Geyer Paper

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Shop Fabricated

Aboveground Tank

Construction Standards

Wayne Geyer

Steel Tank Institute

Fourth Biennial Freshwater Spills Symposium 2002

March 19-12, 2002

Cleveland, OH

Shop Fabricated Aboveground Tank Construction Standards

One key to clean freshwater is to prevent hazardous liquid spills from taking place
in the first place. An important element to spill prevention is the safe storage of
hazardous liquids in tanks that comply with national standards.
Tanks come in many shapes and forms. Large tanks are erected in the field.
Smaller tanks are produced in a factory and shipped to the site for installation. Shopbuilt tanks are made for underground installations and for aboveground installations.
Aboveground tanks are either oriented for horizontal or vertical installation, and are
produced in either cylindrical form or rectangular form. The tanks are capable of being
designed and fabricated as pressure vessels, but are more typically vented to atmosphere.
The tank can have compartments internal to the tank. Tanks are often secondarily
contained. The tank can be insulated for fire safety or temperature control. Corrosion
protection can be given to exterior tank bottoms in contact with soil or to the tank interior
with special coatings and linings. Some aboveground tanks are even installed in an
underground vault or room, without backfill.
This paper presents tank standards covering shop-fabricated aboveground tank
construction. A shop-fabricated tank is typically 50,000 gallons capacity or less. That
capacity translates to a 12 diameter by 60 long tank, just small enough to fit on a
transport truck and be shipped on a highway. Any truckload wider than 8.5 requires a
permit, and any truckload over 12 in width requires a special highway escort. Bridge
underpass limitations, weight restrictions, and tank trailer length capabilities further
restrict highway transportation shipments, such that tanks larger than 50,000 gallons are

more economically erected in the field, rather than at the shop. Most aboveground tanks
built to these standards store flammable or combustible liquids at atmospheric pressure,
and are 12,000 gallons capacity or smaller. With STI labeled tanks, these smaller
capacities constitute 97% of all aboveground storage tanks built to STI specifications.
During a recent 12-month time interval, 30% of STI Members alone reported building
over 20,000 tank units of 1100 gallons or smaller. To store product safely and
effectively, tanks constructed today must meet certain minimum requirements as
established by fire codes.
Third Party Test Laboratory Aboveground Tank Standards
In 1922, the requirements for aboveground storage tanks were transferred from
the National Board of Fire Underwriters regulations and published in the First Edition of
Underwriters Laboratories UL 142 standard. The UL 142 standard addressed issues
relating to leakage, venting, and the ability of the tank to withstand the development of
internal pressures encountered during leak testing. Later, the standard covered the
requirements for steel tank wall thickness, joint construction, fittings and manways.
In 1993, the UL 142 standard was significantly expanded. The Seventh Edition
incorporated secondary containment tank construction, rectangular tank construction and
expanded support design requirements. Secondary containment tanks could be in the
form of a steel dike or in the form of a steel secondary containment tank. Rectangular
tank requirements were performance based and included hydrostatic tests and top loading
tests. Rectangular tanks became a desirable option for small tanks, typically less than
2000 gallons, as operators liked the accessibility of the flat top to perform operations and

maintenance without the need for special ladders or catwalks. Integral supports needed to
be constructed in accordance with the standard or subjected to a tank support load test.
UL published a separate standard for small home heating oil applications under
the UL 80 standard. The UL 80 standard covers an obround shaped tank construction,
typically less than 1100 gallons in capacity. When the standard was first published in
1927, tanks of this capacity were considered quite large.
Underwriter Laboratories of Canada, ULC, has published standards comparable to
UL for use in Canada. ULC standards are considered acceptable for installation in the
United States by many jurisdictions. The Appendix contains a list of appropriate tank
standards referenced within this paper.
Tanks Come Out of the Ground
By 1990, as society became more aware of the hazards with non-EPA regulatory
compliant underground storage tanks, tank owners also became aware of the great costs
involved in cleaning up sites underground to meet environmental regulations. The 1988
EPA underground tank regulation targeted the older tank sites, forcing owners to
upgrade, remove, replace or completely close tanks that did not meet regulatory
requirements before the December 1998 regulatory deadline. As result, the number of
regulated underground storage tanks decreased from more than two million to less than
700,000 tanks between 1988 and 2000. Where did all of our storage capacity go?
In 1988, many underground tanks were old and seldom used. Most of these tanks
were removed and not replaced. Some tank owners simply began using their local
service station for motor vehicle fueling needs rather than self-store their fuel. Also, as
small Mom and Pop gas stations were shut down, large convenient service stations took

their place, and that necessitated considerably larger tank capacities. Many
owner/operators began to install their tanks aboveground instead of underground. This
trend became quite noticeable after 1990, as AST production doubled or tripled. Tank
buyers found greater peace of mind with ASTs due to the perception of fewer
regulations, and the comforting ability to visually inspect the tank for leaks.
Fire Code Jurisdiction with Aboveground Storage Tanks
EPAs underground tank rule did not extend to aboveground storage tanks. Due
to the manner in which aboveground storage tank legislation was promulgated in 1972
for protection of surface waters from oil pollution, state environmental agencies did not
receive similar jurisdiction as they did within the recent underground storage tanks rules.
Nonetheless, many states are presently regulating aboveground storage tanks through
other means, and federal tank inspections continue to assure compliance with minimum
federal Environmental Protection Agency aboveground storage tanks requirements.
Since many of these tanks were storing flammable and combustible liquids, fire
safety codes served as the predominant regulatory documents dictating requirements for
aboveground storage tanks, ASTs. But fire marshals were not prepared. The most
common new use for aboveground tank installation was for motor vehicle fueling at a
private fleet fueling facility. In some parts of the country, aboveground tanks were being
installed at service stations, but with complete disregard for the fire codes, which
generally prohibited such installations.
The 1990s saw a tremendous level of activity in the fire codes. New language
was adopted in the codes to allow aboveground storage tank installations, with improved
safety features built in. The goal was to prevent releases from taking place so that fire

hazards were not created and the associated environmental damage would not occur.
This included the use of secondary containment, insulated/protected tank construction,
overfill prevention, thermal expansion and anti-siphon devices, and special emergency
One of the more significant changes that took place in the mid-1990s was with
the spill control requirements of the fire codes. The codes adopted secondary
containment tanks, up to 12,000 gallons in capacity, as an equivalent to traditional
concrete dike installations.
The culmination of this effort was with the expansion on requirements for
aboveground tanks storing flammable and combustible liquids within several fire codes.
Principal codes offering jurisdiction of tanks includes:

NFPA 30A, Code for Motor Fuel Dispensing Facilities and Repair Garages,

Uniform Fire Code,

International Fire Code, as supported by BOCA, SBCCI, and ICBO, and

National Fire Code of Canada

In order to demonstrate compliance with the new requirements of the Codes, tank
manufacturers needed recognized listings, and third party test laboratories needed to
develop new tank test standards. Underwriters Laboratories developed UL 2085 for
protected tank construction, UL 2080 for fire resistant tank construction, UL 2244 for
AST system construction, and UL 2245 for vaulted construction (to hold an AST in a
below grade room). Southwest Research Institute developed similar third party test
laboratory standards, including SwRI 93-01 for protected tank construction and SwRI 9704 for fire resistant tank construction.

The protected tank is referenced in all three American codes and represents a
major change in tank construction. The protected tank must be insulated to withstand a
2000 degree two hour pool fire environment exposure without leakage and with a limited
temperature rise, necessitating insulation around the tank. All tanks must incorporate
secondary containment and are normally qualified against impact by vehicles and
ballistics resistance.
New Industry Standards
Industry trade groups like Petroleum Equipment Institute, American Petroleum
Institute, and Steel Tank Institute also responded to the new demand for aboveground
tanks by developing additional tank construction, installation, and maintenance standards
to address the rapidly popular aboveground tank market and the new safety concerns
created by their popularity.
One widely acclaimed publication for proper shop fabricated tank installations
was PEIs RP 200, Recommended Practices for Installation of Aboveground Storage
Systems for Motor Vehicle Fueling.
Environmental Rules for Aboveground Storage Tanks
As aboveground storage tanks became more prevalent, environmental safety
awareness of our groundwater resources, once focused primarily on underground storage
tanks, began drifting towards aboveground tanks. By 2000, Minnesota, Florida,
Wisconsin, California, Oklahoma, Missouri, New Mexico, Michigan, and other states
either had adopted or were in process of adopting new regulations for aboveground
storage tanks. Several times throughout the 1990s, the Environmental Protection
Agency proposed revisions to their Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure, SPCC,

regulation (as part of the 1972 Amendment to the Federal Water Pollution Control Act,
currently known as the Clean Water Act) and these nearly became officially promulgated
as the Clinton administration concluded their reign in 2001. The SPCC rule requires a
tank owner to have a plan prepared by a professional engineer to prevent and control oil
from spilling into surface waters.
The first revision to the SPCC rule proposed in 1991 was to require secondary
containment that was impermeable for at least 72 hours after a release occurred. This
created a whole new movement towards secondary contained ASTs. No longer focusing
most of its efforts on underground tanks and on releases to surface waters from
aboveground tanks, the environmental community further investigated concerns from
aboveground tank system releases that could permeate through soil into groundwater and
then eventually pollute surface waters. Steel became a popular option for secondary
containment of factory built aboveground tanks due to its non-permeable nature.
The initial tank industry solution was to install a single wall aboveground tank
into a steel dike. While this design could contain a release, rain could also collect in the
dike and, if contaminated, had to be disposed of as a hazardous material. So
manufacturers began to provide rain shields over the dike opening or completely over the
tank. In order to prevent spills during fill operations from being diverted over the rain
shield and onto the ground, overfill limiting valves were introduced for pressurized filling
operations. The valves shut-off delivered flow into the tank at a specific pre-set level or
tank capacity.

First National Construction Standard for Secondary Containment Tanks

Tank owners quickly realized that a double-wall steel aboveground tank, similar
in construction to the double-wall steel underground tank, could fulfill the same function
as a diked AST with rain shield. Soon, the double-wall aboveground tank became
available in both horizontal and vertical construction as a popular installation option.
Secondary containment tanks first appeared in the United States in the early
1980s, when local and state jurisdictions were just beginning to investigate tank leakage
and promulgate rules for hazardous wastes and chemical storage. In 1984, Steel Tank
Institute (STI) introduced the first national construction standard for underground
secondary containment tanks. It provided a design for a Type I, intimate wrap, steel
secondary containment tank, with several alternative construction methods for enabling
the interstice to be monitored for releases (i.e., liquid or pressure sensors, gauge stick,
etc.). The STI standard was based on German technology, which had already been in
place for a number of years. The aboveground secondary containment tanks paralleled
this intimate wrap construction method. However, emergency vents were required for the
interstitial space with the aboveground tanks. By the year 2000, secondary containment
had established itself as one of the solutions to the developing concerns of aboveground
storage tank releases.
STI AST Construction Standards
STI responded to the needs of the industry to standardize construction by
developing the diked AST F911 standard in 1991 (qualifies under UL 142), the double
wall AST F921 standard in 1992 (qualifies under UL 142), the Fireguard fire-protected
standard in 1994 (qualifies under UL 2085), and the Flameshield fire-resistant tank

standard in 1999 (qualifies under SwRI 97-04). Each one of the STI standards
incorporates secondary containment into the design.
The trend towards secondary containment makes perfect sense. It provides
containment to prevent releases into the soil, groundwater, or surface waters and all the
undesirable elements that go with a release report writing, cleanup, lawsuits, business
interruptions, and potential regulatory enforcement acts. It provides an extra insurance
policy, just in case the tank was improperly installed or maintained. It offers peace of
mind to the tank owner.
Clearly, the trend toward secondary containment tanks was a reality.
Manufacturers saw their secondary contained AST construction orders increase from
almost nothing in 1990 to 50 percent or more by the turn of the century, particularly with
larger AST construction. In 1998 alone, STI saw its Members register nearly 5000
secondary containment ASTs that were built to STI specifications.
STI has also developed several other recommended practices for shop-fabricated
aboveground tanks. This included installation instructions, corrosion control of vertical
tank bottoms, testing of secondary containment tanks, and inspection standards. The STI
SP001 Inspection Standard was the most recent standard developed and represents the
only inspection standard available applicable only to shop fabricated aboveground
storage tanks.
American Petroleum Institute has standards for shop fabricated tanks also. The
API 12F standard is often required for upstream oil production tanks and the API 650
standard can be applied to smaller tank construction. API publishes a very diverse set of
recommended practices for ASTs of all types.


System Containment
A secondary containment tank is certainly a valuable commodity. However, the tank in
itself will not ensure full compliance with the spill control requirements of environmental
regulations and fire safety codes. A holistic approach to containment must be given to
the entire system, including operations. Spill prevention and containment must be given
at tank fill areas and truck loading areas. Containment considerations must also be given
to the pipe system, pumps, valves, and other important aboveground tank system
components, even if these components are below grade!
Future Trends
New trends continue to evolve with the need for storage tanks. Many industries
are opting for the installation of stand-by power generators. In many cases, such
generators are installed directly atop generator base tanks, either in the form of single
wall, double wall, or protected tank construction.
New designs have been introduced for vertical aboveground storage tank
supports. As regulatory agencies further investigate releases from vertical tank floors
resting on grade, the ability to see the tank bottom becomes more and more attractive.
With significant advances in steel storage tank construction standards over the
past 20 years, tank owners now have many new viable options for the safe storage of
hazardous liquids. With the introduction of secondary tank construction standards in the
past decade, tank owners are now given the choice of an economic and environmentally
sound tank installation.



Geyer, Wayne. LUSTLINE. The Sense of Secondary Containment, Lowell

Massachusetts, June 2001.

Handbook of Storage Tank Systems Code, Regulations, and Designs, Edited by

Wayne Geyer and Jim Wisuri. Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York, New York. 2000.

Secondary Containment Options for Aboveground and Underground Tanks, NLGI,

Palm Beach, FL October 2001.

Tank Talk, Steel Tank Institute, June/July 2000.

Tank Talk, Steel Tank Institute, September/October 2000.


The Industrys AST Construction Publications

UL Publications
Steel Tanks for Oil Burner Fuel (UL 80)
Steel Aboveground Tanks for Flammable and Combustible Liquids (UL 142)
Fire Resistant Tanks for Flammable and Combustible Liquids (UL 2080)
Protected Aboveground Tanks for Flammable and Combustible Liquids (UL
Aboveground Flammable Liquid Tank Systems (UL2244)
Belowgrade Vaults for Flammable Liquid Storage Tanks (UL 2245)
ULC Publications
Shop Fabricated Steel Aboveground Horizontal Tanks for Flammable and
Combustible Liquids (ULC S601)
Shop Fabricated Steel Aboveground Vertical Tanks for Flammable and
Combustible Liquids (ULC S630)
Shop Fabricated Steel Utility Tanks for Flammable and Combustible Liquids
(ULC S643)
Aboveground Steel Contained Assemblies for Flammable and Combustible
Liquids (ULC S653)
Aboveground Protected Tank Assemblies for Flammable and Combustible
Liquids (ULC S655)
Secondary Containment for Aboveground Flammable and Combustible Liquid
Storage Tanks ( ULC/ORD C142.20)
Aboveground Steel Tanks for Fuel Oil and Lubrication Oil (ULC S602)
SwRI Publications
Testing Requirements for Protected Aboveground Flammable Liquid/Fuel
Storage Tanks (93-01)
Testing Requirements for Fire Resistant Aboveground Flammable Liquid/Fuel
Storage Tanks (94-01)


API Publications
Shop Welded Tanks for Storage of Production Liquids (API 12F)
Setting, Maintenance, Inspection, Operation, and Repair of Tanks in Production
Service (RP 12R1)
Inspection of Atmospheric & Low Pressure Storage Tanks (RP 575)
Fitness-For-Service (RP 579)
Welded Steel Tanks for Oil Storage (API Standard 650)
Lining of Aboveground Storage Tank Bottoms (API 652)
Tank Inspection, Repair, Alteration, and Reconstruction (API Standard 653)
PEI Publications
Recommended Practices for Installation of Aboveground Storage Systems for
Motor Vehicle Fueling (PEI/RP 200-99)
Recommended Practices for Installation and Testing of Vapor Recovery Systems
at Vehicle Fueling Sites (PEI/RP 300-97)
Steel Tank Institute
F921 Standard for Aboveground Tanks with Integral Secondary Containment
Standard for Fire Resistant Tanks (Flameshield)
Standard for Fireguard Thermally Insulated Aboveground Storage Tanks
F911 Standard for Diked Aboveground Storage Tanks
Installation Instructions for Shop Fabricated Aboveground Storage Tanks for
Flammable, Combustible Liquids (R912-00)
Standard for Inspection of In-Service Shop Fabricated Aboveground Tanks for
Storage of Combustible and Flammable Liquids (SP001-00)
RP for External Corrosion Protection of Shop Fabricated Storage Tank Floors (RP
Canadian Petroleum Products Institute


Recommended Practice: Operation of Shop Fabricated Aboveground Petroleum

Storage Tank Systems
Contact the following organizations for access to their publications:
American Petroleum Institute

Petroleum Equipment Institute

Steel Tank Institute

1220 L Street, Northwest

6514 E 69th St.

570 Oakwood Road

Washington, DC 20005-4070

Tulsa, OK 74133-1719

Lake Zurich, IL 60047




Underwriters Laboratories

Underwriters Laboratories of Canada

Southwest Research Inst.

333 Pfingsten Road

7 Crouse Road.

8220 Culebra Road

Northbrook, IL 60062-2096

Scarborough, Ontario, Canada

San Antonio, TX 78228




National Fire Protection Agency International Code Council

Uniform Fire Code Association

1 Batterymarch Park

5203 Leesburg Pike, Suite 600

1260 Lake Blvd. Suite 250

Quincy, MA 02269-9101

Falls Church, VA 22041

Davis, CA 95616




Canadian Petroleum Products Institute


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