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Scientia Horticulturae 203 (2016) 111

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Assessing genetic and phenotypic diversity in pepper (Capsicum

annuum L.) landraces from North-West Spain
Antonio Rivera a , Ana B. Monteagudo b , Ernesto Igartua c , Alfredo Taboada a ,
Alba Garca-Ulloa b , Federico Pomar b , Manuel Riveiro-Leira d , Cristina Silvar b,

Centro de Investigaciones Agrarias de Mabegondo, 15318 A Coru

na, Spain
Grupo de Investigacin en Bioloxa Evolutiva, Departamento de Bioloxa Animal, Bioloxa Vexetal e Ecoloxa, Centro de Investigaciones Cientcas
Avanzadas (CICA), Universidade da Coru
na, 15071 A Coru
na, Spain
Departamento de Gentica y Produccin Vegetal, Estacin Experimental Aula Dei, CSIC, 50059 Zaragoza, Spain
Estacin Experimental Agrcola do Baixo Mi
no, 36471 Pontevedra, Spain

a r t i c l e

i n f o

Article history:
Received 4 May 2015
Received in revised form 18 January 2016
Accepted 4 March 2016
Available online 14 March 2016
Capsicum annuum
Genetic diversity
Morphological characterization

a b s t r a c t
Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) is one of the most valuable vegetables in the world. Over the last decades,
highly performing cultivars have progressively replaced the diversied and heterogeneous landraces
worldwide, causing wide genetic erosion in this crop. The recovery of these ancient landraces, which
might preserve alleles of agricultural interest and local adaptations, results of pivotal importance for the
development of new varieties and the maintenance of a sustainable agriculture. In the present work, a
collection of twenty-six landrace-derived inbred lines and three landraces from North-West Spain were
evaluated for their agronomic performance and genetic diversity based on a set of twenty-seven morphological descriptors and twenty microsatellite markers. The collection featured phenotypic variability
for all the studied traits, which were inuenced by the location, except for the yield. The principal component analysis divided the landraces in well-dened groups, with only Arnoia, Punxin and Blanco Rosal
showing some degree of overlapping. The greater part of the variance was accounted for traits such
as fruit weight, pericarp thickness and fruit shape and color. The molecular analyses suggested a high
level of genetic diversity within the collection and the presence of specic alleles, which were not previously detected in other Spanish pepper landraces. Multivariate and Bayesian clustering showed that
landraces were primarily grouped according to their geographical origin and secondarily in agreement
with the characteristics of their fruits. Six groups of landraces, with a great genetic differentiation, were
clearly identied. Only the landraces Mougan and Arnoia possessed an allele associated to the pungency
2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction
The genus Capsicum (family Solanaceae) originated in the tropical South American region centered in what is now Bolivia
(Eshbaugh, 1993). Nowadays, the number of recognized species
in the genus is twenty-seven, ve of which were domesticated
from distinct events at different primary diversication centers
(Andrews, 1995; Baral and Bosland, 2002). Among these ve,
Capsicum annuum L. is the most widespread and economically
important Capsicum species worldwide as well as the most used
in commercial cultivar breeding programs (Bosland and Votava,
2000). C. annuum was domesticated in Mexico from the wild bird

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (C. Silvar).
0304-4238/ 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

pepper or Chiltepin (C. annuum var. glabriusculum) and subsequently introduced to Europe by Columbus in the 15th century
(Andrews, 1995; Perry et al., 2007; Kraft et al., 2014). Afterwards, it
was rapidly distributed to Africa, India and China, where it came
into wide cultivation giving way to a current crop of immense
cultural and economic importance because of its multiple uses
(Bosland and Votava, 2000; Kumar et al., 2006). Thousands of years
of human selections in multiple environments and cultural contexts led to the impressive phenotypic diversity of contemporary
C. annuum fruits (Nuez et al., 1996; Djian-Caporalino et al., 2007;
Nicola et al., 2013). In general, continued selection was driven to
obtain lines with non-deciduous, pendant, larger and non-pungent
fruits with greater shape variation and increased fruit mass (Paran
and van der Knaap, 2007). The main negative effect of migrations
and consequent articial selections in the secondary diversication
centers was the dramatic reduction in the genetic basis of pep-

A. Rivera et al. / Scientia Horticulturae 203 (2016) 111

per, as occurred for the majority of cultivated species (Tang et al.,

2010). Such genetic erosion has become more evident during the
past century, when modern breeding promoted the development
and worldwide utilization of highly performing commercial cultivars and hybrids, which are genetically uniform and therefore
more vulnerable to any biotic or abiotic stress (Votava et al., 2005).
At the present time, with the imminent climate change and the
worldwide increasing demand of food, to recover the lost genetic
variability and made it available to plant breeders become a mandatory task. In this context, pepper landraces, i.e. native varieties
empirically selected by farmers over time and well adapted to the
agro-environments in which they have been cultivated for long
time, represent valuable reservoirs of genetic diversity that has
not been fully exploited (Zeven, 1998; Pacheco-Olvera et al., 2012;
Liu et al., 2013). Additionally, landraces are commonly associated
to better sensory traits, which would serve to explore new niche
markets oriented to worldwide consumers willing to pay higher
prices for new pepper varieties combining improved taste, healthy
benets and nutritional properties (Casals et al., 2011; Patil et al.,
In Spain, as in other parts of Southern Europe, the versatility of agro-climatic regions and the heterogeneity of the land
favoured the survival in cultivation of a large number of specically
adapted pepper landraces very diverse phenotypically (Carravedo
et al., 2005; Gonzlez-Prez et al., 2014). Part of these landraces
was conned to North-West Spain (region of Galicia), where they
suffered from selection by farmers, generally directed at fruit
attributes, under restricted areas. As a consequence, groups of morphologically recognizable landraces have been dened based on
ethnobotanical characteristics in the North (Couto, Couto Grande

Center (Padron and Mougan) and South (Blanco Rosal,

and Pineira),
Arnoia, Punxin and Oimbra) of Galicia (unpublished data). These
landraces are still broadly cultivated in NW Spain, where they sustain the local economy of small horticultural cooperatives. Seeds
from different populations of each local variety were collected by
the Centro de Investigaciones Agrarias de Mabegondo (CIAM) (A
Spain), where landrace-derived inbred lines have been
obtained during the last decade. This germplasm collection has
been partially investigated and data revealed that some of these
landraces contain remarkable amounts of vitamin C and antioxidant compounds (unpublished data) and might result exceptionally
valuable for the processing industries (Rodriguez-Bao et al., 2004).
Such peculiarities make this collection an interesting resource
that might be promptly employed for the breeding and scientic
communities, as long as a meticulous characterization is being
performed. For that purpose, the combination of a morphological approach together with a molecular evaluation will invariably
result in more reliable and accurate conclusions (Geleta et al.,
2005; Zeinalabedini et al., 2012; Mercati et al., 2014). Among many
types of molecular markers that have been developed during the
past decades, including the lately released Affymetrix GeneChip
array (Ashra et al., 2012; Hill et al., 2013), microsatellites or Simple Sequence Repeats (SSRs) are still the most attractive ones for
genetic diversity analysis and breeding in plants (Varshney et al.,
2005). SSRs are co-dominant, multi-allelic, highly variable and they
can be assayed in any laboratory with minimum facilities as well
as automated with capillary sequencers for moderate throughput
(Schuelke, 2000). In addition, microsatellites performed superiorly
than SNPs in resolving population structure (Hamblin et al., 2007;
Singh et al., 2013).
The main goal of the present work was to evaluate a collection
of twenty-six inbred lines derived from nine different pepper landraces and three landraces still cultivated in NW Spain. The genetic
relationships and the level of genetic diversity within and among
landraces were investigated in a set of twenty publicly available
SSR markers. Likewise, the agronomic performance of lines was

Table 1
Common name and origin of the landraces from NW Spain used in the present work.


Blanco Rosal
Couto Grande




AR330-05, AR55,
AR65, AR45,
Co5A, Co10A,
OI27-05, OI30-04





O Rosal



A Coruna


A Coruna



A Coruna





All lines, except AR45, AR55 and AR65, are landraces-derived inbred lines.

assessed with twenty-seven morphological traits (IPGR descriptors) in two different locations.
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Plant material
Twenty-six pepper (C. annuum) inbred lines derived from nine
different landraces, collected as seeds from farmers in the main
growing regions of Galicia (NW Spain) and three landraces (AR45,
AR55 and AR65), were used in this work (Table 1, Fig. S1).
2.2. Agro-morphological characterization
The twenty-nine lines were evaluated over three years
(20052007) in two experimental elds located in Northern and
Southern Galicia. The rst one was at the Centro de Investiga Spain) (43
ciones Agrarias de Mabegondo (Mabegondo, A Coruna,

15 N, 8 18 W). The second eld was located at Estacin Exper (Salceda de Caselas, Pontevedra,
imental Agrcola de Baixo Mino
Spain) (42 6 N, 8 33 W), about 10 Km far from the border with
Portugal. Both areas, approximately 200 Km distant, belong to the
same climate region (Mediterranean maritime) according to the
classication of Papadakis (1975) and they exhibit little differences
in their agro-climatic conditions. During the time of experiments
(20052007) slightly higher mean temperatures were observed in
Salceda (13.5 C) with respect to Mabegondo (11 C), with averages per year of 14 C, 13 C and 13.5 C for the rst and 11 C,
12 C and 11.5 C for the second site. On the contrary, the rainfall
accomplished better at the latter location (mean values of 85.4 L/m2
against 71.2 L/m2 ). Thus, average values per year (2005, 2006 and
2007) for Mabegondo were 70.1, 105.8 and 80.2 L/m2 , while 62.8,
82.4 and 68.5 L/m2 for Salceda. Seeds were sown under greenhouse conditions and the seedlings were transplanted to the eld
in the month of April. The experimental design was a complete
randomized block with three replications for a total of 84 plants
per plot. Agro-morphological data were collected from 10 plants
and 25 fruits per replicate. Twenty-seven traits associated to both

A. Rivera et al. / Scientia Horticulturae 203 (2016) 111

the plant and the fruit were evaluated on the basis of the Capsicum
descriptors developed by the International Plant Genetic Resources
Institute (IPGRI, 1995): plant height (cm), plant growth habit, plant
canopy width (cm), stem length (cm), stem diameter (cm), stem
color, stem shape, stem pubescence, nodal anthocyanin, fruit length
(cm), fruit width (cm), fruit weight (g), fruit pedicel length (cm),
fruit wall thickness (mm), placenta length (mm), number of locules,
fruit set, fruit color at intermediate stage, fruit color at mature
stage, presence of anthocyanin stripes, fruit shape, fruit shape at
pedicel attachment, neck at base of fruit, fruit shape at blossom
end, fruit blossom end appendage, fruit cross-sectional corrugation and fruit surface. Harvesting was performed from middle July
to middle September and the yield of each line was recorded in
kilograms per square meter (kg/m2 ) and number of fruits per plant
(n fruits/plant).
Quantitative data were examined with an analysis of variance (ANOVA) using a 99% condence interval followed by means
comparison with Waller-Duncans test or Least Signicant Differences (LSD) test ( = 0.05). Qualitative characters were expressed
as relative frequencies for each landrace at any specic location
(Mabegondo or Salceda). In addition, both sets of variables were
subjected to principal component analysis (PCA) to obtain a general
overview of the structure of variation within and among landraces.
All statistical analyses were performed with SPSS software version
17.0 (SPSS, 2008).
2.3. Molecular marker analysis
Genomic DNA was isolated from young leaves of each line following the CTAB method (Doyle and Doyle, 1987). DNA quality
was evaluated on agarose gels and DNA concentrations were determined with a NanoDrop ND-1000 spectrophotometer (NanoDrop
Technologies, Wilmington DE). Final DNA concentrations were
adjusted to 25 ng l1 and they were stored at 20 C until used.
Twenty publicly available microsatellite markers (thirteen genomic
and seven EST-based SSRs), distributed across the twelve pepper
chromosomes, were selected according to their observed polymorphism in Spanish pepper landraces (Gonzlez-Prez et al., 2014)
(Table 2). The sequences of primer pairs were obtained from Lee
et al. (2004), Minamiyama et al. (2006), Yi et al. (2006), Ben-Chaim
et al. (2006), Nagy et al. (2007). All 20 SSRs were unlinked, according to the genetic maps of Barchi et al. (2007), Wu et al. (2009),
Mimura et al. (2012) and Sugita et al. (2013). PCR amplication
and detection of microsatellite markers were performed according to the methodology reported by Schuelke (2000) based on the
uorescently labelling of universal primers. Briey, an M13 tail
(5 -CACGACGTTGTAAAACGAC-3 ) was added to the 5 end of each
publicly available forward primer cited above. A universal primer
with a complementary sequence to the M13 tail was labelled with
different uorophores (6-Fam, Hex or Ned). PCR was carried out in
a nal volume of 15 L, which contained 5075 ng of genomic DNA,
1X PCR Buffer (NZYTech), 2.5 mM MgCl2 (NZYTech), 0.02 M of the
forward primer, 0.2 M of reverse primer, 0.18 M of the universal primer, dNTPs (NZYTech) at 0.2 mM each, and 0.4 U of Taq DNA
Polymerase (NZYTech). All fragments were amplied using the following touchdown PCR prole: an initial denaturing step of 5 min at
94 C was followed by 35 cycles with denaturation at 94 C for 30 s
and extension at 72 C for 30 s, respectively. The annealing temperature was decreased in 0.5 C increments from 62 C in the rst cycle
to 56 C and was then kept constant for the remaining 35 cycles
(always 3050 s). A nal extension step was performed at 72 C for
10 min. DNA fragments were resolved in an Applied Biosystems
3130xl Genetic Analyzer. The allele sizes were assigned with the
GeneMapper 3.7 software (Applied Biosystems). The putative presence of the pungency trait in the C. annuum lines was assessed by
using the molecular marker MAP1, which was developed based on a

DNA sequence with high similarity to Pun1 locus (Rodrguez-Maza

et al., 2012).
The number of observed alleles per locus, the observed heterozygosity (Ho ), the Neis unbiased gene diversity index (uHe ) (Nei,
1978) and the Wrights xation index (Fis ) were calculated using
GenAlex software v6.5 (Peakall and Smouse, 2012). PIC (Polymorphism Information Content) values for each marker were computed
according to the formula of Botstein et al. (1980) implemented
in the Excel Microsatellite Toolkit (Park, 2001). To determine the
genetic uniqueness of each inbred line, the multilocus DNA prole
of all the lines was compared by using the software Identity 1.0
(Wagner and Sefc, 1999). Redundancy was determined as the proportion of distinguishable genotypes (Ellstrand and Roose, 1987)
and the percentage of genotypes that could be related by mutation
was calculated by considering such as those that only differed in
one allele (Boccacci et al., 2006; Pereira-Lorenzo et al., 2011).
The marker data were used to generate a 0/1 matrix (presence/absence of allele at the marker locus), which was employed to
estimate the genotypic distances between lines. Pairwise similarities were calculated using the Dice coefcient (Nei and Li, 1979).
A tree depicting the genetic similarities of the different lines was
built from the similarity matrix using the Unweighted Pair Group
Method with Arithmetic Mean (UPGMA) (1000 bootstraped). Analyses were carried out using R software (v3.0.2) (R Development
Core Team, 2014) and the graphical representation of the tree was
performed with MEGA software v6 (Tamura et al., 2013). Genetic
relationships among landraces were further assessed with the software NTSYSpc v. 2.1 (Rohlf, 2000) by using a Neis distance matrix
based on allelic frequencies (Nei, 1978).
In order to investigate the structure of the collection and to
assign individuals to populations based on the SSR genotypes, a
Bayesian model-based clustering procedure implemented in the
software STRUCTURE 2.3.4 was used (Pritchard et al., 2000). The
tests were performed using an admixture model with correlated
allele frequencies and by setting the number of populations (K)
from 1 to 12, with 10 independent simulations for each K. Each run
consisted of a burn-in period of 500,000 steps and 2 106 Markov
Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) repetitions. In order to assess the best K
value supported by the data, the K method described by Evanno
et al. (2005) was used through Structure Harvester v. 6.93 (Earl
and vonHoldt, 2012) to examine the rate of change in successive
posterior probabilities over the range of K values. Genotypes were
assigned to the group for whom they had the highest membership
coefcient, considering strong afnity when the membership coefcient (qI) was 80% (Breton et al., 2008; Ferreira dos Santos et al.,
2011). CLUMPP (Jakobsson and Rosenberg, 2007) was employed
to generate Q values for groups from the STRUCTURE data using
the Greedy K algorithm. Genetic variation between groups and
sub-groups dened by UPGMA and STRUCTURE was assessed with
an analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) by using the software
Arlequin v. 3.5 (Excofer et al., 2005).

3. Results
3.1. Morphological characterization
A broad phenotypic variation was found for most of the parameters studied in the collection of pepper lines. The distribution
of the different qualitative morphological characters was represented as the percentage of relative frequencies for each group
of landraces at any different location (Fig. S2). Little discordance
was observed between the two experimental sites. Among the
agronomic traits, all the pepper plants showed a growth habit
erect, the stem colour was mostly green with sparse pubescence,
except for Mougan, which showed an intermediate-dense level of

A. Rivera et al. / Scientia Horticulturae 203 (2016) 111

Table 2
Microsatellite markers evaluated for the genotyping of the C. annuum collection. Name, chromosomal position, repeat sequence and source are indicated. For each locus:
number of alleles observed (Na), range of alleles sizes, observed heterozygosity (Ho ), Neis unbiased gene diversity (uHe ), Wrightxation index (Fis ) and Polymorphism
Information Content (PIC).





Range (bp)







(CT)2 (AG)15
(GA)16 (TG)2
(TG)3 . . .(AG)26
(AT)11 (GT)17
(CT)6 (AT)8
(CT)17 (CA)5 A21
(GA)3 (TAT)16

Lee et al. (2004)

Lee et al. (2004)
Lee et al. (2004)
Yi et al. (2006)
Lee et al. (2004)
Minamiyama et al. (2006)
Ben-Chaim et al. (2006)
Lee et al. (2004)
Nagy et al. (2007)
Lee et al. (2004)
Yi et al. (2006)
Yi et al. (2006)
Lee et al. (2004)
Yi et al. (2006)
Minamiyama et al. (2006)
Yi et al. (2006)
Lee et al. (2004)
Minamiyama et al. (2006)
Yi et al. (2006)
Nagy et al. (2007)







pubescence. Stem shape was cylindrical and anthocyanin was visible in the internodes, varying from light to dark purple (Fig. S2).
The qualitative fruit characters showed broader variation. Fruit set
ranged from intermediate to high and fruit shape varied from triangular (Blanco Rosal, Oimbra and Punxin) to blocky (Couto Grande,

Mougan and Padron) (Fig. S2). Fruit color at intermediate
stage was white for Blanco Rosal, Oimbra and Punxin, and green
for the others, whereas fruit color at mature stage mostly varied
between red and dark red. All fruits had a smooth surface and only
few showed anthocyanin stripes (Fig. S2).
The analysis of variance for quantitative descriptors was rstly
performed independently at each experimental location, in order
to check the potential effect of variable climatic conditions over the
evaluated periods. Signicant differences among years were found
at each site for all traits, except for fruit length (Mabegondo), fruit
wall thickness and number of locules (Salceda). Differences in yield
traits were detected only in Mabegondo (Table S1). Nevertheless,
the percentage of variance explained by the year together with
the interaction landrace year was small compared to that arising from the genotypic effects (Table S1), and it mostly resulted
from divergent means observed in 2006 (data not shown). ANOVA
analysis considering the two different locations showed signicant
(p < 0.001) differences for all of the quantitative characters under
study. In general, differences were detected among landraces, environments and for the interaction landrace location (Table 3). The
yield, expressed as n fruits/plant and kg/m2 was slightly inuenced
by the experimental site. Thus, landrace location interaction was
not signicant for the trait kg/m2 , but the location showed a signicant effect on the n fruits/plant (Table 3). Couto and Padron
exhibited the highest yield for both places (141 and 146.6 kg/m2 ,

respectively), whereas Couto Grande and Pineira

produced the lowest ones (12.6 and 14 kg/m2 , respectively), although these were
not statistically different from those obtained with Oimbra, Punxin,
Arnoia and Blanco Rosal (Table S2). A similar trend was observed for
the fruit weight trait, being much lower in Couto and Padron (27.4
and 28.1 g, respectively), compared to Couto Grande (193.9 g). In
particular, the effect of landrace was predominant for the majority of fruit and plant characters, except for stem diameter and
fruit pedicel length, whose variability was better explained by the
location effect (Table 3). Location also displayed a notable inuence on characters such as plant height and width. In general, for
those traits, the region of Mabegondo exhibited higher values than

Salceda (Table S3). The landraces that displayed a greater differentiation depending of the environment were Blanco Rosal, Mougan
and Punxin, especially for the attributes plant height, plant width
and fruit weight (Table S3). Only the total number of harvested
kilograms per square meter were not signicantly different at both
locations, the mean value for this character at Mabegondo being of
53.2 kg/m2 , while 58.7 kg/m2 for Salceda (Table S3).
A principal component analysis was performed separately with
both sets of descriptors in order to more accurately determine the
most effective attributes in discriminating among landraces, and
to avoid a potential reduction in the variance due to excessive
number of variables or the presence of scale-based traits. Those
traits related to yield were considered as quantitative characters.
PCA based on quantitative data resulted in three principal components with eigenvalues > 1, cumulatively accounting for 85.61%
of the total variance (Table S4). The rst component explained
47.21% of the total variance and it was positively and strongly correlated with fruit weight, width and wall thickness, and negatively
correlated in a robust manner with kg/m2 (Table S4). The second
component, which explained 29.98% of the total variance, had plant
height, width and stem length with the highest coefcients. Finally,
the third component contributed only for 8.42% of the total variance and the n fruits/plant was the main trait responsible for the
observed variability (Table S4). These three components were used
to obtain the diagram of dispersion for all the twenty-nine lines,
giving the picture of the differences among the nine groups of lan
draces (Fig. 1). Couto Grande, Pineira,
Oimbra, Padron, Couto and
Mougan, were represented as well-dened clusters, while Arnoia
and Punxin, and Blanco Rosal to a lesser extent, showed some
degree of overlapping (Fig. 1). The rst axis, mainly related to variation in fruit characters, clearly separated the landraces with large

from those with the

fruits (e.g. Couto Grande, Oimbra and Pineira)
smallest ones (Padron, Couto and Mougan) (Fig. 1, Table S2). The
second component, mostly concerned with plant traits, differentiated Padron (tallest plants with highest width and stem length)
from Mougan (shortest plants with lowest width and stem length)
(Fig. 1, Table S2). The third axis did not allow resolving the overlay
among Arnoia, Punxin and Blanco Rosal, as these landraces displayed similar values for the n fruits/plant trait (Fig. 1, Table S2).
Regarding the qualitative characters, those descriptors that showed
little polymorphism or varied in only one landrace were not considered for the principal component analysis. In that case, the three

A. Rivera et al. / Scientia Horticulturae 203 (2016) 111

Table 3
Analysis of variance (sum of squares) for test of signicance of differences among landraces, locations and their interaction for thirteen quantitative traits in a collection of
twenty-nine Galician lines.
Source of variation


Plant width

Landrace (L)
Location (Lo)
L Lo



Source of variation
Landrace (L)
Location (Lo)
L Lo


Fruit pedicel lengthFruit wall thickness

*** 3938.91
*** 82.65
*** 53.79


Stem length


Stem diameter Plant height




N of locules


Fruit lenght

Placenta lenght


Fruit width

N fruits/plant

1.14E + 06
1.76E + 03
8.09E + 03
2.16E + 05

Fruit weight

7.70E + 06
5.22E + 04
5.33E + 04
2.62E + 06



Signicant at P=0.05, 0.01 and 0.001, respectively.

Fig. 1. Scatter plot of the PCA analysis based on thirteen quantitative characters. (A) PC1 vs PC2, (B) PC3 vs PC2.

Fig. 2. Scatter plot of the PCA analysis based on eight qualitative traits. (A) PC1 vs PC2, (B) PC3 vs PC2.

rst components of the PCA accounted, respectively, for 43.41,

16.13 and 14.61% of the total variance (Table S4). The rst component was positively correlated with the fruit shape at blossom end,
the fruit color and fruit shape, whereas the second and third components were mainly correlated with the corrugation and the fruit
shape at pedicel attachment, respectively (Table S4). The projection of the genotypes on a two-dimensional plot revealed that the
accessions of each landrace presented a higher degree of dispersion
in the graph than that observed in the above PCA (Fig. 2). Nevertheless, a better resolution was observed for Arnoia, Punxin and Blanco

Rosal, which showed decreasing values for the rst component,

supported by descriptors such as fruit color and shape (Fig. 2).

3.2. Molecular analysis

All amplied loci showed polymorphism in the analysed collections. The 20 SSR markers produced a total of 60 alleles in
the 29 pepper landrace-derived inbred lines (Table 2), ranging
from 2 (Hpms1-148, HmpsE075, Hpms2-2, Hpms2-24, CA523558,
HpmsE145, EPMS342, HpmsE082) to 7 (GPMS197), with an average of 3 distinct alleles per locus. Allele sizes varied between 118 bp

A. Rivera et al. / Scientia Horticulturae 203 (2016) 111

Table 4
Diversity parameters calculated for the different groups of landraces. N = number of
genotypes, Ho = observed heterozigosity, uHe = Neis unbiased gene diversity (uHe ),
Fis = Wrightxation index. Numbers in brackets in the last column indicate the
frequencies for each private allele.




N private alleles

Blanco Rosal
Couto Grande






1 (60%)
1 (100%)
4 (100%), 1 (50%)
1 (na)
1 (na)
1 (83%), 1 (75%)

1 (na)







(EMPS426) and 360 bp (EMPS342). The observed heterozygosity

(Ho ) was zero for 15 out of 20 markers, and for the others ranged
from 0.034 (HpmsE075) to 0.103 (GMPS197) (Table 2). The lowest Neis unbiased gene diversity (uHe ) was 0.19 (HpmsE082) and
the maximum was 0.84 (GMPS197). Fis values were positive and
close to one for the twenty tested SSRs (Table 2). The Polymorphism
Information Content (PIC), which depicts the number of alleles and
their distribution, was calculated to determine the informativeness
of each marker. The average PIC value for the whole collection of
pepper landraces was of 0.44. The most informative marker was
GMPS197, with a PIC value of 0.82, while the minimum PIC was
recorded for HpmsE082 (PIC = 0.17) (Table 2).
The Ho and Neis unbiased gene diversity index (uHe ), which
summarize the fundamental genetic variation of a group, were calculated in the different pepper landraces, excluding those with
only one line (Table 4). The observed heterozygosity was very
low, with a mean value of 0.014 for the whole collection, and

only Couto, Mougn, Oimbra and Pineira

exhibited few heterozygous genotypes. The Neis index displayed an average of 0.51 for
the combination of lines, the most diverse landrace being Arnoia
(uHe = 0.21), whereas Blanco Rosal, Padron and Punxin did not display any differentiation among their derived lines. The average
value for the inbreeding coefcient (Fis ) in the entire group of landraces was high (0.97), conrming the low level of heterozygosity
among the genotypes analyzed (Table 4). Twelve out of sixty alleles (20%) were considered as unique alleles, i.e., alleles present in
only one landrace and absent in the others. Five of them (8.3%) in
ve different loci (HpmsE016, HpmsE031, Hpms1-143, HpmsE082
and Hpms1-139) were recorded in inbred lines derived from Couto
(Table 4). Analysis with the software Identity revealed that four
groups of landraces (Blanco Rosal, Punxin, Padron and Mougan)
possessed lines with the same SSR prole. The size of duplicate
genotypes varied from two in Blanco Rosal and Punxin, to six in
Padron. Within the remaining nineteen unique genotypes, differences involving a single allele were detected between Co12B and
Co5A. Similarly, few lines from distinct landraces differ with others in only two alleles and they might be also related by mutation.
This is the case for Blanco Rosal, which diverge from AR33005
at two loci or Couto Grande, which shared 90% of its marker pro
The potential pungency of the pepper accessions
le with Pineira.
was investigated with the specic marker MAP1. Five inbred lines
derived from Mougan (MG14-04, MG77-04, MG279-05, MG31805 and MG335-05) and two from Arnoia (AR45 and AR55) carried
the allele of 494 bp associated to pungency. The remaining lines
displayed the non-pungent allele of 479 bp (data not shown).
Those genotypes previously identied as redundant were not
considered in cluster and STRUCTURE analyses, although they were
maintained in Fig. 3 for the sake of clarity. Pairwise similarities
among lines were computed using the Dice coefcient and the

resulting matrix was employed to generate a dendrogram using

the UPGMA clustering algorithm. Based on the similarity of their
alleles, all inbred lines derived from Couto, Couto Grande and

were clustered in a well-dened group with a bootstrap

of 93.1%, and they differed from the other landraces at a similarity level of ca. 0.34 (Fig. 3a). At a coefcient of similarity of 0.5,
the collection of pepper landraces from Galicia was divided into
three major clusters: cluster A (11 lines), cluster B (12 lines) and
cluster C (6 lines), supported by bootstrap values of 100%, 70.9%
and 93.1%, respectively (Fig. 3a). Clustering pattern was primarily based upon geographical origin: cluster A corresponds with
landraces original from Southern Galicia (Arnoia, Blanco Rosal,
Oimbra and Punxin), while cluster B includes landraces from the
central part (Padron and Mougan), and cluster C comprises landraces derived from the Northernmost region of Galicia (Fig. 3a).
All three clusters could be further split into smaller groups, most
of them also supported by good condence values. Thus, cluster A
was sub-divided in two sub-groups: A.1 (Oimbra and Punxin) and
A.2 (Arnoia and Blanco Rosal), cluster B consisted of two other subgroups: B.1 (Padron, MG14-04 and MG101-04) and B.2 (Mougan),
and nally cluster C was divided into sub-group C.1 (Couto) and

C.2 (Couto Grande and Pineira)

(Fig. 3a). The UPGMA dendrogram
based on Neis genetic distances dened by SSR markers conrmed
that landraces were clearly grouped in three clusters following
a geographical pattern (Fig. S4). The narrowest genetic distance
(0.21) was found between Arnoia and Blanco Rosal, suggesting that
these two materials share a common genetic background. Couto

Grande was closely related to Pineira

(0.33) and these two peppers, together with Couto, constituted the Northern group and
positioned rather distant (0.93) from the other clusters (Fig. S3).
Genetic relationships among landrace-derived pepper lines were
further investigated with the software STRUCTURE, which allowed
assigning individuals to specic populations. The log probability of
data (ln[Pr(X/K)]), after the Evanno et al. (2005) correction, showed
a clear maximum for K = 6. The majority of lines had membership coefcients qI > 80% for each specic group (Fig. 3b), and only
MG14-04 and MG101-04 showed admixture (qI < 80%), possessing
a genomic composition between Padron and Mougan. The partitioning level observed after the Bayesian analysis was clearly in
agreement with the six groups (A.1, A.2, B.1, B.2, C.1, C.2) previously dened by the cluster division (Fig. 3b). As stated above, the
lines distributed among the six inferred populations on the basis
of their geographical origin. The further exploration of increasing
values of K, allowed a greater differentiation of groups of landraces
(Fig. 3c). Thus, at K = 8, Arnoia and Blanco Rosal (A.1) were split
into two different populations, although inbred lines derived from
Arnoia still maintained some degree of ancestry (qI between 6.8%
and 63%) with Blanco Rosal lines (Fig. 3c). Similarly, the group
A.2 became divided into two smaller groups composed by Oimbra
and Punxin, respectively. The other groups (B.1, B.2, C.1, and C.2)
remained inseparable (Fig. 3c). A detailed analysis of results suggested that apart from their origin, the genetic relationships among
all sub-groups showed rather good coherence with pepper plant
and fruit traits, such as it was deduced by the output obtained after
morphological assessment. Thus, cluster A was characterized by
plants with large fruits (weight > 80 g, width > 5 cm, pericarp thickness > 3 mm) mostly triangular and white at the intermediate stage
of ripening. Cluster B basically include landraces with smaller fruits
(weight < 40 g, width < 5 cm, pericarp thickness < 3 mm), which are
blocky in shape and green colour in the plant. Interestingly, cluster
C comprises lines with both small and large blocky fruits with green
colour; Couto possessed the characteristics associated to small pep
pers, while Couto Grande and Pineira
displayed traits typical of
larger berries (Fig. 3c, Table S2). Subsequent subdivisions might be
explained by other qualitative and quantitative characters, which
clearly differ among landraces within each cluster (Table S2).

A. Rivera et al. / Scientia Horticulturae 203 (2016) 111

Fig. 3. (A) Dendrogram of twenty-nine landraces-derived inbred lines revealed by UPGMA cluster analysis based on Dice distance derived from twenty SSRs. Numbers in
brackets indicate bootstrap values expressed as percentages. (B) Structure bar plots at K = 6 and K = 8 (C) The twenty-nine genotypes are ordered according to the UPGMA
tree. Each colour represents a different group and the proportion of a given genotypes color represents the proportion that genotype belongs to the corresponding group.

Table 5
AMOVA partition of molecular variance for three and six groups suggested by the
UPGMA derived dendrogram and the STRUCTURE analysis.
Source of variations df

Sum of squares Variance components % Total p value

3 groups
Among groups
Within groups

2 63.37
55 138.52
57 201.89




6 groups
Among groups
Within groups

5 141.58
52 60.32





57 201.89



AMOVA was performed between all lines, grouped according

to cluster and STRUCTURE outputs. Analysis of clusters A, B and
C indicated that 61.65% of the variation was due to differences
within groups, while 38.35% was due to differences among groups
(Table 5). The overall FST value of 0.38 suggested a large genetic
differentiation between groups of landraces. Pairwise estimates of
FST using AMOVA revealed a signicant degree of differentiation (p
value between 0.0001 and 0.05) among the three groups with values ranging from 0.23 to 0.44 (between A and B: 0.44 (p < 0.0001),
A and C: 0.23 (p < 0.05), B and C: 0.40 (p < 0.0001)). The analysis
of molecular variance at the six hierarchical levels showed that
most of the variation occurred among groups (71.46%), although
a considerable proportion was also found within groups (28.54%)
(Table 5). In this case, the greatest genetic differentiation was found
between A.1 and B.2. (FST = 0.46, p < 0.05), while the lowest was
observed between B.1 and C.1 (FST = 0.88, p < 0.0001).
4. Discussion
A collection comprising twenty-nine inbred lines, mostly
derived from nine pepper landraces collected at different regions
in NW Spain was evaluated with twenty-seven agro-morphological
descriptors and twenty SSR markers. These old landraces, selected

locally by farmers across many years on the basis of a recognizable performance, are still cultivated nowadays because of
their high quality and good acceptance in the national market.
On a global scale, this collection represents a valuable source of
unexploited variability in a cultivated background that might be
easily employed with breeding purposes. For that goal, the accurate assessment and description of trait variation is of crucial
signicance in the success of any program aimed at the selection of genotypes harboring those features mainly demanded by
consumers. Similarly, the evaluation of genetic variability among
genotypes results essential for the conservation and protection of
any genetic resource, but also for broadening the genetic basis of
cultivated varieties, promoting a sustainable agriculture (FAO, 2010
Ortiz et al., 2010; Sparato and Negri, 2013). Both approaches are
addressed in the present work in order to gain a better knowledge
on Galician pepper landraces and design suitable strategies for their
future exploitation.
Agronomic results of eld trials pointed out a notable phenotypic variability among landraces. Qualitative traits were not
highly affected by the location and only a few discrepancies arose
among and within landraces, which could be also attributed to
the ambiguity of any visual classication based on pre-established
morphological categories. On the contrary, the year and location of
eld trials exerted a certain inuence on the majority of quantitative descriptors, although the latter possessed a more remarkable
effect. Productivity, expressed as kg/m2 , was signicantly different
over the three assayed years in Mabegondo, but it was not signicantly affected by the regional conditions, performances of all
distinct landraces being comparable between both experimental
sites. Indeed, differences in yield among lines within each landrace were neither detected for this parameter, suggesting a high
adaptability of the different genotypes. Other parameters associate
to yield, such as the number of fruits per plant and fruit weight
were signicantly affected by the location, although in those cases
the landrace location interaction represented a small percentage of the total variance. Indeed, a low correlation (20%) was found
between the number of fruits per plant and the kg/m2 . In oppo-

A. Rivera et al. / Scientia Horticulturae 203 (2016) 111

sition to productivity, environmental conditions showed a certain

effect on other landraces traits mostly associated to plant and fruit
growth, such as plant width and height, stem diameter and fruit
pedicel length. Such effect might be attributed to slightly variable
climatic parameters among years and locations. For instance, rainfalls were superior in 2006 and the average water availability was
greater in the Northern site, which might explain in part the better
performance of the majority of landraces at this location. Nevertheless, these environmental variations were not sufcient to modify
the productivity of landraces, suggesting that the different genotypes could easily adapt to distinct agro-climatic areas.
The most representative traits describing the phenotypic diversity of the genotypes were dened by PCA analysis. Thus, nine
groups of landraces were primarily separated on the basis of fruit
dimension, weight, pericarp thickness and productivity (kg/m2 ).
Only Arnoia, Punxin and Blanco Rosal showed some degree of
overlapping for quantitative traits, which was resolved when the
qualitative descriptors were investigated. Among qualitative traits,
fruit shape, colour and blossom end were the ones that most contributed to the organization of genotypes in the space dened by the
rst component. However, in this case, the distinctive genotypes
from specic landraces were plotted in a more disperse manner.
Such organization might be attributed to the inuence or other
characters but also to the presence among the different landraces of
certain intermediate morphotypes hard to classify based on a visual
inspection (Portis et al., 2006; Bozokalfa et al., 2009; Yumnam et al.,
2012). Plant characters such as plant height, plant width and stem
length were the most important attributes in the second component, featuring 32.8% of total variation, and drastically separating
Padron and Mougan. Earlier works also pointed to plant traits as less
signicant contributors to the classication of accessions in clusters
(Bozokalfa et al., 2009; Yumnam et al., 2012). Groupings primarily based on fruit traits agreed with those previously observed
in pepper landrace collections from Italy and Turkey, although in
those reports plant descriptors explained a variable percentage of
the variance ranging from 13.9% (Bozokalfa et al., 2009) to 62.4%
(Portis et al., 2006). Similar trends were also reported for other Capsicum species and closely related horticultural crops, like tomato
(Mazzucato et al., 2008; Carvalho et al., 2014; Mercati et al., 2014).
Results suggest that each landrace have been strongly selected at
every specic region using basic agro-morphological traits founded
on farmers preferences. Globally, this agro-morphological characterization provided useful information for farmers and breeders
in order to set up well-dened horticultural types and easily select
those which better adapt to specic uses. The uniformity of Galician
landraces, but also the occurrence in the collection of uncommon
types, such as landraces with large, eshy and pungent fruits (AR45
and AR55) and landraces with small, non-pungent berries (Padron
and MG101-04), together with the presence in several landraces
of remarkable amounts of nutraceutical compounds (unpublished
data) will serve to develop pepper varieties with increased added
value and to explore innovative market niches in the short term.
Besides morphological traits, molecular markers are a powerful tool to discriminate for genetic diversity in crops, especially
the microsatellites, which are able to identify distinctive alleles.
The collection of pepper landraces from NW Spain was evaluated
with a set of twenty microsatellite loci. In total, 60 alleles were
detected, with a mean of 3 alleles per locus. These values were lower
than those previously reported by Gonzlez-Prez et al. (2014)
(117 alleles/average 4) in a collection of pepper landraces from
Spain. However, if we consider that the current collection consist
of a smaller number of landraces coming from a restricted area
in Spain, data suggests that the Galician set still maintain a noteworthy level of genetic diversity. Indeed, the average number of
alleles per locus was similar or even higher than those reported
for larger and more diverse panels of C. annuum genetic resources

(Kwon et al., 2005; Minamiyama et al., 2006; Hanacek et al., 2009;

Pacheco-Olvera et al., 2012; Rai et al., 2013; Nimmakayala et al.,
2014). Similarly, PIC values, which provide an estimate of the discriminatory power of each SSR locus, showed a comparable range
and average to those reported above and, most importantly, to the
Spanish group (0.170.82 Galician vs 0.130.87 Spanish; 0.44 Galician vs 0.45 Spanish). Twelve private alleles were detected in seven
landraces and six of them are xed in Blanco Rosal, Couto, Padron
and Punxin (allele frequencies of 100%). Four of those also appeared
in the Spanish collection as specic alleles not detected in nonSpanish C. annuum accessions (Gonzlez-Prez et al., 2014) and one
allele of 254 bp associated to marker HpmsE082 was exclusively
identied in all Couto-derived inbred lines. The presence of private
alleles has been reported for other Capsicum collections (Hanacek
et al., 2009; Ibiza et al., 2012; Nicola et al., 2013) and it might be of
adaptive signicance, as a result of selection for adaptation to local
constraints. Capture and assessment of such specic alleles and
genotypes should be an important objective of any conservation
and exploitation strategies (Paran and Fallik, 2011).
The observed heterozygosity (Ho ) was very low while the coefcient of inbreeding (Fis ) was close to one in the entire collection,
as expected considering the highly inbred nature of C. annuum and
the fact that we are dealing with a set of landrace-derived inbred
lines (Onus and Pickersgill, 2004). The genetic diversity, expressed
as a measure of the Neis unbiased gene diversity index, was similar to that observed in Spanish and French C. annuum collections
(Nicola et al., 2013; Gonzlez-Prez et al., 2014) and higher than
those reported in studies with larger diverse sets of C. annuum landraces from Mexico, Colombia, Italy or Turkey (Lanteri et al., 2003;
Toquica et al., 2003; Oyama et al., 2006; Aktas et al., 2009; PachecoOlvera et al., 2012). The genetic diversity among the Arnoia lines
was the highest (uHe = 0.21), because this group included the landraces AR45, AR55 and AR65, which are not inbred lines.
Multivariate and population structure approaches clearly
resolved the C. annuum lines into greatly distinctive clusters, primarily based on their geographical origin and secondarily founded
on fruit characters. Similar clustering according to a geographical
pattern was detected by Portis et al. (2006), who observed a division of Italian pepper landraces in Southern and Northern groups,
and also reported in other Capsicum spp (Albrecht et al., 2012;
Moses et al., 2014). Subsequent Bayesian analysis reinforced the
presence of six minor clusters (K = 6) within the three main geographical groups and pointed to the assignment of genotypes to
each population according to fruit characteristics. This clustering
pattern attending to fruit traits is in agreement with the overall
trend reported in C. annuum during domestication and selection.
Thus, ancestral small red hot peppers, would suffer from continuous selection to give larger pepper fruits with increased mass,
variable colour and absence of pungency (Paran et al., 1998; Portis
et al., 2006; Paran and van der Knaap, 2007; Tam et al., 2009; Hill
et al., 2013). So far, numerous studies have found notable distinctions among groups of lines with small and pungent peppers, lines
with elongated and pungent fruits and lines with huge and blocky
or triangular sweet types (Lefebvre et al., 1993; Nagy et al., 2007;
Geleta et al., 2005). Plants with elongated hot peppers (Cayenne
type) are not represented in the Galician collection. However, large
and eshy fruited landraces carrying a non-pungent allele in the
MAP1 locus could be recognized mainly in clusters A.1 and A.2

and partially (Pineira

and Couto Grande) in cluster C. The separation of large sweet peppers into two well-differentiate clusters
suggest that these landraces might originated from two distinct

genetic pools. This hypothesis is supported by the fact that Pineira

and Couto Grande are located at the northernmost part of Galicia and their berry morphology was more blocky (Bell type) than
triangular, bearing an explicit sunken blossom end. Cluster B comprised Padron and Mougan, which are characterized by small and

A. Rivera et al. / Scientia Horticulturae 203 (2016) 111

thin-walled fruits. All inbred lines derived from Mougan possessed

an allele for pungency, while this was not detected in Padron.
This might be explained because Padron lines have been selected
for the absence of pungency from a former landrace, which was
originally pungent. The remaining agro-morphological traits were
maintained highly similar to the ancestral genetic material. The
FST values observed after the AMOVA conrmed a greater level
of differentiation among groups, suggesting that the different landraces have likely been under conned selection long enough for
specic genes to be gained or lost. Interestingly, such estimates
became smaller between groups of landraces belonging to neighboring areas, pointing to some gene ow in the past (Pressoir and
Berthaud, 2004).
The landrace Couto outlined as the most distinctive one, being
positioned at the highest Neis genetic distance according to the
phylogenetic tree. In a previous work, this landrace together with
Padron constituted a specic cluster with a characteristic genomic
constitution closely related to elongated peppers from the South of
Spain and with various alleles in common to the group of Spanish C.
annuum Serrano types (Gonzlez-Prez et al., 2014). Interestingly,
this landrace retained one of the key traits that was left behind
after domestication, as it is the erect peduncle of their owers and
fruits (Paran and van der Knaap, 2007) but, on the contrary, it does
not possess the pungency character, commonly associated to small
pepper types (Ortiz et al., 2010; Qin et al., 2014). The rst peppers travelled from Central America to Spain in post-Columbian
times and quickly spread throughout the Iberian Peninsula and
the rest of Europe (Andrews, 1995). Although further studies are
needed it cannot be ruled out that the Couto landrace was originated from these ancient peppers, part of which promptly migrated
to the North Western part of Spain, suffering from isolation and
independent selection pressure in conned geographical areas.
Just as phenotypic characterization, molecular assessment
pointed at well-dened groups of Galician pepper landraces possessing noteworthy levels of genetic diversity, comparable to those
observed in larger C. annuum sets. Marker data will guaranty a more
efcient conservation of this genetic resource and it will help breeders straightaway to speed up the selection process of improved
varieties. Farmers might also benet directly from the genotypic
information generated in this work. Thus, a database holding the
genetic proles expected for each landrace was constructed and
molecular data have been already used in elucidating seed admixture at some horticultural cooperatives that grow Padron and
Couto, two landraces very similar is gross morphology. Similarly,
this genetic information, complemented with additional work, will
be extremely useful for the future typication and protection of
these pepper landraces in extensive commercial exploitations.
5. Conclusions
In the present work, a multidisciplinary approach was carried
out with the goal of assessing the variability within a collection of
pepper landraces from NW Spain. The results revealed differences
among all studied landraces at the phenotypic and genotypic levels.
Well-dened and distinctive groups of landraces were observed,
supporting the existence of the nine groups established a priori
based on ethnobotanical criteria. Furthermore, data pointed to the
collection as a valuable reservoir of genetic and phenotypic diversity that might be further exploited in breeding programs for the
achievement of pepper varieties with interesting properties, which
could enhance farmers opportunities for entering new markets.
This work was supported by Xunta de Galicia (Project
EM2014/048) and by the Spanish Institute for Agricultural

and Food Research and Technology (INIA), co-nanced by

the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) (Project
RTA201100118C0202). The authors are grateful to Dr. Fernanda
for great technical supRodriguez (SAI, Universidade da Coruna)
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