AdvaItA Makaranda Verse 21
AdvaItA Makaranda Verse 21
AdvaItA Makaranda Verse 21
amtbdherna me jrirm irajanmabhi |
sphaikrderna me rga svpnasadhybhravibhramai ||21||
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There cannot be any loss (decreptitude) to me, the ocean-ofImmortality, from the rise of unreal waves, nor can the false
(ignorance-caused) evening clouds color me (cause any attachment in
me) the mountain of pure crystal (Consciousness).
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- m-rp = - mithy-rp unreal nature;
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- - etad bhrat-trthai api kasthadpe bhaitam = this idea has also been elucidated by shr bhratitrtha in
ktastha-dpa (pacadash)
my megho jagannra varatvea yath tath |
cidkasya no hnirna v lbha iti sthiti || iti ||
Illusion is cloud, the world is the rain thereof; let it rain how it may, there is
neither loss nor gain to Consciousness which is the sky, --such is approved
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-- tvam-pada-lakyam
api uddham iti ha sphaikdre itydin = the author proceeds to prove
the unsullied nature of Self denoted by tvam with rest of the verse
beginning with sphaikdre; sphaikdre = -
sphaikdri-vat svacchasya of that which is as pure as crystal
- sandhy-klika-megha - that alone is evening cloud; --- sva-sannihite svacche svadharma-asajakatva-smyt = since having the similarity of not mixing its
own qualities with proximate pure (sky); - tat-ktai
vibhramai = the delusion caused by it; - karttvdibhrntibhi = (i.e.) by delusion of doership etc.; -
-- paramrthata karttva-bhokttva-rga-dvedi
sambandha = that in reality the connection with agency etc. or likes
dislikes etc.; na asti iti artha = simply do not exist is the
conclusion; - ahakrdi-dharmai
Advaita Makaranda with Rasa-abhivyanjika
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tmana asambandha api = the non relation of egoism etc. with the Self
also; - rbhrat-trthai eva bhi citradpe
= has been illustrated by shr bhratitrtha in citra-dpa (pacadash)
ahakragatecchdyairdehavydhydibhistath |
vkdijanmanairv cidrptmani ki bhavet || iti ||
By likes and dislikes which reside in ego; similarly by disease etc., or by the
birth and death of trees (to the forest) to the Self which is of the nature of
Consciousnes; what (change/distress) can happen.
ata = therefore; -- pada-dvaya-lakyam api = the
(Self) denoted by both words of the dictum tat and tvam;
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