Retail Installment Contract
Retail Installment Contract
Retail Installment Contract
Date of Contract:
In this Contract, This contract is between Seller and Buyer. All disclosures
your are the Seller. have been made by Seller. Seller intends to assign this
Contract to the Assignee named below.
You/We are the If there is more than one Buyer, each of us will be obligated,
Buyer/s. separately and together, for all sums due you and the
performance off all agreements as provided in this Contract.
[ ] Collission insurance for a term of______ months. The cost of it is $______________. The limit of coverage is 5 +
To VSI Ins Company*
$_______________, less a deductible of $_________________.
[ ] Cmprehensive insurance for a a term of______ months. The cost of it is $______________. The limit of 6 +
coverage is $____________, less a deductible of $_________________. [ ] Other (describe)
7 +
(See INSURANCE on the reverse side). 1 to 7 =
Amount Paid to Others on Your Behalf, we may retain a portion of these amounts.
CREDIT INSURANCE IS NOT REQUIRED: Credit Insurance is available through us for the term of this Contract at the cost(s) shown below. SIngle
Credit Life and Single Credit Accident and Health Insurance are available to any one Buyer signing for insurance below. No credit insurance will be provided
unless the appropriate statement(s) is signed by the Buyer(s) to be insured and the cost(s) shown below are included in the Amount Financed. See the
Certificate of Insurance or the Notice of Proposed Insurance given to you on a separate document.
By signing, you want Single Credit By signing, you want Single Credit By signing, you both want Joint By signing, you both want Joint
Life Insurance, which costs: Accident and Health insurance which Credit Life Insurance, which costs: Credit Accident and Health
Your Age costs: insurance which costs:
1. _____________________ 1. _____________________
2. _____________________ 2. _____________________
Signature of Buyer to be insured for Signature of Buyer to be insured for Signatures of both Buyers to be Signatures of both Buyers to be
Single Credit Life Insurance Single CreditAccident Health insured for Joint Credit Life insured for Joint Credit Accident and
Insurance Insurance. Health Insurance.
SECURITY AGREEMENT:To secure the payment of all sums owed to us and the performance of all promises in this Contract, you grant us a lien and
security interest in the Goods and in any parts called "accessions", which are attached to the Goods at any later time, and in all procceds of the Goods.
IF THIS CONTRACT INVOLVES THE SALE OF A USED VEHICLE, THE USE: You will use the goods primarily for personal, family or household
INFORMATION YOU SEE ON THE WINDOW FORM FOR THIS VEHICLE purposes. You will maintain the Goods in good condition and will protect
IS PART OF THIS CONTRACT. INFORMATION ON THE WINDOW FORM them against loss, damage and destruction. You will principally keep the
OVERRIDES ANY CONTRARY PROVISIONS IN THE CONTRACT OF Goods at your address shown above or at the following address:
Seller agrees to this Contract, including terms and conditions on YOU/WE HAVE RECEIVED A COPY OF THIS CONTRACT
back, and assigns it to the Assignee named above in accordance with
the first Assignment printed on the reverse side and attached page 3,
unless otherwise marked. CONTRACT.
Seller Buyer
By Co-Buyer
1. HOW WE FIGURE THE FINANCE CHARGE: The Finance Charge (or in section of the Itemization of Amount Financed on the front side of this
“Time Price Difference) consists only of interest at the Annual Percentage Contract.
Rate shown on the front, which is imposed each day on the outstanding 8. DEFAULT. The following are Defaults of this Contract:
balance of the Amount Financed. The Finance Charge shown on the front was a. You fail to make any payments on or before the day it comes due;
figured by assuming that all your payments were made as scheduled. If any b. You fail to perform any other of your promises in this Contract;
payment is late, you must pay more Finance Charge than is shown because of c. You provide us with false information or signatures at any time;
the additional interest imposed. If you pay early, the Finance Charge will be d. Any of you dies, is declared legally incompetent, or is convicted of a
less. The amount of the increase or decrease in interest will be due with your crime involving fraud or dishonesty;
last payment, which will be modified as necessary to reflect the actual amount e. Any of your becomes insolvent or bankrupt;
then due. f. You sell, transfer or deliver the Good’s to another person without our
2. LATE CHARGE: If we do not receive any payment within 10 days of its due consent; or
date, you agree to pay a Late Charge of $10.00. The Late Charge will be due g. The Goods are lost, damaged or destroyed, or are levied or attached, or
as soon as it is charged. We will not charge you a Late Charge if the reason are subjected to a forfeiture or condemnation proceeding.
that the payment is late because: (a) after default we demanded that you pay 9. OUR RIGHTS IN DEFAULT: In addition to any rights we may have under
the entire outstanding balance, or (b) we collected a Late Charge for an earlier law, upon any Default, our rights include:
payment. a. ACCELARATION. The right to declare all sums then owing on this
3. RETURNED CHECK CHARGE: If the Cash Price of the Goods is more than Contract, including earned interest, to be due and payable immediately.
$10,000.00 and any check, draft or other item you send in payment of your b. SURRENDER OF GOODS. The right to require you to deliver the Goods
obligation on this Contract is returned unpaid for insufficient funds, you agree to us at a place which is reasonably convenient to you and to us.
to pay us a Returned Check Charge of $20.00. c. REPOSSESSION OF GOODS. The right to obtain possession of the
4. YOUR PROMISES: Goods, with out without process of law, if you do not deliver them to us. You
a. OUR SECURITY INTEREST. You will not permit anyone other than us to authorize us to peaceably enter any premises where the Goods may be in
obtain a security interest or other rights in the Goods. You will pay all filing order to take possession of the Goods and remove them. You authorize us
fees necessary for us to obtain and maintain our security interest in the to use your license plates in removing the Goods to a place of storage. We
Goods. If a certificate of title is required on the Goods, you will have our may take any other things found in the Goods, but will return these things to
security interest noted on the certificate of title. You agree to cooperate with you, if you ask. If you want these things back, you agree to ask us in letter
us and to sign any and all documents, applications or certifications as we sent to us by certified mail within a reasonable time.
may reasonably request which we deem necessary to perfect and protect d. OUR COSTS. The right to require you to pay our actual, necessary and
our security interest and/or to transfer it to an Assignee. reasonable costs of retaking and storing the Goods which are authorized by
b. PRESERVING THE GOODS. You will keep the Goods in good condition law. If we begin an action to collect what you owe and refer this Contract to
and repair. You will pay taxes and charges on the Goods. You will pay all an attorney who is not our salaried employee, you will also pay our court
costs of maintaining the Goods. You will not abuse the Goods or permit costs and reasonable attorney’s fee not to exceed 20% of the first $500.00
anything to be done to the Goods which will lessen their value, other than of the amount due and 10% of any excess amount due.
for normal wear and use. You will not use the Goods for illegal purposes or e. SALE OF THE GOODS. The right, as provided by law, (a) to sell the
for hire. You will not sell the Goods or give them to any other person. You Goods at a public or private sale, or (b) to propose to keep the Goods in full
will permit us to inspect the Goods at all reasonable time. satisfaction of your obligations under this Contract. In the event of sale, we
c. INSURANCE. You will keep the Goods insured against fire, theft and will give you at least 10 days reasonable notice of the time and, if a public
other hazards customarily insured against for goods of that kind until all sale, also of the place of sale. We will apply the sale proceeds first to our
sums owed to us are paid in full, and will provide to us, on request, evidence costs. The balance of the proceeds will then be applied to Late Charges,
that the required insurance is in force. The insurance coverage must be and then to the balance due us. If there is a surplus, we will pay it to you. If
satisfactory to us and protect your interest and our interest at the time of any there is still an amount due us, you must immediately pay it to us, with
insured loss. The insurance must be written by an insurance company interest which, if permitted by law, will continue to be imposed at the rate
licensed to do business in the state where the Goods are permanently kept provided in this Contract until we are paid in full.
or garaged. The insurance policy must provide us with at least 10 days 10. APPLICATION OF PAYMENTS: We will apply payments in the
notice of any cancellation or reduction in coverage for any reason. You following order: interest, late charges, fees and then principal. You agree
agree to promptly notify us of any loss or damage to the Goods and to that we may change this order at any time without notice to you, if the
promptly file a proof of loss with the insurance company. If you do not file a change in order is not less favorable to you.
proof of loss, we may do so on your behalf. Insurance proceeds will be 11. PREPAYMENTS: You may prepay, in full or in part, the amount you owe
applied by us to repair or replace the Goods, but only if we believe this is on this Contract at any time without penalty. If you prepay the Contract in
economically feasible. Otherwise, they will be applied to reduce the unpaid part, you agree to continue to make regularly scheduled payments until you
balance due us. pay all amounts due under this Contract. This will reduce the number of
5. RISK OF LOSS: Loss, damage or destruction of the Goods will not release payments you will make. If you prepay in full, we will refund you any part of
you from your promises in this Contract. the credit insurance premium you paid based on a formula approved by law.
6. FURHTER ADVANCES SECURED: If you fail to pay filing fees, taxes, or 12. WAIVER. If we waive any right or Default, that waiver is not binding on
amounts necessary to keep the Goods in good condition and repair, we may, if us if we later choose to exercise that or any other rights or a similar Default
we choose, advance the sums necessary to protect our interest. If you fail to occurs. Our exercise of one or more rights will not cause us to lose our
keep in force the required insurance and/or fail to provide evidence of such other rights. Without notice to you and without in any way affecting your
insurance to us, we may notify you that you should purchase the required obligations to us on the Contract, you agree that we may (a) add additional
insurance at your expense. If you fail to purchase the insurance within the time Buyers, (b) extend the time for payment of any sums due on this Contract,
stated in the notice and/or fail to provide evidence of such insurance to us, we or (c) add or release any Goods securing repayment of this Contract. We
may purchase coverage under a Lender’s Collateral Protection Policy to and Assignee waive the right to treat any property as security for the
protect our interest in the balance due under this Contract, to the extent repayment of this Contract except for the Goods and other Security
permitted by applicable law, and charge you the cost of the premiums and any specifically mentioned in this Contract.
other amounts we incur in purchasing the insurance. THE INSURANCE WE 13. RIGHT OF SET-OFF: The law gives us a right to set-off in any of your
PURCHASE MAY BE SIGNIFICANTLY MORE EXPENSIVE AND PROVIDE property in our possession. When we assign (transfer) our rights in this
YOU LESS COVERAGE THAN INSURANCE YOU COULD PURCHASE Contract, the Assignee will obtain the right of set-off. If you default, the
YOURSELF. If permitted by applicable law, any sums we advance on your Assignee may exercise the right of set-off and apply any of your property in
behalf may be added to the balance on which we impose interest as provided the Assignee’s possession, including deposit accounts, to sums you owe on
in this Contract. If we advance any amounts on your behalf, it will not cure this Contract.
your default. Such sums as we advance will be payable by you, as you alone 14. ASSIGNMENT: You may not assign (transfer) your rights under the
may direct, as follows: Contract but we may. Upon receiving notice of our sale of the Contract to
a. Immediately on demand; the “Assignee,” you agree that the Assignee shall have all our rights and
b. Along with your monthly payment and your monthly payment will be remedies as the owner of the Contract and you agree to make all payments
increased accordingly; thereafter to the Assignee. Any Assignee may later sell the Contract to
c. At or before the end of the Contract term or another Assignee who shall then be the owner of this Contract.
d. As provided for in a separate note or other credit instrument. 15. MISCELLANEOUS: If any part of this Contract is determined to be
7. YOUR TRADE-IN: You promise that you have full title and the power to sell invalid, the rest shall remain in effect. The laws of New Jersey shall apply to
any property that you have given us as a trade-in in connection with this this Contract, except as federal laws apply. This Contract shall benefit us
Contract. You promise that there no claims or security interest outstanding and out successors and assigns, and shall bind you, your heirs and your
on that trade-in, other than the amount shown as “Lien Payoff” in the Trade- personal representatives.
This page is an integral part of the RETAIL INSTALMENT CONTRACT between the below mentioned parties, which is so noted on the attached RETAIL INSTALMENT CONTRACT
Primary Buyer Seller
I agree to pay the debt indentified above, although I may not personally receive any property, services or money. I may be sued for payment although the
person who received the property, services or money is capable of paying the debt. This notice is not the writing that obligates me to pay the debt. I should
know that the Total of Payments listed above does not include Finance Charges resulting from delinquency, late charges, repossessions or foreclosure
costs, court costs or attorneys' fees, or other charges that are stated in the Contract. I will also have to pay some or all of these costs and charges as
required by the terms of the Contract. I have read the Retail Instalment Contract, which contains the exact terms.
I have been given a completed copy of this Notice and each writing that obligates me or the Buyer on this Contract.
I, the person signing below as "Co-Owner", together with the Buyer or otherwise being all of the Owners of the Vehicle give you a security interest in the
Vehicle identified above. I agree to be bound by the terms of the Security Agreement and all other parts of this Contract except the "Promise to Pay"
section. I am giving you the security interest to induce you to make this Contract with the Buyer, and to secure the payment by the Buyer of all sums due on
this Contract. I will not be responsible for any deficiency which might be due after repossession and sale of the Vehicle.
To induce you “Assignee” named on the front to purchase the within Contract, the Seller hereby warrants and represents, and continues to warrant and
represent that: the sale has been made in strict conformity with all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations, including, but not limited to, article
2 of the New Jersey Uniform Commercial Code (N.J.S.A 12A:2-101 et seq.); our title to the Contract and the Goods (called “Vehicle” in this Assignment)
covered thereby is absolute, free of all liens, encumbrances and security interest, and is subject only to the rights of the Buyer as set forth therein; the
Contract is genuine, the signatures thereon are not forgeries, arose from the sale of the Vehicle therein described, and all parties thereto are of full age, had
capacity to contract and are the person(s) he, she, or they purport to be; the description of the Vehicle and extra equipment is complete and correct, the cash
down payment and/or trade-in allowance were actually received and no part thereof consisted of notes, post-dated checks or other credit advanced by us to
Buyer or rebates or similar payments from us to the Buyer (however manufacturer rebates may constitute all or a part of the down payment); all warranties,
statements and signatures therein are true; there is owing thereon the Amount Financed plus earned Finance Charge as set forth therein; we are duly
licensed under applicable laws of New Jersey and have duly complied with all requirements of the Retail Installment Sales Act of 1960, as amended, with
respect to the transaction, and with the federal Truth-in Lending and Equal Credit Opportunity Acts and with any other federal and state laws, rules or
regulations applicable to this Contract; a motor vehicle title certificate showing a lien or encumbrance in favor of Assignee has been or will be applied for
promptly; the registration of the Vehicle has not been suspended and the Seller knows of no facts which may result in the suspension of said registration; the
Buyer(s) in the within Contract is personally known to the Seller to be the same identical person(s) whose signature(s) is affixed to this Contract; and Seller
has no knowledge of facts impairing the validity or value of the Contract. If any such warranties or representations should be breached at any time, Seller
shall repurchase said Contract from Assignee, on demand, and will pay therefor the amount owing thereon, plus any and all costs and expenses paid or
incurred by Assignee in respect thereto, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, and said remedy shall be cumulative and not exclusive, and shall not affect any
other right or remedy that Assignee might have at law or in equity against Seller. In the event that Buyer fails or refuses to honor any warranty hereunder on
the assertion, either oral or written, that the Vehicle is defective, not as represented to the Buyer by Seller, or that Seller refuses to honor any warranty or
service agreement of Seller or manufacturer, Seller agrees that, on being advised by Assignee of such claim of Buyer, Seller will repurchase the Contract
from Assignee and pay Assignee for same immediately in accordance with the repurchase terms set forth above, and Seller further agrees to hold Assignee
harmless from any other claims of Buyer, including attorney’s fees, costs and expenses incurred in defending against claims asserted by Buyer and including
claims for refunds of payments made by Buyer to Assignee.
For value received, Seller hereby sells, assigns and transfers unto the Assignee, its successors and assigns, the within Contract, all moneys due and to
become due thereunder, and all right, title and interest in and to the Vehicle therein described, with full power in the Assignee in its or Seller’s name to take
such legal or other action which Seller might have taken save for this Assignment. By delivering this Contract to the Assignee and accepting payment for it,
Seller authorizes the Assignee to complete or correct the identification of the Assignee to reflect the true Assignee who purchased this Contract and/or to sign
Seller’s name to this Assignment, without recourse, if the Assignment has been delivered and without Seller’s signature.
______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________
Seller/Assignor Date Title
Seller agrees, in addition to the warranties stated in the first Assignment section set forth above, that in the event of default by Buyer under the Contract and
provided that Assignee shall take possession of the Vehicle and tender delivery of same to Seller, Seller will, upon demand by Assignee, forthwith repurchase
the Contract and/or Vehicle (regardless of condition) from Assignee for a repurchase price in cash equal to the full unpaid balance of the Contract as of the
date of such repurchase, including any earned Finance Charges then due and expenses incurred in such taking and delivery of the Vehicle.
______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________
Seller/Assignor Date Title
Seller agrees, in addition to the warranties stated in the first Assignment section set forth above, that, if the Buyer defaults in any manner under the Contract,
the following additional covenants shall apply, such covenants being more specifically defined in an agreement between Seller and Assignee.
_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________
Type of Assignment Seller/Assignor
______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________
Date Title