OTM Slides1
OTM Slides1
OTM Slides1
Instructor: K. S. Thyagaraj
Sales Costs
low high
negative few price, quality
rising high
small few price, quality
peak low
high many quality, delivery dependability product variety (but to a lesser extent than in Growth Stage), price
declining low
declining declining quality, delivery dependability
finite scheduling using MRP-II, managing bottleneck using OPT/TOC. Design changes (if any) are incorporated. Less popular designs discarded.
finite scheduling using MRP-II, incorporating flexible, lean production practices with JIT final assembly
take advantage of learning curve and reduced product variety to reduce cost
fabrication is process focused with general purpose machines while assembly is product focused . Machines are preferably NC.
fabrication using Group Technology with general purpose machines Assembly is product focused. Machines are preferably NC
fabrication using Group Technology with special purpose machines with product focused assembly. Machines are preferably Hard Automated .
fabrication using Group Technology with special purpose machines with product focused assembly. Machines are (manually operated or NC) or Hard Automated if sufficient volume exists
general facility
broad(fabrication) narrow(assembly)
Short Term Capacity Planning: Leveling Load in Process Layout(job shop/batch flow)
Overlapping-dont wait for entire lot to be completed - send portion of completed lot to next operation Operation splitting- splits lot and sends to more than one machine Lot splitting-breaking up order and running part of it ahead of schedule Reduce load- reject orders- negotiate longer due dates or acceptance of part shipments. Simulate alternate MPS on resource requirement and obtain feasible MPS. alternate routing, sub-contracting , scheduling overtime, reallocating work force,
Short Term Capacity Planning leveling load in Product Layout(worker/machine paced line flow)
Assembly Line balancing
Service Industry
Performance Standards
Performance standards Purpose of labor costing, wage incentive, scheduling and machine loading
Work Measurement
Work Measurement Systems Stop watch time studies and simultaneous performance rating Work sampling for proportion and non-cyclic pattern of work normal time=(total observed time x work time in decimals x average performance rating in decimals)/total pieces produced Standard data work measurement systems 1. 2. Universal data based on minute elements of motion Standard data based on major elements of job
Advantages of small Set-up time: 1. costs less can change set-up more often can produce in smaller batches improved flexibility- reduced lead time 2. Smaller batches doesnt tie up machinery for long produce only what is needed (MTO) 3. Production defects in a batch is identified quickly and can be corrected. 4. WIP is reduced (flow time=WIP/throughput) and flow time is reduced for a given
Internal tasks (stop-time activities)- machine has to be stopped External tasks(run-time activities )- machine can be running.
Stage 1: Identify internal and external activities perform external activities while machine is working on another batch- instead of during the set-up time.
Stage 1: what failures might occur, what effect these failures would have, and how
critical each would be in respect of both safety and economical consequence (FMEA). Stage 2: for each failure risk identified, deciding what action needs to be taken either to remove the risk of the failure occurring, or to minimize its effects (RCM diagram maximizing safety and obtain best value for money from maintenance activity.)