Morphological Variability in 17 Wild Elephant Foot Yam (Amorphophallus Paeoniifolius) Collections From Southwest India
Morphological Variability in 17 Wild Elephant Foot Yam (Amorphophallus Paeoniifolius) Collections From Southwest India
Morphological Variability in 17 Wild Elephant Foot Yam (Amorphophallus Paeoniifolius) Collections From Southwest India
DOI 10.1007/s10722-011-9752-z
Received: 22 February 2011 / Accepted: 31 August 2011 / Published online: 15 September 2011
Ó Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2011
Abstract Amorphophallus paeoniifolius (Dennst.) genetic advance (GA) as a percent of the mean
Nicolson is a tuberous herb occurring in the wild and assessed for 18 accessions revealed high heritability
cultivated state. Vegetative morphological characters estimates. A highly significant (P \ 0.01) correlation
were studied at full foliage stage in 17 accessions of coefficient between circumference of petiole base and
A. paeoniifolius which include two cultivars, 15 wild corm diameter, corm height, corm weight, east west
accessions and a related species, A. dubius Blume. The spread and north south spread suggests that circum-
first principal component (PC) accounted for 42.32% ference of petiole and canopy spread are indicators to
of phenotypic variance followed by second for another corm weight and size.
18.38%. Major traits that accounted for more vari-
ability in both PC1 and PC2 include offset shape, Keywords Amorphophallus paeoniifolius
cormel weight per corm, corm fresh weight, petiole Genetic advance Genotypic coefficient of variation
surface pattern and canopy spread. The unweighted Multivariate analysis Neglected and underutilized
pair- group method with mathematical averaging crops Phenotypic coefficient of variation
(UPGMA) clustering method revealed three principal Plant genetic resources Wild accessions
clusters which separated all the accessions between
Euclidean distances of 0.3–1.6. Both cluster analysis
and principal co-ordinate analysis revealed T10, a
morphotype of A. paeoniifolius var. campanulatus Introduction
(Decne.) Sivad. cultivated in Tamil Nadu and P19
accession of A. paeoniifolius var. paeoniifolius from The genus Amorphophallus Blume ex Decne., a
Karnataka as morphologically distinct, which needs tuberous herb belonging to the family Araceae and a
further validation on the basis of floral characters or paleotropical aroid comprising of more than 200
molecular markers and G3 from Gujarat as an species (Grob et al. 2002; Van der Ham et al. 2005;
immediate ancestor of cultivated elephant foot yam. Sedayu et al. 2010; Jaleel Abdul et al. 2011) occurring
The genotypic (GCV) and phenotypic (PCV) coeffi- in Africa, Madagascar, India, continental South East
cients of variation, broad sense heritability (h2B) and Asia, Malesia and North East Australia (Mayo et al.
1997) is one of the true marvels of nature and a true
treasure of variation (Hetterscheid and Ittenbach
S. R. Anil E. A. Siril (&) S. S. Beevy 1996). Striking variations can be accounted in the
Department of Botany, University of Kerala, Kariavattom,
Thiruvananthapuram 695 581, India spathe characters, appendix, tuber characters, petiole
e-mail: and individual flowers (Hetterscheid and Ittenbach
1264 Genet Resour Crop Evol (2011) 58:1263–1274
1996). In India, sixteen species were reported depressant action on central nervous system (Jayawe-
(Sivadasan and Jaleel 2000). In the present study, era 1981; Dey et al. 2011). The crushed seed relieves
A. paeoniifolius (Dennst.) Nicolson, alone was con- tooth ache and the seed paste applied to relieve
sidered for a detailed morphological characterization rheumatic swellings (Anonymous 1998). It is used in
mainly due to its economic importance. A. paeoniifo- the folk medicine to cease tumor growth, lung
lius is chiefly valued for its edible tuber and profound swelling asthma, vomiting, abdominal pain, piles,
medicinal properties (Hanelt and IPK 2001; Ochse and hemophilic conditions, skin diseases, obesity, dyspep-
Van der Brink 1980). A. paeoniifolius has its distri- sia, debility and control intestinal worms (Kirthikar
bution in Madagascar eastwards via India to Malesia, and Basu 1987; Siraj and Balachandran 1994; Nadk-
southern China, Indo-China, Polynesia, northern Aus- arni and Nadkarni 2000; Prajapathi et al. 2004).
tralia (Hetterscheid and Ittenbach 1996; Lebot 2009). Elsewhere this taxon was referred as A. paeoniifolius f.
Nicolson (1987) has identified the cultivated form as sylvestris Backer with rough petiole (Hanelt and IPK
A. paeoniifolius Nicolson var. campanulatus (Decne.) 2001).
Sivad., commonly called elephant foot yam, with Wild relatives of crop plants are considered as
smooth bright green petiole with white blotches and valuable resources in the crop improvement pro-
leaflet bases not decurrent to junction of the three main grammes. Traditionally morphological and phenolog-
petiolules and a round corm with or without very small ical characteristics are used to develop quantitative
cormels. The corms, young petiole (Dey 1896; Raghu estimates of genetic similarities and relationships
et al. 1999) and unopened inflorescence of this between the wild and cultivated relatives (Mac Key
cultivated form are used as vegetable. Elephant foot 1988). Despite the custom use of molecular markers in
yam is a rich source of carbohydrate, protein, minerals the recent years, morphological descriptor in genetic
like calcium, iron, phosphorous, vitamin A, B, C, diversity analysis is still worthwhile. The multivariate
flavanoids, and fibre (Kay 1987; Shilpi et al. 2005). analysis and in particular principal component and
Important medicinal attributes of Amorphophallus cluster analysis have been an important strategy for
include hepatoprotective, antioxidant, uterus stimu- characterization, evaluation and classification of plant
lating agent (Singh et al. 2011; Laderman1983). In genetic resources, especially when large numbers of
India, A. paeoniifolius var. campanulatus is exten- accessions are to be assessed for several characters
sively cultivated in the states of Gujarat, Maharashtra, (Peeters and Martineelli 1989).
Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh (Anonymous Earlier classifications of family Araceae was based
1998). Wild congenerics of the cultivated A. pae- on striking floral characters (Nicolson 1982). How-
oniifolius known as A. paeoniifolius Nicolson var. ever, other workers (Mondal 2005; Sharma 2009)
paeoniifolius (Nicolson 1987) is characterized by argued for equal emphasis to both vegetative and
strongly muricate dark green to purplish petiole, reproductive characters as both of them are subjected
mottled and leaflet bases strongly decurrent to the to different types of selection pressures. Nevertheless,
junction of the three main petiolules. The wild form, no serious attempts have been made till now in
A. paeoniifolius var. paeoniifolius possess powerful designing a valid key for identifying various species
therapeutic action against piles and gastro-intestinal of Amorphophallus based on vegetative morphological
disorders (Raghu et al. 1999). The corms are aperient, characters with few exceptions (Hetterscheid and
carminative and expectorant. The corm extract applied Ittenbach 1996). The present study aimed to analyze
externally as an irritant to treat acute rheumatism, the vegetative morphological variation in A. paeoniifo-
administered internally in the treatment of dysentery, lius and to derive their evolutionary relationships.
diarrhoea, piles, hemorrhoids and in the formulation of
indigenous medicines to cure inflammatory conditions
and ophthalmia (Drury 1873; Watt 1889; Bala et al. Materials and methods
2007; Purwal et al. 2011). The wild form is having
emmenagogue, antibacterial properties and the roots A comprehensive collection of A. paeoniifolius germ-
extracts are used to cure abdominal colic, elephanti- plasm was made due to the continuous field explora-
asis, skin and blood diseases, fistula, glandular swell- tion in Western Ghats and also through National
ings in the neck, urinary diseases and dropsy and has Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (NBPGR, New
Genet Resour Crop Evol (2011) 58:1263–1274 1265
Delhi, India). The collections were maintained in the followed by construction of scatter plots based on
Botanic Garden, Department of Botany, Kariavattom, ordination of accessions was performed. Morphomet-
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India. The collections ric analyses were performed using Multivariate Sta-
consisted of 15 accessions of A. paeoniifolius var. tistical Package MVSP Version 3.1 (Kovach
paeoniifolius, two accessions of A. paeoniifolius var. computing Services, Wales, UK).
campanulatus and one accession of A. dubius Blume. In addition to the above 14 quantitative traits,
(Table 1). An important common feature noticed in lengths of three main petioles (LP1, LP2 and LP3)
two A. paeoniifolius varieties and two different species were considered for analysis of variance (ANOVA)
selected in the present study are long styled flowers using SPSS 7.5 (SPSS Inc. Chicago, IL, USA). In
(Nicolson 1987). On the basis of features like petiole order to determine relatedness of various traits con-
surface pattern, habit and presence of large number of sidered in the present investigation, Pearson’s multiple
globose cormels, A. dubius is regarded as closely correlation matrix was plotted. In addition to these by
allied to A. paeoniifolius var. campanulatus (Hooker using data on quantitative traits, variance components,
1894; Gamble 1967) thus, included in the present coefficient of variation, heritability and genetic
study. Further A. dubius was elevated as synonym of advance (GA) were determined (Johnson et al. 1955).
A. paeoniifolius elsewhere (Hetterscheid and Itten-
bach 1996). Among cultivated form (A. paeoniifolius
var. campanulatus), ‘Gajendra’—a popular high Results and discussion
yielding non-acrid variety (Shirly and Palaniswami
2008) released for the cultivation in India and another Principal component analysis
local cultivar namely ‘karunaikizhangu’ were consid-
ered for the present study. Specific codes were The first principal component (PC) accounted maxi-
allocated to each accession (Table 1). mum variation (Table 3). The first PC had cormel
Observations on 30 vegetative qualitative traits development, cormel shape, petiole surface pattern,
(Table 2) and 14 quantitative traits were scored at full leaflet margin, cormel number, cormel weight per corm,
foliage stage of all the accessions mainly based on cormel length, corm fresh weight, East–West spread and
descriptors developed by National Bureau of Plant petiole length as traits with the highest loadings.
Genetic Resources for elephant foot yam (Abraham However, cormel development, cormel shape, cormel
et al. 2006) with few additional characters as appro- weight per corm, cormel length and cormel number had
priate to wild collections. The quantitative traits were positive values. Therefore PC1 distinguished accessions
recorded on the following; breadth of largest leaflet based on distinct corm and cormel characters.
(BLLFT), breadth of smallest leaflet (BSLFT), cormel The second component accounted for 18.38% of the
weight per corm (CRLWTC), corm diameter (CDM), variability with dominance of corm characters such as
cormel length (CRLL), cormel number (CRLN), corm corm fresh weight, corm diameter and corm height as
fresh weight (CFW), corm height (CHT), east west well as foliar characters like petiole surface pattern,
spread of canopy (EWSPD), north south spread east–west spread, north–south spread, circumference
(NSSPD), length of petiole (LOP), circumference of of petiole and length of petiole. The third principal
petiole base(GOP), length of largest leaflet (LLLFT) component accounted for 11.84% and contributed by
and length of smallest leaflet (LSLFT). cormel development, corm colour (abaxial and adax-
The data on both qualitative and quantitative traits ial), corm flesh colour, petiole surface pattern, corm
were recorded on ten plants in each accession. The fresh weight. Major traits that accounted for more
observations in a complied form encompasses mean of variability in PC1, PC2 and PC3 include cormel shape,
3 years data from 2008–2010. Multivariate analysis corm fresh weight and petiole surface pattern. The
was performed by numeric taxonomic techniques highest loaded variables in PC1, PC2 and PC3 were
using the procedure of principal component analysis cormel weight per corm (0.66), corm fresh weight
(Sneath and Sokal 1973). To bring out the patterns of (0.73) petiole surface pattern (0.36), respectively.
similarity and dissimilarity, data was subjected to Hence corm and cormel characters and foliar charac-
cluster analysis based on UPGMA method to group the ters especially petiole surface pattern are important in
18 accessions. Principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) distinguishing various accessions of A. paeoniifolius.
1266 Genet Resour Crop Evol (2011) 58:1263–1274
Genet Resour Crop Evol (2011) 58:1263–1274 1267
1268 Genet Resour Crop Evol (2011) 58:1263–1274
Table 2 continued
Ref. Character description Descriptor states
Table 3 Principal component analysis in 18 accessions of to the presence of identical petiole pattern. The
A. paeoniifolius, Eigen values, Eigen vectors and percent of accessions P17 and K4 are least distant among all
variation accounted by the first two principal components accessions (0.3), though they are from different
(highly loaded variables in combined analysis given and sig-
localities. Both are similar in their petiole characters
nificant PC values indicated in boldface) (log10 transformed)
(Table 2), and canopy spread. The accessions V1, V4-
Variables PC1 PC2 PC3 P, K5 and K3-3 with thick canopy grouped together
Cormel development 0.260 0.040 0.087 with significant intra-clusteral distance. V4-P, K5 and
Cormel shape 0.250 0.125 20.164 K3-3 are having identical petiole pattern and thick
Colour of corm (abaxial) 0.010 -0.032 0.101 canopy whereas V1 has a separate pattern. The intra
Colour of corm (adaxial) 0.018 -0.092 0.225 clusteral distance observed within this cluster may be
Corm flesh colour -0.051 0.051 -0.160
indicative of the different stages in the evolution of
Petiole surface pattern -0.117 -0.223 0.363
A. paeoniifolius.
In the above analysis, accession T10, (‘karunaikizh-
Extent of decurrence 0.019 -0.108 -0.010
angu’) a popular cultivar in Tamil Nadu, is placed in a
Leaflet margin -0.151 -0.040 -0.010
different cluster from that of ‘Gajendra’. Both T10 and
Cormel no 0.230 0.018 -0.006
GJ are cultivated forms of A. paeoniifolius var.
CRLWTC 0.668 0.287 0.029
campanulatus and show similarity in petiole surface
CDM -0.060 0.239 0.035
pattern but T10 stands distinct from all the remaining
CRLL 0.184 0.084 -0.087
accessions due to the presence of long cormels and
CRLN 0.388 -0.007 0.233
small corm. T1 and P19 were the outliers in the third
CFW -0.209 0.735 0.261
principal cluster. The voucher specimens of these
CHT -0.049 0.212 0.050
accessions are being deposited in the Herbarium of the
EWSPD -0.134 0.166 -0.012
Department of Botany, University of Kerala .
GOP -0.103 0.203 -0.072
LLLFT -0.112 0.003 -0.016
NSSPD -0.136 0.167 -0.028 Principal co-ordinate analysis (PCoA)
LOP -0.112 0.186 -0.061
Eigen values 0.432 0.188 0.121 PCoA involving both qualitative and quantitative
Percent variation 42.32 18.38 11.84 characters considered all together (Fig. 2) gave true
Cumulative percentage 42.32 60.70 72.54 species coordination for A. dubius and cultivated
elephant foot yam ‘Gajendra’ (GJ) indicating them as
cluster due to the presence of light yellowish green separate species. The accession from Navasari, Gujarat
corm flesh colour. (G3) also stood apart as it is distinguishable from all
The second group within this principal cluster was accessions in the study due to the presence of the
the largest with 10 accessions with P19 placed well highest number of small globose cormels (16–20) in a
apart within this group at a distance of 1.1. P19 is fully matured corm. Accession T10 stood far apart
distinct from all accessions in having a massive habit due to the presence of more number of long cormels
and delayed or shy or inconsistent emergence of and the findings are in tune with the plotted cluster
vegetative phase. P1, P17, K4, P18 and P5 clustered diagram.
together because of their medium canopy with P1 The cluster and principal component analysis on
standing apart. P18 and P5 are close to each other due vegetative morphological characters revealed the
Genet Resour Crop Evol (2011) 58:1263–1274 1269
Fig. 1 UPGMA
phenogram based on
qualitative and quantitative
existence of variability among the investigated acces- Cormel shape, number, length, cormel weight per
sions. The multivariate analysis recorded considerable corm had positive values in PC1. At the same time
variation and similarities among the accessions, petiole surface pattern and other leaf characters were
principally due to corm or cormel characters and highlighted in the PC2. However, they had negative
petiole surface pattern. The greater importance of such values. In sweet potato Veasey et al. (2007) had
characteristics was revealed in cluster and PCoA. reported the shape of storage root and secondary flesh
1270 Genet Resour Crop Evol (2011) 58:1263–1274
Genet Resour Crop Evol (2011) 58:1263–1274 1271
Table 5 Summary statistics and estimates of phenotypic coefficient of variation (PCV) and genotypic coefficient of variation
(GCV), broad sense heritability and genetic advance in 18 accessions of A. paeoniifolius for 17 quantitative traits
Characters Mean Vp Ve Vg PCV (%) GCV (%) H2B GA GA (% of mean)
rather genetic constitution of the accessions was by cormel weight/corm, east–west spread, north -south
responsible for the variation. Maximum genotypic spread and petiole length and minimum for breadth of
variation was recorded in corm fresh weight followed smallest leaflet. Phenotypic variation also showed a
1272 Genet Resour Crop Evol (2011) 58:1263–1274
similar trend. GCV and PCV were maximum for corm resources of potential value, especially as the culti-
fresh weight and cormel weight per corm and mini- vated species are losing their ability to reproduce
mum for breadth of smallest leaflet. However, GA as sexually because of selective pressures to preferen-
percent of mean was high for corm fresh weight, tially allocate more photosynthate towards tuber
cormel length, cormel number and cormel weight/ production (Singh and Gadgil 1995) and extreme
corm. The high value for GCV and heritability along protogyny (Arakeri 1956; Sreekumari 2000). Hence
with high GA% suggest that improvement is effective conservation of this rich diversity of wild relatives of
through phenotypic selection and indicative of the cultivated plants is important.
effect of additive genes (Pansey and Sukhatme 1985)
for these characters. High heritability associated with Acknowledgments The authors are thankful to Dr. (Mrs.)
Ashalatha S Nair, Professor and Head, Department of Botany,
moderate or low GA% observed for the remaining
University of Kerala for providing facilities. Thanks are due to
characters may be attributed to the non-additive gene NBPGR, New Delhi for providing A. dubius germplasm. SRA is
action and improvement is possible through hybrid- thankful to the Director, Central Tuber Crops Research Institute
ization (Kamruzzahan et al. 2000). (Indian Council of Agricultural Research), Thiruvananthapuram,
Kerala for granting study leave.
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