The Babylonians: Cortez, Reynaldo Jr. C BSED Math
The Babylonians: Cortez, Reynaldo Jr. C BSED Math
The Babylonians: Cortez, Reynaldo Jr. C BSED Math
The Babylonians
- Grotefend believes the character for 10 originally to have been the picture of two hands, as held in prayer, the
palms being pressed together, the fingers close to each other, but the thumbs thrust out.
- Early Sumerians were the inventors of the cuneiform writing.
- Sumerian inscriptions disclose the use, not only of the above decimal system, but also of a sexagesimal one. The
latter was used chiefly in constructing tables for weights and measures.
- Greek geometer Hypsicles and the Alexandrian astronomer Ptolemæus borrowed the sexagesimal notation of
fractions from the Babylonians and introduced it into Greece.
- Cantor offers the following theory: At first the Babylonians reckoned the year at 360 days. This led to the
division of the circle into 360 degrees, each degree representing the daily amount of the supposed yearly
revolution of the sun around the earth.
- Now they were, very probably, familiar with the fact that the radius can be applied to its circumference as a
chord 6 times, and that each of these chords subtends an arc measuring exactly 60 degrees. Fixing their
attention upon these degrees, the division into 60 parts may have suggested itself to them. Thus, when greater
precision necessitated a subdivision of the degree, it was partitioned into 60 minutes. In this way the
sexagesimal notation may have originated,
- Iamblichus attributes to them also a knowledge of proportion, and even the invention of the so-called musical
- Babylonian calculation of the new and full moon, and have identified by calculations the Babylonian names of
the planets, and of the twelve zodiacal signs and twenty-eight normal stars.
The Egyptians
- The Egyptians built the pyramids at a very early period.
- Plato in Phædrus says: “At the Egyptian city of Naucratis there was a famous old god whose name was Theuth;
the bird which is called the Ibis was sacred to him, and he was the inventor of many arts, such as arithmetic and
calculation and geometry and astronomy and draughts and dice, but his great discovery was the use of letters.”
- Aristotle says that mathematics had its birth in Egypt, because there the priestly class had the leisure needful for
the study of it.
- Geometry, in particular, is said by Herodotus, Diodorus, Diogenes Laertius, Iamblichus, and other ancient
writers to have originated in Egypt.
- King [Sesostris] divided the land among all Egyptians so as to give each one a quadrangle of equal size and to
draw from each his revenues, by imposing a tax to be levied yearly. But every one from whose part the river tore
away anything, had to go to him and notify what had happened; he then sent the overseers, who had to
measure out by how much the land had become smaller, in order that the owner might pay on what was left, in
proportion to the entire tax imposed. In this way, it appears to me, geometry originated, which passed thence to
- In geometry the forte of the Egyptians lay in making constructions and determining areas. The area of an
isosceles triangle, of which the sides measure 10 ruths and the base 4 ruths, was erroneously given as 20 square
ruths, or half the product of the base by one side. The area of an isosceles trapezoid is found, similarly, by
multiplying half the sum of the parallel sides by one of the non-parallel sides. The area of a circle is found by
deducting from the diameter 1 9 of its length and squaring the remainder. Here π is taken = (16 9 )2 = 3.1604...,
a very fair approximation.
- Harpedonaptæ, applied to Egyptian geometers, means “rope-stretchers,” would point to the conclusion that the
Egyptian, like the Indian and Chinese geometers, constructed a right triangle upon a given line, by stretching
around three pegs a rope consisting of three parts in the ratios 3 : 4 : 5, and thus forming a right triangle.
- Champollion, Young, and their successors: The symbols used were the following: for 1, for 10, for 100, for 1000,
for 10,000, for 100,000, for 1,000,000, for 10,000,000.[3] The symbol for 1 represents a vertical staff; that for
10,000 a pointing finger; that for 100,000 a burbot; that for 1,000,000, a man in astonishment. The principle
employed was the additive.
- Herodotus makes an important statement concerning the mode of computing among the Egyptians. He says
that they “calculate with pebbles by moving the hand from right to left, while the Hellenes move it from left to
right.” Herein we recognise again that instrumental method of figuring so extensively used by peoples of
- In manipulating fractions, the Babylonians kept the denominators (60) constant. The Romans likewise kept
them constant, but equal to 12. The Egyptians and Greeks, on the other hand, kept the numerators constant,
and dealt with variable denominators.
- Ahmes used the term “fraction” in a restricted sense, for he applied it only to unit-fractions, or fractions having
unity for the numerator. It was designated by writing the denominator and then placing over it a dot. Fractional
values which could not be expressed by any one unit-fraction were expressed as the sum of two or more of
them. Thus, he wrote 1/3 1/15 in place of 2/5.
- Ahmes proceeds to the solution of equations of one unknown quantity. The unknown quantity is called ‘hau’ or
heap. Thus the problem, “heap, its 1 7, its whole, it makes 19,” i.e. x/7 + x = 19. In this case, the solution is as
follows: 8x/7 = 19; x/7 = 2 1/4 1/8; x = 16 1/2 1/8. It thus appears that the beginnings of algebra are as ancient
as those of geometry.
The Greeks
The Ionic School
- To Thales of Miletus (640–546b.c.),one of the “seven wise men,” and the founder of the Ionic school, falls the
honour of having introduced the study of geometry into Greece.
- Plutarch declares that Thales soon excelled his masters, and amazed King Amasis by measuring the heights of
the pyramids from their shadows.
- According to Plutarch, this was done by considering that the shadow cast by a vertical staff of known length
bears the same ratio to the shadow of the pyramid as the height of the staff bears to the height of the pyramid.
This solution presupposes aknowledge of proportion, and the Ahmes papyrus actually shows that the rudiments
of proportion were known to the Egyptians.
- According to Diogenes Laertius, the pyramids were measured by Thales in a different way; viz. by finding the
length of the shadow of the pyramid at the moment when the shadow of a staff was equal to its own length.
- The Eudemian Summary ascribes to Thales the invention of the theorems on the equality of vertical angles, the
equality of the angles at the base of an isosceles triangle, the bisection of a circle by any diameter, and the
congruence of two triangles having a side and the two adjacent angles equal respectively.
- The theorem that all angles inscribed in a semicircle are right angles is attributed by some ancient writers to
Thales, by others to Pythagoras.
- It has been inferred that he knew the sum of the three angles of a triangle to be equal to two right angles, and
the sides of equiangular triangles to be proportional.
- Thales may be said to have created the geometry of lines, essentially abstract in its character, while the
Egyptians studied only the geometry of surfaces and the rudiments of solid geometry, empirical in their
- The two most prominent pupils of Thales were Anaximander (b. 611 b.c.) and Anaximenes (b. 570 b.c.).
- Of Anaxagoras, a pupil of Anaximenes, and the last philosopher of the Ionic school, we know little, except that,
while in prison, he passed his time attempting to square the circle.
- Approximations to π had been made by the Chinese, Babylonians, Hebrews, and Egyptians. But the invention of
a method to find its exact value, is the knotty problem which has engaged the attention of many minds from the
time of Anaxagoras down to our own.
- About the time of Anaxagoras, but isolated from the Ionic school, flourished Œnopides of Chios. Proclus
ascribes to him the solution of the following problems: From a point without, to draw a perpendicular to a given
line, and to draw an angle on a line equal to a given angle.