Bahasa Inggris (NARKOBA)
Bahasa Inggris (NARKOBA)
Bahasa Inggris (NARKOBA)
Drugs are the abbreviation of narcotics, psychotropic and other
addictive materials. Drug familiar terminology used by law enforcement
Until now, the spread of drugs is almost unavoidable. Given almost the
entire population of the world can easily obtain drugs from rogue elements
who are not responsible. For example, from drug dealers were happy to prowl
the area of schools, discos, brothels, and places of gathering the gang. Of
course this can make the parents, community organizations, government
worried about the spread of drug so willingly reign. Drug eradication efforts
had already often done, but still less likely to avoid drugs among adolescents
and adults, even children aged elementary and junior high school that fall
too much drugs. Until now the most effective efforts to prevent drug abuse
among children is of family education. Parents are expected to supervise and
educate their children to always stay away from drugs.
Papaver somniferum plant sap obtained by tapping (scraping) who want ripe
fruit. The sap that comes out white and named "lates". The sap is allowed to
dry on the surface of the fruit that is brown-black-and post-processing will be
a soft dough that resembles asphalt. This is called raw opium or opium
rough. Opium contains an assortment of rugged active substances are often
misused. Opium cook brown color is dark brown or blackish. Traded in
packaging tin box with assorted stamp, among other snakes, skulls, eagle,
globe, cap 999, cap dog, etc.. Its use by means of sucked.
Morphine is produced from opium / opiate raw. Merupaakan main alkaloid
morphine from opium (C17H19NO3). Morphine tastes bitter, a fine white
powder form or in the form of a colorless liquid. Its use by means of smoked
and injected.
Heroin (heroin)
Heroin had a power of two times stronger than morphine and is the type
most commonly abused opiate people in Indonesia at the end - this end.
Hallucinogens, the effects of the drug could result if taken in certain
doses so can result in a person to be air-hallucinations to see some things /
objects which actually does not exist / no tangible example cocaine and LSD
Stimulation, the effects of drugs that can lead to the body organs like
the heart and brain working faster than usual, resulting in a person's work is
more powerful for a while, and tend to make a user more happy and excited
for a while
Depressants, the effects of drugs that can suppress the central nervous
system and reduces the functional activity of the body, so that users feel at
ease even able to make the wearer sleep and unconsciousness. Examples of
Addictive, Someone who has been taking drugs usually will want and
want more because certain substances in the drug resulted in a person tend
to be passive, because the drugs are not directly decide the nerves in the
brain, such as marijuana, heroin, heroin. If it is too long and has been drug
dependency then gradually organ in the body will be damaged and if it
exceeds the dose so that users will overdose and eventually death.
Psilocin, a hallucinogen derived from mushrooms (Psilocybe mexicana).
Effects arising such as dilated pupils, restlessness or turmoil, euphoria, visual
open and closed eyes (common intermediate in high doses), synesthesia (eg.
Hearing see colors and sounds), increased body temperature, headache,
sweating and chills, and nausea ,methamphetamine, is psikostimulansia and
sympathomimetic drugs. Marketed for severe cases of attention deficit
hyperactivity disorder. Physical effects can include anorexia, hyperactivity,
dilated pupils, flushing, restlessness, dry mouth, headache, tachycardia,
diaphoresis, diarrhea, constipation, blurred vision, dizziness, twitching,
insomnia, numbness, palpitations, arrhythmias, acne, pallor, convulsions,
heart attack, stroke, and death can occur.
The dangers of drugs to health is a lot exceed the dangers of smoking,
disease and addiction and dysfunction of various organs ready lurk deadly.
a. Damaging Liver Function
It is clear drugs and various kinds of drugs in excessive doses much
less addictive would most likely damage the human liver function and kidney
function. Drug addiction and excessive consumption will cause liver disease
such as cirrhosis of the liver are deadly. Dysfunction and liver failure can also
occur for long-term use.
narcotics such as cocaine can cause auditory halusninasi, just as in the case
of hallucinations experienced by people with schizophrenia and other
psychotic disorders.
In addition to the people who consume drugs. In some cases,
hallucinations may occur in normal people in addition to the conditions
mentioned above, for example in the case of the death of a beloved, the
subject hallucinates that he can see his loved ones was at one time, thought
he was still alive or meet, leaving messages and so on. Other cases of
hallucinations may occur when switching between bedtime and wake time. It
is called hallucinations hypnagogik.