External Environment Affecting Business in Nigeria
External Environment Affecting Business in Nigeria
External Environment Affecting Business in Nigeria
The Nigerian business environment in the last one decade has witnessed unsatisfactory
progress cumulating into retarded growth rate, high rate of unemployment, low
industrial output, coupled with poor demand in terms of services and tangible products.
Energy crisis continued unabated forcing majority of the organisations to depend wholly
on generator as a constant source of generating electricity, supply of petroleum product
is epileptic in addition to frequent changes in pump price resulting into increase in the
general price level of all products without any exception due to cobweb effect; most of
the organisations are ravaged with strikes from time to time. The relationship between
industrial representatives and government institutions and representatives keep nosediving virtually on all matters, criminal activities increasing at alarming and
uncontrollable rate, exercising excessive control through plethora of rules and
regulations with stringent conditions, tax policies without adequate provision of
infrastructural facilities to ameliorate business operations. In the face of all these
challenges, how effectively can a business organisation respond to its basic operational
functions of survival, growth and profit maximisation, hence the need to examine the
environmental factors in business environment of manufacturing organisations with
implications on the survival and growth of business organisations in the Lagos
metropolitan area of Nigeria.
is internal or external;
Regular scanning - studies done on a regular schedule (e.g. once a year): most
very conscious organizations can see environment scanning as a program that
should be done regularly and as such, most of such organizations do it every
Continuous scanning (also called continuous learning) - continuous structured
data collection and processing on a broad range of environmental factors.
(Kazmi, 2008).
The failure rate of business is very high in Nigeria. The high failure rate negatively
impacts on the ability of business to contribute meaningfully to job creation, economic
growth and more equal income distribution in Nigeria. The literature revealed that there
are many reasons for business failure. Failure factors are both internal and external.
Internal factors are factors that are largely controllable by the organisation and include
lack of management experience, marketing problem, infrastructural deficiency, lack of
finance and financial assistance from banks and poor staff training and development and
poor attitudes towards customers. External factors are factors largely uncontrollable by
the organization and include Insufficient Government Policies, Problem of Acceptability
of Locally Made Products, Failure to Studies Environment non-availability of a logistics
chain and a high cost of distribution, competition, rising costs of doing business, lack of
finance and crime.
It has been widely recognized that business growth and survival depend both on external
and internal factors. While most of the challenges which a business will face may be
foreseeable, some will be completely unpredictable. It is hereby concluded that poor
management affects the growth of small scale enterprise. Management determines the
cause of failure of small scale business in Nigeria. Organisation have poor attitude to
training, Government does not always create conducive environment for small scale
businesses. Management failed to develop policies for solving the problems of business
organization. Competent hands are sometimes involved in business strategies.
Management does not always have financial management strategies. The profitability of
small scale organizations has not greatly improved and that Marketing strategies and
financial strategies are not strong enough to run the business.
However, if a business is to succeed, management must be mindful to all matters which
are likely to have a material impact on its viability, and must then demonstrate skills
both in exploiting opportunities and mitigating threats.
Workers should ensure that they abide by the rules, regulations, policies laid
down by the management.
Organizations should always strive hard in order to make sure that the
organizations profit base is increased.
Ahmad, N.H, and Seet, .P. (2010); Dissecting Behaviours Associated with Business
Failure: A Qualitative Study of SME Owners in Malaysia and Australia. Journal
of Social Science. 5(9): 98-104.
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