
decreases from left to right. The numerous sharp
excursions on curves A, B, C, and D may appear to
have resulted from noise; however, they are valid, as
they repeated on subsequent logs. ATV logs indicate
that these excursions were caused by solution openings in the carbonate rocks. Some of these openings
are shown on the ATV log in figure 79. Flowmeter
logs indicate that most of the water flowing from this
well under arte;sian pressure was produced from the
interval below a depth of about 3,000 ft, where the
high-resolution caliper logs indicate the maximum
number of solution openings. Note that the single-arm
daliper log and, to a degree, the three-arm caliper log
give a false impression as to the character of solution
openings intersecting this well. For example, in figure
84, a significant solution opening just below a depth of
3,100 ft is not indicated on the single-arm caliper log
and is indicated by only a small anomaly on the
three-arm averaging caliper log, but is clearly indicated on the four-independent-arm caliper logs.
Open fractures are detected readily by three-arm
averaging caliper probes; however, as illustrated in
figures 8 and 83, the true character of the fractures
may not be correctly interpreted from the log. If an
open fracture is dipping at an angle such that the three
arms enter the opening at different depths, the separate anomalies produced indicate three fractures,
rather than one.
Caliper logs have been used to correlate major
producing aquifers in the Snake River Plain in Idaho
(Jones, 1961). Vesicular and scoriaceous tops of basalt
flows, cinder beds, and caving sediments were identified with three-arm caliper logs. In the basalt of the
Quaternary Snake River Group, caliper logs also were
used to locate the optimum depth for cementing and to
estimate the volume of cement that might be required
to fill the annulus to a preselected depth (Keys, 1963).


Similarly, a caliper log can be used to calculate the

volume of gravel pack needed and to determine the
size of casing that can be set to a selected depth.
Caliper logs are particularly useful for selecting the
depths for inflating packers. Packers can be set only in
those intervals of a borehole that are within a specified
range of borehole diameters, and packers may be
damaged if they are set in rough or irregular parts of
a borehole. Packers set under these unfavorable conditions may explode; in addition, if they are set on an
open fracture, they may explode or be bypassed by
flow. Caliper logs are useful for determining what
other logs can be made and what range of borehole
diameters will be accepted by centralizers or decentralizers. Borehole-diameter information is essential
for calculation of volumetric rate from flowmeter logs.
Mud cake, mud rings, and clay squeezes can be
identified with caliper logs. Clay squeezesare caused
by a gradual hydration of clay; they may result in a
borehole closing entirely, with the resultant loss of a
logging probe. A sequence of caliper logs has been
used to identify intervals that were freezing inward in
permafrost, which eventually resulted in the borehole
closing. The more rapid freezing rate probably was
the result of greater thermal conductivity of the
sedimentary units in these intervals. A series of
caliper logs also may show increases in borehole
diameter over time caused by reaction of acidic wastes
with carbonate rocks; the logs identify the intervals
accepting most of the waste (Keys and Brown, 1973).

1. Acoustic-velocitylogs are distinguishedfrom
acoustic-televiewerlogs by their
a. Use of a lower frequency.
b. Muchgreaterdepth of rock penetration.
c. Use of two or more transducers.
d. Use of centralizers.
2. Acoustic-velocitylogs measure
a. Transit time, in microsecondsper foot.
b. Transit time of the shearwave.
c. Velocity of the tube wave, in miles per
d. Transit time of the compressionalwave.
3. An acousticteleviewer can be used to determine
a. Location of perforationsin casing.
b. Strike and dip of bedding.
c. Location and orientation of fractures.
d. Size of somesolutionopenings.
4. Acoustic-wave-formlogs
a. Can be made with an acoustic-velocity
b. Can be usedto locateopenfractures.




c. Require a different recording system

than that used for acoustic-velocity logs.
d. Are used commercially to evaluate
cement bond.
5. Acoustic-televiewer logs
a. Can be recorded quite rapidly.
b. Are affected by the presence of magnetic materials.
c. Cannot be recorded in steel casing.
d. May require several logging trips to
optimize results.
6. Porosity can be determined from acousticvelocity logs
a. Made in dry holes.
b. By using the equation $=delta t
log-delta t matrix/delta t liquid-delta t
c. By calibration with core samples.
d. In fractured and vuggy limestone.
7. The acoustic caliper has the following advantage(s) over a three-arm averaging mechanical
a. Greater resolution can be obtained.
b. It can be used under more varied borehole conditions.
c. The traces are oriented.
d. The equipment is less expensive.
8. Caliper logs can be used for
a. Distinguishing crystalline-rock types.
b. Correcting other logs.
c. Calculating cement volumes.
d. Locating packer sea.ts.
9. Borehole-diameter changes may be caused by
a. Lithology.
b. Drilling technique.
c. Fractures and solution openings.
d. Mineral solution after drilling.
10. Markedly deviated boreholes are a problem for
acoustic probes and some calipers because
a. The transducers do not work properly
when they are not vertical.
b. Properly centering acoustic probes is
c. Coupled arms on three-arm averaging
caliper probes may be forced closed.
d. Orientation corrections are needed for
the acoustic televiewer.
11. A cement-bond log
a. Can be readily interpreted by any log
b. Is the best method for locating channels
through cement.
c. Can indicate the quality of bonding
between cement, casing, and the borehole wall.
d. Will record formation signal through
casing under some conditions.




Fluid Logging
Fluid logging includes techniques that measure
characteristics related to the fluid column in the
borehole; no direct signal is derived from the surrounding rocks and their contained fluids. The fluid
logs that are described here are temperature, conductivity, and flow. Fluid logs are unique in that the
recorded characteristics of the fluid column may
change rapidly with time and may be altered by the
logging process.

Temperature logs can provide useful information on
the movement of water through a borehole, including
the location of depth intervals that produce or accept
water; thus, they can provide information related to
permeability distribution and relative hydraulic head.
Temperature logs can be used to trace the movement
of injected water or waste, to locate cement behind
casing, and to correct other logs that are sensitive to
temperature. Although the temperature sensor responds only to the temperature of the water or air in
the immediate vicinity, recorded temperatures may
indicate the temperature of adjacent rocks and their
contained fluids. Rock temperature

may be indicated

if no flow exists in the borehole and if equilibrium

exists between the temperature of the fluid in the well
and the temperature of the adjacent rocks. Temperature logs may have been the first type of geophysical
log recorded, and they have been extensively used in
ground-water hydrology for many years (see fig. 3).
For many oil wells, the only temperature data available are bottom-hole temperatures obtained by taping
maximum-reading thermometers to logging probes.
Principles and instrumentation

Most 1temperature probes used in ground-water

studies use a glass-bead thermistor mounted in a tube
that is open at both ends to protect it from damage and
to channel water flow past the sensor. The thermistor
may be enclosed in a protective cover, but the cover
should be made of materials of substantial thermal
conductivity and minimal specific heat to permit fast
response time. Response time is fastest, about 1 s,
when the glass-bead thermistor is exposed to the
fluid, but without the cover breakage is more likely.
The thermistor is thermally insulated from the body of
the logging probe.
A small electrical current is conducted through the
glass-bead thermistor to measure changes in resistance that occur as a function of temperature. The
changes in resistance of the thermistor are converted
to a varying pulse rate to eliminate the effect of





Figure 85.-Caliper,







388 lexr


and temperature logs for an interval
stone test well 1, Wyoming.

changes in resistance of the logging cable. Electronic

components in t.he probe that might change output
because of thermal drift are placed in a constanttemperature oven that maintains a temperature
higher than the ambient temperature. Thermistortype temperature probes used by the U.S. Geological
Survey have an accuracy, repeatability, and sensitivity of about 0.02 C. They are stable for long periods,
but they have the disadvantage of a nonlinear temperature response. If desired, the nonlinear curve can be
replotted on a linear scale by a computer. Lowtemperature measuring systems for water have been
described in detail by Stevens and others (1975). For
high-temperature logging in geothermal wells, platinum resistor sensors may be used; they have an
accurate, stable, and linear response but a much
longer response time. In a simple version of a
geothermal-well probe, the probe contains no electronics; therefore, changes in electrical leakage in the
logging cable can introduce an error.
Two general types of temperature logs are commonly made. One type, called simply a temperature
log, is a record of temperature versus depth. The
other type, the differential-temperature log, is a
record of the rate of change in temperature versus

in Madison


depth. A differential-temperature log is more sensitive to changes in temperature gradient. The greater
sensitivity of a differential-temperature log is illustrated in figure 85. The anomaly on the differentialtemperature log clearly correlates with an anomaly on
the caliper log, which is caused by a large solution
opening in the carbonate rock. Most differentialtemperature logs do not use a scale; if a scale is used,
it is in degrees per foot. A differential-temperature
log can be considered the first derivative of a temperature log; it can be obtained by two different types of
logging probes or by computer calculation from a
temperature log.
One type of differential-temperature probe measures the difference in temperature between two sensors that are placed one to several feet apart along the
vertical axis of the probe (Basham and Macune, 1952).
The other type of differential-temperature probe uses
one sensor and an electronic memory so that the
temperature at one time can be compared with the
temperature at a selected previous time (Johns, 1966).
When the latter type of probe is used, logging speed
must be maintained accurately. With either type of
probe, the recorder can be set at a reference gradient,
which will plot as a straight line. Departures from the





reference gradient will be recorded as deflections on

the log. The same result can be derived from computer
analysis of a digitized temperature log; such analysis
has the advantage that the spacing or delay can be
varied in the computer to provide maximum sensitivity. All differential-temperature logs reproduced as
figures in this manual were produced by a computer
with theoretical spacings of 1 to 3 ft.

and standardization

Calibration of temperature probes should be done in

a constant-temperature bath using accurate mercury
thermometers. The bath and probe should reach thermal equilibrium before a calibration value is established. For calibration of geothermal-logging probes,
an oil having a high burning temperature, such as
peanut oil, may be used. Periodic recalibration is
needed to establish the stability of any temperaturelogging system; if long-term stability has been proved,
onsite standardization may be sufficient.
Onsite standardization cannot be done with great
accuracy because no portable substitute exists for a
constant-temperature bath. The only temperature
that can be achieved and maintained for sufficient time
to permit a valid calibration is 0 C, in an ice bath. An
approximate check of system response can be made at
other temperatures, but the temperature of water in a
bucket will change constantly; further, a thermometer
reading of the water temperature immediately surrounding the sensor is difficult to make. Some probes
incorporate a fixed resistor that can be switched into
the measuring circuit in place of the thermistor to
check system response onsite. A resistance-decade
box can be substituted for the resistance temperature
sensor to check response of all of the logging system
except the sensor.
Volume of investigation

The sensor in a temperature probe responds only to

the fluid in its immediate vicinity. Therefore, in an
interval in which fluid is moving, measured temperature may be different from the temperature in adjacent rocks. Under these conditions, a thermal gradient will exist from the borehole wall outward. Only in
a borehole in which no fluid movement has occurred
for sufficient time to permit thermal equilibrium to be
established does a temperature log reflect the geothermal gradient in the rocks. Thus, the concept of
volume of investigation does not apply to temperature
Extraneous effects

Errors on temperature logs can be caused by such

instrument problems as thermal lag, drift of the
electronics, and self-heating of the thermistor. None



of these factors is significant in a well-designed probe.

A number of borehole conditions may cause misinterpretation of a temperature log. Drilling, testing, and
cementing a borehole cause significant perturbations
of the thermal system, and thermal equilibrium may
not be reestablished for many years. Predicting the
return of thermal equilibrium between the borehole
and adjacent rock after drilling or injection of fluids or
under conditions of natural vertical circulation is difficult. A theoretical method for calculating true formation temperature under these conditions has been
described by Sanyal and others (1980). Movement of
the logging probe disturbs the thermal profile in the
fluid column. Unless rapid flow is occurring, each
temperature log will be different. The degree of
disturbance caused by any type of logging probe is
related to speed of logging and to the diameter of the
probe in relation to the diameter of the borehole. Fast
logging speed and large-diameter probes will cause
the greatest disturbance. The most accurate temperature log is made before any other log is made; the
temperature log is recorded while moving slowly
down the borehole. Logging speed is a function of
response time of the probe; a speed faster than 25
ft/min seldom produces an accurate temperature log.
Convection is a major problem in interpretation of
temperature logs, particularly in large-diameter wells
and in areas of substantial thermal gradient. Convective cells in large-diameter wells can cause major
temperature anomalies unrelated to ground-water
movement. Krige (1939) developed an expression for
the critical temperature gradient above which convection occurs:


C=a constant, which is 216 for most boreholes;
v=kinematic viscosity, in square centimeters per
k=thermal conductivity, in square centimeters per
g=acceleration of gravity, in centimeters per second squared;
o=coefficient of thermal expansion of water, in
inverse degrees kelvin;
a=radius of the borehole, in centimeters;
T=absolute temperature, in degrees kelvin; and
cp=specific heat at constant pressure, in inverse
degrees kelvin.
Sammel (1968) plotted critical thermal gradients as
functions of temperature, concentration of dissolved
solids, and borehole diameter. He concluded that
convection may cause temperatures of water in the
upper interval of deep boreholes to be substantially





different from true temperatures in the rocks penetrated. Because of the effect of convective movement,
small-diameter boreholes provide more useful temperature logs under most conditions.

and applications

Temperature logs can aid in the solution of a number of ground-water problems if they are properly run
under suitable conditions and if interpretation is not
oversimplified. If there is no flow in or adjacent to a
borehole, the temperature gradually will increase
with depth, as a function of geothermal gradient.
Typical geothermal gradients range between 0.47 and
0.6 C per 100 R of depth; they are related to the
thermal conductivity or thermal resistivity of the
rocks adjacent to the borehole and the geothermal
heat flow from below. Conaway (1977) developed a
computer program for correcting digitized temperature data and computing temperature gradients to be
plotted as differential-temperature logs. The resulting
logs of a cased well were determined to correlate well
with measurements of thermal resistivity on core and
to resolve stratigraphic units as thin as 1.5 ft, where
thermal-resistivity contrast was adequate (Conaway
and Beck, 1977). Thus, temperature logs can be used
to obtain lithologic information, which is not a common
use in ground-water studies because water movement
commonly obscures temperature changes caused by
lithology. Schneider (1972) has reported that prolonged pumping of an aquifer may cause a substantial
distortion of the natural geothermal field by inducing
upward flow of warm water or downward flow of cold
water, or both.
If rapid vertical flow of water occurs in a well, the
temperature log through that interval will show little
change. Vertical. flow, up or down, is common in wells
that are completed through several aquifers or fractures that have (different hydraulic head, although the
flow rate is seldom fast enough to produce an isothermal log. An example of a temperature log of a geothermal well that indicates the intervals of producing
fractures is given in figure 86. Much of the water was
entering the well at a depth of 2,900 ft, but there are
additional producing fractures below a depth of 3,000
ft. Although the production rate was rapid in this well,
the upward-flowing water cooled markedly, because
the well had not been flowing for a long period and
because the shallow rocks had not yet been heated
The identification of fractures that are producing
water from Triassic sedimentary rocks near Raleigh,
N. C., is illustrated in figure 87. The temperature log
on the left indicates several changes in temperature
gradient that are clearly defined by the computerderived differential-temperature log. The caliper log









Figure 86.-Temperature
log of a producing geothermal
well, Roosevelt Hot Springs, Utah.

indicates that the water production may come from

fractures, and this interpretation is substantiated by
the acoustic-televiewer logs on the right. Differentialtemperature logs usually display sharper anomalies
that are easier to identify than the subtle changes in
gradient in a temperature log.
A radial differential-temperature probe has been
described that can be used to detect flow behind
casing (Cooke and Meyer, 1979). Two sensors are
extended to contact the casing; the temperature difference between the two sensors is recorded as they
rotate. The temperature of fluid or gas flowing in a
channel in cement usually is somewhat different than
the temperature of cement where channels are not
present. Detection can be improved by injecting water
of different temperature into the borehole.
Many temperature logs are recorded at a relatively
insensitive scale to decrease off-scale deflections and
the necessary repositioning of the trace. Commercial
temperature logs generally are recorded at a sensitivity that makes the resolution of l-Y! changes difficult.
Commonly, water wells are logged at a scale of 1 C
per 1 in of paper; scales can be expanded to 10 times
that sensitivity, if necessary. Because the most accurate temperature log is made on the first logging trip
down a well, the temperature range is not known
beforehand; the tendency may be to decrease sensitivity to keep the record on scale. One way to record












I N &iL~13;; S
Figure 87.-Temperature,


caliper, and acoustic-televiewer
test well 1 near Raleigh, N.C.

at maximum sensitivity and simultaneously produce a

log without off-scale deflections is to transmit the
signal to two recorder channels with a 1O:l difference
in sensitivity. If the data from the probe are digitized,
then the temperature logs can be replotted later at the
best scale, and a differential-temperature log can be
Seasonalground-water recharge from the land surface may produce cyclic temperature fluctuations at
shallow depths; vertical flow causes curvature in the
geothermal gradient. Stallman (1965) suggested that
measurement of temperature profiles with maximum
sensitivity would permit calculation of vertical fluid
movement in the unsaturated zone. Bredehoeft and
Papadopulos (1965) developed one-dimensional curves
for estimating vertical water movement below the
water table from temperature profiles. Using this
method, Sorey (1971) calculated a rate of upward
water movement through semiconfining beds that was
similar to rates derived from pumping tests and water
budgets. From a practical standpoint, the precision of
the borehole measurements was 0.01 C; the method
was restricted to ground-water velocities sufficiently
fast to cause measurable curvature in a temperature
Temperature logs can be used to trace the movement of injected water (Keys and Brown, 1978).A few

-2,1 60
logs of Sears

of several hundred temperature logs made during a

7-day recharge test in the High Plains of Texas are
shown in figure 88. Water from a playa lake was
injected into an irrigation well, and logging was used
to determine the movement of the recharge water and
the extent of plugging of the Ogallala aquifer. Several
monitoring wells were drilled and completed with 2-in
steel pipe, capped on the bottom and filled with water.
The logs in figure 88 are of a monitoring well located
39 ft from the injection well. Most of the time, the
water in the playa lake was warmer than the ground
water and the lake-water temperature fluctuated several degrees each day. The passing of a cold front
caused a marked decrease in temperature of the lake
water, which was detected in the monitoring wells.
The first warm water was detected in the monitoring
well less than 4 hours after recharge started. The
temperature logs indicate that the interval of greatest
permeability was located at a depth of about 160 ft.
Recharge water did not arrive at a depth of 180ft until
the third day. Diurnal temperature fluctuations and
development of a recharge cone are indicated by the
data in figure 88.
Diurnal-temperature cycles and traveltime of the
center of thermal waves plotted in figure 89 were
calculated from temperature logs made in the same
monitoring well mentioned previously; however, logs






----0 ---


logs made in a monitoring well located 39 feet from a recharge well, High Plains
of Texas.



Figure 88.--Selected


At Center Of Thermal Wave

Recharge Water
160 to 162 feet
151.5 to 153.5 feet
178 feet





Figure 89.-Diurnal-temperature
cycles and traveltimes of the center of thermal waves, based on temperature logs made in a monitoring well located 39 feet from a recharge well, High Plains of Texas.




from other monitoring wells gave similar results. The

prominent solid line in the upper graph of figure 89
shows the diurnal-temperature fluctuations of the
recharge water obtained from a continuous recorder
on the recharge line. The other three lines represent
water-temperature fluctuations at three depths in the
monitoring well obtained from temperature logs. The
points shown by symbols represent the temperature
at the calculated center of the thermal waves. As
shown by the data in the lower graph of the figure, the
traveltime of the center of the thermal waves did not
decrease substantially during the duration of the test,
except possibly at the end. Several significant conclusions were reached as a result of this test. First, the
aquifer was not plugged by recharge water containing
a large concentration of suspended solids and substantial entrained air (this conclusion was confirmed by the
landowners report that well yield increased greatly
over that reported before the test). Further, the
temperature logs (as well as subsequent microscopic
examination of core) indicated that plugging of the
uniform fine-grained sand was prevented by the presence of secondary porosity.
Temperature logs can be used to trace the movement of water that has been heated in a tank by the
sun and injected into the ground. In a similar fashion,
temperature logs can be used to locate plumes of
wastewater that result from injection into wells or
seepagefrom ponds, if the temperature of the wastewater is sufficiently different from that of the ground
water. An example of the identification of a plume of
warm wastewater for a distance of more than 1.5 mi
from a disposal well has been described by Jones
(1961). Temperature logs made in a series of monitoring wells clearly showed the horizontal and vertical
distribution of the wastewater, and the distribution
was corroborated by fluid-conductivity logs.
Temperature logs can be used to determine the
location of cement grout outside of casing. The casing
is filled with water, and the log usually is made within
24 hours of grout injection; however, anomalous temperatures may persist for several days. A neat
Portland-cement grout was determined to have a
temperature of 70C after 4 to 8 hours and 38 C after
8 to 12 hours, in a depth interval where normal
temperatures are considerably less than 38 C.
Temperature data from wells also are used to calculate water density, viscosit,y, and thermal conductivity and to develop heat-flow maps, which can be
used to estimate fluid flux, particularly in geopressured aquifers.

Logs of fluid conductivity, which is the reciprocal of
fluid resistivity, provide data related to the concen-




tration of dissolved solids in the fluid column.

Although the quality of the fluid in the column may not
reflect the quality of adjacent interstitial fluids, the
information can be useful when combined with other
logs. The log is simple and relatively inexpensive to
make, but it has not been extensively used in groundwater hydrology to date.
Principles and instrumentation

Fluid-conductivity or fluid-resistivity
logs are
records of the capacity of the borehole fluid that
enters the probe to conduct electrical current. The
probe is not affected by changes in the conductivity of
adjacent fluids or solid materials because it is constructed with the electrodes inside a housing. Because
the ring electrodes are installed on the inside of a steel
tube that is open at both ends, water will flow through
the tube as the probe moves down the well. The
electrodes generally are gold or platinum, to decrease
changes in contact resistance caused by chemical
reactions, and they are insulated from the steel housing. Probes used on single-conductor cable have only
two electrodes, which serve as both current and
potential electrodes, analogousto a volt-ohm meter. A
four-electrode system used on multiconductor cable
provides more accurate measurements. This system
consists of two current and two potential electrodes
that function in the same way as those in a normalresistivity logging system. Alternating current is used
across the electrodes to decrease electrode polarization. If the probe is properly designed, the electronics
in the probe will not respond to borehole temperature,
and changes in the resistance of the cable will not
affect the data transmitted to the land surface.
Conductivity is recorded in micromhos per centimeter, or microsiemens per centimeter, a unit equal to
10,000divided by the resistivity in ohm-meters. Both
units are used for fluid logging, and both can be
converted to standard temperature by use of figure 19
or a similar chart. Specific conductance is measured at
a standard temperature of 25 C. The effect of fluid
temperature on conductivity is substantial; a conductivity of 700 p,mho/cmin a sodium chloride solution at
a borehole temperature of 10 C is equivalent to a
specific conductance of 1,000 kmho/cm at 25 C.

and standardization

Calibration generally is done empirically in solutions of known sodium chloride concentration because
most charts are based on this salt and becauseconversion factors are available to correct for the presence of
other ions. The salinity of the calibration solution can




be calculated by adding a known quantity of salt to

distilled water and converting to conductivity, or by
measuring with am accurate laboratory conductivity
meter. The temperature of the calibration solution is
recorded while the measurement is being made; for
the most accurate results, the temperature must be
uniform and stable.
Onsite standardization can be done using a
resistance-decadebox; this method is not accurate and
does not account for changes in co&act resistance of
the electrodes but can be used to ensure that all logs
are calibrated to the same scale. A better approach is
to use several fluids of known salt concentration in
plastic bottles suf&iently large to allow submersion of
all electrodes in the probe. A laboratory conductivity
cell or a less accurate mud-resistivity kit also can be
used to check the logging equipment onsite.


When both fluid conductivity and fluid temperature

are known, the equivalent sodium chloride concentration can be determined from figure 19. Water samples
should be analyzed to determine the concentrations of

Fluid-conductivity logs first were used in groundwater investigations in 1930by Livingston and Lynch
(1937) of the U.S. Geological Survey.-They develbped
equipment to locate the sources of saltwater leaking
into artesian wells in Texas, a common application for
these logs.
Another important use of fluid-conductivity logs is
to aid in interpretation of electric logs. Spontaneouspotential, single-point-resistance, and many types of
multielectrode resistivity logs are affected by the
salinity of the fluid in the borehole. The substantial
changes that can be produced on spontaneouspotential logs by differences in fluid conductivity are
shown in figure 28. If charts are available, quantitative corrections can be made to some types of logs; if
not, the reason for anomalous log response may be
recognizable. Electric logs usually are made shortly
after a borehole is completed; the borehole may be
filled with a column of drilling mud that is rapidly
changing in composition. Gravity segregation of the
mud and inflowing ground water will modify the
electrical conductivity of the fluid column and affect
electric logs run during this period.
Regional patterns of ground-water flow and
recharge areas may be recognizable from fluidconductivity logs of the water wells in an area (Olmsted, 1962). Fluid-conductivity data can be used to
map and monitor areas of saltwater encroachment.
Similarly, the logs can be used to monitor plumes of
contaminated ground water from waste-disposal operations. Commonly, chemical waste or leachate from
solid-waste-disposal operations produces ground
water having a greater than normal conductivity.
Fluid-conductivity logs provide the basis for selecting
depths from which to collect water samples for chemical analysis. Water samplers are available that operate on single-conductor or multiconductor cables;
these samplers can be opened and closed at selected
depths. Analysis of samples will provide a basis for
checking the calibration of the conductivity probe and
for conversion of log data to salt concentration.
Fluid-conductivity logging equipment can be used
to trace the movement of ground water by injecting
saltwater as a tracer. Small quantities of saltwater can
be injected at selected depths, and fluid-conductivity
logs can be used to measure vertical flow in a single
water well, or larger quantities can be injected to
trace the movement of saltwater to nearby water
wells. The general technique for locating more permeable depth intervals is similar to tracing ground-water
flow with temperature logs. This application of fluidconductivity logs is discussed in more detail in the
section on flow logging. The quantities of salt used
must conform to applicable regulations on ground-





Disturbance of the fluid column in the borehole can

make fluid-conductivity logs difficult to interpret.
Disturbance of an equilibrium-salinity profile can be
caused by movement of logging probes or by convective cells. Because of the possibility of disturbance by
logging, the most accurate fluid-conductivity log is
made during the first trip down the borehole. Because
fluid-temperature logs also need to be made first, an
ideal probe is capable of making simultaneous fluidconductivity and fluid-temperature logs. Unlike temperature, chemical equilibrium between the fluid in
the borehole and that in the formation can be established only by actual movement of fluid. Because of
vertical flow, a fluid-conductivity log may not represent the salinity of interstitial fluids adjacent to the
Some fluid-conductivity logging systems are not
designed to exclude the effect of conductivity changes
outside the probe. This type of extraneous response
can be detected by logging in and out of steel casing.
If the log shows a sharp deflection that is not the
result of a coincidental change in salinity at the bottom
of the casing, equipment malfunction is indicated.
Temperature drift is another common equipment
problem; it is best detected in a temperature bath with
fixed resistors across the electrodes so that the thermal effect on fluid conductivity is not a factor.



so that

and applications


can be made.






Interpretation of fluid-conductivity logs is complicated by the flow regime in a water well. Unless the
flow regime is understood, analysis of fluidconductivity logs is subject to considerable error.
Information on the construction of the well, flowmeter
logs, and fluid-temperature logs are useful in interpreting fluid-conductivity logs. Electric logs may aid
in determining if an interface between waters of
different quality is spatially related to the quality of
interstitial fluids. In summary, fluid-conductivity logs
can be misleading unless information on the construction of the well, the flow regime, and aquifer geometry
is available.


The measurement of flow within and between water

wells is one of the most useful logging methods
available to ground-water hydrologists. Flow measurement with logging probes can be done by mechanical methods, such as impellers, by chemical and
radioactive tracer methods, and by thermal methods.
Measurement of vertical flow within a single well is
most common, but lateral flow through a single well or
flow between wells also may be recorded by boreholegeophysical methods. Tracer methods that require
sampling and analysis are not described in this manual.

and instrumentation

A Price current meter was used by Meinzer (1928)

to locate intervals of leakage in artesian wells in
Hawaii; Fiedler (1928) used an Au deep-well current
meter in the Rosewell artesian basin at about the
same time. These and other methods of flow measurement in water wells prior to 1960have been described
in detail by Patten and Bennett (1962).
The most common logging probe currently (1985)
being used to measure vertical fluid movement in
water wells is the impeller flowmeter, which is a
relatively inexpensive and reliable instrument. Most
flowmeters incorporate a lightweight, three- or fourbladed impeller mounted on a shaft that rotates a
magnet mounted on the same shaft. The magnet
actuates a sealed microswitch so that one or more
pulses are impressed on low-voltage direct current
that is connected across the switch. The magnet and
switch usually are located in an oil-tilled housing, so a
watertight seal on the shaft, which would increase
friction, is not necessary. Unless these oil-filled
probes are stored vertically, upside down, the oil level
should be checked before each use. The impeller is
protected from damage by a basket or housing, and
the probe needs to be centralized with bow springs, or
similar devices. Baskets and impellers of different



diameters are available and are easily changed, so the

maximum size for the water well being studied can be
used to increase sensitivity. The pulses from the
flowmeter either can be transmitted directly to the
same ratemeter used for nuclear logging and integrated so the log is a record of the average rate of
rotation as a function of depth, or the individual pulses
can be recorded for slow rotation rates.
Continuous logs of flow rate can be made at a
constant logging speed and supplemented by more
accurate stationary measurements at selected depths.
The main shortcoming of impeller-type flowmeters is
their lack of sensitivity to slow-velocity flow. The
most commonly used impeller flowmeter usually stalls
at vertical velocities of 4 to 5 ft/min, although it is
possible to measure velocities as slow as 2 to 3 ft/min
under some conditions. Because velocities of 4 to 5
ft/min are required to start rotation, water wells can
be logged at speeds greater than 5 ft/min and actual
flow velocities determined by subtracting the logging
speed from the recorded velocity. Addition of a packer
or other flangelike device to concentrate most of the
flow through the basket will improve sensitivity at
slow velocities, particularly in large-diameter water
wells; however, the flowmeter will need to be recalibrated after such an addition.
Tracer methods have been used in ground-water
investigations for many years, but only those that use
logging equipment are described here. Tracer methods are useful to determine much slower velocities
than those that can be measured by impeller flowmeters; velocities as slow as a few feet per day may be
detected. The most common methods use a probe to
follow the vertical movement of a chemical or radioactive tracer injected at selected depths in a water
well or to detect the lateral movement of water to
adjacent wells. The use of salt solutions as chemical
tracers has at least two limitations: they cannot be
detected in water containing similar salt concentrations, and the greater specific gravity of the tracer
introduces an error. Radioactive tracers can be
detected at smaller concentrations than can chemical
tracers, and most radioactive tracers can be detected
through casing. The difficulties in obtaining the permits necessary for use of radioactive tracers has
restricted their application in ground-water investigations in the United States. It is possible to create
short-lived radioactive tracers from stable isotopes by
activation with a neutron source.
Various salt solutions have been used as tracers
within a single water well, because they are inexpensive and readily obtained, and can be detected with a
fluid-conductivity probe. A tracer injector can be
attached to a fluid-conductivity probe, so that multiple
injections can be made and logged with the recorder




on time drive, during one trip into the well. A tracer

injector, which can be used with any kind of liquid
tracer, consists of a positive-displacement piston-type
pump that moves in either direction, with the same
module used to open and close the arms on many
motorized calipers. The quantity of tracer injected is a
function of the time the motor is operated; the quantity can vary frorn a drop to 20 mL or more, depending
on the capacity of the injector. The most efficient
salt-injector system includes fluid-conductivity electrodes both above and below the injector, so movement in either direction can be detected. Singledetector systems should be designed so they can be
located either above or below the injector, depending
on the anticipated direction of flow. Injector-detector
probes, like other types of flowmeters, are centralized
in the borehole to measure the maximum velocity and
to minimize borehole-wall effects.
Radioactive-tracer logging systems use the same
injector, with either gamma probes located above and
below, or double gamma detectors located in either
position. Iodine-:131is the most commonly used tracer
for both oil-well and water-well logging becauseit has
an 8-day half-life, is water soluble, and is detectable at
minute concentrations. A single drop of iodine-131
may produce a large anomaly on the gamma log; the
amplitude will depend on the size of the detector and
the degree of dilution in the borehole fluid. Numerous
injections may be made with the injector full of tracer;
however, like the salt-injection technique, data are
collected immediately after injection as a series of
point measurements with the recorder on time drive.
Later, logs may be made with a gamma probe in the
usual manner. Because the tracer can be detected at
minute concentrations, single injections of tracer may
be followed for a number of days, as described later in
this section.
A thermal flowmeter, developed by Skibitzke
(1955), consists of a resistance-heating element
located between two thermistors in a small-diameter
tube. The degree of fluid heating that occurs is
inversely related to the velocity of the fluid flowing
through the tube. Although Patten and Bennett (1962)
reported a functional velocity range of 2 to 75 ft/min
and errors in the range of 0.5 to 1 ft/min, this type of
thermal flowmeter has had little use in ground-water
hydrology to date.
The heat-pulse flowmeter originally was developed
in England (Dudgeon and others, 1975)and evaluated
for the U.S. Geological Survey by Hess (1982). The
design of the heat-pulse flowmeter was modified
extensively and a new probe was built by Hess for the
U.S. Geological Survey (Hess, 1986). The modified
version works reliably and has been used in wells to
measure extremely slow velocities, as described in the


section on interpretation and applications. The logging

system is shown schematically in figure 90 (Hess,
1986). The wire heat grid, located between two thermistors, is heated by a short pulse of electric current,
which is triggered from the land surface. The heated
sheet of water is moved toward one of the thermistors
by the vertical component of flow in the well. The
arrival of the heat pulse is plotted on a chart recorder
running on time drive, as illustrated in figure 91. A
deflection of the recorder trace to the right indicates
upward flow, and to the left, downward flow. The
system is calibrated in flow columns of various diameters for flow in each direction because of the tendency for heated water to rise and the asymmetry of
the probe to produce slightly different calibration
curves in the two directions. A heat-pulse flowmeter
can be used to measure vertical velocities of 0.1 ft/min
or less to 20 ft/min or more, and it has advantages over
both impeller flowmeters and tracer logging. An
inflatable packer that can be attached to the probe and
operated from the land surface has been developed.
This packer concentrates all flow through the probe
and, thus, improves the performance of the heat-pulse
flowmeter or an impeller flowmeter.
In the past, a number of techniques for measuring
horizontal flow in water wells have been tried, without
much success or wide use. The techniques may not
provide accurate estimates of average direction and
velocity of flow in an aquifer because of the perturbations in the flow system caused by the well. A heatpulse logging system has been developed for measuring horizontal flow (Kerfoot, 1982); the system
consists of a series of paired thermistors located
circumferentially around a heat emitter and is based
on thermal transmission through an enclosing porous
matrix of sand or glass beads. A laboratory study of
the probe indicated a linear, consistent, and qualitatively predictable response (Melville and others,
1985). These tests also determined that probe
response may be invalidated by channelizing near
slotted casing and that complications result from permeability contrasts between the enclosing porous
matrix and the aquifer.

and standardization

Calibration of flow-measuring probes is done best in

laboratory facilities designed for this purpose. Subsequent calibration checks and standardization may be
done in a well under the proper conditions. Personnel
of the U.S. Geological Survey have designed and built
a simple but functional calibration facility that is used
for testing many of their flow-measuring probes. The
test facility, which has been described in detail by
Hess (1982), consists of clear plastic columns with
inside diameters of 2, 3, 4, and 6 in connected to a


















Figure 90.-Equipment

for making heat-pulse

pump that can circulate water in either direction at

velocities of 0.07 to 50 ft/min, depending on column
size, and at temperatures of 10 to 40 C. Flowmeters
should be calibrated for both upward and downward
flow becausetheir responses are not symmetrical. The
clear plastic columns allow the addition of a colored
tracer for visual timing and observation of convection
currents; these currents are a problem if the difference between column temperature and room temperature is not minimized. Similarly, convection currents
occur in wells when the borehole fluid is not in thermal
equilibrium with the formation fluid.
Onsite standardization or calibration can be performed by moving the flowmeter up or down a cased
part of a well at carefully controlled logging speeds.
Calibration by this method is valid only at the casing
diameter logged. An example of data obtained from
this type of calibration in a flowing water well is
shown in figure 92, in which pulses per unit time are
plotted against logging speed. The different slopes of
the line represent opposite directions of impeller rotation. The range of logging speeds near this intersection represents the stall zone, where the velocity is too


logs (modified

from Hess, 1986).

slow to turn the impeller. Theoretically, this intersection represents the velocity at which water was flowing up the well, slightly greater than 60 ft/min. If the
casing diameter is known and if the volumetric flow
rate at the surface can be measured, the actual
velocity can be calculated. If no flow occurs in the
casing, the stall point will not necessarily be the same
in both directions because of the asymmetry of the
probe. If this procedure is used, logging speeds are
controlled by frequent use of a stopwatch.
Tracer-injector probes or heat-pulse flowmeters are
not easily calibrated or standardized onsite under
static conditions; flow at the land surface at a measured rate produces one velocity that can be used as a
check. Moving the probe at a carefully controlled
speed may produce more errors for these systems
than for the impeller-flowmeter system, because turbulence in the fluid column causeslarge errors at slow


Convective flow caused by vertical or horizontal

thermal gradients is one of the major sources of error





80 60 -





Figure 91.-Analog
record of a heat pulse from
a thermal flowmeter (modified from Hess,

in interpreting flowmeter and temperature logs when

velocities are slow, Convective movement has not
been recognized as a problem in interpreting impellerflowmeter logs, but the advent of tracer and heatpulse flowmeter probes capable of measuring slow
velocities has created the need to study the problem.
Hess (1982) has described the effects of convection on
laboratory tests of the heat-pulse flowmeter. He
determined that a temperature difference of 1 C
between the water in the column and the surrounding
air produced a detectable, consistent flow. When the
water temperature is greater than the air temperature, the flow is upward in the central part of the
column and downward near the column wall. The
centralized flowmeter measures an upflow when the
water is warmer than the air and a downflow when the
water is cooler than the air. The effect is more
pronounced in the 6-in-diameter column, which agrees
with equation 12 in the section on extraneous effects
on temperature logs and indicates greater convective
movement in larger diameter wells. This laboratory
study explains anomalous results that have been
obtained with tracer-injector probes in large-diameter
Most older flowmeters are not centralized, and this
lack of centralization may cause several errors or



Figure 92.-Calibration
data for an impeller flowmeter
developed by moving the probe in a water well that was

anomalies on logs. Two impeller-flowmeter logs, one

made moving up a cased well and one moving down,
are shown in figure 93. The difference between the
two logs in the perforated interval is real; the sharp
excursions, which did not repeat, probably were
caused by the flowmeter bouncing around in the well
because it was not centralized. An additional error
may occur on a log made with a probe that is free to
move around in the well because maximum velocity
occurs in the central part of the well and minimum
velocity occurs near the wall of the hole. In a well with
substantial wall rugosity, turbulence is likely to be
greatest near the wall of the well.
A tracer-injector probe that is not centralized may
produce anomalous results if the ejection port is







flowmeter logs because of the effect of changes in

borehole diameter on flow velocity.
Logging speed:
40 feet per minute


No detectable


Upward flow:
29 gallons
per minute


No detectable


I fog

Figure 93.-Impeller-flowmeter
well where
the casing


logs made up and down a

against the wall of the borehole, because the tracer

will not be dispersed properly. If salt tracers are used,
the greater specific gravity will produce an apparent
downward flow where no flow actually exists. This
effect will cause the greatest errors at extremely slow
velocities. Insertion of a probe to relog a well to locate
the position of tracer concentrations will cause some
dispersion of those concentrations. The larger a probe
is with respect to well diameter, the larger the surging action and dispersion will be. An accurate caliper
log is essential for correct interpretation of all types of


and applications

Interpretation of flowmeter logs is simple if the

probe has been properly calibrated and if all the
essential information on borehole diameter and construction is available. Vertical flow is common in most
wells that are open to more than one aquifer. An
example of an unusual situation is shown in figure 93,
where the flowmeter log (spinner survey) indicates
that the interval of perforated casing spanned two
aquifers separated by a less permeable interval. The
separation of the down log and the up log in the
interval between 256 and 274 ft indicates upward flow;
the down log shows an increase in apparent flow rate
in the perforated interval compared with the unperforated intervals, whereas the up log shows a decrease
in apparent flow rate. Stationary measurements were
also taken in the cased interval, one measurement per
foot; the depth interval in which average upflow was
29 gal/min was thinner when measured by stationary
measurements than when measured by continuous
logs. The reason for this difference is that the flowmeter stalls at a faster fluid velocity when it is
stationary than when it is aided by logging at a
constant speed. A more sensitive type of flowmeter
probably would have indicated a thicker interval of
flow. Flowmeters can be placed in a water well before
temporary installation of a pump so that the permeable intervals contributing water under pumping conditions can be identified.
The heat-pulse flowmeter developed by Hess (1986)
was used first in the field to identify fractures producing and accepting water in a borehole penetrating
granitic rocks in the Canadian shield (Keys, 1984). A
single-arm caliper log and data from the heat-pulse
flowmeter are shown in figure 94. The data from the
heat-pulse flowmeter were quite reproducible for 2
weeks, even though pumping and injection tests were
being conducted in a borehole about 1,000 ft from the
logged borehole. The flowmeter logs and acousticteleviewer logs at this site enabled characterization of
permeable fractures. In figure 94, both the upper
fracture zone, at a depth of about 300 ft, and the lower
zone, at a depth of about 940 ft, contain thin, discrete
fractures; these thin fractures, rather than thicker,
complex fractures, are transmitting most of the
water. Note that slightly less than half the flow from
the upper zone originates from the fracture at a depth
of 308 ft; that fracture appears to be the largest on the
caliper log. Similarly, the fracture that appears to be
the largest in the lower zone is accepting only a small
percentage of the flow. These two fracture zones were





intersected in other boreholes in the area and appear

to constitute major aquifers.
Radioactive-tracer-injector logs can be used to

slower than those detectable with the heat-pulse flowmeter. Tracer-injector logs are available from oil-well
logging-service companies that are licensed to make
the logs. State requirements with respect to water
wells also must be met. Examples of radioactivetracer-injector logs made in a U.S. Geological Survey
test well completed in the Madison Limestone before
and after acidizing and fracturing at a depth of 4,500 ft
are shown in figure 95. The anomalies on the logs are
at the lower and upper detectors in a probe, where
both were located above the injector. The recorder
time-drive scale is faster on the right log run after
acidizing and fracturing; the much shorter traveltime
for the tracer pulse indicates that the flow rate from
this interval was much faster after treatment.
Both impeller
and radioactivetracer-injector logs for Madison Limestone test well 1
are shown in figure 96. Although the logs are similar,
the impeller-flowmeter log does not resolve small
changes in flow rate that may be significant in rocks
where secondary porosity is well developed. The
radioactive-tracer-injector log not only resolves small
changes, but it probably is more accurate. The flowmeter data were used in a computer analysis of other
logs of this test well to identify log-response characteristics that could be used to locate intervals of
secondary porosity (Keys, 1986). In this test well,
both types of flowmeter logs indicate that most of the
flow in the well is originating from the depth interval
below about 3,030 ft. With data of this type, the
transmissivity of the permeable intervals can be estimated by calculating the percentage of the total flow
from each interval and multiplying these percentages
by the transmissivity for the well determined from an
aquifer test.
Flowmeters can be used similarly during fluid injection to locate permeable intervals, as illustrated in
figure 97. Iodine-131 was injected at depths of 100,
1,200, 1,500, and 1,800ft in a well penetrating granitic
rocks near Aiken, S.C. Over a 2-week period (left
graph of figure), water was injected at the land
surface at a constant rate. Gamma logs of the well
were made on the days indicated by dots on the
curves; the depths of the tracer injection at 100 ft in
the easing were used as a reference for calculating the
injectivity profile on the right side of the figure. The
caliper log indicates that the intervals of maximum
injectivity were related to fracture zones in the granitic rocks, which have minimal primary permeability.
In the section of this manual describing temperature logs, their use for locating permeable intervals
and for tracing the movement of ground water
between water wells is emphasized. The relation
between a plotted log of radioactive-tracer-injector


data and a temperature


Feet per




f 0.49 3
0.49 -

Water entry

- 400
n 500
i 600
f 0.89
0.98 800


1 0.95 -Water


Figure 94.--Single-arm-caliper
log and data from
zones of water
entry and loss in a borehole
granitic rocks in the Canadian
Shield (modified
from Keys, ,1984).


zones where



are even

log, which

is reversed

so it










Upper detector













Figure 95.-Radioactive-tracer-injector
logs before and after acidizing
3, Montana (modified from Blankennagel



and fracturing of Madison

and others, 1981).


test well

will appear similar to the radioactive-tracer-injector

log, is shown in figure 98. Both logs indicate the
location of permeable intervals within and just below
the perforations and at a depth of 3,420 ft. However,
the reversed temperature log does not correctly indicate the relative proportions of water entering the
test well at these depths.





i 1






tracerinjector log -I

Figure 96.-Comparison
of impellerflowmeter
and radioactive-tracerinjector logs, Madison Limestone
test well 1, Wyoming
from R.K. Blankennagel, U.S. Geological Survey, written commun.,


Logging to determine how a well is constructed is

useful in planning cementing operations, installing
casing and screens, hydraulic testing, and interpreting other logs. Most of the logs described in other
sections of this manual can, under some conditions,
provide information on well construction. They are
mentioned briefly here; for more information, refer to
the detailed descriptions of these logs in the appropriate sections of this manual.

Casing logging
A number of different types of logs can be used to
locate cased intervals in wells. Most electric logs have
a sharp deflection at the bottom of a string of steel
casing, although when using a multielectrode resistivity system, the reference depth where the deflection
occurs may have to be determined. Resistivity-




logging systems that are operating properly record

zero resistivity when all the electrodes are in the
casing. Gamma-gamma logs commonly have a sharp
deflection at the bottom of a steel casing and may shift
at depths where a second string of steel casing is
located outside the first; however, such shifts may be
difficult to distinguish from changes in borehole diameter. Neutron and gamma logs also may respond to
changes in steel-casing size and thickness, but the
response of these logs is less predictable. Although
plastic casing, which has a large hydrogen content,
might cause a substantial deflection on a neutron log,
plastic casing usually is not detectable below the
water level. High-resolution caliper logs are excellent
for locating the bottom of the inside string of casing
and for locating threaded couplings. If small arms are
used, they also may provide data on corrosion of steel
casing and on the location of screens and perforations;
however, care must be taken that the arms do not get
caught in screens or perforations.
The acoustic televiewer is probably the highest
resolution logging system for obtaining information on
steel and plastic c.asingand screens, but it may be too
expensive for some operations. The ATV should be
operated using the mark switch, rather than the
magnetometer, in steel casing to avoid distortion of
the log caused by random triggering. ATV logs can
provide clear images and accurate locations of screens,
perforations, couplings, and damaged casing. Features as small as 1/32 in can be resolved under ideal





conditions. Borehole television can provide some of

the same data, but it cannot be operated on standard
logging cable, and the water in the borehole must be
clear to allow light transmission.
A casing-collar locator (CCL) is a useful and relatively inexpensive probe that can be operated on any
logger. The simplest CCL probe contains a permanent
magnet wrapped with a coil of wire. Changes in the
magnetic properties of material cutting the magnetic
lines of flux cause a small direct current to flow, which
can be used to operate a recorder channel. The standard mode of operation is to record event marks along
the margin of other logs to represent the location of
collars in the steel casing. The event marker is
adjusted so that it is triggered when the directcurrent voltage exceeds a certain level. An event
marker record (left) and two continuous CCL logs of
the signal (right) are shown in figure 99. The CCL logs
can be interpreted in terms of the location of perforations and screens, as shown in the figure. Changes in
logging speed, direction, and the position of the probe
in the borehole may change the log and complicate
Corroded steel casing sometimes can be located by a
high-resolution caliper log; spontaneous-potential logs
have been used to locate depth intervals where active
corrosion is taking place (Kendall, 1965). Commercial
logging services are available for detecting corroded
steel casing. An electromagnetic casing-inspection log
measures changes in the mass of metal between two



5 l/2-inch

t 1,200



for NL-wcased hole

Location of tracer determined


11 12 13I 14I


%1,700 1


Figure 97.-Downward
of four slugs of iodine-131
near Aiken, S.C. The resulting
by the caliper log.

in a borehole
from periodic

logs shows

granitic rocks
water loss at




10 3/4-inch

IE 2,400l.L


z 2,600 -
sd 2,800 5 3,000 (I)


Jnc sed

L$8200; 3,4000
d 3,600-

= 3,800ii
0 4,000-







Temperature logs can be used to locate cement

grout while it is still warm from chemical reactions
during curing. Under the proper conditions, cementbond logs can be used to locate cement after it has
cured and may provide information on the quality of
the bond between casing and cement and between
cement and rock (seediscussion of cement-bond logs in
the section on acoustic-wave-form logging). An
uncompensated, short-spaced gamma-gamma log can
indicate the location of cured cement or gravel pack if
it was made after installation of the casing and prior to
filling of the annular space. The difference between
logs made before and after filling the annular space
may show the filled interval clearly. A gamma-gamma
log run before a hole is cemented may resemble the
reversed caliper log made prior to installation of the
casing. The location of gravel pack occasionally is
indicated by a shift on gamma logs if the gravel is
either more or less radioactive than the adjacent
rocks. The difference in radioactivity must be substantial, and the volume of annular material sufficient, to
produce a recognizable difference between logs made
before and after installation of the gravel.



Figure 98.-Radioactive-tracer-injector
logs made during
pumping of test well USW H-5, Yucca Mountain, Nev. (modified from R.K. Blankennagel, U.S. Geological Survey, written commun., 1983).

coils; loss of mass may be due to corrosion (Edwards

and Stroud, 1963). A casing-analysis survey is made
with a centralized probe that contains several coils
(Bradshaw, 1976). This survey is reported to provide
information on the thickness of steel casing penetrated
by corrosion, whether the damage is internal or external, and whether the damage is isolated or circumferential. An electromagnetic-thickness survey measures
the average casing thickness for an interval of about 2
ft and can be used to monitor changes in thickness
over time. Casing-inspection logging methods have
been summarized by Nielsen and Aller (1984).

Cement and gravel-pack



Cement and gravel pack in the annular space outside of casing can be located with several logs, but the
results may be ambiguous. A caliper log made before
the casing is installed is needed to plan cementing or
installation of gravel pack. Caliper logs also are useful
in interpreting logs made for the purpose of locating
annular material, because they indicate the thickness
that would be present if the space were filled.



Deviation of boreholes and wells from the vertical is

common; borehole deviation affects proper completion
of the well for its intended use, and may prevent
testing and logging. Casing and pumps may be impossible to install in a well that is markedly deviated;
centralized logging probes may not function properly
in such a well. The deviation rarely is consistent; both
the angle from the vertical and the direction of deviation may change many times along the borehole.
Even adjacent augered boreholes less than 100ft deep
have been known to deviate enough that transmittance logs between the boreholes are adversely
affected. Information on borehole deviation is needed
to calculate the true vertical depth to features of
interest and to correct the strike and dip of fractures
or bedding obtained from logs, such as the acoustic
televiewer. The techniques and computer programs
for making these corrections have been described by
Kierstein (1984).
Most continuous logs of borehole deviation are made
by commercial firms that specialize in this technique.
Borehole-deviation data usually are not recorded by
standard logging equipment, except modern dipmeters, which rarely are included on water-well loggers.
A dipmeter log usually includes, in the left track, a
continuous record of the azimuth (magnetic north) and
the magnitude of deviation. Some borehole-deviation
logging services provide a printout of azimuth and
deviation at predetermined depth intervals, and sev-




6 l/4-inch
steel casing

Top of to:ch-cut



Top of torch-cut



ZOO-millivolt scale

Figure 99.-Casing-collar-locator

logs recorded



by an event marker and analog recorder at two different


era1 methods can be used to mathematically describe

the path of the deviated borehole from these measurements (Craig and Randall, 1976). Methods for calculating the path of the borehole between measuring
stations are as follows: minimum curvature, radius of
curvature, and tangential. The least expensive methods for obtaining borehole-deviation information use
single-shot probes that provide one measurement of
the deviation angle and azimuth at a predetermined
depth. These probes must be brought to the land
surface and reset after each measurement.

Test 5.-FLUID



1. Temperaturelogs can be usedto

a. Locate curing cementbehindcasing.
b. Locate zones of fluid entry or loss.

c. Measurepermeability.
d. Trace fluid movement



2. Differential-temperature logs
a. Are made by different probes than temperature logs.
b. Can be derived from temperature logs
using a computer.
c. Aid in detecting intervals of fluid
d. Are more accurate than temperature
3. Reestablishing the equilibrium-geothermal
a. May take only a few hours in a smalldiameter cased well.
b. May take many months under some
c. Will never take place if vertical flow is
d. Is related to volume of drilling fluid
circulated and loss and temperature of
drilling fluid.
4. Impeller flowmeters are superior to other flowmeasuring probes because they
a. Are simple and inexpensive.
b. Operate from the minimum to the maximum flow rates.
c. Need not be centered in the borehole.
d. Operate on single-conductor or multiconductor cable.
5. Fluid conductivity
a. Is measured directly by most logging
b. Usually needs to be calculated from
fluid-resistivity logs.
c. Is a measure of interstitial fluids.
d. Should be one of the first logs run.
6. A heat-pulse flowmeter log is similar to a
radioactive-tracer-injector log because
a. Upward and downward flow are clearly
b. Extremely
c. Four detectors are used.
d. Most measurement,s are made while the
probes are stationary.
7. A radioactive-tracer injector
a. Is one of the best probes for measuring
extremely slow velocity flow in boreholes.
b. Can sometimes be used to detect flow
behind casing.
c. Is limited in application because of
licensing requirements.
d. Can be used to measure water flow
between boreholes.
8. Borehole-deviation logs
a. Are used for correcting strike and dip of
fractures and beds logged in a borehole.
b. Are used because they are inexpensive
and readily available.


c. Are seldom needed because most deep

boreholes are vertical.
d. Provide information on location, direction, and angle of deviation.
9. Casing-collar-locator logs can
a. Indicate intervals of corroded steel
b. Provide information on casing diameter.
c. Locate collars and perforations.
d. Be made inexpensively using almost any
10. Borehole-construction information
a. Can be obtained by several different
logging techniques.
b. Is needed for correct interpretation of
most logs.
c. Is essential for interpretation of flowmeter and temperature logs.
d. Can be obtained reliably from drilling


Case History

The application of borehole geophysics to the solution of ground-water problems cannot be summarized
in a few pages; however, a case history of a test well

drilled for a regional aquifer study can illustrate

application of some of the techniques described in
detail in this manual. The case is based on Madison
Limestone test well 1, which was drilled by the U.S.
Geological Survey in the northeast corner of Wyoming. The test well was part of a USGS regional study
of the quantity and quality of water that can be
produced from the Madison Limestone of Mississippian age and adjacent rocks in parts of Montana,
Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming. A suite of geophysical logs of Madison Limestone test well 1 was made by a commercial service
company and by the USGS. The types of logs made in
this test well, and in two other test wells drilled
during this project, were selected for their potential
use in providing diagnostic information on the aquifers
and the quality of their contained water, and for
correlation with logs of numerous oil test wells in the
area. Quality control of the logs was the responsibility
of experienced USGS personnel who were present
throughout the drilling, testing, and logging. Core
analyses and hydraulic packer-test data also are available for Madison Limestone test well 1 for comparison
with logs (Blankennagel and others, 1977). The logs
and other data from this test well were analyzed in
detail by use of a microcomputer (Keys, 1986);most of
the illustrations in this manual pertaining to Madison
test well 1 resulted from that study.




Considerable geologic and other hydrologic data

were gathered during the regional study of the Madison Limestone and adjacent rocks, which has been
described in a series of U.S. Geological Survey Professional Papers. Many of the data and conclusions in
these papers were derived from geophysical logs of
the three test wells drilled during the study, as well as
from logs of hundreds of oil test wells that were
purchased from commercial companies that sell logs to
the public. The stratigraphy and sedimentary facies of
the Madison Limestone and adjacent rocks in parts of
Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota,
and Wyoming are described in Peterson (1984). Correlation of paleostructure and sediment deposition for
the same rocks and area are described in Brown and
others (1984). The relation of porosity and permeability to petrology of the Madison Limestone in cores
from the three test wells is described in Thayer (1983).
Geohydrology of the Madison Limestone and associated aquifers is explained in Downey (1984). Apparent
water resistivity, water temperature, and porosity of
these rocks as determined from geophysical logs are
described and mapped in MacCary (1984). Potentially
favorable areas for development of large-yield wells in
the Ordovician Red River Formation and Madison
Limestone in parts of Montana, North Dakota, South
Dakota, and Wyoming are shown on maps in MacCary
and others (1983).
Identification of lithologic units and their correlation throughout the area studied was based mostly on
geophysical logs; neutron and gamma logs were
among the most useful for this purpose. Identification
of lithology and stratigraphic correlation is one the
most useful applications of geophysical logs because it
permits lateral extrapolation of the results of log
analysis and tests. An example of the correlations of
some lithologic units between Madison Limestone test
well 1 and oil test well MC-3, which was drilled in
Montana about 12 mi northeast of test well 1, is shown
in figure 100; the correlations are based on neutron
and gamma logs. Use of a microcomputer permitted
the vertical and horizontal scales of the digitized logs
from the test well to be matched with the scales of the
logs from the oil well. The neutron log for Madison
Limestone test well 1 has been smoothed in the
computer, which. accounts for part of the different
appearance compared with the log of MC-3, which has
been photographically reduced. The correlations
shown in figure 100 are typical for deep test wells
penetrating hard rocks; similar correlations can be
made to other test wells even more distant from
Madison Limestone test well 1. Thus, log-analysis
techniques developed to identify the most productive
intervals of the aquifer, which are summarized below,


may be extended to other test wells and boreholes

that penetrate the same sequence of rocks.
The lithology of the rocks penetrated by Madison
Limestone test well 1 is best defined by the gamma,
neutron, and resistivity logs shown in figures 25 and
44. The maximum radioactivity on the gamma log is
recorded in shale beds, and the minimum radioactivity
is recorded in clean limestone; dolomite is slightly
more radioactive than limestone (fig. 44). The neutron
and resistivity logs help distinguish limestone and
dolomite. The more resistive intervals also have a
smaller porosity and are mostly limestone, rather than
Impeller-flowmeter and radioactive-tracer-injector
logs, shown in figure 96, indicate that more than 350
gal/min of the total of more than 500 gal/min flowing at
the land surface was produced from the depth interval
below 3,000 ft. Almost 100gal/min was produced from
the large solution opening at a depth of 2,550 ft, which
is clearly shown on the caliper log in figure 85. The
flow from this opening is also indicated by the anomaly
on the differential-temperature log in figure 85.
Although the producing intervals were indicated by
flowmeter and temperature logs made when Madison
Limestone test well 1 was flowing at the land surface,
other logs may be used to identify permeable intervals
when a well completed in similar lithologic units is not
flowing. The caliper logs indicate not only large solution openings, as in figure 85, but also small solution
openings that are close together, identified by smallscale roughness on the logs. Small deflections on
caliper logs made using a caliper probe with four
independent arms are shown in figure 84. These
deflections, which also appear on repeat logs, are
caused by numerous small solution openings. Such
openings apparently transmit most of the water in this
aquifer. The acoustic-televiewer logs in figure 79
clearly show the nature and distribution of these
solution openings.
Computer cross plots offer another method for
identifying intervals of secondary porosity in the rocks
penetrated by Madison Limestone test well 1. A plot
of total porosity versus horizontal permeability measured on core samples (fig. 16) has a considerable
scatter of points. It seems likely that permeability is
more closely related to secondary, rather than total,
porosity in these rocks. A cross plot of transit time
from an acoustic-velocity log versus apparent limestone porosity from a neutron log is shown in figure
11. The lithology lines in this figure were derived from
a manual provided by the logging company. The data
points indicate the presence of two major rock types,
limestone and dolomite. A substantial number of
points plot below the dolomite curve, where the
neutron log indicates a much greater apparent poros-



















of lithologic

units between
test well
gamma and neutron
logs, Wyoming.

1 and oil test well







ity than does the acoustic-velocity log. Average porosity derived from the neutron log, as shown in figures
25 and 26, is somewhat larger than that derived from
core analyses, but not as much as the difference
indicated by the acoustic-velocity data shown in figure
11. Porosity values determined from analyses of core
may tend to be somewhat smaller than those indicated
on logs because of the tendency for core containing
numerous or large solution openings to be broken,
lost, or not selected for laboratory analysis. One
reason for the sh.ort transit times (smaller values of
porosity) on the acoustic-velocity log in figure 11 could
be the lack of response of this log to secondary
porosity, such as solution openings. In contrast, the
neutron log responds to all water-filled openings
regardless of their size or shape. Most of the points
below the dolomite line in figure 11 are from the depth
interval that produced 350 gal/min based on the flowmeter logs. Thus,, the difference between the porosity
indicated by neutron and acoustic-velocity logs may
enable identification of permeable intervals in these
Water quality could have been determined from
logs of Madison Limestone test well 1 but was not
necessary becausewater samples were available. The
apparent water resistivity in the Madison Limestone
and associated rocks in the project area was determined from geophysical logs by MacCary (1984), using
the equations of Archie (1942) that relate formation
factor, resistivity of interstitial water and watersaturated rock, and porosity.
Borehole geophysics can provide useful data on the
location and character of aquifers and the quality of
ground water. To optimize results from borehole
geophysical techniques, the logging program must be
properly planned, the quality of the logs must be
assured, and the logs must be analyzed with an
understanding of the basic principles of each technique
and the relations between logs and the rock matrix
and its contained fluids, and the construction of the

Because of the length and breadth of subject material in this manual, it was necessary to rely on the help
of a number of individuals whose contribution was
beyond that required by their job. For this reason I
gratefully acknowledge the assistance of a number of
employees of the U.S. Geological Survey, past and
present. Persomlel of the research project on borehole
geophysics as applied to ground-water hydrology who
were particularly helpful in providing data, referenL.
ces, suggestions, and review include Frederick


Paillet, Ticie A. Taylor, Joyce A. Dey, and Alfred E.

Hess. Larry M. MacCary, my coauthor on the 1971
edition of this manual, provided many suggestions and
data for the Madison Limestone project, and a very
thoughtful and time-consuming review of the entire
manuscript. John S. McLean provided an in-depth
review of the manuscript with emphasis on the
ground-water aspects of the material. These individuals deserve much credit, but none of the blame for
any mistakes that may remain.

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Principles, Equipment and
Log-Analysis Techniques

Test l.1.

b, c, d.
b, c.
b, c.
b, d.
a, b, c, d.
c, d.
a, b, d.
a, b, c, d.
a, b, c, d.
a, b, c.

Test 2.- Electric logging


a, c.
a, d.
a, b, d.
a, b, c, d.
a, b, c.
a, b, c.
b, c.

Test 4.-Acoustic

and Caliper Logging

a, b, c.
a, d.
a, b, c, d.
a, b, c, d.
b, d.
b, c.
a, c.
b, c, d.
a, b, c, d.
b, c, d.
c, d.

Test 5.- Fluid and Well-Construction


a, b, d.
b, c.
b, c, d.
a, d.
b, d.
a, b, d.
a, b, c, d.
a, d.
a, c, d.
a, b, c.

Test 3. - Nuclear logging


a, c.
a, c, d.
b, d.
a, b, c.
b, c, d.
a, b, d.
a, c, d.
a, b, c, d.
b, c, d.
a, b, c, d.

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