08 Trend 2005 Emcat Pro 2005 User Manual
08 Trend 2005 Emcat Pro 2005 User Manual
08 Trend 2005 Emcat Pro 2005 User Manual
T RE N D 2005
/ E MCAT P R O 2005
VE RSI O N 2. 0
Table of Contents
CD Directory .............................................................................. 1
Introduction................................................................................ 3
Version 2.0 Features ................................................................. 4
Enhanced Graphics Operations........................................................ 4
Reports........................................................................................ 4
Custom Logos .............................................................................. 5
Equipment Setup........................................................................... 5
Increased Export Capabilities ......................................................... 5
Enhanced Auto Analysis Capabilities...................................... 5
Future Enhancements ............................................................... 5
Software Requirements ............................................................. 6
Launching TREND/EMCAT PRO 2005 ..................................... 7
Log In Screen................................................................................ 7
Main screen ............................................................................... 8
Menu Bar...................................................................................................8
Route Setup............................................................................. 26
Route Setup............................................................................. 27
Move........................................................................................ 30
Instrument Upload/Download .................................................. 31
Introduction ................................................................................... 31
Graphic Properties................................................................... 48
Storing or Printing Graphs ....................................................... 49
Expanding the Graphic Display ............................................... 49
Equipment Data Analysis .............................................................. 51
Analysis Display Screen .......................................................... 51
Equipment Information Section ............................................... 52
Displaying Name Plate Data.................................................... 52
Multi-Technology (Adding Additional Test Data) ..................... 52
Generating Work Orders ......................................................... 54
Basic MCA Principles .............................................................. 56
TREND/EMCAT PRO 2005 REPORTS .................................. 60
Interpreting the Report............................................................. 67
Individual Analysis Report (Equipment Findings) .................... 68
Route Report ........................................................................... 70
ELECTRIC SIGNATURE ANALYSIS (ATPOL) ....................... 72
Uploading the ATPOL Data Collector .....................................................72
Performing Automatic Electrical Signature .............................................73
Analysis ...................................................................................................73
Changes incorporated into TREND and EMCAT PROTM 2005 Version 2.2
Version 2.2 incorporates the following changes:
Manual data entry for phase to phase Resistance, Impedance and Inductance.
Multiple language capability
o Spanish version is now available.
o Other languages to be determined.
After selecting the Manual Entry of Test Values the following screen will appear:
The original values uploaded from the instrument are displayed for the motor dataset
The user then enters the new data using the computer keyboard:
As shown, a note will be added to the dataset indicating that any or all of the values have been changed and
this note appears as the new data is being entered:
Manual Resistance MR
Manual Impedance MZ
Manual Inductance ML
Or all three
Any changes to the dataset must be saved before leaving the screen to permanently save the changed
values. If you do not select save before trying to close then the following screen pop up will display:
2 0 0 5 / E M C A T
2 0 0 5
Software Loading
The TREND/EMCAT PRO 2005 software loading
operating instructions should auto load immediately
after the CD is placed into the CD drive. Make a
selection from the following menu:
CD Directory
The directory of the TREND/ EMCAT PRO 2005 should have the following files on the CD. If any files
are missing; please contact us at: www.alltestpro.com
ALL-TEST-Papers: This file contains
reference articles and papers
maximize the use of ALL-TEST Pro
EMCAT 2005 Installation: This file
contains the software for either new
installations or for upgrades of previous
TREND/EMCAT PRO 2005 versions. It also contains
the software for EMCAT Calculations and the latest Java
Runtime Environment version for proper operation of
the TREND/EMCAT PRO 2005 software.
Literature: This file contains literature about other ALL-TEST Pro Motor Diagnostic
products such as the ALL-TEST IV Pro 2000 (ATIV), ALL-TEST PRO 31(AT31), ALLSAFE, and ALL-TEST PRO On-Line II (ATPOL II).
Manuals: This file contains the instruction manuals for the ATIV and the TREND/ EMCAT
PRO 2005 software.
Misc. files: This file contains software file that may be needed for proper operation of the
TREND/EMCAT PRO 2005 system. Currently this file contains the Software to install the
Security Dongle and the proper KL2DLL32.DLL file for this version of TREND/ EMCAT
PRO 2005.
MMPlus: This file contains the software and the users manual for the Motor Master + 4.0 the
Department of Energys software tool. A n energy-efficient motor selection and management tool,
MotorMaster+ software includes a catalog of over 20,000 A C motors. This tool features motor inventory
management tools, maintenance log tracking, efficiency analysis, savings evaluation, energy accounting, and
environmental reporting capabilities.
Windows Software: This file contains windows software programs that will assist in viewing
and using the tools and programs that come with the ALL-TEST PRO CD s. This file contains;
Adobe Reader 8.0; Explorer 6.0; Power Point Viewer; & Windows Media Player.
The TREND/EMCAT PRO 2005 (Electric Motor Circuit Analysis Tool) is an advanced tool for
electric motor maintenance and management using ATIV instrumentation.
TREND/EMCAT PRO 2005 is a completely new platform that runs under the widely accepted
Windows XP operating system. To operate the software an understanding of the Windows
XP operating system is necessary.
When accessing TREND/EMCAT PRO 2005, it will run as either TREND or the more
powerful EMCAT PRO 2005. To access the features of EMCAT PRO 2005 the USB security
key must be installed. Without the USB security key will still allow the user to access the
majority of the programs features. See below for the features accessible with the upgraded
EMCAT PRO 2005 is the industry s most powerful tool for tracking, scheduling and maintaining
records for AC/DC electric motors and transformers for service companies and in-house
maintenance departments.
The TREND 200 allows for uploading data gathered and stored in any ATIV, automatic data
analysis, and report generation. TREND 2005 also provides a platform to operate the software
and programs necessary to operate the ATPOL Series analyzers (Separate software CD).
TREND 2005 imports and sorts data from previous versions of TREND/EMCAT software, and
test results from other technologies such as infrared, ultrasonic, vibration analysis and much
more. TREND 2005 performs specialized analysis during upload, and data importing providing
immediate answers to the electrical condition of your equipment.
The EMCAT PRO 2005 includes all of the features of the TREND 2005 plus additional
advanced features which make the EMCAT PRO 2005 the most advanced and easy to use motor
management and analysis system available today.
Several enhancements have been added to the TREND/EMCAT PRO 2005 reports.
Custom Logos
The following reports now allow the user to add custom logos to their reports:
List of Equipment
Equipment to Review
Equipment to Test
Equipment Findings
Route Report
The equipment finding report now prints in full color. The report displays the same color code as
the TREND/EMCAT PRO 2005 software display screens; it also displays the Impedance and
Inductance comparison graphs from the individual analysis screen.
Equipment Setup
The equipment setup now allows for the Name plate data information to be populated from
the ATPOL series Electrical Signature Analysis (ESA) software.
Future Enhancements
ALL-TEST Pro, LLC will continue to upgrade and improve TREND/EMCAT PRO 2005 software.
Additional features are already in progress. Input from our users is welcome and appreciated. Please Email them to us at Support@alltestpro.com.
Software Requirements
TREND 2005/EMCAT PRO 2005 requires the following:
1. Windows XP or later
2. Pentium computer or equivalent
3. 256 MB RAM
4. 15 inch screen on laptop or 17 inch screen on PC
5. 1024 x 768 resolution, minimum
6. Color or B&W printer for reports
7. RS-232 port or adaptor (for communication with ATIV)
8. USB port for EMCAT PRO 2005 security key
9. Microsoft Office 2003 with word (for ATPOL series reports)
In addition to this you must also have a minimum of Java Runtime Environment (JRE) of 1.4 or higher.
Note: If your computer does not have the required JRE file, load it from the TREND/ EMCAT PRO
2005 installation CD or from http://java.com.
Log In Screen
When TREND/EMCAT PRO 2005 is accessed for the first time the
default settings are:
UserID: Admin
Password: admin
Note: the UserId and Password are case sensitive
New UserID and password can be assigned by an administrator once TREND 2005/EMCAT PRO
2005 is operating. See ADMINISTRATION
Note: For Security purposes and safer operation, either the Administrators User ID or password may be changed once the
TREND/EMCAT PRO 2005 program has been initially launched. However, it is recommended if either of these is changed
a record of the changes should be kept as a default User ID & Password. The default User ID and Password should not be
normally used.
Main screen
Menu Bar
The menu Bar provides drop down menus to access the features and functions of TREND/EMCAT
PRO 2005.
File: Exits and closes the TREND/EMCAT PRO 2005 program.
Setup: Allows the administrator/user to setup and maintain the TREND database.
EMCAT Data Entry: Allows EMCAT PRO 2005 users to create rotor test graphs and
Perform DC Motor Analysis, this feature is not available to TREND users.
Instrument: Allows the Administrator/User the ability to Upload data collected in an ATIV,
assign uploaded data to individual machines, and backup & restore the database. EMCAT
PRO 2005 users can also download routes into the ATIV.
Applications: Allows Administrators/Users to Access additional application programs for
more versatility with the TREND/EMCAT PRO 2005.
PQ: This selection accesses PQ application program which controls the ALL-TEST PRO OnLine Series analyzers, (ATPOL). ATPOL: Electrical Signature Analysis which performs
automatic analysis of the on-line dynamic Data gathered by the ATPOL. Separate ATPOL
software needs to be installed in order for this function to operate properly.
Motor Master +: This software developed, by the U.S. Department Of Energy, allows you to
quickly and easily find electric motors for your particular application, and to compare the cost
of an energy efficient motor to a standard motor. MotorMaster+ needs to be installed for this
function to operate properly
Reports: Allows the Administrator/User to create and print various reports regarding the condition of
the equipment imported from the ATIV.
List of Equipment: Allows the Administrator/User to create and displays a list of the name,
type of equipment and where the equipment is located in the data base.
Equipment to Test: Allows the Administrator/User to generate a list of the equipment
scheduled to be tested.
Equipment to Review: Allows the Administrator/User to create a report that displays the
condition of the equipment imported from the ATIV.
Equipment Findings: Allows the Administrator/User to create and print a report of the data
collected by the ATIV and imported into the TREND/EMCAT PRO 2005.
Route: Allows the Administrator/User to create and print a list of the routes, and equipment in
the routes, setup in the TREND/EMCAT PRO 2005 database.
Admin: This feature is only available to an Administrator. It will only be active when a person with
administrative capabilities is logged onto the system.
Users: This feature allows an administrator the add/delete TREND 2005/EMCAT PRO 2005
users, change passwords, and assign administrative rights to users.
Export Test Data: This feature allows an administrator to export test data from the
TREND/EMCAT PRO 2005 database to another database or program.
Migration: This feature allows for importing data from previous versions on
Main Screen
When using the Admin account it will open, as an Administrator. From this screen, the user can
perform all of the operations using the menu bar by simply selecting from the activated menu
selections. In addition to being an Administrator; the user will be able to perform all of the normal
operations, users can be added or deleted, as well as deleting information which was entered from the
SETUP screen. An Administrator is also able to import and export data.
Setting up Administrator/Users
The Admin menu selection is used to add or delete users of the TREND/EMCAT PRO 2005 and to
establish the administrative rights to the system.
Administrator: Can control who has access to the TREND/EMCAT PRO 2005 program and
delete any information accessible through the set-up screen, as well as import and export motor
Caution: For security purposes routine users should not log in as the default User ID: Admin. If your computer crashes
while TREND/EMCAT PRO 2005 is operating the user currently logged in will be precluded from logging into
TREND/EMCAT PRO 2005. To clear this condition an Administrator must log into TREND/EMCAT PRO 2005 and
remove and re-enter the user. If the default User ID is logged in and this occurs ALL access to TREND/EMCAT PRO 2005
will be denied.
User: Can Access any of the functions of TREND/EMCAT PRO 2005, but can not add/delete users
or delete machines or transfer motor information.
To protect the integrity of the database the user should routinely back up the database. Backup the
database on either an external drive, CD or in another file in the EMCATPRO2005.
Following is a quick procedure to create a backup folder and how to backup the database. Review the
windows procedure on creating folders
1) Create a sub folder named DB backup
in the EMCATPRO2005 folder.
2) Copy the 4 database files:
To recover the database
1) Copy the 4 database files located in the DB Backup folder.
2) Paste them into the EMCATPRO2005 folder.
Default Report Size: Allows the user to select which paper size the reports will be printed on. A4 (210
mm X 297 mm) is the metric standard. The letter size (8 X 11 in) is the imperial size and normally
used as standard in North America.
To export data from your TREND/EMCAT PRO 2005, select Export Test Data from the Admin
menu bar. This will drop down the Export Test Data Screen.
1) Select the company name from which the
motor data is going to be exported is
assigned. This is done by clicking on the
company from the company selection
2) Data can be exported by company,
location or equipment by highlighting the
appropriate selection from the Company
tree displayed in the left box.
a. Selecting the company allows all
of the data collected for all of the
equipment within the company
tree to be exported.
Selecting location or sub location allows for all of the data collected within the location
or sub-locations to be exported.
c. Selecting equipment allows for all of the data collected on that equipment to be
3) After the Company, location or equipment has been highlighted in the left hand box; depress
the Copy To button to transfer the selected test data to the export buffer file in the box on the
right side of the screen.
Note: The export buffer file lists all of the data collected for the selected equipment by location, or
sub-location, equipment ID and date and time the data was collected.
The export file is now created based on the equipment and dates selected. The drop down box
displays the file name of the export file created.
The test data export files are located in the EMCATPRO2005 file which is
normally in the Program Files folder on the host computers C: drive.
The export files are automatically named for the date and time the file was
created and is a tab separated value txt-file.
RowID: The RowID preceding each data entry identifies the type of data displayed following the
RowID = 10 Test Data from the instrument (for DC & single phase machines)
RowID = 12 Test Data with added analysis & notes
RowID = 20 Rotor Test Data Set
The name plate button displays the name plate data
for the selected equipment.
Company XYZ
Location A
Location B
Location C
Location D
From the drop down menu, select the Setup operation you wish to perform. Each database begins with
a company. Locations within the company are subfolders under the parent company. The various
equipment is assigned to these locations.
Company: The company information should include the basic company or headquarters information
for your company or the company.
The Setup Screen provides the format,
screens and buttons necessary to quickly
and easily set up and organize your
equipment system.
The field boxes in bold are required to
be filled in. The other fields are for
information only. The Company Name
is limited to 50 Characters. These
characters can be a combination of
alpha, numeric or any other character
available from your key board. Each
Company Set up screen also contains an
address book to assign key Company
contacts to the database.
The selection bar at the bottom of the set up allows the Administrator/User to perform the various
functions of the set up screen.
Deleting a Company
From the Set up screen use the Previous and next buttons to select the company which is being deleted.
Press the Delete button from the selection Bar., the following warning will appear, press the DELETE
button if you wish to delete the Company, press cancel
you do not wish to delete the Company.
Press the Add button from the Company set up screen next to
the blank contacts list.
This drops down the Contact Setup up screen:
To View Contacts
Select and highlight the Contact you wish to view from the stored information in from the contact list.
Press the view button. The highlighted contact will appear in the Contact view screen shown in
Alphabetical order.
To Delete Contacts
Select and highlight the contact you wish to delete from the contact list
Press the Delete button. The highlighted contact will be deleted. Any user can delete a contact.
Location Setup
This section discusses the procedures to set up your Location information. The Location set up within
the TREND/EMCAT PRO 2005 is one level below the company. Each Company can have one or
more locations. This allows the user to organize the equipment into easy to locate groups. The
TREND/EMCAT PRO 2005 Location structure is sorted alphabetically for ease in organizing and
locating your company and equipment.
Creating Location
1) Accessing the location setup screen can be accomplished either from the Main Screen or the Company
Set up Screen. From the Main Screen Select Setup, then Location from the drop down Menu.
2) To Access the Location Setup screen; from the Company Setup screen, left click on the Location
from the Menu bar at the top left of the Company Set up Screen.
b) Or from the bottom of the location setup screen, click on New and this will also allow you to add a
location name.
To Create Sub-locations
To create sub-locations from the Company Setup screen, repeat step 5a or 5b. Highlight the Location in
which the Sub-location will be created. This wills fill-in the Parent Location dialog box with the
Name of the Parent Location. The user fills in the Location dialog box with the Sub-locations name.
The Sub-locations name can be 50 Characters with any combination of alpha, numeric or other
keyboard characters.
To Delete Locations/Sub-Locations
To delete a Location or Sub-location, open the Location setup screen by selecting Location from the
Setup menu. The View option must be selected to delete a location. Highlight the Location to be
Press the Delete button from the selection Bar. The following warning will appear, press the DELETE
button if you wish to delete the Location, press cancel if you do not wish to delete the Location .
3a) From the Company drop down dialog box select the company that the new equipment is going to
be assigned to
3b) From the Company tree select and
highlight the location or sub-location
the equipment is to be assigned to.
If the full EMCAT PRO 2005 version is operating the equipment type selections include transformers
and DC Motors:
Test Interval: The test interval is selectable from the drop down dialog box. The user has the choice of
selecting the intervals in which the selected equipment should be tested. The recommended test
intervals are dependent on the application of the equipment and generally the environment. (See the
section in Starting a program). The test interval is selected in Months. (1, 2, 3, 4, 6, or 12)
Phases: The number of phases is selectable from a drop down menu. For AC Motors and Transformers
either 1 or 3 is selected depending whether a single phase or a three phase on the equipment tested.
When Testing a DC motor select 2.
1 AC Motors/Transformers
2 DC Motors
3 AC Motors/Transformers
5) The remaining fields are optional. However, it is useful to keep full a record of the machine s
nameplate data.
Duplicating Equipment Information
If there are several motors within the plant are the same or similar, the name plate data can be
duplicated by using the Save feature of the TREND/EMCAT PRO 2005.
1) Pressing the Save button on the bottom menu bar stores the equipment to the Equipment ID
selected. It also clears the fill in box for the Equipment ID and the Equipment Name. All of the
other fields remain filled in with the previous motor s data.
2) To add other equipment with the different Name Plate
information, select New . Pressing the New button will
clear all fields.
The Pop down display provides a list of the values that will entered into
the Equipment Name plate, verify that all of the values are correct.
Selecting Copy will populate the TREND/EMCAT PRO 2005 name
plate data. (Note: If the data is not correct in the ATPOL database you
must either change it in the ATPOL data base, or in the TREND/EMCAT
PRO 2005 database after this operation is performed.)
Route Setup
The Route Setup screen organizes the equipment into groups for scheduled maintenance and to
download the groups into the ATIV. Once downloaded to the ATIV, the user can access the last set of
data taken on that piece of equipment. The equipment assigned to a route can be viewed from the route
setup screen. The route setup screen provides the screens to create routes, add/remove equipment to a
route, and provide special instructions for a route.
The Route Setup screen can be accessed directly from the main screen.
The Route Setup screen can also be accessed from the company setup screen, location setup screen or
the equipment setup screen.
To Set Up a Route
1) Select the Company that the
route will be set up for from the
Company drop down box. If
there are existing routes created
for the company, select new from
the bottom menu bar. This will
clear the Route Name dialog box.
3) Fill in the name of the route in the Name Route Dialog box. The route name can be any combination
of alpha, numeric or any keyboard character but can not exceed 20 characters.
2) When the route list has been completed, save it by pressing Save from the bottom menu bar.
To Delete a Route
1) From the route setup screen, select the company name that the route is in.
2) Using the Prev/Next menu buttons select the route to be deleted in the route name dialog box.
3) Press the delete button on the bottom menu bar. Note: Only an administrator can delete a route.
The entire route will be deleted and
all of the equipment will be removed
from the route. Note: Deleting
equipment from a route will not affect
any data collected for the removed
The description dialog box allows the user to include special instructions to a route, such as, where the
disconnect is located, or special lubricating instructions, etc.
The Move function in the setup menu allows the administrator/user to move equipment from one
location or company to another location or company. This allows the user to move the equipment for
repair, or replacement.
The administrator/user can move a single piece of equipment or an entire location from one location or
company to another location or company.
To Move Equipment
1) Select Move from the setup drop menu from the Main screen.
2) This displays the Move Control panel, the display area on the left is the
source, and the display area on the right is the destination panel.
3) From the Source area drop down menu, select the company the source
equipment currently resides.
4) Open the Location and/or sub-location, where the source equipment currently resides. Open the
location to reveal the equipment in the company tree.
5) Highlight the equipment to be moved from the source company.
6) From the destination display area, select the Company to where the equipment is being moved.
7) Highlight the location/sub-location the where the equipment is being moved.
8) Press the Move button, the selected equipment will be moved to the new company/location.
9) Re-open the destination location and verify that the equipment actually moved.
Note: If a selected machine is assigned to a route, it must be removed from the route before a move can
be completed.
Instrument Upload/Download
One of the main and powerful features of the TREND is the ability to upload the data gathered by the
ATIV. The data from the ATIV is uploaded to TREND and is then available for Trending, Analysis, and
Report generation of both three phase and single phase AC Motors. The more powerful EMCAT PRO
2005 can accept the data from AC Motors as well as single and three phase Transformers, and DC motors.
4) From the Upload Control Screen select a free Com Port. The TREND/EMCAT PRO 2005
software recognizes only comm. ports 1-4.
Note: Determine which comports are available from Windows System Control Panel
5) From the Manual menu on the ATIV, select PC
Communications. (Refer to the ATIV Operating Manual)
6) Connect the ATIV to the computer using the serial port
cable included or connect the supplied cable to the computer
using an USB to serial port adapter (adapter commercially
7) Press Start Upload; the display reminds the user to connect
the ATIV to the PC.
The uploaded ATIV data sets are stored in a temporary file. To view, analyze,
trend or report on the ATIV data gathered and uploaded, they must be assigned
or (mapped*) to the equipment created in the Company Equipment Tree. The
Temporary file is the Import Pending TD. This data is accessed from the
Instrument Menu on the Menu Bar of the Main Screen.
Note: If data has been taken on equipment, which is not in the Equipment tree, the data will remain in
the temporary file until they are mapped.
4) From the Import Pending Test data display screen, select and highlight the entire test data
associated with the equipment selected in the Valid Equipment Display Screen.
sequential selections can
be made by using the
shift key and the left
mouse button. Select the
first entry of the
sequence, using the left
mouse button. Using the
mouse, select the last test
data in the sequence.
Hold down the shift
key and press the left
mouse button.
To select non-sequential multiple entries, highlight and select the first test data to be mapped.
Select any additional test data by pressing the left mouse button while holding down the ctrl key
for each test data selection.
When all of the test data to be mapped to the selected equipment is selected, press the MAP
button on the Mapping Screen. All of the test data highlighted will be mapped to the equipment
selected from the equipment tree.
The test points mapped to the selected equipment will be identified with the Company Name,
Location, Sub-location, and equipment ID next to the Mapped test data. To map additional test data
to different equipment, follow steps 3 through 6. Test Data can be assigned to equipment in different
locations and/or Companies
After the entire test data has been has been mapped to equipment, press the Save Mapped button on
the bottom menu bar.
Press Yes. The test data will be permanently deleted from the Import Pending File.
If you press No, delete is canceled.
When Mapping is complete press the Close button from the bottom Menu bar.
From the company dropdown box, select the company for the equipment test data to be
4) Enter a date in the Oldest Date filter. Note: To prevent downloading all of the data from the
company use the oldest date filter. The date filter uses the YYYYMMDD format. August 31, 2005
would be 20050831. This filter blocks downloading any data to the download buffer before that
5) To prepare to download all of the data from the company tree, after the Oldest day filter press, the
copy button. This transfers all of the test data to the download buffer.
Caution: The ATIV only holds 500 sets of data. Do not download more data sets such that the
combination of new data, downloaded data, and previous data exceeds 500 sets.
6) Select the comm. port for communications. TREND/EMCAT PRO 2005 only recognizes comm.
ports 1, 2, 3, & 4. Check available comm. port s from Windows control panel.
7) Enter the number of data sets to be left in the instrument. Do not leave more sets than is currently in
the ATIV. (i.e. if the ATIV currently has 30 sets do not attempt to leave 31)
8) Press the download button from the bottom menu bar. The program will remind you to check the
PC connection.
Instrument Backup/Restore
The Instrument Backup and Restore feature allows the Administrator/User to upload any test data on
the ATIV to a text file stored on the computers hard drive. This allows the user to save the test data and
restore it at a future date. This feature can restore the test data to an instrument that has been sent in for
calibration or sent to another company sight.
Backing Up ALL-TEST IV PRO 2000
To create a backup text file for an ATIV:
1) Open the Instrument Drop Down Display Menu from the Main Screen.
3) Connect The ATIV to the computer using the serial port or USB adaptor, and select PC
Communications on the ATIV.
4) Select the available comm. port from the drop down menu on the Backup Upload Screen.
5) Press Start Upload. The EMCAT asks the user to verify the connection to the ATIV.
When Backup Upload is complete, EMCAT displays the number of test data sets uploaded on
the Backup Upload display screen.
Note: The backup data is stored on the C Drive Program File EMCATPRO2005 in the Instrument
Backup file.
3) Connect The ATIV to the computer using the serial port or USB adaptor, and select PC
Communications on the instrument.
4) Select the available ComPort from the drop down menu on the Backup Restore Screen.
5) Press the Get File button, to select the data to be restored to the instrument.
Note: The backup data is stored on the in the Instrument Backup file, in the EMCATPRO2005 folder in
the Program Files on the C: drive.
6) Press Start Restore. The EMCAT asks the user to verify the connection to the ATIV.
7) After the connection to the ATIV has been verified press the OK button.
8) When Backup Restore is complete, EMCAT displays the number of test data sets restored on
the Backup Restore Upload display screen.
When the backup restore is complete, press the close button.
Minimum # of
Degrees Shaft
4) Record the inductance readings of all three phases at the various rotor positions, until one complete
shaft rotation has been made. Caution: Extra care should be taken to ensure that the readings are
taken at precise intervals.
5) The recorded values are transferred to the spaces on the Rotor Test in the EMCAT PRO 2005.
<= 5
> 15
For more in depth analysis compare the graphical display to the sample rotor test results shown in
Motor Circuit Analysis: Theory, Application and Energy Analysis.
To access and use the Rotor Test feature of EMCAT PRO 2005:
1) Click on Test Data Entry
from the menu bar of the Main
2) From the drop down menu highlight and select Rotor Test.
8) When all Rotor Test data has been entered press the save button
9) To add additional rotor test data follow the step by step procedure. Save data after data entry is
10) When all rotor test data has been entered and saved press the close button from the bottom
menu bar.
3) Change the rotor test data with the correct rotor test data.
4) Press the save button.
5) Press close button from the bottom menu bar.
Graphic Properties
Any of the Properties of the Graphic display can be easily changed by placing cursor over the graphic
display on the screen and right clicking screen. Select Properties from the pop up menu. This also
allows for printing the graph or storing it to file for inclusion into a report.
Select Properties and follow the prompts on the screen to:
1) Display a title, add a title or change fonts to the Graphical Plot.
2) Add labels to the axis, change fonts or colors to the graph.
3) Change orientation of the graphical display.
Zoom In Reduces the Axis Scaling by 50%
Zoom Out Doubles the Axis Scaling
Domain Axis is the Horizontal Axis
Range Axis is the Vertical Axis
Auto Range Returns the scaling to optimal scale so that all points are displayed equally
Section 1
Section 2
2) Select the Test data from the Test Data list in the upper right hand section of the Additional Test
Data Screen. Fill in the automatic analysis findings of TREND.
3) To indicate that a Diagnostic Test was performed, move the curser to the Performed? check boxes
located next to the analysis performed and check the box. If that analysis was performed, an
additional check is made if the analysis passed. Additional information can be entered in the dialog
box for a more detailed description of each test.
4) Press the Save Button to save the additional diagnostic information. The date and time will be
recorded in the select note dialog box.
5) To view the additional test data, select the data from the select note dialog
Company Tree
5) Highlight and select Test Data from the Open Test Data List.
The test data list organizes the Test Data by date and time the data was taken, using the YYYYMMDD
TTTT format. From the above display, 20050715-16:13 (B) corresponds to YYYY, Year= 2005; MM,
Month =07 July; Date= 15; Time = 4:13 PM, (B) this data has been designated as the baseline
measurement. This means the test data taken 15 July 2005 at 4:13 PM is the baseline data for equipment
Position3, in the front ware house at the ALL-TEST Pro, LLC Company.
This loads the selected test data into the analysis screen and allows the TREND/EMCAT PRO 2005 to
perform analysis on the selected test data.
The automatic analysis is performed by proprietary algorithms developed from
over 20 years of testing coils and windings.
More In-depth analysis details are provided in the MCA: Theory,
Applications and Energy Analysis, the ALL-TEST Pro, LLC Motor
Diagnostics Training Guide or the ATIV operating manual.
I/F Current Frequency Response is a patented procedure that, when combined with the phase angle,
helps identify turn to turn, coil to coil, or phase to phase shorts. Both I/F and Phase should be balanced
with in 2 units.
On single phase and DC windings, automatic analysis is not as straight forward since similar windings
are not readily available. For Analysis of DC windings and single phase motors or transformers it is
necessary determine a baseline set of readings for that particular coil or trend the data (see Trend
Analysis below)
Automatic Analysis
To interpret the analysis the data charts are color coded. The program uses proprietary algorithms to
calculate the percentage difference between phases for the different measurements and compares the
calculated differences to predetermined limits to evaluate the condition of the equipment. If the
differences vary by a pre-determined value, an alert or alarm warning are issued.
Green: Data differences color coded in green indicate good windings and no further action is
Yellow: Data differences color coded in Yellow indicate a warning condition exists and the
equipment should be watched closely, possibly reducing the inspection interval.
Red: Data differences color coded in Red indicate the measurement values have exceeded predetermined limits that indicate a severe condition occurs and action is required immediately.
The findings dialog box provides a verbal interpretation of the data and provides recommendations
based on the evaluation of the data.
For the most complete evaluation of the equipment it is recommended that the data be taken from the
motor control center. This allows at ATIV, to measure the condition of the complete equipment
system, including the controller and associated cabling. If a fault is found from the data it is
recommended to retake the data directly at the equipment to separate cabling faults from equipment
If the automatic analysis identifies an impedance or inductance unbalance, the user should examine the
graphical display to verify the patterns are similar.( i.e. if the Inductance graph goes from medium ,to
high, to low; as in the above display, then the Impedance graph should follow. The first reading should
be the medium reading the second should be the highest and the third should be the lowest.
If both readings follow similar patterns and an unbalance still exists, the user should retake the data
after turning the shaft 900 from its position when the readings were originally taken. It is good practice
to take the off line data with the shaft key positioned to the 12 o clock position.
The notes section allows the analyst to add additional comments supplement the automatic analysis.
Trend Analysis
In single phase equipment, DC equipment and even three phase equipment long term trend data
provide powerful insight to the condition of the equipment. Comparing measurement changes over
time and in relation to one another also is important to the long term determination of the equipment s
To perform trend analysis and display the trends of the measurements, place a check in the trend
analysis check box above the Company Tree.
The Trend Graph:
Plots the change of equipment measurements from the baseline to the newer data
Develops trend plots and calculates trend patterns to compare against pre-determined levels
and limits
Displays the trend plots over time
Provides color coded display of the Trend Condition with easy to identify warning lights on the
check box display
Allows the user to easily add or delete data to the Trend display graph using the trend check
The Notes section allows the user to enter additional comments or notes to the trend plots.
The trend screen also allows the user to change the baseline data set. This is very useful while
performing trend analysis as the trend alarms are based on deviations from the measured data to
Baseline Data
The TREND 2005/EMCAT PRO 2005 use the data set that has been designated baseline as the basis
for trend analysis. The baseline designation defaults to the oldest data in the database, but can be
changed from either the on Analysis screens. Only data that is newer than the baseline is included in
the trend alarms calculations.
Administrators can also remove Test data from the data list from the Trend screen.
To remove Test Data select and highlight the Test Data to be deleted from the Test Data list and press
the Delete Test Data button.
Custom logo s can be added to the individual reports by selecting Logo from the Print setup screen.
CAUTION the report program only supports jpg, png, or gif logo formats. Attempts to use other, nonsupported formats may result in Locking Up TREND/EMCAT PRO 2005 program.
Note: Multiple Equipment ID s can be removed by selecting and highlighting multiple Equipment ID s
and using the keyboard s Shift and Control keys along with the left mouse button.
To Print the List of Equipment press the print button from the bottom control bar.
To print the report, press the OK Button from the bottom of the pop up print screen. A completed
Equipment List is available in Appendix 1.
To save the report electronically select the Save
icon on the top menu bar (see the list of formats
To create a report of the equipment under a
location or Sub-location, select and highlight the
name of the location or sub-location and press
the Copy To button.
Individual Equipment ID s can be printed by
selecting the Individual ID. When all Lists of
Equipment have been printed press Close to
return to the Main or Analysis Screen.
For example, if the search is to include any equipment overdue or due within the next 2 weeks, insert
14 in the dialog box.
6) Point and Click to the Sort Order selection to list the Equipment to be tested.
As listed in the Equipment Display screen or by the number of days overdue.
7) To view the Equipment List before printing or to simply view the list press
the Print Button.
8) Unwanted equipment can be removed from the Equipment to be Tested list by selecting and
highlighting the unwanted equipment and pressing the remove button.
9) To print the list, press the Print button. A completed Overdue Equipment Report is in
Appendix 2.
NOTE: The Printing and Saving the reports procedure are the same for all reports
review the procedure for printing and saving reports under the List of Equipment, if
This displays the Equipment for Review control display. Equipment Alarms can be reviewed by
Company, Location, Sub-location or Individual Equipment
3) From the Company drop down menu, select the
Company that the Alarm report is going to be
4) From the Company Tree, point and click on the
Company Name. This will highlight the Company.
5) To display the Equipment to be reviewed
for Alarms & warnings, press the Copy To button.
The Equipment for Review report lists all of Equipment ID of the Equipment which have exceeded
predetermined warning and alarm levels as setup in the Alarm Control section of the Equipment for
Review display. Included in the report are the Equipment Name, and Type of Equipment and the number
and type of Alarms. A printed Alarms report is in Appendix
NOTE: The Printing and Saving the reports procedure are the same for all reports
review the procedure for printing and saving reports under the List of Equipment, if
The Equipment Findings report displays and prints the automatic analysis of the individual
equipment data collected by the ATIV.
The Equipment Findings report can be accessed from the Main Screen, the Individual or the Trend
Analysis Screens.
To access the Equipment Findings Report:
1) From Main or Analysis Screen, point and click Reports on the Menu Bar.
2) Point and click Equipment Findings from the drop down dialog box.
3) From the Company Drop Down menu point and click on the Company that contains the
Automatic Analysis to Display.
4) Point and Click on the +/- box next to the Location that contains the Automatic Analysis for the
equipment data to Display.
The Analysis Report Contains the Equipment Information as entered from the Equipment Setup, the
Equipment Baseline Data, and the current readings along with the Automatic Analysis of the Data.
The Analysis Report includes the same color coding as displayed in the TREND 2005/EMCAT PRO
2005 Automatic Analysis Screen. The report also provides the graphical display of Impedance (Z) vs.
Inductance (L). The complete Analysis report is in Appendix 4.
After viewing, saving or
printing the Analysis Report
press the Button to return to
the Analysis Setup Screen.
NOTE: The Printing and Saving the reports procedure are the same for all reports
review the procedure for printing and saving reports under the List of Equipment, if
To view and print the Equipment Findings of additional Data, repeat steps 5 to 7.
When all analysis reports have been printed, press the Close Button to return to the Main or Analysis
Route Report
The route report provides a list of the equipment assigned to a route. The route report can be accessed
from the Main or the Analysis Screens. (Appendix 5)
To create the Route Report:
1) From Main or Analysis Screen, Point and Click Reports on the Menu Bar.
2) Point and click Route from the drop down dialog box.
The route report displays the Equipment Location, The Equipment ID, The Equipment Name, and
Equipment Type.
To print or save the report, press the follow the direction above.
NOTE: The Printing and Saving the reports procedure are the same for all reports
review the procedure for printing and saving reports under the List of Equipment, if
For additional information regarding communications with the ATPOL, refer to the ATPOL Data
Collector Manual Supplied with the Instrument.
Special Applications
There are currently two additional features accessible from the TREND 2005/EMCAT PRO 2005
Trademark Recognition
ALL-TEST Pro, LLC and BJM Corporation are the sole owners of the following trademarks:
TREND 2005
Windows, Access and Word are registered trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation.
MotorMaster+ 4.0 and MotorMaster+ 4.0 User s Guide are produced by the Washington State
University (WSU) Cooperative Extension Energy Program with the support of the U.S.
Department of Energy (USDOE).
Security Device
Note: A lost or damaged security key is equivalent to losing the software and a replacement key can
only be obtained at the full list price of EMCAT PRO 2005.
Steve H. Bjorkman
Email: sbjorkman@alltestpro.com
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3
Appendix 4
Appendix 5