Singer HR
Singer HR
Singer HR
manufacture and sell a revolutionary product a machine to automate and assist in the making of
clothing. Little did he realize that the newly formed I. M. SINGER and Company was destined to
become the world leader in the manufacturing and distribution of sewing related products and that
theSINGER brand name would one day become famous around the globe. Four years later, with a
first prize at the Worlds Fair in Paris, SINGER began overseas expansion there, making it the worlds
incorporated SINGER Manufacturing Company held 22 patents, with annual sales of 20,000
machines. In 1867, SINGER opened its first sewing machine factory outside of United States in
Glasgow, Scotland. Additional factories were established in the United States and within no time, one
of the best known emblems the Red S Girl trademark became familiar worldwide. In
1885, SINGER introduced the first electric sewing machine. By 1890, the company claimed an 80
percent worldwide market share, with sales heading towards 1,350,000 machines. In 1908,
the SINGER Building at 149 Broadway in New York was inaugurated. The 47 stories building, which
was the tallest in the world at the time, remained SINGERs corporate headquarters for the next 54
of SINGER machines
Air Conditioner
Black and White Television
Colour Television
Instant Power Supply
Kitchen Appliances
Microwave Oven
Motor Cycle
Radio Cassette Recorder
Sewing Machine
Washing Machine
Today SINGER Bangladesh is a household name. It has earned the trust and confidence of
consumers and is one of the leading manufacturing and marketing companies of consumer durables
in the electronics and home appliance sector of the country.
Introduction to Human Resource
In 1987, SINGER Bangladesh inaugurated their Human Resource Department for the first time in
their organization. During that time, only one Personnel Manager used to carry out all the activities of
the HR department. Since then, the HR department has been improving day-by-day.
HR Mission & Vision
Intensive integration of the corporate divisions and professional knowledge management
Professional HR development tools and qualification concepts
Efficient processes and services e.g. in training and recruiting.
HR Organogram :
HR Activities :
After discussing with the HR manager of SINGER Bangladesh Limited, we have come up with
some special points that the HR department of SINGER Bangladesh performs :
1. Assisting Line Managers
The HR manager of SINGER assists the line manager in order to remove the conflicts raised
between manager & employee, manager & manager and employee & employee.
2. Conducting Job Analysis
The HR manager of SINGER determines the duties and skills required for a job and the kind of
person who should be hired for it. For this purpose, they prepare job description and job specification.
3. Recruiting Job Candidates
The HR manager recruits the employees from two different sources, one is the internal
source and the other is external source. But basically, they prefer to go for the internal recruitment.
4. Selecting Job Candidates
For selection purpose, they use various selection tools, such as for the entry level
people, they use screening and panel interview and for the upper level people, they basically focus
on interview performance & analytical ability of the candidate.
5. Orienting and training new employees
The HR department arranges an orientation program for the new employees. The HR
ofSINGER supports
6. Managing wages, salaries and compensations
After getting all the information regarding financial budget and expenses, the HR
manager recommends the wages and salaries of the employees. The HR manager also determines
different compensation packages for the employees. For example:
Compulsory life insurance and medical facilities are provided by the company to all the employees.
7. Performance Appraisal
The HR manager gets all the information from the respective department supervisors
and evaluates the employee performance with the set standards in accordance to the predetermined
objectives fixed by the departments.
HR Management :
After interviewing the HR manager of SINGER, we got an organogram of the entire Human Resource
department that is shown above. According to the organogram, the chain of command goes through
gradually from the Chairman, Managing Director & CEO who are responsible for all the activities of
the company.
Then the Director and the Chief Operating Officer receives the commands and distributes it to
the person designated by the post of Director of Human Resources. The Director of HR is the Head of
HR department and he is liable for all the activities of Human Resource. He distributes the delegation
of authority among two respective positions and those positions are designated by the post of
Manager, Personnel Services and Personnel Officer (LAW).
The next and very important phase of HR is Manager, Personnel Service. The duty of this
particular position is to look over all the benefits and incentives that are offered by the company and
inform the director whether the employees are being benefited by it or not.
The other important position is the Personnel Officer (LAW), who is responsible for all the legislative
activities, the bureaucratic rules and regulations of the Government and does negotiation among the
Recruitment & Selection
Recruiting refers to the process of attracting potential job applicants from the external or internal
labor force. Recruitment is a business, and it is big business. It demands serious attention from
management, for any business strategy will falter without the talent to execute it. Certainly, the range
of recruitment needs is broad. Both small and big firms need talent, although different types of talent,
to be successful in their respective markets. Regardless of the size of a firm or what industry it is in,
recruitment and selection of people with strategically relevant abilities is more important than ever.
Selection decisions are important to the business strategy of an organization. Success depends on
having good people who possess the right skills and motivation to make the organization succeed.
Employee selection is so important to organizational effectiveness, organizations right to make
careful, informed choices.
select the ones who are ready or suitable to be short-listed as candidates. Once this is done, they are
interviewed and background checks of their personal files are made to see if any further training is
required. If everything is in order, the best person for the job is selected.
The other option available is recruiting from external candidates. As mentioned earlier, the company
performs market surveys on a regular basis, which helps them decide on this option. There are more
steps to be followed here. Once the decision to hire externally is made, approval of the HR director
must be taken. Then an advertisement is published in all the leading newspapers of the country as
well as any local ones of the related cities. This ad includes information of the position open and
qualifications needed to apply for it. Also it indicates how, where and by when to apply.
While the applications are coming in, the work of HR department does not stay static. They have
another important step underway. This is the formation of the Board of Interviewers who will conduct
the panel interview for the final selection of the candidate. This board ordinarily consists of at least
three members.
They are the Director(s) of the concerned department(s) where the job(s) is available, the Director of
HR and one independent representative from any of the other departments to give the decision
process more objectivity.
The initial screening process that all applicants have to undergo involves a written test that is
designed to examine their aptitudes and knowledge. Through this, applicants are short-listed down to
20 candidates. The number can be more depending on the requisite number of openings or
instruction of the concerned department. These candidates are subject to the panel interview made
by the board formed earlier. This is like any other interview of its kind and involves a face-to-face
question-answer and conversation session between each of the candidates and the board. The
questions are fairly uniform, meaning different members ask all candidates the same or similar
questions. However, it is not entirely strict or inflexible. If the interviewers feel the need, they let the
interview go on in different directions with the flow of topics. At the end of this process, the candidates
are once again short-listed to the top 3 to 5. The panel then sits down and discusses about the
chosen candidates. The final decision is made regarding the post(s) and the suitable one is selected.
Another very important aspect of the HR department at SINGER is the maintenance of a Grading
system, which plays a crucial role in a number of activities performed by them. This system has been
incorporated after careful study and analysis by R & D and it has been followed by the company for
many years, even before it came to Bangladesh. According to this, all employees of the company are
categorized under one of the six grade ranges. Based on this range, information about their
experience level, training level, and tenure in the job, salary base, increment records, and any
promotions achieved, etc. can be found.
An example of this is as follows.
Management Level
Entry Level
Mid Level
Top level
performance. Then, they evaluate the performance and try to identify whether the training is needed
right at this moment or not, which is the decision making phase of training process. In this regard,
they have two options, one is on-the-job training and the other is off-the-job training. On-the-job
training is demonstration related that is initially applied to the entry level employees. But for further
training and development, this demonstration-related training is not sufficient. So for such cases, the
company prefers off-the-job training. For this type of training, they take help from external sources
such as: Rapport Bangladesh and Bangladesh Institute of Management (BIM). They also participate
in various training workshops. But they do not send trainees as a group. They usually send
employees to training sessions based on their professional individual demand that is required for their
respective jobs.
SWOT Analysis
1. Pioneer in the selection process
SINGER Bangladesh Limited follows a strict selection procedure through which only the best and
deserving candidate gets the opportunity of being a part of the company. The organization has a
great control over its selection process. One of the major and first activities of HR department is to
conduct a formal Job Analysis. Then, step-by-step selecting methods are strongly followed by the HR
department. At this stage of selection process, they review the budget and other related issues.
Written test as well as panel interview and analytical test are conducted for selecting candidates.
They validate the test using concurrent validation process. Thats why, they are the pioneer in the
selection process.
2. Equal Opportunity
The company practices equal employment opportunity throughout their selection and training
processes. Accordingly to this, SINGER does not discriminate against any employee or applicant for
employment because of race, color, religion, ethnic or national origin, gender, sexual preference, age,
disability, or veteran status. The HR departments employees ensure that discrimination does not
occur in the company.
3. Cost Effectiveness
Because of the strict and evident selection techniques, only the loyal and devoted employees are
being part of the SINGER family. Thats why; the yearly employee turnover rate is very low compared
to any other company.
For example: in the year 2003, only 9 employees left the company, which is undoubtedly very much
4. Legal Aspects
SINGERBangladesh maintains a standard protocol with Public Service Commission (PSC). So, they
follow all the rules and regulations of Bangladesh Government while selecting the appropriate
applicants. Now, while training the employees, the company takes every precautionary initiative and
tries to reduce the risk of harm to the factory employees who work with dangerous equipment,
materials, or processes. After all these, even if any worker gets injured, the company carries out all
the medical expenses.
1. Taking assistance from the recruitment agencies
For upper level recruitment, the company basically uses Headhunters such as: Monwara Ltd,
RapportBangladesh etc. So, in comparison to other companies like: Beximco, Lever Brothers and
Concord, they are far behind in this recruiting stage.
2. Lack of internal training facilities
One of the main weaknesses SINGER Bangladesh possesses is the absence of proper internal
training facilities.
When the company experiences certain necessity that a particular employee needs to be trained for
his/her specific job, they basically go for the training sessions offered by the outside recruiting
agencies such as : Monwara Ltd, Rapport Bangladesh, Bangladesh Institute of Management (BIM)
Training workshop
Two months ago on October 7 October 10, 2009, SINGER Bangladesh participated in the training
workshop organized by Rapport Bangladesh Limited. The workshop took place at Dhaka Sheraton
Hotel, Dhaka Club and BRAC Center. By this, establishing medium and long term relationships with
highly skilled potential managers, it ensures itself qualified management trainees. Many rising
companies of Bangladesh still are not willing to take part in this kind of training workshop. Thats why,
this is an opportunity for SINGER. By this, they can ensure a quality and developed management
easily. HR department can easily design the training program to catch the opportunity.
1. Lack of job security
One of the important threats for SINGER is its lack to provide job security towards its entry
level employees. When the company sends a particular individual in a training session, he first
completes the training. Then after the completion of the training period, the company sets a time of 68 months within which the employee has to apply his/her learning gained from the training session to
show improvements. If he/she is unable to do so, the company eliminates the employee that works as
a de-motivational factor for the both parties. But in this case, SINGER does not intend to change or
modify the training structure to retain them. And in near future, this could be a threat factor for the
2. Too much rely on recruiting agencies
Too much rely on the recruiting agencies for top level management could be a threat for the
company. If the relationship between the HR department and the recruiting agency is not good
enough compared to the other competing companies, there is a possibility that the recruiting agency
can recommend for a wrong personnel for the particular position.
Comparative Analysis
When Human Resource Department was introduced at SINGER 1987, the position was basically
created to diversify responsibilities of a single managerial position. They started their journey with a
single personnel manager who used to carry out basic HR responsibilities. But when we compare the
past with the present situation, we found out that the main functions of HR are still almost the same
except the growth of manpower. The number of employees of HR was increased as did the incentives
the company offered.
Selection & Recruiting :::
Starting Time (1987)
SINGER, as a company, is quite matured and has come a long way from its inception. It has had its
phases of ups and downs and it has come out of most of them with flying colors. It has faced many
problems over the years and it has been able to resolve them through long standing debates,
research or mere experience and practice. However, the company is not entirely perfect.
From HR Managers perspective :::
While recruiting top level employees, the company basically takes helps from different recruiting
agencies such as : Monwara Ltd, RapportBangladesh etc. According to the HR manager, they need
to build up a platform through which they can be capable enough to recruit the top level personnel by
utilizing their own system.
One of the main problems that the HR manager of SINGER Bangladesh revealed to us is the lack of
proper internal training facilities. They think this is the sector where they should prioritize to make
some improvements and solve the problem.
From the groups perspective :::
One of the main problems that the HR dept. of SINGER suffers is the same as that endured by most
other companies. It is the conflict between HRD and any other department while hiring new recruits.
Although the whole selection process is conducted by the HR department, the concerned department
keeps a close watch over it. During the final selection, as mentioned before, the director of the related
department is also present in the panel. It so happens many times that the HR selects one person as
having the best and most suitable qualifications and skills necessary to perform the job as described
in the profile. However, the concerned department head chooses someone else who may have come
2nd or 3rd in the selection ranks. In such a case, there might be a conflict raised between the two
departments. The HRD feels that its role has been undermined. On the other hand, since the new
employee will be working under a different department, the head or director should have a say. His
decision is to be considered final. However, if the HRD had forced their choice to the dept., the latter
tends to become extra strict on this selected one. And after a while, if that person does not live up to
the standards, the HRD is blamed for it. This is a problem that the company is trying to control
through better interdepartmental communication and relations.
In line with the problems faced, it is safe to say that the policy of better department relations is the
way to go for resolving it. This is not the only recommendation that came my way. From my
conversation with the HR manager, I found that many feel the need to improve their selection
process. Although it is currently one of their strong aspects, it has reached a stage whereby an up
gradation is imminent. In addition, with the increasingly changing world of business and fast moving
skill requirements, the need to stay up-to-date in their recruitment process is felt even more.
It can be recommended that the initial screening process be made more strict and the interview
sessions more rigorous. The finally selected top 3-5 should be further interviewed and tested so as to
identify the best. The reason for recommending improved selection has to do with cost conservation.
As is mentioned before, the company spends considerable amount of resources in training and
developing its employees. It has been deduced that with better recruits, there will not be need for as
much training to make them suitable for the job.
It is true that there are still some drawbacks in the HR practices of SINGER Bangladesh but the path
the company crossed so far was not obviously bed of roses. If we look at the comparative HR
analysis between just after this companys beginning and current practices, we can see that the
company is adapting to newer and newer methods each and every day. For this reason, it can be said
very easily that if the ongoing modifications persist, a better future is waiting for SINGER.