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International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics

Siddiqui SS et al. Int J Contemp Pediatr. 2015 Feb;2(1):12-16

pISSN 2349-3283 | eISSN 2349-3291

DOI: 10.5455/2349-3291.ijcp20150203

Research Article

Efficacy and safety of intravenous iron sucrose therapy

in a group of children with iron deficiency anemia
Sayyad S. Siddiqui1, Deepali Laxman Jaybhaye2*, Anjali Kale1,
Jagannath Kakade1, Madhuri Engade1, Mahd. Haseeb1

Department of Pediatric, Mahatma Gandhi Mission Medical College and Hospital, Aurangabad-431003, Maharashtra,
Department of Pharmacology, Mahatma Gandhi Mission Medical College and Hospital, Aurangabad-431003,
Maharashtra, India
Received: 1 December 2014
Revised: 15 December 2014
Accepted: 22 December 2014
Dr. Deepali Laxman Jaybhaye,
Copyright: the author(s), publisher and licensee Medip Academy. This is an open-access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License, which permits unrestricted non-commercial
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Background: Iron deficiency anemia is common problem in children, though the oral iron therapy is the main stay of
treatment, but most of children not responding to it due to non-compliance. So the parental iron therapy is the
treatment of choice for it.
Methods: Fifty children between the age group of 1-17 years of age were selected for this study diagnosed as iron
deficiency anemia. Iron sucrose given by IV according to their weight and age. CBC performed before starting of
study and after receiving Iron sucrose intravenously i.e. after 4, 10 and 30 days of iron sucrose.
Results: Among the red cell indices, mean corpuscular volume and mean corpuscular haemoglobin in this study we
got mark improvement in both the parameters along with improvement in PCV and finally increase in haemoglobin
level. All the parameters having P value highly significant i.e. <0.001 along with minimal side effects.
Conclusions: Iron sucrose can be safely used in children.
Keywords: Iron deficiency anemia, Iron sucrose, Haemoglobin

Iron deficiency is the most common cause of anemia due
to nutritional deficiency.1,2 In industrialized countries
17% of children under 5 years old suffer from iron
deficiency anemia.3 A recent study from Israel showed a
prevalence of 15.5% in infants aged 9-18 months.4
Many factors predispose children to iron deficiency
anemia, including nutritional deprivation, intestinal
malabsorption and blood loss. Another cause is ingestion
of intestinal iron absorption inhibitors, such as phytates
or cows milk protein, which may lead to iron
deficiency.5 The treatment of iron deficiency anemia

consists of improved nutrition along with oral,

intramuscular or intravenous iron administration.
Currently, several intravenous iron preparations are
available for use, including iron dextran, iron gluconate
and iron sucrose. Treatment with these intravenous iron
preparations leads to an increase in hemoglobin blood
levels and to restoration of iron stores.6 However, the use
of iron dextran is associated with side effects that include
anaphylactic reactions (immune and dose-related) in
approximately 1% of treated patients.7,8 In addition,
serum iron and ferritin blood levels remain significantly
elevated for a long time after iron dextran
administration.9 The administration of iron gluconate is
also associated with adverse effects, but these are usually

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Siddiqui SS et al. Int J Contemp Pediatr. 2015 Feb;2(1):12-16

mild and no fatal allergic reaction following the use of

this preparation has been reported.10 The use of iron
gluconate or iron sucrose has fewer side effects compared
to iron dextran.10 In fact, iron gluconate was successfully
administered to patients who previously had shown
severe reactions, including anaphylaxis, to iron dextran. 11
In contrast, iron sucrose treatment is effective 12 and may
be given safely to predialysis and hemodiaysis patients
with or without erythropoetin therapy.13-15 Pregnant
women have also been treated with iron sucrose without
untoward effects.16
We conducted a retrospective study in which infusions of
iron sucrose were administered to pediatric patients with
iron deficiency anemia who failed to respond to oral iron

iron treatment, administered in the form of at least two

different oral preparations, for a minimum period of 3
months. The oral preparations that were administered to
the patients were polymaltose iron complex, ferrous
gluconate, ferrous lactate or ferrous sulfate at a dose of
67 mg/kg/day of elemental iron given two to three times
daily. 50 children were included in this study. All patients
were initially treated with oral iron for at least 3 months,
except for one patient who suffered from short gut
syndrome and was given intravenous iron as the initial
treatment. Fortynine patients did not receive the oral iron
treatment and thus were defined as non-compliant. Detail
history of patients was recorded in OPD case paper.
Causes of iron deficiency anaemia obtained from OPD
case paper. The following laboratory tests were
performed: complete blood count, including and
reticulocyte count.

Iron treatment
The study was approved by the local ethics committee of
the institute, Mahatma Mission hospital and medical
college. It is a prospective study patient attainted
pediatrics OPD and received iron sucrose therapies from
1/7/13 to 30/12/13 were included in this study. Patients
were stay in OPD side room when they receiving the iron
sucrose therapy. In this study we included 1-15 years of
children. The diagnosis of iron deficiency was defined as
hemoglobin level lower than 2 standard deviations below
the normal 15.5%. Blood level corrected for age. Noncompliance in children was defined as a child not taking

Iron was administered intravenously as iron sucrose

complex (Venofer) according to the protocol provided by
the manufacturer, in the pediatric OPD. Venofer is
supplied in ampules containing 100 mg of elemental iron
in 5 ml. The total amount of iron administered was
calculated according to the patients weight and
hemoglobin using the following formula:17

Where 3.4 converts grams of hemoglobin into milligrams

of iron and factor 1.5 provides extra iron to replace
depleted tissue stores.18

Statistical analysis
The data were collected and analyzed by the SPSS 11 for
Windows software package.

Daily dosage
Daily dosage was calculated as 5 mg Fe+++ per kilogram
per day. The number of days was calculated by dividing
the total dose by the daily dose. The iron preparation was
diluted to 1 mg Fe+++ in 1 ml of NaCl 0.9%, and
administered at an infusion rate of 1-1.3 ml/minute three
times a week. All patients underwent a test where a
quarter of the dose that was planned for the first infusion
was administered at a rate that did not exceed 0.5
Follow-up tests
According to this study hemoglobin level, reticulocyte
count were determined immediately before the iron
administration, 4 days 10 days and 30 days after the iron
dose following completion of therapy.

To assess the effect of changes in hemoglobin

concentration and Paired t-tests were performed to
compare between the groups. P <0.05 was considered
significant in all comparisons.
The study comprised 50 paediatric patient (n=50)
showing iron deficiency anemia. The age wise
distribution presented in Table 1 indicates that the highest
number (40%) of patients belonged to age group between
the age of 16-17 years, followed by 1-5 years and 6-10
years of age, making 30% and 118%, respectively.
The haemoglobin concentration before treatment in
different patients depicted in Table 2 indicate that the
number of patients with Hb level between 6-7 g/dL was
23 (46%) followed by range 7-8 g/dL accounting for 18

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Siddiqui SS et al. Int J Contemp Pediatr. 2015 Feb;2(1):12-16

(36%) patients and the number of patients whose Hb

level between 5-6 was only 6 (12%). The changes in
haematological parameters following administration of
I/V iron sucrose are presented in Table 3.

Table 1: Age wise distribution of patients.

Age group
(years )

Our study demonstrated that administration of iron

sucrose caused increase in all the estimated
haematological parameters. On the 30th day after
treatment, average Hb level, hematocrit, RBC count
increased from 6.95 0.72 g/dl to 12.10 0.69 g/dl,
21.19 2.33% to 37.33 2.45%, 3.48 0.37x106
cell/ to 5.56 0.41x106 cell/, respectively.

No. of

Percentage of
patients (%)

Table 2: Range of haemoglobin concentration in

different patients before treatment.
Range of
Hb (g/dL)

The red blood cells indices also showed increasing trends

after the administration of iron sucrose. On the 30 th day,
the MCV increased from 65.62 3.04 fL to 87.92 7.03
fL and the MCH values also increased from 23.85 2.6
pg to 35.58 6.56 pg.

No. of

Percentage of
patients (%)

Table 3: Changes in haematological parameters following intravenous administration of iron sucrose (n=50).

0 day

4 day

10 day

30 day

Hb (g/dL)
PCV (%)
RBC (x106 cells/
MCH (pg)
MCV (fL)

6.95 0.72
21.19 2.33
3.48 0.37
23.85 2.6
65.62 3.04

7.75 0.74
23.65 2.41
3.88 0.38
26.26 3.2
68.98 2.61

9.67 0.77
29.59 2.71
4.81 0.43
34.00 5.07
79.56 5.51

12.10 0.69*
37.33 2.45*
5.56 0.41*
35.58 6.56*
87.92 7.03*

Mean increase
on 30th day
5.15 0.55*
16.14 2.16*
2.08 0.55*
11.73 5.52*
22.30 5.62*

P value

The values presented are Mean SD; *Significant (using paired t test)

The study demonstrated that following administration of

iron sucrose, increase in the base line level of all the
estimated haematological parameters was observed
(Mean increase in Hb was 5.15 0.55 g/dL, hematocrit
was 16.14 2.16%, RBC count was 2.08 0.55 x 10
cell/, MCV was 22.30 5.62 fL, MCH was 11.73
5.52 pg). The results were analysed by paired t test
method and the difference was found to be statistically
significant (P <0.001). And also the high rate of
reticulocytosis following I/V administration of iron
The reticulocyte count increased to 7.18 1.29 cells on
day 4 from initial 1.78 0.77 cells, and on day 10th the
reticulocyte count was 2.800.76, indicating accelerated
erythropoiesis in the treated patients. The overall sense of
well-being in all the patients improved dramatically from
the 3rd day onwards.
There were no serious reactions to the treatment except a
few patients complaining of moderate abdominal pain
and skin staining (Table 4).

Table 4: Adverse effects in both the groups.

Adverse effects
Local phlebitis
Shivering and weakness
Moderate abdominal pain
Local pain
Skin staining



Iron deficiency anemia is a very common problem in the
pediatric population and is usually treated by oral iron
administration. Most patients tolerate the therapy well.
However, a number of patients fail to respond to oral iron
treatment. In our patients the most common reason for
oral treatment failure was lack of compliance. For these
patients, intravenous iron sucrose treatment is
recommended. Two patients who responded only
partially to the treatment were found to have concomitant

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beta-thalassemia minor so they are omitted from this

study. After nutritional deficiency H. pylori gastritis, a
well-known cause for iron deficiency anemia.20
Helicobacter pylori gastritis should be treated
concurrently with iron supplementation. Very few studies
on intravenous iron supplementation in children have
been published. Iron dextran was found to be effective
when given to children with inflammatory bowel disease.
Nevertheless, 14% of these patients developed immediate
hypersensitivity reactions, which fortunately were not life
threatening.21 Iron sucrose was found to be more effective
than oral iron in restoring postoperative hemoglobin
following spinal surgery in children,22 or in rapidly
increasing hemoglobin concentration in pediatric
candidates for elective surgery.23 Intravenous iron sucrose
may be safely administered to preterm infants. However,
the small number of patients in the study precludes exact
statistical analysis.24 The blood ferritin level was a
dependable marker for iron storage, increasing quickly
within 10 days following the treatment and decreasing
after 6 months. This effect could be explained by the fact
that the hemoglobin and ferritin levels are not
reciprocally linear. Hemoglobin and ferritin levels posttreatment reflect erythropoeitic recovery on the one hand,
followed by a reactive decrease in ferritin due to feedback
at the mRNA level on the other.25 In our study we not
included the ferritin level because it is very costly
investigation, and our hospital mostly serving poor
peoples, so it is not affordable to patients and hospital
also, so we include only basic investigation for these
patients, and we found that, Iron sucrose administration
was found to be a safe treatment with few, transient and
reversible side effects, even in small children. Further
research involving a larger population specially below the
one year age of patients is needed to determine the safety
and efficacy of intravenous iron therapy in small age
group children.


Funding: No funding sources

Conflict of interest: None declared
Ethical approval: The study was approved by the
institutional ethics committee of Mahatma Mission
hospital and medical college







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DOI: 10.5455/2349-3291.ijcp20150203
Cite this article as: Siddiqui SS, Jaybhaye DL, Kale A,
Kakade J, Engade M, Haseeb M. Efficacy and safety of
intravenous iron sucrose therapy in a group of children
with iron deficiency anemia. Int J Contemp Pediatr

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