HR MR2 Requirements Document: Draft Copy For Initial Review

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HR MR2 Requirements Document

Draft Copy for Initial Review

Will be distributed to Project FRESH ESC on 10/31/00.

Prepared by MR2 Team October 24, 2000



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MR2 Team: Mike Ashcroft, Dave Cosgrove, Nicole Genco, Joe Poulin, Jackie Snow

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Table of Contents
Objective and Approach...................................................................................................................... 1 General Principles................................................................................................................................ 1 Scope of MR2 ........................................................................................................................................2 Concerns and Issues ............................................................................................................................ 2 Security............................................................................................................................................... 2 Access to Data...................................................................................................................................2 Availability of Data for Analysis/Testing ..................................................................................... 2 Impact of Proposed Modifications .................................................................................................2 Data Requirements............................................................................................................................... 2 Next Steps............................................................................................................................................... 3 Summary of Findings.......................................................................................................................... 5 Budget (HR Needs)......................................................................................................................... 5 Payroll ................................................................................................................................................ 7 Benefits............................................................................................................................................11 Salary Increase Process................................................................................................................13 Employment Management...........................................................................................................15 Sponsored Programs Administration (HR Needs).....................................................................18

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Objective and Approach

The goal for the HR MR2 requirements gathering phase was to assess USNHs human resource management reporting requirements and identify data elements that need to be available in a future reporting environ ment. To accomplish this task, the HR MR2 team: Inventoried management reporting needs being met by existing reports and reporting tools including system and end-user generated HR reports and s1032 datasets. The MR2 team then performed a preliminary grouping of these needs into the ESC approved categories control, compliance, and standardized query templates. Over 1,100 HR reports were reviewed during the requirements gathering phase. Interviewed and/or met with key HR end-users such as process group chairs, central office managers, and campus-based HR administrators. Invitations were also extended to departmental directors, including the UNH BSC directors, to discuss existing and potential future needs. A schedule of these meetings is included on page XX of this document. Analyzed the HR position/modification/issue papers prepared by the process groups to determine key reporting implications of recommended process changes, gaps, etc.

We feel that these efforts were successful in identifying both cur rent and anticipated HR reporting requirements.

General Principles
During our requirements gathering sessions, several high -level requirements or general principles were consistently voiced by end-users: End -users should have the ability to create their own libraries of reports and templates and not need to rely only on central resources for report development. The management -reporting tool should be intuitive and user-friendly. The future management-reporting tool should also support pre-formatted reporting templates and the majority of end-user reporting needs should be met through the use of such parameter -driven templates. The required parameters for these templates should incorporate user -friendly terms and descrip tions. Terminology within the reporting environment should be consistent and mirror the new Banner terms. The ability to schedule reports is required. Reports that are needed on a regular basis, e.g. weekly, monthly, etc. should be available for users at these intervals. Summarization categories leveraged for high -level System-wide reporting, such as those used in Board of Trustees reporting, should be available in the reporting environment and be usable in other levels of reporting. The ability to dri ll down from summary data is desired. One example of a possible drill path is the ability to view data summarized at the various levels of the HR pyramid for instance, budgeted salary dollars by pay id, then employee class, then position class, etc. End user training on the future management reporting environment must be available to all end users in a timely fashion and combine specific instruction on the reporting tool with a functional understanding of the data and related HR processes.

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Scope of MR2
The scope of the HR MR2 effort is limited to HR data that is captured in SCT Banner. End user reporting structures that capture this data will be available for HR go live. BusinessObjects/ WebIntelligence is the management -reporting tool that will be used to create this reporting environment. There are many areas where integration between Finance and HR is required . This integration has been recognized and although it will not be possible to achieve this functionality until both modules are implemented, it is our intent to create a reporting environment that will support this need.

Concerns and Issues

There are several areas affecting management reporting that are still outstanding and need to b e addressed. These areas are: Security The security in the HR reporting environment needs to mirror the security that is implemented in the Banner HR system. The HR team has not yet addressed security but is planning on doing so in the near future. The MR2 team will also participate in these discussions and consulting sessions. It is important that the MR2 team fully understand Banners security capabilities as well as USNHs implementation of this security. The MR2 team hopes t o leverage some of the Banner security structures when establishing BusinessObjects/WebIntelligence security but more analysis is needed in this area. Access to Data Most of the HR data that is available in the current environ ment for reporting purposes is live data, meaning that entries made in the HRIS system automatically update the reporting environment. The need for access to live Banner data for some reports has been identified. The MR2 team is concerned that providing access to live production data may degrade the performance of the transaction processing system. When determining if access to live data is necessary, it is important to consider the purpose of the desired report, if a suitable on -line Banner query form is available, the extent of possible performance degradations, and if a data refresh lag time would be acceptable. Availability of Data for Analysis/Testing Purposes Access to meaningful data will be required during the MR2 HR analysis phase. The MR2 team needs to work closely with the HR functional and technical teams to develop a strategy for populating this data. This interdependency has been recognized and meetings have been scheduled to discuss this issue. Impact of Proposed Modifications SCT or USNH Developed The timing of the design and delivery of all proposed modifications is critical to the MR2 teams ability to incorporate the modifications into the reporting environment. In the current best -case scenario, modifications will be installed and available for review during the HR MR2 analysis phase. It appears unlikely however that delivery of all requested/contracted modifications will occur during this timeframe. Late completion and/or installation of any of the modifications could require significant re -work for the MR2 team and may prohibit inclusion of modifications in the reporting environment at the go live date.

Data Requirements
The MR2 team has organized the HR data requirements into several content areas. These areas are: Budget (HR Needs) 2
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DRAFT Payroll Benefits Salary Increase Process Employment Management Sponsored Program Administration (HR Needs)


For each of the content areas listed above, a summary of the data requirements and implications of proposed modifications/business process redesigns are included. This information begins on page 5 of this document. Included as Attachment A is a listing of the specific reporting needs reviewed for each content area. In addition to the requirement summaries, a detailed requirements matrix that lists the individual fields required for each content area is included as Attachment B. There are requirements that are applicable for all HR areas; these include grouping and selection criteria, and drill capabilities. Grouping and Selection Criteria The ability to group and select data by all related dimension fields is required. Users should be able to grou p or select data by any available data element and have the ability to combine data elements from different but related areas such as person data with the employees related benefits information. Users will also need the ability to group and select data by date ranges or periods. The ability to see fiscal-year-to-date, calendar -year-to-date, month-to-date and user defined periods is required. A user may want to select employees who were hired between date x and date y or employees who are going to turn x years old within y days, etc. Whenever possible, users should have the ability to select data by using the textual descriptions for a specific code and not need to rely solely on the code value. A user should be able to select data based on an actual textual description, such as the description of a benefit type, and not need to rely on the related benefit type code. Drilling Capabilities The ability to drill from summary level views to more detailed information is required. Users should be able to drill from information summarized at a pay id level, to an employee class level, to a position class view, to the positions and then to the applicable jobs and finally to the labor distribution. Users should also be able to drill through time dimensions from fiscal year to quarter to month, etc.

Next Steps
The next major activity for the HR MR2 team is the analysis of the proposed requirements and determination on how these needs may be met in the future reporting solution. Requirements may be satisfied through existing on-line query forms, Banner reports, or via the management -reporting environment. One of the key outcomes of the analysis phase, scheduled to be completed January 31, 2001, is the identification of the unde rlying Banner data sources that will support the requirements to be met by MR2 and be leveraged for the development of the end -user presentation layer. In addition to the analysis work described above, the MR2 team, the projects integration team and process group chairs should begin prioritizing the specific reporting needs in terms of control and 3
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compliance reporting. This prioritization needs to be completed by the end of the analysis phase, as it will help guide the work for the latter project phases.

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Summary of Findings
Budget (HR Needs) Management reporting for HR budgeting includes budget development as well as the ongoing monitoring and analysis of position budgets. Budget reports wi ll serve all levels of the University System - the System Budget office, campus budget offices, and departmental directors. Many of the reports required during the budget preparation cycle are financial based reports that provide summary level revenue and expenditure budgets, for the prior and proposed fiscal year, at a FOAPAL level. This reporting need was identified in the Finance MR2 Requirements Document. Please refer to this document for additional information. Data Requirements Reports capturi ng HR-related budget information are required during the budget preparation cycle. The ability to do budget modeling of proposed budget changes is necessary. Users require the ability to determine the salary base they wish to use all positions, filled, vacant, etc. and then determine proposed increase percentages by occupation types, type of increase, etc. The ability to combine position data from multiple budget phases, such as original and adjust, and calculate a net is required. The ability to link this information to the chart of accounts hierarchy and the reporting Attributes contained in the finance system is also necessary. End users also require verification documents during the budget prep phase that display position information including t he employees name, position number, position title, range, accounting distribution and percent, original annual rate and projected rate. The ability to select or group this information by the finance chart of accounts hierarchy and reporting Attributes is also required. Control, exception and error reports are also needed during the budget preparation cycle. Specific needs for this area are dependent on the new budget prep process. Needs may include the ability to view previous and updated budget pre p records to verify that changes in the HR system are accurately reflected in the budget prep environment. Need another example. Error reporting is required during the original budget feed process. Summaries of the budget transactions that were not accepted and the related error messages are required. In addition to reports focusing on the budget preparation process, there are also many reporting needs that are necessary to monitor established position budgets. Reports summarizing all changes to an established position budget are required. The ability to see related transaction level detail for increases and decreases as well as a net change to the overall position is necessary. Other reporting needs for this area include the ability to: report on va cant positions and track vacancy dollars by department, including length of vacancy; produce departmental salary base reports by occupation type or other user-defined grouping; identify a departmental share of salary distribution for employees housed in ot her departments. 5
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Also needed are reports that capture all expiring term positions, including accounting distribution and fringe benefits costs, as well as a list of all term positions that will expire within the fiscal year. Reports are necessary in order to show compliance with the new USNH Board of Trustees policy for measuring growth of overall salary dollars. Reports are needed to provide salary guideline snapshots by campus that analyze the current year salary and wage expenses compared to policy guidelines approved by the Board of Trustees. Additional reporting needs for the salary increase process are discussed in greater detail on page 13.. Reports are needed in order to analyze fringe benefit budgets and forecast budget projections for future USNH contributions as well as institutional projections of fringe charge back expense. Modifications/BPR Implications on MR2 FIN-BUD-037 Budget Prep Environment Periodic status reports during each phase of budget development are needed to manage t he budget process. This information needs to be available at a campus, departmental or other grouping level. The supporting position level detail behind the budget amounts is also required at both a summary FOAPAL level and by position detail. Also required in the budget preparation environment is the ability to provide combined reporting using multiple budget phases such as base and adjust. Reports that provide a base budget, budget adjustment and net by position number are required.

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Payroll Reporting needs for payroll include control and error reporting for the actual payroll process, management reporting on the effects of the actual payroll run, and compliance reporting to produce W -4 and other required documents. Data Requirements Summary control reports are needed for each paycheck run that display specific information about the check run such as pay period number, check date, beginning paycheck number, previous and current budget totals, previous and current cumulative to tals. Similar information is also required for voids, reversals and adjustments. Control reports are also required for the payroll input process. These reports need to provide detail, summary and total information on the input transactions for hourly employees and exceptions to normal pay for salaried employees. Detailed information for these reports should include USNH ID, pay period, pay type, accounting distribution, and cumulative amounts. Reports that display void, reversal and adjustment input tr ansactions are also required. Warning or exception reports are also required during the payroll input process. Types of warnings include excessive overtime and invalid hourly rate for hourly employees, invalid accounting distributions, beginning pay pe riod or first pay alerts. Also needed are discrepancy reports that provide a listing of employees without the necessary address information for paycheck distribution. Validation reports that summarize the results of the batch update to payroll are currently required. These reports determine if the original batch and updated amounts are in balance and target items such as void, reversals, and adjustments as well as longevity distribution records. Once payroll has run, reporting on the payroll feed to the financial system is required. Summary level detail of the payroll feeds accounting consequences by account distribution is necessary as well as a detail listing of the individual financial documents that create the accounting consequences. Exception or warning reports based on the completed payroll process are required. These reports include those that capture payroll calculation errors, negative earnings, checks between certain dollar amounts or limits, and check generation errors (problems with the p roduction of the actual check or check stub). A quarterly error report focusing on specific earning types is also required. Payroll control reporting is also required once the payroll process has run. These reports capture summary level earning and deduction data by type of earning or deduction. A payroll journal is also required. The payroll journal includes information on voids, reversals and adjustments transactions, detailed employee check information, and a list of banks with direct deposit amounts. In addition to the payroll journal, a report that shows payroll history, current pay period amounts and total paid to date by earning/deduction code is required for weekly, monthly and quarterly timeframes.

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Reporting on ACH transaction is also require d including pre-note and deposit records. Fields required include campus, employee name, USNH ID, bank type, bank account number, transaction amount, etc. Reports that list direct deposit transactions by bank are also necessary. The ability to generate reports of the paychecks and stubs is required on a weekly, monthly and quarterly basis. These reports include a summary listing of the paycheck/stub information as well as a detailed representation of the each employees pay stub including earning and deduction information. A summary level report of paycheck information is generated monthly and is used in the bank reconciliation process. Reports that provide various views of the payroll distribution are required. These reports include system wide summa ries, and campus and departmental breakdowns. Information required includes pay type, employee information such as name and social security number, accounting distribution, type of payment, etc. Budget, total paid cumulative to date, current pay period amount, normal pay amount and budget balance available fields are also required. Distribution reports are required for different timeframes including weekly, quarterly and for fiscal year end. In addition, reports providing listings of the top 50 wage ea rners are required at the system and campus level. It is also necessary to produce a report of payroll distribution for college work -studies. Required elements for this report include the student name, USNH ID, accounting distribution, total wages including federal and USNH portions, and FICA amount. Reports that capture the employees payroll deduction amounts by benefit type and vendor for both voluntary, including alumni contributions, and involuntary deductions are necessary. Fields required for these reports include campus, employee name, social security number, deduction type and plan, and deduction amount. Weekly, monthly and quarterly reporting is required. In addition, reports that capture FICA and Medicare tax amounts and calculation errors a re required. The ability to report on employee retirement contributions is required. Required fields include employee name, USNH ID, benefit type and plan, and employer/employee contribution amount. Exception reports for negative contribution amounts are also required. In addition to employee retirement contributions, reporting on flexible spending accounts is needed. W-4 compliance reporting is also required. These reports capture information on employees who earn over the specified limit or clai m more than ten allowances on their W -4 form. Necessary data elements include employee name, social security number, campus, exemptions, annual salary, etc. Annual reporting for the U.S Department of Commerce is also required. This report provides breakdown of amount paid and total people by pay type and account code. W-2 forms and production reports are also required including error reports identifying incomplete W -2 related employee information, summary level reports of W -2 data, as well as the 8
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actual W -2 forms that are distributed to employees. Separate reports of FICA tip and Medicare earnings are also required. The ability to produce 1042 -S forms is also required. Note Did not mention accrual process reports or payroll date process. Liz prov ided info on these on page 8 of her write-up. Modifications/BPR Implications on MR2 HR-PAY-004 Payroll Calendar Rule Form No apparent reporting implications. There is a possible concern though regarding researching entries and checking information since during FY01 pp01 through pp14 will be used twice once in the current system and once in Banner. Must pay close attention to the check and/or transaction date in addition to the PP number during this fiscal year. HR-PAY-005 Payroll Identification Rule Form No reporting implications. HR-PAY-056 Check/Stub Content Recommended solution is to use existing Banner tables and files to create a customized array of data elements in an output file. The position paper recommends using Banner tables and files to design a custom array of data elements that would include all desired check and stub content. MR2 needs to be aware of any new data structures that are created so that they can be incorporated into the MR2 environment. HR-PAY-057 Update Historical Records This position paper recommends a modification to allow controlled updating to some of the historical HR data within key tables in order to correct data entry errors. Requested mod could cause implications to MR2 if data structures are altered. MR2 team needs to be aware of progress on this modification and gauge any implications on design of HR reporting environment. HR-PAY-059 Defer Pay Non-Exempt Staff No reporting implications. HR-PAY-060 Encumbrances Salaries & Fringes No reporting implications. HR-PAY-061 Impact of 261/262-Full Time Staff This position paper recommends two options to correct Banners handling of variable number of pay days per fiscal year. Both recommended solutions require MIS to create a proc ess either to calculate the additional one or two day impact on a position basis and increment the position original budget or to revalue all the assigned salary amounts on existing job assignment records and the annual salary in the jobs records. There does not appear to be any reporting implications associated with this proposed modification; however if new data structures are needed to support this modification, then MR2 should provide access to the new structures if it is desired for reporting purpos es. HR-PAY-062 Defer Pay Faculty & Exempt Staff No reporting implications. HR-PAY-063 Pay for AY/Flex Yr Not 7/1 -6/30 This paper provides two recommendations for managing Banners capabilities to pay individuals over the dates of their appointment without adversely affecting the employees job record. Both recommended options would require IT resources to set up a table to store contract dates, provide an update mechanism and to develop a 9
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process to automatically reactivate employees job record when appropriate. The reporting environment would need to incorporate this new data, if it is desired for reporting purposes. HR-PAY-064 Sorting & Dist Paycheck Stubs Recommended solution requires an enhancement/modification of baseline Banner i n order to provide greater capabilities for sorting and distributing paychecks. MR2 will need to incorporate any new structures or fields that are created to support this functionality in the reporting environment. HR-PAY-072 Student FICA/Exemption Tax USNH currently runs a payroll process that analyzes student feed data against USNH employee records to determine an applicable tax status. The existing Banner product does not contain this functionality. This position paper recommends the creation of a process that will use the student data files from the four campus SIS systems to analyze student eligibility for FICA exemption. The proposed process will analyze the students eligibility, and set/change the earn code to withhold tax or not, based on their eligibility for exemption. MR2 will need to incorporate any new structures or fields that are created to support this functionality in the reporting environment. HR-PAY-073 Labor Distribution Reporting Banner does not provide a combined view of historical, current and future payroll funding sources. This position paper recommends the creation of a management reporting solution to provide a consolidated view of the labor distribution information to meet the needs of the grants management communi ty as well as accounts managers of other funding sources. HR-PAY-074 Payroll Production No MR2 reporting implications. HR-PAY-075 Time Entry & Work Schedules No reporting implications. HR-PAY-078 Kronos & 3 rd Party Feeds Position paper recommends the use of 3 rd party feeds for time keeping and reporting. MR2 needs to be able to report on 3 rd party feeds and KRONOS data that is merged with other payroll data in Banner. HR-PAY-080 Pay ID Technical Requirement No reporting implications. HR-PAY-081 Overtime Position paper recommends that USNH use Banners overtime processes and identifies that this will cause a change in business practice. Position paper also states that this subsequent change in business practice creates the need for an increased reliance on the management reporting solution in order to perform analysis of overtime earned and paid in order to properly expense the activity. HR-PAY-082 Suppl Taxing/Supplemental Earning No reporting implications.

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Benefits Management reporting for benefits entails the ability to report on any benefit aspect during the year, including Open Enrollment, as well as providing compliance reports to the Board of Trustees, State and Federal Government. Data Requirements Benefit reports are required at the System, campus and departmental level. Summarization of data is also required by both calendar year and fiscal year. The ability to access payroll summary history information is also required. Payroll summary information is by calendar year and includes the cumulative benefit deduction amount for each benefit type by USID. This information is required to produce the Additional Retirement Contribution (ARC) accumulation report that prints calendar year totals fo r the ARC benefit deduction types for an individual. Benefit data during Open Enrollment is also required. USNH has purchased Web for Employees for benefit enrollment not sure how this will impact management reporting? Data elements required to support the variety of benefit reporting needs include: name, USID, benefit deduction type, benefit deduction plan, benefit deduction amount, birth date, effective from date, effective to date, record create date, user of entry, type of leave/retirement, etc. A ll related detail person, appointment, classification and employee information is also required. These data elements include: name, status, position number, occupation type, classification code and title, annual rate, hire date, etc. The users have also requested that the descriptions of all code values be included in the reporting environment. For example, instead of the user seeing only a benefit deduction type of 627, they would also be able to view the codes description - Deduction for Parking Fee. The ability to produce the annual compliance report to the Board of Trustees containing a breakdown and counts of USNH employees for each benefit deduction type (medical, dental, flexible spending account, etc) is required. The ability to produce mailing labels that include name, title and address of employee/retiree is also needed. The ability to generate reports during union negotiations is also required. data elements, sample reports? The ability to generate various discrepancy reports to ensure t hat no errors exist in the coding of the core benefits is required. Some of these reports include: reports on employees who are missing elements that need to be coded; employees who are shown as being on leave, who are not actually on leave; employees who have an unallowable combination of benefits, etc. The ability to access benefit history data is also required. 11
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The ability to produce billing reports is also required. It has been requested that reports be produced that will aid in the reconciliation of what was billed/paid to the vendors with the actual amounts that were deducted from employees. The ability to differentiate the contributions made to an employees retirement account (employee versus employer percentage) is required. For example, NHP TV has an annual external audit in which they need to report USNHs contribution percentage, type of retirement plan by employee, and the total USNH contribution for the fiscal year. Maximum Exclusion Allowance reporting (MEA) required data elements??? See Attachment A for a detailed list of the Benefits related reports that the HR MR2 team has reviewed. Modification/BPR Implications on MR2 HR-BEN-006 Life Insurance/LTD Insurance USNH contracted to use the Banner Web for Employee Product for benefits enrollment. The current options on the web produce for life insurance and LTD pose a potentially high risk for end -user error. A modification has been requested from SCT to change the life insurance selection and entry process. If this baseline modifi cation alters the existing Banner data structures, then the reporting environment would need to incorporate any changes. HR-BEN-066 Life Insurance IT Resources - No reporting implications. HR-BEN-077 Annualized Ben/Ded & Number of Pays USNH has requested a modification from SCT that would allow USNH to maintain benefit costs on an annual basis instead of on a by-pay-period basis. An Alternate solution is for USNH IT resources to create a table and an automated process to generate Banner benefit rul e table records with the appropriate by-payperiod deduction amounts. If either of these solution alters the data structures in Banner, then MR2 would need to include any new data elements, or Banner forms/tables that were created/modified. HR-BEN-088 Deduction for Tax-Group Term Life The recommended solution is to enter the annualized value in the same fields where the monthly amounts are entered on PTRGTAX and the number of pay periods would be entered and stored in a generic amount field on PDADEDN . Also, USNH has requested a modification from SCT to create a new Calc Rule on PTRBDCA, so that the annualized amount on PTRGTAX would be divided by the number of pay periods found on PDADEDN. Although the modification proposes no new data structures, r eporting implications still exist. MR2 needs to be aware of the generic fields being used and what they are being used for, as well as when the data entered into a specific field is altered.

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Salary Increase Process Management reporting for the salary increase process includes forecasting and analysis of proposed salary increases, centralized control and error reporting on the increase process, as well as distributed management reporting on the effects of the actual inc reases. Salary increase reports will serve many levels of the University System from the System and campus HR offices to departmental/BSC directors. Another aspect of the salary increase process is reporting on salary survey data. Salary survey data and related reports are available in the existing HRIS system but Banner does not provide salary survey functionality. USNH will not have an integrated salary survey solution at the HR go live date but plans to develop a suitable solution in the future. Data Requirements Reports that allow for modeling and analysis of proposed salary increases are required. These reports should provide a summary level view of a salary increases impact on a campus or department by occupation type or other user -defined g roupings, etc. Salary increase detail by employee outlining specific increase types, amount, etc. is also required. Reports providing employee level salary increase detail are also needed for signature authorization of proposed increases. The ability to produce control and error reports for the increase process is necessary. These reports include the identification of fatal and non -fatal increase problems (errors) such as employees currently on leave without pay, employees with temporary upgrades, posi tions below minimum or above maximum range, etc. The need to report on increases not ending in zero is also required. There are currently 89 scenarios that will cause salary increase transactions to error. Reports of positions recommended for specific i ncrease types are also required. Data elements required for these reports include reason for increase, position number, USNH ID, employee name, annual or hourly rate, increase amount and percent. Also needed are reports that show increase amounts by accounting distribution. Data elements for these reports include employee name, position number, increase date, reason for increase, increase amount, annual salary, etc. It has also been requested that the above data be used to generate letters to employee s informing them of their increases and the resulting increased annual salary or hourly rate. Reporting on salary survey data is required. It is important to note that this information will not be available in Banner on the HR go live date. Reporting r equirements for salary survey data entail the ability to compare USNH positions to similar non -University positions. The ability to compare average, mean and median salaries is needed. Reports highlighting deficiencies to market average are also needed. Verification reports are also needed to identify USNH positions with incomplete salary survey data, old or not recently updated data, and obsolete/inactive positions with active salary survey data. Reports are also needed to spotlight positions that 13
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require special certification such as heavy lifting, food handling, etc. Also needed are average salary reports by occupation type by campus and salary incumbent reports by classification code. Modification/BPR Implications on MR2 HR-SAL-067 Salary Survey Recommended solution is for IT resources to develop an outside salary survey structure and processes that are linked to Banner through position class. Ability to report on this information is necessary and will require appropriate MR2 data structures. HR-SAL-068 Mass Salary IT Resources Baseline modification to Banner for mass salary increase process. Reporting implications are not known at this time but it is anticipated however that many of the current reporting needs for this area will be requir ed for the future process. It is also probable that new reporting requirements will surface as the new mass salary increase process is implemented.

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Employment Management Management reporting on employment management ent ails the ability to report on detail classification, person, appointment, employee, position and salary information. Employee Management reporting can be broken down into two main categories: General Person/Employee information and Position/Salary information. Data Requirements Reporting on General Person/Employee information is required at the System, campus, departmental, and individual level. Reports are also necessary for user -defined date ranges, or specific time periods, for example: a report on a ll new hires since a certain date, between two specified dates, or during the last fiscal year. The ability to report on type of occupation, employee class, status vs non-status employment, gender, age, minority status, degree information, dates of employment, hire date and reason, termination date and reason, percent time, longevity, retire date, tenure date, date of birth, date of death is required. Access to related benefit information is also required. For example, a report listing all current status employees within specific departments who have a flex spending account. Data elements to support W -4 reporting are required. This includes the ability to produce reports on status/non-status employees with certain VISA codes or tax codes. These data eleme nts include employee name, status, USID, VISA code, tax code, benefit calculation base, deduction number of pay periods, W4 number of exemptions, etc. The ability to produce reports on prior years of service by department is also required. Data elements n eeded to support this type of reporting include institution, employee name, original hire date, hire date, prior termination date, as well as calculated years of service. The ability to produce reports on specific segments of employees: employees with eme riti status, tenure track faculty, employees who are in a union (AAUP or KSCEA), extension educator, or lecturers is also required. The ability to produce counts of employees by building is needed. General information reports that do not contain any person information are also required. For example, reports listing all departments by building name and number, or a report listing all of the college codes with code descriptions. The ability to generate output using the above data elements that contains a ddress information for the production of mailing labels is required. Compliance reporting for Affirmative Action is also required need specific information. The ability to generate reports on grievances is required data elements? The ability to produce reports related to Applicant Tracking is also required data elements? Monthly compliance reports to the State Division of Employment Security on total wages paid for each campus location, as well as total counts of employees, women and faculty are required. Access to summary payroll history is required for this report. Weekly reports on all new hires are 15
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also required. Annual compliance reporting to the Department of Labor on non -status employees is required. The ability to provide headcount information by institution, inclusive/exclusive of UNHM or WSF faculty for the USNH Factbook is also necessary. Reporting on Position & Salary information is required at the System, campus, departmental, FOAPAL and individual level. Reports are also requir ed that allow for user-defined date ranges, for example, all employees who received increases over the last 3 months or all term positions that will expire at the end of the fiscal year. Access to related detail person, budget, salary increase and payroll information is also required. Salary increase information includes employee name, position number, date of increase, reason for increase, incremented salary, pay grade, pay step. Position information includes name, position number, occupation type, status, non-status type, termination date, pay spread indicator, classification code and title, valid pay range, AMS band, annual salary, hourly rate, labor distribution account, etc. The ability to generate reports that show employee name, position number, cl assification, percent time, and annual amounts for NHPTV compliance reporting to the FCC and Corp. for Public Broadcasting is required. The ability to report on vacant positions is also required. Discrepancy reporting is also required in the current system to ensure that all required fields are coded correctly. One such report would show employees with certain supplemental tax codes but who do not have an active status appointment coded. Modification/BPR Implications on MR2 HR-EMP -012 Prior Year Services No reporting implications. HR-EMP -069 Hours vs Units-PAT Leave Definition No reporting implications. HR-EMP -070 Applicant Tracking & Affirm Action Recommended solution is for IT resources to develop a.) Banner-related form that allows for summary search detail to be entered directly into the Banner system; and b.) Quickflows and/or Workflows to enhance the Banner applicant-tracking module. If the recommended solution is accepted, then any new forms will need to be incorporated into the reporting environment. HR-EMP -071 Bio Demo Info -Religion Coding No reporting implications. HR-EMP -079 SPRADDR/SPRIDEN Update Form No reporting implications. HR-EMP -070a Applicant Tracking UNH plans to use the Banner applicant tracking component; however, the existing Access database would need to be retained for 90 days after go live date in order to accommodate the purge window. Part of the recommended solution mentions that Business Objects can be used to query the applicant data. To acco mmodate the 16
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90-day window, selection criteria could be used to access the application date field to narrow the selection. HR-EMP -070b Affirmative Action Recommends the creation of a new table to track summary information for applicants and interviewe es with the key to be the job id and linked to the requisition # on the existing Banner applicant tables. Also recommended is the creation of a new form to allow for entry of the summary information. If the recommended solution is accepted, then data elements on the new forms/tables need to be incorporated into the reporting environment.

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Sponsored Programs Administration (HR Needs) In addition to the requirements stated in the previous sections , which are also applicable to sponsored programs, there have been additional reporting requirements identified that are specific to sponsored programs administration. Management reporting for sponsored programs administration is required at the PI, department, grant, FOAPAL and individual level. Data Requirements The ability to manage the return of certified effort reports is required. See position paper below. The ability to provide reporting on Fund Sufficiency has been requested. Currently the OSR Office has to manually review DCNs to verify that the grant is active and has the funds to support new positions. Would like a nightly exception report (rather than on a payroll by payroll basis) that checks for budget availability and provides notificati on if outside of the budget period. It has also been requested that separate earnings codes be established to differentiate the various types of supplemental pay. If possible, generate reports that monitor true supplemental pay. Data elements? Still waiting to hear the results of the Compensation Audit??? There is also a need to monitor faculty summer pay to determine if in adherence with 2/9, 3/9 and supplemental pay policies. Reports have been requested that compare the dollar amount of the supplemental pay to facultys annual salary and using a user -defined field on the grant table that stores the appropriate policy, determine if in compliance. The ability to monitor admin/secretarial/clerical charges to sponsored agreement accounts is required. The ability to manage retroactive pay increase charges to sponsored programs accounts (that may or may not be closed) is required. The ability to manage undistributed salaries is required. Currently, grant positions awaiting funding are temporarily set up in a suspense account (AUND). This salary expense needs to be redistributed since there can be no actual expenses charged to the suspense account at the end of the fiscal year. A control report that monitors labor distribution to the suspense account to ensure that they are redistributed is required. The ability to produce mailing lists on faculty, staff and students who are leaving the institution is required. Reporting needs have been identified that require the combination of data from both Banne r HR and InfoEd. This issue was addressed in the MR2 Finance Requirements Document. It stated that data contained solely in InfoEd, data that is not fed to Banner via the InfoEd -Banner interface, is out of scope for MR2.

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Modification/BPR Implications on MR2 HR-GR-065 Effort Certification The Banner Effort Report provides no ability to maintain information on faculty and staff for whom an effort report has been prepared; no capability to track certified effort reports; and lacks a mechanism to allow faculty to report cost shared effort. The recommended solution is for MR2 to incorporate data structures that would allow central staff to replicate the selection set of the Banner effort report, and join the payroll data with selected grant data (start and end dates, for example). Also, regarding the need to capture non mandatory cost -shared effort, it has been recommended that an output file be produced from MR2 that contains the data mentioned above and also include a record for each grant which a faculty member served as PI (this information is stored in the Banner grant tables).

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