01 Expressions From The Vedas

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k Veda

amI puroiht' yDSy devmOTvjm(

hot;r' r/;tmm( ))1))
a" pUvRe.ARiW.rI@o nUtnwt
s dev;\ Eh v=it ))2))
an; rymXnvTpoWmev idveidve
yxs' vIrvmm( ))3))
ae y' yDm?vr' ivt" pr.Urs
s eveWu gCzit ))4))
ahoRt; kvtu" sTy]vStm"
devo deve.r; gmt( ))5))
yd d;xuWe Tvme .{' krys
tveTsTymir" ))6))
p Tv;e idveidve doW;vSt/Ry; vym(
nmo .rNt Ems ))7))


r;jNtm?vr;,;' gop;mOtSy dIidvm(

v/Rm;n' Sve dme ))8))
s n" iptev sUnvee sUp;yno .v
scSv; n" SvStye ))9))
Agnim le purohita yagyasya devam itwijam
hotra ratna dhtamam (1)
agni prvebhir ishibhir dyo ntanair uta
sa dev eha vakshati (2)
agnin rayim ashnavat posham eva dive-dive
yashasa vravattamam (3)
agne ya yajgyam adhwara vishwata paribhr asi
sa id deveshu gachchhati (4)
agnir hot kavikratu satyash chitrashravastama
devo devebhir gamat (5)
yad anga dshushe tvam agne bhadra karishyasi
tavet tat satyam angira (6)
upa tvgne dive-dive doshvastar dhiy vayam
namo bharanta emasi (7)
rjantam adhvar gopm itasya ddivim
vardhamna sve dame (8)


sa na piteva snave 'gne spyano bhava

sachasv na svastaye (9)
k Veda 1.1

.{' k,eR." xO,uy;m dev;

.{' pXyem;=.yRj];"
Bhadra karebhi shiuyma Dev
bhadra pashyemkshabhir yajatr
All good I should hear from the ears.
All good I should see through the eyes.
k Veda 1.89.8
(also introduction to Upanishads
of Atharva Veda)

ytIn;' b[; .vit s;rq"

Yatn Brahm bhavati srathi
For those established in self-referral consciousness, the infinite organizing
power of the Creator becomes the charioteer of all action.
k Veda 1.158.6

Aco a=re prme Vyomn(

ySmNdev; a/ ve inWedu"
ySt ved ikmOc; kryit
y iduSt me sm;ste
icho Akshare parame vyoman
yasmin Dev adhi vishve nishedu
yastanna veda kim ich karishyati
ya ittadvidus ta ime samsate


The verses of the Veda exist in the collapse of fullness (the kshara of 'A')
in the transcendental field, the Self,
In which reside all the Devas, the impulses of creative intelligence,
the Laws of Nature responsible for the whole manifest universe.
He whose awareness is not open to this field,
what can the verses accomplish for him?
Those who know this level of reality
are established in evenness, wholeness of life.
k Veda 1.164.39

yo j;g;r tmOc" k;myNte

Yo jgra tam icha kmayante
He who is awake, the richas seek him out.
k Veda 5.44.14

a a; y;ih vItye gO,;no hVyd;tye

Agna yhi vtaye gino havya-dtaye
Agni has come to disappear. What is gained is for offering.
k Veda 6.16.10

dUrex' gOhpitmqyRum(
Dre disha gihapatim atharyum
Far, far away the indweller of the house, the Self, is seen reverberating.
k Veda 7.1.1

k Veda 10.19.1


in vtR?v' m;nu g;t;Sm;n( TsWKt revtI"

aGnIWom; punvRsU aSme /;ryt' riym(
Ni vartadhwa mnu gt'smn tsishakta revat
agnshom punarvas asme dhrayata rayim
k Veda 10.19.1

nvo nvo .vit j;ym;n"

Navo-Navo bhavati jyamna
Totality is reborn again and again.
k Veda 10.85.19

Yath prvam akalpayat
Creation based on what was before.
k Veda 10.190.3


s' gCz?v' s' vd?v' s' vo mn;'s j;nt;m(

dev; .;g' yq; pUvRe sj;n;n; p;ste ))
sm;no mN]" simit" sm;nI sm;n' mn" sh
sm;n' mN]m. mN]ye v" sm;nen vo hvW; juhom ))
sm;nI v a;kit" sm;n; dy;in v"
sm;nmStu vo mno yq; v" sush;sit ))
Sa gachchhadhva sa vadadhva sa vo mansi jnatm
dev bhga yath prve sanjnn upsate
samno mantra samiti samn samna mana saha chittameshm
samna mantramabhi mantraye va samnena vo havish juhomi
samn va kti samn hidayni va
samnam astu vo mano yath va susahsati


Go together, speak together, know your minds to be functioning together

from a common source, in the same manner as the impulses of creative
intelligence, in the beginning, remain together united near the source.
Integrated is the expression of knowledge, an assembly is significant in
unity, united are their minds while full of desires. For you I make use of
the integrated expression of knowledge. By virtue of unitedness and by
means of that which remains to be united, I perform action to generate
wholeness of life.

United be your purpose, harmonious be your feelings, collected be your

mind, in the same way as all the various aspects of the universe exist in
togetherness, wholeness.
k Veda 10.191.2-4

ySy inst' ved;"

yo vede>yo%l' jgt(
inmRme tmh' vNde
Yasya nishvasita Ved
yo vedebhyo 'khila jagat
nirmame tam aha vande
I bow down to him who breathes out the Veda
and creates the universe from it,
remaining uninvolved, and who is the cherished shrine
of pilgrimage for all the streams of knowledge.



a;Tm; bu; smeTy;q;RNmno yu ivv=y;

mn" k;y;m;hNt s pe[ryit m;tm(
m;tStUrs crNmN{' jnyit Svrm(
tm buddhy sametyrthn mano yunkte vivakshay
mana kygnim hanti sa prerayati mrutam
mrutas trasi charan mandra janayati svaram
The Self stirs with an intention. Together with the intellect, it takes a
direction, and engages the mind. The mind strikes the fire of the body,
which in turn drives out the air. The air, moving within the lungs, causes
the emergence of subtle sound, which becomes soundsvaramthe
reverberation of the Self.
Pinya Shiksh 6-7
(translation based upon Maharishis



Mantra-Brhmaayor-Veda nmadheyam
Mantra and Brhmaa together constitute Veda.
Apastamba Shrauta Stram 24.1.31




a;idrNTyen shet;
dirantyena sahet
Whatever is in the beginning, if it the same in the end, then in the middle
it is the same.
Pini, Ashtdhyy 1.1.71

Ek" xBd" sMyGD;t" x;S];Nvt"

sup[yu_" SvgRe lok k;m/uG.vit
Eka shabda samyag gyta shstrn vita
suprayukta svarge loke kma-dhug bhavati
One word properly known and properly used is enough for all
achievements on earth and in heaven.
Pini (Kaiyata, Mahbhshya-Pradpa, hnika 1)




aq yog;nux;snm(
Atha yognushsanam
Now is the teaching on yoga.
Yoga Stra 1.1

Yogash chitta-vitti-nirodha
Yoga is the complete settling of the activity of the mind.
Yoga Stra 1.2

td; {u" SvpevSq;nm(

Tad drashtu swarpe avasthnam
Self established in itself.
Yoga Stra 1.3

Vitti srpyam ita atra
Reverberations of the Self emerge from here (the self-referral state) and
remain here (within the self-referral state).
Yoga Stra 1.4



s tu dI`Rk;lnwrNtyRsTk;r;sevto !.Um"
Sa tu drgha-kla-nairantarya-satkrsevito didha-bhmi
Yoga becomes a well-founded stateestablished statewhen it has been
respectfully and uninterruptedly cultivated for a long time.
Yoga Stra 1.14

AtM.r; t] p[D;
itambhar tatra pragy
Fully awake consciousnessall knowing awareness.
Yoga Stra 1.48

hey' du"%mn;gtm(
Heya dukham angatam
Avert the danger which has not yet come.
Yoga Stra 2.16

tTs/* vwrTy;g"
Tat sannidhau vairatyga
In the vicinity of coherence (Yoga), hostile tendencies are eliminated.
Yoga Stra 2.35

Sthira-sukham sanam
sana is steady pleasantness.
Yoga Stra 2.46

sana is perfected by relaxation of activity and the dawn of
Yoga Stra 2.47


tto N;n.`;t"
Tato dvandvnabhighta
From that comes freedom from the pairs of opposites.
Yoga Stra 2.48

Chiti Shaktiriti
The power of consciousness is infinite.
Yoga Stra 4.34





aq;to b[jD;s;
Athto brahma-jigys
Now, from here, the desire to know Brahman.
Brahma Stra 1.1.1

jNm;Sy yt"
Janmdyasya yata
Source of birth, maintenance, and evolution.
Brahma Stra 1.1.2

Shstra yonitwt
Source of the scripture.
Brahma Stra 1.1.3

tu smNvy;t(
Tat tu samanvayt
That is through unifying nature.
Brahma Stra 1.1.4



nandamayo 'bhyst
Brahman becomes blissful through practice.
Brahma Stra 1.1.12

svR] p[sopdex;t(
Sarvatra prasiddhopadesht
Through teaching one knows it is everywhere evident.
Brahma Stra 1.2.1

a; cr;crg[h,;t(
Att charchara grahat
Whole Prakiti is eaten upBrahman is the devourer of all diversity.
Brahma Stra 1.2.9

From the context, from the sequence.
Brahma Stra 1.2.10

Dharma arises from there; that is the origin of Dharma.
Brahma Stra 1.3.9

From the self-referral impulse.
Brahma Stra 1.3.39



Eten yog" p[Tyu_"

Etena yoga pratyukta
By this, Yoga is expounded.
Brahma Stra 2.1.3

tiNtn' tTkqnmNyoNy' tTp[bo/nm(

Etdek prTv' c td>y;s' ivdubRu/;"
Tach chintana tat kathanam anyonya tat prabodhanam
etad eka paratva ca tad abhysam vidur budh
Thinking of that, speaking of that, conversing of that with one another,
dedication to that alonethis is called abhys or practice by the wise.
Yoga Vasishtha 3. 2223




.gvIt; ikd/It;
g;jllvk,k; pIt;
Bhagavad-gt kinchid adht
Gang-jala-lava-kaik pt
Even a little study of the Bhagavad-Gt,
like a drop of the flow of nectar, is sufficient for enlightenment.
Shankara, Bhaja Govindam 20

b[ sTy' jgNmQy; jIvo b[wv n;pr"

Brahma-satya-jagan mithy jvo Brahmaiva npara
Brahman is real and the world only appears to be real. This Self, I, is
TotalityBrahmanand none other.

Ate D;n; mu_

ite gynnna mukti
Without enlightenment, there is no freedom from bondage and suffering
of any kindAdhytmik, Adhidaivik, or Adhibhtik.




aq;to dI`RIvtIym?y;y' Vy;:y;Sy;m" ))1))

Athto drghan jvityam adhyya vykhysyma
Now begins the chapter on the quest for immortality.
Charaka Sahit, Strasthna 1.1.1

yur-Vedo Amitnm
yurveda belongs to those who are immortal.
Charaka Sahit, Stra Sthnam 25.40

Mistake of the intellect.

Charaka Sahit, Shrrasthna 1.109

smdoW" sm;Gn sm/;tumli]_y" )

p[s;TmeN{ymn;" SvSq Tyi./Iyte ))41))
samadosha samgnish cha samadhtu-mala-kriya
prasanntmendriya-man svastha ity abhidhyate
He whose doshas are in balance, whose appetite is good, whose dhtus
are functioning normally, whose malas are in balance, and whose Self,
mind, and senses remain full of bliss, is called a healthy person.
Sushruta Sahit 15.41

yq; ip<@ tq; b[;<@

Yath pide tath Brahmde
As is the atom, so is the universe; as is the body, so is the cosmic body.



svRe .vNtu sui%n"

svRe sNtu inr;my"
svRe .{;i, pXyNtu
m; kid( du"%.;g .vet(
Sarve bhavantu sukhina
sarve santu nirmaya
sarve bhadri pashyantu
m kaschid dukhabhg bhavet
May everybody be happy.
May everybody be free from disease.
May everybody have good luck and
may none fall on evil days.




sh n;vvtu
sh n* .unu_
sh vIy| krv;vhw
tejSv n;v/ItmStu
m; viW;vhw
Saha nv avatu
saha nau bhunaktu
saha vrya karavvahai
tejasvi nv adhtam astu
m vidvishvahai
Let us be together,
Let us eat together,
Let us be vital together,
Let us be radiating truth,
radiating the light of life,
Never shall we denounce anyone,
never entertain negativity.
Introductory verse for Upanishads of
the Taittirya Sahit of Yajur-Veda



pU,Rmd" pU,Rmd' pU,;RTpU,RmudCyte

pU,RSy pU,Rm;d;y pU,Rmev;vxyte
Pram ada pram ida prt pram udachyate
prasya pram dya pram evvashishyate
That is full; this is full. From fullness, fullness comes out.
Taking fullness from fullness, what remains is fullness.
Shntiptha, sh Upanishad

x; v;Symd' sv| yTk jgTy;' jgt(

sh vsyam ida sarva yat kin cha jagaty jagat
All this (creation) is the dwelling of the Administrator, the Creator.
sh Upanishad 1

tre tNtk
Tad dre tad vantike
It is far, yet it is within.
sh Upanishad 5

avy; mOTyu' tITv;R vy; amOtmXnute

Avidyay mityu trtv vidyay amitam ashnute
By means of the knowledge of A (experience of pure consciousness),
go beyond death. Through knowledge, taste the fruit of immortality.
sh Upanishad 11



ihr<myen p;]e, sTySy;ipiht' mu%m(

Hiramayena ptrea satyasypihita mukham
The face of truth is hidden by a covering of gold.
sh Upanishad 15

a,or,Iy;n( mhto mhIy;n(

Aorayn Mahato-mahyn
Smaller than the smallest is bigger than the biggest.
Katha Upanishad 1.2.20

t j;g[t p[;Py vr;bo/t

Uttishthata jgrata prpya varn nibodhata
Get awake! Rise up! Get in the company of the wise. Realize the
Katha Upanishad 1.3.14

am;]" puWoNtr;Tm; sd; jn;n;'

dye sv"
Angushtha-mtra purusho 'ntartm sad jann
hidaye sannivishta
Deep inside the person is the Purusha of the size of the thumb.
That is the innermost of one's Self, of one's consciousness.
Katha Upanishad 2.3.17
(also Shvetshvatara Upanishad 3.13)



kSmu .gvo vD;te svRimd' vD;t' .vtIit

Kasminnu bhagavo vigyte sarvam ida vigyta bhavatti
Know that by knowing which everything is known.
Mudaka Upanishad 1.1.3

sTymev jyte
Satyam eva jayate
Truth alone triumphs.
Mudaka Upanishad 3.1.6

b[vt( b[wv .vit

Brahmavit brahmaiva bhavati
The knower of Brahman is Brahman itself.
Mudaka Upanishad 3.2.9

aym;Tm; b[
Ayam tm Brahma
This Self is Brahman.
Mdkya Upanishad 2



m;tOdevo .v
iptOdevo .v
a;c;yRdevo .v
aitiqdevo .v
Mti-Devo bhava
piti-Devo bhava
chrya-Devo bhava
atithi-Devo bhava
Honor the mother as God.
Honor the father as God.
Honor the teacher as God.
Honor the guest as God.
Taittirya Upanishad 1.11

yto v;co invtRNte t;mprm' mm

Yato vcho nivartante tad dhma-parama mama
From where the speech returns, that is my supreme abode.
Taittirya Upanishad 2.4.1
Bhagavad-Gt 15.6, 8.21

tTsO; tdev;nup[;vxt(
Tat sishtv tad evnuprvishat
Having created the creation, the CreatorCosmic Creative
Intelligence entered into it.
Taittirya Upanishad 2.6.1



a;nNd;ev %Lvm;in .Ut;in j;yNte

a;nNden j;t;in jIvNt
a;nNd' p[yNTy.s'vxNt
nandddhyeva khalwimni bhtni jyante
nandena jtni jvanti
nanda prayanty abhisawishanti
Out of bliss these beings are born,
In bliss they are sustained,
And to bliss they go and merge again.
Taittirya Upanishad 3.6.1

ah' vm(
Aha vishvam
My universe is my Self.
Taittirya Upanishad 3.10

p[D;n' b[
Pragyna Brahma
Fully awake self-referral dynamism (of the universe) born of the infinite
organizing power of pure knowledge, the Vedafully awake totality of
the individual consciousness is Brahman, which comprehends the infinite
dynamism of the universe in the infinite silence of Self.
Aitareya Upanishad 3.1.3

sv| %lu d' b[

Sarva Khalu Ida Brahma
All this is Totality.
Chhndogya Upanishad 3.14.1



Ekam evdvityam
One reality without a second.
Chhndogya Upanishad 6.2.1

Tat tvam asi
Thou art that.
Chhndogya Upanishad 6.11

trit xokm;Tmvt(
Tarati shokam tmavit
Established in the Self, one overcomes sorrows and suffering.
Chhndogya Upanishad 7.1.3

yo vw .Um; tTsu%' n;Lpe su%mSt

Yo vai bhm tat sukha nlpe sukham asti
That which is unbounded is happy. There is no happiness in the small.
Chhndogya Upanishad 7.23



asto m; smy
tmso m; JyoitgRmy
mOTyom;R amOt' gmy
Asato m sad gamaya
tamaso m jyotir gamaya
mityor m amita gamaya
From non-existence lead us to existence,
From darkness lead us to light,
From death lead us to immortality.
Bihadrayaka Upanishad 1.3.28

itIy; .y' .vit

Dvityd vai bhaya bhavati
Certainly fear is born of duality.
Bihadrayaka Upanishad 1.4.2

ah' b[;Sm
Aha Brahmsmi
I am Totality.
Bihadrayaka Upanishad 1.4.10

neh n;n;St kn
Neha nnsti kinchana
Manifest diversity is unmanifestthere is nothing else.
Bihadrayaka Upanishad 4.4.19
(also Katha Upanishad 2.1.11)



a;Tm; v; are {Vy" otVy" mNtVy"

tm v are drashtavya shrotavya mantavya
That tm alone, that simplest form of awareness alone, is worthy of
seeing, hearing, contemplating, and realizing.
Ygyavalkya, Bihadrayaka Upanishad 2.4.5

amOtSy pu];"
Amitasya putr
O sons of immortality.
Shvetshvatara Upanishad 2.5

ved;hmet' puW' mh;Ntm(

Vedham eta purusha mahntam
I know the Veda, this great totality.
Shvetshvatara Upanishad 3.8

xv' x;Ntmt' ctuq| mNyNte s a;Tm; s vDey"

Shiva shntam advaita chaturtha manyante sa tm
sa vigyeya
The peaceful, the blissful, the undivided is thought to be the fourth;
that is the Self. That is to be known.
Nisihottaratpanya Upanishad 1



a;Tmwved' svRm(
tmaiveda sarvam
All this is tm only.
Nisihottaratpanya Upanishad 7

vsu/wv k$uMbkm(
Vasudhaiva kutumbakam
The world is my family.
Mah Upanishad 6.71

Vedo ham
I am the Veda.

Dev Upanishad 1

itleWu twlvde ved;Nt" sup[itt"

Tileshu tailavad Vede Vednta supratishthita
As oil is present in the seed, so Vednta is present in the Veda.
Muktik Upanishad 1.9

in"xBd' prm' pdm

Nishabda parama padam

Without Shabda it is transcendental. So from the transcendental reality, the word
Shabda emerges. It is the same as from Sahit, the sound of ishi, Devat,
Chhandas emerges.
Dhynabindu Upanishad 2



Ekoh' bSy;m(
Eko ha bahu sym
I am One, may I be many.

p[c;r" s tu vDey"
Prachra sa tu vigyeya
The mind gets expanded in the transcendent.
Gaudapda's Mdkya Krik 3.34




ak;ro vw sv;R v;k(

Akro vai sarv vk
A is total speech.
Aitareya rayaka




aLpk;l v; sb a;
Alpakl vidy sab
Total Knowledge gained in a short time.
Rma Charita Mnasa, Bla Kda 203.2

r;m b[ prm;rq p;
Rm Brahm paramratha rp
Rm is Totality, the embodiment of supreme fulfillment, the goal of all
pursuitsadministration through the total creative potential of Natural Law.
Rma Charita Mnasa, Ayodhy Kda 90.7;
Uttara Kda 20.14

p[ibis ngr kIje sb k;j;

dy r;i% koslpur r;j;
Prabisi nagar kje sab kj
hidaya rkhi kosalapura rj
Enter the city with the Lord of Ayodhy enshrined in your heart, and
accomplish all your business.
Rma Charita Mnasa, Sundara Kda 4.6.1

r;m r;j du"% k; n Vy;p;

Rm-rj dukh khu na vyp
In the reign of Rm suffering belonged to no one.
Rma Charita Mnasa, Uttara Kda 20.1



In the whole of Rmas realm there was no one who suffered from bodily
pains, ill fortune or evil circumstances. Every man loved his neighbor
and, contented with the state of life to which he had been born,
conformed to sound morality and the teaching of scripture.
The four pillars of religion were established throughout the world. No
one even dreamt of sin. Men and women alike were devoted to Rmas
worship and enjoyed the blessings of highest heaven.
There was no sickness and no premature death. Everyone was trim and
sound of body. No one was in poverty, in sorrow or in distress. No one
was ignorant or unlucky. All men and women were naturally good and
pious, clever and intelligent. Everyone appreciated the merits of his
neighbor and was himself learned and wise. Everyone was grateful for
kindness and sincerely prudent.
The trees in the forest were ever full of flowers and fruit. The elephant
and the lion dwelt peacefully together. Birds and deer forgot their
animosities and lived in great harmony with one another. The cooing of
the birds and the herds of deer fearlessly roaming the woods made a
charming scene.
The air was cool, fragrant and splendidly mild. Bees laden with honey
made a pleasant humming. Creepers and trees yielded their sweetness on
being asked. The earth was ever clothed with crops. Mines of jewels of
every description were disclosed in the mountains, and the world
acknowledged its king to be in truth the Universal Spirit.
Every river flowed with an abundance of refreshing watercool, pure
and delicious to the taste. The sea remained within its bounds, casting
forth pearls on its shore for men to gather. The ponds were thick with
lotuses, and every quarter of the world was supremely happy.
The moon flooded the earth with her radiance; the sun gave as much heat



as was necessary; the clouds poured forth showers for the mere asking in
the days when Rma was king.
Rma Charita Mnasa, Uttara Kda 20.14; 22.14; 23.1

m;ge' b;ird deih' jl r;mcN{ ke' r;j;

Mge brida dehi jala rmachandra ke rj
The clouds poured for rain for the mere asking in the days when Rma was
Rma Charita Mnasa, Uttara Kda 23.1

rmNte yogno ySmn( it r;m"

Ramante yogino yasmin iti Rma
Rma is the abode of the Yogis; Rma is the level of intelligence which is
the home of the Yogis. Yogis delight in RmaRma level of intelligence is
the delight of the Yogis.

r;m Zro%e bw#ke sbko mujro ley

j;kI jwsI c;krI t;ko twso dey
Rm jharokhe baithake sabako mujaro leya
jk jais chkar tko taiso deya
Rm, the ruling intelligenceRm, the Cosmic Rulerever present at the
point of creation (at the point of manifestation of the unmanifest), sees all the
activity of everyone and spontaneously bestows due results of everyones

b;r b;r r`ubIr hs|.;rI



Bra bra raghubr harsabhr

Back, back. . .
Rma Charita Mnasa

su%Sy du"%Sy n koip d;t;

Sukhasya dukhasya na kopi dt
Nobody gives happiness or sorrow to anyone.
No suffering to anyone in the kingdom of Rm.
Adhytm Rmyaa, Ayodhy Kda 6.6

j;n;m /m| n c me p[vO"

j;n;My/m| n c me invO"
kn;ip deven idSqten
yq; inyu_oSm tq; krom
Jnmi dharma na cha me pravitti
jnmy adharma na cha me nivitti
kenpi devena hidisthitena
yath niyukto 'smi tath karomi
I know what is right, but I cannot do it.
I know what is wrong, but I cannot refrain from it.
Some motivating power decides in my heart,
and whatever it designs, that only I can do.
spoken by Duryodhana in the Mahbhrata
(Pdava Gt)




/mR=e]e k=e]e smvet; yuyuTsv"

m;mk;" p;<@v;wv ikmkvRt sy ))1))
Dharma-kshetre kuru-kshetre samavet yuyutsava
mmak pdavsh chaiva kim akurvata sanjaya
Assembled on the field of Dharma,
O Sanjaya, on the field of the
Kurus, eager to fight, what did
my people and the Pandavas do?
Bhagavad-Gt 1.1

p[Tyv;yo n vte
Pratyavyo na vidyate
No obstacle exists.
Bhagavad-Gt 2.40

SvLpmPySy /mRSy ];yte mhto .y;t(

Svalpam apy asya dharmasya tryate mahato bhayt
Even a little of this dharma delivers from great fear.
Bhagavad-Gt 2.40

inS]wgu<yo .v;jRun
Nistrai-guyo bhava-Arjuna
Be without the three Guas, O Arjuna!
Bhagavad-Gt 2.45



yogSq" k km;R,
Yogastha kuru karmi
Established in the Self, perform action.
Bhagavad-Gt 2.48

smTv' yog Cyte

Samatva yoga uchyate
Balance of mind is called yoga.
Bhagavad-Gt 2.48

yog" kmRsu k*xlm(

Yoga karmasu kaushalam
Yoga is skill in action.
Bhagavad-Gt 2.50

vWy; vinvtRNte inr;h;rSy deihn"

rsvj| rsoPySy pr' ; invtRte
Vishay vinivartante nirhrasya dehina
rasavarja raso pyasya para dishtw nivartate
Having seen the Supreme, the Transcendent (bliss unboundedthe field
of all intelligence and power), even the shadows of ignorance dissolve.
Bhagavad-Gt 2.59



EW; b[;I Sqit"

p;qR nwn;' p[;Py vmuit
Esh Brhm sthiti
Prtha nain prpya vimuhyati
Once achieved, it is never to be lostlife in enlightenmentlife of the
individual a lively field of all possibilitiesthe ability to achieve
anything through mere desiring.
Bhagavad-Gt 2.72

ink;m kmRyog
Nishkma karma yoga
Bhagavad-Gt Chapter 3

inyt' k kmR Tvm(

Niyata kuru karma tvam
Do your allotted duty.
Bhagavad-Gt 3.8

ySTv;Tmritrev Sy;d;TmtOPt m;nv" )

a;TmNyev c s'tuStSy k;y| n ivte ))17))
Yas tv tma-ratir eva syd tma-tiptash cha mnava
tmany eva cha satushtas tasya krya na vidyate
But the man whose delight is in
the Self alone, who is content in the
Self, who rejoices only in the Self,
for him there is no action that he need do.
Bhagavad-Gt 3.17



gu,; gu,eWu vtRNt it mTv; n ste

Gu gueshu vartanta iti matw na sajjate
The three Guas (ishi, Devat, Chhandas) behave amongst themselves,
and the Sahit level remains uninvolved with their behavior.
Bhagavad-Gt 3.28

yo bue" prt"
Yo buddhe parata
That which is beyond the intellect.
Bhagavad-Gt 3.42

pr];,;y s;/Un;' vn;x;y c dut;m(

/mRs'Sq;pn;q;Ry s'.v;im yuge yuge
Paritrya sdhn vinshya cha dushkitm
dharmasasthpanrthya sabhavmi yuge yuge
To protect the righteous and destroy the wicked, to establish Dharma
firmly, I take birth age after age.
Bhagavad-Gt 4.8

ctuvR<yR' my; sOm(

Chaturvarya may sishtam
The fourfold order was created by Me.
Bhagavad-Gt 4.13

ghn; kmR,o git"

Gahan karmao gati
Unfathomable is the course of action.
Bhagavad-Gt 4.17



D;n;dG/km;R,' tm;" p<@t' bu/;"

Gyngni-dagdha-karma tam hu padita budh
Whose action is burnt up in the fire of knowledge, him the knowers of
reality call wise.
Bhagavad-Gt 4.19

n h D;nen sx' pv]mh vte

tTSvy' yogs's" k;len;Tmin vNdit
Na hi gynena sadisha pavitram iha vidyate
tat svaya yoga-sasiddha klentmani vindati
Truly there is in this world nothing so purifying as knowledge;
he who is perfected in Yoga, of himself in time finds this within himself.
Bhagavad-Gt 4.38

yogyu_o muinb[R n cre,;/gCzit

Yoga-yukto munir brahma na chiredhigachchhati
The sage who is intent on Yoga comes to Brahman without long delay.
Bhagavad-Gt 5.6

yoign" kmR kvRNt s' TyKTv;Tmxuye

Yogina karma kurvanti sanga tyaktvtma-shuddhaye
Yogis, abandoning attachment, perform action for self-purification.
Bhagavad-Gt 5.11



hwv twjRt" sgoR yW;' s;My Sqt' mn"

Ihaiva tair jita sargo yesh smye sthita mana
Even here, in this life, the universe is conquered by those whose mind is
established in equanimity.
Bhagavad-Gt 5.19

yoNt"su%oNtr;r;mStq;NtJyoRitrev y"
Yo 'nta-sukho ntarrmas tathntar-jyotir eva ya
Whose happiness is within, whose contentment is within, whose light is
all within.
Bhagavad-Gt 5.24

a;Tmwv rpur;Tmn"
tmaiva ripur tmana
They are the enemy to themselves.
Bhagavad-Gt 6.5


Contented in knowledge and experience.
Bhagavad-Gt 6.8

y' lB?v; c;pr' l;.' mNyte n;/k tt"

Ya labdhv chpara lbha manyate ndhika tata
Having gained which he counts no other gain as higher.
Bhagavad-Gt 6.22



s inyen yo_Vyo yogoinivR<,cets;

Sa nishchayena yoktavyo yogo nirvia-chetas
This Yoga should be practised with firm resolve and heart undismayed.
Bhagavad-Gt 6.23

p[x;Ntmns' en' yogn' su%mumm(

Prashnta-manasa hy ena yogina sukham uttamam
For supreme happiness comes to the yogi whose mind is deep in peace.
Bhagavad-Gt 6.27

b[s'SpxRmTyNt' su%m(
Brahma-sasparsham atyanta sukham
Contact with Brahman is infinite joy.
Bhagavad-Gt 6.28

svR.UtSqm;Tm;n' svR.Ut;in c;Tmin =te

Sarvabhtastham tmna sarvabhtni chtmani kshate
He sees the Self in all beings, and all beings in the Self.
Bhagavad-Gt 6.29

vXy;Tmn; tu ytt; xKyov;umup;yt"

Vashytman tu yatat shakyo vptum upyata
Yoga can be gained through proper means by the man of endeavor who is
Bhagavad-Gt 6.36



D;n' teh' sivD;nimd' v+y;MyxeWt"

yJD;Tv; neh .UyoNyJD;tVymvixyte
Gyna te ham savigynam ida vakshymyasheshata
yaj gytv neha bhyo nyaj gytavyam avashishyate

I shall declare to you without reserve this knowledge combined with experience.
Once this is known nothing else remains worth knowing in this world.
Bhagavad-Gt 7.2

.Umr;ponlo v;yu"
%' mno burev c
ah;r tIy' me
.; p[itr/;
Bhmir po 'nalo vyu
kha mano buddhir eva cha
ahankra itya me
bhinn prakitir ashtadh
Earth, water, fire, air,
ether, mind, intellect and
ego; thus is my
Prakiti divided eightfold.
Bhagavad-Gt 7.4


dwvI eW; gu,myI mm m;y; durTyy;

m;mev ye p[pNte m;y;met;' trNt te
Daivi hy esh guamay mama my duratyay
mmeva ye prapadyante mymet taranti te
Because I am unbounded, my My is also unbounded.
Bhagavad-Gt 7.14

pXy me yogmwrm(
Pashya me yogam aishvaram
Behold the richness of My YogaSahit value, My holistic Nature.
Bhagavad-Gt 9.5

p[it' Sv;mv>y vsOj;im pun" pun"

.Utg[;mimm' TSnmvx' p[tevRx;t(
Prakiti svm avashtabhya visijmi puna puna
bhta-grmam ima kitsnam avasha prakiter vasht
Curving back upon My own Nature, I create again and again
creation and administration of creation, both are a natural phenomenon
on the basis of My self-referral consciousness.
Bhagavad-Gt 9.8

my;?y=e, p[it" sUyte scr;crm(

Maydhyakshea prakiti syate sacharcharam
Under my presidentship Prakiti, all of Nature, creates both
the moving and unmoving.
Bhagavad-Gt 9.10



=p[' .vit /m;RTm;

Kshipra bhavati dharmtm
Quickly he becomes established in dharma.
Bhagavad-Gt 9.31

inmm;]' .v sVys;cn(
Nimitta-mtra bhava savyaschin
Be only the instrument, O Arjuna.
Bhagavad-Gt 11.33

yJD;n' mt' mm
Kshetra-kshetra-gyayor gyna
yat taj gyna mata mama
He who knows the field and the indweller,
self-referral intelligence within the structure of the field,
he really knows.
Bhagavad-Gt 13.2




aTq' p[;hurVyym(
zNd;'s ySy p,;Rin
ySt' ved s vedvt(
rdhvamulam adhashkham
ashvattha prhur avyayam
chhandsi yasya parani
yas ta veda sa vedavit
k Veda speaks of the eternal Ashvattha, the World Tree,
whose roots are on top and branches with leaves below.
They are the Vedic hymns.
He who knows it knows the Veda.
Bhagavad-Gt 15.1

y" x;S]v/muTsOJy
vtRte k;mk;rt"
n s smv;Pnoit
n su%' n pr;' gitm(
Ya shstra-vidhim utsijya
vartate kma-krata
na sa siddhim avpnoti
na sukha na par gatim
He who ignoring the verdict of Law, Natural Law, acts on the impulse of
desire (motivated by outside environmental influences), attains not
perfection, nor happiness, nor the supreme goal of action
enlightenment, fulfillment.
Bhagavad-Gt 16.23



tSm;Cz;S]' p[m;,' te
D;Tv; x;S]v/;no_
kmR ktuRimh;hRs )) 24 ))
Tasmt shstra prama te
gytw shstra-vidhnokta
karma kartumihrhasi
Let the light of Natural Law, which administers all life, be your authority in
deciding what ought to be done and what ought not to be done. Having known
what is said in the Constitution of Natural Law you should perform action.
Bhagavad-Gt 16.24

shj' kmR k;wNtey

Sahaja karma kaunteya
Perform natural duty because unfathomable is the course of action.
Bhagavad-Gt 18.48

Smitir labdh
I have regained memory.
Bhagavad-Gt 18.73

Kirye vcn' tv
Karishye vachana tava
I shall do according to Thy word.
Bhagavad-Gt 18.73




Ekv;h' jgTy] itIy; k; mm;pr;

pXywt; du mYyev vx'Tyo mi.Uty"
Ekaivha jagatyatra dwity k mampar
pashyait dushta mayyeva vishatyo madwibhtaya
The supreme Cosmic Intelligence that is described as DevMother
Divinethe most exalted state of awareness.
Durg Saptashat 10.5

sTy' b[Uy;Tp[y' b[Uy;t(

Satya bryt priya bryt
Speak the sweet truth.

Agni Pura 371.8




vedo a%lo /mRmUlm(

Vedo akhilo dharma-mlam
Veda is the root of all laws.

Manu Smiti 2.6

/moR r=it r=t"

Dharmo rakshati rakshita
He who cares for order, the order cares for him.
Manu Smiti 8.15

ahrh" s'?y;mup;sIt vedo inTym/Iyt;m(

Aharaha sandhym upsta vedo nityam adhyatm
Devote yourself to the junction point, which is the daily study of the

y;s" sve .vit mht;' nopkr,e

Kriy siddhi sattwe bhavati mahat nopakarae
The action of great men gains success through Sattwapurity of
consciousnessand not from the (external, or intellectually conceived, or
physically organized) means of action.

aNvyVyitrek;>y;' inp[p' p[pte

Anvaya vyati rekbhy nishprapancha prapanchyate
By virtue of analysis and synthesis, the indivisible Unity is realized in the
world of diversity.



ze mUle nwv x;%; n p]m(

Chinne mle naiva shkh na patram
No branches, no leaves in the absence of the root.

sv| ved;t( p[sit

Sarva Vedt prasiddhyati
Everything is Vedic, everything is known through Veda.

jws; %;ve a vws; bne m

Jais khve ann, vais bane mann
Mind depends on the quality of food one eats.
(country saying)

n gurori/k' tTv' n gurori/k' tp"

n gurori/k' D;n' tSmw Igurve nm"
Na guror adhika tatva na guror adhika tapa
Na guror adhika gyna tasmai shr gurave nama
Nothing in the movable or immovable world is greater than the Guru;
No penance is greater than dedication to the Guru;
No knowledge is greater than the embodiment of Total Knowledge, the Guru;
I bow down to the Guru.
Siddha Siddhnta Paddhati 5.63

Tvidy' vStu goivNd' tu>ymev smpRye

Tvad iya vastu govinda tubhyam eva samarpaye
Thy gift my Lord I give to Thee.


Svis" P;;#m;]e,
Svasiddha pthamtrea
By mere recitation one gains perfection.
Kmikgama (Kriypda) 2.177

mhiWR vwidk ivXv p[x;sn' ivjyNtetr;m(

Maharshi vaidkika vishva prashsana vijayantetarm
Victory to Maharishi Vedic Global Administration.

yq; r;j; tq; p[j;

Yath rj tath praj
As is the administration, so are the administered.


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