Sindromul de Apnee Nocturnă
Sindromul de Apnee Nocturnă
Sindromul de Apnee Nocturnă
Apnea =no airflow for ≥10 seconds
Hypopnea= reduction in airflow by at least 30%
from baseline for ≥10 seconds accompanied by
oxygen desaturation ≥3% or arousal from sleep
In the absence of symptoms
if AHI is >15 episodes/h.
Airway collapse in OSAHS
“suctioning” force= negative intraluminal pharyngeal
airway patency is dependent on the stabilizing
influence of the pharyngeal dilator muscles.
-sleep fragmentation
-cortical arousal
-impact of intermittent hypoxemia on vascular, cardiac,
metabolic, and neurologic functions.
-OSAHS-related respiratory events stimulate sympathetic
-High level of acute phase proteins and oxigen reactive
-Insuline resistance and lipolysis
-Prothrombotic and proinflamatory state
-Cardiac remodeling because of augmented negative
intrathoracic pressure and modified
cardiac preload and postload.
sequence of events in obstructive sleep apnea syndrome
false-negative studies:
can result if the study did not collect representative information on the patient’s usual
sleep, particularly if there was insufficient REM sleep or inadequate supine sleep during
sleep continuity
sleep stages (by electroencephalography, chin
electromyography, electro- oculography, and actigraphy),
limb movements (by leg sensors),
snoring intensity.
Other tests
-cephalometric radiography,
- fiberoptic endoscopy,
-Cardiac testing :impaired systolic or diastolic ventricular
function / abnormal cardiac structure.
- Overnight blood pressure =“non-dipping” pattern
Obstructive Sleep Apnea/Hypopnea Syndrome
(OSAHS): Quantification and Severity Scale
• Apnea-hypopnea index (AHI)a: Number of apneas plus hypopneas per hour of
• Flow-limited breath:
A partially obstructed breath, typically within a hypopnea or
RERA, identified by a flattened or “scooped-out” inspiratory
flow shape
The inspiratory flow
pattern in a patent
airway is rounded
and peaks in the
30s of no
Central apnea in a patient with Cheyne-
Stokes respiration
Partial obstruction
of the pharyngeal
airway can limit
arousal (RERA)
sleep study
AHI and the profile of oxygen saturation over the night (mean, nadir, time at low levels).
the respiratory disturbance index,
includes the number of respiratory effort-related arousals in addition to the number
of apneas plus hypopneas.
sleep latency (time from “lights off” to first sleep onset),
sleep efficiency (percentage of time asleep relative to time in bed),
arousal index (number of cortical arousals per hour of sleep),
time in each sleep stage
periodic limb movement index.
OSAHS severity can be further characterized according to the degree of sleep
fragmentation associated with respiratory disturbances.
the frequency of cortical micro-arousals or awakenings per sleep hour (arousal index),
reduction in sleep continuity (low sleep efficiency),
reduction of time in deeper stages of sleep (stage N3 and REM sleep),
and increases in light sleep (stage N1).
The detection of autonomic arousals :
surges in blood pressure, changes in heart rate, and abnormalities in cardiac
rhythm, also provides relevant information on OSAHS severity.
OSAHS severity:
-the degree of sleep fragmentation associated with respiratory
-severe nocturnal hypoxemia :elevated hemoglobin values.