Assertion of Personal Values
Assertion of Personal Values
Assertion of Personal Values
Tricked by OBrien
Different positions within society
Winston is on the oppressed side
Freder still has influence
Instead of saving the children, reforming society,
he becomes a victim of the system, social
transformation not possible
He puts his trust in something and he is totally manipulated,
he is an outsider even though he thinks Obrien is an outsider.
Very minor rebellion, but he is still totally destroyed, the idea
of actual social transformation is not going to be possible.
Scientific Paradigm
-working with economic paradigm, to keep them distracted
and motivated, so they don't rebel rotwang and evil maria
-contextual point, in Weimar republic those who have the
economic power also drive the science and technology
hope that the intellectuals and the enlightened bourgeoisie
could mediate between oligarchy and working class. Economic
conditions allowed him to have hope
started to become consumerist
Because of that, the character is able to succeed in his
ultimate triumph in mediating between self-interest and
division of the two groups, is predicated by his function as the
moral, intellectual leader, who can define a social progressive
balance reflecting the function of the bourgeoisie intellectuals
in Weimar (context)
Idea 2 - 1984
However restricted by totalised society
Totalised the complete construction of a ideological version of
reality, through brainwashing, alteration of history
1. 4 Ministries and their paradox, the sense that they control all
aspects of life, and are predicated on Doublethink so that they are
entering into heads and shaping reality clearly in contrast with the
way the oligarchy, who have transformed the topography, but have
not changed perception of reality
Through the oppressive party clutches on:
- History
- Thought
- Language
- Privacy
- Politics
- Emotion
- Sex
Absolute power over individuals
Demonstrated through absolute power to alter all aspects of an
individuals life
- free thought
- perception of reality
- emotion
- free speech etc
Power over society, not just physically but mentally and