Quality Characteristics of Noodles Made From Selected Varieties of Sri Lankan Rice With Different Physicochemical Characteristics

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Foundation Sri Lanka 2011 39 (1): 53- 60


Quality characteristics of noodles made from selected varieties of

Sri Lankan rice with different physicochemical characteristics
M.J.M. Fari1*, D. Rajapaksa1 and K.K.D.S. Ranaweera2

Food Technology Section, Industrial Technology Institute, 363, Bauddhaloka Mawatha, Colombo 07.
Department of Food Science & Technology, Faculty of Applied Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Gangodawila, Nugegoda.

Revised: 27 September 2010 ; Accepted: 26 November 2010

Abstract: The physicochemical properties of eight popular

Sri Lankan rice varieties (Bg 300, Bg 352, Bg 403, Bg
94-1, Ld 356, Bw 272-6b, At 405 and At 306) and the
quality characteristics of noodles made from these varieties
of rice were investigated. The physicochemical properties
investigated were amylose content (AC), crude protein, fat
content, starch properties and amylograph pasting properties.
Rice noodles were prepared by gelatinization of dough made
with rice flour followed by cold extrusion. Rice noodle
samples were evaluated for cooking loss, swelling ratio, tensile
strength, extensibility, elastic recovery, firmness and sensory
properties. AC of rice varieties ranged from 18.651.19% in
At 405 to 30.430.20 % in Bg 94-1. Swelling volume and
swelling power were significantly different (p<0.05) among
the rice varieties tested. Amylograph pasting properties of
rice varieties showed a significant (p<0.05) variation for all
the pasting parameters. Cooking loss was high in At 405
(19.173.50), and low in Bg 403 (9.190.33). Tensile strength
was significantly high for Bg 352 (16.73.4 g) and it was
significantly low for At 405 (8.01.7 g). Overall acceptability
of rice noodles prepared from At 405 had the significantly
lower score and rice noodles from Bg 300 had a significantly
higher value. The physicochemical and amylograph pasting
properties of rice varieties had a significant influence on the
cooking, textural and sensory properties of rice noodles.
Amylose content showed significant negative correlation with
cooking loss (r = - 0.802, p<0.001) and significant positive
correlation with swelling ratio (r = 0.809, p<0.001) of noodles.
Amylose content showed positive significant correlation with
tensile strength, extensibility and elastic recovery at p<0.05.
Rice noodles made from local rice varieties with high amylose
content showed desirable quality characteristics.
Keywords: Amylose, amylograph viscosity, cooking property,
noodles, rice, textural quality.

Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is the staple food in Sri Lanka and

Corresponding author (mjm.fari@gmail.com)

it provides 45% calorie and 40% total protein requirement

of an average Sri Lankan (Mendis, 2006). More than 50
rice varieties have been recommended for cultivation in
Sri Lanka by the Department of Agriculture (DOASL,
2006; Wickramasinghe & Nado, 2008).
Different rice varieties exhibit compositional
variation for protein, lipid, starch content (amylose and
amylopectin) and other minerals and vitamins. These
compositional differences contribute to the diversity of
chemical and physical properties of rice such as viscosity,
starch gelatinization and water absorption (Juliano,
1985). These properties influence the eating and cooking
quality of rice and have a considerable effect on quality
characteristics of end products such as bread, noodles
and other extruded products made from rice flour.
Traditionally, rice noodles are made from long
grain rice with high amylose content (>25 g/100 g)
(Juliano & Sakurai, 1985), which plays a critical role
in creating a gel network and sets the noodle structure
(Mestres et al., 1988). A highly significant correlation
was reported between high amylose content of rice
and general acceptability of rice noodles (Yoenyongbuddhagal & Noomhorm, 2002). Bhattacharya et al.
(1999) reported that the broad variation in physical and
chemical properties of rice had a marked influence on the
textural quality of rice noodles. It has been reported that
rice noodle characteristics correlated significantly with
swelling power (SP), paste viscosities and gel texture
of starch present in rice flour (Bhattacharya et al., 1999;
Hormdok & Noomhorm, 2007).
A wide array of rice varieties is present in the
country and their physicochemical characteristics vary.
When different rice varieties are used for rice noodle


production, variation in quality characteristics can be

expected. A detailed study of the effect of Sri Lankan rice
varieties on the quality of rice noodles is not documented
to date.
The objectives of the present study were to investigate
the physicochemical properties of locally grown rice
varieties, the quality characteristics such as cooking,
textural and sensory attributes of rice noodles and to
determine the relationship between physicochemical
characteristics of rice varieties and the quality of noodles
made from flour of different varieties of rice.
The following paddy samples were collected from Rice
Research and Development Centres in Sri Lanka and their
respective regional stations; Bg 300, Bg 403, Bg 94-1
and Bg 352 from Bathalagoda (Bg); At 306 and At 405
from Ambalantota (At); Bw 272-6b from Bombuwala
(Bw); and Ld 356 from Labuduwa (Ld).
Preparation of raw materials: The grains were dehulled
and polished using a commercial dehuller (Type LM 242C, Rubber roller, China) and a polisher (Model N-70,
China) at a commercial grinding mill in Colombo. Rice
was ground to make flour using the universal milling
machine (Universal mill PE 402, Bauermeister, Germany)
fitted with a 0.5 mm sieve attachment at the Industrial
Technology Institute (ITI), Colombo.
Physicochemical analysis: Crude protein (Kjeldhal
nitrogen using DK 6 heating digester and Kjeltec semiautomatic distillation unit, UDK 132, VELP Scientifica,
Italy) (Nitrogen conversion factor=5.95) and crude fat
(Soxotherm 5306 AK, Gerhardt, Bornheimer Strabecon,
Bonn, Germany) were determined according to the AACC
method (1995). Amylose content (AC) was determined
according to the method of Juliano (1985).
Starch properties: The method of Crosbie et al. (1992)
was used to study the starch properties. Flour samples
(0.4 g db) were mixed with 12.5 mL water in centrifuge
tubes. The mix was equilibrated at 25 C for 5 min. It was
then heated to 92.5 C and kept at that temperature for
30 min. The samples were cooled in an ice water bath for
1 min, equilibrated at 25 C for 5 min and centrifuged (ICE
Centra - 4B Centrifuge, Damon, USA) at 3000 rpm for
5 min. The flour swelling volume (mL/g) was calculated
by converting the resultant gels on volume basis.
The supernatant was carefully removed and the
swollen starch sediment was weighed. Swelling power
(SP) was expressed as the ratio of weight of wet sediment
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M.J.M. Fari et al.

to the initial weight of dry flour (g/g). The supernatant was

placed in the evaporating dish and dried at 130 C for 4 h
to get a constant weight. Solubility (g/g) was estimated
as the ratio of the weight of dry flour supernatant to the
initial weight of dried flour.
Amylograph pasting properties: Pasting properties of rice
samples were studied using the Amylograph (Brabender,
BD 172502, Duisburg, Germany) according to the AACC
Method (1995). Rice flour (50 g, 12 % moisture basis)
was weighed and mixed with 450 mL of distilled water
to get 10 % (g/g) slurry. Prepared sample was transferred
to a viscometer bowl. The test was started at 35 C and
held for 5 min, followed by heating to 95 C at the rate
of 1.5 C/min and kept for 20 min. The sample was then
cooled to 50 C at the rate of 1.5 C/min while maintaining
the rotating speed of bowl at 75 rpm. Peak viscosity
(PV), viscosity at the end of hold time at 95 C / hot paste
viscosity (HPV), final viscosity at the end of cooling to
50 C / cold paste viscosity (CPV), breakdown (BD=PVHPV) and setback (SB=CPV-PV) were recorded.
Preparation of rice noodles: Noodles were prepared
using 1 kg of rice flour. Rice flour was mixed with water
to form a dough in the Hobart mixer (Hobart CE 100,
London, UK). The dough was gelatinized by placing in a
kitchen steamer and steamed for 30 min. The dough was
kneaded for 15 min to evenly distribute the gelatinized
starch. The dough was then placed in a Pasta machine
(Pama Roma MODP/ 15, Pama Parsi, Rome, Italy), fitted
with a die of 0.1 cm diameter pore size and extruded to
get strands. These strands were steamed for 15 min and
dried at 40 C for 4 h in an electric dryer (Pama Roma
MODPR/12, Pama Parsi, Rome, Italy).
Cooking and textural quality of noodles: Dried noodles
(25.0 g) were cut into small pieces (5.0 cm in length)
and boiled in 250 mL of water for 5 min with occasional
stirring. The cooking time of noodles was determined
by pressing the noodle between two glass plates and
disappearance of the white core was examined with naked
eyes. Cooking time is the time taken for the white core
to disappear when the noodle strand is boiled in water
(Chen et al., 2002). Cooked samples were drained for
5 min and immediately weighed. The drained water was
collected and the volume was noted. Twenty millilitres of
the drained water was transferred to an evaporating dish
and dried at 105 C until a constant weight was attained.
Cooking loss (%) was calculated based on the dry weight
of noodles (SLS, 1989). Rehydration or swelling ratio
was estimated as the percentage increase in weight of
cooked noodles compared to weight of dried noodles
(Suhendro et al., 2000).
Journal of the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka 39 (1)


Varietal influence on rice noodles

Testing for tensile strength was carried out using Tensile

Tester (Tinius Olsen HIOKS-5698, Red Hill, England)
as described by Bhattacharya et al. (1995). A strand of
cooked noodles was wound around parallel rollers of the
tensile tester. The upper arm was set to travel apart from
the lower arm at the speed of 1 mm/s. The maximum
force (g) required to break the noodles gives an indication
of the samples resistance to breakdown, and the distance
(mm) to breakdown indicates the extensibility. The
experiments were replicated 10 times.
Firmness and elastic recovery were determined
according to the methods described by Sowbhagya and
Ali (2001). Noodle strands were compressed using a
constant load (50 N) with a Relaxation tester (Elastocon
AB, EB 02, Sweden) for 5 min. Load was removed and
allowed to recover for 5 min. Thickness measurements
were taken before compression, after compression and
after recovery. Firmness (F) and elastic recovery (ER)
were calculated from the average of readings as follows,
F (%) = [e1/e]*100
ER (%) = [(e2- e1)/(e- e1)]*100
e = thickness of strands (mm) before compression
e1= thickness of strands (mm) after compression
e2= thickness of strands (mm) after recovery
Sensory evaluation: The prepared noodles were evaluated
by 12 screened and trained panellists at ITI. The
sensory quality of noodles was evaluated based on the
preference for appearance, flavour, hardness, stickiness
and overall acceptability using a 7- point hedonic scale,
where 1-represented the least preference and 7-the most
preference. Samples were evaluated by the panellists in
individual booths. Sample size of 20g was served in a

Bg 352
Bg 300
Bg 403
Bg 94-1
Ld 356
Bw 272-6b
At 405
At 306

28.94 1.78a,b
26.76 1.64c
29.17 0.35a,b
30.43 0.20a
27.23 0.81b,c
25.51 1.50c
18.65 1.19d
25.87 1.05c

(%, db)
0.85 0.06e
0.56 0.09f
1.03 0.05c,d
1.36 0.04a
0.75 0.15e
1.17 0.18b,c
0.89 0.04d,e
1.28 0.10a,b

Statistical Analysis: Data were analysed by Analysis of

Variance (ANOVA) and mean separation was done by
Fishers Least Square difference (LCD) at p<0.05. The
sensory data were subjected to Freidman non-parametric
two-way ANOVA using SAS (v. 6.12) package. Pearson
correlation coefficients among parameters were
calculated using SAS Proc corr (v. 6.12).
Physicochemical characteristics of rice
The amylose content of tested varieties of brown rice is
given in Table 1. Based on the amylose content (AC),
rice can be classified as waxy rice (1-2 %), low amylose
rice (2-20 %), intermediate amylose rice (20-25 %)
and high amylose rice (>25 %) (Yoenyong-buddhagal
& Noomhorm, 2002). All varieties used in the study
belong to high amylose type rice except At 405, which
belongs to the low amylose type. Significant differences
(p<0.05) were observed among the AC of the rice
varieties studied. Bg 94-1 had significantly higher AC
with 30.430.20 %.
Fat content of rice ranged from 1.360.03% for Bg
94-1 to 0.560.09% in Bg 300. High amylose type rice
tends to have less starch and lipids than the intermediate
rice (Bhattacharya et al., 1999). However, the present
study does not show any such relationship. The highest
and lowest fat contents were observed in high amylose
type rice varieties (Table 1). Protein content ranged from
6.840.20% in Bg 94-1 to 11.180.22% in Ld 366, which
has red pericarp. Protein content was comparatively low
in Bathalagoda rice varieties.

Table 2: Starch properties of rice

Table 1: Physicochemical properties of rice


small glass cup coded with three digit random numbers.

(%, db)
8.40 0.43c
7.84 0.07d
7.34 0.14e
6.84 0.20f
11.18 0.22a
9.76 0.03b
8.55 0.44c
10.02 0.08b

In each column means with same superscript are not significantly

different (p < 0.05); db=dry basis

Journal of the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka 39 (1)


power (g/g)

volume (mL/g)


Bg 352
Bg 300
Bg 403
Bg 94-1
Ld 356
Bw 272-6b
At 405
At 306

8.33 0.44b
8.28 0.28b
7.96 0.18b,c
7.77 0.14b,c
8.19 0.29b,c
8.92 0.40a
8.33 0.28b
8.12 0.47b,c

8.92 0.73b,c
8.89 0.23b,c
9.25 0.22b
8.49 0.22b
9.29 0.15b
10.41 0.42a
10.18 0.28a
9.38 0.40b

0.012 0.007a
0.007 0.006b
0.012 0.003a
0.015 0.009a
0.013 0.005a
0.013 0.003a
0.008 0.004a
0.013 0.004a

In each column means with same superscript are not significantly

different (p < 0.05)

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Starch properties of rice

Amylograph pasting properties of rice

When starch is heated in the presence of excess water

to temperatures above the gelatinization temperature, the
granules imbibe water and swell causing starch to leach
into the solution. The degree of swelling and the amount
of solubilization depends on the chemical binding within
the granules (Zhou et al., 2002). Presence of strong
intermolecular bonds and high amylose content reduces
the extent of swelling by forming an extensive network.
The degree of swelling and level of solubilization also
depends on the extent of chemical bonding within the
granules (Bhattacharya et al., 1995).

Pasting properties are regarded as one of the most

important indices in the evaluation of starch properties
of rice (Zhou et al., 2002). Paste viscosity profile or
gelatinization pattern recorded in Brabender Amylograph
for rice varieties showed a significant (p<0.05) variation
for all the pasting parameters (Table 3).

Swelling power indicates the ability of starch

to hydrate under a specific cooking condition
(92.5 C/30 min). Swelling volume and swelling
power were significantly different (p<0.05) among rice
varieties (Table 2). Rice variety Bg 94-1 showed the
lowest swelling power (7.770.14 g/g) and swelling
volume (8.490.22 mL/g), while Bw 272-6b showed
the highest swelling power (8.920.40 g/g) and swelling
volume (10.410.42 mL/g). Starch leaching during
gelatinization is estimated by solubility. A significant
difference (p<0.05) was observed for solubility of rice
starches and the rice variety Bg 300 had the significantly
lowest solubility.
The difference in swelling power may be attributed
to the difference in amylose content, viscosity patterns
and weak internal organization resulting from negatively
charged phosphate groups within the rice starch granules
(Sing et al., 2006). Swelling behaviour of cereal starches
has been reported as a property of their amylopectin
content, where amylose acts as an inhibitor of swelling
(Bhattacharya et al., 1995; Sing et al., 2006). This could
be the reason for rice variety with low AC (At 405)
having a high swelling volume.

Peak viscosity (PV) indicates the highest viscosity

yield by starch during the gelatinization under given
conditions (Shuey & Tipples, 1994). The PV ranged
from 81358 BU in At 306 to 1240150 in Bg 300. The
high PV of Bg 300 reflects the ability of starch granules
to swell freely before their physical breakdown. At 306,
which had the lowest PV, indicates lower tendency for
swelling of starch granules.
The viscosity measured after 20 minutes at 95 C
or hot paste viscosity (HPV) gives an indication of the
stability of hot paste (Shuey & Tipples, 1994). HPV is
influenced by the rate of amylose exudation, amylose-lipid
complex formation, granule swelling and competition
between exudated amylose and remaining granules for
free water (Bhattacharya et al., 1999). HPV ranged from
576159 in At 406 to 89755 in Bg 352.
Cold paste viscosity (CPV) describes retrogradation
tendency of soluble amylose upon cooling (Bhattacharya
et al., 1999). CPV increases upon cooling, which may be
due to the aggregation of elements present in the hot paste
such as swollen granules, fragments of swollen granules
and starch molecules dispersed as colloids (Sing et al.,
2006; Shuey & Tipples, 1994). CPV of rice samples
ranged from 762161 BU in At 405 to 2137185 BU in
Bg 352.

Table 3: Amylograph pasting properties of rice


(PV) (BU)

Hot paste
(HPV) (BU)

Cold paste
(CPV) (BU)

Set back
(SB) (BU)

Bg 352
Bg 300
Bg 403
Bg 94-1
Ld 356
Bw 272-6b
At 405
At 306

1193 31a
1240 150a
1230 26a
1203 60a
1133 70a
1177 236a
1030 204a,b
813 58b

897 55a
770 125a,b
653 91b,c
647 93b,c
850 56a
867 99a
576 159c
587 63c

2137 185a
1620 231b
1420 30b
1373 108b
1570 262b
1987 273a
762 161c
1377 150b

943 162a
380 87c,d,e
190 20d,e
170 53e
437 225c,d
810 270a,b
-268 101f
563 92b,c

(BD) (BU)

297 55b.c
470 36a,b
577 115a
557 119a
283 68b,c
310 257b,c
454 63a,b,c
263 66c

In each column means with same superscript are not significantly different (p < 0.05)
BU - Brabender Units, 1BU equivalent to 2.93 centipoises
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Journal of the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka 39 (1)


Varietal influence on rice noodles

Table 4: Textural characteristics of cooked rice noodles

Bg 352
Bg 300
Bg 403
Bg 94-1
Ld 356
Bw 272 6b
At 405
At 306




16.7 3.4a
13.2 3.8b
12.2 2.3b
12.1 4.6b
10.7 3.6b,c
11.9 3.3b
8.0 1.7c
13.5 3.0b

11.4 2.3a
11.8 2.5a
11.8 2.1a
9.2 3.1b
10.2 2.6a,b
10.3 1.5a,b
6.1 1.6c
6.0 1.8c

50.3 6.1a
46.6 8.2a
37.3 9.0b
48.6 8.5a
35.6 10.3b
49.4 12.6a
26.2 5.4c
52.2 14.5a

8.6 2.7a
87.9 2.4a,b
85.8 3.9b
88.2 3.4a,b
89.0 1.4a
87.6 1.1a,b
86.7 2.6a,b
88.5 3.1a

In each column values with same superscript are not significantly different (p < 0.05)

Table 5: Sensory attributes of noodles prepared from different rice varieties



Bg 352
Bg 300
Bg 403
Bg 94-1
Ld 356
Bw 272-6b
At 405
At 306










In each column values with same superscript are not significantly different (p < 0.05)
seven point Hedonic scale

Table 6: Correlation between physicochemical properties of rice varieties and noodle quality
properties of rice

Noodle quality

Swelling volume
Swelling power
Peak viscosity
Hot paste viscosity
Cold paste viscosity

= Significant at p<0.05


= Significant at p<0.01












= Significant at p<0.001

Journal of the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka 39 (1)

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M.J.M. Fari et al.


Rice variety

Figure 1: Cooking loss and swelling ratio of noodles prepared by different rice varieties

Breakdown viscosity (BD) is the measure of the

susceptibility of cooked starch granules for disintegration,
which is determined by the difference between PV and
HPV (Sowbhagya & Ali, 2001). Rice variety Bg 403 and
Bg 94-1 had significantly higher values for BD. Setback
(SB) viscosity is an essentially derived tool that describes
the difference between CPV and HPV. SB value indicates
the recovery of the viscosity during cooling of heated
starch suspension (Sing et al., 2006). Lowest SB value
for rice variety At 405 is an indication that this variety
is softer after cooking. At 405 has shown a low value for
HPV, CPV, SB and BD.
Cooking quality of rice noodles
Cooking loss and rehydration are important features
for determining noodle quality. Rice noodles should
have short cooking time with negligible loss of solids
in cooking water. Low rehydration usually results in
noodles with hard and coarse texture, but excess water
uptake often results in soft and sticky noodles (Yoenyongbuddhagal & Noomhorm, 2002).
All rice noodle samples showed an optimum cooking
time of 5 minutes. Cooking quality characteristics of
rice noodles is shown in Figure 1. Cooking loss was
significantly different among the rice varieties and high in
noodles made from At 405 (19.173.50) while it was low
in Bg 403 (9.190.33). All high amylose rice varieties
had comparatively low cooking loss. High cooking loss
is undesirable as it indicates high solubility of starch,
resulting in turbid cooking water, low cooking and
sticky mouth feel (Bhattacharya et al., 1999). Cooking
loss correlated negatively with AC of rice (r = -0.802,
p<0.001). Swelling ratio was significantly (p<0.05)
low for At 405 (2.130.08). There were no significant
differences observed among the other varieties, which
had comparatively similar values for rehydration.
March 2011

Textural properties of cooked rice noodles

Texture of cooked noodles is the most critical
characteristic, which determines consumer acceptance
of the product. In this study, aspects of noodle texture
were evaluated using tensile testing, elastic recovery and
firmness (Table 4).
Tensile testing assesses the breaking strength and the
breaking length of noodles. These properties correlated
well with each other and it is an indication of how well
the noodle strands resist breakdown (Seib et al., 2000). It
also gives an indication on how the samples hold together
during cooking and reflects the cooking tolerance and
cooking quality of noodles (Bhattacharya et al., 1999).
Tensile strength was significantly (p<0.05) high for
Bg 352 (16.73.4 g) and significantly low for At 405
(8.01.8 g). Other varieties had comparable values
for tensile strength. The distance to break the noodle
strands is the measure for extensibility (Bhattacharya
et al., 1999). The extensibility ranged from 6.01.8 in
At 306 to 11.82.5 in Bg 300. Noodles prepared from
At 405 flour had the lowest tensil strength and required
shorter time to break, which indicates low extensibility.
Increased tensile strength and extensibility were found
in noodles made from high amylose rice. The results
indicated that noodles became more difficult to stretch
and break with the increase of AC of rice. Tensile
strength of noodles showed a positive correlation with
AC (r = 0.403, p<0.05).
The predominant characteristics of the quality
of noodles related to textural characteristics such
as translucency, colour, uniformity of appearance,
mechanical strength and integrity, absence of sticky
surface, which are characterized by firmness and elasticity
(Sowbhagya & Ali, 2001). Elastic recovery of noodles
ranged from 26.25.4 % in At 405 to 52.214.5 % in
Journal of the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka 39 (1)


Varietal influence on rice noodles

At 306. Firmness of noodles ranged from 85.83.9 % in

Bg 403 to 89.01.4 % in Ld 356. Noodles with higher
firmness and elastic recovery can result in good quality
noodles with low cooking loss (Chen et al., 2002).

noodles. AC positively correlated significantly at p<0.05

with tensile strength, extensibility and elastic recovery.
Desirable quality characteristics of rice noodles were
observed among noodles made from the local rice
varieties with high AC.

Sensory attributes of rice noodles

The sensory attributes of rice noodles are given in
Table 5. The appearance of rice noodles was significantly
different amongst the noodles made out of different rice
varieties. Noodles from rice variety At 405 and At 306
had a significantly (p<0.05) low value for appearance,
and the appearance was disliked by most of the panellists.
Noodles made from all Bg varieties had higher values for
appearance and were accepted by most of the panellists.
There was no significant (p<0.05) difference observed
for the flavour of rice noodles. The flavour of cooked
noodles is a minor quality attribute from the consumer
point of view compared to other characteristics.
Hardness of rice noodles made out of Bg varieties
was higher. Rice noodles made from Bg 300 had
significantly (p<0.05) higher value for hardness and were
preferred by most panellists. Hardness and stickiness of
rice noodles made from At 405 were significantly lower
and this type was less preferred by the panellists. The rice
noodles made from At 405 were very sticky and adhesive
and this could be the reason for lower preference by
the panellists. The panellists preferred hardness and
stickiness of rice noodles made from other rice varieties.
Hardness and stickiness of rice noodles are attributes of
amylose content.
Based on the scores for overall acceptability, rice
noodles made from At 405 flour had the significantly
(p<0.05) lowest score and were disliked by most of the
panellists. Rice noodles made from Bg 300 flour had a
significantly higher value. Results of the sensory attributes
of rice noodles indicates that the panellists preferred less
sticky rice noodles. The panellists preferred non sticky
and hard noodles, irrespective of the flavour.
Relationship between physicochemical properties of
rice and quality characteristics of noodles made from
different varieties of rice flour
Correlation analyses between physicochemical properties
of rice varieties and the corresponding noodle qualities
were examined. Pearson correlation coefficients were
summarized in Table 6.
The amylose content significantly correlated
negatively with cooking loss (r = -0.802, p<0.001)
positively with swelling ratio (r = 0.809, p<0.001) of
Journal of the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka 39 (1)

Fat content of the different varieties of rice did not

have a significant effect on the rice noodle properties.
A significant positive correlation was observed between
protein content of rice and cooking loss in noodles.
Flour solubility was expected to have a positive
correlation with cooking loss as shown in studies of
Yoenyong-buddhagal & Noomhorm (2002). In the
present study it was negative and not significant. Swelling
power of rice flour had a very poor relationship to noodle
characteristics and was not significant.
Amylograph peak viscosity showed a significant
negative correlation with (r = -0.541, p<0.01) cooking
loss. HPV correlated negatively with cooking loss but
was not significant. HPV showed a significant positive
correlation with swelling power (p=0.402, p<0.01).
Positive correlation found between HPV textural
parameters and PV with swelling ratio and extensibility
of noodles was not significant. A high HPV generally
represents low cooking loss and superior eating quality
(Bhattacharya et al., 1999). Cold paste viscosity correlated
negatively with the cooking loss (r=0.399, p<0.05), and
positively with rehydration (r=0.673, p<0.01), elastic
recovery (r=0.501, p<0.01), tensile strength (r=0.460,
p<0.01) and extensibility (r=0.424, p<0.01). Setback
viscosity correlated positively with swelling power,
elastic recovery, tensile strength and extensibility at
p<0.01. Breakdown correlated negatively with cooking
The authors acknowledge the Rice Research &
Development Centres of the Department of Agriculture
for supplying samples of rice for the study.



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