Sleep Apnea in Renal Patients: Disease of The Month
Sleep Apnea in Renal Patients: Disease of The Month
Sleep Apnea in Renal Patients: Disease of The Month
The diagnostic criterion standard for SA and for differentiating OSA from CSA is polysomnography, i.e. an overnight
sleep study that includes (1) neurophysiologic variables (EEG,
electrooculogram, and submental myogram) that allow a clear
identification of sleep stages, (2) measurements of respiratory
effort (respiratory inductive plethysmography or esophageal
pressure measurements) that are aimed at detecting and classifying apnea as of central (CSA) or obstructive (OSA) origin,
(3) arterial O2 saturation by pulse oxymetry, (4) heart rate, and
(5) transcutaneous pCO2.
The main informations derived from polysomnography are
schematically summarized in Table 1. The diagnosis of OSA is
established when episodes of airflow cessation at the nose and
mouth (at least ten episodes of apnea per h) are documented
despite simultaneous evidence of continuing respiratory effort.
Because of the cost of polysomnography, there is considerable
interest in simplified, unattended, ambulatory sleep monitoring
for home studies. The most useful test is the recording of
arterial O2 saturation by oxymetry. The reliability of overnight
oxymetry in the diagnosis of OSA depends on the pretest
probability of the disorder. In patients with a high pretest
Apnea index
Apnea-hypopnea index
Oxygen saturation
Periodic limb movements
Body position
Light (1 and 2) and deep (3 and 4) sleep stages and REM sleep
Full awakening or 3 s EEG shift to a lighter sleep stage. The arousal index is the
ratio of the number of arousals to total sleep time (h)
Total absence of airflow for 10 s or longer
An event with evidence of respiratory effort
An event with absence of respiratory effort
An event with initial absence of respiratory effort followed by a respiratory effort
A decrease 50% in the amplitude of breaths lasting 10 s or a clear decrease
in amplitude of breaths (50%) associated with an arousal or a decrease in O2
saturation 3%
Ratio of the number of episodes of apnea to total sleep time (h)
Ratio of the number of episodes of apnea hypopnea to total sleep time (h).
Different authors gave different definitions of the normal limit, ranging from 5
to 15/h
Number of episodes of O2 desaturation (a decrease 4%); mean O2 saturation;
nadir of O2 saturation; average O2 desaturation
Either as isolated events or associated with arousals
Dependence on apneic events
probability (based on clinical symptoms and witnessed episodes of apnea during sleep), overnight oxymetry is of proven
usefulness to confirm the diagnosis by documenting episodes
of arterial O2 desaturation (at least ten episodes per h). However, negative results in those with a high clinical probability
do not exclude the diagnosis, and polysomnography in these
cases is mandatory to exclude OSA. When the pretest probability of OSA is low (in the occasional snorer with rare episodes of daytime disturbance), the absence of arterial O2
saturation virtually excludes the diagnosis, rendering polysomnography unnecessary.
The key element for the diagnosis of CSA is the documentation of recurrent episodes of apnea (at least five per h) that
are not accompanied by respiratory effort.
frequent in patients with ESRD. Uremic patients with preexistent heart failure are likely to present a predominantly central
SA pattern. Despite the confounding effect of preexistent cardiovascular disease, there is little doubt that uremia per se is
associated with SA and that this disturbance plays a major role
in disrupting sleep in dialysis patients. Sporadic observations
that SA is at least partly reversible after renal transplantation is
convincing proof that SA is a direct consequence of renal
failure (22,23).
The factors responsible for SA in ESRD are unclear.
Chronic metabolic acidosis impinges on an important stimulus
for respiration by inducing a compensatory fall in pCO2. However, in the seminar study by Kimmel et al. (16) no relationship
was found between metabolic acidosis and apneic episodes in
dialysis patients. The pCO2 level below which the breathing
stimulus ceases, i.e. the apneic threshold, increases during
sleep. It has been suggested that this threshold is increased in
chronic uremia, which would increase the risk of CSA. To our
knowledge, pCO2 measurements during sleep have not been
reported in chronic renal failure. Anemia is another hypothetical factor, but an unpublished observation by Benz et al. (24)
shows that correction of anemia has no effect on sleep apnea.
The hypothesis has been advanced that accumulation of endogenous substances, e.g. endogenous opiods (25,26) destabilize breathing, but supportive data have not been provided.
Central uremic neuropathy may in theory reduce airway muscle tone during sleep or destabilize respiratory control, but
again the issue remains a matter of speculation. The level of
several cytokines, which may influence sleep, is elevated in
dialysis patients (27).
As discussed above sleep apnea impinges heavily on the
quality of life by disrupting the sleep. Another important
reason why it should not be overlooked by the nephrologist is
its association with various cardiovascular complications,
ranging from cardiac ischemia, left ventricular hypertrophy,
heart failure, and arrhythmia to cardiorespiratory arrest (9 13).
It is reasonable to assume that SA contributes to cardiovascular
morbidity and mortality in these patients, but until now no
solid evidence has been provided in support of this hypothesis.
In a recent retrospective study in a group of dialysis patients
OSA or CSA. The treatment of OSA should address the underlying pathophysiology. In obese patients, the patency of
airways may be improved by weight reduction if appropriate
oral or nasal prostheses should be provided. Avoidance of
alcohol and sedatives may produce substantial improvement.
Protriptyline is useful in mild to moderate SA, but it has
marked side effects that range from excessive sedation to
orthostatic hypotension. There is practically no controlled experience in uremic patients with OSA. In moderate to severe
OSA, uvulopalatopharnygoplasty (resection of redundant soft
tissue) and nasal CPAP during sleep are therapeutic options.
Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty increases the pharyngeal lumen.
Long-term benefit is reported in about half of the cases, but
evidence on the efficacy of this surgical approach in ESRD
patients is not available. Nasal CPAP keeps the pharyngeal
airway open by delivering positive pressure through a nasal
mask. It is undoubtedly the most efficacious approach. SA is
relieved in about three quarters of the patients. CPAP has been
tested in dialysis patients and proved to be beneficial (20). The
effect of kidney transplantation on SA has been studied in only
three dialysis patients and was curative in all (22,23).
Hypoxemic patients with CSA usually respond favorably to
nocturnal supplemental oxygen. CPAP is efficacious not only
in OSA, but also in CSA. Perhaps the small increase in pCO2
elicited by the added expiratory mechanical load in part explains the beneficial effect of this treatment in OSA. As discussed by Jahaveri et al. (8), CPAP and theophylline are valid
options if CSA is secondary to congestive heart failure.
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