Netbackup Reports
Netbackup Reports
Netbackup Reports
NetBackup Commands
System Administration Commands
Volmgr commands
Veritas NetBackup is based on a client /server architecture. Each NetBackup client and server
belongs to a storage domain. A storage domain consists of a single master server, its associated
media servers, and NetBackup clients. The master server controls and directs all NetBackup
operations in its storage domain. Each media server controls the backup devices it is connected
to. A media server can have one master server only, but a master server can control more than
one media server. The NetBackup clients are any systems containing data to be backed up. A
master server can acts as a media server, and both are capable of acting as clients.
• The NetBackup master server is the manager of the storage domain. An administrator can
control all NetBackup functions in the storage domain from the master server. It manages
all backups, archives and restores.
• The NetBackup client is any system with data to be backed up. The client software is
tailored to the operating system on which it is installed. Normally, a client operates under
the control of the master server according to the policies and schedules set forth by the
administrator. A backup client accesses the storage media through a media server.
• The NetBackup media server hosts one or more backup devices. Media servers are
directed by the master server and provide additional storage by enabling NetBackup to
use the storage devices they control. Media servers can also increase performance by
distributing the network load. A NetBackup master server may function as a media
server, client may also function as a media server.
NetBackup manages client data in incremental called backup images. A backup image originates
from a single client and may consist of a file, a directory, a file system, a partition, or a database.
The NetBackup file database on the master server contains detailed information about each
backup image such as the filename of each file backed up, the backup time, size, permissions,
and ownership. An entry for each backup image is written in the master server’s volume database
that maps the backup images to the volumes where they are stored.
Netbackup Reports
Status of Backup reports : It shows status and error information on jobs completed within the
specified time period.
Client backups report : It shows detailed information on backups completed within the specified
time period.
Problems report : Lists the problems that the server has logged during the specified time period.
The information in this report is a subset of the information obtained from the all log entries
All log entries : Lists all log entries for the specified time period. It includes the information
from the problems report and media log report. This also shows the transfer rate (the transfer rate
does not appear for multiplexed backups).
Media list report : It shows information for volumes that have been allocated for backups.
Media contents report : It shows the contents of a volume as read directly from the media header
and backup header.
Images on media report : Lists the contents of the media as recorded in the NetBackup image
Media log report : It shows media errors or informational messages that are recorded in the
NetBackup error catalog.
Media summary report : It summarizes active and non active volumes for the specified server
according to expiration date.
Media written report : It identifies that were used for backups within the specified time period.
NetBackup Commands
bprecover -m <media_id> -d <density> -l : to check for the catalog images in the catalog
backed up media.
bprdreq –rereadconfig
bpschedreq -read_stunits
bpschedreq -read_stu_config
bpdbm –ctime <image> : for checking the date of the backed up image.
Iostat –xn 2 |grep –I rmt ---- to check for media / drive writing throughput.
bperror -backstat -hoursago <hours> -server <server_name> -U |grep Cum : for checking
the backups happened in 24 hours with date and time
bperror -all -backstat -by_statcode -hoursago <hours> –U : for checking the clients with
status code (sorting by status code)
Step1 # Take an error log of
[ bperror -hoursago 168 -server <mediaservername > mediaserver.txt ] << Don’t use
-backstat & -U switches >>
Step2 # grep Kbytes/sec mediaserver.txt |grep -v duplicate|grep -v restore|awk -F\, '{print $NF}'
Step3 # Put the info in a excel sheet and take average through put.
bperror -U -backstat -client <client_name> -hoursago <hours> |grep Cum : for checking the
client entries for completed backups
The Backup Status report shows status and error information on jobs completed within the
specified time period. If an error has occurred, a short explanation of the error is included.
bperror -U -backstat -s info [-d <start_date> <start_time> -e <end_date> <end_time>]
The Problems report lists the problems that the server has logged during the specified time
period. This information is a subset of the information you get from the All Log Entries report.
bperror -U -problems [-d <start_date> <start_time> -e <end_date> <end_time>]
The All Log Entries report lists all log entries for the specified time period. This report includes
the information from the Problems report and Media Log Entries report. This report also shows
the transfer rate, which is useful in determining and predicting rates and backup times for future
backups (the transfer rate does not appear for multiplexed backups).
bperror -U -all [-d <start_date> <start_time> -e <end_date> <end_time>]
bperror -U -media [-d <start_date> <start_time> -e <end_date> <end_time>]
vmquery -b –a : for checking the media list and it shows all Medias detail.
vmquery -b –pn <pool name>
vmquery -b -a |wc –l : for checking the media list with count
bpduplicate -PM -cn 2 -s 1/31/07 :To find images that have more than one copy
This will list all images that are copy #2.
bpimmedia -mediaid <media_id> -client <client_name> –U : for finding the imageid for the
bppllist –byclient <client name> -U : for checking the list of the client (includes schedules,
clients name, file selection list etc
bpimage –compress –client <client name> : for compress of the catalogs in Windows system.
BPRD will go down while doing compression.
Ex : bpimage –compress –client cscimgdal001
bpstuadd -label ZDK02NAS06_EMC_NDMP -density hcart2 -rt tld -rn 0 -host zdk02bak02
-mfs 2000 -nh -M zdk02bak01 -maxmpx 8
vmpool -listall –b: for checking the list of volume pool. It gives volume pool list with brief.
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpps : To check the state of bprd and bpdbm, use the following
For doing the inventory by command line
vmupdate -rt TLD -rn 0 -rh <robot_control_host> -h <volume_database_host> -mt
For doing the inventory with empty map option: it will first move the tapes from ports to slots
and do the inventory.
vmupdate -rt <robot_type> -rn <robot_number> -rh <robot_control_host > -h
<volume_database_host> -mt <media_type> -empty map
bpmedialist -U -summary: for checking the media summary (active & non-active)
bpmedialist -U -mcontents [-m <media_id>]: The Media Contents report shows the contents of
a volume as read directly from the media header and backup headers.
vmadd -m <mediaID> -mt <media type>: for adding the media into volume database for stand-
alone drive (cannot do the media for inventory option)
Ex : vmadd –m DA3061 –mt hcart2
vmdelete –m <mediaID>: for removing media from volume database for stand-alone drive
vmglob –listall : for listing the connected drives list and their configuration details.
bpschedreq -predict <mm:dd:yy> –L: for checking the schedule date and time for all policies
./set_ndmp_attr –help
./set_ndmp_attr -insert -auth ndmp
Password for host "" user "ndmp":
Re-enter Password for host "" user "ndmp":
Inserted host ""
# ./set_ndmp_attr -verify
Connecting to host "" as user "ndmp"...
Waiting for connect notification message...
Opening session--attempting with NDMP protocol version 4...
Opening session--successful with NDMP protocol version 4
host supports TEXT authentication
host supports MD5 authentication
Getting MD5 challenge from host...
Logging in using MD5 method...
Host info is:
host name "server_2"
os type "DartOS"
os version "EMC Celerra File Server.T."
host id "abc1997"
Login was successful
Host supports LOCAL backup/restore
Host supports 3-way backup/restore
# ./set_ndmp_attr -probe
Host "" tape device model "Ultrium 2-SCSI ":
Device "c64t0l0" attributes=(0x4) RAW
for NetApp filer the device name will be shown like “nsrt…” by doing probe.
Volmgr commands
vmglob -listall –b --- for checking the serial number of devices on media or master Ex:
type device name serial number host name
drive AUSDLT_D1 CX716S0471 cscmanaus003
drive AUS3584_D4 0007821731 cscmanaus006
robot 0 - cscmanaus006
drive AUS3584_D5 0007822112 cscmanaus006
drive AUS3584_D3 0007811593 cscmanaus004
drive AUS3584_D2 0007811803 cscmanaus004
drive AUS3584_D1 0007811600 cscmanaus004
robot 0 0000078199890401 cscmanaus004
The following procedure can be used to find/rectify a corrupt Volume Manager Database in
Veritas Netbackup
Verifying whether or not a Volume manager database is corrupt.
3. Look for a file named volDB. note its size in bytes. (Example 3148868 is the size on
our master.)
4. Subtract 8 from the above digit. 3148868 - 8 = 3148860. (8 bytes is the size of the
header of the volDB file)
5. Divide this number by 660 (660 because each media record is of size 660 bytes.)
a. If you get a whole number without any decimal points. Then the database is not
corrupt. (3148860/660 = 4771)
b. If you don’t get a whole number .Then the database is corrupt.
The following command with help option will give you the procedure needed to follow.
vmdb_compact -help
* How to use this database compaction utility: *
* 1. shutdown old vmd *
* 2. mv /usr/openv/volmgr/database/volDB *
* /usr/openv/volmgr/database/volDB.old *
* 3. start new vmd (creates empty new database) *
* 4. vmdb_compact (reads old and inserts into new)*
NetBackup Tasks
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpconfig -tries 0 : To stop the NetBackup scheduler from
running jobs temporarily.
When you are ready to start the jobs again, set the tries back to the original value.