Bladed Hardware Test User Manual
Bladed Hardware Test User Manual
Bladed Hardware Test User Manual
Version 1.2
User Manual
Document No
Jan 2013
T P Jacob
Recipients only
Commercial in Confidence
Not to be disclosed
recipients organisation
GHP only
Clients Discretion
The Bladed Hardware Test Module is a versatile hardware-in-the-loop testing platform
allowing the Bladed turbine simulation to run with a range of hardware including controllers,
pitch-systems and power conversion systems.
The Bladed Hardware Test permits testing and demonstration of a real control-system in the
office, factory and on-site, running on its intended embedded platform. Hardware testing can
be applied to all elements of the control system: the software; local & remote I/O; intelligent
subsystems; HMI and SCADA. The Bladed Hardware test can interface with the real physical
I/O allowing testing of genuine physical fault cases of the control system.
Hardware testing can be employed through out the control-system development life-cycle.
This includes test-driven techniques during development or delegation of testing outside of
the development team; acceptance testing as a project client; integration testing during
factory assembly; commissioning and maintenance support for testing system changes
against known base-lines.
The GL GH testing concept is to provide high level test definition independent of the
underlying hardware allowing the same turbine model and test procedures to be used with
different hardware configurations. This permits testing from early development with little or no
hardware to commissioning prototypes and maintenance activities for production systems.
Mappings enable
channels from
many devices to be
virtually connected
A protocol is a
transport layer
e.g. udp, tcp,
Test Procedures
device channels
using flexible
.Net scripting
Test Procedure
A device defines a
set of channels
exchanged with an
Step Actions
Script Engine
Device Listener
Data recording
exports to xml,
text, database
Bladed data
Hardware testing uses a Bladed turbine model and a Test Plan. A Test Plan contains Devices
for configuring interfaces to hardware or software components and Test Procedures for
defining scenarios and verifying control-system behaviour.
Devices define the data channels of the turbine simulation and external components. Each
device specifies a Protocol for exchanging channel data with specific hardware or generic
interfaces such as OPC, UDP or PC data acquisition hardware.
The Bladed Hardware Test offers unrestricted customisation and extension through a
scripting engine and a plug-in interface for creating new protocols for testing bespoke
hardware. The Hardware Test Module includes customisable Reporting and Logging
functionality for presenting test results.
2.1 Requirements
Due to the demanding nature of real-time simulations, a fast (3+ GHz) multi core PC with
2Gbyte RAM, is a minimum requirement. The Hardware Test module can exploit multiprocessor, dual core and hyper-threading machines for parallel processing of various tasks
including managing logs and the user interface but note that the wind turbine simulation
model runs in a single thread and, since this is often the most numerically intensive
component, it is important to have a high speed PC.
Purchase of the Hardware Test Module requires an active support contract. Training in the
use of Bladed is highly recommended.
Figure 3 - Starting the Bladed Hardware Test from main user interface
The first time you run the Bladed Hardware Test you will be asked to identify which version of
Bladed you wish to use. Browse to your Bladed install directory and select the appropriate
executable version typically Bladed_m72.exe.
Test Procedures
Procedure Editor
Windows can be
tabbed and docked
Output Window
Message Window
Step Types
Right click to create\edit\move procedure steps. Note that most test steps accept expressions
as their input which can reference any device channel.
Multiple procedure steps can be selected for edit operations like Cut, Copy and Delete by
Ctrl-Click-ing individual rows or by clicking and dragging the mouse or by a row selection
followed by the Shift+Arrow key combination. Steps that are copied/cut can then be pasted
into a different location within the same procedure or into any other procedure in the current
plan. In order to paste the current list of steps in the clipboard, open the procedure to paste
to, select the insertion point, right click and choose the Paste option from the pop-up menu
or issue the Ctrl-V key combination.
You may also temporarily exclude a set of steps in a given procedure from being executed
during a run. This is done by selecting the steps to exclude and then marking them as ignored
by choosing the Mark Ignored option from the pop-up menu that can be accessed with a
right click of the mouse. Ignored steps can later be re-introduced by selecting the steps and
choosing the Reintroduce option from the pop-up menu. Ignored steps are rendered with a
grey background and display a fall-through status icon indicating their non-execution when
the procedure is run.
Procedure settings support basic descriptive information and configuration of linking to
external reference file and data recording. The Execute Period is the rate at which the
procedure itself is updated. This determines how frequently steps such as WaitUntil (which
involve continuously evaluating a condition) are evaluated.
The Listen Period is the sample period of the channel data which can be exported after the
test run has completed. This is independent from the actual resolution of the data used by the
simulation which is determined by the device update frequency and the simulation time step.
The options Disable Variable Recording and Output Window Style offer the opportunity to
configure how results are presented during procedure execution.
The DataStorageConfig element of the procedure settings tab lets you specify the action to
take when the external file from which the procedure was imported changes. Options
available are ManualReload where the system ignores changes to the external file,
PromptForReload where the system notifies the user when the source file changes and
AutomaticReload where the system reloads the procedure automatically.
The option Automatic Data Export lets you export the recorded data by the procedure onto
the file system. This option group also lets you choose the data export format, export interval
as well as the location for such exports. Note that data recording must remain enabled (which
is the case by default) for the automatic data export option to be operational.
Whether a channel
is recorded during
test execution
Whether the
channel is read or
written to the
New device channels are added by right-clicking on the desired insertion point. If adding the
channel into an empty device channel table then right-click in the top-left corner of the device
channel editor. This brings up a pop-up menu providing options to insert, delete or swap a
In addition to the above options that apply to individual channels, you may also edit the
channel usage and recoding status of multiple channels in a single step. Multiple channels
can be selected for such edits either by Ctrl+Click-ing individual rows or by clicking and
dragging the mouse or by a row selection followed by the Shift+Arrow key combination. Once
you have selected the rows you wish to edit by one of these options, right click within the
device channel editor and choose the appropriate channel usage/recording option from the
pop-up menu presented.
The Device Channels view can also be sorted by column in either ascending or descending
text order by clicking on the relevant column header in this view.
A device also supports a script. A script is more flexible than mappings and allows
programming constructs such as loops. This can be used for easily adding diagnostic or
simulation functionality to a device.
You may also synchronize devices thereby controlling the execution order of multiple devices.
This is done through the Synchronization tab of the device editor.
List of devices
synchronized with
the current device,
in their execution
List of devices
available for
Assertion Editor
Assertion Expression
Failure Actions
Assertion expressions can be built up using any of the channels exposed by the devices in
the plan and may also employ constant values as well as math functions available from the
.Net system library.
The list of available device channels and procedures is auto-populated into the dropdown
controls that let you edit the Set Variable and Call Procedure failure actions. The to field
for the Set Variable action may be used to define a constant value to assign to the target
variable or an expression that evaluates to a value that is the same data type as the target
Assertions Node:
Right click for options.
Red icon indicates
failure, green success
and grey disabled.
Test Procedures:
Right click for options.
Helps group
procedures logically.
Test Results:
Right click for
Right click for options.
If the output window is closed and then the results opened from the Plan Explorer, the results
are displayed as a time history for easier review:
You may also switch to the time history view by right clicking the static output window and
selecting Show Scrolling View. This right click pop-up menu also lets you export the results
to a variety of formats. See How to export data for details on export options and formats.
Messages View
2.3.10 Find/Replace
The Find/Replace view lets you perform search and replace operation for strings within a
selected scope of the test plan being edited. This view can be accessed from the View menu
item on the applications main tool bar or by pressing Ctrl+F or Ctrl+H keyboard shortcuts.
To perform a find operation you simply insert the string you want to search for (or a pattern
that is a valid regular expression of using regular expressions), define the scope of the search
(which can be either the entire plan, only devices or only procedures) and select the Find All
The Match Case and Use Regex checkboxes may be used to enable/disable those features
in the search.
Once the search is performed and results are found, you may double click entries in the
results list to navigate directly to the location of the find. If the location is outside of the set of
devices/procedures that are currently open, this will cause the target document to be opened
and focus to be transferred to the section of the document that produced the search result.
Once a search has been performed and results found, you may perform a replace operation
on one or many of the results. In order to do this, enter the replacement string to use in the
Replace textbox, select the results in which to perform the replacement and click the Replace
Selected button.
You can select multiple non-contiguous items from the list by keeping the Ctrl key pressed
when making the selection. Pressing down shift key lets you perform selection of items in a
range or you may select all entries for replacement by clicking the Select All button in the
Find/Replace View
2.3.11 Plotter
The plotter view allows the Bladed Hardware Test Module user to plot a selection of recorded
channels from the devices in their plan against time.
This view can be accessed from the View menu item in the applications main tool bar.
Plotter View
Plot Ttitle
Plot Area
To the left of the plotter view youll find a tree structure that represents the devices in the plan
along with all the recorded channels (those with their Record checkbox ticked in the device
channel view). This display is kept in sync with edits that happen on the device channel
tables, so you should be able to see newly added Recorded channels in this list as soon as
the edits are made in the device.
In order to enable a channel to be plotted, simply drag and drop the channel from the channel
selector into the plot area. Depending on which section (right or left) of the plot area you drop
the channel, the channel will be targeted for plotting against either the left-hand Y axis or the
right-hand Y axis. To help with this process, a shaded area with a textual hint is displayed to
confirm which axis will be used when you hover over the plot area with a dragged channel.
Dragging and dropping a channel in this way will set it up to be plotted the next time a
procedure in the plan is run. You may change the Y axis for such a channel either by
dragging and dropping it again into the desired section of the plot area or by using a context
menu that is accessible by right clicking the channel in the channel selector. This context
menu also lets you remove the channel from the plot configuration.
Note: Context menu for removing a channel from the plot configuration or to change its Y axis
are only available for channels are already set up to be plotted. You will need to perform a
drag and drop in order to introduce it to the plot configuration.
The plot title is set to the value of the run for which the plot has been performed.
While the test procedure is running, the plot will get updated based on plot settings chosen in
the Plan and Application Settings section. These settings include the update rate for the plot
as well as the time window that it keeps in view.
When the test is finished (or is stopped by the user) the plotter reverts to displaying the whole
data for the run.
The plotter view supports the following interactive features
1. Displaying Coordinate Values: Hover your mouse pointer over any point in the plot
area to view a coordinate display that indicates the X, Y1 and Y2 values
corresponding to the point under the cursor.
2. Zooming You may zoom in/out of a plot using your mouse wheel. The
corresponding touchpad equivalents may be used when using laptops with no mouse
3. Panning Panning along both horizontal and vertical axes can be achieved by
pressing the left/right or up/down arrow keys on your keyboard.
4. Zooming on a single axis This feature lets you perform a zoom operation on only
either the X or Y axis. To do this, select the axis to zoom on by clicking once on the
axis labels for it and then performing the zoom using the mouse wheel or touchpad
5. Context Menu Items
Right click the plot area to axes the context menu items associated with the plotter.
The menu items available are:
a. Fit to View Resets the display to a mode that removes all previous zoom,
pan and reposition operations. This view shows all data points in the dataset.
b. Copy Screenshot Copies the plot area as an image into the system
clipboard (allowing it to be pasted into other applications)
c. Save Screenshot Allows you to save the plot area as an image on your
Application Settings
Bladed Executable Path the location of the version of bladed the Hardware Test
should use.
Wait for Bladed to start before performing device updates When running a Bladed
simulation, this flag controls whether or not the simulation should wait until the Bladed
device has initialized before performing device updates on the other devices present
in the plan
Dongle Search Order - whether to search for a network dongle
Show Splash Screen - enable\disable the logo screen shown during startup
Show procedure xml editor - show text view of a procedure
Load last used plan on startup whether to start with a blank plan or the most
recently opened plan
Maximum number of files for recently used list Configure how many files are shown
in the Recently Opened menu
Plotting Config
o Enable Plotting enables or disables plotting channel values
o Length of time to keep data visible for the plotter view will use this setting to
decide the pan window. E.g. if this value is set to 30, the plotter will display
only the last 30 seconds worth of data during the run. However, when the run
finishes or is stopped, the view will readjust to display data from the whole
o Plot update interval indicates how frequently to retrieve channel values from
the output and to plot it. A smaller value (which will result in more frequent
updates) will give you more points on the plot but will have a negative impact
on performance.
Plan Settings
Name read only name of the plan
Description optional description
Last modified - last modified time of the plan
User Interface Update Rate the rate at which the UI refreshes, UI elements like the
output view that shows channel values from an ongoing run update their display
based on this rate
Version plan version. Indicates the version of BHTM that was used to last save this
Bladed executable path an option to override the version of bladed used for this
plan only. If it is left blank then the version of bladed in the Application Settings is
used instead
Device Timer Type the timing scheme used by the plan. See Section 2.5 Timing
Time step for non-real time executions when running in non-real time mode, each
device update cycle is treated as having advanced time by the step specified by this
Report Generation Config Lets you specify configurable aspects of report
generation. See Reporting for details.
Timing Thread
High overhead timing scheme with accuracy down to 200 micro-seconds on a
suitably prepared machine. This requires a powerful multi-core system and is
not suitable for single-core uniprocessor machines.
Multimedia Timer
The highest precision native OS timer with low overhead but accuracy of 1-2
ms. Suitable for single-core or slower systems.
Multimedia Thread
A similar low overhead timing scheme as above but it will spread the load of
different devices across cores better at a slight impact to accuracy.
Cooperative Thread
Low overhead timing offering accuracy no better than 2 milliseconds
Twin Cooperative Thread
Low overhead timing offering accuracy no better than 1 millisecond
System Timer
Very low overhead timing but with very limited accuracy
Non-realtime mode of execution, where devices are updated as fast as the
system can update them. Each update cycle is treated to be as long as real
time step parameter set in the procedures setting. Execution order of
synchronized devices is maintained just the same as in the realtime modes.
Timing Thread is the default scheme. Other schemes should only be tried if experimenting
with improving performance.
See 8.2 Analysing performance for further information.
Use a fresh Windows installation with only the bare-bones installed e.g. dual-boot
Shutdown all other applications
Stop all unnecessary Windows services
Disconnect from network domains and workgroups
Disable unnecessary hardware devices wireless adapters, blue-tooth etc.
Avoid using the machine while the test is running
Run Hardware Tests from the Bladed User Interface with Show Hardware Test
during simulation in the Hardware Test calculation parameters unticked.
The number of blade stations; Bladed carries out calculations specific for each blade
station; fewer stations will result in a significantly faster simulation.
The number of tower stations.
The number of and type of output variables; for instance aerodynamic output and load
outputs in multiple co-ordinate systems entail additional calculations.
The number of and types of degrees of freedom. Each modal degree of freedom
requires additional calculations, as does the solution of drive train flexibility and
complex pitch actuator dynamics. The yaw degree of freedom (if it is modelled with
dynamics) also introduces a number of extra calculations.
Solution accuracy. For a linear equation of motion set then the accuracy of the solution
depends entirely on the ratio of the highest simulation natural frequency (or shortest time
constant) and the solution time step. With non linear turbine equations of motion then the
situation is less straightforward but, nevertheless, the highest natural frequency is still a
reasonable guide as to the step length required for stability and accuracy. With the class of
differential equation problems typical with turbine simulation then an accurate solution will
require a significantly shorter step length than that required for stability and it is therefore
accuracy which determines the allowable step length. A shorter time step will give a more
accurate solution. Whether a solution is deemed sufficiently accurate or not is difficult to pin
down exactly, bearing in mind potential non linearities and the effect of scaling between state
variables and the simulation outputs it is the outputs which the user requires to be
accurate, but it is the state derivatives (modal velocities and generalised forces) which are
integrated. A reasonable first choice for accuracy is to use a step size no larger than 1/(2n)
where n is the highest natural frequency (in rad/s) in the simulation. Note that it may be
necessary to remove higher frequency modes or other dynamics from the simulation in order
to be able to run with a time step sufficiently large to solve the model equations in real time.
Parked; as for idling but with shaft brake #1 deployed (Bladed supports multiple
independent shaft brakes),
For Idling and Power Production simulations the initial conditions are estimated so that the
simulation starts in the prevailing flow conditions with minimal transient. Initial conditions are
iterated in a two step process. First, a nonlinear algorithm is used to find initial values for rotor
speed, pitch angle and generator torque (assuming that these variables are degrees of
freedom of the turbine model; for instance, pitch angle would not be iterated for a fixed pitch
machine). Having established these basic initial parameters Bladed will calculate initial values
for all the remaining simulation states, including structural deflections and velocities, and
additional drive train states, with a linear iteration step.
When starting in power production then the turbine simulation will post initial values for pitch
angle and generator torque demand, as calculated from the iterations described above, to the
Bladed device and the Hardware Test module (or whichever device is routed through it) will
have an opportunity to read them and initialise its own state accordingly. The simulation will
then start with values for pitch angle and generator torque as determined by the values
retuned to the Bladed device in the pitch angle demand and generator torque demand values
respectively. Under normal conditions it is appropriate for the Hardware Test module to
initialise pitch and torque demand signals equal to the initial conditions posted by Bladed so
that the simulations begins with a minimum of transient disturbance.
Note that where the turbine simulation is configured with a pitch rate actuator then there is no
possibility for the Hardware Test module to override the simulation initial pitch angle.
Bladed simulations always start with the nacelle position initialised to 0 and this corresponds
to the turbine facing due North. 0 flow direction corresponds to flow approaching from the
North and therefore the default initial yaw angle is also 0. The Bladed device has nacelle
angle control inputs for demanded nacelle rate or nacelle actuator torque and therefore it is
not possible for the nacelle angle to start at any value other than 0. On the other hand, the
initial flow direction is easy to set from Bladed and so this would be how to commence a
simulation with a non zero yaw error.
The shaft brakes, grid contactor and, if appropriate, variable slip generator rotor current, may
be controller by the Bladed wind turbine simulation or by the Hardware Test module according
to specific Bladed device options.
4.1 Overview
A Device defines the channels available for communication with an external component and it
defines the transport protocol.
Data transfer from the Hardware Test Module to an external component is referred to as
output or a writeable channels and data transfer from the device to the hardware test are
referred to as input or readable channels.
4.1.1 Channels
The set of named channels for a component include type and description fields. A channel
also includes protocol specific routing information defining how the channel is exchanged with
the external component.
4.1.2 Protocol
The protocol is the mechanism which the device uses to exchange channels with the external
component e.g. UDP, OPC etc. Protocols are integrated in built-in devices and plug-ins are
available which can be written by users in addition to provide new protocols.
4.1.3 Mappings
Channel values can be mapped to other channels including those supplied by other devices.
Mappings take advantage of the scripting engine so that mapping expressions can be
composed of other channels.
4.1.4 Script
If a device needs to simulate the behaviour of unavailable hardware or perform complex
behaviour to derive a channel value then an independent script can be included with the
device in order to implement it. The script editor supports syntax highlighting and autocomplete.
4.1.5 Settings
The settings tab allows general configuration of the device and its protocol. The Update Rate
is the frequency in Hz at which the protocol is invoked to exchange data with the external
component and mappings and scripts are updated.
The protocol can be changed using the Protocol drop-down on the settings page.
The DataStorageConfig element of the settings tab lets you specify the action to take when
the external file from which the device was imported changes. Options available are
ManualReload where the system ignores changes to the external file, PromptForReload
where the system notifies the user when the source file changes and AutomaticReload
where the system reloads the device without warning when the source file changes.
4.2 Channels
Each channel is populated with the fields listed below.
4.2.1 Name
The channel name is used to reference the current channel value in expressions, mappings,
procedures and test output. The name should be alphanumeric and not contain spaces.
IEC Equivalent
1 bit true/false
16 bit signed integer
16 bit unsigned integer
32 bit signed integer
32 bit unsigned integer
32 bit float
64 bit float
4.2.3 Usage
A channel can be recorded by ticking its Record check-box in the channel listing. This allows
the channel history to be exported to Bladed Data View for post processing or csv, mdb and
xml formats. The recording frequency is determined by the procedure settings and not by the
protocol update rate.
The Usage field of a device channel determines how it is exchanged with the external
component represented by the device as listed below. Unused
The channel is not exchanged with the external component and can not be used in scripts Script
The channels routing information is ignored and the channel is not exchanged with the
external component. It can however be used in scripts. This allows channels to be added to a
device purely as intermediate values or parameters for scripted behaviour. On Demand
The channel is available for scripting and only exchanged with the external component on
explicit Read\Write steps in a test procedure. This requires support by the protocol to be able
to read and write channels on demand. If this support exists, this setting can be used for
channels that are only subject to brief interest by a test procedure. This will be more
bandwidth efficient than the more common continuous read/write settings.
4.2.4 Unit
The unit field is a text input field that may be used to record the unit specification for the
channel. The value entered in this field is used by the system to derive the dimension as well
as multiplication factor for conversion to SI system equivalent for the quantity represented by
the channel.
This information (i.e. dimension and multiplication factor for SI conversion) is then embedded
into data exports from the system into the Bladed binary or text format. This additional
information in the exported data then lets you better visualize the channel in question using
the Bladed data view component.
For example, a channel representing angular velocity may be marked as having rpm as its
unit. Adding this additional information makes it possible for the system to add the dimension
for this channel (Angle/Time) as well as the multiplication factor required to convert the value
to its SI equivalent of rad/s into a data export file. The Bladed data viewer picks up this
information from the export file and then lets you plot this channel in different possible units
for angular velocity such as rpm, rad/s, Hz etc.
If this unit information is absent from the channel definition, you would only be able to plot the
values for this channel as a raw number.
3. Units that contain exponents should be converted to their simplified forms that do not
use exponents. E.g. the unit Nm/s should be entered as N.m/s.s.
The system displays error messages if unrecognized/illegal unit specifications are found in
any of the channels defined in the plan. Such errors are shown in the Error Messages view
which comes up when you either try to check the procedure/plan for errors or when you try to
run a procedure that contains an error.
4.2.5 Routing
On the right hand-side of each channel appear custom fields required by the protocol to
exchange the channel with the external component. This could be a hardware vendor specific
address, a specific channel of a PCI IO card or the position in a TCP/IP packet. If the name is
sufficient then no further fields will appear.
4.3 Mappings
Mappings allow selected channels of a device to be continuously set by an expression of
other channels. Expressions can be any mathematical expression referencing other channels
that evaluates to a value of the same type as the channel. The expression can take full
advantage of the.Net framework. This allows different devices to be connected together.
Channels that are set by a mapping expression and are required to be written to the external
component should use the Write Continuously setting.
4.4 Script
See the section on Scripting for further information.
4.5 Synchronisation
The default behaviour is for devices to operate asynchronously from one another and update
at the closest approximation of the chosen frequency that the Windows platform permits. If a
more precise relationship between the timing of different devices is desired then they can be
synchronised by arranging in a master-slave hierarchy. The master will be updated first
followed by its slaves.
Note that the master must have an update frequency that is an integral factor of its slaves
otherwise the devices must be run asynchronously e.g. if a device is updated every 20ms
then slaves can only be updated at N x 20ms e.g. 20ms, 40ms , 60ms etc.
Note that, in addition to built-in or customised protocols, the user is able to interface arbitrary
hardware units via the Plug-in interface described in Section 0.
AdLink data acquisition cards
Beckhoff PLC
Bachmann PLC
MatLab version 6
Older version of MatLab
Mita PLC
National Instruments DAQ models 6514
and 6704
National Instruments DAQ models 6229
and 6238
GE Fanuc PLC
Having created and configured the device, you may set up new channels for the Bachmann
device from the Device Channels tab for the device.
In addition to the standard columns that appear across all device types, Bachmann device
channels have a Bachmann Address column that needs to be filled in appropriately for the
device to work. See image below for an example channel name S_ControllerState that is
part of the WTC module on the target PLC and has a fully qualified address location of
WTC/S/S_ControllerState within the Bachmann SVI channels table.
Note that we have not entered the fully qualified address into the cell for the channel. This is
possible because at runtime, the device will append the name of the channel to the
BachmannAddress specified if the address value ends in a / character, in this case
producing WTC/S/S_ControllerState which is the fully qualified address for the channel. This
also means that, if you prefer to name your channels in your plan differently to their names on
the PLC, you may do so, but youll then need to supply their fully qualified address in the
BachmannAddress column. E.g. you may choose to call the above channel MyPLCState
and provide WTC/S/S_ControllerState as the BachmannAddress for it.
This facility to have a level of indirection between the BHTM channel names and PLC channel
names is also useful when dealing with channel names on PLCs that are not valid variable
names (e.g. those that start with digits or special characters) and hence cannot be used as
channel names in a plan.
The AMS Net ID setting should be set to the AMS Net ID for the target PLC, Server Port
Number defaults to 301 and only need be changed if the PLC is configured to use a different
port and the Controller Task Name should refer to the name of the controller task as
recognized by the PLC. Note that this may not be the same as the name of the controller
executable running on the PLC.
Having set up the device configuration, create device channels by going to the Device
Channels tab for the device. In addition to the common channel properties, Beckhoff
channels have an additional column named ADS Name that can be left blank if the channel
name used in the plan matches the ADS channel name. You may however use this column if
you need to define BHTM channel names that do not match the names of the ADS channels
they map to.
The Mita PLC IP Address field should be set to the IP address of the target Mita PLC. This
setting defaults to to reflect the default setting on Mita PLCs, but note that this
may need to be changed.
The Perform Scaling setting controls whether or not Hardware Test Module will attempt to
scale (up/down depending on the direction of travel of data) the Mita variables that it is
dealing with. The scale factors themselves are defined at the Mita variable level in the Mita
VDB (Variable DataBase). When set to True, the scale factors associated with VDB
variables will be applied to values before reading into BHTM or writing out to the PLC.
Having set up the device configuration, create device channels by going to the Device
Channels tab for the device. In addition to the common channel properties, Mita channels
have an additional column named VDB Name that can be left blank if the channel name
used in the plan matches the corresponding channel name in the Mita VDB. You may
however use this column if you need to define BHTM channel names that do not match the
names of the VDB channels they map to.
Test Procedures are sequences of steps that can set values to channels, assert conditions
about the controller and wait until particular states of the controller and simulation are
Test Procedures can invoke other Test Procedures allowing shared reuse of test functionality
between multiple test cases.
Example purposes of test procedures include:
Bring a controller into a known state by setting channels within safe-limits
Invoke error conditions and verify correct response of the controller
Interact with a tester to confirm visible behaviour
Record data from connected devices
A test step can either pass or fail. Procedures can be configured to continue with failures or
5.1.1 Name
The identifying name of the procedure which can be used by other procedures to invoke it.
5.1.2 Description
Text describing the procedure. May be used for recording procedure version.
5.1.3 Author
Name of the procedure author. Helps keep track of procedure history
PitchPos1 <= 1.0f
PitchPos1 <= 1.0f
5.2.3 Assign
An assignment step sets a value to a device channel from an expression. The expression is
evaluated at run-time and may be composed of the current values of other device channels.
5.2.4 Read
If a device channel is configured as On Demand then it will be automatically read from the
external component. In addition, a test procedure can explicitly request that a particular
channel value is updated.
PitchPos + BladeNum
5.2.5 Wait
The test procedure will wait for a period of time defined by an expression before proceeding
to the next step.
The wait time in milliseconds. This can
simply be a literal integer or an
expression that could reference device
channels or the test time.
ConnectionLull - 1000
Max Duration
A Boolean expression. This step
will execute until the condition
evaluates to true.
The maximum time to wait. If this
time elapses without the
expression becoming true then the
step will fail. This is an integer
expression so can either be a
literal value or a mathematical
AcitvePower > 0.0f
Manual Request
5.2.8 Call
This type of test step allows procedures to be nested within other procedures.
5.2.9 If
A branching step of the form IF expression THEN proc1 ELSE proc2 which evaluates a
Boolean expression and calls proc1 if true or proc2 if false in the same manner as the
Procedure Step.
PitchPos1Degreed > 45
5.2.10 Script
The script step lets you insert source code into a procedure step. This step can refer to all
available channels as well all making use of standard .Net classes and constructs.
Script to run
if (WindSpeed < 4)
+= 1;
5.2.11 Ramp
The ramp step lets the user ramp up/down the value of a channel in a controlled manner.
At (per sec)
5.2.12 Permute
To test that related system events cause the same behaviour, e.g. confirming that 200
condition monitoring errors correctly cause a shutdown and resume after being cleared would
require repetition even in the creation of the procedures.
Permutation steps solve this need. A procedure may define steps that define consecutive subprocedures to call e.g. SetTemperatureError, SetCommsError. There may be other procedure
steps before and after the permutation step with the result that the procedure is run once for
each option.
5.2.13 Comment
A comment is a non-functional step for adding text to clarify and explain subsequent steps
and mark out different sections of a test procedure.
A Boolean expression
WindSpeed < 4
Assertion Name
Assertion Name
Raw data will be exported at the potentially uneven period as recorded on each
device update step
ResampleToDevicePeriod data will be resampled to an integral starting second and
at the Update Period specified in the device settings. Note that each device may have
a different Update Period.
ResampleToProcedurePeriod data will be resampled to an integral starting second
and at the Resampling Interval specified in the procedure settings
Resampling is only applied at the point of exporting data so one can export the same data
using different resampling methods by changing the procedure settings before each export.
OR here
OR here
5.4 Reporting
The reporting mechanism uses an XSLT template to format the xml plan file to create html
compatible with MS Word. The default template can be edited to change the format and
include user specific details.
Report Generation
Generate report after each procedure execution lets you request the system to
automatically produce a report after each procedure run. This flag defaults to false.
Report Template for Procedures The XSLT template file to use when generating
procedure reports (applies to auto-generated reports created by the system when the flag
above is set to True).
Report template for plans - The XSLT template to use when generating a report for a
plan. This template applies to reports that are generated upon user request (as opposed to
the auto-generated ones).
Location of additional files for reports templates A folder that holds additional files
that may be referenced by report templates. This location may hold files which could be
embedded into the reports such as company logos, icons for representing states etc.
Report output location specifies the folder to write the report file into.
The XSLT template used to generated this report is specified by the Report
plans parameter in the Report Generation Config setting.
template for
Procedure Report
A procedure report may optionally be automatically generated at the end of each procedure
run. The Generate report after each procedure execution flag within Report
Generation Config setting group determines if automated report generation is enabled.
When enabled, the system produces a time-stamped report file at the report output location
using the XSLT file specified by the Report Template for Procedures setting.
By default, such reports will have information about all devices configured, step details from
the procedure that triggered the report generation and an execution summary.
Step states from any sub procedures called by the parent procedure are also pulled into this
report to provide a hierarchical view of the list of executed steps and their time of execution.
In addition to the step states, an execution summary is provided for each device in the plan.
This summary indicates the update period for the device, total number of updates and
statistics such as the min, max, mean and standard deviation of the actual update periods
and execution durations achieved during the run. Such statistics can be used to determine the
real time performance of the run. See the section Analysing performance for details on
analysing real time performance of hardware test module runs.
6.1 Overview
An assertion lets you evaluate an expression continually in the background while running a
test procedure. This lets you verify that parameters remain within their operational/design
limits throughout a defined period of the test run.
Scripts are code fragments written in the C# .Net language. Scripts used within the Hardware
Test fall into two categories: expressions that evaluate to a value and statement sequences
which do not return a value and can contain constructs like loops.
Expressions are used in Device Mappings and Test Steps for assignments and conditions
whereas statements can be used to perform more complex multi-line operations in a Device
Script or Script Step.
The Hardware Test is type-safe so assignments between different types are not permitted.
Setting a 32 bit real with a 64 bit real would create an error. Instead one must explicitly use a
casting operator to prove the loss of information is intentional. Real number literals e.g. 1.5
are by default 64 bit whereas as 32 bit reals use an extension 1.5f.
The time in milliseconds since the test began.
The bladed in file contains all the relevant information
about the bladed turbine model for the simulation. This
information can be accessed within scripts using this
object. The in file is organised into modules with named
e.g. to access the simulation duration, the module is
SIMCON and the value ENDT
double endtime =
Outputs the difference
between the current value
and the last value
double timeStep,
double timeConstant,
double gain = 1.0F
double timeStep,
double tau
double timeStep,
double gain
double timeStep,
double tauA,
double tauB
A lead-lag compensator
double timeStep,
double lowerLimit =
double upperLimit =
double timeStep,
double time
A buffered filter to
choose the maximum value
over a period
double timeStep,
double time
A buffered filter to
choose the minimum value
over a period
double timeStep,
double timeConstant
double timeStep,
double timeConstantUp,
double timeConstantDown,
double rateLimitUp,
double rateLimitDown
double timeStep,
double timeConstant
double timeStep,
double timeConstant
double timeStep
double timeStep
In order to use a filter function within your script, youll first need to create an instance of the
type of filter youd like to employ and store it on the script engines Filters collection. You will
then be able to apply this filter object to filter input signals.
The following snippet shows an example of how to use a built in filter to get a moving average
of an input channel named InputChannel into an output channel named
AvgOutChannel. The moving average filter in this case is constructed with a weight (i.e.
timeStep/timeConstant) of 0.5.
Device Channel Configuration:
Device Script:
if (!Initialized)
Filters.Add(MyAvgFilter, new MovAvgFilter(1,2));
Initialized = true;
= Filters[MyAvgFilter].Filter(InputChannel);
Inline if
String Concatenation
Math operators
Math functions
Math constants
For Loop
While Loop
Casting between types
The full .NET framework is available for use in scripts which includes advance string
operation, file handling, bit manipulation. See [5] for the full documentation.
Search and replacements can be carried out within devices and procedures by clicking on the
search toolbar button or by pressing ctrl-f or ctrl-h key combinations. Searches begin from the
active cell if a spreadsheet component is currently visible. Users can limit the scope of the
search operation to Procedures, Devices or choose to search the entire Plan.
Searches can use regular expressions as replacements which allow the use of matching subexpressions e.g.
Text to search:
Find RegEx:
Replace RegEx:
For full regular expression syntax, see Reference [4] for further information.
Any bumps indicate that there are interfering processes on the test machine that
should be investigated before continuing testing.
If at the end of the simulation the simulation CurrentTime is not equal to the real test
time (x-axis) then this indicates there had been drift and the simulation is not running
in real time.
The captured data can be used to determine the relative computational cost of each device
and help in evaluating user created plug-ins.
Inaccuracies are likely to be most apparent in the highest frequency simulation mode;
assuming that the user has avoided fast actuator and sensor dynamics then, typically,
the fastest mode is an in plane rotor or drive train mode. Erratic blade tip acceleration
and generator speed signals are, respectively, a good indicator of poor rotor modal or
drive train solution accuracy.
Where drive train dynamics are included in the turbine model (i.e. it is not a locked
speed transmission model) then the user should compare the Rotor hub Mx from
either of the two hub loads Bladed results groups with the Gearbox torque from the
Drive train results group. These two quantities should be very close if not identical
but Bladed calculates them in different ways and significant discrepancies between
them indicate an inaccurate solution.
For models with grid connected induction generators it is also useful to check the
electrical power output as, for low slip generators, it is very sensitive to small solution
Save Plan
Copy, Paste, Cut
Delete, Back
Ctrl-f, Ctrl-h
Applies To
Selected text, Procedure
Device Channels, Device
Mappings, Procedure Steps,
Plan Explorer and Scripts
Device Channels, Device
Mappings, Procedure Steps
and Scripts
Device Channels, Device
Mappings, Procedure Steps
and Scripts
Procedure Steps
Device Channels, Procedure
Plan Explorer
Plan Explorer
Plan Explorer
Plan Explorer
Plan Explorer
Procedure Steps
Procedure Steps
WindDirection = DirectionBeforeRamp +
(DirectionRampRate * ((time - TimeBeforeRamp) / 1000.0));
TimeBeforeRamp = time;
DirectionBeforeRamp = WindDirection;
The ramp can now be enabled\disabled within a Test procedure by adding Assign steps
which set DirectionRampEnabled to true or false
Bladed Hardware Test supports client written protocols that seamlessly integrate into the user
interface and file formats. A protocol is responsible for reading and writing the set of channels
defined by a device. This is typically as an interface to hardware but can also allow client
written simulations, visualisations and custom user interfaces to be integrated with the Bladed
Hardware Test module.
Plug-ins can be written in any .Net language (C#, VB 2005, JScript.Net, J#, C++\Cli) using the
free Express versions of the Microsoft development environments. GL GH can provide
training for interfacing with non .Net languages if necessary.
A plug-in author needs to carry out the following tasks
1. Create a .Net dll project referencing the GH.Controllers.PluginInterface.dll assembly
2. Extend the GH.Controllers.Plugininterface.Protocol class
a. Add properties for configuring the protocol
b. Implement Initialise, OnStart and Update methods
3. Extend the GH.Controllers.Plugininterface.ProtocolVariable class
a. Add addition fields required by their protocol
b. Implement Marshall, Unmarshall and Clone methods
4. Copy the compiled dll and any dependencies to the Hardware Test plug-in folder
All public browsable properties of the plug-in classes will be viewable and editable in the Test
Environment. All read\write properties will be saved in the .Plan file. Enumerated fields will be
displayed as drop down lists.
Editing Mode
10.1.1 Reset
public abstract void Reset()
Optional method to reset before initialisation.
10.1.2 Initialise
public abstract
void Initialise(
The protocol channels for reading and writing are provided to the plug-in in collections for
each usage type and hashed by name. The protocol is expected to validate any routing
information and the settings of the protocol during initialisation and to throw a meaningful
exception if there are any problems e.g. bad routing information or unsupported data types.
10.1.3 PreCompile
public virtual void PreCompile(IScriptEngine scriptEngine)
Optional method for advanced use. Implement this method to bind custom data and scripts
into the script engine which can then be accessed in test and device scripts. Call
scriptEngine.Bind(). If you decide to override this method, youll need to add
GH.Wolverine.Util.Infrastructure.dll to your plug-in projects references list.
10.1.4 OnStart
public abstract void OnStart(IDevice device)
The protocol should perform any initialisation required to connect to the device e.g. opening
ports, loading dlls etc.
10.1.5 OnUpdate
public abstract void OnUpdate()
OnUpdate is called at the update frequency of the device. The protocol is expected to
implement this method to poll, send data to external hardware or check connection health.
10.1.6 OnStop
public abstract void OnStop()
OnStop is called once the test has completed, been stopped or an error has occurred. The
protocol should disconnect from external hardware and clean up any resources in a safe
10.1.7 Read
public abstract void Read(ProtocolVariable readVariable)
This method will be triggered by any attempt to perform an OnDemand Read of a channel in a
test procedure. The protocol should handle this as appropriate e.g. throwing an error if on
demand reads are not supported or sending the explicit read request to the external
10.1.8 Write
public abstract void Write(ProtocolVariable writeVariable)
This method will be triggered by any attempt to perform an OnDemand Write of a channel in a
test procedure. The protocol should handle this as appropriate e.g. throwing an error if on
demand writes are not supported or sending the explicit write request to the external
10.1.9 WriteLock
public virtual void WriteLock(ProtocolVariable writeVariable)
Only needs to be implemented if there are bidirectional channels. If a channel is bidirectional,
it might be continuously read but allow data to be written on demand as well. In this case, it is
important that the data is not overwritten by the protocol before the on demand write has
completed. Before a Write On Demand request, WriteLock will be called to give the protocol
the opportunity to freeze updates until the write has completed. Bidrectional channels are not
recommended due to this additional complexity.
10.1.10 CreateVariable
public abstract ProtocolVariable CreateVariable();
The protocol must return a new instance of the protocol specific ProtocolVariable class. This
is used as a factory method for use by the user interface.
If incompatible properties must be added then they should be marked the [XmlIgnore]
attribute and extra properties added which represent the same information in a serialisable
The default display is sufficient for basic field types (ints, floats, strings, DateTimes etc) but it
is possible to further configure how the protocol fields will be displayed using attributes.
The following .Net attributes:
[DisplayName("My name")]
Define a more elegant display name
Prevent editing
Perform custom configuration for a property
Configure colour, alignment and column
It is also possible create custom editors such as file-browsing dialogs by extending the
System.Drawing.UITypeEditor. See [3] for further details.
10.4 Tracing
A plug-in author can write errors and status information to the message window of the
hardware test using the Apache log4net framework as shown in the samples.
Reference the supplied log4net assembly and call Debug\Info\Warn\Error.
10.5 Samples
A number of sample projects are provided that demonstrate plug-ins in different languages:
A template project
A template project
A template project
Bladed User manual, Version 3.72, Garrad Hassan document 282/BR/010, July 2006
Numerical Recipes in C++ Second Edition, Press et al, Cambridge University Press,
MSDN : C# Documentation