Production Managment Final
Production Managment Final
Production Managment Final
Volume / Flexibility
- oil rig construction
- development of a computer software package
- overhaul of an airliner
Job shop
- Low volume, low standardisation – one of a kind, custom design, general purpose
equipment, high margins, jumbled flow, estimating costs, estimating delivery times, order
tracing and expediting
- tool room
operation theatre
- High volume, specialised equipment, high capital investment, high standardisation,
commodity, vertical integration, long runs, economies of scale, timing expansion and
technological changes
- nuts and bolts
- cement, sugar, petroleum
- photographic films
- Standardised designs, back-up suppliers, finished goods inventory, systematising diverse
elements, SPC, developing standards, large complex operations
- aero-engines
- mining equipment
- pumps, compressors
- mail collection
- Two Axes:
- Degree of Labour Intensity; ratio of labour cost to value of plant and equipment
Electric utilities : 14.21
Communications : 5.31
Amusement parks : 2.49
Hospitals : 1.63
Banking : 1.20
Hotels : 1.01
Retail trade : 0.62
Business services : 0.42
Interaction : Degree to which the customer can intervene in the process (e.g.
restaurant), is not duration of contact (e.g. lectures)
Customisation : Degree to which the service provided is tailored to the needs of the
Help companies assess their competitive stance and means by which they provide their
Definition: Variability is anything that causes the system to depart from regular, predictable
Variability is a fact of life (?)
Sources of Variability:
work pace variation (n)
process times
machine failures
Maintenance times
differential skill levels
materials shortages
engineering change orders
yield loss
customer orders (n)
product differentiation (n)
operator unavailability
material handling
power outages
material fluctuation (n)
Influence of Variability
Variability Law: Increasing variability always degrades the performance of a production system
process time variability pushes best case toward worst case
higher demand variability requires more safety stock for same level of customer
higher cycle time variability requires longer lead time quotes to attain same
level of on-time delivery
Variability Buffering
Buffering Law: Systems with variability must be buffered by some combination of:
Interpretation: If you cannot pay to reduce variability, you will pay in terms of high WIP, under-
utilized capacity, or reduced customer service (i.e., lost sales, long lead times, and/or late
Buffer Flexibility
Buffer Flexibility Corollary: Flexibility reduces the amount of variability buffering required in a
production system
Flexible Capacity: cross-trained workers
Flexible Inventory: generic stock (e.g., assemble to order)
Flexible Time: variable lead time quotes
Process Batch:
Related to length of setup
The longer the setup the larger the lot size required for the same capacity
Move (transfer) Batch: Why should it equal process batch?
The smaller the move batch, the shorter the cycle time
The smaller the move batch, the more material handling
Process Batching
Process Batching Law: In stations with batch operations or significant changeover times:
The minimum process batch size that yields a stable system may be greater
than one.
As process batch size becomes large, cycle time grows proportionally with batch
Cycle time at the station will be minimized for some process batch size, which
may be greater than one.
Caveat: Don’t count on capacity increase; more flexibility will require more setups.
Move Batching
Move Batching Law: Cycle times over a segment of a routing are roughly proportional to the
transfer batch sizes used over that segment, provided there is no waiting for the conveyance
Basic Batching Tradeoff: WIP vs. move frequency
Queuing for conveyance device can offset CT reduction from reduced move
batch size
Move batching intimately related to material handling and layout decisions
Assembly Operations
Assembly Operations Law: The performance of an assembly station is degraded by increasing
any of the following:
Number of components being assembled
Variability of component arrivals
Lack of coordination between component arrivals
This law can be viewed as special instance of variability law
Number of components affected by product/process design
Arrival variability affected by process variability and production control
Coordination affected by scheduling and shop floor control
Utilisation Law: If a station increases utilisation (w/o making any other changes), average WIP
and CT will increase in a highly nonlinear fashion
Rework Law: For a given throughput level, rework increases ( both the mean and the standard
deviation of ) the cycle time of a process
CT vs Rework
Cycle Time
Definition (Station Cycle Time): The average cycle time at a station is made up of the
following components:
cycle time =
move time +
queue time +
setup time +
process time +
wait-to-batch time +
wait-in-batch time +
wait-to-match time
Increasing Throughput
Burnout Law:People get burned out
Can you blame them?
Theory Of Constraints (TOC)
GOAL : To make money now as well as in future i.e. we can describe a company as “a money-
making machine”
THROUGHPUT : The rate at which the system generates money through sales
TH = Q i Σ (SP – VE)i per time unit from the system for a product
where i= products
TH = Throughput
Qi = Quantity produced and sold of the i th. product per unit time
SP = Selling Price per unit
VE = Variable Expenses per unit
Selling Productio
Contribt Th’put
Products Expenses n Margin
Price80 / day 70 / day 65 / day Rate
90 / day
Rs/unit Rs/day
Rs/unit units/day
1,000 180
820 210 00
A- is the maximum utilised equipment (may not necessarily be the slowest process)
- is where maximum inventory accumulates
- should be the most expensive resource (3)
1,120 220
B- should preferably be at the beginning of the process flow
900 170 00
(2) (3)
950 200
C 750 200 00
(5) (4)
1,100 260
D 840 150 00
(3) (1)
1,250 250
E 1,000 140 00
(1) (2)
2. What is the “cost” of the machine?
INVENTORY : All the money the system invests in purchasing things the system intends to
OPERATING EXPENSES : All the money the system spends in turning inventory into
Σ Qi ( SP – VE ) i - OE
ROI = --------------------------------------------
F. Assets + Inventory
Throughput : dependent on
- Production rate at the bottleneck
- Set-up / Change-over time at the bottleneck
- Transport time within the unit
- Rework at the bottleneck
- Rejection at and after the bottleneck; as well as in the system
- Downtime at the bottleneck
The level of utilization of a non-bottleneck resource is not determined by its own potential
but by some other constraint(s) in the system
Utilization and activation of a resource are not the same
Transfer batch may not and many times should not be equal to the process batch
A process batch should be variable both along its route and in time
Priorities can be set only by examining the system’s constraints. Lead time is a derivative
of the schedule
Unbalanced Capacity
In a process line with several stations -making all capacities the same is a bad decision
(possible if output times at all stations were constant or have very narrow distribution)
A variation in output times cause downstream stations to have idle time when upstream
stations take longer to process
When upstream stations process in a shorter time, inventory builds up between the stations
Attempt to balance the flow through the system – when flow is balanced, the capacities
remain unbalanced
Little's Law: the long-term relationship between I, T and Cycle time of a production
system is: INV = TH × Cycle Time
It applies to single stations, production lines, factories, and entire supply chains
System determines the duration of the fixed interval and the optimum batch sizes for each
component or sub-assembly to be processed at each resource
Getting a hold on measurements *
We are interested in finding measurements for a company whose goal is to make more money
now as well as in future. As long as we define its goal the way we have, what the company
generates (or should generate) is definitely only one thing - money. Thus, we can describe the
company as “a money-making machine”.
Imagine that you just entered the only shop that sells money-making machines. There are
many money-making machines in this shop, and you definitely want to choose one of them.
What input you need from the salesman in order to make your choice? Once we verbalize what
input we need, we have actually verbalized measurements.
The first needed piece of information that jumps into our mind is “What is the rate at which the
machine generates money?” Suppose that the salesman tells us that one particular machine
generates money at the rate of ten lakh rupees a month, and another at just five lakh rupees a
month. We choose the first one.
Is this enough? Definitely not. The cost of the machine is certainly on our minds. But let’s be
careful for a change. What do we mean by “cost?” Cost is one of those very dangerous words
that has more than one interpretation. We may ask, “What is the cost of the machine?” and
mean the purchase price. But we may ask the same question and mean the operating expense
- how much it costs to operate it. One interpretation is in the realm of investments, and the
other in the realm of spending. These are quite different interpretations. However, both
interpretations are of vital importance.
How should we phrase our questions? To ask the purchase price is not enough. We might face
some unpleasant surprises when we investigate the amount of inventory that the machine has
to carry in its belly is even more than the price of the machine itself. I would suggest that we
ask, “How much money is captured by the machine?” This quite different from the following
question that we still have to ask. “How much money will we have to pour into the machine on
an ongoing basis to turn the machine’s wheels?”
It should be emphasized that throughput should not be confused with sales. What is the
difference? Suppose we sold a product a product for Rs. 100 per Kg. This does not mean that
throughput increased by Rs. 100. In the product sold, there are materials and parts that we
purchased from our suppliers for, let’s say, Rs. 42. This Rs. 42 is not money generated by our
system, it is money generated by our supplier’s system. Thus, in this case, the throughput will
be increased by Rs.58. Throughput is the selling price minus the amounts we paid to our
suppliers for the items that went into the product sold, no matter when we actually bought
these items.
In addition to purchased parts, there are other amounts we have to subtract from the selling
price in order to compute throughput. We have to deduct commission paid, duties paid, and
even freight. All these amounts are not money generated by our system.
The second measurement is INVENTORY. Inventory is defined as:
All the money the system invests in purchasing things the system
intends to sell.
This definition is exactly identical to the conventional definition, as far as machines, equipment
and buildings are concerned.
But when it comes to current assets, viz. Inventory; this definition departs drastically from the
convention. What value should we attach to a finished product stored in the warehouse?
According to the definition, we are allowed to assign just the price that we paid to our vendors
for the material and purchased parts that went into the product. There is no added value by
the system itself. Added value. To what? To the product. But our concern is not the product,
but rather the company. So what we actually have to ask ourselves is “When is the only point
of time that we add value to the company?” Only when we sell, not a minute before! The whole
concept of adding value to a product is distorted, so we should not be surprised if it will cause
distortions in the company’s behaviour. The added-value concept allows for ridiculous notion of
“inventory profits” and “inventory losses”.
Taking added value out of inventory does not mean that we do not have these outlays of
money. To account for them is the task of the third measurement - operating expense.
All the money the system spends in turning inventory into throughput.
Notice the different words chosen in the last two definitions. Invested in inventory, spent in the
* From “The Haystack Syndrome - Sifting information out of the data ocean” by Eliyahu M.