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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Sl. No

Chapter I: Introduction
Objectives of HRMS
Business Logic Framework
Upcoming Features of HRMS
Safety & Security
Information Technology
Chapter II: User Identification & Employee Profile
Unique Employee Identification Number
Username & Password
Employee Profile
Chapter III: Government Structure
Introduction to Government Structure
Posts in Department
Offices of Department
Cadre & Grades
Substantive Post
Chapter IV: Recording of G2E Transactions
Employee Specific Government Transactions / processes
Leave sanction
Head Quarter Leaving Permission
Leave Opening Balance
Absent from Duty
Joining from Duty
Detention on Vacation
Extension of Joining Time
Periodic Leave Credit
Surrender of Leave
Unavailed Joining Time
Monthly absent Statement
Break in Service
Confirmation of service
Regularization of Absence
Service Book Verification
Service Record
Increment Sanction
Pay Entitlement
Pay Fixation
Pay in Service Record

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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Pay Revision
Step-Up of Pay
Pay Roll
Life Insurance Premium
Updated AD List
Loan Sanction
Release of loan
Repayment of loan
GPF & Insurance
Enrollment to Insurance
Insurance Premium
GPF Nomination
Transfer & Promotion
Additional Charge
Allowed to Officiate
Placement of Service
AG Endorsement on Deputation




Regularization of Service


Education & Training
Departmental Examination
Travel Concession
Free Travel Concession
Leave Travel Concession


Joining to cadre
Relieve from Cadre
Allotment to cadre
Punishment & Reward
Departmental Proceeding
Head Quarter Fixation
Reward Appreciation


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification


Service Closure
Personal Information History
Quarter Allotment
Brass Allotment
Reservation Category Information
Equivalent Post
Employee Calendar
Acknowledge Optional Calendar
Setup Service History
Change in Structure
Office Specific Government Transactions / processes
Setup Office Info
Subject Identity
Office Level
List of Office
Setup Cadre Info
Cadre Label
Cadre List
Cadre Wise Grade
Mode of Cadre Allotment
Setup Post Info
Group of Post
Classification of Post
Type of Post
Deployment Status
Where Deployed
Sector Type
Setup Reservation Info
Reservation Category
Disability Option
Special Code Disability Option
Setup Service History
Leave Rule
Types of Loan
Permission Type
Type of Allowance
Employee Category
Holiday Master
Setup Personal Info
Marital Status

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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Blood Group
Personal Relatives
Identification Document
Language Definition
Setup Education Info
Setup Location Info
Police Station
Post Office
Allowance and Deduction
Bill Browser
Bill Group List
Section Definition
PAR Browser
PAR Register
Provide Calendar
Calendar Management
System Administration
Role management
Privilege management
Create Employee
Service Book Update Privilege
Chapter-V (Process Re-Engineering through Workflow Pattern)

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HRMS, User Requirement Specification



Objectives of HRMS
General Administration (AR) Department, Government of Orissa is implementing a

comprehensive Human Resources Management System for employees and HR managers of all
departments across the state with following four objectives. (1) Through HRMS, all human resources
management activities will be transacted electronically through internet, so as to provide timely
disposal of HR issues of the employees and incentivize them to perform efficiently. (2) HRMS will
accurately project, account, and monitor revenue expenditure and enable efficient utilization of
government resources. (3) The decision makers will have a scope for effective planning and utilization
of existing manpower by identifying their skills. (4) Time and energy of government employees both at
managerial and micro level will be saved by the automated HRMS leading to optimum utilization of
their services for the purpose of public.

Stakeholders & Their Role

Stakeholders are identified through their user-id and their role in the system is decided by

HRMS. The stakeholders are categorized in following manner within HRMS. The Chief Minister and
Council of Ministers, Secretaries of Administrative Departments, Heads of Departments (HoD), Head
of Office, District Collectors and above all in-service and retired Employees of Government of Orissa
are the major stakeholders of HRMS. HRMS will certainly contribute to empower common citizen.
HRMS deals with very valuable personnel information, so they are protected through stringent
security system. Moreover, role based access authorization plan is implemented within HRMS.
Access authorization plan is two dimensional; i.e. the pool of employees, whose service information
can be accessed vis--vis the functionalities of software, which can be applied onto.

Business Logic Framework

Our goal is to make HRMS fulfill exact requirement of all level of stakeholders. Requirement

engineering is a vital phase of activities to achieve our goal. During this phase, Orissa Service Rule
(OSR), Orissa Service Manual (OSM), All India Service Rule (AISR), Orissa General Finance Rule
(OGFR) and Orissa Treasury Rule (OTR) are studied. OMGI consultants regularly discussed with
Domain Expert Group to understand intricacies of human resources management practices in
Government of Orissa before drafting this document.

Introduction chapter at the beginning presents the objective, functionality, stakeholders,

software development phasing, safety & security features and used technology of HRMS. Human
Resources Management System (HRMS) identifies each employee with a unique identification
number (UEId). This unique employee identification number (UEId) may be used in further e-

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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Governance System for reinforcement of accountability of employees. Employee Profile module,

which will dynamically prepare the profile of the employee on current date in the prescribed format is
described in subsequent Chapter-II.
As government employees perform within the government structure, it is essential to create
such structures within computerized HRMS to manage human resources of government effectively.
Current version of HRMS records the government structures and allows updating the same when any
changes brought into the system. The structure includes from the Administrative Departments, their
respective Heads of Departments (HoD) and corresponding field offices to Cadre, Grade of different
services under cadre controlling departments and Substantive Posts under each department.
Description of such structures is narrated in Chapter-III.
Government deals with their employees through series of transactions such as Increment
Sanction, Leave Sanction, Promotion and Deputation etc for effective personnel management. Such
transactions are recorded in the service book of concerned employee. Any transaction occurs
between the Government and their employees can be recorded post facto in HRMS and updated eservice book of an employee can be published on-line. Such facility can make e-service book
available concurrently to all authorities of government to work upon. Requirement specification of
such transaction recording is presented in Chapter-IV. Ready to use version of HRMS software
automatically maintain and publish all related accounts, registers like Service Book, Leave Account,
Loan Account, Salary Account, Insurance Passbook, incumbency chart, Cadre Disposition list as well
as employee profile etc picking up related data from automated transactions. User requirement of
such reports are presented in Chapter-V. Transaction recording system in turn builds up a
comprehensive database for further reference as a comprehensive tool for HR management.
Preliminary search engine is also a primary part of current version of HRMS.
Each transaction is outcome of a process, and for accomplishing that process a series of
activities are to be performed. HRMS envisages automating all HR processes through workflow model
to make transaction recording automatic and thus more sustainable. Moreover process automation
ensures timely delivery of G2E services (Government to Employee services). Process automation
includes Actionable-email facilities for HR Mangers and employees to perform activities under their
responsibility just from their email box even without logging into the HRMS software. In other words,
an employee may apply leave, loan, or put forward her/ his report, request, or grievance through
internet in HRMS. In return s/he can receive the sanction or reply on-line through internet from
authorities. An authority may issue notification or orders of transfer, promotion or deputation of the
employees on-line. Ready to use version of HRMS includes process automation relating to Leave
Management, Transfer Management and Performance Appraisal Management through workflow
pattern. Appropriate decision support system (DSS) tools are embedded to above modules to make
workflows effective. Besides workflow, HR managers are reminded for time critical sensitive HR

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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

actions through bulletin-board-services (BBS) in HRMS. The requirement specification of such

process automation is presented in Chapter VI. MIS reporting and analytical reporting, those act as
tools for effective HR management are also the part of ready to use HRMS.

Upcoming Features of HRMS

Work in progress version of HRMS will cover workflow automation along with related DSS &

BBS of other HR processes, Departmental Proceeding, Payroll System, integration with Orissa
Treasury Management System (OTMS) and integration with Vigilance Information System. Analytical
reports, dashboards and other Business Intelligence (BI) applications of HRMS will be developed in
the second phase. Moreover it will also help retiring employees to prepare their own pension papers
on clicking of buttons and help authorities to process pension papers easily and quickly. Future
version of HRMS will indirectly empower common citizens to search and locate appropriate employee
responsible to provide specific citizen centric service. Maintenance of such citizen portal is purely
automatic and will not require any extra effort. Envisaged citizen portal is the part of the second
phase. These facilities may be provided in phases in quick succession of every couple of months. It is
needless to mention that this User Requirement Specification (URS) document covers only the
requirement of first phase.

Safety & Security

HRMS appropriately appreciate the importance of safety and security of personnel

information. Stringent security mechanisms such as User Id with Password, 128bit SSL (Secured
Socket Layer), Firewall with Intrusion Protection System (IPS), LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access
Protocol) and Portal are implemented to make HRMS highly secured website. Future version of
HRMS may include Digital Signature Certificate as full proof security system, if desired so by the

Information Technology
HRMS is built with latest proven internet technologies to provide highest satisfaction to the

users. MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture is followed to create transaction pages; where as

SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) is used to automate HR processes. Dynamically updatable huge
structure of Government of Orissa is built up with Oracle Internet Directory (OID), a superset of
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP). Java/ J2EE with Struts Framework and Oracle Portal
are mostly used for application development. JSP (Java Server Page), HTML, DHTML, Scripts, CSS
and AJAX are used to provide aesthetically rich and friendlier user interfaces. Oracle BPEL (Business
Process Execution Language) is used to automate HR process through workflow patterns. Web
services are used judiciously to provide HR information to any other software application of the
Government of Orissa. HRMS, which offers comprehensive solution for human resources
management and manage complete life-cycle of all employees, deals with enormous data with robust
database management tool of Oracle 10g. Care should be taken to make the application compliant at

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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

least to the most popular browser Windows Internet Explorer. It is better to make the application also
compliant to other preferred browsers like Opera and Firefox in future.

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HRMS, User Requirement Specification



Unique Employee Identification Number (UEId)

Each employee of the Government of Orissa is identified by HRMS with an 8-digit unique-

employee-identification number (UEId). UEId is randomly generated number assigned to an employee

on his first recruitment and remain unchanged throughout his life even during his post retirement
period. HRMS records or retrieve information regarding any employee using this UEId throughout the
system. Moreover authorities of Government of Orissa may take the advantage of UEId in any other
department centric software application for identifying the employee and reinforcing accountability.

User Name & Password

Users of HRMS are of two categories, one authentic user and other common citizen or guest

users. Guest users do not carry a username and password or need not to login to the system. Guest
users can only browse or access information from an unsecured zone. On the other hand, authentic
users can login to the system with username-password and can access secured information.
The Chief Minister and Council of Ministers, the Secretaries of Administrative Departments,
the District Collectors, the Head of Offices and common employees of Government of Orissa are
authentic users of HRMS. HRMS provides above users a Username and a default specific Password.
The username-password system prevents unauthorized user to get inside secured zone of the
system. The password system provided by HRMS is case sensitive. The user enjoys liberty to change
own password whenever s/he feels like for security reasons, but can not change her/ his own
username. Any user can use her/ his Username and Password to login to HRMS system. The login
page is protected through encryption methods of 128bit Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to prevent
hackers from hacking the username and password.
HRMS recognizes the user and retrieves her/ his group-status and employee-status (if the
user is an employee) when the user logs in to software. HRMS decides the provision of functionality to
the logged in user according to users group-status and employee-status. Moreover, HRMS also
decides provision of personnel information of the particular pool of employees according to the status
of logged in user. The group-status and employee-status recognized by HRMS is given below for

Group Status


Employee Status




On Duty


Cadre Controlling Authority


On Leave


Secretary of Administrative


On Transit


On Deputation


District Collector


On Training

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HRMS, User Requirement Specification


Head of Office


Waiting for Posting


Common Employee


Under Suspension


System Administrator







Common Employee can only avail service information of self and never authorized to access service
information of any other employee. Where as Head of office can access to the service information of
all employees in his office. Similarly, District Collector can access to the information regarding all
employees in his district. Secretary of Administrative Department can access information regarding
employees working in field offices of their departments. Whereas, Cadre controlling authorities can
avail service information of employees those are members of concerned service or cadre.
Government can avail aggregating information on all employees of the state. System Administrator
can avail service information of entire pool of employees of the government.

Employee Profile
It is envisaged to automate Employee Profile for each employee through HRMS. Employee

Profile module in HRMS should dynamically prepare a 9-page report containing brief information
about the employee on current date in the prescribed format (Annex-I). Employee Profile has three
major parts. First part should contain the scanned image of the first page of her/his service book.
Subsequent part of Employee Profile presents Section-A: Employees Personal Information, SectionB: Employees Education Details, Section-C: Reservation Category, First Appointment, Current Cadre
and Service Book Update Status. The last part of Employee Profile presents Employees Deployment
Status, Substantive Posting Details, Office Details, Additional Charges and Pay Details of employee.
Information on some sections in Employee Profile can be changed directly by the employee
as and when required. But some critical information in Employee Profile is restricted to employee for
modification. Some of such restricted information may be changed by the respective HR managers.
Some other information, those are automatically retrieved from the database stored by various
transactions, are not modifiable by any user.


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification



Introduction to Government Structure

Government employees perform within the government structure, where the Chief Minister

and Council of Ministers are at the apex. The structure includes from the Administrative Departments,
their respective Heads of Departments (HoD), corresponding field offices and Substantive Posts
under each offices to Cadre, Grade of different services under each cadre controlling authorities.
Such structures are not static and changes are made on these structures time to time according to the
need. Employees once recruited gets mapped to such structures according to their eligibility and thus
empowered with authorities to discharge certain responsibility. Current version of HRMS records the
government structures and allows updating the same when any changes brought into the system.

For smooth management of public service delivery Government created departments.

Departments are the top level controlling authority in government hierarchical structure. It is found
that, in Government of Orissa there were several departments which are now abolished. Similarly,
new departments may be created in future when Government feels necessary. Currently, there are 38
departments operative. Provision should be made in the HRMS to manage department list. The list
should contain a) Name of Department, b) Abbreviated Name of Department and c) If Department is
currently Abolished (Yes/ No). HRMS must assign a unique department-id in the format of NN (e.g.
01 for AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT) for each Administrative Department.

Posts in Department
Some Posts may be department specific and some of them may be generic in nature. Posts

like Under Secretary, Joint Secretary and Additional Secretary etc are examples of Generic Post
because such posts are created invariably by all departments. Similarly each Administrative
Department created several Generic Posts to carry out specific responsibilities of the department (e.g.
Block Development Officer in Panchayatiraj Department).
Posts are broadly into 4 different categories with respect to holidays and leave rules they are
entitled to, such as (i) General Post, (ii) Vacation Post (e.g. Teacher), (iii) Judiciary Post (Judge and
employees of Court) and (iv) Special Service Post (e.g. Police, employees of Fire Services, those are
entitled to Additional EL).
Departments may create new post, rename or make obsolete an existing post. HRMS must
facilitate managing Post list of a Department. HRMS should facilitates Administrative Departments to
create the list of Post and the columns are a) Post Name, b) Abbreviated Post Name, c) If Generic
(Yes/ No), d) Post Category, and e) If Abolished (Yes/ No). HRMS must assign a unique Post-id in the


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

format of DDNNNN (e.g. 010001, first two digit for department and next 4 digit is the serial no of the
post) for each Post.

Offices of Department
Each Department has created offices across the state for reaching out to the citizen for

effective service delivery. Those offices are of several levels according to their capacity and
responsibility and the levels are Administrative Department level, Heads of Department level, Field
office level and Subsidiary office level. However, Field office is the bottom most level of office to
discharge any personnel management responsibility. Field offices and all higher level offices are
allotted with DDO Code and authorized with drawing & disbursement power. There are 6143 such
offices under 38 Departments of Government of Orissa. On the other hand subsidiary offices do not
have any personnel management or drawing-disbursement authority; rather, they are managed by
their concerned field office. Departments may create new office, rename or make obsolete an existing
office. HRMS should facilitate to manage information about office in the prescribed format (Annex-II).

Cadre & Grade

The eligibility criteria to get into a particular post or responsibility is called cadre. Different

levels that define the criticality of the post are the grades attached to that post. Cadre and grade are
two most important informations attached to a post. On change of a cadre of an employee several
attributes attached to his posting gets changed. Those attributes are post structure (job
responsibilities), pay structure (salary information), services to be availed and reporting authority
information. Depending on certain cadre rule (of Orissa Service Code) the pay structure of employee
would be revised. Grade also does several changes to a post. In case of govt. processes like
promotion, deputation, repatriation, allotment to cadre, the cadre and grade are likely to be changed.
Different cadre levels are defined for each cadre. They are: All India Services, HODs,
Secretariat, State and others. A set of grades is defined according to a particular cadre. For example
grades available under cadre Indian administrative Service (under General Administration Dept.) are
different from grades available under cadre Orissa Administrative Service (under same Dept.).
A cadre controlling authority can be accessible to all the services and reports related to cadre
management. Reports like Seniority list, Gradation List comes under this category.
Like cadre grade is also another factor to decide which level of user and what services the
employee can avail. An Employee moves from one slab of pay scale to another when its grade gets
changed. Some examples of pay scale in Indian Administrative Service, Indian Forest Service and
Indian Police Service is provided below.
Indian Forest Service
Sl No




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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Indian Forest Service

Junior Scale


Indian Forest Service

Senior Timescale (A)


Indian Forest Service




Indian Police Service

Sl. No




Indian Police Service

Selection Grade


Indian Police Service

Super Timescale (A)


Indian Police Service

Super Timescale (B)


Indian Administrative Service

Sl. No




Indian Administrative Service

Junior Scale


Indian Administrative Service

Senior Timescale


Indian Administrative Service





There are 6143 number Govt. offices under Government of Orissa which are distributed under

38 departments. Each office has a unique DDO (drawing disbursement officer) code.
Nomenclature of DDO code: Each DDO code is of 9 characters. The first 3 characters are
district code, the next 3 characters are department code and last 3 are serial number. For example
CTSGAD002 is a DDO code where CTS specifies Cuttack district, GAD indicates General
Administration Department and 003 is the serial no. appended at the last. Several special treasury
names are available which represent the offices related to particular treasury which is mapped as a
DDO code. For example CTSHFW001 specifies Cuttack district, Health and Family Welfare
department and 001 serial no. Unique DDO code is the code through which we are able to recognize
individual offices.
Office structure is a crucial part in Government system. Different offices exist at different
levels like offices at secretariat level, HOD level, district level, division level etc. They may be field
offices, sub-offices, head quarter offices. All those offices have distinct nomenclatures according to


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

their categorization. An office is created by a concerned department depending on its job

requirements. After set up of that office, several posts need to be defined in that particular office to
make it functional.

Department level
HOD level
Field Offices
[This figure represents the office hierarchy at different levels]
For office listing, information like exact nomenclature of office, department under which this
office is created, subject of that department, territory of office, at which level the office is to be
established, whether itll be a child office or parent office, location of the office, treasury name from
where the office employee will get their salary, Drawing disbursement officer, officer in charge etc are
required. To create a new office DDO code should be provided. If DDO code is not available for an
office, then parent office must be provided. Parent offices are list of offices that have got child offices
within it.
Here one office can be a reporting authority to another office, i.e. one parent office may have
more than one child office. The software should be developed such that, it can accommodate the
parent-child relationship. Offices should be managed in its hierarchical level. Like reporting office of
some child offices can be changed to parent offices of some other child offices.

Every employee is recognized through the post he/she carries and the service provided as a

responsibility of that post. The term post is recognized as two parts. They are Generic Post and
Substantive Post. Generic post is the name of the post defined in a particular office. Exact
specification of the post is substantive post where the name of post and position of the chair is given.
In other words substantive post constitutes generic post, subject identity and territory identity. For
example, Junior Stenographer is a Generic post and Junior Stenographer, Rural Water Supply and
Sanitation, Orissa is the substantive post.
To be more clear, exact name of employees current substantive posting as it
appears in the pay bill is the substantive post. This post relates to the post against which the
employee draws his/her salary. In posting information of an employee, data like employee deployment
status and substantive post details are required to be defined clearly. Deployment status shows
information like whether employee is currently serving on a regular basis. That is on post/duty or
waiting for position or on a long term leave or training or study leave.


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Posting information of an employee has a big effect on pay structure of that employee. Salary
structure is directly related to the posting criteria. For a particular post, a fixed amount is defined
which gets changed depending on cadre and grade. Through different service transactions or
processes the post changes like Promotion, Transfer, Fixation of pay, Step up of pay, Re-designation
etc. On processing each of these transactions, the pay information gets revised.
Like the office hierarchy, post also maintains its hierarchy where one post can be the
reporting authority of another post. A lower level post can be treated as child to another post. In this
scenario the software to be developed should provide facility to acquire the parent-child relationship in
post management.
After an office setup, posts are created according to different responsibilities within the office.
The software should create a number of new posts at time of requirement.

Substantive Post
Administrative Department allots Posts to the concern offices, and Such Posts are called

Substantive Post. Every employee holds a substantive post to perform all duties and responsibilities
mapped to the particular substantive posts. An employee may hold multiple substantive post at a time
as additional charges. A substantive post contains information like Generic post (e.g. Executive
Engineer), subject identity (e.g. RWSS Division) and territory (e.g. Koraput) identity within it. In
Government of Orissa there are tentatively 5 lakhs substantive posts distributed over 6143 no of
DDOs throughout the state in different departments. If no employee is mapped to any substantive
post then it remains vacant. The software should have the provision for creating such substantive post
under different offices. For creating a substantive post information like Generic post, subject identity,
territory identity, post level, post serial no. are required.


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification


(Recording of G2E Transactions)


Employee Specific Government Transactions / processes


FUNCTION: Sanction of Leave through Leave sanction

DESCRIPTION: Authority sanctions leave to make any employee be lawfully

absent from duty. The period of leave is debited to the particular leave account of
the employee. It captures the data like Type of leave, Period of sanction with
prefix and suffix date (if any).
Interface: The modules have one list page where the list of all previous Leave
transactions is shown. Every single Leave transaction can be viewed for further
viewing/updating purpose in a data page by clicking on view/edit link. Detail
about the list page and data page is described in the next section.
List Page: It shows the list of all previously occurred Leave events in it. The list
page is divided into three different sections namely a) Header, b) List c) Control
Panel as shown in Fig: 2.1(a). The detail descriptions about all the sections are as
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.


Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF / PPAN No of an Employee.

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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

List: It shows the list of all previously occurred Leave events in it. It contains
data components like Date of Entry, Notification Order No etc as described below.

Date of Entry: This is the date of entry into service book, it means
the date on which the entry was taken.

Type of Leave: This field shows the type of leave.

From Date: This will show from which date the employee will take the

To Date: This will show up to which date the employee has taken the

Suffix from Date: This field shows the start date of vacation which
comes after the leave date taken by the employee.

Suffix to Date: This field shows the end date of vacation which comes
after the leave date taken by the employee.

Prefix From Date: This field shows the start date of vacation which
comes before the leave date taken by the employee

Prefix to Date: This field shows the end date of vacation which comes
before the leave date taken by the employee.

If Long Leave: This field shows if the leave duration period was long.

View Icon: The employee can view the details of the transaction of a
particular row on clicking the view link.

Edit Icon: This link is used when the user wants to edit some of the
existing entries from the list. After clicking on the edit link it will go to
Editing page with all data. The edited data can be saved through
clicking on save button.

Supersede Icon: This link is used to modify the current order. The








modified/superseded by clicking on the supersede hyperlink. After

clicking on it, transaction will go to another page called supersession

Cancel Icon: This link is used to cancel the current order. The
corresponding row containing a particular order which can be cancelled
by clicking on the cancel link. After clicking on it, transaction will go to
another page called cancellation page.


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding new leave
record or exiting from the module. It contains buttons like add new and exit.
Detail description is given below.

AddNew Button:

This button is used to add a new record to the

existing record or data.

Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page window.

Fig: 2.1(a)

Data Page: Data page contains detail data components of a particular leave
transaction and allows the user to add or update relevant information. This page
is divided into three different sections namely a) header, b) data panel, c) control
panel as shown in Fig: 2.1(b). Detail description about each section is discussed
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF / PPAN No of an Employee.

Data Panel: It contains detail data components of a particular deputation

transaction and allows the user to add or update relevant information. It contains
information like




Fig: 2.1(b)

Service Book Text Box: This shows the date of entry into service
book, it means the date on which the entry was taken. It can take only
11 characters. It is a mandatory field. The user has to give the entry
according to particular date format (DD-MMM-YYYY).

Details of Entry taken by Authority: It contains 3 combo boxes

named as Department of the Entry taken by Authority, Office of the
Entry taken by Authority, Entry taken by Authority. These three fields
are mandatory. Without selecting the department user can't select
either office or authority.


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Order No Text Box: This field shows the notification order number. It
can take only 50 characters, It can take numbers as well as characters,
an entry more than that will show an alert message. It is a mandatory

Order Date Text Box: This field shows the notification order date of
an employee. It means the notification date given to the employee will
be displayed in this field. It can take only 11 characters. The user has
to give the entry according to particular date format (DD-MMM-YYYY).

Details Of Notifying Authority: It contains 3 combo boxes named as










Authority, Notifying Authority. These three fields are mandatory.

Without selecting the department user can't select either office or

Department of the Notifying Authority Combo Box: This is

a combo box. The user has to select one particular department
of the particular employee. It is a mandatory field. If the user
leaves it blank then it will show a message 'please select the
Department of Notifying Authority '.

Office of the Notifying Authority Combo Box: This is a

combo box. The user has to select one office relevant to the
corresponding department. It is a mandatory field. If the user
leaves it blank then it will show a message 'please select the
Office of the Notifying Authority '.

Notifying Authority Combo Box: This is a combo box. The

user has to select one employee of office of the particular
department. It is also a mandatory field. If the user leaves it
blank then it will show a message 'please select Notifying

Type of Leave: This field displays the type of leave taken by


Date From: This shows from which date the employee will take the

Date To: This shows up to which date the employee has taken the


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Suffix From: This field shows the start date of vacation which comes
after the leave date taken by the employee.

Suffix To: This field shows the end date of vacation which comes after
the leave date taken by the employee.

Prefix From: This field shows the start date of vacation which comes
before the leave date taken by the employee

Prefix To: This field shows the end date of vacation which comes
before the leave date taken by the employee.

If Medical Certificate Submitted: This field shows the status of

submission of medical certificate.

If Commuted: This field shows the leave has been commuted.

If Long Term Basis: This field shows if the leave duration period was

Note Text Area: This text box will contain Note (if any) relating to the
cancellation of First Appointment of an employee. It is an optional
area. It can take only 1000 characters, It can take numbers as well as
characters, an entry more than that will show an alert message.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like cancel.

Cancel button: It is used to cancel the editing records from the

list and go back to List Page.

FUNCTION: Sanction of Headquarter Leave Permission through Leave


DESCRIPTION: Any Govt. servant wants to leave his head quarter/ working

during his period of leave, the employee needs written permission from

authority. HRMS provides facility to record such permissions.

Interface: The modules have one list page where the list of all previous Leave
Permission transactions is shown. Every single Leave Permission transaction can
be viewed for further viewing/updating purpose in a data page by clicking on
view/edit link. Detail about the list page and data page is described in the next


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

List Page: It shows the list of all previously occurred Leave Permission events in
it. The list page is divided into three different sections namely a) Header, b) List
c) Control Panel as shown in Fig: 2.2(a). The detail descriptions about all the
sections are as follows:
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF / PPAN No of an Employee.

List: It shows the list of all previously occurred Leave events in it. It contains
data components like Date of Entry, Permission type etc as described below.

Date of Entry: This is the date of entry into service book, it means
the date on which the entry was taken.

Permission Type: This field shows the type of permission of leave.

From Date: This shows from which date the employee will take the

Time : This shows the time of from date the employee has taken the

To Date: This shows up to which date the employee has taken the

Time : This shows the time of to date the employee has taken the

View: The employee can view the details of the transaction of a

particular row on clicking the view link.

Edit Icon: This hyperlink is used when the user wants to edit some of
the existing entries from the list. After clicking on the edit link it will go


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

to Editing page with all data. The edited data can be saved through
clicking on save button.
Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding new leave
record or exiting from the module. It contains buttons like add new and exit.
Detail description is given below.

AddNew Button:

This button is used to add a new record to the

existing record or data.

Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page window.

Fig: 2.2(a)

Data Page: Data page contains detail data components of a particular leave
transaction and allows the user to add or update relevant information. This page
is divided into three different sections namely a) header, b) data panel, c) control
panel as shown in Fig: 2.2(b). Detail description about each section is discussed
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF / PPAN No of an Employee.

Data Panel: It contains detail data components of a particular leave transaction

and allows the user to add or update relevant information. It contains information





Fig: 2.2(b)

Notification No Text Box: This textbox will contain notification number for head
quarter leaving of the employee. It can take only 50 characters, It can take
numbers as well as characters, an entry more than that will show an alert

Notification Date Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the notification
date for head quarter leaving of an employee. It means the notification date
given to the employee will be displayed in this field. It can take only 11
characters. It is not a mandatory field. The user has to give the entry according
to particular date format (DD-MMM-YYYY).


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Permission Type Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to select the
type of permission of the employee. It is a mandatory field. If the user left it
blank then it will show a message like "Please Select the Permission Type".

Details of Authority: It contains 3 combo boxes named as Department, Office

and Authority. Without selecting the department user can't select either office or

Department Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to select
one particular department of the particular employee. It is not a
mandatory field.

Office Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to select one office
relevant to the corresponding department. It is not a mandatory field.

Authority Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to select one
employee of office of the particular department. It is not a mandatory

From Date Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the date from which from
which the Head Quarter Leaving is effective for employee. It can take only 11
characters. It is a mandatory field. The user has to give the entry according to
particular date format (DD-MMM-YYYY).

From Date Time: This is a textbox which contains the time of from date.

To Date Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the date up to which
the Head Quarter Leaving is effective. It can take only 11 characters. It is a
mandatory field. The user has to give the entry according to particular date
format (DD-MMM-YYYY).

To Date Time:

Note (If Any) Text Area: This text area contains the note .If the authority has
any notes to specify regarding Head Quarter Leaving, it can be mentioned in this
text area. It is an optional field. It can take only 1000 characters, more than that
will show a message Enter only 1000 characters.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like cancel.

Save Button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly

entered data to the list.

Delete Button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

Reset Button: This button is used for resetting the page. If the
user does not want to save the changed data, then by clicking reset


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

button, the page will be back to the initial stage as it is appeared at

the time of loading.

Cancel Button: It is used to cancel the editing records from the

list and go back to List Page.

FUNCTION: Preparation of Leave Account through Leave Opening Balance.

DESCRIPTION: HRMS software takes input of Opening Balance of particular type

of Leave (mostly earned leave) on a specific date. This input is essential for HRMS
to automate leave account for subsequent period. This form records Type of
Leave, Cutoff Date of opening balance and Number of leave days as Opening
Interface: The modules have one list page where the list of all previous Leave
Opening Balance transactions is shown. Every Leave Opening Balance transaction
can be viewed for further viewing/updating purpose in a data page by clicking on
view/edit link. Detail about the list page and data page is described in the next
List Page: It shows the list of all previously occurred Leave Opening Balance
events in it. The list page is divided into three different sections namely a)
Header, b) List c) Control Panel as shown in Fig: 2.3(a). The detail descriptions
about all the sections are as follows:
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.


Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF / PPAN No of an Employee.

Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

List: It shows the list of all previously occurred Leave events in it. It contains
data components like Date of Entry, Permission type etc as described below.

Leave ID: This field stores the ID of the leave name as in abbreviated

Leave Type: This field stores the name of the leave.

Date of Opening Balance: This field stores the Date of opening

balance of a leave.

Time: This field stores the time of opening balance in connection with
the date.

Opening Balance: This field stores the remaining balance of leave.

Edit Icon: This hyperlink is used when the user wants to edit some of
the existing entries from the list. After clicking on the edit link it will go
to Editing page with all data. The edited data can be saved through
clicking on save button.

Remove Icon: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding new leave
record or exiting from the module. It contains buttons like add new and exit.
Detail description is given below.

Cancel button: It is used to cancel the editing records from the list
and go back to List Page.


Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page window.

Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Fig: 2.3(a)

Data Page: Data page contains detail data components of a particular leave
transaction and allows the user to add or update relevant information. This page
is divided into three different sections namely a) header, b) data panel, c) control
panel as shown in Fig: 2.3(b). Detail description about each section is discussed
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF / PPAN No of an Employee.

Data Panel: It contains detail data components of a particular leave transaction

and allows the user to add or update relevant information. It contains information





Fig: 2.3(b)

Date of Opening Balance Text Box: This textbox will contain the date
from which balance is effective to an employee that will display in this
field. It is an optional field. The maximum size of the field is 11
characters. The user has to give the entry according to the Particular date
format (DD-MMM-YYYY).


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Time Combo Box: This combo box will contain the timing of the opening
balance. It stores the timing either in after noon or in forenoon when the
balance is credited. Its a mandatory field.

Opening Balance Text Box: This textbox will contain the opening
balance; It means how much leave he has taken throughout his service
period that will display in this field. It is an optional field. It can take
only 3 characters. It won't allow writing more than three.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like cancel.

Save Button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly

entered data to the list.

Cancel button: It is used to cancel the editing records from the

list and go back to List Page.

Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page window.

FUNCTION: Absent from Duty.

DESCRIPTION: Authority may record period of unauthorized absence from duty

of an employee into his/ her service book. HRMS facilitates to record such events.
Such recordings will be referred in future to decide upon whether to treat the
same as Regularization of Absence or as Break in Service.
Interface: The modules have one list page where the list of all previous Absent
from Duty transactions is shown. Every Absent from Duty transaction can be
viewed for further viewing/updating purpose in a data page by clicking on
view/edit link. Detail about the list page and data page is described in the next
List Page: It shows the list of all previously occurred Absent from Duty events in
it. The list page is divided into three different sections namely a) Header, b) List
c) Control Panel as shown in Fig: 2.4(a). The detail descriptions about all the
sections are as follows:
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF / PPAN No of an Employee.

List: It shows the list of all previously occurred Leave events in it. It contains
data components like Date of Entry, Permission type etc as described below.

Leave ID: This field stores the ID of the leave name as in abbreviated

Date of Entry: This is the date of entry into service book, it means
the date on which the entry was taken.

Absence Time From Date:

Absence Time To Date:
View: The employee can view the details of the transaction of a
particular row on clicking the view link.

Edit Icon: This hyperlink is used when the user wants to edit some of
the existing entries from the list. After clicking on the edit link it will go
to Editing page with all data. The edited data can be saved through
clicking on save button.

Supersede Icon: This hyperlink is used to modify the current order.

The corresponding row containing a particular order which can be
modified/superseded by clicking on the supersede hyperlink. After
clicking on it, transaction will go to another page called supersession

Cancel Icon: This hyperlink is used to cancel the current order. The
corresponding row containing a particular order which can be cancelled
by clicking on the cancel hyperlink. After clicking on it, transaction will
go to another page called cancellation page.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding new leave
record or exiting from the module. It contains buttons like add new and exit.
Detail description is given below.

AddNew Button:

This button is used to add a new record to the

existing record or data.

Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page window.

Fig: 2.4(a)

Data Page: Data page contains detail data components of a particular leave
transaction and allows the user to add or update relevant information. This page
is divided into three different sections namely a) header, b) data panel, c) control
panel as shown in Fig: 2.4(b). Detail description about each section is discussed
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.


Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF / PPAN No of an Employee.

Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Data Panel: It contains detail data components of a particular leave transaction

and allows the user to add or update relevant information. It contains information





Fig: 2.4(b)

Order No Text Box: This is a textbox which will contain the cancellation order
number. It can take only 50 characters, It can take numbers as well as
characters, an entry more than that will show an alert message. It is a mandatory

Order Date Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the cancellation order
date of an employee. It means the notification date given to the employee will be
displayed in this field. It can take only 11 characters. The user has to give the
entry according to particular date format (DD-MMM-YYYY).

Details of Sanctioning Authority: It contains 3 combo boxes named as

Department, Office and Authority. Without selecting the department user can't
select either office or authority.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Department Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to select
one particular department of the particular employee. It is not a
mandatory field.

Office Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to select one office
relevant to the corresponding department. It is not a mandatory field.

Authority Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to select one
employee of office of the particular department. It is not a mandatory

Period of absent from duty: This

field holds the time period from which the

employee was absent.

From Date Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the date from which from
which the Head Quarter Leaving is effective for employee. It can take only 11
characters. It is a mandatory field. The user has to give the entry according to
particular date format (DD-MMM-YYYY).

To Date Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the date up to which
the Head Quarter Leaving is effective. It can take only 11 characters. It is a
mandatory field. The user has to give the entry according to particular date
format (DD-MMM-YYYY).

Note (If Any) Text Area: This text area contains the note .If the authority has
any notes to specify regarding Head Quarter Leaving, it can be mentioned in this
text area. It is an optional field. It can take only 1000 characters, more than that
will show a message Enter only 1000 characters.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like cancel.

Save Button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly

entered data to the list.

Delete Button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

Reset Button: This button is used for resetting the page. If the
user does not want to save the changed data, then by clicking reset
button, the page will be back to the initial stage as it is appeared at
the time of loading.

Cancel Button: It is used to cancel the editing records from the

list and go back to List Page.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

FUNCTION: Joining from Duty.

DESCRIPTION: When an employee joins a new post on transfer then the

employee is entitled with joining time. This form in HRMS helps recording the
period of availed joining time in terms of number of days.
Interface: The modules have one list page where the list of all previous Joining
from Duty transactions is shown. Every Joining from Duty transaction can be
viewed for further viewing/updating purpose in a data page by clicking on
view/edit link. Detail about the list page and data page is described in the next
List Page: It shows the list of all previously occurred Joining from Duty events in
it. The list page is divided into three different sections namely a) Header, b) List
c) Control Panel as shown in Fig: 2.5(a). The detail descriptions about all the
sections are as follows:
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF / PPAN No of an Employee.

List: It shows the list of all previously occurred Leave events in it. It contains
data components like Date of Entry, Permission type etc as described below.

Leave ID: This field stores the ID of the leave name as in abbreviated

Date of Entry: This is the date of entry into service book, it means
the date on which the entry was taken.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

From Date: This field contains the date from which head quarter
leaving permission is effective.

To Date: This field contains the date up to which head quarter leaving
permission is effective.

View: The employee can view the details of the transaction of a

particular row on clicking the view link.

Edit Icon: This hyperlink is used when the user wants to edit some of
the existing entries from the list. After clicking on the edit link it will go
to Editing page with all data. The edited data can be saved through
clicking on save button.

Supersede Icon: This hyperlink is used to modify the current order.

The corresponding row containing a particular order which can be
modified/superseded by clicking on the supersede hyperlink. After
clicking on it, transaction will go to another page called supersession

Cancel Icon: This hyperlink is used to cancel the current order. The
corresponding row containing a particular order which can be cancelled
by clicking on the cancel hyperlink. After clicking on it, transaction will
go to another page called cancellation page.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding new leave
record or exiting from the module. It contains buttons like add new and exit.
Detail description is given below.

AddNew Button:

This button is used to add a new record to the

existing record or data.


Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page window.

Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification


Data Page: Data page contains detail data components of a particular leave
transaction and allows the user to add or update relevant information. This page
is divided into three different sections namely a) header, b) data panel, c) control
panel as shown in Fig: 2.5(b). Detail description about each section is discussed
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.


Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF / PPAN No of an Employee.

Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Data Panel: It contains detail data components of a particular leave transaction

and allows the user to add or update relevant information. It contains information




Fig: 2.5(b)

Order No Text Box: This is a textbox which will contain the cancellation order
number. It can take only 50 characters, It can take numbers as well as
characters, an entry more than that will show an alert message. It is a mandatory

Order Date Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the cancellation order
date of an employee. It means the notification date given to the employee will be
displayed in this field. It can take only 11 characters. The user has to give the
entry according to particular date format (DD-MMM-YYYY).

Details of Sanctioning Authority: It contains 3 combo boxes named as

Department, Office, and Authority. Without selecting the department user can't
select either office or authority.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Department Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to select
one particular department of the particular employee. It is not a
mandatory field.

Office Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to select one office
relevant to the corresponding department. It is not a mandatory field.

Authority Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to select one
employee of office of the particular department. It is not a mandatory

Period of availed joining time:

From Date Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the date from which from
which the Head Quarter

This field shows the joining time of the employee.

joining is effective for employee. It can take only 11

characters. It is a mandatory field. The user has to give the entry according to
particular date format (DD-MMM-YYYY).

To Date Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the date up to which
the Head Quarter

joining is effective. It can take only 11 characters. It is a

mandatory field. The user has to give the entry according to particular date
format (DD-MMM-YYYY).

Note (If Any) Text Area: This text area contains the note .If the authority has
any notes to specify regarding Head Quarter Leaving, it can be mentioned in this
text area. It is an optional field. It can take only 1000 characters, more than that
will show a message Enter only 1000 characters.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like cancel.

Save Button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly

entered data to the list.

Delete Button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

Cancel Button: It is used to cancel the editing records from the

list and go back to List Page.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

FUNCTION: Detention on Vacation.

DESCRIPTION: Vacations are entitled to the government employees in vacation

department like Educational Institutions, Court etc. This period of vacation can be
detained by the authority if required. Against such detention of vacation
substitute no of leave days may be credited to the leave account of the concern
employee. Period of detention of vacation of particular employee is recorded
through this form in HRMS.
Interface: The modules have one list page where the list of all previous Detention
on Vacation transactions is shown. Every Detention on Vacation transaction can be
viewed for further viewing/updating purpose in a data page by clicking on
view/edit link. Detail about the list page and data page is described in the next
List Page: It shows the list of all previously occurred Detention on Vacation events
in it. The list page is divided into three different sections namely a) Header, b)
List c) Control Panel as shown in Fig: 2.6(a). The detail descriptions about all the
sections are as follows:
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF / PPAN No of an Employee.

List: It shows the list of all previously occurred Leave events in it. It contains
data components like Date of Entry, Permission type etc as described below.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Date of Entry: This is the date of entry into service book, it means
the date on which the entry was taken.

From Date: This will show from which date the employee will take the

To Date: This will show up to which date the employee has taken the

View: The employee can view the details of the transaction of a

particular row on clicking the view link.

Edit Icon: This hyperlink is used when the user wants to edit some of
the existing entries from the list. After clicking on the edit link it will go
to Editing page with all data. The edited data can be saved through
clicking on save button.

Supersede Icon: This hyperlink is used to modify the current order.

The corresponding row containing a particular order which can be
modified / superseded by clicking on the supersede hyperlink. After
clicking on it, transaction will go to another page called supersession

Cancel Icon: This hyperlink is used to cancel the current order. The
corresponding row containing a particular order which can be cancelled
by clicking on the cancel hyperlink. After clicking on it, transaction will
go to another page called cancellation page.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding new leave
record or exiting from the module. It contains buttons like add new and exit.
Detail description is given below.

AddNew Button:

This button is used to add a new record to the

existing record or data.


Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page window.

Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Fig: 2.6(a)

Data Page: Data page contains detail data components of a particular leave
transaction and allows the user to add or update relevant information. This page
is divided into three different sections namely a) header, b) data panel, c) control
panel as shown in Fig: 2.6(b). Detail description about each section is discussed
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF / PPAN No of an Employee.

Data Panel: It contains detail data components of a particular leave transaction

and allows the user to add or update relevant information. It contains information


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Fig: 2.6(b)

Date of Entry Order No Text Box: This is a textbox which will

contain the cancellation order number. It can take only 50 characters, It can take
numbers as well as characters, an entry more than that will show an alert
message. It is a mandatory field.

Order Date Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the cancellation order
date of an employee. It means the notification date given to the employee will be
displayed in this field. It can take only 11 characters. The user has to give the
entry according to particular date format (DD-MMM-YYYY).

Details of Sanctioning Authority: It contains 3 combo boxes named as

Department, Office and Authority. Without selecting the department user can't
select either office or authority.

Department Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to select
one particular department of the particular employee. It is not a
mandatory field.

Office Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to select one office
relevant to the corresponding department. It is not a mandatory field.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Authority Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to select one
employee of office of the particular department. It is not a mandatory

Date from Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the date from which
the Detention is effective for employee. It can take only 11 characters. It is a
mandatory field. The user has to give the entry according to particular date
format (DD-MMM-YYYY).

Date To Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the date up to which
the Detention is effective. It can take only 11 characters. It is a mandatory field.
The user has to give the entry according to particular date format (DD-MMMYYYY).

No of Days: No of Days leave detention. It can take only 11 characters.

No of Years: No of Years leave detention. It can take only 5 characters.

Type of Leave: This field shows the type of leave.

Note (If Any) Text Area: This text area contains the note .If the authority has
any notes to specify regarding Detention, it can be mentioned in this text area. It
is an optional field. It can take only 1000 characters, more than that will show a
message Enter only 1000 characters.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like cancel.

Save Button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly

entered data to the list.

Delete Button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

Reset Button: This button is used for resetting the page. If the
user does not want to save the changed data, then by clicking reset
button, the page will be back to the initial stage as it is appeared at
the time of loading.

Cancel Button: It is used to cancel the editing records from the list and go back to List

FUNCTION: Extension of Joining Time

DESCRIPTION: If an employee is not able to join the post in time, then he may
request for extending the joining time. If such request is accepted by the authority
then appropriate recording is done in the service book.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Interface: The modules have one list page where the list of all previous Extension
of Joining Time transactions is shown. Every Extension of Joining Time transaction can
be viewed for further viewing/updating purpose in a data page by clicking on
view/edit link. Detail about the list page and data page is described in the next
List Page: It shows the list of all previously occurred Extension of Joining Time
events in it. The list page is divided into three different sections namely a)
Header, b) List c) Control Panel as shown in Fig: 2.7(a). The detail descriptions
about all the sections are as follows:
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF / PPAN No of an Employee.

List: It shows the list of all previously occurred Leave events in it. It contains
data components like Date of Entry, Permission type etc as described below.

Date of Entry: This is the date of entry into service book, it means
the date on which the entry was taken.

Extension joining time From Date: This field contains the date from
which Extension joining time is effective.

Extension joining time To Date: This field contains the date up to

which Extension joining time is effective.

View: The employee can view the details of the transaction of a

particular row on clicking the view link.

Edit Icon: This hyperlink is used when the user wants to edit some of
the existing entries from the list. After clicking on the edit link it will go


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

to Editing page with all data. The edited data can be saved through
clicking on save button.

Supersede Icon: This hyperlink is used to modify the current order.

The corresponding row containing a particular order which can be
modified / superseded by clicking on the supersede hyperlink. After
clicking on it, transaction will go to another page called supersession

Cancel Icon: This hyperlink is used to cancel the current order. The
corresponding row containing a particular order which can be cancelled
by clicking on the cancel hyperlink. After clicking on it, transaction will
go to another page called cancellation page.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding new leave
record or exiting from the module. It contains buttons like add new and exit.
Detail description is given below.

AddNew Button:

This button is used to add a new record to the

existing record or data.

Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page window.

Fig: 2.7(a)

Data Page: Data page contains detail data components of a particular leave transaction
and allows the user to add or update relevant information. This page is divided into three
different sections namely a) header, b) data panel, c) control panel as shown in Fig:
2.7(b). Detail description about each section is discussed below.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this section
data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components like Employee
Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as follows:

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF / PPAN No of an Employee.

Data Panel: It contains detail data components of a particular leave transaction and
allows the user to add or update relevant information. It contains information like




Fig: 2.6(b)

Order No Text Box: This is a textbox which will contain the cancellation
order number. It can take only 50 characters, It can take numbers as well as


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

characters, an entry more than that will show an alert message. It is a

mandatory field.

Order Date Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the cancellation
order date of an employee. It means the notification date given to the
employee will be displayed in this field. It can take only 11 characters. The
user has to give the entry according to particular date format (DD-MMMYYYY).

Details of Sanctioning Authority: It contains 3 combo boxes named as

Department, Office and Authority. Without selecting the department user can't
select either office or authority.

Department Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to select
one particular department of the particular employee. It is not a
mandatory field.

Office Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to select one
office relevant to the corresponding department. It is not a mandatory

Authority Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to select
one employee of office of the particular department. It is not a
mandatory field.

From Date Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the date from which
from which the Head Quarter

joining is effective for employee. It can take

only 11 characters. It is a mandatory field. The user has to give the entry
according to particular date format (DD-MMM-YYYY).

To Date Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the date up to which
the Head Quarter

joining is effective. It can take only 11 characters. It is a

mandatory field. The user has to give the entry according to particular date
format (DD-MMM-YYYY).

Note (If Any) Text Area: This text area contains the note .If the authority
has any notes to specify regarding Head Quarter Leaving, it can be
mentioned in this text area. It is an optional field. It can take only 1000
characters, more than that will show a message Enter only 1000 characters.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like cancel.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Save Button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly

entered data to the list.

Delete Button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

Cancel Button: It is used to cancel the editing records from the

list and go back to List Page.

FUNCTION: Periodic Leave Credit

DESCRIPTION: There are several methods for crediting the leave account of an
employee for a particular type of leave. But here HRMS emphasize on standard periodic
credit of leave according to Leave Rule. HRMS provides facility to auto-compute credit
days to the leave account and waits for user confirmation of such credit. User is expected
to update and confirm No of credited Leaves in a specific semester.

Interface: The modules have one list page where the list of all previous Periodic Leave

Credit Time transactions is shown. Every Periodic Leave Credit Time transaction can be
viewed for further viewing/updating purpose in a data page by clicking on view/edit link.
Detail about the list page and data page is described in the next section.
List Page: It shows the list of all previously occurred Periodic Leave Credit events in it.
The list page is divided into three different sections namely a) Header, b) List c) Control
Panel as shown in Fig: 2.8(a). The detail descriptions about all the sections are as
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this section
data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components like Employee
Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as follows:

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.


Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF / PPAN No of an Employee.

Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

List: It shows the list of all previously occurred Leave events in it. It contains data
components like Date of Entry, Permission type etc as described below.

Select Type Of Leave Combo Box: This is a combo box which

contains the type of leave of an employee. According to these leave it
has to display the opening balance date. It is a mandatory field.

To get Leave Credit Records Ok Button: After click on this 'ok'

button it will display the leave credit details up to its superannuation
date, it will show the list of leave credit details in the same page as
given below.

Service Period From Date:

This field shows the leave will be

effective from this date.

Service Period To Date: This field shows the leave will be credited up
to this date.

Complete Months: This field shows the complete months of the

credited leave.

No of Credited Leave: This field shows the number of credited leave.

Click to Update Check Box: This button is used when the user wants
to update some of the existing entries from the list. After clicking on
the update Check Box it will update with all data. After updating the
data click on 'Save' button.

View: The employee can view the details of the transaction of a

particular row on clicking the view link.

Edit Icon: This hyperlink is used when the user wants to edit some of
the existing entries from the list. After clicking on the edit link it will go
to Editing page with all data. The edited data can be saved through
clicking on save button.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding new leave record
or exiting from the module. It contains buttons like add new and exit. Detail description
is given below.

Update Button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly

entered data to the list.


Remove All Button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page window.

Fig: 2.8(a)

Data Page: Data page contains detail data components of a particular leave transaction
and allows the user to add or update relevant information. This page is divided into three
different sections namely a) header, b) data panel, c) control panel as shown in Fig:
2.8(b). Detail description about each section is discussed below.
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this section
data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components like Employee
Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as follows:

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF / PPAN No of an Employee.

Data Panel: It contains detail data components of a particular leave transaction and
allows the user to add or update relevant information. It contains information like



Fig: 2.8(b)

From Date Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the date from
which the leave is credited .It can't be changed.

To Date Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the date to which the
leave is credited .It can't be changed.

No of Months Text Box: This textbox will contain the number of

complete months. It is read only field. User is not allowed to change it.

No of Leave Text Box: This is a textbox which will contain the number of
leave; it means how many leaves are credited in that period that will be
displayed in this field. It is a mandatory field. It takes maximum of 7
characters, more than that gives an alert message.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like cancel.

Save Button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly

entered data to the list.

Delete Button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

Cancel Button: It is used to cancel the editing records from the

list and go back to List Page.


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

FUNCTION: Surrender of Leave

DESCRIPTION: The objective of this module is to record all the leave details
surrendered by a particular employee during his/her service period.

Interface: The modules have one list page where the list of all previous Surrender of

Leave Time transactions is shown. Every Surrender of Leave Time transaction can be viewed
for further viewing/updating purpose in a data page by clicking on view/edit link. Detail
about the list page and data page is described in the next section.
List Page: It shows the list of all previously occurred Surrender of Leave events in it. The
list page is divided into three different sections namely a) Header, b) List c) Control
Panel as shown in Fig: 2.9(a). The detail descriptions about all the sections are as
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this section
data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components like Employee
Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as follows:

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF / PPAN No of an Employee.

List: It shows the list of all previously occurred Leave events in it. It contains data
components like Date of Entry, Permission type etc as described below.

Date of Entry: This is the date of entry into service book, it means
the date on which the entry was taken.


From Date: This field shows the leave will be effective from this date.

To Date: This field shows the leave will be credited up to this date.

Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

View: The employee can view the details of the transaction of a

particular row on clicking the view link.

Edit Icon: This hyperlink is used when the user wants to edit some of
the existing entries from the list. After clicking on the edit link it will go
to Editing page with all data. The edited data can be saved through
clicking on save button.

Supersede Icon: This hyperlink is used to modify the current order.

The corresponding row containing a particular order which can be
modified/superseded by clicking on the supersede hyperlink. After
clicking on it, transaction will go to another page called supersession

Cancel Icon: This hyperlink is used to cancel the current order. The
corresponding row containing a particular order which can be cancelled
by clicking on the cancel hyperlink. After clicking on it, transaction will
go to another page called cancellation page.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding new leave record
or exiting from the module. It contains buttons like add new and exit. Detail description
is given below.

AddNew Button:

This button is used to add a new record to the

existing record or data.


Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page window.

Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Fig: 2.9(a)

Data Page: Data page contains detail data components of a particular leave transaction
and allows the user to add or update relevant information. This page is divided into three
different sections namely a) header, b) data panel, c) control panel as shown in Fig:
2.9(b). Detail description about each section is discussed below.
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this section
data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components like Employee
Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as follows:

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.


Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF / PPAN No of an Employee.

Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Data Panel: It contains detail data components of a particular leave transaction and
allows the user to add or update relevant information. It contains information like



Fig: 2.9(b)

Order No Text Box: This is a textbox which will contain the cancellation
order number. It can take only 50 characters, It can take numbers as well
as characters, an entry more than that will show an alert message. It is a
mandatory field.

Order Date Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the cancellation
order date of an employee. It means the notification date given to the
employee will be displayed in this field. It can take only 11 characters. The
user has to give the entry according to particular date format (DD-MMMYYYY).

Details of Sanctioning Authority: It contains 3 combo boxes named as

Department, Office and Authority. Without selecting the department user
can't select either office or authority.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Department Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to

select one particular department of the particular employee. It is
not a mandatory field.

Office Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to select
one office relevant to the corresponding department. It is not a
mandatory field.

Authority Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to

select one employee of office of the particular department. It is not
a mandatory field.

Period of surrender joining time

From Date Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the date from
which from which the Head Quarter

joining is effective for employee. It

can take only 11 characters. It is a mandatory field. The user has to give
the entry according to particular date format (DD-MMM-YYYY).

To Date Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the date up to which
the Head Quarter

joining is effective. It can take only 11 characters. It is a

mandatory field. The user has to give the entry according to particular
date format (DD-MMM-YYYY).

Note (If Any) Text Area: This text area contains the note .If the
authority has any notes to specify regarding Head Quarter Leaving, it can
be mentioned in this text area. It is an optional field. It can take only
1000 characters, more than that will show a message Enter only 1000

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like cancel.

Save Button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly

entered data to the list.

Delete Button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

Cancel Button: It is used to cancel the editing records from the

list and go back to List Page. FUNCTION: Unavailed Joining Time

DESCRIPTION: When an employee joins a new post on transfer then the employee is
entitled with joining time. If the employee does not avail or partially avail the joining time


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

then the remaining days will be credited to his/her leave account. This form in HRMS
helps recording period of un-availed joining time in terms of number of days, wh ich will
automatically reflected in his/her leave account.

Interface: The modules have one list page where the list of all previous Unavailed Joining
Time transactions is shown. Every Unavailed Joining Time transaction can be viewed for
further viewing/updating purpose in a data page by clicking on view/edit link. Detail
about the list page and data page is described in the next section.
List Page: It shows the list of all previously occurred Unavailed Joining Time events in it.
The list page is divided into three different sections namely a) Header, b) List c) Control
Panel as shown in Fig: 2.10(a). The detail descriptions about all the sections are as
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this section
data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components like Employee
Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as follows:

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF / PPAN No of an Employee.

List: It shows the list of all previously occurred Leave events in it. It contains data
components like Date of Entry, Permission type etc as described below.

Date of Entry: This is the date of entry into service book, it means
the date on which the entry was taken.

Extension joining time From Date: This field contains the date from
which Extension joining time is effective.

Extension joining time To Date: This field contains the date up to

which Extension joining time is effective.

View: The employee can view the details of the transaction of a

particular row on clicking the view link.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Edit Icon: This hyperlink is used when the user wants to edit some of
the existing entries from the list. After clicking on the edit link it will go
to Editing page with all data. The edited data can be saved through
clicking on save button.

Supersede Icon: This hyperlink is used to modify the current order.

The corresponding row containing a particular order which can be
modified/superseded by clicking on the supersede hyperlink. After
clicking on it, transaction will go to another page called supersession

Cancel Icon: This hyperlink is used to cancel the current order. The
corresponding row containing a particular order which can be cancelled
by clicking on the cancel hyperlink. After clicking on it, transaction will
go to another page called cancellation page.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding new leave record
or exiting from the module. It contains buttons like add new and exit. Detail description
is given below.

AddNew Button:

This button is used to add a new record to the

existing record or data.

Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page window.

Fig: 2.10(a)

Data Page: Data page contains detail data components of a particular leave transaction
and allows the user to add or update relevant information. This page is divided into three
different sections namely a) header, b) data panel, c) control panel as shown in Fig:
2.10(b). Detail description about each section is discussed below.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this section
data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components like Employee
Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as follows:

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF / PPAN No of an Employee.

Data Panel: It contains detail data components of a particular leave transaction and
allows the user to add or update relevant information. It contains information like





Fig: 2.10(b)

Order No Text Box: This is a textbox which will contain the cancellation
order number. It can take only 50 characters, It can take numbers as well


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

as characters, an entry more than that will show an alert message. It is a

mandatory field.

Order Date Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the cancellation
order date of an employee. It means the notification date given to the
employee will be displayed in this field. It can take only 11 characters. The
user has to give the entry according to particular date format (DD-MMMYYYY).

Details of Sanctioning Authority: It contains 3 combo boxes named as

Department, Office and Authority. Without selecting the department user
can't select either office or authority.

Department Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to

select one particular department of the particular employee. It is
not a mandatory field.

Office Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to select
one office relevant to the corresponding department. It is not a
mandatory field.

Authority Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to

select one employee of office of the particular department. It is not a
mandatory field.

From Date Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the date from
which from which the Head Quarter

joining is effective for employee. It

can take only 11 characters. It is a mandatory field. The user has to give
the entry according to particular date format (DD-MMM-YYYY).

To Date Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the date up to which
the Head Quarter

joining is effective. It can take only 11 characters. It is a

mandatory field. The user has to give the entry according to particular
date format (DD-MMM-YYYY).

Note (If Any) Text Area: This text area contains the note .If the
authority has any notes to specify regarding Head Quarter Leaving, it can
be mentioned in this text area. It is an optional field. It can take only
1000 characters, more than that will show a message Enter only 1000

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like cancel.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Save Button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly

entered data to the list.

Delete Button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

Cancel Button: It is used to cancel the editing records from the

list and go back to List Page. FUNCTION: Monthly absent Statement.

DESCRIPTION: Authority may record period of absence from duty of an employee into
his/ her service book. HRMS facilitates to record such events.
Interface: The modules have one list page where the list of all previous Absent from
Duty transactions is shown. Every Absent from Duty transaction can be viewed for
further viewing/updating purpose in a data page by clicking on view/edit link. Detail
about the list page and data page is described in the next section.
List Page: It shows the list of all previously occurred Absent from Duty events in it. The
list page is divided into three different sections namely a) Header, b) List c) Control
Panel as shown in Fig: 2.11. The detail descriptions about all the sections are as follows:
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this section
data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components like Employee
Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as follows:

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF / PPAN No of an Employee.

List: It shows the list of all previously occurred Leave events in it. It contains data
components like Date of Entry, Permission type etc as described below.

From Date: This will show from which date the employee will take the


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

To Date: This will show up to which date the employee has taken the

Total days: This will show the total days of leave.

Edit Icon: This hyperlink is used when the user wants to edit some of
the existing entries from the list. After clicking on the edit link it will go
to Editing page with all data. The edited data can be saved through
clicking on save button.

Remove Icon: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding new leave record
or exiting from the module. It contains buttons like add new and exit. Detail description
is given below.

Save Button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly

entered data to the list.

Cancel All Button: It is used to cancel the editing records from the
list and go back to List Page.

Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page window.

Add Button:

This button is used to add a new record to the existing

record or data.

Fig: 2.11


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

4.1.2. GROUP OF FUNCTIONS: Service

FUNCTION: Break in Service









discontinuation in the service of an employee for the period of unauthorized

absence that may be due to strike or other similar cause. Breakage in Service
restricts the employee to get usual benefits.
Interface: The modules have one list page where the list of all previous Break in
Service is shown. Every single Break in Service can be viewed for further
viewing/updating purpose in a data page by clicking on view/edit link. Detail about
the list page and data page is described in the next section.
List Page: It shows the list of all previously occurred Leave events in
it. The list page is divided into three different sections namely a)
Header, b) List c) Control Panel as shown in Fig: 3.1(a). The detail
descriptions about all the sections are as follows:
Header: The header section shows details about the selected
employee. In this section data shown in the form of labels (read
only).It contains data components like Employee Name, HRMS
ID etc. Details of all the data components are as follows:

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF / PPAN No of an Employee.

List: It shows the list of all previously occurred Leave events in
it. It contains data components like Date of Entry, Notification
Order No etc as described below.

Date of Entry: This is the date of entry into service book, it means
the date on which the entry was taken.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

From Date: This will show from which date the employee will take the

To Date: This will show up to which date the employee has taken the

View Icon: The employee can view the details of the transaction of a
particular row on clicking the view link.

Edit Icon: This link is used when the user wants to edit some of the
existing entries from the list. After clicking on the edit link it will go to
Editing page with all data. The edited data can be saved through
clicking on save button.

Supersede Icon: This link is used to modify the current order. The








modified/superseded by clicking on the supersede hyperlink. After

clicking on it, transaction will go to another page called supersession

Cancel Icon: This link is used to cancel the current order. The
corresponding row containing a particular order which can be cancelled
by clicking on the cancel link. After clicking on it, transaction will go to
another page called cancellation page.
Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like
adding new leave record or exiting from the module. It contains
buttons like add new and exit. Detail description is given below.

AddNew Button:

This button is used to add a new record to the

existing record or data.


Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page window.

Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Fig: 3.1(a)

Data Page: Data page contains detail data components of a

particular leave transaction and allows the user to add or update
relevant information. This page is divided into three different sections
namely a) header, b) data panel, c) control panel as shown in Fig:
3.1(b). Detail description about each section is discussed below.
Header: The header section shows details about the selected
employee. In this section data shown in the form of labels (read
only).It contains data components like Employee Name, HRMS
ID etc. Details of all the data components are as follows:

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF / PPAN No of an Employee.

Data Panel: It contains detail data components of a particular
deputation transaction and allows the user to add or update
relevant information. It contains information like


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Fig: 3.1(b)

Order No Text Box: This is a textbox which will contain the notification order
number. It can take only 50 characters, It is of varchar type, means it can take
numbers as well as characters, an entry more than that will show an alert
message. It is a mandatory field.

Order Date Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the notification order
date of an employee. It means the notification date given to the employee will be
displayed in this field. It can take only 11 characters. It is a mandatory field. The
user has to give the entry according to particular date format (DD-MMM-YYYY).

Details of Sanctioning Authority: It contains 3 combo boxes named as

Department, Office, and Sanctioning Authority. These three fields are mandatory.
Without selecting the department user can't select either office or authority.

Department Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to select
one particular department of the particular employee. It is a mandatory


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

field. If the user leaves it blank then it will show a message 'please select
the Department '.

Office Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to select one office
relevant to the corresponding department. It is a mandatory field. If the
user leaves it blank then it will show a message 'please select the Office '.

Sanctioning Authority Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has
to select one employee of office of the particular department. It is also a
mandatory field. If the user leaves it blank then it will show a message
'please select Sanctioning Authority'.

Period of Break: It contains 3 text boxes named as Date from, Date To, No of
days respectively.

Date from Text Box: This is a text box which contains Date from which
break period is effective. It can take only 11 characters. It is a mandatory
field. The user has to give the entry according to particular date format

Date to Text Box: This is a text box which contains Date up to which
break period is effective. It can take only 11 characters. It is a mandatory
field. The user has to give the entry according to particular date format

No of Days Text Box: This is a text box which contains the number of
days of break in service .It takes only 3 numbers. It is a mandatory field.

Note Text Area: This text box will contain Note (if any) relating to the
cancellation of First Appointment of an employee. It is an optional
area. It can take only 1000 characters, It can take numbers as well as
characters, an entry more than that will show an alert message.
Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like

Save Button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly

entered data to the list.

Delete Button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.


Cancel button: It is used to cancel the editing records from

the list and go back to List Page.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

FUNCTION: Confirmation of service

DESCRIPTION: An employee is confirmed at the end of the period of probation

or training if his/her service is found to be satisfactory during such period. On
confirmation of service the classification of service changes to Permanent from Ad
Hoc, Temporary or from Probation. It provides facilities to record Cadre, Grade,
Level and Generic post, Classification of Post and Status of Post to which the
employee is confirmed.
Interface: The modules have one list page where the list of all previous
Confirmation of service is shown. Every single Break in Service can be viewed for
further viewing/updating purpose in a data page by clicking on view/edit link.
Detail about the list page and data page is described in the next section.
List Page: It shows the list of all previously occurred service events in it. The list
page is divided into three different sections namely a) Header, b) List c) Control
Panel as shown in Fig:3.2(a). The detail descriptions about all the sections are as
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee.
In this section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains
data components like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data
components are as follows:

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF / PPAN No of an Employee.

List: It shows the list of all previously occurred Leave events in it. It
contains data components like Date of Entry, Notification Order No etc as
described below.

Date of Entry: This is the date of entry into service book, it means
the date on which the entry was taken.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Notification Order No: This field stores the notification order number
of an employee.

Notification Date: This field stores the notification date of an


Notification Type:

This field stores the notification type of an


View Icon: The employee can view the details of the transaction of a
particular row on clicking the view link.

Edit Icon: This link is used when the user wants to edit some of the
existing entries from the list. After clicking on the edit link it will go to
Editing page with all data. The edited data can be saved through
clicking on save button.

Supersede Icon: This link is used to modify the current order. The








modified/superseded by clicking on the supersede hyperlink. After

clicking on it, transaction will go to another page called supersession

Cancel Icon: This link is used to cancel the current order. The
corresponding row containing a particular order which can be cancelled
by clicking on the cancel link. After clicking on it, transaction will go to
another page called cancellation page.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding new
service record or exiting from the module. It contains buttons like add new
and exit. Detail description is given below.

AddNew Button:

This button is used to add a new record to the

existing record or data.


Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page window.

Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Data Page: Data page contains detail data components of a particular leave
transaction and allows the user to add or update relevant information. This page
is divided into three different sections namely a) header, b) data panel, c) control
panel as shown in Fig: 3.2(b). Detail description about each section is discussed
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee.
In this section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains
data components like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data
components are as follows:

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF / PPAN No of an Employee.

Data Panel: It contains detail data components of a particular deputation

transaction and allows the user to add or update relevant information. It
contains information like


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification




Fig: 3.2(b)

Notification No Text Box: This textbox will contain notification number for head
quarter leaving of the employee. It can take only 50 characters, It can take
numbers as well as characters, an entry more than that will show an alert

Notification Date Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the notification
date for head quarter leaving of an employee. It means the notification date
given to the employee will be displayed in this field. It can take only 11
characters. It is not a mandatory field. The user has to give the entry according
to particular date format (DD-MMM-YYYY).

Details of Notifying Authority: It contains 3 combo boxes named as

Department, Office, and Authority. Without selecting the department user can't
select either office or authority.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Department Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to select
one particular department of the particular employee. It is not a
mandatory field.

Office Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to select one office
relevant to the corresponding department. It is not a mandatory field.

Authority Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to select one
employee of office of the particular department. It is not a mandatory

Details of cadre: This field contains a group of fields which describes the employees grade
of pay, department, Grade Name, Allotment year etc

Post Classification: This field describes under which category the employee was appointed.

Date of Effect of joining in cadre: This is a text box which contains the data which
shows the effect date for confirmation of service

Details of Pay: This text box(s) which contains the detail data of pay scale

Date of Effect of Pay: This is a text box which contains the data which shows the
effect date of pay scale

Note Text Area: Note (If Any) Text Area: This text area contains the note .If
the authority has any notes to specify regarding Head Quarter Leaving, it can be

in this text area. It is an optional field. It can take only 1000

characters, more than that will show a message Enter only 1000 characters.
Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like cancel.

Save Button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly

entered data to the list.

Delete Button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

Reset Button: This button is used for resetting the page. If the user
does not want to save the changed data, then by clicking reset button,
the page will be back to the initial stage as it is appeared at the time of

Cancel Button: It is used to cancel the editing records from the

list and go back to List Page.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

FUNCTION: Regularization of Absence

DESCRIPTION: An employee is confirmed at the end of the period of probation

or training if his/her service is found to be satisfactory during such period. On
Regularization of Absence the classification of service changes to Permanent from
Ad Hoc, Temporary or from Probation. It provides facilities to record Cadre,
Grade, Level and Generic post, Classification of Post and Status of Post to which
the employee is confirmed.
Interface: The modules have one list page where the list of all previous
Regularization of Absence is shown. Every single Break in Service can be viewed
for further viewing/updating purpose in a data page by clicking on view/edit link.
Detail about the list page and data page is described in the next section.
List Page: It shows the list of all previously occurred service events in it. The list
page is divided into three different sections namely a) Header, b) List c) Control
Panel as shown in Fig: 3.3(a). The detail descriptions about all the sections are as
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF / PPAN No of an Employee.

List: It shows the list of all previously occurred Leave events in it. It contains
data components like Date of Entry, Notification Order No etc as described

Date of Entry: This is the date of entry into service book, it means
the date on which the entry was taken.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

From Date: This will show from which date the employee will
take the leave.

To Date: This will show up to which date the employee has

taken the leave.

View: The employee can view the details of the transaction of a

particular row on clicking the view link.

Edit Icon: This hyperlink is used when the user wants to edit
some of the existing entries from the list. After clicking on the
edit link it will go to Editing page with all data. The edited data
can be saved through clicking on save button.

Supersede Icon: This hyperlink is used to modify the current

order. The corresponding row containing a particular order
which can be modified / superseded by clicking on the
supersede hyperlink. After clicking on it, transaction will go to
another page called supersession page.

Cancel Icon: This hyperlink is used to cancel the current order.

The corresponding row containing a particular order which can
be cancelled by clicking on the cancel hyperlink. After clicking
on it, transaction will go to another page called cancellation

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding new
service record or exiting from the module. It contains buttons like add new and
exit. Detail description is given below.

AddNew Button:

This button is used to add a new record to the

existing record or data.


Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page window.

Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Fig: 3.3(a)

Data Page: Data page contains detail data components of a particular service
transaction and allows the user to add or update relevant information. This page is
divided into three different sections namely a) header, b) data panel, c) control
panel as shown in Fig: 3.3(b). Detail description about each section is discussed
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF/PPAN No of an Employee.

Data Panel: It contains detail data components of a particular deputation

transaction and allows the user to add or update relevant information. It
contains information like


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Fig: 3.3(b)

Order No Text Box: This is a textbox which will contain the notification order
number. It can take only 50 characters, It is of varchar type, means it can take
numbers as well as characters, an entry more than that will show an alert
message. It is a mandatory field.

Order Date Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the notification order
date of an employee. It means the notification date given to the employee will be
displayed in this field. It can take only 11 characters. It is a mandatory field. The
user has to give the entry according to particular date format (DD-MMM-YYYY).

Details Of Sanctioning Authority: It contains 3 combo boxes named as

Department, Office, Sanctioning Authority. These three fields are mandatory.
Without selecting the department user can't select either office or authority.

Department Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to select
one particular department of the particular employee. It is a mandatory
field. If the user leaves it blank then it will show a message 'please select
the Department '.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Office Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to select one office
relevant to the corresponding department. It is a mandatory field. If the
user leaves it blank then it will show a message 'please select the Office '.

Sanctioning Authority Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has
to select one employee of office of the particular department. It is also a
mandatory field. If the user leaves it blank then it will show a message
'please select Sanctioning Authority'.

Period Of Sanction: It contains 3 text boxes named as Date from, Date To, No
of days respectively.

Date From Text Box: This is a text box which contains Date from which
Sanction period is effective. It can take only 11 characters. It is a
mandatory field. The user has to give the entry according to particular
date format (DD-MMM-YYYY).

Date To Text Box: This is a text box which contains Date up to which
Sanction period is effective. It can take only 11 characters. It is a
mandatory field. The user has to give the entry according to particular
date format (DD-MMM-YYYY).

Note Text Area: This text area contains the note .If the authority has any notes
to specify regarding Head Quarter Leaving, it can be mentioned in this text area.
It is an optional field. It can take only 1000 characters, more than that will show
a message Enter only 1000 characters.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like cancel.


Cancel button: It is used to cancel the editing records from

the list and go back to List Page.

Save Button: This button is used for saving the

changed/newly entered data to the list.


Delete Button: It is used to delete existing records from

the list.

FUNCTION: Service Book Verification

DESCRIPTION: Service Book is maintained in a prescribed form for each Govt.

servant. A verification mechanism is there to check if the entries taken into


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

manual service book are correctly. Such verification certificate is also recorded
into the service book.
Interface: The modules have one list page where the list of all previous Service
Book Verification is shown. Every single Service Book Verification can be viewed
for further viewing/updating purpose in a data page by clicking on view/edit link.
Detail about the list page and data page is described in the next section.
List Page: It shows the list of all previously occurred service events in it. The list
page is divided into three different sections namely a) Header, b) List c) Control
Panel as shown in Fig: 3.4(a). The detail descriptions about all the sections are as
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF / PPAN No of an Employee.

List: It shows the list of all previously occurred Leave events in it. It contains
data components like Date of Entry, Notification Order No etc as described

Date of Verification: This field contains the date of verification on

which the service record/book of an employee is verified by the
verifying authority.

Verified From: This field stores the date from which the service
book/record is verified.

Verified To: This field stores the date up to which the service
book/record is verified


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

View: The employee can view the details of the transaction of a

particular row on clicking the view link.

Edit Icon: This hyperlink is used when the user wants to edit some of
the existing entries from the list. After clicking on the edit link it will go
to Editing page with all data. The edited data can be saved through
clicking on save button.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding new
service record or exiting from the module. It contains buttons like add new and
exit. Detail description is given below.

AddNew Button:

This button is used to add a new record to the

existing record or data.

Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page window.

Fig: 3.4(a)


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Data Page: Data page contains detail data components of a particular service
transaction and allows the user to add or update relevant information. This page is
divided into three different sections namely a) header, b) data panel, c) control
panel as shown in Fig: 3.4(b). Detail description about each section is discussed
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF / PPAN No of an Employee.

Data Panel: It contains detail data components of a particular deputation

transaction and allows the user to add or update relevant information. It
contains information like


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Fig: 3.4(b)

Date of Verification Text Box: This is a textbox which will contain the date on
which the verification of an employee is done. User can choose the date from the
date picker or can write a date as per his/her convenience. User need to enter a
correct format of date, if not, it will show an alert message like 'Enter a correct
date format'. It will take a maximum limit of 11 characters. It is a mandatory
field. The verification date entered must be greater than the date range Verified
from - Verified To; otherwise it will show a message 'Date of Verification cannot
be less than Verified To' at the top.

Verified From Text Box: This textbox will contain the date from which the
verification of the service book has started. It can take only 11 characters, it will
not allow user to enter more than that. It is also a mandatory field which has a
particular date format. The user enters a wrong format; an alert message asking
for the correct format will appear. This date should not be greater than date
entered in Verified To text box.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Verified To Text Box: This textbox will contain the date up to which the
verification of employee's service book has done. It can take only 11 characters,
it will not allow user to enter more than that. It is also a mandatory field. The
user has to entry according to that format. The date entered here must be
greater than the date entered in 'Verified From' textbox, if not it will show an
alert message like 'From Date is greater than To Date'. If the newly entered date
range is already present in the list, it will show a message at the top of the body
part indicating duplicate entry. Date up to which the verification is done should
not be greater than the verification date.

Note Text Area: This text area contains the note .If the authority has any notes
to specify regarding Head Quarter Leaving, it can be mentioned in this text area.
It is an optional field. It can take only 1000 characters, more than that will show
a message Enter only 1000 characters.
Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like cancel.

Save Button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly

entered data to the list.

Delete Button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

Cancel Button: It is used to cancel the editing records from the

list and go back to List Page

FUNCTION: Service Record

DESCRIPTION: Service Record is concise version of service book. Service record

is maintained by authorities of an employee only in case where maintenance of
Service Book is not possible due to operational inconveniency. Service books were
also maintained by Accountant General before 1975 in service record form. Such
records can be captured by this module.
Interface: The modules have one list page where the list of all previous Service
Book Verification is shown. Every single Service Book Verification can be viewed for
further viewing/updating purpose in a data page by clicking on view/edit link. Detail
about the list page and data page is described in the next section.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

List Page: It shows the list of all previously occurred service events in it. The list
page is divided into three different sections namely a) Header, b) List c) Control
Panel as shown in Fig: 3.5(a). The detail descriptions about all the sections are as
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF / PPAN No of an Employee.

List: It shows the list of all previously occurred Leave events in it. It contains
data components like Date of Entry, Notification Order No etc as described

Station: This field stores the station of employee.

Details: This field stores the details about the station of an employee.

From Date: This field stores the date from which service record of the
employee is effective.

To Date: This field stores the service record date effective up to

employee's superannuation.

View: The employee can view the details of the transaction of a

particular row on clicking the view link.

Edit Icon: This hyperlink is used when the user wants to edit some of
the existing entries from the list. After clicking on the edit link it will go
to Editing page with all data. The edited data can be saved through
clicking on save button.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding new
service record or exiting from the module. It contains buttons like add new and
exit. Detail description is given below.

AddNew Button:

This button is used to add a new record to the

existing record or data.

Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page window.

Fig: 3.5(a)

Data Page: Data page contains detail data components of a particular service
transaction and allows the user to add or update relevant information. This page is
divided into three different sections namely a) header, b) data panel, c) control
panel as shown in Fig: 3.5(b). Detail description about each section is discussed
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.


Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF / PPAN No of an Employee.

Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Data Panel: It contains detail data components of a particular deputation

transaction and allows the user to add or update relevant information. It
contains information like

Fig: 3.5(b)

Journey Time Radio Button: This is a Radio Button which contains the details
of Journey, Date and Time. It has 5 controls containing 3 Text Boxes and 2
Combo Boxes named as Details, From Date, Time, To Date and Time respectively
.These are described below.

Details Text Box: This is a Text Box which contains the detailed information of
journey of the employee. It is a mandatory field. It can take only 20 characters.

From Date Text Box: This is a Text Box which contains the date from which
service record of the employee is effective. It can take only 11 characters. It is a


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

mandatory field. The user has to give the entry according to particular date
format (DD-MMM-YYYY).

Time Combo Box: This is a combo box. It contains the with effect time from
which the Pay Details is effective .The time is in form of 'FORE NOON' and 'AFTER
NOON. Here by default the time is 'FORE NOON'.

To Date Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the date up to which Journey
Time is effective for the employee up to its superannuation period. It can take
only 11 characters. It is a mandatory field. The user has to give the entry
according to particular date format (DD-MMM-YYYY).

Time Combo Box: This is a combo box. It contains the with effect time from
which the Pay Details is effective .The time is in form of 'FORE NOON' and 'AFTER
NOON. Here by default the time is 'FORE NOON'.

Service Record Radio Button: This is a Radio Button which contains the details
of Service Record with Station, Details, Date and Time. It has 6 controls
containing 4 Text Boxes and 2 Combo Boxes named as Station, Details, From
Date, Time, To Date and Time respectively .These are described below.

Station Text Box: This is a Text Box which contains the Station on which
employee resides. It is a mandatory field. It can take only 20 characters.

Details Text Box: This is a Text Box which contains the detailed information of
journey of the employee. It is a mandatory field. It can take only 20 characters.

From Date Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the date from which
service record of the employee is effective. It can take only 11 characters. It is a
mandatory field. The user has to give the entry according to particular date
format (DD-MMM-YYYY).

Time Combo Box: This is a combo box. It contains the with effect time from
which the Pay Details is effective .The time is in form of 'FORE NOON' and 'AFTER
NOON. Here by default the time is 'FORE NOON'.

To Date Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the date up to which service
record is effective for the employee up to its superannuation period. It can take
only 11 characters. It is a mandatory field. The user has to give the entry
according to particular date format (DD-MMM-YYYY).

Time Combo Box: This is a combo box. It contains the with effect time from
which the Pay Details is effective .The time is in form of 'FORE NOON' and 'AFTER
NOON. Here by default the time is 'FORE NOON'.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Leave Record Radio Button: This is a Radio Button which contains the details
of Leave Record with Leave Type, Date and Time. It has 5 controls containing 2
Text Boxes and 3 Combo Boxes named as Leave Type, From Date, Time, To Date
and Time respectively .These are described below.

Leave Type Combo Box: This is a Combo Box which contains the Leave Type of
the employee. It is a mandatory field. If the user leaves it blank then it shows the
message 'Please Enter the Leave type.

From Date Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the date from which
service record of the employee is effective. It can take only 11 characters. It is a
mandatory field. The user has to give the entry according to particular date
format (DD-MMM-YYYY).

Time Combo Box: This is a combo box. It contains the with effect time from
which the Pay Details is effective .The time is in form of 'FORE NOON' and 'AFTER
NOON. Here by default the time is 'FORE NOON'.

To Date Combo Box: This is a textbox which contains the date up to which
service record is effective for the employee up to its superannuation period. It
can take only 11 characters. It is a mandatory field. The user has to give the
entry according to particular date format (DD-MMM-YYYY).

Time Combo Box: This is a combo box. It contains the with effect time from
which the Pay Details is effective .The time is in form of 'FORE NOON' and 'AFTER
NOON. Here by default the time is 'FORE NOON'.

Prefix From Date: This field shows the start date of vacation which comes
before the leave date taken by the employee.

Prefix to Date: This field shows the end date of vacation which comes before the
leave date taken by the employee.

Suffix from Date: This field shows the start date of vacation which comes after
the leave date taken by the employee.

Suffix to Date: This field shows the end date of vacation which comes after the
leave date taken by the employee.

Leave Surrender:

From Date Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the date from which
service record of the employee is effective. It can take only 11 characters. It is a
mandatory field. The user has to give the entry according to particular date
format (DD-MMM-YYYY).


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Time Combo Box: This is a combo box. It contains the with effect time from
which the Pay Details is effective .The time is in form of 'FORE NOON' and 'AFTER
NOON' . Here by default the time is 'FORE NOON'.

To Date Combo Box: This is a textbox which contains the date up to which
service record is effective for the employee up to its superannuation period. It
can take only 11 characters. It is a mandatory field. The user has to give the
entry according to particular date format (DD-MMM-YYYY).

Time Combo Box: This is a combo box. It contains the with effect time from
which the Pay Details is effective .The time is in form of 'FORE NOON' and 'AFTER
NOON. Here by default the time is 'FORE NOON'.

No of Days: This is a Text Box which contains the detailed information of Days of
service of the employee. It can take only 11 characters.

Unavailable joining time:-It shows the duration of un-availabity of time.

From Date Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the date from which
service record of the employee is effective. It can take only 11 characters. It is a
mandatory field. The user has to give the entry according to particular date
format (DD-MMM-YYYY).

Time Combo Box: This is a combo box. It contains the with effect time from
which the Pay Details is effective .The time is in form of 'FORE NOON' and 'AFTER
NOON. Here by default the time is 'FORE NOON'.

To Date Combo Box: This is a textbox which contains the date up to which
service record is effective for the employee up to its superannuation period. It
can take only 11 characters. It is a mandatory field. The user has to give the
entry according to particular date format (DD-MMM-YYYY).

Time Combo Box: This is a combo box. It contains the with effect time from
which the Pay Details is effective .The time is in form of 'FORE NOON' and 'AFTER
NOON' . Here by default the time is 'FORE NOON'.

Note Text Area: This text area contains the note .If the authority has any notes
to specify regarding Head Quarter Leaving, it can be mentioned in this text area.
It is an optional field. It can take only 1000 characters, more than that will show
a message Enter only 1000 characters.
Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like cancel.

Save Button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly

entered data to the list.


Delete Button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Reset Button: This button is used for resetting the page. If the
user does not want to save the changed data, then by clicking reset
button, the page will be back to the initial stage as it is appeared at
the time of loading

Cancel Button: It is used to cancel the editing records from the list and
go back to List Page.



FUNCTION: Allowances

DESCRIPTION: The objective of this module is to record the Allowances of an

employee in his/ her whole service period. A Govt. employee can get allowance in
different basis like on incentive or green card etc. It sketches all the information
about Allowances details along with its notification details.
Interface: The modules have one list page where the list of all previous Pay
transactions is shown. Every single Pay transaction can be viewed for further
viewing/updating purpose in a data page by clicking on view/edit link. Detail about
the list page and data page is described in the next section.
List Page: It shows the list of all previously occurred Pay events in it. The list
page is divided into three different sections namely a) Header, b) List c) Control
Panel as shown in Fig: 4.1(a). The detail descriptions about all the sections are as
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee.
In this section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains
data components like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data
components are as follows:

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF / PPAN No of an Employee.

List: It shows the list of all previously occurred Pay events in it. It contains data
components like Date of Entry, Notification Order No etc as described below.

Date of Entry: This is the date of entry into service book, it means
the date on which the entry was taken.

Notification Order No: This field stores the notification order number
of an employee.

Notification Date: This field stores the notification date of an


Notification Type:

This field stores the notification type of an


View: The employee can view the details of the transaction of a

particular row on clicking the view link.

Edit Icon: This hyperlink is used when the user wants to edit some of
the existing entries from the list. After clicking on the edit link it will go
to Editing page with all data. The edited data can be saved through
clicking on save button.

Supersede Icon: This hyperlink is used to modify the current order.

The corresponding row containing a particular order which can be
modified/superseded by clicking on the supersede hyperlink. After
clicking on it, transaction will go to another page called supersession

Cancel Icon: This hyperlink is used to cancel the current order. The
corresponding row containing a particular order which can be cancelled
by clicking on the cancel hyperlink. After clicking on it, transaction will
go to another page called cancellation page.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding new Pay
record or exiting from the module. It contains buttons like add new and exit.
Detail description is given below.

AddNew Button:

This button is used to add a new record to the

existing record or data.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page window.


Data Page: Data page contains detail data components of a particular Pay
transaction and allows the user to add or update relevant information. This page is
divided into three different sections namely a) header, b) data panel, c) control
panel as shown in Fig: 4.1(b). Detail description about each section is discussed
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF / PPAN No of an Employee.

Data Panel: It contains detail data components of a particular Pay transaction

and allows the user to add or update relevant information. It contains
information like


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification




Fig: 4.1(b)

Notification No Text Box: This textbox will contain notification number for head
quarter leaving of the employee. It can take only 50 characters, It can take
numbers as well as characters, an entry more than that will show an alert

Notification Date Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the notification
date for head quarter leaving of an employee. It means the notification date
given to the employee will be displayed in this field. It can take only 11
characters. It is not a mandatory field. The user has to give the entry according
to particular date format (DD-MMM-YYYY).

Details of Notifying Authority: It contains 3 combo boxes named as

Department, Office and Authority. Without selecting the department user can't
select either office or authority.

Department Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to select
one particular department of the particular employee. It is not a
mandatory field.

Office Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to select one office
relevant to the corresponding department. It is not a mandatory field.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Authority Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to select one
employee of office of the particular department. It is not a mandatory

Note Text Area: This text area contains the note .If the authority has any notes
to specify regarding Head Quarter Leaving, it can be mentioned in this text area.
It is an optional field. It can take only 1000 characters, more than that will show
a message Enter only 1000 characters.
Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like cancel.

Save Button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly

entered data to the list.

Delete Button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

Reset Button: This button is used for resetting the page. If the
user does not want to save the changed data, then by clicking reset
button, the page will be back to the initial stage as it is appeared at
the time of loading.

Cancel Button: It is used to cancel the editing records from the

list and go back to List Page.

FUNCTION: Increment Sanction

DESCRIPTION: Increment Sanction is the process to enhance the Substantive

Pay of an employee on yearly basis. It records information like Increment Amount
and new Substantive Pay of the employee.
Interface: The modules have one list page where the list of all previous
Increment Sanction transactions is shown. Every single Pay transaction can be
viewed for further viewing/updating purpose in a data page by clicking on
view/edit link. Detail about the list page and data page is described in the next
List Page: It shows the list of all previously occurred Increment Sanction events
in it. The list page is divided into three different sections namely a) Header, b) List
c) Control Panel as shown in Fig: 4.2(a). The detail descriptions about all the
sections are as follows:


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF / PPAN No of an Employee.

List: It shows the list of all previously occurred Pay events in it. It contains data
components like Date of Entry, Notification Order No etc as described below.

Date of Entry: This is the date of entry into service book, it means
the date on which the entry was taken.

With Effect from Time: This field stores With Effect from Time.

Pay Scale: This field stores With Effect from Date.

Increment Amount in Rs: This field stores the increment amount in


New Basic in Rs: This field stores the new basic in rupees.

View: The employee can view the details of the transaction of a

particular row on clicking the view link.

Edit Icon: This hyperlink is used when the user wants to edit some of
the existing entries from the list. After clicking on the edit link it will go
to Editing page with all data. The edited data can be saved through
clicking on save button.

Supersede Icon: This hyperlink is used to modify the current order.

The corresponding row containing a particular order which can be
modified/superseded by clicking on the supersede hyperlink. After
clicking on it, transaction will go to another page called supersession

Cancel Icon: This hyperlink is used to cancel the current order. The
corresponding row containing a particular order which can be cancelled


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

by clicking on the cancel hyperlink. After clicking on it, transaction will

go to another page called cancellation page.
Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding new Pay
record or exiting from the module. It contains buttons like add new and exit.
Detail description is given below.

AddNew Button:

This button is used to add a new record to the

existing record or data.

Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page window.


Data Page: Data page contains detail data components of a particular Pay
transaction and allows the user to add or update relevant information. This page is
divided into three different sections namely a) header, b) data panel, c) control
panel as shown in Fig: 4.2(b). Detail description about each section is discussed


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF / PPAN No of an Employee.

Data Panel: It contains detail data components of a particular Pay transaction

and allows the user to add or update relevant information. It contains
information like

Fig: 4.2(b)


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Sanction Order No Text Box: this text box contains the Sanction Order No
.maximum length of 50 characters.

Sanction Order Date Text Box: This text box contains the sanction order date.
The date should be in proper date format.

Details Of Authority: It contains 3 combo boxes named as Department of the

Notifying Authority, Office of the Notifying Authority, Notifying Authority. These
three fields are mandatory. Without selecting the department user can't select
either office or authority.

Department of the Notifying Authority Combo Box: This is a combo box. The
user has to select one particular department of the particular employee. It is a
mandatory field. If the user leaves it blank then it will show a message 'please
select the Department of Notifying Authority '.

Office of the Notifying Authority Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user
has to select one office relevant to the corresponding department. It is a
mandatory field. If the user leaves it blank then it will show a message 'please
select the Office of the Notifying Authority '.

Notifying Authority Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to select
one employee of office of the particular department. It is also a mandatory field.
If the user leaves it blank then it will show a message 'please select Notifying

With Effect from Time: This field stores With Effect from Time.

Pay Scale Text Box: This textbox will contain current pay scale of an Employee.
This field has particular format, acceding to that user has to entry in the textbox.
This is a mandatory field. It can take only 50 characters.

Increment Amount in Rs. Text Box: This textbox will contain the Increment
Amount in rupees. This is a mandatory field.

Other pay in Rs. Text Box: This textbox will contain the Other Emoluments
falling under pay in rupees. It is a mandatory field.

New Basic in Rs. Text Box. This textbox will contain the New Basic Amount in
rupees. This is a mandatory field.

Grade Pay: This is a textbox which contains the Grade pay of employee.

First Increment: This is the first increment made to the employee's salary

Second Increment: This is the second increment made to the employee's salary

Third Increment: This is the third increment made to the employee's salary

Fourth Increment: This is the fourth increment made to the employee's salary


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Increment type: This field stores the type of increment. The type may be
Annual Increment, Stagnation Increment or Advance Increment

Annual Increment: This is a radio button which will store the annual

Stagnation Increment: This is a radio button which will store the

stagnation Increment.

Advance Increment: This is a radio button which will store the advance

Antedated: This is a radio button which will store the antedated


Previous: This is a radio button which will store the previous Increment.

Note (If Any) Text Area: This text area contains the note .If the authority has
any notes to specify regarding Head Quarter Leaving, it can be mentioned in this
text area. It is an optional field. It can take only 1000 characters, more than that
will show a message Enter only 1000 characters.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like cancel.

Save Button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly

entered data to the list.

Delete Button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

Reset Button: This button is used for resetting the page. If the
user does not want to save the changed data, then by clicking reset
button, the page will be back to the initial stage as it is appeared at
the time of loading.

Cancel Button: It is used to cancel the editing records from the

list and go back to List Page.

FUNCTION: Pay Entitlement

DESCRIPTION: Pay Entitlement is a variant of Pay Fixation. Pay entitlement is

notified for a deputed employee on repatriation. HRMS provides this form to
record detail of pay like Pay Scale, Pay in substantive post, Special pay, Personal
pay, Other pay and Date of Effect of the entitlement.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Interface: The modules have one list page where the list of all previous Pay
Entitlement transactions is shown. Every single Pay transaction can be viewed for
further viewing/updating purpose in a data page by clicking on view/edit link. Detail
about the list page and data page is described in the next section.
List Page: It shows the list of all previously occurred Pay Entitlement events in it.
The list page is divided into three different sections namely a) Header, b) List c)
Control Panel as shown in Fig: 4.3(a). The detail descriptions about all the sections
are as follows:
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF / PPAN No of an Employee.

List: It shows the list of all previously occurred Pay events in it. It contains data
components like Date of Entry, Notification Order No etc as described below.

Date of Entry: This is the date of entry into service book, it means
the date on which the entry was taken.

Notification Order No: This field stores the notification order number
of an employee.

Notification Date: This field stores the notification date of an


Notification Type:

This field stores the notification type of an


View: The employee can view the details of the transaction of a

particular row on clicking the view link.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Edit Icon: This hyperlink is used when the user wants to edit some of
the existing entries from the list. After clicking on the edit link it will go
to Editing page with all data. The edited data can be saved through
clicking on save button.

Supersede Icon: This hyperlink is used to modify the current order.

The corresponding row containing a particular order which can be
modified / superseded by clicking on the supersede hyperlink. After
clicking on it, transaction will go to another page called supersession

Cancel Icon: This hyperlink is used to cancel the current order. The
corresponding row containing a particular order which can be cancelled
by clicking on the cancel hyperlink. After clicking on it, transaction will
go to another page called cancellation page.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding new Pay
record or exiting from the module. It contains buttons like add new and exit.
Detail description is given below.

AddNew Button:

This button is used to add a new record to the

existing record or data.

Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page window.


Data Page: Data page contains detail data components of a particular Pay
transaction and allows the user to add or update relevant information. This page is
divided into three different sections namely a) header, b) data panel, c) control


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

panel as shown in Fig: 4.3(b). Detail description about each section is discussed
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF/PPAN No of an Employee.

Data Panel: It contains detail data components of a particular Pay transaction

and allows the user to add or update relevant information. It contains
information like

Fig: 4.3(b)


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Notification No Text Box: This textbox will contain notification number for head
quarter leaving of the employee. It can take only 50 characters, It can take
numbers as well as characters, an entry more than that will show an alert

Notification Date Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the notification
date for head quarter leaving of an employee. It means the notification date
given to the employee will be displayed in this field. It can take only 11
characters. It is not a mandatory field. The user has to give the entry according
to particular date format (DD-MMM-YYYY).

Details of Notifying Authority: It contains 3 combo boxes named as

Department, Office & Authority. Without selecting the department user can't
select either office or authority.

Department Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to select
one particular department of the particular employee. It is not a
mandatory field.

Office Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to select one office
relevant to the corresponding department. It is not a mandatory field.

Authority Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to select one
employee of office of the particular department. It is not a mandatory

Details Of pay: It contains 5 textboxes named as Scale of Pay, Pay in

Substantive Post, Special Pay, Personal Pay, Other Emoluments falling under
personal pay. These fields are optional. But if the user enters values in any of
these 5 textboxes then he must enter the value into all these 5 textboxes, at
that time all the textboxes of pay details will be mandatory.

Scale of Pay Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the pay scale of
employee. It can take only 100 characters, more than that it will display a

Pay in Substantive Post Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the
pay in substantive post of employee. This field takes only numbers.

Special Pay Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the special pay of
employee. This field takes only numbers.

Personal Pay Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the personal
pay of employee. This field takes only numbers.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Other Pay Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the other
emoluments falling under personal pay of employee. This field takes only

With Effect From Date Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the date
from which the pay scale is effective to an employee. It can take only 11
characters. It is a mandatory field. The user has to give the entry according to
particular date format (DD-MMM-YYYY). This field doesn't take the duplicate

Time Combo Box: This is a combo box. It contains the with effect time from
which the Pay Details is effective .The time is in form of 'FORE NOON' and 'AFTER
NOON' . Here by default the time is 'FORE NOON'.

Note Text Area: This text area contains the note .If the authority has any notes
to specify regarding Head Quarter Leaving, it can be mentioned in this text area.
It is an optional field. It can take only 1000 characters, more than that will show
a message Enter only 1000 characters.
Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like cancel.

Save Button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly

entered data to the list.

Delete Button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

Reset Button: This button is used for resetting the page. If the
user does not want to save the changed data, then by clicking reset
button, the page will be back to the initial stage as it is appeared at
the time of loading.

Cancel Button: It is used to cancel the editing records from the

list and go back to List Page.

FUNCTION: Pay Fixation

DESCRIPTION: Pay Fixation is the process of fixation of pay of a government

employee when there is a change in his cadre, grade or responsibility. This form
facilitates to record detail of pay like Pay Scale, Pay in substantive post, Special
pay, Personal pay, Other pay, Date of Effect of the entitlement and Date of next


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Interface: The modules have one list page where the list of all previous Pay
Fixation transactions is shown. Every single Pay Fixation can be viewed for further
viewing/updating purpose in a data page by clicking on view/edit link. Detail about
the list page and data page is described in the next section.
List Page: It shows the list of all previously occurred Pay Fixation events in it. The
list page is divided into three different sections namely a) Header, b) List c)
Control Panel as shown in Fig: 4.4(a). The detail descriptions about all the sections
are as follows:
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF/PPAN No of an Employee.

List: It shows the list of all previously occurred Pay events in it. It contains data
components like Date of Entry, Notification Order No etc as described below.

Date of Entry: This is the date of entry into service book, it means
the date on which the entry was taken.

Grade Pay:

Revised Scale of Pay This field contains the Revised Pay Scale.

Revised Basic: This field contains the revised Basic Salary.

With Effect From Time: This field stores With Effect From Time.

Date of Next Increment: This field contains the date of next

increment of the employee.

View: The employee can view the details of the transaction of a

particular row on clicking the view link.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Edit Icon: This hyperlink is used when the user wants to edit some of
the existing entries from the list. After clicking on the edit link it will go
to Editing page with all data. The edited data can be saved through
clicking on save button.

Supersede Icon: This hyperlink is used to modify the current order.

The corresponding row containing a particular order which can be
modified / superseded

by clicking on the supersede hyperlink. After

clicking on it, transaction will go to another page called supersession


Cancel Icon: This hyperlink is used to cancel the current order. The
corresponding row containing a particular order which can be cancelled
by clicking on the cancel hyperlink. After clicking on it, transaction will
go to another page called cancellation page.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding new Pay
record or exiting from the module. It contains buttons like add new and exit.
Detail description is given below.

AddNew Button:

This button is used to add a new record to the

existing record or data.


Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page window.

Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification


Data Page: Data page contains detail data components of a particular Pay
transaction and allows the user to add or update relevant information. This page is
divided into three different sections namely a) header, b) data panel, c) control
panel as shown in Fig: 4.4(b). Detail description about each section is discussed
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.


Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF/PPAN No of an Employee.

Data Panel: It contains detail data components of a particular Pay transaction

and allows the user to add or update relevant information. It contains
information like

Fig: 4.4(b)

Notification Order No: This field stores the notification order number of an
employee. It can take only 50 characters, It can take numbers as well as
characters, an entry more than that will show an alert message.

Notification Date: This field stores the notification date of an employee.

Details Of Notification Authority: It contains 3 combo boxes named as

Department of the Notifying Authority, Office of the Notifying Authority, Notifying
Authority. These three fields are mandatory. Without selecting the department
user can't select either office or authority.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Department of the Notifying Authority Combo Box: This is a combo

box. The user has to select one particular department of the particular
employee. It is a mandatory field. If the user leaves it blank then it will
show a message 'please select the Department of Notifying Authority '.

Office of the Notifying Authority Combo Box: This is a combo box.

The user has to select

one office relevant to the corresponding

department. It is a mandatory field. If the user leaves it blank then it will

show a message 'please select the Office of the Notifying Authority '.

Notifying Authority Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to
select one employee of office of the particular department. It is also a
mandatory field. If the user leaves it blank then it will show a message
'please select Notifying Authority'.

Pay Details: It contains 7 textboxes named as Current Scale of Pay, Revised

Scale of Pay, Revised Basic, Personal Pay Special pay, Other Emoluments falling
under personal pay(in Rs) and Description of other pay. These fields are optional.
But if the user enters values in any of these 6 textboxes then he must enter the
value into all these 6 textboxes, at that time all the textboxes of pay details will
be mandatory.

Revised Scale of Pay Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the pay
in substantive post of employee. This field takes only numbers.

Revised Basic Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the special pay
of employee. This field takes only numbers.

Personal Pay Text Box: This is a textbox which contains personal pay of
the employee. This field takes only numbers.

Special Pay Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the personal pay
of employee. This field takes only numbers.

Other Emoluments falling under Pay (in Rs) Text Box: This is a
textbox which contains the other emoluments falling under personal pay of
employee. This field takes only numbers.

Description of other pay Text Box: This is a text box which contains
the description of other pay regarding the pay fixation.

With effect from date Text Box: This textbox will contain the Date from which
Pay Fixation will be effective. It is a mandatory field. It has particular date format
to enter date.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

With effect from Time Combo Box: This is a combo box. It contains the with
effect from time from which the Pay fixation is effective .The time is in form of
'FORE NOON' and 'AFTER NOON' . Here by default the time is 'FORE NOON'.

Date of next increment Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the date
next increment, it means the date in which employee's pay scale will be
incremented that will display in this field. It can take only 11 characters. It is a
mandatory field. The user has to give the entry according to particular date
format (DD-MMM-YYYY).

Note (If Any) Text Area: This text area contains the note .If the authority has
any notes to specify regarding pay fixation, it can be mentioned in this text area.
It is an optional field. It can take only 200 characters, more than that will show a
message Enter only 1000 characters.
Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like cancel.

Save Button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly

entered data to the list.

Delete Button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

Reset Button: This button is used for resetting the page. If the
user does not want to save the changed data, then by clicking reset
button, the page will be back to the initial stage as it is appeared at
the time of loading.

Cancel Button: It is used to cancel the editing records from the

list and go back to List Page.

FUNCTION: Pay in Service Record

DESCRIPTION: Service Record is concise version of service book. Service record

is maintained by authorities of an employee only in case where maintenance of
Service Book is not possible due to operational inconveniency. Pay particulars of
the employee for different period those are written in the service record can be
captured through this form into HRMS.
Interface: The modules have one list page where the list of all previous Pay in
Service Record transactions is shown. Every single Pay in Service Record can be
viewed for further viewing/updating purpose in a data page by clicking on


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

view/edit link. Detail about the list page and data page is described in the next
List Page: It shows the list of all previously occurred Pay in Service Record events
in it. The list page is divided into three different sections namely a) Header, b) List
c) Control Panel as shown in Fig: 4.5(a). The detail descriptions about all the
sections are as follows:
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF / PPAN No of an Employee.

List: It shows the list of all previously occurred Pay events in it. It contains data
components like Date of Entry, Notification Order No etc as described below.

Date of Entry: This is the date of entry into service book, it means
the date on which the entry was taken.

With effect date: This field contains the Date from which service
record pay will be effective.

Scale of Pay: This field contains the pay scale of the employee.

Pay: This field contains Pay of a employee.

DA: This field contains DA of employee

Additional DA: This field contains the Additional DA of the employee.

Total Pay: This field contains Total Pay of employee.

Leave Salary: This field contains the Leave Salary of the employee.

View: The employee can view the details of the transaction of a

particular row on clicking the view link.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Edit Icon: This hyperlink is used when the user wants to edit some of
the existing entries from the list. After clicking on the edit link it will go
to Editing page with all data. The edited data can be saved through
clicking on save button.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding new Pay
record or exiting from the module. It contains buttons like add new and exit.
Detail description is given below.

AddNew Button:

This button is used to add a new record to the

existing record or data.

Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page window.


Data Page: Data page contains detail data components of a particular Pay
transaction and allows the user to add or update relevant information. This page is
divided into three different sections namely a) header, b) data panel, c) control
panel as shown in Fig: 2.1(b). Detail description about each section is discussed
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF / PPAN No of an Employee.

Data Panel: It contains detail data components of a particular Pay transaction

and allows the user to add or update relevant information. It contains
information like

Fig: 4.5(b)

Pay Details: It contains 9 text boxes and 1 text area named as With effect Date,
Pay, Scale Of pay , Special Pay, Personal Pay, Other Emulation Falling under pay
(in Rs), Other pay description, DA, Additional DA and Remarks respectively.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

With effect date Text Box: This textbox will contain the Date from which
Service Record Pay will be effective. It is not a mandatory field. It has
particular date format to enter date.

Pay Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the pay of employee. This
field takes only 11 numbers. This is a mandatory field.

Scale of Pay Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the Scale of Pay
of employee. it is an optional field. This field takes only 11 numbers.

Special Pay Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the special pay of
employee. it is an optional field. This field takes only 11 numbers.

Personal Pay Text Box: This is a textbox which contains personal pay of
the employee. it is an optional field. This field takes only 11 numbers.

Other Emoluments falling under Pay(in Rs) Text Box: This is a

textbox which contains the other emoluments falling under personal pay of
employee. it is an optional field. This field takes only 11 numbers.

Other pay Description Text Box: This is a text box which contains the
description of other pay regarding the service record pay. This field takes
only 11 numbers.

DA Text Box: This is a text box which contains the DA of the employee.
This is an optional field. This field takes only 11 numbers.

Additional DA Text Box: This is a text box which contains the additional
DA of the employee. This is an optional field. This field takes only 11

Total Pay Text Box: This is a text box which contains the Total Pay of the
employee. This is an optional field. This field takes only 11 numbers.

Leave Salary Text Box: This is a text box which contains the Leave
Salary of the employee. This is an optional field. This field takes only 11

Note (If Any) Text Area: This text area contains the note .If the authority has
any notes to specify regarding pay fixation, it can be mentioned in this text area.
It is an optional field. It can take only 1000 characters, more than that will show
a message Enter only 200 characters.
Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like cancel.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Save Button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly

entered data to the list.

Delete Button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

Reset Button: This button is used for resetting the page. If the
user does not want to save the changed data, then by clicking reset
button, the page will be back to the initial stage as it is appeared at
the time of loading.

Cancel Button: It is used to cancel the editing records from the

list and go back to List Page.

FUNCTION: Pay Revision

DESCRIPTION: Pay Revision is a global process of effecting pay of government

employees. This form records revised Pay scale, Pay in substantive post, Special
pay, Personal pay, Other pay, Date of Effect of the revised pay. Facility is also
available to record retrospective Increments and Date of effect of such
Interface: The modules have one list page where the list of all previous Pay
Revision transactions is shown. Every single Pay in Service Record can be viewed
for further viewing/updating purpose in a data page by clicking on view/edit link.
Detail about the list page and data page is described in the next section.
List Page: It shows the list of all previously occurred Pay Revision events in it.
The list page is divided into three different sections namely a) Header, b) List c)
Control Panel as shown in Fig: 4.6(a). The detail descriptions about all the sections
are as follows:
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.


Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF/PPAN No of an Employee.

List: It shows the list of all previously occurred Pay events in it. It contains data
components like Date of Entry, Notification Order No etc as described below.

Date of Entry: This is the date of entry into service book, it means
the date on which the entry was taken.

Revised Scale of Pay This field contains the Revised Pay Scale.

Revised Basic: This field contains the revised Basic Salary.

With Effect From Time: This field stores With Effect From Time.

Date of Next Increment: This field contains the date of next

increment of the employee.

View: The employee can view the details of the transaction of a

particular row on clicking the view link.

Edit Icon: This hyperlink is used when the user wants to edit some of
the existing entries from the list. After clicking on the edit link it will go
to Editing page with all data. The edited data can be saved through
clicking on save button.

Supersede Icon: This hyperlink is used to modify the current order.

The corresponding row containing a particular order which can be
modified / superseded

by clicking on the supersede hyperlink. After

clicking on it, transaction will go to another page called supersession


Cancel Icon: This hyperlink is used to cancel the current order. The
corresponding row containing a particular order which can be cancelled
by clicking on the cancel hyperlink. After clicking on it, transaction will
go to another page called cancellation page.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding new Pay
record or exiting from the module. It contains buttons like add new and exit.
Detail description is given below.

AddNew Button:

This button is used to add a new record to the

existing record or data.


Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page window.

Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification


Data Page: Data page contains detail data components of a particular Pay
transaction and allows the user to add or update relevant information. This page is
divided into three different sections namely a) header, b) data panel, c) control
panel as shown in Fig: 4.6(b). Detail description about each section is discussed
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF/PPAN No of an Employee.

Data Panel: It contains detail data components of a particular Pay transaction

and allows the user to add or update relevant information. It contains
information like


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Fig: 4.6(b)

Notification Order No: This field stores the notification order number of an
employee. It can take only 50 characters, It can take numbers as well as
characters, an entry more than that will show an alert message.

Notification Date: This field stores the notification date of an employee.

Details of Notification Authority: It contains 3 combo boxes named as

Department of the Notifying Authority, Office of the Notifying Authority, Notifying
Authority. These three fields are mandatory. Without selecting the department
user can't select either office or authority.

Department of the Notifying Authority Combo Box: This is a combo

box. The user has to select one particular department of the particular
employee. It is a mandatory field. If the user leaves it blank then it will
show a message 'please select the Department of Notifying Authority '.

Office of the Notifying Authority Combo Box: This is a combo box.

The user has to select


one office relevant to the corresponding

Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

department. It is a mandatory field. If the user leaves it blank then it will

show a message 'please select the Office of the Notifying Authority '.

Notifying Authority Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to
select one employee of office of the particular department. It is also a
mandatory field. If the user leaves it blank then it will show a message
'please select Notifying Authority'.

Pay Details: It contains 7 textboxes named as Current Scale of Pay, Revised

Scale of Pay, Revised Basic, Personal Pay Special pay, Other Emoluments falling
under personal pay(in Rs) and Description of other pay. These fields are optional.
But if the user enters values in any of these 6 textboxes then he must enter the
value into all these 6 textboxes, at that time all the textboxes of pay details will
be mandatory.

Revised Scale of Pay Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the pay
in substantive post of employee. This field takes only 70 numbers.

Grade Pay: This is a textbox which contains the Grade pay of employee.
This field takes only 9 numbers.

Revised Basic Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the special pay
of employee. This field takes only numbers. This field takes only 6

Personal Pay Text Box: This is a textbox which contains personal pay of
the employee. This field takes only numbers. This field takes only 6

Special Pay Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the personal pay
of employee. This field takes only numbers. This field takes only 6

Other Emoluments falling under Pay (in Rs) Text Box: This is a
textbox which contains the other emoluments falling under personal pay of
employee. This field takes only numbers. This field takes only 6 numbers.

Description of other pay Text Box: This is a text box which contains
the description of other pay regarding the pay fixation. This field takes
only 50 numbers.

With effect from date Text Box: This textbox will contain the Date from which
Pay Fixation will be effective. It is a mandatory field. It has particular date format
to enter date.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

With effect from Time Combo Box: This is a combo box. It contains the with
effect from time from which the Pay fixation is effective .The time is in form of
'FORE NOON' and 'AFTER NOON' . Here by default the time is 'FORE NOON'.

Date of next increment Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the date
next increment, it means the date in which employee's pay scale will be
incremented that will display in this field. It can take only 11 characters. It is a
mandatory field. The user has to give the entry according to particular date
format (DD-MMM-YYYY).

Note (If Any) Text Area: This text area contains the note .If the authority has
any notes to specify regarding pay fixation, it can be mentioned in this text area.
It is an optional field. It can take only 1000 characters, more than that will show
a message Enter only 200 characters.
Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like cancel.

Save Button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly

entered data to the list.

Delete Button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

Reset Button: This button is used for resetting the page. If the
user does not want to save the changed data, then by clicking reset
button, the page will be back to the initial stage as it is appeared at
the time of loading.

Cancel Button: It is used to cancel the editing records from the

list and go back to List Page.

FUNCTION: Step-Up of Pay

DESCRIPTION: Pay Step up is the process of stepping up of salary of an

employee if at any point of time his junior happens to draw more pay than the
said employee. HRMS provides this form to record detail of pay like Pay Scale,
Pay in substantive post, Special pay, Personal pay, Other pay and Date of Effect
of the step up of pay.
Interface: The modules have one list page where the list of all previous Pay
Revision transactions is shown. Every single Pay in Service Record can be viewed
for further viewing/updating purpose in a data page by clicking on view/edit link.
Detail about the list page and data page is described in the next section.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

List Page: It shows the list of all previously occurred Pay Revision events in it.
The list page is divided into three different sections namely a) Header, b) List c)
Control Panel as shown in Fig: 4.7(a). The detail descriptions about all the sections
are as follows:
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF/PPAN No of an Employee.

List: It shows the list of all previously occurred Pay events in it. It contains data
components like Date of Entry, Notification Order No etc as described below.

Date of Entry: This is the date of entry into service book, it means
the date on which the entry was taken.

Grade Pay:

Revised Scale of Pay This field contains the Revised Pay Scale.

Revised Basic: This field contains the revised Basic Salary.

With Effect From Time: This field stores With Effect From Time.

Date of Next Increment: This field contains the date of next

increment of the employee.

View: The employee can view the details of the transaction of a

particular row on clicking the view link.

Edit Icon: This hyperlink is used when the user wants to edit some of
the existing entries from the list. After clicking on the edit link it will go
to Editing page with all data. The edited data can be saved through
clicking on save button.

Supersede Icon: This hyperlink is used to modify the current order.

The corresponding row containing a particular order which can be


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

modified / superseded

by clicking on the supersede hyperlink. After

clicking on it, transaction will go to another page called supersession


Cancel Icon: This hyperlink is used to cancel the current order. The
corresponding row containing a particular order which can be cancelled
by clicking on the cancel hyperlink. After clicking on it, transaction will
go to another page called cancellation page.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding new Pay
record or exiting from the module. It contains buttons like add new and exit.
Detail description is given below.

AddNew Button:

This button is used to add a new record to the

existing record or data.

Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page window.


Data Page: Data page contains detail data components of a particular Pay
transaction and allows the user to add or update relevant information. This page is
divided into three different sections namely a) header, b) data panel, c) control
panel as shown in Fig: 4.7(b). Detail description about each section is discussed
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF/PPAN No of an Employee.

Data Panel: It contains detail data components of a particular Pay transaction

and allows the user to add or update relevant information. It contains
information like

Fig: 4.7(b)

Notification Order No: This field stores the notification order number of an
employee. It can take only 50 characters, It can take numbers as well as
characters, an entry more than that will show an alert message

Notification Date: This field stores the notification date of an employee.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Details Of Notification Authority: It contains 3 combo boxes named as

Department of the Notifying Authority, Office of the Notifying Authority, Notifying
Authority. These three fields are mandatory. Without selecting the department
user can't select either office or authority.

Department of the Notifying Authority Combo Box: This is a combo

box. The user has to select one particular department of the particular
employee. It is a mandatory field. If the user leaves it blank then it will
show a message 'please select the Department of Notifying Authority '.

Office of the Notifying Authority Combo Box: This is a combo box.

The user has to select

one office relevant to the corresponding

department. It is a mandatory field. If the user leaves it blank then it will

show a message 'please select the Office of the Notifying Authority '.

Notifying Authority Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to
select one employee of office of the particular department. It is also a
mandatory field. If the user leaves it blank then it will show a message
'please select Notifying Authority'.

Pay Details: It contains 7 textboxes named as Current Scale of Pay, Revised

Scale of Pay, Revised Basic, Personal Pay Special pay, Other Emoluments falling
under personal pay(in Rs) and Description of other pay. These fields are optional.
But if the user enters values in any of these 6 textboxes then he must enter the
value into all these 6 textboxes, at that time all the textboxes of pay details will
be mandatory.

Revised Scale of Pay Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the pay
in substantive post of employee. This field takes only 70 numbers.

Grade Pay: This is a textbox which contains the Grade pay of employee.
This field takes only 9 numbers.

Revised Basic Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the special pay
of employee. This field takes only 6 numbers.

Personal Pay Text Box: This is a textbox which contains personal pay of
the employee. This field takes only 6 numbers.

Special Pay Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the personal pay
of employee. This field takes only 6 numbers.

Other Emoluments falling under Pay (in Rs) Text Box: This is a
textbox which contains the other emoluments falling under personal pay of
employee. This field takes only 6 numbers.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Description of other pay Text Box: This is a text box which contains
the description of other pay regarding the pay fixation. This field takes
only 50 numbers.

With effect from date Text Box: This textbox will contain the Date from which
Pay Fixation will be effective. It is a mandatory field. It has particular date format
to enter date.

With effect from Time Combo Box: This is a combo box. It contains the with
effect from time from which the Pay fixation is effective .The time is in form of
'FORE NOON' and 'AFTER NOON. Here by default the time is 'FORE NOON'.

Date of next increment Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the date
next increment, it means the date in which employee's pay scale will be
incremented that will display in this field. It can take only 11 characters. It is a
mandatory field. The user has to give the entry according to particular date
format (DD-MMM-YYYY).

Note (If Any) Text Area: This text area contains the note .If the authority has
any notes to specify regarding pay fixation, it can be mentioned in this text area.
It is an optional field. It can take only 1000 characters, more than that will show
a message Enter only 200 characters.
Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like cancel.

Save Button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly

entered data to the list.

Delete Button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

Reset Button: This button is used for resetting the page. If the
user does not want to save the changed data, then by clicking reset
button, the page will be back to the initial stage as it is appeared at
the time of loading.

Cancel Button: It is used to cancel the editing records from the

list and go back to List Page.


GROUP OF FUNCTIONS: Pay Roll FUNCTION: Life Insurance Premium



Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Interface: The module has one list page and one data page. Each page is being
divided into different sections. They are described below.
List Page: The list page is divided into three different sections namely a) Header
b) List c) Control Panel as shown in Fig 28.1.1. The detail descriptions are as
Header: The header section shows details about the selected

employee. In

this section data is shown in the form of labels (read only). It contains data
components like Employee name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components
are as follows:
Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the
top left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing
purpose. Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.
HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a
unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters. Its also a label
and cannot be edited.
Post: This shows the current post of an Employee.
GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF/PPAN No of an Employee. It is
List: It shows the list of Life Insurance Policy taken by the particular employee. It
contains data components like Life Insurance Policy No, Monthly Subscription
Amount, With Effect From, Edit Icon and View Icon as described below.

Life Insurance Policy No: It represents the Life Insurance Policy

No assigned to the employee.








Subscription Amount which is deposited by the employee.

With Effect From: It represents the With Effect From date.

View: The employee can view the details of the transaction of a
particular row on clicking the view link.

Edit Icon: This link is used when the user wants to edit some of
the existing entries from the list. After clicking on the edit link it
will go to Editing page with all data. The edited data can be saved
through clicking on save button.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding new record
or exiting from the module. It contains buttons like add new and exit. Detail
description is given below.

AddNew Button:

This button is used to add a new record to the

existing record or data.

Exit: This button is used to close the current transaction page


Fig 28.1.1


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Data Page: Data page contains detail data components of a particular Life
Insurance and allows the user to add or update relevant information. This page is
divided into three different sections namely a) Header, b) Data Panel c) Control
Panel as shown in Fig 28.1.2. Detail description about each section is discussed
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee.
In this section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains
data components like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data
components are as follows:

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at

the top left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing
purpose. Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It

is a unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF/PPAN No of an Employee.

Data Panel: It contains detail data components of a particular Life

Insurance and allows the user to add or update relevant information. It
contains information like Life Insurance Policy No, Monthly Subscription
Amount, With Effect From, Note etc.

Life Insurance Policy No: This is a text box which will contain
the Life Insurance Policy No. It can take only 50 characters. It
can take characters as well as numbers. Its a mandatory field.

Monthly Subscription Amount: This is a text box which will

contain the Monthly Subscription Amount. It can take only
numbers. It can take only 6 digits. Its a mandatory field.

With Effect From: This is text field which contains the date.
The format of the date is dd-mmm-yyyy.

Note Text Area: This text box will contain Note (if any). It is an
optional area and it allows up to 1000 characters.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification











saving/adding new record or exiting from the module. It contains buttons

like Save, Delete etc. Detail description is given below.

Save Button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly

entered data to the list.

Delete Button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

Cancel Button: It is used to cancel the editing records from the

list and go back to List Page.

Fig 28.1.2


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

FUNCTION: Updated AD List

Interface: This module has one list page. List page is being divided into different
sections. They are described below.
List Page: The list page is divided into three different sections namely a) Header b)
List c) Control Panel as shown in Fig 28.2. The detail descriptions are as follows.
Header: The header section shows two tabs namely Allowance and Deduction.
List: It shows the list of all allowances in Allowance tab and list of all deductions in
Deduction tab. Allowance Tab contains data components like Code, Name of the
Head, Value and Edit icon etc as described below. The Deduction Tab contains data
components like Code, Name of the Head, Value and Edit icon etc as described
Code: This field represents the Code of the Allowance.
Name of the Head: This field represents the Name of the Head.
Value: This field represents the formula.
Edit Icon: This link is used when the user wants to edit some of
the existing entries from the list. After clicking on the edit link it
will go to Editing page with all data. The edited data can be saved
through clicking on save button.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like exiting from the
module. It contains buttons Exit etc. Detail description is given below.


Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page window.

Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Fig 28.2



FUNCTION: Sanction of Loan through Loan Sanction

DESCRIPTION: Government employees can avail different types of loan/advance

like House Building Advance, Festival Advance and Motor Cycle Advance in their
service period. Loan can be sanctioned at once or in different installments
depending upon the loan amount. The employee needs to refund the loan in
installment from his salary in his service period.
Interface: The modules have one list page where the list of all previous
sanctioned loans is shown. Every single sanctioned loan can be viewed for further
viewing/updating purpose in a data page by clicking on view/edit link. Detail about
the list page and data page is described in the next section.

List Page: It shows the list of all previous sanctioned loans in it. The list page is
divided into three different sections namely a) Header, b) List c) Control Panel as
shown in Fig 5.1.1. The detail descriptions about all the sections are as follows:


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Header: The header section shows details about the selected

employee. In

this section data is shown in the form of labels (read only). It contains data
components like Employee name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data
components are as follows:

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown

at the top left corner of the header section. It is a label for
viewing purpose. Employee Name cannot be edited here in
this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee.

It is a unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.
Its also a label and cannot be edited.

Post: This shows the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF/PPAN No of an Employee. It is


List: It shows the list of all previous sanctioned loans in it. It contains data
components like Date of Entry, Loan Name etc as described below.

Date of Entry in the Service Book: This is the date of

entry into service book, it means the date on which the
entry was taken.

Loan Name: This field shows the name of loan taken by


Amount: This field shows the loan amount.

View: The employee can view the details of the transaction

of a particular row on clicking the view link.

Edit: The employee can edit the details of the corresponding

row and can update the information.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding new loan
record or exiting from the module. It contains buttons like add new and exit.
Detail description is given below.
AddNew Button: This button is used to add a new record
to the existing record or data.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Exit: This button is used to close the current transaction

page window.

Fig: 5.1.1

Data Page: Data page contains detail data components of a particular sanctioned
loan and allows the user to add or update relevant information. This page is
divided into three different sections namely a) Header, b) Data Panel c) Control
Panel as shown in Fig 5.1.2. Detail description about each section is discussed
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is

shown at the top left corner of the header section. It is a
label for viewing purpose. Employee Name cannot be
edited here in this section.
HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular
employee. It is a unique value and has maximum limit of 8
characters. Its also a label and cannot be edited.
Post: This shows current post of an Employee.
GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF/PPAN No of an Employee. It
is alphanumeric.
Data Panel: It contains detail data components of a particular sanctioned loan
and allows the user to add or update relevant information. It contains
information like Order No, Order Date etc.

Order No Text Box: This is a textbox which contains

the order number of a loan. It can take only 50
characters. It is a mandatory field. The user has to give
the entry as the order number of loan of an employee.

Order Date Text box: This is a textbox which contains

the order date. It can take only 11 characters. It is a
mandatory field. The user has to give the entry
according to particular date format as dd-mmm-yyyy.

Loan Name Combo Box: This text box will contain the
name of the loans which indicates various types of loans.
It is a mandatory field. User has to select the loans
available in the list. If the user leaves it blank then it
shows a message 'please select the loan name'.

Amount Text Box: This textbox will contain the loan

amount in rupees. It can take only 11 digits, an entry
more than that will show an alert message. It is a
mandatory field. It takes only numbers.

Details Of Sanctioning Authority: It contains 3 combo

boxes named as Department, Office, Sanctioning


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Authority. These three fields are mandatory. Without

selecting the department user can't select either office or
sanctioning authority.
Department Combo Box: This is a combo box.

The user has to select one particular department of

the particular employee. It is a mandatory field. If
the user leaves it blank then it will show a message
'please select the Department '.
Office Combo Box: This is a combo box. The










corresponding department. It is a mandatory field. If

the user leaves it blank then it will show a message
'please select the Office '.
Sanctioning Authority Combo Box: This is a

combo box. The user has to select one employee of

office of the particular department. It is also a
mandatory field. If the user leaves it blank then it
will show a message 'please select the Sanctioning

Account No Text Box: Its a text box that represents

account no and only allows numbers and maximum
limit of this field is 10.

Treasury Voucher No Text Box: Its a text box that

represents treasury voucher no and its maximum limit
is 11 characters.

Date: This represents the date and its format is ddmmm-yyyy.

Treasury Combo Box: This allows the user to select

the Name of the Treasury.

Deduction Details: It has two combo boxes.


Now Deduct: Its a combo box that allows the

user to select Principal or Interest or Both.
On selection of Principal the Principal row gets


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

activated and Interest row gets deactivated. On

selection of Interest the Principal row gets
deactivated and Interest row gets activated.

Deduction Start Date: This is the date and the

format is dd-mmm-yyyy.

Original Amount: This field represents the

Original amount and only takes numeric or
decimal values and it allows the entry of only 11

Total No of Installment: This field represents

the total no of installment and only takes
numeric or decimal values and it allows the
entry of only 11 digits.

Installment Amount: This field represents the

installment amount and only takes numeric or
decimal values and it allows the entry of only 11

Last Paid Install No: This field represents the

last paid installment no and only takes numeric
or decimal values and it allows the entry of only
11 digits.

Month of Last Salary From: It represents the

date that represents month of last salary from
and the format is dd-mmm-yyyy.

Cumulative Amount Paid: It represents the

cumulative amount paid and it allows only
numeric and decimal and the range is 11.

Completed Recovery: This is a check box.

Note Text Area: This text box will contain Note (if
any) relating to the sanctioned loan of an employee.
The entry should be within 1000 characters, more than
that gives an alert message. It is an optional area, you
can fill it or you can't fill it.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding/saving

new sanctioned loan record or exiting from the module. It contains buttons like
Save, Delete etc. Detail description is given below.

Save button: This button is used for saving the

changed/newly entered data to the list.

Delete button: It is used to delete existing records

from the list.

Reset button: It is used to reset all the entered values.

Cancel button: It is used to cancel the editing records
from the list and go back to List Page.

Fig 5.1.2


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

FUNCTION: Release of sanctioned loan through release of loan.

DESCRIPTION: Sanctioned Loan amount is released at once or in multiple installments.

This form records information like Type of Loan sanctioned, released in Full or Installment,
Installment No, Released Amount.
Interface: The modules have one list page where the list of all previous released
sanctioned loans is shown. Every single released sanctioned loan can be viewed for further
viewing/updating purpose in a data page by clicking on view/edit link. Detail about the list
page and data page is described in the next section.

List Page: It shows the list of all previously released sanctioned loans in it. The list page is
divided into three different sections namely a) Header, b) List c) Control Panel as shown in
Fig 5.2.1. The detail descriptions about all the sections are as follows:
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this section data
shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components like Employee Name,
HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as follows:

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown

at the top left corner of the header section. It is a label for

viewing purpose. Employee Name cannot be edited here in this

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee.

It is a unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This shows current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF/PPAN No of an Employee.

List: It shows the list of all previously released sanctioned loans in it. It contains data
components like Date of Entry in the Service Book, Loan Type etc. as described below.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Date of Entry in the Service Book: This is the date of

entry into service book, it means the date on which the entry
was taken.

Loan Type: This field contains the type of loan.

Release Type: This field contains the type of Release either

full or installment.

Installation No: This field contains the installation no if

Release type is installment.

Release Amount This field contains the Release amount.

View Icon: The employee can view the details of the

transaction of a particular row on clicking the view link.

Edit Icon: This hyperlink is used when the user wants to

edit some of the existing entries from the list. After clicking
on the edit link it will go to Editing page with all data. The
edited data can be saved through clicking on save button.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding new record or exiting
from the module. It contains buttons like add new and exit. Detail description is given

AddNew Button:

This button is used to add a new record

to the existing record or data.

Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page



Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Fig 5.2.1

Data Page: Data page contains detail data components of a particular released sanctioned
loan and allows the user to add or update relevant information. This page is divided into
three different sections namely a) Header, b) Data Panel c) Control Panel as shown in Fig
5.2.2. Detail description about each section is discussed below.
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this section data
shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components like Employee Name,
HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as follows:


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at

the top left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing
purpose. Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It

is a unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF / PPAN No of an Employee.

Data Panel: It contains detail data components of a particular released sanctioned loan and
allows the user to add or update relevant information. It contains information like Order No,
Order Date etc.

Order No Text Box: This textbox will contain Order No for

Release of loan of a employee. It can take only 50 characters,
an entry more than that will show a message.

Order Date Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the

order date of Release of loan of employee. It can take only 11
characters. It is a mandatory field. The user has to give the
entry according to particular date format (DD-MMM-YYYY).

Details Of Authority: It contains 3 combo boxes named as

Department of the Authority, Office of the Authority, Authority.
These three fields are mandatory. Without selecting the
department user can't select either office or authority.

Department of the Authority Combo Box: This is a

combo box. The user has to select one particular







mandatory field. If the user leaves it blank then it will

show a message 'please select the Department of
Authority '.

Office of the Authority Combo Box: This is a combo

box. The user has to select one office relevant to the
corresponding department. It is a mandatory field. If


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

the user leaves it blank then it will show a message

'please select the Office of the Authority '.

Authority Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user

has to select one employee of office of the particular
department. It is also a mandatory field. If the user
leaves it blank then it will show a message 'please select

Loan Type Combo Box This is a combo box. The user has to
select the type of loan for which purpose the loan has been
taken. It may be for medical purpose or house building loan

Release Type Box: This field contains two radio buttons under
it called Full and Installment.
o Full Radio button: This radio button is there for
storing the data when the Release will be in
terms of full amount.
o Installment radio button: This radio button is
for storing the data when the Release will be in
terms of installment basis.
Installment No Text box: This textbox stores the installation
number. It can take only the numbers and characters. It is
made enabled if the installment radio button is chosen.
Release Amount Text box: This textbox stores the Release
amount. It can take only the numbers. Characters are not
allowed here otherwise it will show an alert message. It only
permits 15 digits.
Note Text Area: This text box will contain Note (if any)
relating to the Release of loan of an employee. The entry
should be in 1000 characters, more than that gives an alert
message. It is an optional area.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like saving new record or exiting
from the module. It contains buttons like Save, Delete etc. Detail description is given below.

Save Button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly

entered data to the list.

Delete Button: It is used to delete existing records from the


Reset Button: This button is used for resetting the page. If the
user does not want to save the changed data, then by clicking
reset button, the page will be back to the initial stage as it is
appeared at the time of loading.

Cancel Button: It is used to cancel the editing records from

the list and go back to List Page.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Fig 5.2.2


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification FUNCTION: Repayment of sanctioned loan through repayment of loan.

DESCRIPTION: Repayment Of Loan is the process of refunding loan/ advance
amount taken by a government employee.
It records information like Type of Loan released, whether repaid in Full or in
Installment, Installment No, and Repaid Amount.

Interface: The modules have one list page where the list of all previous repayment of
sanctioned loans is shown. Every single repayment of sanctioned loan can be viewed for
further viewing/updating purpose in a data page by clicking on view/edit link. Detail
about the list page and data page is described in the next section.

List Page: It shows the list of all previously occurred repayment of sanctioned loans in
it. The list page is divided into three different sections namely a) Header, b) List c)
Control Panel as shown in Fig 5.3.1. The detail descriptions about all the sections are as
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this section
data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components like Employee
Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as follows:
Employee Name: Name of the selected employee
is shown at the top left corner of the header section.
It is a label for viewing purpose. Employee Name
cannot be edited here in this section.
HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular
employee. It is a unique value and has maximum
limit of 8 characters.
Post: This is the current post of an Employee.
GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF/PPAN No of an
List: It shows the list of all previously occurred repayment of sanctioned loans in it. It
contains data components like Date of Entry, Loan Type etc as described below.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Date of Entry in the Service Book: This is the

date of entry into service book, it means the date on
which the entry was taken.
Loan Type: This field contains the type of loan.
Repayment Type: This field contains the type of
repayment either full or installment.
Installation No: This field contains the installation
no if repayment type is installment.






repayment amount.
View: The employee can view the details of the
transaction of a particular row on clicking the view link.
Edit Icon: This hyperlink is used when the user
wants to edit some of the existing entries from the list.
After clicking on the edit link it will go to Editing page
with all data. The edited data can be saved through
clicking on save button.
Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding new record or
exiting from the module. It contains buttons like add new and exit. Detail description is
given below.
AddNew Button:

This button is used to add a new

record to the existing record or data.

Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Fig 5.3.1

Data Page: Data page contains detail data components of a particular repayment of
loan and allows the user to add or update relevant information. This page is divided into
three different sections namely a) Header, b) Data Panel c) Control Panel as shown in Fig
5.3.2. Detail description about each section is discussed below.
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this section
data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components like Employee
Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as follows:
Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown
at the top left corner of the header section. It is a label for
viewing purpose. Employee Name cannot be edited here in
this section.
HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee.
It is a unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF/PPAN No of an Employee.
Data Panel: It contains detail data components of a particular repayment of loan and
allows the user to add or update relevant information. It contains information like Order
No, Order Date etc.
Order No Text Box: This textbox will contain Order No for
repayment of loan of a employee. It can take only 50
characters, an entry more than that will show a message.
Order Date Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the
order date of repayment of loan of employee. It can take only
11 characters. It is a mandatory field. The user has to give
the entry according to particular date format (DD-MMM-YYYY).
Details Of Authority: It contains 3 combo boxes named as
Department of the Authority, Office of the Authority,
Authority. These three fields are mandatory. Without selecting
the department user can't select either office or authority.

Department of the Authority Combo Box: This is a

combo box. The user has to select one particular
department of the particular employee. It is a mandatory
field. If the user leaves it blank then it will show a
message 'please select the Department of Authority '.

o Office of the Authority Combo Box: This is a combo

box. The user has to select one office relevant to the
corresponding department. It is a mandatory field. If
the user leaves it blank then it will show a message
'please select the Office of the Authority '.

o Authority Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user

has to select one employee of office of the particular
department. It is also a mandatory field. If the user
leaves it blank then it will show a message 'please select


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Loan Type Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has

to select the type of loan for which purpose the loan has been
taken. It may be for medical purpose or house building loan etc.

Repayment Type Box: This field contains two radio

buttons under it called Full and Installment.

Full Radio button: This radio button is there for

storing the data when the repayment will be in terms of full


Installment radio button: This radio button is for

storing the data when the repayment will be in terms of

installment basis.

Installment No Text box: This textbox stores the

installation number. It can take only the numbers and

characters. It is made enabled if the installment radio button is

Repayment Amount Text box: This textbox stores the

repayment amount. It can take only the numbers. Characters are

not allowed here otherwise it will show an alert message. It only
allows 15 digits.

Note Text Area: This text box will contain Note (if any)

relating to the repayment of loan of an employee. The entry should

be in 1000 characters, more than that gives an alert message. It is
an optional area.
Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding/saving new record
or exiting from the module. It contains buttons like Save, Delete etc. Detail description is
given below.









changed/newly entered data to the list.

Delete Button: It is used to delete existing records from
the list.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Reset Button: This button is used for resetting the page. If

the user does not want to save the changed data, then by
clicking reset button, the page will be back to the initial stage
as it is appeared at the time of loading.
Cancel Button: It is used to cancel the editing records from
the list and go back to List Page.

Fig 5.3.2



FUNCTION: Enrollment to Insurance scheme through Enrollment to



Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Description: Providing benefits to the employee through insurance scheme is a

mandatory HR intervention in government. The module facilitates to record
enrolment details of insurance scheme such as GIS, CGEIS etc. Data captured
through this form are like Name of Insurance Scheme, Date of Effect and
Monthly Subscription Amount are captured in this form.
Interface: The modules have one list page where the list of all previous enrollments is
shown. Every single enrollment can be viewed for further viewing/updating purpose in a
data page by clicking on view/edit link. Detail about the list page and data page is
described in the next section.
List Page: It shows the list of all previous enrolments in it. The list page is divided into
three different sections namely a) Header, b) List c) Control Panel as shown in Fig 6.1.1.
The detail descriptions about all the sections are as follows:
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this section
data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components like Employee
Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as follows:

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at

the top left corner of the header section. It is a label for
viewing purpose. Employee Name cannot be edited here in this

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It

is a unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF/PPAN No of an Employee.

List: It shows the list of all previous enrolments in it. It contains data components like
Date of Entry, Notification Order No etc as described below.
Date of Entry in the Service Book: This is the date of entry into
service book, it means the date on which the entry was taken.
Notification Order No: This is the notification order number.
Notification Date: This is the notification date.
Notification Type: This is the notification type.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

View: The employee can view the details of the transaction of a

particular row on clicking the view link.
Edit Icon: This link is used when the user wants to edit some of
the existing entries from the list. After clicking on the edit link it
will go to Editing page with all data. The edited data can be saved
through clicking on save button.
Supersede Icon: This link is used to supersede the current order.
Corresponding row containing a particular order details can be
modified/ superseded by clicking on the supersede link. After
clicking on it, user will get another page where supersession
information can be recorded (as discussed in section-).
Cancel Icon: This link is used to cancel the current order. The
corresponding row containing a particular order which can be
cancelled by clicking on the cancel link. After clicking on it,
transaction will go to another page called cancellation page.
Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding new record or
exiting from the module. It contains buttons like add new and exit. Detail description is
given below.

AddNew Button:

This button is used to add a new record to the

existing record or data.


Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page window.

Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Fig 6.1.1

Data Page: Data page contains detail data components of a particular enrolment and
allows the user to add or update relevant information. This page is divided into three
different sections namely a) Header, b) Data Panel c) Control Panel as shown in Fig
6.1.2. Detail description about each section is discussed below.
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this section
data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components like Employee
Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as follows:

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at

the top left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing
purpose. Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It

is a unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF/PPAN No of an Employee.

Data Panel: It contains detail data components of a particular enrolment and allows the
user to add or update relevant information. It contains information like Notification Order
No, Notification Order Date etc.
Notification Order No Text Box: This is a textbox which will
contain the notification order number. It can take only 5

characters, It can take numbers as well as characters, an entry

more than that will show an alert message. It is a mandatory field.
Notification Order Date Text Box: This is a textbox which
contains the notification order date of an employee. It means the
notification date given to the employee will be displayed in this
field. It can take only 11 characters. The user has to give the
entry according to particular date format (DD-MMM-YYYY).
Details Of Notifying Authority: It contains 3 combo boxes
named as Department of the Notifying Authority, Office of the
Notifying Authority, Notifying Authority. These three fields are
mandatory. Without selecting the department user can't select
either office or authority.

Department of the Notifying Authority Combo Box:

This is a combo box. The user has to select one particular
department of the particular employee. It is a mandatory
field. It should be selected to display Office Combo Box..

Office of the Notifying Authority Combo Box: This is a

combo box. The user has to select one office relevant to the
corresponding department. It is a mandatory field. It has to
be selected to display Notifying Authority Combo Box.

Notifying Authority Combo Box: This is a combo box.

The user has to select one employee of office of the
particular department. It is also a mandatory field. If the
user leaves it blank then it will show a message 'please
select Notifying Authority'.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Name of Scheme: This represents the Name of the Scheme.

Insurance Account No: This represents the Insurance account no

and it only permits 20 characters.

With Effect Date: This represents the With Effect Date and the
format is dd-mmm-yyyy.








subscription amount and it only allows numeric values and only

allows 16 digits.
Note Text Area: This text box will contain Note (if any) relating to
the enrollment to insurance of an employee. It is an optional area
and it allows up to 1000 characters.
Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like saving/adding new record
or exiting from the module. It contains buttons like Save, Delete etc. Detail description is
given below.

Save Button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly

entered data to the list.

Delete Button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

Reset Button: This button is used for resetting the page. If the
user does not want to save the changed data, then by clicking reset
button, the page will be back to the initial stage as it is appeared at
the time of loading.

Cancel Button: It is used to cancel the editing records from the

list and go back to List Page.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Fig 6.1.2

FUNCTION: Insurance Premium Scheme through Insurance Premium

Description: General Insurance Scheme or any such insurance is intended to

alleviate the financial hardship caused to the families of Government servants
who demise while in service. This form records paid premium details like
Treasury Voucher No, Treasury Name, and Premium Amount Deposited for the
Interface: The modules have one list page where the list of all previous insurance
premiums is shown. Every single premium can be viewed for further
viewing/updating purpose in a data page by clicking on view/edit link. Detail about
the list page and data page is described in the next section.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

List Page: It shows the list of all previous insurance premiums in it. The list page is
divided into three different sections namely a) Header, b) List c) Control Panel as shown
in Fig 6.2.1. The detail descriptions about all the sections are as follows:
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this section
data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components like Employee
Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as follows:
Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the
top left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing
purpose. Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.
HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a
unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.
Post: This is the current post of an Employee.
GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF/PPAN No of an Employee.
List: It shows the list of all previously insurance premiums in it. It contains data
components like Instrument No, Date of Deposit etc as described below.

Instrument No: This represents the Instrument No.

Date of Deposit: This represents the date of deposit.

Voucher No: This represents the voucher no.

Treasury Name: This represents the treasury name.

Amount in Rs.: This represents the amount.

View: The employee can view the details of the transaction of a

particular row on clicking the view link.

Edit Icon: This hyperlink is used when the user wants to edit some
of the existing entries from the list. After clicking on the edit link it
will go to Editing page with all data. The edited data can be saved
through clicking on save button.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding/saving new record
or exiting from the module. It contains buttons like add new and exit. Detail description
is given below.

AddNew Button:

This button is used to add a new record to the

existing record or data.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page window.

Fig 6.2.1

Data Page: Data page contains detail data components of a particular insurance
premium and allows the user to add or update relevant information. This page is divided
into three different sections namely a) Header, b) Data Panel c) Control Panel as shown
in Fig 6.2.2. Detail description about each section is discussed below.
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this section
data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components like Employee
Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as follows:


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at

the top left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing
purpose. Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It

is a unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF/PPAN No of an Employee.

Data Panel: It contains detail data components of a particular insurance premium and
allows the user to add or update relevant information. It contains information like
Instrument to which the premium is deposited, Date of deposit of Premium etc.

Instrument No through which the Premium is deposited:

This represents the instrument no and it allows maximum of 20

Date of Deposit of Premium: This represents the date of

deposit and the format is dd-mmm-yyyy.

Details of Deposited Authority: It contains 3 combo boxes

named as Department of the Deposited Authority, Office of the
Deposited Authority, Deposited Authority. These three fields are
mandatory. Without selecting the department user can't select
either office or authority.

Department of the Deposited Authority Combo

Box: This is a combo box. The user has to select one
particular department of the particular employee. It is a
mandatory field. If the user leaves it blank then it will
show a message 'please select the Department of
Deposited Authority '.

Office of the Deposited Authority Combo Box: This

is a combo box. The user has to select one office
relevant to the corresponding department. It is a
mandatory field. If the user leaves it blank then it will
show a message 'please select the Office of the
Deposited Authority '.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Deposited Authority Combo Box: This is a combo

box. The user has to select one employee of office of the
particular department. It is also a mandatory field. If the
user leaves it blank then it will show a message 'please
select Deposited Authority'.

Treasury Voucher No: This represents the treasury voucher

no. and it only allows 15 characters.

Scheme Name: This is a combo box which represents the

Scheme Name.

Treasury Name: This is a combo box which represents the

Treasury Name.

Premium Amount deposited in Rs. This represents the

premium amount and it permits only numeric and decimal values.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like saving new record or
exiting from the module. It contains buttons like Save, Delete etc. Detail description is
given below.

Save button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly

entered data to the list.

Delete button: It is used to delete existing records from the


Cancel button: It is used to cancel the editing records from

the list and go back to List Page.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Fig 6.2.2

FUNCTION: GPF Nomination scheme through GPF Nomination

Description: Employee should declare nominee for his/ her Provident Fund

in a specific format. This form records Name of the Nominee who will

be going to avail the GPF amount, Date of nomination, Relation with employee,
Age, Address, Contingency Happenings, Passing Nominees Details.
Interface: The modules have one data page. Detail about the data page is
described in the next section.
Data Page: Data page contains detail data components of a particular GPF
Nomination and allows the user to add or update relevant information. This page
is divided into three different sections namely a) Header, b) Data Panel c)
Control Panel as shown in Fig 6.3.1. Detail description about each section is
discussed below.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the

top left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing
purpose. Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF/PPAN No of an Employee.

Data Panel: It contains detail data components of a particular GPF Nomination

and allows the user to add or update relevant information. It contains
information like Name of the Nominee, Date of Nomination etc.

Name of Nominee: This field stores the name of the nominee. It

consists of four controls names as Title, First name, Middle Name and
Last Name.

Title Combo box: This is a combo box which will store the title
of the nominee. Its a mandatory field.

First Name Text box: This is a text box which will store the
First name of the nominee. Its a mandatory field.

Middle Name Text box: This text box which will store the
Middle name of the nominee. Its not a mandatory field.

Last Name Text box: This text box which will store the last
name of the nominee. Its a mandatory field.

Date of Nomination: This is a text box which will store the date on
which of the nomination is made. Its a mandatory field and having
maximum size of 11. More than that will give an alert message. It
will not accept wrong format of the date.

Relation with Employee Combo box: This field specifies the relation
of the employee with the nominee. Its a mandatory field, if not


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

selected will show an alert message like 'Please select the relation
with Employee'.

Age Text Box: This text box will store the age of the nominee. Its a
mandatory field and can only take the numbers.

Address Text Area: This text box will store the address of the
nominee where he can be contacted. Its a mandatory field.

Contingency Happenings Text Box: This text box will define a cause
for which the nominee can may not get the GPF amount. Its a
mandatory field.

Share Accumulation Text Box: This represents the Share


Passing Nominees Details: This field will store the details of the

other nominees in case the main nominee would not get the GPF amount. It
contains several fields under it. These are described below.

Title Combo box: This is a combo box which will store the title
of the passing nominee. Its a mandatory field.

First Name Text box: This is a text box which will store the
First name of the passing nominee. Its a mandatory field.

Middle Name Text box: This text box which will store the
Middle name of the passing nominee. Its not a mandatory

Last Name Text box: This text box which will store the last
name of the passing nominee. Its a mandatory field.

Relation with the employee combo box: This field specifies

the relation of the employee with the passing nominee. Its a
mandatory field, if not selected will show an alert message like
'Please select the relation with Employee'.

Age Text box: This text box will store the age of the nominee.
Its a mandatory field and can only take the numbers.

Guardian Name Text box: This is a text box which will store
the name of guardian of the passing nominee. Its a mandatory

Guardian Address Text box: This is a text box which will

store the address of guardian of the passing nominee. Its a
mandatory field.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Name of Witness1: This represents the name of the witness1.

Name of Witness2: This represents the name of the witness2.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like saving new
record or exiting from the module. It contains buttons like Save, Delete etc.
Detail description is given below.

Save button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly

entered data to the list.

Delete button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

Reset Button: This button is used for resetting the page. If the
user does not want to save the changed data, then by clicking reset
button, the page will be back to the initial stage as it is appeared at
the time of loading.

Exit: This button is used to close the current transaction page


4.1.7. GROUP OF FUNCTIONS: Transfer & Promotion

FUNCTION: Taking over of Additional Charge through Additional


DESCRIPTION: Some time an employee is entrusted with additional charges of

other posts along with his substantive posting. Such orders are noted in the
service book. This form records Date and time of Joining, details of Post of
additional charge into HRMS.
Interface: The modules have one list page where the list of all previous












viewing/updating purpose in a data page by clicking on view/edit link. Detail about the
list page and data page is described in the next section.

List Page: It shows the list of all previous additional charge in it. The list page is divided
into three different sections namely a) Header, b) List c) Control Panel as shown in Fig
7.1.1. The detail descriptions about all the sections are as follows:


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this section
data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components like Employee
Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as follows:
Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the
top left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing
purpose. Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.
HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a
unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.
Post: This is the current post of an Employee.
GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF/PPAN No of an Employee.
List: It shows the list of all previous additional charge in it. It contains data components
like Date of Entry, Notification Order No etc as described below.
Date of Entry in the Service Book: This is the date of entry into
service book, it means the date on which the entry was taken.
Notification Order No: This is the notification order number.
Notification Date: This is the notification date.
Notification Type: This is the notification type.
View: The employee can view the details of the transaction of a
particular row on clicking the view link.
Edit Icon: This link is used when the user wants to edit some of
the existing entries from the list. After clicking on the edit link it
will go to Editing page with all data. The edited data can be saved
through clicking on save button.
Supersede Icon: This link is used to supersede the current order.
Corresponding row containing a particular order details can be
modified/ superseded by clicking on the supersede link. After
clicking on it, user will get another page where supersession
information can be recorded (as discussed in section-).
Cancel Icon: This link is used to cancel the current order. The
corresponding row containing a particular order which can be
cancelled by clicking on the cancel link. After clicking on it,
transaction will go to another page called cancellation page.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding new record or
exiting from the module. It contains buttons like add new and exit. Detail description is
given below.
AddNew Button:

This button is used to add a new record to the

existing record or data.

Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page window.

Fig 7.1.1

Data Page: Data page contains detail data components of a particular additional charge
and allows the user to add or update relevant information. This page is divided into three
different sections namely a) Header, b) Data Panel c) Control Panel as shown in Fig
7.1.2. Detail description about each section is discussed below.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this section
data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components like Employee
Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as follows:
Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at

top left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing

purpose. Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It
is a unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.
Post: This is the current post of an Employee.
GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF/PPAN No of an Employee.
Data Panel: It contains detail data components of a particular additional charge and
allows the user to add or update relevant information. It contains information like
Notification Order No, Notification Order Date etc.
Notification Order No: This is the notification order number.
It allows 50 characters.
Notification Order Date: This is the notification order date
and the format is dd-mmm-yyyy.
Details Of Notifying Authority: It contains 3 combo boxes
named as Department of the Notifying Authority, Office of the
Notifying Authority, Notifying Authority. These three fields are
mandatory. Without selecting the department user can't select
either office or authority.

Department of the Notifying Authority Combo

Box: This is a combo box. The user has to select one
particular department of the particular employee. It is
a mandatory field. This has to be selected to display
Office of the Notifying Authority Combo Box.

Office of the Notifying Authority Combo Box: This

is a combo box. The user has to select one office
relevant to the corresponding department. It is a
mandatory field. This has to be selected to display
Notifying Authority Combo Box.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Notifying Authority Combo Box: This is a combo

box. The user has to select one employee of office of
the particular department. It is also a mandatory field.
If the user leaves it blank then it will show a message
'please select Notifying Authority'.

Details Of Posting: It contains 3 combo boxes named as

Posted to Department, Posted to Office, Substantive Post. These
three fields are mandatory.

Posted to Department Combo Box: This is a

combo box. The user has to select one particular
department to which additional charge will be given.
It is a mandatory field This has to be selected to
display Posted to Office Combo Box.

Posted to Office Combo Box: This is a combo box.

The user has to select one office relevant to the
corresponding department. It is a mandatory field.
This has to be selected to display Substantive Post
Combo Box.

Substantive Post Combo Box: This is a combo

box. The user has to select the substantive post of the

employee of a particular office. It is also a mandatory field.
If the user leaves it blank then it will show a message
'please select Substantive Post'.

Details of Pay: It contains 6 textboxes named as Scale of Pay,

Grade Pay, Pay in Substantive Post, Special Pay, Personal Pay,
Other Emoluments falling under personal pay. These fields are
optional. But if the user enters values in any of these
textboxes then he must enter

the value into all these 5

textboxes, at that time all the textboxes of pay details will be

o Scale of Pay Text Box: This is a textbox which contains
the pay scale of employee. It can take only 100 characters,
more than that it will display a message.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

o Grade Pay: This is a textbox which contains the grade pay

of employee. It can take only 6 digits, more than that it will
display a message.

Pay in Substantive Post Text Box: This is a textbox

which contains the pay in substantive post of employee. This

field takes only numbers and allows 10 digits.

Special Pay Text Box: This is a textbox which contains

the special pay of employee. This field takes only numbers

allows 10 digits.

Personal Pay Text Box: This is a textbox which contains

the personal pay of employee. This field takes only numbers

allows 10 digits.
o Other Pay Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the
other pay of employee. This field takes only numbers allows 10
o Description of Other Pay Text Box: This text box defines
the other pay of the employee and allows 50 characters.

Date of Effect of Pay: This is a textbox which contains the

date from which the pay scale is effective to an employee. It
can take only 11 characters. It is a mandatory field. The user
has to give the entry according to particular date format (DDMMM-YYYY). This field doesn't take the duplicate values.

Time Combo Box: This is a combo box. It contains the with

effect time from which the Pay Details is effective .The time is
in form of 'FORE NOON' and 'AFTER NOON'. Here by default the
time is 'FORE NOON'.

Update Cadre Status Check Box: This represents the Update

Cadre Status.

Note Text Area: This text box will contain Note (if any)
relating to the additional charge of an employee. It is an
optional area. It allows 1000 characters.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like saving new record or
exiting from the module. It contains buttons like save, delete etc. Detail description is
given below.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Save button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly

entered data to the list.

Delete button: It is used to delete existing records from the


Reset Button: This button is used for resetting the page. If the
user does not want to save the changed data, then by clicking
reset button, the page will be back to the initial stage as it is
appeared at the time of loading.

Cancel button: It is used to cancel the editing records from

the list and go back to List Page.

Fig 7.1.2


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

FUNCTION: Taking over of Allowed to Officiate through Allowed to


DESCRIPTION: An employee may be allowed to officiate in higher cadre-grade

before his/her due promotion, in case there is a vacancy and there is
insufficient member in the appropriate grade of service.
It captures the data like Cadre-Grade Allotted through officiation method to the
employee, details of pay like Pay Scale, Pay in substantive post, Special pay,
Personal pay, Other pay and Date of effect of officiation and pay.
Interface: The modules have one list page where the list of all officiation is shown.
Every single officiation can be viewed for further viewing/updating purpose in a data
page by clicking on view/edit link. Detail about the list page and data page is described
in the next section.
List Page: It shows the list of all previous officiation in it. The list page is divided into
three different sections namely a) Header, b) List c) Control Panel as shown in Fig 7.2.1.
The detail descriptions about all the sections are as follows:
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this section
data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components like Employee
Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as follows:
Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown
at the top left corner of the header section. It is a label for
viewing purpose. Employee Name cannot be edited here in this
HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee.
It is a unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.
Post: This is the current post of an Employee.
GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF/PPAN No of an Employee.
List: It shows the list of all previously officiation in it. It contains data components like
Date of Entry, Notification Order No etc as described below.
Date of Entry in the Service Book: This is the date of
entry into service book, it means the date on which the entry
was taken.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Notification Order No: This is the notification order

Notification Order Date: This is the notification order date.
View: The employee can view the details of the transaction
of a particular row on clicking the view link.
Edit Icon: This link is used when the user wants to edit
some of the existing entries from the list. After clicking on
the edit link it will go to Editing page with all data. The edited
data can be saved through clicking on save button.
Supersede Icon: This link is used to supersede the current
order. Corresponding row containing a particular order details
can be modified/ superseded by clicking on the supersede
link. After clicking on it, user will get another page where
supersession information can be recorded (as discussed in
Cancel Icon: This link is used to cancel the current order.
The corresponding row containing a particular order which
can be cancelled by clicking on the cancel link. After clicking
on it, transaction will go to another page called cancellation
Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding new record or
exiting from the module. It contains buttons like add new and exit. Detail description is
given below.
AddNew Button:

This button is used to add a new record

to the existing record or data.

Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Fig 7.2.1

Data Page: Data page contains detail data components of a particular officiation and
allows the user to add or update relevant information. This page is divided into three
different sections namely a) Header, b) Data Panel c) Control Panel as shown in Fig
7.2.2. Detail description about each section is discussed below.

Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this section
data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components like Employee
Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as follows:

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the

top left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing
purpose. Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF/PPAN No of an Employee.

Data Panel: It contains detail data components of a particular officiation and allows the
user to add or update relevant information. It contains information like Notification Order
No, Notification Order Date etc.
Check Here: This is a check Box.

Notification Order No: This is the notification order

number and allows 50 characters.

Notification Date: This is the notification date and the format is

dd-mmm-yyyy .

Details Of Notifying Authority: It contains 3 combo boxes named as

Department of the Notifying Authority, Office of the Notifying
Authority, Notifying Authority. These three fields are mandatory.
Without selecting the department user can't select either office or

Department of the Notifying Authority Combo Box:

This is a combo box. The user has to select one
particular department of the particular employee. It is
a mandatory field. This has to be selected to display
Office of the Notifying Authority Combo Box.

Office of the Notifying Authority Combo Box: This is a

combo box. The user has to select one office relevant
to the corresponding department. It is a mandatory
field. This has to be selected to display Notifying
Authority Combo Box.

Notifying Authority Combo Box: This is a combo box.

The user has to select one employee of office of the
particular department. It is also a mandatory field

Details of Cadre, Grade and Post: It contains combo boxes

named as Cadre Controlling Department, Name of the cadre, Name of


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

the Grade, Cadre Level, Description, Allotment Year, Cadre Id and










department user can't select either cadre, grade or generic post. Here
by using AJAX we can do these favors.

Cadre Controlling Department: This is a combo

box. The user has to select one particular department
to which the post belongs to the particular employee.
It is a mandatory field. This has to be selected to
display Name of the Cadre Combo Box.

Name of the Cadre: This is a combo box. The user

has to select the name of the cadre of employee of
the corresponding department. It is a mandatory field
This has to be selected to display Name of the Grade
Combo Box.

Name of the Grade: This is a combo box. The user

has to select the name of the grade of the employee
of the corresponding cadre. It is not a mandatory

Cadre Level: This is a combo box. The user has to

select the cadre level of the employee. It is not a
mandatory field.

Description: This is a combo box. The user has to

select the description of cadre of the employee. It is
not a mandatory field.

Allotment Year: This represents the Allotment Year

and only allows 4 digits.

Cadre Id: This represents the Cadre Id and only

allows 4 digits.

Name of the Generic Post: This is a combo box. The

user has to select the generic post of the employee of
the corresponding grade. It is not a mandatory field.





radio buttons in


(a) named as Temporary, Permanent, On Probation and 2 radio

buttons in option (b) named as on officiating and substantive. These


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

are mandatory fields. The user will be allowed to select one option
from each section.
o Temporary Radio Button:

If the employee is on

temporary then the user has to click on this radio button.

o Permanent Radio Button:

If the employee is on

permanent then the user has to click on this radio button.

o On Probation Radio Button: If the employee is on
probation then the user has to click on this radio button.
o Officiating Radio Button:

If the employee is on

officiating post then the user has to click on this radio

o Substantive Radio Button: If the employee is in
substantive post then the user has to click on this radio

Date of Effect of joining in Cadre: This represents the date of

effect of joining in Cadre and its format is dd-mmm-yyyy.

Time: This is a combo box. It contains the with effect time from

which the Pay Details is effective .The time is in form of 'FORE NOON'
and 'AFTER NOON' . Here by default the time is 'FORE NOON'.

Note Text Area: This text box will contain Note (if any) relating to
allowed to officiate of an employee. It is an optional area. It allows
1000 characters.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like saving/adding new record
or exiting from the module. It contains buttons like save, delete etc. Detail description is
given below.

Save button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly

entered data to the list.

Delete button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

Reset Button: This button is used for resetting the page. If the
user does not want to save the changed data, then by clicking reset
button, the page will be back to the initial stage as it is appeared at
the time of loading.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Cancel button: It is used to cancel the editing records from the

list and go back to List Page.

Fig 7.2.2

FUNCTION: Joining through Joining

DESCRIPTION: An employee joins into a new substantive post on transfer,

promotion or posting order. This form records detail of Substantive Post,


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Joining Date and Time, period of un-availed joining time credited to Earned
Leave account.

Interface: The modules have one list page where the list of all previous joining is
shown. Every single joining can be viewed for further viewing/updating purpose in a data
page by clicking on view/edit link. Detail about the list page and data page is described
in the next section.
List Page: It shows the list of all previous joining in it. The list page is divided into three
different sections namely a) Header, b) List c) Control Panel as shown in Fig 7.3.1. The
detail descriptions about all the sections are as follows:
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this section
data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components like Employee
Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as follows:

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at

the top left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing
purpose. Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is

a unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF/PPAN No of an Employee.

List: It shows the list of all previously joining in it. It contains data components like
Notification Type, Due Date of Joining etc as described below.

Notification Type: This is the notification type.

Due Date of Joining: This field stores the due date of joining of

Due Time of Joining: This field stores the joining time of an


Join Order No: This field stores the joining order of an


Join Order Date: This field stores the joining order date of an


Joined On: This field stores the joining on date of an employee.

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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Joined Time: This field stores the time of joining of an


Join in Substantive Post: This field stores the substantive post

of an employee

Join in Additional Charges: This field also contains a list if

hyperlinks known as ADDITIONAL. This hyperlink will specify if
this employee is appointed with some Additional Charges or not.

View: The employee can view the details of the transaction of a

particular row on clicking the view link.

Edit Icon: This hyperlink is used when the user wants to edit
some of the existing entries from the list. After clicking on the
edit link it will go to Editing page with all data. The edited data
can be saved through clicking on save button.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like exiting from the module.
It contains exit button. Detail description is given below.


Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page window.

Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Fig 7.3.1

Data Page: Data page contains detail data components of a particular joining and allows
the user to add or update relevant information. This page is divided into three different
sections namely a) Header, b) Data Panel c) Control Panel as shown in Fig 7.3.2. Detail
description about each section is discussed below.
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this section
data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components like Employee
Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as follows:
Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the
top left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing
purpose. Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.
Post: This is the current post of an Employee.
GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF/PPAN No of an Employee.
Data Panel: It contains detail data components of a particular joining and allows the
user to add or update relevant information. It contains information like Notification Order
Details, Relieve Order Details etc.
Notification Order Details: This field shows the details of the
notification order, which includes the Notification Type, Order No,
Order Date, Department, Office, Authority and Note.
o Type: This field stores notification type of an employee.
o Order No: This field stores the notification order number of
an employee.
o Order Date: This field stores the notification order date of an
o Department Name: This field stores the notification
authority or department.
o Office Name: This is a combo box. The user has to select one
office relevant to the corresponding department. It is a
mandatory field. If the user leaves it blank then it will show a
message 'please select the Office '.
o Authority:
o Note: This text box will contain Note (if any) relating to the
joining of an employee. The entry should be in 1000
characters, more than that gives an alert message. It is an
optional field.
Relieve Order Details: This field shows the details of the Relieve
Order, which includes the Order No, Order Date, Relieved Date,
Relieved Time, Due Date of Joining and Joining Time.
o Relieve Report/Letter No:
o Order Date: This field stores relieve order date of an


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

o Relieved On: This field stores date on which the employee

has to relieve.
o Relieved Time: This field stores the time by which the
employee has to relieve.
o Due Date of Joining: This field stores the due date of joining
of employee.
o Joining Time: This field stores the joining time of an
Joining Order Details:
o Date of Entry in the Service Book: This is the date of entry
into service book. It means the date on which the entry was
o Entry Taken By: This represents the entry taken by.
o Joining Report/Letter No: This represents the joining
report/letter no.
o Order Date: This field stores the joining order date of an

Joined On: This field stores the joining on date of an


Joined Time: These field stores the time of joining of an


Unveiled joining Time granted as EL: This represents the

Unveiled joining time.


From Date: This represents the from date and the format is


To Date: This represents the to date and the format is dd-


Posting Details:

Authority Type: This represents the Authority Type.

Department: This is a combo box. The user has to select

one particular department to which additional charge will be


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

given. It is a mandatory field. If the user leaves it blank then it

will show a message 'please select the Department of Posting '.

Office: This is a combo box. The user has to select one

office relevant to the corresponding department. It is a

mandatory field. If the user leaves it blank then it will show a
message 'please select the Office of Posting'.

Substantive Post: This is a combo box. The user has to

select the substantive post of the employee of a particular

office. It is also a mandatory field. If the user leaves it blank
then it will show a message 'please select Substantive Post'.

Note Text Area: This text box will contain Note (if any)

relating to the joining of an employee. It is an optional area.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like exiting from the module.
It contains cancel etc. Detail description is given below.

Cancel button: It is used to cancel the editing records from the list and go back
to List Page.


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Fig 7.3.2


FUNCTION: Placement of Service through Placement of Service

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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

DESCRIPTION: Cadre controlling department places service of an employee

to another department, who demands that specific cadre service.
This records Name of Department where the service is placed, substantive
post and Pay details.
Interface: The modules have one list page where the list of all previous
Placement of Service is shown. Every single Placement of Service can be
viewed for further viewing/updating purpose in a data page by clicking on
view/edit link. Detail about the list page and data page is described in the
next section.
List Page: It shows the list of all previous Placement of Service in it. The list
page is divided into three different sections namely a) Header, b) List c)
Control Panel as shown in Fig 7.4.1. The detail descriptions about all the
sections are as follows:
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In
this section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data
components like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data
components are as follows:

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at

the top left corner of the header section. It is a label for
viewing purpose. Employee Name cannot be edited here in this

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It

is a unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF/PPAN No of an Employee.

List: It shows the list of all previous Placement of Service in it. It contains
data components like Date of Entry, Notification Order No etc as described

Date of Entry in the Service Book: This is the date of entry

into service book, it means the date on which the entry was taken.


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Notification Order No: This is the notification order

Notification Date: This is the notification date.
Notification Type: This is the notification type.
View: The employee can view the details of the transaction of a
particular row on clicking the view link.
Edit Icon: This link is used when the user wants to edit some
of the existing entries from the list. After clicking on the edit
link it will go to Editing page with all data. The edited data can
be saved through clicking on save button.
Supersede Icon: This link is used to supersede the current
order. Corresponding row containing a particular order details
can be modified/ superseded by clicking on the supersede link.










supersession information can be recorded (as discussed in


Cancel Icon: This link is used to cancel the current order. The
corresponding row containing a particular order which can be
cancelled by clicking on the cancel link. After clicking on it,
transaction will go to another page called cancellation page.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding new record
or exiting from the module. It contains buttons like add new and exit. Detail
description is given below.

AddNew Button:

This button is used to add a new record to the

existing record or data.


Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page window.

Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Fig 7.4.1

Data Page: Data page contains detail data components of a particular Placement of
Service and allows the user to add or update relevant information. This page is divided
into three different sections namely a) Header, b) Data Panel c) Control Panel as shown
in Fig 7.4.2. Detail description about each section is discussed below.
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this section
data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components like Employee
Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as follows:

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at

the top left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing
purpose. Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It

is a unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF/PPAN No of an Employee.

Data Panel: It contains detail data components of a particular Placement of Service and
allows the user to add or update relevant information. It contains information like
Notification Order No, Notification Order Date etc.
Check Here: This is a combo box.

Notification Order No: This is the notification order number

and allows 50 characters.

Notification Order Date: This is the notification order date

and the format is dd-mmm-yyyy.

Details Of Notifying Authority: It contains 3 combo boxes

named as Department of the Notifying Authority, Office of the
Notifying Authority, Notifying Authority. These three fields are
mandatory. Without selecting the department user can't select
either office or authority.

Department of the Notifying Authority Combo Box:

This is a combo box. The user has to select one
particular department of the particular employee. It is
a mandatory field. This has to be selected to display
Office of the Notifying Authority Combo Box.

Office of the Notifying Authority Combo Box: This is a

combo box. The user has to select one office relevant
to the corresponding department. It is a mandatory

This has to be selected to display Notifying

Authority Combo Box.

Notifying Authority Combo Box: This is a combo box.

The user has to select one employee of office of the
particular department. It is also a mandatory field.

Details Of Posting: It contains 3 combo boxes named as Posted

to Department, Posted to Office, Substantive Post. These three
fields are mandatory.


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Posted to Department: This is a combo box. The user has

to select one particular department to which additional
charge will be given. It is a mandatory field. This has
to be selected to display Posted to Office Combo Box.

Posted to Office: This is a combo box. The user has to








department. It is a mandatory field. This has to be

selected to display Substantive Post Combo Box.

Substantive Post: This is a combo box. The user

has to select the substantive post of the employee
of a particular office. It is also a mandatory field. If
the user leaves it blank then it will show a message
'please select Substantive Post'.

Details of Pay: It contains 6 textboxes Scale of Pay, Grade

Pay, Pay in Substantive Post, Special Pay, Personal Pay, Other pay.
These fields are optional. But if the user enters values in any of
these 6 textboxes then he must enter the value into all these 6
textboxes, at that time all the textboxes of pay details will be

Scale of Pay/Pay Band: This is a textbox which

contains the pay scale of employee. It can take only 100

characters, more than that it will display a message.

Grade Pay: This is a textbox which contains the Grade

Pay and allows 6 digits.

Pay in Substantive Post: This is a textbox which

contains the pay in substantive post of employee. This
field takes only numbers and allows 6 digits.

Special Pay: This is a textbox which contains the

special pay of employee. This field takes only numbers
and allows 6 digits.

Personal Pay: This is a textbox which contains the

personal pay of employee. This field takes only
numbers and allows 6 digits.


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

o Other Pay: This is a textbox which contains the other

emoluments falling under personal pay of employee. This
field takes only numbers and allows 6 digits.
o Description of Other Pay: This is the description of
other pay and allows 50 characters.

Date of Effect of Pay: This is a textbox which contains the

date from which the pay scale is effective to an employee. It
can take only 11 characters. It is a mandatory field. The user
has to give the entry according to particular date format (DDMMM-YYYY). This field doesn't take the duplicate values.

Time: This is a combo box. It contains the with effect time

from which the Pay Details is effective .The time is in form of
'FORE NOON' and 'AFTER NOON' . Here by default the time is

Note Text Area: This text box will contain Note (if any)

relating to the placement of service of an employee. It is an

optional area and allows 1000 characters.
Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like saving/adding new record
or exiting from the module. It contains buttons like Save, Delete etc. Detail description is
given below.
Save button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly
entered data to the list.
Delete button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.
Reset Button: This button is used for resetting the page. If the
user does not want to save the changed data, then by clicking
reset button, the page will be back to the initial stage as it is
appeared at the time of loading.
Cancel button: It is used to cancel the editing records from the
list and go back to List Page.


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Fig 7.4.2

FUNCTION: Posting through Posting

DESCRIPTION: Posting is a method to allowing an employee to occupy a

Substantive Post.
Posting form records information like Substantive Post where to join, Details
of pay like Pay Scale, Pay in substantive post, Special pay, Personal pay,
Other pay he is entitled to get after joining to the post.


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Interface: The modules have one list page where the list of all previous
postings is shown. Every single posting can be viewed for further
viewing/updating purpose in a data page by clicking on view/edit link. Detail
about the list page and data page is described in the next section.
List Page: It shows the list of all previous posting in it. The list page is
divided into three different sections namely a) Header, b) List c) Control
Panel as shown in Fig 7.5.1. The detail descriptions about all the sections
are as follows:
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In
this section data shown in the form of labels (read only). It contains data
components like Employee name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data
components are as follows:
Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at
the top left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing
purpose. Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.
HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It
is a unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.
Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF/PPAN No of an Employee.

List: It shows the list of all previously occurred posting in it. It contains data
components like Date of Entry, Notification Order No etc as described below.
Date of Entry in the Service Book: This is the date of entry into
service book, it means the date on which the entry was taken.
Notification Order No: This is the notification order number.
Notification Date: This is the notification date.
Notification Type: This is the notification type.
View: The employee can view the details of the transaction of a
particular row on clicking the view link.
Edit Icon: This link is used when the user wants to edit some of the
existing entries from the list. After clicking on the edit link it will go to
Editing page with all data. The edited data can be saved through clicking
on save button.


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Supersede Icon:

This link is used to supersede the current order.

Corresponding row containing a particular order details can be modified/

superseded by clicking on the supersede link. After clicking on it, user will
get another page where supersession information can be recorded (as
discussed in section-).
Cancel Icon: This link is used to cancel the current order. The
corresponding row containing a particular order which can be cancelled by
clicking on the cancel link. After clicking on it, transaction will go to
another page called cancellation page.
Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding new
loan record or exiting from the module. It contains buttons like add new
and exit. Detail description is given below.

AddNew Button: This button is used to add a new record

to the existing record or data.

Exit: This button is used to close the current transaction

page window.


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Fig 7.5.1

Data Page: Data page contains detail data components of a particular posting
and allows the user to add or update relevant information. This page is
divided into three different sections namely a) Header, b) Data Panel c)
Control Panel as shown in Fig 7.5.2. Detail description about each section is
discussed below.
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In
this section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data
components like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data
components are as follows:


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the

top left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing
purpose. Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.
HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a
unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.
Post: This is the current post of an Employee.
GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF/PPAN No of an Employee.
Data Panel: It contains detail data components of a particular posting and
allows the user to add or update relevant information. It contains
information like Notification Order No, Notification Order Date etc.

Check Here: This is Check Box.

Notification Order No: This is the notification order number and
allows 50 characters.

Notification Order Date: This is the notification order date and

the format is dd-mmm-yyyy.

Details Of Notifying Authority: It contains 3 combo boxes

named as Department of the Notifying Authority, Office of the
Notifying Authority, Notifying Authority. These three fields are
mandatory. Without selecting the department user can't select
either office or authority.

Department of the Notifying Authority Combo Box:

This is a combo box. The user has to select one
particular department of the particular employee. It is
a mandatory field. This has to be selected to display
Office of the Notifying Authority Combo Box.

Office of the Notifying Authority Combo Box: This is a

combo box. The user has to select one office relevant
to the corresponding department. It is a mandatory

This has to be selected to display Notifying

Authority Combo Box.

Notifying Authority Combo Box: This is a combo box.

The user has to select one employee of office of the
particular department. It is also a mandatory field.


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Details Of Posting: It contains 3 combo boxes named as Posted

to Department, Posted to Office, Substantive Post. These three
fields are mandatory.

Posted to Department: This is a combo box. The user has

to select one particular department to which additional
charge will be given. It is a mandatory field. This has
to be selected to display Posted to Office Combo Box.

Posted to Office: This is a combo box. The user has to








department. It is a mandatory field. This has to be

selected to display Substantive Post Combo Box.

Substantive Post: This is a combo box. The user

has to select the substantive post of the employee
of a particular office. It is also a mandatory field. If
the user leaves it blank then it will show a message
'please select Substantive Post'.

Details of Pay: It contains 6 textboxes Scale of Pay, Grade

Pay, Pay in Substantive Post, Special Pay, Personal Pay, Other pay.
These fields are optional. But if the user enters values in any of
these 6 textboxes then he must enter the value into all these 6
textboxes, at that time all the textboxes of pay details will be

Scale of Pay/Pay Band: This is a textbox which

contains the pay scale of employee. It can take only 100

characters, more than that it will display a message.

Grade Pay: This is a textbox which contains the Grade

Pay and allows 6 digits.

Pay in Substantive Post: This is a textbox which

contains the pay in substantive post of employee. This
field takes only numbers and allows 6 digits.

Special Pay: This is a textbox which contains the

special pay of employee. This field takes only numbers
and allows 6 digits.


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Personal Pay: This is a textbox which contains the

personal pay of employee. This field takes only
numbers and allows 6 digits.

o Other Pay: This is a textbox which contains the other

emoluments falling under personal pay of employee. This
field takes only numbers and allows 6 digits.
o Description of Other Pay: This is the description of
other pay and allows 50 characters.

Date of Effect of Pay: This is a textbox which contains the

date from which the pay scale is effective to an employee. It
can take only 11 characters. It is a mandatory field. The user
has to give the entry according to particular date format (DDMMM-YYYY). This field doesn't take the duplicate values.

Time: This is a combo box. It contains the with effect time

from which the Pay Details is effective .The time is in form of
'FORE NOON' and 'AFTER NOON' . Here by default the time is

Note Text Area: This text box will contain Note (if any)

relating to the placement of service of an employee. It is an

optional area and allows 1000 characters.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding/saving new
record or exiting from the module. It contains buttons like add new and exit.
Detail description is given below.
Save button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly
entered data to the list.
Delete button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.
Reset Button: This button is used for resetting the page. If the
user does not want to save the changed data, then by clicking
reset button, the page will be back to the initial stage as it is
appeared at the time of loading.
Cancel button: It is used to cancel the editing records from the
list and go back to List Page.


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Fig 7.5.2

FUNCTION: Promotion through Promotion

DESCRIPTION: Promotion is a process of appointment to a higher cadre,

grade or post in the hierarchy in accordance to cadre rule. On promotion one
is entitled to the pay and allowances of the higher cadre/ grade/ post.
This form records new Cadre-Grade and description of allotment, if promotion
is sanctioned in retrospective or in Performa mode, detail of pay like Pay
Scale, Pay in substantive post, Special pay, Personal pay, Other pay and Date
of effect of promotion and pay. It also records information whether the
promotion is in effect with Join as such.


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Interface: The modules have one list page where the list of all previous
promotions are shown. Every single promotion can be viewed for further
viewing/updating purpose in a data page by clicking on view/edit link. Detail
about the list page and data page is described in the next section.

List Page: It shows the list of all previous promotions in it. The list
page is divided into three different sections namely a) Header, b)
List c) Control Panel as shown in Fig 7.6.1. The detail descriptions
about all the sections are as follows:
Header: The header section shows details about the
selected employee. In this section data shown in the form
of labels (read only). It contains data components like
Employee name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data
components are as follows:
Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is
shown at the top left corner of the header section. It is
a label for viewing purpose. Employee Name cannot be
edited here in this section.
HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular
employee. It is a unique value and has maximum limit
of 8 characters.
Post: This is the current post of an Employee.
GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF/PPAN No of an

List: It shows the list of all previous promotions in it. It

contains data components like Date of Entry, Notification
Order No etc as described below.
Notification Order No: This is the notification order

Notification Date: This is the notification



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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Notification Type:

This is the notification

View: The employee can view the details of the
transaction of a particular row on clicking the view link.
Edit Icon: This link is used when the user wants to
edit some of the existing entries from the list. After
clicking on the edit link it will go to Editing page with all
data. The edited data can be saved through clicking on
save button.
Supersede Icon: This link is used to supersede the
current order. Corresponding row containing a particular
order details can be modified/ superseded by clicking on
the supersede link. After clicking on it, user will get
another page where supersession information can be
recorded (as discussed in section-).
Cancel Icon: This link is used to cancel the current
order. The corresponding row containing a particular
order which can be cancelled by clicking on the cancel
link. After clicking on it, transaction will go to another
page called cancellation page.
Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding/saving new
record or exiting from the module. It contains buttons like add new and exit.
Detail description is given below.
AddNew Button:

This button is used to add a new

record to the existing record or data.

Exit: This button is used to close the current
transaction page window.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Fig 7.6.1

Data Page: Data page contains detail data components of a particular promotion and
allows the user to add or update relevant information. This page is divided into three
different sections namely a) Header, b) Data Panel c) Control Panel as shown in Fig
7.6.2. Detail description about each section is discussed below.

Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this section
data shown in the form of labels (read only). It contains data components like Employee
Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as follows:

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown

at the top left corner of the header section. It is a label for
viewing purpose. Employee Name cannot be edited here in
this section.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee.

It is a unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF/PPAN No of an Employee.

Data Panel: It contains detail data components of a particular promotion and allows the
user to add or update relevant information. It contains information like Notification Order
No, Notification Order Date etc.

Check Here: This is a Check Box.

Notification Order No: This is the notification order

number and allows 50 characters.

Notification Order Date: This is the notification order date

and the format is dd-mmm-yyyy.

Details Of Notifying Authority: It contains 3 combo boxes

named as Department of the Notifying Authority, Office of
the Notifying Authority, Notifying Authority. These three
fields are mandatory. Without selecting the department user
can't select either office or authority.

Department of the Notifying Authority Combo Box:

This is a combo box. The user has to select one
particular department of the particular employee. It
is a mandatory field. This has to be selected to
display Office of the Notifying Authority Combo Box.

Office of the Notifying Authority Combo Box: This is a

combo box. The user has to select one office relevant
to the corresponding department. It is a mandatory
field. This has to be selected to Notifying Authority
Combo Box.

Notifying Authority Combo Box: This is a combo box.

The user has to select one employee of office of the particular

department. It is also a mandatory field.

Allotment Description: This represents the Allotment

Description Combo Box.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Details of Cadre, Grade and Post: It contains 4 combo

boxes named as Department to which the post belongs,
Name of the cadre, Name of the Grade and Name of the
Generic post respectively. Without selecting the department
user can't select either cadre, grade or generic post. Here by
using AJAX we can do these favors.

Cadre Controlling Department:

Name of the Cadre: This is a combo box. The user has

to select the name of the cadre of employee of the
corresponding department. It is a mandatory field. This
has to be selected to display Name of the Grade Combo

Name of the Grade: This is a combo box. The user has

to select the name of the grade of the employee of the
corresponding cadre. It is not a mandatory field. This
has to be selected to display Cadre Level Combo Box.

Cadre Level: This is a combo box. The user has to

select the level of the employee of the corresponding
grade. It is not a mandatory field. This has to be
selected to display Description Combo Box.

Description: This is a combo box. The user has to

select the description of cadre level of the employee of
the corresponding grade. It is not a mandatory field.

Allotment Year: This represents the Allotment Year

and the format is yyyy.

Cadre Id: This represents the cadre id and it allows

only 4 digits.

Name of the Generic Post: This is a combo box. The

user has to select the generic post of the employee of
the corresponding grade. It is not a mandatory field.

Post Classification: It contains 3 radio buttons in option

(a) named as Temporary, Permanent ,On Probation and 2
radio buttons in option (b) named as On Officiating and


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Substantive. These are mandatory fields. The user will be

allowed to select one options from each sections.
o Temporary Radio Button:

If the employee is on

temporary then the user has to click on this radio button.

o Permanent Radio Button:

If the employee is on

permanent then the user has to click on this radio button.

o On Probation Radio Button: If the employee is on
probation then the user has to click on this radio button.
o Officiating Radio Button:

If the employee is on

officiating post then the user has to click on this radio

o Substantive Radio







substantive post then the user has to click on this radio


Date of Effect of Joining in Cadre: This represents the

Date of Effect of joining and the format is dd-mmm-yyyy.

Time: This is a combo box. It contains the with effect time

from which the promotion is effective .The time is in form of
'FORE NOON' and 'AFTER NOON' Here by default the time is

Update Cadre Status (JPR): This represents the Update

Cadre Status Check Box.

Joined as such: This is a check box. If the employee has

joined as such, it will be made checked.

Perform Promotion: It is a check box.

Details of Pay: It contains 6 textboxes named as Scale of

Pay, Pay in Substantive Post, Grade Pay, Special Pay,
Personal Pay, Other pay. These fields are optional. But if the
user enters values in any of these 6 textboxes then he must
enter the value into all these 6 textboxes, at that time all
the textboxes of pay details will be mandatory.

Scale of Pay/Pay Band: This is a textbox which

contains the pay scale of employee. It can take only 100
characters, more than that it will display a message.


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Grade Pay: This represents the Grade Pay and it allows

only 6 digits.

Pay in Substantive Post: This is a textbox which

contains the pay in substantive post of employee. This
field takes only numbers and it allows only 10 digits.

Special Pay: This is a textbox which contains the

special pay of employee. This field takes only numbers
and it allows only 10 digits.

Personal Pay: This is a textbox which contains the

personal pay of employee. This field takes only numbers
and it allows only 10 digits.

Other Pay: This is a textbox which contains the other

pay of employee. This field takes only numbers and it
allows only 10 digits.

Description of Other Pay: This is the description of

other pay and it allows only 50 characters.

Date of Effect of Pay: This is a textbox which contains the

date from which the pay scale is effective to an employee. It

can take only 11 characters. It is a mandatory field. The user
has to give the entry according to particular date format (DDMMM-YYYY). This field doesn't take the duplicate values.

Time: This is a combo box. It contains the with effect time

from which the Pay Details is effective .The time is in form of

'FORE NOON' and 'AFTER NOON' . Here by default the time is

Note Text Area: This text box will contain Note (if any)

relating to the promotion of an employee. It is an optional area

and it allows only 1000 characters.
Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding/saving new record
or exiting from the module. It contains buttons like Save, Delete etc. Detail description is
given below.







changed/newly entered data to the list.


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Delete button: It is used to delete existing records from the


Reset button: It is used to reset all the entered data in the


Cancel button: It is used to cancel the editing records from

the list and go back to List Page.

Fig 7.6.2


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

FUNCTION: Relieve through Relieve

DESCRIPTION: An employee may be transferred or appointed into a new

cadre. In this case the employee is relieved from his existing Cadre and it is
recorded into the Service Book.
The form captures information like Date of relieving from Cadre, Grade and
Level from which employee is relieved.
Interface: The modules have one list page where the list of all previous











viewing/updating purpose in a data page by clicking on view/edit link. Detail

about the list page and data page is described in the next section.
List Page: It shows the list of all previous relieve in it. The list page is divided
into three different sections namely a) Header, b) List c) Control Panel as
shown in Fig 7.7.1. The detail descriptions about all the sections are as
Header: The header section shows details about the selected

employee. In

this section data shown in the form of labels (read only). It contains data
components like Employee name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data
components are as follows:

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the

top left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing
purpose. Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.


Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF/PPAN No of an Employee.

Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

List: It shows the list of all previous relieve in it. It contains data
components like Notification Type, Date of Entry etc as described

Notification Type: This field displays the notification type of an


Date of Entry: This is the date of entry into service book, it means

the date on which the entry was taken.

Relieve Order No: This field displays the relieve order number of

the employee.

Relieve Order Date: This field displays the relieve order date of

an employee.

Relieve on Date: This field displays the relieve date of an

Relieve on Time: This field displays the relieve time of an



Due Date of Joining: This field displays the due date of joining of

an employee.

Due Time of Joining: This field displays the due time of joining of

an employee.

Relieve from Post:

View: The employee can view the details of the transaction of a

particular row on clicking the view link.

Edit Icon: This hyperlink is used when the user wants to edit some

of the existing entries from the list. After clicking on the edit link it will
go to Editing page with all data. The edited data can be saved through
clicking on save button.
Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like exiting
from the module. It contains exit button. Detail description is given

Exit: This button is used to close the current transaction page



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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Fig 7.7.1

Data Page: Data page contains detail data components of a particular relieve and allows
the user to add or update relevant information. This page is divided into three different
sections namely a) Header, b) Data Panel c) Control Panel as shown in Fig 7.7.2. Detail
description about each section is discussed below.
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this section
data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components like Employee
Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as follows:
Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at
the top left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing
purpose. Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.
HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is
a unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF/PPAN No of an Employee.
Data Panel: It contains detail data components of a particular relieve and allows the
user to add or update relevant information. It contains information like Notification Order
Details, Relieve Order Details etc.

Notification Order Details: This field contains the notification

details of employee. It means From the beginning of the service
period the details of the employee are displayed in this field like
Type, Order number, Order Date, Department name, Office
Name, Authority and Note. These fields are read only. The user
will not allow to change these fields.
o Type: This field displays the notification type of an
o Order No: This is the Order No.
o Order Date: This is the Order Date.
o Department Name: This field displays the notification
authority or department of an employee.
o Office Name: This represents the Office Name.
o Authority: This represents the Authority.
o Note: It contains note and allows 1000 characters.
Relieve Order Details: It contains Date of Entry to the Service
Book, Entry Taken By, Authority Type, Relieve Letter No, Date,
Relieve on Date, Time, Due date of Joining ,Time , Relieved from
post and note (if any) respectively.
o Date of Entry in the Service Book: This is the date of
entry into service book, it means the date on which the entry
was taken.
o Entry Taken By: This represents entry taken by.
o Authority Type: This represents the Authority Type.
o Relieve Report/Letter No: This represents the
report/letter no.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

o Date: This is a textbox which contains the relieve order date

of an employee. It means the Order date of relieve is given to
an employee that is displayed in this field. It can take only 11
characters. It is a mandatory field. The user has to give the
entry according to particular date format (DD-MMM-YYYY).
o Relieved On: This is a textbox which contains the relieving
date of an employee. It means the date on which employee
has to relieve that is displayed in this field. It can take only 11
characters. It is a mandatory field. The user has to give the
entry according to particular date format (DD-MMM-YYYY).
o Time: This is a textbox which contains the relieving Time of
an employee. It means at which time the employee will
relieve that is displayed in this field. It has two select options
named as Forenoon and Afternoon depending on these
selection user will know that it is FORE NOON or AFTER
NOON in the list screen. It is a mandatory field. If the user
leaves it blank then it will show a message 'please Enter
Relieve on time '
o Due Date of Joining: This is a textbox which contains the
due date of Joining of an employee. It means the date of join
is given to an employee that is displayed in this field. It can
take only 11 characters. It is a mandatory field. The user has
to give the entry according to particular date format(DDMMM-YYYY).
o Relieved from Post: This is a combo box which contains
the post of an employee from which employee has to relieve.
The user has to select the post from which employee has to
relieve. It is a mandatory field. If the user leaves it blank
then it will show a message 'please Select Authority'.
o Note Text Area: This text box will contain Note (if any)
relating to the relieve of an employee. It is an optional
Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like exiting from the module.
It contains Cancel button. Detail description is given below.


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Cancel Button: It is used to cancel the editing records from

the list and go back to List Page.

Fig 7.7.2


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

FUNCTION: Transfer through Transfer

DESCRIPTION: Employee delivers service being in a substantive Post.

Transfer is a method to assign employee a new substantive post and
relieving from existing Post. This form records information like details of new
Substantive Post, Pay particulars.
Interface: The modules have one list page where the list of all previous
transfers are shown. Every single transfer can be viewed for further
viewing/updating purpose in a data page by clicking on view/edit link.
Detail about the list page and data page is described in the next section.
List Page: It shows the list of all previous transfers in it. The list page
is divided into three different sections namely a) Header, b) List c)
Control Panel as shown in Fig 7.8.1. The detail descriptions about all the
sections are as follows:
Header: The header section shows details about the selected
employee. In this section data shown in the form of labels (read
only). It contains data components like Employee name, HRMS ID
etc. Details of all the data components are as follows:
Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at
the top left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing
purpose. Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee.

It is a unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF / PPAN No of an Employee.
List: It shows the list of all previous transfers in it. It contains data
components like Date of Entry, Notification Order No etc as
described below.

Date of Entry in the Service Book: This is the date of entry

into service book, it means the date on which the entry was taken.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Notification Order No: This is the notification order number.

Notification Date: This is the notification date.

Notification Type: This is the notification type

View: The employee can view the details of the transaction of

a particular row on clicking the view link.

Edit Icon: This link is used when the user wants to edit some

of the existing entries from the list. After clicking on the edit link it
will go to Editing page with all data. The edited data can be saved
through clicking on save button.

Supersede Icon: This link is used to supersede the current

order. Corresponding row containing a particular order details can

be modified/ superseded by clicking on the supersede link. After
clicking on it, user will get another page where supersession
information can be recorded (as discussed in section-).

Cancel Icon: This link is used to cancel the current order. The

corresponding row containing a particular order which can be

cancelled by clicking on the cancel link. After clicking on it,
transaction will go to another page called cancellation page.
Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like
adding new record or exiting from the module. It contains buttons
like add new and exit. Detail description is given below.

AddNew Button: This button is used to add a new record to

the existing record or data.

Exit: This button is used to close the current transaction page



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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Fig 7.8.1

Data Page: Data page contains detail data components of a particular

transfer and allows the user to add or update relevant information. This page
is divided into three different sections namely a) Header, b) Data Panel c)
Control Panel as shown in Fig 7.8.2. Detail description about each section is
discussed below.
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee.
In this section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains
data components like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data
components are as follows:


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the

top left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing
purpose. Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF/PPAN No of an Employee.

Data Panel: It contains detail data components of a particular transfer

and allows the user to add or update relevant information. It contains
information like Notification Order No, Notification Order Date etc.

Check Here: This is Check Box.

Notification Order No: This is the notification order number and
allows 50 characters.

Notification Order Date: This is the notification order date and

the format is dd-mmm-yyyy.

Details Of Notifying Authority: It contains 3 combo boxes

named as Department of the Notifying Authority, Office of the
Notifying Authority, Notifying Authority. These three fields are
mandatory. Without selecting the department user can't select
either office or authority.

Department of the Notifying Authority Combo Box:

This is a combo box. The user has to select one
particular department of the particular employee. It is
a mandatory field. This has to be selected to display
Office of the Notifying Authority Combo Box.

Office of the Notifying Authority Combo Box: This is a

combo box. The user has to select one office relevant
to the corresponding department. It is a mandatory

This has to be selected to display Notifying

Authority Combo Box.

Notifying Authority Combo Box: This is a combo box.

The user has to select one employee of office of the
particular department. It is also a mandatory field.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Details Of Posting: It contains 3 combo boxes named as Posted

to Department, Posted to Office, Substantive Post. These three
fields are mandatory.

Posted to Department: This is a combo box. The user has

to select one particular department to which additional
charge will be given. It is a mandatory field. This has
to be selected to display Posted to Office Combo Box.

Posted to Office: This is a combo box. The user has to








department. It is a mandatory field. This has to be

selected to display Substantive Post Combo Box.

Substantive Post: This is a combo box. The user

has to select the substantive post of the employee
of a particular office. It is also a mandatory field. If
the user leaves it blank then it will show a message
'please select Substantive Post'.

Details of Pay: It contains 6 textboxes Scale of Pay, Grade

Pay, Pay in Substantive Post, Special Pay, Personal Pay, Other pay.
These fields are optional. But if the user enters values in any of
these 6 textboxes then he must enter the value into all these 6
textboxes, at that time all the textboxes of pay details will be

Scale of Pay/Pay Band: This is a textbox which

contains the pay scale of employee. It can take only 100

characters, more than that it will display a message.

Grade Pay: This is a textbox which contains the Grade

Pay and allows 6 digits.

Pay in Substantive Post: This is a textbox which

contains the pay in substantive post of employee. This
field takes only numbers and allows 6 digits.

Special Pay: This is a textbox which contains the

special pay of employee. This field takes only numbers
and allows 6 digits.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Personal Pay: This is a textbox which contains the

personal pay of employee. This field takes only
numbers and allows 6 digits.

o Other Pay: This is a textbox which contains the other

emoluments falling under personal pay of employee. This
field takes only numbers and allows 6 digits.
o Description of Other Pay: This is the description of
other pay and allows 50 characters.

Date of Effect of Pay: This is a textbox which contains the

date from which the pay scale is effective to an employee. It
can take only 11 characters. It is a mandatory field. The user
has to give the entry according to particular date format (DDMMM-YYYY). This field doesn't take the duplicate values.

Time: This is a combo box. It contains the with effect time

from which the Pay Details is effective .The time is in form of
'FORE NOON' and 'AFTER NOON' . Here by default the time is

Update Cadre Status: This is a checkbox which represents

Update Cadre Status.

Note Text Area: This text box will contain Note (if any)

relating to the placement of service of an employee. It is an

optional area and allows 1000 characters.











adding/saving new record or exiting from the module. It contains buttons

like add new and exit. Detail description is given below.
Save button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly
entered data to the list.
Delete button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.
Reset Button: This button is used for resetting the page. If the
user does not want to save the changed data, then by clicking
reset button, the page will be back to the initial stage as it is
appeared at the time of loading.
Cancel button: It is used to cancel the editing records from the
list and go back to List Page.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Fig 7.8.2



FUNCTION: Deputation

DESCRIPTION: Government may depute an employee for a temporary period to

serve outside the State Government, may be in an organization of Government of
India, Other State Government, Public Sector Undertaking or in a Foreign Body.
HRMS provides facility to record such information into the Service Book. This form
records information like Effect date & time of deputation, Duration of deputation and
Name of the organization where deputed to.
Interface: The modules have one list page where the list of all previous deputation
transactions is shown. Every single deputation transaction can be viewed for further


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

viewing/updating purpose in a data page by clicking on view/edit link. Detail about

the list page and data page is described in the next section.
List Page: It shows the list of all previously occurred deputation events in it. The
list page is divided into three different sections namely a) Header, b) List c)
Control Panel as shown in Fig: 8.1(a). The detail descriptions about all the
sections are as follows:
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF/PPAN No of an Employee.

List: It shows the list of all previously occurred deputation events in it. It
contains data components like Date of Entry, Notification Order No etc as
described below.

Date of Entry: This is the date of entry into service book, it means
the date on which the entry was taken.

Notification Order No: This is the notification order number.

Notification Date: This is the notification date.

Notification Type: This is the notification type

View Icon: The employee can view the details of the transaction of a
particular row on clicking the view link.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Edit Icon: This link is used when the user wants to edit some of the
existing entries from the list. After clicking on the edit link it will go to
edit page with all related data. The edited data can be saved by
clicking on save button.

Supersede Icon: This link is used to supersede the current order.

Corresponding row containing a particular order details can be
modified/ superseded by clicking on the supersede link. After clicking
on it, user will get another page where supersession information can
be recorded (as discussed in section-).

Cancel Icon: This link is used to cancel the current order. The
corresponding row containing a particular order which can be cancelled
by clicking on the cancel link. After clicking on it, transaction will go to
another page called cancellation page.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding new
deputation record or exiting from the module. It contains buttons like add new
and exit. Detail description is given below.

AddNew Button:

This button is used to add a new record to the

existing record or data.


Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page window.

Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Fig: 8.1(a)

Data Page: Data page contains detail data components of a particular deputation
transaction and allows the user to add or update relevant information. This page is
divided into three different sections namely a) header, b) data panel, c) control
panel as shown in Fig: 8.1(b). Detail description about each section is discussed
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF/PPAN No of an Employee.

Data Panel: It contains detail data components of a particular deputation

transaction and allows the user to add or update relevant information. It
contains information like

Fig: 8.1(b)

Notification Order No Text Box: This is a textbox which will contain

the notification order number. It can take only 50 characters, It can


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

take numbers as well as characters, an entry more than that will show
an alert message. It is a mandatory field.

Notification Order Date Text Box: This is a textbox which contains

the notification order date of an employee. It means the notification
date given to the employee will be displayed in this field. It can take
only 11 characters. The user has to give the entry according to
particular date format (DD-MMM-YYYY).

Details Of Notifying Authority: It contains 3 combo boxes named as










Authority, Notifying Authority. These three fields are mandatory.

Without selecting the department user can't select either office or

Department of the Notifying Authority Combo Box: This is

a combo box. The user has to select one particular department
of the particular employee. It is a mandatory field. If the user
leaves it blank then it will show a message 'please select the
Department of Notifying Authority '.

Office of the Notifying Authority Combo Box: This is a

combo box. The user has to select one office relevant to the
corresponding department. It is a mandatory field. If the user
leaves it blank then it will show a message 'please select the
Office of the Notifying Authority '.

Notifying Authority Combo Box: This is a combo box. The

user has to select one employee of office of the particular
department. It is also a mandatory field. If the user leaves it
blank then it will show a message 'please select Notifying

Details of Posting: It contains 3 combo boxes named as Posted to

Department, Posted to Office, Substantive Post. These three fields are

Posted to Department: This is a combo box. The user has to

select one particular department of the particular employee. It
is a mandatory field. If the user leaves it blank then it will show
a message 'please select the Department '.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Posted to Office: This is a combo box. The user has to select

one particular Office of the particular employee. It is a
mandatory field. If the user leaves it blank then it will show a
message 'please select the Office '.

Substantive Post: This is a combo box. The user has to select one
particular Substantive Post of the particular employee. It is a
mandatory field.

Cadre Status: This is a combo box. The user has to select one
particular Cadre Status of the particular employee

Sub Cadre Status: This is a combo box. The user has to select one
particular Sub Cadre Status of the particular employee

Deputation Period Details: It contains 1 check box, 2 textboxes and

2 combo boxes named as if extension of deputation period, with effect
from date, Time, till Date and Time respectively.

If Extension of Deputation Period Check Box: This is a

check box. The user has to select the checkbox if the extension
of deputation period exists or not. The user has to put a



this field if required. This one is an optional field.


With Effect From Date Text Box: This is a textbox which

contains the deputation date of an employee. It means the date
from which deputation is effective to an employee that will be
displayed in this field. It can take only 11 characters. It is a
mandatory field. The user has to give the entry according to
particular date

format (DD-MMM-YYYY).

Time Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to select
the time from which deputation is effective to an employee. It
has two select options named as Forenoon and Afternoon. By
default Forenoon will come on this field. If the user leaves it
blank then it will take as Forenoon as time.

Till Date Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the

deputation date of an employee. It means the date up to which
deputation is effective to an employee that will be displayed in
this field. It can take only 11 characters. It is a mandatory field.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

The user has to give the entry according to particular date

format (DD-MMM-YYYY).

Time Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to select
the time up to which deputation is effective to an employee. It
has two select options named as Forenoon and Afternoon. By
default Forenoon will come on this field. If the user leaves it
blank then it will take as Forenoon as time.

Note Text Area: This text box will contain Note (if any) relating to the
deputation of an employee. The entry should be in 1000 characters,
more than that gives an alert message. It is an optional area.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like save, delete,
cancel etc.

Save button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly

entered data to the list

Delete button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

Reset button: This button is used for resetting the page. If the user
does not want to save the changed data, then by clicking reset button,
the page will be back to the initial stage as it is appeared at the time of

Cancel button: It is used to cancel the editing records from the list
and go back to List Page.

FUNCTION: AG Endorsement on Deputation

DESCRIPTION: Accountant General (AG) is the authority to decide the amount of

Pension Contribution (PC), Leave Salary Contribution (LSC) of a deputed employee to
be deducted from his/her salary during the period of deputation.
This form, in HRMS, records information like Deputation Period Details, Leave Salary
Contribution, Pension Contribution, Pay History, Special Pay, Personal Pay, and Other
Pay during deputation.


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Interface: The modules have one list page where the list of all previous AG
endorsement on deputation transactions is shown. Every single AG endorsement on
deputation transaction can be viewed for further viewing/updating purpose in a data
page by clicking on view/edit link. Detail about the list page and data page is
described in the next section.
List Page: It shows the list of all previously occurred AG endorsement on
deputation events in it. The list page is divided into three different sections namely
a) Header, b) List c) Control Panel as shown in Fig: 8.2(a). The detail descriptions
about all the sections are as follows:
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF/PPAN No of an Employee.

List: It shows the list of all previously occurred AG endorsement on deputation

events in it. It contains data components like Date of Entry, Notification Order
No etc as described below.

Date of Entry: This is the date of entry into service book, it means
the date on which the entry was taken.


Notification Order No: This is the notification order number.

Notification Date: This is the notification date.

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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Notification Type: This is the notification type

View Icon: The employee can view the details of the transaction of a
particular row on clicking the view link.

Edit Icon: This link is used when the user wants to edit some of the
existing entries from the list. After clicking on the edit link it will go to
edit page with all related data. The edited data can be saved by
clicking on save button.

Supersede Icon: This link is used to supersede the current order.

Corresponding row containing a particular order details can be
modified/ superseded by clicking on the supersede link. After clicking
on it, user will get another page where supersession information can
be recorded (as discussed in section-).

Cancel Icon: This link is used to cancel the current order. The
corresponding row containing a particular order which can be cancelled
by clicking on the cancel link. After clicking on it, transaction will go to
another page called cancellation page.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding new AG
endorsement on deputation record or exiting from the module. It contains
buttons like add new and exit. Detail description is given below.

AddNew Button:

This button is used to add a new record to the

existing record or data.


Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page window.

Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Fig: 8.2(a)

Data Page: Data page contains detail data components of a particular AG

endorsement on deputation transaction and allows the user to add or update
relevant information. This page is divided into three different sections namely a)
header, b) data panel, c) control panel as shown in Fig: 8.2(b). Detail description
about each section is discussed below.
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF/PPAN No of an Employee.

Data Panel: It contains detail data components of a particular AG endorsement

on deputation transaction and allows the user to add or update relevant
information. It contains information like


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Fig: 8.2(b)

Notification Order No Text Box: This is a textbox which will contain the
notification order number. It can take only 50 characters, It can take
numbers as well as characters, an entry more than that will show an alert
message. It is a mandatory field.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Notification Order Date Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the
notification order date of an employee. It means the notification date
given to the employee will be displayed in this field. It can take only 11
characters. The user has to give the entry according to particular date
format (DD-MMM-YYYY).

Details of Notifying Authority: It contains 3 combo boxes named as

Department of the Notifying Authority, Office of the Notifying Authority,
Notifying Authority. These three fields are mandatory. Without selecting
the department user can't select either office or authority.

Department of the Notifying Authority Combo Box: This is a

combo box. The user has to select one particular department of the
particular employee. It is a mandatory field. If the user leaves it
blank then it will show a message 'please select the Department of
Notifying Authority '.

Office of the Notifying Authority Combo Box: This is a combo

box. The user has to select one office relevant to the corresponding
department. It is a mandatory field. If the user leaves it blank then
it will show a message 'please select the Office of the Notifying

Notifying Authority Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user

has to select one employee of office of the particular department. It
is also a mandatory field. If the user leaves it blank then it will
show a message 'please select Notifying Authority'.

Deputation Period Details: It contains 1 check box,2 textboxes and 2

combo boxes named as if extension of deputation period, with effect from
date, Time, till Date and Time respectively.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

If Extension of Deputation Period Check Box: This is a check

box. The user has to select the checkbox if the extension of
deputation period exists or not. The user has to put a


on this

field if required. This one is an optional field.


With Effect From Date Text Box: This is a textbox which

contains the deputation date of an employee. It means the date
from which deputation is effective to an employee that will be
displayed in this field. It can take only 11 characters. It is a
mandatory field. The user has to give the entry according to
particular date

format (DD-MMM-YYYY).

Time Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to select the
time from which deputation is effective to an employee. It has two
select options named as Forenoon and Afternoon. By default
Forenoon will come on this field. If the user leaves it blank then it
will take as Forenoon as time.

Till Date Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the

deputation date of an employee. It means the date up to which
deputation is effective to an employee that will be displayed in this
field. It can take only 11 characters. It is a mandatory field. The
user has to give the entry according to particular date format (DDMMM-YYYY).

Time Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to select the
time up to which deputation is effective to an employee. It has two
select options named as Forenoon and Afternoon. By default
Forenoon will come on this field. If the user leaves it blank then it
will take as Forenoon as time.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Leave Salary Contribution: It is a field to enter the salary date. The

user has to give the entry according to particular date format (DD-MMMYYYY).

Pension Contribution: It is a field to enter the pension date. The user

has to give the entry according to particular date format (DD-MMMYYYY).

Pay History (Per Month): It is a field to enter the pension history date.
The user has to give the entry according to particular date format (DDMMM-YYYY).

Special Pay: It is a field to enter the special pay date. The user has to
give the entry according to particular date format (DD-MMM-YYYY).

Personal Pay: It is a field to enter the personal pay date. The user has to
give the entry according to particular date format (DD-MMM-YYYY).

Other Pay: It is a field to enter the other pay date. The user has to give
the entry according to particular date format (DD-MMM-YYYY).

Note Text Area: This text box will contain Note (if any) relating to the AG
endorsement on deputation of an employee. The entry should be in 1000
characters, more than that gives an alert message. It is an optional area.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like save, delete, cancel


Save button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly

entered data to the list

Delete button: It is used to delete existing records from the


Reset button: This button is used for resetting the page. If the
user does not want to save the changed data, then by clicking
reset button, the page will be back to the initial stage as it is
appeared at the time of loading.

Cancel button: It is used to cancel the editing records from

the list and go back to List Page.

Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

FUNCTION: Repatriation

DESCRIPTION: Repatriation is the process of returning of an employee to his/ her

original cadre after deputation or from a long term leave. The employee joins to the
Cadre or Grade in the Government and wait for further order of Posting.
This form facilitates to record details of Cadre and Grade employee joins into after
returning from deputation, pay entitlement details like Pay Scale, Pay in substantive
post, Special pay, Personal pay, other pay.

Interface: The modules have one list page where the list of all previous repatriation
transactions is shown. Every single repatriation transaction can be viewed for further
viewing/updating purpose in a data page by clicking on view/edit link. Detail about
the list page and data page is described in the next section.
List Page: It shows the list of all previously occurred repatriation events in it. The
list page is divided into three different sections namely a) Header, b) List c)
Control Panel as shown in Fig: 8.3(a). The detail descriptions about all the
sections are as follows:
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF/PPAN No of an Employee.

List: It shows the list of all previously occurred repatriation events in it. It
contains data components like Date of Entry, Notification Order No etc as
described below.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Date of Entry: This is the date of entry into service book, it means
the date on which the entry was taken.

Notification Order No: This is the notification order number.

Notification Date: This is the notification date.

Notification Type: This is the notification type

View Icon: The employee can view the details of the transaction of a
particular row on clicking the view link.

Edit Icon: This link is used when the user wants to edit some of the
existing entries from the list. After clicking on the edit link it will go to
edit page with all related data. The edited data can be saved by
clicking on save button.

Supersede Icon: This link is used to supersede the current order.

Corresponding row containing a particular order details can be
modified/ superseded by clicking on the supersede link. After clicking
on it, user will get another page where supersession information can
be recorded (as discussed in section-).

Cancel Icon: This hyperlink is used to cancel the current order. The
corresponding row containing a particular order which can be cancelled
by clicking on the cancel hyperlink. After clicking on it, transaction will
go to another page called cancellation page.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding new
repatriation record or exiting from the module. It contains buttons like add new
and exit. Detail description is given below.

AddNew Button:

This button is used to add a new record to the

existing record or data.


Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page window.

Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Fig: 8.3(a)

Data Page: Data page contains detail data components of a particular repatriation
transaction and allows the user to add or update relevant information. This page is
divided into three different sections namely a) header, b) data panel, c) control
panel as shown in Fig: 8.3(b). Detail description about each section is discussed
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF/PPAN No of an Employee.

Data Panel: It contains detail data components of a particular repatriation

transaction and allows the user to add or update relevant information. It
contains information like....


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Fig: 8.3(b)

Notification Order No Text Box: This is a textbox which will contain

the notification order number. It can take only 50 characters, it can


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

take numbers as well as characters, an entry more than that will show
an alert message. It is a mandatory field.

Notification Order Date Text Box: This is a textbox which contains

the notification order date of an employee. It means the notification
date given to the employee will be displayed in this field. It can take
only 11 characters. The user has to give the entry according to
particular date format (DD-MMM-YYYY).

Details of Notifying Authority: It contains 3 combo boxes named as

Department of the Notifying Authority, Office of the Notifying
Authority, Notifying Authority. These three fields are mandatory.
Without selecting the department user can't select either office or

Department of the Notifying Authority Combo Box: This is

a combo box. The user has to select one particular department
of the particular employee. It is a mandatory field. If the user
leaves it blank then it will show a message 'please select the
Department of Notifying Authority '.

Office of the Notifying Authority Combo Box: This is a

combo box. The user has to select one office relevant to the
corresponding department. It is a mandatory field. If the user
leaves it blank then it will show a message 'please select the
Office of the Notifying Authority '.

Notifying Authority Combo Box: This is a combo box. The

user has to select one employee of office of the particular
department. It is also a mandatory field. If the user leaves it
blank then it will show a message 'please select Notifying

Details of Cadre, Grade and Post: It contains 4 combo boxes named

as Department to which the post belongs, Name of the cadre, Name of
the Grade and Name of the Generic post respectively. Without
selecting the department user can't select cadre, grade or generic post.

Department to which the post belongs Combo Box: This is

a combo box. The user has to select one particular department
to which the post belongs to the particular employee. It is a


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

mandatory field. If the user leaves it blank then it will show a

message 'please select a Department '.

Name of the Cadre Combo Box: This is a combo box. The

user has to select the name of the cadre of employee of the
corresponding department. It is a mandatory field. If the user
leaves it blank then it will show a message 'please select a
cadre '.

Name of the Grade Combo Box: This is a combo box. The

user has to select the name of the grade of the employee of the
corresponding cadre. It is not a mandatory field.

Cadre Level Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to
select the cadre level of the employee. It is not a mandatory

Cadre Level Description: This is a combo box. The user has

to select the description of cadre of the employee. It is not a
mandatory field.

Name of the Generic Post Combo Box: This is a combo box.

The user has to select the generic post of the employee of the
corresponding grade. It is not a mandatory field.

Post Classification: It contains 3 radio buttons in option (a) named

as Temporary, Permanent, On Probation and 2 radio buttons in option
(b) named as on officiating and substantive. These are mandatory
fields. The user will be allowed to select one option from each section.

Temporary Radio Button: If the employee is on

temporary then the user has to click on this radio button.

Permanent Radio Button: If the employee is on permanent

then the user has to click on this radio button.

On Probation Radio Button: If the employee is on probation

then the user has to click on this radio button.

Officiating Radio Button: If the employee is on officiating

post then the user has to click on this radio button.

Substantive Radio Button: If the employee is in substantive

post then the user has to click on this radio button.

With Effect from Date Texts Box: This is a textbox which contains
the date of an employee from which the First appointment date will be


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

effective. It can take only 11 characters. It is a mandatory field. The

user has to give the entry according to particular date format (DDMMM-YYYY). This field doesn't take the duplicate values.

Details Of pay: It contains 5 textboxes named as Scale of Pay, Pay in

Substantive Post, Special Pay, Personal Pay, Other Emoluments falling
under personal pay. These fields are optional. But if the user enters
values in any of these 5 textboxes then he must enter the value into all
these 5 textboxes, at that time all the textboxes of pay details will be
Scale of Pay Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the

pay scale of employee. It can take only 100 characters, more

than that it will display a message.
Pay in Substantive Post Text Box: This is a textbox which

contains the pay in substantive post of employee. This field

takes only numbers.
Special Pay Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the

special pay of employee. This field takes only numbers.

Personal Pay Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the

personal pay of employee. This field takes only numbers.

Other Emoluments falling under Personal Pay Text Box:

This is a textbox which contains the other emoluments falling

under personal pay of employee. This field takes only numbers.

Date of Effect of Pay: In this field we have to entry effective pay

date. The user has to give the entry according to particular date format

Note Text Area: This text box will contain Note (if any) relating to the
repatriation of an employee. The entry should be in 1000 characters,
more than that gives an alert message. It is an optional area.


Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like

save, delete, cancel etc.

Save button: This button is used

changed/newly entered data to the list

Delete button: It is used to delete existing records from the


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative




HRMS, User Requirement Specification


Reset button: This button is used for resetting the page. If

the user does not want to save the changed data, then by
clicking reset button, the page will be back to the initial stage
as it is appeared at the time of loading.

Cancel button: It is used to cancel the editing records from

the list and go back to List Page.


FUNCTION: Appointment through Regular Recruitment

DESCRIPTION: Regular Recruitment is one of the methods of appointing a

candidate for the first time to a cadre or to a non-cadre post. This method is applied
when a candidate qualifies through common recruitment examination.
The form facilitates to record Allotted Cadre, Grade and Level. In case of non-cadre
post, it records Name of the Post, to which the candidate is appointed.
Interface: The modules have one list page where the list of all previous regular
recruitment transactions is shown. Every single regular recruitment transaction can
be viewed for further viewing/updating purpose in a data page by clicking on
view/edit link. Detail about the list page and data page is described in the next
List Page: It shows the list of all previously occurred regular recruitment events in
it. The list page is divided into three different sections namely a) Header, b) List c)
Control Panel as shown in Fig: 9.1(a). The detail descriptions about all the sections
are as follows:
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF/PPAN No of an Employee.

List: It shows the list of all previously occurred regular recruitment events in it.
It contains data components like Date of Entry, Notification Order No etc as
described below.

Date of Entry: This is the date of entry into service book, it means

the date on which the entry was taken.

Notification Order No: This is the notification order number.

Notification Date: This is the notification date.

Notification Type: This is the notification type

View Icon: The employee can view the details of the transaction of a
particular row on clicking the view link.

Edit Icon: This link is used when the user wants to edit some of the
existing entries from the list. After clicking on the edit link it will go to
edit page with all related data. The edited data can be saved by
clicking on save button.

Supersede Icon: This link is used to supersede the current order.

Corresponding row containing a particular order details can be
modified/ superseded by clicking on the supersede link. After clicking
on it, user will get another page where supersession information can
be recorded (as discussed in section-).

Cancel Icon: This link is used to cancel the current order. The
corresponding row containing a particular order which can be cancelled
by clicking on the cancel link. After clicking on it, transaction will go to
another page called cancellation page.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding new
regular recruitment record or exiting from the module. It contains buttons like
add new and exit. Detail description is given below.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Fig: 9.1(a)

AddNew Button:

This button is used to add a new record to the

existing record or data.

Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page window.

Data Page: Data page contains detail data components of a particular regular
recruitment transaction and allows the user to add or update relevant information.
This page is divided into three different sections namely a) header, b) data panel,


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

c) control panel as shown in Fig: 9.1(b). Detail description about each section is
discussed below.
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF/PPAN No of an Employee.

Data Panel: It contains detail data components of a particular regular

recruitment transaction and allows the user to add or update relevant
information. It contains information like


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification



Fig: 9.1(b)

Notification Type:

This field stores the notification type of the


Notification Order No Text Box: This is a textbox which will contain

the notification order number. It can take only 50 characters, It can
take numbers as well as characters, an entry more than that will show
an alert message. It is a mandatory field.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Notification Order Date Text Box: This is a textbox which contains

the notification order date of an employee. It means the notification
date given to the employee will be displayed in this field. It can take
only 11 characters. The user has to give the entry according to
particular date format (DD-MMM-YYYY).

Details Of Notifying Authority: It contains 3 combo boxes named as










Authority, Notifying Authority. These three fields are mandatory.

Without selecting the department user can't select either office or

Department of the Notifying Authority Combo Box: This

is a combo box. The user has to select one particular
department of the particular employee. It is a mandatory
field. If the user leaves it blank then it will show a message
'please select the Department of Notifying Authority '.

Office of the Notifying Authority Combo Box: This is a

combo box. The user has to select one office relevant to the
corresponding department. It is a mandatory field. If the
user leaves it blank then it will show a message 'please select
the Office of the Notifying Authority '.

Notifying Authority Combo Box: This is a combo box. The

user has to select one employee of office of the particular
department. It is also a mandatory field. If the user leaves it
blank then it will show a message 'please select Notifying

Details of Cadre, Grade and Post: It contains 4 combo boxes named

as Department to which the post belongs, Name of the cadre, Name of
the Grade and Name of the Generic post respectively. Without
selecting the department user can't select either cadre, grade or
generic post.
o Department to which the post belongs Combo Box: This is
a combo box. The user has to select one particular department
to which the post belongs to the particular employee. It is a
mandatory field. If the user leaves it blank then it will show a
message 'please select a Department '.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

o Name of the Cadre Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user
has to select the name of the cadre of employee of the
corresponding department. It is a mandatory field. If the user
leaves it blank then it will show a message 'please select a cadre
o Name of the Grade Combo Box: This is a combo box. The
user has to select the name of the grade of the employee of the
corresponding cadre. It is not a mandatory field.
o Cadre Level Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to
select the cadre level of the employee. It is not a mandatory
o Cadre Level Description: This is a combo box. The user has to
select the description of cadre

of the employee. It is not a

mandatory field.
o Allotment Year: This is a textbox which will contain the
Allotment year. It can take only 5 characters.
o Cadre id: This is a textbox which will contain the cadre id. It can
take only 5 characters.
o Name of the Generic Post Combo Box: This is a combo box.
The user has to select the generic post of the employee of the
corresponding grade. It is not a mandatory field.

Post Classification: It contains 3 radio buttons in option (a) named

as Temporary, Permanent, On Probation and 2 radio buttons in option
(b) named as on Officiating and Substantive. These are mandatory
fields. The user will be allowed to select one option from each sections.
o Temporary








temporary then the user has to click on this radio button.

o Permanent Radio Button: If the employee is on permanent
then the user has to click on this radio button.
o On Probation Radio Button: If the employee is on probation
then the user has to click on this radio button.
o Officiating Radio Button: If the employee is on officiating
post then the user has to click on this radio button.
o Substantive Radio Button: If the employee is in substantive
post then the user has to click on this radio button.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

With Effect From Date Texts Box: This is a textbox which contains
the date of an employee from which the First appointment date will be
effective. It can take only 11 characters. It is a mandatory field. The
user has to give the entry according to particular date format (DDMMM-YYYY). This field doesn't take the duplicate values.

Time Combo Box: This is a combo box. It contains the with effect
time from which the appointment is effective .The time is in form of
'FORE NOON' and 'AFTER NOON' Here by default the time is 'FORE

Details Of pay: It contains 5 textboxes named as Scale of Pay, Pay in

Substantive Post, Special Pay, Personal Pay, Other Emoluments falling
under personal pay. These fields are optional. But if the user enters
values in any of these 5 textboxes then he must enter the value into
all these 5 textboxes, at that time all the textboxes of pay details will
be mandatory.
o Scale of Pay Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the
pay scale of employee. It can take only 100 characters, more
than that it will display a message.
o Pay in Substantive Post Text Box: This is a textbox which
contains the pay in substantive post of employee. This field
takes only numbers.
o Special Pay Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the
special pay of employee. This field takes only numbers.
o Personal Pay Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the
personal pay of employee. This field takes only numbers.
o Other Emoluments falling under Personal Pay Text Box:
This is a textbox which contains the other emoluments falling
under personal pay of employee. This field takes only

Note Text Area: This text area contains the note .If the authority has
any notes to specify regarding Head Quarter Leaving, it can be
mentioned in this text area. It is an optional field. It can take only
1000 characters, more than that will show a message Enter only 1000

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like save, delete, cancel etc.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Save button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly

entered data to the list

Delete button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

Cancel button: It is used to cancel the editing records from the list
and go back to List Page.

FUNCTION: Appointment through Absorption

DESCRIPTION: Absorption is a method of taking employees into government cadre

from other obsolete organizations.
The form facilitates to record Allotted Cadre, Grade and Level. In case of non-cadre
post, it records Name of the Post, to which the employee is appointed.
Interface: The modules have one list page where the list of all previous absorption
transactions is shown. Every single absorption transaction can be viewed for further
viewing/updating purpose in a data page by clicking on view/edit link. Detail about
the list page and data page is described in the next section.
List Page: It shows the list of all previously occurred absorption events in it. The
list page is divided into three different sections namely a) Header, b) List c)
Control Panel as shown in Fig: 9.2(a). The detail descriptions about all the
sections are as follows:
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.


Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF/PPAN No of an Employee.

Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

List: It shows the list of all previously occurred absorption events in it. It
contains data components like Date of Entry, Notification Order No etc as
described below.

Date of Entry: This is the date of entry into service book, it means
the date on which the entry was taken.

Notification Order No: This is the notification order number.

Notification Date: This is the notification date.

Notification Type: This is the notification type

View Icon: The employee can view the details of the transaction of a
particular row on clicking the view link.

Edit Icon: This link is used when the user wants to edit some of the
existing entries from the list. After clicking on the edit link it will go to
edit page with all related data. The edited data can be saved by
clicking on save button.

Supersede Icon: This link is used to supersede the current order.

Corresponding row containing a particular order details can be
modified/ superseded by clicking on the supersede link. After clicking
on it, user will get another page where supersession information can
be recorded (as discussed in section-).

Cancel Icon: This link is used to cancel the current order. The
corresponding row containing a particular order which can be cancelled
by clicking on the cancel link. After clicking on it, transaction will go to
another page called cancellation page.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding new
absorption record or exiting from the module. It contains buttons like add new
and exit. Detail description is given below.

AddNew Button:

This button is used to add a new record to the

existing record or data.


Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page window.

Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Fig 9.2(a)

Data Page: Data page contains detail data components of a particular absorption
transaction and allows the user to add or update relevant information. This page is
divided into three different sections namely a) header, b) data panel, c) control
panel as shown in Fig: 9.2(b). Detail description about each section is discussed
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF/PPAN No of an Employee.

Data Panel: It contains detail data components of a particular absorption

transaction and allows the user to add or update relevant information. It
contains information like


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Fig 9.2(b)

Notification Type: This field stores the notification type of the



Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Notification Order No Text Box: This is a textbox which will

contain the notification order number. It can take only 50
characters, It can take numbers as well as characters, an entry
more than that will show an alert message. It is a mandatory field.

Notification Order Date Text Box: This is a textbox which

contains the notification order date of an employee. It means the
notification date given to the employee will be displayed in this
field. It can take only 11 characters. The user has to give the entry
according to particular date format (DD-MMM-YYYY).

Details Of Notifying Authority: It contains 3 combo boxes

named as Department of the Notifying Authority, Office of the
Notifying Authority, Notifying Authority. These three fields are
mandatory. Without selecting the department user can't select
either office or authority.
o Department of the Notifying Authority Combo Box:
This is a combo box. The user has to select one particular
department of the particular employee. It is a mandatory
field. If the user leaves it blank then it will show a
message 'please select the Department of Notifying
Authority '.
o Office of the Notifying Authority Combo Box: This is
a combo box. The user has to select one office relevant to
the corresponding department. It is a mandatory field. If
the user leaves it blank then it will show a message
'please select the Office of the Notifying Authority '.
o Notifying Authority Combo Box: This is a combo box.
The user has to select one employee of office of the
particular department. It is also a mandatory field. If the
user leaves it blank then it will show a message 'please
select Notifying Authority'.

Details of Cadre, Grade and

Post: It contains 4 combo boxes

named as Department to which the post belongs, Name of the

cadre, Name of the Grade and Name of the Generic post


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

respectively. Without selecting the department user can't select

either cadre, grade or generic post.
o Department to which the post belongs Combo Box:
This is a combo box. The user has to select one particular
department to which the post belongs to the particular
employee. It is a mandatory field. If the user leaves it
blank then it will show a message 'please select a
Department '.
o Name of the Cadre Combo Box: This is a combo box.
The user has to select the name of the cadre of employee
of the corresponding department. It is a mandatory field.
If the user leaves it blank then it will show a message
'please select a cadre '.
o Name of the Grade Combo Box: This is a combo box.
The user has to select the name of the grade of the
employee of the corresponding cadre. It

is not a

mandatory field.
o Cadre Level Combo Box: This is a combo box. The
user has to select the cadre level of the employee. It is
not a mandatory field.
o Cadre Level Description: This is a combo box. The
user has to select the description of cadre

of the

employee. It is not a mandatory field.

o Name of the Generic Post Combo Box: This is a
combo box. The user has to select the generic post of the
employee of the corresponding grade. It is not a
mandatory field.

Post Classification: It contains 3 radio buttons in option

(a) named as Temporary, Permanent, On Probation and 2 radio
buttons in option (b) named as on Officiating and Substantive.
These are mandatory fields. The user will be allowed to select one
options from each sections.
o Temporary Radio Button:

If the employee is on

temporary then the user has to click on this radio



Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

o Permanent Radio Button:

If the employee is on

permanent then the user has to click on this radio

o On Probation Radio Button: If the employee is on
probation then the user has to click on this radio button.
o Officiating Radio Button:

If the employee is on

officiating post then the user has to click on this radio

o Substantive Radio Button: If the employee is in
substantive post then the user has to click on this radio

With Effect From Date Texts Box: This is a textbox which

contains the date of an employee from which the First appointment
date will be effective. It can take only 11 characters. It is a
mandatory field. The user has to give the entry according to
particular date format (DD-MMM-YYYY). This field doesn't take the
duplicate values.

Time Combo Box: This is a combo box. It contains the with effect
time from which the appointment is effective .The time is in form of
'FORE NOON' and 'AFTER NOON' Here by default the time is 'FORE

Details Of pay: It contains 5 textboxes named as Scale of Pay,










Emoluments falling under personal pay. These fields are optional.

But if the user enters values in any of these 5 textboxes then he
must enter the value into all these 5 textboxes, at that time all the
textboxes of pay details will be mandatory.
o Scale of Pay Text Box: This is a textbox which contains
the pay scale of employee. It can take only 100 characters, more
than that it will display a message.
o Pay in Substantive Post Text Box: This is a textbox
which contains the pay in substantive post of employee. This field
takes only numbers.
o Special Pay Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the
special pay of employee. This field takes only numbers.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

o Personal Pay Text Box: This is a textbox which contains

the personal pay of employee. This field takes only numbers.
o Other Emoluments falling under Personal Pay Text
Box: This is a textbox which contains the other emoluments falling
under personal pay of employee. This field takes only numbers.

Note Text Area: This text area contains the note .If the authority
has any notes to specify regarding Head Quarter Leaving, it can be
mentioned in this text area. It is an optional field. It can take only
1000 characters, more than that will show a message Enter only
1000 characters.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like save, delete, cancel etc.

Save button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly

entered data to the list

Delete button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

Cancel button: It is used to cancel the editing records from the list
and go back to List Page.

FUNCTION: Appointment through Redeployment.

DESCRIPTION: Redeployment is a method through which the employee is

withdrawn from a redundant or less usable cadre to get appointed to other more
usable cadre or post. This form captures the data like Cadre, Grade, Level or Generic
Post to which the employee is redeployed.
Interface: The modules have one list page where the list of all previous
redeployment transactions is shown. Every single redeployment transaction can be
viewed for further viewing/updating purpose in a data page by clicking on view/edit
link. Detail about the list page and data page is described in the next section.
List Page: It shows the list of all previously occurred redeployment events in it.
The list page is divided into three different sections namely a) Header, b) List c)
Control Panel as shown in Fig: 9.3(a). The detail descriptions about all the
sections are as follows:
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF / PPAN No of an Employee.

List: It shows the list of all previously occurred redeployment events in it. It
contains data components like Date of Entry, Notification Order No etc as
described below.

Date of Entry: This is the date of entry into service book, it means
the date on which the entry was taken.

Notification Order No: This is the notification order number.

Notification Date: This is the notification date.

Notification Type: This is the notification type

View Icon: The employee can view the details of the transaction of a
particular row on clicking the view link.

Edit Icon: This link is used when the user wants to edit some of the
existing entries from the list. After clicking on the edit link it will go to
edit page with all related data. The edited data can be saved by
clicking on save button.

Supersede Icon: This link is used to supersede the current order.

Corresponding row containing a particular order details can be
modified/ superseded by clicking on the supersede link. After clicking
on it, user will get another page where supersession information can
be recorded (as discussed in section-).

Cancel Icon: This link is used to cancel the current order. The
corresponding row containing a particular order which can be cancelled


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

by clicking on the cancel link. After clicking on it, transaction will go to

another page called cancellation page.
Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding new
redeployment record or exiting from the module. It contains buttons like add
new and exit. Detail description is given below.

AddNew Button:

This button is used to add a new record to the

existing record or data.


Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page window.

Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Fig 9.3(a)

Data Page: Data page contains detail data components of a particular

redeployment transaction and allows the user to add or update relevant
information. This page is divided into three different sections namely a) header, b)
data panel, c) control panel as shown in Fig: 9.3(b). Detail description about each
section is discussed below.
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF / PPAN No of an Employee.

Data Panel: It contains detail data components of a particular redeployment

transaction and allows the user to add or update relevant information. It
contains information like


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Fig 9.3(b)

Notification Type: This field stores the notification type of the



Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Notification Order No Text Box: This is a textbox which will

contain the notification order number. It can take only 50
characters, It can take numbers as well as characters, an entry
more than that will show an alert message. It is a mandatory field.

Notification Order Date Text Box: This is a textbox which

contains the notification order date of an employee. It means the
notification date given to the employee will be displayed in this
field. It can take only 11 characters. The user has to give the entry
according to particular date format (DD-MMM-YYYY).

Details Of Notifying Authority: It contains 3 combo boxes

named as Department of the Notifying Authority, Office of the
Notifying Authority, Notifying Authority. These three fields are
mandatory. Without selecting the department user can't select
either office or authority.

Department of the Notifying Authority Combo Box:

This is a combo box. The user has to select one particular
department of the particular employee. It is a mandatory
field. If the user leaves it blank then it will show a message
'please select the Department of Notifying Authority '.

Office of the Notifying Authority Combo Box: This is a

combo box. The user has to select one office relevant to the
corresponding department. It is a mandatory field. If the
user leaves it blank then it will show a message 'please
select the Office of the Notifying Authority '.

Notifying Authority Combo Box: This is a combo box.

The user has to select one employee of office of the
particular department. It is also a mandatory field. If the
user leaves it blank then it will show a message 'please
select Notifying Authority'.

Details of Cadre, Grade and Post: It contains 4 combo boxes

named as Department to which the post belongs, Name of the
cadre, Name of the Grade and Name of the Generic post
respectively. Without selecting the department user can't select
either cadre, grade or generic post.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Department to which the post belongs Combo Box:

This is a combo box. The user has to select one particular
department to which the post belongs to the particular
employee. It is a mandatory field. If the user leaves it
blank then it will show a message 'please select a
Department '.

Name of the Cadre Combo Box: This is a combo box.

The user has to select the name of the cadre of employee
of the corresponding department. It is a mandatory field. If
the user leaves it blank then it will show a message 'please
select a cadre '.

Name of the Grade Combo Box: This is a combo box.

The user has to select the name of the grade of the
employee of the corresponding cadre. It is not a mandatory

Cadre Level Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user

has to select the cadre level of the employee. It is not a
mandatory field.

Cadre Level Description: This is a combo box. The user

has to select the description of cadre of the employee. It is
not a mandatory field.

Name of the Generic Post Combo Box: This is a combo

box. The user has to select the generic post of the
employee of the corresponding grade. It is not a mandatory

Post Classification: It contains 3 radio buttons in option

(a) named as Temporary, Permanent, On Probation and 2 radio
buttons in option (b) named as on Officiating and Substantive.
These are mandatory fields. The user will be allowed to select one
options from each sections.

Temporary Radio Button: If the employee is on

temporary then the user has to click on this radio


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Permanent Radio Button: If the employee is on

permanent then the user has to click on this radio

On Probation Radio Button: If the employee is on

probation then the user has to click on this radio

Officiating Radio Button: If the employee is on

officiating post then the user has to click on this
radio button.

Substantive Radio Button: If the employee is in

substantive post then the user has to click on this
radio button.

With Effect From Date Texts Box: This is a textbox which

contains the date of an employee from which the First appointment
date will be effective. It can take only 11 characters. It is a
mandatory field. The user has to give the entry according to
particular date format (DD-MMM-YYYY). This field doesn't take the
duplicate values.

Time Combo Box: This is a combo box. It contains the with effect
time from which the appointment is effective .The time is in form of
'FORE NOON' and 'AFTER NOON' Here by default the time is 'FORE

Details Of pay: It contains 5 textboxes named as Scale of Pay,










Emoluments falling under personal pay. These fields are optional.

But if the user enters values in any of these 5 textboxes then he
must enter the value into all these 5 textboxes, at that time all the
textboxes of pay details will be mandatory.
o Scale of Pay Text Box: This is a textbox which contains
the pay scale of employee. It can take only 100 characters,
more than that it will display a message.
o Pay in Substantive Post Text Box: This is a textbox
which contains the pay in substantive post of employee. This
field takes only numbers.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

o Special Pay Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the

special pay of employee. This field takes only numbers.
o Personal Pay Text Box: This is a textbox which contains
the personal

pay of employee. This field takes only

o Other Emoluments falling under Personal Pay Text
Box: This is a textbox which contains the other emoluments
falling under personal pay of employee. This field takes only

Note Text Area: This text area contains the note .If the authority
has any notes to specify regarding Head Quarter Leaving, it can be
mentioned in this text area. It is an optional field. It can take only
1000 characters, more than that will show a message Enter only
1000 characters.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like save, delete, cancel etc.

Save button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly

entered data to the list

Delete button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

Cancel button: It is used to cancel the editing records from the list
and go back to List Page.

FUNCTION: Regularization of Service.

DESCRIPTION: Regularization is a process through which the employee can

upgraded from a contractual post to get appointed as permanent post. This form
captures the data like effective date, order date, authorized officer etc. which Post to
which the employee is redeployed.
Interface: The modules have one list page where the list of all previous records is
shown. Every single record can be viewed for further viewing/updating purpose in a
data page by clicking on view/edit link. Detail about the list page and data page is
described in the next section.
List Page: It shows the list of all previously occurred entered records in it. The list
page is divided into three different sections namely a) Header, b) List c) Control


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Panel as shown in Fig: 9.4(a). The detail descriptions about all the sections are as
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF / PPAN No of an Employee.

List: It shows the list of all previously occurred records in it. It contains data
components like Date of Entry, From Date, To Date etc as described below.

Date of Entry: This is the date of entry into service book, it means
the date on which the entry was taken.
From Date: This is the date which show the from date the order was
take effect.
To Date: This is the date which shows to date i.e. the order were

View Icon: The employee can view the details of the transaction of a
particular row on clicking the view link.

Edit Icon: This link is used when the user wants to edit some of the
existing entries from the list. After clicking on the edit link it will go to
edit page with all related data. The edited data can be saved by
clicking on save button.

Supersede Icon: This link is used to supersede the current order.

Corresponding row containing a particular order details can be


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

modified/ superseded by clicking on the supersede link. After clicking

on it, user will get another page where supersession information can
be recorded (as discussed in section-).

Cancel Icon: This link is used to cancel the current order. The
corresponding row containing a particular order which can be cancelled
by clicking on the cancel link. After clicking on it, transaction will go to
another page called cancellation page.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding new
redeployment record or exiting from the module. It contains buttons like add
new and exit. Detail description is given below.

AddNew Button:

This button is used to add a new record to the

existing record or data.

Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page window.

Data Page: Data page contains detail data components of particular records and
allows the user to add or update relevant information. This page is divided into
three different sections namely a) header, b) data panel, c) control panel as shown
in Fig: 9.3(b). Detail description about each section is discussed below.
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF / PPAN No of an Employee.

Data Panel: It contains detail data components of a particular redeployment

transaction and allows the user to add or update relevant information. It
contains information like

Fig: 9.3(b)

Order No Text Box: This is a textbox which will contain the order
number. It can take only 50 characters, It can take numbers as
well as characters, an entry more than that will show an alert
message. It is a mandatory field.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Order Date Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the

notification order date of an employee. It means the notification
date given to the employee will be displayed in this field. It can
take only 11 characters. The user has to give the entry according to
particular date format (DD-MMM-YYYY).

Details of Sanctioning Authority: It contains 3 combo boxes

named as Department, Office and Authority. Without selecting the
department user can't select either office and without selecting
office user cant select authority.

Department of the Sanctioning Authority Combo Box:

This is a combo box. The user has to select one particular
department of the particular employee.

Office of the Sanctioning Authority Combo Box: This is

a combo box. The user has to select one office relevant to
the corresponding department

Sanctioning Authority Combo Box: This is a combo box.

The user has to select one employee of office of the
particular department

Regularization of period: It contains 2 date fields and 2 Time











regularization of service is effective.


Time: This is a combo box.

It contains with effect

time from which the appointment is effective .The time is in

form of 'FORE NOON' and 'AFTER NOON' Here by default
the time is 'FORE NOON'.

Date To: This text box holds to date the regularization of

service is effective.

Time: This is a combo box.

It contains with effect

time from which the appointment is effective .The time is in

form of 'FORE NOON' and 'AFTER NOON' Here by default
the time is 'FORE NOON'.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Note Text Area: This text area contains the note .If the authority
has any notes to specify regarding Head Quarter Leaving, it can be
mentioned in this text area. It is an optional field. It can take only
1000 characters, more than that will show a message Enter only
1000 characters.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like save, delete, cancel etc.

Save button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly

entered data to the list

Delete button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

Cancel button: It is used to cancel the editing records from the list
and go back to List Page.

FUNCTION: Redesignation

DESCRIPTION: Redesignation is one of the methods of appointing a candidate for

the next time to a cadre or to a non-cadre post. This method is applied when a
candidate qualifies for promotion.
Interface: The modules have one list page where the list of all previous regular
recruitment transactions is shown. Every Redesignation transaction can be viewed for
further viewing/updating purpose in a data page by clicking on view/edit link. Detail
about the list page and data page is described in the next section.
List Page: It shows the list of all previously occurred Redesignation events in it.
The list page is divided into three different sections namely a) Header, b) List c)
Control Panel as shown in Fig: 9.5(a). The detail descriptions about all the
sections are as follows:
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF/PPAN No of an Employee.

List: It shows the list of all previously occurred Redesignation events in it. It
contains data components like Date of Entry, Notification Order No etc as
described below.

Date of Entry: This is the date of entry into service book, it means

the date on which the entry was taken.

Notification Order No: This is the notification order number.

Notification Date: This is the notification date.

Notification Type: This is the notification type

View Icon: The employee can view the details of the transaction of a
particular row on clicking the view link.

Edit Icon: This link is used when the user wants to edit some of the
existing entries from the list. After clicking on the edit link it will go to
edit page with all related data. The edited data can be saved by
clicking on save button.

Supersede Icon: This link is used to supersede the current order.

Corresponding row containing a particular order details can be
modified/ superseded by clicking on the supersede link. After clicking
on it, user will get another page where supersession information can
be recorded (as discussed in section-).

Cancel Icon: This link is used to cancel the current order. The
corresponding row containing a particular order which can be cancelled
by clicking on the cancel link. After clicking on it, transaction will go to
another page called cancellation page.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding new
regular recruitment record or exiting from the module. It contains buttons like
add new and exit. Detail description is given below.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Add New Button:

This button is used to add a new record to the

existing record or data.

Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page window.

Fig: 9.5(a)
Data Page: Data page contains detail data components of a particular
Redesignation transaction and allows the user to add or update relevant
information. This page is divided into three different sections namely a) header, b)
data panel, c) control panel as shown in Fig: 9.5(b). Detail description about each
section is discussed below.
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF/PPAN No of an Employee.

Data Panel: It contains detail data components of a particular Redesignation

transaction and allows the user to add or update relevant information. It
contains information like


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Notification Order No Text Box: This is a textbox which will contain

the notification order number. It can take only 50 characters, It can
take numbers as well as characters, an entry more than that will show
an alert message. It is a mandatory field.

Notification Order Date Text Box: This is a textbox which contains

the notification order date of an employee. It means the notification
date given to the employee will be displayed in this field. It can take
only 11 characters. The user has to give the entry according to
particular date format (DD-MMM-YYYY).

Details Of Notifying Authority: It contains 3 combo boxes named as










Authority, Notifying Authority. These three fields are mandatory.

Without selecting the department user can't select either office or

Department of the Notifying Authority Combo Box: This

is a combo box. The user has to select one particular
department of the particular employee. It is a mandatory


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

field. If the user leaves it blank then it will show a message

'please select the Department of Notifying Authority '.

Office of the Notifying Authority Combo Box: This is a

combo box. The user has to select one office relevant to the
corresponding department. It is a mandatory field. If the
user leaves it blank then it will show a message 'please select
the Office of the Notifying Authority '.

Notifying Authority Combo Box: This is a combo box. The

user has to select one employee of office of the particular
department. It is also a mandatory field. If the user leaves it
blank then it will show a message 'please select Notifying

Details of Posting: It contains 3 combo boxes named as Posted to

Department, posted to office, substantive post. Without selecting the
department user can't select either cadre, grade or generic post.
o Posted to Department Combo Box: This is a combo box. The
user has to select one particular department to which the post
belongs to the particular employee. It is a mandatory field. If the
user leaves it blank then it will show a message 'please select a
Department '.
o posted to office Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user
has to select the name of the office of employee of the
corresponding department. It is a mandatory field. If the user
leaves it blank then it will show a message 'please select a office
o Substantive post Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user
has to select the name of the post of the employee of the
corresponding cadre. It is not a mandatory field.

Details Of pay: It contains 5 textboxes named as Scale of Pay,










Emoluments falling under personal pay. These fields are optional.

But if the user enters values in any of these 5 textboxes then he
must enter the value into all these 5 textboxes, at that time all the
textboxes of pay details will be mandatory.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

o Scale of Pay Text Box: This is a textbox which contains

the pay scale of employee. It can take only 100 characters,
more than that it will display a message.
o Grade Pay Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the
grade pay of employee. This field takes only numbers.
o Special Pay Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the
special pay of employee. This field takes only numbers.
o Other Pay Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the
other pay of employee. This field takes only numbers.
o Description of Other Pay Text Box: This is a textbox
which contains the other pay falling under personal pay of
employee. This field takes only numbers.

Date of Effect of pay Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the
date of an employee from which the appointment date will be effective.
It can take only 11 characters. It is a mandatory field. The user has to
give the entry according to particular date format (DD-MMM-YYYY).
This field doesn't take the duplicate values.

Note Text Area: This text area contains the note .If the authority has
any notes to specify regarding Head Quarter Leaving, it can be
mentioned in this text area. It is an optional field. It can take only
1000 characters, more than that will show a message Enter only 1000

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like save, delete, cancel etc.

Save button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly

entered data to the list

Delete button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

Cancel button: It is used to cancel the editing records from the list
and go back to List Page.

4.1.10. GROUP OF FUNCTIONS: Education & Training


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification FUNCTION: Education

DESCRIPTION: Government employee may undergo higher Education within his/her
service period and produced the completion/ degree certificate. Such education is
reflected in the service book of concerned employee.
This form records information like Qualification, Faculty, Year of Passing, Degree,
Subject, Institute and Board University into HRMS.
Interface: The modules have one list page where the list of all previous education
transactions is shown. Every single education transaction can be viewed for further
viewing/updating purpose in a data page by clicking on view/edit link. Detail about
the list page and data page is described in the next section.
List Page: It shows the list of all previously occurred education events in it. The
list page is divided into three different sections namely a) Header, b) List c)
Control Panel as shown in Fig: 10.1(a). The detail descriptions about all the
sections are as follows:
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF/PPAN No of an Employee.

List: It shows the list of all previously occurred education events in it. It
contains data components like Date of Entry in the Service Book, Qualification,
Year of Passing etc as described below.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Date of Entry in the Service Book: This field stores the date entry
into the service book.

Qualification: This field stores the qualification of an employee.

Year of Passing: This field stores the year of passing of an employee.
Degree: This field stores the degree of an employee.
Board University: This field stores the board and university of the

View Icon: The employee can view the details of the transaction of a
particular row on clicking the view link.

Edit Icon: This link is used when the user wants to edit some of the
existing entries from the list. After clicking on the edit link it will go to
edit page with all related data. The edited data can be saved by
clicking on save button.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding new
education record or exiting from the module. It contains buttons like add new
and exit. Detail description is given below.

Add New Button:

This button is used to add a new record to the

existing record or data.


Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page window.

Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Fig: 10.1(a)

Data Page: Data page contains detail data components of a particular education
transaction and allows the user to add or update relevant information. This page is
divided into three different sections namely a) header, b) data panel, c) control
panel as shown in Fig: 10.1(b). Detail description about each section is discussed
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF/PPAN No of an Employee.

Data Panel: It contains detail data components of a particular education

transaction and allows the user to add or update relevant information. It
contains information like

Fig: 10.1(b)

Qualification Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to select
the qualification of the particular employee. It is a mandatory field. If


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

the user leaves it blank then it will show a message 'please select the
qualification '.

Faculty Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to select the
faculty means educational background of the particular employee. It is
a mandatory field. If the user leaves it blank then it will show a
message 'please select the faculty '.

Year of Passing Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the year
of passing of the employee. It is a mandatory field. It can take only 4
characters. It takes only numbers.

Degree Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to select the
degree of the particular employee. It is a mandatory field. If the user
leaves it blank then it will show a message 'please select the degree '.

Subject Text Box: This is a text box. The user has to enter the
subjects of the particular employee. It is a mandatory field. If the user
leaves it blank then it will show a message 'please enter the subjects '.

Institute Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the institute of











only characters.

Board University Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to
select the board University of the Particular Employee. It is a mandatory
field. If the user leaves it blank then it will show a message 'please
select the board university '.

Note Text Area: This text area will contain Note (if any) relating to
the education of an employee. The entry should be in 1000 characters,
more than that gives an alert message. It is an optional area.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like save, delete,
cancel etc.


Save button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly

entered data to the list

Delete button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Reset button: This button is used for resetting the page. If the user
does not want to save the changed data, then by clicking reset button,
the page will be back to the initial stage as it is appeared at the time of

Cancel button: It is used to cancel the editing records from the list
and go back to List Page. FUNCTION: Training

DESCRIPTION: In order to get confirmation or promotion government employees
undergo different training programs undertaken by their parent departments.
This form records information like Training Title, If Allowed for the training or already










coordinator, Training Place where training will be conducted.

Interface: The modules have one list page where the list of all previous training
transactions is shown. Every single training transaction can be viewed for further
viewing/updating purpose in a data page by clicking on view/edit link. Detail about
the list page and data page is described in the next section.
List Page: It shows the list of all previously occurred training events in it. The list
page is divided into three different sections namely a) Header, b) List c) Control
Panel as shown in Fig: 10.2(a). The detail descriptions about all the sections are
as follows:
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.


Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF/PPAN No of an Employee.

Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

List: It shows the list of all previously occurred training events in it. It contains
data components like Date of Entry in the Service Book, Training Title, etc as
described below.

Date of Entry in the Service Book: This field stores the date entry
into the service book.

Training Title: This field stores the Training Title.

From Date: This will show from which date the employee will take the

To Date: This will show up to which date the employee has taken the

Total No. Of Days: This field stores the Total No. Of Days.

Coordinator: This field stores the Coordinator.

Training Place: This field stores the Training Place.

View Icon: The employee can view the details of the transaction of a
particular row on clicking the view link.

Edit Icon: This link is used when the user wants to edit some of the
existing entries from the list. After clicking on the edit link it will go to
edit page with all related data. The edited data can be saved by
clicking on save button.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding new
training record or exiting from the module. It contains buttons like add new and
exit. Detail description is given below.

AddNew Button:

This button is used to add a new record to the

existing record or data.


Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page window.

Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Fig: 10.2(a)

Data Page: Data page contains detail data components of a particular training
transaction and allows the user to add or update relevant information. This page is
divided into three different sections namely a) header, b) data panel, c) control
panel as shown in Fig: 10.2(b). Detail description about each section is discussed
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF/PPAN No of an Employee.

Data Panel: It contains detail data components of a particular education

transaction and allows the user to add or update relevant information. It
contains information like

Fig: 10.2(b)


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Training Title Text Box: This is a textbox which will contain the
notification order number. It can take only 100 characters, It is of
varchar type, means it can take numbers as well as characters, an
entry more than that will show an alert message. It is a mandatory
If Allowed or Underwent: It contains Radio Button options.
Training Duration:
From Date Text Box: This will show from which date the employee
will take the leave
To Date Text Box: This will show up to which date the employee has
taken the leave.

Total No. Of Days: This field stores the Total No. Of Days.

Coordinator: This field stores the Coordinator.

Training Place: This field stores the Training Place.

Update Cadre Status(TR): This Check Box field stores the Updated
Cadre Status.

Note Text Area: This text area will contain Note (if any) relating to the
education of an employee. The entry should be in 1000 characters, more
than that gives an alert message. It is an optional area.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like save, delete, cancel etc.
Save button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly
entered data to the list
Delete button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.
Reset button: This button is used for resetting the page. If the user
does not want to save the changed data, then by clicking reset button,
the page will be back to the initial stage as it is appeared at the time of
Cancel button: It is used to cancel the editing records from the list
and go back to List Page. FUNCTION: Departmental Examination


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

DESCRIPTION: Employees of several cadres are supposed to qualify through

Departmental Examination during his/her service period to prove his knowledge and
efficiency in specific subjects. Results of such examinations are recorded in the
service book of concern employee for future reference. This form records Name of
the Examination, Name of the Institute where examination conducted and Period of
Examination in to HRMS.
Interface: The modules have one list page where the list of all previous








examination transaction can be viewed for further viewing/updating purpose in a

data page by clicking on view/edit link. Detail about the list page and data page is
described in the next section.
List Page: It shows the list of all previously occurred departmental examination
events in it. The list page is divided into three different sections namely a) Header,
b) List c) Control Panel as shown in Fig: 10.3(a). The detail descriptions about all
the sections are as follows:
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF/PPAN No of an Employee.

List: It shows the list of all previously occurred departmental examination

events in it. It contains data components like Date of Entry, Notification Order
No etc as described below.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Date of Entry in the Service Book: This field stores the date entry
into the service book.

Name of the Examination: This field stores the Name of the


Period of Examination: Under this field the starting and ending date
of the Examinations are stored.

From Date: This field stores the Start Date of Examination.

To Date: This field stores End Date of the Examination.

Result of Examination: This field stores the Result of the

Examination, whether Cleared or Not Cleared.

View Icon: The employee can view the details of the transaction of a
particular row on clicking the view link.

Edit Icon: This link is used when the user wants to edit some of the
existing entries from the list. After clicking on the edit link it will go to
edit page with all related data. The edited data can be saved by
clicking on save button.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding new
departmental examination record or exiting from the module. It contains buttons
like add new and exit. Detail description is given below.

AddNew Button:

This button is used to add a new record to the

existing record or data.


Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page window.

Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Fig: 10.3(a)

Data Page: Data page contains detail data components of a particular

departmental examination transaction and allows the user to add or update
relevant information. This page is divided into three different sections namely a)
header, b) data panel, c) control panel as shown in Fig: 10.3(b). Detail
description about each section is discussed below.
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF/PPAN No of an Employee.

Data Panel: It contains detail data components of a

particular departmental examination transaction and allows the user to

add or update relevant information. It contains information like


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Fig: 10.3(b)

Name of the Examination Text Box: This is a textbox which will contain
the Name of the Examination appeared by an employee . It can take only
100 characters, an entry more than that will show an alert message. It is a
mandatory field.. The user has to entry here the name of the examination.

Name of the Institution Text Box: This is a textbox which will store the
name of the institution. It defines the place at which the exam is
conducted. It has the maximum size of 150 characters. Its a mandatory


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

From Date Text Box : This textbox will contain the date on which the
Examination is Started. It is a mandatory field. The user has to entry
according to the Particular date format. If the format is not correct it will
show an alert message like 'Enter the Correct Date Format'. This date
should not be greater than the date entered in To Date text box.

To Date Text Box: This is a textbox which will contain the date on which
the Examination Ended. It is a mandatory field. The user has to entry
according to the Particular date format. To Date should not be less than
From Date, otherwise it will show an error message. The date range (From
Date - To Date) cannot be duplicated.

Notification No Text Box: This textbox contain the name of the place
and Venue where the training will be taken place. It can take only 50
characters, an entry more than that will show an alert message. It is a
mandatory field. It will store the Order no.

Notification Date Text Box: This textbox will contain the date of
notification of the examination appeared by employee. It can take only 11
characters, an entry more than that will show an alert message. It is a
mandatory field.

Notifying Department Combo Box:

Cleared Radio Button: If the particular employee has passed the exam
then the result should be chosen as cleared.

Not Cleared Radio Button: If the particular employee has not passed
the exam then the result should be chosen as not cleared.

Details Of Conducting Department: It contains 3 combo boxes named

as Department of the Notifying Authority, Office of the Notifying Authority,
Notifying Authority. These three fields are mandatory. Without selecting
the department user can't select either office or authority.

Department Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to

select one particular department of the particular employee. It is a
mandatory field. If the user leaves it blank then it will show a
message 'please select the Department '.

Office Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to select
one office relevant to the corresponding department. It is a


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

mandatory field. If the user leaves it blank then it will show a

message 'please select the Office'.

Authority Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to

select one employee of office of the particular department. It is also
a mandatory field. If the user leaves it blank then it will show a
message 'please select Authority'.

Note Text Area: This text area will contain note (if any) relating to the
particular Examination. The entry should be in 1000 characters, more than
that gives an alert message . It is not a mandatory field.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like save, delete, cancel etc.

Save button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly

entered data to the list

Delete button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

Reset button: This button is used for resetting the page. If the user
does not want to save the changed data, then by clicking reset button,
the page will be back to the initial stage as it is appeared at the time of

Cancel button: It is used to cancel the editing records from the list
and go back to List Page. GROUP OF FUNCTIONS: Travel Concession FUNCTION: Free Travel Concession
DESCRIPTION: Free Travel Concession is a facility given to the govt. employees
within a particular block period as defined in Service Rules either to visit to the Home
Town or any other place of interest in India without any cost.

Interface: The modules have one list page where the list of all previous free travel
concession transactions is shown. Every single deputation transaction can be viewed
for further viewing/updating purpose in a data page by clicking on view/edit link.
Detail about the list page and data page is described in the next section.
List Page: It shows the list of all previously occurred free travel concession
events in it. The list page is divided into three different sections namely a) Header,


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

b) List c) Control Panel as shown in Fig: 11.1(a). The detail descriptions about all
the sections are as follows:
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at

the top left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing
purpose. Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It

is a unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF / PPAN No of an Employee.

List: It shows the list of all previously occurred deputation events in it. It
contains data components like Date of Entry into Service Book, From Date, To
Date, Type etc as described below.

Date of Entry into Service Book: This field displays the date of
entry of an employee into service book about the FTC details.

From Date: This field stores the date from which the employee has
taken leave for traveling (FTC).

To Date: This field stores the date up to which the employee has
taken leave for FTC.

Type: This field stores that weather the employee is going to

home town or some other place in India.

Block Period: This field store the time period in terms of years
under which the employee can avail leave for FTC.

View: The employee can view the details of the transaction of a

particular row on clicking the view link.

Edit Icon: This link is used when the user wants to edit some of
the existing entries from the list. After clicking on the edit link it will
go to Editing page with all data. The edited data can be saved
through clicking on save button.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Supersede Icon: This link is used to modify the current order. The
corresponding row containing a particular order which can be
modified / superseded by clicking on the supersede hyperlink. After










supersession page.

Cancel Icon: This link is used to cancel the current order. The
corresponding row containing a particular order which can be
cancelled by clicking on the cancel link. After clicking on it,
transaction will go to another page called cancellation page.

Control Panel:

It allows user to perform certain functions like adding new

deputation record or exiting from the module. It contains buttons like add new
and exit. Detail description is given below.

AddNew Button:

This button is used to add a new record to the

existing record or data.


Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page window.

Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Fig 11.1(a)
Data Page: Data page contains detail data components of a particular free travel
concession transaction and allows the user to add or update relevant information.
This page is divided into three different sections namely a) header, b) data panel,
c) control panel as shown in Fig: 11.1(b). Detail description about each section is
discussed below

Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at

the top left corner of the header section. It is a label for
viewing purpose. Employee Name cannot be edited here in
this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It

is a unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF / PPAN No of an Employee.

Data Panel: It contains detail data components of a particular free travel

concession transaction and allows the user to add or update relevant
information. It contains information like.

Fig 11.1(b)


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Office Order No Text Box: This is a textbox which will contain the
suspense order number. It can take only 50 characters, It is of
varchar type, means it can take numbers as well as characters, an
entry more than that will show an alert message. It is a mandatory
field. The user has to give the entry as the suspense order number
of an employee.

Order Date Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the order
date of an employee. It means the suspense issuing date of an
employee will be recorded in this field. It can take only 11
characters. It is a mandatory field. The user has to give the entry
according to particular date format (DD-MMM-YYYY).

Details of Verifying Authority: It contains 3 combo boxes named

as Department, Office and Authority. These three fields are
mandatory. Without selecting the department user can't select
either office or authority.
o Department Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user
has to select one particular department of the particular
employee. It is a mandatory field. If the user leaves it
blank then it will show a message 'please select the
Department '.
o Office Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to







department. It is a mandatory field. If the user leaves

it blank then it will show a message 'please select the
Office '.
o Authority Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has
to select one employee of office of the particular
department. It is also a mandatory field. If the user
leaves it blank then it will show a message 'please
select the Authority'.

Type Radio Button: This field describes that weather the

employee is going to home town or some other place in India.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

From Date Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the

deputation date of an employee. It means the date from which
deputation is effective to an employee that will be displayed in this
field. It can take only 11 characters. It is an optional field. The user
has to give the entry according to particular date format (DD-MMMYYYY).







textbox which



deputation date of an employee. It means the date up to which

deputation is effective to an employee that will be displayed in this
field. It can take only 11 characters. It is an optional field. The user
has to give the entry according to particular date format (DD-MMMYYYY).

Block Period From Year Text Box: This is a text box which will
contain the time period in terms of years. This is a mandatory field
and if left blank, it will show a message like 'Enter Block Period
from Year'. It will intake a valid year. It will accept a valid year
format (YYYY).

To Year Text Box: This is a text box which will contain the time
period in terms of years. It is also a mandatory field and if left
blank, will show an alert message asking to fill up. It will accept a
valid year format (YYYY).

Note Text Area: This text box will contain Note (if any) relating to
the Leave Traveling Concession of an employee. The entry should
be in 1000 characters, more than that gives an alert message. It is
an optional field.

Control Panel:

It allows user to perform certain functions like save, delete,

cancel etc.

Save button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly

entered data to the list.

Delete button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

Reset button: This button is used for resetting the page. If the user
does not want to save the changed data, then by clicking reset


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

button, the page will be back to the initial stage as it is appeared at

the time of loading.

Cancel button: It is used to cancel the editing records from the list
and go back to List Page. FUNCTION: Leave Travel Concession

DESCRIPTION: Leave Travel Concession (LTC) is a facility given to the govt

employees within a particular block period as defined in Service Rules either to
visit to the Home Town or any other place of interest in India.
It captures data like visiting place, Period of Leave Travel, Block Period within
which LTC is availed.
Interface: The modules have one list page where the list of all previous leave travel
concession transactions is shown. Every single leave travel concession transaction
can be viewed for further viewing/updating purpose in a data page by clicking on
view/edit link. Detail about the list page and data page is described in the next
List Page: It shows the list of all previously occurred leave travel concession
events in it. The list page is divided into three different sections namely a) Header,
b) List c) Control Panel as shown in Fig: 11.2(a). The detail descriptions about all
the sections are as follows:
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.


Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF / PPAN No of an Employee.

Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

List: It shows the list of all previously occurred leave travel concession events in
it. It contains data components like Date of Entry into Service Book, From Date
and To Date etc as described below.

Date of Entry into Service Book: This field displays the date of entry
of an employee into service book about the LTC details.

From Date: This field stores the date from which the employee has
taken leave for traveling (LTC).

To Date: This field stores the date up to which the employee has taken
leave for LTC.

Type: This field stores that weather the employee is going to home
town or some other place in India.

Block Period: This field store the time period in terms of years under
which the employee can avail leave for LTC.

View Icon: The employee can view the details of the transaction of a
particular row on clicking the view link.
Edit Icon: This link is used when the user wants to edit some of the
existing entries from the list. After clicking on the edit link it will go to
edit page with all related data. The edited data can be saved by
clicking on save button.
Supersede Icon: This link is used to supersede the current order.
Corresponding row containing a particular order details can be
modified/ superseded by clicking on the supersede link. After clicking
on it, user will get another page where supersession information can
be recorded (as discussed in section-).
Cancel Icon: This link is used to cancel the current order. The
corresponding row containing a particular order which can be cancelled
by clicking on the cancel link. After clicking on it, transaction will go to
another page called cancellation page.
Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding new leave
travel concession record or exiting from the module. It contains buttons like add
new and exit. Detail description is given below.
AddNew Button:

This button is used to add a new record to the

existing record or data.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page window.

Fig: 11.2(a)

Data Page: Data page contains detail data components of a particular leave travel
concession and allows the user to add or update relevant information. This page is
divided into three different sections namely a) header, b) data panel, c) control
panel as shown in Fig: 11.2(b). Detail description about each section is discussed
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the

top left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing
purpose. Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF / PPAN No of an Employee.

Data Panel: It contains detail data components of a particular leave travel

concession and allows the user to add or update relevant information. It
contains information like

4.1.11. GROUP OF FUNCTIONS: Cadre FUNCTION: Joining to cadre
DESCRIPTION: Employees of several services join in the cadre as per
appointment order. Such information is recorded into the Service Book for
This form records Time & date of joining in cadre, Cadre details into which s/he
joins. Detail of pay like Pay Scale, Pay in substantive post, Special pay, Personal
pay, Other pay, Date of Effect of pay and Date of next increment may also be

Interface: The modules have one list page where the list of all previous join to
cadre transactions is shown. Every single join to cadre transaction can be viewed for
further viewing/updating purpose in a data page by clicking on view/edit link. Detail
about the list page and data page is described in the next section.
List Page: It shows the list of all previously occurred join to cadre events in it.
The list page is divided into three different sections namely a) Header, b) List c)
Control Panel as shown in Fig: 12.1(a). The detail descriptions about all the
sections are as follows:
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF / PPAN No of an Employee.

List: It shows the list of all previously occurred join to cadre events in it. It
contains data components like Date of Entry, Notification Order No etc as
described below.
Date of Entry: This is the date of entry into service book, it means the
date on which the entry was taken.
Notification Order No: This field stores the notification order number
of an employee.
Notification Order Date: This field stores the notification order date of
an employee.
Notification Type: This field stores notification type of an employee.
View Icon: The employee can view the details of the transaction of a
particular row on clicking the view link.
Edit Icon: This link is used when the user wants to edit some of the
existing entries from the list. After clicking on the edit link it will go to
edit page with all related data. The edited data can be saved by
clicking on save button.
Supersede Icon: This link is used to supersede the current order.
Corresponding row containing a particular order details can be
modified/ superseded by clicking on the supersede link. After clicking
on it, user will get another page where supersession information can
be recorded (as discussed in section-).
Cancel Icon: This link is used to cancel the current order. The
corresponding row containing a particular order which can be cancelled


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

by clicking on the cancel link. After clicking on it, transaction will go to

another page called cancellation page.
Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding new
deputation record or exiting from the module. It contains buttons like add new
and exit. Detail description is given below.
AddNew Button:

This button is used to add a new record to the

existing record or data.

Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page window.

Fig: 12.1(a)

Data Page: Data page contains detail data components of a particular join to
cadre and allows the user to add or update relevant information. This page is


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

divided into three different sections namely a) header, b) data panel, c) control
panel as shown in Fig: 12.1(b). Detail description about each section is discussed
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the

top left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing
purpose. Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF/PPAN No of an Employee.

Data Panel: It contains detail data components of a particular join to cadre and
allows the user to add or update relevant information. It contains information


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Fig: 12.1(b)


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Notification Order No Text Box: This is a textbox which will contain the
notification order number. It can take only 50 characters, It can take
numbers as well as characters, an entry more than that will show an alert
message. It is a mandatory field.

Notification Order Date Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the
notification order date of an employee. It means the notification date
given to the employee will be displayed in this field. It can take only 11
characters. The user has to give the entry according to particular date
format (DD-MMM-YYYY).

Details Of Notifying Authority: It contains 3 combo boxes named as

Department of the Notifying Authority, Office of the Notifying Authority,
Notifying Authority. These three fields are mandatory. Without selecting
the department user can't select either office or authority.

Department of the Notifying Authority Combo Box: This is a

combo box. The user has to select one particular department of the
particular employee. It is a mandatory field. If the user leaves it
blank then it will show a message 'please select the Department of
Notifying Authority '.

Office of the Notifying Authority Combo Box: This is a combo

box. The user has to select one office relevant to the corresponding
department. It is a mandatory field. If the user leaves it blank then
it will show a message 'please select the Office of the Notifying
Authority '.

Notifying Authority Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user

has to select one employee of office of the particular department. It
is also a mandatory field. If the user leaves it blank then it will
show a message 'please select Notifying Authority'.

Details of Cadre, Grade and Post: It contains 4 combo boxes named as

Department to which the post belongs, Name of the cadre, Name of the
Grade and Name of the Generic post respectively. Without selecting the
department user can't select cadre, grade or generic post.

Department to which the post belongs Combo Box: This is a

combo box. The user has to select one particular department to
which the post belongs to the particular employee. It is a


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

mandatory field. If the user leaves it blank then it will show a

message 'please select a Department '.

Name of the Cadre Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user
has to select the name of the cadre of employee of the
corresponding department. It is a mandatory field. If the user
leaves it blank then it will show a message 'please select a cadre '.

Name of the Grade Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user
has to select the name of the grade of the employee of the
corresponding cadre. It is not a mandatory field.

Cadre Level Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to
select the cadre level of the employee. It is not a mandatory field.

Cadre Level Description: This is a combo box. The user has to

select the description of cadre

of the employee. It is not a

mandatory field.

Allotment Year: This is a text box which contains the year of

allotment. It takes only 4 numbers. It is a mandatory field.

Cadre Id: This is a text box which contains the cadre id. It takes
only 4 numbers. It is a mandatory field.

Name of the Generic Post Combo Box: This is a combo box. The
user has to select the generic post of the employee of the
corresponding grade. It is not a mandatory field.

Post Classification: It contains 3 radio buttons in option (a) named as

Temporary, Permanent, On Probation and 2 radio buttons in option (b)
named as on Officiating and Substantive. These are mandatory fields. The
user will be allowed to select one options from each sections.

Temporary Radio Button: If the employee is on temporary then

the user has to click on this radio button.

Permanent Radio Button: If the employee is on permanent then

the user has to click on this radio button.

On Probation Radio Button: If the employee is on probation then

the user has to click on this radio button.

Officiating Radio Button: If the employee is on officiating post

then the user has to click on this radio button.

Substantive Radio Button: If the employee is in substantive

post then the user has to click on this radio button.


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Date of Effect of Joining in Cadre Text Box: This is a text box which
contains the Effective date of joining. It is a mandatory field.

Time Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to select the time of
Effective joining.

Details Of pay: It contains 5 textboxes named as Scale of Pay, Pay in

Substantive Post, Special Pay, Personal Pay, Other Emoluments falling
under personal pay. These fields are optional. But if the user enters values
in any of these 5 textboxes then he must enter the value into all these 5
textboxes, at that time all the textboxes of pay details will be mandatory.

Scale of Pay Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the pay
scale of employee. It can take only 100 characters, more than that
it will display a message.

Pay in Substantive Post Text Box: This is a textbox which

contains the pay in substantive post of employee. This field takes
only numbers.

Special Pay Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the special
pay of employee. This field takes only numbers.

Personal Pay Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the

personal pay of employee. This field takes only numbers.

Other Emoluments falling under Personal Pay Text Box: This

is a textbox which contains the other emoluments falling under
personal pay of employee. This field takes only numbers.

Date of Effect of Pay: This is a text box which contains the Effective date
of pay. It is a mandatory field.

Note Text Area: This text box will contain Note (if any) relating to the
cadre of an employee. The entry should be in 1000 characters, more than
that gives an alert message. It is an optional area.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like save, delete, cancel etc.


Save button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly entered
data to the list

Delete button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Reset button: This button is used for resetting the page. If the user does
not want to save the changed data, then by clicking reset button, the page
will be back to the initial stage as it is appeared at the time of loading.

Cancel button: It is used to cancel the editing records from the list and
go back to List Page. FUNCTION: Relieve from Cadre

DESCRIPTION: An employee may be transferred or appointed into a new cadre.
In this case the employee is relieved from his existing Cadre and it is recorded
into the Service Book.
The form captures information like Date of relieving from cadre, Cadre, Grade and
Level from which employee is relieved.
Interface: The modules have one list page where the list of all previous


from cadre transactions is shown. Every single relieve from cadre transaction can be
viewed for further viewing/updating purpose in a data page by clicking on view/edit
link. Detail about the list page and data page is described in the next section.
List Page: It shows the list of all previously occurred relieve from cadre events in it.
The list page is divided into three different sections namely a) Header, b) List c)
Control Panel as shown in Fig: 12.2(a). The detail descriptions about all the
sections are as follows:
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.


Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF/PPAN No of an Employee.

Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

List: It shows the list of all previously occurred relieve from cadre events in it. It
contains data components like Date of Entry, Notification Order No etc as
described below.
Date of Entry: This is the date of entry into service book, it means the
date on which the entry was taken.
Notification Order No: This field stores the notification order number
of an employee.
Notification Order Date: This field stores the notification order date of
an employee.
Notification Type: This field stores notification type of an employee.
View Icon: The employee can view the details of the transaction of a
particular row on clicking the view link.
Edit Icon: This link is used when the user wants to edit some of the
existing entries from the list. After clicking on the edit link it will go to
edit page with all related data. The edited data can be saved by
clicking on save button.
Supersede Icon: This link is used to supersede the current order.
Corresponding row containing a particular order details can be
modified/ superseded by clicking on the supersede link. After clicking
on it, user will get another page where supersession information can
be recorded (as discussed in section-).
Cancel Icon: This link is used to cancel the current order. The
corresponding row containing a particular order which can be cancelled
by clicking on the cancel link. After clicking on it, transaction will go to
another page called cancellation page.
Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding new
relieve from cadre record or exiting from the module. It contains buttons like
add new and exit. Detail description is given below.
AddNew Button:

This button is used to add a new record to the

existing record or data.

Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page window.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Fig: 12.2(a)

Data Page: Data page contains detail data components of a particular relieve
from cadre and allows the user to add or update relevant information. This page is
divided into three different sections namely a) header, b) data panel, c) control
panel as shown in Fig: 12.2(b). Detail description about each section is discussed
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the

top left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing
purpose. Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.
HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a
unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.
Post: This is the current post of an Employee.
GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF/PPAN No of an Employee.
Data Panel: It contains detail data components of a particular relieve from
cadre and allows the user to add or update relevant information. It contains
information like


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Fig: 12.2(b)


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Notification Order No Text Box: This is a textbox which will contain the
notification order number. It can take only 50 characters, It can take
numbers as well as characters, an entry more than that will show an alert
message. It is a mandatory field.

Notification Order Date Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the
notification order date of an employee. It means the notification date
given to the employee will be displayed in this field. It can take only 11
characters. The user has to give the entry according to particular date
format (DD-MMM-YYYY).

Details Of Notifying Authority: It contains 3 combo boxes named as

Department of the Notifying Authority, Office of the Notifying Authority,
Notifying Authority. These three fields are mandatory. Without selecting
the department user can't select either office or authority.

Department of the Notifying Authority Combo Box: This is a

combo box. The user has to select one particular department of the
particular employee. It is a mandatory field. If the user leaves it
blank then it will show a message 'please select the Department of
Notifying Authority '.

Office of the Notifying Authority Combo Box: This is a combo

box. The user has to select one office relevant to the corresponding
department. It is a mandatory field. If the user leaves it blank then
it will show a message 'please select the Office of the Notifying
Authority '.

Notifying Authority Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user

has to select one employee of office of the particular department. It
is also a mandatory field. If the user leaves it blank then it will
show a message 'please select Notifying Authority'.

Details of Cadre, Grade and Post: It contains 4 combo boxes named as

Department to which the post belongs, Name of the cadre, Name of the
Grade and Name of the Generic post respectively. Without selecting the
department user can't select cadre, grade or generic post.

Department to which the post belongs Combo Box: This is a

combo box. The user has to select one particular department to
which the post belongs to the particular employee. It is a


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

mandatory field. If the user leaves it blank then it will show a

message 'please select a Department '.

Name of the Cadre Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user
has to select the name of the cadre of employee of the
corresponding department. It is a mandatory field. If the user
leaves it blank then it will show a message 'please select a cadre '.

Name of the Grade Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user
has to select the name of the grade of the employee of the
corresponding cadre. It is not a mandatory field.

Cadre Level Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to
select the cadre level of the employee. It is not a mandatory field.

Cadre Level Description: This is a combo box. The user has to

select the description of cadre

of the employee. It is not a

mandatory field.

Name of the Generic Post Combo Box: This is a combo box. The
user has to select the generic post of the employee of the
corresponding grade. It is not a mandatory field.

not a mandatory field.

Post Classification: It contains 3 radio buttons in option (a) named as

Temporary, Permanent, On Probation and 2 radio buttons in option (b)
named as on Officiating and Substantive. These are mandatory fields. The
user will be allowed to select one options from each sections.

Temporary Radio Button: If the employee is on temporary then

the user has to click on this radio button.

Permanent Radio Button: If the employee is on permanent then

the user has to click on this radio button.

On Probation Radio Button: If the employee is on probation then

the user has to click on this radio button.

Officiating Radio Button: If the employee is on officiating post

then the user has to click on this radio button.

Substantive Radio Button: If the employee is in substantive post

then the user has to click on this radio button.

Date of Effect of Joining in Cadre Text Box: This is a text box which
contains the Effective date of cadre. It is a mandatory field.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Time Combo Box: : This is a combo box. The user has to select the time
of Effective joining.

Details Of pay: It contains 5 textboxes named as Scale of Pay, Pay in

Substantive Post, Special Pay, Personal Pay, Other Emoluments falling
under personal pay. These fields are optional. But if the user enters values
in any of these 5 textboxes then he must enter the value into all these 5
textboxes, at that time all the textboxes of pay details will be mandatory.

Scale of Pay Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the pay
scale of employee. It can take only 100 characters, more than that
it will display a message.

Pay in Substantive Post Text Box: This is a textbox which

contains the pay in substantive post of employee. This field takes
only numbers.

Special Pay Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the special
pay of employee. This field takes only numbers.

Personal Pay Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the

personal pay of employee. This field takes only numbers.

Other Emoluments falling under Personal Pay Text Box: This

is a textbox which contains the other emoluments falling under
personal pay of employee. This field takes only numbers.

Date of Effect of Pay: This is a text box which contains the Effective date
of pay. It is a mandatory field.

Note Text Area: This text box will contain Note (if any) relating to the
cadre of an employee. The entry should be in 1000 characters, more than
that gives an alert message. It is an optional area.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like save, delete, cancel etc.


Save button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly

entered data to the list

Delete button: It is used to delete existing records from the


Reset button: This button is used for resetting the page. If the
user does not want to save the changed data, then by clicking
reset button, the page will be back to the initial stage as it is
appeared at the time of loading.

Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Cancel button: It is used to cancel the editing records from

the list and go back to List Page. FUNCTION: Allotment to cadre

DESCRIPTION: Allotment to Cadre is the procedure by which a member of a service is
allotted to the cadre of a particular region from other region. For example an employee
as a member of Indian Administrative Service within Nagaland cadre may be allotted to
Orissa cadre. This form records details of newly allotted Cadre.
Interface: The modules have one list page where the list of all previous Allotment
to cadre transactions is shown. Every single relieve from cadre transaction can be
viewed for further viewing/updating purpose in a data page by clicking on view/edit
link. Detail about the list page and data page is described in the next section.
List Page: It shows the list of all previously occurred Allotment to cadre events in
it. The list page is divided into three different sections namely a) Header, b) List c)
Control Panel as shown in Fig: 12.3(a). The detail descriptions about all the
sections are as follows:
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF/PPAN No of an Employee.

List: It shows the list of all previously occurred relieve from cadre events in it. It
contains data components like Date of Entry, Notification Order No etc as
described below.
Date of Entry: This is the date of entry into service book, it means the
date on which the entry was taken.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Notification Order No: This field stores the notification order number
of an employee.
Notification Order Date: This field stores the notification order date of
an employee.
Notification Type: This field stores notification type of an employee.
View Icon: The employee can view the details of the transaction of a
particular row on clicking the view link.
Edit Icon: This link is used when the user wants to edit some of the
existing entries from the list. After clicking on the edit link it will go to
edit page with all related data. The edited data can be saved by
clicking on save button.
Supersede Icon: This link is used to supersede the current order.
Corresponding row containing a particular order details can be
modified/ superseded by clicking on the supersede link. After clicking
on it, user will get another page where supersession information can
be recorded (as discussed in section-).
Cancel Icon: This link is used to cancel the current order. The
corresponding row containing a particular order which can be cancelled
by clicking on the cancel link. After clicking on it, transaction will go to
another page called cancellation page.
Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding new
relieve from cadre record or exiting from the module. It contains buttons like
add new and exit. Detail description is given below.
AddNew Button:

This button is used to add a new record to the

existing record or data.

Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page window.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Fig: 12.3(a)

Data Page: Data page contains detail data components of a particular Allotment
to cadre and allows the user to add or update relevant information. This page is
divided into three different sections namely a) header, b) data panel, c) control
panel as shown in Fig: 12.3(b). Detail description about each section is discussed
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as
Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the
top left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing
purpose. Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.
Post: This is the current post of an Employee.
GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF/PPAN No of an Employee.
Data Panel: It contains detail data components of a particular Allotment to
cadre and allows the user to add or update relevant information. It contains
information like

Fig: 12.3(b)


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Notification Order No Text Box: This is a textbox which will contain the
notification order number. It can take only 50 characters, It can take
numbers as well as characters, an entry more than that will show an alert
message. It is a mandatory field.

Notification Order Date Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the
notification order date of an employee. It means the notification date
given to the employee will be displayed in this field. It can take only 11
characters. The user has to give the entry according to particular date
format (DD-MMM-YYYY).

Details Of Notifying Authority: It contains 3 combo boxes named as

Department of the Notifying Authority, Office of the Notifying Authority,
Notifying Authority. These three fields are mandatory. Without selecting
the department user can't select either office or authority.

Department of the Notifying Authority Combo Box: This is a

combo box. The user has to select one particular department of the
particular employee. It is a mandatory field. If the user leaves it
blank then it will show a message 'please select the Department of
Notifying Authority '.

Office of the Notifying Authority Combo Box: This is a combo

box. The user has to select one office relevant to the corresponding
department. It is a mandatory field. If the user leaves it blank then
it will show a message 'please select the Office of the Notifying
Authority '.

Notifying Authority Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user

has to select one employee of office of the particular department. It
is also a mandatory field. If the user leaves it blank then it will
show a message 'please select Notifying Authority'.

Details of Cadre, Grade and Post: It contains 4 combo boxes named as

Department to which the post belongs, Name of the cadre, Name of the
Grade and Name of the Generic post respectively. Without selecting the
department user can't select cadre, grade or generic post.

Department to which the post belongs Combo Box: This is a

combo box. The user has to select one particular department to
which the post belongs to the particular employee. It is a


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

mandatory field. If the user leaves it blank then it will show a

message 'please select a Department '.

Name of the Cadre Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user
has to select the name of the cadre of employee of the
corresponding department. It is a mandatory field. If the user
leaves it blank then it will show a message 'please select a cadre '.

Name of the Grade Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user
has to select the name of the grade of the employee of the
corresponding cadre. It is not a mandatory field.

Cadre Level Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to
select the cadre level of the employee. It is not a mandatory field.

Cadre Level Description: This is a combo box. The user has to

select the description of cadre

of the employee. It is not a

mandatory field.

Name of the Generic Post Combo Box: This is a combo box. The
user has to select the generic post of the employee of the
corresponding grade. It is not a mandatory field.

not a mandatory field.

Post Classification: It contains 3 radio buttons in option (a) named as

Temporary, Permanent, On Probation and 2 radio buttons in option (b)
named as on Officiating and Substantive. These are mandatory fields. The
user will be allowed to select one options from each sections.

Temporary Radio Button: If the employee is on temporary then

the user has to click on this radio button.

Permanent Radio Button: If the employee is on permanent then

the user has to click on this radio button.

On Probation Radio Button: If the employee is on probation then

the user has to click on this radio button.

Officiating Radio Button: If the employee is on officiating post

then the user has to click on this radio button.

Substantive Radio Button: If the employee is in substantive

post then the user has to click on this radio button.

Date of Effect of Joining in Cadre Text Box: This is a text box which
contains the Effective date of cadre. It is a mandatory field.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Time Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to select the time of
Effective joining.

Update Cadre Status Check Box: This is a checkbox. The user has to
select whether cadre is updated or not..

Note Text Area: This text box will contain Note (if any) relating to the
cadre of an employee. The entry should be in 1000 characters, more than
that gives an alert message. It is an optional area.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like save, delete, cancel etc.


Save button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly

entered data to the list

Delete button: It is used to delete existing records from the


Reset button: This button is used for resetting the page. If the
user does not want to save the changed data, then by clicking
reset button, the page will be back to the initial stage as it is
appeared at the time of loading.

Cancel button: It is used to cancel the editing records from

the list and go back to List Page.

Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Fig: 11.2(b)

Office Order No Text Box: This is a textbox which will contain the
suspense order number. It can take only 50 characters, It is of varchar type,
means it can take numbers as well as characters, an entry more than that
will show an alert message. It is a mandatory field. The user has to give the
entry as the suspense order number of an employee.

Order Date Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the order date of an
employee. It means the suspense issuing date of an employee will be
recorded in this field. It can take only 11 characters. It is a mandatory field.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

The user has to give the entry according to particular date format (DDMMM-YYYY).
Details of Verifying Authority: It contains 3 combo boxes named as
Department, Office and Authority. These three fields are mandatory.
Without selecting the department user can't select either office or authority.
o Department Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to select one
particular department of the particular employee. It is a mandatory field. If
the user leaves it blank then it will show a message 'please select the
Department '.
o Office Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to select one office
relevant to the corresponding department. It is a mandatory field. If the
user leaves it blank then it will show a message 'please select the Office '.
o Authority Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to select one
employee of office of the particular department. It is also a mandatory field.
If the user leaves it blank then it will show a message 'please select the
Type Radio Button: This field describes that weather the employee is
going to home town or some other place in India.
From Date Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the deputation date
of an employee. It means the date from which deputation is effective to an
employee that will be displayed in this field. It can take only 11 characters.
It is an optional field. The user has to give the entry according to particular
date format (DD-MMM-YYYY).
To Date Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the deputation date of
an employee. It means the date up to which deputation is effective to an
employee that will be displayed in this field. It can take only 11 characters.
It is an optional field. The user has to give the entry according to particular
date format (DD-MMM-YYYY).
Block Period From Year Text Box: This is a text box which will contain
the time period in terms of years. This is a mandatory field and if left blank,


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

it will show a message like 'Enter Block Period from Year'. It will intake a
valid year. It will accept a valid year format (YYYY).
To Year Text Box: This is a text box which will contain the time period in
terms of years. It is also a mandatory field and if left blank, will show an
alert message asking to fill up. It will accept a valid year format (YYYY).
Note Text Area: This text box will contain Note (if any) relating to the
Leave Traveling Concession of an employee. The entry should be in 1000
characters, more than that gives an alert message. It is an optional field.
Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like save, delete, cancel etc.

Save button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly entered
data to the list

Delete button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

Reset button: This button is used for resetting the page. If the user does
not want to save the changed data, then by clicking reset button, the page
will be back to the initial stage as it is appeared at the time of loading.

Cancel button: It is used to cancel the editing records from the list and
go back to List Page.

4.1.12. GROUP OF FUNCTIONS: Punishment & Reward FUNCTION: Departmental Proceeding
DESCRIPTION: Departmental Proceeding is a process taken against an employee
on account of some alleged misconduct or negligence of duties. Such process
goes through phases such as Initiation, Show cause Notice, Explanation of the
alleged employee etc and finally Conclusion of proceeding. Conclusion of
proceeding may free the employee from all allegation or penalize the employee
with minor or major punishment such as censure, fine, withholding promotion,
withholding increment, termination, suspension etc depending upon the severity
of the misconduct. This form in HRMS is capable to record all possible type of
data relating to Conclusion of proceeding.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification


The modules have one list page where the list of all previous









proceeding transaction can be viewed for further viewing/updating purpose in a data

page by clicking on view/edit link. Detail about the list page and data page is
described in the next section.
List Page: It shows the list of all previously occurred departmental proceeding
events in it. The list page is divided into three different sections namely a) Header,
b) List c) Control Panel as shown in Fig: 13.1(a). The detail descriptions about all
the sections are as follows:
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as
Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top
left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.
HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a
unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.
Post: This is the current post of an Employee.
GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF / PPAN No of an Employee.

List: It shows the list of all previously occurred departmental proceeding events
in it. It contains data components like Date of Entry in Service Book, Date of
Issue of Show Cause Notice etc as described below.
Date of Entry In Service Book: This field stores the date of entry
of every event in the service book.
Date of Issue of Show Cause Notice: this store the date on which
a show cause notice is issued.
Compliance Receipt Date: This stores the date on which the
employee has received that issued note.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Cause of Proceeding: This field stores the information which

describes the cause of proceedings taken against that employee.
If Censure: This field stores a value Yes or No according to if
censure or not.

View Icon: The employee can view the details of the transaction of

a particular row on clicking the view link.

Edit Icon: This link is used when the user wants to edit some of

the existing entries from the list. After clicking on the edit link it will go
to edit page with all related data. The edited data can be saved by
clicking on save button.
Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding new
departmental proceeding record or exiting from the module. It contains buttons
like add new and exit. Detail description is given below.

AddNew Button:

This button is used to add a new record to

the existing record or data.


Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page window.

Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Fig 13.1(a)

Data Page:

Data page contains detail data components of a particular

departmental proceeding and allows the user to add or update relevant

information. This page is divided into three different sections namely a) header, b)
data panel, c) control panel as shown in Fig: 13.1(b). Detail description about
each section is discussed below.
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the

top left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing
purpose. Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF / PPAN No of an Employee.

Data Panel: It contains detail data components of a particular departmental

proceeding and allows the user to add or update relevant information. It
contains information like


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Fig 13.1(b)


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Initiation of Proceeding
Office Order No Text Box: This is a textbox which will contain the office
order number. It can take only 50 characters, It is of varchar type, means
it can take numbers as well as characters, an entry more than that will
show an alert message. It is a mandatory field.
Office Order Date Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the office
order date of an employee. It specifies the date on which the order is
issued. It can take only 11 characters. It is a mandatory field. The user
has to give the entry according to particular date format (DD-MMM-YYYY).
Details Of Notifying Authority: It contains 3 combo boxes named as
Department of the Notifying Authority, Office of the Notifying Authority,
Notifying Authority. These three fields are mandatory. Without selecting
the department user can't select either office or authority.
o Department of the Notifying Authority Combo Box: This is a
combo box. The user has to select one particular department of the
particular employee. It is a mandatory field. It has to be selected to
display Office of the Notifying Authority Combo Box.
o Office of the Notifying Authority Combo Box: This is a combo
box. The user has to select one office relevant to the corresponding
department. It is a mandatory field. . It has to be selected to display
Notifying Authority Combo Box.
o Notifying Authority Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user
has to select one employee of office of the particular department. It
is also a mandatory field. If the user leaves it blank then it will show
a message 'please select Notifying Authority'.
Current Substantive Post: It contains 3 combo boxes named as
Department, Office and Post.
o Department Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to
select one particular department of the particular employee. It is a
mandatory field. It has to be selected to display Office Combo Box.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Office Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to select

one particular office of the particular employee. It is a mandatory field.

It has to be selected to display Post Combo Box.

Post Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to select one

particular department of the particular employee. It is a mandatory field.

Cause Text area Box: This represents the Cause and allows only 1000

Issue of Show Cause Notice

Office Order No Text Box: This is a textbox which will contain the office
order number. It can take only 50 characters, It is of varchar type, means
it can take numbers as well as characters, an entry more than that will
show an alert message. It is a mandatory field.
Office Order Date Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the office
order date of an employee. It specifies the date on which the order is
issued. It can take only 11 characters. It is a mandatory field. The user
has to give the entry according to particular date format (DD-MMM-YYYY).
Details Of Notifying Authority: It contains 3 combo boxes named as
Department of the Notifying Authority, Office of the Notifying Authority,
Notifying Authority. These three fields are mandatory. Without selecting
the department user can't select either office or authority.
o Department of the Notifying Authority Combo Box: This is a
combo box. The user has to select one particular department of the
particular employee. It is a mandatory field. It has to be selected to
display Office of the Notifying Authority Combo Box.
o Office of the Notifying Authority Combo Box: This is a combo
box. The user has to select one office relevant to the corresponding
department. It is a mandatory field. . It has to be selected to display
Notifying Authority Combo Box.
o Notifying Authority Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user
has to select one employee of office of the particular department. It


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

is also a mandatory field. If the user leaves it blank then it will show
a message 'please select Notifying Authority'.

Date of Issue of Show Cause Notice Text box: This is a text box which
contains the date of show cause notice. It is an optional field. It specifies
the date on which the notice has been issued against that particular
employee. It has the maximum length of 11 that means it can take only
11 characters. User has to enter the correct date format (DD-MMM-YYYY).

Receipt of Compliance

Office Order No Text Box: This is a textbox which will contain the office
order number. It can take only 50 characters, It is of varchar type, means
it can take numbers as well as characters, an entry more than that will
show an alert message. It is a mandatory field.

Office Order Date Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the office
order date of an employee. It specifies the date on which the order is
issued. It can take only 11 characters. It is a mandatory field. The user
has to give the entry according to particular date format (DD-MMM-YYYY).
Details Of Notifying Authority: It contains 3 combo boxes named as
Department of the Notifying Authority, Office of the Notifying Authority,
Notifying Authority. These three fields are mandatory. Without selecting
the department user can't select either office or authority.
o Department of the Notifying Authority Combo Box: This is a
combo box. The user has to select one particular department of the
particular employee. It is a mandatory field. It has to be selected to
display Office of the Notifying Authority Combo Box.
o Office of the Notifying Authority Combo Box: This is a combo
box. The user has to select one office relevant to the corresponding
department. It is a mandatory field. . It has to be selected to display
Notifying Authority Combo Box.
o Notifying Authority Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user
has to select one employee of office of the particular department. It


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

is also a mandatory field. If the user leaves it blank then it will show
a message 'please select Notifying Authority'.

Compliance Receipt Date Text box: This is a text box which contains
the date of receipt of the complain. It is an optional field. It can take
maximum of 11 characters. A correct date format should be entered
otherwise it will show an alert message like 'Enter the Correct Date Format'.

If Censure Check box: This is a check box which will store the values
like Yes or No. If the check box is checked then it will store the value YES
and if it is unchecked, NO will be stored. It is not a mandatory field. By
default NO will be stored in this field.
Free from Charges Check Box: It represents the Free from Charges.
Office Order No Text Box: This is a textbox which will contain the office
order number. It can take only 50 characters, It is of varchar type, means
it can take numbers as well as characters, an entry more than that will
show an alert message. It is a mandatory field.
Office Order Date Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the office
order date of an employee. It specifies the date on which the order is
issued. It can take only 11 characters. It is a mandatory field. The user
has to give the entry according to particular date format (DD-MMM-YYYY).
Details Of Notifying Authority: It contains 3 combo boxes named as
Department of the Notifying Authority, Office of the Notifying Authority,
Notifying Authority. These three fields are mandatory. Without selecting
the department user can't select either office or authority.
o Department of the Notifying Authority Combo Box: This is a
combo box. The user has to select one particular department of the
particular employee. It is a mandatory field. It has to be selected to
display Office of the Notifying Authority Combo Box.
o Office of the Notifying Authority Combo Box: This is a combo
box. The user has to select one office relevant to the corresponding


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

department. It is a mandatory field. . It has to be selected to display

Notifying Authority Combo Box.
o Notifying Authority Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user
has to select one employee of office of the particular department. It
is also a mandatory field. If the user leaves it blank then it will show
a message 'please select Notifying Authority'.
With Effective Date: This field stores the date on which the punishment
will be effective and the format is dd-mmm-yyyy.
Fine Amount Text Box: This represents the fine amount and only allows
Recovery Type Radio Button: This represents the Recovery Type.
No of Installments Text Box: This represents the No of Installments.
Only allows numeric and maximum length is 2 digits.
Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like Save, Delete, Cancel etc
Save button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly entered
data to the list
Delete button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.
Reset button: This button is used for resetting the page. If the user does
not want to save the changed data, then by clicking reset button, the page
will be back to the initial stage as it is appeared at the time of loading.
Cancel button: It is used to cancel the editing records from the list and
go back to List Page. FUNCTION: Head Quarter Fixation



The modules have one list page where the list of all previous head

quarter fixation proceeding transactions is shown. Every single head quarter fixation
proceeding transaction can be viewed for further viewing/updating purpose in a data
page by clicking on view/edit link. Detail about the list page and data page is
described in the next section.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

List Page: It shows the list of all previously occurred head quarter fixation events
in it. The list page is divided into three different sections namely a) Header, b) List
c) Control Panel as shown in Fig: 13.2(a). The detail descriptions about all the
sections are as follows:
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as
Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top
left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.
HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a
unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.
Post: This is the current post of an Employee.
GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF/PPAN No of an Employee.

List: It shows the list of all previously occurred head quarter fixation events in
it. It contains data components like Date of Entry in Service Book, Date of Issue
of Show Cause Notice etc as described below.

Date of Entry In Service Book: This field stores the date

of entry of every event in the service book .

Head Quarter Fixation Order No: This represents the

Head Quarter Fixation Order No.

Head Quarter Fixation Order Date: This represents the

Head Quarter Fixation Order Date.

W.E.F Date & Time: This represents will be effective date

and time.

Office: This represents the Office.

View Icon: The employee can view the details of the

transaction of a particular row on clicking the view link.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Edit Icon: This link is used when the user wants to edit
some of the existing entries from the list. After clicking on
the edit link it will go to edit page with all related data. The
edited data can be saved by clicking on save button.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding new head
quarter fixation record or exiting from the module. It contains buttons like add
new and exit. Detail description is given below.

AddNew Button:

This button is used to add a new record to

the existing record or data.


Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page window.

Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Fig 13.2(a)

Data Page:

Data page contains detail data components of a particular head

quarter fixation and allows the user to add or update relevant information. This
page is divided into three different sections namely a) header, b) data panel, c)
control panel as shown in Fig: 13.2(b). Detail description about each section is
discussed below.
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the

top left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing
purpose. Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Fig 13.2(b)

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF/PPAN No of an Employee.

Data Panel: It contains detail data components of a particular head quarter

fixation and allows the user to add or update relevant information. It contains
information like.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Order No Text Box: This represents the Order No and it allows upto 50
Order Date Text Box: This represents the Order Date and the format id
Details of Sanctioning Authority: It contains 3 combo boxes named as
Department, Office and Authority. These three fields are mandatory. Without
selecting the department user can't select either office or authority.

Department Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to

select one particular department of the particular employee. It is a
mandatory field. It has to be selected to display Office Combo Box.

Office Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to select
one office relevant to the corresponding department. It is a
mandatory field. It is a mandatory field. It has to be selected to
display Authority Combo Box.

Authority Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to

select one employee of office of the particular department. It is
also a mandatory field.

Head Quarter Fixation Details:

o With Effect from Date Text Box: This represents the With Effect
from Date and the format is dd-mmm-yyyy.
o Time Combo Box: This represents the Time and it has two options
i.e. Fore Noon and After Noon.
Head Quarter:
o Department Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to
select one particular department of the particular employee. It is a
mandatory field. It has to be selected to display Office Combo Box.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

o Office Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to select one
office relevant to the corresponding department. It is a mandatory field. .
It is a mandatory field.
Note Text Area: This is related to note that is optional and allows
maximum of 1000 characters.
Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like Save, Delete, Cancel etc
Save button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly entered
data to the list
Delete button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.
Reset button: This button is used for resetting the page. If the user does
not want to save the changed data, then by clicking reset button, the page
will be back to the initial stage as it is appeared at the time of loading.
Cancel button: It is used to cancel the editing records from the list and
go back to List Page. FUNCTION: Suspension

DESCRIPTION: Departmental proceedings are initiated against employees on
account of negligence of duties. During initiation phase of proceedings the
employee may be suspended from the job. Suspension order is recorded in the
service book of the employee.
This form records Date of suspension, Head Quarter from which he/ she has
been suspended, Post in which the employee was working at the time of serving
suspension order etc.
Interface: The modules have one list page where the list of all previous suspension
proceeding transactions is shown. Every single head suspension transaction can be
viewed for further viewing/updating purpose in a data page by clicking on view/edit
link. Detail about the list page and data page is described in the next section.
List Page: It shows the list of all previously occurred suspension events in it. The
list page is divided into three different sections namely a) Header, b) List c)
Control Panel as shown in Fig: 13.3(a). The detail descriptions about all the
sections are as follows:


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as
Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top
left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.
HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a
unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.
Post: This is the current post of an Employee.
GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF / PPAN No of an Employee.

List: It shows the list of all previously occurred head quarter fixation events in
it. It contains data components like Date of Entry in Service Book, Suspension
Order No etc as described below.
Date of Entry in Service Book: This field stores the date of entry
in the service book.
Suspension Order No: This field stores the suspension order
number of an employee.

Suspension Order Date: This field stores the date in which

suspension order is issued to an employee










suspension which is effective from that date.

Time: This field stores the time from which suspension is effective
for an employee.
Suspension Allowance in R.S: This represents the Suspension
Head Quarter Office: This represents the Head Quarter Office.
View: The employee can view the details of the transaction of a
particular row on clicking the view link.
Edit: The employee can edit the details of the corresponding row and
can update the information.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding

suspension record or exiting from the module. It contains buttons like add new
and exit. Detail description is given below.
AddNew Button:

This button is used to add a new record to the

existing record or data.

Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page window.


Data Page: Data page contains detail data components of a particular suspension
and allows the user to add or update relevant information. This page is divided
into three different sections namely a) header, b) data panel, c) control panel as
shown in Fig: 13.3(b). Detail description about each section is discussed below.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the

top left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing
purpose. Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF / PPAN No of an Employee.

Data Panel: It contains detail data components of a particular suspension and

allows the user to add or update relevant information. FUNCTION: Reinstatement

DESCRIPTION: A suspended employee is reinstated to service after suspension
period. Such incidents are recorded in the service book. This form records
information like Date of reinstatement.


The modules have one list page where the list of all previous

reinstatement transactions is shown. Every single head reinstatement transaction

can be viewed for further viewing/updating purpose in a data page by clicking on
view/edit link. Detail about the list page and data page is described in the next
List Page: It shows the list of all previously occurred reinstatement events in it.
The list page is divided into three different sections namely a) Header, b) List c)
Control Panel as shown in Fig: 13.4(a). The detail descriptions about all the
sections are as follows:


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as
Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top
left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.
HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a
unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.
Post: This is the current post of an Employee.
GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF/PPAN No of an Employee.

List: It shows the list of all previously occurred head reinstatement events in it.
It contains data components like Suspension Date of Entry, Suspension Order
No etc as described below.
Suspension Date of Entry: This field stores the date of entry in the
service book.
Suspension Order No: This field stores the suspension order number
of an employee.
Suspension with effect Date: This field stores the suspension which
is effective from that date.
Reinstatement Date of Entry: This field shows the Reinstatement Date
of Entry.
Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding
reinstatement record or exiting from the module. It contains buttons like add
new and exit. Detail description is given below.
View Icon: The employee can view the details of the transaction of a
particular row on clicking the view link.
Update/Edit Icon: This hyperlink is used when the user wants to
edit some of the existing entries from the list. After clicking on the


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

edit link it will go to Editing page with all data. The edited data can be
saved through clicking on save button.
Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page window.

Fig 13.4(a) FUNCTION: Reward Appreciation

DESCRIPTION: Authority may reward a government employee for outstanding
performance in duty. HRMS provides facility to record such information.
Interface: The modules have one list page where the list of all previous reward
appreciation transactions is shown. Every single head reward appreciation
transaction can be viewed for further viewing/updating purpose in a data page by


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

clicking on view/edit link. Detail about the list page and data page is described in
the next section.
List Page: It shows the list of all previously occurred reward appreciation events
in it. The list page is divided into three different sections namely a) Header, b) List
c) Control Panel as shown in Fig: 13.5(a). The detail descriptions about all the
sections are as follows:
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as
Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top
left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.
HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a
unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.
Post: This is the current post of an Employee.
GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF/PPAN No of an Employee.

List: It shows the list of all previously occurred reward appreciation events in it.
It contains data components like Suspension Date of Entry, Suspension Order
No etc as described below.
Date of Entry In Service Book: This field stores the date of entry
of every event in the service book.
Order No Text Box: This field represents the Order No
Order Date Text Box: This field represents the Order date.
View: The employee can view the details of the transaction of a
particular row on clicking the view link.
Edit: The employee can edit the details of the corresponding row and
can update the information.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding

reinstatement record or exiting from the module. It contains buttons like add
new and exit. Detail description is given below.

AddNew Button: This button is used to add a new record to the

existing record or data.

Exit: This button is used to close the current transaction page


Fig: 13.5(a)

4.1.13. GROUP OF FUNCTIONS: Service Closure FUNCTION: Termination


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

DESCRIPTION: Government may terminate the job of an employee if so required.

Such incidents are recorded into the service book of concern employee. This form
records Post from which terminated, Date of Termination into HRMS.
Interface: The modules have one list page where the list of all previous termination
transactions is shown. Every single termination transaction can be viewed for further
viewing/updating purpose in a data page by clicking on view/edit link. Detail about
the list page and data page is described in the next section.
List Page: It shows the list of all previously occurred termination events in it. The
list page is divided into three different sections namely a) Header, b) List c)
Control Panel as shown in Fig: 14.1(a). The detail descriptions about all the
sections are as follows:
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF/PPAN No of an Employee.

List: It shows the list of all previously occurred termination events in it. It
contains data components like Date of Entry into Service Book, Termination
From etc as described below.

Date of Entry to Service Book: This field contains the entry date into
the Service Book


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Terminated From: This field stores the exact nomenclature of the

Post from which the employee has been terminated.
Due Date of Termination: This field stores the date on which the
employee has terminated.

View Icon: The employee can view the details of the transaction of a
particular row on clicking the view link.

Edit Icon: This link is used when the user wants to edit some of the
existing entries from the list. After clicking on the edit link it will go to
edit page with all related data. The edited data can be saved by
clicking on save button.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding new
deputation record or exiting from the module. It contains buttons like add new
and exit. Detail description is given below.

AddNew Button:

This button is used to add a new record to the

existing record or data.


Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page window.

Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Fig: 14.1(a)

Data Page: Data page contains detail data components of a particular termination
transaction and allows the user to add or update relevant information. This page is
divided into three different sections namely a) header, b) data panel, c) control
panel as shown in Fig: 14.1(b). Detail description about each section is discussed
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF/PPAN No of an Employee.

Data Panel: It contains detail data components of a particular termination

transaction and allows the user to add or update relevant information. It
contains information like

Fig: 14.1(b)


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Order No Text Box: This textbox will contain Order No for termination of
the employee. It can take only 50 characters, an entry more than that will
show a message.

Order Date Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the notification
order date of an employee. It means the notification date given to the
employee will be displayed in this field. It can take only 11 characters. It is
a mandatory field. The user has to give the entry according to particular
date format (DD-MMM-YYYY).

Details of Authority: It contains 3 combo boxes named as Department,

Office, Authority. Without selecting the department user can't select either
office or authority.

Department Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to select
one particular department of the particular employee. It is not a
mandatory field.

Office Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to select one office
relevant to the corresponding department. It is not a mandatory field.

Authority Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to select one
employee of office of the particular department. It is not a mandatory

Terminated From: It contains 3 combo boxes named as Department,

Office, Authority. Without selecting the department user can't select either
office or authority.

Department Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to

select one particular department of the particular employee. It is
not a mandatory field.

Office Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to select
one office relevant to the corresponding department. It is not a
mandatory field.

Authority Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to

select one employee of office of the particular department. It is not
a mandatory field.

Due Date of Termination Text Box: This is a text box. The user has to
put the due date of the termination of employee. It is a mandatory field.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Note (if any) Text Area: This text area contains the note .If the
authority has any notes to specify regarding termination of the employee,
it can be mentioned in this text area. It is an optional field. It can take
only 1000 characters, more than that will show a message Enter only
1000 characters.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like save, delete,
cancel etc.

Save button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly

entered data to the list

Delete button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

Reset button: This button is used for resetting the page. If the user
does not want to save the changed data, then by clicking reset button,
the page will be back to the initial stage as it is appeared at the time of

Cancel button: It is used to cancel the editing records from the list
and go back to List Page. FUNCTION: Retrenchment

Interface: The modules have one list page where the list of all previous
retrenchment transactions is shown. Every single retrenchment transaction can be
viewed for further viewing/updating purpose in a data page by clicking on view/edit
link. Detail about the list page and data page is described in the next section.
List Page: It shows the list of all previously occurred retrenchment events in it.
The list page is divided into three different sections namely a) Header, b) List c)
Control Panel as shown in Fig: 14.2(a). The detail descriptions about all the
sections are as follows:
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF/PPAN No of an Employee.

List: It shows the list of all previously occurred retrenchment events in it. It
contains data components like Date of Entry into Service Book, Retrenched From
etc as described below.

Date of Entry in the Service Book: This field contains the entry date
into the Service Book

Retrenched From: This field stores the exact nomenclature of the

Post from which the employee has been terminated.
Due Date of Retrenchment: This field stores the date on which the
employee has terminated.

View Icon: The employee can view the details of the transaction of a
particular row on clicking the view link.

Edit Icon: This link is used when the user wants to edit some of the
existing entries from the list. After clicking on the edit link it will go to
edit page with all related data. The edited data can be saved by
clicking on save button.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding new
retrenchment record or exiting from the module. It contains buttons like add
new and exit. Detail description is given below.

AddNew Button:

This button is used to add a new record to the

existing record or data.


Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page window.

Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Fig: 14.2(a)

Data Page: Data page contains detail data components of a particular

retrenchment transaction and allows the user to add or update relevant
information. This page is divided into three different sections namely a) header, b)


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

data panel, c) control panel as shown in Fig: 14.2(b). Detail description about
each section is discussed below.
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF / PPAN No of an Employee.

Data Panel: It contains detail data components of a particular termination

transaction and allows the user to add or update relevant information. It
contains information like


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Fig: 14.2(b)


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Order No Text Box: This textbox will contain Order No for termination of
the employee. It can take only 50 characters, an entry more than that will
show a message.

Order Date Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the notification
order date of an employee. It means the notification date given to the
employee will be displayed in this field. It can take only 11 characters. It is
a mandatory field. The user has to give the entry according to particular
date format (DD-MMM-YYYY).

Details of Authority: It contains 3 combo boxes named as Department,

Office, Authority. Without selecting the department user can't select either
office or authority.

Department Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has

to select one particular department of the particular employee.
It is not a mandatory field.

Office Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to

select one office relevant to the corresponding department. It
is not a mandatory field.

Authority Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to

select one employee of office of the particular department. It is
not a mandatory field.

Retrenched From: It contains 3 combo boxes named as Department,

Office, Authority. Without selecting the department user can't select either
office or authority.

Department Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has









employee. It is not a mandatory field.


Office Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to

select one office relevant to the corresponding department. It
is not a mandatory field.

Authority Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to

select one employee of office of the particular department. It
is not a mandatory field.

Due Date of Retrenchment Text Box: This field will contain Due Date of


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Note (if any) Text Area: This text area contains the note .If the
authority has any notes to specify regarding retrenchment of the
employee, it can be mentioned in this text area. It is an optional field. It
can take only 1000 characters, more than that will show a message Enter
only 1000 characters.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like save, delete, cancel etc.

Save button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly

entered data to the list

Delete button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

Reset button: This button is used for resetting the page. If the user
does not want to save the changed data, then by clicking reset button,
the page will be back to the initial stage as it is appeared at the time of

Cancel button: It is used to cancel the editing records from the list
and go back to List Page. FUNCTION: Retirement

DESCRIPTION: An employee retires from the job attaining superannuation or may
retire voluntarily. Such incidents are recorded into the service book. This for records
information like Type of Retirement (Superannuation or Voluntary), Post in which the
employee was serving at the time of retirement, date of Retirement.

Interface: The modules have one list page where the list of all previous retirement
transactions is shown. Every single retirement transaction can be viewed for further
viewing/updating purpose in a data page by clicking on view/edit link. Detail about
the data page is described in the next section.
Data Page: Data page contains detail data components of a particular retirement
transaction and allows the user to add or update relevant information. This page is
divided into three different sections namely a) header, b) data panel, c) control
panel as shown in Fig: 14.3(a). Detail description about each section is discussed


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF / PPAN No of an Employee.

Data Panel: It contains detail data components of a particular retirement

transaction and allows the user to add or update relevant information. It
contains information like


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Fig: 14.3(a)

Order No Text Box: This textbox will contain Order No for resignation
of the employee. It can take only 50 characters, an entry more than
that will show a message.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Order Date Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the notification
order date of an employee. It means the notification date given to the
employee will be displayed in this field. It can take only 11 characters.
It is a mandatory field. The user has to give the entry according to
particular date format (DD-MMM-YYYY).

Details of Authority:







Department, Office, Authority and Type of Resignation. Without

selecting the department user can't select either office or authority.
o Department Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has
to select one particular department of the particular employee.
It is not a mandatory field.
o Office Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to
select one office relevant to the corresponding department. It
is not a mandatory field.
o Authority Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to
select one employee of office of the particular department. It is
not a mandatory field.

Type of Retirement Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has
to select the type of retirement of the employee. It is a mandatory
field. If the user left it blank then a message will come like this "Please
select the Retirement Type".

Retired From: It contains 3 combo boxes named as Department,

Office, Authority respectively. Without selecting the department user











Department Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has

to select one particular department of the particular employee.

Office Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to

select one office relevant to the corresponding department.

Authority Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to

select one employee of office of the particular department.

Due Date of retirement Text Box: This is a textbox which contains

the due date of retirement of the employee. It can take only 11
characters. It is a mandatory field. The user has to give the entry
according to particular date format (DD-MMM-YYYY).


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Retired Check Box: This field takes Boolean value with Yes and No.
This one is a check box. It checks whether the employee will retire or
not. It is an optional field.

Note (If Any) Text Area: This text area contains the note .If the
authority has any notes to specify regarding retirement of the
employee, it can be mentioned in this text area. It is an optional field.
It can take only 1000 characters, more than that will show a message
Enter only 1000 characters.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like save, delete, cancel etc.

Save button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly

entered data to the list

Delete button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

Reset button: This button is used for resetting the page. If the user
does not want to save the changed data, then by clicking reset button,
the page will be back to the initial stage as it is appeared at the time of

Cancel button: It is used to cancel the editing records from the list
and go back to List Page. FUNCTION: Resignation

DESCRIPTION: Employee may resign from employment and this is subject to
acceptance of the authority. Accepted resignations are supposed to be recorded into
the service book. This form records data like Post in which the employee was in at
the time of resignation and date of resignation.

Interface: The modules have one list page where the list of all previous resignation
transactions is shown. Every single resignation transaction can be viewed for further
viewing/updating purpose in a data page by clicking on view/edit link. Detail about
the data page is described in the next section.
Data Page: Data page contains detail data components of a particular resignation
transaction and allows the user to add or update relevant information. This page is
divided into three different sections namely a) header, b) data panel, c) control


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

panel as shown in Fig: 14.4(a). Detail description about each section is discussed
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF / PPAN No of an Employee.

Data Panel: It contains detail data components of a particular resignation

transaction and allows the user to add or update relevant information. It
contains information like ....


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Fig: 14.4(a)

Order No Text Box: This textbox will contain Order No for resignation of
the employee. It can take only 50 characters, an entry more than that
will show a message.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Order Date Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the notification
order date of an employee. It means the notification date given to the
employee will be displayed in this field. It can take only 11 characters. It
is a mandatory field. The user has to give the entry according to
particular date format (DD-MMM-YYYY).

Details of Authority: It contains 4 combo boxes named as Department,

Office, Authority and Type of Resignation. Without selecting the
department user can't select either office or authority.

Department Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user

has to select one particular department of the particular
employee. It is not a mandatory field.

Office Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to

select one office relevant to the corresponding department.
It is not a mandatory field.

Authority Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has










department. It is not a mandatory field.

Type of Resignation Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to
select the type of resignation of the employee. It is not a mandatory

Resigned From: It contains 3 combo boxes, 1 text box and 1 text area
named as Department, Office, Authority, Date of resignation and Note
(if any) respectively. Without selecting the department user can't select
either office or authority.

Department Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has

to select one particular department of the particular employee.
It is not a mandatory field.

Office Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to

select one office relevant to the corresponding department. It is
not a mandatory field.

Authority Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to

select one employee of office of the particular department. It is
not a mandatory field.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Date of Resignation Text Box: This is a combo box. The user

has to select the type of resignation of the employee. It is not a
mandatory field.

Note (if any) Text Area: This text area contains the note .If the
authority has any notes to specify regarding resignation of the
employee, it can be mentioned in this text area. It is an optional field. It
can take only 1000 characters, more than that will show a message Enter
only 1000 characters.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like save, delete, cancel etc.

Save button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly

entered data to the list

Delete button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

Reset button: This button is used for resetting the page. If the user
does not want to save the changed data, then by clicking reset button,
the page will be back to the initial stage as it is appeared at the time of

Cancel button: It is used to cancel the editing records from the list
and go back to List Page.

4.1.14. GROUP OF FUNCTIONS: Miscellaneous FUNCTION: Miscellaneous

DESCRIPTION: Some transactions scribed in manual original service book do not

deal with any critical data such as cadre, pay, post, office, leave, training etc. The
data of such transactions should be captured through miscellaneous module. Enough
care should be taken while deciding whether data of a transaction is befitting to be
captured through miscellaneous module. Data in the shape of a note is entered
through this module.

Interface: The modules have one list page where the list of all previous
miscellaneous transactions is shown. Every single miscellaneous transaction can be


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

viewed for further viewing/updating purpose in a data page by clicking on view/edit

link. Detail about the list page and data page is described in the next section.
List Page: It shows the list of all previously occurred miscellaneous events in it.
The list page is divided into three different sections namely a) Header, b) List c)
Control Panel as shown in Fig: 15.2(a). The detail descriptions about all the
sections are as follows:
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF/PPAN No of an Employee.

List: It shows the list of all previously occurred miscellaneous events in it. It
contains data components like Date of Entry, Notification Order No etc as
described below.

Date of Entry: This is the date of entry into service book, it means
the date on which the entry was taken.

Notification Order No: This is the notification order number.

Notification Date: This is the notification date.

Notification Type: This is the notification type

View Icon: The employee can view the details of the transaction of a
particular row on clicking the view link.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Edit Icon: This link is used when the user wants to edit some of the
existing entries from the list. After clicking on the edit link it will go to
edit page with all related data. The edited data can be saved by
clicking on save button.

Supersede Icon: This link is used to supersede the current order.

Corresponding row containing a particular order details can be
modified/ superseded by clicking on the supersede link. After clicking
on it, user will get another page where supersession information can
be recorded (as discussed in section-).

Cancel Icon: This link is used to cancel the current order. The
corresponding row containing a particular order which can be cancelled
by clicking on the cancel link. After clicking on it, transaction will go to
another page called cancellation page.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding new
miscellaneous record or exiting from the module. It contains buttons like add
new and exit. Detail description is given below.

AddNew Button:

This button is used to add a new record to the

existing record or data.


Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page window.

Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Fig 15.1(a)

Data Page: Data page contains detail data components of a particular

miscellaneous transaction and allows the user to add or update relevant
information. This page is divided into three different sections namely a) header, b)
data panel, c) control panel as shown in Fig: 15.2(b). Detail description about
each section is discussed below.
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF/PPAN No of an Employee.

Data Panel: It contains detail data components of a particular miscellaneous

transaction and allows the user to add or update relevant information. It
contains information like


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Fig 15.1(b)

Notification Order No Text Box: This is a textbox which will contain

the notification order number. It can take only 20 characters, It can
take numbers as well as characters, an entry more than that will show
an alert message. It is a mandatory field.

Notification Order Date Text Box: This is a textbox which contains

the notification order date of an employee. It means the notification
date given to the employee will be displayed in this field. It can take
only 11 characters. The user has to give the entry according to
particular date format (DD-MMM-YYYY).


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Details Of Notifying Authority: It contains 3 combo boxes named as










Authority, Notifying Authority. These three fields are mandatory.

Without selecting the department user can't select either office or

Department of the Notifying Authority Combo Box: This is

a combo box. The user has to select one particular department
of the particular employee. It is a mandatory field. If the user
leaves it blank then it will show a message 'please select the
Department of Notifying Authority '.

Office of the Notifying Authority Combo Box: This is a

combo box. The user has to select one office relevant to the
corresponding department. It is a mandatory field. If the user
leaves it blank then it will show a message 'please select the
Office of the Notifying Authority '.

Notifying Authority Combo Box: This is a combo box. The

user has to select one employee of office of the particular
department. It is also a mandatory field. If the user leaves it
blank then it will show a message 'please select Notifying

Note Text Area Box: This text box will contain Note (if any) relating to the equivalent
post of an employee. The entry should be in 1000 characters, more than that gives
an alert message . It is an optional area.
Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like save, delete,
cancel etc.


Save button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly

entered data to the list

Delete button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

Reset button: This button is used for resetting the page. If the user
does not want to save the changed data, then by clicking reset button,
the page will be back to the initial stage as it is appeared at the time of

Cancel button: It is used to cancel the editing records from the list
and go back to List Page.

Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification FUNCTION: Personal Information History

DESCRIPTION: Government employee may change his/her name. Or GPF No of

an employee may get changed. This form facilitates to record new name of the
Employee or new GPF No.

Interface: The modules have one list page where the list of all previous personal
information history transactions is shown. Every single personal information history
transaction can be viewed for further viewing/updating purpose in a data page by
clicking on view/edit link. Detail about the list page and data page is described in the
next section.
List Page: It shows the list of all previously occurred personal information history
events in it. The list page is divided into three different sections namely a) Header,
b) List c) Control Panel as shown in Fig: 15.3(a). The detail descriptions about all
the sections are as follows:
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF/PPAN No of an Employee.

List: It shows the list of all previously occurred personal information history
events in it. It contains data components like Date of Entry, Notification Order
No etc as described below.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Order No: This field stores the order number of the employee.

Order Date: This field stores the order date of an employee.

With Effect From Date: This field stores the date from which
changing data are effective.

Employee Name: This field stores the new employee name of the

GPF Number: This field stores the new GPF Number of the employee.

View Icon: The employee can view the details of the transaction of a
particular row on clicking the view link.

Edit Icon: This link is used when the user wants to edit some of the
existing entries from the list. After clicking on the edit link it will go to
edit page with all related data. The edited data can be saved by
clicking on save button.

Supersede Icon: This link is used to supersede the current order.

Corresponding row containing a particular order details can be
modified/ superseded by clicking on the supersede link. After clicking
on it, user will get another page where supersession information can
be recorded (as discussed in section-).

Cancel Icon: This link is used to cancel the current order. The
corresponding row containing a particular order which can be cancelled
by clicking on the cancel link. After clicking on it, transaction will go to
another page called cancellation page.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding new
personal information history record or exiting from the module. It contains
buttons like add new and exit. Detail description is given below.

AddNew Button:

This button is used to add a new record to the

existing record or data.


Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page window.

Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Fig 15.2(a)

Data Page: Data page contains detail data components of a particular personal
information history transaction and allows the user to add or update relevant
information. This page is divided into three different sections namely a) header, b)
data panel, c) control panel as shown in Fig: 15.3(b). Detail description about
each section is discussed below.
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF/PPAN No of an Employee.

Data Panel: It contains detail data components of a particular personal

information history transaction and allows the user to add or update relevant
information. It contains information like

Fig 15.2(b)


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Order No Text Box: This is a textbox which will contain the

notification order number. It can take only 50 characters, It is of
varchar type, an entry more than that will show an alert message. It
is a mandatory field.

Order Date Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the order
date of an employee. It means the order date given to the employee
will be displayed in this field. It can take only 11 characters. It is a
mandatory field. The user has to give the entry according to particular
date format (DD-MMM-YYYY).

Details Of Notification Authority: It contains 3 combo boxes

named as Department, Office, Authority. These three fields are
mandatory. Without selecting the department user can't select either
office or authority.
o Department Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to
select one particular department of the particular employee. It is
not a mandatory field. If the user leaves it blank then it will
show a message 'please select the Department '.
o Office Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to select
one office relevant to the corresponding department. It is not a
mandatory field. If the user leaves it blank then it will show a
message 'please select the Office '.
o Authority Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to
select one employee of office of the particular department. It is
not a mandatory field. If the user leaves it blank then it will
show a message 'please select the Authority'.

With Effect From Date Text Box: This is a textbox which contains
the date of an employee from which the personal information of an
employee will be effective. It can take only 11 characters. It is a
mandatory field. The user has to give the entry according to particular
date format (DD-MMM-YYYY). This field doesn't take the duplicate

If Name of the Employee Changed Check Box: This field takes

Boolean value with Yes and No. This one is a check box. It checks
whether the name of the employee will change or not. It is an optional


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

New Name Of The Employee: It contains 1 combo box and 3 text

boxes named as Title, First Name, Middle Name and Last Name
o Title Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to
select the title of the employee. It is a mandatory field. If the
user leaves it blank then it will show a message 'please select
the title '.

First Name Text Box: This is a textbox which will contain

the first name of the employee. It can take only 20 characters, It

is of varchar type, an entry more than that will show an alert
message. It is a mandatory field.

Middle Name Text Box: This is a textbox which will

contain the middle name of the employee. It can take only 20

characters, It is of varchar type, an entry more than that will
show an alert message. It is a not mandatory field.

Last Name Text Box: This is a textbox which will contain

the last name of the employee. It can take only 20 characters, It

is of varchar type, an entry more than that will show an alert
message. It is a mandatory field.

Is the GPF Number is changed Check Box: This field takes

Boolean value with Yes and No. This one is a check box. It checks
whether the employee's GPF number is changed or not. It is an
optional field.

Changed GPF Number Text Box: This is a textbox which will

contain the changed GPF number of the employee. It can take only 30
characters, It is of varchar type, means it can take numbers as well as
characters, an entry more than that will show an alert message. It is a
mandatory field.

Note Text Area: This text box will contain Note (if any) relating to the
personal information of an employee. The entry should be in 1000
characters, more than that gives an alert message. It is an optional area.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like save, delete, cancel etc.


Save button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly

entered data to the list

Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Delete button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

Reset button: This button is used for resetting the page. If the user
does not want to save the changed data, then by clicking reset button,
the page will be back to the initial stage as it is appeared at the time of

Cancel button: It is used to cancel the editing records from the list
and go back to List Page. FUNCTION: Quarter Allotment


Interface: The module has one data page is described below

Fig 15.3(a)


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Data Page: Data page contains detail data components of a particular quarter
allotment transaction and allows the user to add or update relevant information.
This page is divided into three different sections namely a) header, b) data panel,
c) control panel as shown in Fig: 15.3(a). Detail description about each section is
discussed below.
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF / PPAN No of an Employee.

Data Panel: It contains detail data components of a particular quarter allotment

transaction and allows the user to add or update relevant information. It
contains information like

Notification Order No Text Box: This is a required field. This is a

textbox which will contain the notification order number. It can take
only 50 characters, It is of varchar type, an entry more than that will
show an alert message. It is a mandatory field.

Notification Order Date Text Box: This is a required field. This is a

textbox which contains the order date of an employee. It means the
order date given to the employee will be displayed in this field. It can
take only 11 characters. It is a mandatory field. The user has to give
the entry according to particular date format (DD-MMM-YYYY).


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Details Of Notification Authority: It contains 3 combo boxes

named as Department, Office, Authority. These three fields are
mandatory. Without selecting the department user can't select either
office or authority.
o Department Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to
select one particular department of the particular employee. It is
not a mandatory field. If the user leaves it blank then it will
show a message 'please select the Department '.
o Office Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to select
one office relevant to the corresponding department. It is not a
mandatory field. If the user leaves it blank then it will show a
message 'please select the Office '.
o Authority Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to
select one employee of office of the particular department. It is
not a mandatory field. If the user leaves it blank then it will
show a message 'please select the Authority'.

Allotment Date Text Box: It receives the allotment date in (DDMMM-YYYY) format.

Possession Date Text Box: It receives the possession date in (DDMMM-YYYY) format.

Quarter No Text Box: This is a required field. It receives the quarter


Address Text Area Box: This is the address of the quarter.

Monthly Quarter Rent to be deducted (in RS): This is a required

field. This is the amount Deducted from the salary for Monthly Quarter
Rent .Monthly Water Resource to be deducted (in RS): This is a
required field. This is the amount Deducted from the salary for water
resource used Rent.

Note Text Area Box: This text box will contain Note (if any) relating to
the quarter allotment of an employee. The entry should be in 1000
characters, more than that gives an alert message. It is an optional

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like save, delete, cancel etc.


Save button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly

entered data to the list

Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Delete button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

Reset button: This button is used for resetting the page. If the user
does not want to save the changed data, then by clicking reset button,
the page will be back to the initial stage as it is appeared at the time of

Cancel button: It is used to cancel the editing records from the list
and go back to List Page. FUNCTION: Brass Allotment


Interface: The module has one list page and one data page. Each page is being
divided into different sections. They are described below.
List Page: The list page is divided into three different sections namely a) Header b)
List c) Control Panel as shown in Fig 15.5.1. The detail descriptions are as follows.
Header: The header section shows details about the selected

employee. In this

section data is shown in the form of labels (read only). It contains data components
like Employee name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as follows:
Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the
top left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing
purpose. Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.
HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a
unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters. Its also a
label and cannot be edited.
Post: This shows the current post of an Employee.
GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF/PPAN No of an Employee. It is

List: It shows the list of brass allotment of a particular employee. It contains data
components like Date of Entry into Service Book, Order No, Order Date, District,
Brass No, View, Edit, Supersede and Cancel Icon as described below.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Date of Entry in the Service Book: This is the date of entry into
service book, it means the date on which the entry was taken.
Order No: This is the order number.
Order Date: This is the order date.
District: This shows the district.
Brass No: This shows the Brass No.
View: The employee can view the details of the transaction of a
particular row on clicking the view link.
Edit Icon: This link is used when the user wants to edit some of
the existing entries from the list. After clicking on the edit link it
will go to Editing page with all data. The edited data can be saved
through clicking on save button.
Supersede Icon: This link is used to supersede the current order.
Corresponding row containing a particular order details can be
modified/ superseded by clicking on the supersede link. After
clicking on it, user will get another page where supersession
information can be recorded (as discussed in section-).
Cancel Icon: This link is used to cancel the current order. The
corresponding row containing a particular order which can be
cancelled by clicking on the cancel link. After clicking on it,
transaction will go to another page called cancellation page.
Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding new record
or exiting from the module. It contains buttons like add new and exit. Detail
description is given below.

AddNew Button:

This button is used to add a new record to the

existing record or data.

Exit: This button is used to close the current transaction page



Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Fig 15.5.1

Data Page: Data page contains detail data components of a particular brass
allotment and allows the user to add or update relevant information. This page is
divided into three different sections namely a) Header, b) Data Panel c) Control
Panel as shown in Fig 15.5.2. Detail description about each section is discussed
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components like
Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as follows:

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at

the top left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing
purpose. Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It

is a unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF/PPAN No of an Employee.

Data Panel: It contains detail data components of a particular brass allotment

and allows the user to add or update relevant information. It contains information
like Office Order No, Order Date, Details of Verifying Authority etc. And are
described below.
Office Order No Text Box: This is a textbox which will contain the
office order number. It can take only 50 characters. It can take
numbers as well as characters, an entry more than that will show
an alert message. It is a mandatory field.
Order Date Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the order
date. It means the order date given to the employee will be
displayed in this field. It can take only 11 characters. The user has
to give the entry according to particular date format (DD-MMMYYYY).
Details Of Verifying Authority: It contains 3 combo boxes
named as Department of the Notifying Authority, Office of the
Notifying Authority, Notifying Authority. These three fields are
mandatory. Without selecting the department user can't select
either office or authority.

Department of Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user

has to select one particular department of the particular
employee. It is a mandatory field. It should be selected to
display Office Combo Box.

Office Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to

select one office relevant to the corresponding department.
It is a mandatory field. It has to be selected to display
Authority Combo Box.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Authority Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has










department. It is also a mandatory field.

Select District: This is a combo box which displays the list of all
districts. User has to select one particular district according to
his/her need.

Brass No: This is a text box where the user has to enter the brass
no. It allows both characters and numbers. Its maximum limit is 50

With Effect Date: This is a text field which represents With Effect
date. The format of the date is dd-mmm-yyyy.

Time Combo Box: This is a combo box. It contains the with effect
time from. The time is in form of 'FORE NOON' and 'AFTER NOON'.
Here by default the time is 'FORE NOON'.

Note Text Area: This text box will contain Note (if any. It is an
optional area. It allows 1000 characters.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like saving new record or
exiting from the module. It contains buttons like save, delete etc. Detail description
is given below.

Save button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly

entered data to the list.

Delete button: It is used to delete existing records from the


Reset Button: This button is used for resetting the page. If the
user does not want to save the changed data, then by clicking
reset button, the page will be back to the initial stage as it is
appeared at the time of loading.

Cancel button: It is used to cancel the editing records from

the list and go back to List Page.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Fig 15.5.2 FUNCTION: Reservation Category Information

DESCRIPTION: There is provision for entering into the government service by any
reservation category like SC/ST/SEBC, Sportsman, Woman, Physically Handicapped
etc. If any entered into the government service then that need to be certified in the
service book with proper notification.

Interface: The modules have one data page by clicking on view/edit link. Detail
about the list page and data page is described in the next section.
Data Page: Data page contains detail data components of a particular
miscellaneous transaction and allows the user to add or update relevant


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

information. This page is divided into three different sections namely a) header, b)
data panel, c) control panel as shown in Fig: 15.5. Detail description about each
section is discussed below.
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF / PPAN No of an Employee.

Data Panel: It contains detail data components of a particular miscellaneous

transaction and allows the user to add or update relevant information. It
contains information like ....


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Order No Text Box: This is a textbox which will contain the

notification order number. It can take only 50 characters, It can take
numbers as well as characters, an entry more than that will show an
alert message. It is a mandatory field.

Order Date Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the notification
order date of an employee. It means the notification date given to the
employee will be displayed in this field. It can take only 11 characters.
The user has to give the entry according to particular date format (DDMMM-YYYY).

Details Of Notifying Authority: It contains 3 combo boxes named as










Authority, Notifying Authority. These three fields are mandatory.

Without selecting the department user can't select either office or


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Department Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has

to select one particular department of the particular employee.
It is a mandatory field. If the user leaves it blank then it will
show a message 'please select the Department of Notifying
Authority '.

Office Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has to select
one office relevant to the corresponding department. It is a
mandatory field. If the user leaves it blank then it will show a
message 'please select the Office of the Notifying Authority '.

Notifying Authority Combo Box: This is a combo box. The

user has to select one employee of office of the particular
department. It is also a mandatory field. If the user leaves it
blank then it will show a message 'please select Notifying

Whether Employed Under any Reservation: This field stores the value YES or NO
according to whether employee is employed under any reservation category.
Reservation Category under which Employed: This field stores the type of
reservation category under which the employee is employed.
Specific category for Person with Disability: This field stores specific category for
person with disability.
Specific Code: This field stores a specific code for disability if the above field is
enabled with YES.
Whether Employed under Rehabilitation Assistance: This field stores the value
YES or NO according to where the employee is employed under any rehabilitation
assistance scheme or not.
Note Text Area Box: This text box will contain Note (if any) relating to the equivalent
post of an employee. The entry should be in 1000 characters, more than that gives
an alert message. It is an optional area.
Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like save, delete, cancel etc.


Save button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly

entered data to the list

Delete button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Reset button: This button is used for resetting the page. If the user
does not want to save the changed data, then by clicking reset button,
the page will be back to the initial stage as it is appeared at the time of

Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page window. FUNCTION: Equivalent Post

DESCRIPTION: Some posts outside government (in public sector undertaking or in
autonomous body) are declared as equivalent with respect to their status and
responsibility to another post in the government. As per example the post of
Managing Director, OMFED may be declared as equivalent to the post of Additional
Secretary to Government. This form in HRMS facilitates to record such kind of

Interface: The modules have one list page where the list of all previous equivalent
post transactions is shown. Every single equivalent post transaction can be viewed
for further viewing/updating purpose in a data page by clicking on view/edit link.
Detail about the list page and data page is described in the next section.
List Page: It shows the list of all previously occurred equivalent post events in it.
The list page is divided into three different sections namely a) Header, b) List c)
Control Panel as shown in Fig: 15.1(a). The detail descriptions about all the
sections are as follows:
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF/PPAN No of an Employee.

List: It shows the list of all previously occurred equivalent post events in it. It
contains data components like Date of Entry, Notification Order No etc as
described below.

Date of Entry: This is the date of entry into service book, it means
the date on which the entry was taken.

Notification Order No: This is the notification order number.

Notification Date: This is the notification date.

Notification Type: This is the notification type

View Icon: The employee can view the details of the transaction of a
particular row on clicking the view link.

Edit Icon: This link is used when the user wants to edit some of the
existing entries from the list. After clicking on the edit link it will go to
edit page with all related data. The edited data can be saved by
clicking on save button.

Supersede Icon: This link is used to supersede the current order.

Corresponding row containing a particular order details can be
modified/ superseded by clicking on the supersede link. After clicking
on it, user will get another page where supersession information can
be recorded (as discussed in section-).

Cancel Icon: This link is used to cancel the current order. The
corresponding row containing a particular order which can be cancelled
by clicking on the cancel link. After clicking on it, transaction will go to
another page called cancellation page.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding new
equivalent post record or exiting from the module. It contains buttons like add
new and exit. Detail description is given below.


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AddNew Button:

This button is used to add a new record to the

existing record or data.

Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page window.

Fig 15.1(a)
Data Page: Data page contains detail data components of a particular equivalent
post transaction and allows the user to add or update relevant information. This
page is divided into three different sections namely a) header, b) data panel, c)
control panel as shown in Fig: 8.1(b). Detail description about each section is
discussed below.
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF/PPAN No of an Employee.

Data Panel: It contains detail data components of a particular equivalent post

transaction and allows the user to add or update relevant information. It
contains information like


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Fig 15.1(b)

Notification Order No Text Box: This is a textbox which will contain

the notification order number. It can take only 20 characters, It can


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

take numbers as well as characters, an entry more than that will show
an alert message. It is a mandatory field.

Notification Order Date Text Box: This is a textbox which contains

the notification order date of an employee. It means the notification
date given to the employee will be displayed in this field. It can take
only 11 characters. The user has to give the entry according to
particular date format (DD-MMM-YYYY).

Details Of Notifying Authority: It contains 3 combo boxes named as










Authority, Notifying Authority. These three fields are mandatory.

Without selecting the department user can't select either office or

Department of the Notifying Authority Combo Box: This is

a combo box. The user has to select one particular department
of the particular employee. It is a mandatory field. If the user
leaves it blank then it will show a message 'please select the
Department of Notifying Authority '.

Office of the Notifying Authority Combo Box: This is a

combo box. The user has to select one office relevant to the
corresponding department. It is a mandatory field. If the user
leaves it blank then it will show a message 'please select the
Office of the Notifying Authority '.

Notifying Authority Combo Box: This is a combo box. The

user has to select one employee of office of the particular
department. It is also a mandatory field. If the user leaves it
blank then it will show a message 'please select Notifying

Current Posting Information: It contains 3 combo boxes named as

Posted to Department, Posted to Office, Substantive Post. These three
fields are mandatory.

Note Text Area Box: This text box will contain Note (if any) relating to the equivalent
post of an employee. The entry should be in 1000 characters, more than that gives
an alert message. It is an optional area.


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Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like save, delete,
cancel etc.

Save button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly

entered data to the list

Delete button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

Reset button: This button is used for resetting the page. If the user
does not want to save the changed data, then by clicking reset button,
the page will be back to the initial stage as it is appeared at the time of

Cancel button: It is used to cancel the editing records from the list
and go back to List Page.

4.1.15. GROUP OF FUNCTIONS: Calendar

FUNCTION: Employee Calendar

DESCRIPTION: Using this module privileged employees can see his calendar and can
get the information like public holidays, Leave sanctioned and availed, Leave Sanctioned
but not availed, absent etc
Interface: The module has one interface. It gives facilities to user, where user
can see a calendar, get the holidays information and can add optional holidays.
Data panel: This panel is a simple calendar having month and date
information and it also contains different icons for public holidays, Leave
sanctioned and availed, Leave Sanctioned but not availed, absent and to
add optional holidays. By clicking one particular month a bigger view of a
particular month will be displayed (as shown in Figure-1.2).


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Control Panel: This panel contains two buttons like previous and next.

Previous Button: By clicking this button a user can see calendar for previous


Next Button: By clicking this button a user can see calendar for next
year. FUNCTION: Acknowledge Optional Calendar

DESCRIPTION: Using this module user can acknowledge optional calendar.
Interface: This is a list page only where it contains three sections one is header
section, second is data section and third one is control panel section.
List Page: It shows the list of all optional holidays with date. The detail descriptions
about all the sections are as follows:
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

components like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data
components are as follows:

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF / PPAN No of an Employee.

List: The header section shows details about the optional holiday for a particular
employee. It contains data components like Holiday Title, Holiday period, etc as
described below.

Sl. No: This is the optional holiday serial number.

Title: This is the optional holiday name and order is maintained

according to period.

Period: This is the date in which that optional holiday occurred.

Selected: This is a check box where employee has to choose its

optional holiday.










acknowledge optional holiday by check on that box.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like acknowledging

optional holidays from the module. It contains buttons like Save and exit. Detail
description is given below.

Save Button:

This button is used to save acknowledge data into the



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Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page window.

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4.1.16. GROUP OF FUNCTIONS: Setup Service History

FUNCTION: Change in Structure

DESCRIPTION: This module describes about the records changed in structure in

between the service history of an employee. Every single change in structure
transaction is recorded here by using this page.
Interface: The modules have one list page where the list of all previous change in
structure transactions is shown. Every single change in structure transaction can be
viewed for further viewing/updating purpose in a data page by clicking on view/edit
link. Detail about the list page and data page is described in the next section.
List Page: It shows the list of all previously occurred change in structure events
in it. The list page is divided into three different sections namely a) Header, b) List
c) Control Panel as shown in Fig: 16.1(a). The detail descriptions about all the
sections are as follows:
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.

Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF / PPAN No of an Employee.

List: It shows the list of all previously occurred change in structure events in it.
It contains data components like Date of Entry, Notification Order No etc as
described below.


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Date of Entry: This is the date of entry into service book, it means
the date on which the entry was taken.

Notification Order No: This is the notification order number.

Notification Date: This is the notification date.

Notification Type: This is the notification type.

View Icon: The employee can view the details of the transaction of a
particular row on clicking the view link.

Edit Icon: This link is used when the user wants to edit some of the
existing entries from the list. After clicking on the edit link it will go to
edit page with all related data. The edited data can be saved by
clicking on save button.

Supersede Icon: This link is used to supersede the current order.

Corresponding row containing a particular order details can be
modified/ superseded by clicking on the supersede link. After clicking
on it, user will get another page where supersession information can
be recorded (as discussed in section-).

Cancel Icon: This link is used to cancel the current order. The
corresponding row containing a particular order which can be cancelled
by clicking on the cancel link. After clicking on it, transaction will go to
another page called cancellation page.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding new
deputation record or exiting from the module. It contains buttons like add new
and exit. Detail description is given below.

AddNew Button:

This button is used to add a new record to the

existing record or data.


Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page window.

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Fig: 16.1(a)

Data Page: Data page contains detail data components of a particular change in
structure transaction and allows the user to add or update relevant information.
This page is divided into three different sections namely a) header, b) data panel,
c) control panel as shown in Fig: 16.1(b). Detail description about each section is
discussed below.
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components
like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as

Employee Name: Name of the selected employee is shown at the top

left corner of the header section. It is a label for viewing purpose.
Employee Name cannot be edited here in this section.

HRMS ID: This is an Employee ID of a particular employee. It is a

unique value and has maximum limit of 8 characters.


Post: This is the current post of an Employee.

GPF / PPAN No: This is GPF / PPAN No of an Employee.

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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Data Panel: It contains detail data components of a particular change in

structure transaction and allows the user to add or update relevant information.
It contains information like

Fig: 16.1(b)

Notification Order No Text Box: This is a textbox which will contain

the notification order number. It can take only 50 characters, It can
take numbers as well as characters, an entry more than that will show
an alert message. It is not a mandatory field.

Notification Order Date Text Box: This is a textbox which contains

the notification order date of an employee. It means the notification
date given to the employee will be displayed in this field. It can take


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

only 11 characters. The user has to give the entry according to

particular date format (DD-MMM-YYYY).

Details Of Notifying Authority: It contains 3 combo boxes named as










Authority, Notifying Authority. These three fields are mandatory.

Without selecting the department user can't select either office or

Department of the Notifying Authority Combo Box: This is

a combo box. The user has to select one particular department
of the particular employee. It is a mandatory field. If the user
leaves it blank then it will show a message 'please select the
Department of Notifying Authority '.

Office of the Notifying Authority Combo Box: This is a

combo box. The user has to select one office relevant to the
corresponding department. It is a mandatory field. If the user
leaves it blank then it will show a message 'please select the
Office of the Notifying Authority '.

Notifying Authority Combo Box: This is a combo box. The

user has to select one employee of office of the particular
department. It is also a mandatory field. If the user leaves it
blank then it will show a message 'please select Notifying

Details of Posting: It contains 3 combo boxes named as Posted to

Department, Posted to Office, Substantive Post. These three fields are

Posted to Department: This is a combo box. The user has to

select the department under which the employee is posted. It is
a mandatory field.

Posted to Office: This is a combo box. The user has to select

the particular office of a particular department under which the
employee is posted. In order to get the values in the office
combo box the user has to select the department first otherwise


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

the value will not come inside the office combo box. It is a
mandatory field.

Substantive Post: This is a combo box. The user has to select

the particular substantive post of a particular office under which
the employee is posted. In order to get the values in the
substantive post combo box the user has to select the office
first otherwise the value will not come inside the substantive
post combo box. It is a mandatory field.

Details Of pay: It contains 5 textboxes named as Scale of Pay, Pay in

Substantive Post, Special Pay and Personal Pay. These fields are
optional. But if the user enters values in any of these 5 textboxes then
he must enter the value into all these 5 textboxes, at that time all the
textboxes of pay details will be mandatory.

Scale of Pay Text Box: This is a textbox which contains

the pay scale of employee. It can take only 100 characters,
more than that it will display a message.

Pay in Substantive Post Text Box: This is a textbox

which contains the pay in substantive post of employee. This
field takes only numbers.

Special Pay Text Box: This is a textbox which contains the

special pay of employee. This field takes only numbers.

Personal Pay Text Box: This is a textbox which contains

the personal

pay of employee. This field takes only


Other Pay: This field describes about if any type of other

pay is receive by the employee or not.

Description of Other Pay: This field describes about what

type of pay the employee is received if the user make an
entry in other pay.

Date of Effect of Pay: This field stores the date from which the pay is
effect for the employee.
Time Combo Box: This field stores the time from which the pay is
effective for the employee.


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Note Text Area: This text box will contain Note (if any) relating to
the change in structure of an employee. The entry should be in 1000
characters, more than that gives an alert message. It is an optional

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like save, delete,
cancel etc.

Save button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly

entered data to the list

Delete button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

Reset button: This button is used for resetting the page. If the user
does not want to save the changed data, then by clicking reset button,
the page will be back to the initial stage as it is appeared at the time of
Cancel Button: It is used to cancel the editing records from the list and go
back to list page.


Office Specific Government Transactions / processes

4.2.1. GROUP OF FUNCTIONS: Setup Office Info

FUNCTION: Department

DESCRIPTION: It contains List of different types of Departments which c

comes under the State Government.
Interface: The modules have one list Departments.
List Page: It shows the list of Departments. The list page is divided into
three different sections namely a) List b) Control Panel as shown in the
Figure 19.1. The detail descriptions about all the sections are as follows:
List: It shows the list of all Departments.


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Check to delete: This checkbox is used when user wants to delete

some of the existing entries from the list. User need to check by
clicking the particular checkboxes left to the desired entries before
clicking on the delete button.

Department: This textbox can take maximum of 75 characters. An

entry of more than that size will show a message 'Enter only 75
characters'. The text box takes capital letters by default.
Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding
new Rows, save records, delete records etc. It contains buttons like Add
Row, Save, Delete and Exit. Detail description is given below.

Add Row Button:

This button is used to add a new record to the

existing record or data. By clicking on this button a new row will be

added which allow entering a new record.

Save Button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly

entered data to the list.

Delete Button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

Before deleting a record you need to select at least one record by
clicking the Check to delete checkbox.


Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page window.

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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Fig 19.1

FUNCTION: Subject Identity

DESCRIPTION: This page will help to specify the Subject Identity according
to the Department name.
Interface: The modules have one list Subject Identity.
List Page: It shows the list of Subject Identity. The list page is divided into
three different sections namely a) Header, b) List c) Control Panel as shown in
Figure 19.2. The detail descriptions about all the sections are as follows:

Header: The header section shows List of Department.

Select a Department: A List of 'Cadre' will appear. Before getting the

list of cadres a department name must be selected from the combo
box, appears at the top.
List: It shows the list of all Subject Identity.


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Check to delete: This checkbox is used when user wants to delete

some of the existing entries from the list. User needs to check by
clicking the particular checkboxes or all the checkboxes left to the
desired entries before clicking on the delete button.

Subject Identity: This textbox can take maximum of 90 characters.

An entry of more than that size will show a message 'Enter only 90
characters'. The textbox takes capital letters by default. It will not
allow duplicate entry in the list. If the user is trying to enter a data
which is already present in the faculty list, then it will show a message
like 'data already exists'.
Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding
new record or exiting from the module. It contains buttons like add new
and exit. Detail description is given below.

Add Row Button:

This button is used to add a new record to the

existing record or data.

Save Button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly

entered data to the list.


Delete Button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page window.

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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Fig 19.2

FUNCTION: Office Level

DESCRIPTION: This page will help to specify various levels of offices.

Interface: The modules have one list Office Labels.

List Page: It shows the list of Office Labels. The list page is divided into two
different sections namely a) List b) Control Panel as shown in Figure 19.3. The
detail descriptions about all the sections are as follows:

List: It shows the list of all Departments, Cabinet Ministers etc.

Check to delete: This checkbox is used when user wants to delete

some of the existing entries from the list. User needs to check by
clicking the particular checkboxes or all the checkboxes left to the
desired entries before clicking on the delete button.

Office Label: This field shows List of all Office Label. This textbox will
specify the names of offices depending upon their levels. It can take
maximum of 30 characters. And it should take values like State level,
Division Level etc. An entry of more than 30 characters will show a


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message 'Enter only 30 characters'. The textbox takes capital letters

by default.

Label: This textbox specifies the levels assigned to a particular office.

It can take maximum of 2 characters. An entry of more than 2
characters will show a message 'Enter only 2 characters'. This text box
takes only numbers. An entry of a character will show a message '
Please enter only numbers'.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding new
record or exiting from the module. It contains buttons like add new and
exit. Detail description is given below.

Add Row Button:

This button is used to add a new record to the

existing record or data.

Save Button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly

entered data to the list.

Delete Button: It is used to delete existing records from the list. At

least one office level must be selected to perform this action.


Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page window.

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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Fig 19.3

FUNCTION: Treasury

DESCRIPTION: This page will help to specify the treasury names along with
their treasury codes, from where the salaries of employees will be disbursed.
Interface: The modules have one list page.
List Page: It shows the list of Treasuries. The list page is divided into two
different sections namely a) List b) Control Panel as shown in Figure 19.4. The
detail descriptions about all the sections are as follows:
List It shows the list of Treasuries.

Treasury Code: This is a required field. This text box contains code of
a particular treasury. It can take maximum of 4 characters. An entry of








characters'. It will not allow duplicate entry in the list. If the user is
trying to save same Treasury Code, then it will show a message like
'code already exists'.

Treasury: This is a required field. This textbox contains the names of

the treasuries under Govt. of Orissa. It can take maximum of 50
characters. An entry of more than that size will show a message 'Enter
only 50 characters'. The text box takes capital letters by default.


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Edit Icon: This link is used when the user wants to edit some of the
existing entries from the list. After clicking on the edit link it will go to
Editing page with all data. The edited data can be saved through
clicking on save button.

Remove Icon: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding new
record or exiting from the module. It contains buttons like add new and
exit. Detail description is given below.

Add New Button:

This button is used to add a new record to the

existing record or data.

Cancel Button: It is used to cancel the editing records from the list
and go back to List Page.


Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page window.

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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Fig 19.4

FUNCTION: List of Office

DESCRIPTION: This page will allow the user to specify the offices details.
Interface: The modules have one list page where the list of all Offices is shown.
List Page: It shows the list of all Offices Records in it. The list page is divided
into three different sections namely a) Left Navigation, b) List c) Control Panel as
shown in the above figure. The detail descriptions about all the sections are as
Left Navigation: It is a List Box Contains all Office Lists.
List: It shows the list of all Department Details in it. It contains data
components like Department, Office Name etc as described below.


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Department: This is a required field. This Combo Box contains those

department names which are previously filled in Department list form.

Office Name: This textbox can take maximum 100 characters.

Subject Identity: This is a list box containing a list of subject identity.

Territory: This textbox will specify the name of the territory i.e. the
office belongs to which area. This can take maximum 20 characters.

Office Label: This is a list box showing the different levels for an

Group: To check this box means this Office can contain Sub Offices
under this office.

Address: This is a required field. This text area can take maximum 30
characters. After 30 characters it cannot accept more character. It will
contain the office address.

State: This is a required field. This Combo Box contains those states
names which are previously filed in state list form. From the list user
need to choose the appropriate one.

District: This is a required field. This Combo Box contains those

district names of the state previously selected in the state combo box.
From the list user need to choose the appropriate one.

Block: This Combo Box contains those block names which is previously
filled in block list form according to state and district. From the list user
need to choose the appropriate one.

Police Station: This Combo Box contains those police station names
which are previously filled in Post station list form according to state
and district. From the list user need to choose the appropriate one.

Post Office: This Combo Box contains those post office names which
are previously filled in Post Office list form according to state and
district. From the list user need to choose the appropriate one. This will
accept only numeric value.

Village/City: This Combo Box contains those village/city names which

are previously filled in village list form according to state and district.
From the list user need to choose the appropriate village/city.

Pin Code: This text box will show the pin code according to the post
office. It can be changed also. This textbox can take only 6 numbers
not more than that. If the user will enter a character it will show a


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message 'Please Enter only Numbers'. From the list user need to
choose the appropriate one.

Tel, STD code: This text box will hold the STD code of the office
telephone number. This will take numeric value only. This can take
maximum 10 numeric value.

Tel. Number: This text box will hold the office telephone number. This
will take numeric value only. This can take maximum 10 numeric

Fax, STD Code: This text box will hold the STD code of the office FAX.
This will take numeric value only. This can take maximum 10 numeric

Fax Number: This text box will hold the office FAX number. This will
take numeric value only. This can take maximum 10 numeric value.

Email Address: This textbox can take maximum 50 characters. And it

will take email in this format. If the user will
not enter the email in this format it will show a message 'Please Enter
a valid Email ID.'.

DDO Code: This textbox receives DDO codes of DDO list form. This
will accept maximum 9 alphanumeric values.

DDO Designation: This Combo Box contains those Designation names

which are previously filled in Designation list form.

Office In-charge: This Combo Box contains the designation of the

officers who is in-charge of that office. From the list user need to
choose the appropriate one.

Parent Office: This is a required field. This Combo Box contains those
Parent Office names which have their Group Check Box checked.

Treasury Name: This Combo box contains the names of the treasuries
under GOVT. of Orissa. It can take maximum of 50 characters. An
entry of more than that size will show a message 'Enter only 50
characters'. The text box takes capital letters by default.

Bank Name: This Combo Box contains those Bank name which deals
with all the transactions with the Treasury office. From the list user
need to choose the appropriate one.


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Branch Name: This Combo Box contains all the Branch names which
come under the Bank name selected. From the list user need to choose
the appropriate one.

Bearer Name: This textbox contains the Bearer name. It can take
maximum of 30 characters. The text box takes capital letters by

Bearer Designation: This textbox contains the Bearer Designation. It

can take maximum of 30 characters. The text box takes capital letters
by default.

Salary Head: This textbox contains the Salary Head. It can take
maximum of 7 characters. The text box takes capital letters by default.

Salary Head Designation: This textbox contains the Salary Head

Designation. It can take maximum of 30 characters. The text box
takes capital letters by default.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding new
record or exiting from the module. It contains buttons like add new and
exit. Detail description is given below.

Add New Button:

This button is used to add a new record to the

existing record or data.

Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page window.

Save Button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly

entered data to the list.

Delete Button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

Reset Button: This button is used for resetting the page. If the user
does not want to save the changed data, then by clicking reset button,
the page will be back to the initial stage as it is appeared at the time of

Print Post: This button is used for printing the SUMMARY OF POST
FOR OFFICE ESTABLISHMENT for the Department which the user selects
from the Department combo box.











ESTABLISHMENT DETAILS for the Department which the user selects from
the Department combo box.


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification


DESCRIPTION: This module helps the user to update the hierarchy level of the
offices according to different departments as shown in the above figure
Interface: The modules have one list page where the list of Substantive Post is
List Page: It shows the Department name and its establishment and the list
of substantive post and its relevant status.
List: It shows a list of substantive post and its relevant status.

Add New:

DESCRIPTION: This module helps the user to update the hierarchy level of the
offices according to different departments as shown in the above figure.


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Interface: The modules have one form where data of a Substantive Post is

Generic Post Name: This combo box shows all the generic post names under the

Post Level:
Save Button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly entered data to the
Cancel Button: This button is closed the current transaction page window.

Manage Hierarchy:

DESCRIPTION: This module helps the user to update the hierarchy level of the
offices according to different departments as shown in the above figure.
Interface: The modules have one panel which lists all the substantive post.
List Page: It shows the list of substantive.

Generic Post:


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

DESCRIPTION: This module helps the user to update the hierarchy level of the
offices according to different departments as shown in the above figure.
Interface: The modules have one form where data of a Substantive Post is
List Page: It shows the Department name, its establishment and the list of
generic post and its relevant status and button to edit the data and delete it.
List: It shows a list of substantive post and its relevant status.
Edit Button: This button allow editing the information related to a generic

Delete Button: By clicking on this button an alert box will be pop up asking to
confirm the action. On clicking ok the generic post will be deleted.

4.2.2. GROUP OF FUNCTIONS: Setup Cadre Info


FUNCTION: Cadre Label

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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

DESCRIPTION: Employees of several services join in the cadre as per

appointment order. Such information is recorded into the Service Book for
Interface: The modules have one list page.
List Page: It shows the list of all Cadres.
Header: The header section shows details about the selected Cadre Level.
List: It shows the list of all Cadre Level.

Check to delete: In This case we have to select check boxes w.r.t.

Cadre Level to which to delete from the List.

Cadre Level: This field shows List of all Cadre Level. We can enter
maximum 75 characters. An entry of more than 75 character will show a
message 'Enter only 75 character'. The text box takes capital letters by


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Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding new
service record or exiting from the module. It contains buttons like Add
Row, Save, Delete and exit. Detail description is given below.

Add Row Button:

This button helps to add extra rows to save

more data. On clicking Add Row button an extra row containing a

checkbox and a textbox will be added at the bottom of the table
and allows feed data into it.

Save Button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly

entered data to the list.

Delete Button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

we have to select the corresponding check boxes.


Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page window.

FUNCTION: Cadre List.

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DESCRIPTION: Employees of several services join in the cadre as per

appointment order. Such information is recorded into the Service Book for
Interface: The modules have one list Contains Cadre List, Cadre Controlling
Authority, etc.
List Page: It shows the list of Cadre. The list page is divided into three different
sections namely a) Header, b) List c) Control Panel as shown in the above figure.
The detail descriptions about all the sections are as follows:
Header: The header section shows details about Cadre:

Select a Department: A List of 'Cadre' will appear. Before getting the

list of cadres a department name must be selected from the combo
box, appears at the top.


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

List: It shows the list of all Cadre List, Cadre Controlling Authority, etc.

Cadre List: It shows all cadre lists.

Cadre Controlling Authority: This field shows List of all Cadre

Controlling Authority.

Edit Icon: This hyperlink is used when the user wants to edit some of
the existing entries from the list. After clicking on the edit link it will go
to Editing page with all data. The edited data can be saved through
clicking on save button.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding new Rows,
save records, delete records, etc. It contains buttons like Add Row, Save, Delete
and Exit. Detail description is given below.

AddNew Button:

This button is used to add a new record to the

existing record or data.


Cancel All: This button is used to cancel all lists.

Exit: This button is to close the current transaction page window.

FUNCTION: Cadre Wise Grade.

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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

DESCRIPTION: Employees of several services join in the cadre as per

appointment order. Such information is recorded into the Service Book for
Interface: The modules have one list page.
List Page: It shows the list of Cadre Wise Grade in it. The list page is divided
into three different sections namely a) Header, b) List c) Control Panel as
shown in the above figure. The detail descriptions about all the sections are as
Header: The header section shows details about the selected Cadre Wise Grade.

Select a Department: It contains the list of Departments. Its a

mandatory field.

Select a Cadre: Select a cadre from lists of Cadre. Its a mandatory

field. Its selection list appears after we select from the Select a

List: It shows the list of all Cadre Wise Grade.

Check to delete: This checkbox is used when user wants to delete

some of the existing entries from the list. User need to check by
clicking the particular checkboxes left to the desired entries before
clicking on the delete button.


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Cadre Wise Grade: This field shows List of all Cadre Wise Grade. We
can enter maximum 150 characters. An entry of more than 150 character
will show a message 'Enter only 150 character'. The text box takes capital
letters by default.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding new
service record or exiting from the module. It contains buttons like add new
and exit. Detail description is given below.

Add Row Button:

This button helps to add extra rows to save more

data. On clicking Add Row button an extra row containing a checkbox

and a textbox will be added at the bottom of the table and allows feed
data into it.

Save Button: This button is used for saving the changed / newly
entered data to the list.


Delete Button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page window.

FUNCTION: Mode of Cadre Allotment.

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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Description: Employees of several services join in the cadre as per appointment

order. Such information is recorded into the Service Book for reference.
Interface: The modules have one list page.
List Page: It shows the list of Mode of Cadre Allotment in it. The list page
is divided into three different sections namely a) Header, b) List c) Control
Panel as shown in Fig: 3.3(a). The detail descriptions about all the sections
are as follows:
Header: The header section shows details about the selected Cadre.
Check to delete: This checkbox is used when user wants to delete some
of the existing entries from the list. User need to check by clicking the
particular check boxes left to the desired entries before clicking on the
delete button.
Mode of Cadre Allotment: This field shows List of all Mode of Cadre
Allotment. We can enter maximum 20 characters. An entry of more than 20
character will show a message 'Enter only 20 character'. The text box takes capital
letters by default.


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding new
service record or exiting from the module. It contains buttons like Add Row,
Save, Delete and exit. Details description is given below.

Add Row Button:

This button helps to add extra rows to save

more data. On clicking Add Row button an extra row containing a

checkbox and a textbox will be added at the bottom of the table
and allows feed data into it.

Save Button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly

entered data to the list.

Delete Button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page window.


FUNCTION: Group of Post

DESCRIPTION: This page will help to specify the possible group name of the
post. The data will be used to fill the data to which post belongs in Substantive
Posting Details of Employee.


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Interface: This page contains a column header at the top, a list in the body and
a control panel at the bottom.
List Page: Within the column header, there are two column heading, first 'Check
to Delete' and second 'Group Of Post'. User may check or uncheck the Check to
delete check box when required. If the box is checked, all the items in the list will
be checked automatically.
The body of this page consists of a text box to contain different Group Of Post.
A check box attached to the left to each text box is used to select the data of a
particular row.

Group Of Post Text Box: This textbox can take maximum of 1 character. And it
should take values like A, B, C etc. An entry of more than 1 character will show a
message 'Enter only 1 character'. The text box takes capital letters by default. It
will not allow duplicate entry in the list. If the user is trying to enter a group of
post which is already present, then it will show a message like 'group of post
already exists'.

Check To Delete Checkbox: This checkbox is used when user wants to delete
some of the existing entries from the list. User needs to check by clicking the
particular checkboxes or all the checkboxes left to the desired entries before
clicking on the delete button.
The control panel consists of four buttons. These are 'Add Row', 'Save', 'Delete',
Exit. Several manipulations are done on this page depending upon these

Add Row button: This button helps to add extra rows to save more data. On
clicking Add Row button an extra row containing a checkbox and a textbox will be
added at the bottom of the table and allows feed data into it.

Save button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly entered data to
the list.

Delete button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

Exit button: This button is closed the current transaction page window.


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

FUNCTION: Classification of Post.

DESCRIPTION: This page will help to specify the types of posting. The data will be used
to fill the Post Type in Substantive Posting Details in the Employee Navigator Page.
Interface: This page contains a column header at the top, a list in the body and
a control panel at the bottom.
List Page: Within Column header, there are two columns heading, first
'Check to Delete' and second 'Post Class'. User may check or uncheck the
Check to Delete check box when required. If the box is checked, all the
items in the post class will be checked automatically.
The body of this page consists of one text box containing Sector Description. A check
box attached to the left to each text box is used to select the data of a particular row.

Post Class Text Box: This textbox can take maximum of 12 characters. And it
should take values like permanent or temporary etc. An entry of more than 12
characters will show a message 'Enter only maximum 12'. The textbox takes
capital letters by default. It will not allow duplicate entry in the list. If the user is
trying to enter a post class which is already present, then it will show a message
like 'post class already exists.


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Check To Delete Checkbox: This checkbox is used when user wants to delete
some of the existing entries from the list. User need to check by clicking the
particular checkboxes left to the desired entries before clicking on the delete

The control panel consists of four buttons. These are 'Add Row', 'Save', 'Delete', Exit.
Several manipulations are done on this page depending upon these buttons.

Add Row Button: This button helps to add extra rows to save more data. On
clicking Add Row button an extra row containing a checkbox and a textbox will be
added at the bottom of the table and allows feed data into it.

Save Button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly entered data to
the list.

Delete Button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

Reset Button: This button is closed the current transaction page window.


FUNCTION: Type of Post

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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

DESCRIPTION: This page will help to specify types of posting. The data will be
used to fill the Post Type in Substantive Posting Details in the Employee Navigator
Interface: This page contains a column header at the top, a list in the body and
a control panel at the bottom.
List Page: Within the column header, there are two columns heading, first
'Check to Delete' and second 'Post Type'. User may check or uncheck the
Check to Delete check box when required. If the box is checked, all the
items in the list will be checked automatically.
The body of this page consists of a textbox to contain different Post Type. A check
box attached to the left to each text box is used to select the data of a particular

Post Type Text Box: This textbox can take maximum of 10 characters. And it
should take values like Plan, Non-Plan etc. An entry of more than 10 characters
will show a message like 'Enter only 10 characters'. The text box takes capital
letters by default. It will not allow duplicate entry in the list. If the user is trying
to enter a post type which is already present, then it will show a message like


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification


type already


Check To Delete Checkbox: This checkbox is used when user wants to delete
some of the existing entries from the list. User needs to check by clicking the
particular checkboxes or all the checkboxes left to the desired entries before
clicking on the delete button.
The control panel consists of four buttons. These are 'Add Row', 'Save', 'Delete',
Exit. Several manipulations are done on this page depending upon these

Add Row button: This button helps to add extra rows to save more data. On
clicking Add Row button an extra row containing a checkbox and a textbox will be
added at the bottom of the table and allows feed data into it.

Save button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly entered data to
the list.

Delete button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

Exit button: This button is closed the current transaction page window.


FUNCTION: Deployment Status

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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

DESCRIPTION: This page will help to specify types of Deployment Status. The
data will be used to fill the Post Type in Substantive Posting Details in the
Employee Navigator Page.
Interface: This page contains a column header at the top, a list in the body and
a control panel at the bottom.
List Page: Within the column header, there are two column headings, first
'Check to Delete' and second is 'Deployment Status. User may check or uncheck
the 'Check to Delete' check box when required. If the box is checked, all the
items in the list will be checked automatically.


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

The body of this page consists of one text box containing 'Deployment Status. A
check box attached to the left to each text box is used to select the data of a
particular row.

Deployment Status Text Box: This textbox will contain the types of
'Deployment Status. This Text Box can take maximum of 25 characters. An entry
of more than that size will show a message 'Enter only 25 characters'. The text
box takes capital letters by default.

Check To Delete Checkbox: This checkbox is used when user wants to delete
some of the existing entries from the list. User need to check by clicking the
particular checkboxes left to the desired entries before clicking on the delete
The control panel consists of four buttons. These are 'Add Row', 'Save', 'Delete',
Exit. Several manipulations are done on this page depending upon these

Add Row Button: This button helps to add extra rows to save more data.

On clicking Add Row button an extra row containing a checkbox and a textbox will
be added at the bottom of the table and allows feed data into it.

Save Button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly entered

data to the list.

Delete Button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

Exit Button: This button is closed the current transaction page window.


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

FUNCTION: Where Deployed.

DESCRIPTION: This page will help to specify the name of the body where deployed.
The data will be used to fill the Post Type in Substantive Posting Details in the Employee
Navigator Page.
Interface: This page contains a column header at the top, a list in the body and
a control panel at the bottom.
List Page: Within the column header, there are two column headings, first
'Check to Delete', second is 'where deployed. User may check R or uncheck
the Check to

Delete check box when required. If the box is checked, all

the items in the list will be checked automatically.

The body of this page consists of one text box containing Where Deployed. A check box
attached to the left to each text box is used to select the data of a particular row.
Where Deployed Text Box: This textbox contains the names of the govt. body
under which the employee is being posted. This field can take maximum of 60
characters. An entry of more than that size will show a message 'Enter only 60
characters'. The textbox takes capital letters by default.

Check To Delete Checkbox: This checkbox is used when user wants to delete
some of the existing entries from the list. User need to check by clicking the particular
checkboxes left to the desired entries before clicking on the delete button.
The control panel consists of four buttons. These are 'Add Row', 'Save', 'Delete', Exit.
Several manipulations are done on this page depending upon these buttons.


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Add Row Button: This button helps to add extra rows to save more data. On
clicking Add Row button an extra row containing a checkbox and a textbox will be added
at the bottom of the table and allows feed data into it.

Save Button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly entered data to the

Delete Button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

Exit Button: This button is closed the current transaction page window.


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FUNCTION: Sector Type.

DESCRIPTION: This page will help to specify types of posting. The data will be
used to fill the Post Type in Substantive Posting Details in the Employee Navigator
Interface: This page contains a column header at the top, a list in the body and
a control panel at the bottom.
List Page: Within the column header, there are two columns heading, first
'Check to Delete' and second 'Post Type'. User may check or uncheck the
Check to Delete check box when required. If the box is checked, all the
items in the list will be checked automatically.
The body of this page consists of a textbox to contain different Post Type. A check
box attached to the left to each text box is used to select the data of a particular


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Post Type Text Box: This textbox can take maximum of 10 characters. And it
should take values like Plan, Non-Plan etc. An entry of more than 10 characters
will show a message like 'Enter only 10 characters'. The text box takes capital
letters by default. It will not allow duplicate entry in the list. If the user is trying
to enter a post type which is already present, then it will show a message like

type already


Check To Delete Checkbox: This checkbox is used when user wants to delete
some of the existing entries from the list. User needs to check by clicking the
particular checkboxes or all the checkboxes left to the desired entries before
clicking on the delete button.
The control panel consists of four buttons. These are 'Add Row', 'Save', 'Delete',
Exit. Several manipulations are done on this page depending upon these

Add Row button: This button helps to add extra rows to save more data. On
clicking Add Row button an extra row containing a checkbox and a textbox will be
added at the bottom of the table and allows feed data into it.

Save button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly entered data to
the list.

Delete button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

Exit Button: This button is closed the current transaction page window.


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

4.2.4. GROUP OF FUNCTIONS: Setup Reservation Info

FUNCTION: Reservation Category

DESCRIPTION: It contains List of different types of reservation categories.

Interface: The modules have one list reservation categories.
List Page: It shows the list of reservation categories. The list page is
divided into three different sections namely a) List b) Control Panel as
shown in the above figure. The detail descriptions about all the sections are
as follows:
List: It shows the list of all reservation categories.

Check to delete: This checkbox is used when user wants to delete

some of the existing entries from the list. User need to check by
clicking the particular checkboxes left to the desired entries before
clicking on the delete button.

Reservation category: This textbox can take maximum of 30

characters. And it should take values like SC, ST, Woman, Physical
Handicapped etc. An entry of more than 30 characters will show a
message 'Enter only 30 characters'. The text box takes capital letters by
default. It will not allow duplicate entry in the list. If the user is trying to


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

enter reservation categories which is already present, then it will show a

message like 'reservation category already exists'.
Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding new
Rows, save records, delete records etc. It contains buttons like Add Row,
Save, Delete and Exit. Detail description is given below.

Add Row Button:

This button is used to add a new record to the

existing record or data.

Save Button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly

entered data to the list.

Delete Button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page window.

FUNCTION: Disability Option.

DESCRIPTION: It contains List of different types of disability names.

Interface: The modules have one list of disability name.
List Page: It shows the list of disability name. The list page is divided into
three different sections namely a) List b) Control Panel as shown in the
above figure. The detail descriptions about all the sections are as follows:
List: It shows the list of all disability names.


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Check to delete: This checkbox is used when user wants to delete

some of the existing entries from the list. User need to check by
clicking the particular checkboxes left to the desired entries before
clicking on the delete button.

Disability names: This textbox can take maximum of 30 characters.

And it should take values like deaf, visually impaired etc. An entry of
more than 30 characters will show a message 'Enter only 30 characters'.
The text box takes capital letters by default. It will not allow duplicate
entry in the list. If the user is trying to enter a disability option which is
already present, then it will show a message like 'disability option


Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding new
Rows, save records, delete records etc. It contains buttons like Add Row,
Save, Delete and Exit. Detail description is given below.

Add Row Button:

This button is used to add a new record to the

existing record or data.

Save Button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly

entered data to the list.


Delete Button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page window.

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FUNCTION: Special Code Disability Option.

DESCRIPTION: A data Entry form to collect different types of 'Disability description'

along with their corresponding 'code for disability' will appear. This page will help to
specify the Disability Descriptions for Person with Disability option. The data will be
used to fill the Person with Disability in Employee's Reservation Category of Employee
Navigator Page.
List Page: It shows the list of Departments. The list page is divided into three
different sections namely a) List b) Control Panel as shown in the above figure.
The detail descriptions about all the sections are as follows:
List: It shows the list of all Disability description Specific code.

Check to delete: This checkbox is used when user wants to delete

some of the existing entries from the list. User need to check by


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

clicking the particular checkboxes left to the desired entries before

clicking on the delete button.

Description for Specific code Text Box: This textbox can take
maximum of 50 characters. An entry of more than 50 characters will
show a message 'Enter only 50 characters'. The textbox takes capital
letters by default.

Specific code for Disability Text Box: This textbox can take
maximum of 4 characters. The value it takes is the combination of
character & numeric value.
Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding
new Rows, save records, delete records etc. It contains buttons like Add
Row, Save, Delete and Exit. Detail description is given below.

Add Row Button:

This button is used to add a new record to the

existing record or data.

Save Button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly

entered data to the list.

Delete Button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page window.

4.2.5. GROUP OF FUNCTIONS: Setup Service History


FUNCTION: Leave Rule

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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

DESCRIPTION: Leave is a privilege of government servants. Up to 31st

December 1975, Earned Leave was calculated at the rate of 1/11th of the period
spent on duty. Any government employee can avail any kind of leave Unless he is
permitted by the leave sanctioning authority to do so, a government employee on
leave may not return to the duty more than fourteen days before the expiry of leave
granted to him. (Rule 141, OSC). Leave cannot be claimed as a matter of right.
Leave sanctioning authority may refuse or revoke leave of any kind. No govt. servant
who has been granted leave on medical certificate may return to duty without first
producing medical certificate of fitness in the form prescribed in. There are several
types of leave as follows:

Additional Earned Leave


Commuted Leave


Earned Leave


Ex-India Commuted Leave


Ex-India Earned Leave


Ex-India Extraordinary Leave


Extraordinary Leave


Half- pay leave


Extra-ordinary leave


Special disability leave


Study leave


Maternity leave


Hospital leave


Commutate leave

Interface: The modules have one list page where the list of all Leave Name are
shown. Every single leave name can be viewed for further remove/edit/Manage
Rules purpose in a data page by clicking on edit link. Detail about the list page
and data page is described in the next section. By clicking on the remove link one
can delete a leave name
List Page: It shows the list of all list of all Leave. The list page is divided into
two different sections namely a) List b) Control Panel as shown in the Figure
24.1. The detail descriptions about all the sections are as follows:


Leave Id: This is an unique id which represent an leave name.

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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Leave Name: This represent different leave name.

Applicable To: It has four sub-section like a)General b) Vacation Type

c) Vacation Dept d) Special Service.

Remove Icon: Leave Name can be removed by clicking on this icon

for a particular Leave.

Edit Icon: This link is used to edit an existing Leave.

Manage Rule Icon: This link is used to manage the rules related to
particular leave.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding new
equivalent post record or exiting from the module. It contains buttons like add
new and exit. Detail description is given below.

AddNew Button:

This button is used to add a new record to the

existing record or data.


Clear All: This button is used to reset the current form.

Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page window.

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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Fig 24.1

FUNCTION: Types of Loan

DESCRIPTION: This page will help a list of different Loan Type, whose data need
to be filled up in the LOAN module of Employee's Service History. The objective of this
module is to list out the loan names or types made by an employee. This contains other
information like abbreviation for each type of loan and it checks whether it will be shown
in the service book or not. The whole module consists of only one form. In this form the
list of loans are shown in a tabular format and in the same form the user is allowed to
edit or delete the existing records by selecting the checkbox.

Check To Edit/Delete Check Box: This control is used when the user wants to
edit or delete some of the existing records from the list. After selecting the
particular 'check box' the data corresponding to that check box will be displayed


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

in the textboxes and check box as shown in the below figure. But if user wants to
modify or update the exiting record, can modify and save that data which will be
displayed in the list. If user wants to delete particular row, they have to check a
check box, if they don't then it will show a message like" Please select a checkbox
or please select a row to be deleted.

Then by selecting a checkbox they can

delete that row.

Abbreviation of Loan: This is a required field. This can take maximum 5

characters. This field contains the lone name in abbreviated format, like for Home
Loan, its HL.

Name of Loan: This is a required field. This can take maximum 30 characters.
This field contains the loan name (Ex: - Home Loan).

If Shown in the Service Book: This field shows that the loan taken by an
employee will be displayed in the service book or not.

Report Column Number: This is a combo box containing column number.

Under 'Check to Edit/Delete', list of checkboxes are there. This facilitates the user to
select the checkbox that will allow the user to edit/delete the particular row. On selecting
a particular check box, that row will be appeared in the editing panel (just below the
body part) where the user can be its value. This is shown in the following page.
The body part of the form consists of 3 controls. Those are two textboxes and one
checkbox. The textboxes are 'Abbreviation of Loan', 'Name of the Loan' and the
checkbox is If Shown in the Service Book.

Abbreviation of Loan Text Box: This is a required field. This can take
maximum 5 characters. This text box stores a loan name in an abbreviated
format (Ex: - HL) which takes a unique value. This field has maximum limit of 2
characters. If the user tries to input more than that, it will not allow user to write
more than 2 characters, it will show an alert message. It is a mandatory field. If it
is left vacant it will show a message like 'Please Enter Abbreviation of Loan'.

Name of the Loan Text Box: This is a required field. This text box stores the
name of the Loan (Ex: - Home Loan) which takes a unique value. This field has
maximum limit of 30 characters. If the user tries to input more than that, it will
not allow user to write more than 30 characters, it will show an alert message. It
is a mandatory field. If it is left vacant it will show a message like 'Please Enter
Name of Loan'.


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

If Shown in the Service Book Check Box: This is a checkbox which takes
Boolean value with Yes and No. It checks whether the loan taken by an employee
will be mentioned in the service book or not. It is an optional field.

Report Column Number : This is a combo box containing column number.

The control panel at the bottom consists of four buttons. These are 'Save', 'Delete',
'Reset', Cancel. Several manipulations are done on this page depending upon these

Save button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly entered data to
the list.

Delete button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

Exit Button: This button is used to exit from the page.

Cancel button: It is used to cancel the editing/newly entered records from the
two textboxes and a check box.


FUNCTION: Permission Type

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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

List: The description of column heading are given below

Permission Type: This field contains the type of permission. This field can take
maximum 2 characters.

Permission Name: This field contains the permission name. This field can take
maximum 50 characters.

Under 'Check to Edit/Delete', list of checkboxes are there. This facilitates the user to
select the checkbox that will allow the user to edit/delete the particular row.

Check To Edit/Delete Check Box: This control is used when the user wants to
edit or delete some of the existing entries from the list. After selecting the
particular 'check box' filled data is displayed below the page. But if user wants to
change he can change and save that data which will be displayed in the list. If
user wants to delete particular row then by selecting the checkbox he can delete
that row.
On selecting the checkbox page is changed with some filled value which is given

The body part of the form consists of 2 controls. Those are two textboxes. The textboxes
are 'Permission Type' and Permission Name'.

Permission Type Text Box: This text box stores a permission type. This field
has maximum limit of 2 characters. If the user tries to input more than that, it
will not allow user to write more than 2 characters, It will show an alert message.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

It is a mandatory field. If it is left vacant, it will show a message like Please enter
the permission Name.

Permission Name Text Box: This text box stores the permission name. This
field has maximum limit of 50 characters. If the user tries to input more than
that, it will not allow user to write more than 50 characters, it will show an alert
message It is a mandatory field. If it is left vacant it will show a message like
'Please Enter the Permission Name'.

The control panel at the bottom consists of four buttons. These are 'Save', 'Delete',
'Reset', Cancel. Several manipulations are done on this page depending upon these

Save button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly entered data to
the list.

Delete button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

Exit button: This button is used to exit from the page.

Cancel button: It is used to cancel the editing records from the list and go back
to list Page.


FUNCTION: Type of Allowance

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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

DESCRIPTION: This page will help to the possible Allowance types. The objective
of this module is to record the Allowances of an employee in his/ her whole service
Interface: This page contains a column header at the top, a list in the body and a
control panel at the bottom.
List Page: Within the column header, there are two column heading, first 'Check
to delete' and second 'Allowances & Deductions'. User may check or uncheck the
Check to delete check box when required. If the box is checked, all the items in the
list will be checked automatically.
The body of this page consists of a text box to contain different Allowance types. A check
box attached to the left to each text box is used to select the data of a particular row.

Allowances & Deductions: This textbox can take maximum of 30 characters.

And it should take values different allowances & deductions types. The text box
takes capital letters by default. It will not allow duplicate entry in the list. If the
user is trying to enter a allowances type which is already present, then it will
show a message like 'title already exists'.
Type: This text box can take a single character.

Check To Delete Checkbox: This checkbox is used when user wants to delete
some of the existing entries from the list. User need to check by clicking the
particular checkboxes left to the desired entries before clicking on the delete

The control panel consists of four buttons. These are 'Add Row', 'Save', 'Delete', 'Reset'.
Several manipulations are done on this page depending upon these buttons.

Add Row Button: This button helps to add extra rows to save more data. On
clicking Add Row button an extra row containing a checkbox and a textbox will be
added at the bottom of the table and allows feed data into it.

Save Button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly entered data to
the list.


Delete Button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Exit Button: This button is used to exit from the page.

FUNCTION: Employee Category

Interface This page contains a column header at the top, a list in the body and a
control panel at the bottom.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

List Page: Within the column header, there are three column heading, first 'Check to
Delete', second Category and third Validator Rate. User may check R or uncheck the
Check to Delete check box when required. If the box is checked, all the items in the list
will be checked automatically.
The body of this page consists of a text box to contain different Category. A check box
attached to the left to each text box is used to select the data of a particular row.
Check To Delete Checkbox: This checkbox is used when user wants to delete some
of the existing entries from the list. User needs to check by clicking the particular
checkboxes left to the desired entries before clicking on the delete button.
Category Text Box: This textbox can take maximum of 20 characters. An entry of
more than 20 characters will show a message 'Enter only 20 characters'. The text
box takes capital letters by default. It will not allow duplicate entry in the list. If
the user is trying to enter a category which is already present, then it will show a
message like category already exists'.
Validator Rate: This textbox represents Validator Rate. It can take maximum of 4
characters. An entry of more than 4 will show a error message.
CONTROL PANEL: The control panel consists of four buttons. These are 'Add Row',
'Save', 'Delete', Exit. Several manipulations are done on this page depending upon these

Add Row Button: This button helps to add extra rows to save more data. On
clicking Add Row button an extra row containing a checkbox and a textbox will be
added at the bottom of the table and allows feed data into it.

Save Button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly entered data to
the list.

Delete Button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

Exit Button: This button is used exit from this page.


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

FUNCTION: Holiday Master

Interface: This page contains a header at the top, a list in the body and a control
panel at the bottom.
Header: This part contains one combo box Select Year and one ok button.
Select Year Combo Box: This combo box contains the list
of year from which the user has to select.
Ok Button: This is a button which the user has to click for
the results to be displayed.
List: This contains three columns namely Title of Holiday, Holiday Type and
Edit icon.
Title of Holiday: This represents the Holiday title which the
normal user uses this as name of the holiday.
Holiday Type: This represents the type and it has two types
General and Optional.


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Edit Icon: This is the edit link where the user can edit the
information by clicking on this icon.
Control Panel: This part only contains one Exit button.
Exit: This button is used to close the current page and to
return to the previous page.


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

4.2.6. GROUP OF FUNCTIONS: Setup Personal Info FUNCTION: Title.
DESCRIPTION: This page will help to the possible titles. The data will be used to
fill the titles in Employee's Personal Information of Employee Navigator Page.
Interface: This page contains a column header at the top, a list in the body
and a control panel at the bottom.
List Page: Within the column header, there are two column heading, first
'Check to Delete' and second 'Title'. User may check R or uncheck the Check to Delete
check box when required. If the box is checked, all the items in the list will be checked
The body of this page consists of a text box to contain different Title. A check box
attached to the left to each text box is used to select the data of a particular row.

Title Category Text Box: This textbox can take maximum of 20 characters. And it

should take values like Mr., Mrs. and Miss etc. An entry of more than 20 characters will
show a message 'Enter only 20 characters'. The text box takes capital letters by default.
It will not allow duplicate entry in the list. If the user is trying to enter a title which is
already present, then it will show a message like 'title already exists'.

Check To Delete Checkbox: This checkbox is used when user wants to delete

some of the existing entries from the list. User need to check by clicking the particular
checkboxes left to the desired entries before clicking on the delete button.
The control panel consists of four buttons. These are 'Add Row', 'Save', 'Delete', Exit.
Several manipulations are done on this page depending upon these buttons.

Add Row Button: This button helps to add extra rows to save more data. On

clicking Add Row button an extra row containing a checkbox and a textbox will be added
at the bottom of the table and allows feed data into it.

Save Button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly entered data to the

Delete Button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

Exit Button: This button is used exit from this page.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

FUNCTION: Marital Status

DESCRIPTION: This page will help a list of different marriage Status. The
data will be used to fill the titles in Employee's Personal Information of
Employee Navigator Page.
Interface: This page contains a column header at the top, a list in the body and
a control panel at the bottom.
List Page: Within Column header, there are two column heading, first 'Check
to Delete' and second 'Marital Status'. User may check R or uncheck the Check to
Delete check box when required. If the box is checked, all the items in the marital status
will be checked automatically.
The body of this page consists of a textbox to contain different Marital Status. A check
box attached to the left to each text box is used to select the data of a particular row.

Marital Status Text Box: This textbox can take maximum of 20 characters. And
it should take values like Divorce, Widow, Married and Single etc. An entry of


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

more than 20 characters will show a message like 'Enter only 20 characters'. The
textbox takes capital letters by default. It will not allow duplicate entry in the list.
If the user is trying to enter a marital status which is already present, then it will
show a message like 'marital status already exists'.

Check To Delete Checkbox: This checkbox is used when user wants to delete
some of the existing entries from the list. User need to check by clicking the
particular checkboxes left to the desired entries before clicking on the delete

The control panel consists of four buttons. These are 'Add Row', 'Save', 'Delete', Exit.
Several manipulations are done on this page depending upon these buttons.

Add Row Button: This button helps to add extra rows to save more data. On
clicking Add Row button an extra row containing a checkbox and a textbox will be
added at the bottom of the table and allows feed data into it.

Save Button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly entered data to
the list.

Delete Button: It is used to delete existing records from the list. A confirmation
box will ask to confirm the action.


Exit Button: This button is used exit from this page.

Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

FUNCTION: Category

DESCRIPTION: This page will help a list of different reservation category. The data
will be used to fill the Marital Status in Employee's Personal Information of Employee
Navigator Page.
Interface: This page contains a column header at the top, a list in the body and a
control panel at the bottom.
List Page: Within the column header, there are two column heading, first 'Check
to Delete' and second 'Reservation Category'. User may check R or uncheck the Check
to Delete check box when required. If the box is checked, all the items in the list will be
checked automatically.
The body of this page consists of a textbox to contain different Reservation Category. A
check box attached to the left to each text box is used to select the data of a particular

Reservation Category Text Box: This textbox can take maximum of 30












Handicapped etc. An entry of more than 30 characters will show a message 'Enter
only 30 characters'. The text box takes capital letters by default. It will not allow
duplicate entry in the list. If the user is trying to enter a reservation category
which is already present, then it will show a message like 'reservation
category already exists'.

Check To Delete Checkbox: This checkbox is used when user wants to delete
some of the existing entries from the list. User need to check by clicking the
particular checkboxes left to the desired entries before clicking on the delete

The control panel consists of four buttons. These are 'Add Row', 'Save', 'Delete', Exit.
Several manipulations are done on this page depending upon these buttons.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Add Row Button: This button helps to add extra rows to save more data. On
clicking Add Row button an extra row containing a checkbox and a textbox will be
added at the bottom of the table and allows feed data into it.

Save Button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly entered data to
the list.

Delete Button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

Exit Button: This button is used exit from this page.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

FUNCTION: Blood Group

DESCRIPTION: This page will help a list of different blood groups. The data will
be used to fill the blood groups in Employee's Personal Information of Employee
Navigator Page.
Interface: This page contains a column header at the top, a list in the body and
a control panel at the bottom. List Page: Within Column header, there are two column heading,
first 'Check to Delete' and second 'Blood Group'. User may check R or uncheck the
Check to Delete check box when required. If the box is checked, all the items in the list
will be checked automatically.
The body of this page consists of a list of text boxes to contain name of the Blood Group.
A check box attached to the left to each text box is used to select the data of a particular

Blood Group Text Box: This textbox can take maximum of 5 characters. And it
should take values like A +ve, B +ve, AB +ve, O +ve, O -ve, B -ve etc. An entry
of more than 5 characters will show a message 'Enter only 3 characters'. The text
box takes capital letters by default. It will not allow duplicate entry in the list. If
the user is trying to enter a blood group which is already present, then it will
show a message like 'blood group already exists'.

Check To Delete Checkbox: This checkbox is used when user wants to delete

some of the existing entries from the list. User need to check by clicking the particular
checkboxes left to the desired entries before clicking on the delete button.
The control panel consists of four buttons. These are 'Add Row', 'Save', 'Delete', Exit.
Several manipulations are done on this page depending upon these buttons.

Add Row Button: This button helps to add extra rows to save more data. On
clicking Add Row button an extra row containing a checkbox and a textbox will be
added at the bottom of the table and allows feed data into it.

Save Button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly entered data to
the list.


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Delete Button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

Exit Button: This button is used exit from this page.


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

FUNCTION: Personal Relatives

DESCRIPTION: This page will help a list of different types of Relative names. The
data will be used to fill the Relative names in Employee's Personal Information of
Employee Navigator Page.
Interface: This page contains a column header at the top, a list in the body and a
control panel at the bottom.
List Page: Within the column header, there are two column heading, first
'Check to Delete' and second 'Relation'. User may check R or uncheck the Check to
Delete check box when required. If the box is checked, all the items in the list will be
checked automatically.
The body of this page consists of a textbox to contain different name of Relation. A check
box attached to the left to each text box is used to select the data of a particular row.

Relation Text Box: This textbox can take maximum of 20 characters. And it
should take values like Father, Mother and Spouse etc. An entry of more than 20
characters will show a message 'Enter only 20 characters'. The text box
takes capital letters by default. It will not allow duplicate entry in the list. If the
user is trying to enter a Relation name which is already present, then it will show
a message like 'Relation name already exists'.

Check To Delete Checkbox: This checkbox is used when user wants to delete

some of the existing entries from the list. User need to check by clicking the particular
checkboxes left to the desired entries before clicking on the delete button.
The control panel consists of four buttons. These are 'Add Row', 'Save', 'Delete', Exit.
Several manipulations are done on this page depending upon these buttons.

Add Row Button: This button helps to add extra rows to save more data. On
clicking Add Row button an extra row containing a checkbox and a textbox will be
added at the bottom of the table and allows feed data into it.

Save Button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly entered data to
the list.


Delete Button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

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HRMS, User Requirement Specification


Exit Button: This button is used exit from this page.

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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

FUNCTION: Identification Document

DESCRIPTION: This page will help a list of different types of several identity
documents like voter-id card, PAN card, passport as a proof of identity. The data will be
used to fill the Relative names in Employee's Personal Information of Employee
Navigator Page.
Interface: This page contains a column header at the top, a list in the body and a
control panel at the bottom.
List Page: Within Column header, there are two column heading, first 'Check
to Delete' and second 'Identity Description'. User may check R or uncheck the Check to
Delete check box when required. If the box is checked, all the items in the Identity
Document list will be checked automatically.
The body of this page consists of a textbox to contain name of the Identity Description.
A check box attached to the left to each text box is used to select the data of a particular

Identity Document Text Box: This textbox can take maximum of 50

characters. An entry of more than that size will show a message 'Enter only 50
characters'. The textbox takes capital letters by default. It will not allow duplicate
entry in the list. If the user is trying to enter a data which is already present in
the identity list, then it will show a message like 'data already exists'.

Check To Delete Checkbox: This checkbox is used when user wants to delete

some of the existing entries from the list. User need to check by clicking the particular
checkboxes left to the desired entries before clicking on the delete button.
The control panel consists of four buttons. These are 'Add Row', 'Save', 'Delete', Exit.
Several manipulations are done on this page depending upon these buttons.

Add Row Button: This button helps to add extra rows to save more data. On
clicking Add Row button an extra row containing a checkbox and a textbox will be
added at the bottom of the table and allows feed data into it.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Save Button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly entered data to
the list.

Delete Button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

Exit Button: This button is used exit from this page.


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

FUNCTION: Language Definition

DESCRIPTION: This page will help a list of different types of possible languages.
The data will be used to fill the Relative names in Employee's Personal Information of
Employee Navigator Page
Interface: This page contains a column header at the top, a list in the body and a
control panel at the bottom.
List Page: Within the column header, there are two column heading, first 'Check
to Delete' and second 'Language Definition'. User may check R or uncheck the Check
to Delete check box when required. If the box is checked, all the items in the list will be
checked automatically.
The body of this page consists of a text box to contain different Language Definition. A
check box attached to the left to each text box is used to select the data of a particular

Language Definition Text Box: This textbox can take maximum of 20 characters.
And it should take values like English, Oriya and Hindi etc. An entry of more than
20 characters will show a message 'Enter only 20 characters'. The text box
takes capital letters by default. It will not allow duplicate entry in the list. If the
user is trying to enter a language which is already present, then it will show a
message like Language Already Exist.

Check To Delete Checkbox: This checkbox is used when user wants to delete

some of the existing entries from the list. User need to check by clicking the particular
checkboxes left to the desired entries before clicking on the delete button.
The control panel consists of four buttons. These are 'Add Row', 'Save', 'Delete', Exit.
Several manipulations are done on this page depending upon these buttons.

Add Row Button: This button helps to add extra rows to save more data. On
clicking Add Row button an extra row containing a checkbox and a textbox will be
added at the bottom of the table and allows feed data into it.


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Save Button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly entered data to
the list.

Delete Button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

Exit Button: This button is used exit from this page.

4.2.7. GROUP OF FUNCTIONS: Setup Education Info



Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

DESCRIPTION: A data Entry form to collect degree or diploma names. The data will be
used to fill the Degree Name in Employee's Education Details of Employee Navigator
Interface: This page contains a column header at the top, a list in the body and
a control panel at the bottom.
List Page: Within the column header, there are two column heading, first 'Check
to Delete' and second 'Degree Description'. User may check R or uncheck the
Check to Delete check box when required. If the box is checked, all the items in
the list will be checked automatically.
The body of this page consists of a text box to contain name of the Degree. A check box
attached to the left to each text box is used to select the data of a particular row.

Degree Description Text box: This textbox can take maximum of 20

characters. An entry of more than that size will show a message 'Enter only 20


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

characters'. The text box takes capital letters by default. It will not allow duplicate
entry in the list. If the user is trying to enter a data which is already present,
then it will show a message like 'data already exists'.

Check to Delete Check Box: This check box is used when user wants to delete
some of the existing entries from the list. User needs to check by clicking the
particular check boxes or all the check boxes left to the desired entries before
clicking on the delete button.
Control Panel: The control panel consists of four buttons. These are 'Add Row',
'Save', 'Delete', 'Exit'. Several manipulations are done on this page depending
upon these buttons.

Add Row button: This button helps to add extra rows to save more data. On
clicking Add Row button an extra row containing a checkbox and a textbox will be
added at the bottom of the table and allows feed data into it.

Save button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly entered data to
the list.

Delete button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

Exit Button: It is used to exit from the existing or current page.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

FUNCTION: Faculty.

DESCRIPTION: A data Entry form to collect different types of Faculty in institutions or

Colleges. The data will be used to fill the Faculty in Employee's Education Details of
Employee Navigator Page.
Interface: This page contains a column header at the top, a list in the body and
a control panel at the bottom.
List Page: Within Column header, there are two column heading, first
'Check to Delete' and second 'Faculty Type'. User may check or uncheck the
Check buttons to Delete check box when required. If the box is checked, all
the items in the list will be checked automatically.
The body of this page consists of a text box to contain name of the Faculty Type. A
check box attached to the left to each text box is used to select the data of a particular


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Faculty Type Text Box: This textbox can take maximum of 50 characters. An
entry of more than that size will show a message 'Enter only 50 characters'. The
textbox takes capital letters by default. It will not allow duplicate entry in the list.
If the user is trying to enter a data which is already present in the faculty list,
then it will show a message like Data already exist.

Check to Delete Check Box: This checkbox is used when user wants to delete
some of the existing entries from the list. User needs to check by clicking the
particular checkboxes or all the checkboxes left to the desired entries before
clicking on the delete button.

The control panel consists of four buttons. These are 'Add Row', 'Save', 'Delete', 'Exit'.
Several manipulations are done on this page depending upon these buttons.

Add Row button: This button helps to add extra rows to save more data. On
clicking Add Row button an extra row containing a checkbox and a textbox will be
added at the bottom of the table and allows feed data into it.

Save button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly entered data to
the list.

Delete button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

EXIT Button: It is used to exit from the existing or current page.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

FUNCTION: Qualification.

DESCRIPTION: A data Entry form to collect different types of the list of qualification.
The data will be used to fill the Person with Disability in Employee's Education of
Employee Navigator Page.
Interface: This page contains a column header at the top, a list in the body and
a control panel at the bottom.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

List Page: Within the column header, there are two column heading, first 'Check
to Delete' and second 'Qualification'. User may check or uncheck the Check
button to Delete check box when required. If the box is checked, all the items in
the list will be checked automatically.
The body of this page consists of a textbox to contain list of Qualification. A check box
attached to the left to each text box is used to select the data of a particular row.

Qualification Text Box: This textbox can take maximum of 30 characters. And
it should take values like Metric, Intermediate, Graduate, M Phil etc. An entry of
more than 30 characters will show a message 'Enter only 30 characters'. The text
box takes capital letters by default. It will not allow duplicate entry in the list. If
the user is trying to enter a qualification which is already present, then it will
show a message like Qualification is already exist .

Check to Delete Check Box: This checkbox is used when user wants to delete
some of the existing entries from the list. User needs to check by clicking the
particular checkboxes or all the checkboxes left to the desired entries before
clicking on the delete button.
Control Panel: The control panel consists of four buttons. These are 'Add Row',
'Save', 'Delete', 'Exit'. Several manipulations are done on this page depending
upon these buttons.

Add Row button: This button helps to add extra rows to save more data. On
clicking Add Row button an extra row containing a checkbox and a textbox will be
added at the bottom of the table and allows feed data into it.

Save button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly entered data to
the list.

Delete button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

Exit Button: It is used to exit from the existing or current page.


FUNCTION: University.

Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

DESCRIPTION: A data Entry form to collect different name of universities. The data
will be used to fill the Board/Universities in Employee's Education Details of Employee
Navigator Page.
Interface: This page contains a column header at the top, a list in the body and
a control panel at the bottom.
List Page: Within the column header, there are two column heading, first 'Check
to Delete' and second 'University'. User may check R or uncheck the Check to
Delete check box when required. If the box is checked, all the items in the list will
be checked automatically.
The body of this page consists of a textbox to contain name of the University. A check
box attached to the left to each text box is used to select the data of a particular row.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Universities Text Box: This textbox can take maximum of 100 characters. An
entry of more than that size will show a message Enter only 100 characters'. The
text box takes capital letters by default. It will not allow duplicate entry in the list.
If the user is trying to enter a data which is already present in the University list,
then it will show a message like 'University already exists'.

Check to Delete Check Box: This checkbox is used when user wants to delete
some of the existing entries from the list. User needs to check by clicking the
particular checkboxes or all the checkboxes left to the desired entries before
clicking on the delete button.
Control Panel: The control panel consists of four buttons. These are 'Add Row',
'Save', 'Delete', 'Exit'. Several manipulations are done on this page depending
upon these buttons.

Add Row button: This button helps to add extra rows to save more data. On
clicking Add Row button an extra row containing a checkbox and a textbox will be
added at the bottom of the table and allows feed data into it.

Save button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly entered data to
the list.

Delete button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

Exit Button: It is used to exit from the existing or current page.

4.2.8. GROUP OF FUNCTIONS: Setup Location Info



Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

DESCRIPTION: This page will help to specify the Block according to state and district.
The data will be used to fill the Block in various places of Employee Navigator Page.
Interface: This page contains a column header at the top, a list in the body and
a control panel at the bottom.
List Page: Within selection panel, there are 2 combo boxes having the 'Select a
State', 'Select a District' and an 'ok' button. After selection of a state it will give
the corresponding district names in the Combo box which is right to it. Then


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

choose a district name and click on ok button. The corresponding block names
will appear in body.

State Combo Box: This combo box contains a list of state names which is
previously filed in state list form. Its a mandatory field.

District Combo Box: This combo box contains a list of district names
which is previously filled in District list form according to their respective
states. Its a mandatory field.

Ok Button: After click on this button a list of block names will appear in
the body.

Within the column header, there are two column headings, first Block' and the
second Edit' and the third is Remove.
The body of this page consists of one text box that contains Name of the Block on the
each side the block there are Edit icons and Remove icons.

Block Text Box: This textbox contains names of blocks that can take
maximum of 30 characters. An entry of more than that size will show a
message 'Enter only 30 characters'. The text box takes capital letters by

Edit: This button helps to edit the particular block name of the district.

Remove: This button helps to Remove the particular Block name from the
district .

The control panel consists of four buttons. These are 'Add New', 'Save', 'Delete', 'Exit'.
Several manipulations are done on this page depending upon these buttons.


Add New button: This button helps to add extra rows to save more data.
On clicking Add Row button an extra row containing a checkbox and a
textbox will be added at the bottom of the table and allows feed data into
Save button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly entered
data to the list.
Delete button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.
Exit Button: It is used to exit from the existing or current page.

FUNCTION: District.

Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

DESCRIPTION: A data Entry form to collect different name of districts according to

states. The data will be used to fill the District in Various places of Employee Navigator
Interface: This page contains a column header at the top, a list in the body and
a control panel at the bottom.
Within selection panel, there is a combo box having the 'Select a State' and an 'ok'
button. After selection of a state it will give the corresponding district names will appear
in body.

State Combo Box: This combo Box contains those state names which are
previously filed in state list form. Its a mandatory field.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Ok Button: After click on this button a list of district names will appear in the

Within the column header, there are two column headings, first is 'Check to Delete' and
second is Name of the district'. User may check or uncheck the Check box to Delete
respective District when required. If the box is checked, all the items in the list will be
checked automatically.
The body of this page consists of one textbox containing Name of the district. A check
box attached to the left to each text box is used to select the data of a particular row.

District Text Box: This textbox can take maximum of 30 characters. An entry of
more than that size will show a message 'Enter only 30 characters'. The textbox
takes capital letters by default.

Check To Delete Checkbox: This checkbox is used when user wants to delete
some of the existing entries from the list. User need to check by clicking the
particular checkboxes left to the desired entries before clicking on the delete

The control panel consists of four buttons. These are 'Add Row', 'Save', 'Delete', 'Exit'.
Several manipulations are done on this page depending upon these buttons.

Add Row button: This button helps to add extra rows to save more data. On
clicking Add Row button an extra row containing a checkbox and a textbox will be
added at the bottom of the table and allows to feed data into it.
Save button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly entered data to
the list.
Delete button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.
Exit Button: It is used to exit from the existing or current page.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

FUNCTION: Police Station.

DESCRIPTION: A data Entry form to collect different Police Station names according to
states and district. The data will be used to fill the Police Station in Various places of
Employee Navigator Page.


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Interface: This page contains a column header at the top, a list in the body and
a control panel at the bottom.
List Page: Within selection panel, there are 2 combo boxes having the 'Select a
State', 'Select a District' and an 'ok' button. After selection of a state it will give
the corresponding police station names in the Combo box which is right to it.
Then choose a district name and click on ok button. The corresponding police
station names will appear in body.

State Combo Box: This combo box contains a list of state names which is
previously filed in state list form. Its a mandatory field.

District Combo Box: This combo box contains a list of district names which is
previously filled in District list form according to their states. Its a mandatory

Ok Button: After click on this button a list of police station will appear in the

Within the column header, there are two column headings, first is 'Check to Delete' and
second is 'Name of the Police Station'. User may check or uncheck the Check to Delete
check box when required. If the box is checked, all the items in the police station list will
be checked automatically.
In body of this page consists of one textbox that contains Police Station Name. A check
box attached to the left to each text box is used to select the data of a particular row.

Name Of the Police Station Text Box: This textbox will contain names of
police stations that can take maximum of 30 characters. An entry of more than
that size will show a message 'Enter only 30 characters'. The textbox takes
capital letters by default. It will not allow duplicate entry in the list.

Check To Delete Checkbox: This checkbox is used when user wants to delete
some of the existing entries from the list. User needs to check by clicking the
particular checkboxes or all the checkboxes left to the desired entries before
clicking on the delete button.

The control panel consists of four buttons. These are 'Add Row', 'Save', 'Delete', 'Exit'.
Several manipulations are done on this page depending upon these buttons.

Add Row button: This button helps to add extra rows to save more data. On
clicking Add Row button an extra row containing a checkbox and a textbox will be
added at the bottom of the table and allows feed data into it.
Save button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly entered data to
the list.
Delete button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Exit Button: It is used to exit from the existing or current page.

FUNCTION: Post Office.

DESCRIPTION: A data Entry form to collect different post office names according to
states and district. The data will be used to fill the Post Office in Various places of
Employee Navigator Page.
Interface: This page contains a column header at the top, a list in the body and
a control panel at the bottom.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

List Page: Within selection panel, there are 2 combo boxes having the 'Select a
State', 'Select a District' and an 'ok' button. After selection of a state it will give
the corresponding district names in the Combo box which is right to it. Then
choose a district name and click on ok button. The corresponding block names
will appear in body.

State Combo Box: This combo box contains a list of state names which is
previously filed in state list form. Its a mandatory field.

District Combo Box: This combo box contains a list of district names
which is previously filled in District list according to their states. Its a

Ok Button: After click on this button a list of block names will appear in
the body.

Within the column header, there are three column headings, first 'Check to Delete,
second PIN for Post Office' and third is 'Name of the Post Office'. User may check R or
uncheck the Check to Delete check box when required. If the box is checked, all the
items in the list will be checked automatically.
In body of this page consists of a list of text boxes to contain list of PIN for Post Office
and Post Office. A check box attached to the left to each text box is used to select the
data of a particular row.

Post Office Text Box: This Text Box contains the list of post offices that
can take maximum of 30 characters. An entry of more than that size will
show a message 'Enter only 30 characters'. The text box takes capital
letters by default.

Pin of Post Office: This Text Box contains the list of PIN numbers of the
respective Post Office on it right side. Take maximum of 6 characters. An
entry of more than that size will show a message 'Enter only 6 characters'.
It only takes numerical characters. Entry of other characters it will show
an error Please enter only numbers in Pin Of Post Office.

Check To Delete Checkbox: This checkbox is used when user wants to

delete some of the existing entries from the list. User needs to check by
clicking the particular checkboxes or all the checkboxes left to the desired
entries before clicking on the delete button.

The control panel consists of four buttons. These are 'Add Row', 'Save', 'Delete', 'Exit'.
Several manipulations are done on this page depending upon these buttons.


Add Row button: This button helps to add extra rows to save more data.
On clicking Add Row button an extra row containing a checkbox and a

Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification


textbox will be added at the bottom of the table and allows feed data into
Save button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly entered
data to the list.
Delete button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.
Exit Button: It is used to exit from the existing or current page.


DESCRIPTION: A data Entry form to collect different states of a country. The data will
be used to fill the state in various places of Employee Navigator Page.
Interface: This page contains a column header at the top, a list in the body and
a control panel at the bottom.
List Page: Within the column header, there are two column headings, first is
'Check to Delete' and second is 'State Name'. User may check or uncheck the
Check to Delete check box when required. If the box is checked, all the items in
the list will be checked automatically.
The body of this page contains one text box having field name as State. A check box
attached to the left to each text box is used to select the data of a particular row.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

State Text Box: This textbox will contain names of states. It can take maximum
of 30 characters. An entry of more than that size will show a message 'Enter only
30 characters'. The text box takes capital letters by default.

Check to Delete Check Box: This checkbox is used when user wants to delete
some of the existing entries from the list. User needs to check by clicking the
particular checkboxes or all the checkboxes left to the desired entries before
clicking on the delete button.

The control panel consists of four buttons. These are 'Add Row', 'Save', 'Delete', 'Exit'.
Several manipulations are done on this page depending upon these buttons.

Add Row button: This button helps to add extra rows to save more data. On
clicking Add Row button an extra row containing a checkbox and a textbox will be
added at the bottom of the table and allows feed data into it.

Save button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly entered data to
the list.

Delete button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

Exit Button: This button is to close the current transaction page.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification FUNCTION: Village.

DESCRIPTION: A data Entry form to collect different Village names according to

states, district and block. The data will be used to fill the Village name in various places
of Employee Navigator Page.
Interface: This page contains a column header at the top, a list in the body and
a control panel at the bottom.
List Page: Within selection panel, there are 3 combo boxes having the 'Select a
State', 'Select a District', 'Select a 'Police Station' and an 'ok' button. After
selection of a state it will give the corresponding district names in the Combo box
which is below to it. Then choose a district name it will give the corresponding
Police stations in the Combo box which is right to it. Then choose a block name
and click on ok button. The corresponding village names will appear in body.


State Combo Box: This combo box contains a list of state names which is
previously filed in state list form. Its a mandatory required field.

Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

District Combo Box: This combo box contains a list of district names
which is previously filled in District list form according to their states. Its a
mandatory required field. The list appears only after selecting State

Block Combo Box: This list Box contains those village names which are
previously filled in Block list form according to states and districts. Its a
mandatory required field. The list appears only after selecting District

Ok Button: After click on this button a list of block names will appear in
the body.

Within the column header, there are three column headings, first is 'Village' , second is
'Edit and the third is Remove'
In body of this page consists of a text box that contains Village Name. A check box
attached to the left to each text box is used to select the data of a particular row.

Name Of the Village Text Box: This textbox can take maximum of 50
characters. An entry of more than that size will show a message 'Enter
only 50 characters'. The text box takes capital letters by default.

Edit: This button helps to edit the particular Village name.

Remove: This button helps to Remove the particular Village name.

The control panel consists of four buttons. These are 'Add Row', 'Cancel', 'Exit'. Several
manipulations are done on this page depending upon these buttons.

Add Row button: This button helps to add extra rows to save more data.
On clicking Add Row button an extra row containing a checkbox and a
textbox will be added at the bottom of the table and allows feed data into
Cancel button: It is used to cancel all the data recently entered before
saving the page.
Exit Button: It is used to exit from the existing or current page.


FUNCTION: Allowance and Deduction



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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Interface: The modules have one list page where the list of all previous allowance
and deduction transactions is shown. Every single allowance and deduction
transaction can be viewed for further updating purpose in a data page by clicking on
edit link. Detail about the list page and data page is described in the next section.
List Page: It shows the list of all previously occurred allowance and deduction
events in it. The list page is divided into three different sections namely a) Header, b)
List c) Control Panel as shown in Fig: 28.1(a). The detail descriptions about all the
sections are as follows:
Header: The header section is having two buttons such as ALLOWANCE and
DEDUCTION. Details of all the data components are as follows:

Allowance: Additional Facilities added with salary.

The following are the types of allowances which can be availed by
an employee.
(i)Compensatory allowance: Granted in consideration of personal








circumstances in which duty is performed. It also includes traveling

(ii)House rent allowance: This is applicable to govt. employees who
are eligible for rent free accommodation but have not been
provided with govt. accommodation and also to those staying in
their own houses.
(iii)Dearness allowance: This is granted to compensate the price
increase to which the revised pay scales relate. This will be
sanctioned twice a year payable from 1st Jan and 1st July.
(iv)Special construction allowance: Employees working in major
irrigation power projects located in identified unhealthy localities
are entitled to get special construction allowance.

Deduction: Deduction from salary. Like-Professional tax, income tax,

water tax.

List: It shows the list of all previously occurred allowance and deduction events in it. It
contains data components like SL.NO, CODE, NAME OF THE HEAD, VALUE etc as
described below.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

SL.NO: It is the Serial number that is generated at the time of listing

CODE: It is the abbreviation or short form of the Name of the Head.

NAME OF THE HEAD: Allowance names.

VALUE: Amount of Allowance/ Deduction.

Edit Icon: This link is used when the user wants to edit some of the
existing entries from the list. After clicking on the edit link it will go to
edit page with all related data. The edited data can be saved by
clicking on save button.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding new allowance
and deduction record or exiting from the module. It contains buttons like add new and
exit. Detail description is given below.

AddNew Button:

This button is used to add a new record to the

existing record or data.

Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page window.

Fig: 28.1(a)


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Data Page: Data page contains detail data components of a particular allowance and
deduction and allows the user to add or update relevant information. This page is divided
into two different sections namely a) data panel, c) control panel as shown in Fig:
28.1(b). Detail description about each section is discussed below.
Data Panel: It contains detail data components of a particular allowance and deduction
and allows the user to add or update relevant information. It contains information like

Fig: 28.1(b)

Code Text Box: This is a text box which contains the code. It takes
only 10 characters of code like-GP, DA etc.

Head Text Box: This is a text box which contains the name of the
code. It takes only 30 characters.

Fixed Allowance Check Box: This checkbox is used to select whether

it is fixed allowance or not.


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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Name of the Group Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has
to select one of the group.

Col in Pay Bill Form Combo Box: This is a combo box. The user has
to select one column.

Formula Text Area: This text area contains formula.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like Update, delete, cancel

Update button: This button is used for saving the changed entered
data to the list

Delete button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

Cancel button: It is used to cancel the editing records from the list and go back to List

FUNCTION: Bill Browser

Interface: The modules have one list page where the list of all previous bill browsers
is shown. Every bill browser transaction can be viewed for further updating purpose
in a data page by clicking on edit link. Detail about the list page and data page is
described in the next section.
List Page: It shows the list of all previously occurred bill browser events in it. The
list page is divided into three different sections namely a) Header, b) List c) Control
Panel as shown in Fig: 28.2. The detail descriptions about all the sections are as
Header: The header section contains the labels Month and Year for searching the
bill. Details of all the data components are as follows:


Year: is a combo box. The user has to select one year.

Month: is a combo box. The user has to select one month.

Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

List: It shows the list of all previously occurred bill browser events in it. It
contains data components like Bill No, Bill Description, Bill Type etc and the
details described below.

Bill No: It is the Serial number that is generated at the time of listing

Bill Description: It is the abbreviation or short form of the Name of

the Head.

Bill Type: This field contains the type of bill.

Browse Acquaintance: This field contains the Browse Acquaintance


Reports: This field contains the reports.

View Icon: The employee can view the details of the transaction of a
particular row on clicking the view link.

Edit Icon: This link is used when the user wants to edit some of the
existing entries from the list. After clicking on the edit link it will go to
edit page with all related data. The edited data can be saved by
clicking on save button.


Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding new bill
browse record or exiting from the module. It contains buttons like New Bill,
Cancel Bill , Exit. Detail description is given below.


New Bill Button:

Cancel Bill Button: :

Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page window.

This button is used to add a new bill .

This button is used to cancel a bill.

Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Fig: 28.2

FUNCTION: Bill Group List

Interface: The modules have one list page where the list of all Bill Group is shown.
Every Bill Group can be viewed for further updating purpose in a data page by
clicking on edit link. Detail about the list page and data page is described in the next
List Page: It shows the list of all previously occurred Bill Group in it. The list page is
divided into three different sections namely a) Header, b) List c) Control Panel as
shown in Fig: 28.3. The detail descriptions about all the sections are as follows:
Header: The header section contains the number of Sanctioned Post in Office,
number of Men in Position, number of Mapped Post, number of Unmapped Post.
Details of all the data components are as follows:


Sanctioned Post: This shows the number of sanctioned post.

Men in Position: This shows the number of men in position

Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Mapped Post: This shows the number of mapped post.

Unmapped Post: This shows the number of unmapped post.

List: It shows the list of all Bill Group. It contains data components like Bill No,
Bill Description, Bill Type etc and the details described below.

Sl. No: It is the Serial number that is generated at the time of listing

Description: It is the short description about the Bill Group.

Edit Icon: This link is used when the user wants to edit some of the
existing entries from the list. After clicking on the edit link it will go to
edit page with all related data. The edited data can be saved by
clicking on save button.

Map Icon: This link is used to map a post. After clicking on the map
link it will go to map group page with all related data where a post can
be mapped. The post can be assign by clicking on Assign button.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Fig: 28.3
Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding new bill
browse record or exiting from the module. It contains buttons like New Bill,
Cancel Bill , Exit. Detail description is given below.

Add New Button:

Exit Button: This button is closed the current transaction page

This button is used to add a new Bill Group.



Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Data Panel: It contains detail data components of a particular bill group the user to add
or update relevant information. It contains information like:
Group Description: This is a required field. This text field receives a short
description about the new bill group. It can take maximum 50 characters.
Scheme: This is a combo box containing two different schemes like plan or nonplan.
Sector: This is a combo box containing different sector like block, district, private
or public.
Post Class: This is a combo box containing two different post class like
permanent or temporary.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Account Head: This section is to enter different information related to account.

This contains some sub-sections under which two text fields such as Head and
description. Head section can receive maximum 7 characters. The name of the
sub-sections is as follows:
Major, Sub-major, Minor, Subminor1, Subminor2, Subminor3

FUNCTION: Section Definition

Interface: The modules have one list page where the list of all sections transactions
is shown. Every single section transaction can be viewed for further updating purpose
in a data page by clicking on edit and map link. Detail about the list page and data
page is described in the next section.
List Page: It shows the list of all previously occurred sections events in it. The list
page is divided into three different sections namely a) Header, b) List c) Control
Panel as shown in Fig: 28.3(a). The detail descriptions about all the sections are as
Header: The header section is having four. Details of all the data components are as

Sectioned post in office: No. of posts in office.

Mapped Post: This will show how many posts are mapped.

Men in position: No. of posts occupied.

Unmapped Post: This will show how many posts are unmapped.

List: It shows the list of all previously occurred allowance and deduction events in
it. It contains data components like SL.NO, CODE, NAME OF THE HEAD, VALUE
etc as described below.

SL.NO: It is the Serial number that is generated at the time of listing

SECTION: It is the abbreviation or short form of the Name of the



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HRMS, User Requirement Specification

NO OF POST: this field will show the number of posts.

MEN IN POSITION: This field will show the position of posts.

BILL GROUP: This field will show the bill belongs to which Bill Group.

Edit Icon: This link is used when the user wants to edit some of the
existing entries from the list. After clicking on the edit link it will go to
edit page with all related data. The edited data can be saved by
clicking on save button.

Map Icon: This link is used when the user wants to map some of the
existing entries from the list. After clicking on the map link it will go to
map page with all related data. The mapped data can be saved by
clicking on save button.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like adding new
section record or exiting from the module. It contains buttons like add new and
exit. Detail description is given below.

AddNew Button:

This button is used to add a new record to the

existing record or data.


Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page window.

Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Fig: 28.3(a)

Data Page: Data page contains detail data components of a particular section and
allows the user to add or update relevant information. This page is divided into two
different sections namely a) data panel, c) control panel as shown in Fig: 28.3(b).
Detail description about each section is discussed below.
Data Panel: It contains detail data components of a particular section and allows the
user to add or update relevant information. It contains information like

Fig: 28.3(b)


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Section Text Box: This is a text box which contains the section. It
takes only 50 characters of code like.

No. of Post Text Area: This text area contains number of posts.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like Update, delete, cancel


Save button: This button is used for saving the entered data to the

Delete button: It is used to delete existing records from the list.

Cancel button: It is used to cancel the editing records from the list
and go back to List Page.


DESCRIPTION: This module helps the user to enter those entries of service book
which can't be accommodated in any of the given modules.
Interface: The modules have one list page where the list of PAR Browser is
List Page: It shows the list of PAR Browser events in it. The list page is divided
into three different sections namely a) Header, b) List c) Control Panel as shown in
Fig: 18.1(a). The detail descriptions about all the sections are as follows:
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).It contains data components


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

like Employee Name, HRMS ID etc. Details of all the data components are as


This is a combo box. The user has to select the particular

session year.

PAR Type: This is a combo box. The user has to select the particular
PAR Type.

Defaulter: This is a combo box. The user has to select the particular
Defaulter Type.

List: It shows the list of PAR Browser events in it.

Sl. No: This field counts the number of records of all the employees


Employee / Cadre / Grade:

Date of Birth: This field will show the date of birth of the employee.

Period: User has to provide date. Here user can add date by typing or
by selecting. If by typing then user has to follow the format (DD-MMMYYYY).

Post: It describes the post of the employee.

Currently With:


Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like PAR Register,
Transmission Register etc from the module. It contains buttons like PAR Register
and Transmission Register. Detail description is given below.

PAR Register:

Transmission Register:

Send To Next Authority:

Exit: This button is used for to exit from the calendar management


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Fig: 18.1(a) FUNCTION: PAR Browser _ PAR Register

Interface: The modules have one list page.
List Page: It shows the list of all previously occurred Leave events in it. The list
page is divided into three different sections namely a) Header, b) List c) Control
Panel as shown in Fig: 18.2. The detail descriptions about all the sections are as
Header: The header section shows details about the selected employee. In this
section data shown in the form of labels (read only).

Select Cadre: This combo box contains a list of Cadre names which is
previously filled in Cadre list form. From the list user need to choose
the appropriate Cadre.

Select Grade: This combo box contains a list of Grade according to

the Cadre names & Department names which is previously filled in
Grade list form. From the list user need to choose the appropriate

Select Financial Year: This text box will hold the financial year.

Select Department: This combo box contains a list of Department

names according to the Cadre names, which is previously filled in


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Department list










appropriate Department.

Select HOD: This combo box contains a list of HOD names according
to the Cadre names, Department names. From the list user need to
choose the appropriate Head of the Department.

Select Office: This combo box contains a list of Office names

according to the Department names, which is previously filled in
Office list form. From the list user need to choose the appropriate

List: It shows the list of PAR Register events in it.

Sl. No: This field counts the number of records of all the employees

Employee: This field stores the notification order number of an


Control Panel:

Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page window.

Fig: 18.2


GROUP OF FUNCTIONS: Calendar FUNCTION: Provide Calendar


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

DESCRIPTION: The purpose of this module is to assign a calendar to a post of a

particular office.
Interface: The modules have one list page where a user can select a calendar
and assign it to the specific post/posts. The interface also displays available posts
and assigned posts.
Header: The header section shows details like type of calendar, Department
name, office name etc which are described as follows:

Select Calendar Combo Box: This is a combo box from which a user
can select a type of calendar to be assigned.

Department: This is the name of the department which is displayed in

the form of label.

Office: This is the name of office which is displayed in the form of label.
Data Panel: This contains two tabs like Detailed Post List and Brief Post


two select boxes named Available posts and Assigned posts.

Detailed Post List: By clicking this tab user can get the detailed
available posts and assigned posts.

Brief Post List: By clicking this tab user can get the available posts

and assigned briefly.

Available post List Select Box: This select box displays the Available

posts for the particular office.

Assigned Post List Select Box: This select box displays the assigned

post details.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like save, cancel etc.

Save button: This button is used to assign a calendar to the posts

which are available in the assigned post list select box.

Cancel button: It is used to cancel the operation of assigned

calendars to the posts. FUNCTION: Calendar Management

DESCRIPTION: Using this module privileged employees can customize a calendar
(creates, edit & delete calendar) and manage govt. holidays (add, edit, delete,
include & exclude holidays to a calendar).
Interface: The module has one interface. It gives facilities to user, where user
can create a new calendar, manage a calendar, import a calendar, edit a
calendar, add holidays, edit holidays from list, etc.
Create a Calendar: By clicking on Create a calendar link user will view a modal
box where user has to provide calendar information.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Calendar Name: User has to provide a calendar name. This field is a

mandatory field and has maximum limit of 50 characters.

Territory: User has to provide territory and has maximum limit of 100

Year: This is a list box where user has to select year and this field is mandatory.

Maximum Optional Holidays: User has to provide number of

optional holidays. This field contains number only and has maximum
limit of 1 character.

Weekly holidays: This field contains two check box where user can select
both or one or not any one.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions create a new calendar
or cancel entry. It contains buttons like Create and Cancel. Detail description is
given below.

Create Button: This button is used to create a new calendar.

Cancel Button: This button is used to cancel create new calendar and
return to previous page.


Manage a Calendar: By clicking on manage a calendar link user will view a

modal box where user has to provide calendar information.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Select Calendar: User has to select a calendar from given list.

Select year: User has to select a year from given list.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions manage a new

calendar or cancel. It contains buttons like Select and Cancel. Detail description is
given below.

Select Button: This button is used to manage a calendar where user

can set holidays, edit holidays.

Cancel Button: This button is used to cancel manage calendar form

and return to previous page.

Figure 17.2.2)

Add Holidays: Here user can add new holidays, modify holidays or delete
holidays from the selected calendar.

Holiday: User has to provide holiday name and has maximum limit of
100 characters. Its a mandatory field.

Saka-Era Date: User has to provide saka era date and has maximum
limit of 50 characters.

Period From: User has to provide date. Here user can add date by
typing or by selecting. If by typing then user has to follow the format
(DD-MON-YYYY). This field is a mandatory.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Period To: User has to provide date. Here user can add date by typing
or by selecting. If by typing then user has to follow the format (DDMON-YYYY). This field is a mandatory.

Optional Holiday: Here it is a check box where user has to set which
type of holiday it is. If user has to check this box then its a optional
holiday otherwise its a mandatory holiday.

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like add holidays, edit
holidays or delete holidays from list. Detail description is given below.

Add Button: This button is used to add a holiday into the list.

Clear Button: This button is used to clear the holiday information

which is provided by the user.

Edit Button: This button is used to edit a holiday from the list.

Delete Button: This button is used to delete a holiday from the list.

Save Button: This button is used to save holiday information to the

selected calendar after modify holiday list.

Cancel Button: Whatever the action is taken by the user on holidays

it will cancel all these operation.

Exit Button: This button is used for to exit from the calendar
management window.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification



GROUP OF FUNCTIONS: System Administration FUNCTION: Role management


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

DESCRIPTION: HRMS provides facility through the Role management module to

manage authorization, which enables us to specify the resources that users in our
application are allowed to access.
Interface: The modules have one list page where the list of module group and
Assign Privilege check boxes are available as shown in fig: 22.1.
List Page: The list page is divided into three different sections namely a) Header,
b) List c) Control Panel as shown in Fig: 22.1. The detail descriptions about all
the sections are as follows:
Header: The header section shows a list of selected role through a combo box
and a ok button. The select role may be RDC, DISTRICT, CADRE, DEPARTMENT,
HOD and OFFICE. By selecting one of the roles and clicking on the 'ok' button the
user can see the assigned privilege to the module group.
List: It shows the list of module group and Assign Privilege in it. The module
Every module group has assigned privilege check box right to it.
Control Panel: It contains buttons like Save and exit. Detail description is given


This button is used to save the module group privilege for a selected



Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page window.

Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Fig: 22.1 FUNCTION: Privilege management

DESCRIPTION: HRMS application provides facility to give the user privilege through this
Interface: This module is one page. The

page is divided into three different

sections namely a) Header, b) Data c) Control Panel as shown in Fig: 23.1. The
detail descriptions about all the sections are as follows:
Header: The header section shows three combo boxes such as Department,
Office and Post .It also contains an ok button. By selecting the Department, Office
and post from the combo and then click on the ok button. Then the administrator
can see the privileged or unprivileged module in the Data section.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Data: It shows the data like Role levels, Module Groups and module in a tree like
structure. An administrator can modify the privilege by click or unclick on the
check boxes left to each label.
Control Panel: It contains buttons like save and exit. Detail description is given


This button is used to save the individual module privilege under

module group against each post.

Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page window.

Fig: 22.1


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification FUNCTION: Create Employee

DESCRIPTION: The objective of this module is to create new employee specific data
after joining in a Govt. Organization.
Interface: This module is one page. The

page is divided into two different

sections namely a) Data b) Control Panel as shown in Fig: 23.1. The detail
descriptions about all the sections are as follows:
Data: It shows the data like Employees First name, middle name & last name,










identification mark if.

Control Panel: It contains buttons like save and exit. Detail description is given


This button is used to save the individual module privilege under

module group against each post.


Exit: This button is closed the current transaction page window.

Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Fig: 23.1
Data Panel: It contains detail data components of a particular employee and allows the
user to add particular employee information. It contains information like

Employees Full Name: This level is holds Title, First Name, Middle Name
& Last name of an employee.
Title: This is a combo box which helps to specify the possible titles of
an employee.
First Name: This text box takes the first name of the employee.
This is a mandatory field, if the user did not entered any name in
this field it will show error message Please Enter First Name. It
can take only 20 characters.
Middle Name:

This text box takes the middle name of the

employee. This is an optional field.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Last Name: This text box takes the last name of the employee.
This is a mandatory field, if the user did not entered any name in
this field it will show error message Please Enter Last Name. It can
take only 20 characters.

Fathers Name: This level is holds Title, First Name, Middle Name & Last
name of an employee.
Title: This is a combo box which helps to specify the possible titles of
an employees fathers name.
First Name: This text box takes the first name of the employees
fathers name. This is a mandatory field, if the user did not entered
any name in this field it will show error message Please Enter
Fathers First Name. It can take only 20.
Middle Name:

This text box takes the middle name of the

employees fathers name. This is an optional field.

Last Name: This text box takes the last name of the employees
fathers name. This is a mandatory field, if the user did not entered
any name in this field it will show error message Please Enter
Fathers Last Name. It can take only 20 characters.

GPF No/PPAN No: This text box takes the GPF No. or PPAN No. of the
employee. This is a mandatory field, if the user did not entered any name
in this field it will show error message Please Enter GPF No/PPAN No. It
can take only 30 characters.

Permanent Address: This text area takes the permanent address of an

employee. This is a mandatory field; if the user did not enter any name in
this field it will show error message Please Enter Permanent Address. It
can take only 150 characters.

State: This is a combo box. This field stores the state name of the

District: This is a combo box. This field stores the district name of the

Block: This is a combo box. This field stores the block name of the

Police Station: This is a combo box. This field stores the police station
name of the employee.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Village/Town/City: This is a combo box. This field stores the Village /

Town /City name of the employee.

Post Office: This is a combo box. This field stores the Post office name of
the employee.

Pin: This is textbox which holds the pin no. This is a mandatory field, if
the user did not entered any name in this field it will show error message
Please Enter Pin No. It can take only 6 characters.

STD code: This is textbox which holds the STD code of the phone no. It
can take only 6 numbers.

Tel No: This is textbox which holds the phone no. It can take only 6

Date of Birth: This is a textbox which contains the birth date of an

employee. It can take only 11 characters. The user has to give the entry
according to particular date format (DD-MMM-YYYY).

Qualification: This is a combo box. This field stores the Qualification of

the employee.

Faculty: This is a combo box. This field stores the Faculty name of the

Degree Name: This is a combo box. This field stores the Degree name of
the employee.

Year of Passing: This is a textbox which contains the year of passing of

an employee.

Subjects: This is a textbox which contains the subjects taken by an

employee during his study.

Institute: This is a textbox which contains the Institute Name of an


Board/ University: This is a textbox which contains the Board or

University Name of an employee.

Height: This is a textbox which contains the height of an employee. It

takes only 3 characters.

Personal Identification Mark: This is textbox which holds the Personal

Identification Mark. This is a mandatory field, if the user did not entered
any name in this field it will show error message Please Enter Personal
Identification Mark. It can take only 200.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Date from which in continuous Service with GoO: This is a

textbox which contains the Date from which in continuous Service with
GoO of an employee. It takes only 11 characters. The user has to give the
entry according to particular date format (DD-MMM-YYYY).

Date of Entry in Government Service: This field will contain Due Date
of an employee. . It takes only 11 characters. The user has to give the
entry according to particular date format (DD-MMM-YYYY).

Control Panel: It allows user to perform certain functions like save, exit etc.

Save Button: This button is used for saving the changed/newly entered
data to the list.


Exit Button: This button is closed the current transaction page window.

Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification FUNCTION: Service Book Update Privilege

Interface: This module is one page. The

page is divided into three different

sections namely a) Header, b) Data c) Control Panel as shown in Fig: 25.1. The
detail descriptions about all the sections are as follows:
Header: The header section shows two combo boxes such as Department and
Office. It also contains an ok button. By selecting the Department and Office from
the combo and then click on the ok button, the administrator can see the data in
the data page.
Data: It shows the data like Substantive Post Code, Office Check Box, Dept
Check Box, Cadre Check Box, HOD Check Box, Dist Check Box, RDC Check Box
etc. An administrator can modify the privilege by click or unclick on the check
boxes left to each label.
Control Panel: It contains buttons like save and exit. Detail description is given

This button is used to save the individual module privilege

under module group against each post.

Exit: This button is used to close the current transaction page window.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Fig 25.1


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Process Re-Engineering through Workflow Pattern

Workflow process
Every government employee goes through several processes/ activities throughout their
service period. Out of many processes Transfer and Leave are two major processes which
influence the post and pay structure to a great extent. The two processes are described later
with their requirements.


Every government employee delivers his service in a particular substantive post. Transfer is
the process of assigning the employee a new substantive post and at the same time
relieving from existing substantive post. An Employee may be transferred after completion
of 3 years of service excluding the period spent on leave. Transfer process involves several
steps like issue of transfer order, issue if relieve order, charge hand over, submission of
joining report, taking over the new charge, issue of Last Pay Certificate from relieving office,
Finalization of Joining Time and Joining Time Pay etc. There are several State Government
and Central Government Policies relating to transfer and posting are guiding the complete
process of Transfer. The Context Flow Diagram of Transfer Process is given below.

Issue of
Transfer order

Issue of
Relieve order/

Charge Hand

Submission of
Joining Report

Joining Time

Sanction of JT
and JT Pay

Issue of LPC
from Old

New Charge
Take Over

Leave Account


Issue of Transfer Order: Order of transfer may be issued to single or multiple

employees in a single transfer order. In a transfer order, the present and next
substantive post of the concerned employee is mentioned clearly. The transfer
process is always managed by the cadre controlling department. Copy of the transfer
order shall be forwarded to the officers concerned, Heads of offices, from whose
establishment he is relieved and to which he has been transferred.



Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Issue of Relieve Order: Relieve order is issued by the relieving office against
the transfer order. The relieve order is issued by the controlling officer. The services
of the concerned employee may be placed at the disposal of hiring department if
employee is transferred to a department other than parent department.


Charge Hand Over: After the employee is relieved from his current post,
Employee need to hand over the charge and the report should be made in FORM
OGFR 2. The Charge hand over report should be communicated to the Heads of
offices, from whose establishment he is relieved and to which he has been


[O.G.F.R. Rule: 63] Every transfer of a 7epts.7 or non-gazetted officer shall be

reported to the Heads of offices, from whose establishment he is relieved
and to which he has been transferred. The report shall be made in Form
O.G.F.R. 2 and signed both by the relieved and the Relieving Officer. Reports
in respect of officers transferred from one department in the secretariat to
another or from the office of a head of department to another shall likewise
be sent to the Secretary of the department, as the case may be. Where the
authorities, as aforesaid, are not appointing authorities, a copy of the report
shall be sent to the authority.
Submission of Joining Report: Once an employee is relieved and handed over
the charge from the relieving office, the employee can join in the next office by
submitting a joining report to the appointing authority.


New Charge take over: After submitting the joining report. Employee has to
take over the new charge in the new office. The taking over of charge is done in form
OGFR 2 as mentioned in Rule-63 of OGFR.

Issue of LPC: After receiving the confirmation of joining or charge hand over/
take over report (Form OGFR 2) from the new office the relieving office shall issue a
Last Pay Certificate in Form Orissa Treasury Code 195 format.

Sanction of Joining Time and Joining Time Pay: After taking over the charge
of the new post the allowed joining and availed joining time is verified. Further
adjustments (e.g. Extension of joining time, Sanction of leave for the extended
period etc.) may be done as per rule (e.g. 208a.a Orissa Service Code).


Acknowledge Unutilized Joining Time (if any): Unutilized joining time may be
acknowledged if employee has joined before the allowed joining time.



Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

Credit of Unutilized Joining Time to leave Account: The unutilized joining

time shall credited to Earned Leave account IF an employee on transfer joins the new
post without availing himself of the full joining time to which he is entitled. The
maximum joining time admissible is limited to 10 days.


5.1.a Process: Issue of Transfer Order

Desk Officer/ Section Officer/ ASO

Competent Authority (U.S. /D.S./ J.S. / A.S. /


Preparation of
Proposal Letter
Verification &
Submission of
Proposal Letter

/ Reject

Issue of Transfer Order to

Concerned Employee,
Copy Forwarded to
Relieving Officer and
Head of New Office


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification

5.1.b Process: Relieve and Joining

Relieving Officer


Joining Officer/Head of New

Office/ Appointment

Receipt of
Transfer Order

Issue of Relieve


Receipt of
Relieve Order

Submission of
OGFR Form -2
(Charge hand

Submission of
Joining Report to


Receipt of Joining
Report (Request
for LPC)

Preparation of

Submission of

Receipt of

Charges take
over in form

Request for Sanction

of extra JT or Unavailed JT if any.




EntryA in Leave


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification



Like Transfer, Leave is another most critical process for managing pay structure of an
employee. According to the Orissa Leave Rule, pre-defined leave rules are available
depending on which a govt. employee avails the service of leave. In most of the service
transactions like Joining, Detention of vacation, Sanction of leave, Surrender of leave
etc, leave plays a vital role. For employees of different departments, the leave rule is
different. Like employees of Vacation dept. can avail 13 days of leave in one year, but
other than this dept. it is of 15 days (Mentioned in Leave Rule Management Module).
Every govt. employee has a leave account in which details regarding leave are provided.
The number of days to be credited as leave depend on the leave rules defined for a
particular post of a department. Number of leaves that an employee can avail depends
on the holidays (general & optional) available in govt. calendar. All the leave rules can
be categorized in to four different types. These are General, Additional Earned Leave
admissible, Vacation dept. (Judiciary) and other vacation Depts. In all the leave rules
information like Effective date of leave rule, Name of leave, Interval for Credit of Leave
in Months, Whether Leave will be credited calendar wise or service period wise or at the
beginning of interval or end of interval, No of Leave credited interval in Days and
months, maximum credit limit, No of days to be debited from current interval or next
interval are compulsory to be provided. The software to be developed should take care
of all these information while transacting with the leave account of an employee.
Different leave rules will be applicable to employees belong to different departments.
Employee should get the facility to apply leave online. The Leave Application should be
sanctioned by the competent authority online in a predefined management chain of
The Leave Management process has a relationship with calendar management module
and Transfer Management module. The software should have the provision of
integration of these modules together. The context flow diagram given below is showing
the participation of different components.


Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

HRMS, User Requirement Specification


Local Calendar

Vacation/ Special

General State

Apply Leave

Forward Leave

Sanction Leave




Leave Rule

Auto Periodic
Leave Credit

Detention of


Leave Account



Apply Leave

Forward Leave

Sanction Leave

Joining Time

Issuing Transfer

Relieve from

Join in New

Issuing Last Pay




Center for Modernizing Government Initiative

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