Global Piracy Study 2009
Global Piracy Study 2009
Global Piracy Study 2009
s e v e n t h a n n u a l b s a / idc g l o ba l s o f t wa r e
09 piracy study
Despite the most significant global recession in over 20 years, 2009 proved to be a surprisingly
good year in the fight against software piracy. Conventional wisdom led many to believe that the
recession would drive personal computer (PC) users to deploy more unlicensed software simply
to save money, but the results of the 2009 Business Software Alliance (BSA) and IDC Global PC
Software Piracy Study show that momentum from years of anti-piracy programs held firm through
the economic downturn.
In 2009, installations of unlicensed software on PCs The value of unlicensed software hit $51.4 billion, a 3%
dropped in 54 of the 111 individual economies studied, decrease from 2008. However, in real terms and factor-
and rose in only 19. It is clear that anti-piracy education and ing in adjustments for exchange rates, the value of
enforcement campaigns spearheaded in recent years by the unlicensed software stayed the same in 2009 as 2008.
software industry, national and local governments, and law Where losses did grow, it was almost entirely the result
enforcement agencies continue to have a positive impact in of growing software markets in higher piracy economies.
driving legal purchases and use of PC software.
Forces driving piracy down in many economies included
Nevertheless, software piracy remains an urgent issue: the vendor legalization programs, government education,
global PC software piracy rate rose in 2009 to 43%, up two enforcement actions and technology shifts, such as in-
percentage points over the previous year. This means that creased deployment of digital rights management (DRM).
for every $100 worth of legitimate software sold in 2009, an
additional $75 worth of unlicensed software also made its Forces driving piracy up included the rapid growth of
way into the market. the consumer PC market, activity in the base of older
computers where unlicensed software is more prevalent,
The 2009 BSA/IDC Global PC Software Piracy Study identi- and increasing sophistication of online criminals leverag-
fied a number of trends in the use and impact of unlicensed ing the internet and other new means of distribution.
PC software:
Economies with the lowest software piracy rates remain
The overall piracy rate increased from 41% in 2008 to the United States, with a piracy rate of 20%, and Japan
43% in 2009 — largely a result of PC sales and soft- and Luxembourg, both with a piracy rate of 21%. Econo-
ware installations growing much faster in higher piracy, mies with the highest piracy rates include Georgia,
emerging economies than in more mature markets with Bangladesh, Zimbabwe and Moldova, each with a rate
lower piracy rates. above 90%.
Table of contents
ABOUT BSA.................................................................... 20
Piracy in 2009 —
and the Impact of the Recession
The recession slowed the overall deployment of software, with fewer units deployed worldwide
in 2009 than 2008. However, consumers continued to spend on PCs and software despite the soft
economy. PC shipments to consumers rose 17%, while shipments to businesses, governments and
schools dropped by 15%. More than half of all new PCs shipped went to consumers, as shown in
figure 1. Furthermore, consumers were much more active installing new software than businesses,
governments or schools. More than three quarters of all software shipped in 2009 went to
This shift in the PC market has an impact on piracy, as FIGURE 1: PCs in 2009 Getting Software
software piracy rates are generally higher on consumer PCs
than those of other segments of the market. What is striking
is that the increase in consumer purchases and software 10%
deployments did not breach the long term trend in declin- new
ing piracy rates in many economies. 9% PCs
Finally, because the recession slowed shipments of new PCs, other*
it raised the deployment of software onto older PCs in com-
parison to new PCs. IDC finds that piracy is generally higher Consumer
in software installed on older computers than on new PCs. PCs Installed
before 2009
In short, while the recession drove all the market dynamics 40%
in the direction of higher piracy, PC software piracy rates de- other*
clined or stayed the same in the vast majority of economies PCs installed
before 2009
around the world.
* all countries except aus, nz, jp, us, can, and western europe This is basically what happened this year: Piracy in emerging
Source: seventh Annual BSA/IDC Global Software Piracy Study, may 2010 markets dropped by slightly more than one percent. If that
pace is sustained next year, it is possible that global piracy
will have peaked in 2009.
An Urgent Issue — Why The Global
Piracy Rate is Up
60% the progress being made, the global PC software
piracy rate increased by two percentage points in 2009 to
This increase is the result of the rapidly growing PC
markets in emerging geographies, specifically Brazil, India
and China. In 2009, those three markets together accounted
for 86% of the growth in PC shipments. Figure 3 shows the
increasing percentage of the global PC installed base that is
in emerging markets.
This increased
10% penetration of the market means that even
if piracy were to go down in every high-piracy economy,
the growing
0% market share of PCs in Brazil, India and China
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
would drive the global average rate up. Est Est Est
Study Background
BSA has been studying global trends in PC software piracy software. The study does not include software that runs on
for more than a decade. This is the seventh annual study servers or mainframes .
conducted by IDC, the IT industry’s leading global market
research and forecasting firm, using the same methodology For the study, IDC used proprietary statistics for software
and standard, reliable data sets. and hardware shipments gathered through surveys of
vendors, users and the channel, and enlisted IDC analysts in
The study covers piracy of all packaged software that runs 60+ countries to review local market conditions. With ongo-
on personal computers (PCs), including desktops, laptops ing coverage of hardware and software markets in 100+
and ultra-portables, including netbooks. This includes countries, and with sixty percent of its analyst force outside
operating systems, systems software such as databases the United States, IDC has a deep and broad information
and security packages, business applications and consumer base from which to assess the market and estimate the rate
applications such as games, personal finance and reference of PC software piracy around the world.
Made available through vendor legalization programs Changing distribution and licensing models had an
Given as a gift impact, as vendors offered more software for free and
through large legalization programs in conjunction with
Moved from older PCs special government programs. Such programs had a
Pirated from peer-to-peer and other web sites major impact in countries like Portugal, Argentina and
Chile. In other cases, vendors permitted more legal
Borrowed from friends
copying of certain software programs or bundled soft-
Bought from street vendors ware — and sometimes even the entire PC — as part of
another service, such as broadband Internet access.
Along each path lies an opportunity for piracy: from counter-
feit software working its way through the distribution channel
to the end user, to illegal software sold on an auction site FIGURE 3: Emerging* vs. Developed Markets
to a buyer who may have no idea it is not legitimate; from
organized crime syndicates with CD duplicating plants, to PC Shipment Growth 2009
corporate IT departments that make unintentional errors 25
managing their software licenses. 21%
What’s more, each path ends at a different destination, from
a corporate executive’s new laptop to a young person’s
hand-me-down home computer; from a brand new desk- 15
What follows is an excerpt from the 2008 BSA/IDC Global cheap netbooks and lower prices from vendors to spur
PC Software Piracy Study: demand, to the deployment of software asset management
programs that can lower overall IT costs, even if it means
The economic crisis has done the same thing as rising prices spending more on legitimate software.
by raising the cost of software compared to discretionary
spending in the case of consumers, or IT budgets in the Finally, economists and academics have found that the cost
case of businesses and other enterprises. of software is only one factor driving software piracy. These
include culture, the strength of laws and the effectiveness
The economic crisis, inasmuch as it affects software piracy, of the institutions enforcing intellectual property rights. So
will have a bigger effect next year [than in 2008]. But then the economic crisis will have an impact on piracy — part of
again, there are other market dynamics that will be driven it negative, part of it positive — but it will be only one of
by the crisis that could curtail piracy, from the growth of many factors.
Asia-Pacific 59%
Middle East/Africa
43% 2009
41% 2008
Source: seventh Annual BSA/IDC Global Software Piracy Study, may 2010
Leverage in Licensing
Although much of the press covering software piracy focus- Under-licensing represents a fertile area for lowering piracy,
es on Internet piracy, the BSA/IDC PC Software Piracy Study mainly because some — but not all — under-licensing is
looks at all methods of software acquisition — from buying inadvertent. Licensing programs offered by vendors can ac-
it in a store or having it pre-installed on a PC to obtaining it count for as much as half the software deployed to enter-
through corporate volume licenses. Although a majority of prises. If software vendors can reduce PC software piracy by
PC software in the world is deployed to consumer comput- 10 percentage points through licensing programs, enter-
ers, a good portion of the rest is deployed using various prise piracy could be reduced by five points and this could
vendor licensing models. These include licenses for software reduce the overall PC software piracy rate in a country by
bundles, licenses to replicate software across a specified one to four points.
number of PCs, volume licenses managed by third parties,
and so on. In view of this, most vendors have instituted some sort of
product or service to help users keep track of software as-
For users, keeping track of these licenses and maintaining sets and manage software license compliance. This is often
compliance can be a complex endeavor. Without good called software asset management, or SAM. SAM programs
software management practices in place, it is likely that aid configuration and product selection, not only facilitating
licensees will use more copies of a software package than license compliance, but also optimizing an organization’s
is permitted by the licenses, and that can be a civil and/or software assets for the tasks at hand, yielding productivity
criminal violation. improvements in the IT shop and on end user desks that can
outweigh the cost of buying legitimate software.
Despite the connotation, unlicensed PC software is not This malicious code was designed to capture key strokes
necessarily ‘free.’ It takes effort to obtain, and it usually or send users to bogus websites where they would enter
requires more support than legitimate software since it does personal data that enables identity theft.
not come with a steady stream of updates and patches, and
may, in fact, contain malware. The study also found the cost of recovery from a security
incident resulting from pirated software on a PC can cost
In a 2006 IDC study, (“The Dangers of Counterfeit Soft- more than $1,000, often exceeding the cost of legitimate
ware,” IDC White Paper, October 2006), research revealed software.
that one in four websites that offered pirated software or
counterfeit activation keys attempted to install infectious
computer code, like Trojan horses and key loggers, on test
computers. Even more striking, 59% of the counterfeit soft-
ware or key generators downloaded from peer-to-peer (P2P)
sites contained malicious or unwanted code.
Since 2002, IDC has conducted research with BSA on the In addition to the economic benefits of reducing software
economic benefits of lowering piracy — in terms of ad- piracy, other significant impacts of piracy include:
ditional jobs, new local revenues and additional taxes
generated. These studies have shown that the benefits to Local software companies can be crippled by competi-
local governments are more significant than just replacing tion from unlicensed and stolen software in the market,
unlicensed software with licensed software. not to mention piracy of their own products.
For example, the results of lower PC software piracy have While local service and distribution firms can make
already been seen in Russia and China. money working with unlicensed software instead of
legitimate software, IDC research shows that they can
In 2003, the BSA/IDC Global Piracy Impact Study projected make more money working with legitimate software.
that Russia would gain more than 6,000 new jobs from low- They can also cut internal support costs.
ering piracy by 10 points in four years. In fact, Russia added
nearly 60,000 jobs by 2008, 9,000 of which IDC attributes Businesses and consumers waste time and money work-
to lower PC software piracy, the remainder to autonomous ing with faulty and unsupported software.
market growth.
For users, using unlicensed software entails not just
In China, the 2003 prediction was that by lowering PC legal risks, but also security risks, outlined in “The Perils
software piracy by ten percentage points in four years, more of Piracy” on Page 10.
than 200,000 jobs would be created. By 2008, China had
actually added more than 800,000 jobs to its IT industry, of
which IDC attributes 220,000 to lower PC software piracy,
the rest to autonomous market growth.
Legitimate Pirated Legitimate Pirated
Source: seventh Annual BSA/IDC Global Software Piracy Study, may 2010
2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005
Asia Pacific
Australia 25% 26% 28% 29% 31% $550 $613 $492 $515 $361
Bangladesh 91% 92% 92% 92% — $127 $102 $92 $90 —
Brunei 67% 68% 67% — — $14 $15 $13 — —
China 79% 80% 82% 82% 86% $7,583 $6,677 $6,664 $5,429 $3,884
Hong Kong 47% 48% 51% 53% 54% $218 $225 $224 $180 $112
India 65% 68% 69% 71% 72% $2,003 $2,768 $2,025 $1,275 $566
Indonesia 86% 85% 84% 85% 87% $886 $544 $411 $350 $280
Japan 21% 21% 23% 25% 28% $1,838 $1,495 $1,791 $1,781 $1,621
Malaysia 58% 59% 59% 60% 60% $453 $368 $311 $289 $149
New Zealand 22% 22% 22% 22% 23% $63 $75 $55 $49 $30
Pakistan 84% 86% 84% 86% 86% $166 $159 $125 $143 $48
Philippines 69% 69% 69% 71% 71% $217 $202 $147 $119 $76
Singapore 35% 36% 37% 39% 40% $197 $163 $159 $125 $86
South Korea 41% 43% 43% 45% 46% $575 $622 $549 $440 $400
Sri Lanka 89% 90% 90% 90% — $77 $97 $93 $86 —
Taiwan 38% 39% 40% 41% 43% $227 $201 $215 $182 $111
Thailand 75% 76% 78% 80% 80% $694 $609 $468 $421 $259
Vietnam 85% 85% 85% 88% 90% $353 $257 $200 $96 $38
Other AP 90% 91% 91% 86% 82% $303 $69 $56 $148 $29
TOTAL AP 59% 61% 59% 55% 54% $16,544 $15,261 $14,090 $11,718 $8,050
Latin America
Argentina 71% 73% 74% 75% 77% $645 $339 $370 $303 $182
Bolivia 80% 81% 82% 82% 83% $40 $20 $19 $15 $10
Brazil 56% 58% 59% 60% 64% $2,254 $1,645 $1,617 $1,148 $766
Chile 64% 67% 66% 68% 66% $315 $202 $187 $163 $109
Colombia 55% 56% 58% 59% 57% $244 $136 $127 $111 $90
Costa Rica 59% 60% 61% 64% 66% $33 $24 $22 $27 $19
Dominican Republic 77% 79% 79% 79% 77% $66 $43 $39 $19 $8
Ecuador 67% 66% 66% 67% 69% $65 $37 $33 $30 $17
El Salvador 80% 80% 81% 82% 81% $46 $28 $28 $18 $8
Guatemala 80% 81% 80% 81% 81% $74 $49 $41 $26 $14
Honduras 74% 74% 74% 75% 75% $17 $9 $8 $7 $4
Mexico 60% 59% 61% 63% 65% $1,056 $823 $836 $748 $525
Nicaragua 79% 79% 80% 80% 80% $5 $4 $4 $4 $2
Panama 73% 73% 74% 74% 71% $42 $24 $22 $18 $8
Paraguay 82% 83% 82% 82% 83% $29 $16 $13 $10 $10
Peru 70% 71% 71% 71% 73% $124 $84 $75 $59 $40
Uruguay 68% 69% 69% 70% 70% $40 $25 $23 $16 $9
Venezuela 87% 86% 87% 86% 82% $685 $484 $464 $307 $173
Other LA 83% 84% 83% 83% 82% $430 $319 $195 $96 $32
TOTAL LA 63% 65% 65% 66% 68% $6,210 $4,311 $4,123 $3,125 $2,026
2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005
Middle East and Africa
Algeria 84% 84% 84% 84% 83% $55 $96 $86 $62 $66
Bahrain 54% 55% 57% 60% 60% $21 $27 $27 $23 $22
Botswana 79% 80% 82% 81% 82% $11 $14 $14 $12 $12
Cameroon 83% 83% 84% 84% 84% $7 $6 $5 $5 $5
Egypt 59% 59% 60% 63% 64% $146 $158 $131 $88 $80
Iraq 85% 85% 85% — — $129 $205 $124 — —
Israel 33% 32% 32% 32% 32% $148 $172 $121 $102 $84
Ivory Coast 79% 80% 81% 82% 82% $14 $15 $15 $16 $23
Jordan 57% 58% 60% 61% 63% $26 $22 $20 $19 $19
Kenya 79% 80% 81% 80% 81% $66 $31 $28 $22 $20
Kuwait 60% 61% 62% 64% 66% $62 $69 $61 $60 $65
Lebanon 72% 74% 73% 73% 73% $46 $49 $44 $39 $34
Libya 88% 87% 88% — — $25 $22 $22 — —
Mauritius 56% 57% 57% 59% 60% $4 $5 $4 $3 $3
Morocco 66% 66% 67% 66% 68% $64 $70 $66 $53 $55
Nigeria 83% 83% 82% 82% 82% $156 $132 $114 $100 $82
Oman 63% 62% 61% 62% 63% $39 $26 $23 $25 $22
Qatar 51% 51% 54% 58% 60% $50 $26 $25 $23 $21
Reunion 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% $1 $1 $1 $0 $1
Saudi Arabia 51% 52% 51% 52% 52% $304 $272 $170 $195 $178
Senegal 78% 79% 80% 81% 82% $5 $7 $6 $6 $6
South Africa 35% 35% 34% 35% 36% $324 $335 $284 $225 $212
Tunisia 72% 73% 76% 79% 81% $44 $48 $54 $55 $54
Turkey 63% 64% 65% 64% 65% $415 $468 $365 $314 $268
UAE 36% 36% 35% 35% 34% $155 $170 $94 $62 $45
Yemen 90% 89% 89% — — $10 $14 $13 — —
Zambia 82% 82% 82% 82% 83% $2 $2 $2 $2 $2
Zimbabwe 92% 92% 91% 91% 90% $4 $4 $3 $2 $6
Other Africa 86% 86% 85% 85% 84% $260 $95 $76 $49 $63
Other ME 88% 87% 87% 89% 91% $294 $438 $448 $423 $154
TOTAL MEA 59% 59% 60% 60% 57% $2,887 $2,999 $2,446 $1,985 $1,602
North America
Canada 29% 32% 33% 34% 33% $943 $1,222 $1,071 $784 $779
Puerto Rico 46% 44% 44% 45% 47% $46 $36 $33 $31 $12
United States 20% 20% 20% 21% 21% $8,390 $9,143 $8,040 $7,289 $6,895
TOTAL NA 21% 21% 21% 22% 22% $9,379 $10,401 $9,144 $8,104 $7,686
Western Europe
Austria 25% 24% 25% 26% 26% $212 $184 $157 $147 $131
Belgium 25% 25% 25% 27% 28% $239 $269 $223 $222 $257
Cyprus 48% 50% 50% 52% 52% $16 $15 $14 $12 $13
Denmark 26% 25% 25% 25% 27% $203 $215 $193 $183 $199
Finland 25% 26% 25% 27% 26% $175 $194 $160 $149 $156
France 40% 41% 42% 45% 47% $2,544 $2,760 $2,601 $2,676 $3,191
Germany 28% 27% 27% 28% 27% $2,023 $2,152 $1,937 $1,642 $1,920
Greece 58% 57% 58% 61% 64% $248 $238 $198 $165 $157
Iceland 49% 46% 48% 53% 57% $11 $23 $33 $32 $18
Ireland 35% 34% 34% 36% 37% $125 $118 $106 $92 $93
Italy 49% 48% 49% 51% 53% $1,733 $1,895 $1,779 $1,403 $1,564
Luxembourg 21% 21% 21% — — $30 $21 $16 — —
Malta 45% 45% 46% 45% 45% $7 $8 $7 $7 $5
Netherlands 28% 28% 28% 29% 30% $525 $563 $502 $419 $596
Norway 29% 28% 29% 29% 30% $195 $229 $195 $181 $169
Portugal 40% 42% 43% 43% 43% $221 $212 $167 $140 $104
Spain 42% 42% 43% 46% 46% $1,014 $1,029 $903 $865 $765
Sweden 25% 25% 25% 26% 27% $304 $372 $324 $313 $340
Switzerland 25% 25% 25% 26% 27% $344 $345 $303 $324 $376
United Kingdom 27% 27% 26% 27% 27% $1,581 $2,181 $1,837 $1,670 $1,802
TOTAL WE 34% 33% 33% 34% 35% $11,750 $13,023 $11,655 $10,642 $11,856
TOTAL WORLDWIDE 43% 41% 38% 35% 35% $51,411 $52,998 $47,809 $39,698 $34,482
European Union 35% 35% 35% 36% 36% $12,469 $13,981 $12,383 $11,003 $12,048
BRIC Countries* 71% 73% 75% 77% 81% $14,453 $15,305 $14,429 $10,049 $6,841
What follows is a description of the methodology for the So the piracy equation looks like this:
BSA/IDC Global Software Piracy Study. A detailed video To get the total number of software units installed — the
presentation of the methodology is also available at denominator — IDC determines how many computers there are in a country and how many received software in 2009.
IDC tracks this information quarterly in 105 countries, either
The basic method for coming up with rates and in products called ‘PC Trackers’ or as part of custom assign-
commercial value of unlicensed software in a ments. The remaining few countries are researched annually
country is as follows: for this study.
1. Determine how much PC software was deployed
Once IDC has determined how many computers there are,
in 2009.
it can determine how much software was installed on each
2. Determine how much PC software was paid for/ computer in 2009.
legally acquired in 2009.
To do this, IDC conducts a survey each year — this year a
3. Subtract one from the other to get the amount
mix of 28 countries from all geographies, levels of IT sophis-
of unlicensed software.
tication and geographic and cultural diversity — totaling
Once the amount of unlicensed software is known, the PC 6,000 consumer responses and 4,300 business user respons-
software piracy rate can be determined as the percentage es. In the survey, respondents are asked how many software
of total software installed. packages (of what type) were installed on their PCs, what
From this survey, IDC develops a picture of the number of Legitimate Software Market $ Value
software packages, including free or open source software, = ----------------------------------------------------
Software Units Average System Price
installed per PC. This allows IDC to calculate the total soft-
ware units installed according to this equation:
IDC also looks at legitimate free software and open source In 2008 and 2009 — the base year for the 2009 values —
software, which is software that is licensed in a way that puts the US dollar dropped slightly against the euro and the yen,
it into the public domain for common use. It is typically free but gained against the ruble, the British pound and the
but can also be used in commercial products. IDC does, Mexican peso.
however, exclude routine device drivers and free download-
When the value of the US dollar goes down against a
able utilities, such as screen savers, that would not displace
currency, the value of unlicensed software will go up be-
paid for software or normally be recognized by a user as a
cause the same amount of unlicensed software in the local
software program.
currency will be worth more US dollars in the exchange.
As mentioned previously, the study does include software When the US dollar increases in value against a currency,
as a service if it is paid for, but excludes web-based services the opposite effect occurs.
that might supplant the need for a paid for package to be
This year, adjusting the 2008 value figure to accommodate
installed on a PC. Software sold as part of a legalization
exchange rates would raise that value by 3%, making the
program — such as a bulk sale to a government to distrib-
real difference between 2009 and 2008 values zero.
ute to schools — is counted in the year the bulk purchase
(or gift) occurs.
Increase Public Education and Awareness Step-up Enforcement with Dedicated Resources
Reducing software piracy often requires a fundamental Too often, software thieves are not treated as seriously
shift in the public’s attitude toward it; public education is as other criminals and the punishment is too insignifi-
critical. Governments can increase public awareness of cant to be an effective deterrent. Countries can elevate
the importance of respecting creative works by inform- their enforcement of intellectual property by:
ing businesses and the public at large about the risks
associated with using pirated software and encouraging Creating specialized intellectual property enforce-
and rewarding the use of legitimate products. Some of ment units at the national and local level and
the most successful efforts stem from comprehensive providing dedicated resources to investigate and
public education campaigns launched jointly by govern- prosecute intellectual property theft;
ment and industry to promote the value of software, and
Increasing cross-border cooperation among police
the legal and commercial benefits of
and other enforcement agencies to improve coordi-
managing software as an asset.
nation for law enforcement in multiple countries; and
Implement the WIPO Copyright Treaty
Supporting the training of law enforcement and judi-
In 1996, in direct response to the growing threat of
ciary officials (including establishment of specialized
Internet piracy, the World Intellectual Property Organiza-
IP courts where appropriate) and providing better
tion (WIPO) adopted new copyright treaties to enable
technical assistance to ensure that the people on the
better enforcement against digital and online piracy.
front lines of piracy enforcement are equipped with
More than 1.2 billion people around the globe now
the tools they need to deal with the changing nature
have Internet access—increasing the power and poten-
of intellectual property theft.
tial of software, but also opening new doors for pirates
to distribute their wares. In order to ensure protection of Lead by Example
copyrighted works in the digital age, countries need to Because governments are the largest users of software
update national copyright laws to implement their WIPO in the world, one of the most effective mechanisms
obligations. Among other things, these measures ensure for public persuasion stems from governments them-
that protected works are not made available online with- selves actively managing their own software assets and
out the author’s permission, and that copy protection sending a strong and clear message that they will not
tools are not hacked or circumvented. tolerate piracy. This can be achieved by implementing
software asset management policies to set an example
Create Strong and Workable Enforcement
the private sector should follow.
Mechanisms as Required by TRIPS
Strong copyright laws are essential — but meaningless
without effective enforcement. Governments must fulfill
their obligations under the World Trade Organization’s
(WTO) Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property
Rights Agreement (TRIPS) by adopting and implement-
ing laws that meet international norms for IP rights
The Business Software Alliance (BSA) is the voice of the ANTI-PIRACY AND COMPLIANCE
world’s software industry and its hardware partners on a PROGRAMS
wide range of business and policy affairs. BSA’s mission is to
promote conditions in which the information technology (IT) The theft and illegal use of software and other forms of
industry can thrive and contribute to the prosperity, security intellectual property (IP) is a serious global problem. Software
and quality of life of all people. piracy strains technology companies’ ability to innovate
and create jobs, harms local IT services firms, saps govern-
BSA is the largest and most international IT industry group, ment tax revenues and increases the risk of cyber crime and
with policy, legal and/or educational programs in 80 coun- security problems.
tries. While several of BSA’s initiatives are global in scope,
most of its policy, legal, and educational efforts are led and BSA works to expand legal software markets on a global
conducted at the national level, with a growing emphasis on scale, with special attention to the world’s top emerging
emerging economies. markets. BSA does this through a combination of tactics:
BSA’s member companies are some of the most innovative Investigations and enforcement: BSA solicits and
companies in the world, investing billions of dollars a year in receives thousands of reports of alleged software piracy
local economies and delivering software solutions trusted by each year from end users, resellers, law enforcement,
billions of people to help them be more productive, member companies and affiliate associations. BSA in-
connected and secure. vestigates these tips and — when necessary and
appropriate — files civil lawsuits to stop software piracy.
PUBLIC POLICY BSA refers particularly egregious cases to national law
enforcement authorities for criminal prosecution.
BSA’s public policy programs are based on five broad
principles of economic leadership: Fighting Internet-based piracy: BSA uses the latest
technology to track the distribution of pirated software
Inspire creativity and innovation through comprehensive on the Internet via online auction sites, peer-to-peer
and enforceable intellectual property policies, including sites, and other Internet channels. Each year, BSA issues
copyright, patent and trademark laws. thousands of requests to Internet service providers and
website managers to remove pirated software from their
Foster an online marketplace where citizens and busi-
nesses use information tools with confidence, by making
certain that laws effectively prohibit and punish cyber Software asset management (SAM): BSA provides tools
crimes. and resources to help organizations manage software
in a way that reduces compliance risks and maximizes
Ensure that our nation produces and attracts the best
return on investment. BSA SAM Advantage is a long-
and brightest workforce through forward-looking
term effort to help companies move more easily toward
education and immigration policies.
lasting adoption of the global SAM standards published
Improve export opportunities for technology companies by the International Organization for Standardization
by eliminating trade barriers and discouraging the adop- (ISO).
tion of discriminatory public procurement practices.
Education: One of the most effective ways that BSA
Promote research, development and investment in next- prevents software piracy and the associated risks to
generation technologies to spur economic growth and society is by raising awareness of the negative impacts,
innovation across the economy. which it does through the news media, school and direct
outreach to affected communities.
BSA promotes these principles and specific policy objec-
tives through direct communications with policymakers and
influencers, as well as public education and collaboration
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