5547a GRaphicEqualizer
5547a GRaphicEqualizer
5547a GRaphicEqualizer
features including tunable end cut
filters, active and passive bypass, a unique
headroom control circuit, and more that makes this
new equalizer mbre than just another graphic.
Look at the features designed into the Model 5547A.
You will see that versatility, ease of installation and
use, high performance, and reliability are not
designed in.
UREI has been manufacturing Professional OneThird Octave Equalizers since 1972. Up to the
present time all have been designed using real
inductors in the filter section. That is because, for a
professional product, true inductors offer substantial
benefits to the user. First, if well manufactured, real
inductors have almost no failure modes. Second,
they can be designed to handle large voltage swings
with low distortion. This is important in any L-C
equalizer where the Q of the circuit has a multiplying
effect on the voltage applied to the inductor. Thirdly,
a wire-wound inductor does not add noise to the
We have for many years also manufactured a
series of octave-band Graphic Equalizers. Unlike the
one-third octave units, however, they have not contained real inductors. Instead they use a circuit which
simulates the electrical characteristics of the inductor using an operational amplifier, a capacitor and a
couple of resistors. The primary reason for using the
simulated inductor is that it costs less than a real
one. In an octave-band equalizer the limitations of
the simulated inductor do not significantly degrade
the performance level of the equalizer. This is
because the Q of the circuit is low which minimizes
distortion problems in the simulated inductor, and
because of the low Q and the small number of circuits (nine or ten) the noise addition is not great.
The filter sections in the Model 5547A are
designed using proprietary hybrid transistor amplifiers optimized to simulate the function of the inductor. The transistors used in the amplifiers are low
noise and are operated with higher power supply
voltages to allow a wider dynamic range than
conventional op-amp realizations. The result is
greater headroom in the filter circuit and lower noise
at the output of the device. These benefits dont
show up on a product data sheet where noise and
distortion are typically measured under flat conditions. But they do show up in your sound system.
The vast majority of jobs for which the one-third
octave equalizer is used can be divided into two
and creative.
In creative equalization the goal may not be that
The Headroom Control circuit is unique to the JBL/
UREI Equalizers. The combination of an input amplifier gain control, output attenuator and headroom
LED display allows the signal level through the
equalizer to be easily and quickly optimized for best
signal-to-noise and headroom in your system.
Many factors influence the choice of operating
Continuously variable filters at each end of the frequency spectrum control the available bandwidth of
the system with a I2 dB per octave slope. The high
frequency slope is switchable to 6 dB per octave to
aid in contouring, and a bypass switch removes them
from the circuit completely.
The Equalizer chassis provides for placing the
Rack Mounting Ears in either of two positions. When
shipped, the rack ears will be in the rearward position for normal flush mounting. The forward position
may be used to either recess the controls or to allow
the accessory security cover to be installed flush
with the rack ears.
If you have been looking for a good equalizer for
your road system, look no farther. Starting with the
all steel chassis with rugged aluminum rack ears, the
5547A Equalizer has been designed to handle road
use and road abuse. There are no internal connectors
to oxidize or to get knocked loose in transit. Front
panel graphics not only look good but they wont rub
off under hard usage because they are printed on the
back side of a protective polycarbonate overlay.
Locking washers and/or chemical screw holding
methods are used on all threaded fasteners.
from 25 Hz to 20
kHr Each filter section shall provide up to I2 dB boost or cut at center frequency The fdters shall
be mmimum-phase combmmg wth filter skirts deslgned for minimum npple wer a wide range
of control settmgs
The amcmnt of boost or cut shall be controlled by hnear shde type controls
which wll present a graphic display of the equahratmn curve A detent shall be prowded on each
control at the center posltion to ease adlustment of the equahzer to flat frequency response
Filter 7Lpe:
The equalizer shall also contain High Pass and Low Pass Filters wth the followmg
shall be with front panel rotary controls A swtch on the front panel shall enable the Low Pass
Filter Slope to be changed from I2 dB iocfave to 6 dB
switch shall be prouded to remove both the High Pass and Low Pass Filter sectmns from the
signal chain
The unit shall provide a front panel EQ bypass switch to remove all equahzers and end cut
fdters from the slgnal chain With the swtch m the Out posltmn the mput and output amplifiers
The input cxcwt shall be active and shall accept either balanced or unbalanced sources Input
impedance shall be IO k ohm m the unbalanced wmng configuration and 20 k ohm wred
The output circut shall be transformer w&ted.
ohms or higher
Frequency Response
The umt shall contain a relay circuit which bypasses all mternal electromcs m the event of
The circmt shall have a delayed turn-onI!mmedlate
turn-off characteristic m
prevent any power on /off transients generated withm the unif from being fransmltted
The unit shall allow for removal of an external connectmg hnk to separate slgnal ground and
chassis ground
Barrier stnp, 3 pm XL style and /4mch phone lack connectors shall be prowded for input and
output slgnal winng
Power Requirements:
The umf shall provide a front panel power swtch wth LED indicator showmg Power On status
The input amplifier shall be provided wth a gain control allowing adjustment from umty to
shall be pmwded wth a level attenuatorallowingadlustment
unity to - 20 dB The two controls shall be adjacent front panel linear shde actmn type arranged
such thatslmultaneous
The equalizer shall prowde an LED display of equahzer headroom in four 10 dB steps
The equalizer shall be packaged man all steel chassis with a front panel polycarbonate overlay
of control function
The unit shall have extruded aluminum rack ears for mountmg in a standard EIA rack panel It
shall be possible to move the rack ears forward to allow the controls to be recessed or to allow a
security cover to be mounted flush wth the rack ears
Maximum Output:
Power On
Slgnal Below Clap
IO. 20 3U to mdlcate
power cable
Front Panei
Depth Behmd Panel
Net Werght
continually engages in research related to product improvement New materials
production methods and design refinements are introduced info exisfing products wthout n&ce
as a roufine expression of that philosophy For this reason. any current IBL/UREI product may differ
in some respect from its published description but will always equal or exceed the original design
specifications unless otherwise stated
Power Requirement
- 2 db 20 HZ to
Less than - 70 dBm with unity gain and all EQ full boost
Output Level:
Output Noise: Lessthan -90 dBm with unity gain and EO flat orcut
EQ In/Out:
+22 dBu
f I dB 20 Hz fO 20 kHz EQ Ot. + I,
Input Level:
Frequency Response:
+22 dBu
Transformer Isolated
and equal movement of both controls shall allow the equahzer to retam a
nominal umty gam through while bemg adjusted to match system headroom requirements
Maximum Input:
succeeding equipment
+ 20 dB The outputamphher
? I2 dB at center frequency
Simulated inductor using proprietary Class A
Shlppmg Weight